0 THE OMAHA DAILY SR1TEMP.RK LI ISO : ? . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL With Heavier Receipts in Sight Bulls in Wheat and Cora Sold Freely , RESULTED IN A TUMBLE JN PRICES Wlirnt nt the Upmlng U'm n rmvllon Jllglirr tlinii .Voilni' < ilityN ( Jlo lntr , lle- rnini ! Wi-.ik , mid After N IN ClOM'll fitn fo. Pcpt. M.-\VHh hravlorreceipts In slplit the liulls In whrnt tmit corn snlil freely today and prices tumbloJ. The casli demand ilM not Itoop mi. Compared vvitli last tilirlit hoth tvhont and corn show a loss nf nearly Ir pot'hushol. I'rovlslotis wore In llttlo ftcinntiil , with Irrcfftilnr silent chattfrrs. Wlir.it nt llioonenltiK'was about ' < c Itleltor than tlip rioting llnnrns ycstordiiy , advanned nbinitc , then bivvimo weak and after numerous llurtuallnns ileclltipit I\V , held ntnad.v and the rlosmit wns easy at about 'j'c from the bottom. Tlm recent rains liavo been fnvorablo for plowitiR ntrl scodlitf ; and tlio receipts In tlio northwest were heavy. Tin1 Impro'wVin Is iralnlnff Rround that the I'l-np of snrliiK wlte.it has been undorestl- iiiuti'cl. ' 1'hire was some bii.\lnj ; on the lie- cJIni'M , bat it was not. poneral. I'ora niicneii front ' e to > 4'c Mq\\r \ \ > r. and nilvanrrd : Hi * innri ! on iiiiidenite buying mi the ontsiilo and local ol'Vrlnes. Later tin1 prli'es recoiled Jji1 , filllcil iitr.iin. ruled from 1 'Bc ' to l'4o ' lowr-r and clom-d with from ' -c to Ir lei < < . While It is Ihmmht the Inte rains uill not rliiii : c the posillon of the crop Him h , it will undoubtedly help pasturatre. O.its were < | iilet and slightly ilnnur early , lint \vealtnes.s In other pro.lucts 'iffo.'tcd oat , prices receding from We to JHV. With tin1 ili-'line then- was more business , but tlm marUet closed iiuiet , with a aiil los of from ( , < to I , 'C. The "lity " tu the provision pit failed to elcarlx indicate any well ilellncit policy on tlio part of tin-rulers of the trade. Litrd \vns rather llrmor than the other articles mid closed at some Improvement for the ' near futures , but nneha'iiRCd for January. 1'orlt for.laniiar.v Is fie lower than it closed yesterday ; for October , IDc higher. Hlbb lire l.'ic lower for Scptetnitcr. Thedemaiul for vessel room was fair and rales steady nl Jjc for wheat anil l ; ' c for corn to Ilitllalo. Kstlinaicd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. HO cars ; corn , CM ears ; outs , I15U cars ; 1 .00(1 ( licail. Tin' liiadliiK futures raiijuil as follows : Cash limitations \vere as follows : I'Mirit-Silpplles IlL'Ilt , llttln litsncs | | < i. \ VlliTNo. : . i ! spiln , ( i7nSi07'jCi ( , ' No. 3 f.prlnc , f. o. h. . 00lil ( ( > c : No. i ! led , 08'jifi.OH'je. ( 'iUS-Xo. ) , -llei No. 3 yellow eluded ill 4'2'c. U.nsNo. . 20iil20 ( ( e : No. 2 ldto. f. o. 1) ) . , nr' ' lllc : No. 3 while , f. o. h. , UOWWc. Kvi. No. _ ' . 40e. lt.\lti.KV--Xo. i ! , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 38 < 2.ri.Vi NIL ) , f. o. b. , 3Hc. 1'I.AX Sir.lNo. : > . 1 , $ l.)3Jft.03i ( ) } . TIMOTHY SKKt-l > rline"ji.'J.'j : < i43.30. I'niiK MI-US , per bill. . ilO.305J10.30j Inril , per 100 His. , JH.OOSS.TO ; bhnrl ribs sides ( loose ) , flO.'JOff 10,35 ; dry salted shoulders ( lioxoili. $7..Vtj,7.0 ! ( ) ; shoM liluur sides iboxud ) , tO.70aiO.00. \VIIISKY Dlst'.lleiV HnlsliL-d tnoils , per sal. , HtTiuas-I'iiL'hanscd ; cm | ( ) llf O'ic ' ; Kraiiu- lali'd ' , 5.07cj standard "A , " 5'ju ' Tlm followlni ; were the tveelpts and shlp- incnls for today : On the Produce nxchait u today the butter market was linn ; crcanu'ry. J3tQU7e | ; dairy , 17 < 'J.e.'ffs | \ , linn ; fresh , lOc. . Nnu * York MH Nrw VOIIK , Sopt. 14. .l'i.oint Kceolpts , nS.UOO plies. ; exports. -JU.OOO hhls. ; sales , U.OOO | ) kis ! : inarlii't quiet ; hnyers hold- lin ; oil' ! Inter wheat , low tailcs J .us'it J.5 : Ion extras. $2. < ) .Ya2.55 ; winter wheat , fall- to fiiney , i2.r- , < , ( . ; | , ff > ; cllv mills , i3.3Ki3.Ml ( ( > ; winter wheat , patents , ti.00 ! ; .Minnesota clear , (2.l' > 0'ri.Ciii : ; ryi'Jinlxliite , ? ; i.ttOa3.5O ; Mlnne- Mila stralL'hls. ? : ) , . | n > ' .l.lll ; supeiilne. H.'JlHiS 2.115 ; Minnesota patents , fl.OOU I.&t ) ; line J1.5U Sl'J.-O. COIIN Miil.I'lrm : : yellow , f2.00'B2.80 ; Ilrandy \ \ Ine , J2.H5. Kvi. Dull ; western hoatloads ( J23&3c. HAHI.IV : M.U.T-Dull. WIIKAIlecelps ! ( , 20.1,01)0 ) bitj evporls , ni- 700 till. ! stiles , ' . ' .1:15,000 : hn. fntliies , HH.OOO lai. spol. r-pil market , ( pilot and easy ; No. 3 red , In store and Dictator , 7ic : ; alloat , 73c : f o , I ) . . 7lc : ; No. il red. ( i'.l'io ' ' ; niiKradi'd red , dlJ.72e ! ) ; No. 1 noillicni , 7i' ! ) . Options ( inlet and fractionally easy early ; wealiiined late on rlls- npliolnlliiK cables nnd Ihinld'Ulon ; No. red Hoiili'iiilior , 7rie7l ! ! o , closing al 7ic ; : Octoher 7i1'ic7l : , , c , closing at 7i'cj ; ' .November , 7lio ; Dccemher , 77dt7Hc. COIIN IJecelpls , 10,0001)11. ) ; exports , 27000 Im. ; wiles. M'jo.ooo Int. futures , fn'.ono hu. hjiot. SpotsijuUit and easier : No. L' , fil'.i' In elevator , fi'J'iiulloiit. . Oiitlons llrm early , InoKn litteon conation or c.tsh demand and lliilliliillon | : S'pli'inliiMfliiiuil - ! 'J. ' ; D'tohnr , -H'i.i.c ) | ) , , elo-ilnu ( Ih'.e ; Novemher , lU'it'irrtOe ' ' , eloslnj ; 'atI'J'ui' ' ; D.-cemlier , I'J'j'io ' fit ) c floslni ; ill - ! ) ' , ! .May , .r l , . < J2V. clos ing at r > | iC. ( ) \TS Kecelpls , HT.nnO . Int. : exports. H2.-IOO I'll. ! Miles. 210,01)0 ) Im. future- ; , . 0(10 ( hu. spot. Sols'i'ttlc | lower and ( lull. Op tions Him early , went iloun later In sympathy I with 1)1.1 ) doi'lliiK In corn on renll/ln ; SeptumI I IMT , : i2'ii.li'jc. ( ; closlnaal : 2'o | llctolier. 32'i ' U32V' . clnsliiK at 32U < " Sovoiniiiir. 32'iU33c. uliislnuat 32 , i'i No3 wlilte , n7 3Hc : No. U C.hlciiKO . , : tlHHc ! : : No. II white , 37e ! mixed western. 'Jf < ( ii7ci : white uestein 37iifHlc , llAV Stiiiily ; iuoil ; to choice , OOilbuc. Hot's ( , ) | | irl. llllir.s Mendy. l.r.ATiiKti Steady. Wool-Qnleii domestic lleece , 20a2Hcs jmlled , lH'rJ5c ; Texas , Ioyi7c , I'ltoviHloNSCut meats , llrm. I.ard , oitlet ! stonm closed at ll ; sales , 2MI tli'fces al } ! ) .Ofi ; option sales , none ; Septem ber closed lit JD.O& nominal ; October , < d.M5 noinlnal. llnnaiStendy : stale dairy , lUtJ'J.V ; main creamery. 2 ( > V7O ! esterit dairy , l.'i'ifrcl'Jc ' ; western creamery , lMifJ7cjviislurn ( factory. IMJlHc : KlKlns , i7i- ! . CIIIXNKhtrim er : Klato Inriio , O'lflO'io ' for fiutcyi Hhllo lat-Ki ) , 7J , < U.li" ) , part sMnis , 2'j ' KIIIIKSieady ; nontern fresh. 17'j'aiH'c ; reculpth. 11,1175 pk . TAI.MIW l-'lrni ! cltv ( t2for picUiKesl'c. : : . < oVV.r"INS'"l" ' ! : ! , ' l' ' 1'1 "Ulro "I'tlvoj criido , B1U33C , yellow , : < Hc. I'KTiiiu.t-rM Inactive , fairly steady ; I'l'itn- lylvanhi oil. spot sales , 110110 ; Octohi < r opilon , none ! closed at iVlc bid , li-l'ii' asked. UIHIK Qnlul , dull ; btralned to common , tl.10.1(1.Ifi. Ti'liri'.NTlM : Kasler ; 2siI < iW9il. Kii'i ; I'li'in : domestic fair lee < tru,2'4TSOi.jc. Moi.Ai-hls : Nmnliial. Suiuit I'lrm : bales. 1OC > , OOO mats lllllo ( , usual ahMirlmont. 'J1 , lint \ - > , | oio. I'll ! IllON Meiidy ; American , * 12.25 < 3,1-1.50. ( Joi'i'Kli Sleiuly ; lake. ( O.G'J'i. LEAD Ciibler ; doini-Mtlc. } ; ! > & . TIN ( ilrointor ' : MruitH.f20.20 : plates , steady. Si'Kl.-mi I'lim ; domicile , (3.7&J e.xcliunio : iiilos , 3 cars , nominal in t.7f : ) > . t'lly .Miirkotn. NoKANriiH C'ITV. Sept. 14. WiiKA'r'iilowcrt No . 1 ! hard , Oll'ift-'iVei ' No. a r.'d , 07H58c. I'OHK-l'inn : No. U mixed , 35' , < i.3Jc . ( ; No. 3 whllu. 3'i'it37c. ( ! O.virt r'lrm mid unchuu ed ; No. 2 mixed , lMCi&l3c ! ; No. 2 ulillt' . i&it27c. ; II A v 1 1 rni. i'Kii l-'lruii eriMimory , IHaaX1 ; dairy. Kims Qulcl and Ormal 12c. ltKCiii : > rs Wheat , 127.000 hn. ; corn , imnin o-il-s , none. rinilMiiM'stWheat , HO.OOObu.j corn , 35,000 liu , ; oats , none. Netvork Dry liooiU .Mnrkrl. NKW VOIIK , Sept. U.-1'riicilcally all the In- ( cn-it In the dry uoods ninrkel tixfay was cen tered In the bale * of thu Amoskcni ; nru Other hales were iiuuluc.teil. Cotton s-oodt , mo in fair ic'jucjt uml Meaily. I'rlnted fabrics uJ prints ro lu lair UuiuuuJ. UcuowoU lu - qulry U hewn for elnchnmi nnd woven falirlcn. lifillnc * In woolen RooiU are Incrcai- Inn oiiiDWlint , bill the demand nocmto he riiiinlnn in small lot , nltli the dl po < ltlon to flo very Illtlo xoppllnu In mocks. rorelRii dry Roods show a bolter de mand , with the tone fnlrly Meady. Woolens mill worsted ( roods anIn bolter i-cnurM. Jobbers Mimewhal more nrllvn in a whole , allliiniu'li taKlriK It rlatit throuijli the inarknt , the itnintlly | of bitiliii'ss done today was inucli'imiiiiii'rcii by the meat auction sales. nitmlm I'rodnci , MurUet. HfTTr.lt The reri-liU | of bultrr eontliuio ralln-r IlL-hl ; fancv creamery , 2oa22c : choice to fancy country. IflftHe ; fair to Rood coun try , M'islOc : packlnitilock. fresh , 13r. l.lVliT'nt'l.Tiiv-Thi' receipts of poultry are llKhl and prices ate fully sli'nilv ' ; choice old hc'iii. 7 < & 7'ie : sriinf | chicken" . " 'i ' lHc : ducks , 7M.'ie. 'The p.ickors nerc iifli-tlnit only O'ii' ' for rllher old tipni or spiltiK chickens and 3c for old . Kims ( lood oloelf wns generally bolus of fered lit 131 , ! ' . IH'iilr-rs nio Rcnoinlly iidvltlne tltclr i In bold elf until tin1 weather becomes unit u fnvnrn hlii In view of the condition In wlili'lt fililptni'iils nro ni living It N no ensy matter to give correcl quotations , lill ) It lsafe tu inv Hint pMilt-lDclilrki tii In llrsl-clrisscon dition would bring } l.76 ! , bid ( be moil of llioso coming thai tire lit for sale go nlJI.ftovV.Miti. Only a few dnt'lis nio arriving , but cholca mal- lanN would bring abonl t'J.75 and teal anil mixed fl.U.Vitt.'iii. ' lloM.v Honey Is commencing to inovo a little tnoio freely , hut llic dt'lnand Is stilt light for It : choice white clover , KW.17C. I'IIIIIONS The demand M not qullo so ncllvo as II HIIllvo ; pigeons , tl ( to I-.H.K ) . OVSTI.IISMidiiiiii , iHc : extra slundalds , 2iic ; L'Xtru "elects , ' 'Mc : counts , 37c. Homo grown stuck Is plenty at CO 51750 per bn. ToM.vrois--lIoino : grown stock , on orders , per 'i-bu. ' ba.sliottoo. . I'ol M-ois : Tito npply l light ttnil the. iniii'kot HrinjgiHid Mock M'lli readily nt 7O'i.70c. CAltltAoi : Occasional onlors uio received and III led nl I' ' , . ' . Cii.r.iiv--tViimnoii : itock , 35r pordocholco : lo fancvlOc , ( > o nnd Too per , ln/ . hunches weighing to lo Ibs. , aecordlni ! to price. Swtir : : I'OT\Tor.s-Tho supply Is fair ; Rood stock , } 1 pei bu. ( iitU'is--llomo : grown Concords , 20323 ; per 9-11) . ba-.ko | ; nm-icals , fl.OUifl.25 ; black , jl ; Tokay , M.ftt ) . CA.vrAi.orrn.s I'orcr.iln , ? l.2fl. i Ai.trotiMA h'lii'iTI'leeslono pcMch-'s , per bo.x , il.li'dil.'J&i ' llnrtlell pears , pur box , J-J.25 : plums , per bo\ , tl.25yl.tiO. Al'l'l.KSCliob'u ' . l.f - I'iitliu , l'-r bbl. , $ 0i clnil ooklng , $ | . Cti.MiinmisCranberries : : are arriving very fieelv and aptieai' lo be In good demaii I ; Capo Cod , per bid. , 57 DO ; bell and cliurry , jU.uO. TIIOI'ICAt , KIII'IT-I. llASAXAi I'rlcoitetnnln about steady ; per hunch , lai e'J.OO'i.2.25 ; per bunc.li , small to medium , ? l.75'i/,2.oii. I.IMD.\S : I'-r box , ? I.r > ( ) V > j3.0l. : ns : There are only a few oranges ro- ; Itlveisldo .Me.lllerraneiui sweets$1. Him : ! ) , TAI.I , iw , ITO. : Illlirs No. 1 meen hides , 2'je ' ; N'o. 2 itroi-n hides , 'Jc : No. 1 niveiiailed hides , 'JV ; No. 2 L-rrrii sailed hides , _ ' ( < : No. 1 mreit salted bides , 23 Ihs. to II ) Ibs. , 2'c ' ; No. ' . ! jsreensalted hides , 25 Ihs. to . | ( l Ibs.Jo ; No. 1 veal calf , M Ihs. to 15 Ibs. , ric : No. 2 veal calf , S Ibs. lo 15 Ihs. . 3c ; No. i dry Hint hides , -lo : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 diy salted hides , -Ic. Part i-it i oil hides ' 2c peril ) , lo-s than fully cutoil. SIIMI'I'lii/rs : ( iiTi-n - tailed , each 3fti < .7&i' ; Kieen .salted slienrlln .s ishotl wooled early sklnsi , ench Hi'tlDo ' ; ilry sliearllnns ishort wooled early sklnsi. No. ( . each fr'HOc : dry slioiirlliiiis ishort wooled early skinNo ) 2 , each Tic ; diy Hint , Kansas and Nehr.-islta bnlcher wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight , I Ic ; ilry Hint Kansas and Nohraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , ncitial weighti7'iMlV : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool p..ts , per 11) , actual welftht , Uiftltv. dry Mini Uc orado mur rain wool pelts , pi < r Ih. , actual weight , 7iU'Jc , dry piecesand bnclis , ai'tuit : welglit , &i,7c. ! St. l.onls MuHii'ls , Sr. I.iit'i , Sent , l-l. I'l IIITII Knslor ; pat ents , 43.lO i 3.25 ; exira fnc } \ i2.75'ii.hri ! ' : ; others unchanged ; fancy , f2.5o"i3.30 ; clioice , J2.23liti.2.'i : ; family. W. \VIII\T : Spurted Vc early , butsolllne forced II back. Tlieelo-u was 'a- ' ' below yesterday ; No. 2 red. cash , clo--i'd at I13c : Sop I ember , ( I21ie ; llclober , G33jiDocoiubor. : . Oh'ac ; .May , 751c. COIIN AdViinced early on the hot weather c. but woalco'ncd nn selllni ; , eloslni ; latii < ( c. loiver than yesierdny ; No. 2 nil.\ed , ca-h , 3)14i-j ! ) September , ilhe ; October , 37'/jc ; Decum- ber , 3 ( ' > i.ci jear , 3l'4c ( ; May-lljc. ! OATS -Notradhn : ; No. 2 cash , 27c ; i-eptom- ber and October , 'JO'icj Jltiy , 31Jfc. KviHither ; -Hie lor No. 2. llAIIMIY No tlillll ) . llitAN I'lriii and uiicliniiRiul ; cast , track , GGc. I'l.A.x SIKII : ( jtilot. unchangud ; UOo. Ci.ovtn : t-UKD-ir7.ooflb.00. HAY Dull , unchanged. Ili.'TTiat t'nchangeu ; separator creamery , 24iri2llccliolco ; dairy. 23S.24C. KIKIS Lower ; 12c. I.KAD Firm ; iU'.7 : ! { . Si'ii.-rin--ltotter : : ; J3.50. COIIN MUAI , $ l.b5l.UO. \VlllSKY-J1.12. COTTON Ttr.s t'nclianged ; 05cil.OO. llAooi.Mi IJiti'liiinged ; .l 'i. ' . I'novisio.NS ( inlet , ratliur easy. Pork , un changed ; new , } 17. l.anl , unchanged ; ? 4.50. Dry salt meals , lee o shoulders , f .50 ; longs and ribs , JIO.U'J' ' . ; .shorts , jll.12',2. llains , $13.007(1.1.00. Kiriii'iM : : I'lour , 25,000 liblsj wheat , 130- 000 hu ; corn , 31UOO bu. ; o.its , 34.OOU bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. Sllll'SlKNTS rionr. 10,000 bbls ; wheat , G- , 000 bit.corn-lij.uoii : bu. ; oats , 10,000 hn. ; rye , none ; bailey , none. Cut coo .Mmlcct. Ni\v Out.RiNS , Sepi. 14. rutures steady ; sales. Ob,700 hales ; Si'ptuinber , * 7.0i ( bid ; October , i8.02r ( < H.O3 : Noveinher , IS. l'2Tl-H.l4 ; Di-c-'iiiher. SH.aSfi .a-l . - : .lanuary. 5H.3-liiiH.35 ; r'obiuury , JH.4aftH.43 ; Maich , Ja.4i)1tH.O ( ) . Firm ; middling itlands | , b 1-ltic ; low mid dling uplands , 7 ! 3-U > c ; irood ordinary , 7 7-llic ; net icceipts , 1.4MJ hales ; KI-DSS receipts , l.fiut ! bales ; sales , ' . ' ,11011 bales ; stock , 40,717 hales. Commercial bills , * l s-"ii.4.Hli'i. . ' ( ! AIVISTON : , Si > ] > t. 14.I'lrm : middling uplands - lands , He ; low middling uplands 7 11-ldc ; Kood oidlnary , 7aBc : net and 'nisi iccelpts , a.lli-l bales : coastwise , 1 , 7Ua hales ; sales , 530 bales ; spinners. 50 bales ; stock , 3I.H37 bales. Hu.TiMoni : , Sept. -Nominal ; middling , Niw : VOIIK , Pept. M. Options opened near months 10't(3 ( ) points tip ; far months un changed to 5 points advance , clo-ed barely sleady al O' t.l0 ! points up oil new options anil 10W.15 points on distant months ; sales , 'JO.Olli ) bags , Includlnc : Si-iilember , J17.UO'/C17.3 ( ) ; October , * lti.H5iitl7.oil ; November , flO.OOifi 10 si ) ; Deeeinlii-r , illl.OOUIli.aO ; Jmttiary , iflO.bO. Spol IJIo , llrm ; No. 7. HH. Havre markut opened at iil't < ( hluhcr mil aiUmtced Sf ; l.oiidnn gained Oil 'ls ; Hnmbiir ; ; advanced ! i < < (34 jifennlg. .MlhvuuKi Mn.wArisr.K , Sept. M. UHKIT I'lrmer ; No. 2 spring , ( ili" ! No. 1 northern , GOc. CIIIINDull ; No. 3ll'tc. . OAT.s-l.owor ; No. 2 white , 30c. llAiii.nvI'lrm : No. 2 , f > 7c. Kvi : ririner ; No. 1I7' 1 c' . I'novisioNS-Sleady ; pork , J1G.0 ; lard , JH.&U. IIiltliiiori : < ( iralit .llarltct. HAI.TIMOIII : , Sept. M.'IIIAT : Sloady ; rod western , steaily ; cabh and SDptenibur , 72il 72'8e. I'oiiN rinnurj white , r > 335lc. OATS Steady ! No. 2 inl.\ed , 32.tJ32iC. ( CfNCiNNATl , Sept. M.VllK.T Knslor : No. 2 red , ( il'.e. COIIN Kash-r ; No. 2 mlxeilMe. . OATS Pinner ; No. 2 inl\ed , 2Wit28jC. ! WlllHKV Hlonily ; il. 12. riillailnlplilu lirnln .Mnrlict. run\DKI.I'tiiAt Sept. 1-1. Wnr.AT Lower ; Soptemhor , 7171 ! , c. CoilN-Kasy ; r-opteinher , . OATS-Steany ; 6pot , , 3.Vc , Tuli ilo driiiii Mnrkot. Toi.iiio : , Hunt. 11.ViuT : I.oHor ; cash , ( )7'ic. CHUN Dull hut stondy ; raslt140 , O.usQuloli cash , 2u | i' . .tllniieapolU tMio.it Market. MiNNiiAt'iii.i * , . ' opt. 14. rutiiri's steady ; Septeinbnr , liS' ioijl'ic ; { ) i'cember , OH'IC on track ! No. 1 hard. r > i > ijc ; No , 1 nortiiurn , Uliuc : No. 2 norlhuin. li'-'ti * . l.ivitrpool .UuruetH , Livniii-ooi. , Sept. 1 -WiiK\T Doninnil moUei.ile , 4s 3'td : futures dull , fair ilenrind ; yeptumbiir 3'td ; OciolK'f , 4a avis Novum- bor , 4s - ' NI'OL'HS AM > IKI.NDS , Jlurkot 'I'oiluy ICruiinled as the Dnllrxl lu .MllliyVfiikit. . New VottK , Soitt. 11. The market today was otto of thu dullest on t tie H took oxeluiuKu in litany weeks , llio sales of only four stocks cxci.'cdiii ID.OO'J sluircs. Tlio inarUul wus almost entirely in tholiain'.sof professionals , llio outsldo buying boinj , ' on a very small sealo. To a certain extent the rocenl heavy ndvanco in nriccs , in which nearly Iho entire list participated , has been duo to the ills- counitii n f favorable indicatioun , cliiuf iiinong which U to bo counted the settlement of the silver question on tlio lines ed by thu administration. Thu delay in reaching a conclusion in the senate is having iho infect of crenUng an lintressiun | that the silver question may not bu so easy of solution as was supposed and that ilia disturbing element , whllu uttablu to defeat llio repeal till , may possibly wu.ut.go to t weigh It down with ill-advised amend ments calculated to unsettle tlio monetary situation. The difllciilty fit bringing the silver senators to a realization of tin1 im portance of immediate action is growing In i ; inlliipnce on the speculations upon the Stock exchange , and the boilcf Is Increasing that the futnro market depends largely on the course of events at Washington , Among the special Inlluonces nt work today on the exchange wore the disagreement ho- IHecu ' the distilling company nnd the dis tributing company , the Boston selling of Union I'aeillc on the hollof that the stock of the Into Kred I * Amos would bo put on tlio marki't , reports that the Juno statement of the Union Pacific , to be given out tomorrow , would make a very had showing , the ab sence1 of the largo orders from Ixmilon that siit it vi an expected would follow tlio reduction of UH > Haul ; of Knglnnd discount rate and 0SI selling orders from the west In Chicago Has. SItl So sluggish was the tradlttp , however , that llio declines affected on unfavorable reports were not very serious , and prices moved one way or the other In a sort of por- fiinctory way. The dealings , too , were very Irregular , and stocks moved nnli'pendently IIII each other. At the opening a general llrm tone prevailed , but the depression fol lowed , which was succeeded before noon by an upward movement of small proportions. During the afternoon , upon very light trading , prices reacteJ and llio ilnal deal ings were weak , although there wus a prac tical recovery just at the close. . The last prices , compared with yesterday's closing , show l about as many advances as declines In the active list. The leaders in tlio advance are Manhattan Consolidated , l'.t ' per cent ; ( touoral i Kleotrie , 1"4 percent ; I locking Coal it Iron , I"H percent ; Pullman , I't ' pur con t , and Baltimore At Ohio and Ulchmoiid Ter minal : preferred , each 1 per cent. The do- cllno was led by Sugar at ' . , per cent ; Iowa Central. ; 1 " ' „ ' per cent : Kvansvlllo , t Tcrro Haute , I1 , percent , and New.lerso.vCentral , Colorado Coal & Iron and Tobacco , each 1 pur i > cent. Tito Post says : It Is certain enough from the course of the Bank of Ktiglattd's direc tors during the past monlh that they were J.J reluctant to make any reduction from Iho 5 J.JP per cent minimum discount rate. Todn.x's reduction of I per cent was practically forced upon them. The open .market supply fin gold had grown so plentiful that three months hills were down to half the hank's minimum rate , and to maintain longer tlm ft per coal figures would ho merely to sacrifice business without producing any results on thu general market. Thu follow Ing are the elosing < ] ttotaUniis of the loading stocks on tlio Now York ex change today : Atehison ' -"Hi ( Northern IMi'lilo. . Adams 'Ixprois. . . lis : I Nor. I'aclllo prefd . * Alton. Tom ; Han to IS IT. 1' . . I ) . A. C.lllf. . . . ' do | iref'l 1111 NorllnveHlern Illi'm Amd-liMn K\ircss | HIS ilo | ifil ' ll.-iltlmnroA.Ohlo. . . . New York Central. lii'i'r ( 'iiiiiiila I'acllli' . . . . 7lVN" . Y. .t N. K Can.-nla Southern. . is ,0111:11-10 , : .V Western ( Vntr.-il I'aeltli1 ' 'JUi Oroirun linii 11 dies. A Ohio 17'4'Oii'ifiiii ' Nav I-I Chlc.-ii.-o A. Allun. . . lil : ( | ( ) . S. L. A U. N IIs'a C. . II. , \ . ( ) Hl'tj.l'aclllc ' . Mall K.K. , The total sales ol stocks tccluy were 153,000 .shales , Including ; : Atchlson , 5,100 ; Siitfar , 3'J,5III ( ; lliirlltiKton , 1(3,600 ( : l'hlea o ( Jas , 0- UOO ; U'hlsky. 0,000 : liunoral IClcotrlc , IL',300 ; Kcadlhs , 4,4O ( ; rit. I'mil , 10,700 ; Union 1'adlic , , IJOO ; Wt-ntt-rn t'nlon , 0,500. Ni-w Yurie .Money .Murliet. NEW VOIIK , Sept. 14. MONIY : ON fUMr- uu/i ( per cent : last loan , 3 per cent ; closed offered at 3 per com. 1'niMi : Mr.itcANTii.K I'Ariat 7'i12 ' per cent. STIIIIIMI : KXI-IIAMIB Sleailv : actual bitsl- ne.ss In hauliers' Mils nt f J.HSU4.80' ( forilu- inand and $ t.H\2&l.HWi \ ( for .si\ly-ila.v bills ; ixisled ralesLHSuLhO : commercial bills , ifl.h'Kii-I.Hl'i. ( iovKiiN.MK.NT HONDS Weak. State uonds dull. Sn.vr.ii CKUTirtcATi-.s Olfered at 7-lc. Tiie closing itiiotatlons on bonds ; Itoston SLncli oiiotiilloiis. HUSTON , Sepl. 11. Cull loan * , 7i0 ? per cent : ( him loans , 0 per cent. Closing quotations on slocks , bonds and mining shares : Hay Slati ) ( Jilt- . . . . ll'Ji WoMllinrli. I Kleutrlc Dull Telephone. . . . IS" I ilo invferred lloston A Albany. . . 'jom WlHuoiiHlii'ontrii1. ItoHtoii A Maine. . . . Ih ' iAlehlhon . | n do preferred 1-IO | WJH. Contj 1 H ' ' ' ' ' HI-Hl.Ulonoz .MlniinrCo. l-'ilehhnri. . . . . . . . . . . . M lAilantli ! ( ipiieral Kli'iMrle , . . . 47 I liortlon A Mont Mexican Central. . . S Illnlle A IIOHton N. V.A-N. K - ' . > Cahnnet A Ilecla. . . ' . Olil Colony 1SI ) Centennial Ore. Short Line. . . . II Kr.inUIln Itnliber : i'J San Dleiro lit ( ) si'eola J7U Onion Pacllle aPhiDiihu-y lit.- . West Knil f > 7'i Tamarack. lit.Ml ) ilo preferred 77 I On I lie. l.onilou .Mirlrt. ; LONDON , Sopt. II. 1 p. m. The closing quo tations on the London Slock excbatiKu today weie : OcniHolh , money. . . HH l-lillMT lean otdhiary . . 17-K CiniHolH. iicc'onnl Us 3-111 St. I' . ml common. . . . ( IM Caiiailianl'-iL'lllu. . . . 77i ; ) New Yoik Ccifl . lll- ) ( llrle . li n Ueadlnir . KIV , Krle ' . ' ( IH . US Mex. Celt. new-It ) . . . 41-M lIllnuiH C 'iilraK . . J7' l : il'l ( pero/ . .NIJY 1'ifta per cunt. Kato of discount In the open ntaikot for In it h short and threo-tnonths bills , 2pur cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'ln I'mnciii'ii .Mining onotatlnns. SAN I'lM.scisco , Sent. 14. Tlioolllcl.il closing iinotatlons for mining slocks were as follows : .Vo\v Ynrlt Mlnini ; liiiiitutlnnii , Niw : VIIIIK , Huni. U. Tlio following art ) the minim : quotations : run. cal. X Va 1V.II HIiM-r.i Nevada "Til Dcadwuoil ion Slamlan ! 110 ( iiinlil Mini Curry. . VOil'iilim ' din Halo A N'liri'robti. . . 111 Velluw Jacket llomi make Ms Iron Mher Kl Mexican 111 ynli'k Silver inn Ontario. tin prom inno Plymouth. . llllllnlner 10 Inrri'UM'il Ihn ItiinU ItesiTle. NKW VOIIK , Sept. 14. Tlui I'ost'.s London fcpi'clal kayn : The llai k of IJit-'hunl'ij reseno Increased this ncek JL'lillH ) ( ) ) > of whli'li lU5u < ) ( > was In gold Imported. | ) iirlmiho neek i"J4'JM)0 ) In Kold cnino from Australia. i'Ui.OOllfriiin I.MJUII , .Cl 1.UOU from 1'arh , and 1 lU.OOO from Austria. Suvi'iity-scven thoiuand pounds In harold ( were hoiiuht and i'-tn.ooii went lo Itonmanla. The riiMirvn Is now in.&iii ) . This , U larse , Inn not tiM'Ksslve. lierinaii evehatiKo K hivomln ; ; unfavoralile. Thu innrkels were ijnli-l today. It nlll do holiday limn- till HID end of the month. Speculation will prohahly icvlui In Oc-tohi-r. Silver lower Il-l'.ii was at - . nnd rupee ) per wns iitichun ed. Thu llarliitf lhiihhiilon | IIIIB made hluu progress In the lasl 1monlhs. . Tne I'silmati-d stirpliis over Iho total Imhlllilcs ' I'nuineml Nolr * . NLW OIII.KA.NS , Sept. 14. Clearings , J8 15.889. KA.NKAS I'irv. Sept. 14. I'leurlniw , H,3brJ- 31o. 31o.N'KW N'KW VOIIK , Sent. 14. Cleurlit ; , ' * , t73,047,325j hiiliinces , i3inii,34l : > . HAI.TIUOIIE. Sept. l-i.-Mi > nrliiRii , 12.011,112 ; ualancus , t37UU'JU. .Money , U percent. ST. I.OI-IH , Seitt. -t'earlinii | , * 3,1U4GU4 ; tuluuci-i i3U'J,041 , Money ijulul ul OUb vvr cent. ICxi'hanso Vorh clo ed nt 0V ( lireinluiii " ril 1'iiii.Anr.i.i'iin , writ , l-t.-Clearing' , Ja.-tar , , . 077 ; balances , tl op jD&n. Monuy , 5 percent. I'IX ( IN.SVTI , Soplc-U. Clearing * , tl.fiOl.fl.V ) . Money , rrs pei rent. New York o\oliain.'o , 4Oi"ji > o pl-c'inlum. MKMIMIK Sept. 1-1-iNew Yorhoxohtineo e- lug at J I.Ml iiremliini. CleailligN $73,030 ; balnnoi" ! , S2-l.-ir > 5. , , / ; Htw-m.v , Sept. M. Clearlnc * . $11,277,050 : tialinces , * 02o,77.J. Kxrltangi ) on New York , o tlKconnt fdl'cfi'-hi 40l6lc for checks. Money H pur comt I'AIIIS. Sent. U.-TTiP neeUly statement of the llanli of rranciiJiimsii decroasiiot t > ,076- ooitf uohl and 'j.MtMWMf silver. Three ; per cenl rt'it ( ( " > , onf 'JiiAlrhHiiu accoiilil. ClIICAiiO , Sept. 14. I'lcnllliKS 413,011,161. New Voik i'\chinRi'7oi. : iiiemlnin. Slul-llnx e\clmii ednll at t\.HU \ > t'tn.b' > n. Money , easy ! discount rates 7 percent , with a nutnuol' of lime loans at 0 percent. LONDON , Sept. I l.The Itnlllon In the Hunk of Kmiliind lin-rea ed lYil7li)0 ) ) nnd fi1- serve Hl.iJ-Jli.niin dtirlnu the past week. The proportion of the hank's tesono to llalilllty , which lasl week was 51,37 per cent Is now fi'J.fitl iicM't'iii. The ainoiint of hulllon cone liijo the Hank of Knglnnil today on haliince Is O.M.MIA i.i visrut'K : M.\iicirs. ( 'tittle ( jollity Poor Against llooil Dmimnd ll'i s Aettve hnl lrri'5iilnr. TitflMlivv , Sopt. 14. IJocclpts pontliiuo IPicrul the four days supply foo'.titf , ' tip U.'II'J ' cattlu , ST.Osri IIORS and -I , ere sheep , as auMinst li'i.llia tMtth ; . ' , ' ! , - C.VI lioirs and ( .iW : shuop for the coi'i-uspondint ? period last weclt. Offoi'lnus of cattle were ntjaln lieuvy and fully two-thirds of the supply W.IH niado up of wostcnm nnd To.vatts. and tliusu wore Ini'Relv on the ( 'coder ordor. There \vero comparatively few natlvo cattle on sale , and , is tlicso worojn joot' ' dontand and east- cni advices were rather favorable , prices were well sustained and good 1U < 0 tolH."i.V Ih. steers ntut with a ready sale at front fl.JCi to fl."i. Coininon grass nnd half- fatted imilvo cattle were sioiv sale nnd lower at from * JI to ji.0. : ( ! U'osterns and Texans were in very lihenil supply and as many of thu western trains were Into the trade draped alonu through the entire day , while prices were anyvvhcro from weak to .V and lUc lower titan Wednesday. Fair to peed western rantrer.s sold at from $1 to $ : i.Ci ! and : i bit ; string of 77.VII ) . Indian Territory- Texas cattle went on the scales at.10. . The cow marlcet was oversupplicd and prices ruled easier all around. OlVorintrs did not fall very far short of lifty loads and , as the demand was only moderate , sellers had to shade prices to oiToi-l sales. There was nothing strictly choice on suilo and ! to SJ..I hitf'ht ( ) very poor to vi ry good stoc.lt. Calves , too , were In very liberal supply and teii- erally lower at from jfl.Tfi to $11 . " > ( ) . The market for rouuli stock was not mateiially ohntiK'Cil and sales were largely amvii around * l.i.f ; to 'J for ) poor to very good hulls , oxen and slats. There was a fairly active feeder trade , but all but llio best llcsby stock weigning IKK ) " HH. and upwards sold "at rather shaded prices on account of the unusually liberal oll'eriiif.'s of both fresh and slalo cattle. Kasier money conditions and the jood corn prospects aio creating u big demand for good stock and feeding cattlo. ( _ ! oed to choice feeders nro quotable at $ ; UiUf ( < : t.ri : ! ; fair to good at $ ' , ' . " . " ) ( . : { . 00. with common and in- lerior stuil at around j'J.OO ( i..r)0. Hopre- tentative sales : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1. . . 1)1)0 ) S3 oo 21 KI70 $1 : in 1. . .1000 : i 20 la 1144 4ir. . . 1)70 ) : i r > o ia IOIH 4 5u .1122 : i oo 3d 133f > 4 DO 3D .121-1 4 40 COWS. i 1 .1000 1 00 . 005 1 H5 . b02 i ur/ n. , . BOI : 1 Bfl . b ( > 5 1 40 1. . . 0:10 : 1 hfi 1. . .1O70 1 50 11) ) . , . 8-14 1 ! ) ll 1. . i no 7 , . 850 1 'JO 3. . . IMO 1 50 11. . . 1)1)1 ) ) 1 'JO O 1 50 1. . . Oi ' .1020 1 0,1 i ! ! . 570 1 50 1. . .1000 1 ' 1 50 4. . . 012 1 1)5 ) it ! 01)0 ) l oo 1. . 1 DJ 7. . .1057 11. , . 870 1 or. 20. . . 'JOO 1 05 3. 11:13 : 2 01) ) 1. . HlbO 1 70 3.'J. . , . 8itU 2 ( HI 5 . . Ui4 ( 1 70 , 0. a oo 1. . . 730 1 70 . 4. ' a oo " . 070 1 75- . U4IJ a oo I ? . 702 1 h ( > 5 ! . 052 a o.ri 1. . .1110 1 80 50. . 035 2 0.1 11) ) . . ' 1 bJ ( 1. . 030 a 10 1. . . GOO 1 60 11. " 'i' 2 ID 1 . .ll'JO 1 M ) 50. ' 2 15 7. . . 8'JO 1 80 . 8oi a 25 . 1)00 ) 1 M ) ' ° . 13-10 2 50 io' . . . 700 1 BB 8 . 502 1 25 1 05 4 . 400 1 73 ' CAI.VKS. 0 . 240 1 75 17 310 2-15 10 . 2(57 ( 2 00 1 130 a 50 5 . 202 2 00 15O 350 1 1140 2 40 IIUI.I.S , 2 1255 1 50 1. . . . . .1510 1 HO 2 1005 1 00 1. . . . . .UI'.IO ' 1 H5 1 1400 1 75 1 1350 U 00 HTAOS. 1 000 1 CO 1 1110 1 HI ) 1 7BO 1 70 1 1370 1 85 O.\IN. : 10 15&2 2 00 STOCKKItS AND I'm : tints. 1. . . 730 1 75 3i ( . . HI7 a 05 1. . . 7hO 2 00 0 . . 701 a ( J5 100. . 017 2 ' _ ' ( ) 1 . . 7HO a 70 4. . . 700 a io ; 5 . .1002 a 70 oa. . . 718 a 35 03 . .10UH a 75 la. . . 055 a 35 5 . .1002 a ao 75. . . 7H3 a 35 5H . .1013 a us 10. . . 830 a 50 'M . . out a as o. . . li75 ! a 50 -IB . . 0:11 : 3 oo aa.o . 750 a 50 30 . loio 3 10 o . ! 070 2 00 ai . .1018 3 10 30. . . 870 a io ; la . .1050 3 ao 3'J. . . 8-J5 a 115 . 1170 3 35 14. . . 8U5 2 05 wr.sTr.n.v CATTUJ. WYO.XIIM ! , No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. I ) COWS. . . 000 11 1,0 ai cows. Hoa $ a 10 O.str.s tli-'iaiiO 2 25 a in ' " 2 < ) coWs..lO77 2 25 15Me'er.s"l27M 275 40 fill's. . .1 1202 05 1 sit'or. . . 11110 2 50 17MoiM > . .1132 3 30 2.steors.,1230 3 30 1 steer. , . 11 III 3 30 1 steer. . . 1200 3 IH ) 1 Mocr. . . liiil ) 200 1 steer..1200 a oo I slcci-N..ll)2 ! ) 3 30 1 steer..1000 a fi.i 1 cows. . . tt'llt 1 50 12.sleer.s..ll'J3 3 30 2 bulls. . 1275 1 05 1 cow. . . . 000 1 50 12 cons. . . HbO 2 00 I hull..1-110 1 05 33 fdrs. . . 1121 i ! 05 a oo 17 t'lius. 1IIO2 2 25 40Meors..l'-23 ! il 15 12slii'r.s..l37-l 3 K ) 1 hll.tlg.KWO a is 4COWH. . . O.S7 2 00 13COUH. .1050 a oo 7 oims..11)01 ) 2 HO 2 hulls..1305 1 35 ( ibti'crx..lilOO 3 20 5.steers..1100 3 ao 10 lee-h..l230 3 25 20 steers..12(11 ( 3 3.1 3 co\\s \ . 7li ( ) 2 25 2cons. . . H25 1 75 1 htr , UK. 1100 2 25 21 cowx. . . (105 ( a as 0 steers..1225 3 1(1 ( 74 fcedr.s..ll22 a ao : < L'oui > . . .102 ( ) 2 15 1 hull..10i,0 1 75 15cons. . . HOO 1 0 ( ) 7cow . . . 012 a is 3 fcedis. . 003 2 20 7 calves. 357 a as 2hlills.14M5 2 25 j nil , tlg.1350 a 10 2cows. . . H | ( ) 2 25 2 hulls. . ,1300 1 05 3 calves. . 3UO 225 07 cows. . , OHH 2 25 . ' 1 calves. . 100 2 25 2 calves. 335 2 25 3 feedr.s..ll30 2 00 4 feedr.s..lil)2 ( ) 2 75 8fiedlh..l021 260 5 calves. 15(1 ( 3 Ml 20tteei-i..l21U 3 00 17 feedl-B.,1000 2 BO ( ( UOIIAIIO. 01 feidrs..ll)7 ! ( 3 17d 105cowa. . 071 1 05 3ri'ows. . . ! i04 1 00 40 cows. . 0-3 a ao 1 bull..1230 1 70 73 fdrs. . 103 1 a 76 OlllXiO.V , 1 fdr. . . . 870 a 50 31 ! fdrs. . .1080 3JO 10 tills. . . ,111(1 ( 3 10 47 fdrs. . . ll'-8 ! 3 a.i aa fills. . . 1077 32T > a3 fdrs. . .1141 3 30 11 cons. , looa 2 15 15 cuns. . 0(11 ( a as il fdra. . . , nau B 17'- ' ! 51 fdrs. . .nua 3 17' 00 fdrs. . . 1O73 a O.'i 4 ! ) fdrs. . 103H 3 10 bU Mrs. . . . 1(130 ( 3.10' ' Icon. . . 'JIM I 1 5O aaeuws. , . . 8(14 ( a i)0 ) 4 fills. . . 887 2 00 Iholfnr. . 440 1 Ml aicows. . U3U 1 0.1 1 bull . . . .1110 1 hS VJi-ous. . 730 1 00 i fdr . 8io i ! i.i ) iocaive 3ia a as ai fillbOO ! a B5 14 calves i30 ! 3J5 INDIAN Tli'tllllTOIIY TK.XA.NS 3aO sleors. 775 a 10 Hods For tnu p.141 Iwo days the ho mur- kul has hci-n a good deal on thu "catch-as caleh-cait' order. There HUCIIIS lo be a good strong undertone to the trade in splto of the unusually liberal supplies , and prices have held up surprisingly well. Thereiwasa v .ry noticenhlu inferiority in Iho gunoral quality of Iho olTerings , a geol many of thu loads being "bowoy" and ovldcntly "tailings. " 'i'he market WAS up and down by ills and starts , bul on the whole averaged upu shade better than Wednesday. There wus nut so good a shipping iieinand for light weights , and as thu < iuallty , to. ) , was poorer , prices ruled , perhaps , a shade lower with sales ill from fTi.bO up to f.V.i.'i. Medium weight hugs \vero in thu best demand and Bold laively at fTi.Tfl and K'.hO or a Ehadu lo 5c higher , than \Vuiinebday , nnd thu same was true of the heavy and heavy mixed stuff Dial went largely al fl.lVi and M.70 , whilu f.1.50 lofrldO boiiKltl Iho common rough loads and odds and cuds. Thu movement was reasonably active Ihroiighout , iilthough the uxlrumo elosu was easy and a few loads remained unsold In the pens. The bit ; built of Iho sales were at I from t.VTO to fTo as ngalttst $ , vo to K > .7. > Wednesday and to JCi.lfi ( 0110cekneu. . Koprosetitalivo sales I No. Av. Sh. I'r No. Av. Sh. I'r. I .215 $5 Ml tilt. . .250 120 t5 7B I 3 . III ) HO 5 5o 12M. . .270 SMI ft 7B I 17 . aoo ft 55 77. . .2IU 100 f. 7.-i 70. . 2SO aso r > no ft ! ) . .200 B 7B 4. .376 5 00 fta. . ,2ft I TSl ( 75 4. . , .320 6 00 ill. . 2ft ! ) 210 5 75 05. . .2011 -140 6 00 74. . .217 120 r. 7n 40. . .270 100 6 OO fto. . .307 ti 75 no. . .282 nao 5 00 Oil. . .2-10 81) ) fi 7B f.H. . .252 120 6 05 no. , 2 0 10 ft 75 01. . .275 aoo 6 05 ft1. ) . . , .304 40 B 7B . 52. . .aos 100 5 05 no. . .2113 100 B 75 01. . .200 lao 5 05 r > n. . .200 KO B 75 07. . .240 40 5 05 7:1. : . . .232 100 ft 7B 74. . .230 200 6 05 M. . . .281 120 6 76 52. . .204 1120 5 05 .2ftt 2-10 B 7B 10. . .210 240 5 or. . .2 < ! ft B 7B .303 " 5 05 70. . .244 10 B 7fi ij : : .231 "so n OB 01. . .342 10W ) B 76 . JilO r oo 02. . .207 120 6 76 ii ! ! ,20tt r > on 04 . . .277 80 B 76 43. . ,2f.O 100 fi 06 132. . 2i1ft 2011 6 75 7 ! ! . . .210 201) ) B OB 60 . J.-.7 120 5 76 2H .377 100 6 on 72. . 2ft 1 120 5 75 50. . , .3'IH HO ti 06 lit. . .271 80 B 77'i on . , .207 80 fi 70 6'J. ' . .241 ! 80 B 77' , OH. . .253 120 B 70 74. . .243 80 B 77'i BH. . .271 hi ) B 70 ( Ml. . .237 240 6 SO 07. . .232 100 B 70 02. . .212 2110 B SO 09. . , .2510 280 B 70 ( il ) . . .vat 40 5 hi ) 76. . 4NO B 70 72 .220 80 r > neB 1)0. ) . ii'JJU 210 B 70 6 ? ; ; ' 22' * 40 B KO ' ' . 170 200 B 70 HO. . 'aao 100 6 HI ) OS' . . .2HO 201) ) 6 70 62. . 120 6 M ) 70. . , .2fH Kill 6 70 04 . 10 6 80 01 . , .203 120 B 70 118. . 6 MO OH. . , .238 Nt ) 8 70 61. . 121) ) 6 HO HI. . . .211 210 6 70 < ! > . . .207 10O 6 HO 70. . . .200 240 6 70 110. . .231 1(1 ( 5 HO lift. . 2MO B 70 00. . .201 200 5 80 12. . HO B 70 60. . .2(12 ( 120 6 80 OO. . B 70 37. . .211 6 Kl ) 07. . 120 B 70 01. . .210 too B bO OH. . .3118 120 B 70 64 . . .23ft 120 B KO 2-1 ani 40 6 70 02 . .227 40 6 821 , II. . .233 200 B 70 14. . .201 B 8.- ) 03. . .304 100 6 70 07. . .203 hi ) B 85 60. . .237 120 6 70 77. . .aan 120 B 85 U. . .303 5 70 70. . .221 120 B 85 04. . .ati.i 2-4 5 70 fta. . . 220 120 B 85 00. . .311 120 B 70 7O. . .202 40 fi 85 Oil. . .243 100 B 70 70 . .217 240 5 85 55. . .30H 120 5 70 01) ) . . .aftO 100 5 85 01. . .220 210 6 70 83. . .1H2 201) ) 5 Hi ) 01) ) . . .277 2hO 5 7-JiJ 70. . .2 H 100 5 IK ) 50. . . 'J'JO HO 5 72 > * .10. . .175 80 5 00 nil. . . 2i8 ( 2HO 5 72' t 74. . .10.1 80 5 00 01. . .201 120 B 72i i HI ! . . .2OS 80 5 00 OH. . . 'J3I HGO 6 72't 52. . .203 80 B 05 04. . 21)3 ) 180 5 72' ' Hi ! . . .HIS 80 5 05 00. . .200 40 5 73 01. . .223 120 t. 05 1'IIIS AMI ItOfllll. 3 00 1..500 6 40 1 . . .310 3 25 SiiKf.i1 There were no fresh rccoluts of sheep , hut all those received late yeslerdev sold at good , steady prices , considering qual ity. The demand is very fair for desirable muttons ami lambs and the mantel Is ( | iiol- ahly linn. Fair to good natives. $ R2.'i(3.Tf ! ( > ; fair to good westerns , fa.'J.V'dUKl ' : common and stock sheep , Sl.fiOQfJ.a. ) : I'ood to choice Kl to loii-lh. lambs , $ UKJii ( l.'J. > . Kcpresenia- tive sales : No. Av. I'r. l.io Wyoming yi arllnirs 80 $2 Oft liiit , Wyoming ye-irlings 7l ! a on 200yoinlng \ ones- . 02 a ii f > Jill \Vyomiiu enes , OO a 05 3H3 Wyoming cv.es al : a n.i 202 Uyomlm ; yearlings 7.1 a H.I 20Oyiiinlns \ yearlings 75 a 85 H'J Wyoming yearlings 77 2 85 Iti'ci-iplH and lNiii-.lllnn | ol Stnek. Olllclal receipts anil disposition of stoi-U as shown by the hooks of the Union Slock Yards company for the tnenlv-four hour- , ending at 5 o'clock p. m. , Santemhor 14 , 1803 : tot IMI-IS. IIOIIM.tl.V .MI.S C.-II-H. Head C.-u-H. Head. Cars , i Head Cars. Head. insi'osirio.v. nmnha Parkins Oo . lilll Tlieli. II. Hammond Co. . ISli li-'l 401 swlri \ Co . :170 : The Cnilahy Pai'lslnsr Oo. . 1,0711 1,21 ] lili ) Ji.lin P. Siinlri'A , Co . II ! ) ( i. II. Wilson . Khiir.m A Co . ' - " - ! I Wi-sniath . 1IH1 I ! ! . " , P.-iiltei-X . To . lll'.l It. ll.-eker\l > i'iren . Clili'-il > P. .V 1' . Co . Ili'nton N . Sinclair . r.tii rievel.-inil . no Sperry .t II . Sidtipei-H anil feedei'M . Left over . win Total. i .01 a 7ri7 ( 1..VJI ! Clilenio Live Sloe It Mnilicl. CIIICACO , Sept. 14. ( Special Telegram to Tin : ltir..l : In Its general featiites today's cattle market was the MIIIIO us fet Wednes day. Tin-to was continued activity In the de mand and coiitliiu.il llrmness in prices for good to extra natlvo cattle , while for poor and common grades there were no anxious buyers and llltle appearance of strength , lie coipls weie estimated at from 10,001) ) to 17,000 hend , of which -carcely 0,000 head uamii from tin ) ranges. Nalivo sleets wuro limited as hluh as fiom $5.45 to $5. : > ( ) hut only a small poici-ntngi' of the supply was good enough to sell any where near thosti llgnies fiom $3.75 lo if 5 buying most of the slooi > , and fiom tl.75 to ? 2.50 Ix-lng the prices ino-t. fieiiioiillv | pa'.d for cows and hulls. Westerns weieipioted nt from $1.51) ) lo 2.75 for cows , and at fiom i'J.BO to i3.l)0 } ) for steers , good grades shim Ing lather mom slieii llt than on tbo day before. Hales of Texas cattle were slow , and the market axel-aged weak at from Jfl.35 to $3 , according toiiiiallly. The cents per 100 lb-i. was added to the m ir- koi value ol hot- . Ibis nii'rniir. . hut It was taken on" later In the forenoon. Shippers Here Keen bidders , nnd while they weie lining their orders Iho advance was easily sustained. When they unit there was n return lo yester day's prices , packets refusing , lo pay the ad- \atice. That feature of the market , however , Is not at all unusual : on Hie contrary , It pre vails abaitt live days out of every M\ . There wore aboul 20.UOO flesh receipt- , and possibly 3,01)0 ) head wereleft over fiom yi" > loiday. Homo stock remained In sellers' hands al the einsti and the feelintr was weak. H.iles were reported all the way from { 2.75 lo J5.25 for culls , to $ l > .25 for heavy and to . [ 0.OO for light weights , It was .1 poor lot of hogs for which less than 0.HO had to ho accepted , and there wascompniallvely little trailing below 73.00 , the popular pi Ices being fft.'JO to } 0.20 for heavy and fil.26 to 40.40 for light. Activity and llrinliess cliiii-acloil/eil the sheep market. altlioilL'h the receipts ate itin- iiliiK close to the maximum , the total for the lasl four days being fully 511,000 head. I'/lces have Kteadiiy crown st longer , showing n gain of fiom I Be to 20c since Hntittday. The lO.OOO head on today's mailiol were all hoiiuhl up early on a basis of from (1.25 lo $4.1O for In ferior tocholce sheep , ninl from 13 lit { 5.35 for himbs. Western Miocp woio salable al firm H'2 lo i.'I.OO. the latter llguru calling fora clio"ii | article. Hoeoipls : Cattle , 17,000 head : calves , 1,000 head ; hogs.20ot > 0 head : sheep , lo.OOII head. Tlio Kvi'iiln : : .journal reports : ( ! ATTM : Itecelpls , 10ooO head ! prlmn na tives a trllle hlglu-r ; others steady : oMrn natives , JB.25O3.6l ) ! medlinn , lM.50ttl.75 ; olliers , JI25'"I.05 ; we leins , CJ.'JOiiU.OU ; TCMIIIS , f > 5 51(2 00. lloii.sItecelpts , 20,000 head ; shipments , O.OOO head ; market opened active , lilglmr , closed weak and lower ; mixed and packers , J6.7.WO.OI ) ! prime , heavy nnd ImlohoiV welu'ltts , { ii.lOij.0.40 ; IlKht , J-0.151/.0.5O. SIIKII : > llccnlpls , ll.OOO head ; shipments , 200 hend ; markut steady on hhcop ; lamh.s T1IK NKW STYLE pill Is of Dr. I'ien-"rt inveiilion and is full of improvements. They are used by everyone high livers , bad livers , those whoso llvera aru KlnggMt-nll lind relief in Dr. 1'ivrco'a Vlensiint 1'ellels. To III-OIN WITH , these "relicts" are thu smallest , nnd easiest to take. Thuy'io tlnyt Migar-conted , anti-bilious granules that ev ery child takes roudily. Hix'osiii.v. Tlmy'ro jierfeelly ensy in their nctlon no griping , no di tnrliance. TiUKiit.Y. Their iiU'oct is Inttinit. FOIIIITIII.Y. I'ut up in glass always fresh , FH-TIH.Y. Tlioy'ro the I'lteajiest , for they're gwumntced to give satisfaction , or your liionoy is returned. You pay only for tha j/ooij you get. LASTLY. They ntisnhtttlu euro Const i pa ( ion , Indigehtiou , liihous Attacks , Kick or Bilious Headaches , and all deraiiguuiL'iiUi of thu liver , btomuch and SOUVJt Union Stoj'i Yards Conpi3y , South Opnahai fleitCBitle Ho uu'lluaj ' nuritUitS > GQMMISSIQ'I HUUSeJ. Wood I.lvn Stok Harj I4qtt JOllNI ) IAIII AN. I WAl/FKK K. W' JI > . Market reports hr mull &ud ttlro cUuerful uruUUcd uuuu uupllciitloa. loner ; tnitlveii , } 3.0iai.75 ( ( a.ofts in mo * , ? a.7fiju > .ai > . Kunini City Litetm'lc > lnrl < pt , KANSAS CITV , Sopt. -C.mi.i : - Idvelpt" , 0.30H lii'iid ; slilpiiiont * . r.,9tti bend : inntknt closed slow nnd dratftftne ; T < < \'i < and primt * tooi . ja.MVrfri.oOi Tevirs ninl li-itlve run * , il.awra.urii butcher stock , } 3.i : , t.i tO ; stock- i-rs and feeders , JJ. (5TC1.6& ( . HumHeeolpts 5'JOO head ! .shlninonu , 3. 'Jim heait : market opoitcd slrmnt to Tic hlehor tint cloed neak : hnlli , Jfi ( iAWi.Wi ; Iteavlps , li'ieliots and inlved , jri.fitnlO.OOi llRhts , Vorlieisand lun : < , fA.'Jtlilit.OT'i ' , fliur.l' Kocelpts , l.iiito heads shlitments , none ; market slow alto dull , Nr-w Yoi-l < Aim lift * . Niw : YtniK , Sept. 14. lli'.r.vix llecelpts , nniii'i no Iradc : diesscil beef slow at shlninents today , 000 hcetes and OflshoiMI. < Ji.vty If . Ipts , 4tm bend : mnrkot sti-ndv ; veals J4..Mit7..r > ; Bfassei-s nml liilllormlllj Cnlvi' , t .OO'if.J. ' " , ) . Sinni' : Itecelpt. , n.r.l'j hend : sheep , dull : IliDdw loner : heep. K'.T.'i'f 3.-- ) > i liitnlis , jn.fiO filJ.ju : ilH'ssiMl imiiton , 7'4nH'e ' ! dressed lambs , HtO'e ( , IlousIlecelpls. . 2..VIJ bead. In.'litillni ! Iwo cars on sales marla't steady nt Jti.no .7.0 , SI. I. onli l.lv.i Stork M-irUet. PT. 1,01-18 , Sept. 14. t'ATII.i : Hecelpts , n.'JOO bead ! shlpmenls , 4no head : market steady : TeMis steeit , $2.70 : others llnchiiiiKed ; nu- llvos. j4.IHi for besl and Te\an , 13,1,1. lecelps,2niolie ! | d : shlpmenls , l.fiito head : marlu't steady : light , Sd.iriiid..M ; ntlM'd , jii.titifC'C.i : he-ivy , * i.7.vUi.no. - liecetplM , 1,01)0 ) hend : shipments. . ' 100 : inarket steady ! sheep , S2.'JVi'.3.7"i : top prices , J3. 25 for natlM ) ho" | : lainb-t , J3.DO' < 6 l.hOj TOMIS sheop. W.COttil.uu. Moeli In SIIH , llecelpls of live stockat lln four principal western marUels Wodneiday , Septemher 14 : Cattle. lloss. Sheep. South Onmha . 4,403 0.410 . I'lilciign . lO.iilli ) 20,00' ' ) II.IIOO UniiHim City . ( i.litO : fi,2in ) l.iino St. l.onls . 3'JOO 2.5(10 ( 1,001) Total . 2'I03 ) ! 40,110 14.500 UtHilitlll lir .I.V < H.1 > ( l.lMi : . Minrii'is | lEnli \Ve.illliy 1'nrinrr ol .Nearly , Three 'riioiiKiind Dollars. 1 Toi.o.s-o. 111. . ! ] ) ! . M.-Two Bti-an- jjoi'H , i'oH''feiitinn' | titiMiisulves us real os- tttto moil , stii'i'i' . fully worked the till 1)0X ) 1111)1)1)11 ) ) ) Kll . : ! , si woaltliy fiiriiior livaim lu-iir hero in 1'liilo ' lowti- sltii ) , Iti t ni lit. Tlio plinrin-i'bi'tilled on tlioir vii-tini early in tin- day tunl iti- | | ioai'L-il iinxiotis to pureliaso n ItdO-ucro fiiriii ! ) elonyiii ; to liim. Tlu-y made him ' n tcnittnr ] ) idVor. wliidt was'readily ai'- ccpleil , lint tin' itii-ti ilid not iiiivo Milll- I'iont money witlt Hicin tn iniiUo the full iniyinent. Tltoy proitii.-i'il to rotnrti in live dsiys. liowovcr. to elo-c thu di-al. It was nj4roed that they intiko a ilopo.sit of sj.'i.UOU , and Mr. Dick was roijuircd 1o put ujt $1.7(10 ( to bind llio enntraet. Diok litid no inoiu'V at liomo , so the nu'ii Ijroiifjlit him to Tolrno , wltiM-o liu , borrowed the money and rotiirnod will ) ! them lo lnV farm. The Sl.700 : WIIB ' ) ) liu'i-il in a tin l ) . > x ami Ml. with Mr. j Dielc , hut was not to ho openud until the five days had expired. Tlio nii'ii drove had ; to Tolono nnd went south until reae.hiity the Illinois line. Shortly after the straiijrors left Mr. Jilc ! lioeatnu tuieas-y and opi'iieil tlio box , hut found it contaiiu-d no money. Ollic-ers ! ire in of the sharpers. Here's 11 Onoer Mixer Pliui. APSTIX. Tox. , Set. ] ) 1-i. A request has been made of. Ciovornor llojfff by some ardent hilver men in tlio state to call u council of governor of the free- ( ! olnayoofIlvof states , that they may sitfjire.st lo such states the passing of a law maUitif ; a silver dollar weifrliinyono ounce lotral tender in the payment , of debts. The mines are to have their money coined in Nlexieo fr < im the pro- dnet.-i of AiiieriLJin iiiines. Some lawyers say the plan is constitutional. Tronliles ol Kiiiiclith Tomphir. Bri-'FAM. ) , Sept. 1-1. The adjoiirn- ment of the eighteenth eonelave of the trraiiil eomiiianilery of the Knijrhts Templar took plaeo yesterday. The next conclave will bo held at Saratoga the i-eeonil Tuesday of next September. The relations between the commanders of Now York and Indiana are strained ami New York's reprenentativo ami Indiana's conimandery have been with drawn. Doiihle Tragedy A nioiiVhltecnp - . LITTM : ROCK , Ark. , Sept. II. lOnian- nol Koryiison , a whiteeap , kil'ed a eom- iniiion , whose name is unknown , and then committed suicide by shooting him self throuyh the head near Mori-ill. Ark. FAIRIBAULT PLAN A FAILURE of a Much Discussed Method of School Management. CLOSE OF THE MIXED MINNESOTA SCIICOl Oiitlutllr * Couldn't Maud Iliitliii : Two l < ru | . pttiilll Ti'itrlKirs In Tin Ir llnllillnc , Mi tlio Itiuiril nl munition Ounce ] * It * I.C-.IMI nml Sever Itclallnn * . KAIilliAm/l1 , Minn..Sent. II. The for- tnul aniiouneoim-nt of ( lie failure < f ttn PnrlbnitU school plan , whichduring tlm pnt oluhteuii mouths.ha * been disca-M , ( from Ixomo to Han I'Vani-isco , was miulo yi'ste-rilay when Fatlior ' < I'ouroy nppi ai d before llio Heiml < > f KdiieaUt'ii ' and sir.u till' Catholics COIlhl Illlt lollpM' COltM'Ilt tn tlic assignment of two Protestant teachers to the Hilt Fi'liool , wliioli had been a Catholic M'hnnl up to the titnr of tin * nninn. It is undorstnoil that tlm order i-nino from Archbishop Iro'.ai.il . and that ho had had a request to take t hi * action from 1 "ope Leo. Aa result , of this order all , Protestant onildi ei\ \ will ho withdrawn from the Hill scln'iil and that institiitiiiii will In the future he I'oniliH'ti'd strietl.v as a parochial school. The Hoard of Kdiioatii'n anaullod its lease of tin ; Hill i'hni > l and took steps to lease , another Imlliliiiir for the auc'om- niodatloii of PiMteolunl children. Trapeze artists C'onrtland tonight. nut .ST.I n : mi , \ iniur. I'lli * Cull I'raiisportiiliiin Cnmciitloii Adnptt U It ' ! * iilii1 Inn M'hlch ( 'HUTS Trouble. CllH'AC" . Sopt. II. Strife arose in the ( ! nif transportation convention yes- torda.v. The ilcli'pfiitcs a vMubleil in HM Kan-as baililiiiif , 'Jut ' on report of th committee on poniinnoiit orjjani/.alioii they adjiniriioil to the Nebraska Imild- in0 ; , where their sessions will l > o hold A sot of resolutions was olVerod , one si-c- tioli of wliioli advocated the state ouin-r- ship of railroails. I'pon this tlio enliven- th'ii silit. ] .Iniliro lirown of Texas objected to the section. saying that it was objectionable to the laws of Texas because it was unconstitutional for the state to have interest in any railway corporation. Kx-liovernor Ire land of Texas , chairman of the conven tion , called I' . 1) . Maxon to the chair and spoke against the adoption of the resolution , lit ! said that to ailviso thu Main ownership of rail ways was adan- iroroits precedent to establish , because it conferred ( towers on thu jjuvornment which could only adduce a nefarious system of patronage and that it would in a moasiii1'- clash with thu existimr Hoverniiicntal arrangement. The. TUMilutions were , however , adopted. ICx-l.iivernor Ireland and .hid o llruwii of 'I'oxas then retired from thu convention. It was decided to send delegates front the eon vent ion to the Pan-American c myre.s.s which will beheld held in St. L-iuis next month. Here thu work of thu committee ended for tlm day. A mooting will bo held in tlm Nebraska building today. Crcilltnrs Critnl mi i\teiiHlnn. NKW YOKIC. Sept. M. Henry N'ow- man As Co. , importers and \vholivalu dealers in elotliiiifj supplies , with a oraneh in Chicago , "no of the oldest and lartroht houses in their line in the country , have been granted nil oxteitHion bv their creditors. They are perfectly solvent and have about $1.(100,1100 ( surplus in the business , excluding the outside means of Henry Newman. formed n Nou Cordi : | ; Trust. Tiir.NTO.N1 , N. .1. , Sett. ( M. A new cordajre trust has been framed under llio corporation iiamo of L.Waterbtiry , com pany and incorporated under the lawn of Now .lert-ey. It he an its cororato ] ) exist ence yesterday. The Waterbury com ] ) anyl'imitedaccord iiiKlo the terms of the cort'ilicate , will do business all over the United States. The capital stock in $ , -100,000. Guess How Many packager of Pearlinehave been consumed. Hundreds of millions ! Successful from the very start , it is moue successful now than ever , livery year the sales are piling up increasing , though every month brings some new would- be imitation. Why is it ? If you're one of the millions of women who are using Pearline , you won't have to ask why. This is the reason : It is the best thing of its kind. And that is what most women want , for their washing and cleaning. ALWAYS refuse imitations. y"- JAMES I'VLK , New York. "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT. * GOOD WIFEI YOU NEED BAGS & TWINES | TKNl'3 , ETC "llcmis Omaha Bag Oinalii Tent-Awning COMI'ANV. UJMI'A'.V Iroporlftr * unit niunufno * lureri of Hour incki , llnltSI ! CiiVi-.U- * . HI i 1 urnum inu- BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Cos She ) Company. S lo rooui airl OlIlcu-lllJ IDI-IIII lluurlt KailuryHUIUIIUi lln. - rj St \V are llio ovl.V .Min-jf.inurur. of lluui < unl fbuuiln iij ! IMio ( S'abrii'ci Aci'noril InrlUllon It naltfuiljj lo nil tu lu | i.-ul our nuiT ( clurj' . Kirlicndall , Jones & Amcr , llaiiJ-hjftca COMI'ASV Wliohtiulu uitrt. nuntt llu ! oi : KIIOK CO . buoli iln.DI Hultbur nfiou Co. HJ.- ttinl riibt ) ir v"i | . , lJ3 l IlVt HIM Jlurnej S-UfCl IJIU llarnur Sue l DHY GOODS. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Bj'jee & Runyai UpUolituruii fiirallur * . rUH.SITL'KK COMI'ANV ilUMlut .Slctiuut tl. 'ATIE. Hector & \Villi2lniy \ Lobech & Linn , Corner JOth ninl Jnnii in . II ' 1 Iliiuul'i Slruat. HATS , ETC IKON WdilKS , W. A , L r.ibbo.1 & Co Omaha Safe and Iron WOHK-i. JlB'i c | ii raw KIMM | < t-nfoi.inilili. lull wool , yluvn * . mliltnii 1 Ih Iron hiiiti-r * ii'nl Ota e . lid llarnvjr clroiilj. COMMISSION. LUMBER. llrancli & Co. John A , Wakedeltf , llnpurti.l Ainrrlono I'url- ProilucB. ifulu of all lunil cuniunl , Mllnaui knj ratnoiil mil ( Juluo/ kliiiln , oitim. whltu lluiu HQUOIIS , STOVE IlEPAJCIia Well & HcrbJrt , Umaiu Stove Repair WOH 1(8 Muro ro | > lrf WlJOleiale ll'iuor iloslurj ati'l ivntdr Hltaohmanl * lor MI ; kl i | uf nor * 1(101 ( I'm n .1111 M. liu IB IVuMJougui ll. rAPEK. | OILS. Carpcnlcr Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Carry n full iloc < uf ( irlulluul nnd IteflnnJ anil lubrloatlaj p rJ tlU , il giai , (1 * .