n nn TI.1W M\T \ M A HAM V HTTP. Tf I > C ' l A V nf TI1II > K ICO ! COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Esactlj Ono Ooat n Btwhel Was Oiipped from the Price of Wheat. CORN WAS EASIER AND CLOSED Y/EAK / YVhont nt tlio Opmlng M'lift l. < nvcr , nml After Nil i n r r n rinrtiiiitlon * , Prices I'lirtliur IlinlinoilCorn ttnrclvril Only Modcr.ito Atlcntlon. UiitCAno , Oct. 4 Kxactly Ifi : uu. was clipped from the price ( ifvnrat today. The bears hnil the best of It lu thu other pits today , also. Heavy receipts , small exports mid n bljj Increase In thiTTivnlliiblo supply was thu prlmMp.il trouble with whnttt. A Inrjre nmotiiit of IOIIK wheat was lliinldfUud nnil a very luiyo nuantlty ol short wheat vr .s curoroil. Corn was easier and closed at } l > i dccllni1. Oats lost their previous value , and provisions , with the exception oj Ooto- btt'pork , cased off a llttlo. Wheat at the opening was about from ' c \clowcr , nml after numerous Unctimttons 1'Hccs further dcollned from Jtfe. toc. . l' IcJ Btcndy and the closing was about liTlower Tor Dcci'inhcr and o loxvor for May than the closing ilgtiros of yesterday. Fine weather and favor.ihlo conditions are carry- Inp on full work In the winter wheat coun try. Weaker ICiiRllsh cables and fair liqul- Uatlon assisted the weakness. The receipts in tlio north vuro smaller , beliiK liKI cars ess than yesterday ami H'J cars smaller than a year : if.'o. but this did not scum to have any Inlluence on the declining tendency of thu market. Corn ruc-iiveil only motiorato attention. The market opened with about the Until lip- ures of yesterday , vcllh shippers good buyers Df the near deliveries , covering sales seine tlino back agtilnst purchases of cash which lso advanced from ! jc to ' .fc. Later the market reacted from , ' 4 0 to ? 'a in sympathy with wheat , ruled sto.idy and closed a shade lower. lu oats prices wore confined to a narrow ranpo ana the close was at ahotit from Ij e to 4'c lower than yesterday. The decline was thu result of weakness in other cereals. There would appear to boa few shorts in October pork to whom Armour & Co. tire paying some mention. The latter llrm bid Jt up from JI5 at the close yesterday to f IS.itt today. Otherwise the inarkot was listless. January pork closed 15o lower than on the day before. Lard Is from 2-fc ! to fielower. . lUbs are off IT jC for October and lo for Jan uary. Ksttmatod receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 225 cars ; corn , ! S0 ! cars ; oats , 830 cars ; hogs , 211.000 head. The leading futures rtinced sis follows : ArtJcleH.Open. . Hlh-li. Low. ClOHII. or.u 0-1 - H a-iH ( IS'ii ' H7 } ( , 75M 75)4 ) 40K ins 41M 41 4 OK lift , 4IW 4 l ! < nii ! 41 17W 28 ir. r.w Ill -Jfl IB Ki in an M 10 M 10 1:1 : us lit 115 ! l 40 n -in n jo n 40 H 1I7W H ! I7J H IIU S > 7 > a-jo 8 i.5 U 1C 8 21) 8 80 R 80 8r 8 RO 7 : t7 ! 7 : )7s ) ! 7 as 7 S7 ! Ctish ijuotntlons were as follows : rixiuu Easy , lOc lower. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , C4iCj No. 3 sprlns I CHftSOe : No. 2 red , 04ic. COHN-No.2 , 4tJiC. ) UATS > o. 2 , 28c ; No. 2 white. 30S30JJc No. 3 white , 287J2UC. KVE-No. 8. 4Gc. llAlii.r.r No. 8 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4244e No. 4 , II5c. FI.AX HEKD $1.03. TIMOTHY SKED I'rlmp , I3.303.35. i'OUK Muss per bhl. , * 1G.U5@17.00 ; Inrd per 100 Ibs. , $9.400.0.5255 ; bhnrt , ribs side. ( loose ) , } U.45' f.U.50 ; dry salted bhoulderij ( boxed > , $7,371 < ® 7,5O ; bliurt clear bides ( boxed ) , I0.755J10.25. 11.12. \Viii8ltv \ DMllurs' ! flnlshcd ioods , per sal. Ntiiv Vork NlJW VOIIK , Oct. 4 , I'UHM Hecolpts. 24,000 Tikes. ; o.Nporls. 8(100 ( bbls. ; stiles , 10,000 pkKH. ; market nnelmimed ; winter \vlii.-at , lower pnules , Jl.tir > tt'J.-0 ; winter whi-ut , low oMrus t'J.I'iaii ) ( ! ! ; winter whuat , fair to fancy , rJ.uSjj ) B.D. ; city mills. 3.'Joa3.'J5 ; winter w.ii > ulimt- onlH , ? 3:501r.4.10 : ; city mlllh , patents. { 4..r : ) > ® 4.00 ; Minneapolis clear , f'J.COfi. $3.10 ; rye mix ture. fU.OOft-l DO ; .Mlnm-.ipolls hliulKhts , ? 3.40 B4.10 : hiiimrllne , Jl.OIWfJ.3O ; Minneapolis pat ents , M.0 ( > a4.r > 0 ; line , $1.85a2.fil ) . CoitN MCAii-'Otllul : yisllow western , J2.CO C2.7f > ; llrandywlno , * 'J. S. UYK Qtilut ; western boatloads , & 4QiGc. ! HAIII.KV Qnlel. HAIII.KV SlAl.T UneliaiiKcil ; western , orifl. BOe ; Inn rowed bttite , 7d.7fc ( ) ; six rowed Htate , BOrtUOc. WHUAT Ifecelpts , 210,200 bu. ; exporls , 20- 60J ( bn. ; hah- . , l.dd&.noi ) bn , futures , 1 HI,000 bit. spot. .Spot. murUitt aellvc ; No. 2 red , In fctoro nnd elevator , 70o ; ; iilhmt , 71 'Jej f. o. h. , Vise ; iniKriided red , 7lc ; No. 1 norlhern , 71'jc. Opt Ions oicMiecl | wenk , closed heavy ; No. 2 red , Oct thur. 701iit71 ( 3-llic. eloslnu at 70aBi' ! Novi'inh r , 7247- ! iC , closlm ; nt 72c-u > Dci-piiilior. 7a" © 74 ? c , closing at ? ( ) ? , ! May , hOiftHl'ic , cloilns al mi'ic. COIIN Itt'1-i-lptn. 2-T > ,2M ( ) hii , : export * , 77,000 hu. ; Milch , 705,000bu. future * . 12&oiomi.Nnoi. ( t-os | ) ( fulrly acllvo anil U'nlowur ; No. 2 , 4HJG4HJii ! : In clnvnlor ; 4BiQ ! > 48.ic nllout. Oijtlot siiiiiiiiril steady and clo > , rd clciidy ; ( Jc- loliur , HSi lHfiiclohhiK at 4bti-j ! Noviiiiilwr , " " 4H34Q4U ( > giClnslin ; ul4HJ c ; Deciiinljur , 40'ti- , closing at 4ci ! ) Muy , " ut r.0. c , OATS-Hi-culnl.s. 210,000 liii. ; < > \ | > nrtN. n9n)0 ( ) litl , ; btiliHJfiri.oOll hu , funiri-N. 71,1100 hii. spot. Spots imli't.and slutnly , Options ojiuncd quluttiiid rlo-i'd ual < ; Uciohur , : Hj4iM'ic : , closing.-I'of ' ' ; Novi'inhi-r , 34 ? Sf34jcclobliiKai ! U4a c ; Ih-i-uiiilii-r. y4f ia43jiiloslnc 34iC ! May. : ifi'Ri7c ( : , closhn ; at Ilti''c : No , 2 whliu , BOSji-j N't , ! l whllo , afi > iij ! nilM'd ui-nlorii , as ® BUci whliu wcsturn , a7 < ita'Jicj ! No , a , a4o nominal. MAY Qulut ; fiDaOOc ; KOOI ! to cholco , CO CihOc , lloi-s Hull ; i.tiitt > , ciiiiiinon to chnli-u , ID © " lc : I'nclIlK const , I'Jii'j.'o. ' Sli-uilyj nut salted Xuw Urlotins , Fi-Uili : > d , 4fi lo CO His. , 45jru ; Hiiiinos Ayrci , dry , 21 to 24 His. , lies Tuxm , dry , 21 u > 27 I'ViovisiONR Cut meats , tmidliiK tipwnnl ; lilclih-d iH-llli-N. 12i ; < Qiauc ) ; | ihkli-d : slniuldors VSdlfo ; iilckli'd hams , KMiilllo. l.tinl , llrnn-r ; t-nti-rn bti-iiin clo ! > i-il at $10.00 ; hiiii-s , aoil tlni'i'i's at Klll.ori ; optlomi salus , nonu ; Octolior closi-d til i'J.Ml nomlmil ; Novumbur closud at ID.41) ) notnlmit , 1'ork , lilxlu'r ; nuw int'.sa , wosl ni duliy , 1822c ; wi-sn-rn croiimnry , aOc ; KlKln.s , 30u. t'iiiisii : : ( Julutj parthldms , SSiuc. ICiids-yuli'ti ' wnstorn fresh , 23c. TAl.i.ow-rs.-iirco ! and ilrinur ( clly $2 per nkir. ) . C"c bid , nirio.NSKLii Ou.-Steady , * I'liTlioi.KDH-tiluaily ; United e.lo-ed at 0'J\'o ; 1 'nnsylviinla oil , spot Kales , none ; October oitlon | sale , none , closed at O'j4c bid ; Lima oil , salex none. ItostNSteady ; btralned.oo nmjii to tl.lOii.1,171 ! , TUIII'KNTI.NK I'lrilll 28 < J20C. KICKJulet unil steady , MoiiAssKH liU-iiilY and iiulut ; Nuw Orloana open kuttlu , Kood toclioli-u , 3'JU > 3h'c , til'UAll Kaw , steady und ipili-l ; sales 877 liauii ; D.-maruru cenlrlfilKaU , spot , JU lLlit ; , U 7.0 ex-\v hart for Canada. I'KlIitoN Qulut ; Amurlran , il2,25au,60 , COI'l-Hlt - < > ulot : luki > , f'J.70 , K LKAII I 'airly steady ; iloiin-.stlc , J3.00 , Tis fliuilo lower ' . : ritriulb , I'JO.UO , U Tame ; uomt-stlc , J3.70. .MlnnciipollHlieut Miirliet MlNNKAl'Ol.lB. ' Oct. 4.Vlioat went this mornliiK , und met no Mends up to nearly noon ; reeolpts uuro u.vpectcd to show u fit II mi ; nlf , Imt limy eainu upKtron and heavy , The couii > u of thu mm Kut wa niarkt-d by un a.b- ki'iu-o of any special siicculatlvu splrlj. Tln-iu uiiru no uuUlilu orilt'rs , and locul sealper.s simply tried to defend tbolr position. Deeeni- liur wboul openeil at (11 " .c und closed ut 01 Uo ; May opened at. li'Jo , ux'alnsl U'J3o yesterday. und clost-d lit 08iilieaion ; track closed ut 1'iO c for bard , O'J Vi for No , 1 northern. 071 ; for No.j northern. The cash wheat market wan fulrly ucllvo , with axul demand nt u lonur ranKo of pi ilvs. I'lio nmrkut in futures wus very wuuk itid Uio ca&li uarkvt actvillu tiyuiuatby , No. hnnl sold At rfjf.l\r ] , No. 1 imrthurn nt nnrt No , 'J noMhurn tit r > 768'o. | ( ucelptt herr 422incislilpniciiiH ! 07 car * . The llniir marUut li very dilllt tlm continued .uiikni"Mln uliai nilili to the dopri-s lon In ho Hour Inatkut , n-,11 lontN lo nmkolniyoM iinro teMTM'd MS well us to lower tliL-lr lihU , Jci-Mti rates ntii inu-lmiiKi'd. fhlpmont SO- Ml WiN. mlnti'd Ml * .1.&OQ4.00 for lltsl nut- nts. ? 3.2IW < .GO for seconds , $ lHOiJ2.20 for 'uncy n ml export bal. < rs , JI.3G for low grade * . n ImiM , Incliulln ; red do ; : . Tlm ndded output of mllN cMhiiliiit today \vlll prohnl ly iitfuru- rnin HO.ooo 'ililTlio man market I * llrm nt U.7&1I1O.OO nnd lio.'n'i'11.25 for shorts In mil ; ; .sliIpmi-tiH , nni'i tons. Oniili : ; > I'riHltii * . * Uirl : * t. Hun Kit--Tin ? rci-ulpts of 1ml tor r.ro very Ipht and prices uru llrm. All commission mmiM ui-i1 coiiiiliilidnt | ! < if the ( llllli-illty uvpo- Ipnri'd ' In ituttlnu t < nouili ; ( o Mipply thu ru- inlirini'iits of Ihi-lr roKitlur i-tl'tomnrs. ( loud crentiiciy , 232Kv fullen'iiiniry , 2iWi2e : ) ; choice to fam-v country , 22i$2ufair ; to Hood country , IS f/JO , : : pni-KIm ; sleek , fresh , l&t' . I' ' < miVlillo Ihuro were still a few i-ii ; * < Boliii ] it 17H.17'&r , tlm Kcni-i-.il timrkcl wis : IHc. Ho- cnlpl * . i-niitlniiu IlKJit nnd thu feclltiK on thu ntii'kul IH ilroni ; . liivi : i'oriritvfoiniuliilnn honsis ; pratly Cenoiiilly i-lruni-d nptlioli stocks of poultry m Saturday iifKuiionn to tin- luuliihut ! ! llio ate runs lroiilit : ) In a coo : ! many more , nnd lln- market wnmiKalti o'-erHtoi-ki'don .Monday. I'-vcrytliliiL.'In llio imultiy llmvimslow suli- . Thu l > i"t clilokniiN would not lirhitfovurTeand Illli llOIIH dltO'il- . VIIAI.ThPiu tire ( julle a Rood many veal calru.s arrhltiR. Clmlco minill anil fat vunli , " ii7i * ; thin or heavy , .fiJGL' . ( ( AMI : Tliu cooler weather of the past few dny.slmt * 4turlid pimu loconil'iK nvtln. Thu demand , honnvor , Is not vi-ry coed yet. I'nil- rlo elilckuns , 1'J.fid. Mallnrd dui-ks and rud ht-iiili uru slow at J2.00ii2.50 ; tunl- ducks , JI.'JO. HoNurllonoy Is cotnmcnr-lnx to rnovn a Illllumoru fruuly , hilt tin ) duiini'id Is still lluhlfor lti-.lioli-u ; whlti ) clovur , 10itl7c. UYStr.lts Mt'dlunis , 17c ; horsushooH , 22c ; oMr.i stamlards , 2tc ; uMtra hulucK ' & 0i compiiny sulucts , ao > ; ; counts , aoc. VKOKTAIII.K4 , ' llr.ANFI'ancy liand-plckod niivy , $2.00 ® 2.25 ; i-oinmon whltu beans , 'tl.7.r < ; colorud gar den hi'iins , so\v | at about J1.75. ONIONS Thi-ru Is not much nrtlvlty In Iho onion inarKi't , owlnij to the fact that tlm local crop Is largo ami thu ttardo.nur.s aru stip- plylnp thudomaml vury lurnvly. Unions nro quoti-d at ( > Ui7tic. ( ( I'OTATOll.s U'ustcrn polnloes aru Ilrmlni ? up und prices will IIIIVD tohundviinci-d nt this point , llnnii ) Krnvvn potutiios In small lots from utoro , 7f-c ; hmnu urown , In i-ur lots , 70'i& 72o ; I'olorudo , frimi store , HDB'JOc ; rolurado car lots , HOBH.V ; . CAIIIIAOI : Thuro Is : i Rood deal of ciilihiiKo selling In this tmukut , hut thu demand IsMip- pllud untlroly by the niirdi-ners. Urdurs for ciibhnKO fifim the country aru Illlcdnt l'il'- pur lb. Cni.iiuv Thoio Is consli'crablo ' poor stock on thu nmrkut and somu very funcy. Hood stuck , 30Q3&1 * ; Bucond Kfiulu , 253aoc ; fancy , rjii- ( . SWUKT I'OTATOKS Till ) supply U flllfj KOOll stock , on in dors , it pur bn , KHU1TS. OitArns Ilomu jrrown KmpL-s are n thin ? of thu pait and prices , consriiiuntly | , are llrmer on eustern ijnipus. Knsturn C'oncords , pur bas ketJ S23i : . I'ANTAMIUI'BS The Benson Is about over , still a few cantaloupes tiru lo bo suun In thu market , ( . 'an In Ion pus on ordurs , pur crntu , 71. UAi.irnii.NiA I'uuiTrt Hiirtlett punr.s aru very .scarce. Krccslonu puai'lius , pur box , fl ; cllnjts , gl ; 50 to 100-box hits , HOit'JOc ; Hiirtletl pi-iir.s , per box , $2.50(32.75 ( ; other varieties , ? 2 ; plums , per box , $1,25 1GO ; Tokuy Krnpus , ; 1.25 ; black and mu i'iitKrapus , fl. Allits-Uhnlii : ! ) uatliiR , pur bbl. , J4.50 ; cholco cooking , J4. titANiiKiiitii-s--Cranburrles ! : are arriving vury frcolv and aru In coed domaml ; Capo Cod , per bbl.ifr..2530.50 ; bulltind cliurry , $5.50 ; boll and busle , * G. TItOI-ICAr , nilTlTjt. HANANAS 1'rlccs retntiln about steady ; pot bunch , liiriu , $2.003,2.2d ; pur buncli innll to medium. H.7GJ&2.00. I.CMOSS Musslnas | )2r ) box , $4.5035.00 ; Mlorl. i-asi's. . ' 100 .sl/.o , $0. OitANdBS Thoru are only a few oranges ro- mnlnliiK ; Ulvur.sldu .Miiillturranuan sweets , $4 H1UK3 , TAM.OW , HIC. limes No. 1 irecn hides , 2'5c ; No. 2 creut hhlus , 2iNo. ; . 1 ( iroun .suited hides , 3c ; No. ' . pn-un suited hlilt-s. 2c ; No. I urecn sultui lildes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2 tiruon .saltui hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 11)4. ) , 2f ; No. 1 vual calf H Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , DC ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. t < 15 Ibs. . 3c ; No. 1 dry Hint hldus , 4c ; No. 2 dry Hint hldus , 3e ; No. 1 dry haltud hides , 4c. 1'ar cured hides ' , c | iur lb. loss thtin fully cured. HiiKii : > I'r.i/rs-Oreun salted , each 35'2 > 75c rueii sultud sliuarlln ( shoit woolud carl ; riUlns ) , eacli lO lGc ; dry shunrllncs ( shor. wooled early skins' . No. 1. each G10c ; dr shearlings ( short woolod early sUInNo ) 2 each 5c ; dry Hint , Ktinsas and Nubrask : butcher wool pelts , pur 11) . , actual weight , HI ? lie ; dry Hint Kansas and NuhrasUu mnrrali wool pults , purlb. , imtitul wolglil,1710c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb actual wulglit , 03HK : , dry Mint LVloi-ado iniir rain wool pults , pur lb. , actual weight , 7i5i'Jc dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , & & 7c. Kt. l.iinln .MfirUnre. ST. Louis , Oct. 4. FI-OIIK Weak , but not ower. WHUAT Opened lower nnd continued to do- cllno till tlm close , thu linKh bojng © ! u indor yesterday ; i-asb , 02'ac ' ; October , Glau ; Decnmljer , ( iG.'niJlny. ; . 73' c , COIIN Cash , Him , "lliic ; options wore llrm 'iirly ' , but declined later und closed ? ic be- ow yesturihiy ; October , 3&ic ! ; December , 35'4'c ; J'uar , 35 ; < o : May , 'lUXjc. OATS Cash , tirm , 27c ! } ; options , lower ; ) ctob r , 27c bid ; Ducumber , 2bJ < u bid ; May , 31' c bid. KVK IIlKhur.it 40c. BAUIIV--.SI | > W ; sumplo lots , Iowa , 58c. llllAN-QUlot50ffiHlo. ; ( 11 AY Unchanged ; timothy , S10.0013.00 ; ralrlo , * 7.0lHlU.oo. I.HADWeak ; tti.&O. " 'tiWAZ. , Jut ; $1.01. Ilin-rKii riit'hungod ; creamery , 23&28c ; Ililry , 20QJ2GC. ' ICdtls Unchanged ; IG'jc ; stale , 1213c. COIIN MIAI > ( jjiluu JM.fia WnisKv--SieadyI.12. ; ItAildiN.cI'nilianged ; I'JQ.dc. COTTON . - i uili'05\'Sll.OO. : \ PIIOVISIONS Pork , higher ; Job lots , $18. [ .aid , high r , f'J.32j. ! Dry salt meats and bacon , unchungod , HiiCKii-rs l'lour , 3,000 bhls : whonl , 42,000 ljii.corn ; , 87,000 bu.joiN , 31,000 Int. ailli-\IK.vrs-I'lour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat10,000 ' bu. ; corn , 57.001' ' bn. ; outs , 2H,00 ( ) bit. Kniisiii City .IliirlictH. KANSAS CITV , Oct. 4. WIIKAT Qulut ; Ic lower ; No. 2 hard , G-Oi'cj No. 2 ied , 57ffl 5Se. 5Se.COIIN COIIN Quiet and slightly lower ; No. 2 ml.M-il , 3p4'i34iNo. : ( ; . 2 while , 3i4'Q.34c. : OATS Very ( Inn ; No. 2 mixed , 25l22Gc ; No. J Whltu , UH&'JS'jC. Ilvu Slow ; No. 2 , nominally , 47c. KI.AX SIIH'eik : ; : ; Ulii,02c. ( ItllANVctik : 54(3550. ( HAVI'lrm ; timothy , $7.0028.50 ; pralflo , rj.aoao.oo. lltiTTKK Klrnij creamery , 2427c ; dairy , 22ft25c. . . . .v.J > T.s--\Vhuat , 102,000bnj corn , 10,000 bu.oits ; : , nonu. tJilll-MKN'M-U'liuiil , 104,000 bu.i corn , 11,000 bu. ; oats , nune. Now VorK l > iy ( iiio.ln Alarkrt. New VOIIK , Oct. 4. Ituslnesi In dry goods at Oil * point H haidly snstiiinlni ; the hopuor ovun tin ) uxpoctalmns of thu trade. Thu folumu of t ratio It disappointing and thuru Is conilduralilii IrroKiilnrtty In prices. Cotton goods aru soiling In a moderate way ut unchanged prices. Jlrowndrlllsnnd medium grnilo bleiiuhei ) shlrtlngrt are nut plenty , ritupk's and solld.s uru stilling In u moderntu way and print clolhs rule at low prleus. ( Jlng- bani and woven fabric * show H small business at itnchangod prlci-s. DrcssKoodu show lrn < g- ultulty. Woolens and worsteds hold about steady. Foreign dry goods abjut hold tlielr own. A hllKht impi'ovuinunt Is rep irtu.l In thu jobbing trade. Thu biirlns ; buulnei > s Is very blow , MU.vuiiuci < tliirnelH. MllAVAUKnC , Oi-l. 4. Kl.oillt ( JlllL-l. ) \ MEA'rVoak \ ; No. i ! nprliie , Uliiui No , 1 northern , ( Hi' ; llecumburiiU'ic , COHN t'lrm ; No. a. ii)14v. ) OATH-Qnletj No. 2 whltu , 20iui ! No. 3 while , 2HK30C. HAIII.CVlllghur ; No. 2 , 55u ; sample , 34(3 ( 57c , Hvr.-lllKher ; No. 1 , 48ic. ! I'uovisio.NS Irrcgnlnr ; I'ork , HO. KiCKirrs--l'lour , 5,000 bbls , ; wheat , 50.700 bu. ; hurley , O'J.aut ) bu. riiiii'MKNTS K.oiir , 1,300 bbls. ; wheat , none ; burley , 47,000 bu. Oiiiiini .Unrk.-t. Nr.w OIII.HANS. Oit. : 4 , Klrm ; inldilllng , 7 Ifi-Kic ; low inldilllng. 7 1-lOc : gooil ordinary , 7 5-llle ; mil reivlpts , 11,575 bales ; gross reoi'lnl * , 11,055 Imli-s ; expoits to ( iient llrllaln , 4.51H bales ; extxntK to 1'ranee. li.C.OO liules : lo cunllm-nt , 350 lmlcs | con : > lwl.su , 2,631 bales : sales 3.OOO liiiles. nr. Ijouisi , J ct , 4.--Market llrm , hlghor ; sales , 280 halt-ki onliiiniy , ( i'ac : good ordjimry , 7/o ! : low mldilliiu' . 7ie ; middling , 7Tu ; good muldlln , ' , U'ic ' ; mlildlltig fair , 8ic ; tinges ? , c und studied ? .o below wliltc. NKW VOIIK , Ocl. 4 , Nuw Vork spot cotton llrm , 3-lu ( ! ndvaneu ; middling uplands. H ) < c ; middling Now OrluaiiB , b'U'i sales , 070 balcb. . - , ei , PKIIK1'lim ; prime mesii , JMIIDI'rlioe western , 4Us. IlulntliVliiMU Murker. lU'l.UTii , Oct. 4. Theru wan u xvoiik and lower wheat nmrkut today , Tliuouonlng prices vruro ! tc loiver tliun lust night and ducllnud tie uioro for Uccuiuber uuu Xc for May buforu loon. Cash whont was In good demand early 'inil ' tlu-ro wni Rood trading. Thoclo i > wni Ic lower limn yi-stcrdny for cash nnd Oclob.-r and I'i'iJIJic for Ucccinhi-r and May. Clixe : No < 1 liuid.rnsli an I Oo'ober , 03i's Decem ber , 04'4iMnv ; , 72i-t No. 1 northern , riivlt. 020 } UiMuher , tVJi * ; Di-cumlirr , O3'ic : May , TO.uc ; No. 2 northern , cash. O'Jc ; No , 3 northern , Ole ; n'Jeclcd , 40c. On track : No. 1 northern to an he , ( ! 2e. toii-i : < "ilnrKi't. NK\V VOIIK , Oct. 4. uni'tird dull ami un changed and clixuil stomlv at alxxil the lowest point of tlm days -titles , 8,000 bags , Includl .ir : October , Jli.HOTirlC.nj NovemlH'r , * 10.30T > ili.4i ( ( ; Deri-tiiber. JI0.81W10.U4 ; March , (10.30. ypot llio , nominal ; Xr. 7,118.2J. \\ooi .Marnet. ST. Louts. Oct. 4.Continue1) Mow on mvoiint of the meiiL'i-r tilTcrlngsnf dcslrahlc urades. A few sticks of Kansas , northern and Texas sold on private terms. Quotations unclmiiiird. BOSTON , Oct. 4 , Dull , prices nni'liunged. STOCKS AMI IIO.MM. Sprculatnrj Ilavn Si-tlli-d Dinvn to u O.iiuo ol Watch nnd Walt Kr.w VOIIK. Oct 4 The speculative sys tem hits settled down into n pirno of watch nnd wait. Washington is tin- point nn which all eyes nro lixod , unil the iiction of tlio sen- nto Is that which isvnlti l for. U'nll street rejects almost nil other motives ns factors in the stock market except for mere tem porary r.'illviiif ? purposes in the Interest of n small bull movement or a slight bear raid. When the ml vices from the capital indicate that the senate Is golnp to vote on tlie silver bill , vnlucs appreciate , anil when the re ports nro adverse , prices po down. Today the general feeling wns that silver repeal wns gaining ground , nnd consequently u majority of traders on the Stock exchange were encour aged , hut they did not put out any very long Hues , for the element of uncertainty enters Inrcol.v into affairs. The covering of the short Interests is n vury material influence In bringing about the rise In prices , nnd were it not for the purchases for this account the dealings would hnvo been much lighter than they were mid the advance much less pro nounced. Is'ot Hint there was any dellnlto news from Washington , but the impression' ' \vs in the community known nstho "struct" thnt repeal \VIB ; gaining ground , ami hence the light bears rustled to cover nnd sinnl1 hulls bought timidly. The largo operators lit the inarkot did not enter the deal to tiny appreciable extent ami hence the movement wan light. At tno very opening of the day there was n fractional dei-llne , but thu depression wns only momentary and the traders who were operating yesterday fora dccllno turned tall and became buyers , the result being nn ad vance of from 's ' to 1J4 per cent , in which Chicago Gas , ( icueral Klcctrin , Delaware it Hudson , Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy. Canada Southern , American Tobacco , Head ing , Northwestern und Western Union were most prominent. Tlio general list recorded nn advance ou the closing prices of yester day ranging from } ( , to 2 per cent , the latter in Now Jersey Central nnd Manhattan Con solidated , 1-tf per cent in Chicago Gas , 1 > per cent in Missouri Pacific and f per cent in American Tobacco. Kdison Electric lost 4 per cent , Rubber3 ! per cent ; Linseed Oil , 1' percent ! Union Pacillc. 1' per cent ; Sugar preferred. 1 percent ; New Emrlaml , J < pet- cent , nnd Denver & Hlo Grande , J4' } par cent. The Post says : Today's market was sur prisingly strong wherever any business was dono. This is , however , an important quali fication , for almost the only buyers were the shorts covering theli sales of a day or two UKO mm inu | > uos in inuusiriai siocus. I nu really favorable development in the day's news was the decline in sterling , n move ment which , if carried much further , will bring exchange rates to the gold importing point. This unexpected break can hardly be explained except on the assumption that buyers of exchange miscalculated the mar kets a week or two ago. The fact that ster ling has steadily yielded since the presi dent's repudiation of the compromise rumors can hardly bo a mere coincidence. This was n dny , so far as Wall street was concerned , iu which belief in repeal had absolute sway. The opinions of Wall street , at least of the stock speculator contingent , on this question are , however , perfectly worthless , being based wholly on the movement of prices. If tomorrow's inarkot were to yield all the operators on the Stock exchange would again bo found lamenting the certainty of compromise. The following arc the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New Vork ex change today : AA AA A : uL" L"c L"C L"i c L"c L"i i i i i out to ( l.-rinntiy tudny tin I fl.OOO caino In fiom Portuirnl , U if uold li still \vnntml , Nlvcr and rnn-u pip-r : won * un li'in e.l. In the stork m-itket Amrrli--ins worn llrincr and c-lixi * Tin ) fuiitur.it Atuy wiw a further rlsu In lliu Ji-olonlnl lo.iniv . | f. Sin Ir : ii , " et ATJ nix ijiiKtiiilinis , SAN TIUNOISCO , Oi4. . The olll.'l.il clnslnt ( imitations for iiilutn sto ; : < s wor * . a < follows : ii. > n fiiip ; ' . " . ! ! ! . ; ; ' . . \a ji.xic"ii.'i ! ! lleletiT U/IOphlr. 7A Host A lli-lrlier. . . . Ulill'o-.oil -I ( C.iii.1 llanl'aclllc. . l.ll'SiVitfo VII - Cotiinmnw-nllli. . . 12(13 ( Sli-n-l K vilt : IM rimll.-ir. IlMUnloi Co.i IS Crown Point ir , tlinb fi Kn-oHa Con ; i.-i . Yellow Jacket. . . . 3.1 H.ile A Nurenv < s. . . - > { ) I " " ' _ _ _ _ _ bill" . N'e\v Vorl < AllinnJiiiitatliun. . Niv : Vonic , ( ) u. 4-Tho following tire Iho mining limitations ; Con. inl. ; A Vn. . . . . fin Slerr.i Niv | : rOH llpnilWDoil nn St mclar.l. . . . , . . . . lull ( iuiiM nml Curry. . . 1" > I'nlo.i ron -.Ml Hall- . ' . .Voti-rosi. . . Ycllim-J.ir-lti't : IO lIoini'Ht'ilti. ' S.MI Iron Silver in Mixed-mi Ml Quicksilver Ifi0 Ontario ( Wd do profit ISnil Plymouth Ill ll.ilwor HI I'l i i-ii-iiil Not" ! . , KANSAS CITV , Oct. ! . Uioni hun , 11,710- tili ) . Nr.w YOIIK , O.-t. l.-Clearlnir.s , 8DO.VJOOr ; unlnm-ps , ffl'JJi,1ii. : I'AHIS , Oct. 4.-riiri-p per unlit rcntus , OSt 17'tC fur tinii'coitnt. . O.MMIA , O.t. ! 4. ( 'loarlliKs J7G8OJH ; sumo ilay \vcul$71,7il. ( ) ! . New ' Oin < * 3AN ! > . ( Vt. . Cluiirlns-4 , $1,008- Dill ; i'\'clmimi ! , bunk , par. I'lm.AntM.riiiA , O-t. 4. ( 'li < : irlnit , ta.'JSO- 7il ( > - biilancL'i , $2512,811. Money , 0 per cunt. ( CINCINNATI , O.M.-I. Monny , Gil7 pur i-unt. Now Vork oM'liimiro , 503.700 premium. Clunr- ln s , Wju'joi ; ) . MI\IIMIis. : Oct. 4. Now Vork * xihnnso sulllnc lit * 1.Oil premium. Oluarlnps , J177.U47 ; biilitncuK , $4 3,4VJ. ! LONDON , ( ) , 't. 4. The nmniini of bullion withdrawn from the ItanU of Kn lanil on hal- iinccs today was 4,000 , HOSTON. O.-t. 4. ( Jiunrlius J15,073,104 ; lialimrus , $1GUI-101. ) Kvclitingo on Now Vilrk , 1G5J17C discount for cash. HT. Loins , ( Vt.i4. C'lc rtn& ! , ? 3,49I,471 ; balances , $ ( il 1,871. Monny ttil | < ! t at 7f > iH nor cent. Kxchtumo on Now York , 7riilUOc iltscoiint. OlltCAOO , Oct. 4. nicarltiRs , $14UM)1. ) ( ) Now York I'M-lmtmu , 7io ( proinlnni. Sterling ( xulitoiKu dull at $4,8IS4.85. Monny , steady nt C5i7 nor cunt. NKW YIIIIK , Ojl. 4. [ Special Tuli-irram to Tin ; Illli : . ] Cvchaimu was quoti-d art follows : Chicago , 70c pri'inliim ; Huston , nGllba ills- count per } 1,000 ; Hi. l.onls , BOo premium. OMAHA 1,1 Vi : . STOCK MAKICKfS. Cuttlo Tr.ulo Itrlsk nt Stciitly I'rletiB IIois Avtlvu mill ItlRiii-r. WBDNB DAY. Oct. 4. Roccints continue moiioruto , unil the sup- lily so fur this wcuk , cotnptrcil : with last , sliowsu falling oft' of about 2,003 cattle ami H'JOO liojrs. Sheep receipts have increased over 1'JOO he.ii ) . The cattle market was a. very satisfactory one as far as it went , but dressed beef ine.n did not sot nearly as many cattle as they wanted , and sellers could have dispose ! of as many more cattle with advantage lo their patrons anil themselves. Choice light beeves weighing a llttlu over 1,100 Ibs. brojpht $5 , timfcomniou lisht steers weigh ing a llttlo less than 1,101) ) Ibs. solU for4. 5 , while very iooii ; 1,150 and l.IloU-lb. steers met with a ready sale at $4.'M. There were some very goou western range cauio ncre , ana prices ruled very strong' . ICiiir to very goo't ' 1,0. ( ) to 1'JTO-lh. beeves sol < } at from 1 to $ U.05. It was. a uood , strong , active inarkot through out , and by noon there was little of any con sequence In lirst hands. The cow market' was also active and stronger , the demand being brisk and Mm supply rather limited. Sales included i .n- mon to choice cowand heifers at from f 1.15 to sa..U , the bulk of the fair to good butchers' stuff selling at around to $2.'J5. Calves wore in gooil demand anil strong at from § 1.SU to J4 'foiconinion to very good veals. Hough stock ruled linn at from $1.50 to . ' 2.50. Activity and strength continue to characterize - terizo the tradq in . stocker ? and , feeders. Offerings were liberal but so was tlio de mand , and the movement was lively through out with prices strong. Good to choice feeders are quoted at from $3 to $1 40 ; fair to good at from S'J.GO. to ( , with common and inferior stuff at around S'J to.50. . Hooro- scntativo sales : iiiissKn HEIP. Xo. Av. I'I-JB * No. Av. IV. 1. . 1200 13 25 13. . . . .1347 J4 00 3. . . 720 3 75 41. . . . .1130 4 00 10. . 10rJ2 425 21. . . . .1105 0 00 COWS. 1. . . 020 1 50 1 . . . . 010 2 10 . 705 1 00 11. . . . . b05 2 10 8 . . 013 1 70 7. . . . . 852 2 10 4. . . 025 1 75 4. . . . . JI5 2 10 1. . . 740 1 75 1. . . . .1020 2 15 11. . . 773 1 75 1. . . . .1(110 ( 2 15 I. . .1000 1 75 5. . . . . 040 2 20 3 . . 870 1 75 213. . . . . 805 2 20 3. . . HH3 1 tit ) 11. . . . . 070 2 25 2. . .1020 1 85 4. . . . . 0)2 ! 2 30 4. . .1000 2 00 .1005 ii 30 23. . . 808 205 1. . . . .1(120 2 ill ) 'J3. . U21 205 1. . . . .1400 3 25 10. . . 015 2 10 HUIFKIIS. 3 400 1 50 1 000 00 a 570 I 00 2 1115 0(1 ( 12 015 1 bl ) OAI.VKS. 0. . . . ' OQO 1 80 1 130 3 00 10. . . . . 275 2 10 1 . . . . 00 3 50 I. . . . . 320 2 25 4 215 4 110 " ' . 285 2 50 1 . . . . 100 4 00 1 . . . , 140 3 00 1 230 4 00 I . . . . 270 3 00 2. . . . 150 4 00 HIJJ.T.S. 4. . . . .1145 1 50 2 1100 1 H5 2. . . . . 7IJO 1 05. 1 700 1 HO 1. . . . .10 JO 1 85 1 050 1 'JO STAOS. .1250 1 90 STOCKim-i AND I'KEDII IIS. I. . , 800 1 00 27 , 741 2 CO a. , . 070 2 00 20 78l ! 2 05 3 550 2 15 C 5. . . . ,104U , 2 05 13. . 570 2 15 02 loi'j : ' 2 05 25.i. . , 735 2 25 4. . . . , 810 2 05 i. , . 850 2 25 20. . , . . H41 2 05 , . 510 2 2f > > ' ' . 785 2 70 5. . 573 2 25 so. ; . . ] , H40 2 75 , 020 2 25 j ) " , 'JOI1 2 75 uo „ 571 2 25 5" . . ! . 028 2 H5 , . 5Hli 2 25 10 . hill 2 85 „ 500 2 25 0 . . . . , 833 2 85 , . 021 ! 2 35 4 . 825 2 85 . 820 2 4O 32. . . . , 'JIM 2 05 , 750 2 50 20 , uoa 3 00 2 50 WiSTiilN : : OATT/.k. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 22bnlli..U5H ) $1 75 27 cows. . 820 H 00 1 fuuilur. 480 2 00 124 cou'H. . 858 7 cons. . . 005 2 25 5l'OWK , . 01U 2 2 > 2 ! ) Mrs. . . . 000 2 40 1 stL'ur. 1230 3 00 NKllltASKA. 22COW9. . . 713 1 15 IDAHO. 44 Mrs..1214 a 35 HI Mrs. . 1083 3 15 COI.UIUUO , BfilrH. . . . 005 2 80 21 Mrn. . . . 040 2 85 Ibtr.tlg. 570 1 75 , 2 sir , tig. 820 2 10 0 sir , tig. 701 WYOMINO. 29 fdrs. . . . 804 2 25 , 07 cows. . . 833 2 20 1 fdr. . . . 34(1 ( 2 25 2 Mrs. . . . 000 2 25 72fdrs..lO-"J 3 ( III , lOculvus. 130 4 DO 2 bulb..1200 1 23 , 18 bulls..12(13 1 75 11 cons. . . 0 7 1 l0 ! Dealvus. 2hO 1 05 7cowH. . . 838 2 00 1 cow . . .10.10 2 00 2c.llVOS. 2(15 ( 2 1)0 ) , 8 fdrs. . . , 083 2 25 U filrs..1153 2 25 77 cows. . 057 2 25 ' OU fdrs..1071 2 711 113 Mrs. . .1153 3 DO 15 Mrs..lO'JO 2 50 ' 8 fdr , . .1252 2 50 3 fdrs. . . .lil'Ji ' ) 2 (15' ( 8 Mrs. . .1044 2 (15 ( i ) Mrs. . . .1014 2 05' 22 Mrs. . . 000 2 05 37 Mm. 2 or * . > It ) fdrit.,10or > 2 115 1 cow. 810 1 511 i 17hi-urs.l'J3 | ( 3 1)0 ) icow. . 1 cow. . . . 940 1 50 1 ' 1 bull. .1100 . ? 0' , ; 1 bull.,1420 1 75 I Meiir. . . 870 2 01) ) . 1 bull..1200 2 OO 1 bluer..1310 300 , 1 steer..1040 3 00 155 Mrs..10115 280 1 COW. . . . 1 OHO 2 7O 23 sis Tux 1134 2 OU-i 11 cows..1047 2 70 6COWS..1U1H 2 7IC- ' JHcow.1071) 2 OO 7 COWK..1025 2 7(1 ( ' Hhts Tux 1055 3 10 Icon. . . . 1100 2 1)0 ) 12hteurs.120C 3 30 20 ( .tours. . 1302 3 50 1 bt.Tux.12OO 3 50 22 steers. . 1084 3 00 22 steers. , 1055 3 00 20btuer . .10'u ! 3 00 2ilbteurb..llO4 3 00 27hte rs.,10H7 a oo 2H steers..1U7T 3 00 3 30 4U > ituurs..l252 3 30 HO till I DAKOTA. 72 row * . . . 8C8 2 46 10 COWS. 030 2 20 87 Mrs. . . 030 3 20 18 fdrs. 047 8 OO 3 00 3 05 5cowri..ll20 2 00 10cuwu.,1025 8 25 14 Blag ! ! . .1440 2 35 UTAH , 1 cow. . . . 810 1 75 1 COW..1180 1 75 10 cows. . . 001 8 30 Oo.\i'll..l495 2 85 lHL * r..l410 3 : I5 12htuura..lO04 3 35 5 bull * . . . 1330 1 HO 4 Mfb.j.lUd ? 2 75 2lfdr , . . . 0/ii 8 10 C5fllrti..l04i ( 3 15 1 bluer..1530 4 05 XbW MEXICO. 24 hulls. . . 1059 1 05 13cnlvus. 203 1 75 02 lii'lfor * 470 1 M5 10 bulls. . . U10 1 1)0 151 crnVH. . 785 8 05 71 calve * . 257 8 15 75culUs ! , 273 8 40 45cilvi)8 : , 170 3 2. ) flood There was only a fair run of hozs today , uud as u rule the ( { Utility of the offer ings was poor. Sellers again had a llttlo tlio hestof the MMmtion and buyers were com pelled to advance prices another nickel on nearly nil pradcs. Advices from the east were generally favorable , the demand front shippers , packers nnil fresh moat men was fully up to the average , nnil. jvlth.only n lim ited number on sale , business opened up briskly , was active throughout and close. ! up strong at the advance , with the pens empty before 10 o'clock , Common to choloe light ami ll ht mixed hogs soli ! nt from $ ' ! . ' M up to $0.40 , while IKW to choice heavy and heavy mixed stuff sold at from i.'O to'O.W. . The big bulk of thu boss sold at from ffi.'JMo JiJ-.T.'i , as against $ < ! SO to $0.U ! yesterday find tO If. In J'Uli ' on last Wo.lnos.itiy. Repre sentative sales : IHOS AMI KOimil. 1..100 -350 7. . . .101 525 Siur.i' There were none on Bttlc. The de mand for good muttons is very urgent from all local houses , and prices are quotably strong. Fair to good native ? , f.75iB { Ji.50 ; fair to good \vcsteins , $ 'J.2."ijM.iri ! ; com mon and stock shucp , gl.nOQtt ! ' . ' . ' > ; good to ehoico 40 to 100-lb , lambs , Sl.OOifl.OO. ; ( WKSTIN : : : INTIIIISTS. : : SIlRlit Ircrcii c In tli .Movrm-nl of I | < I < ; H It < porti'il , CINCINNATI , Oct. 4. [ Snivlal Ton-gram to Tun HII : : . ] Tomorrow's 1'rico Current , will Miy : Tlio it'cord for thurok shows some ro- ( luctlon In tlio mnrUetliiK of lie s. Western l > mklliK ! for Hill wt'i'l ; Is IhO.OOO , against 250- 000 hist week and 105,000 a ycar-ago. I'rom March 1 the total Is ( lO25OlO ) , against GU5.OOO last year. Prominent , places compare as fol lows : Ohli'iido lAve Stuck Murknt. ClliCAiio , Oct. 4. There was a very strong market for everything In ( hu Him of bovlno.s. Thu supply of iisufnl shipping grades .igiln : pioved Inadequate ( o meet the donmml and nil olVerlnKs In that class were quickly I timed over at an iidvanco ranvlnj ; from 5c to 10c per 100 Ibs. Tlio Improvement In ( In1 market for butchers' anil canners stock , was not lo.ss marked. upplos ! of those descriptions wuio also short of tlio demand. Western range cattle sold 10c higher and TC.XUIH were Mil- able nt from 5c to lOc advance. The pens were cloiirt'd curly nml thu close win llrm. Few sales were icported below $1.85 , > A few skeleton cows were peddled out nt from $1.50 to il.75.lmt It was u very poor urticle that bad to go below $2. The bulk of the natives sold lit from $2 to $3 for cows and bulls and $4.00 to $5.25 for steers. Sales of western din ners' weie principally from J2.40 tt > $3 and from 12.25 to 22.00 bomjnt most of HIP. To.xans. Thu calf market was lightly .supplied null was strong at from $2.50 to $4.75. Tlio box market continued toshow firmness. The supply was 10,000 bend less than for last Wednesday and the total for the llrst liulf of this week Is 20OUO huail less than for Hie same time last \\eek. The decrease has been .stilll- clently marked to keep prices "looking up" In spite of Hie uncertain conr.se of the market for IIOK produce. So far this wuuk not far from one-half of the receipts have fallen toshlppur.s. The activity In thu demand from tliat quar ter has ninili ! till efforts of packers to break the matkct unavailing. Tliero was activity to day at lium $0.25 to 1C. . . 'JO for light nml nt ftom $ U.15 lo G.80 for mixed lots. While lliu Hinge of prices was ub..tit thu same as for yesterday , thu iivcniKu WHS a little higher. Heavy lots sold largely at from JG.25 to ili.HO and tlio pileos nioit frequently paid fur light weights wore from ! tG.05 to JO.85. This sli-e ; | ) nmrkut , Ilku tliiit for cattlu and hogs , was firm. Thu receipts con- tlnno to show a cunslilorabiu fulling oil from thu roi.-eiit nvuriiglng and under the stimu lus of iruod demand prices continue lo grow itrolijt. They uru from 10 to 15e blglur than it this tlmu lust , week , pteiPtit quotations lielng fioin $1.50 lo # 1.25 for poor to choice iinilltli-sof | sliei'ii. The lamb intirkei has ln- _ iiroved correspondingly and Is now quoted ut from $2,75 toi.i.'JO. Itecently there hus sprung up u very goud dumiind for feeders , and Hie cliaiieosiiro we shall see no in.no of the low Drlcus prevailing ( luring August mill tbo llrat lialf ot h'eptembur. The bull ; of tlio sheep hero today hold at from M lo $3.75 ; from M.50 to { 5 bought thu .mil ; of the lambs. ItKCKll'i'SC'iulle , 15,000 bend ; calves , 1,000 heau ; hofs , 2,000 heiiil ; hhuep , 14,000 head. KIIIIKIIS City l.lv.t stueic MarUut. KANKAS CITV , Oct. 4. CATTIK lleci'lpts , ll.lioo huiil : ; shipmeiilH , 2HOOImad ; besl cattle steady ; others .slow ; Texas nnil blilppciri hteers , J2.1535.40j Te.vai mid natlvo I-OIVH , ifl.00ii2.00j butcher Mock , $2.boa4.10 ; slockurs and fi-eiers ! , W.85' < i3.70. lloilH Kecelpts , 7'jUO bead ; .shipments. 2,800 head ; nmrket opened htroin ; , closed lower ; bulk , iO.35JcO.55 ; heavle.s , jitickuri ami mixed , in.OO&.U.55 ; lights , Vorkers and plus , M.75UO.OO. HllHlli1 Keculpl.s , 5,300 head ; shipments , none ; bust sheep and lambs .steady ; others slow. . Ni'W York l.kvii Moel ; .Mill-lent. N'KW YOIIK , Oct. 4. llcnviH-Uecelpts , 021 head , natives , fi,05'i6fj,25 : ' ; Texaos and Colorado.- , , M.l.Vi l.rm ; bulls and cows , il.i.rjjo : 3.85 ; diVhsed buof. firm ut 7'iftOc. ' L'Al.VKS U'jci'lpls , 1,500 huail ; vualK , J5.00 ® 0.25 ; Krassers iind biiltermllk calves , , T2.50to 3.50 , tillliKl' Kucelptfi , 10.500 huiidj hheep , J2.76JJ 4.25 ; lambs , i4. 500.0 00 ; dre.s' < ed mutton , 7ftiHc ; drnsseil lambs , HjilUc. llis-ltecelil.s ( | , 8,05 1 head , Including 20 sale. .St. l. < inl l.lve S ook .MurUct. ST. Uiwi * . Oat. 4. t'Arri.K Heculpts , 4,10' ) fair lo good nailvii sleurs , JU.5O4i4.75 ; clmlco hhlpplng , $ I.BOii,5,15 ; Tuxus .Mleurs , i2.DO > 3.10 ; cows , tl.iJ&2.2.r ( ( > , Hods Heculpts , 4,300hunil ; shipments , 000 head ; marl.et , highur ; lights , < FG.40&U,75 ; mixed , JO.10ItG.05 ; liottvy , tfO.aoitO.CO. HllKRI'-Kucuiptb , l.OJOiieud ; hhlpnmnts. 700 head ; nmrkut sluiidy ; mi.M-d nnttvus , $2.25'i 3.5Oj Te.xaiii , J2.00ii.J.OO ; liunbs , f3.00tt4.2ii. tSloiit City l.lvn Muck Miirl.ot. SlOl'X t'lTV ' , Oct. 4. lions -Kt-L-ulnls , 400 hnaitiolllulul yusturduy , OUU lieadi.lilpments ; , 214 lii'ud ; miirkotbluilycommuniU.OO ; < iiU.05 ; bulk , $ G.o5. CATTI.K Itorulpls. nooiiuttd ; olllelal yoster- duy , U03 head ; shlpniunts , a75 head ; good fouiietb , i-tcady i c.niimon , 5t6lOcluwur , htooli in . Hecelpts of llvo l stock ut the four principal eatuin inuikut ! > Wednesday , Outobur 4 : Catllu. llozs. h'hcup , outhOmahu . 3.0UO 4hOO . Uhtaugu . 15,00 ! ) 7.50J 1,300 Kunias C'lty . ll.OUO 7,5'JO 5,300 ai.Loulh . 4,100 4,300 l.UU Total . 33,700 24,100 8,500 IN CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from tne nose was lar e , constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed , the lids swollen and very painful After trying various reme dies , J gave heriJCiraKjjSjTlie first bottle tle seemed to H-TVJKS fll aggravate the disease , but the symptoms soon abated , and in a short time she was cured. Dit. L. 13. KITCIIKY , Mackey , Ind. Our book on Illnoil and fiklti niieases mailed tne , . CONDITION OF ALL CROPS Summing Up the Situation as Howards the i'nraiers. D10UTH TOO LATE TO IIA3M CORN fV.UCH . liriKkii'A Yield Only I'nlr , lint Inui ( Jjod I'a tnraKC I * MoMly I'urchcil Ar.i Not Vrt All CiHOino , Oct. 4. The reports received from the correspondents of the ITnrnicrs Ho- vinw In twelve states show that the corn crop suffered severely by the drouUi , but that in most localities it has reached a sttitn of.maturityth.it has placed it beyond danger from frost. In Illinois the crop average * less than fair. In some of the counties it was badly Injured by drouth and Uues. In Indiana the crop 11 In poor shape. Sonic of H lias been hurt by frost and Is rcporlnd nt below a half crop. In Ohio the n vertigo condition at ripening Is fnlr. Some reports say that tbo corn that was planted early on good land Is making i\ full crop , while corn that was planted late did not. gut its uro'.vth bcloro the drouth checked It , and that such corn will malto lit tle more than fodder , lu Michigan hall of the correspondents report the crop at less than three-fourths the average. I'roni lliu South and the M'lMt. In Kentucky this general average Is poor. In some of the fields a good crop scorns to bo assured , but on examination the ears tire found to be small unit indifferent In quality. In Missouri the condition approaches good. The corn is mostly ripened , but in many instances the into planted Is worthless. The diouth cut short many llelds , but many counties are reporting the crop as goo.l , and some say tiover bolter. In Katum ; some of tlio corn dried up whiio still immature. In soiuo places the crop is so. short that the farmers will not have enough for their own use. use.In In Nebraska tbo avoraco condition is fair. Iowa has a good crop , and latorduvclopmcuts show that the yield will bo oven hotter than * anticipated a mouth ago. In some counties the crop is well ripened , and fanners have begun to crib. Wisconsin reports a fair to good yield. Minnesota and D.iluaa report good crops. 1'nstiirc * nnil t'otiitocH. The recent rains have not bad much effect on the pastures , except In a fo\v localities. Tho.v have been unevenly distributed and in most of the states pasturage is very short. The states that seem to bo iniprovins most rapidly no ware Kentucky , Missouri , Kansas untl the Uakotas. The reports on the estimated yield of pota toes are not complete , anJ in many counties the potato crop still remains in iho ground. In Illinois tlio most common estimates are. for llfty , seventy-IIvo and 100 bushels per acre. In Indiana llfty and sixty bushels. The lowest estimate in MIsnonri is thirty , l.bn hisrhnst 12(11) ( ) . Tn ICimsiR : fiuv riirn lor.stl- male , but seventy-five bushels will bo thu nvcrucu yield in some counties. In Nebraska , the yield is poof and eighty bushels per acre is tlio estimate for --tho very best county. Thu potato crop of Iowa is good , although llfty bushels per acre Is the most common estimate. Wiscon sin estimates seventy-live bushels. In Minnesota and Ihe Uakotas llfty bushels will bo obtained. Kail t'lowiiii ; Iti'pnrls. The reports on fall plowing vary greatly from every stato. In Illinois plowing is practically finished in one-fourth of the counties. In one-half of tl.o remainder It is in full progress , while in the others little has as yet been done on account of the drouth , which has not yet been suftleiontlv broken to nut the ground in condition for the plow. A similar condition exists in Indiana and Ohio. In Michigan the plows have not yet started in many of the counties , and where they are running little has yet been ac complished. Tbo saniu is true of Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska. little plowing has been done in Iowa. In Wisconsin plowing has been completed in many counties. In Minnesota and the Dakota * good progress is being made. . Kxpcctcil richtliiK : In Smith Africa. CAIM : TOWN , Oct. 4. Owing to the ad vance of the Matabele Itnpis Colonel Jamie- son has resolved to attack them. Consequently quently , columns of colonial troops fully equipped will start Immediately from Ports Victoria and Charter with the intention of meeting the enemy. It is oolieved a bloody engagement may Ik- looked for in the near future. DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEbTcfNAl USE NO FUSEl. OIL \ mi Imvii tii-urd plijMolntiN nnil M'lrntlOt prop P'i y 11ml there li initlilnir to ROIH ! fet rlioeMngold , < "iucli , \\r.'ilino . i : itpil miililoii * > - ( * * ) us uhlHliry. anil that .tlilxkoy should , llr t ol nil , bo punThole In no tvlil > ke.v knoivn l < i tlio \ \ < irld Hint pen * u-Mi'i tlm superior tni'illoimil iiiilltlrn | : ol llnlfj-H I'nrii .Halt. It liiis born tiM-d mil * vornnll ) ' Inr y.ir . It U tint tiiimt piipnlni \vhUUey kniMTii to the \\ortd toilny , Insist upon your ilrniK ) < t or gruoi r Ktvlni ; you Duty's. Semi Inr pamphlet lo r MAI.TVIIISKIV : ( " . . . N. V JARANJSSEJ CURE A Now nnd Onniplcto Trcalmeut , consisting ot RUrroSlTOllllil. Cnpoulps of Ointment ntnl two UOXIM of Olntiueiit. A uover-fnlllnp Uuro for I'llci of every nnturo nn.l iletrrco. 11 nmkcn nn opornton ulththnknifo or Injectionsot cerlKillo nclil , wlhoi nro imlntul nnd unldom n i > ornnin'iit cnrp , nnil nKcn rppultliiK In death , unnocvesiiry. Why endurn this terrible dloonao ? Wo sunrnntee o boxen to euro nnv cnno. You oiily i ) y for beiioflts received , flu hot , Of or fr liy mail , oa frc . OunrnnlivnlssuDil - UUU < J I II Ml IUIby ! Japanese LUor Pellet * Iho prrnt MVr.Il nnd BTOM AOIi 111UOI.ATOH : nml UrOOOrUHIFir.lt. Bmnll , tulld nml ploimnnt to Inko , ojpi'dnlly nJuptoa for children's use. COlXwci 15 cento. UUAHAUTIX3 Issnod only by Ktilin A , Co.golo At'onta.Oinuha , Nob. "The Best TimeTKeeper ; Out of 2,3. ) . ) watches that passed inspection anil wctc in service on the L. S. & M. S. H'y , 1,097 , were Ducbcr. RUBY JEWELED llatnpilcn watches , ( lie ADJUSTED M highest of any one of WATCHES the dozen other makes being-174. . Would you like to know which wnleh li most useil on America's ( ! ronti > l ItiillrniulT If so , wrlteforclrcillnr"A ( luostlpiHr.Soc < iiul8."Tui i WATCH WOUK-I , Ciiiiton.o. IE UP ! With Norvu llu ns. new voaettib o discovery of m irvoious piue.pomilvo uuro for ml ncrvu troiiuins. sue i as nurvons prostration fclooplcssness , dcsnondiMiuy , pains In btutic un I B'lle ' slek be.id icbo. , dyspepsia , loss of appo- llto , etc. Wonderful neivo tonic. mikes : rlan pnro blno.l , toiim eiitlru Hyslum. It .1 box enough for twoweuis. At drniRlsts , or by mull. Nerve lljui ; Co. HulValo. N. V. Wo ; lll ntnil yon tlio ntnrTeloui Kicnch I'lrpurutlon CALTHOS frco. and a IPKA ! cuniaiilvv that CAl/l'llilS will IIvNloro > oiir UlvaKh , SCi'ciiitli ami Vigor. t'sf tf nnd f > ay tf lattsf.td. Addroso VON MOHL CO. . Rol. Intriiaa ifruU , Ctntliaitl. OUU. SOUTH Union Stoii Yards Compiny , South Ornahai fieit Cattle Uo nmlIi3jp mariotl.l tin COMMS | > ni Y/ool / Bratlwri I.Ivo Stok Co mnliilon .Morohuoti a Tclep IOMJ IIJ" . JOHN I ) . DADHMAV , I , , . _ . - . . . . ' > " > ' WAl/1'iClt 1C. WOOD , ( Market reports by mall itnd wlro cheerful urnlbliud upon uppfloatlon. for Infants and Children. "CastorlalsBo well adaptisllochllclri'n that Castorla curi'H Coll. ' , Constipation , I recommend It ns superior tjmiy jircKi-rlptloii Hour Ktomach , Diarrhcoa , J'.ruclatlon , known to me. " ] I A. Arjcmn : , II. I ) . , Kllla Wonns , jjlvra cleej ) , und promotes dl Ill So. Oxford St. , BrooMyu , H. Y. Without injurious medication. "Tlio tiraj of 'Costorla li ro unlvorrv-,1 nml "For several yean I h.-.vo recommemlod Its merits bo well lnown that It Keems n work your 'Cnstorla , ' nnd i-hnll rlwayH contlnno tc of supererogation to vndorso It , J'ew nro lliu do BO as It has invariably produced bi-neflclal Intelligent famlllas who da not loei ; ( 'ustoilu results. " wlthla easy runch. " Knwix V , I'Ar.nnn , II. D. , CAKLOM MAIITVN , 1) ) . I ) , , ' Ifflth Btrcet und 7th Aio. , New York City , l.'ew York City , Tin ; Cr.N-r.Atni COMPANY , 77 Mfniuv fiTitiirr : , Nr.w YOIIK Crnr. MAHA BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coe Shoi Company. 8ule rooui nod OltlouIDT IIOMII | llu.tnrl 't Kuclurjr-IIHI-IWI-IMI llo.rnM.3l. \Vu nrJ tin ovi.V 11 inaf.i uurur , of llouHiuil KLoui n lliJBUtnof MeUMH.1. A uvnaral liivlullun UuxtujljJ lo ull to Inipjct ournuwlnctorjr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iiirkeiiidil , Jones & i AIM , Hand-Sewed COMPANY lilfn. uxuiiti llimtoi 81ID.5 CO. . bodtn , uli ItUllHT SllOB ( Xl , II'W- ' nnd niblur Ki > < "K I IIUI-IIIMJ llurncr ritroct Mill llnriiujr Him-t DRY GOODS. M. li. Smith & Co. KilpatricH-KocliDry Ilrr FOUI | , notloni , fu/- Notloin , KUHtt' furiilili. iitililniC Ki'Oil" , cornur InK iinuiit , cur. lltli unil lltli uml llotvunl Bin. llurnuStr -ou , FUjRNITUKE. _ | _ _ COAIi. OinaEaUipFolslerin Tobion ilros , UIMI'ANV. WIIOLK.SAI.IICOAL. Upbolitvrud lurnlturu. iIU.-llul Mcliului el. 1U8 ( | Knriiuin Street , ( juiaha , NuU. HARDWARE. Hector & Wlllielniy Lobeck & Linn , Dcnlo sin linr.ltraro.iul Corner lOlli unil Jackson HUM Imiki1 t'lula. Btrcetn. UK lluiiulni rttroot , HATB , ETC. | IRONWORKS. W. A. L , Gibbon & Co jonuba Safe auil Iron Wlioluniilu WOIIIH , IlMi , c | > , nir.iw Kooili. ! > nfoi.viiiilti , Jail wood , Klovu , mlltani. I.th Iron MiuHem mid IUBUU- mid llurnuy KtrujU. iu'u . ( Jui Andruea , Illli nnd Jiu'knun COMMISSION. LUMBER. lirancli & Co. iJolin A , Wakciield , ' liii | irtilAmrrlcan 1'ort- I'roduco , i frultn of all I Imid rmnuni , Hlw | u- kua fuinont aud kliHl , oj tori. | Hliltu lima , LIQUORS. [ STOVE HEPAIRS Frick & llcrbart , Omand Stove Repair V.'OitKH. t-'loT'i ruualr * Wlioluiulu liquor doalerJ for nnr klndof nUira 1001 Karimm HI. IUVK. | ril7 HOUKIH i "PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Carry u full nock of 1'rlntlnid ' wrupplny nnd and writing pu eri , card tu. oil i , greaie , axlt M