Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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Judges nt Washington Park Indnlgo in
Some Very Peculiar Decisions.
'd ll crncoful trlx ) lnc ( liml" the
JIHTH Ilorno I llio Itiic.f-four
Iloiitft unit Nn I InUll Dlrrrtlllii
mill I'ljlni ; Jib vUimc-r .
C'niCAoo , Sept. IB fSpecial Telegram to
Tin' DRKrhtoy ] | | through nn niter disre
gard of the rules , thorn was another posi-
IKintmient of tno sonsitlonal race for the
purse of $ ir. 000 ut Washington park todiv.
Pour heals were finished jestorday , divlilod
belwecn Allx and Huldn , and Instead of cill-
Ing the trotlers early this after
noon , two other classes weio started before
It xvas resumed. This is n direct violation
lation of tbo rules under xvhich the
contest is conducted , but the Judges
excused thctnsclxos for the broich
l > i saying It xvas done bv consent. 'I his
error was folloxvod bv n much moro grave
ono , In which thu mare I'ixloy , after clu.irly
fouling Allx at the stall of Iho fifth heat ,
thus eoslltig her the lead nnd probably the
race , was lot oil with being placed lust In
ntcad of bolig uilcd oul. I'ixlcy finished
nhoaa afler cuttini ! Ali\ off and causing
Kyland lo collide wllb the little mare mat
secured the race record vestorday , but the
heat wont to Lord Clinton , who xvas nexl lo
Iho leader Alix xxas prctlj xvoll dcmot.illzed
by this mishap , butsho fought gamely In the
next thrco boats , though unable to gel homo
In tlmo to end Iho luntr struggle In any of
AlnkuiK It > Uoiniirkiil.Iu line o.
I'lxloy proved wonilc-rfully good nnd secured -
cured her lirst boil in Iho sKlh mlle of the
race , boating Allx an open length , nnd ro
dncing lierierord lo 2 O'J . Then Ilamlln'3
-'iglilliiMlu | stele tbrough lit the i > ole and
captured thu seventh by a rapid spin t
in Z\2 : \ % 1'ixloy Imd gel in a | K > okol
tlmo. but came oul Ihu freshest of Iho so von
Biirvivors for thu eighth boat , mid xxon il it
sloxv limeFor the second time this im
jiortnnt nxcnt had to bo can le-d over on no
count of dtiikncss , and ilia amaluttr judge
Ins thus placed havoc xxith vxliat proinlsoi
to ho an attractive race. IIulna was un iblo
lo start loc'ay , though the injury which sh (
Riistainc-d in the fourth heat.\cstcnlny is no
likely to ho pciiiiniicnt.
A one-hided affair hclxvcen n couple of
2 ) oar-olds xvas placed 111 si on Iho oatd Ibis
afternoon. Cot x Is winning as ho pleased and
gutting u good for a youngster
I'amllco xxas u II to 1 favoi ilo for llio t ! 15
trot and won easily enough after dropping
txxo boats 'I ho second time lliis was done ,
xx hen I'amllco xx'as pulled oul to lot Clara U
throuch al Iho polo , xvas so clearly friudu-
lent iho judges seemed lo bo lending
their consent to the lasc.illly. as thoi did
nothing le Iho driver of I'atnliu. . .
'I r ills Against linn * .
Several olhor ox cuts on the card vxero not
reached , but thu time Uials by IJiroctiimand
Flying Jib xvero both cat nod out. The high
xvind unit cloudy skies made the conditions
very unfnvoiable forrecotd Incakinc , but
llio pair of cracks from California made
splendid efTot is al tlio ch impnm mat ks Ul-
iccltim xxas soul lo heal his oxvn ic-cord of
1 ! 07 , and , being belter rated than in Noxv
York , tioltcd thu mile in li Oil1 , , Ho went
to llio quai tor in i hIHi-Hi rco seconds , tbo
hnlf iu 1 Ot , the thrt-c qnartois in 1 . ; m.fnnd
came homo xxilh n iccord half a second
beloxv his previous best mile This places
the roco-d for stallions the Ir.ictior. loxvcr
and Iho4-yoar-old niaik doxvn as well.
Flying Jib XT.IS asked lo reduce his oxvn
record of U.O'iJ , nnd after getting axv.iy
ratber.ilowly , going to the half in 1 OJi .
the geldh.g came homo very fast and ac-
( ording lo tboofllclal tlmo paicd llio milu
m 2-0-1. Most of the outbido xx-atches made
llsloxxer by half n the per
formance , vxhih ) a recoid , lacks tlio meiit of
the milu xxhich Mascot made in tha same
notch last in a tain. Tliotoarc so
many oxnnts on for the lasl day thai il is
extremely doubtful if every thing is disposed
of on lime huiinnniies :
KimullM ofilin Dii- , .
Two-yeir-olils , IroltliiK , consolation nurse
(300 :
llnld.i , b in , by Ouy
\VllkusllicloM ( f > 1 1 0 dr
Alxln.cb s ilimsl. . 7 C > Hi dr
Tlmo : M.liVi ] 1MOU. 2:10' : ' , , 2lt'4' : , 2llJi : ,
Hiiecliil lutuliist tlmo : Dlrpetnin blk. c. , by
Dlrcctor-htoinxvliider , l > y Vontiiro tlx'ellj ) , tliuu
2,1)7 , XIIHI Time bv iinaiiois : O.U.I , 1 . ( J.I ,
1)4K : , 2 ( ) ( > > , .
.special auibist time : 1'ljln ; .Illi. | i g. , by
Alisun i-Mlilillnlxuiii Maul , by Mlddlctoiui
( Ixoll ) i , inn - 2 li'i'i ' , uon Tliuu by innutei.i.
l.iiiiiiiin' List 1.1
LrsiAiis , In , Kept 15 | SpeciaI Tolcgram
to Till ! Bii : . | lod.u closed the inof
tbo Ijjnnn.s Diiving club A Miong wind
blow nlldaj , and llio ilnlnliis xxciu xvltli
dust hloxxlm : in tlm hoises' and drixeis' ' '
ovc-s , so that fast limo xvas out of tliuiiucs
lion Thu iiicoling h is licuii aoiy success
fin cno , and stnciat iccoids loxxoicd buin-
mGiles :
2 Ji tiottliu. pnrw f 1.000 :
Jerry I , , K K. , b > MuiiiHxal ! .lacK-
M-i . ! 1 1 1 2 1
Miitflll , bllK . li ) Ilijiuont. , . 1 2 1
Mi-n ml i > , B. Ii , bv Ixoiisoll . -i
I'i ' x ' , \ IIKus , blk h , by Aililun
Wlluos a 4 I ' _
Hi it u.i 111- , , br. B > by Alllo
Galas . 7 7 n
Tip Mir. till , . h , byllli.n . . nGdr
M < H. Medium , b. K. , by
lletilmn 0 G 7 dr
1 iu . . .0 , 2 17'i , J.lhl , , 2:18 : ! ( , 2t'J\i. |
2 lo imiv puiso 5JIHIO :
] ' V in id ch s. , by Almimt Mo-
dluin 1 1
K , n > i n r , bx J I lioriiilalo . . 2 2 f ,
Hi 'U > 1 * . ill s , hx Nod Watiliild 4 3
( ni\ . ( I. t ! . , by llii-nt.uiMMl : i 4
/x-lpliu finiiii , b m. , by IV-moso D 4Ii
Ilelinont , b b , by 1'x oi ini.iul '
Tlnm. 2.17. JH : , . ' 17' ,
Tn.iilnit . ' - 1' ) ol i , pursuit Out ) :
, l.- i Met.'oikol b f , , l.y lla-
Andmy 1
1. . s I , ti. b ) Alllo limn.- * . . _ _ .
Boiutor AB. h . b > I'l imp Panic . : i 3 ' .
It. ,1V nil. in , I x M ll.or . . . -I 1
llnrlj llnily oh. h bx Itiiinor . 0 ills
Tliuu. a I7i4 , - 10 , . ' 1
TiiittliiK , t-VH elm. , , purun fl , ili)0 ) :
lly consi'iil Hit axtarih-il at thu
ml of the thlnl In at on mvoniii of nnl ; , no-
Ouirler. b K. bj I'llttoiidt-n 'l
Atiiyliu. b. in , bj O-Xfind Itoj . .
Dlnuli. b in.lo l i lei . . . a 3 f >
Uond'Hinc , ell h , ! > MlilU 1'iino . . 4 6 3
llnrr ) K. blk . ' > t onncll b 4 4
Time : 2-IUV - 10. ! iai. :
M.IIII 1'iurlmliip. .
I.IMXJI N. Kept If' - ( Special Telwani to
Tint Hmc JI'ho last nay j races at llio state
fair xxcro riual | In intcrost ; o any of tbo HOled -
ttc-dlni ; die of iho xxeok. 'I'ho unllimhc-d
trottiuvt iind pacing ruco xxas completed ns
follow * :
I'rid 1C . 1 1 1
Kuuaus . 2 ! 'J . 3 ) 4
Duudy Jim . 4 I 3
Tlnio : 2lO. ! 2ia't.
Mile and a half da h diminished from yeater-
day ) Il.irton II x on , t.lltlp fellow. Ir. , see-
mil , MUeldtlni : Iblrd. tlin * : 2 53' } .
Troll Inrf , 2 Jfjolns , ptirnofiKJO-
Spokane I 2 2 a
Preceptor , Illack 11 ill nnd Queen Annie ( Us-
nnrrd In lirst hpnt. Time : 2:20 , 2:21 : ,
! :31V : , 2 30
IroUJiitf. 2:20cla.s : , pursu $001) ) :
llnrkb-rry 1 1 1
Union Midintii 2 2 2
Kltowxid 344
I'ot I n\ls 133
Tlmo. 2.21 , 2 IHh. 2:20. :
( liillrnbi ri ; Hlull ( ir.ivcvnil.
( lluvi'T.Nt. . SPpL 15 Tnls was an oft d.iy
liolh in regards to the track and vvcither ,
Inn iho ittond.inco was good. I'rcsldont
Wnlbiuni of Iho Hudson .locltoy club tins
ofTcrcd lo ni 11 h tiitnpllglitur to ran a milo
nnd n quarter ag tnsi Tainmanv for ! , i > 00 u
side and M.OJ ) added money Ilo vx Mies to
run at duttonbcrg on Soptottilf-r US If the
track is in condition. Kumtnnrlos :
I'lisi tio-o , milu nnd a furloiu : Klldoer > 0
tofn xton. lloi-cptlnii (11 lo & > sorniid. lilrlo it )
li.2i Ihltd Tlini't t 03' , .
Second rioo , six furlong : lx < ntlgertia G to
fn XMIII , Oimisili to 2) ) oeond , Uii.i-nllko . ' 10 to
llthlid. Tlino1 1 1 ! ' ( .
'Iblrd race , sl\ futilities : Overtoil (4 to fi )
won , . ( oil in 11J to V MI end , Quot-n Isabella ( G
to ll Ihlid Time. 1:10. :
Ton nli tai o , ndloitid : i sixteenth : Kn-elnnd
( t to Ji uon'Ir M itthx (3 ( Iu 1 iM-oiind , Illiitnu
(7to ( 1) ) third. Tilun : 1:1' : ' )
riflli i. , fiVe fin lungs : Armllago it to li
xxon. I'm. Duii-o | 5 Iu 1. . second , Kazan | b ted )
third , 'riini : 1.013 , .
Slxlb un u , IUo rnrlniiits : 1,11 Ilo Hilly iH to li
xxon. ejiilxer i'l lo lisociitld , hpi-cul illnli ll to
1) ) third rime I up ,
Sexontli r ice , tlxo fniloiissVnh : .llm (2 ( to t )
xxnn , IJ4ri s < iva ) to It second , Mlmiuhali 110 to
1) ) third rime. I-01' , .
St. I.mils 1'iilr Urotinils Ili-siitta.
ST. I Aim , bepl. ID Uestilts nt the fair
I'list nco , six ftirlonz-r Mind IH lo li xvon.
Hilly I'm ' Kill 2 to 1) ) second , l.lttlo l ri'tc-to to
1) ) third I'me , : 1-115.
Second race , four furlongs. Miss Portlind
( J lofii uon , Attention ( I to 1)second ) , Ada LI 10
to llthlid. riniu : 50.
I'lilid ineo , sl\ furlongs Nincv II iKrs (12 (
to ll u U ild I hi in i ess i"l to 11 second , Ko-te-
inont 7 to li.i . third Time : 1 li > ' ,
I'mulli i.ico , six and a half futluims : Inxor-
eunlil (2 ( to r > \ uon , Duke of Atlu.l ( ' > ti. D
se.'oml. Ovfutd id to tl thud. I line : 1.- . ) .
I'lfl i i mo. o-iii mlloi Itoro it to t ) xxon ,
Arthur ( i i.l to li second , Kuiiiioforl ( exc-m
third Timo. 1.11.
I , ilnnliiN 1.1 > dill.
CivciNNAn , Sept. 15 ItesuHs nt Lalonln
first i.ico , siilllnir. fcuxon fntlungs' ( Vein
(3 ( to 11 uonliltoNoso iH too ) second , by KOI
( f > tn iMliltd. Tiniu : I : . ! ! ) ' ,
Second nice , M Illnc , ono mile : 1'orosl Ko-u
ill to 2i xron , r.ininita (2l ( < ili si rmil , .Ind
llimbesiH lo 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:4H. :
Thlnl line , selling , tlnce-foilrllH ndlo : Thu
( Inx ei ness ( I to 2) ) xxon , Henry JonkiiH (7 ( to 1) )
second , I'lnnUslilrii ' (5 ( to 1) ) thlnl Tlmo : 1:1H.
I'onr'h lace , purse , llxo finlon s. tiallatln
I liTi t o 1) ) HUH , I , Inn in ll to 1) ) su end , llui'sui's '
II nulilei i. " > to ll thlid I'lm 1 il.j
I'lrtb , iilno-sJYU-uiillis ( m-lmus. Annlu
Iliicllmliaii il 1 to . * > Mxiii , ( .ii it/b mill i i4 tn
1) ) second , I'rlnco Curl (2 ( to li thiid. Time :
OUIIN. : :
HI IH nn Juxt i .Iliirc , IStc-il by an Ol
VI in.
Ul I ) OAK , In. , Hupt. 15 I'o the
'dlloi of Tun HI.K : Youi lieadllno lnloli > 's
ipoi , "l.lulo Mare fiom ( aliroiuti l.oxxcis
ho .Mirth i XVIIUos Ueeoid Kislly , " Is ipiituot' '
oioi , and Is all the moie. ilosc-rx inn of con IT
Ion bceauso Allx , Ihu i.n Inn iiieen | , xxa
nod bv ; i oill/un of Uin ih i , Mi I ) inlul llnyc's
21 buillh 1 Ifloentli stioel I'liu ipiucn I
KIU oxxned by the blind ml Tiotllnz llnisi
'oinpinx of ICenoslia xVIs , a eompiny con
lulliil by t.duatd Hayes uT ( . 'lileuo am
tlorils J. .loni-s of ICenosh i tin-latter
oiiuui xx ell l.iioun cltliun of Dax id ( lix , Neb
.1(111 % II XV l.s
It Is with pleasure Tin : Iln : mikes tin.
cot roctlon suggesled Kei'iotablu as llio
error of slalement la. it xxas the. icsult of ai
oversight cominitlud in h.isUi. It is not the
ntenlion of Tut : IJch to credit thu laurels si
\xt-ll xxon bv an loxva trotter lo California in
my other section of the country sivo the
"lawkevo stale The promptness with xxhic.1
Mr Haxes challenges Iho inadvertence o
tills paper is o\celleiit ovile-neo of llio/CM
with xxhuh llio hoiso loveis of Iowa xx.ilyl
tbo piogiess of thu animals bred in th i
stnto , pro-eminent niiiong st ilos as a pie
luccr of line trotters and picvis As Mr
Hayes sais , Altis an loxva m iivs Slio w.i'
In od by Daniel Ilaxes of Omaha at hi
iirccdim ; establishment near Muse nine. I.i
She noxv belongs to If-ixes of Chicago
cage and Morns .Jones formerly of Uixid
City , Neb Asa t-vear-old jxhx xx-on n 5- l oJiington. KxShonftci1 -
xxard made the fastest I voar-old locoul
This vear at 5 x oars old , she has nottcd the
fnslost fifth he-ill ovur trotted and the fast
est heat over made m a race
vi , ( . .XMI- , , ) H T\r < > from Cloxitlind ,
M-lllll' ' It Three sti il.-hl.
Ci iVii\M. . , Sept. . IS Tivo young pitchers
weio put in llio box for Cleveland todny and
as a result bittinv , xvas heavy Score :
( 'level mil . 0 0 O 0 4 O 1 fi
It.iltlmoto. . ) 7
lilts. ( luxMliml , U : Ililtlmore , 12 Ki-
roisClov 1 mil , 1 ; II iltlinnie , 2 , n.unrd
innslovilanil , 0 , Iliitterles. Iliistinj- ,
and O't'oiinoi , Mc.Mahon and Kobinson.
> econd game :
rioxc-liind 010000010-2
Italtbnoro . . . 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0
lilts. L'luxclaml , tlj llalllinore. 10 Krnu- , :
Clexolaiid , ! > ; II iltlinori1 , 2. II itti'i It's :
cbcrbot and /.liumoij and Kubbison. l ) | , iiiiil ( Joniint- .
J OLISV iia.i ! , Sept 15 The Colonels oul-
plaxe-d the Itrldegiooms al every point nnd
xxon. Attcndaiico , 'J.OOO. Score.
Lon'lsxlllo . . . . 2 0 0 0001 3 0G
IllOoUjn . . . 020000010-3
lilts loiilsxlllo , 10 : Brooklyn r Krrors :
Ijoiilsxillo , 2 ; llrool.lyn , 3. Karne-d runs :
I.oiilsxllle- Itutto le : stralloa uml Cirlm :
Kunncdy and Klnslnxv
ST. l oris. Sept 15 The Unnnis won in
spite ol cir.irs. Uoth clubs bitted xxe-11 1
Attendancu , U.V ) . bcore :
St. l.onls 0 -13
NVaslilii ton . 2100001 1 1- b
lilts : hi l * > uls , It ; W.islilnglon , 12. ir- :
lots : M. Imil- . , b ; U'isldiuton , 4 ] 'iriu-d
inns : ht lonN. I , Wiisbliulon , ! ) I
Hrelloiisti-lii aud Trtliiuliiini , MooKdalo and
IJnii o > lii41'il bj u ( ' .HInil.
CIIICAIIO , Sept. 1 , " McOiiinis , recently ic-
leased by Alison , pitched his lirst game for
Iho QiiaKcit today. His old comrades could
not touch him nnd xxoro shut oul Score
riiic.iuo o o o o o o o o oo
I'llll uluiphl l. . O n u 3 1 0 0 0 4
Mils. Chl.-iio . , I ; Pliiluui-lpliia , 4 , Krrois :
t'lilinuo , 4 , I'liiliidelpbia , 1. Kirned tuns :
I'lilliidelphla ' , a llitloih-1 Mclillland ixltl-
luil/e ; .MccilnnU and L'luiuiMil * .
st it lliiiln u xi nil.
CINCINNATI. Sopt. lf > Ktniroid'j error lost
the g.iino for Now York , althi.u'li thoj came
vin1 near winning out in llio ninth. Scoio :
Ulncliinntl . 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4R
% iiV ) 1'nil. . . 301000012-7
lilts:1 : I'liiciniiatl , H : Nuxx Vorli 7. Hiiors :
I'liii' , .1 : Now Veil , , 2 lamed inns :
cim-iinmli , 1 : Nou Voik 1. Itatloilos : I'li.un-
bvrlnln and Vaughn ; ItaliltUn and Wilson
. Sojit 15 The 1'lttshurgwo'i
llio gatnu in tbu llibi inning by good hiitlng.
Scoi o :
1'lttt.lmiz 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 - 0
Hu-lun . . . . 0 0 0 1 10000-2
lilts : PltLslinr } . ' , 0 ; llo.toii , 7. llnnr. :
I'lltsbniB. 1 ; Iti.slon , G i : it nod inns : 1'ltt.s-
bur , 2 ; lloiton , 1. II itti'rle.s. Uumborl and
Unto ; Mhults and Jlunnc-it.
"i Hilling ol tlin 1 omiia ,
\V I , I'C xv i. i
hi 'III I. ' .I .IJ r.r ut 47 4
I'lliutini.- 7'J J.V Ul fi , '
r i nt i : . s
si JAJHN III ( nl l-j.
flex el Iiul II I A. fit I'lllO I71 | > fill IIS ! _ > I
Noxx VoiK ( U r.1 61 II . U 1)7 ) Jl ! I
liO fiSJ XV iHliliitfluu .Is 7U.I J f
V. 31 , C. V. x All-Diiiiilni I'm ) i } ,
This afternoon iho Youm ; Mon's ;
association 111 do tliu onl.x tiling now loft )
for it to do. that Is , piny an All-Omaha team
( Jatowood has boon'given the prlvilujjo of
pli-kinc ; the alroiuost team ho cnn got ii
Omtilin. and the following list xxillshoxv thu
he has xx-astod no time.
Nolo the fact that the gaino will bo called
at il o'clock sharp , instead ofI. .
Y. M. O. A. Position. All-Omaliii
AblKitt ( 'utili l.icoy
Camp nidi.Miller or.Melhaim
.lellrle.s I'lrst lluxMiiai
Hilitln Sicond GutcxuKH
Stoiioy Short \xulsl )
.McKeliey Thlid Doitu
\\IIUIna. . Loft Jc-Ici
Heal Mldillo Daxl
Lotrry HlKlit Urfi liton
Aft iV ovo. , trnpozo at lists , Cottrtlnnd
t t tT'A tm Tf > I Tis If TTl IlP
ido Issues in Congress Threatening the
lutarosts of Bepeal.
I icy Ihixo Kit.ilillsliril llnadiinnrtcr * In
W.-nlibmtini null n Vluxv of InlliinnclnR
fllri-d lo IliMf-nt Orluln Asic-rllutM *
\V\sinxnTov Urnr.xu or TUB Ben , 1
\Vlillo there Is scarcely n person in Wash
ittjton well Informed upon congressional
e-glslatlon who lines not fiool.x aeknoxxl-
dgo , wh.uover his or her iiiedictlons max.
le , tun the hill unconditionally repealing
the silver purchasim ; net will manage In
some way to pass iho senate dnriiit ; the tiexl
'o.x weeks , it Is alsoaeUnoxxlodged by every
me llio tueisuro is in a delicate and
ompik-.itcd position and will have to
be handled xvitti extraordinary eato
f it succeeds Son.itors upon both
sides of the question ate in
itiontlve- position and ovorj irrital'ng ultcr-
nice and move upon the outside has a direct
inllucm-o upon the measure's chances Ap-
preciiilnij this fact tlio piesldent is not only
loing xvhal ho can to prevent mix irritation
in ttio house which may h ivo n le-llex Influ
ence iu the senate , lut , bccioUux Carlisle
and oilier fiiends of the lulmiiiisti.Uion and
. Spe liter Keel and the ether touting re
public ins ,110 doing what they c- > " to 1" ° ° '
vein any loinplii'.itlon in llio business pro- of llio liouso wlileh might embirrass
the silver bill.
l.lliely to Iln mi K-iipilon.
There Is veri lllllo dotibl lhal should the
buii.ilo acl upon Ihu moasuio al any tlmo
thoto will be some further action nce-oss try
at iho bauds ot the house , and ll iherofoio
makes it incuinbiiit in thu intetcst of the
liil lo keep the temper of the house , as well
i the senate , at the most comfoilablo tuin-
pot.ituio. The liouso , xxilh the bill repeal
ing tile federal elections law muclpitalcd
up in it. and f Hither legislation upon Chinoio
exclusion , the tat iff Hill under picparatlon
and x'anotib other incasnics menaeing llie
loial inluiesls of niombcisstatids , as n man
upon the L-iusi of a era tor Thuio is likolv
lo bo an ci upturn al any moniont in oittier
branch of coiigu-ss xxhich xxilt utterly do-
slrox thu chances ol , and the
situation i ills for ll'o ntlention of pallia- physicians and h irmonisls.
1 rrlliitmi ; xx'c'torn s u itors.
True frten is of silver icpoal are cnn-
bidcT.iul iitil.itcd oxer the cslihlishincnt
in this citv of tbo hcadiiliito. | s of a Hoaton
banking linn xx hmh has for some limo been
und Is noxx dail.v bjinb irding coiuioss xxitli L
oncular letters demanding the adoption of
tin- silver lopoil bill and employing lan-
jju ige extieii.elv otTensivo and iiritating to
\\c-stern sen itors Tins xxork is doing more
air imsi tlio mteresU ot the lopoal measuio
than all things else , by thonbiisuof western xvosteni securities , and
tots from Hi it sec-lion .no glowing more md
more bitter towmis the cast 'I his b mkets
bulletin of M > uaks of securi
ties ft mil the west is having been imposed
upon the east and of tlio east hixinir been
llec-ccd and impose 1 upon bv the
of boom town school bonds fiom tno xxest "
Some of the best It lends of bilxor ic-penl
fiom tbo xxost lcc-1 ihoy must icseiit
thib kind of talk , and If tlicso pretended
hanking fi lends of lope il .lie not called off
lltoi xx ill no x lolciiuo lo the cau o of repeal.
Olijei I to the Scerol iry's Course.
Ill the spnito today Air. Mandeison inlro-
( luceil a lesoluliun c tiling upon the sec-unary
of tlio interior for intoiin itinn upon xvliich
action was taken in the ic-cont abolition of
four land olllces in Noinaska Senator
Maudcrbon wants lo knoxv upon what m-
foimalion iho dep irtmont acied , neti-
tions or loquosts of those intuiostctt or ovi-
tleneo thai the intc-tesls of the setllers
.otild bo subserved by abolishing Ihe ollli es
The senatjtb fiom otner sfitcs xvhero 1 md
Istncts vxeio iccentlj abolished asked that
lu : le-solution bo amended so as to tnc-ltido
heir a'ates benalois Maudeison , Allison
ml Potligroxv sij there has he-en no laxv
iissed diieeting the abolition of land ollleos ,
tid tlio xxoik of doing il wholly
nluntnry upon the part of the socrolary of
ho inteiior
Senator Pottitrrexv called upon the commis
sioner of the land olllc-j today and asked xx by
ho Ynnkton ollli o in his st ito bad been
iholishod , and hoas informed that u
, o 'cam out the instructions of a laxv
) isscd by ( ongress " Snnitois say no such
axx has been pisssed The rusnlulion xx ill
"imo tip in tlie semite tomorrow , and some
ixolv dobites upon it may bu hid
iSc-iUier the secielar. of the interior nor
the luiinnissiuiier ot the general land oflleo
obiiultcdaiiy mem her of congiesbin the.ibol-
tion of lain ! olllees They appear to have
) L-en guided bv political consideration and
Ihu Dooks of llio department
( .llllllll'/ . ( .mill > lie lnc.
Accoidlnir to a loport forxxatiled hoiofrom
CollPi-tor Alexander's office , the v.iluo of the
ils eiilc-ic-d nt magnificent I
m iCtiflu in 1V.U ov or previous joars , as fol- .
i.xvsIn . IS' ) ! ) xaluo of c-ntilcs , $0 ,1H'.I ' ; > .1I1
l sot , $ a.ino : ; miv.ij 4ii7.9r.'jj , ! in ism , ir.'j.-
I.M , tno gain hiving boon IS ! tier cent over
ISOJ , ! tr percent over Ib'Jl and lit ! per cent
ox-er Ib'JJ. The gain of Umiiliii in four.veais
us buen ll" ! per cent , xvhilo at Kansas ( Jitv
ii xvas only tJ ) per cent , at St .loo but 52 ) ) or
cent and at Uenxer n lo s of 2J per cent.
usti rn I'i'lisloiH.
Puiibions graiilc-d , issue of Sonteniber 2 ,
are :
Xe-br.iska : Silis Cornelius ,
( iiand Island , Hall. Additional .lc-iomo
Ivimball , Ainswortli , Hiown liicroaso
Alexander l-'isiier , JJcatrlco , ( iago. Otiijinal
vxidoxvs , etc Murx Wilbcr , lieatrico , Oairo.
.Mexican xvnr survivuis , incioasc I'hilip
Stobiuch. Omaha , I > oul is. Original Dan
iel F. Kobinsoii , llo.itiicc , ( ! . ! ) , ' ( ) ; Andtoxv
llc-rnmn , West I'oint , I'limlmr Incic'aso
btnins. bhub-it. Knlurdsoii
loxv.i' Iiicru.ibo Ijt-nrco lioxtotli , Orand-
view , f/ilisa. U' issue I ) iv id . I Net > l.VII . -
lisea. AlonlKomuiy. OiUintl wldoxxs , etc. IIay
Mnria biilonin Oil , C'lmion , c Union ; Ilutsoy
I ; Tarnex , motliL-r , M U.-IIKO , Iowa ayh
.South DikoliUntiinl |
UntiinlKlchnrd lUch-
aids , Uoadxxood , l.ixxrcnco Increase-
Siimtiol .1. Spuks , iik ; Point , ( Jnion Uo-
sue Ix'nlhaiilcl J. HOIISO , Canton , Lincoln.
Now I'oHtm iHlcr *
.1 II. McVco xx-tis to lay appointcij
nmstoral Maish , l.o'iis.i county , la. , vice
.Simpson N Ilriio. rosi nod ; John fj Crab-
lieo , ut lloni-Ateol , ( irtKOiy county , S bX ,
vko riancijs M KtKi'ior , resiisned , and IJon-
j.iinin C. Fax , at Summii , Albany county ,
\\'xo \ , vice .Matyj \ Jl.iKer , ioslernod.
Kopichcntaiuo llryun has relumed from
Vllm'oll iiiroiK ,
Abraham Uoynton of ICIk Point , S. D , is
hero in the intoiCht of tlio posiniasteislup nt
that pi ice
Mr Mc-lklojohu will introduce n bill ask
ing for an npprapiiatlon lor llio protection
ot tholMkoia countx liver front Irom the
encroachments of the Missouri liver.
Today ndvuriisumunts xvoro ha
Postoillcodopirtmoni for bids for ng
Ihu mails upon the larpo niimbur nf star
routes In Nubt.iska Bids xvill bo luceivud
bj tbo bccond assistant pobtiunster gunrrnl
until IVcombur ! 1 noxl Thuso xxho contcm-
plaiu hiddim ; and all xxho arodirccilv in-
totcslod will ui-oivo copies of Iho ndxurtlso-
ments the first of next xve-ok There is suno
noxxs In the anxc-rlibcinonts. as iboy are all
in form and requirements like these issued
for the lasi leliinir
Mr I Vault of Kearney is hero with samples
of atom ) from lies nl Kaxvllus , \\'vo ,
w hlch hu wants ti. have used In the supci-
structure of Omaha's noxv federal building.
i'l'.iiitr U. HIUTII.
Siipiiiirldm of I hn Turitor Hill . \KIII : | IJn.ibln
In i'rotldu ilio Nf : iry ( Juornm.
WASIIIXIUOV , Sept. 15 'Iho battle over
the Tucker bill to repeal the federal election
laws xxns resumed this morning , iho repub
licans atMlti filibustering. Mr. Uurroware-
uevvcd his motion to dispense with the cull 'Of '
commlilcos in order lo prevent the 1.111 fiom
helm ; reported , Koll call was orttcjod dr .
Itcod xvalkod up and doixn the aisles
ch.ildne Ills bond. The republicans obeyed
their leader I land refrained from u > tIng -
Ing Ulio niluililistratton dotnocmts lied
to the cionk room to avoid nnsxxcrltig to their
names The vote icsultod Yeas , lnajs ; ,
140 , no quorum U developed n gain of
forty voles for Un democrats , leaving them
thirty-ono short of n quorum A call of the
bouse was onhiihi The call doxeloped the
presence of ! M7 members.
The tlltlnistennc ended by the arrival of the
time for the special oidcr for uuloglet on the
late Kopiesi'tilMh-n Ohlpman of Michigan.
A number of oulozies xvero pronnuncod
A number of eulogies xxeie pronounced At
thoconolusiotpuT the eulogies the house ad
join nod
Mr Tucker and his colleagues hardly ex
pect to be able to tnustur a quorum tomor
row , nnd on Motlflnv the house xvlll partlcl-
I'llo In a uodx in thu cuiemnnics attending
the celebration of thu lax Ing of
the corneistono of the capltol On Tucsdai.
howexer , thex conllilontly tmticipito the
piesenco of their own quorum , and then thev
xxill ho able to brush usldo the opposition of
. Al.k I.N Till , sl.N.VTK.
I.lmNiiy of Kpntiicn > Alnl > s Ills Maiden
spi. li XMiuli i , XX i II Itrii'lteil.
WVSIIINOTOX , Sept 15. The daj in the
senate xxas occupied b&tho advocates of the
repeal of the Sherman law. The speech of
Senator Lindsay of KeutncKy , xxblchxas
his inaiilc-n effoi tin the senate , and his do-
lento of Secrutaii Cai lisle , xxhoso successor
in tnu sonatu he xvas , xxas iui.elyed most
When the scniito mot baraly n score of
senators xxcro piese-nt , and Mr. Qua.v called
ntlentioii lo thu fad The i oil was called
nnd fortj-four senatois lospondlng , the
ttaiisaclion of business xvas proceeded xxith.
Among the petitions pusciilcd xxns ono bi
Mr Cullom , lopublicaii , of Illinois , fiom ex-
soldleis In his suite , alleging that they were
beset ly detectives of the goveinincnt tiav-
oilng In disguise , secretly co-opei.Uing xxilh
those xx ho have distinguished themselves
for their aptipallii for those vx ho f ought for
tlio Hn , : . It is allegc-d thai those spies , w 1th
fiiendly pretenses , visit the homes of the
Pt-nsionois , and with the basest and fawning
deception , seek to Iind some clnxv to fuinlbh
to the peiuion odleo to deprive Iho old vet'
erans of their pensions. The petitioners ask
protection from the mothots of Iho govern
moiil onicuis. who attempt to brand nen
sioners as pcTjurots nnd criminals without
allowing ilium the light of being he ml in
their own defense. Mr Cullom said Iliu pe-
titiou lontnineu verx serious allegations
which , il It no , should bo brought to luht
Mr. Mamlerson , lopubliian. of Nebraska
submitted a icboluiion went over
until tomoiiow asking for iiifoimation ol
the Intoi tor depailmont as lo the abolition
or consolidation of land olllccs in Nebraska
Other siiites vxeie Included nl Iho stt sres-
tion ol dilferonl senulois , Mr. Matnlerson
sud if the 6Dices had he-en abolished or con-
solidntcd in rschiaslr.iit h id be-on without
consultation \\uli the delega
tion Irom that slite.
The bill xxas llien taken up and
Mr. Ltlndb ij , , of Kentucky ad
diossod tbo senate- .
When Mr Lindsay hid discussed for s ) ino
' time the-newspiporK .utielus used by Mr.
'feller in bib reeont spv-eoh gixitig a icport
of a lonfercneo between Soeiotary Cuiislo
aial Isoxx York b'ltriteis ' , Mr Teller IIKJUIIIV
wliiiihor the senator was dispjlmg ihat Ih
cuiifercne'o oeciurod. or vxliuther ho
i.iising .uiue-stiuu as to the couoctness ol
llio icport
Mr latiiUay replfcd that ho was not dis
puting the fact nf ttio meeting , nor tlie e-oi-
rectnc-sb of tbu report as tbo reporter undei-
toolc to m iko it , but ho xxas complaining that
the senator fiom Colorado had confused the
statement of the repot tor vx Ith the notion oi
.Mr Carlislennd liatl drawn deductions trom
tlio language of lliui icport tlutvveru wholly
Mr Teller baiJ , tliat if thu senator frou
Kentuekx would say tliat the socieiao oi
tlio ti-eisur.x was ttt.t present at the mcctini ;
of bankets in Noxv Voile hq woiihl take back
ox cry word ho liatl said
Mr. Lindsay xxqtrlti not'siy that Mr Car not present , hut lie vxotjld siy tha
inferences drawn Irom lomarKs of the sen
nlor that ho xxcnt Noxv
to York for tlio pur
pose of having tho'tonftirancc "had no founda
tion in fact Mr. Carlisle w.u in Xexv Yorl
Citj attending the naval lovioxv and thi1
AX as not n preconcerted irootmg.
Mr Moigan , , of Louisiana do
fended the consistency of his conlorenco
icpoit of Ib'JU ( the Sherman act ) xxitli his
position noxv agunst the repeal of llio laxv.
Mi Higgins , le-publican , of Dulavvniu then
nddicbsed Ihu bc-iuile iu favor of lie Decatise lie believed
thoSheiman net the potent , but not thu
solo , i.iuse-of all th * difliuult.x lie Inouglil
Hitic ir on llio pan of the industries of t ho
lountti ol the democratic firiit policy was
one- potent cause of the piesent distioss
Mr. McPher o i , of Noxv .ler-
soy wan ted lo knoxx , as Mr Iligirms soeincd
to think , the fear on the pan of the in
dustries of the tountiy was ono notentcauso
vvhieli had ptodtiood Iho panic , xxhy the
panic 1i 1 did not manifest itself list November
insioad of vxaiting until Maj '
Mr Ilipgins I vxill remind the senator
from Noxx .leisoy of the familiar pioblem in
dynamics , xxlnch wo studied in school , of
momentum 1I , which is tno pioduct of vc-loi ity
and I ! volume This is a lug country Its
momentum , cirried it for.vard tlio mo
metituiii of the unpar..llolod prosperity that
acconiinnicd and followed thirty-three .xoais
of lepublicaii nduiimstration. [ Applause in
the galleries. ]
At the conclusion of Mr Hlggins' speech
thu semitu , after u short oxcctitixu session ,
uivi.MJi : : : I.N\I >
Tuxtllo Xlon I'retor u sjni Illi : to Ad Viiliircin
Sept 15.-Tho capacity of
the xxajs and moans committee loom xxas
severely taxed todax , ns fifty gentlemen
representing various Indtistilu * xxcro on
hand. ' 1 lie Hist spoiker was Maurice Lowoy
of Iloi/o , l nxvny .t ( to. of Noxv Voik. im
porters of hosiery and glox'cs Hu asUoJ lor
a spuctlli ! dut.x on hosiery and glox as in
proloionco to an ad valorem duly.
J. H. Smith also spoke for the impai ters
Owen OsbJinu of the .Maiiufaetnu'is club
of I'hil.idelplii i aiguud for tlio retention uf
the duties on cotton goods
Titus she ml of I'lul idolphia championed
tlio knit goods indnsti.Jto abkod that the
duties bo poimittod to lotnaln as tnoy now
aro. '
Fred 1C JCIpoof Hillgciioit , Conn , spoke
in the Interest of the plush nnd X'ulx-ot m-
dustiy. 1I said that If the present duties
xxoro lomox'tid U would result in a great In.
jury to the wage earnoi a employed in this
A Sanford , repn-seiitlng tno cotlon y.un
Industry , deelareil thnt if the tarlft w-oro re
duced it would bo necessary to decrease the
wages of xxorkmcn. ' '
H. U Cii.iso also sprtito for the cotton in
dustry , Ho wanted Ijocli.mgo in Iho till iff
schedules , but if a clrmgo xxas nocessar.x ho
would prefer a roUUction to tin .idxtmco in
ud xnlouiii duties ' '
J. Connoil , importer of knit goods , xxantod
a spucillc duly Ho fiHIJ nn nd valorom duly
opunt-d too many nxoMui's nf fraud
Afler the reccsj ( iadtav Itlnmenthal of
Noxv Voi k xx'as he.y d in the inioiust of the
impoitation of bit tOiis. Hu thought the
laritTor buttons xx.isloo high and stud the
tan IV under the i\M \ laxv xxas sulllclcnt to
protcc-l m.inufactuic ! here
Hii'liaid Hiuft wtfnjc'd felts transfoirod to
thu wool schedule tin ) said hu was willing to
pay whatever tailll'Kxas imposed on wool
A C. Hayuiuml , atrtnney , roiirc-boniingtho
National 1'oail Hnltofliisbociation , said that
nssoci ition was satisfied with iho present
duly on pearl billions
Charlob Hiie-o , gold beater , argued for n
high protective tr.nfTou the Industry ho rep-
re-sonu-d. Pal
Chrihllnu SchinliU vvantod raxv nmtoiiul
ontcunt ; into the manufacture of straw lintb
admitted free of dutj U li Kiddle , lopro-
betiling the Unon Ti.ido libsoeialion uf New )
York , bald llie association ikaired lo hit MI ) a
uniform rale of duti imposed on all cjahios
of linens.
H. 1) Cooper of N'oxx York wanted ad
valorem duties on jute and burlap
K. C. KtUby of Hartford , Conn . asked Die
commltUto to inodilj thu duty on I < c-lblg'i
oxtraul of meat. Adjouined.
ltd tUrd Hull
Walter U Leonard wont to the Arlington
bet jl last night under tbu Influence of stiong
diluk , Hu Is now in Jail , charged xvllh In-
sun ng thu wome-n of the hotel.
interviews with Members of the Oity Ooun-
cil on the Subject.
Mii n.Mcc-tliiB nt CUj- Hull Tonight In t U-
CIH thu I'ropinltlim 1 lie I"i i.ptn
DrrliKi Clmncn to t'tlllzn '
the I'littc.
Whether or not the xx-ators of the Plntto
river shall bo controlled by the hand of man.
brought Into Omaha anil hero utilized , is n
( | ucstlon that will be discussed nt n mass
mooting of cHlrons to bo held at the council
chamber in the city hall this evening.
Some tlmo ago the oripinators nnd pro
Joctoisol the Plattu river canal scheme In-
tlmatcd to the. city council that they weio
willing to get from under and turn their
franchises , plats and bur > oys over to the
cllj. piovlding the city would take hold of
thu m liter and push It to a tlnlslt.
upon , j , the proposition xxith sunn degree of
favor , the council appointed Messts ,
lloohel , S.iuiulots , lilwmds , Wheeler nnd
llasc.ill n committee to ii.vosng.ile
the feasibility of the cntcipiiso nnd
icport . the Ilndlngs l-Vcling that Ihu
county as deoplx inu-iestcd as the eitx.
the membeis oi this oommitteo i ailed upon
Ihu inemboisof Iho Ho ml of County Com-
nusblotiets ! ati.l air.ingod a mceliiig for
icsleiday to UHCUSS Ihu mutter in all of its
various phases Thu commissioners tools
ki to the scheme nnd agreed to moot for
n joint uisrusslon. homo dclavs xxctu c\-
penenccd in getting tlio txxo committees
to but \csterd.i > all obstacles \\oio
oxonomo nn.l the meeting xvas held in llio
nlllces of Iho I'latto Uivor Canal comp m.v iu
thu ' Fust National bank building. I'ho on-
* ! 'iieer of the company and a number of the
stockholders xxoro prc-suit.
As soon as a chaiiman xxas selected the
| f ills nnd protilos of the suixoy xveio spiead
out for inspection md uvpl.ilncd Ueioiptod
bills xveio e\hibitcd , shoxx Ing that thocom-
p m.v h id expended $10,000 in the making of
thioe suivois.iiul picpuiiit' thu plans ot the
gieat diti h. All of tliese , the piesidenl of
the c'ompanj s ml , II XXMS proposed to tuin
oxer to Ihu city tree of chaigo , ptovidint ; it
xxould take hold ot and complete' the xxork.
' \ his opened the ball , and for sex-oral
boms the subject w.isdiscuibod
pie and con When the time for adjoin n-
inenl was reached all of the members of the
txvo committees were read v to assmo their
constiluc-nts Ihal the canal xxould gixo
Omaha ono of the biggest booms in the
hiblori of westoin toxxns.
llllrrl lent o i tin. Siil-t. ]
In discussing the subject last nnrlit Coun
cilman W A tsaunders , one of thu commit
tee- , slid to a Uru ropji ter th it it me ml
millions of dollars Jor On.aha and also that
it meant an aiHiuoual lUl.iMJ of inhabitants
xxithln the nuM lixo , il meant as
e-he-ip mo'no power as could bo obtained in
mix clt > in Iho land , it iiieint Iiui.'lrods of
maehino shops and m mufaclui ui-r establish-
nic-nlb and il mcaiil omplounoiii to ttiou-
s.mds of men. lie said that ho xxas sliunglx
in favor of the inojoct , as xxou- all of the
momoois of the committees , lor xxith the
e-omplution of llio canal thu cltxxould bu
given an impetus that xxould
ahead of all conipotitois
Continuing his lumaiks , Mr S.iunders
said. "At onu limo 1 xvas of the 0)11111011 )
that the scheme , but
since making a thototnrh ux.itiiiiinlion I h.ivo
cli.inge.l mv mind and hixo become con
vinced that It is the most stupendous entc-t-
pnso that xxas oxer conceived in , m > com
munity in the couiilty In addition to tins
the plan is feasible and cm bu caiiiod out in
ovciy detail , pnniding the volets of the i itj
and county xxill come to thu fiontanddo
then xx oik at tbo polls on next c'ei ' tion da i-
Hut bcfoio ( jutting am piopositlon bi-ioio
the public xxo to liavoa free discussion ,
in order ihat the l i\piyets may knoxx Jnbl
what the.x aio doing and that ihoy may
know thai they aie not buxing a pig in the
noku. That thex may do this it is proposed
to hold a mass mooting in thu council chain-
bur tonight , xxhciu all m.ij air their viuxxs.
I'ropiiHfMl < 'unr * ( * nl tlio ( an il.
"Tlio idea of the txxo cotnmitlees is to fol
low the last survey m ulo by tlio engineer of
the Platte Uixor comp m.v , ih it is
providing llio p oplc the i mil This
btukcs the I'latto river at a point one milu
this side of Tic-moiil. Piom point iliu
canal , eightj-four feel vxmu and fifteen foot
dcup , will bo biought aiioss the eomitr.x ,
disi'tianring Us vxalci'i into the Pipillion in
the viemiiv of Se.viiiour puk thus Ining-
iiu thu canal ivltlim a shott distaneu of the
t-ity. as il xiould pass along the xxesl line of
Diindeo Place and not far from Klinxxood
Wilh a competent cn/inocr 1 have made
some llguies and have ascoilamed that by
. the J'latte at the point spnUon of
the lloxv of xvatoi , xxilh llio f ill th it u xxould
; ot would bo to 'JT.riUI ) hoiso poxxui ,
xx Inch xxould bo siiiiliient to turn o\ei-\
vxheel of machinery thai ib in Omaha todax.
is xx'oll as the wheels of the hundiods of
r.ictories vxhiili xxould come- dining Iho HCAI
ton j ears This , however is not nil. This
water i-ould bo piped Into the eitx and run
through Iho mains , vxhoie il lould bo used
for liru and domestic purposes Tal.c this
onu item alone into consideration and
It would sax-o the city the bum of
; " _ niitiuallv on lental
11 would afford a most oxcc-llont
iiio prot'lelioi- the head vvhero il is pro
posed to disch.ugi ) the xxater into Iho Papll-
lion is 100 foot lii''hor than the iuloi sect ion
of ' Sute-enth ami rariiam btieets In addi
tion to furnishing the eitj xxith water theio
could bo enough taken out lo Irn.'alu .ill oi
iho land nloncr the line of thu can il and fern
n ( listani'o of Jive-milos on each side , suit
can loadilx bo seen that enough xxatur could
bo so'.d each J e ir to pay the mtoiost on the
bonds xxhii h vxould h ixo to bo voted lo com-
pluto the imiuoxomcnt As an mxeulment
I consider il iiiuch hollar than
buying tlin plant of thu Amen
tan \Vntui \ xxoiks compiny , for in the
emi il xxould bo luueli choapnr , hosulus al-
fouling ono of Iliu best sj stums in iliu xxorld
Cusl nl" ( < iiimi iictiiin.
"To build this canal , J Iliruru that it would
icuito | an oxppiidituio of fiom . * ! ,500,000 to
$ JUUO.MD ( ) Th1' ! seems lilte a largo sum of
mow\ , but whi'iiou t.iku into considera
tion tlic boncllts that tlio tit ) would iliihc
inthowiyof snxing inonny and minting
m.iniif.K turingcstablislimunts. il is notluii ( , ' .
1 feel llio incieased population and the
nic.iLjr.inl valuation that would lollinv as n
natural icsult would puj the cost Insidu of
twenty joais
"It wo dccido that wn will umlortako the
enteiiriso ) , wo must bund tlio ilt.\ , and wu
must vnto upon the Issn.mi o of th" bonds at
Iliu coming > lei tion Jf wu aio to bond , iliu
mass mcellng will Mottle that ijucstiim
tonight , and if it IK settled in thu nlllima
thu , an oidinanco loulttng to liaxlng the
bond iiuestion will bo pissed by the council
in limo to huNti it in thu < h-clinn jiropusition
" 'I hi ) pi in is lo Imvn th" county aid h\
voting a ( crtain nmoiint , s.u frjU.iMi ! ) ( , hut
just w hat amount has not \etbeen ilei nlcd
upon , though that will bu looked alter whun
It is Known wliat action tunightb
oi the gi'iins of Con
rumptiun , Sciufnln.
Mnlniiii , nnd
llyht or
iliu foi all of uu ,
Tin-so ( ,1-iniH nio
over whuio in thu
air wu broathu.
The odds nio In favor of the gtrnu , if our
liver is mm th < > mid our blood impure
What n necdml most is an iiiiniLsoin our
Korin lighting htreiiRth TH do tins i > iii < fs.s-
tullyjou nw l toputuli lirultliiijleili , lonso
the liMT to Mgonms nttlon , HO it will thiow
oil thiogt'iiiLs , and | > unf > llio liloodi > o that
there will Im no "wtul ; hpot , " tier soil for
germ grow th.
Wo chum for Or Piercn's ( Jolden Mullral
Disco\ury , that it doea all thu in u way pecu
liar to itMilf. It U thu dm flopment of gen
erations , of medlcnl thought it liusbtoixj thu
tent of 11 ijuartcr of ncentiuyof
That iswhj tlin innl.ur.s oin r/uarinifif it.
In every tronhlo caused l > > torpid Ihir or
iinpuru lilocxl , if the " DJbcotuiy " fallJ to
bonellt or cure , ) our inonoy it , itfuudixl
I'rotty ttrong ro.uons for trjmg Dr Sago's
Caturru Uuiucdy $500 if you um't l < o cut ud.
meetlnn assumes An objection bis
been raised , nnd it his boon
stated that wo had reached the limit
on our Iwndrd Indebtedness , but this Is a
mistaken Idea so fur as it applies to xxater
xn'rks The charter places no limit on tlio
Indebtedness xxhlch we mav Incur for this
ptiriKiso. so iou can sou thai if Iho people
felt so disposed Ihevcoaldolo oioti JIU.OuO-
( KH ) for such n purpose.
MIRKMH \tntur ComniUtli.ii.
"If the bonds are voted the plan will bo
for the xx hole mi'tor to bo in th" hinds of a
water commission uf tlvo membcis to bo
named bj iho people or the mav or , who wilt
have the supervision of the xxork nnd the
dNbtirM-tnenl of the money , thus liking
oven thing oul of Iho hands of Iho council
and nn.x rings inighl In3 fotmcil to defraud -
fraud . tlio people This water commission
xxill I bo given
power by ordinance ) to hire en
gineers , lot cimtriols , audit bills and draw
XX1 At ranis upon the He-usury
' Of course. II would not bo the Intention
to Issue all of the bonds nt
ono timo. but In
stead , thev would bo issued and sold in
bloi ks at such ti-iies and In such amounts as
the occasion might demand
as llie worn pro
"Should llio voters of iho city nm1 county
decide th.ll It
was ndvistblo to con smut
the canal , work would bo commenced this
winter , and In all probihllii.v l.OiM men (
would bo furnished steady tempi ivni"ni ;
for Itllly one year , or double this nut . u r for '
half that length of time. MM u !
estimate- has been made i l < , ,
that It would take 1XXI ( men m-\ai in
the xxork
Wo are mot xxith the question : 'Will
, vou have any opposition in scent ing iho
ilu'hl of wax V 'Ibis 1 can answer In
the negative Of course wo would hnvo
to pay foi nil of the land xvlihb
vxc used providing damages xvciodmiiandod ,
but m cording lo the ordinances of llio city
wo have the n ht to condemn property
vxllliin ten miles of the i Ity limit ) when xvo
xxant to usu such land for the put pose of
extending or constructing any sxstom of
xxatotxxorks and outside of th.ii disl inco xxo
xxould bo taken canof b.x the slalo nrisa-
tion laws , wlil.-li provide that ditches may
becoiistruetcd by iho pument of damages
equ il to thu nctti il value of the land. "
Other lUprrniloiK.
Councilman Lid wards , a member of the
commitloe , said tliat ho vonol the senli-
inonts oxpiossod by Mr : - > a tinders. Ho was
ol the opinion that the construction of llio
c-innl would rosiill in imicniir Omaha the
gicalesl inland oili m the t'niiod siaUM and
xxould mal.o it a mintifactiiiiii < center
c-ijualed bv none.
Piosidont \ \ ' . I'1 Hochcl of ihoiouncll w-as
uniblc to attend the entire sossi in of the
oommillou. but ho iiscerlalnud enough to
ooiivineo bun ill it thu scheme would receive
hisho.uti siippoit. In discussing tlio piop-
usillnn no sud
"ll is the I'randest
scheme for Om ih i oxer
piopnsod Hisppilootlx toisitilo an I an ex
amination of the plats an I plans xxill om-
v inco llio most sltoptti al th il m.x str.otne-il
is I'ortvol I xx is unable to bo in attend inc/i
upun the confcie-.iei ) fortinv greit length of
time , bill I sivxand he ird enough to con-
v inc mo thai if the prip ) siiion is t tken a 1- , lire ot that it xxill in ult a now epoch in
the liistni x' and piopcritof our i it\ .
' "Mj ilci is to e-ombmu the scliomo for
poxver < v illi of the xv iterxxorks Un-
double-llv it xxould pioxo a pijmir
mc-til lor the city The com.uiu h is
expended 51 ilj ) ) aliouly 111 miking
.suixojs and gelling the pius and pi ms in I
shape These will bo turned oxer lo the '
( itx fiee ol eh ngo. llv voting thu nocess n y i
amount in bonds it xvill niiUo it pissibluto
co-nmenco xxork tins furnish om-
ploMiient to n laigu number of men In m , '
judgment the cily i an construct the cuml
for a sum nearly half th it xhich it xxould bo
co.npellud lo piy for iho property of tno
AmornanValurxxorks company " When
the-canal is coiiblriicte-1 theciiy xxill luvo
nolonlx llio vast amount of xxater foi pnxe-r
puiposes , but il xxill have a supply of pun-
am ! xxhulosomo xxaler xvhleli can be disuib-
tlte-d to oonsiimi rs , and fiom Ihu poxver al
Us c .mmaiul c m pnl in ami opcr uc its oxn
cloi trie Ih'ht plant As a mnnioip il ontor-
IHISOU is of Iho
one giandest oxur suir-
gealod and the peujilu of this cili she dd
ic-ili/e-thu fact and oxptos-s their approbi-
tion b.x authori/iiis the isstt mcu of tbo
bonds iiue-e-bsao at tno polls "
IlllerM-hol iHtlr rocii Kill Ic icuc
Tlio executive committee of tha iXuhnsl : i
Intersclulastii ; ro.tJilt , ! Icaguo xxill nnsot
Suurday , boptciybjr Hi , at U o'clock , in tlio
pallors uf Iho Lincoln hotel , Lincoln , Neb
Kvory teim of tbu loigno is entitled to
send a delegate , xxho snail ben member or
the oxoiMilivo committee The purpisu of
the liiuutiiiR is to e-li-Lt loiuio s , umpiivs ,
se-hcdulu games , admit teams to mo nber-
ship. etc ThoaO desirinif membership must
semi a loprosonl Uixo lo m lUo application
or m i no written applici.lon , - > cn ! written
applications to ojtooiUivu comnullee , l-'ool
flail league. Lincoln hotel
LivxisMiutiiiii < ) N , Vice TVusiJeiit. nit i : 111 list.
ThoStirincrs lufl fui-Chic-ago jcMonlay on
the Nortlixxostein ro id.
' 1 ho Hell Ujparlment store.vestor.l.ix ator- !
noon gave a bill of salu for its stn"k to II ly-
den Bros , xxho at on o Ivgan luinoving tno
goods to . ihnicnl
Insto id of Iln ow tmr the- old c irpols. taken
fiom the court to mis into tli - junk pilo. the
counlv cumiuibsionei s h ixo had Hum
( loaned cut , IOSDXXO I and I ml in Iho pi ixato
ollice-s of tilei.spoi tiiv ollii I lis
I'roprietor Swnb ) of the Mill ltd hotel his
complained to Iho pulico dopu Imo-il aluut
tliu liae'luiiun n lie bland in lionlof his liolcl
SfT < aSnrril3K rar \UV& \ * sO ?
Sirs , Joint IT , Cunli
"Jly Illtlo Klrl had HUIH on JUT ami
KooiVn Niuniipiiiillii I 4 In .Ic.l fiicm. I
llldltfrrlblo liilrrK inm7i.oiinli. I n 11
troubled xxjlhlicnilbEirn , . in I nit-It ( ji uitii lie
frwjucntly seized mo. I h ivo b on t iMuj
Hood's Sarsap
nudnlllhUltfliansed. I i1 .imt . Ind
na. beuti'iir M rt-li - It IMd.n ' < " Mrs
II. Com. , M utiiisxillu , III. Hooci'o
HOOD'O PILLS euro lHr IIU , t.lclt hcvd-
iche , Jaundleu , Inilluostloti. 25u liyabox.
nl nlghl. Ho ix thc o men kcop the truest a
dxxnko by thr-ti loud nnd profane laiu-uaeo
A tnill do * fell oni of n thlnl < > tory xvt.c
doxv In the Paxton h'ockoxlcriliv
. \o-xlcriliv tiftcr-
nixm nnd XVH cnnhod to death the
on sido-
The roicul ir inontbly mootlnir of the Knrd
of iiMiii cn or tlo '
Woman's Chi itUnn .
SDChtloit will take phico
onTtic d.iv
t PIII t > or ' IH. al 10 o'clock a tu.ntlb , nV
UoiiH-n' * Homo , 111 .south Sox , m. otitii
ttrcot ,
Txvo of the iiu In IOWOM IIIVP boon < r > m
plotod and llio lotitractnr. ,1 1 H i , it ,4
loid.v to lut n the si mo ov or to the a\
hutsday ho llnlshod iho work on tin s"ith ,
Txxotilx lltst extension , riiunim ; ftom i is
lollar lo Vinton snoot. Thlssoxxorci > "t ntv it
fci.UiM A fcxv duxs nco the xvorU on the I'lu
t'.tpo street mam xvtx * iMinplt'ted.
' ]
{ ,
r/.ws i.ii. . iie tint ii'iii.
Mts Stmiiol fishl-ij wlfioflxi > ri'i -i
Ilitf , U S. A , and Mis ? Custiing ate it tlui
Dopntj Cltv Trr-isurer .lorotno K C mi' r
nnd Mrs. 'Joullor '
went to the U'orlii < fair
J cstordny
Mr .1. C Istr ! . proprietor of the Co'on ' i lo
(1i ol , has gone to Dcmcr to look nftet SL'IIIU '
inituii'Inti ttstn
U s SM n.-rs a pr lailnont ntockmau nf
I i"'it * > l i . n s i | , ni { nt thu Colon ido
liulul i , fur a few itaxs.
I1' , i ; Shearer , m in liter for the OK it t en ronto oxcursivins , xxas at I'tiloii l'a , itio
lieiditt | ii'ters .xo'teuiax.
Alexander 11 urol md. "
. "th-i newsb < js
friend , " cimo In \i-st , nay from Ltinoln iind
Is hooiied nl the .Men bants
Ir Soinors , comini-slonor of health Is
rapidl.x improxitig in beilth an I will icsuuio
Ins ollli i il dun ,
n ix illim tl few dnj s
Victor Kx lander , general sales agent i f the
riiion I'aolllc. land deptrtmonl , xxull IK ii
inariers ( | | al ulile.iifo , was in the i Itx iestn-
At tbo Mercer- I W. Akin. D-s \lom-s ,
IX i ruf. i iiicinn Ul , Alf lloiionr , isr
Cnii IIM , II 1 * .loliiMiin. lixciiiorl ) | , U H ,
\\allxxoik and xxilo. Cm aw , K .1 Ihmntnir ,
Omaha , ( . iiilaintl in i i i.uillo.xio.imi xxi ,
lAirl K louison , .KIS-IHI II tlowill , K inis
Cll.X',11 A. Ixoen , nix , Y'ttor Uxlmtii- ,
Chicago : C. .M MiLUvn , hivnnpnri ,1
( ioorg.f Krell , Cnii'.iiro , Mis Mot is i \ \ [
.1 ellru.\b \ , i it.x ; .1 i , l.oeiloo , .Molltn . II I ,
( Jipsoii , li II ' . , vlinneip i is \ f
Alb n , Lincoln , l { U I'lsih.i , - U i
mur , I'lucagii ; Colonel Hoist , lint to VI .nt ,
,1 U Aim MS and I mibts ill l.uti ,1 V.
I'oi Jan I , OnU K llutici , ui. > j
M lla.tor , ( .iiand Island
iiK KntJio Hoilyvlth Whlto
ho.ilos. SuneiliiK I'V.irful. '
Cured by ( ntlcur.i.
My iliscasn fpor \ - - o tir t lirn'.e out on my
left i hue ! . , > . , ri i n i , , i r > - , i - \ i DM * , mil ilin t-,1
COXl nil' ! IIIX I K l- 1 1 t I IM I ) lll > l-\ | . | . III. j ll.O
\\s .in I J \\o Id lo.o inv U * > - , il
Jt.sji it , i i run In a I , a mv
h , r a I t , d o it , u ltd I xx is
i < r % ! In nli I U tli i
li > .u o t o i ni-t at us a I
11 > iMi i . xin d inj nrnno o
j i-t one s ir > - Ii covered my
u i Iru l < U , inx l.tio , hi > l ,
n t i 'IM H U i s 1 mi ; Hie xx i nt
' 1 ll - xUi o * . .it > tell < itnnt.milv
f r' D l iv IKi i I , MirMtMcrs , ami
.1" - , I1 M i M.I iM Hi i
n i 11 o ie l.i 11 xeiy iti li\ unit
xv < > i I < -.ii. ! ; ami li'i , il if
si n ihi * I. Aficr s | i n linn ;
nnnv Imnilrr 1 < ot u i i- , I xis pro i > nn , a
inuin.iMu. 11 : i. I ol Hit ii i n i in tthUi nu-S ,
and afer Hi f i\\j I > it Ci IHI in ill sni
x l s r , I c n il I vo a i ! i i i0 a 11 nl > r I h id
taKiui lo r In. ' u < , I x , n al 11041 euit , un 1
xxlicn I h , il mod s , \ 1 > . ' . < n ( o i u i ii.x Kit-
r.oi x r\r , o m Inx of ( i in i r x. a i I o in r n
of t'ciii-i r. x ' ox'1 1 v M i f lot 111 Ml in li d
diMitin null en 111 ! Vn-il ! or Ihi-x.-irn.
1 01 milt C-\II > 4 X I 1 I - I X\1lll I MlflllKlt
bofiiriIIM ij ; tlie 11 xi I i x s o I mv
Ilk' , anil I fi'i-1 It i i. u . \ i i r-i > nmi n 1 tl in.
MX h u r is tot uruil a- > i > 1 .1 i.vei , i al s > is
nn i-M-Mirlr
-Mils UDiA KJ'.I.IA , l.t\xc : i Citj , Iox-.i.
I'\er\tlimyalum : * Ji- > xv ini'L-rfnl sKiiiLtir ,
lilouil | unOerj n id ! i rn > r i.-im-iln- , jnspn i
ciiiliiliiei > Tu-xaTcnl i > iui rjli-l vil > i -ilv
curu of the i u.t ti ur. ; . . 11 d til ; ur'ur of
iti li nit , Ininiiiig , s alx.h .Iliu I s > dp IH | .isri
'llicx LL-I-I.I | > tln-11 ii I ,1 ni b\ i of cxrv n
tu > i , Imi iTitx an I d i-- , : i d nnstltiiti tliu
iioit enoctnu trcatinc" > t oi inoJera timed
Sold ( hronglont I'm vnrhl. I'flco
, C1 ! Ti < i HA ,
60c , IMIAP , 'Jj < , Iti 'iixir , ? l I'IIITKII Knuti
AM ) I'm 31. Coinotj l'iuirii | tois , llouin
CoHo * to t u-o tk n Dliuircc , " ni.n i I f'O.
niMI'liI'H , n'u.'i ' i' ' < , n ! in 1 nilj iin i > i '
I lit ) XLlltld Ulllc | - < d t J I I lit I I.A&OA1-
l'ic' a'lic.k ilncv | i ns.wi i' '
" ' ' ' " ' i . < I "i" ' 'f I "
A.\IUr > K\IKN
ISBr. 18
Tbu Itvl iiln ; s , | . , , s , Hio ii w I'm i < - ly-
lly ll'i S-ON lln'x'Miii i > illiiir of'i nin- - * %
( tO ll , " " I III II I Oil I "oil .1 > | | 1 1 I i I <
ii. t ' < 1 1 u I I , \ i > , i >
MXiUti I Xlt.l i M ) ii. in x\ li' XV VI'I '
1 111 i , .ii it isn -i v. , ii rii-r ' \
xx ii.1 1 vxt i. xx i'ts'i't ' in i ' v . i \i ,
t , XIII It KP * I' M XI , l , \ II IT
M il , W XI N i ( J II II ' . . iX , M'
.1 i ill \s | i\y ji , ( i , i id v
l-ii I- 1 i" I ml i'i ' < i x < r .
9-1 .n Inl mi r.i .n ' n i , m 7 i I
. . ! > < Hi ils un 11 I . , i ii 1 1 , < , | , it i
i ' -t : j ,
! -TOMGTir
! I-\L ) | \ OlJiRCOMPANY. .
M illiieuTiiiliiy-
PJR , re J o ? PSMZ'Mvjcz.
r * n " ) i i * i * > f T J * .1 ' ' i P i ' ) ' \i
valla Im ) ! i T.1fil ! : i. Vn. i !
1 our n 41 * * i O-DIJI n . n .
Siri.l iy M it ( . ; - , 'T.-pt. 17.
In tlin ijroat N iilo 1 1 ! Ciuiii'Jr l > i i i.
M illi uj Wotlititsl i >
X I I. fill XX I I 1 % ,
Our SIMT Tintu i nil my , In
t ; < v ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' "d\r \
A- a > . fni.uf . i , , , , r
AN T O H-3IJ f > O ? ' ; * ClTl.l
ft II I i . il II ll l I I U I i I M' ' ' '
II ll , II I I I ' .I 0 I | l III j'l > . . . . ! ! , 1
| , il I . n
911 Wortii 24M Sna l
The patient's body luriiun ( l l't ) ! ' t "f llio curd of in o ooti ic lie no btlau
i sli/u'iu f Iiiitul in Clta'lcr.
WE GUARANTEE A CURE of the Following1 Cases or Money Refunded.
Jtluniniiil IHIII , ICItlllOV O'hlJllhO. I'l'llllllllllfllt - < H > , ,
II , C/iftfi/n ( iHiHtliit
IIUlttiiHiuyH * ,
SLEEPER 3 OOfflflHY19IIBor h ? < lv ' ! „ Omaha.