n Tlltf OMAHA DAILY RRI ? . limVK.fihA V. RRPTRAf IlKH. 97 ! ( ) COMMERCIAL AXI ) FINANCIAL With Good Exports the Wheat Crowd" Was Inclined to Buy , THE CEREAL WAS LOWER AND WEAK EARLY Alter Kri-fpirnt rinrtiiitlin : It Clntiod n FiHi'Uoii ltllii-r th.ui Atomlny'ft I'lunl York . * iniiilly ! Alnrliet. o , Sept. CO. With good exports , the Ctnrago wheat crowd today was Iiit-linod to buy rattier tliiui to sell , utter nn nltnos ; tin- broltcndci'liiio for oltit ) days. The inarktit closed nt n sdiado Uottcr ilitin ycstcnlny's llpuvi-n. Corn shows fieilrop , owliiB to pres sure by local bulls. 1 'revision * ruled dull on n weal ; buMm-as. Wbniil at the opening was V lower than the dosing llpiru.i of yesterday , became fctroiu mid advamod > . ( , tbcn ruled weak npaln , soiling olT to the low point , rccoveicd oiiio and ruled stemlii'r. closing about 'tfo JiU'lier for Deeomhornnd and ttc hlKher for May than yesterday. The lower opening nnd subsequent wen It spoils which dovclopeil during tbo session wi-ro Influenced by the rumors thai , gold would bo shipped Saturday from America. and thu wer.Unoss In railroad stocks together with the- lower cablis. There was peed bluing by two or tlirt-oprnmiiu'til local tr.iders whenever the market toueliod Hit ! lower point , which held the niarkot In check ami prevented further lid-lino. Later cables wern nil rather Btnmuer , but did not set-in to help the mar- lit-t. litt.Corn Corn started at yesterday's timil figures nnd on ( rood buylnir by ono of tin ; larger holders , ndvnnced 7Ku when tbo olTeriups wen : materially ineritased , the shipping as well as the elovtitor Interests Milling freely , us also did somn of the larger longs , which carried tinprlco down from Jie to JHC. but was fairly well supported at the decline and rallied > 4e later , closing prices showing a loss of from - toc. ; . Dats wore active and stronger and Octo ber advanced ' 'fjj ' ovur yesterdiiy and lln- ishod at a net gain of ' . The strength was due to the action of shippers , who wt-ro talc- Ing off their "hedges1' against sales of cash lots. May was bought I rcoly by the specu lators. but prices only Hiit-tnated - , ' „ < - ' and closed from ' * c to c bettor than yestorday. 'J'liu provision nmrkot gave no Indication of recovery from its chronic loihargy. Transactions had wide gaps between , and the pilcrs paid in one instance differed ! I.V irom QUO trade to the next.- That was in Octobur ribs , thn opening- price for which was Jli.-IO.'and the next transaction , which did not occur until two hours or more after the 111 st , was at U.)5. ( ) The big eoncerns woivj all offering product , with few takers. Compared \vtb lust night , prices are from rahb quotations wuru us follows : I'l.ouit Klrin , iinclmngnd. WIIKAT No. i ! spring , GGQGdUi : ; No. 3 tnrlmr , CdQlWc : No. li red , GGfiJGO'BC. . CoilN No. 110Vc. ! . OATS No. ! 2. 28yd No. 2 white , 30 ! G31Ci No , 3 white , JH'i4r.H4c. ' ! [ * ItVKNo. . 1I0c. . HAIII.IY-NU. 'J , nominal ; No. 3 , 40o ; No. 4 , f , o. h. , UGffM'Jo. KI.AX SIKI : No. l.Sl.OGffSl.OOif. TlMOTHv KIKI : > Prime , KH.OMi 3.00. Point Moss , per bid. , $17.0017.05 ; lard ] > or 100 Ibs. , rJ.r.OftiUi.l : short , ribs hides ( loose ! , nMO.OtKiJlO.il ! " , ; ilry sallud Hhouldnrs ilm\-d > . $7.37'j&7.f ' > 0j bhort clear shies ( ho.\ed ) ty.70-ato.7n. WHISKY Dlhl'.lleiV finished goods , per gal. , HiMUiift Unchanged ; cut loaf , 0'c. The following uro the receipts ami ship ments for today : New Vorlc .Mnrltots. Nr.w VOIIK , Sept. 20. I-'MIIIII Hocclpto. 40,000 pKgh. ; i-\poilK. 24.500 hhls. ; hales , 0,001 pl < gs : inarKet. iiuletand oa y In sell winter wheat , low grades , i 2.004J2.55 ' . 't/iiN MiAir-.Steady : ; yellow western , tf2.(10 ( (32.HO. ( UVK Dull ; western hoatloads , 53555e , ll.Mll.r.v MAI.T .Steady ; western(15fihc. ( ( ) \VluAT-ltecells,375,000 \ | bn.j e.xporls , 105- 500 Int. ; sales , 745,000 hu. futures , illO.OOO hu. spots. Snot niarkot 'ic 'ower ' ; No. 2 red in hliiie and elevator , 713i- ; alloal , 72ie ! f , o. h. , 73ie ; No. 3 red , ( iOe ; ungraded red fiOiii73e ( ; No. 1 northern , 7le : ; Options upi-m-i ! < e lower , eloslm ; ! jc oil' for toe day ; No. V red. September , 7mc ; Oetubur , 71 I5-l 72 7-llc ( , closing at 72c ; Noveinhcr closi-d a 73'c ' Di-oember ' ' . ; , 75'D'tt.75 0-lGe , clo.slng a 74 e. OoilN Itecolpts , flB.HOO hu. ; exports , 05,00 hu.i sales , 2(1.000 ( hu. futures. 37.OOO mi , spot Hpols sternly Him dull ; No. 2,5Ht' < { ,52i. ' , ( ) | itlon > opened af hlKhrr on cold wealher , oloiini ; ! . , t 4041,4'J'iC , eloslng ut 4Uc ; Noveinher. , 40a ( ? i 40'jC , ulosliiK nt 40V ; Ivi-mher,40t ) ti6 5)5.1llc ( ) , i-loslliK at401.c May & ' ; , ; ! ( & ! , > , closing at 5l4c. DA'IH IteeolplN , 227,700 bu , ; e.\ | irt , 137- 500 hil.i bales , 700.0UO hu. fniiu-es , 03,000 hu. hpuls. Hpot.s linn early , closing ( | iilel , and i-iu.y. Options fnlily active and stroni ; early , closing ipihit ; Septeinhei. 3514 < 23lle , closing ' IU 31'ii'j October , 34iCt34J4'e , rinsing ut H4e , Novuinher , 34lt&.3l ie. elosliiif at34ic ! ; December. 34W35 < ; , ulosliiK at 35c ; No. 2 white , auaatl'io ' ; No. 2 C'hleago , 37M37ic ! ; No. 3 , 35'-o ' ; ml.\ed western , 3iiC'.37l8i- ( ! ( . llAY-Weiik on large supplies ; good to choice , < liMMK38.UO. lloisQiiluli eoiiiinou lo choice , 10ti24e ; I'aelllc coast. lOit-J'.V. lIllii-.B Qulel ; wet salted New Orleans se lected , 45 lo CO Ibs. . 4c ; Iliieiios Ay res dry , 21 to24 Ihs. . lie ' ; ToMisdry , 21 In27 Ibs. , 7e , Wooir 1'lrm ; domestic , 2 ( > a2Sc ; pulled , IH © Sf " . Toxtis. I ( ll7e. I'HOVIh-IONS-Ciit nieuls.llnn ; ph-klcd hulllen. ri2.25 < i6l3.00 ; pleldndi shoulders , 74 ! < j.7'ic | ' ; jilekled IIHIIIS , lO'idjillc. I.a id opened linn und cloMid weak ; wi-Murn htuam cloaeil at 10.25 ; options , imnoiSUiiseil at # 11' ' , nominal Pork , linn ; new mo.s , IM7.75U1B.OO. nil- Strum ; : stulo daliy. 1011'JOci wi-st- TII dairy. Uii4tV-Oi-j ( wrslmn iiriumryOil Srti'j wi-htuin factory , KiOlUui ii ; ln , 'J7-i < fthL . CIIKIHK Irit'KuIiii-j btate. IIICKU to finu-y. Iu".iiloi0i fiincy wlille , lurii' . lo'kf" " " jiari skliiib , c. naaoc ; - - - - - . . - - . - - - - . . . . . 'Hjiej IVuiitjitaulaoll , hii-.H huhU.OOO lilils. ; ( > , - tohi-rktili's , 3,000 nblH.i elOM'd at G7je ; hid. I.tiiiti iill.biiK'n. none , Kosis--Steady ! btralucd , comnion to good , Tl'lil'BNTlNK Sternly at " 7J4i.2fllii ( ! ! ! . HICIKlnui : ilomoMlu fair to cxlra , 24 © 6 i . .Inpnn.Dit'iC. . . Mnu\ii8is-rinii : ; Now Urluans upi-u lii-tllt ) , good tochnlcii , : i'J 3tc. : SlMUii Ui\v. ; Hi in ; sulcn , mimt ; ri'tlncd llrm ; d IV A , 4 13 - llu5ie ; mould A , OH&b 0-ltiis ; standard A , 5 l-lliHS'ii1 ; emifecilouerH' A , ' tj l-U > 'i 5Uecut ; loaf , 5S c5 13-0et | crushed , C'.irtO 13-llc : pondered , 5 7-KWi.5 , e ; uranu- lated , 5 3-10.5iej cubes , 5 7-loa5fo. I'm DION .More active ; American , 112.25 ® l'Oli-KU-i ; : bler ; lake , 0.7xao.75. LKAII llun-ly t > lvudy : dumetillc , i3.76. Ti.s-Acilve and strnni..Smuts ; , J20.05. rSi'ii/iiu-qulut : : Imi llrmj domesile , 13 , 75 ® b.BO , 'Mliiniiipiiil'Vliriil SliNMMroi.is , Minn. , Hrpt , 20. Wheat opened weuk and fractionally lower this iiiuriilivi ; bucausuof Indltfertmt cablu udvlces , \\cuUuvbSbhowuluNow Vork , u lower curb print In Chtrngo , together llh lirlxntn nil vices fix un IhnML-alioardinylnt ; that the e.x putt tmdu wn In n languishing condition. The course of Iho nmrkol licrtt was errtitli * , v.lth llnM'hnnu'0 of value * i.'Diillnt-d within narrow limits Mini mostly limited to " iilpllijj trausac- 'loiii. Tin- fuel that receipts at primary idtitsuri-liH-reaslin ; , nddlMi ; dally to thu do- iicstlivlilhlo Niipnly , that slocks of wheat nil Hour In for i'Inn ports aru as u whole really ronjteMrd for tin- pricntaiid that for miiiedl.-ite usu tlic.ru U practh-nlly nodi-maud , atisi'd tin- limit eoiMcmitlvu hitll.i to mil Iwforo taking fresh obligations. ) i-Cf-mli'cr oiirnod al 03 , advanced to03j c , Iropp-Ml to fi3'ie nnd olovd iitCS'H ' * . May ipened Jit "Or mid closed at 70'ir. ' Tin- cash narkel wasiiltituthu | | , with a ( food demand nt all crudes nt slightly lowi-r ranges of nines. No. I no tin-in. tJ' t { < ( l3c ( , ami No. 2 t ( iiHtlOl i'tiOn truck closed : Iltird , G3'iCi \o. 1 northern , G2'ii ' : ; N . - . GO'iC. Ki-i'olpl- , JQ4 cart i fdilmnetns , 72 cars. The llniiiinatkut \rtii quirt and a little asler. Shipment * , 20.K2rj biiK 1'lrst patents. 3.00&.1.00 ; second piitcnl . M.3&7P.GO ; fancy mil < i.\poit bakers , si.UOS'2.20 ; low guides In Mips , Including led doit. M.HujM.'irThe dally idih'd ' output 01 mllN lirlndhig today will iruhahly tigriegati4OiOi ( ( hhls. The fci-d imrket Is quiet. , Hi-tin In hulk , t0.2r > ft < J.uO ; horts , ? lo. noli 11.00. Snli'.iiioiits , U-15 ton ? . \vi.vtinit : cttoi- IHI.I.ITI.\S. ; : | 'por.liiir Tniirritii | < - linn llcru I'rpvnlpnt 'I lirouiclionl the Northwest. WASIII.NOTON , Sept. 20. The week was vuimi-r thun u-ual thtotii-liimt the Routli- rn slato- . , the Ohio valley n ml oil thu Al- untie coast t-rmth of New Ktij-hind. ll wtis il-u warinnr than MMtal fnun the lower Mis souri southward ovur Kansas , Indian Totrl- ory , Texas , New Mexico and Arizona. Il was colder Hum usual In all Paclllc coast stales , thu central li ! : liy mountain lejlou ami loin the upper hike ft-Klni' westward. I'li-i-zltiK tcmpcratiiro oi-cui-n-il In North Dakota on tin ; 1'Jih. \Vyonln.'on : Hie J2d , ami cciii-rally tliroimhnul thu Dil.-tiUis : , Montniia , UyomhiK , western Nehrask i and northern Minnesota on tint 'jrtd and 'J'lth. the lonest 1eniicraturtreported | hi-lns 1-t ilnsrei-s hnlow the fieezliiK point at Huron. H. H. , on lhu2fjth. ! Tin-re was nmre than the usual rainfall from southern New Mexico und iiothi-iu Texas noithetistwtiid to the laKu lei-loii. Alonir tliu utilf coast and In the slates horilerlni ; mi the Atlantic the itilnfall uas le.ss limn usual. Cutiiiii Is npmilm : inpldly and picking up ind'T p'lieral favornhliMindlthms , Tin- crop s reported Impioved lu Alahamn. hut thn eool \Miithm- has tin unfaviitMhle elR-cl , In Mlssls- slppl and some Inlury has lestllted fiom o.\ cesshu ruins In Oklahoma. I'orn I'UltliiK , where not completed , Is helm ? itinldly pushed , -\nd the crop Is now regarded luiliracllcally seemed. Tolmccocutthu Is rapidly pnahed In Mary- land. Virginia , Tcmc.sset > and Kentucky- 1'cmi.sylvanla much tohacco icmalns .still In the Held. The week has been generally favorable for fall plowing and seeding and tbh work , which has lieeu much retarded hy previous diouth conilll Ions , Is being rapidly caught up and has been coinplnted In some sect Ions. In Nebraska , however , the drouth remains unbroken nnd full plowing and seeding have been suspended , and In Wisconsin , while hcncUclal rains have fulleu , the Kiouud Is still too dry for seeding , ( liiiiiliu I'riiiliic.i' .Mnrliet. llt-TTnil Tlio receipts of butler are very lluht , especially the better glades. The mar ket has been gradually llrmlng up and quota tions are somewhat higher than they were u week ago. Choice to fancy cieaniery , 22 < Tr24c ; fair to good creamery , 21d.22c [ : choice to fancy country , 2 ( > ' 3)22c ) ; fair to good country. 10' * IHe ; packing stock , fresh , 14c. KIKISIt Is no easy mailer to ipioto cges o ns Insult all eondlllons of Iho marl > el. The fact i > the marl.et Is advancing , hut It Is ad vancing unevenly. No two house , have ex actly < ni * stinu * Idi-iiH on the .subject of what the market Is. One house will report the pi Ice ut llc ( and the very next liousii 17c. At some places In the country It Is reported that 15c Is being paid on track. The receipts here are very light , and some houses say that tney do not euro to sell al 17c , as li Is only a iUes- | tlon of ti day or two when the market will bn IHe good and stiong. Iteporls from all over the country Indicate u light run of eggs. l.ivi : I'OL-i/mv It Is still too early In the week to antlcinjito much activity in the poultry market. Prices icnmln about when ) they huvo been during the past few days. Choice old hens , 7@7'ic ; spring chickens , B © 8'ie ; ducks , saoe. ( .AMI : The weather Ins been cooler during the past two or three days and If II would re main so moro actlvltv might bu looked for In the game market. As it is there is not much doing. IIo.VKY Honey Is commencing to move a little moro -freely , bill thu demand Is still IlKht for It ; choice while clover , lU218c. } OvuTEKfi Mediums , 18c ; horse shoes. 23c ; extra .standards , 25c ; extra selects , 2Su ; company selects , 32c ; counts , 37c. ONIONS Homo grown stoc.k on orders , 70c per 1m. POTATOES The supply Is llsht and the marlcel linnicoodKtouksulls readily at 7070c. CAIIIIAOI : Occr.hloutil orders are received and tilled at 1'ic. CII.IIIY : : Common stock , 25W.3C ! per doz. ; clioh-u to fanny , 40e , GOc and 70e per , | o * . hunuhcs wolglilng to lolh.s. , aucordlti ) ; to price. Swr.BT POTATOKS The supply Is fair ; good stock , on order * , $1 pur hn. FIIUITS. CONCOitl ) OIIAI-KS-People who are fond ol tlie hoine-xro\vn Concord - -rapo are not likely to have many days loimer lu which to Indulge their appetite , ft looks now as If tin ) supply was soliit ! to htop nil of a.sudden. Prices arc HrmliiK iigi some. . llomu-Krown 1'oncord , tiliS HOC ! lar-fe lots , 22c ; eastern Concords , J3r32r CANTAI.otll'US IVrcralu , $1.00ll.2r } > . C'Ai.miliNiA l-'ut'lT ' Krei.lonu poaches , per box , * 1.0U@1.10 ; riincs. Jl : ilartlott pears , per ho.v , * 2.V0'J'J..10 ! ( : other vtirloties , $ 'J ; plums , potho.v , Jl. 120 < ftl.50 ; Tokay grapus , H.'Jfi ; hlack ami mu-cat urape , Jl. AI-I-I.KS Chulcu eiillng , per hhl. , J4..r)0 ; eholeecoiiKlii ; ; , 14. CiiA.MiKiiiliis-Craiihfrrlesaro : arriving ver ; fnii'lv and are In ; ; oocl demand ; Uapo Coc pur bbl , , tU.CO ; hell and ehurry , JO. TltOI'ICAI. FIUIl-M. HANANAS Prices runiaIn about steady : pur hunch , ItiiKu. it'J.OOiJiJ.20 ; per bunch , small lo medium , J1.75IC2.0J. I.IIMONSMessinas par hov , J4.DOiJ5,00 ; Mlorl , eases , riOOslzo. JO. OHANOKS Them are only a fo-v oranges re- malniiiK ; Itiversldu Mndllerraiieau sweets , SI iiiius , TAI.I.OW , irc. : llllinsNo. . 1 Kl-een hides , 24c ; No. 2 Rreon hides , 2e ; No. 1 Kt-euu salted hldos , 2y < " No. 2 green halted hides , 2e : No. 1 Krcen stiltiM iiides , 25 Ihs. to10 lln. , a c ; No. ' . ! green saltud hides , 25 Ihs. to10 lln. , 2cNo. ; . 1 veal calf H Ihs. to IT ) Ihs. , 5u ; No , 2 veal calf , B Ills. U in Ihs , , 3c ; No. 1 dry Mint hides , -Jo : No. * J dry Hint hides , 3e ; No , 1 dry salted hlde.sIt - . I'urt cuted hides He peril ) , less than fully cured. SIHII-I'Ki/rs : : ( Ireuii sailed , each ! liiS70e ! ; greuii salted shearlings ( shoit wooled early skins ) , each lOftlfti ! ; di-y shearlhiKs ( short wooled early Hkliis' ' , No. 1. eueh rxiioc ; dry bhettrlliiKS ( short woolud early skins ) , No 2 iiach Oi'i dry Hint , Kansas ami Nuhraskt Imlclu-r wool pelts , pur II ) . , actual weight , 10i7 He ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska iniiri-ali wool pt'lts , pur lh. , actual weliliti7iiiilOLdry ; Hint Colorado Imtchur wool pi-ts , , pur lh actual wotxht , 'Jir.ioc , dry Hint. LV orado mur- rtitii wool polls , par lh. , aetiril wid ht , 7./i'Jc dry pieces and huckH , actual weight , OS7c , SI. I. oiili * Mnrlien. ST. I < otis , Pent. 2(1. ( 1'iotin I'nclianged. WIIIIAT I'nsellled , ami after f.illlng and ilslug again 'xift'ic , closed abou' as yesterday ; xyish , closed lower , fiH c : September , UlVcj December , 0lVc ( asked ; May , 74Je. Cons- Advanced V early , but later lost , the rise and closed about as yesterday ; cash , 3Hcj December. 3iVie ( ; year. 3le ( ! ; .May , 401c. OATS --Higher ; cash , 2bi27o ; October , U7'r ; May. 32c. Itvi : Loiter ; 40' ic. ItAiii.KY Acilvo , largo sales of Iowa being made at 52 < iiT 5Kc ; Minnesota at 5035HC. HAV Siiiadyi llmothy , JU.OOH12.0U ; prairie , $0.25aO.OO. ( HitAN ltelter : 0Kj7llc ( ( track. Vi\X .SiiiiI'lrin : ; ; Jl. I.IMII Lower ; oll'i'n.'d alt3,57i. ! .SIHITIUI'lrm : ; } 3.5ri. HtiTTKit Higher ; creamery , 25G28c ; dairy , 20 < ft2llc. KiiilK-Hlgher ; 14Vic. Cons MiAir-l'lrniiI.OO. : WIIISKVHleady : ln2. llAiiOIMlSteauy ; 4JjiJOc ( , cornis Tins05cf l.oo. PIIOVISIONS Pork , higher ; JIB. I. aril , lower ; 10. 50 , Dry suit meats , steady ; loose shoulders , t7.25. longs and ribs , J10.50 ; shorts $11 ; boxed lots 15c more. Itacon , shouldeis , JH.5U ; longs and ribs , tl 1.75 ; shorts , * 12. HIUIIITA : : I'ldiir , 20,000 bbls : wheat , 52 , . 000 bu. ; corn , MH.OOO bu. ; o its , 32,000 bu. .Sini'iiKNTC-l'loiir , . 0,000 bhU ; wlmat , 24- 000 hu. i corn , 102,000 hu. : oats , IB.uou bu. Kuiihim ( tty AliirUets. KANSAS Crrv , Hept. JII.T-\VIIKAT HQc lower ; No. 2 hard , 5lt ! < Q < 55i ! ; No. 2 ted , M'-ii OOHc. Coitx ! ic lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33y34i- ; No. 2 white , 34'ic ' , OATS More active ; No. 2 mixed , 23 < 325c | No. 'J whllo , 2Hdi2ric. Itn : In fall-demand ; No. 2,48c l'l\X SKlIli-SU-ady. 00&02C. lliAN--Ka : > ler ; 57 < Ui5Hi ; . HAV Klrm ; timothy , $7.5038.50 ; prairie , J5. 50 10. GO lll'rriit--l-'lrm ' ' : ; creamery , 20&25c ; dairy , llfy'Mit. luais Quit' ! and less ilnu al IGc. ItKCKirra-Whuut , 114,000 ho. ; corn , 15,000 bu. ; nus , none. .sini-MBN-rs-Wheat , 120,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; uuts , none. Tolndo ( intiii .tlnrknl. Toi.Kiioti-pl. ? 20. WiiKAT"Sleadlcr ; No. 2 cinili ami September. l' > H' < c , I.'OU.N Dull , lower ; No , 2 , cash , 42ie. ( O. < , TS-'ai.l4 ( , 28c. New York Dry ( lomN Mnrki-t. NKW VOIIK , Sept. 20. The font lire of tbo dry KIMHU murket at present Is thu combined largo uumbur of order * arriving by wire aim mull , which kt'oii the volume of trade nn to oa oti- ublo pniportlont hi tlm faci ! of n local demand. The hn'iil tloiiiinid , however , i Is still aetlve. Prices routlnuu to rule low. There Is iomii Irregularity lu diess goods and wiiolens gronlm ; out of n dt-Mro to clean up stocks ; for the law-i ritiKim IheriI I * nonio drives to bo found In Hit-market for forolgn dry goods OiiHiut Milrlli-l. Nr.w Oinr.AM . Si-pt. 20. Future. " oloady : sales , 33,500 hales - > . " bid - > ; Seple iber , $7.70 ; K- lohor , t7.71fJ7.7 ! ; ) : November. * 7.fl''r.J.7.Hf : December , $7.U17.94 ! January , . l-'i-liruary , 18.IH&8.13 : Mutch , fH.20itH.Slj April. ts.2H3n.2U : May. Ja.3.14iH,37 ; middling uplands , 7 lo-lc.c ; loiv upland * , 7 11-ltic ; good ordinary , 7515Nut receipts , 8.083 . liale : gross lecclpts. 10,553 : miles , 3OJO i bale * ; stock , 00,74(1 ( hales. lUl.VKsros , Sept. 20.-Qulr ( ; middling up lands , 8 1-lCejulnw uplnii s 714'e ; good ordi nary , 7 710iUross receipts , 4,31)5 ) bales Hales. 577 liale.s. ST. l.nt'iii. Mo. . Sept. 20. steady ; orilluaiy , OVc : good iildlnary , ( I'M * , tow middling , He ; good middling , 8)4c ) ; middling fair , u-U ; tlul.s , V' . ami stained Jie bohm while. NKW VOIIK , Sept. 20Spot , 1-lfic di- clltiot middling upland , 83-l ( > middling : Orli'illis , H 7-Uic ; sak-s , 030 bales I'uturcs closed easy ; sale.s , 2n-J,200 balt-s. Sep tember , t7.aij ) October , t7.l3 ! 7.0l : Novem ber , } H.05 i.8.nH ; Dei-ember , } 8.175iHIM ; Jan uary , J8.27C/H.28 ; 1'ebruury , * t < .30 ( ? . 8.37 ; Miiich. * 8.40V8 47 ; April , J8.44 ( 8.05 ; May , H.IVJ(28.(13. ( .MIlM.HIHl'O Mnrltl'K. Supt. 20. Ki.ofii Steady. - U'eakj No. 2 sptltig , 02o ; No. 1 lioi'therti , ( i.ii- ; December , ( Ifi'ie. ' COIIN Steady ; No. 3 , 4Pie. OAT.SSluady ; No. 2 white , 30o ; No. 3 white , 2H' ( ( 3 le. HAIII.KV- Steady ; No. 2 , 6Do ; sainpU' , WZMc. llvi--Stetuly : ; No. l,48".c. I'IKIVISIONSHigher ; pork , i\7. \ I.ard , tO,7fi. UKCKIPTSi'iour , 4loo bbls. ; wheat , 1UHUOO bu. ; barley , 1 4 , 00 bu. SIIII-.MINI-S : I'.inir , 700 bids. ; wheat , 700 bu. ; bailey , U3'JOO ' bu. OH Murlii't- . OiM'tTV , Pa. , Sept. 20.- National transit cer- Illlcatesopened at OO'i : highest , 07 % ; lowest , Oil ; clLsvd , 07 ; sales , 04,000 bbls. ; clearances , 138.000 bids. ; charters , 110'Jl" bbls. ; ship ments , 111,177 bbls. PiTTsmtiid , Supt. 20. National transit certllleales upuned , it 00'0 ' ; closed , 07 ; hlsh- esl , G7\ ; lowest , GGV. sales , 25,000 bbls. l.lii't'piitit rt'o luen . .liu-Uot. LiVKiii-oou "cpt. 20.-- \VHI-.VT Ha .y ; de mand poor ; holdeis iMVer fieeiy.Callfoinla No , ! , 5s td ) < 35 lO'id ' ; ; led westernspring,5s 7id ! 0..r.s8d. Cons-Steady ; demand fair ; now mixed , 4s 1 ' .id. 1'itovisioxs Pork , prime muss , 80s 3d. l.ard , pi 1 line western , Ms. Cutler Mtirlo-t. Nr.w VOIIK , Sept. 20. Options opened firm , 15fl20 ( points lilgher.closlng sleriuy.unehaii to 15 points advance ; .sales , 1-1'Joil bags , In- cliidhVg : Ot'liibiMlii.YuV November , "filj'.aua 10.4t ( ; Deeemlettit ) .U.ViplO.OD ; .Itinuarv. $15.80(215.85 ( ; March , * 15.5Wil5GO ( ; July. J10. Spot Ulo. llriii ; No. 7. E18.12H. Stilus , none. liiilnth Wliii.it Miu-lu-l Iiit'Tit , Minn. , Sent. 20.Thu wheat , market was lower , b-it actlvn today , ( . 'lose : No. 1 hard , cash anil September , O.V.c ; ( lo'o- hur , G5JiC ; lecemberJ7c. ) No. 1 northern , cash ami September , 04c ; October , 04(41Deeeinhur ( ; , OO'.K * : May , 72'v ' ; No. 2 northern , cash Glc ; No. 3 , 5C'c ; rejected , 47Uc. Wool .Mill-Hut. ST. T.dltis , Sept. 2uV-Mnrkot remains Hrm for best grades , lint oll'urlngs very light : tlio movement Is small ; dark medium , quietabout Me ; choice at lGiri.i7c ; light line12@13tc ! : heavy Hue ranges at 7iB.llc. C.'lneiiiiiiililiiikits. . CINCINNATI , Sept , 20. WIIIUT Strong , higher ; No. 2 led , fide. COIIN Qult-t ; No , 2 mixed , 43c. OATS-Sinnig ; No. 2 mixed , 313Ue. $ ; J1.12. It.iltlnioru ( inilii .tltirkt.-t. It.vi.TlMOiiK , Sept. 25. WIIKAT Weak ; cash , COIIN Mrin ; cash , 40c. OATS-Qulot , easy ; No. 2 white , 37G37'.Jc. l-'iiiiiiieinl .Notes. KANSAS . Crrv , Sept. 20.-Uloarltigs $1,315- 513. 513.Nr.w Nr.w VOIIK , Sept. 20. Clearings , $77,007,207 ! balances , J4.478.510. I'Aiits. Sent. 20. Tiireo per cent rentes , 08f 32'jc for the account. OMAHA , Sept. 20. Clearings , $727,371 ; same day last week , } 037,812. llAITIMOliK. Sept. 20. Clearings , J2.001.309 ; balances , $303,301. Money , Oporeenl. Pllll.AOKM-iUA , Sept. 20. Clearings , $0,070- 272 ; balances , $1,301,701. Money , 5@0 nor cent. CINCINNATI , Sept. 20. Money , 008 per cent. New Vork evchamre , 50e premium. Oloarlugs , Jl,345,022 , MK.MI-IIIS , Sopt. 20. Now Vork oxclmiigo selling at J1.50 premium. Clearings , tl4U- 888 ; Imliineos , J40.487. llEiti.i.N , Sept. 20. The .statement , of thu Im perial Hank of tiermany shows a decrease In specie of 3,500,000 marks. ST. LoiMS , Sept. 2i.-Clearlnss. 2,487,433 : balances , $233,825. Money , iiilot | tit 7ii8 ( per cent. lC\chin-4e : on New Vork , DO. : premium. NI\VOIIIIANS : : , Sept. 20. Clearings , J1.520- 021. New ork exchtuige , commercial , SI per $1,000 premium ; bank , $3 per Jl.OOO premium. ClUCUiO , Sept. aO.-C'learlmis 112,755,215. Now Vorl ; exchange , 75c premium. Sterling exchange , strong , i4.852fi,4.K8. ! Money easy at G'(87 IIL-I-cent. NKW VoitK , Sept. 20. i ho exports of general merchandise from this port for the week end ing today , were valued ut $7,030,043 , against $8.800,280 hist week. HOSTON , Sept. 20. Clearings , $11,830,013 : bal inces , tl.335,477 ; .Money In full supply at 5 percent. Kxehangeon Now Vork , 755i80c discount for checks. STOCKS AMl IIOMIs. Important I.rsson Taught by UIR Course ol SpiM-uliittoii Vf-Hltirdiiy. Nr.w YOHK , Sept. 'M. The lesson taught by the course of speculation on the Stock exchange today is ono easily learned. H was lhat conditions are not favorable to the establishment on a linn basis ot speculative values , and that the very slightest indica tion of n possible derangement of the mon etary situation leads to the sacrillec of even the best stocks upon a declining ; market. It was to bo expected in vlow of the depression prevailing yesterday that the opening prices this morning would bo witli u decline , and the Jlrst liffuros sent over the ticker carried out that anticipation to the fullest extent , the heaviness ot the niarkot being undoubt edly assisted by u weak London market. Tbero were a number of selling orders from abroad , which also aided in depressing prices , and the hears called to their aid i > iitmt > a ( if ltilim.il III tit uti Itmiiiit ta nl * irnM which had thoi-fl'cct of bringing out con siderable long stock and sending the market down all tilonir tire line. The decline brought KOIIIU ol the shorts as buyers and a slight nilly ensued , but was of hriofiiuratlon , and not until lung after noon didMho movement ri rive a check. When the talk of gold ox- liffi'ts was at Its height the announcement was Hindu that the notes for sterling oir- change had been marked down , ami this caused a revulsion of feeling , for If there had been any danger of an outflow ot gold tins action was accepted as having ut least deferred tbo shipping day and removed an element ot danger. Thu bulls at once took heart of this and the beat's rushed to cover , the eonscouoiico , being ; the inauguration of a brisk buying movement , under thu Intlucuco of which the market moved up rapidly , several stocks recovering - covering entirely thu losses of the morning ami recording an absolute advance and the entire list sharing In the Improvement. ' 1 hu higher range of values , however , led to realisations and the bears renewed their at tacks , leading to another r.-action , in which a goodly part of the betterment was lost and tlio mat kut closed irregular , but iu tin ) main weak and at a iteclmo on the day's transactions of Irom V to 2 > 4 pur cent in thu active list , some stocks which do not often llguro in du.ilingB having sold off from 2' ' to 5 per cent. The { -ranger blocks wuru must llrmly held of the entire list on reports of increased earning ? and brighter prospects ahead , Chicago ( ias , too , was quite strong , the reported oppos ition beinir declared not to bo feared ) * The stock showed an advance compared with yestwilay'8 closing of l-ftf per cent , Hurling- ton .t Qultiey and Chicago .t Alton being un changed and Kt. 1'aul up > & per cent. J'no chief declines were : Baltimore & Ohio , 5 per cent ; Rational I'ipo Lluo certificates , 4"j per cent ; Uubber , ! l per cent ; Consoli dated ( ias , 2 * } percent ; Lln sued Oil , 2 , ' < j per cent ; ( Jencr.il Klectrio and Lead , 2' | per cent ; Colorado Fuel Ac Iron , \K percent' Canada Southern ami St. Paul & Uuliith , 194 per ce-it ; St. Paul A : Omaha , CSroiu Northern preferred , Louisville fi Nushvillo and Michigan Central , each 2'cj ' per cunt. The I'ost says : Owing to the dlsllku o i emitters to buy sterling bills , the advance In foreign i-xchango yesterday was currlml along more rapidly than conditions war ranted , anil today there was a reaction This had its effect on the security market and especially In tlio afternoon , when uctua rates fell sharply off , thus rendering im probable nny gol4Hhlpmenls durinff the present week. Uiititthls reaction In exchange - change , minors o'f ilbld cnsngcmetits wcro fivoly.Imitated , Linn with' bad effect on prices. The truth ofthe matter Is tlmt few jicoplo dread a gdld' export movement In Its If. but rather foiwhat ; , it indicates nnd foreshadows , l.ookort upon In this regard , the blirh rates of sterling exchange nrc quito as plain n danger signal If the gold stays hrro as they would be If It wcro to bo sent nbro.d. : IK The following are the rloslncquot-Ulons of the leadline stocks 0.0 tlio Now York exchange - change today : " ' Hoston Stock Ouotittfoii * . BOSTON , ! -"opt. 20. ( 'all loans.5flG ( percent ; lime lonns , (1W.8 ( per cent. Closing ipiotutlons in stocks , bonds aml'inlulng shares : Atcli. T. k S. P doprefo.-reil American SiiK.tr. . . WUt WeHllnnh. Klectrle 2(1 ( Ami-r. Snpar pfil. . . 84K do preferred 40 Hay StatiO.IH - . WJ WlHuuiihln Central. 40II Hell Telephone- . . . . 188 AlClliHOIl L'H 3 ! ) llos'.on.V ' Albiny. . . Jill Att-hlHun 71 HoHton.V ; Mnlni ) . . . . Ifi'J WlHUOllHllI COIlt IS , C. II. .t Q Alloilez Mlllinir Co. 'ltchllllrk" . . r. . . > l Atlantic- . . . . junenil Electric. . . . HoHtou , t Mont Mexican Central. . IluttoA lloston N. Y.AN. K Calnniiit .VHecla. . . Old Colony Centennial : > re. Short Line. , . . Htf Franklin 111 llublit-r 25 KcarHni'u 111n San Uloiro Osceoln 21 ! Union 1'aoitic Qnlnuy Kill Went End Tamarack 138 On tile Lniulon .Market. LONDON. Sept. 20. 4 p. in. The closing ( pio- tatlons on the London Stock exchange today were : CoiiHolH , money ' . )7 ) ; > , i.Mnxk-aii ordinary . . lil > f CdiisolH. account. . 0 7-111St. ] I-nid coiiiiiion. . . . I'llIJi N. Y. . l > ii.\O. IstH. . ' 'lljt , Now York Ct-u'l..1(1 ( Ihi Canaihanl-aclllu Tfih Pennsylvania .11 Ji , Krle in lleadliii ; 8JH KrleMB 70 Mux. Ceir. new ! . . . u3i ! llllnulH Central til HAII Sir.VKii-34sd ! pero/ . Slo.NKY 1 per cent. Hull ! of discount In the open market for hotn short and three-months hlll.s , \i pur cent. _ Sim I'mnciHuo Milling ijiiotiitions. PAN I'ltANL'isco , Sopt. 20. Thoolllcl.il closing qiioiatlons for mining stocks were ) us follows : Alia 10 Hale X Nurui-uiis.i Til Ilelcher B Jlexli-an . fT llest.t lleleher.Ifl Opldr . so IloilleCoiiHUhdafd IS Itulwer 10 ( 'hollar 1C. SU-i-r.i Nevada . 40 L'un. Cal. & Va 125 Union Con . 10 Crown Point 1.1 Yellow Jacket. . . . 40 Oonlil A.Cni-1'y. . . . . IS Now Yorlt Mlnllii ; ( J NEW YOIIK , Sept. 20. Thu followlus are the mining ijuolatloiis : Cholur Id 1'lyinonlh 10 Crown 1'olnt 10 Sierra Nevada in Con. Cal. A. V.-i 115 Standard Kill Deaihvooil nil Union Con ( ionlil and Curry. . 15 Yellow Jacket Ho Haiti .V. N' Ill'Ium ' Silver 110 Hoini-Htaku irilljQlllck Silver 1511 Moxiean ! ! ij do pn-fd 1 5IIII Ontario ( ! ( ) i Unlwc-r 10 OiihhC (11) ( ) St. I.OIIIH .MlillllK > t' > el < . ST. f.otiis , S'opt. 2(1. ( 1'ollowlns nre tbo closlmriiiiolittlons ; ' . 111(1. Ahked. Adnnm. . . $ .10 $ .1:11 : lllinefrc ( iranltuM. l.MI 1.7B Kltzahelh. . . M..O Aint-r. Nut. Leo 1.00 3.0(1 ( Silver Ailv.iiiees In l.onilon. NKW VOIIK , Sent. lfl. ! The Post's London hpec'lnl rsiiys ; Silver has ilsen to 34'td on small sptrlal order's ami scanty Miprillos. Money closed active and rupee pa per a I l)5.d. ) ( Them was no gold movements today. The de mand ' -oritlnucb Mat. The Argentine Kuimhllc lovoliillon huh ileejieried Ihn anxluly. Amer icans eiosed at the wor t on dividend iiUiv- | n 'r , and oppo-slllon to Hie xllver repeal act. Uold uxpurtb fnun Ameilca are e.xpecied , OMAHA I.1VIJ IsTUCIi .IIAItKKTS. Moilunita Krcnlptt llrlnc Alioul n ( Jeriprnl * l'-rinlii | ( ; Up ol I'rlri-a. ' ' Tl'BKDAV , Hflpt. 10. Hoceipts today wore moderate and for the past two days compared with the llrst two days of lust wool ; thtiro has been ft falling off'of about 1,000 cut e , 1,000 bogs mid 250 sheep. Tlio supply of do'siyablo ueof cattle was short enough to make the dre&bcd beef men anxious and as n result suitublu grades wore picked up briskly _ ' nt prices fully lOo better than Moiufay and In the ub- sctico of u s-ufllcleiit number ol desirable beeves tlv ( ordinary run of stock. botn natives and rniigers , were freely talton at substantially stronger llcuros , Some choice 1,285-ib , be jps sold for M. 70. and sev eral bundles of only fair natives went over the scales at from fl to # 4 ! ) . " > . The western ca.tlo were largely of Inferior ( { uallty , but tiiov were needed to'help out" und readily changed hands at from ? - ! . & " > up to Ul ( , or good strong prices. Trading was lively from the blurt and the limited offerings werusooi absorbed , the market clobing up strong Thu cow market was In better shape todaj and thu thirty odd loads on halo sold ( juirkl\ at stronger prices. Kales included corn mm to prime cows and hqlfcrs at from ll.iU ) to f3. ! > 3 , with tlio bulk at from $1.70 to fj 10 The cnlf market was active and 11 rm and thu sumo was true as to rough stock generally Husim-ss In feedcr < > was brisk at stronger prices all around. Tlio smooth , Hi-shy crades wore tu excellent demand , whllo the ordi nary grades showed no quotable advance ( iood to choice feeders are quoted ut t3 to f 1.50 , fair to good at i.75 to fa , with comnioi and Inferior stutT ut around 2 lo t'-.SU , Hep resentalivo &ules : lUIESSUI ) IIKEf , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . . . U&O 1300 il . i)00 ) 1400 037 4 OO 10. . 1203 4 70 17. .1272 2 . 050 1 00 4 . . 057 2 ( Ml . 830 2 OS 3 870 2 05 11 . 031 2 05 .1000 2 05 o " 010 2 (13 8. . 852 2 III 1. . . 020 2 10 1. .1020 2 10 1. . 050 2 10 I'.l , . 842 2 in 25 , . 017 2 50 H. , . 477 1 SO 7. . . 552 1 85 , . 7UO 3 25' 3. , 20.1 2 75 . . 400 3 OO . . 250 , . 030 1 80 , .1400 STOCK tillft AND fEEDCIIS. 1 fill070 2 HO 30 steers. 1173 385 2 steers.1325 305 5 steers. 1250 275 40 cows. . 853 1 50 1 slrllgl-130 1 75 8 cows . 1000 1 'JO 1 hull. . . 1170 1 ! )0 ) 1 slag..1270 1 UO 04 cows..933 205 3 cows. . U03 215 3sleers.ll)3 ! 275 1 steer. 1000 2 75 1 steel1300 2 75 2 cows . . HOO 130 1 cow. . . 010 105 3 cows. . 840 1 'JO 1 Kir , T. . 1000 215 2'J str.sT.lO40 215 18 filrs. .1104 250 I strstg227 ! 210 1 cow 050 220 1 cow..1000 220 12 fdrs . . OK ) 225 2 fdrs. . . 087 225 Ifdi. . H20 J 25 4 fdrs..777 225 1 fdr . .1100 225 J3 steers.1112 300 1 steer . UHO 300 1 stuer.,1070 300 1 fdr..1130 300 2 fdrs. . .1085 300 GO fdrs. . . 000 310 1 fdr . . . .10B5 300 7 steers. . 1345 310 Hoqs Receipts wore not excessive today , ind , with a very active demand from both fresh m tat men and shippers , the market opened up iietivo , witli prices 5c to lOo ligher than Monday on all grades. As a rule , the quality of tin offerings was In- ferlor , rough heavy sows being moro prom inent than was desirable. Huyors were nil after quality , and weight wan a minor con sideration. Good to choice hogs , both heavy and light , sold at from $0.40 to $0.50 , with lirimu lights un to ? 0.5. ) and m-ime heavy butcher weights as high as $0.VJ > . Itough heavy and mixed pacldug grades sold early at $0.5 : ! and -J0.40. Later reports from Chicago cage were bearish on both bogs and provis ions , ami tlio market flattened out badly. Late bids und sales were largely at ? 0. ! ! ( ) and J0.i5 ! , or no butter than on Monday , tlio early strength being entirely lost and the market closing very wealc. Thu big bulk of the bogs sold tit from ffi.iKi to $0.4.r > , as against SO.iiO and $ G.i5 ; Monday and from $0 tpJO.lOono week ago today. Koprescuta- tive sales : 100 280 100 120 200 240 100 80 120 280 200 80 200 120 I GO 320 1(10 120M M ) 120 120 200 .284 2CO .251 .254 .38(1 ( 240 .310 80 .408 120 .373 280 .2(10 ( 40 .221 320 .201 1(10 ( BO 250 40 200 .237 80 200 . you 300 80 .2(10 ( 80 120 .251 GOO 80 .201 200 100 .220 120 240 .233 201) ) 40 2H3 81) 40 277 40 120 327 40 200 232 240 HI ) .202 80 .285 120 1GO .310 80 200 .330 80 120 ao ? 40 100 .334 240 .241 200 .210 120 .281 200 180 400 2J3 a. . 615 80 B 00 SIIKKIReceipts were light and there was no change in the market worthy of note It Guru Cold , Coutht. Sere Thrott , Croup , Influ. can. Wbeoplng Couth , Eronchttit and Aitbmi , A cerUin cure for Coniumptlon in firit it ct . and t ure relief in idfineed ittiei. UM at once. You will ice the txoillent effcol after takinr tb frit dote. Bold tir dtaUra eiirywiure. Larf bottle i to ciaU and 81.00- demand U ntodVr.Ato for bath tir.utoa * and fouler * , with prices ( piotnbly s'.oiidy. Fair to good native ? . 3.iT < /i.M : ) ; fair to good wesjoius.fcj.u.'irjpia.'i : commonami 8t ci < shcnp , SI.WK'W ' " J.'i ; good Uo cbolco 4(1 ( to IU- ) Ib. lambs , &I.UOr ( t.tU. lieprcsentatho sales : Nn. Av. Pr. 1C'J native ewe 103 MOO 82natlvo wotbors 107 3 IU Itrri-lplft nnd UI | iiMlllnii it ! Stiil'K. OOlclal recnlpts nnd dUti.xllloti of sli > 'i < ni obtittii by thu books of th. Union Sdv-U i nrds i-ompany fur the twi-ul v-four IIOIIM cndlnn nt 5 ii'i-loek p. m. , SclitemlM' ( 'JO , H03 : nrtKii'T.1 , cAiriTT" ! " iiTuis" " riliriTiTiiu il5"A tTs Car . III ad i CUIM. ilte.nl. no < > in.-ihi Paoltltii'Co HilS Tll"O. II. Hammond Co. . nuir 1,13'- swill A CO T'TI 11 "id TheCiidahy Paukimjco. . l.tmil f > ! l8 | sa Julm 1' . Stulrex .t ( 'o mil. . Ihhnbter i K's . Kr-j , V Son nn Oliamll not i. Hid' . P. Oo 107' ' IMI T.ilwrX A Kill ' . Clcvo'.ind V-llil Wlssimitli 1741 , Sp r..v. It L'll I. . Ciileaco , P. , VP. C ( 18 ; ; SldplierM and foVdurs ! . . . . 1,1 H.V l.eltover 7(10 ( Total. . -'US , l.l\e SlnrM CuirAoo , Sept , 2(5. ( Scatc'ely moiu than 500 liead of natlvo cattle arrucd today , the re mainder ot the 4,500 head mi salocomlni ; from Texas and the far west. Hales of natives weio on a basis of from M to J5.7O for Inferior to t > \lia. Not cnoimh Iradlne was done to fairly establish iiuotntlons. There weio about 2,500 westurns and 1,500 TCMOIS , and they were salable at fnun $1.51) ) toil , and from { 1.40 lo } 3 icspci-llvuly. There was tlrnmess on all hranchci of the matUet. Kecolpts since Sat urday uni ahcml the same as for the saino lime last week , but there Is a decrease of 11.- (100 ( bend as compared wlih the same time last year. Ituyers ate anticipating a pretty full run for tomorrow , hut I lie Indications are there will ho u demand at sustained prices for from 10too lo 18,000 head. I'ln , ' adxanee In the London iimrKcl of 34e will stlmulatiithu e.Nport demand and It will not hosiirprlsliii ; to see clndroeattlc s.'ll higher. ( iood lings Mild LIOSIto yesterday's pi-tees at the opening of 1-uslness this iimnilng , hut n little liner they were sellhi ! ; slowly ut from 10ito locotr. Poor ami common grades were iiiuc'li lower from HIM outset amiero dull and weal. . Hogs were steadily held at the i-lose. I'rom lto \ i5'75 for culls iheie as tiadtuu all iiloni ; up lo ill,75 for heavy , and to il for fancy light. Uf the former there Is not many sales at l-eiier than ill.H'i , and the bulk of ( he light went at about 6'1.75 to $0.00. In quality the oll'eilngs weie not very good , lough mlMMl ordinary light lots and sows en tering more largely Into lire rec.olpU than for some time past. Prices forsheepnndorwciit noiadlcaU-lmngo. , Although the deinaud to ho lndlllerent , there j was cmm h competition to hold the market nearlv steady al fioio 1.25 to $3.50 for Infe rior to medium , and from { 3.00 to $4.10 for good to choice. Sales of westerns were on u basis of from J1.75 to $3.00. The supply of lambs boliiR lluhtur than for somn days past , tlrero was lucieased llrmness In that branch of the-market. Prices ran from i'J.&u lo $4.76 for poor in fancy , with mo-t of the sales at from $3 to # 4.25. lEccclptsslnco Saturday have been 400 head less than for lire bamu lliiio last week. Iteculpts-Oattle , 4,500 head ; calves , 1,200 head ; hufi , 18,000 head ; .sheep , 12OOi ) head. KIIIISIIS City I.lvn Mock .Marker. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 20. CATTI.IJ Ke- eelpts , 0,100 head ; hblpmcnls , 2.2OO head ; best calllo firm ; others sternly ; I'e.xas ami shippingt > t-erx$2.00'i'.5.1.r > ; TI-.XKS nnd natlvo ' ' " ' slocU-ers and feeders , J2.UOT/,3,45. ; , lloiis Itt-celpts , U.'UO head ; shipments , 1,500 head ; niarkot opened IHyilfjr higher , closed weak ; bulk , ill. 3D ( ( , ( ! . 35 ; heavies , pack ers ami inl.\ed , 0.20iO.G5 ! ; llnhts , Yorkers and pigs. r4.750.70. Sllim--lleceiils : | , 1,700 huad ; shipments , 5,000 head ; market steady. St. I. outs l.lvu S o < : k Market. ST. I.OtMS , Popt.20. t'ATTi.K Hi-colpts , 4,700 liuad ; shipments , 10O head ; market steady ; fair to real need native steers , J3.50'i4.hO ; J'e.Mis and Indian steers , i2.503.15 ; cows , ? 1.75r.,3.25. HIMJS Itecolpts , 3,200 head : shlpmonts , 500 liuad ; market lower : heavy , JO. 15(1(0.05 ( ; pack ing , J0.10QG.75 ; light , J0.4O&0.55. aitREiUuuolpts , 2,400 head ; shipments , none ; market quiet ; mixed natives ranuo J2.25 < 33,5u ; Te.\ans , J2.OUif3.00 ; lambs , J3.UO ( 4.25. _ Xr.w York l.lvu Mix-U .Market. Nr.w YORK , Sept. 20. HI-.KVK.S Keeolpts , 0,400 head ; no trado. ( .1r.lves l ecelpts , 230 head ; market linn ; veals , tl. 5038.00 ; western calves , $ ; i,75. SIIKEIliecclpts , 2,782 huad ; sheep , J3.00 ® 3.75 ; lambJ4.00ii5.00 ; die.ssed mutton , ? 5.00 fe8.00. llous Ifcceljits , 753 head ; no trading. Sioux City l.lvo sjloelc .Miirl.fl stork in . Itecelpts of live stock at thu four principal western markuts Tuesday , September 20 : C'altlo. Ilo-js. s-heop. Poutli Omaha . 2,78'J 7.1O5 241 Chicago . 4,500 18.OOO 12,000 Kansas L'lty . O.IOO 0,200 1,700 .St. holds . 4,700 3,200 2,400 " Total . 21,080 37.505 10.347 READY MADE MUSTARD PLASTERS Wo were tlio first manufacturer } on this Continent. Our latest Improvement surpasses anything ever before produced , inn. . 25o. , 3.lo. pertla. Itusurotolmvo MICAHUUiT'S. Asfc for them eprcad on cotton cloth. SEABURY'S SULPHUR CANDLES ; Prevent Ion is better than euro , by hiirnlnc these candles had Hindis in hasi-niciilx , clo.scts , ku. aru destroyed , and tlms < : ontaKloriHilUeaMi3 iiro kept away ; also useful for expelling motv. qultos nd Irritating Insects. I'rlcu , 0o. cacli. To piiilfy sick-rooma , apartments , etc. , use HYURONAPHTHUL PASTILLES , \Thlch In bum Ins , disinfect and produce a frasraiicorefrcfhlntfHti l iiivlBoratlng. ! ! 5o. per box of 12. Solo JluimfacturcrH , Vlmrinaceiillcull njpiii ChomMs. fNtW n-'s A staff or , . . . ' ' - . wllOII pilllplCR. | DANCESJ Molrlir * nud erupl Uois : Appror on tha tliiii , no1 mnttor bow slight It warns you tlmt votir blood f < n't pun- HUH ! tlioviivnlng ( wlulu tlu-ro N yc-t time ; clour tip jt-.tr KjMeiii ntiil purify the liUxxl bv tnhlng Doctor l'ift--x.s ) lloKieu Mcdlcnl DIs- -ilH r\ifl v ry lUMUrcsnvcryorgnu FL ( tn ! illt" imti.ial Hction , purities und t'lirlelicK tl > bloixl ami Ibroii h II clonuses and Invig orates the whalJ sjj.fw. It ntlneks nil scrof- ulou.s , skin mid ncnlt. diseases in tbo i-l ht wny bv purifying tholiloiid. Tim illwison lhat. It cures como from n torpid liver , ( it- from Impure blood. For overytldits of this n.ituro , it 1st tbo only pmtr- antffil remiily. In Ovupopsla. or lmlip-.Mion , four Stomach , Ulllousiicss ; nil llroiielilal , Thmat , and l.unij All'uctlous , oven Consumption ( or l.ung-scrof- U1.1 In iff earlier Mngi-i if it ever fails to benefit or euro , you luivo yutir innuejback. . The worse vour Tnlarrb , tbo moro you need Dr. Sago's Catarrh Uemi'dy. TO sioo.oo. Is this space worth $100.00 a month to-me ? I want to leave it to you. The question is can enough more < ojcls be sold to MERCHANTS to make it profita ble. The line under consider ation is RuiuiKR BOOTS , SIIOKS , ARCTICS , LUMHKKMAN'S OVKRS , Fui/r BOOTS , GKK.MAN Sox , OlLKD , RuuniJR , Dl'CIv AND LKATIIER CLOTHING AXD MACK INTOSHES for a specialty. Price Inrms rmrl rlisrmitilt ; fur- nished to merchants only. ZACHARF T. LINDSEY , Omo.h a. ( l LIEBIG COMPANY'S1 ' Thcso two words nro known in every well o r (1 o ! o d household throughout the world us designating the ' I oldest , purest , best und alwaystobouopondod - upon BTIMCT OF BEEF Is sold wllh written guarantco to cure NorvouB Prostra tion , Firs , Dlzil- neo8llcnitnrlinanl -ralKlannJU'nko * i'FXjCnu'cil byux- lvousoiifOpfuiii , Tobacco r.nil Alro- I' ' " ' Mcnlnl r-a ! Deprra- ErV ( .Ion , SoftenltiKoJ tlioDrnln , onu lni ; Mioory , Insanity mnl Death ; IlnrrcavKH , Iiniiolvncy , Lot Foworln oltlicrrci , Promnturo Old AKP , liivolunlnry I IHCOH , CIIUMM ! by ovor-lnilulKi'iicu , ovur-i'xi-rlloiiot tint Ilrnln nnj Crrornof Youth. lttlM' ; ( o Weal ; Orerins thult Natural Vigor mid ilnutilcii tlio JOJ-B of llfii : euros I.uci > rrlioii nnil rumiilu'iiani \ ! - i' . A mnntli'H trent- incut , lu plnln iinrUniiii. hy mnll , to nny mlilniw , il per hex , 0 IKHI-H f. % . with ovcry 15 order wo uivo a Written Cuiirun too to cum or lolimillhu money , Clrc-uliira frru , Ouurunteo Iseuoil only by our ox > clu lvo nu'ciit. Union Stosk Yards Compaay , South Opiaha. BeitCattlo Ho nnil marotlii tb < IT IV CnMW1331ill HO 13:1. Wood Broth3H , I , ITO Bto k C'oninilsflimliroiintt. \ ! ; . Unralia Ti-lop'ium ItJ * . OUIoan JOHN l > DADl-MAS' , I . . . , . , , WAI.T-.K K. WJOD. rMM „ trr Marknt roirtshy ] ) mall and wlro cheerful upim appllentlon "ST IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT. " TRAINED SERVANTS USE OMAHA BAGS & TWINES | TENTS , ETC. "OnialiifTciit COMPANY. COMPANY Jinportortt unit iimnufno- turorn of Hour nnvkii , 1IOIIHK COVKIIH. liurlnp * . twlnii , llll I'liriuuii Mrunt. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coe Shoj Company. Salcuroom und OIllca-llilT IIOJ. 1111 lluurl Factory-IHU-im-mi llownrd St. \\'o nrn tli3 OXI.V .Mumifajtureri of llooU un1 Bliomln tlmntateof Nubraikt. A K.-nural Invltiilluii In uxtuaslail to all to la pjct ouriiuwfuclorj' . HARDWARE.