Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ] vfoNDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 , 1803.
Bich Goal Mine Discovered on 'Wild Horse
Orook in Wyoming !
Other Mlnnnil rintU In Hjoinlni : Illnck
1IIIU UlHxn-I.nnilvlllo Mine * to Kr.
nine A California iloimnra
tiirup * from Uvcry whore *
TEUX , Wyo , Sept. 7 ISpeclal to Tun
DUE ] For the pist jrar prospectors have
boon much Inlciestcd In looking for coil in
the countrv tributary to Wild Horse creek ,
ns this region socins to bo the central and
rlchi st part of tlio Wyoming coal Holds Coal
is abundant from the soutco of tlio erock to
Us confluence with Powder river , ntid ninny
veins show rroppltiRs In the gulehef opening
Into Wild Hoisovnlloy feonio of llicso veins
uro twenty llvo to thlrtj foot in thickness
and of good qualltj
Hut tiio belief hns existed tlmt , somewhere
in this rilstt let , would bo found a vein of coal
which would surpass all others and such n
"vein has icu-nlly buun louilcd onu niilo from
Felix , nnd is now being opened to supply
winter tr.iilo This bonanza is kno\\ as the
II istler inlnonnd Is being operated by the
Fulix Mln'ni ? compiny.
The work of development is being pushed
tin taplilly as possible , nnd the < oal already
taken out Is pronounced bj exports to bo
fully equal , If not superior , to any coal vet
discovered In Wioming. It is a flno steam
coal , as IMS been proven bj lepcated tests
under tlio supetvision of practical engineers
Coke makers from Pcnnsylvanli and from
Kngland have pronounced it to bo tlio best
unit cleanest loklngtoal they have over
seen ' 1 ho supply is inoxhaustlblo , us the
voln Is twcntj-four foot in thickness , and Is
cortninl.v tmderl.vlng a largo tract , but its
extent is difllcult to asccitaln on account ot
the stoop ill | > of the voln , wliloh bus a down
ward Incline to the south of about twelve
fo l pgr 1H ( ) Pump * are requited to keep
the inlno ftco of water , ns the coal has a
conMdoinblo amount of water In it.
It Is linden teed that castoin capitalists
Are quietly negotiating for a puiehnso of the
property , but ns no agreement h isvot , boon
Touched It is impossible at this time to Rive
any names 'I Ms coal will bo sold nt differ
ent points in Nebraska at about the same
rati's as the Inferior grades now being used
Much oj thi ) coal In Wild Horse mining
district takes llro spontaneously after being
mined , this being duo to absence of water in
the vein. The coal from tlio Hustler mlno
has been thoioughly tiled in that inspect ,
and Is found to bo proof Against spontaneous
'iho Telix company bollovcs it hns
jnauo a great llnd , nnd thut further work
will provo the mine to bo the beat coal over
found in this state.
Allen mill Aluminium Clii } .
One after another discoveries arc made of
mlneiuls in Wioming , until almost everyone
known to sdcnrohnB boon found within the
boundnilcs of that state Among the latest
dlscovorlos is a ledge of inka of the purest
quality in Converse county. Mic.i In largo
quantities has been found in different parts
of the slate , but too impure for commercial
.ludgo Glifi-ko of La ramie has also ro-
celvod specimens of a clny , an analysis of
which Bhotts10 per cent of nluiuinium.
Clays containing 5 per cout of aluminium
have been successfully worked at n profit , so
that the deposit of 100 acics from which
Major Glnfi'lte's specimen Is taken should
provo u bonanza to the owner , though forty
miles from tlio railroad , m thc.Medieir.oBow
Another Strlko on Haiti Mountain.
.Too Orr , ono of the veteran prosiioctors of
the Dondvvood distilct , Is showing a small
specimen of gold-bearing rock lhat contained
150 colors which sot out from tlio quartz nnd
Glittered in the sun like diamonds. It was
taken from the claim adjoining the Shoboy-
\ propel ty , located on the north side of
S\o mountain , where a fair sired body has
been encountoied , and is houojcombed with
freci cold. Tlio fcalhcr edge of tlio ledge
bun been drifted in on enough to dotcunino
as to whether it is in paying quantities ,
with oncoin.iL'Intr mobiieots of the bodv
widening and of higher ci.nlo as they got
farther In. Tlio average of what they have
taken out thus fur is $ . ' 5
Moro lutorcst U being manifest In pros-
pouting around on the apex of B.ihl mountain
these dnjs than in any other p.u t of the dry
010 bolt It Is thought by soiuu tlmt 13ald
mountain In an upheaval of ininetal wealth.
AVhilo wo question this , it is a fact that
seine valuable prospects nro being opened
up , anil liald mountain piomisos to outstrip
anything mound itvhcii capital is onto in
terested in the development of her pros
Tlio Cnlil Hue "I" " ° Worked.
One of the most surprising facts about the
La 1'lnta milling camp is that gold ere is
being found in oven gieater abundance than
silver ore \\as disco\cml there a jear or
more ago , sijs the I/inimlo Boomerang
Dan Shocithn , Jaok Uichaids and I'.it Dyer
confirm all the information of the gold i ich-
. * ness of the tamp io | > oited sottm timoago by
Judge 0V Uiam.-l
1 Richards and Khockloy havobeen prospect-
me for gold oulusUolj for same time and
they loport an impoitnnt discovoiv Thoi
have loin ten what they full the Gold nug
' 1 his elaiin is two and a half miles southeast
of the lilg.Stillto , down In the edge of tlio
granite foi mation In the llmo formation the Ln Plata is found. Iho
Cold Hug is in uranito and slato. 'J'ho ere Is
the s mm as the old ore. but is not
BO rich. It is estimated that It will inn on
an average above $10.
They had run an open cut sixteen feet
across the le.ul and hiuo ere tliu entiiu dis
tance. It is believed tlio lead is twenty foot
vide. 'Ibcio Is uei > iieli sticakof ere
next to the south wall. U II Ultcliio pros-
] > octcd at tills \erv saino point tuo jonis
ago and savs that ho secured essays wliicli
run Jt > 0 This claim was located llio 1st of
An Important fact in connection with this
gold disi-ovi'iy Is that S K Uavis of Den-
Tnr , an oxiiert miner , has been out to the I > n-
Plata and canui in fioni the camp last night
accompanied by Phillip Ileelc , another Colorado
rado gentlcmnn. 'Jlieycnt out there a
several ucclis ago with Mr Dm b ink of Den-
\er The latter oamo in from the camp ten
ai s ago and letinned to Denver , talcing
samples of 010 from tlio Gold 13ug ith
Dm l.llll spriirlluli I'irf.
'Iho tlmbei at the licad of UttloSpoarflsh
croeli Is for mllt-s a st'othing muss of llamo.
The llro mm ted near Han's ranch and
burned to uilli.n nshoit illst.ineo of his
ih\ellliig , 'jut tuts piowmtcd ooiiiinuniiMting
to the Imllulug b\ the heroic \\oiit upon the
partof his mttghhoisaml ( lie m > d i lu > pni > rs
fioni the i.iinp i u ni.-lii tlio
lite , which huined biisklj .ill dihid
bin tied it.s uij ne.uli four miles down the
cro k ihuekil ) thocourso it tool ; U spirsoly
, lu'iico inuaiiinago is compiratiu'ly
klighl to | noK'itj | , but the lo 3 In corduood
U ) mans of the wood contractor will bo
liea\y. Piom a guntlunian who aiiUedin
Dead ooU fIoni lli.itlcinlts It is learned
thut the hla/u started from Hies built b.\
U-rry pklieis , and giovv lapidli
until U uas u verllablo tidal wa\o of
tire Owing to the fact tlmt this section H
t hie lily tDM'ied bi underbriiHh and Doling
trees the hills hsuing Uccn ilentideil of
timber euis ago the 111o must lonttnuo
until It bums Itself out , IIH tlio 'jiiderbiunh
U as dras tinder nnd all effoits to stay it
are futile The path of the tea ot lire
vaiies from lit i eo to four and live miles In
Hith 'J'ho heat Is intense and can bo felt
( or milt's , \\lulo the smoke it KUlfocating
At iialil iiioimtain , ten miles away from tlio
llroboii the wind hear * lu that direction ,
the pcoplo s i > thusmoko Is hardly endura
ble , At Hoi h ford and KugluvrooJ the under
brush U also ablaze , but they are minor tires
complied uitli the Ultlo Sv.irlUh | llro ami
i lll soon burn out The smoUo from those
ilres settled do niii thlt giilch sj tlilcklj
that for boino hours the sun was partially
obscured I'lio da ) had the appearance , of a
lia/LV Indian summerdaj , Since then the
wind shifted and the amoko was drifted off
ill a northerly direction
( iunil I'rntpcct * Tor l.rudrtlle.
There \vaa an important meeting hold at
I oadvillo the other day , roproaeuiliiK on ono
ldo the miner * of the camp and ou the othur
uiluo ownors. hero. TUo com.
To the People of the UNITED STATES , CANADA and MEXICO to visit it during the
eventy-five Thousand ELECTRIC and GAS LIGHTS are required to produce the
Which excell in extent and gorgeousness any illuminations ever attempted in any city of the World.
The spectacle includes miles of streets brilliantly lighted , with many colored globes.
The only successful Annual Exposition in the world , will open Sept. 6th , and And his gorgeous retinue will parade with Oriental Splendor on October 3rd.
remain open until October 2ist. Maghificent Palaces on wheels Grand Ball in Merchant's Exchange Hall.
FoUr Gcijcerfcs Paily by SOlJSA. S Graijd Goijcerfc
Vocal and Instrumental Solos by Madame SCALCH1 THE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL
And orther artists of international reputation.
Magnificent Paintings and Pictures in the Art Galleries.
Splendid displays of Manufactures and Liberal Arts , WILL OPEN OCTOBER 2nd AND CLOSE OCTOBTR 7th.
Electrical and Mechanical Departments of Exceptional Interest , Countless added attractions and new features.
And a general array of exhibits valued at many hundred thousand dollars. Exciting contests in the spacious amphitheater.
INCLUSIVE ADMISSION FEE 25c. NO EXTRA CHARGES. Racing on the World Renowned Mile TracJ
Greatly Reduced Railroad Rates from All Points.
One , or one and one-third fare for the Round Trip on special dates during the Carnival. ALL RATES REDUCED.
VISITORS TO THE WORLD'S FAIR are especially invited to secure transportation via St. Louis and spend a few days
in the great-Metropolis of the West and South-West during the Carnival Period.
For further particulars as to rates apply to nearest Railroad Station Agent , and for programmes and lists of
special attractions on forty consecutive days , to
Mermocl & Jaccard Building , ST. LOUIS.
nnttees on both slues mot to discuss the
labor situation , and they were an\ious to
approicti tno subject from a reasonable
A plan was nnrtlallv agreed upon hisod on
a general reduction all along the line The
lesultof the confeiencoasasoitoftacit
uiulorstanding that the mluo managers
would , as far as possible , stall up on a now
basis of wages , provided they could
secure a reduction in freight charges
and in all the supplies used about
the mines , Including coal , lumber , powde/ ,
etc It was felt that labor should not fie
asked to bear all the buidons , but that each
and o\orv factor must aid in sustaining the
others. The exact bvsis of wages IMS not
jot been determined upon but it \\ill be
proportioned on the price of silver that is
to say , if silver Jumps fioni 70 to bO cents the
inon's wages would bo latsed a pioper pei-
Of lourso , there will bo a number of meet
ings jot hold by the committees and the
vaiious details moio fully sot foith No\ei-
tholess , the is bollo\uiluill icsult
honollciallv to bothpiitios concotnod , and
the fooling is duciduily moio hopeful than
It has been for sumo time.
Tlio Gold Holt l.ciilu.
Anew discovery of gold healing quaitz
was made In Pine mining district last \\ook
by Messrs. Clonnon ifc Co , named the Gold
Holtlodo. The vein has been opened up
along the surface for n distance of tliiity
feet by an oi > on cut is twenty feet deep
at the breast , and it has disclosed a line
looltimroiii of lionojcomboJ quail/ from
eighteen inches to two and one-half feet
wldo that sliowH coirso gold In the pan As-
sa\s give a value of fibin 0 to $15 s ton In
gold and tuontj ounces of slher. A run of
two cords U to bo sent to the Hlock Hawk
mill as a test in u few days , and if it coiiob-
orates the assay tests will provo a valuable
piece of pioporty. There is a good tunnel
Hlto taken up in White's gulch that will cut
the vein at a depth of & 00 foot , through
which it will bootltuJ. .
llnby mill Silver Oro.
Messrs Kennedy and Wilson have cut Into
what promises to bo a large \eln of ilch ere
in their Conipiomise shaft at a depth of
about 1.10 feet , sa\slho I.iko City Times.
Somoof the 010 taken fiom the nowstiiko
is on exhibition. It looks voty line , con
taining lots of ruby nnd some pot/lto 'J'ho
shaft is a putpcndiLtilar ouo and eut into the
vein ftom the hanging \\allsldo , the \oin
basing a stiong dip tow.ud the soutli H is
the Inti'iition of the owners to continue
mulling UK linliu. the shaft with the pitch of
thnvein The Compiomise Ib on llotohkiss
inountain adjoining tlio Golden l leoco on
the wentcil } end.
O < > \ Oroulc Uulil ,
The gold claims on Cow crook , says the
Hldgewaj Herald , recently located bv
George Curlew , A O McPlico , Kniinetn Mo-
1-Xin ild und J O Holes , at o 1 < m i.-
ably well lor the amount ot > .xi nt
work that has been done A tunnel \ , noiv
being tun on ouo of the claiuih to cut iho
\etn.nnd is now In IIIK > UI thirty fuit 1'lf-
teen or twunty feet will strike the \oin , and
unless all signs fail the property will boa Tlio lock now being taken out Is
mlneialUcd , and considerable ere tunning
from * 15 to $50 has been encountcied. 'Jho
load shows a gold \aluooii the surface of an
average of t O. with some silver Mr. Car-
low , uu old time pro pector , was t.o ! dis-
counorof the piopaities in qucsllon , and
made the locations on ground that has been
run over for jears.
Worth Mlllluni.
The famous Utlca quarz mine nt Angels ,
Cala\cras county. Cal , owned by Ah Una
1 in > ward , tliu Hobirt estate and C. D Lane ,
jieldedlaat month tin enormous sum of
jllVi.tXX ) , which was i5,000 more than the
owners expuotcd. The cleanup was made
last Saturday , when Colonel Hay ward ,
Jamei Crois , representing the Hobart estate ,
anil Mr I.unovtoro present , and the golc
btlclfs wcro brought dev > n by Messenger Me
Counell snd two other shotgun guards oi
Wells , Fargo A. Co. This was the blgt-est
cleanup at the Utlca , ani It was expected ti
bo Juigo , a > u ricli chute had bocu worked
recently. The Utica is a steady producer ,
giving the owners moro than JIOO.OOO overj'
month , nnd rock is in sight for seven years'
more work for the 100 stamps now runuinc.
The vein is liftj1 foot wide , nnd is now being
worked at a depth of 800 feet , whoio it is
growing better. The mine costs to run
about f40UiW a month.
Homo Orugon Developments.
W. P. Elj- , editor of the Cowlitz Advocate ,
of Custlo Uook , Wash. , has returned from an
extended trip to the Bohemia mining dis-
rict , in which ho has so\eial valuable
claims. Speaking of mining prospects in
that section , ho said :
"Prospects in the district have never been
so bright sincu . ! . A. Kuott of this city
erected the first mill theio twenty-two years
igo After Mr. Kuott loft the district
ivorytlung became quiet , nnd it was onlj 10-
cently that woik wns resumed ution the
nines Now thej' present a vcrj' lively nji-
learanco , thcio Doing sevcial hundied men
> ro3peeting thorn. The Annie and
nines , wlikh .110 under the managemontof
J. H Magce and Mi. Uavis , are turning out
considerable oio The surface indicates sul-
ihnto ore , but there is plenty of free milling
'old. Some of tlio piospcctors ha\o taken
int fid of gold fioni a single pan of qunitz.
Cnough do\elopmont work has boon done to
show that the mine is 'permanent , ' and theio
.s no sign of a 'drop. ' No now capital has
iieen Intioduced into the district as yet , and
the mines nro being worked by flock com-
unles. which have hold them for several
yeais "
nnil NelirnsUunii.
Tno Madison countj' republican confcntlon
ins been called for Soptomler ISO , at Uuttle
Tno State giango will piobauly moot at
Tckamah sometime In Uucomber with WO
Burglars entered Karly's ' Jowolrv store at
Wither and secured > 0 orth of goods without
.oa\inpr a clew ,
C. H Iingo , who formerlv resided nt
Scrlbtmr , was killed bv falling from a horse
nenr Mason , To\ .
The Sutton AdyorllBor has entered upon
Its seventh so.vr it is prospering under tlio
dlicction of Dr. Clark.
Prnnk Slinoen of consumption , nnd Mrs
Suali A. Patiiekof paialysls , were two
deathb lecorded at Stanton in ono day
A hundred dollais has been ofToied
for tlio aucst of the parties who attempted
to bum the Catholic chinch nt Hooper
Fire in Paulson's fiunituio stoio at
Ailington caused dnmngo to the extent or
( 1,000 It was caused bj the explosion of a
Mis MirthaHyors of Plnttsmouthwifo
of K W Hyeis , fotmerlv warden of the state
punltuntiarj , died of cancer of the stomach
at liei home.
Clnrles T ( Irlflln , foimcrlj' editor of the
Oakland independent , has buconio the min-
ngerof the Alliance Independent at the
sluto capital.
AmojVliitoomb of Ponder U minus a log
His gun went off while ho was dihlng
thtougli n canon near I eng Pine , and
mulcted a wound which made amputation
A wreck occurroil on the Fairmont
Chester branch of Iho H & M. The passen
ger train from thoBoutn collided 1th the
freight train which was moving from the
switches to the main track , Mhoonginos
mot on the bridge which spins the big
Sandy cieok Just south of nelvlctoro. The
enitineois and liromon on both engines ie-
inalncd at their posts of duty , fully leall/lng
the unccrtaiutj of sa\iiiK their lives by
jumping to the bed of the crook , a dlstanco
of twenty llvci or thirty feet. Hoth engines
\\oro badlj w locked and partly derailed No
oao , however , was injuied bojond being
frightened and shaken up
J. 1C ( jrcen.nnold and respected citizen ,
living four miles southeast of Broken How.
had an accident in town that nearly cost him
hU life It seems ho had taken two coxrs to
Hrokmi Bow for the butcher ami as ho was
tying one of them the other started to mil
away , the rope catching Green by the anUu
of bis loft foot and ho was dragged for about
uroo blocks , w hen tome men succeeded i-i
stopping the cow , but Mr. Green was in
sensible and ho was taken to the Innun
hotel , where a doctor was summoned , who
pronounced his ankle only sprained and his
injuries being internal with bruises about
the head and bodjf. His wife was sent for
and when she arrived ho had gained sensi
bility , but was suffering intense pain from
his internal injuries. The doctor oraorcd
that ho bo not mo\cd fora few days.
Colorado ,
Ore is being taken out of the COO foot level
of the IJusslcIc , Slher Cliff. A concentrator
Is contemplated.
The fortj-flvo minors of the Canon City
Coal company \\ero paid their July wages
last Mondaj' , putting ? 40,000 in circulation.
Amended articles of incorporation of the
Union Mining and Leasing company have
been filed. 'Jho capital stock his all bocn
paid up and lias been placed at f. > OI,000. )
A legal conllict Is possible between the
Golden Tleoco and the Compiomise , the
di It tings having como so close together that
the mon in ono shaft can hoar the work in
the other.
Thrco shifts are pushing work on the
Moinirig Glory mine , nrnr Harry , owned by
the Work company. The ere , a good sjlvan-
ito , runs $ i0 : ! gold in smelting ana flO from
the stamp mill.
K \j. lidgorton , a harvesting machine
agent , and a mnico at mining , accidentally
struck a load of hematite and pyrites of iron
on Milwaukee hill , Duncan , running heavy
with froogold.
The Tolltirido Republican reports that
leasers on the Montana have roccutlj' struck
a small stieaic of remarkably rich gold. It
is said to bu 1 } ' inches of quart/ that shows
f i co gold throughout.
'J'ho Golden Treasure , Gllpin county , a
tnoporty for < i long time nbaudoned , In Au
gust j folded ? 1-I40 , In retorts , | 1.150 , from
smelting oio and $5'JO from tailings , a total
of f.SK ! ) ) , ngnlnst a piy loll of $ > OJand an ex-
pciiso account of i00. .
The Pueblo smelters received forty-four
cnilo.uls moro oio during iho wonk ending
September' ! than for the provoius week , and
which amount to about ninetj more car
loads than any other wcok since the decline
in silver , Tlio I'liehlo smoker is about to
blow In two more furnaces
Thomas J. Cullliou of Don\or has just
nmdo u big strike in the Hiher Ilommor
mine In Kulston Creek canon. 'J'ho pay
stieak is well dellned , and tin ) ore runs bo-
twcen llfty and sixty ounces in gold to the
ton with about 'Jo per cunt of copper. This
Is the Hist vain ible gold mine over found in
Icfloisou county.
An assay made this week from a mining
cliim near Dumout gives a result of nearly
t\wMltv.tlmui nniu PS nf rrnldn tnn M lm
proportj belongs to Urtlonol H Van Straight
&Co of lon\or , who huvo boon working it
for tlio past two months , although it had
previously boon ullo fur. j oars
The Little HUncli mine , at the hold of
Silver clock , has a p.i\'stieik ' uhlch shou.s
tweho Inches at a depth of fifty foot There
arc tvent.\-llvo tons of 9 0 on the dump An
assay h is boon taken from \eliishowing
silicon o uncos in goldiund > oimcos in sil
ver The Hess lode is an adjoining propoity
which has recently opened a Jho-foot vein
that runs high In gold.
Dm lukotB .
Including Sioux Tails and Yankton there
are ton stations on the now Yauuton &
btoux Tails lailroad.
The canning factory at Sioux Tails has
put up cans and began the ether day
to put up 100,000 moro.
The new ditch for the water supply ol
Dead wood , on which u lartro force of mop.
haNo been working for weeks past Is com
pleted to the sjphon on McGororu hill and
the water turned into the same ,
Wonderful results are reported to have
been obtained from tba iiot hptings waters
in the cases of the \etor.ins bunt there fron
Leiucnwoith Mllltarj' hospital. All of the
old follows have bc n straightened out it
peed shape The only obstinate case was
that or Alphonso L < ong\o\o , who was suf
ferlng from locomotor utaxia. Ho WHS pro
nouucxa incurable at I oavcnworth aut
also upon his arrhalat the Springs , anil has
inco died.
A grain palace can bo seen In Tlanrtreiu ,
ono that on a small scilo can equal the best
Yberueon Is able to getiup , and besidesitbo
eal stuff fioni which the collection is made
can bo seen in the Moody county fields
At the new county artesian well in Torj'
ako towiibhip laigo quantities of a kind of
: oal aio thrown up. 'Jho stuff burns readily ,
jut ou exposure to air BOOH crumblea up.
rho well is o\erlKX ) foot deep and a stiong
low of water has been obtained.
Samples of ere from the recent discovery
on the Chinese syndicate group wcio shown
at Dead wood recently , and in appearance are
ligh grade The property is situated at the
unction of Dlacktail and Shceptnil gulches ,
i section well noted for its high grade silic
ons oies.
A project is now maturing nt Ynnlcton ,
which will icsult in a thoiough'test of
aitesinn wells for drhlng pow or put poses ,
A company of gentlemen with means pio-
> ese to sink six artesnn wells , six inches in
diameter , within an erca of an acre or less ,
gurautced to fuinish 1T > 0 horse power.
Tour Snake Indians cnmo Into Lnramlo
tno othot day selling honis and bad to dis-
DOSO of them at unusually low juices , l ven
Ix ) is being touched by the panic.
According to the Doriick , coal discovered
near Casper has been analysed and found to
contain H3 Cij per cent fuel , while the Hock
Springh coal contains tff.55 per cent of fuel.
'Ilioio is said to ho more gold at the head
of Gioen river than can bn used Ujr the people
of the Unltod States , only It U llo.U gold and
too line for present appliances The earth
for forty miles can be panned with a yield of
IHI cents to the jard.
It is stated that the Fortunatus company
has had another cloump and that , the result -
sult is fully one-third bettor than the previ
ous one. A letter stated that tlio plates
wuro tilled with gold , Tills improvement
In the gold cleanup beam out the olt-ie-
pciited statement that the dcopor jou go in
that peculiar formation of which the Hald
mountain camp is composed the richer will
ho the ground , Hediock has not jot boon
The III .v ear-old son of Thomas South wood
ran awaj from his Homo in Kcd Lodge about
a j car ago and all the olToits to lind him
proved ft unless About tv\o weeks ago ho
was located by some cownoj's over in
llio Hig Hoin rountiv. where lie was living
with the Indians Ho had ndopteJ their
lifo and was dressed as only Indian ! , clothe
thonibohos 'iho COWUOJB endeavoiod to
bi ing him back and about half way to Hcd
Lodge the .voungsior eluded his captors and
Millions of locusts , fat and Immcnso in
sl/.o , ha\o made their appeal nice on tlio
sheep langcs of the lilg Horn basin The
insects swoop down upon the sheep In
swaims when they aio eagerly puisued by
the animals and devouiod. As u fattening
diet thoj nro said to bo superior to the best
glass upon the ranges , and shocpmcn are
bctiouslv thinking of devising some moans
wheieby the insects may bo propagated nnd
piesoived , to bd fed to the sheep duiiug the
winter months.
The Whlta Swan's last ton days cleanup
lesulted in S.1,000 gold.
Shelton Is Indignant at wholesale ayna-
mlto tlshing in Its trout streams and lakes
John Goodman of Jordan \ulloy , 13oars
old , killed f.vo full giowu boats and two
coons on a morning hunt
The attempt to stock Powder rlvor with
cattish has been successful , and some wore
caught lattt week about live inches in length.
Ion carloads of cattlolnne been shipped
by Dave Horn of Pondloton to Chicago on a
special train , which will make theiua on
its own schedule in eightj-four hours
Cliailto Loti7 of HU 'Springs , Klamnth
marsh , has a couple of line bear cubs weigh
ing ov or sixty pounds eacn They are j ounir
gilzillcs , but as docile as kittens and full of
Probably the only orange that over grow
and ripened lu Grand Itondo valley In ou
exhibition at a Dalles drug store. The tree
ou which the otango grow Is about eight
uclics in height , and tlio fruit is a little
under the average si/o.
J. S Millikon of Owjheo mnikotcQ atYalo
nelons neighing liftj pounds , seven-pound
) cets and twontj'-pound cabbiges "Owjheo
valley , " savs the Vale Gazette , "against the
world for vegetables "
William Miller of Husjeno has consigned
lis crop of Ib'JJ ' hops to Thomas Unborno of
England. Ho received an advance of 1C
cents per nound. Ho had 1)3 ! ) bales , or nearly
i,000 ( ) pounds
The well known cattle liujcis , Gerber ,
[ Jevnolds and Short ; passed tluough Tulo
ulte section , ICIamatn county , within the
aat ten days with neailj-1,000 head of cattle
eniouto to the lailtoad.
Tlio Pat Donegan ranch , compilsing 4,200
icres , located tweho miles north of Mod-
foid , was sold Iho ether diy for .11,000.
Tifty Polish families fiom-Ivansas and Ne
braska will settle on the tiact.
Major L J ) Toncst of Hugono will ship
about 700 pounds of Oiegon grape loot ,
which ho has had gathei ed , to a Sin i'ran-
cisco firm of mauufacturlng druggists for
medicinal put poses It will go bj team to
Corv allis and by the Oi cgon Pacific.
Foiest HICK In the Hiuo mountains west of
La ( ii.indo aio causing great loss to timber.
A torce of upwards of 100 men has boon cm-
plo\ed for savcial dajs lighting the flames ,
and is having great dilllculty keeping them
a way from the sawmills.
Ciowsato moio numerous in this valley
this , \ear than ever before , and nro already
doing considerable damage to Clio growing
coin ciop , says the Ashland Tidings , 'ten
yeais ugo a ciow wns a i.ire sight la south-
urn Oregon Now the flocks are almost as
luigo as in the old coin states' of llio east.
The estimated output of canneries this
year at Port Townsend is liOO.OOO cases This
Is n0 per cent decrease tioin last H'.ir.
A destructive forest ( lie has bcon raging
for several dnj's past on the promontory
nortli of Hirch bajr , destroying a vast
amount of timber.
Noah Uojer of Walla Walla iccently
hill vested from twelve acies 501) hags of ted
chaff wheat , avciaglng ISIS pounds each ,
over nlnoty eight bushels pnr acre.
The Noi thorn Fituiflu has hi ought In a 105-
ton locomotive to move giain trains tlnousjli
the Pnlouso countrj' Over , r > 00 loaded cars
of last jo.u's are awaiting bJiipimmt
Seigeant Wilson of lompany G , Tort Spo
kane , wont out hunting Ho wns gone about
four hours and killed six latllcsnukos with
rattles as follows10 , 10 , H , 11. 7 unit f >
Cirlo .V Donohiio are having a siwmlll
built , of the most model n pattoin , 10 bo
bloated at Clallnin ba\ . It will have a
i apuilty of 50,000 to 75,000 feet ol lumber par
ilny ,
A inport from Superintendent Patrick of
the Hlewett Gold Mining company's piopcr-
ties in the I'oslmstm distrlot states that iho
mill is i iinnlng steadily and is bundling lift/
tons of ere a day , and that all work is pro-
Blessing satisfactorily.
'When pain nnd nnguish wring the brow ,
A ministering.ingel thou" Hroino-Sellzer
Wovcro the first mnnufncturors on Uils
Continent. Our latest iimirovcmunt Biirpassea
unytlilngrvor before produced , llo .Uk > , & 5o.
Tier tin. Itiidurotolmvo HKAHUKV'S. Ask
tor them spread on' cotton cloth.
Prevention Is better than euro , by biimlnir
those Camilla bad smoUs In Instuncnln , < : losf la ,
&e. urodo4troyedund tliincouUin'lonsdlitista ;
ui'otept uuay ; nUo nsuftd for oxpellinic inos *
ijultos and InilatliiK Intcttfl. I'rlce.iao. each.
Toparlfyslck-roorns , niHirtinenta ,
which In burning , disinfect nnd producfe a
fragrance refre hln * mil hivlKorKtliiif.
bozofiz. SoleMouufMtuiura ,
I'luiriuucoxitloal I
rjpiii vrtnit .
_ SUiJSEIliS !
We fxiro fATAKItll , ml 1 > ISI\ : ( ! ' , * OV
TIIK NOSft , 'I IIIIOAT , Oilier , -ilOM.
111.ODD , SKIN mill KIDM'.y UUensnn ,
I'KviAM : vv i\icsic.isi.s : , i.osr AIAN *
IIUOU CUIIICI ) , anil all Innni l
unU HIICU HHfully ( .miiil Mutlml nuw ami imfulHiif
riti\ i tii.N i nv M.III , a Mi uiiity. !
cil'II.KS I'JSTITLA rjbSHUIJ , iMTiiitntMitly enrol
without iho IIBM nt knlfi ) It ; iturrt oruiiisllo ,
AllmiladliMuf H iirlvuiu nr dullcito n.UUro , of
CltlllTHOX , ! > UHlll > t > f ) tliriMl
U-ill nu nr idilriHS wltli Hi imp for
I'rcu llooli , HuulinH | mil Syniptuni Jll.iMltH ,
Dr Srai'ln ? ft onrlnj IIH N < > uti > intu HI.
Ul otdllti oBdnBi
, a
, oinuiiii , .N U.
Anil otcry Humor of Iliu IllouJ , Hkln.iiml Sculp ,
with lunitof ll.ilr , uliilhcr liiiilo | ,
nciofuliiiin , nUrrnllvn , nr lirnill
lury , Bjiicilll ) , piiiiuiuntl ) , nnil
iiouoiiiluilly mini | ij CIIIKUUA
UlMIHIM , when llio brut plit t | .
( Iin nnil nil oilier mil J leu ( nil ,
( oiniili lo homo tritttnuut for
every Immur Hi.ld c\cr ) whirc.
UITAI I TV-1"1' ' ll"r
VII A I I 1 > 'I I1
I Htnritil Knrvniiu < >
vii ju.11 i .
| t l(1 „ „ , , , uirpU , , y
l.N'DAl'O UiuKr-iitlllmlnolli meily hold\Utliwrit-
i M if u ir inti i ) of euro Simjili'Hi nt fri'o AiMn HH ,
Orient il Medical Uu , t > I'linioulli I'l icii Chic ifO ,
ruucit nv