\r luoo SPBGIflL NDTIOE8. ' DVKIlTisKMKNTS FOIl TIIKSK rOMIMNS will b"tnheii until 15..IOP in for the e-venlnir tut tmlll R .10 P ' " f ° r t'io ' mondntr ami Stui'lay irnucullnir n nunibcird chef * , laiuinrirnimwcnt iwldroasMl In i ninnlxTw letter In carnof TliK llrr. Answers no irlilrrx'ejl v/IIl bn ricllvt ml upon prmotitiitlon of tin ) chr-ck. 3 WANTEPT mur , , , * , - n „ oninrMlncprHmi Ir.nwonl tlierr- nflor , Nothing Inknn for Ie. thin g > c A WANT 151) ) SITUATION" MAN COM1M > lint In Mint ollanditl.i ibiislii wi. ftliio Hlilji- tl K iv > i r with thn ( Hioilninn ITIIB ( ' ' ' ' n , Old nnd Porcan t r.u.7 \ riniT-ci. MAM ? rOOK WANT3 SITII- Anl.on Mn.it mill innlrj In city or out Art- drt s IV T , Diimnnt IO M 'J 2i' * WANTtlD I _ " "intcs Ifce a vvnril llrHl Insertion Irn word there nfu r Notlilnc t-iken for lens till l - ' " > < V7 "iUNAont. iNMiHTuiot'M. . .W'Vjy ? I vnmiMiiiiti lomamr" offlri fur n-lliiile com- inn > ( fowl wiliri ' ' ' " ' " ' " r"it.ni1l0 ( i1iP fi n IMi n fen neen anil liuext * .00 ( > Room ' . III Murk Rxrli hlily Chit " JH . iT ir01'"WANT A ( . ( KIP 1'AVINO J H WIUTK J1 the Hawk * Mirsery To. Mllvvrtnken , 1 } SOuic'ITOI .TKAMS KUItSlSlinil. 15XTRA MtmylrtiiienvvUli rlifs. American Wrlnifcr Co. KIOIi JlortJnim _ ] . . 1) AT LAST \VlT ! IAVi5 IT-ArTIVI ! WORK ,1 > ers wnntMl eierv where to nkn onlorn for ' " < hcmr Wurld'H Fair Plinloirraplirrt onlv book of cOpjrlKhtid photoKr iplm of bnlldhiKH HCVIICH nnd exV.lblla Trenicnihius d.dlv milen lK.nan/a forvorkin * d-oll eierithlnir and h inilli-Ms Jou w 1)1 ) mnkr nionev fast bl eominlBMlonsi ij'ujf "JJ ; , iliJiVB ; ; ! : , IMjiV.r } . , iioutbHT.w/ ! ! ! : ! , [ . n ! ! penHorn nt Chleairo , III. , or 7S.M rll < * tmil nl , IMilli fa. M.IH 'JH * _ D TIIK jniiiiA"mrv" ? ( tJAnANTr.K SAVINOI 1 > an < l liiveHliiu id ci.inpmv wnnts a fdvv j-entle- iiu n of Bond aililn-HS lo net HH Hollcllora Applv at KHiniH ! ! ! ! nnd V.I lotiKln block M.HIil i > wATfki ) AOOOUTirTniKit KoTt STKAHV llwoik , KiM.il . \\.I IH Will bo ir twi llemel > ll ka Ord. Ni b. 1 _ _ _ _ _ - _ T > . IVANl'lTl ) , A lll.tl MAS TO TAK15 I nil' for ( letsltrs ni ul li'ilicho wi'Moillv nnil ailjolaluir trrrllory Ono n linuto fie ilriiir tnuln | ir r rreil Slate ex- Ii rhn-e and r-fer'iice Aililross Max ( lewder , 3n l\ianlc"i' . WM | > ' " ' ' - * * ' _ 1 > "wNTKI ) ' 10 SALKSMKN TO CAHUY SIDK I ) | lui of oni | i | iiiliir rlifiii-H and place B implii loin v'di prenilniiiH IIIB I U lxl < ' ' * " < ° . } V. " " hion NO M..I.1 ; 'S' _ _ _ } > 110V 1 G VK AllS OlTl ) TOftr.KAN Ul STOUlI 1 > Call nt ' - ' ! N Kith Hlm-t | fia > 'Jll * _ _ i ) IVAN'rill ) ' TIIKKKiOOj ( ) IHISTIiKRS OOOR Jlpiii to ilwht'nien I'bmuulli llock 1'inlHro , ] 1'jl ! r-iruain ntic i-l * " " " _ i" _ _ ! TT"llANTii : > . M1JN TO TRAVKU riOJO * lop. I > ler , niontli Stone. A Wellliitflim M iillHini Mbi " ' T ri'TTlmi"wANTKiroNi'rwiiirwii.t. WORK Jim tailor , and who h m vvoiUed on rendy niiilo clothlnir sfnOOO p r innntli. Hleulv ciiiiilovnieiit AdilicHHlock IloK.r > Rwl Oik l.i M. i'J 'J < ' 1) WANTKP ATlAN'wnJM't'SH 10 INTRO- I Muni an Jirlhle nnioiw nieich HUH and Hllhi- ! in , M In Oiniili i and everv ellv and town In Ne- briHltiand HUrrouiullin , ' HiiteH p iv H W 00 per il.u tellH on Klsht noionipetliloii AildreHS wllli Hiamp AniLr life Co J l Knti Ntn < I IMi | i'1. 1'u , WANTEB JIELP. natoB IWcaiiTinlllmtliiHertlon le i word lliero- nfti " r Nolhlns taktn for less jh-mUjig 7T"lV.\NTKiriTADIKS AND ( UINTMIMIIN WR V will tm inn t.l wfl'-'l" r wii-k In do Htrlctly lionie work for im at Mini honu H NooiniaHHiiiir Si nil Hi-lf-jililn Bwsli im lop" lofi 1' Kinnioim A. ( . o U uterj mail h.anil Water stroi t . llostotuM IBS. 7tvANTiui. . onir. roii oi'.NnuAi.lioy.sK- V work Apply'J 17 Dodg" ' atreet ? ! ' , ' - 7i ii'-urrKpTaoouT-'oDK MUST HAVIJRKP- V en IIOI-H Mrs IV WMarsh Hth md I'lii .jiw iMHtnt lliovviiell Inll. iL ! " _ _ _ _ / "WANTKD oiui. TO IIAUN : TIM : MIL- v Ilin-ry trails JIrs II C JIosos. .101 b UUi. FOR ( SIJNMRAI. HOUSKIVOUK. 12218 V r.iHHHlroil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TMWANTIA : ) ( ! ( > o nmi. roit HOIJSK I. vvork Iminlie'J'JOII Dodiru filll ! i < _ /-i--ciRr7"Fou ( } iNrHAi. : HOPSHWOKK IN V 'Hiuall family. I IH I'.uk Wild avenno _ _ O-WANTED rtVK YOUNCS LADIKS AND Til O VVMMIIIK niijii lo Ji > lii thuatrKal IIIIIIIMII\ . Address SHI , lleo. M.iOH iii * KENT HOUSES. Rilea , inc.a llni ) etch iiiHi-illon , f I.10 ! i llnoper , l inontli. Notldui : taken for less tliaii'j.Ki. TV HOIJSKS IN AI.L t'AUTS OP TIM : 01TY. L 'Tho O. V , I ) iv In co up my. 1 .in V irnini SHU \ -A AND 4-UOOM Al-AUT-MKNTd. VONUORN lc , with Hteam : lefuienc.'s , SKI Sii'-'d _ llH | nroll HUNT. 7-UOOM MOD1JRN IT , AT LiniKD block HOI ) s l.llbBU 5SS ( T ROOM MODKRN. OIIOIOK. IN Slai nfonlClioliJ 0J iiidl'r.Jl : ) IIu \i\\s \ \ \ 1 \ s HOOM irotiti : N NKAH IIUSI- J neHH , nut moderite JO I ! ! oo bnllilli ) ! ? .VMI Oil-ROOM COTTAOi : AIAO I Oil (1 ( „ nlHliisl reoniH. all nioileni l iiitlfid lawn and nil ule N 12 cur - ' 'd mid Ml mil ulieeis 111 DLIHT VOPU liTiN'rAiTT'Roi'i'RTY 'WITH II J Kemlill ,107 HiovMi hliU- Stores llalH md i vv inted alloii'i thediv M7II-JJ \ 7 itooji Ki7AT MoniiitN roNViNiixc : : i2s I'llOUII 10VMI Illl'lllOlli * 'OIIO. IllferullCOS 10- nilrwl WrlRlil . ' - I.isbnry , lUtli and lloH.inl ROOM i2Tiinn ( HOUS12 n.vvr I-'BONT. erinui axe . 1 lU'o J.uil , il--'O 0(1 ( Wilslil A. _ 7\ ' TWO 0 BOOM 1IB1IJK HOHSK < l.ll I 1'ABK J .itennii fii InII inseoin lurk insuH iinH.hanl- \\.riidtliilKh . Ilist el.iHH inoiUrinonvoileiiceH , lu- in nt lllf. . South Tlilitj-Hi.iomlot J M. BIch.iriiH. DFLAT 71tOMi > BANOi : AND \LL OTHKR loiueulenees. In BOO I uwilltlou W"i call at Htoie 701 S Kith Ml. at 10 a in Oeorire Clonser i A Ni iT ' ruBN wTiKirBK' n > iNPK'i : XIAO /iiiifnnilHlieil Hi fei euee IVelHlnns Au-eiiri , R tl Wllhnidl oik , M l-'l ) ( IIS _ I\ I ROOMWOl'TKJK , 2.ID AND CLARK IN Jl iiulre 1T , ' I J u khon ' " " ! nPr.SIKAllI.l ! MIOOM COl'TAiiK , SIOPKRN linptovinienlH sld 'Mjuth L''d Htrecl M.lsj IA MOPIJJ'.N H RliliM HOIJSK NI5A11 I1KJ1I J'hdiool .1 r lliiloii ' . ' 111(1 ( L'apltol an HUD till iiit' .Muarri'Froi.'ivBNiiK 7-ROJiicopr.ioK. "t \ ROOM HiH'SK. ' 1.I1A C'ASS ST. _ _ _ _ _ DWU IKN ] ' M ROOM imusi : , ni''i CAHS- modern W N N.IHOII , Itooni 111 Ho ml of Tiaile _ MUM ' . ' 7 DO HO Ul MOUKltN HOtlsn .IJIOCASS KX i. limit i'i' ill' nlcit ueUhboi'iool eheip H > l-ooil l-iii nil t : A Northnp , Tix Dopiit'iu nt n A. M i nHv iv nOS . ' ' _ _ I \ til II riM l7oiW:7 ALL MOJKICN I'ONVP.N- J'leit.eti. il.'l'u Snilh ItUh HtioiH. M I " 7 * nroii iuxi' : " : i-iToml' rrorisK" I-IIHH oiler oin and elHiini w mi f IJ " Ui. jinIKKJM corrACK i-irv w.i'U'.K. i vv er U.-L' . ill I..S Illlhiitieit Rufeu iicen HiiM.xd 11 h' IhillM V.'O.S ITtliMlixit .M.-.ll . ' ne ) TrAUK A Utr ( ViNVI.Mr.M l.s > "Tir.J T niixleratii. Now fill lilshlni.fm h lie , pirl ejnh uhaiicn d > lA'k'ln honsuKi uilin | : AddiiutH h o , lUt- MSH''U' KIR IlKN tXIl'N n-RODM llnl'si : . NO lU'J S H.'nil Hlivtl furnaee Kith tie * 10 00 , i Icht room | IIIII > KI No : I.'I1J I'l.pplelon avenue. iiituli lMX- ! . ' ' i 0 llti'li H ItuilKHlain Ak-eney OlliJ7 1'Olt H. . . T 1'UJfWlSH.ul ) BOOMS. l ' "ur lllmt limi'ttlun li a winiliUi.io nfur i for Kwa than . ' iv E K1CKI Y Kl'lt.Vls-IIHP Slinil KltfiN'l omit , nuliiii lonvenUiiien > > rlial > - fnnlly 014 hiirlh.MM Mill 1. Klil-'Jh * 7 > Kt'llNlSlIl U ( lit I'.NniKMblll.ilUUW. \ \ . -ivic.iTiii nil imlu of i Ilk Kouni Keniiiinni IIDIH r lli > i iilui/otililj JHIIi inn ! U-j'liri u'l'JVH' J'jllnriey I ' 'HOi [ II fl _ T ? NltKliY PilBNIslun I'BOh't I'.OOM I"F < ) I Ijruil. All viiiiveiiluiuuu lli'xt liv iilii. 1)7 ) Somli.'iUiHllitt M I''T -1' _ _ _ 1 ? ( llt M N f , xJmif4Y TtMlNl < illiO : UO > .M J.pn at il II ) , lilo OallfiHi.lii-triel Vu OO.\irTtl'iT7TJJa ! ( TAlir - ) L > . _ Jtd.io.sio * Envo . 1 IIKD j ( Tin in no j i.i.soml. vi.tli . Mri.'i. M | in i7 ii.i : % " llijltt. B3AKD. ' . ' ! ! N > nTll'5T J , " M ; i : itxunu UK OP Jliiu. ! Ill S. IllHU SC4 l IIKD Ul. ' .nil ttUh.'uumAllli ' ' .o. I 'llio Alli .N . ' .M i V FUBNISIIED BOOM.3 AND BOAB1 > _ y * ROOMS AND IK ) AIU ) * i ! WKKK OW s'l L - . : i 7ol.- . > _ _ _ ? TWO 1'LKAHANT BOOM1 ? . WITH IKWU 'sSIODmlire. _ Jt.o ' 'il 1A SOUTH HOOMS WITH nOABD. y § i ? NKinY"nmNTsnBiT7to < TiiTwrrii noAiii ) J at Iho llVlmler AIO. MH.tml Ditll North UlthM | 7 FOR BKNT NKV.I/r KHllNISHEIl PKONT J'POIII wlthaleore. MSJ IlrsKlass b-jml. yU SI Mnrj'H Are M' ' l " " ' _ _ l ' Nirnt.Y PUBNISHKD ItOOMl MODKKN J'l-onvenlenccs Iloinl If deoliisl 10 * . H 2..lh iMi'iiuc Mn'Jl ' - ' i ' "NF.WLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH TIOitn P IT-JO Dodir < ! M147 ' - ' " t ' : FmtNISHKO ROOMS HOMK TAIII.K lll'Jl 1' p.iniuni .1(10 ( ' - " FOB. RENT UNFURNISH'D KOOMS Riles Ikn in unl first In vrlton le a wor.l tin 'li l .N'otmiiir taken for lost thin l ! . c. /"i TO BKVT t tm't'RNlSHKU BOOMS V'OB VJllirht hunsikoi'iilnic 210S Donijlas Refer i' Hlllred. | filK 27 * FOB BEiNT SrOlttS AND OFFICES. Bilis localliinetch Insfirtlou SI SO a line month Nollilin ; I iken for less linn ' 'Ic I -rOBUKNT TIin- , Inill Kuril imitt The biilldlnif II.IH a n reproof ee- liu nl Insftni'iit eonililele Hteun-lieilln , ' llxtiirjis wall ron all Iho lloooi , Bim. etc Apply at Ilif-oniuu df The Hee I' ' " ' _ _ _ TOB BKNT. OPPIPB Sl'ACK ON OUOttNl ) I floor nt Y'UJ Knmnni Htri-et MO.'S I WK IIA VK SPACB TO t.KT FOR DKSK ROOM I to HoiiiiilLslrahlo I"/ , , .Ca'LVr ' ! ! llllr' " " , WjekolT Scinruis .V Ht-iiwllct , 171' idreel Om ilia Neb r.ill i KLKGANT NIW STORKS ON IHTH NKAR lllovvaitl , Hi.lendld loeitlon for clirani anil i-oii- f.cllimervelds' ( furnlshl iirs or am irooil line : also ( -iiixl llKht b mi inent WUght .V Lanotir ( i sioiti : . jui.s. if. inr. : FARNAM.V n VRNKY 1 M ir.r. .to * ITO T.AIKU5 OR SMALT. MANUFACTITUlIRs" I Pi ) V oil want floor HP ice where lonrltem of tent will be lerv cheap' Kleiraut llirbt and eUcllle power e in be arniKiil l.ix'itlou. S W cur HUM anil PmitrlaHHtH AnliK to ( llobe Loin mid Triml Co airenlM Illlll and Poilife fit'- ' ' . ' AQENTd WANTED. Rales lOca line eich Insertion , $1 f.O l lno | per nonth Notlilnp I ikui for less than . * o. i ACIINTS : WANTKII WKUUARANTKKYOU > can make f'Ti oo to f'JSO oo a month working forimln anv locality will piv Hal irj orcommls- Hlon im preferred , and expenses. Money depoHlted In bink to t'OMTHiniL when M.uti-d If > ouan3 out of work we h rte nomethlnir entlrelj new to oiTer.andlf vouvvlll follow our liiHlnictloiiH lour mieiess Is HIIIT The people vv 111 h un our irooclH no miller how ham llm ilnien Ills ? Hiles reported everywhere All n qnltiHl of vou In a little pluck and pimli. W furnish mmplo otittltH free. Write ted i.v foi parllcnliu-s before all valmblo ter- rllorv IH t lUen AildreHi "Minufrclurerrt. " 1' O. boxAllOS lloHtoo MIHH M080 Oil * I - A015NTTVANTKn Mmr.S OR OKNTIjK- ' ' men. to Introdnie and eimtrol the H.ile of the pilenlisl Nivv Moon embroidery and dirnlmr i Ini ; A new Inveiilloii for dohu- all Hinds of fane work and mendlnc by hand or niielilne ropvilifhtul book of lUHt.iutloiiH for IIHO oil llio Hew Inir inaililno free with onler Liberal commlH- Hlous Hilda cleu held banuili ) rlnff bv in ill and full pulkulirH for 'J.T cuitH. The Ohio NnveltJ Co II 1 Cincinnati O MI1K tlli * l"A ( iNTS WANl'KP STATK AND LOCAL TO lw'11 llexlhlu ahimlniim shoe Holes : ciialest ' Bellini , ' iioveltj of nierll ever luvi'nleil. Double the ! weal of leathei Tin prices addrrsH wltliHlamp Aiimilnnm ohoeSolL Co Canton , Ohio M..l.l ! . ' " * WANTED TO KENT. Riles ( ) ( allnoe.mh liisL-rtlQii , $ l..r.0.i lluo per month Nothing taken for luss th'in 2 .c. K-WANrun , NIUR HANSrOM 1'ABK KUB- nlHlied lioitMUUl 8 or 11 rooma Kamtlr of three. 85 , Hue MBOl 27 * r WANTKD J1OVRD AND ROOM IN 1MIIVATK -Vf.imlh In 1011111 ; man ntli'iiillntr CrelKhton Jkilli.il college ; loc.itlon lie ir the colleenpru- ftrrul Pr C H Lllllo Norfolk Neb Mr.-.M i8 -WANTKD. TWO LAIK.K. 1'LRASANT UN- fuinlHliiil rooniHeentiall > localiil. MiinJIiivo Hti IMI heal anil R.in. AddrousS 15 , Ilco olllc _ SrOBAGE. IliteH , Klo.i llnoi'ich lusortloii , f 1 50 .1 line per month. NotliluirUkuii fur IUHH than 2uu. . .bTOBAOk > wiLUAJlsrCBOt > S..lJl ! t IIABNBY _ J 6115 lUsToiiAOE pyH noiMnnoLD OOODS , lU clcan and cheap rates It. Wello.llll r.irnini. 0 WANTED TO BUY. VT-WANTKU. FOR CASH , A GOOD llAUIIKil l > chati : rovolvlnif tlialr preferred , xtatlni ; piluu. AililruhM K. Poulltncr , Kort Oniah l pontolllc'e J1T.J7 US * Xr-WANTKD. A LAROK SIZK STKWABT 1 > boater O U. Woodworth & . Co , 1U1U Karn.iii treet. OIIL'J7 FOB SALE FUBN1TUBE. iuin Ike a wordllrst Insertion , lc i worJ thorj- aftei. Notlilmr taWen fo" less tli Ul ' . ' . "o. 0-rOU RKNT OH SALK , 1IKST MAKK HP- rlithl pl mo liuiulrj roe n Ma , First Ration il b ink bnllillii ? . 'J- . 0sTovis ; or ATTL 'KINDS GOOD AS NKW WellH Auction Co 1111 1'n n nil Ht 110 10rc FOB SALE HOKSKS , WAGONS.KTC ItateH l .e.i wonl tlrst hiseitlon. lc iworlthcr after Nothing taken for less than JJ'Jc pKoisA : c u- . 1 IiuiuhvatlOll fiiiiilnMlivot JISS1 SALE Hates IJ'ic a wonl llrstlnsuniim.1i' l wonltliorj- afli i NollihiR t ikon for teHS tlim Jlc. _ " n ? ou SAL. ! : A"uuo 07 , VTK ) N s7/ai IHIUNS- Wwli It A. II llko bill ! ml tiibic , ricki.iien and b ills K\erjthl ( f In lirat-cUHH HU.UIO. AddiobU N 'Jl. llw _ MIM ) . QFOR SALT. IPB IN CAR Lofb III OH S.iip | block Coiuu'll Hlutti M7fi70J _ fKOR SALK GOOD SKCONII HAND KI'B- Wnaee Ivi ettliiKle sells b miens , Ooildjnl pli lelon leather lop ) , line road vv.ii.-on. R C I'atlirHon , ' _ ' . " . Itainirii block. ' _ ' _ _ , _ _ jl' " ' _ CALK.R ii'H : HAS Wlltle HSOJ ( AilditHsljlill Hie _ 1.1.1 _ 2II _ , ONK L\Rf/K IIliAT12B ONK iXHtiel i.intro , b'uuil an IMJW , Innulro 222H Sprneo lle.it. a 1.1 27 "V- BROOM CORN FOB SALK. .1 CAB LO IDS , Voxlia line , now , ' ! injeli cliolto hurl h J llild- vln , Semea , Kan M571 1 * M IS 0.3 L L A. N liO US. KFOIl BKNT GOOD 1IA11N , nil N 22ND 4 | n el Inmilro room uOO N Y Life A ( ' Wakidej M.'ill ? 2l ! * CLAIBVOYANTS. Baten lOc a Unite lull Insurtlun ift'.Oa line pur niontli Nothlni ; t iken fin lens th in - ' . " < , ) UiiHlneHH medium , r.llijL.irui llll N Hitb. filll MAtSSAGiJ. R.iieH loun llnoiMPh Insertion * 1 SO 11 no p-r niontli Nuthiiitikun foi luts th til y..e fl'-MJIK CARbON , ll''t UOIJOLA3"sTniKT.Tl : ) 1 lloor. ivoiu 7 iiiansaso. alouhu vi .nil Nil bull is. Ml I.-i 2f ! 'I'V-MMK. STOWK , MAUXKl'IU IIKAI-KR 201 1 Dou.-I.isjdwk _ M.HII'OI' ' V-AIAIIAMBSMITH , MJ.'B 1 ITII 2NDPLOOB , I Hoom. I Miui .i.'o , vapor , Jcohol mi-im Nidphnr- iie uud aoa uatha in 170 211 * _ .PEBSONAL. Bates 10u a linn iue.li Insin IKin. * 1..H ) a lluo per onth Kothiiiff Ukeu for Icsj th in ' . ' "o. : \TMKST , K ni il luliiH , no ilpaud lulr treatment , mmlunio hl .lltluji. IStli.Wllhuull hlk .V.lit IAD1KSKOR lo intuxlneii imr 'i.iMls we will Mini > on. i'liaries i > ild. fer ono dollar In imim > > nr iWHt.il note inir Tull tl' < > iiipanl'ui"i.u > iiulnln.-i'neihizeu t'holeo urilrleH aHHOited for Ihu toilet Addict ! * Ohio I'urul in Toilet Co. , aveati louk IKIX Ol. > Tuliilu , f _ _ _ U' > 'UKD , " 'Il7liii : TIIRl'.K 'UM KS TO ilIK joi Wb ) thiiKnu. Blliiiicn' ItopK Kiln nut of- fi nilcit AddriHKmo "old plnei. " for ( X-lubtrv Koolt fnrme JIik" M..J.27' MONfcV TO ESTATE. \\r-Ali'I.iT 'A ) 1 > IV IT il TlitiO. V Uivlni : . . l.'il.M-.i nitxil. litll A\f jwUUO * ) T' ) l..Mlilil ( TO LOU. I TO .T > > ji arson hnprcved ( inihi ri'ili.tt IUM.I Mm H hi _ \ \ jo.vHY'jiioANv r/ni I'sr ui'Ks ox l'i.iixvc | l nnd iuiiu ( mi i l Om iliii-i'il ; exiati',1 to f. M arn rUliillly Tfimt I livll'1 W"MAXii iiJTlMl'iUJVl.'U in'Kii _ i ou > | ) minrii tiM.iaU uiivvanlt. m II.T e.tiiliii.ik > l o IV I ' .inu n iiiltli vriuinl \i " \J liDUm " . Aill.ulV | ll.lli lke. | fn-l | .Vail , ' J .1 r.l t.i.i..Oj . - . . .Oj _ \\r i'i HON v iT.\V" II LIff , lends. U luv > r.ltin ( ur chuk' < il l > on Ntl.ris fiuu u.i'rOiaiu illy | .ii > ihrty. ' j i I.O.I iTAiTE li in , linii ; line , .Vl.ruvn llioaiil Itulk * , to u-1. ui'ir.u. : v : i ii" jo _ MONECHATTELS. _ . Bntrs. lOoallnoovh liHortlon. $1 SO ft line i muni It Notlilnsf lateen for less thin ate X-DO YOU WANT MONKY ? : : Wo x lll loin yo l ANY SUM vonwIMi on vonr . FIJRNITURK , PIANOS NORSK * . WAOON3 , ' CARRIAOKS , WARKHOITSK RKCKIPTS , ote We plio pninipt attention lo nil ippllcitlons , nnd w 111 c irrv your loin-is lonz nsjou vvJsh Youennrulucothe coslof eirrvltiir vo ir lo'it ' hr n pivnicnt at any llnio. Thcro Is no publicity or removal of prop"itv. . . _ F1DKLITY LOAN (1UARANTKK CO . : Room 4. WRhnell block , f0l ! Cor luth anil Hiirni-y ts _ V-MONKY TO LOAN- .A. We iv 111 loin > ou any mini which von wish , trtnillorliriri' alldi- lowest pnsslhlnrups , In thu nnlckent po dbli'tlmo , and for any lenirtli of tlitii tOHidtyoii Youcinpivlt bick In nncli Instill- iiiintH as vou wish , when you wish , aim onlv pay for It is lonir as you keep It You c in borrow ° " HOIWIIIOLO FUHNtTURK AND PIANOS , IIOIISKS. WAOONS AND rARlHAOKS WARKHOUSK RKOKIPW. MKRCIIANDISH OR ANYOTHKR SKCUKITY , Without imtillrllv or rmnoval of pniporty. OMAHA MORTOAdK T/UNOO. ,1011 SOUTH KITH STRKKV , llrsl tloor above thn Htr , > e.l , TIIKOLPKST LAHOKST ANPONI.Y INPORPOR- ATKII LOAN COMPVNY IN OMAHA V -WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OP HIJ- Acitriiv : strictly conndenllil. A II H irrlR , room 1 Continent il block 007 v "MONHY TO LOAII ON CMIATTIH AT AiiiiHler.itnralcfl AlilressS H.llee. MIWl : ! BUSINESS CHANCES. U-vloH. lOc a line eich Insjrllon. tl.BH a line per month. Nothing t ikon for less th in ' .He. Y CHANOK3 1IOX H71 , HIIKNANDOAII. IA . fi I7H27 * Y"WANTHII noon INIUOKTIO : : PHVSICIAN Address Lock Ito71. . Ilortraml Nub II Y-FOH ilKNTPTA IIAKHU Y SHOP , OLD STAND No. till ) North 10th ntrcet Apply to JUH Ileil- inan * JIH8I V-ONK OPTIIK IIKST AND DKST MX ! AT K11 1 hardware stores in thu Ht Ho foi Bile. Aililress 0 1 > " ' OHI ill i lit r J'1' " ' „ V rcmuKsi'ONnKNCK HOLIOITKD WITH 1 liirtltH hailiiir llvn to ti < n thousiml doll irn Ilii lneKs d Mlrable and limy osfibllHheil Morn eaplt it nieiled Address In Htrlel uonlUlcnro. CJ S. Ilee MS.IH 010' Y-KOU INVKSTOUS FOR SALK , IN DRY ( -oods Htore dolnc alm'rt business 111 Lincoln Ni'li , a till of lin.lMH ) population. A lev , at tliu best di p irtini'iitH tliu tleparlmetitH ilolnir a ROOI ! anil protllabli'business The Block will ln\olct > about M ( Mll ) till III each U'P utnienl For further p irtlc- iilnrn , address John II Cumilneh.itn , Lincoln Neb M.'HT V WANTKD , FIUST-CLAS3 1'llYSICIAN TO JL tiikeihariroof medic d InHtllutu Adilress Pr K Anilemon Pea Molni-H l. > Mltt.1 'Jrf * -$4,00(100 ( rmtlHlASKSIlSTAtlMMlKU , ponnil cish biiHln-HS In Mlmioipolls Unties plc.ii.mt Hlnillir to t-otel oniio Not promt yearb.t. ! 01)11 ) 00ill toiiHldoi Hto-K of met- iliamilw peed niortc.wt or clo ir roiltv at actinl i.udi vilito. An Immeill ite llinroueh invoilliratlon HnlIilU.il II K Johnson , -107 Nlcollet aretme. llnno.ii.olH , Minn. M ISH O 1 V WANTKD. PAUTY WITH $ . ' .000 00 TO L * ooo 00 c.iHli or irootl HwnrlllOH to t ike li ilf iiti-n-Ht In the in innfactiiro iif.istlplo pilenti-il irlleleMiidlin ; IIIU per tint prollt thuruiiKliU In- rixlnccil 'pirtdc1 - to ieiiio\i < to Omaha and ulaivu bimlnoHH Atlilnss a 7 , c.iru Hue. M5.IO i ! V-IN TKMPOUAUY QI'AKTKIIS. IIAV1NK 1 opciuil.i teinpor.ir } onit" ' for the steams V'nilt Lind coinpnnx of I'ortluul Ore at the ruoniH of [ ( . V SliokH C'o First N.itlon.il bulk bnllillni ; I hall lH.'jrliit tomi all who ileHlio Inform.ilion In t'frinl to the OrpRon and WiiHlilnetoii coiintri Will ! at the ofllcifiom II a in to 5 P n > . , anil from T p in to t ) p m il lilv U'onld llko to meet , t fanner man who Iris niailo come HI cce"H for hlniKolf and hiH Home meaim and H ix'idj loco to the 1'ai-lflc eo.iHl who would take clinrm * of openlni ; a fi nit fal m for us w IIOBO w ife woulilliowlIlliiKtuboiiilfiiim 10 to'-0 h mils feA mtlHf ittorv an iniremuntwlll bo in ide with nucha i man on I Htralclil Inmlmis biHlt He iniHthaNo at IO.IHI J..OOO available capital. D II. Stoirns ' i. room 1 , Flrxt N itlon.il b ink hnlldlnp , cltj OIK < ' A HOME AND AN 1NCOMK. HOW YOU . m.iyrctlt In the Orejron and WaoliliiBton conn- trCill.it otlkeof D V SlioU"Oo , room 1 , I'llMt Nation il bink bldtr. Steinia Fruit L mil Co nlof I'oitland Ore- . / 04'J rr-FoUSALK nARIIKIt SIIO1 * FOIl GASH ; IN 1 central Nobi i ka ; unlck. Aildictu S IS. lleo olflcc. MB7.I ! V-WANTHD TO I1UY A STOCK OFfiKNKUAL 1 murcli uiillBi'j about $ . ' ,500 00 Hloik , In e mlern Nebraska. Will p ijhalf t.iHh and nccnro balance \\ltliliiul Want an t tabllHht.d bUHlneHs. Ail- rtresBS 11. lleo. JIC'71J7' FOB EXCHANGE. Rates , lOc a line each limprtlon , $ l.f > 0 n line per onth. Nothln. takc-ii for IUHH thJn a.'c. Z I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA KANSAS and P-ikola. Will Hjjjl cheap or exch itiifu for iiutae. , horaus and calllo Add. box TO , Fraukfoi t. forml ( HI rCLKAN STOCK Ol' dKNlMUL MDSK. WILL real estate , money. ISoi a',13 , Fr.uiKfort. Intl 1 : HANOI ! TOT11AUU.507 1IUOWN I1LUO j M7I-J-OJ V WILL TRADK KINK KQUITY OF $4,500 ooh /Jin Slot , coiner , iinliiipro * oil. In Denver , Cole . foreleirl unl in icntral oi-caateni Nebraska Al iHO tle.ir lotB anil acn'Kfu at Manltou , Cole S .1 UkhanlH Ilo-c 101 , Ueiner Cole MiitUl-Oll. ' r/ - FOIl KSCHANOK - C R\H NEIIHASKA fJ land'\\antlioi-senoi cittle. Ilex DKI ) . Shenan- iloah 11 1 in'ji' r/ WAN TKD OALIFOHNIA FOIl OMAHA P11O1'- fJ > uj. tnefer land nc.ir Hull milH C 1' . liar rlson till ! N V Life. f 17 Ii7- rFOlt SM.K OH THAUK. (110 ( ACIUIS 1INIM- /Jpiinul land pond forHtuck farm , supplied with water from a lame Hprlnir. Hum inlliH fiiiui i i ( ulinlN Heal , woith * ( > 00 per iU'le. IncHiiibi.HKO $1.dim nil Will Hade foruli } proix itj or Hell on IMH > lenim AddrcsH J. II , lock oo0 , cll.\ fi 11 17 ! V FINK IMl'KOVKD STOCK FAltM OF 1 Mill ( 'JaeieH foi a Hlock of niiiih inilluu. Ariilri'mtSH , Jli-o. Mfl.M 17' ! ( /-LAND IN NKIIHASKA TO KXCHANOK FOIl /-/food ' hoi HI.H aiul part c.iHli Aildresi llix 7.11 , l'i iMiiont.Neb Mftiai ! V--iuAiiTiKij. : HISIDKNCK'IN : SANTA /Jbiral'il , for Oiuah i piopeity C V HanlHon , 01 U N Y Life fifil-liH- f/ WILL KXCHANOK CLKAH LAND FOH /JiiiurlhaiKllNu Ikjx ! ) , ' > , Ilnnvell Neb. Neb.MB70 MB70 a SECURITIES 2TOK SALK. RatiH Idea llniieach hiHerllon , $1 . ' . ( la line jKir month Nothlni ; taUc.ii for less tli m 'J..c ' < oiiDof tbo bi'Hl pruix.1 lies on I iivvii aveuini.all In eh irant Hh Ipc. 117 fi el front , wllh eviiythln ; loiiipkte Ithi ) hoiiHii and biriialono eosthu' * 1H.- ooo 00) ) at a iiiito low i nouijli to jiiHtlfyapuiuli isj bolelyanau fnvihtnient It IH tin ) beHt propertv hi Om th l for tlm iiiouuv Look It over Inslilo and out limpid It cloudy It vv 111 bu Hold at a iriiMt B icrltlco TlilH Is an uppnr- liniltj ofjonrllfDlotret ono of HID ino t huintlfiil leHldtnu Hin Omaha for lews thin DO pur tout of llH.Utll II LOHt. Call and wu will Hhow vou this prop-rtv with plc.lbiiru. GLOIIB LOAN A'I RUSI'JO. ItUh and Mild niRII ( UlAUK OMAHA CITY MOHTIJAOi : ? . neltlnv puivlMHeiH irood r.itn of Intel i'st Hums of f ioml 00 up for Hilo by ( ilulu Loin A. Tmst Co , lUtli cV Dodk'U , Om.ih i I'aitlcnl u-i on appiicatlnii 111 .ihHoliiUil ) hire. AmoB lloil Jiil Uu gency 11117 Fariiam ill I C HOICK 1ST MOKTflAKKS. ANY AMOUNT. d. i ; Wallace , III own blook , lOlh ami UuitirluH , FOR SALE BE AL ESTATE. Hatex , llle a HllHiMi'li liiHoitlon , * l.flO a line l per liionlh Nollilu. taken for ICHH Hi in USc. iAHiAINh ( HOUSKS > oi Irado. I' K. Dariln. H irk < -r bill MH1 8 00 AUUKciOOU PAUI LAND ' 1YH HALK AT lowpilcoor t'xcli.iiu-o , In Nibi.tBki for mur- ch.uullho or IIOIKUS ( i II I'clcM son , IH2 S l.lth Ht ' /OH SALK. AN KLKGANT fl UOMM CUTIAdK I iimlirnod lol on iiui > l hlii'd , pixliis anil HIIUIT I.IXI-H all p lid , fill Oil dortii. * 'JIMKi mouth ( In- eliiitlin. InUTiuit ) will t iko lliltti-muilui ) iiap Wailer - ler ( I'l irk 11 ! I M Hariiev Htiec.1 M'Jl' ' " _ _ _ VK\v"il.AHlii:3-HOOM : HiJU.SK , WIDlA'OHCH , 1 > cuiMiintiil cellar and tintlioiiMM with lot , * 1MIIHU > r'ournlun loia ,1lMrj7 ( fact oich hil ( liloik fivm HtKft rilU\ay neil Ivun.ilro 1'laeo , l IIIUIDOU ICll , OlllUl U'Hllll'll ? ! ] Illlll mitlllKS ) lUtb e.iiiallyeh | ap Writ' ) inn or call at roe n .Kill , l'ix tuu block , i-i > _ J , T. M il..W Old 1/AHM L\Nlt. CJ , K HAjiHlSON 111' ' N V I.1PK ' ' IOK SAI.I : NICKLY FIIRNLSIIKD UOUSK 7)F .1 rooniH. lioiiHD h ni.ill inoilurn iM.uviulinuL'H , nhii l.arn , 10110(1 ( feet b ) 171. ( Mil alIll'M Ham ilton. * " -1,1.1. ( ILIOANT : : VKLI.CONSTRIIOTKP"ALL MOD- leriU'iiiUk'CU , ju l tlnlbhisl atiuuih Hlh and Han- i u.ft ulit i-ih. I h , blocks fru n boatii Omnha iniiu.r at l.hu and Vliitini Htris tx. iJJl.l ? ' b } 113 IM11 1.din HIII ill payment balance lo suit lit i.ly per . ml. Sit. ovviiir K. Loruuz n , il.'J South lull hlixi'l. MMJ'J' 80 ACRKb OF FlNrr Mmr lN LODiK ( Pule. Chvyt line Co Neb - ' > ' * , , fui- , , . 'i0il elu r anil warranty ' dieilulvini Addieb > > 0 , r. . 1.O box 07' ' , I'l.o-nljt ArlzT. _ Mfl.U ' 'H' fJ'ROOJJ COTTAKK AHD-LOTJIUMO | liiOOOO ' , u-rvhiin ott.iifu , lot : iIUiO.l.6l ( > 0 worthtUniblu. 8-ruuiu luoOiirn lioutu' . cuoi ! Uirn well | nc iliil wiirtlt fl.ioiiod o.iHj Yon ran luuo It I fur * J.Miu on , Cuiiitj anil * < ! ti ux H , K. Colu C'o. MS37 1 r.'OR SALK ATTRACT ! Vrt HOMK. VK'.IY A cliuaii. bvu ftio , VV , f , tV-lc. , U I'-lor on lilK. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. r > AHOAINS IK VACAN01 ROTS , Nice rrHldoncn lot near fl7m anil worth , welt loCJkil J . $1,000 rtenntlrttl lot jipir Hitif : < ci > m 'pirX. ' clo o lo p.-irlltiiMi-iT liilrpfUc.tffiU . 200 Lireo Roiilh front lot. Ofl VTIfict / , nc.ir the pirk . , , . . . , . „ - , . . . . . . . . . . l.VKM ) Corner lot.'iid and WoolW rtnifiel'iiK mmtii nn IlniiNcom pirk . .Jl 4i , > 0 Nice residence lotm'nrHlH Kml . . . < * . , 2 , ' . ' . > 0 1IARUAIN9 IN IIOI'SKS.1 Hindsonin H-rooni IioimK lirar anil Popjilpton airnue , noiitli front . . . . H.mio MiMlem H-rooni benne , near Ilnnnconi pirk , Hplenilld location . . . , . > 'A 0..00 Ilrlck and frame cottnce. near Hist and Pa- illlc elciriiilly finished ' . . . . . . . . 7.200 New lo-room house , all modem Improit" ini-iil * near mn-H'Oin pirki - . . . 8.500 Klecant modem-built houxe. lo rooms cor Mlstaml I'acllle electric llcht etc n.noo IURHAINS IN COTTAOP.S Fh e-room collage and lot , Josl went of the ell } limits. i 050 Six-room otti < ? e. near HI Hi and Paclllc , Hplendhl resilience nelffhlwrhood . . . . 1000 Six-room collage , near HanHCom park , south front i-li- .1,000 Modi rn coltnre IllHt and Maaou , fiirnate. bith etc > . 4.001) Klirht-room coltnire. bith , beanllfnl eaM front lot ni'ir the pirk 0,000 c IIA1U1AINS IN ACRK PROl'KRTY. rive acres with small cotlaito , on main drive to Sevmourp irk. 2,200 Ten acriH Just ttonlhiiCRl of cltj. with RtirillcoUaK" n.sr.o Ten acreH near newdrhhni pirk In Went Omahi Hplendld tnct n,750 Twoulv acres Himlhweit of cltv , close to lli-lt Line rallvviv 7,000 Twenlv aeri'H niljolnlntr new fairRnniiulH and Klmit ooil p irk In Went Omaha . 11,000 HOUSES rOR RKNT : Nlci H-rooni lioniui near Itannconi pirk , modem com i nieces . . . s Kit irnnt brick IHIIINI' . Honth and east front , il''il and Poppleton HaiiilHomelionse. H-roOTin , H.UIHCOIII Phice , Hplcndldlv llnlNlml , CIHV to heat . . HICKS HF.AL KSPATi : ACIKNOY. Hoom ! I05. Now York Life Iluildhnr ms an SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING HnlcH , llle a line each iiisorllon $1 no a Ilnu per month Nothing tnkcii for less tlinn'Jc dfjVd LADIKS AND OKNTLUMKN CATTsOON ncqiilroa wuiklnirkiiuwleiiiru ofBluirlh mil and tvpewilllnir at A C Van S ml a iwliool of Hhort- liainl.ni.I N Y Llfo Typo\\iltoiHto rent tll'i O MAHA r"oLlHoK ] OF SHO11TIUNT ) " AX ' Tj pew rltlm ; emploj B an "expjrt" iiniclnl court roporteras liiHlructor. Facllltloi and loe.itlou nn- hiirpiiwd A C Omr. A.M. prlnclpil and pro- lit tutor llojd'B No > v The itor bittldliu ; MJ71 Oil ) ' LOST. Rates , Ihiia wonl hrst Insc-llon , lc ,1 wonl therciflcr Nothlni ; liken for loss th inMe. . TOST , GOLD WATCH ClIARM , ON Y TsTONK Ijvv 1th monotfriiii P W. C. on w imoinil Uvo pho- loi-r.iiliH | on limlde Leave at D M. Sleule s , Twelfth and Jones ntrcet for ix-vvani f..MI-'J7 * rpAKKN tllD7RK HAY MARK , WllioHT bOO , Lbrind 1C on left nlionhler. Btir on foiehe.ul. A Jeimen , Mill ! iry .ni-nlie. Mf.O'.l 17' FOUND. TAKKN UP , ONK MOU" K COLORKI ) HORSK . I mule , Sept em hi rl.- . Owner can line b > call- Inff.it If.Ol . S Itthst. and ifciiliiifcharscH ITiOIINPSMALL SILYIUl WATCH INQUIKH ' L 151,11 e.ivenvvoith. r.f. I I'll- WORLD'S FAIll HOTELS & BOOM3 n.iteH mjoawonl firm luBfrtlou , lc i wordthoro- after Notlilnsr t ikon for l gs th in ' 'Jc riMIOSB WISHING TO VlflTTIIKWOHLD'S KA1H ! L at ChliMKoein tlml ne'itlv ' fiirnlsbeit loonm at UOl IKllistiecl , neir Gi-lnil1 lioiilevanl. at OOc tel * l Ml IMT iliy ; fonienlohX to olaxnteil R H. ana Colt me Orovo avenue. e.ablo ears bil'i Oil U DEBTAKEKSAND 2MB ALM.JSKS _ aoj - - lilies Hlo.ilnooiehln4erllou,1Jl..r.ll a line pur mouth. Nothing taken fortlOHH th in 25c. CW IIAKHR irORMB LY WITH JOHN O .JacobH lU'ceiMed , 1 Her with SI O. Maul ) unitui- taki.r.indi.Mub.ilnior.aiSfe. llilh Ht. Tcl.oOU } 1 'I1H PAWNBROKliiBS. RiteB , 1 Oca line each imtorllon. $ l.ni ) a , line per month. Nolhlnir I ikcn fof loss than 350. T SONNENIIKUG. UIAMC1NI ) lBOKEBlo3 J .DonitlaHHt. lA.uiHniouoCDudlamoida. watches , etc. Old pold anil BllvirJJOuyht. Tul. ISM. t > HI BENT : HALLS. Hales , lOi-a linn cachinscrtlon $ l.f.O ! i lluo per moiilh Nollilngitakeii lor less than 'Jjic. MAHA GUAllDS ABMOBV , " Yfil CAPITOL aiuniie , for bills , nieutlnirs. club pirtlim. etc. Also Morand'B asseinblj'ooms. . llill ) II irnay. both halls on HrHt lloor : no stilrs , no ullHrs , lileli cullliiB ; piTfect vontllatlon. ternmn-isoii ible. Call and see JU > raiul before runtln J elaow hei o. MU O9 TYPEWRITERS. Hates. lOc a line eaeh iimortlon , $ l.r.O a line per month Nothing taU n for b ss th in iMc. DKMlNr.TONS , OALIOHAPHS KVHHYTHING IVnnheiidof prkCH Tel ( T > H HowleH A 11 ihb , ( I1.IN Y Llfo bid s Send-forHiniplcH S50 DRESSMAELING. Rates , lOc a line < acli insertion , f 1 C.O ,1 line per month Notlilii ' taken for less tli > n in. I > NJAGKMiNT3 TO "lK > " "TlHKSSMAKINO IN . llifaiiillluHHOllcll . . . . .Hl. MfBsStun ! ) , 1J18 Nlcholis - „ 7tl < l II ! SCALES. Bates 1' e i wonl lint hiMPitlon , leaword there after Nothing taken for less than LT.c TVTBW .v S'KCOND HAND SCALKS ALL KINDS. IN Addri. B Burden A belli ckCo. , L iko St. , Chic iiro MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. RaleH lOca llneoicb liiHt-rtloii.fl " 0 a line par month Notliln ; ; taken for ICHH Hi in'Si ; C < F OKLLKNIIKCIC.inNJOISTANDTBAClfKR V-T.1810 California struct 011 ItD i.eives ICHICACIO nUBLlNUTON A Q.l Arrives mil ill i I Dopiit lOlli.inil MlsimSts. I Om 1)11 ) " 420pm Chlc.iffh Vestlbnlo. . , . 00 ) am II .l..lill . . . .ChiraKh Kxprcns . ! i r.o lam HI 10pm . . . .Chic iifo Kxpress. . . . 1. 2. \ pin 7 17 pm . .Chlca.-o & . low a Loral. . 0.03 i pm l > lvo.srTltIRrIN/ru- ( MO BIVEB 1 Arrives o mill I _ Depot lOl'i ' nt MiBonbts. _ I Omili i lOir.aml . 1 1 2. " . am 10 ir.am .Deadvvood Kxprews. 4 oil l pm 4.5(1 ( pm I . . . .Denver I I. oo i pine UOOp n.Nnbi.lHkl | LiHJil ( IlieuptS ml , o r.o l pin K.l.'i.iin Lincoln Loeal ( r.setipl Sum ti lam K C hi J .v ( ; 11 ArrlvuH O n.ill u _ Pepot Kllluiiiil Mamm Sin I Omaha O.l.'i.im . K.IIIH IH Pity D ly Kxpn'Hri. . n n iiini 1(1 Ifipm K. C. NlKhl Kxill. \ . I' . Trans .1.111.1111 10 IS pin .St Louis KxproHS r > 40 am Omahal " _ tJiilouDciot " _ | lOth A , Marcy Mt I Omah | _ _ _ t AST. " ' lOitOani' ' "AtTintlo Kxpri's's 0 00 pm 400pm . .Nubi l lti St He Llmlled II ( HI nn 7.10pm . Nlslit KxpreHH . 7 fi'iam fid ! 11 World'H Pair Limited J.Ollpm 12.10 mil ( Oklahoma r..r > 0am _ _ _ . _ _ _ . 0 ooam ' lOklahom i VT t mKxp ( Kx..Siin12 ) | 10 aiii 2l.'ipm ( Colorado Llmllc'd il.Mlpin ' UOSaml . Noliratka WalO Llmlted. . . , | 4.S5pnl Leivesl UNION F\'IKIf ( " I Arrives I Oaiiha I Union Depot lfJl&M ] uevbl , I Omilu OSflr.mT | . DeiiveriKxim'HS. . . " I 401pill 2,15pm ! . OverUnil t'lyrr . T.OUpm 4 lSpmlleatrlco.\.bironihbirKxixSiin | ) 110 pm ll.IOpm . , . I'.iclno ) Jx.re | . 10.40am JI IOp.i'1 . . . . . . , Duiiv < T fint M.iU . . i. . | 4 VO pm "fiGavi H pCIIfAr.O ) , Ml'Cf.4"tfr"lUfrrrT'ArrKFs" Om ilia I U. I' , Depot i MlMireyblB _ _ | Umali i " pml . rhlfjisq F.ress" | . .Tl Oillara aiiiU . UhlL4.-u Kri-Hii . . . . . . . .I fiSOpm " F K .C.Mt > VAI.LKY lArrlvei" Om lh _ Pej > ol l.llh aiM'IVi'lJstiir ' &ts I Omiili HMIiml .Dvadwool . . . . . . . . . 4 .10 pm H.50 nnUKx. H.U. ) Wvo. Iffo. ( Kx. Mon l i.r.o pm n.HOp n i . Norfolk ( K * 3.111 tyi 10'jo am 5J5jiui _ . . . .St. Paul KMOriiss li'-M an ETTvT.s TciiKJA'niTN5Tffii'M7jsrN. , . , Airivi Omalnl U P. di'iiit KHltl M iiyy-l.i Onuh. 10.40 am i iiir. inn 4 oipm li-I ( an 700pm l.'iHli rn FI ) J I.'MMI a 13 pin I . . .t'huI'lss la.Mjiiii I > avis I MISSDlilU PAPIPIO. " " ( AlrlvcH Dm.ilif P''i"H luinaud Wu'uiiirbts ' i Om ill l 1243pii i St I/inln KMIITHI 'l llOOam 10 imp n , I - ' " > p n u M pm Vnpi.ihk.i : , ' L'il. I H 15am ] > lim I I' sr.'l' . M * .Ci , . Oinihi _ lVioll.1tli.iud | _ _ " Wi-uMi-rSW I Onulil KMlaiu .bloux Cltv "AcVoiiimoJailon * I IHI.'liu 1 I'.IIMI bluux City Kviiu-41 ( K < , bun ifl'.KMini f , J.-.IPIU . . st Pint Llmlteil . . . ! Ii.'j5au 5 I o i iiu Oiliii.il 1'i'iann.r | IKx&uui _ _ _ ! t > . II nn ii'aTe.ti'T'M'OUX cm'.VACIFr IAnlt'iM O nanii Iiupol IU aii'l M iix-y St > ii 10 am | 4 UOui.,1 M. P. Le.ivt * ' 6 4r.TjTnT _ S li nl Leant " 8.4'iil | , DliJOXG IMITATED DEEMING Methods of the Holland Wo Murdorcr These of the Australian Picml. FATE OF SARAH JEWETT NOW KNOWN Hod ; of Ono of the I'lnnl'd Victim * | ) | < COT- croil nnil Se.iri'b Itelni ; Atndc for Other * Ho I'robibljr Oprrntctl In KnclMiul Alan. AMSTKIIPAM , Sopt. 'Jrt. It would now appear thnt the police of this cltj iliil not discover n "innro's nest" whott they , on September 20 , in.iilo nn nrrest which they claimed would result In unfolding a suries of crimes similar to those of Deeming , the Anglo- Aiisirnllan wlfo mimlerer , for thu body of ono of tbo prisoner's victims hus boon lound. In Jutio last , It appears , Henry Dojotig , a Holmndor , married in ICnghind n . % oung l ngllsh girl named Sarah Juwott and they passed iheir honeymoon horo. Saon after arriving heto Mrs Dojonc tllsippearcd , and it was eurrcntly reported she had grown tired of Holland and of Dutch customs , unit thai she had rolurned to England. Uejong was then reported to have married , in August last , Ihoprctly daughter of u loe.it Innkeeper. Str.iugo to relate , uho also ills- aipeaioil | shortly after the marriage , and ugly runiois began to gain circulation. These teports reached the ears of the police , and an investigation followed , ivhicii led lo the in rest onJojong. The English police , H ap pears , were eoiniiiuiiieateil with ptovlolis to ihoairesi of iho Hollander , and It is said they led the anthoilties he.ro to bclloion series of wife tnmttets might halo been com- mitteit by the piisoner In England This led lo n search for bodies In both England ami Holland , wlih no sttreess for some dais In fuel , on Siiiurdity last , the editor ol u loeal paper insisted that u woman ho belioieil to bu Satah .levvott or Mis. DOJOIIK had called upon him recenUy ( ho eoulil not reinumbei1 the exact date ot the visit ) anil offetcd some drawlncs , her ov\n work , for sale , say ing she intended to go to the United Stales with the ptoceeds of Iheso drawings. The editor did noi buy iho woman's work , bat later on ho informed the polieo of the ocour- lenco , and when the fuels Jeahed out , both the English and the local polieo we.ro jeered at for the mjstorious hints ivhicii they hail tnrow n oul. Hut to.luy the laugh was turned aR.iinst the scoffers , for the body of Miss Jewell , Dojonii's Kmrlish wlfo , wa found inVolf - hcnsen woods , near Ainhelm on tno Hlnno f3 , foity miles from this cm. Thorn seems to bo no doubt thai the poor gill iviismnideied. The polieo of tills eountrv ham id thulr exaitions to get lo the bottom of le Uejonn mjsteri , and hope soon to ii nil the bod.l of the , innkeeper's daughter , for nobody - body doubt * ) the Utter has been inuidcred. These facts 1me been cabled to the English police , anil it is belioieil Uojomj'.s victims 1110 numuious atul to be fomui on both side : ) of the channel. U ritouinis. : A I'rotcittnnt llusbindihoots IIU Cnthollc Wife mid Thuii Kllbs Illinscir I'rrrsiit'Ka. Pa. , Sopt. 'JO Samuel G. Stoit- hatdt , a car accountant at the Cariieglo : Steel company , shot his wife in thu heart w liilo she was sleeping , and then placing the inU7le of the revolver into his mouth , sent a bullet crashing Into his own brain. The tragedy occutrecl at 5.JT ! > this mottling at the homo of Sloilharilt on Praino View aventio , cast end. Insanity caused by rolicious tliffercnce'i and despondency over business tioubles are the causes vihich led to the awful deed. Stodharutvus 45 years old and his wife two .leats his Junior. Thu couple have been maii-icd sixteen .icars and have seven children , the oldest being a girl 15 years old. Mrs. Stodhardt was a Catholic and the tuo frequently quarreled over the education of the children lede ccntly Stodhardt's salary was reduced ein per cunt , and Urn also pieyed on his mind. ilouiosu about fi this moiniiifi , and after Miiolong a cigar took a bulldog leiohuraml litcdathis sleepinir wife 'J ho llrst shot Killed her. lie then turned the weapon upon himself and ended his miserable existence. The cuildien neio awakened by the .shoot ing and rushed out of the house , seio-aming iv ith fright. When the neighbors arrived they ivei o both dead , 'lhat the crime was ; premeditated is cvid"nt fiom the fact that last iiisiht he told his oldest boy that times were luii d and if anithing happened lo go to the neighbors. ltl < ! CATTI.l : SIIJAI.S. ' A Trial Hint 1'roinlKch Seine Vurj Sonsn- tloiml DUeloHiireu. DBM.KVII I.K , 111 , Sept. 2U A cattle btcal- ing case that promises to bo very sensational tomes up for trial today About six months ago Nelson & Meiseincn , live stock commis sion men at IZast St. /ouis I , rue cii ed a consign ment of three cars of cattle from the Indian Teirltory , shipped by Sylvester ll.ijus and ono Koyes , who e.iino iilth the stoelc. Hefore * the consignees could turn the stock Into cash the two men were ariestcd for stealing the cattlo. Hayes wiis remanded to jail. At the open > ing of proecedlngs yosterdai the prosecution picscnlud a confession fiom ilajcb , impli cating a Iiu go number of pi eminent shippers In eiori lingo stock center of Oklahoma , Texas nnd Imli in Territory. The shipments of iMttlo haie bcou wholesale fiom these districts and the losses liaio leached hun dreds of thousands of dollars Owners of stock ramres lopreseiiting seieral millions hero to aid the are prosecution These men say that while. IJnye.s' confession is startling , it has onlj hinted at the enormous business done by an oiganUed body of "bianding iton" cattle raisins. Counsel on both sides will today agree to a continuance to the October term of court. Hull Kemovcd un tliu Vanilalli iload mill mi K | > rKH Dltcliei CiiiciiNCASTi.i : , Ind , Sept. ! M. Adarlnpand successful atlompt at train wrecKlng was madu this inoinlni ; ut" o'clock , by which the Cincinnati cxpicsst on tlio Vniidalia toad was dorniled near Staiiiiton , Clay county. A rail had been taken up and so placed us lo throw i the train down an embankment ten feet. . f'\irtnn.iluly Ihu iiiKlno did not follow- the rail , bul uveri car oxcejii'ono sleeper left iho track. The tram was running foi l.i miles an hour. No ono was seriously hurt , but the passengers vvero all shaken up and seated. Milvinc ihii .Vl.vsiery. SAN FJIANCHU ) , Sopt. iilJ. The mystery urrouiulmg tlio death of Addle Gilniour , whoso lead ) was found floating hi lliu bay , Is gradually being holvod. Il Is known .sho died in Dr. U'esi'a ollleo shortly uf lor a criui- mill operation was performed and that sli * hud received a letter signed "Llltla Jack , " in which tlio writer suit ] ho could nut send Imr money. The writer of this lelter U John McUrury , at present In Los Angeles. Mo- Urury admit.- , intimacy vvilh .MUs CJilmour , hut declares ho know nothing of hni' coiiiti- tion. Holiurt Hradstrcut , a traiollng man , says Mi'Ciury told him last frill thni ho had mairicu Miss ( iHimiur. but it was Kept ( | ulut bucauso tliu gill's patents objected to the mairiaije A i inlliK 'I Imlr 'I rnlnnii'll. CiuoAfio , Sopt. ! iO As a rebult of recent train robberies * armed men will nccompniiy ovuo train luiiiling express or m.i'l cars Irom Ctilcago to any point easl , wosl or south in future Two roads liaio already ileierinincd lo arm their men , and in a few daysordeis will bo Issued toother ro.tds i mining into Chic igo to supply Wlnclioklurs to all lialunieu eoiineeiod with tr.i.'is haul ing oxpnss cam. Vlolntril Ilin liiterklHtii CIIIIIIIIITIII All. Si. U'lM , Sept " ' ) . In the l-'nited State * mm I hoio .csturd ij tliu indictment of I' . li WjeUoll ; Uugenn Kield , Milton Knight , S IJ KnlKht ( ! ' ' ( . | I5 Kiuigys Pianli W , ut i''fll ! nti't Amo il , C nine i for violation of iho Inlcratnto commerce Ret In two counts , ono In forplnir n printed sohodulo nnd the other unjustly iMscrlmlnnt- ing in fnvor of cortnln stilpiwrs , were brouaht up. Judge Phillips held th.it two offenses , one n felony nnd Iho cither a misdemeanor meaner , ivero charged In thn Indictments , and that this was Illegal. Tlio district At torney decided to go to trial In the misdemeanor meaner cnso. The c.190 ii a * continued Until Thursday next. Defnniiinc * ri < ronry ( Urtiirim. Isnusii'ot.ts , Sept 'JO.-Charles IJ. lias- lov , late secretary of the defunct South Sldo Hulldlng nKioclatlon , who left the eltv six months ago with an alleged shortage of $10.000 In his necounts. has eome back from a trip to Central America Ho denies that there could bo such a. . shortage , but acknowl edges careless bookkeeping Ho olTcrcd himself to the shetilT. but no Indictment has been returned against him. Ho s.t.is drink and the divorce granted his wlfo covered lilm with dlsgraeo , and that was why ho loft the clt.i. The receiver of tlio building association has tiled his teport , showing a shortage. nig Kiitiicrrler I.eniM C'nnndii. Hi Ft'U.O , Sept 'JO John Lei s of Toronto , nn cx-iuember of the Ontario leelsla- lure , who lied from that city lust week , is now in hiding near this city. l.o > s was legal advisor of the l-Veehold and Ixian association , anil this , wllh his fees from other corporations , K.IVO him an Income of 01 or $10,000 Ho managed several lich es tates , and ho nppe.ns to tiaie oinbo/zlod in on cent of trust funds In his charge , bringing his defalcations , witti his debts , to $ ,100,000. Murder nnil Milclde. Aiiiiuv , Mich. , Sopt. 'JO. Sunday night Nelson ICunoj , while returning from church , cntiealed Maud Uralnard to go home ivlth htm , thrco miles west of the eiti. She ro- lusod and Jumped from the buggV. He drew a icvolver and li'-cd a shot at tier and then sent u bullet into his temple , lie died ill- most instantl.\ . They v ere to hr.vi bncn iniuried ne\t month Mils Uralnard leached homo s\feli , but inning tlio night she was talcun suddoiilv 111 and died. It is believed she took poison. .llli Deliver * III I'lorliln. Ocu.v , ria. , Sepl 'M Tlio city is In n fever . of o\ettomenl over Uio discovery of a plol lo release a negro croolt named Ml D.in ov from Jnll I ) tnsoy escaped and Dep uty Shciiir liennickcr was seriously wounded in the n ft ray Two hundred mon ate scouring the woods for the fugltlvo negro. Itlddled vi llli llnlli'U. UOSTOV , Tex. , Sept 'JO Perry Ilrateher , wanted for crlmln illy assaulting n wltito iioman , was found over the Arkansas border hv citizens Hratelters body wa-i uddled with bullets and now hangs from a limb WILL ASK i'OR BIDS. Cltv Looking ; Inr a New Caroline. l.lililiiir Cniilrncl. Cominioller Olscn has luUertiscd for bids for lighting the subuibs of the eiti wifli gasoline lamps of ID-candle power , to burn fiom sunset to sunrise for tlio period of two yoitis , commencing.Innii.iry'Jll , 1MU Onth.it date tliu contract with thu bun Vapot com- punv exiites ] U his conlinct is'iin important one , and is espcciitll.s so to the suburban residents. The bids will bo recoil cd October 10. At the ptcsent time the citv is pay ing Slb.T.1 per light per year , which IS iic monthly cxpendituio of about § 1,400 IS expected that bolter in ices will bu seemed when ttio bids , ate submitted lor the now contract. ' Some of the property owneis and oltkials do not apptovoof the advcttiscmonl soliciting bids The > claim that hcintofora the ; idvertiscmeiils liaio included specillca- : tions , and that the bidders weio compelled 1 to submit piopositions such us the city desired ; - sired , and not such as would suit the purposes , of the conti.ictor. At the time tlio contract was nwauted last spiing to the Sun Vapor com- piny to complete the uno\pircd contract IIIof the Metropolitan company , considerable diWeulty was experienced because of tbo absence of specifications. The company set ; iiji the claim lhat it bid ono way while Iho council contended lhat the company bid an other. Specifications would have admitted of no dispute and the suburbs \\oulaliavo been lighted many weeks bofoio tbe.y weie 11 is 1 cared that tlio absence of speclllca- tlons in tbib instance will icsult in a similar wi.tnglo and some members of the council will insist on the picsent advertisement lii'ibgiecalled and spccilicatlons included in a new one. .1A A MJ'A-C / . . ) / / ; > 1ft. James A. Ilearno. aulhor of ' My Colleen , " which opens a ihice-iiight engagement at tno Paliiam Klieut llaaler Thuisiliiy night , has contribtilcd to the stage an Irish drama of aory high class It mtimimes lhat dolor ' \oung actor nnd svvcot singer , Tony I'.iriell , who itiliodticcs a largo number of his eatchy songs and specialties The Now York IJaili News s.i.is of its piodm tiou i in that cit\ . " 'My Colleen' is an excellent [ play as well as a splendid \ehielo to show the ability of Tony i'airell , llio star who ' plais the ) i at of Jerry Doyle Mr Fat roll's ; presence la pleasing like unto lh.it ol the Elder Emmet and Mr W. .1 Si.inl.in , his hiogue ilc.li and his singing voice singularly fetching. IIu hooted u hit , of the laigest ptoporttons. " Dan Mori is Sullivan , the rnlobratod Iilsh comedian , and Eileen Desmond , the culti vated soprano and Ktilnelto , will bo among tin ) clover specialty people at the Now 1'eo pie's theater next weelc , whcro thoyintio- ( luce their hlsh comedy sketch , " ' .llio For tune Toller. " ' A Texas Steer , " which lias been seen In ibis city on several occasions , begins an en gagement of three nlghtK al Uoyd's theater tomorrow owning The same eompan.i which presented the play hcto lust season will appear dining thii presnnt engagement , Including Mr. Tim Murphy who , in the char acter of Maverick llr.nulcr , has achimed ' u Rimesvvliich ; will ho lasting. C'liiilca i .Stanley as Major Yell. Newton Cliiswell as JJi.issy Call , Will II. Dray as The Colored Statesman , Simmer Clnrii : IH Knoit Jnlt , to- golher with all Iho other fuvoritot. , includ ing John Matsliall , John T , Craven , ( ' U Waucn , .lames Iloran and Mlsf > c > > Alice Evans , Oortrudu I'crr.y , .Siella ICeiini and Mrs , Hose Snider , will also appear. There will bo the usual hatuiday matinco Tlio box sheets for tlio entiri ) engagement will ojen ) this morning ut U o'clock. Tliu Modern Duality Jlnlvcson uood food and simshlno , with plent.i of oxerclse In llie opoiralr llei form glows witli health and her lace blooms with Us ben ut- . ) . If hcr system needs the utoans- ing action of u laxative remedy shy uses thou gent oand picas int liquid lavitlvo B.vinii of Pigs. Morn < It ) lliniilH Mild. 1'ionsuicr Uolln has disposed of fJ.'i.OOO of tlio long llmo 5 DC r cent sewer : inJ Having bonds to Han is it Co of Chicago , and the linn has contracted to talto $ Wooiinoic ) on October 1 'J tils lea TOJ $10i > iKHJ not disposed of On tills amount , iho hiimo Jinn IKIS an option until September iid , which time llio linn desired extended Ttio request for an exluiirilon by llie Hi in will pinnably bo gianted fora few days , Mttlo pills for gro it Illb. DoU'itt's LI ttio Harly Khun _ _ rm ; ni.ii.i'i .MAHKKT. INSTKI-.MKNT& plucml on incoid SoiHtnibor 'Jb , IWJ.I : WAKIUNTV DHKDS. lh Iteed niidwlfnloj ( > Allen , lOl'i , bliH-U : I4'J , Umalia , uiid H-foot slrlp aiUiilnliiKhald Int un vv . t 13,01)0 ) 0 A llull and vvlfn u > T ( Mmlly , lot li , lilucU 2. hiiumli rn . "L. H'H mid toV'H | - niit Illll . . . . BOO J I'JuiHuu and wife HiIn ( Men Kircn- nen lol U , UKcii'Nrfllbillv . 7fJO Mtln i In It 1' l'uluri n. lot 'J , hiilnu . G&O lUll Cl. VIM IHIKIH. linbi'ii llut-t , jr. IK I. .Slteidjiit I , hlucU.HU , tlmili't ' . * . 1 Kn Hundy , Jr. imn.li.Ty In rhiinceiy , to h i : ll.tl t , nddillc . ' - > fuel lot J , bliwl. 'Id' ' , Om ilia . O.H3& IM l ' 1111111 * . kptH'Irfl miitJir , lo U II Waddel. lotB , Oil. Illll . O'HI 'I'm A | unioiint of tran fura , . . . I il'JC.rt ! Olio ' ' , | ; ! ) ni'l Jl , 'iu insi With ll \Vtt' | i.t. ! l RACKET OVER RAILWAY RATES Prospects of the Milwnukoo Being Fined for Rate Gutting. GENERAL AGENT NASH WILL APPEAL llio ( Irilor of ICiilluiij ' . l'elrKr.ipher < ol Ilia Villon I'lirlllo Hrrrltn Con ; ixtluiM Iriiiu l'rr lili < nt Clnil < - Motpnieius III tlio l.ocul Itnltnitorl < l. Tor ton j cars tlioti ) has lioon nit olTort on the put of the Iowa lines to clncli tlio Mil wnukco for elthi't1 fntii'Iod or ic-.tl i iovniu os , but the oHlciMs of the MiluiUiUco liuvo boon too shrouil for tlio rcpiTsolit.ttlvos of tliu oilier ro.ul.s and li.uo ( . 'leaped lines anil pen alttos Hut the "low Jointors" jjot in tholf \\ork.Moiul.ty and the Mllwitukon M wait- liiB for the pcMiiilty to boatt.tohod for alleged riito onttlni ; . Ixist Siitunlny ovonlnir at Ii o'oloi'ic .1 ooir plaint was lllcd hy KocriM.tr.v .1 \\.Mininof tliolof.il airocinciit against the Chli'iitco , Mllwniiki'u XSt Paul for i tittlnj : rixtos and | taiiitf ' stioot ooniinl'ssliiiis When ( ii'itci'til ' Ac Mil N'ash askt'd tlio sivrolan at what , tlmo the Ivi il would be MKeh to i.tUu pl.no the i'ielir.Mtntod ; that tin * Mih\ati lieu would ho nlMi nniplo tlmo lit uliHhio liropaio . its ileTensn and tlu < inaltof was iliopjiod Mondii.howimr , at II o'olook Sivii't.iij Miiini infin iiuv.l blr Nash that tin : ttitl would ( uolirat s ! p in In the oorn tar 's oilliv in the Klkhoi n btilltiliu' . Within four lu.iirs air Nash had three alllnavlts in haiiil lejjanllns the oliariics and tlonylni ; I ho allegations niado btho por.sons clntfjlnt ; irrotfillarittci Hut the anidavlts of Mr. I'.miur , city tlckot iiKont. the who sold the thtoo tirkols to llio poisons ni.iKuif ; allldaUts , and Ciomiral Aftont Nash worn or no avull and thn nujorlt\ thu tiokot nptMitsotod OOIIN lotion lor violation of the .ijirooniont \Vlion Mr. Oauloraskod for the Imposition of the pcnalu Seciei.ui Aliinntook tlio matter - tor under ad\li > eniont and ihn mooting ad- Jonriiod. Cionoral AKOIII Nash , when scon jostorday h.'I'm ; HIM : lopiosontntho 10- ardinp ; the nutloii of the looal aitoomoiit ; , s tin : "This is a clear ease of oanviotion bo fore tilnl 'I'hn ooniplatnt was illod at fi o'clock on Siilinnnv Wo askotl when wu Hhould appear and were told wo woulil bo Khun notice lator. Wo tocohotl notkoat H ' o'clock on Monday to appear at ! i u'rlock tlio s.tino daU'o tiKcuctl to appo ir on the tin- proper notice on condition thai w o bo.illovvoil lo tile our iiflltl.u Us , nnd apply for a eontlii- u.inco of ono weekVo producetl an aflldii vit that the tiekuts alleged to haveb-eii sold umler tarill.r.itos viciejsold at full lates , also an aftldavil fiom the puivhaser of these tickets thill ho paid full rates for them , nnd a third aflUlavit thai Iheie ivas > no arrangement belneen the purchaser of thu tickets and any agent of the company for a consideration in said purchase lu Iho lace of tills evidence thu membeis ot the local iigieoinciitaibltr.ini gullt.v indirect violation of tliu rule governing tlio tiial of such Ceases When the penalt.i is im posed we shall appeal toaihitralioii , which is our right under ai tide SIS of the agieument. There is nothing in tills case except as wo htuo been very successful in getting busi- m ss out of Omaha jinti the suirouudlng ter- utory Ihis joar and the iopre entaliies of other lines liaio become jealous of our suc cess and have u'ot to make a show ing to their employers that wo haio obtained this busi ness In unfair means \ \ ' < i look a pnrt.i of thirty out of Omaha rccontlj on full t.u iff tales when othur rotds had olTotoil induce- monts to said partj that would havn mult rl- ull > chaugccl matters. Wo wcro paid for the scivp-o thes locohod " Soorotai'i Mtuiii , wlion asked xvliat the | irn > ill > would liUoH' ho nf-Minst iho Mil- waliltoo staled that ho hall lint jot decided that question tnr ( UJ ho know when the penult v ouldtie imposed. City Ticket Aitont Vailoof the niirlinp- ; ton , thought the line should bo t75 on the ground of rate cutting , and that Is probably what iMr. Nabh will have to p.n1 into the coltors of the local agtcement. rruteetlvi ) r.i.unl U lluppy. Messrs. n. M. Stevenson of Poc.i- tcllo t , Idaho ; A. D. K. Reynolds , of Ogden - den ; D C Coploj.of Evanstou , E 1. . Do- nrell , of Denver , and J. 12. Glllllaml of Council Hluffs , members of the protcctiio board I of the Older of Kiilway Telcgiapheis of J tlKLTnion I'acillc sitem. . ( ailed upon J 'i es- Ident ' Cl.il k j cstet d.t.i with a viovv of having tlio presidentiuleiptot tlio ciicular , etil'lng salaries and whellier U had any lie-n ing on the lelcgraphi'n It will lie leniemlii led that on August 2(1 ( Mr Dickinson , when meeting with the federated boaid , gau the ieiiiisito | thiiti dais nuiiin lo the tele graphers that they would lie cut September 'itl It was tliis inn Hun of the interview ol a month ago thai led tlio protect liubo.ud of iho Histoin in call .icsterdaj winning. I'tisldeiit ClarK , while being reserved in his ut'eratieus , gave siillli'iont hope to thn telcgiaplieis that they would-bo consideicil as ono of the labor organttions. ! . mid if n cut tool : place it would not occur before1 October 1 Hut enonih was b.ml In the piosidont tonend thu dolepation away hapin in the thuughl that no cut would bo in.ido. At least , sosanguliio was the boaid that their ttoubles WLIO over , that Mr fillllland tologivplied Vice dr.ind ( Jliiei ( icarhart , who was to have nrrho I in Omaha > ostcrdiivnot , to come.as mattoi.s hud been adjusted satisfactorily JWnltors ot a routine natnto will bu taken up with Mr. Dickinson when ho rotunm Homo next week. At the session of tliu protcetlvo boaid held \ostort1.iy inouiliig in room 'J of thoAicadu the follow Inir oflleor * tosnrio for tli" ensuing - ing . .vearcio elected' A D I1" " Itnynolils , elialtman , 11. N. Hloionson , seciotal-y and treasurc'rvhlle P. U ( lilllland wtill eonlln- UPS hi honorary itiluof tlio grand dissemina tor of news. CiiilHiid Mmiiitluni * ol ii Seiimilloii. JJosiov , .Sopt. 2i > 1'iosllonl Clmiles F. Cho.ite caused something of a sensation ut n meeting of the Old Colony Htocklioldoii today by the announcement that since llio printing ami distiibutlon of the annual in- port a iliHciupinu1 , li.id been discovered in the aeioiiuts of tlio tioisurer , John W. \\ashiiuiii. Acrmding to the trcamirer's report , theio was J'JC.OIW cauh in iho ttcasury. H was found , hovvoier , that stocks , soctiritios and bonds pillchii-i''l ' wilh the companj't. inoiuo lepresenluil a part of Uns cash , Ttio pur * ehiiBo was unaiitlioil/ed The triiaiiiror's olilce has been vacated and that oltk'lal has made an assignment of His pi-oputty. 'J'ho loss to llio company cannel bo esllnraled at piesent. x Air. Orr'n l.ltlln .lolie. Thomas M. On 1 see that thu conduciou . . . ! . / > IIif UYu.i * ) IMV. l.iil/f.n thn f-lnrdrs ollt./tl all the cabooses on tlio s > xtom. l rlvntoStonor.iliorSjl | ) es-\Vlml's fial for' Colonel On - Hceatibo they won't stllko , Hull NulUH. T J. Cioctfrny of Iho Mhaout ! 1'ncllk" and family have ultuinud tiiun thu fair. Alfred Dai-low , cashier of the L'nlnu 1'acillc , has tuturiied from thu fair. J. H F'rawJny , KOnoral atteiit of the Union I'acllloat h'anaus City , ii In Omaha. ( JeorgoVtst , oily ticket agom of th Northwestern , and Mrs \VcUhu\o gone tu Chicago. 1C. C. Moiohousp , Kcuor.il freight agontpJ the niltliuin , went to Chicago ti > st < Milfiy aftcinoon. A Hpeolal ineotlnij of the \Vostoin PIIUKCII- jrur uhfoi'latlon has been called for lotluy to discuss rates for Clilcagu day A number of Huliuiniaii rcsldunts of Wil bur , Nub , went through I Inill.lfstoulav : moiniiiK In a special car ( in train No U of I thu H & M. The > woiu cnioiHi ) to iho \S 01 Id's fairciti lleorgoV IJayter , chli-'I elorlc In the pn - uongor Uojmi tinoiit of thu Union Pacific nt Portland , is in Omaha. 1'aiiiig perAuutlly conducted thu Hnnry liilni , ' spcrml from P.ntland to8t Paul The run of'\llft niilci was .iccomi'llslK d In ei nl.i two hour * , 'ml Mr lla.\torsa.\s \ It lould have been tiono in t\ieSvn hours ! esi hail Mr 11 entry I ! Abbey , tin. managrrof thecompanv , i.ormltt l fiA | ! i mining on the Niihr.uka JlvUl < i > i I m so uorrous" iiof.'ro tiibliu Huoil'i I l-ar rt [ > irlili " 1m no well"-after tiikiuj Hoo-i . Mural "Hnir uiyot JIoo < lf. "