p- f - " WW\ . R . T17T ? mfATTA HATTV TlTtf. TIIT-H ? n A V THE DALLY BEE COUNCIL 1IUTPS. i ior. ! NO. 12 1'KAIU , STUP.KT by cntrlfr to any part of the city tV. TII/TUN - Mnnigcr TKl n iMlnxm ) Husliirvs Ofllrc . . . . No 43 " . . . . No al Ml.\ N Y I'lumbinpCo IJoston store , clonks The Ma.xno Real KsUto ( . 'A . ; ' ) tire id way Sell Ilouph vna fined til 40 In jwliro court jcsttrdaj morrilnif for distnrhlni ; the peace on I'leiii1 street a few nlirhts sipro The Infant child of Mr and Mrs L-iw- renci Olsen died at inMiilylil riu-Oav nlcht at the family icsidtnce , l 20 Sixteenth a > iinic Ytstoiday wns the il.iv for makliK * out the qnaitelly pension papers , and o\er.v elorn In the olltco of tlio counti clcik was busy all day Inii Tlunsd'u oxrnlnp at Holnnj's the fairl- cal i-omedi of ' ( Jrary I'atrh" will tl\o thn Ainusci'irnt lovers a rlnnce for an nrcnlni ; of KlKpks l.uiBlitrr and roars It Is said to bo Intensely funny. A lecture will bo delivered 1'rlday pvcnlnK at 8 o'i lock at OeloiiR's mission ny M \ \ . 1'ratt , a reformed dinnkard rnd gambler Jlis subject will bo "I'rotn tin1 CJutter to the I'nlplt" Ho invites ovciy one The tase of .1 M and I'llnn Campbell , cliarfrcd with defrauillm ; W A H.ues and wlfoout of jiropertyaluod at Sl.iMX ) , was taken to.IiHtkii Field's courlesterda , \ on a clmiiKo of venue and will bo heard to morrow. Kcgiilnr meetlne of Woman's Keliof corps nt ( Jrand Anny of tlio Republic hall IVlday. October (1 ( All membeis arcrcciui'stod to bo present. Uusiness of Impoitanciwlllcomo before the meetlnt ? Uy order of Mis Annie Campbell , piesldent. ConiiLlt Hluffs academy No 1. Pllcilm Sister of Amoi lea , will hold a social i ecoptlon at the tcftldciiLO of Mis H II Hawotth , WM I'Vurth ' avenue , Saturday ovenlnR , Octo ber 7 Commorei il I'iltrtlius and their ivnes are cordially invited Chailcs Cnitls , a colored man. who lived hnio up to a year or BO aao. and woikcd for $3 a week as poitcr of a liioadway s'lloon , has suddeiih been raisr-u to a position In the emplo > of the iroteminent , at Washington nt a salaiv of fl'JtX ) per year , so sajs.tho local or an of democracy The case Is pointed teas as an Instance of the magnanimity of the demociatiL.uliiiinistintion While hero Cm- tin had a notice iccoid and a political rccoul that were boll' exceedingly vaiiotfUed. Hov H W ICuhns of Omaha will preach i on Sunday , at 11 am , for the St. John's Knglish laitheiun i-hurch In the Yount ; Jletrs Chi istlan Association chapel in the Aloirlam nlock Ir ICuhns was the ( list KiiKllsh Luthnran minister in Omaha and Ncbinska While pastor at Omaha ho preached In Council llluffs as early as 18.r > 7 and secured a lot from Mr li\llsaon ! which to erect a church. Ho is a man of ability and it will bo a treat to hoar him. .V / . I'.tltAttlt.tl'tll. Mr and Mrs Oeoigo Oerner have gona in Chicago A.I' Cramer of the Avoei Horatd was in the cit.v jostordav - . Mr and Mrs N O'Biien have rctutned from tlio v\'oi Id's fair. G I. . Moveis will lenvo Satuiday for a visit to HIP Wet Ill's fair. Clandi' 1 ) \ " of the rountv treasurer's ofltce is veiy ill with tvptiold fever .1 .1. Ste.vart nnd family leave this even ing for a visit lo Iho Woild's fair Mis (3 C Brown loft .vcstenlay for Chicago cage , where she will visit 10 ! itivos Captain and Mis ] ) B. Cl.uk vestotdav cclebiated tneir llfty-thiid wedding anni versary. Mrs. J M Flaplei. who has boon visiting relatives In Illinois for several weeks , is ex pected homo this inointng. Miss Maude \Villi uns of Boston and the TilIsHos Helen and Mattiu Field of Shenau- doah are guests of Mr and Mrs A , VV. Jotm- BOIl. BOIl.Miss Miss Bertha Instep , who has been visiting her brother. W C Hstop , for some lo lime past , left last evening for her home in Cincinnati. Henry 10. Tagger of Council Bluffs anil > llss Agnes O. Cole of Omaha weio mauled rcptoidny aftcinoon at i ) o'clock at the blido's residence , 1U)9 ) North Twentieth Itrcet , In Omaha. After the ctucmoiiy , Which was performed by Kov. I1 W. roster , Mr. and Mrs Tjggor left for the Woild'a [ air. They vvlll make their homo In this lity , vvheio they both have many friends Hot air furnace in first-clnbs repair , with piping and prates for nine rooms ; alho , two pas sloven , lot small tables with tablecloths , 10 do/en triple plated Kodfjcrs knives , forks and spooiu , lot of dihhefl , all kinds to bet , 1 0 plates ; live tots hotel or lohtaurant fcilverwaro , . ' 10 pieces , used in Masonic tuinplo dnnco hull , for sale at a banrain. W. .T Jameson , Masonic temple , Council Bluffs. 's.Bl' Boiled linseed oil at Davib' ISe per gallon , raw oil , -ITio a gallon. Doinebtio bonp outlasts cheap soap 1 iillril In VV'iilk. One of the tcacheis of the Council Bluffa public schools has been making something pf a iccord as a peniHtrhn Htclv. In t ilk' inu with Judge \Voolson and Thomas Mot- talf , sr , who board at the same njnco with tier , Hho offcied , in a binteiing way , to walk from the postofllco In Council Bluffs lo the ( oiner of Ninth snoot and Douglas in Omaha in one hour. There was nothing in that worthy of notice , but in some wavtbo report got aiounil that she would start from the poslonico cornerhmtevoningat 5 o'clock. : At the hour appointed the lorner was i a seething mast of humanity. Neatly every ! upmtlng man in thn city was thcic , anxious to hut on the event , while there were i a gieat many who do not belong to the piefos- alon , tint wcro anxious to HCU thu start , But no lady teacher materialized and the dlsap- i l > ointcit crowd had to disperse. Miss Kngsdalo's nilllinorv openingtlio first of tno season , \vas thoroughly ap > preciated by the ladies , w ho greatly ndinired thu many now anil handsome tmtUirn liatH and boiinotH. Miss HagB- ilalu in now rcddy for business and lum ninplo foico to till all orders jiromptly. " Willianihon & Co. , 10(1 ( Main htroot , largest and best bioyclo stock in city. George S. Davis , piosunption druggist. Hurt In il Kmmwity. J. H , Weaver , w ho lives at the coiner of I'hirty-sovoiith btreut mid Avcnuo U , was quite severely hurt last tivonlng In a urn- iwav. Ho was driving along Broadway , ivhcn hU horse took flight at n passing " hlocloand ran up on the cuib stone , tipping thu buggy ever and throwing Mr Weaver with a good deal of fore o to the haul p.ivo- mcnt. Ho was picked up and carl led homo ; , nnd an ( xamlnatioa showed that thcru weio no bones hroken , although his light Bhouldcr ami sldo vvero badly bruised , Heat will bo all right In a few dajs. It lias long been conceded u fact that If you want anything tollable in the ; flrug or paint line yon can gut it at Duvib' , and at prices that .lofy eompoti- lion. Tha following mairlage licenses were Is- ' juiul ycstonlay by the county cloik : Xiuiui and Aililri'si. A no. I William Niulip , Counoll lllulTa , , 4B iMaltlo Donoll , i'liuiifll Itlull iu ! J A. K Tnniii-r , Council lllun * , . . , . , . 'J2 1 l.llllan U.Vatt , Council HlulTs .17 IChiirluH A. C'ouoyrr. Council HluITu 'JO 1 Maud Clmrrun , Macedonia , , . . , . 'J1 j TreiU'rlok Itnunini'r , Noola . . . . . -0 1 Kullierlnu Herbert , Nuulu .10 Fruit laiulu and farms. . Grcensliiohlt ) , KiuhcUoii LV-Co , , OOHnmavvuy. Tol. 161 Cook your mould thU buminoi-.tm runuo. At cost ut thu Otis coiiipany. Jut vis Winu Co. , Council UluITu , la. Domestic soup is the best NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Oiisa in the District Oourt of Mora than Pasiine Interc't. J. II , E. CLARK S LIFE INSURANCE MONEY 1 1 In former 1'iirtticr Mnkr < n Cliillu It rlio 1'ilrts In tlio CiisiV tlmt Are .M.nlu tlio llccu.mcil. Thp case of Grltnmrlmtn against the Union Paclllo Kalluiij company wiis ivento the Jury jesterday hi the district court Anothei damage suit , that of Scott Wilklns against the motor comp my , was expected lo follosv this PASO immediately , but the attor- wore not reuly to hc in when It was railed and It was pissed for a tlino The case now on ti ial Is that of George P. WrltMit against the Nortliucstcin Mutual Life Insurance compinj. 1'ho Insurance compntn Is not Involvi'd In thn case at all , as thoamoimt of the policy which ave rise to the suit is now In the bunds of the county clerk , awaiting a decision as to who shall KCt It Mi.s .1 H K Clark , wife of a former coal men-haul of this clt.\ , now ( Icicasctl , and Mr Uiic'ht aio the ual Dirties lo the dispute The Interesting point about the uiso Is the freedom with which Wright m.ikcs eiimlnal ch.uges against Clirrf , who was a formet pailncr of his In the coal bitslucos , but is now In his pnuo As has betn uhc.uU stated In Tin : UEE , Claik'sdeath was followed . \ shortly brumois tint were cltculated to the effect that the liuaatiBatinn of his bnokb showed a Blioriapo of Jl.r. 000 or $ . ' 0,000 A con- tiovcisv followed over a policv of Insuianco for > ,000 , Wileht claiming that it had been assigned to him by Mis L'lails piioi toher husband's death to cover this shortage , while Mrs Clai ken tlio other bund , claims tnat onlj enouRh of the policy vas assigned to WiipTht to cover something HUe $1,000 that had been advanced b > Wright to enable her and her liusbtnd to KO south for the lattei's hoilth The test of the policy , shoallCKod , had been asslpned with out her pel mission , and thcieforo she was not bound bIt Wtisht , in a piper which has been toceiitl.fllec. . . ' , chaipcs th it Claru's ombe77letnent was to tlio amount of $10,000 , and that a part of the amount w him ho mis appropriated vv.is spent in piving the pre miums on tin : Insurance policy which he is noiv trying to gatlu-i in . Unili'rncur Aiiiiniiiiceinriit. Now yooils at now prices nro always to be found ntour store , but more especially in this line for the present ea on. Xovoi1vurc such viiluoa olToiod by us as vvc.aro showh' < r nt piobcnt in our umlur- vvcnr ilopai'tmont. Ladies' underwear , natuiul vostb and pants , .Tieloo , 7f > c , 8o ( ) to sM.oO. White vests and pants , 25e , Uo ! ) , TiOo , $1.00. in plain and ribbod. Gout's underwear piny and camel hair nt.r > 0o , 7oo. $1.00 , M.M. 'L'hoabovoib four of our loading nunibetb. Childion'a underwear , all wool , red , % iMs and pants from 12kup. . Gray mixed ve ts and punts from lOo up. All wool c.unol h.iir and natural from 2.P up. See now line of childien's ribbed vo-its and panln in natuial wool. FOl'lIKIUNGHAM , WllITir.Vf : &CO. , Council HIulls , in. P. S. Store eloicrt every evening at ( i p. in. , except .Monday and Saturday. BOSTON Siom : . You can't afford to burn hifjh priced fuel in old , worn-out btoves. They waste the price , of a gum ] steve every venr. Cole iSs Cole sell the Undiant Homo and Hound Oak stoves , the great fuel savers. Stop nt the Orden { , , Council Blulls , 110 Lett $2.00 house in Iowa. Smoke T. D. Kin ? it Co'b Paftagas. Doincstio soap is the oe t. nnt. HIMV Clllzen luirt Was I'rtitcntpri from " ' John Short , cltbon , had another tilt with the fpder.il court Jur.v jesteid.iy nfttinoon , nnd , as usu.il , cainu out second best He has u pleasant way of seizins every oppor tunity of ' iircnchtnif.'Vas ll0 i"s It , the dootrmo of the union labor party , vvheicver ho happens to Una n few people gallicied together for any purpose vvhatsoevor. Last spring ho mounted the btcps of thu post- ofllcu on Sunday uftoinoou and vV.is hlaziug a way with his anarchist iloctiiues , hitting every head that appoaii'd , ulicn.i portion of his aidor was quenched bu \ lingo p.iil of \vntcr that c.iiuu doun fiuin .tbovo The petit jury was in session , and tonic that method of showing its disapjnoval of ( Jiti/eu Shoit's way of tiMring the atmos phere toplcies. It w.is not until louror llvo p.ills of water hail ilesceiidcd and struck In Identical ! ) the s.uni ) spot , the top of .Mr , hhott's head , th.it ho Uu.illi guvo up pleaching. Yesturday aftoinoon he took .ulvant.ipo of the fact that tliuiu vvi'iea lot of men gatheicd nboutthefodur.il building , vMio looked as though u llltlo pie.irlnng wouldn't hurt thorn , and icpe.itccl the opci.itlon of l.isl spring , The audience was romposed largely ol hootleirpers , and bhoit's c'loiiuenco was falling upon ( fruitful soil , u hen the grand Jury , which was in session this time , adopted ' the bum : > tactics as its picdecossois and sent n pail of water living in n dowuvvaid ditection. Afler the louuh-story baptism had been repeated n few times , Shoit ' bunulod up his vviath and went upstaiis to look for Judge Wool- bon or some one rise who had the legal light to liny the jiuois alive Deputy Miuslml Klcliaiits u-.is the llrst ono ho ran across , and he got ver.v little satis faction further than an admonition to is7 away fiom the govcimnout building with his speeches if he didn't want to got wet. Short Immcuiatelv H'iev pugnacious and bald he would preach fiom the Hi > > ps of the com I house until the building foil down anil no ono should slot ) him With , that Klcliaidfi grabbed him by the neck and hustled him into the olllco of thn cleric , whom ho was kept on the giidlrou for some time. Ho was finally alloueil to go with unothci admoni tion. MrH. rioillur'xliilllner } Sroud | out in artist io pr'ofiibion , $8,000 worth of the Iliusht and richest ! itiituinn uml vyintor nillliiiury vviis thu ntti action that diuu urouda of ludicH to Ali'8. Pfoillor'h yesterday afioruoon and uvenlny , the closing dnj of her niinuiil oneii It vvab ono of thu richest ( l ib- | iluyH thut Mfh I'foIIToi 1ms over nmde , and thu delightful \ \ outlier puiinlttud the ladles to oomo out mid enjoy it. Many Indies from Omuliu uttundod it.ho opniiin and carried avva innny of the cut.ruiit ! pattern huts and hoiuiots , Mrs. I'/eilTof ib bettor jiropaied thla buason thun ovoc to inuot the r < > quiromontt > onof all elusses of tiade , and iho will make prices tlmtvill unit nil. _ _ _ _ _ Jurvla 1S77 brandy , purest , uufcst , best Ht. lVu. ' Ohurili. Tbo women of this pailsn received a very urgent exhortation Sunday tobopiescnt at the chapel this afternoon at ! ) o'clock , for the purpose of etnollliig themselves KS inembcrb of the Paiochlal ( Aid * Koclety , nlso to attend for the annual election of oftlcers The next meeting of the vestry will come on Fildny , at 7U ; ! ) p. in. , In W. J. Jameson's otllce. As affecting the welfare of Si. Paul's church , this iv ill boa session of moro than i ordinary Interest. Thu nature of the busi ness to bo transacted was explained by the rector on Sunday morning. linrlmriiUi' * liud Itimlncii. Council liluffs icadurs of Tin : HER vvero considerably Inteiostcd In the account which appeared \eiterday of Joseph liachurach and Joseph Wlttcis being iir- tested on the uhaigo of obulnluir money under false pretenses 'Iho gauio they are alleged to have operated was to capture farmers coming to the Vvorl 1's fair nun. steer them t i.i store on South CI irk street , rop. resenting themsrlves to bo representatives of the firm of Montgomery , Wirl & Co. As tf U linn does nn extensive mailing business among faimcrs they found a fruitful Held for operations , anil are accused of fleecing various pirtics out of $1,000 or more during the past few weeks Both of the men Im plicated In the affair formerly resided in Council HmlTs and kept a clothing store on Broidway neir iho corner of Miln street , Witter being clerk for Btcharach The/ were consldoted very enterprising when hero. _ AUCIHIMAI : , I\.IMOSIO.V. : Deputy Mnrslml I'oulor Almon Lou * * n I'lnrn nt Ills Leg. Deputy Mnishal Frank Fowler came near meeting with a bad accident jcsterdiv morning and escaped only ) y a rare piece of good luck. Oflloer Murphv came Into the rllj building and tlndlng Foivlcr brushing his coat offered to help him. He brushed away vigorously for a few seconds , when theio was u sudden icport anil Fowier turned mound to see what was Iho nutter , thinking that Murphy had llred olT a blank rartuJgo for the fun of seeing him jump Instead ho found Murphv more frightened Ih.in himself , nnd iho cause of tils flight was clear enough when Fowler found that thcio was a largo hoi In his tron crs Just below his pistol pocket ' , in.ide hi the JlS-caliber bullet that a second or two before had been occup ing a cln imbei of his levolver. In using the brush , Mnrphi had incidentally struck the hammer of Fowler's I levolvcr as It lay in his pocket , and the' explosion was the result Fortu nately. Few lor was standing with his leg in such n position that iho ball Just gr.i/cd It along almost Its entire length Instead of pass ilifi lliroiurh il If he had had his fool two Inches farther Ineic his leg must have been ftltfhlfull.V ! loin and lascciated , and ho might | have been crippled for life. Ho was glad enough to have his Injuries conduct ! to his waidioboand a lonu , red furtoiv down his limn to remind him for a few houis of tin narrow escape ho had had. llllnl'H Clllc. At noon today an appreciative public will bo tflvon an opportunity to enjoy a tie v luxury , dinner or lunch ut a first- class r'uropean cafe. It is a neiv addi tion to II. A. H.iird's confectionery store , atr > 2l Uroadvuiy , nnd is as nearly ' 'per fect as anything of tlio kind can be Popular prices will prevail , but every thing \vill bo lirst class. Mr. Nols Mad- son , -.v ho has boon chef at the Union I'n- cilie hotel at the transfer for the last nine years , will have eharpo of the ctisiue , and ho will prepare anything from a choice cup of eolTee to the inoit olaboiate dinner. If perfect service and cooking count for nnythinfi the cafe will be the most popular institution in Coun cil UlulK riiiulM Iciiiinliii ; Low. The park commissioners held n mooting yesterday rooming for the purpose of allowIng - Ing bills. The bills that have been accumulating - lating for the past month vvero all O. lul. and allowed. A look over the books of the commibslonois shows that the funds an- lunninR i.Uhcr low At iho beginning of the present icar the tioasiri contained about S'.O.IO. ' while it now holds but $ . ' 00. 'I he improvements that have been made on Fail ( iiount p irk have cost about M.r/JO , of which { 1,000 went for the cement tli.it was used m pavintr the west valley. Most of the lost his gone for imptovenionts in Iho new Cocht.in paik in the western pait of the city The picscnt straitened conditional ! the puk finances will 1)3somewhat icllovod tills weeK when tuo last half of the annual appiopiialion Is lurned ever to the commis sioners bi iho countj ticasurcr , . ( mounting toSJ.oOU. This amount , will boused up in hiring p irk policemen and in keeping the paiks clean , without making any further impiovcments. Mooto's Air-Tight Heater , " latest triumph in stove nmkinir ; beautiful ; burns hard or soft cjal ; lire kept 24 houi s with corncobn ; cheaper than any other and superior to all others. Como and see thorn. P. C. Dcvol. W. S. Baird , Lawyer , Everett block. I'.an a llnncii ( iim ? . The oviilenco in the case of John T. liar- wood , who was on liial in Iho United States court jesteiday on the charge of defacing United States coin , showed that the dc- fondant was. a fakir of sovcial diffeient kinds. He is ono of tlio llvo who weiear- rcsled fornissiug vvitewashcd pennies for 10-cont pieces The witnesses who wcro summoned foi' the government teslilied tnat ho was running a wheel of fortune at the Hcd - Oak fair , and used the pennies in mak ing change lor the people who pationfyed his bunco shop A lot of the money was in the hands of the prosecuting attotney and were so good a substitute tor 10 cent pieces , both iiv size and weight , that almost any ono would bo deceived who did not take more than the usual amount of catc in looking at thorn The c.iso will probably go to Iho juiy today , and the tilal of Iho olhei members of the gang will follow immediately. W. K. Chambers will commence his g clabt-es in Masonic temple Wednesday , October 4. Abk your grocer for Domestic soap. VV. J. II ) ut W J. Hyatt , a conductor on the motor line , died iestoidiy at 10:15 o'clock of typhoid fever , after a six weeks' illness , at bis homo on the corner of Twenty-ninth ; street and Avenue K. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of Americ i. The ofc mains will bo taken to Bennett , Neb. , for cn - icrinent lomortow , W. W. Chapman , 101 Lith btrcot ) hulf block south Boston btoro. Miss Maude Sh.uon , nleco of / . W. Cole , \\.is married Ht T 110 last ovonlngalMr Colo's losiilnnco on North Miln stieet to Mr Cluilcs Conoyer , Hev n W. Allen ofllci- atlng Supper was served at 8 p m. to Biii a largo nmnbcr of fi lends The oungcouplo will loci'lvo the congiatulatlons of a largo cltUo of fi lends. Unity Guild 1 > u mr , mi | > jicr and party Thui'bday , October 1MiWJn ic lumplo i.t i mit Slioiren Arc I'rumUnil fur Nebraska Today mill It U'lll He Colil'-r , WASHINGTON' , Oct. J. Forecast for Thurs day : lA > r Nebraska and the Dakotaa Gcn- urally eloud.v , with showfiis ; cooler ; winds blilCting to wcsteily. [ 'or Iowa Showers , cooler : east to south winds , Local Ilicoril. Office or THE WBATIIEII fiuusAU , OMAHA [ , Oct 4 Oauliu lecorJ of te npsraturo and rainfall compaiod with corresponding day of past foui years : 1603. 18U2. 1891. 1800. Maximum tumperiituio. 73O bl)3 ) fjHO GOO Mliilinniil teriipei.ituru. . 30 = Bus 3HO18 o AviMUKU ti-mpcratuio 6ti3 053IMS OHO I'leclplfltlon . . .00 . ( M .02 .UO Sttluniunt bhowlng the condition of torn- peratiueand piooipitnUon at Omaha for the da ) and since March 1 , Ib'JJ : Normal tumpuiatnrn. . > 8o Deltcluni'y fur Hit ) iluy . lo Deficiency bliu-o March 1 . 147O Nuriiialpruclpltatlon . . , . 10 Inch DHtlclum-y for the iluy , , . , . 10 Inch Dellcloncy tdnco March 1 . 3.53 InchuH ICrpurti from Oilier Mutton * at H p. in , n . = -v Mia i-a " ' B Omaha. , Ill ) 70 .00 Clear. Kturni - fH 04 .00'Cloudy. ' North 1'lallu. . . . . BO (10 Cloudj. Valentine CH 04 oo 1'art cluiiUy , Chlcaro II0(1 ( ill .00 Clfjr , Si. Loiiln 0(1.Ml 70 0(1 ( Cl..ir. 81. IMill .Ml OJ .00 Cloudy Da vi upon 00 .00 Cle ir. KaiiH-ibCHy 00 7 l .0(1 ( Drnittr . , AH .00 Cli-.lr. Salt I-aku Clly 40 'M . ' . ' 0 CluiiUy. lUnldClly , . , . . CO 02 ,00 ClUUll ) . lloluia . 44 48 .00 Cloudy. lilmnaixk , , 61 DH 001 Cloudy , SI Vlnteut. . . CO .00 near. Chf i tmie 40 C4 01 lulu MlkHCII ) . . . . . . . . CO CO .00 Cloudy ( lahetiloii Qguiiui K. UU > T , Local Korecaut Official , PLAYING CREATUIARDS Ives Makes a Spurt and Qiins Over a Thou sand on Roberts. SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTyt AT ONE RUN lloth .Men Wcro i In fine I'orin , lull the Clllcngn Mnn'4 Snpprliirlty UIM I'lulnlj Sliown Tlic ItcroriU oMhe 'liimo llriiUcn. NEW YOIIK , OctI. I.When the foui th game In the series of 10.000 points match between John Roberts of tendon nnd Ft .ink C. Ives of Chicago was llnishcd this nfteiuoon the score stood Hoborts , ! ) , (5J1 ( ; Ives , 'JttO ( , leav ing Roberts HO points in the Ic id. Ivos was In D id form all through the game , but Hob- citsplajcd excellently. Tin1 lift h game of iho sciics vvas bcrun tonight. Soon nflcr the pnno opened Ivcs made the best play of any. Ho nursoil tho' bails In his favorite place on the bottom rail. KohciIs watched him eloselv as ho vvoikrd thorn slowly low aid the corner poo'tot. ' When ho had scoted 150 the house gteoted him with n lousing cheer Ho tinned the corner safely , ticked off caioms down the side rail tow aid the tenter pocket , pissed the center pocket at 2M ) , and when ; fO ( ) was called ho took oft his coit and settled down to bleak hU rccoul ot : U'i , made in the after noon game of Tuesd.u Ho neiomplUhcd thai ami sitll w cut on , bringing ihosphoies tow.ud the light top pocket , ami pissed that point safcli at 100 Cait-ftillv along the top line came the globes , wand as ihe.v reached the lofi hand cot nor the ni.nkcr called "Five bundled " Ives turned Iheioiner and passed the pocitct in bull.in ! t stjlo nnd sent Iho balls gcntlv down the left hand rail. Rob erts walked around the table and anxiously watched the Chicago man make 000. When ho got to iho i cuter nocltot the balls broke batllj anil he had to plaj a Imrnrd for the side pocket and had lo resort lo open plaj. He tinally slipped up on u shot for the side pocket and s it down , making 051 In the bioak Six hundred and forty of this store was made on thu mil. fn Iho night's plav Ives scored 1,11-13 , which plated him 115 ahead of Kobeits , although ho tv.isUKi behind him when the night1" play began Uobeits made HbO. The total scoio now is : Ives , 4.iU ( ( ; Itoborts , 4,4br. lves > ' highest bieaks woio ( Ml. 515 and HU5 Kobcits m.tdc 1153 , and weal over the century niiiilc live limes. AVliiIOA : AUAI.Ntl KNll.ANI ) . Itulll Hut Vlcllllnt mid the YulKjilo Ki'ail > lor Ttnl-ty' * Crtnt HHII- . Ni vv YOIIK , Oct 4 Both of the cup con testants are icady for the great race tomor row , w hich is to dccido whether America will continue to maintain Iho supiciiiacy over England in racing yachts that has been unhold for fortv-two ye.us Abo.it fourteen new plales have been placed on the Val kyrie's bottom It has been found. It is said , that the Vallcyrio h is twenty-two feet six Inches beam Instcui of twenty foot , and that her draught is seventeen feet , instead of sixteen. The I.ILO tomorrow will be sailed ever course No 1 namely llfie-m miles to wind ward ofleow.ird and return , the turn uoln ? made at a slake boat llftecn miles from the stalling and linishing lines , which will bean an imaginary line drawn between the Scot land lightship and the llagship Ma ) . The second race will be ftoiu the starling line , ten miles to and around a mailc , thence ten miles lo and around , a second milk , theme ten miles to the finis n line , thus limit ing a perfect tiiangularcouise. The overcast sky and the northeastcrlv wind which prevails bodd no good to those persons who intend to see the race tomorrow , and have a delicate organization of thu stomach. All Iho signs pointed to an u sea and u dirty wind. i. Idiclng ut fort Omlge iin.l I"rlunil. Four DODOE , fa. . Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bcr. ] T\vo thousand people saw some excellent , racing at Iho second end day of the couiily fair hero , notwith standing threatening weather. Following arc the summaiics : l'iee-for-all trot , purse 1200 , lev nn stirlers : Mogul ntm , Un Time second , 12\lt thlid. llest I'.iclng , V:35 ! : cliiss , purse $200 : Cashlei Jiin- lur won , Lyle second , Ko.in .l.ioU third. Host time : i27'j. ! : The third heat was declared no heathy the judges upon iho supposition that Hoin .lack's diiver was nontiivim ; lovvin. Il was pacL'l over , the horses finish ing m the same order. Yearling trot , half mile heats : Hole won , On/ullesfcoud. lle ttlmu , 1- : ! ! . Half mile i uniilng : .lennlu I.lun won , Itlaclt Hell hecond , Tony tblid. lisltimo : TiU. FIIIK.M ) , Koh , Oct. 4. [ Special Tekgram to THE Bin. ] The Friend i aces opened this afternoon. Summaries : In the fifth taco Dulcv won , Ilnnnlo sec end , L > ndoii ill'ttiinceil , Time : 'JH'4. : : Knnninj , ' , one-half mile uml repeal : Little I'leil VMIII Uypsy Hey second , 1 rrd Silhinl Broun I'rlnco fnurlh C'harley b llfth. Hilly Kd- \vards sixth. Time ; .12' ' , . Inter ! ollp- , ! ito Tonnls Toiiriiiiiiirnt. Nuvv HAVEN , Conn. , Oct. 4 Playing in thu intercollegiate tennis toutinmcul vvas ic- siiincd today. In the tliiul round Budlong defeated MilnotFootcdefeated ; J. 11. Chase ; How land defcalcd Fletehuer , Chase de feated Chandler. Doubles : Goglyn ami Wienn defeated THE NEXT MORNINQ I FEEL BRIGHT AND tir.W AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Uy doctor eays It ACM gently on tli stomach , * liver and klilnem. unil li a pleninnl Unlive 'Itils drink In made from herb ] , end Is prepared for use s easily 03 tea It Is railed AMdnicrt te elllt tiXMnl ( : If you it H. spnrt vour adilrrss forafrru ae' K - - ! < ! r inino - oucliiiar- w > ' rtnhrf > "H A . * ' . . . , _ - . necessary A. Full TtrtU exir.ieleil in inornliif Ke\v oiu aliiHurtttliirinrnoo i H.niio iljy , I'eifecul ir- luileul llttlntiul'iirnuii Street * tlcvatoron 10th Struct. TeleplionolOJJ UUINO THIS WITH YOU A Ha'ppy , Fruitful EVERY MAN KNOW the UHAND ) i MTojiiiuri iMinn , 3'KUTHH ; the I'laln INyiVfUHllfl { \ \ Facts : tUo Old Secitts anil thu New Dlicoveries of Mudlcal Bcltncu nsapplied to Jlarrlrd Ufeshould vrillo for our " ' wonderful llnln hook , called "J'ERFKOT MANHOOD. " To miy earnrat man we vvlll mall cue copy ihillrcl I I'rciIn plain ecalert cover. 4IA refuse ) rrom I lie iuui1 [ . Addre s ERIE MEDICAL CO Buffalo , , , NY. Chandler an \\hlto , Chasonml Heado do- featoit IM FoMler , and Feiry , Chase and Hnttllnp ilefo.i.cil Mllno anil Flotoluicr Second round , Clinso nnd Huttllng defeated Ohaso nnd Hondo. Arlnn ntul Dln-cluni to Itn Mntrhril. HVAXSV it.i.r : , Ind , , Oct. 4. There Is much talk of arranging n nutcli between Arion , 2lO' ! < , 0nod by M.ilcollu Porbcs of Boston , nnd Monroe Sillsburv'i Dliccluin , 3 0l' ( ' { , Iti \ said that the two oivneis Uuvo prac tically agreed to m iko the stake $10,000 n side. The match will not bo definitely ar ranged In detail until nttor the eloo of the southvvostein circuit nt Is'nshville tliteo weeks tionco. Itoberu W III Play I'nol. NEW YORK , Oct. 4 Alficd D Ore nnd John Itobci ts lut vo arranged n l'JOO-Hltit ] pool match , to begin on October 10 , for $1,1)00 ) a slilo The game will last sl\ days and will bo under the management of the llrunsvvlou- Halko eompanj Half tlio in itch will bo contested on Anu'i lean and h.ilf on English pool tables It his not \ct been decided where the match will take iihiro. Triittt-r icnd : shut. SACIUMBSTO , Cal , Oct. I The famous tiottlng stallion l < cho has been shot , owing to old ngo ami enfeebled condition. Kcho was sited b.S Dick's llimblotoiilan thirty Avals ago , and wns , unless Kobert McOrcjror Is still allvu , the last dlicct descendant of that horso. _ Unit tlin Aiitr.iliiin Crlrlu'trrft. XMV Yoiih , Oott The Austinlliin and All New York cricket teams plaved at Liv ingston , S I . this afternoon. New YorU placed eighteen men and the AnsMnll.ins thirteen The score for thoiii ! > was- New York , 101 , Austtalia. : u C < iipu | ! anil .Mi'ioliiint. Nroi.v , la. , Oct. 4 [ Special to Tun Hr.n ] 'Ihcio will bo a foot taco hcio Saturd.u , lUJyatds for fJoO a side , between \V. 11 Copplcand Jesse Merchant. As belli men aie fast It will sutcl.v bo a hot raco. Sliirit | with tlin Ilixtunx. UOSTOV , Oct. 1 .lames 1 ! union , latch with the St. Louis Hnmns , signed a con tract with the Boston H.isu D.ill association today , nuking the fouith plajer secuicd for the Uoston nine of Ib'.ll. KNOWLEDGE v Brings comfort and improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly uscu. The many , vvl livc bet ter than others and enjoy life more , \v ith less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrnp of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a jwrfcct lax ative ; effectually demising the system , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the mcdicnl profession , because it acts on the Kid ney ? , Liver and Bovveh without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable stihitance. Syrup of Fips is for sale by nil ding- gists in 50c and $1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is punted on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well jnformcd , you will not accept any ( substitute if offered. BABY'S S&iN AM SCALP G'leaiivetl , purhlt'il , and tiemitlllccl bj CUTKUIIA - BOAV , ( jrentcBtof pkln iniilliir inml In iHUllK rn , 11 Kvcll ii IIIIHM and Bwcilcflof luilclind IIIITK rtoupp. . Orilv "iro for iilniili.i ] unil lilcck lipa < ' , lirniiKc Iliconlv | nrviiitl\a of lull inninllrnnnil clnc 'lni ! of ilii < pint. , ihc CHU O of mint tuiupl- intli'nt to'ittir \ > ntitr r. PANGLE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. JiEADKIl OF DISEASES OF MEN AND tVOBIKN. PllOPHIETOH OF TEUi VIOK'LD'S IIKUI1AL LIS1'I N- SAJIY OF MK1JICINE. /fraat the following Dlteases : Catarrh of the Hood , Throat , and Lung ) : Dt * . 0003 of the Kyo and tar , l < its and Apoplexy , Heart Disease , l.ivor Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes" , nrlgbl's Dlfcaso , fit Vltua' nance. Hleuuiatfcm , I'araljels , White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Bores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula ) n ano removed without the knife or drawlne a drop ot blood. Woman with htr delicate orpana re- Unreal to baultli. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention glvon to private Diseases of all kinds. 65O to S3OO forfcll for any DIsease - ease i cannot euro without mercury. 1WX3 Wonns removed in two or three hours , or uo \ & - , ni-uorrholilu or I'llcs cured , TIIG3K WHO AIU3 AFrLTCTED WllUave Ilfo nnd hundreds of dollura by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician who can tell -what alia o pcrtuii without Uikliitf a quest Ion. All comsrif'nilencoFtrlctlyconfidential , lledlolnf ec/it by express. AdJrets all letUw to G. IV. , M. D. , Hi oiitlwiiy , C'tttinvll ISlnStn , tfKnelouu 1 cenlH In Blimp * for rnply. _ liuvolvln ; and Adjustable Flower Stands nnd WINDOW BRACKETS Durable , ornamental ana uructlcitli udnilrod by uv- ury lover of IIOUBO pluutH , No trmiUlo tounro for and keep iilantu with thuin. 1'ull line , potM , etc. ut LUND BROS , , 23 Mntu St Lovely Women Eat QUAKKR CHALK TALKS 2'/if JfrSitu-cMfV 7i ( > i > is Duett "Oh , Mrs. Dcl.ishusvliat tfa jou do to get SULI ! a lovely complexion ? " s. JXL. Simply c.xt Quaker Oats , tny tlcars. Sold . 2-lb. Only in 1'ackages. I am strictly in it for Business Not only as manager of the affairs of the Stearns Fruit JLancl Company , making it fill its contracts to the letter while I live and tying it up so that it has got to fill them , if I "peg out , " but am doing a larg"e general real estate busi ness besides. People have been writing to me for ten years , wanting to trade Nebraska and Iowa properties for Oregon and Washington prop erty. Now , I am here and can see your goods , show it up : what have you to trade ? L-et me see and I will work up good trades for you. Send descriptions of property to me. care D. V. Sholes Co. , First National Bank Building , Omaha , and say what kind of property you want to get for it. D. H. STEARNS. Clothing , Dresses , SljirvVls , Ciirtains , Blankets , Rugs , ' -r-i - , Feafcl-jers J Good Work Prompt' . A litcntion Reasonable * Prices' PAINTS. It Pays to Pnint. It Pays lo Use Good Paint. It Paya to Look Around And Boo Where You Cfin Buy Paints Of All Kinds at Real Wholesale Prices. st ox"lusl\o I'ulnt , Oil iinil Olms house In iho .Missouri v.Uloy. Is the only ulueo wlioro you uun huy u hill of niilnta for cash tit whulih.ilo prices iind no iiHstirod that yon got the hcsi ut uvorylhlliK finishes , I.iuldorfl , I'alnlH , Oils , Co urs , I'ljiniinls , Croduoas unit ovurylliln ; o'niyon will need In the line this full wliutliur In quintltlai you I'lin carry uwuy hi your h inds orln u.tr load lolH. Morjey is Scarce iind you want ( ivory dulliir ( o count for till It's worth , H niakcv no dliruruncu whether you llvo flvo inllos or 500 miles fioin'ounull ( Illiiirs , you ulll a no inonuy by buying ut wliolosalc , ART" QL.A.SS ! Ourfl IH the only uxuliiNlvu Art filati Kuutory In the west whuio you ouii KCt your own fan cies worUt'il out , or the huuntlf ill lileiis nf hpo- tlul iirtlsts roiillzed Mitlinnt fancy jirl e-i Wuhuvo ulunty of room , Wouiirry iistook of pliito and all uthor kliuU of alms mid nro ready to fill orders from liaim p icUiiKiia to cal lot * . Conio unrt bi'U IIH , or writu for ustl- inutus on plitto unil alt other kinds of and paintliu maturUI. fy"\Vutch \ this sjiato for pr cos. Council liluffi , Iowa. DISORDERS - _ . _ - _ 'An ' < l all iho train ol EVILS. WEAKNESSES , UHDILITT. ETC , tlmt * < coropanr tUein In men QUICKLY and FEIIMA- -3NTI.V CUHKO. Full sntKNOTJl ttud ton * CITCQ to every part of the body. I will aml die- ourly paokod ) KHICB to any ( Ufferar tb proaorlp- lion ihit cured iuo ot tUeau UeutiUi Aaaro U. York Hospital TREATMENT. I'or nil Chronic , Nervous , Surgical , Private and Special Diseases of hoth MEN AND WOMEN Stricture , Hydrocolo , Varloocelo , Anil ill ether IrnubloUn itad 'itroasin bli > clmrRiis. CONbUM'ATIOS rtlKi ; . ( Jnll on or address. 'DOUGLAS BLOCK. iotn AND DODGE 8TS.OMA'HA , NEB. Oppoaltu Iliiydon llrn'n. Special J > / COU1CIL BL'Jff ' ) : J/OH HALK HiniKii. illniOHt now. Apply T I'lll-lpH , | H)8lOlllCO. ANTii : ) I'.irlli H u Itli n lllll'i Hurt n I luinnkn and Introihitn pit 'iit'l iiuvilttca. II. J Ail IIIIN , 1 IK 1'trln aVLiinu , C'oiiiull JllnHu. 'I'O ItKNT Nimlx fiiinlHlitd rucin , 1 block from J postonico DID IHI Avu , irKf.V furnlaliiil roamb for ruit , 118 Soutb nlli Htrtul , I70H UKKT A nlco 8-room IIOIIBS , well located I Dr. K. I Wiioilbury. conitr I Unit mid Hioryuta , AdKICUI/rUUAL Inipli-niLiit iiii-n vaiitlnir a c . fallen rot vv.irolioiiuu Hlioiikl com * iininle.iKi ul oncnllli thu .Miiyno Kual Kblule Co. Oil IlrouiwH ) , CuiniLll IllnlTH , DO VOU knu\v thill Diy k HCHH Imvu HUinu uholuu bark'jIiiBln Irullund iranlon land near tlducliy ) A IISTHAOTS ami loiim Farm untl city proirart/ Aboutflil anil Bold I'u A. Tllumav , Counall lllufln ' nun o uu I , crbUpoolH. vaiilt . cldmnuyt KU HUIKU , ut T.ijloru tfroBjry , 01 > $ S VUU Block 01 imiclnmllB'i to x /or / u food lieu Mulnt-n or Ouuncll rHulckme. HmuLloar tiuprovfl 1 mil ami ea h lo tr.irtulor a * 1.I.OOOOU to f M mm 00 mock of Ktin- oral ini'rcliaiiUlw. Block of ilrui'U tu UAuu lor Untl. JvUuHtou it V < tu 1'iltcu ,