Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Washing of Municipal Linen in a Special
City Council Meeting.
Jinny I'olritd of l.ornl Ailiiilnlntrntlmi ( Hvo
Occiimon fur Strlctiirrn nml AiU r ii
Comment Wnriit MUrimlim liy
tlio Interentoil 1'orinin.
At mcotliiL' of the South Omfihn eltj
council Inst I Hilnj niLtlil C M. Hunt ,
ns member of llio tnxpaveri
executive committee. nskcil permission to
have n inointiur of their committee tend : i
report In reganl to tlio niruianeineiit of tlio
clt.v alT.ilrs. 'I lie icquest was grunted nnil
Mr .1 ,1 Hi em iti' | > | > < ' < l InsMo llio lailltiR
nm.1 read thoiloeumc'iitxxhlih > fol
To TUB lloMiitviiti. M xvm AMI rnv
( 'Ol M II Ot MM 111 UXIAIIX , Nlll ( lelltlt'llll'll
On tlio ' 1i < luy of Auxiist , iHUt.ut Ili
school liullilliiLtln this i-lt v , lit u niPitliiK of
the trniixiTi | ! to lii'tir u rriiort of u pti-xltmsly
nppolnti if rotiiiiiltti > i > nil tin- conditions or our
i'llnllnirs , ii runitnltli twin appointed by
Mild tnxp IJITMI assi milled , consist Inc of tin
of tinritii'iisiif niiri'lty , in look Into tinKCII -
cral niiin iisi'ini nl of tinrlty Koxi'inim tit and
iMcertiln if tlii'Miili'ini'iit" tnatli'ln said ti'iiort
XXITP Inn , nnil lo miiUi ) u rcpnit tliimtm In
lu-i'iirilanri' tln-ruxxitli xxt- . tins lid t-miiiiiltti'i' ,
lii'Kan opi ralluiis oy Inxltliu tin' cllv olllrurs ,
xxlin Ijy thai ri'port xxt-ro flmiurtl with luixliu
tholr acciiunts and liooUs In nnj tlilm ; hut
prnpi r milt i , nnd also tin' city coun
cil to inn t us at a place desig
nated In older to liuar xxlmtexct
explanation ( lir-o centloini n mlitlit'liiiMi in
liiaUe In ii'Kfml to mid cliurKi-s as m.ule III
t lii > n port Tlio olllceisvlio respondtd worn
the pollro Jllilm- , street commissioner , city
Km h itu ; master and tlie trcaMiicr.n lu/ret
fiat Ilieclly cli il < and join liimoiahln holly
did not ei lit to nnlio nrruniseniunts to inti-l
us , ui'lluvlmr , us xxu do , that there Is nothing
nioreeiinduclxe to the xxi-llfititi of.inyclty ,
than the closest M-rutlny hy the taxpijers of
nil tlio actions of their sen ants , thu elly
coum II and dm city iitHivri , and the piopor
i \planatlonsnf s lid olllrers o' unv thine
iniij appeal IrrcKulai In thulr ilutfus pel lain-
lliK to tlie city
boiuu Mnrlllni ;
rnini Ilm Infornrillon ohtaliuhlo wo
lia\e t-iiino to the conclusion th it thu
fuels stall d In thu repoit xxeiu tine , with ono
or two evci pilous , and th it they nro verllli'tl
liy tin reciuilsof tin city In .ilmost e\eiy p ir-
tlotilai , and xxntilil n cmniiii nil youi lionorahlu
liody that .ill i-lty ollli-rts he reciilred | to
fulMll the duties purtiillilm : to tin-It olllces In
iistilrtlj Inisliii-ss iminnct , .ind In nrcoiilulii'u
with tint sphlt i > f thu l.ixx , and mix failure on
the put t of s ild olll < eis M > to < | n lie followed hy
proper sti-ps fin dismissal ; all
iippnllillvi olliceis lii'si'lti-tt d xxlth H-Rattl to
their Illness for the position Inovuy respict ,
l > elli'xlii as wo do that theru aio certain
hcailsof dep irtniunts In the rltj noxi I linn-lit
totl.iy xihoaru ulleil\ Incompetent and Unow
xt'rj llttlorLv' inline the duties of thilr ollli es ,
mid would recommend th it all such appoint
ive olllcers ho retiilied | to report and li.linnets
their Hi-counts monthly wlththo city Tint
olu-llxo ofllri-rs he ieiiiiied | to ii-iiint sttli-tly
In mroitl.ini-i'xxllh luxx and that tinpracticu
nfillxlilliiK i-Mi.l iiorsons'siliuy mini by the
xxaj weio iii-xir i mjiluyed ) amonir i Ity ollicers
be discontinued. That all pel suns whose full
lime and serv Iccsmo p ild for hy the city ho
rniulied to set \i > the i 11 } ami that nil } city
olllcer arrtplltii ; pay and In tnu i-inplo }
of another while the same tlnui Is p lid foi py
llio city hi
compute-lit men heemplnyed who am willing
tii d ( volt Hi. li wholn tiiiiiifiil thi ) liitoiost or
thecltx , anil not M ixttxxo in tbturs
\\e lecommend tint the < Ity clerU hi-le-
fiueslt d to l > ei p his hooks propel ly xx i it ten up
to date , and that all Tees now in his hands he-
Ion Iii lo llio city ho tinned Into the city
\\e n commend that suit ho Immediately
bronchi fin i-olh-clio.i of f t.hOO or ahont
that sum which UK city In isiutrclalm as
llellniiiKiit lax fees In older to.Lttle the qius-
llon llnally whethui ho Is entitled undei the
taxx lo s.inii : 01 not ,
lieiiim 111 thu Di'p u tnii-nts.
In repaid to the stieot cotnndsslonor xxo
xxoiild su m-sl that he ho iuiilicd | in in.iKlii.u ;
Ills monthly ropoil to HID i oun > - | | to inaUo a
trnu report and tncluilo iho mateilil
use < l hy him on the streets an well
us his own In said ri port :
nnd no are of the opinion that the cost of
this department Is out of .ill proportion to the
Beixhoj , deilxed from it and bulluxo a K'l'.it '
h.ixln to the city could he m.iilo under com
petent in iii.uemint.o lielloxo the
eiiKlneeihu tlop irtmeul could ho lendeied
inoruilbi lent and at much less expense lo the
tnxp lyots hy huxliik' i held to tint dcpitt-
inent who will dexott his intlio tlmo tnlliu
Inleiestsof thiu-ity , nml woiihlc.ill
ti iitlon to the fact of an i-xm ndlluio of about
5riU.I ( ) x\hhh x\as lendeiid useliss thioiiKli
tht m'uKi t of luopei pru iilthnis heln t iKen
by some ono \eiy clo--e lo tint dep iilnient
'J'lio building Inspi-ctoi's ilep iilmint Is i xeiy
Ininoi taut ono and of KIO it lieni lit to the clly
nt 1 nee If elllclently in imu'i d , hut It Is plain
that In order to Inspect IUKO mil c\li nded
biilldhus mechanic il ability Is nccess iiand
pinole do not pax foi a peimll sunplj lo look
at tinpupii It Is pilnti d on I omment Is un-
IHI'I-SMIIV rin1 f n ha , . ' ! ' m istei's ( tulles , fees ,
i-lo should lo - enacted and
, i-leaily , we aio
of the opinion that a new oidln.inci1
Khonld he p issed iiiaUln the fi es much IOXXIM
th.iii 'hij ue al pit si lit It Is siftto say
that no ih pailnn nt of the city i-uiscs nmiu
complaints fiom the axpia e c tl/eu II , line
Ids duties and his fees mure i It-ail } and It will
bu hettei for the arlniKu muster and the man
wlio pijshlm Due thing which hii ms to ho
inliiei } m rflpcti d li } } our llnam e committed
Is the mccsstii of lunlni ; iicc-oiints au ilnsl
thecil } xeillied nnderoilh indpiopeil > lt < ni
l/id lo amount ot M i x li i s m muieilal iiin-
ilered. A'tei an exlindid t xamlnatlon xxo
heliexo that not oxer one-thlid of said ac-
rouiilsuie xulliid , and It N ninn/liu to IhliiK
that a city of this hl/u should penult sue h a
k ililtaiy comiiiand of tint i iix i li utei In In -n
friiiuently xlolited. \\t > would , theiefore ,
recoinm.-nil lint all hills lie xtilllid uiiiloi
oath hefont nllowliu sm.n Uo bulli xo the
best Inliiislsof the oil } would he siihserxi-d
b } inaMnx It a point to ailxei Hsu foi Mil , fo :
any t hint ; neeili'd b } out < Ity tliu cost-of which
And miisi condemn tlm pi ictlcn of Miidlnc
rlty ollli'eis to ilm east lo purchase hosu and
nthoi tiling undid lij oui cltx xxhen the
eamo i-nulil ho olilulned nean I I' ' eat.ih.ix-
IIIL'lo theclly \\e \ are iiwui. no I iw per
mlttliiK the city i nun. . II to ill , ltolll , | us |
ral'ioad faiotodilli-n nt citiesm the slightest
and fcomulimc * Im i/lnnry duties , nordoxxe
think It ciinipitllile wlih thoill nltx of oui
Clly fathers lo ponnlt mime } lo ho iateii friini
the c-lt } lieasiiij to paj fm tliuiMiilniu ; lilto
of ucL'ii ilnollii-lal.
1'oints ICepiirt I'riiKnl ,
The repoi t of thoexpeit rmployed by you
| Mi I'nlnlsi Is a x uluuhle ono foi tin * clly and
run I al us xiilualile In foi mat Ion Aiming othei
Ihlius contalneil In dm icpoit menllon Is
Hindi of the fact Ih it there Is a bilance dun
us from the coiiniv tieasuiei of a ci rtaln sum
of inoniy for thu } i-u IhHll , 'I Ids should bo
itlenilid to h } } iui ami thu whole actid upon
xxlthout del i-
\ inn at lent Ion Is also called lo the f icl tlm I
the prlnlliu hills nf the ell } could let-on
Blih i ihly induiid hy haxlii ) ; all inheitlse-
ini-nth published the numlier of llines minimi
hy law and no mini- Mme atli'iitlon hlnuild
bt > Klxen thlh in.itter , us IM-also found pl.u es
xxheiethi ) ulxi rtlsemi nis xxere not puhlMi-il
the number of times niulied | by law anil It
inicht Milniii.1 } ailei-t the li'Kiillly of ct-rlaln
ni-lloiib. It In our opinion that all I ids for
pol lie XMIIU should bo hiindid In
nnd opeiiid xxhllo the council ] *
In si-sslon , K ly at 0 o'clock p ni ,
iiimn uxcnln ' Itcerlalnl ) xvould he peifei tly
[ air to all coin i rued and tumid ax old tiio un-
lile.iMinl coninii nt o ( competitor , ami hunio
recommi ml Ilieh-iiiio f.ii } oui adi.iitl'in.Vo
iMitihl also itcommiiid that In fuluio all
ski'n.nn nts for paxliu ho lexleil an the xxmU
pro res4os , I bus sax \i\f \ \ tin clt } much interest
It Is thu opinion of Udk ronmilieu that the
bondb of the couiicllmi.ii should ho drawn up
In confoimlt } loluxx and the siuoile theieou
ihoiihl all iiiullfv | Mime of } out bondi us now
] rawiiaio blmpl } ildlculous in foim
\So would su. i > ht that the cltv ulloiiiev
pri'si'iitjou hl > uiltti'ii opinion on xallillt } of
Major ! ! < onntil/u | ,
Wu are also of the opinion ( hat the
liaoi would mid uniplo loom In lini city
tttotney'ri olllcu for whh h the cltx U now pay-
, nniJOp inuiiih lie wouhl ulho haxo thu
IdxantuKi ) of a lypuwrltei foi whlcn the clly
l > Us fib per month thus kii-pln tlm ollii-es
> f tin' clly lib i libi ) lo ethiT as iio sihle ' 1 he
itocU Innpt'i'tiirklilp Is uppaiently not appro-
ilatul b } the partfi-h (01 ( xxho > u heiu-llt It xxns
: rtuU'il. slniinhuy haxu rufii nit to uuy their
iliureof the mini } , nnd xvo wouhl lecomnii ml
that the ollliii he nl olUhcil 'Hits wouhl boa
l.ixlnK to } of n'xuial hnmliid ilollurx
' 1 ho fucsllun | of soliiK Into what la cuU'i |
ixet-iitlxo ki-sfelons ( MH'iut btlonl. . xtu cunnol
loomxiiri'ly loinlcmn It Is contrniy to thu
iplrlt and k'unlusuf Amcilran liisiliiitlons for
i few bliuplu muuti-lpiil ollli-iTs to bur them-
lehc3 In unil the public , xxhonitbey scno , out
nnd proof id in tllti-uts clt } allalrx and. as
tlm recoil ! thowk , xoto bumlieili of dollars
Of clly iiioney axxa } . It bincly woulil bo niuro
iniiiily anil Inuliu'ss-llUu to du llio uo o li
open council innl Id thu uublh bo the JiulKt
< of xour nctlons. Wu would u.'Kft tluxt thu
let re I beHslou t > n aholUhed from our council
pi i ici-dlnK Wi xxuiild alkObUk'Kx-'kt Unit the
nii'iii'b colli'cti-d b } tbu llu'ihin foi tilling
rUturii ! ! kliii'o wo Imxe a pulil lire di-pirtniuiit ,
bu paid Into llio city tri-at-ur.x , und Unit , lux-
Piiu ! > potlllunliiK ) out bouuriiUle body to
Vaxw tholr clalorus dlluil by the city bavo
their pi-lllloni crnntnl nml the amount ro
lecli'il therefrom bo turned Intotlioclly. ThU
xxouldhoHlinply i-xerclso for both liorsi s und
men of the lire di'Dartnient.e xvonhl further
vli Kt'it Unit a ixrltton opinion finui the city
attorney bo hud hefore alloxxlni ; uliy ohilin for
agaliisl the clly.
fnt IIM tlm I
Thn tunny t-xtr-xs of illlTercnt kinds
tilloncd our city nttlcers Is a ities- |
tlon x c bellexu slioiild haxe > tmr iirotnpt
conslilcrntlon fi i lain olllcers In > u assist ants
paid for hy the clt > xxlienlt Is a fuel ono com
petent man could properly Illl the position ,
anil In certain cases this Is alhuxed xdien It U
known that the position Is xxuMh thousands to
tlio holder. Many other o\tras are allowed o
certain olllceis which is i ntlioly contrarx to
la xx , nnd xx e hold that win n 1111 } i-lly nfliof
claims lie cannot fillllll the ilulles of ills i.lli , u
that he shall he n iin | sled to iesl > zn Ids posl-
tlon liken man 'I he holding of any olllce Is
not compulsorx and competent men can bu
easily ohlaltnil Astrln int aiiplh'ullnn of
the rule xxoiild result In nun h isooil to the
city \\oalsoconsiihilt anlaionistlc ; to tin-
best Intel ! st of tin- 1 il } totetltso toaccet | ) the
resliin itloti of an } ollli i-r xxhi n tinderul , and
xxotild relterati out foi met romaik
ciimpetint men can alwas be si cured
In conclusion , 1:1 ntlemen , xxixxlsh to stale
that \xuhaxeendi \ ixoiid thtoii h this Ilixestl-
Katlon toacl und thai fairlx belxxeen all I'on-
ceiued Mali } thlnus of minor natiiie niUIH
biculli d to yi.ui attention , hut the facts
xvhlch xxihaxe heiewltb vulimltled foi xonr
consldi r ilinli xxe dn med suillckntslu \ -
paera xxifiel the huidins an In I'limlliK
Utuati ruvi ry } ear , while hundieds of ilollals
uiec nelessly siuamletetl | li } olll city olllcl ils.
You cei taiiily cannot he deaf to tin. xi li es of
those who baxe tn hi ir the liuidons 'I Incor -
poiatlons In our tulclM complain of hlu'h lu\u-
tlon , the business man complains of the samu
tiling , xxhllo the hnmlili laborer stilxlnK to at
tain a home al'nost ulxis up III despali. A
dollar taken from the lust mimed through iin- } taxes Is a lohberx. \ \ bile exel } body
feels tills dull piriod , wo fill It olll
dill } to ask } ou to hssen tin ) biirdins of our
people to stop the m 111 } unnecess iry dra us
niadi on oui In asiir } h } tinny who do not de-
scrxe It and are not entitled to it under the
luxxs t-coii-s of llltlo homes xxoro sold last
} i-.u for taxes , anil xxo bullcxo morcxxlll be
sold Ibis } eir If jolt do } our duly as serx-
anls of the cily test assort'il the cltl/eiisof
this clly will uppieclate II. An et onoiiilt al
city KOX eminent miiins a hajipv home for
uO.uoi ) peoplu Inlliunuxtilocado. Itispuctfully
' - I'resldont.
( M HI-NT.
Jls ) | I'll .1. Hill I .N.
J. \ \ . SHU ; .
\\it.t.ixxi II , Mxniiiiiiv. .
K. II , IttiiiHiiis.
t' . i' . Ci II-TON.
U ( illUIUlbl.
J. A. Dot : .
Olnrt'oil the CntiiinlUt n Wlili tlnritrnoss.
As 10011 us Mr Hruen b.tii lluiblicil Mr.
Conloy aiosoaiHl sill that in Ins opinion the
committee bail aUeil unf.ilily. As lor himself -
self ho bail atti-ndcd u tnvutlnt ; of the coni-
inlltuu ami stated that ho. xx-as mail } to
unsxxei' any nuuslions might ho put It
xvas not bis fault if tlio cumu.illuo x\as not
'I lion City Attorney Van Dii en took
tbu lloor and ilroppod a foxxsintoiiccs that
xxoiosttictly to the point Ho sitd thu uoin-
niittco acted unlair llmniKliout. its
toporl ilid not contain an } iliioil chaises ,
tint xxas Illloil xvith inueiulocs anil insinua
tions. Daxo Audciioii , ho h.iid , Itnexv all
nliout the Sullixau case on tlio night of
the mooting in the school house , but
insinuatingly inqultud xxhat became of tlio
"balance ol tlio money paiil Mis Sullivan
by the council " This ho considered cow-
ai illy ami unfair llo dolled am member of
that committee to iioint to a sini-'lo instance
xxhi'ic bo accepted u dollar that did not
iifjhtfully belong to him While tins citx at-
totno\ bad the Hoothe did not hesitate lo
tell Mr Hioen that ho had acted unfanl } in
the Sullixnn. ni.Utetalso lit con came back
at biinxxitb a denial and e.xpl untion , but
Van Uusou xx.ts xxaim and be spolce long and
loud , to isting tlio committee toi the spit it
of unlaiinesshich ho s ml it bun displaced
fiom the begmnliig Andeisuii concluded
that it xxas about tune for linn to explain
and ho biatcd that it xxas not his intention
at the school house mooting toi.ibtan } le-
llcctious upon ttio honesty of tlio
citattoinc.v . 111 the SullU.tii case
Hilly \\ood Hied a hot shot into
Andet.son for his sweeping insinuations
xxithout making a speiilliil Lh.irge.
ItriKluinrH Mliiiultv Iti port.
S 1' tiii tinm , who a. member of the
column tec , got in a little late , but lie lodged a
tilssonluip repoit in nan of xx hat the com
mittee had olToted. llo thought that some ,
of the ofllcials xxere aoting on the Mt | > are
and meiUioned the naniob of one or txyo.
His piincipal loason for dib.igieeing xxith
the committee xxas that ho didn't kuoxv
xxhnther the assertion xxere tiuo or not. He
had not looked up the facts. llo had been
told enough , hoixexfr , about the xvoiltings
ot the cilj garbage nnd dog department 10
gi\-e him ner\e to toast .lohn btiixel } quito
hoxetel } . But ho had no facts to piesent
llcbimplj wan tutl oxeiy one to Unoxx that
he iMiisldoicd that uep.iitment of the cit }
to be in , i rotten condition.
Ono point made by Ld Johnson winch his
fi lends consiileied a ten sttiltiixxas his mak
ing City Attoi no. } Vim Uusen admit that ho
xxas .Utoinex for tli2 Union 1'acllle tailioad
and can led an annual piss 'I ho uttoiney
sax s ho lopresents the company in all cases
OM opt those m xx Inch the clt } is mteipsted.
Johnson made his point on the fact that the
Hy nttorne.x i a 1 not uiged the Union I'a-
IlkHiilioad coiiipan , to pa } tor the lopaiis
on the ( J stlcot xiaduct. la\o Amletson
( commended that the eouni Union gi\o nexx-
minis as some of them xxoie xxoithloss
\V'vm. m admitted to Ivt Johnson that he bait
nonused so\oial nioiuns ago to loolc up cer-
ain in ittus to xx'iiieh hii attention xxas
i.llled , hut had neb'b clod to tlo so.
\V.Miian , of the lommlttec on
Inanii' . rot xxaimed up by this time and in
i spceih about an hour long ho denied all of
the allegations in the Johnson repot t and
iioduii'd ligmcs and lecoids to back them
ip IM .lolnibon and Van Diisen had u little
lebato on xxhat the lommitteo termed
"junltetiug ' ttlps. Van nnso.n backctl up
Ills staiomeiit vxitli an itemi/cd reioid nnd
oxptaincd whoie he h id irene each time ; und
for xx-hat put pose When the meeting broUo
up it UIH ; after mtdnight and the coimciliiien
nnd 1 01 tain inoiiibers of the loiiiiiiitteo virtu-
nll.\ fell onto each othtns nicks and con
cluded that both Miles xxeru coircct in a
riiptni'n of a Itiaio ot siinpiTlA *
About 7 o'clock lust night Oftlccr nmcrick
wasi.tllcdb } telephone t ) the coiner of
Txx cut } -third nnd 1C sticots. Txxo suspici
ous olmiuctois had boon proxx ling about that
nelghboi hood all the afternonii and the people
ple living in the vicmit.x concluded that
they xx cio looking fora ihamo to hutglarl/o
later In the night , and asked to liaxo them
locUod up.
\Vhen the ofilcor told the men they xxoiild
IKIXC lo lU'ioinpan.v him to the blatUm house
thu } lofiibod to budge , st iting that unless
ho "ould pi oil uriiixxuirant lie could not
tiiUo tin-in laiierick Is not a man oaeil }
bluffed , and , as a toil of an argument that
the htiangois had better obey his command ,
bo diuxx his U calihcr , and , gently placing it
lit thnlr fact s , gaxo the command to "foi-
xx ant mat ih ' ' Thu 1:1111 caused the men to
siiriLiider , und tho.\ meekly \\alhcd to the
tail 'Iho nun rt-f used to gixo their names ,
but claim to ho "all light , " ami say they
lUo in Omaha They xx i-ro locked up.
CltX ( illKSlp.
Mrs ,1 M Toxvleris ill.
Mis H O. Mayllold is confined to her bed
u > silliness
C A Melt her Is moving his drug stein
into the biuger block.
Mrs ( ! oorno Utoxxcrand cliililion have ic-
tuino.l homo fiom the cast.
Tlio sports haxu already commenced
bagging ducks oxer on the bottoms ,
Tiavul on the Alhilght line has moio than
doubled biiuo the electriu cars lm\o been
put on
Shciiff HnKcn came o\cr fiom Council
HliitTs nnd xlsited with the police for a short
tune Ho had some papcis to deliver in the
Fied Ixtster cube.
Mis J. Helm , llxiit' ' at Kightocnth nnd
K stifi'ta. inxitod a nuinber of her fi lends in
x estcrday to iissist her in culubr.iiing the
aoth anniversary tf her birth.
( icorglo Cuuiunplmin , an innmtoof Mine.
Flbhct'ii resort on Hallro d uvonue , made an
iiiibuccessful attempt at snicldo b } the mor-
phlno routu Sunday morning
Chiiles J.tmurj xxas nrrestod In a saloon
atTxxt-nt } sexcuth and L stieets for limiting
a dUtui banco and attempting to xx hip the
b.u tender , IHJSS und all thu customers in ttio
Detective- Miles Mitchell returned \estor-
dux liom Ict > Moini'b and Council liluffs
\\ilh his pnsuner , 1'ii'd K'cstcr , who \\111 be
tnod toitu } on the chargu of defrauding nn
inn keeper.
All thu slilowallcs on N Bttcct tictwecn
Twi'iitleth and Twont.v fourth xxlll ha > o to
bo loxvuu-d to the curb. Some of the
piuperty oxxneis huxo ahead } complied xxlth
the cider of tlio council H Iho others do
not do so at once tUe itioct comiulsilouor
xx-IH order the ch.inpo m.ido nnd assess the
cost up to tlio property
Tlio Ncibnuku Onnriinlcn S.ivlncn nml In-
xcMinpiil 1'iitiipnny
Is nrjntil/i'l nmlor tlie Inws of the plate
of NubruhkH. It t'cnitiK'iida H elf toln-
\estors. Itobsurvos In thoniiiiinpoinotit
of its affairs llio euro and conservatism
that ! - observiible in nil well regulated
Invuslmont compuniua nml * iivln"rt
To i"siio and boll bonds on the itiH'all-
inent pi mil
To limn money to its eortifleato holders
on real estate ; f-een 'Ity. which may bo
repaid in monthly installments.
To provide thoMifest and most profitable -
able inves'tment for sniitll monthly
BHiiijs. . To ( , Mo Investors a larger i or-
ri'itlnjjo of prollts than can bo reali/ed
on any form of investment. To enable
those xx ho desire to do MI to buy or build
homes and pay for thorn in nionthlj in-
Mai Intents
The reserve fund of fie eomi smv , as
fast as it aoiiiiinnlates , xxlll be loaned to
eet'tilleato holders of the company and
to others , if thorois no demand from ooi1-
titicate holders en real estate security ,
at 7 per cent interest , or payable in
monthly installments.
After twelve monthly installments
h.uo been paid on a bond the holder
may , if he BO desires , st > p paying and
titUu it paid tip noimsses--ablo jiartiei-
pating bind foi- the sum of the monthly
installments paid to that time.
INTI-ix'l-ST : : ANM ) 1'HOFITS.
Hy means of monthly compounding of
interest on the funds loaned by lines ,
ttaiisfer fees , etc. , it is guaranteed Unit
the profits from thee sum cus , together
with the monthly payments , will mature
to persistent bondholders all bonds not
otlioi'vxibo matin ed.
Paid up hondH partii'ipato in prolits.
Boiids will bo matured and paid
monthly in numerical order out
of the bond fund. All h mils not
so matured and paid , will bo de
clared full naid. and nomf-sessablo at
the end of ten jeat-s and will participate
in the prollttt of the company. In no
case will the date of payment of bitch
full paid paid bondb bo extended for a
lunger period than three jours from
date of isbtte.
The only way to seeuro a surplus is to
sa\e a portion of your earnings. The
xxuy to make your surplus piolitnblo is
to 111est it with the Nebraska Guaran
tee , biuings and Investment company.
Homo olliee , rooms -2 anil 211 Douglas
block , Omaha , Neb.
Koliublo solicitors wanted.
Iloui-ekeepeis' sale at Morse's Monday.
Ynti f'aii't It.
Leave Omaha at1 p. m. via the Chicago
cage , Uock Island & 1'aoilie and be in
side tlioTorld's fair grounds at S a. m.
thu follinvingmorning. You can't make
this time via any other line , and the ac
commodations to be had on the great
liock Island aio noted fiom Maine to
Califotnia. lv ! examining the map and
time tables of this line you xxill find
that as a World's fair line it stands
without an equal , as pus-uitgeis can
avoid transfer anil a titosume and ex-
pensixo trip through the city by getting
olT at Cnglexx'ood ami taking eloctt-if
line direct to main entrance of World's
fair giounds ; time , ten minutes. In
addition to this train wo have trains
leaving Omaha at 5 p. in. , 7:10 : p. in. and
10:150 : a. m. , thus giving passongets the
ehoici ! of four daily trains U ) Uhicngo
and , asbefoio stated , making quicker
time and landing passengers at the
AVorhl's lair in advance of nil other
lilies and witli loss trouble and expense.
Dining cats attached to all Muough
trains , serving the best meals of any
dining car line in the United States.
Kor imip.s of Chicago , W"rid's fair
grounds , time cauls and sleeping reser
vations call at 100.J t\irnam street.
Charles Kennedy , G. N. W. 1' . A.
The Chtcjcu , MUxxiuikee A. St. I'liul iSy.
lias made a round triii rate from
Omaha to Chicago of $12.75. Tickets
on sale September 10 and 11. Ticket
ollieo 1501 rarnnm street.
Ilm tent I xuiir-dim.
The next harvest excursion will leave
Omaha via the Missouri Pat-ill c railway
on September 12 to nil points in Kan
sas , Oklahoma. Indian Territory , Texas
Arkansas , S. W , Missouri. Louisiana ;
also to all points on the linoof tlio
Illinois Central ami Mobile and Ohio
roads in Tennessee , Mississippi and Ala
bama. On Southern I'.icilie Hy. La-
favette to Lake Charles , La. , inclusive.
Tickets limited to 20 dajs. Stopovers
allowed. For further information , rates ,
ote. , call at depot , 15th and Webster
stieets , or company'H olllces , N. li. eoi-
iior 1'tth and Fai lu'un.
TIIOS. P. GooKitr.v. I'&T. A.
J. O. Pmu-U'i'i , A. CJ. V. & P. A.
( hli UK" , Itocl ; InUnil .V fncllle It } .
Change of time , elleetivo Sunday , Sop-
tumber 10 , the Nebraska state limited
going east will arrive from Lincoln at
1:50 : p. in. and leave for Chicago at 5 p ,
m. The World's fair special ( No. ( i )
will arrive from Colorado at . ' 1:55 : p , in.
and leave for Chicago at I p. in. Going
west the Colorado limited ( No. 5) ) will
ariivo from Chicago at 2 p. m. and leave
for Denver , Coloiado Springs and
Pueblo at 2:05 : p. m. All other trains
same as previous card. IICKUI olllco ,
1(102 ( Farmiin street.
Tlio I.ourst World' * I'll I r Itnti-H IJxer
by the Burlington route xxill bo in effect
September 10' and 11 , when round trip
tickets lo Chicago xx-ill bo on sale at the
one-way rate of $12.75.
No such favoiablo opportunity us this
of seeing the gi eat fair will over again
pioseut itself. Do not , thoiefore , allow
it to blip bv unimproxed. City ticket
olllce , 11121 Farnam ritreet.
Am Vuu I'lniiiiini ; n XVurld'a I'alr I rip. '
Hear in mind the decided advantages
of the Chicago & Northwestern railway.
Four daily eastern express tiains , with
now and Hpocial equipment , unexcelled
xvest of Chicago. Low rates. Baggugo
cheeked from your home. Choice of
quick , safe ami comfortable methods of
tiaiifefer direct to the World's fair
grounds. Call , or send your address to
the city ticket olliee , No. 1101 Farnamst.
H. H. Hrrciiii : , G. F. WKhT.
Genet al Agent. _ C. P. & T. A.
Ask the city ticket agent of the Hur-
llngton route at 11121 Farmiin street for
full information about the specially re
duced lates of September 10 and 11.
Thoy'to the lowest over olTorcd.
Republican Enlly tin tlio Suburbs Lost
Saturday .Evening.
Cnnillilttr * In I'rofimoti VV'pro Ire mt
Air. ilolitKtmi Dlflriittni Ilm I'rrncnt
CrUU mill DrnonniTi , Dnmnrrury
n tlio C'unie ether penk.
Good nttctiil.itico ami manifestations of
Interest in tlio XXOI-K of the p.irty xxere the'terlstk's of thu meeting of tlio Hani-
sou Republican t'lub of Henson Sittlrilaj
ni'lit | UepiililltMiis of that suburb turned
out in full leuco , ami a iminburof Omaha
partisans , including several catidttliitos for
count ) unices , vxete tlieto to lielpout. H U
Hit-ion presided ami W. I. Allen ni-tetl as
seeretar\ \ .
The Hist speaker WAS .loliti W. Johnston
Mr. .lolinstou , in a uti iii speech , calletl
attention to the existing eomtition of affairs
in the country , nnil air.ilmieiltho ik'tiun'i-atli'
part.v ns belnir lesponsiblu for It , nvcusliig it
of cateiiniT to the interests of producers In
Italy und the IJenmulas rather than to
those of our oxx a people. As to the silver
quest Ion , Mr .tolnibton denied the
Sherman net xvas responsible in any xx-iso for
piov.iiling t'omllUoiisi , and called attention to
the fact that people are tu-eoptliiK sllxcr dollars
lars ns leadil ) as an ) other coin for the pa > -
inent of debts llo depreeated the fai-t that
some lopilblie.uis have tlio falling of seoldnp
innovations in the xx.iy of political institu
tions and btray from the fold to seek Btr.intjo
gods , xxhllo adeiuneiat may tirofess hlmsell
a thiid party man up to election day.xliin
ho Is sine to bo found voting the ticket of
"the unxxashed. " Ho closed by calling upon
the members of the p u ty to stand together
this fall , predicting a cyclonic sweep for the
icpuhlic.iii foices
Sheiilt Dennett disclalinod being nn
or.itur , but bnell.x decl.ired his ambition for
i seeotul term , asking consideration tor tlio
leeord he has made
C C Slanlc.x of South Omaha m.ido a
short aildrcss , asking for thosuflragesof th i
peotilo for the republican ini-titubents of
count ) olllces , xxho , ho said , aio eiititleil for
the services thev have rendered to rcnomi-
nations He believed that itas the dut ) of
ever ) imin xxho is a candidate for the noinl
nation for icgistcr of deeds , no matter xxlu
is nominated , to take olT his coat and luibtle
for the man xxho is lavored by the paity
.lonathan Hdvvaids , John W. Westbeigand
County Supeilntemlent G. W. Hill folloxvcd
xx Ith shot t sjii-ei'lips , the latter deploring the
fact that the ollieo of superintendent of
schools is not given the onsitleration that
its iniportaiRi'merits. G.W UathbuinamlM
G MacLeod also spoke. Mr. MacLeod spoke
hopefully of the piosueets for the part ) in
national matters hen-after , and modicteil
that the ticket xxould carry Douclas eonntv
xx ith case this fall llo closed by eallimr
attention to the unsuitable quarters occupied
by the bupeiintendent of schools.
Icult ) tu I'rlncipli- .
The philosopher of "Dox 15onnd John
Ij 1'K'ison lolloxxeil , Mr 1'ioison making a
stiong appeal to the uiembcis ot the naitv
to stand b ) Its piinctplcs nnd xxln in the
coming i-lettions "Doe" sang a topical song ,
composed bhiins'll for the occasion , enti
tled , "A Cheat Man ) Holes in thobkiminer , "
which elicited much applause.
Judge Miller thought the democratic p u tv
hail found ttie solution of thosmoKenuisanco
by stopping the smoue of nearly everx f.u-
toi.x m the hunt Ho spoke sltongl ) of the
"uncalled-for stand taken by a sheet pub
llslictl near the-morgue , toxx.uds thu prcaent
county onicials. "
Concerning the nominations nmdo bv the
bar convention for the disluct bomb , In-
snid that in the opinion of itemocrats no
one is iionp.u-tlsan unless ho. Is a dcmoirat ,
and Hint they ha\o found some lopnbliuins
and other people to agi eo xx ith them "Will
the icpublicaus of Ibis district be bound by
the action of less than a third of the biro'f
the tlistru-t11 ! asked Mr. Miller He closed
his address xvith a fexx eulogistic temaiks
concerning Hon. John Al. Tiiurston and
Judge Walton , and abKed thop.ut.\ pull
Other speakpts xx ereJ M Coimsman , H
D Pratt , I'ouncilinan Mclx..irie ami Count )
Commi'-sioncr Williams No ii'solnuons xxeio
atloptetl , except the gcneiall ) imtleistood
ono that the club xvlll be totiiul nnrht in line
this fall. Another mealing will be held in
the near future , the date of xxhich is not jet
Utisy people hire no time anil sensible
people have no inclination lo use pills that
m.iKu thi'in sick a d.iv lor over ) itoso the ,
take They have leained that the use of
Do Witt's Little Hirlx Uisi-rs tloes not mter-
feiexxitb their heilth b\ causing nausea ,
pain or giining These llltlo pills aio jicrlect
in ii'tiun anil lestilt. legulating the sloimtch
and botxels , so that headaihes , ui//iness and
lassitude .lie piexi'nted They tone up the
s.xstem. 1/Dlb ot healtli in these little
( ininil iipi-iiint ; .
Tlio Cherokee Strip xxill lie opened for
bettleinent on Haturila ) . Hopteniber 10 ,
at noon. You can wive 12 hours time by
taking the Uock Ihlanil route , leaving
Onialia at li a. in. , and bo on the line at
8:10 : p. in. saino day. Hound trip tickets
xull bo on sale Tuesday. September 12 ,
at OIK ) faro for the round trip , pluvKi.UO ,
making the round trip from Omaha to
Culdvvoll &l-.7r > . Hi hton tlio line and
in tins center of the Strip. The-o
ticketh are and jjood 20 dajh
from date of salt' . Kor maps of the
Strip and regulations rofjaidinf , ' hottle-
incnt. call at Hock Island ticket olllce ,
10U2 Fainain street
CILVS. KiNviiv : ) ,
U. X.V. . P. A
Ni lirntk i St no I'.nr , l.lni-ii n , , . ( , , n ( , , | . - , ,
Tlio Chicago , Hook Ihland .t I'liclllo
railv\ay xxlll t-oll tickets to Lincoln atone
ono faro for tlio round trip from all sta
tions in Nebraska : al o from ( Joiiiic-il
IMitlTijoojl ( rotiii-niiiL , ' until Sept. 1 .
In addition to tlio louiilar train scr'-itM
tlio "Itoclc lulutid" xxill run iibpu'L-iiil fair
ti iiin on the 11th. Utli , 1'lth uuillltli ,
loikv in } ; Council Blullut 7:10 : a. m. anil
Omaha union ilopot 8K ; ( ) a. in. Hotiirn-
intr , leaves Lincoln (1:110 ( : p. in. "Tho
Kubfusku htnto liinituil" loaves t'oiinoil
HlulTn daily at hU5 : a. m. , Utnaliii ! il ; ( ) u.
in , , running throut'li to Lincoln vxith-
out inakinf , ' a stop. Ticket olllc-e 11)02
Farmnu and union dopot.
Tlm V > iirlil' Pull.
Noostern \ railroad ih moro
favored as re ardb- ago of aoc'css to the
World's fair Lrroundh than the Hm-lintf-
ton Htuito. From the Union passenger
Htation at Chli-ayo , into vUueh all Unr-
lintiton Itotito trains run , you can
quickly , easily arid cheaply rouoh the
Dxpooition bj vx.itor , btoain railroad , elevated -
evated railroad or cahlo ears.
Auk the eltj tiolcet au'ent of the Hur-
liiiLjton Houte , at KI1M I'aniuni stieet , for
information about the best i\ay to much
Chiea o. Kxoui'blon i ates every day.
The only I'urc Cream of Tartar Poxvder. No Ammonia , No Alum.
Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
N -hrn l < u lijnt llio P.ilr
On September 10 and 11 the Chicago ,
Uook Island & 1'ai-llle railway will Mjli
round trip tlc-kcti to Chic-ago at ono fin o
for the round trip. Yon ean take the
Nebraska stale limited at J p. in. from
union depot , arrive at Knglovvood at 7'I7 :
a. in. , take eleetrk' line to the grounds
and bo on thu inside at H a. m. ; or yon
ean take the Wotld's fair speeial at ft
n. in , arrive at l'fi'levvc ( ( > d at 8:117 : and
1)0 in the fair grounds at 1) ) a. tn. You
can't make thin time v la any other lino.
My taking this line yon will save time ,
money nnd the a'mo.vance of baggage
transfers through thoMty of Chicago.
Dining ears on all through trains. Lux-
nrloii8\'c > iu'hes , fiee ehair ears. I'ull-
man Meopinir ears constitute the equip
ment nf all World's fair trains via the
" ( .tii-iit Hock Island Himte. " Kor rates ,
sleeping ear reservations , iiiaps of the
fair grounds showing connection at
Knglovvood ami any other information
call at ticket olllce , lildli Karnam "troct.
( ! . N.V. . I * . A.
Arn Ynii ( luliif ; lliixxn to ttin Oprlilui ; ?
Tell all your friend * to take the Teva *
special on the Uock Island from union
depot at l ! a. in. and laud tlie HII.IIO e < en-
int ; rltflit in tlio heart of the t'lierokro
Strip. HcitiPinbor j on can leave in the
morninij at ( i nnd bo doxxn tlioni at * > : H )
] ) . in. "nine day , 12 hours quicker than
via any other liiu1. L-ivv rates for the
round trip. Maps of the Strip , eiieulars
full and reliable information le-
rtile-j for t-c'ttieinent , can bo had
by applying tit llio U'jok Island olliee ,
0J l arnain street.
CHAS. KKNNUDY , G . N.\V. 1' . A.
li Htm.xpil Ills Mimic.
riro totnll ) itcstroed the fiamo cottage
of Lee Hennever at 3M.M Parker street at
an caily hour ) erteiday moining. Loss ,
? 7.V )
An alarm called the lire dopirtmcnt to
Txxcnt-sl\th and Ulondo streets U xx is a
bla/e in a bain and the damagu xxas slight
irs A sr.cnnr
that in Any women
oxxo their Uiiuty
to Or. 1'ierco'b l"u-
vorito I'leseription.
The icnson bewi-
ty of form nml , axUl na
grace , imlmtefrom
. the common center
! health The bc-it
y condition ro-
'Btilts fiom good
food , fresh air , and
exercise , coupled
with the judicious
tisoof the "Prescript Ion. " Innmid-
cnliooxoinaiihotxl \ , and motheiliood , it's n
uipporting touio that's poculmily adapted to
her needs , regulating , strengthening , ami
curing , the doiaiigeincnts of the s-ex.
If theia IKS liendneho , jviin in the back ,
liotrlng down < u > ii ° atlon < < , or general ilobihl- ,
or if tlic-io bo nervoti ) distill bailees , noivous
prostration , mid s'eeidesviiess ' , the " I'iii > ciil > -
tion" leaches tlm oiigin of the troublu and
conects it It dispels nelios and pams , eor-
rct-ts diMilaceinents and euros c.itarihal in-
llaninmtion of the lining membraneb It's
yuiiriiiitu'd to benefit or cute , or the money
paid fur it Is icfmuUxl.
Why the
Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled
Vatch Cases , made by the
Keystone Watch Case Com-
any , Pliilaclelphia. It pro
tects the Watch fiom the pick-
jiocket , and preventsitfrom _
dropping. Can only be had
withcases _ stamped
with this ttade mark.
Sold , without extra charge
Jorthisbovv ( ring ) , through
JWatch dealers only.
_ \bkyottr jeweler for pam.
phlet , or send to linkers.
I'r 'Hlliut nt
NEW sna Mil.-14 : , > "
> ! KI.K XI lill'nv > > VKV
K'lHISIlllllt Mill 1 11)1- ) )
i ) niMiirii it-K-il In lliu tro itiuai
of nil
cJuronlo , Privals nil
' Jorv ins Dlsoisos.
X\ rite to ur i inaiilt i > ir-oii'iliy '
. I 1(1 VI XII. > t in XI.XII. .
? Vil IrtMd ixltli rtiini , ! for pir
* llt uluri w ilc.i will bu Hint In
1 > il iljc U.I oil j IH S li1.1
* 3rWf ) ' < fj
orld's"Fait1 Ftrls Wheel
4 bloc-kB nurth of Un l > iff xxlit-il i-mni-r of
0'itli Hlnit , iinl it MiiKtoii .ixinur All
J ti UHIJII 1 * irk cubit i .tin piHn Hi. hut , 1 y > 0
ruunih U u ill. . r./oii.H ill fi i MmUr.Uu
11 SII.I.OVVAV 1'ruinlilor
The iereer.
Omaln's Ms-vjsiHol ? ' .
Cur l.'lli an'l ' IluivurJ atrjoti
40rootniH'i ) puriluy
to rooms HW PIT any <
; . ( lioo mb with li ith at II pur d iV.
Uirooius xv.tli b ith ut tl 'J pjr I iy.
MlilliTII III I.MTJ HrHnct. |
uxxlyl'tir nilin I I Ur HI ; i ml
C.S. ERB , Proj.
" "
The average American youngster acquires more practical
knowledge in one year than his foreign cousin does in three
thanks to our most perfect and world-renowned school
system , and more so to our encouraging Americxn mothers.
At every beginning of the school season you will find these
sensible and proud mother i s jtiirm in order to dres their be
loved boys beccMning , neat and holiday like. The boy be
comes proud and finds goin to school a source of pleasure ,
equally as well as his father , who is the school director.
Of course , to please a boy in his appu'el is no easy task , we
admit. The best you can do in order to avoid a good deal of
inconvenience , bring him to us , introduce him to one of our
polite salcsmtMi , who will show you a few hundred different
shades and fabrics. When you see 'em all , you can depend
on seeing everything under tiie sun. After selecting your
choice you needn't look elsewhere for his hat , shoe , waists ,
undt-rwear and all else. We have 'cm in abundince , of every
description and every price.
We still charge for a good knock-about suit , $ i. Our $1.60
and $2 suits arc finer than last year make splendid school
suits. But the suit that makes all the clothiers grumble , is our
leader , that famous $2.50 one. Got 'em made up better and
cheaper this year , because of so many unemployed tailors in
New York. Beautiful patterns and firm , solid colors , cheviot
and cassimere materials. $3 , $3.50 and $ . } suits arc made of
genuine Scotch and Irish homespuns.that'll wear like cast iron.
Our finer grades range up to ,7.25 ; that's the best the world
In fancy apparel we show the newest of reefers ; accotding to
the "Juniors' Monthly" fashion plate.
Next , of course , you want a hat to match. Show you a few
hundred dozen of beauties. A good cloth hat for 25c , and a
fine one for 35c ; then as fine as you like to have.
Next "Shoes. " We carry the kind that are rough on the
boys and you don't pay shoe store prices either goc for a
splendid school shoe , finer in proportion 'till you reach $2.00.
Our latest catalogue contains samples of boys' wear ; it will
pay you to go through it. If you have not one send your
You notice that nobody
but Raymond is selling
Sterling and Plated Silver
ware at 20 per cent off.
S. 1' Cor nth nml Doiulus.
! o our \xoik In pstlnnti'tt ! > } tlm nit
loxlnir pulilk' Youi photos t tlti-n by
im xxlll IMin i-vorl inline tnIHUU' to
> t > ti lit Hiili s It IH HI ) pit as tnt to tie tl
Vllll II llDIIHI- lit Olll Httllllllln' , XVllI II )
} Ull lllllX BLt tllO Ill-Bt It 1IMSOI1-
a'lli prki'H mil xxlio mtlxx i\ xxlll-
tu H itlwfj tin- must f.iHlMluus
i Class
At I'opuliir I'rleos.
i.ri-u7 : s. ir tu
Omnlin , Nob.
U. S , Depository , Omalin , Nob.
CAPITAL , - 6400.ODD
EUAPLU3 , . . . eti.OUi )
OITlccrH ami Dlri'clorsIlinrx - VV Yili-s prnsl-
dint K f1 C'uililii ; x-len inmlili-nt. (1 S M I irlJi1 ,
VV V Muirtu Joliu S Collins , J N II I'ltru *
Luxvlu b HuoU , c.iulilur.
v I.1 V'tl ( "it inh I'mxiliTi mi-HP mull
nljl i ) Alliliu.'lrit-i nilc nta
MoBt .iniinni-il mil tliup u-'li I'liirliMiliiinVuti
tu 1 > II J I. SI'MMIIUS D nilii
( < in Lilt U ami n Ui f.ii il'v ' VV'rln lo JDIIN VV
IIAITIN I-wl Oui ilii
Til It tlll l "Hi „ ! I llikH fllHl III Ni II lit I1
Tli it jiniii.- UilliH mil f nlli'iiiiiii oui btily
am MibJixiHikHlrnl
Tli.ilninHli art in I Hlimtli in 1 an1 liiulil Oy
UnlKBl till nt of Dm ili.i-
Tlmt tin nornill ctiiiau IH inuHt in ictlt , il ml
Tint Hi'1 ( .liulfiitH ei-t tlio bent uumisil .nit
lllk'lllHlCUUlIU '
Tli u llnsi nbc-a lie loxxur tlun In frou tin-
tlon w-lioolH
That Hit- < all tt nn xxlll OPPII S'toniliir | li ) '
I.l'l-l'KIM'M , Mlh'OI 1(1 - Ih n-ut MI'lUr/ '
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