fTT.Tt ? r A TTT . . CTTMn A V 1M 1COQ..CTY /1T7Q SOCIETY BRlCDTEBfflC UP " * Boptomber Brings a Quickening Beat Alone : th'o Social Lines. TRIUMPH OF AN OMAHA GIRL AS ROSALIND limning Slmlcnln nt Alt * * llurhnr'n Home Writ Known MitilclnnA ( llvn Mr. Mnx atejcr n Dolluhtrul llvenlnir Snr- prlfte * During the \Vnek < Thcro In considerable pleasure In being nblo to chronicle Miss Mabel Baton's suc cess ns Uojnliml last week nt Sylvan Hell , Chicago , notwithstanding that she followed Hose Coghlan , who Is nn Ideal Oanymcdo. Miss Eaton Is nn Omaha girl , born ami bred here , and naturally Omaha's interest Is par- donablo. Ono nt the Chicago papers , speaking of this versatile young woman , said nftcr the performance : "Mlsa Hi ton Is by natuto well adapted to the role of Shakcsi > earo's most charming oomcdy hero- Jno , nnd In the doublet nnd hose of Oany mcdo looks oven moro jittrnctlvo than attired - tired in the gnrn of her own sex. Moreover , she read the lines of the begun youth or the forest better than these of Kosallnd , though throughout she showed that she was not en tirely letter perfect. . She costumes the part Jauntily , has a musical voice and n merry laugh , excellent facial expression , and enacts the character with Intelligence. " I Tlio reception given to Mr. Max Marotzok 1 Tuesday evening in the rooms of Omaha's now Conservr.tory of Music , the fifth Iloor of the city hnll. was Haltering to the vet eran maestro and no doubt that Individual felt that ho had fallen among fnoiiiK Many of the leading people of the metropolis were present to add to the occasion ami Miss Clary qulto deserved nil the kind things said about the happy Inaugural. Iltimt unit NeUiin. Wednesday evening a pretty wedding was Bolcmnlr.cd nt 151M North Twenty-fifth street , the contracting parties being MUs Nelson nnd Mr. George Hurst , Hov. G. J. Powell of Hlllstdo Congregational chhrch olllclnting. The house was neatly decorated , the mar riage l > cliig per/armed In the cast parlor. The brldo was attend"o'dby Mtss Susie" Unit- son , whllo Mr. C. H. Crclghton occupied the position of best man. A pleasing feature of the evening was the playing of tlio Lotto'r Carriers' baud , tlio strings rendering the "I ollengrin" march as the wedding party entered .tho room. Mr. Hurst Is ono of Undo Sa'm'b letter carriers and the depart ment wns largely represented at the wed ding. After the ceremony delicious refresh ments were served by Balduff. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurst will reside nt 2003 Charles strcot. Among the many truest * present were : Mrs. Mathoson , Miss Coflln , Miss BriRgs , Miss Belle Scott , Miss Agglo Scott , Miss Emma Krutllo , Mrs. Preston , Miss McClure , Mrs. I. W. Cooper , Miss Lockwood , Miss Clnuaio Brown , Miss Alllo Foley , Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Davis , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Ed wards , Mr. nnd Mrs. William Owens , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fritz Klenlto , Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Heed , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stafford , Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Casborg , Mr , and Mrs. James Clarlc , Mr. nnd Mra. James Stone , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mnhar , Mr. nnd Mrs. Unrry Gunnes , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurst , Weeping Wntor. Nob. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Benson , Portland , Ore. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Astrom , Chicago ; Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Itowley , South Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams , Delta , Ne'b. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hood , Arapahoe , Nob. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Lingorfclt , Mr. and Mrs. C. A , J. John son , Mr. nnd Mrs. 'John Disbrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Itobinson , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Monroe. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Stino , Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mole , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Cus- cadon , Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Clcnlnns , Mr. nnd Mrs. Will EHckson , Mr. and Mrs " Charles Grow , Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul "Myers , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Conoran , Miss Jennie Flanmgan , Miss Minnlo Olson , Mrs. Olson , Miss SUsits Hanson , Miss Mamie Donovan , Miss Mamio > Moars. Miss Muse Mcadimbcr , Miss McShnno , Miss Emma Schunlck , Miss Ida Schunick , Miss Lizzie Schunielc ; Mr , uml Mrs. Harry Eahler , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eeokcr , Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burkot , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Tillltson. Mr. and Mrs.a. . II. Tobulns , Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Croft , Mr nnd Mrs. Ed Bowles , Mr. and Mrs. James Cook , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Tracy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Kichard "Phoo nix , Mr. nnd Mrs. C.V. . Kaltlor , , Alr. nnd Mrs. Phil Tobblns , Mr. and Mrs. Hu sull Mr. nnd Mrs. AI Lighfoot. Mr. and Mrs. P M. Mullen , Mr ? and Mrs. II. A. Proctor , Mr and Mrs. John Heed , Mr. am Mrs. James Haley , Mrs. Schunlck Mr. Charles Basslor , Mr George KioffnQi Mr. George Ahmnnson , Mr. E. L. Hoag. Mr C. H. Croighton , Mr. Ed Kelley , Mr. Wil f Tro\v , Mr. A. P. Beunott , Mr. Tom Dwyer Mr. M. Coffee , Mr. Locke Ewers , Mr. Franl 1 Fogartv , Mr. Charles Newton , Mr. Cllffon ( Daniels , Mr. William Bowman , Mr. Charles illehards , Mr. William Brown , Mr. J. P O'Connor ' , Mr. George O. Anderson , Mr Louis Mou..Mr. Frank Bo.vor. Mr. C. II Westordahl , Mr. Simeon CUrmcllo , Mr. Law ronco Prulx , Mr. Charles Wildennan. Mr Charles Willie , Mr. Thomas Barrott , Mr Andrew Siwrol , Mr. J. J. Hilcy. Mr. Thomas Doud , Mr. Albert Koth , Mr. Charles Sl wart , Mr. Buck. Well Kiiimn AlualcliiiiH Moot .Socially. r jiuuiiimi 11IU3IU.UU KlvCu at Mr. Max Meyer's residence , Twenty-fourth and Harnoy streets. Thursday night , was ono of the pleasant events of a rather dull week socially. Mr. is Mayor a conucntal host , and ns his house is particularly suited for Just such functions , naturally the guests who "happened In" were charmed with every thing. Omaha's leading musicians wore present , and as the program was naturally impromptu the ovcnlnsr was ul ) the moro onjovahlo on that account. Mrs. Hess Fucha played brilliantly , whllo Mr. Max Marotzek , Sig. Fusco , Herr Uahm , Dr , Kohnstamm and Dr. Hoffman also touched thu keys of the beautiful piano. Miss Scott , a prettv young woman nud n guitarist of ability , quite caught the guests by her tints technique. ' Prof. Brett' gave a violin selection or two , Mrs. Moollor was In magnificent voice and aang well. Mr. Adolph Meyer also con tributed to the pleasure by . a f.onif , Dr. Hoffman whistled a bar or two , whllo Mr. I. Hoffman , who has a ilno baritone voice , was heard to rdvantago. Then the phonograph was pressed Into service and the songs sung Into the funnel by John Hcnshaw and other clever people who have been guests of Mr. Meyer were reproduced , Among the guests present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. HOSB Fuchs , Mr. Max Marutzok , Slg. Fuaco , Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.ihu , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyer , Mr. nnd Mrs. Morltz Moycr , Mr. nnd Mrs : Baring , Msn ! Scott , MUs Amy Leslie of "A Turkish Bath" company , Mr , and Mrs. Hohfeld , Mr nnd Mrs. Grueiilnger , Miss Goldsmith , Miss Bollc Goldsmith , Mrs. Moellor. Mr , Brett Mr. Gahrn. Dr. ICohnatamm , Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman , Julius Mover. Dr. Leo FranUliu , Mr. I. Hoffman , Mr. Snydcr , 1'reUjr Weilillncr on Huutli Tenth Htrcnt The residence of Mr. ' Mark Hansen , 2400 South Tenth street , was the scene of a pleasant affair Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock , the occasion being the marriage of MUs Angellnu Hiuiscn to Mr. John L Neblo , Uov. A. J. Turkic ofUcliitlng , Shortly after the ceremonies tlio newly wedded couple left on n wedding tour to Chicago nnd a visit to the World's fair , Afior September 15 they will ho at homo at 'J-IDJ South Ninth strcot. Amoni ; thu ( uosts prcsentworo : Huv. and Mm. Dohurty , Mr. and Airs. Itnbort Pat rick , Mr. nud Mrs. H. ftublu. Miss Anna Nelson , Mm. Wild , Miss Marion Schlbsly , Mr , Julian Jautzcn , Miss 1. Jautzon , Miss M. Frcdrlckcun. Columbia , i < lull Diinor. The Columbian club pave iti first party of the season Monday evening at Pat terson's hall , Seventeenth and Fanmm utrcots. The hall was bountifully decorated with flags , buutlug nnd portraits , of Colum bus. bus.Thuro Thuro were present ; Misses Inez Arnold , FollU , Ella Kirlter. Mumlu Uurko , Muse Meudluibcr. Lizzie Gurko. Daisy Klrod , Katie Hush , Magglu Kennedy , Annie Kennedy , ICutlo Council , Clytio Blanchnrd , Qracu Waterman , Grace Blanchard - ard , Jennie Stltt , MInu Ionian , . Viola Bur- KUSS , Huttlo Edbolm , Brown , Pearl Drldon- beckcr , Euiuia IJocheford , Jc lo Pickering , Fltrpntrlck , Anna /InypJ , Mls i HoiUon , Mrs , Hlco , ninnloSchloritoln.JonnloSohlor' teln , Miss ( Jelst of Council Bluffs ; Messrs. Hnber , Gupslo , McConnell , Klein , lurdlek , Anderson. Garsku. Elrod , Hayes , Brown , Beaten , Lund , Drlscoll , Forgan , Nelson , Henderson , Bninncr , Hochbford , Bohnnnon , Miller , Klrb.v , Pusbart , Hlco , Stoddnrd , Fos ter , Covcrdnll , Master Charles Allen bf Cal- ' oun , Ourko , Turpln , Stryker , Kennedy , Vcsterdahl. , Oinnlm'ii HvprmriitutlTrA Abronil. Already the boys nnd girls of Omaha where ro enjoying student llfo throughout the ast are beginning to got ready for the nniml exodus that will soon begin. Today , numbeu. of the boys will leave for their Una maters , stopping nt the fair cnrouto , ind will bo followed during the wcok by nhers , who , after n jolly summer , will begin heir school duties. Among the many who will go from Omaha his year to attend the several colleges nnd cmltinrlcs , the following nro recalled : rit. Mary's. Knoxvllle , 111. Mny Smith. Ogcntz. Philadelphia Jcsslo Dickinson. Miss Ely's , Now York Cltv Mary Buck. Clifton Hill , Cincinnati , O. Laura Gush- ng. Miss Graham's , Now YorkHolcn Hoag- and. and.Miss Miss Peebles , Now York , N Y. Georgia Lindsay. St. Paul's , Concord , N. Y. Ezra Mlllard , Trod Lake. . Vassar College , Poiighkcopslo , N. Y. lulla Swartz. University of Chicago , Chicago , 111. J. Scott Brown. Cornell University , Ithaca , N. Y. Charles . Hosowater. Ohio Wcsloyan University , Delaware , O. Fred S. Navo. Lake Erie Seminary , Paynosvlllo , O. Louise Squires. University of the South , Swnnco , Tenn. Jlmrlen Gardiner. The Hollldaysburg School , Hollidnysburg , Pa. Sadlo Uaum. Kenippr Hall , D.wcnoorl , la. Alfred Barker , Ed Balch. St. Catherine's. Uavonport , la. Loulo Drake. Alice Drake. Poitford School , Ponford , Conn. Gertrude Kountzc , Edna Cowln. Nebraska University , Lincoln , Nob. Arthur Montmorcncy. Pennsylvania Military Academy , Gettys burg , Pa. John Kuhns. Mra. Plait's , Uticn. N. Y. May Morse , Florence " Morse , Mao Mount. . ' New' York Law School , New York , N. Y. Herbert Rogers , Morris Bcall. Academy of the Sacred Ileixrt , Manhattan- vlllo , L. I. Mary Nash , Adeline Nash. "Dartmouth College , Hanover. N. H. Frank Ficldf , Gilmore Price , ; IrwinKead. , , Yale College , Now Hnven , Conn. Fred Hustin.WillCowln , Herman Kountze , Luther Kountze. Wlllliims College , Wilhamstown , Mass. Henry Clarke , Uussoll Wilbur , 'Allan Marsh , Jav Brown. . Boston School of Technology , Boston , Mass. Henry Osgood , Theodora Osgood , Harry Holdrego. Shattuck Military Institute , Faribault , Minn. Ed Swobo , Dwlght Swobo , George Easson , Bert Raymond. Hussell Burt. University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Pa. A. K. Detwilcr , W. D. Osgood- George Dandy , John Nelson , Edward Bradley. Unlvprr.ity of Michigan , Ann Arbor , Mich. Edgar Morsman , Thomas Battln , Charles Thomas , Leroy Cruinmer , Frank Griflln. Lascll Seminary , Auburndalo , Mass. Alice Andreescii , Lillie Tukoy , Grace Allan , Mattie Stone , Mabel Taylor , Ura Kcllcy. Harvard University , Cambridge , Mass. Edwin T. Stlgcr , ICenney Billings , Oscar Quick , John W. Battln , Arthur Carter , Car roll M. Carter. Princeton College , Princeton , N. J. Will Rogers , Larimoro Denise , Paul Ludington , Thomas Creigh , George McCaguo , Harry Akin , Joseph Polcar. Phillips Andover Academy , Andover , Mass. Floyd Smith , Dell Smith , Nelson Mercer , Sam Caldwcll , Jay Boyd , Jlmmlo Wallace , Charley Brown. A Charming ; Mualonlo. Miss Amy Barker entertained a tew of her friends very informally last Thursday evening with a delightful impromptu mu- sicillo. The program , though short , was a very enjoyable ono. Miss Webster played ex quisitely ono of Grieg's most beautiful com positions. Miss Palmer then sang , after which fol lowed , a violin solo by Miss D.irlone Coo , who was accompanied by Miss Amy Barker. Her selection was well rendered and was ro- cplvcd with a round of applause. Miss Jentio Yates sang "Yon" very sweetly. Miss Coo , for a second number , played ono of Chopin's nocturnes , and was accompanied effectively by Miss Morley. Miss Amy Barker then sang Shelley's beautiful bal lad called "Love's Sorrow. " The feature of the evening , however , was the playing of the college boys , who brought their instruments and charmed their lis- toners witli u number of well known mclo- dies , the favorites of which were "Tho High School Cadet" and "Washington Post Marches. " The program was concluded by n quartet of male voices , consisting of Messrs. Uyinau and Rogers. . The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Among these present were : Mr. and Mrs. Newton Barknlow , Miss Palmer , Miss jon- tie Yates. Miss Kountzo , Miss Gdrtrudo Kountzo , Miss Leila Carter , Misses Anna and Helen Millard , Miss Webster , Miss Coe , Miss Hartmnn , Miss Morley ; Messrs. Will and Herbert Rogers , Harry Lyman , Rich ardson , Battln , Charles. Augustus and Luther Kountzo. Dancing ; llcgliid Onoo Jtforo. The dancing season was inaugurated at Lyceum ball Wednesday evening by a party given by the "Jolly Four. " These present last Wednesday evening wpror Messrs. and Mesdames Ltttlcllold , Kclpln , Wacolc , Piokott. Brubcckcr , Caf- fcrty ; Misses Winoy , Updyko , Swondby , Clark , Tletz. Uussell , Askwith , Hoddcr. Noo- lan , Husscll , Swondby , Page , Keller , Buttorlleld , Hanson , Graves , Smith , Young. Olive , Heynolds , Craig , Sweden , Aumuck , Latsch , Brubccker , Hines ; Messrs. Pago. Thomson , Burnham , Thomsou , Proo- tor , Allison , Pace , Klmiiiel , Klnne.v , Hoy- nolds , Michael , Bigelow , Craig , Perkins , Moss. Tucker , Thiesscn , Atkinson , Koss , ' Gould' , Newton , Meredith , Donahuo , Hux- liold , Gould Timiner. Lester , McCandless , Boomer , Hendrlx , Coleman , Fox. A Monday \Vuililniif. At the Seward Strcot ctiurch Monday nt 10:30 : o'clock , before a host of friends nnd acquaintances J , M. Jackson and Evelyn D. Jordan were united In marriage , the pastor , D. K. Tyndnll , onloiatliig. Mr. J. U. Jackson , brother to the groom , acted as best man nnd Miss L. Alice Jotdan , sister of the brldo , as maid of honor. After the ceremony a recap tion was held , attended by the following : Mr. and Mrs. D. 1C. Tyndall , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoffman , Mr , nnd Mrs. G. W. King , Mr. nnd Mra. C. H. Wilson , Mr. and Mrs , U. Jordan , Airs. Stella Wilson , Mrs. D. Myers , Blair. Nob. j Carrlo Nlckell , Itoso E.Nickoll. Nellie Tyn- dull , L , Alice Jordan , Hattlo Potrio , Anna CarUon , Laurence Hoffman , J. 11. Jackson , St. Louis , Mo. ; O. W , Auchmoody , George W. Plainer , Iliirillu .Suiprlnml. A pleasant surprise party was given fn honor of Miss IIattlollardin Friday evening at the rcsldonco of her mother , 837 South Twenty-third street , on the occasion of her 13th birthday , The evening was pleasantly spent in games , music , etc. , after which re- freshmen ts were serveo . There were prenpiu : Misses HalHo Hardln. Thurma Luinbeou , May Hotter , Louise Holler , Marie Vom Weg , Mirhic Hurt , Rose Mcyor , Lillian Hollnmu , Laura Levy , Ida Levy , Minnie Hulrarod , Fanny Hoimrod , Emma David , Edna Dun can , Anna Qulnlan , Henrietta Hies , tluttlo Guuther. JulU Lang , Laura Knrbach , Han- chcn Rchfcld ; Messrs. Bart Smith , John Robertson , Ed Wlttlg , Curl Lang , Charles Llpfken. LeoSoliirsohn , Hardin , Beau , Willlo Wittlg , Samuel Rocs , lien Butts. Oprrator * ut Coiirtlnnil llnucli , Thursday evening the ladies connected with the operating room of the Western Union nnd their eentlemon friends visited Courtland beach under thu chnpcronago of Mr. and Mra. W. W. Umsted. Tl\o \ beach iimnagemcnt was assiduous in its atten tion upon the fair young operators and their escorts , and thu evening wast one of thorough enjoyment. There were In the party : Misses Daisy McElroy , Hesalo MoElroy , Lltzlo Urquhart , Molllo Ouruuby , Surult Curuaby , M. P. Doyle , A. Doyle , Kntlo Nlcklan , Mamlo Shanon , Mngglo Beck , Mnfy Beck ; Messrs. W. Salisbury , O. W. Merrill , Jr. , F. B. Sanders , ,1. B. Kennedy , Clarence Furay , Frank Furay , A. J. Smith , J. P. Me Grnth , li H. White , William Kohlor , Charles Doyle. .MoTulgnti nnil I'jfTer , Ono of the prettiest homo weddings over seen In this city was thnt which took place last Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Hayward , 4227 IJurdotto strcot , when their nolco , Miss ICato Pyftcr , was united in marriaqo to Mr. K. A. McTwIgan of Missouri Valley , In. . 1lov. Irving Johnson of St. Andrews Eoiscopal church being the officiating clergyman. The bride , who Is not only a very . but most charming young lady , was beaut fully gowned in cream satin , on tralno , nnd carried n magnificent boquot of roses to match. The bridesmaid , Miss Louise Gran- den , nnd the four maids of honor , the Misses ICato Durkeo , Francis Lavlugo , Esslo Becmor , Mamlo Card , being drc sed in white. The house was most tastefully decorated with palms , rosus nnd smllax. The brldnl party entered the parlors to the strains of the wedding march from "Lohen grin , " and during the ceremony stood beneath an immense bell of. roses suspended from the ceiling In front of the altar , draped in white which had been erected for the occasion. ; Following the fTchiony , the brlilG and bj-ldegrOoui hold a * reception and a most rochercbo wedding supper was served by Dalzcll. TUO high estimation In which the bride is held by her frleiuls was fully demonstrated bytho'mnify and costly wedding presents she received , Mr. and Mrs. MoTwigan will open tholr honeymoon by taking In the sights of ths World's ' fair and will bo at homo in Missouri Valley , October 1. Among those present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. McTwIgan. Arty McTwIgan , Mrs. W. H. O'Ncil , Mrs. Berry. Miss Aggie Gcorco , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. George of Missouri Valley - ley , Mr , and Airs. Berry , Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Council Bluffs , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Taylor , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Durkeo , Mr. and Mrs. F. Jfroom , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Cragcr , Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Crager , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cragcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C , Crocker , Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Carter , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ICuor , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Callahan - han , Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kidder , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lathrop. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. F. Burgess , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Lavidgo , Mr. and Mrs. J. Key- nard , Mr. and Mrs. M. Grpgg , Mr , and Mrs. J. Bishop. Mr.'and Mrs. G. Lewis , Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Thornton , Mr. nnd .Mr * . K. U. Strong , Mr.arid Mrs. E. Schbonovcr ; Mesdames Durkeo'C. L. Erickson , Bcomor , Allen Brown-8. A. ICnapp-H. H. Baldwin , A , Heed , U. Yule : Misses Knto Durkeo , " Essio Boomer , Mamto and Abblo Gnrd , Francis Lavidgo , Jcnnlo Gregg7Hnttio nnd Selina Eponetor , Edith Burgess , Louise Grandcn , Miss Keeco , Mr. James Wise , John E. Cragcr , A. Hoed , Hov. Irving Johnson. rinytul lllcli FITC. A number of friends enjoyed n rriost de lightful evening at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Melllsh , 1020 Burt street , Friday evening. About 10 o'clock refreshments were served and progressive high five was played during the ovening. These present were : Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker , Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Patten , Mr. nnd Mrs. Kathburn , Mr. and Mrs. Gates , Mr. and Mrs. VVooloy , Mr. and Mrs. Felkncr , Miss Claud and Dora McKay , Miss Addle and Lulu Watt , Miss Pcnucman , Miss Lena Leeder , Miss 'Ida Thacher , Miss Minnie Oglesby , Mr. W. Leedor , Mr. W. Brown , .Mr. Mathews , Mr. W. Thacher , Dr. Carrikor and Mr. Davis. Uutes mill Alnrtln. Ernest R. Gates of Ladora , la. , and Miss Myrta Martin were married Tuesday , Sep tember 5 , at the residence of the bride's par ents , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Martin , 2419 Temploton avenue , Rov. J. M. Patterson , of the First Presbyterian church ofllciatlng. Among these present were' : Mr. Harry York of Ladora , la. , and Miss Maud Toft of Denver , Miss Ella C. nnd Hannah E. Gruenig of Omaha. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Gates loft for CM sago and the World's fair , and will bo at homo after October 1. at Ladora , la. , where Mr. Gates Is engaged in business. . SoptomUnr Social Do I tics. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Fell leave for the fair today. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow have gene to Chicago. Nelson Mercer returns to Andover uni versity today. Miss Sadlo Baum leaves Tuesday for Hollidaysburg , Pa. Mrs. Martin Cahn has returned from a summer in Chicago. Dr. Ludington nnd his son Paul leave for the cast this weak. Harry Akin returns to Princeton today , stopping at the fair cnrouto. Mrs. E I. Vaill nnd Miss E. D. Vaill have returned from tho.World's fair. Mrs. Alfred J. Lunt has returned , from a ten weeks visit at Haclno. Wls. J. D. Humphrey of St. Paul is in the city on business and pleasure combined. Mr. Ed Gygor and Miss Gvgor loft last night via iho Milwaukee for Chicago , _ M1 am' ' rs.W. . . A. Page leave today for Chicago for a two weeks visit at the fair. J. L. Woolson has severed his connection with the Omaha bar and has located la Don- ver. ver.Air. Air. nnd Airs. A. E. ICImball nro rejoicing over the birth of a daughter Sunday morn- intr. intr.AIiss AIiss Jessie Dickinson loaves Thursday for Ogontz , Philadelphia , where she will enter school. AIiss Clara B. Duvalof Atlantic , la. . Is the cuest of Airs. J. E. Click , Soil Farnam street. James B. Aloiklo Is in Chicago in attend- inco at tho'fnlr. Ho returns via points In Indiana. Judge Walton has Just returned from a iralrlo chicken shooting trip out In western Nebraska. Airs. John Horbach and her granddaugh ter , Sara Burke , loft yesterday for the White City. Airs. E. C. McShano and daughters loft Wednesday evening for Chicago , to bo gone until October 1 , Air , Charles Rosewater loaves today to resume his course ut Cornell after a short visit to the fair. Judge Dufllo loft yesterday for the fair , and will return September 17 , in readiness to open court the 18th. , Air. Victor Ilosowator goes to Chicago today to attend the sessions of the Anfuri- can Economic association. Air. nnd Airs , Newton Barkalow nnd Car roll Carter returned Wednesday from an ex tended tour of thu Pacific coast. Ilcman L. Day , assistant county attorney , has returned from a visit to the World's fair , and at his homo In Dceriluld , O. Gustav Leopold Jochrlnger , a solo 'collolst of great ability , has coma to Omaha and accepted a position with the Musical union. AIUs Daisy Tuttle , ono of Lincoln's promi nent young singers , is the guest of her friend , Airs. H. L. Laird , 3718 Jackson street Airs. W. D. Percival and the boys re turned from Chicago nnd lown last evening , where they have been spending1 the summer with relatives. Albyn L. Frank , the assistant of the clerk of the United States circuit court , loft Wednesday afternoon with his family tor the World's fair. Allss Jcsslo Sturgfs , who has been visiting Mrs. Charles A , Duan thu past two months , loft for her homo In Cleveland , O , , Wednes day afternoon. Airs. J , E. HOUBO , accompanied by her daughter , Allss Alllfrcd , left Thursday for Chicago. Their address whllo thuro will bo Hotel Omaha. Charles J. Grocno of the Omaha bar was elected Ilrst vlco president of the American Bar association at its annual meeting in Milwaukee last week. AIUs Sadlo Bean , who for the past flvo weeks has bcou visiting relatives In St. Joe , Mo. , will return home this evening to re sume her studies and music. Airs. S. S. Curtis loft on Monday for Now York , and aftur visiting her mother there return * to Chicago , whuro &ho meets Mr. Curtis and Allss Lynn Curtis. Colonel Theodore S. S. Baker , chief in specter of the department of water and gai of Philadelphia , is the guest of Air. aud Airs. W , P. Davis of Clifton Hill. Th great society event of Friday at New * port , R. I. , was the flnalo in the ladles' lawn tennis tournament. 'I he contestants were Airs. John Jacob Astor , the favorite-by- odd * , and Miss Tnlloj , fstr of Mr. T. Suf- form Tailor of coaotfYyt fnmo , MUs Taller won. > "i. Miss Lynn Curtli , who hni boon visiting at "Hound Hill , " Mount Vernon , O. , is now the guest of Mr.rs.r E < Sparrow , ( Opal Touwlln ) , nt Fort NMrnN. ( , Y , Mrs , J. K. JennlujM * ( n so Anna Gels ) ot Boone , In , , Is Tinting friend * nnd old asso ciates nnd Is the guest at 1110 North Eighteenth strcot dTJWhg her stay. Mra. Caldwcll , MrTSUm CAldwell and Mrs. Miller loft for the cast last Thursday , where they will spend tliowlntor. Younn Mr. Caldwcll will fontirmoTlfls studios nt Ynlo. Edxvnrd J. CallahMif frhoiooratorical abil ity won him the gold modal nt St. Ambrose college last Juno , will enter upon his collo- glato course nt Notrp.Daino , Ind. . Sept. 12. Mrs. Martha Hotlr 'has returned from n visit ot several months In the south nnd for the present is withMisr daughter , Mrs. W. H. Vnlllnt ni2 North Thirty-eighth strcot. Mrs. Parrott of Cornwall-on-tho-Hudson , accompanied by her son , Air. AI. K. IMrrott. have cotno to Omaha to make this her homo nnd Is the guest of her slstor , Airs. C. K. Coutnnt. Miss Clara Lamb the , 5-ycar-old daughter of Air. William" Lamb , 2013South Nineteenth street , cqlobnUixl her blr.thda.V yesterday by1 inviting twonty-llvo llttlo friends to jolij her In merry making. t t < "Tram ! , " 'said to bo av'vory ' hrlcht one-act comedy , written by Miss El io Itoborlson , was given a hearing Friday evening at the residence or Mr. and AJrs Dlckson under the direction of the author. ' Many Omaha people Will bo interested lo cam of the marrlagoof Airs. Thomas H. Moffat and Mr. B. Holbrook Saturday last in Chicago nt thojrcsldocco of Mrs. Moffnt's sister , Airs. Sidney Date , 817 Washington boulevard. , f Dr. A. F. Wright , who for many years re sided In Omaha , nnd who still has a wnrm spot In his heart for friends of long ngo , Is In the city accompanied by his wife cnrouto to their homo in Santa Kosa , Gal. They are the guests of Dr. .A. W. Nason. , Mr. and Airs. John AI. Tanner nro Jubilant over the birth of n son yesterday. There is a pleasing coincidence in relation to the ndvcut ot this son , Air. Tanner having boon married on the same day as President Cleveland - land and Hko the latter , was presented with ii child on the same day. AIiss Weaver nnd her guest , Allss Slaughter - tor , were the recipients of n line compliment on Monday evening , In n delightful serenade by Prof. Sutorlus and his ontlro mandolin club , They ' were invited In nnd partook of refrcsh'mbntsV of tor'which tho" evening was socially spent , and sovbrhl pieces discoursed by. the .professor nnd i his club , with vocal and instrumental music by Air ; Burkloy , Air. Weir , Air. Thomas , . Aliss Slaughter rtnd Allss Weaver. Alondny evening n very delightful farewell party was given nt the I residence of Air. and Airs. B. E. Davis In honor o { Allss Alinnio Saunders previous to her departure for Dayton , Wash. Thosetpresent wore : AIlssos Lena Alangum , Carrie ICrumiuo , Nova nnd Aland Shophard , Winnie Foster , Ada God- dnrd , Carrie Collins nnd Messrs. Charles Ferguson. Alorgan Potts , J. Al. Davis and Ernest Coons. Air. E. A. Bray of Omaha and Niss Lulu Miller of Beatrice were married last wcok , Rev. J. W. Stewart ofllciating. After the ceremony the newly married couple took the 1:80 : Burlington train for Pawnee City , where they will visit , for a few days with relatives before going , onitho- wedding tour , which will take in Lincoln , Omaha. Hot Springs , S. D. . and Yellowstone park. On their return they will bp at homo to their friends nt 111 S6 < rth'JlJEightoenth street , , Omaha. AIUs J. Adler gavq'a pheasant social enter tainment to her frtbndV at her residence , 2020 Dodge street"nVeynesdny"evening , a .delightful . program-being arranged for tho- occasion. Selections wore rendered on .tho , mandolin and pianobyirAIossrs , Danks"and ' Rosouthallfonowln'c'wJth n vocal , solo by AUss Brlggs , tljo oyoning terminating- with dances. These p'riJsofat wci'6" : Misses F. . 'AdIerM. ' Adler , O.'BecUer , , J. Newman , B. Goldsmith. W. Brlggs and Messrs. A. Banks , ItosonthalvHrtft , m-iIj.v Becker , D. Degon aud Alorritt. * ' rU Frank Dodson. residing .at 1821' Farnam. street , celebrated li'ls'-iSth birthday last Fri day night" and was assisted 'in" ' 'thoiaudabld : bnterprlsd-byAlr. h'd'AIrs ' : & O. iPearson , Mr. and' Mrs ? 'ChhrresOtt.irMr. : . and Mrs. .William Straub , Aliss Wainnght , AIiss Whitesido. Alessrs- 'liimo'r" Johnson , Peter Peterson , Peter Berg and Colonel C. Johnson - son Air. Dodson wosjjtho recipient of a number nf costly-presents and in return ho treated his guests to an elegant cham pagne supper. The carpets in the parlor were spread with cnuvaa.rand dancinc was ono of the ploasaut'foatur'cs bf the evening. . - AIiss Mason's dressmaking classes will 1 begin September 15 at 2227 JJodgo street. Bickotts aft. and ovo. at Courtlaud. AtiU DRA.aiA.XW. Two daughters of John A. McCaull have Joined the Mason-Manola company. Mmo. Camilla Urso. the famous American jVloliniste , has arrived at Brussels , Belgium. Farce comedies are no longer a fad. There will not bo half as many of them on the road this season as last. In his now play , "Brother John , " W. H. Crnno has tho. . role of a hat maker In a little Connecticut village. The comic opera girl without a diamond bedecked garter on her loft limb cannot hope to attain success in these days. Bottlnu Gerard , neo Bottlna Ordway , a daughter of General Ordway of Washington , will star in a now comedy-written especially for hor. Minnie Ilauk will bo in America again next autumn , having accepted n number of concert and festival engagements in different cities of the union. Katharine Clommons , who has lately been in the Wild West show- to come forward this year as a "distinguished young English actress" Inn play called "A Lady of Venice. " The music hnll business continues to increase - crease and prosper in London , The latest theater to surrender Itself to variety Is the nld Olympic , which , in its long existence , has experienced ' almost every oxtromo..of fortun'o. The Theater Francaiso has boon nctlnc at Bordeaux to small nnd unprofltaole audi ences , which , in the fuco of its recant fail ure In London , renders the French National company anything but a money making in stitution for the present season , Unreason ably high prices for seats pave worked the disaster. The work on the now building of the Paris Opera Comlquo will bo begun next Decem ber. Thu contractor who is reconstructing the house on the old site will guarantee to have the building completed before October , lb',15. The now place will seat 1,500 spec tators nnd cost $700,000. William Morrison , the loading man of Charles Frohmnn's , ' stock company , now plnylng In . "Tho Gt.1 \ \ Left Behind Mo , " will resign from thatqrbinl/atlon next May , Ho will then go to.IiJuToho nnd In September , 181M , ho will io outliftno head of n company of his own. Mr. A/Qrrjson / began his career on the stage at the BJston museum in 1870. SInce then ho has'plHVUcl roles ranging from comic- opera to Stmrfc3ifcurcau | tragedy. For 40 years Cook's ' * faxtra Dry Imperial Chumpaffiio has stood tlio test for purity and its delicious boquuttriov. . , ' > r'Jr Lust acts of ttftoijckotta today at Courtlund beaolibfiti , } aft. and ovo. " Marriage In Abyssinia is a moro temoorary arrangement , and It appears thut a priest's aid is rarely called inil n AMONG THE SCANDINAVIANS Events of the Week In Danish , Norwogiftn and Swedish Circles , A PLAY PRESENTED BY HOME TALENT Rnicrtnlnmrnt nt Wnshlngtun Hull Worila of frame tor The Una Among Hrnmll * imTlnni ItonM ot Oeti rnl Inter- rt lor ori ( U find ( losilp. Last Saturday evening the Danish Dra- matlo club , Dagmar , opened the season at I Washington hall with Erick Boylos' gay I fnivo comedy , "A Foolish Girl. " The nudl- ! i cnco seemed to bo much pleased with the performance. The ncttng.amt especially the singing , wa good , and the stage setting very tastefully done with the 'somewhat limited means. After thu play was over the Omaha Glco club chtartalncd'lhe nudlenco with some very line guitar muslo nnd and then the hnll wns cleared of the chairs , refreshments sen-oil and soon nftcr the ball commenced. The next Danish ulay lo bo given at Washington' hnll will bo thu "Count of Monte .Chrlslo . , " with the noted actor , AhvSeholl , as'tlio count. , TKo Danish association Dancbo of Coun-i ell Bluffs has started n debating society for < the purpose of developing the art of extern- jx > ranoous sponkiug nmong its members. The ilrst problem to bp discussed will bo the . "Hlghts of Women. " The association Danobo belongs to the United Danish asso ciations that have local societies in every largo Danish settlement , and a membership of over 3,000 people. Air. Jens Nelson Is president of the Council Bluffs association , Air. Ole Hansen secretary , Air. Ole Kasmuv sen treasurer. The society has nearly ninety members nnd was founded in 1878 , on the initiatlva of the late Theodore Lund. The association is located on the corner of Broadway nnd Pearl street , where a meet ing is being hold every Alonday. Danobo has a line assembly hnll and a largo library of Danish literature. Air. Ole Hasmusson has been sent as a delegate from the Council Bluffs society to the convention of thu United Danish associations that is now being held InHacino.Wls. Air. Andrew Hanson of Council Bluffs mot with a serious accident not long ago. Ho was driving atfull speed whan his horse got entangled ' to the harnessbecame , frightened and started to run. Air. Hanson tried to stop the frlgntoncd animal , but all his efforts were In vain , and fearing to bo smashed against a telephone post ho juicpod out of the carriage. In falling on the pave ment ho fractured his hip severely and broke ono leg. Allss Anna Dyborg last week entertained a largo surprise party of twenty-five young ladies , all employes with llaydca Bros , , at her homo , 850 South Nineteenth strcot. The young ladles enjoyed a very good tiino at Air. Dyberg's hospitable house and amused themselves wth | playing and sing ing.Air. Air. Andrew Ilasmussen of Council Bluffs , intends in the near future to start a largo blacksmith shop on Main strcot in that city. The world-famed Norwegian author and politician ' , BJornstjorno Bjornton. is talking about'starting out on a lecture trip through the United States , and if ho realizes bis plan will also visit Omaha. . Air. John Nobble , secretary of the Danish ' Plonoor , wa's married last Alonday to AIiss Angelica Hansen , youngest daughter of Alark Hansen. The wadding took place at the bride's homo , where her parents celebrated - brated their twenty-seventh wedding day at the same timo. Thoyoiing peopio departed the same evening for Chicago , where they will spend the honeymoon and take In thu fair. An enjoyable cntertaliimont was given at the Swedish Methodist church last Satur day evening. . In the last .Issue of the Danish Pioneer the Scandinavian news in TUB SUNDAY BEE was mentioned and THE BKE recommended to all English reading Scandinavians as the only Omaha paper that keeps a weekly record ol local Scandinavian events and doings. , A ' fire that startedi on the roof of Holln , Tno'mson & Co.'s building at 1012 Furnutn strcot last weak came very near damaging tbo printing offlco of Svonska' Journalon Tribunon that Is situated in that building , but by the efforts of the firemen the biazo [ Was extuigulsncd before the ilamos reached tbo printing oftice , where large quantities of paper was stored. Mr. George Soroason , the Danish florist nt Florence , has u largo exhibition of flowers at tbo county fair. Air. Sorensen received last year the Ilrst prize at the fair for fine poul try. try.Thcodoro Linneman , ono of the oldest Scandinavian settlers in Dodge county , No brasku. who was living near Snvdor , was found dead last wcok out in a Held on his farm. The cause of death was the bursting of a blood vessel Jin his brain. The harvest meeting of the Swedish No brnska conference was held last week in Wnusa , Knox county. The service vi opened by Uov. F. N. Swanborg. Air. George Peterson from Minneapolis is visltlnphls old friends nero In town. He intends to stay a few days in Omaha and will then return to his homo. A. C. Larson , who was found dead on Hickory struot last week , was a well known Dune and a member of the Danish associa tion. tion.Air. Air. Carl Gustaf Bomanson , the Swedish journalist , who formerly llvtd hero in of "Aurora's Papa , " has recently left Chicago and no news can bo had us to his present whereabouts. The Danish association ol this city will give an entertainment in Uusor's park Sun day , September 17. There will bo grout prize shooting. The Danish Athlotio club will give an exhibition of Scandinavian gymnastics. The Danish corporal , Mellor , from Fort Omaha , who used to bo employed as first clerk at the adjutant's ofllcc. is now serving in the War department at Washington. News has boon received from Chicago that the Danish traveler nnd journalist , Henry Gudmo , of whom nothing had been heard since he left. Council Bluffs in June , has been soon at thu World's fair. A Scandi navian reporter interviewed him and Gudmo told him that ho had Just arrived from a very adventurous trip on foot through Iowa and Illinois and that bo intended to start for Now York next week nnd would walk all the way from Chicago. Ills health was very much improved and ho preferred the frco rumbling around in the country to thu monotonous ride in a Pullman car. It Puyii to Wrltn Omul J'liiyn. It Is announced that Brouson Howard realized nearly $100,000 from his royalties on "Shonandoah , " and that his pro tits on "Aris tocracy" will reach a very largo figure. "Tho Henrietta" was not so profitable to him as to Kobson and Cr.uio , as Mr. Howard sola that play outright. It takes llroiison Howard two years to wrlto a dramabut , ho certainly cannot complain that ho is poorly paid. Ono of the great secrets of ( loward's success is that his pluvs are all distinctively American dealing with Iivo American tonics. In "Aristocracy" ho hand lea the so-called best society of this country and Kuropo without gloves , although If his typos of the foreign aristocracy nru true , it would bo hotter if one handled them with gloves. "Aristoc racy" will bo presented at Boyd's Monday night , September is , with the original scen ery , etc. , as used nt Palmer's theater. Now York , arid a cast Including Maurice Barry- more. Frederic Bond , William Favorsham , S. Miller Kent , Nell Warner , John H , Browne , J. C. BucKstono , Bruce McKca , Blanche Walsh , Mary Hampton , Helen Tracy and Maud White. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE I The Mormon T.ibornseln choir's trip' across the country hm been n sort of triumphal march , In company with 1W ) other cxcurslonUts and ( ho throe flrtt pres ident ! ! of the Mormon church , the choir lott Knit Ixxko on Tnosdny last , nang In Denver Wednesday to nn overflowing nudlonco , np- pparcd twloj in Kansas City. Frldrvv after noon nnd ovonlng. hold fortli In the great Music hnll In St. Ix > uls Saturday night to nn overflowing house ami then went to Chicago cage , where It took second prlio nt the World's fair. The Mormon rarty , 419 strong , arrived today In n special train of eleven Pullman cars. The organization was founded nbout forty years ago In Salt l nko City by Brlgham Yotinj ? . Then ) nre twenty- two blsbopV ward * in Salt Lake City nnd etch one furnishes' quota of its host singers to make up the great choir of 500 voices which furnishes music for the big tabernacle. The L'oO.voices splccted for the contest comprise the best of the whole force. Ihu loading members are : Mr. Robert Laston , n tenor with an oxcputlonnlly high , clear and true voice ; Mr. Wciho. u violinist who Is billed ns the forumost violinist of the west ; Mrs. Pugsloy , a soprano with n ro- nnrkablo range nnd compass ; Mrs. Alison , a contralto who has graduated from nn east ern conservatory , nnd Mr. Pypo , n ballad trnor. who 'is'a ' decided favorite in the wftit. Mr. Evan Stephens , Iho director of the cliolr , is a young \\vHiiuan who e.uno to Utah when ho was only V4 years old. Ho Is ' a'solf-taught musician and has won his way tb the foremost ranks of western loaders by tils n nt I Vo genius and unparalleled supply of energyHo has composed moro than 000 pieces of music. This organization will glvo a sacred and ballad concert at Boyd's theater this evening. Ole Olson comes to the Farnam Strcot theater for four nights nud two matinees , commencing with the usual matinee today. Since hero last It has had n thorough rovls- liic by Mr. James A. Hoarnc , so well known In the dramatic world as the author of such highly successful dramas as "Hearts of Oak , " "Margaret Flaming. " "Drifting Apart , " "Shores Acres , " etc. The changes in Ole Olson * nako the play as strong in its sensational forturos as it has been hereto fore in comedy. The greatest alteration , however , occurs In thu third net , which has boon entirely rewritten and Is now one of the best dramatic scenes over presented. Comedy Is entirely obliterated from the act , It b iug the opinion of Air. Htiarno that with so much high class comedy In the other acts the play would bo hotter balanced in Its now form , and holsurt- doubtedly correct. In the cast will bo soon the well " known character actress , Aliss St. George"Hussoy , pretty llttlo'Dolly Foster AicAlpino , Alias Goorgio Loiter , and Mr. James T. AicAlpino , who essays the role of , Ole , which is the principal male char.ictor'of the plccoand Is pronounced by nil who li'ivo soon him as the best Swedish dialect nctor who has over appeared iu this dlfllcult rolo. Commencing tomorrow at the New Pee ple's theater , formerly Wonderland , an en tirely now program will bo presented. It will bo another of these combination pro grams that have made this theater so "popu lar. The members of the now stock company are already great favorites and will present a laughabla comedy , entitled , "Blunders , " a play brimful of merriment and comical situ ations. It will bo cast to the full strength of the now company , which moans It will be an excellent production. After the dr.ium a suecialty program of rare merit will bo in troduced. It is n whole show by Itself and will commence ut about a : 10 afternoons and 9:10 evening , thus giving these who do not cnro for the drama a chance to drop in late In the evenings. Among the specialty people who appear will bo the celebrated Miranda sisters , unquestionably the most daring and finished lemalo trape/o per formers in the world. George Edwards , the well known minstrel comedian ] llttlo Lottie Sanford , the black pic.inlnny ; Bar- rotta , a phenomenal contortionist ; The Rom ; nlos , a team of wonderful acrobats ; Nellie Shook , in Lancashire clog dances and vocal- isms ; La Petit Emma , a peerless song and dance artistoand Lo Hey & Clayton , a versa tile sketch team , will inalco up a program of oxtraordisary strength. Tonight the last performance of "Queen's Evidence" and the bi ? specialties of this wcok will bo given. The concert to-bo given1 by , thOtHttrm6ny club on Thursday , September Ul , will doubt loss bo n grout muslcnl treat. The chorus of ovonty llvo voters ha boon nt work two nights n wcok olnco Knstor In niilcr to nmko the cAiitntn of "Utith" n pronounced .suo- coss. With the nld of Mrs. Alnrtln Onhn , AIIM Carrie C'rnno. Mrs. W.W. "nirnor. MU * .fulln Tnlllnforro , All.ss Mamlo Allen ( violin ) , Captain Kliulc , Mr. Jules Lumtxml , Mrs. W. T.Tnbornnd Mr Thomas J , Kelly ns director , the concert ought to bo n distinct success. The mngnilicont organ of the First Metho dist Kpiscopal rhurch will boutlllmlnnd the full orchestra of Uoyd's theater augmented. The Inst evening of the week nt the Fnrnam Street thoatcr will bo followed by the Ideal OPorn company , coihposcd of ex cellent principal singers nnd n largo chorus , The program will Include The Chimes of Normandy , " Thursday ovunlng ; "Tho Pirates of Pciuanco , " Friday nvcnlng , and "S.ild P.isha , " Satur day niAtlnco nnd evening. The company , ao- cordlng to exchanges , gives ontlro satisfac tion and Is fast gaining a well u.irnad popularity , Last bultoon nsuuiHlons nnd pnrnchuto jumps t' id ivy ut ( Jourtlniid beach. 4 A Sniiilit ) ut Utiroln. The donlaml for round-trip tickets to Lin coln good for Sunday was qulto lively yes- tcrday , so the railroads say. 1'ho cause Is nscrlbod to the Columbian exhibit made by thu Nebraska staty fair , which ts In full blast this week. Trams run nt nil hours and thu faro U merely nominal. tlu\s \ attracting ninny Omaha cltircns to the city on Salt crook. The dutlook fbu n iro\d' crowd every cliiy Is very bright , prlnclpilly on account of the wonderfully lluo display ot Nebraska products. The races will bo great. Lightning recently struck the British ship Ox font ulT Capo Hatturas and ruined every compass on board. LUXURIANT WITH a clean , wholesome scalp , freefromirrit.it- ing and -scaly eruptions , is produced by the CUTICURA SOAP , the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world , as well as purest and sweetest for toilet and nursery. It clears the scalp and hair of crusts , scales and dandruff , destroys microscopic insects which feed on the hair , soothes irri tated and itching surfaces , stimulates the hair follicles , and nourishes the roots. It not only preserves , purifies and beautifies the hair , but imparts a brilliancy and fresh - ness to the complexi'on and softness to the hands une qualled by other skin soaps. Sold everywhere. Trlco , 23c. POT- TEH Unuo AND L'UEM. Uuiif. , ItoBton. You notice that nobody but Raymond is selling Sterling and Plated Silver ware at 20 per cent off. . . . . S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas. ON TOP. So our work 1 cmtlmiUed by the art lovlue public. Your pliotoi tnkon by im will bo nn ovorlaHtlrit , ' tronauro to you. IlealdoH , It la no pluasnnt to ( leal with n IIOIIBO ot our Btaiidlii ? , where you only But tlio boat nt rouaon- able prices , ami who nro always will- tntr to satisfy the moat fastidious. Higb Class Photography , At Popular I'rloos. 313-315-317 S. 15tU Strost , Omaha , Nob. . MRS. GRAHAM'S HYGIENIC Skin Food Is GUAIIANTEITO BANISH WRINKLES Wo nro Boln ABCiitH for Minn. Or.ilinm'H cflcbr.it- iil toilet in lleleti. at wull IIH tlio Jau. W. llonlcu llu- iiinn Hnlr ll.uirf , No I.iiool NoVlml No Null "pat- i-iit. " Aim ) Iho liliuil Jlulr IlriiHh ( ImiiorUxl ) tollc't neci'HHlty airimiiliiu Uluoiun brlHtlo in Jiu electric air citHliloii bano. Mi-iid for < luHcrl | > tlv < > plruulura of tlu Jua. V , llonUm Humam JIair IDEAL HAIR STORE , 209 S , 15th St. , Karbach Block , "By the Way ! " Can you shave yourself ? Or , do you want to learn ? If so , we have Hhaving novelties that will inter * est you. STROPS.SOAPS.BRUSHES . AND HONES " 1611 Dodce Street. Buy a "Morton" Razor Every One Warranted , " * Are now showing an immense line of Children's School Hats and Caps At prices ranfrinp from \ ' - 20c upwards t A good Sailor for School Hat at 15c , As school is oponinp in n few days don't forgot to supply the wants of your children at such low prices , A largo line of RIBBONS of all kinds , OFIER LINES ALL COMPLETE. Homombor , wo nro still at tbo old place , 208-210-212 S , Hth Strejt , Between Douglas and JFaniam OBERFELDERS. _ And all the train ol EVIL8. WEAKNESSES. DKBIUrY. ETC. , thalw company thura In men QUICUI.Y anil PfcUMA- JSNTL/Y / CUUED. Full BTRBNUTJi null ton ! gtren toorory i > rt of the body , I wilt ien4 ( curelr packed ) ITU KB to any ua rtir Iho prawrlp. tion 4hal cured me g < thcie trouble * . Ad < lre i D , f , liu U