Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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    TTTTnfATTA n A 7 T.V TJTT ? . CITV1V\V QGM > TI7\r I > TM > in 1OOO C1V'PIMV
Which Includes nn Intelligent Analysis of
Dixon'1 ! Record ,
This Afternoon' * Sprint Nrw y
About tlio Tricl. lllrnrlicru Howl
QiiiMtiiiK mill Answer * Anil
tlio Uminl hpurt > OrUt.
Lts-roi.v , Sept 1 [ To the Sporting I > lltor
of 'I in. HI-B ] 1 lllioery wi'll the way jou
liuvi il/i-d up thu Pllmnier-Dlvonand Dlxon-
hnltlinlTalrs. Dixon looked ton line when
lie wi-ighod 118 at the rlinrside. Ho will
II.IVP thrco or four pouiuls tnorowelsrht when
ho mof ts the .Icnv Ho can easily giln that
fiom . ( o'clock until U. besides i.- " strength
nnil suppleness gained by relixatlon 1 al-
wai-j th lught , Dlxon a gowl man slnco the
dai ho defeated Hugf-no Hornbcclter , whrn
lie hit lluo a light-weight. " Ho was a bin
tain then , and ilocitf I II seem a little queer
that Dlxoti claimed the limit of his class was
llf > instead of 110 , or oxen 10" , as some claim
filill * It was u p itcly unsellhh motive The
limit was too low at 10" > , and the public wcio
not interested In the scraps of Chappio
Moran and Spider Kello\ .
Just look al his iccord , leaving lesser
llghlsasido. Cul McCai thy , nntralne.l and
with left wiist biokcn in the thiid round ,
couldn'tHoltlo Dlxon In " < 0 rounds Wondci fill
colored Iwy Knocked out Cal in somothliiK
less limn two houis later , by ( superior condi
tion Ho vv hipped Willis nntl Wallace , and
so was champion bantam of the uoilil Not
n in.ui of these weighed over lilt , and the c -
photogi iplu-r alvvajs h id nn ovorvvhelming
ndvantago In strength. Otherwise ho
.1 cool , fair lighter and Impioxcd , Insoiring
lonlldciKO nmong his bicUnis Lack of
luugmnnt or expciicnco alonu can explain
his fbluno to defeat Muiphj inil ) lounds
and C.\l In SO I'eihapH it was for some
othei reason , but 1 can't sro il
' 1 hen came teuiblo cliaiigcs Whether
fiout pildo or tnospeiity or good hcilth ,
( icoiglo got too big to light ut bintam
weight ho O'Hourko Intioduccs us to
Gcoige Dhon of Uoslon. champion feather
weight of America Why , I thought Hilly
Murphj hud tlio belt , oven from clover Iko
Wclr , and Hilly wanted to flght Dixou long ,
long ago at Kit , but the daikcy had smiled
ocoi u fully al Iho upstiiit Australian who
thought a 1 in pound wonder ought to tigUt
n 110 pound chump , who held the feather
Lhaniplonxhip of the woild trained by haul
Itnocks Hllli was also anxious to light nil
the lightweights. Pel haps it was this that
settled Dlxon.
A .voung person named Johnson came over
f i om England , as champion , of course He
was vciv muscular and his hcavv shoulders
nhovvcd other development than stiaight
jabbing would give Shoulder bound , bJt
my , what u swelled head Tlio HisL lead
showed his \\otul plleht , but Gcorgio , the
lUHiicaiH ) lighter , was too cunning to bo
caught and poihaps hurl by a huljliko tap ,
BO Ho dodged , prodded and did lots of picttv
work with his loft. Among other things ho
showed thai ho had not such pistonliko
Blabs as Jack Dcnipsox used to keep a big
man away. Dlxon tin illv smashed him on
the Jaw and the Hiitishcr was just vvhoie ho
had econ more limn an hour before out of
It. What did tnis show ? 'Lho kid si-emed
to think ho was doing line vv oik , but that
jiunihon the Jaw was all theio was to the
light Any chump could see a fast light was
the thing nftei tlio nisi lound , if not after
the Jlisl blow struck.
Then novices Skcllvnnd Pioicc , and there
ion ha\o Dlxon's pcdlgico. Where aio the
bebt men of Iho thieo continents ! Ho met no
Australian feather weight , and rofisod to
meet ono under ani conditions Now If 118
Is the feather limit , Dixou never was u ban
tam cinnamon or u b uitam at all. AS 1-0 is
tlio Austinlian limit , an Amciican can
scarcely refuse to whale 120-pound men if Ho
wants to bo champion of the world. Dixon
would bo bettor at that weight than 118 at
ling sldo , ns Billy Plimmer and Dixon's
leanness showed. High time to do aw.iy
with weighing In at : < o'clock , and set an
honest limit for championship contests Ono
hundred and twenty-six may seem strange
for feather limit , bill II is just Iho size of 11
Wo don't waul the man to win who can train
liner and gain faster than another.
How man\'men have been called Demp-
fiovs of their class , but 11 is hard to llnd ono
who Is willing to glvo away a pound of
weight. Jack won his mlddlo-woight title
at K)3 ) , and the men ho mot before and after
thatvvcio anvlhmg but stills When we
consider that ho was only a Iteavv light
weight at tin } time , and yet beat Dorn Mc
Caffrey and half a dozen lesser hi'av'i w eights ,
in addition to his string of middle victims ,
are wo not justified in saying that thcio vvim
but ono Nonpaioll ?
1 have coniidenco in the Hallgollan , hut ho
lias been too much favored at all limes to be
ranked as a woild boater. Wo can all win
vvorj time , when we lm\o It all our way , but
I think ( Jcoigio will no longer bo able lo dic ItC
tate conditions Now these people who Raid
ho lacked heart , and once stopped to nurse Ida
stilckon e iothuvvas before lie met Horn-
bockcr-will luuoicabon to ciovv , bit llioy >
me piobablv long since dead.
Ono thing Inccitaln , the mulatto failed tote
shou any generalship , and succumbed to
I.ittlement when ho met a man a little tou
Deiior In cunning. What cnanco will u10
liavo then with Gilllln , supposing both aio
vlctuilous and meet at list. Johnny 10n
liiovcswlth every light Iwvcr.v boj like
him docs , and Dlxon was a jap not to HI-
range u battle tight after Ciiiflln'H victory
over L-jnch Geoiglo s.iiil : "If I couldn't
whip ( ttillln , I'd go on a faun " It iniiy do
jou guod jot. and It may not bo longbcfoio
you will bo Hist out for u good position hoe
ing tutuips , CJeorglo If jou were less face
tious and more willing jou would bo n happier -
pier and a moudcr bov now .but much POOICT. :
\Vhat a lesson In booing you got , nnu these
cracks on the jaw rolloved Iho air picssuio
on jour biain. "Whom the I/old loveth ho
robuketh and cliaiitonoth. " " 1 ho meek and
lowly please God. " You aio all light , mo
luienlo. So cheer up You is in Chiistlan
love , Jhvw JACIJUH Kousdcvu.
NOUTII PIATTT , Sept 5To the Sporting
IMltor of Tin : DIM : 'I ho llttlo KnglHh ban
tam champion piovod himself a teater to the
Invincible George Dixon , oh ? How would It
do for Clmmplon William l > Pllmmcr to take
Rooigo Krancls Train's ad\lco to Corbott
After ha vamiulshcd Sullivan { Train's ti'le-
irrain to Corbetl WHB. "Stick to jour lauicU
mid quit the ling for the utago ; don't light
the negro. I know him " As n mutter of
fact , PHmmei's poi fouminces are far
lupotlor to Co i butt's , but the public is gel
ling mod of ihuatiical BlOV
pugilists , niul they
n 11 huM ) to veer aiound on another tuck
mil trj some other schoino. Ltltlo Hlllj
I'linimyriliserves cicdit for what lie bus
dono. Ho lot his vv01 k show for its > elf and
ouvor attempted to dcnj his patuntago or
imtionalltj Ho nevci oven ttiod to cuny
favor with thuciowd bj ailveiUsing himself
ps "tho pi line Iilsh lad , " or talltod of his
brother Paddy or 'his favoilto Irish set-
Dnil " I'atilotlo sptcad c'liglrUm Is all veiy
well in Us place , but In pugilism it is a
Dei feet finco 'I hey aio only in tlio game
for inonoy and onto llttlo for the glory
Should riluimerleavo the Hug for the stupo (
lie might uaally avoid Dlxon bv hoisting his
cold wave two joins theatrical lonti.u-t lug
mid assert thai "tho nlg or wants none of
inj gamo. "
Ud Smith and Chatllo Mitchell aio Irath
"llruiiia , " jot a spoiling paper c'llls the :
former the plncKj Amuilcan mlddlotvotght , "
ami the latter "Cocknoj Charlie "
Tlio late Tom Snjcis had a far greater
right to the appellation of CocUnej Tommy ,
being 11 gcnumo cockuoy Tlio vv ritlug dovv n
of Mitchell by the spoiling press bus been
completely overdone and there U now a com *
jilolu loaction In his favor , siuco SullUan
publlelj acknowledged that ho was iMjually
clover and twice as li-vrd u hitter as Corbott
Jlltehell hi s some staunch fileima in this
tyuutry and If Cor belt and ho n ver meet It
won't bo Mitchell's fault. I can't conceive
how Mitchell can have grown from a light
weight Into a welterweight. mldduvvoh ! < litht
and lu'avj weight. U soemn luctedlblu thai
ho can bo twenty pounds heavier than Dan
CreeUon , who la un Immensely thick sot ,
iiuiscuUr niuu. If Chaillu's
lighting stand-
nrd Is now ISO pounds mid bo U uomposod lof
nothing but muscle , slnow and OOUQ ho mutt
hava changedjicully ( slnco ho tint landed in
ih papers ituttd that Corbott and Fiti-
slmmons met face to face In Now York list
September mill Jim gnvu the alien a wither-
Ititr look , but parsed him without a nod.
Lately Jim shook hands with Hob Was
that because lol s now
T. K C
Dominlck O'Mallnv , iircsldcnt of the
Columbi in club , at Uobj- , has at last suc
cumbed to the "knockers " The two finish
contests bctwron George Lavlgnonnd Young
GtllTo , and Jlmtnj Birryand Johnny Con-
tiers , booked for last Monday ninht , have
been indcflnitolj posttKmod The nuthnrt *
ties undnnhtcdlj Intended to Interfere iml
O'Miilloj1 s livvvcrs advised him to pull off
mill' after the Iixality of his entertainments
has been decided In the LOUIU
It has been an uphill light for the Itoby
on , 111 from the \PIJ start They not only
bin a hoi Jo of local antagonists to contend
with , bul almost the entiio Now York press ,
mid the handicap was too great Just why
the spot ting sciibcs o ( ( iothain should seek
to IntPifeio with the Columbian club Is hint
to aciount for uiile ss It U because thc > wish
u tnonopolv on the unlawful sport For the
past jc-ar them has been moropibo lighting
In and about New York than In all other
cities of the e nmtrj combined , in the el ibs ,
theaters , sa'oons ' and on the turf , and . vet n
few months ago the whnlo olllclal
roster of the metropolis arose In i ightcous
wi.tth when an attempt to ratifv an agree
ment to tight between Chailio Mitchell and
Jim Coibotl was made Thai this was at the
Instigation of sonic1 ono vct.v close to ono of
the alleged fit Inclpals. and his name isn't
Mitchell , either. Is fully boine out bj subse
quent events 'I he vvholo situation Is a bur
lesque and a farce Had Clnrllo Mitchell
consented to Ignoio his contract with
O'Niallcy and enter into ono with Coney
Island , llio Columbian club \\oiildha\ouu-
( | uesilonablj been spared a.isl deal of un
favorable iiiticlsm ami malicious comment ,
fiom a foii'ign source at least. Hut Hobj erne
no Uobj , there will bo no tljht between
Mitchell ami Corbctt. and jou all have in v
pmmisaion todilvo u splko heio a i.iilioiid
That Mitchell Is coming over , haw over , Is
a tolerably well settled fact. Ho his se
cured pass igo on Iho Teutonic , which sails
on next 'IhuisUay Jack McAulllTo will bo
with him , and on their ail h nl bo prep ired for
ndolugoof tlghtlii [ lodomonlado , not from
Jack and Chiulle , pnitlcul irly , but iiom tlio
pushers , the plkcis uml Iho cippois of that
cataclasm of diamallcomlers entitled
' Gentleman Jack " The the ill ical season
Is well on , and thcio must be no guiltj ad-
voitisemonts allowed to got .ivvay.
Hero Is a samp'o. ' It comes from n big of
w hid on the Now Yoi u Recorder "Lnst Pri-
d.iy night , wlulu on a ciuiso up tlio Hudson ,
1 stopped at Noubingaml , in compinv with
Judge buthc'ilaml , Captain John T Hlnmaii
anil John L' nckhaull , attended a pciform-
anco of "Genllcmiii Jack , " in which Jim
Coibottstus Alter tlio porfoimancc Coi-
bolt and Hlll.v lirailv visllcd us u boa id the
steam yacht John Y McK me. nnd Coibott
told us something about his plans for Iho
future Ho siU ho would begin llcbt work
al Loch Atbor this vveelt and would soon
start In In earnest for his match with
Mitchell Tor the p ist few weeks Jim has
been putting on llesh bj using all fattening
leeds HIIU di inking Haas' aio , and ho now
weighs about i10 ! pounds This supeiiluous
llcsh ho pioposcs to graduallj ttiin Into solid
llesli and muscle , an 1 ho intends to face
Mitchell welching abotil IbS pounds Al
that weight he sajs he will bo as active as
over nnd stionger lluin when ho met John
L , and ho believes ho will not tmvu anjdif -
tlcullj in disposing of the Hnu'lishman Coi
bott aoe-inot umleirate the jovvcis of the
stuiily little Hilton , but ho is conlldcnt thai
wllh Mitchell al his bust he will Do nblo lo
keep tlio champioii5hipof the uoildin Amci-
The Dixon-Sniith light comes off at Coney
Island week aftoi nuxt , nnd the promise Is
excellent for a b'g success and n good light
' 1 he son-washed club is an oxcollentlj mm-
nged affair , no one will presume to g Unsay
this fact , ana all legitimate spoiling men
should fool n pridn In it It is conducted on
a solid business Insls , and its people aio lib-
cial , but Judicious in everything they do
There is much speculation on Sollj 's chances
against Mi. Pltmmer's victim , and somebody
isjbound to lese a vvholo lot ot money. Mine
will go on the ifallgonlan , notwithstanding
n good many of the wise ones now think they
think that Oeoigo is not as good ns thev
thought he was SANDY GHISVVOLU.
Oiitonl in thu Klnsr.
Ontonlan Is tlio king. Friday , at Lyons
Neb , ho won the 2 20 class pacing and re
duced his iceoid lo 2 07 When this fnsl
young slnlllon from rulleilon paced nl Sioux
Tails In 2.00)4 ho was i.ttcd the champion 4-
jear-old pacer , vviites Don Donnan. Very
properlv , it would seem , as voltnno 8 of the
American Tiotting Kegistur gives his btced
Ing nnd stales that ho was foaled in Iba'J
1 ho hist Year Hook also makes him out n i-
jeai-old. lliero have been hints that this
was a mistake and to settle the question of
ago Mr. Stelner , the rogistiar , was scon at
his ofnco in the Hialto building. "H is true
that Ontonlan is icglsteied ns a foal of
18b'J " bo said "but It mistake
, , was a , ab the
evidence is on llio that Uu foaled lite In the
full of IbsS The coire-ctlon in his age will
appear in lumo li ! "
So Onloninti is not a 4-year-old. Manager
nnd Robert J still divulo iho champion
lionois at that age , v ith their cquil iceoid
of " OSI % . It was on August 3 that Manager
won a Uoat at Buffalo in 2 07 % , the fastest
null ! ovci pued by a 5-ye'iii-old. The pur
formanco ot the Nobiaska stallion at Ljons
again establishes the recoid nt u still lowoi
Ontonlan is n small , cominctly built , horse
bred hi I'cnnsvlvanll and now ounedby
Willlim .Bowman of Fulleiton , Neb Ho
was di U en by J H. Chandler , who dtovo ,
his lull brother , Online , to thu woild's'J-
jou-old iccord of 2:11 : and the Illly , Hello
Acton , to the world's jcarling recoid loof
2 20X All are bj thu gie-it biro , Shado-
liind Onv/anl , 2-lb'j ' , whoso got today holds
moio c'han.plon p icing iccords than any
cither sli u.
.St. .luo'H ( iiisit ridltlilK .tlntrl
The great Hotting meeting alSt. Joseph ,
Mo , op'ihs up next Monday under auspices
hal could not bo Imptovcd on. Tlio ti.ick is
ono of the liest and most famous in this I
country , and tlio list of thn entiles for the
six dajs races is homothlng unprocodontcd
oven at this popular couiso. Over $ .10,000
will bo split up among the winners , and teen
say that thn assemblage of noted horsemen
will bo ono of the gieitcst ever known in
tliacountrj Is not to oxaggetato a panicle
tOO head of the best hoisca in the eouutiy
Four tlious mil ilolt irs will bo hung up for
both Iho frco-fot-all pace and freo-for all
trot , and theio mo sovc-ial and $2OOJ
puiscs besides these. In the great pace will
bo such celolnitlobus Ontonlan , Hluo Sign : ,
Fljmg Jib , Manager Ciuj , Mascot , Hal [
Polntor , Robert J , Idloy , Miulium Divan ,
Tin co and othcis , and in the trot Kvlniul T ,
Martha Wilkcs , Nightingale. Dircctuin ,
Walter H , lleiulco , ruoini , Little Albeit ,
Phoebe Wllko , Hello Vcra , Grecnleaf and
several othei vvhirlvvlnds These two races
alone should fiiinUh sullUienl ovldoncu
the mooting will bo one of the gioatc'tt , If
not the gicatcst ovui held In the west ,
hitter Allirrt Allnr N tlur l.iMuoniunrk.
Ciiiciuo , Sept. 7 To the Sporting HOItor
ofTnuHpi : 1 , Prof John Albert , the cham
pion long-distant OHwInimor of the woild ,
also , in trick swimming and high diving
nlnoty feet hinli ; a countijman of ir
Joseph LouvcnmarK , bom In Stockholm ,
Svvodon , trained In the same sehojl , and now
i mining the ilnest natutoiium ut the Worlu'b
I hereby challenge Mr Joseph Louvon-
mark , or all conieis. for imj amount QI1Of
money , agahibt my two ho\s , Oscar Albeit
and Hjaliner HJoiIn Albert , to dlvo uuj
height , for the championship of tliu world
1 don't dispute Mr I-uivoiiuiarlc , as ho has
had the sumo training a * I have , to bu good
and graceful , silll I have two bojs who can
boat him. Walling loplj , I um ,
eil runiot r .
Mike Doa , the Canada Hill of the Turn
over club , U doing the World's fair. rnHo
wan accompanied ever by a marlcod deck ; , a
set of shells , strop and thlmblti ilxgiug , and t
will glvo the club u "rod top" banquet on
bis return , or bu vuspeuded without puy for
the balance of the season. "Spud" I urrlsn ,
In his now Chauncoy De-pew bonnet , will .
tail for South Chicago ou ti ; ettiulojf ot the
2 , " > th If the caml rctnilns open until that
A Itiskpt ot Nclinnlix Trout ,
frank Krntston , Harry Mclroso and Dr.
Hey spent the past week In the wll'is ' of
Cherry county , unking affairs Very warm
for the young ducks , chicken , grouse nnd
brook trout. Yes , that Is what t said ,
brook trout. Thov brousrht In n Inskct of
Nebraska trout that would hn\o knocked
jour Undo I/aik Wilton Into n IU.
. . . . .
pjrt nt loiil < i > i Uoilnrxiliy
Denlson , In , Is lo enjoy n carnival of
sports Wednesday nftoinoon , to include a
championship game of bill between the
teams of Uenlson nnd Defiance for n purse of
100 ; n fat man's race for a silver cup , anil n
fiec-fnr-ull 1(0 ( jnrtl sprint Manager T. J.
Kellev has the sorting edltoi's thanks for
a special invitation
liiirlrr mill tlm Kill Iniln ) .
The m-itch 100-vard sprint between Lozicr
of the niuffs , and Kid Sullivan of North
Pl.itto , forf.1t ) a sldo , will tike place at the
fair grounds at ! ) M this afternoon.
U'liltperlngs of tin * Uliccl.
How about that second annual reunion ?
How about thai second annual reunion ?
Manager Giinllhs of Couillanil beach is
after the vvticolmun for n tournament to bo
held on the beach grounds.
H L Hoard and H K Smith of the Tour
ists will stall with the Ganjincite Wheel
club on tlii-lr Sioux CltJ centurj' today.
State fair associations nro having blcjclo
races put on their ptogruns. They draw
and au > us Inlet estlng to m my poplo as a
G M SptHock , Plittsmouth , Neb ; C. L
Hroorfs Supeilor'ls ; Di H M Hc'inock ,
St l ouis Mo ; H i : Ledyard , A H. Flint ,
C. L Colum in , O G Diovv.S L Htnvre , C.
H Ogilen and IM W. Uioek were % Isltoia at
the Tout 1st Club holiso last week
Marts , the cxci'odinglj' speodv man from
Cicston , In , , who clulinod , perhaps justlj ,
that ho won the ton mtlu handicap race at
the Tom 1st touin.imc'Ml in .Inlv. Is riding
like the wind , and ovlnccs a desiio to moot
the Oimhii bovs on even footing and teach
them a tiick or two in riding ,
The Tourist Wheelmen are talking of mov
ing into mo ro commodious qimtuis The
mcnibuis sco the necessltj , now tliil the
riding season is half over , of looking about
for quirtois neiror to the business part of
town. The picsont cottage is u lltllo too far
out for pleasint winter quaitcua A roin-
millce has been iippointod lo look up a do-
slrablu location.
"Piof" Diilojtbo South Omaha
"phenom , " ran ui > against a couple of smigs
w hen ho tackled Condon and Sehncll in the
tvvo-mllo race al Iho fair grounds As a
pace seller the "profcssoi" Is stiictly in
line , liowover. With nroper traliiiiig and
Iho other iulv.inlagcs the other local
lljeis cnjoj , a piott\ good conelusion maj ho
drawn that he could show some of the bojs
his icar wheel in 111010 th in one conical.
1 his is the month to thoroughlj' enjoy
country touiing , the roids are settled and
llrm , the sun not too hot and the mornings
Just ficsh enough to ln\icointe. Then , loo.
the fruiling season Is on In full swing ,
orchauls blush led vvilh deid-ripo produc
tion ? , melons can bo had at any faun house ,
giapcs Hang temptingly In thousands of
vinejarUs , qmtititle's of which can Uo had
forsmill piico. If jou want to s > ea life. In anew
now phase , get up euily , take n spin Into the
cotintiy , dunk milk , oat a good country
meal , 1111 up on ftult fieshly picked and
shako some of the city dust and moss off
jour bick ; jou will feel bettor for it.
At the last business meeting of the Tourist
Wheelmen a pii/o was-voted to the member
miking the must mileage fiom September 10
to the close of the season , November ! iO
This Includes all members of the club who
have not made l.r > 0 miles up to Soptembei 1" >
Anj mileage thev tune made of com so will not
bo tultcn aci oiitil of in this competition Lieu
tenant S incha Ins added to this prko < v
second trophy , for the member in iking next
best , In thu shape of n Leiiruo of American
Wheelmen pin and inlti itlon fco Active
and associate membcis are alike eligible to
t .Ire part in Ibis contest , Hero is a chance
for some of tbo bojs who haven't scored
many club miles.
List Sunday wns a fine day for riding ,
and a pai tv of twenty or moro of the Tour
ist Wheelmen and their friends peddled
down lo Plattsmouth , remaining seveinl
hours and rotuining in the evening The tun
to Plittsmoutli is ono of the prottiesl out of
Oniiha , bin Ing ono stretch of two or thrco
miles this is the distance between Li
Platte and the signal station on the 13 iV M.
railway ; this hltlo stielch is a terror to
light w heels , the m icblnes have lo be rlddon
in the road bud of Ihu Hacks and across Iho
tie bridge which spins the Platte river.
Miinj wheelmen walk this bridge and "toto"
thcjr wheels with them , tunning the
cli mccs of mooting n train midway. The
dinner at the hotel , however , niakos up for
the unplcasintneas.
Tuesdaj and Thursdnj evenings of each
week has been chosen by the Touiist Wheel
men as club nights. On Tuesday evening
the rccoption and entertainment committee
w ill endoiiv or to keep a sort of open house
for the club mombeis nnd Iheii ti lends , tin
itnpiomptu program of music , checker tour
nament , cams ami club chat will bu given ,
and on riiuisday evening of cm h week , for
Ion consecullvo weeks , a hlgh-llvo touina-
incut will hold the bo irds , tun games of pro-
giosslvu hi h live will bo plivutl , a pri/o
behfg given to the number having the high
est pcicentagu al Iho end of Ihu series , and
also a pi i/.o lo tliu inombor hivx ing thu low est.
A boxing content or two will also be put on
the caul Every nieinmr h iving the inter
est of the club at he.itt niul who likes to
spend a nice ploisant evening among con
genial spiilts. should m ike it a point to stop
In .U the club house on club nights ,
There nnvo been sovcial changes In the
Touiistheelinen medal mile/ago since hist
lepoitod The bo.vs mo sticking to the club
inns with notowoilhy persistency , and
piling up the miles in drifts Lioutunint pulled away the leiidets and is
now ton miles aheul of Hyncs and clghteun
miles to the gooit of Walker Kincjm mid
flvnes weio tied for llrst place for several
months since the beginning ot iho contest ,
with Walker only n few miles behind
Ueichonboig is steadily plodding along nnd
is a good fourth The others aio strung out
In thu lo.iras shown In- the following lablo
ooigo Stinclm , tlMI milesJohn H.Mies ( Uli ;
EdvvaulP vVall > cr.O. ; Max Koleliotibcrg.IUH ;
Louis Uolchenboig , 2'ilj W lNcgclo , 2.U ;
II 1C. .Smith 210 ; ChinIcsIV'giu. 207 ; W. W.
t'onnoian , I'.U ; IMw.ud 1'ioulx , IMS ; Fred II.
Wultor , Ibl ; W M. Hut mini , US ; Henry
Fiedrlcltson , 114 ; W. Ii. Mullmll , IIH ) ; J. V.
Hiirtrlns , 1'I2 , E L Potter. 123 ; John Gideon ,
UM ; W M. Carinlchaul , IDS ; Louis Flcschor ,
lltt. W A Kingsloj , 8(1 ( ; Mai Ion Johnson. bO ;
Itobert Allen. W ; II L lloatd , OJ ; E T.
Yatos.fU , J. T Cullj . ' .0.
About slxlj-lhreo oilier members have not
attended onoucli inns to scoio up to tbo
liftj ninth 'llioro seems to bo a gtovv Ing '
Interest coiicct nlng club runs , the members
tinning out on Saturday runs much bolter
than ( inring the wanner months of summer
The ro ul ofileers report the following club
mileage foi May , .luno , July and August.
'lhe > sehudulo abovu given Is to dafo ; May ,
club mlli'igp , 2 .Ids miles , June , club inl'o- '
ngo , l..Us miles. Julj. club mileage , 2.170
miles , August , club mileageb ! il miles niak-
i , ? a of 8.30J tnilcb for the four months
These llgiiresdo not nppioach the record isOf
last j car for thu same months for the tcason
that one run each week has been cut out.
and thi ) elder members of the club nio nut
riding as thoj did in 'W ' The load ofileers
aio confident liowover that the total mileage -
ago at the end of the riding season will soar
avvaj up In the tens of thousands ,
The Onmha Wheel club and Tourist
Wheolmc'ii oich had
giaporuns this wc'ek
the Oinahns taking their trip Sunday tine
the Tourists Wednesday evening Each
club filled up on thu luscious fruit , which is
now tipeniiiK fast. Tlio ( junynieiles ol
Council Uluffs pumped their way over tu
Malvcin , la , a round trip distance of sixty
miles , and encountered tlio usuil number ol
"load liorfk " "IJoad ho s"
are us obnoxious
on the Iowa side. In
localities , ns over Ono
fc-bti\u"pork" forgot his manners and lost
bib common sense to suuh a degree that he
imideau un provoked assault upon ono of the
Modes with a sionu. 'Iho clubmen oughl
lo make nn exumplu of some of tucs gc'utlo
Harry 1C Smith of the Tourists ed
out last Sunday morning to see how easy It
would bo to make n centurj under fa > orublo .
circumstances , i o. , good roads , light wheel
etc , Hiding ensilj ho rolled up 104 miles
( forty-four of which vvcro made with the
club ) , having been eleven hours und clglilcet
minutes on the road The course was noi !
measured by n cjrlomctur , It may bo shor !
or il may Le long , but by estimating tbo all
tnncoby mllot > oss InnrV tinrits nnd known
distances , tlio spin was liH > od 100 miles ami
mote Messts. Hint , nasmusscr nnd Lcil-
inrd accompanied him on thn Iowa side
Kusscll Condon , W A Plxloy. C. L Colo-
mini , Jack Kastmin and oWicrs of the Omaha
Wheel ! club will take parvm the tournament
ntCa Plattsmouth , to bo lfc\\\ \ \ \ the 20th. nt the
CaSe County Fair rtssociatlon grounds
Schnell , Prouls. Uullcy Sincha ami Trcd-
rickson of Iho Tourists \v\l\ \ \ also go down
and try to bring llomuM'ibino ' ot the JftOO
worth of pries ofTere\by Iho association
The races will be run under tbo auspices of
the Patterson bo\s
night nr t'fi nut.
.Neither Hiltlmoro nor We I uls ha\o won
n game in 1'lttsburgfor < Wo
Latry Tultdicll promises to lead tlio
league ut the bat before tlio season expires
Of the six games the Clevohinds phucd In
Philadelphia thH season , not one did they
Alison , Lingo , datilp and Pnrrolt of the
Chicagos nuke the tallest Inlleld in the
has turned Scritipj * Jack Mcssltt
out to era7e , and hired Boozj' Llill Hoover In
his place
King Gaff has been In bid repute nil son-
son , nnd has been ro isted uniticie'lfullj in
every cltj of the league
Jack Crooks sijs that In his opinion Ar
thur Llailtson is the finest joung pitcher , all
things considctcd , in the profession.
Snipper Nina Coonov , formerly of Omaha ,
now captain of the Providence toatn , has
been laid up with a paliifullj Injured hand
"Mil ty Llttlo Shugnrl , " as the bleachers
used to call him here , has midentlv gene
back Helms plijod bum ball this seison
Cm t Welch once drew $ .1 WK ) for six months
nlnv on the diamond At his mcscnt Job It
will take him Juslclghl to cop out that
Norman Lcsllo ll.ihcr , formcrlv of Omaha
nnd a few do/en othe-r cities , claims to lm\u
cotnu ngaln , nnd 13 living to bicilc into tbo
big league
Down in Hiltlmoro they sij tint there Is
no mistake that G 'oigo Tredwny Is a
negio D.uo Howe saj s the same thing Hut
thej arc off.
Jack II iskell will apply for n position on
the National league uinpiieil staff. Hols
plenty good enough better than four 01 Ilvo
of the picsent staff.
The I'ittshurg players , until they struck
Hiookljn , had an idea that they could still Uoston oul. Now they w 111 bo satlslled
if tho\ gut back homo lu second place.
The Hostons will probiblj noirotmii homo
fiom their next western tilp They will
verj llucly go diiect to llio Pacific coist ,
where thin' will play exhibition games.
Ono bv ono the old heroes of Iho diamond
mo pissing into obscuiity. Hut pi into of
good fellows an ! phenomenal old pliyer ,
Mlico ICelly , has been "trim" by New York.
Tied Kustin and Moiris Heal , the Ynlo
bovs now plajing ou the local Young Men's
Chilstian nssoctitlon team , mo both natural
bill plajeis gooa enough for-almost any
To think of Ted Laikin and Joe Mulvey
pi u ing on the tail-end club of a minor
le igue. Still a few doll iw picked up .it the
lall enJ of Iho seisou atu not to bo dcslitsed
in these haul limes
Manager Hancioft will try nnd secure
Brouthcrs and Stovev lotnet vc.u's Cincin
nati team "CientihY" Jllll Hague and
"Yellow Hill" IIaibidgu.vvouldinakoanolber
good pait for IJjiiny ,
Caluhcr Abbott of the Yiiinir Met's Christi -
ti in association tennis quite a bill plajur
himself. Huiiing bis thiovving which will
itnpio\u with piautico-jliu ii up lo the old
Wcstein league standard. <
Because Joe Kellej-got a stilng of fines
fiom Jack McQuiid at BaHimoio augiogiat-
Ing $ TiO the Monumental Gitj people Hunk
the umpliois n foi ty-seecmd cousin of the
c/ar of Russia wno is Just out putting on alts
or ills health.
Jack Glasscock's reappcaranco with the
Pittsburss did not scuui to have any cited
Is it possible Iho old hoodoo Ihat has been
Pebbly Jack's
traveling companion ovoi
siuco ho began to pluy ball has retuined lo
claim his own ? lion Mulford.
Hly has played short thus far better than
any other player tried In S t. Louis. In facl ,
ho has played Hie pbsilion as vvcll as any
man in the league. Ho sij's ho played just
ns well when with Brookljn , but was too
good for Ward , who wns then manager. Ely
suj s Ward wants no star inllelder but Him
self on any team ho conttols.
Charlie Abbey of Iho Washingtons has
shown himself to bo a hitter , but Stephens
bus proven that ho is no moro than an
oidinaij pitcher. Both men were signed for
Iho Washington club bv mid upon the recom
mendation of Gus SchmelAir. . Schelmz
has a loving commission to hunt up joung
blood for the Wagiieis , and ho is now tiavel-
ing o er the country at their expense , It is
On thn Trunk unit in tlio studies
Chantward bv Shadeland Onward won the
! ) 00 class nt Independence for fo ils of 18UO
in 2:22 ; 2 23
Gonzalcs McGregor Is lame ; he lias nearly
10,000 worlh of engagements jet to fill and
11 hope ho will como out 111 a shoit time In
Ightlng lix.
Hunter , the Nebriska ninio , by
) c icon Huntci , vvon the 25 : ! pu-o at Leav-
inworlh and took a record of 2 2 < i ) < f.
Bonnlo LI. , the Nobiaskn p.icoi , won the
rcc-for-all at Alacomb last Fiidaj' in
straight heats ih 2 20 , 2.lit ? . , , 2.2Jj < ,
Ignis Fatuus Is hrce-ding on. his son , Adele -
ole , that recently enteicd the standaid
ank of trottcis , bus u jeailing , Lnlo M ,
that won a half-mile heal tiol al McComb ,
11. . August 2J , In l.afi . : : | .
' 1 ho llrst day of the brooders' meeting at
Minneapolis wns a day foi Nebraska anil the
west Colbcit won thuU lit pace , vvitli L C.
! , oo second and Old IHvvlev thud ; bust time
Jll , and llio bigiom gelding. Pi nice T , by
Climonl , won the 2 20 pace , best time of the
event , 2-1' ) .
Bonnie H , the Neln.iska picor by the Nc-
Inaska sire. Oion , won the fico foi all pace
it Giiggsvillo , III , In 221 , 22) ) , 2 2B. Ho
est Iho Hist heat to Teviica , by Kubcive
Fund , in 2 17'j , who was illstanc''il the second
end he it , and tlio second ho lobi to the chest
nut gelding , Pomp , in 2.20.
The Douglas Countj society
of Omaha is ono of the most icli iblo fair as
sociation * of the United States ' 1 heir i.ico
meetings luvo been successful nlvvajs , and
thovr have paid their puisea dollar foi dollar
I'ho Southern Lineastor Driving as
sociation will hold its fnlr Soptc'inber ( i to 7
ut llckinan , and cm September 4 the entiles
for their races vvillcloso.
The Sj'racuse , Neb , kite ttack isiecog-
nl/eil all over Iho country as ono of Iho plio-
iioinonolly fast ruco couises. The Otoo
couutv fnlr will hold their races ever tjiis
coutso and uvct j thing will bo conducted in a
Hist class manner since F. 13 Drown has
taken ch.irgo of the srerotnrj' olllci' .
"Hoss raeln' is mlglty | nnsirtln hubiness , "
romiirki'd the old coon'from southein Ne
braska who had found his way into the Hoi-
ton meeting , and wilh , nil old bucket Mas
niasqut railing ns a swipe' , " ' 1 ho occasion was
out in tin ) fourth IWsdtnces c'ndois > es thn
old darkey's romatlts nhlloxtcntls ) to Dick Us
sj inpathies Wesiut n"f > source'a
Qunntliiini Hint Antvirer *
Wll urn , Nobi pt 5' To tho' porting Kdl-
tot uf TutHi I. : I'n uw # statu In bnnduj'H IH.u
shorn 1 can Ket u fox tdrrlur. lt. ) ( J. K. j ; .
Aim Wtlto to Mr , ' 'J-'Ycnzor ' secrotar.v
ICotinel club , this city
ATLANTIC , In , Am ? Qr-'Toiho SportlnK IM-
Itciruf Tut III i. . I'K'HbA nniwui In jourMin-
ilay'n llti. hinv m my times John I , hiilllvan
niia Itiiucked dovwi and by whom Tin Horn
bport. *
Ans Twice , oneo by Charlie Mitchell and
once by Corbett , the latter acconipltsning
the feat In thu tvvcntj-lirst touiiu of their
llirlit at Now OrloniiK , when thu big follow
went down and out.
. Hi nib. Hrtit B To tlm .Sporting
Kdltoi uf Tilt HI.KI lor i lie IxinHlt of u nuni-
burof rejrulnr raidoruof Tilt 111 i : nnd o\vners
oflmrach ultMsn In '
btatu hiinduy'nleniio when
the KnglUli Derby \\JL * tint run and the nuiuu
of tlio winning horto. H. T II.
Ans In I7M ) Uiomcd was the winner.
IJNC | < I.I , ol ) . Sept 4 To the hportlnK Dll-
turiif i'liK ' llu ; . \\illjoii pluasu utato In lour
uiulay'.s III K to ihcldo u uagerubat Is the
best tlniu uv 01 nmdu by C'opplu of Itancruft I ?
Did hu over win over Cullliuui' KiuMuiVu" , If'ho
w Iml was Um dlstiuieo und timuMialU \ thu
I line uvur mndo lu a lOU-yard rater I
bldtll ,
AnsI ( ) Ten seconds (2) ( ) No. (3) ( ) Nine
anil ono-fourlh seconds ,
Neuuit , Nub , bupt 4 To the Sportlnr
Keillor uf Tut lire , Would jou pltiunj lie tu
to mention In your next edition of Tun
MMUV Hit. whether or not thu imtMiinn M
nut K , In striking nt tilt' ball ( ho second time' ,
no mlsiiNtln ball , hut the bill hlt blni In a
same hero lu i Mturdny vve > bid a c oof tlili
kind > cciir nnd as there appear * lo IM * nothing
In theruftsto cover thl point , thought It vvoll
to refer tlio matter to jou ns tin ; proper pliicn
( o get tlio rlcht nniworc hnd two nicii out ,
a man on IIrt and nun on secinnl. The Into
innti struck tvvlcii and In itrlklnir the iviwil
Hum bo did nut touch tlio bill , but the ball
"hot In nnd struck tlio hitsnmn Thl Is tlio
ttluy jnit us It ciiiiuiip An answer will confer -
for a Invor upon A. T (1 ( illovvij.
Ans No The nun wns entitled to his
biso , however.
OMVIU Xob. Sept 4 To the Cnnrtlmt
I illtoi of TIIKIIKI I'lonse answer In St'Mixv
MM' . A claims them nro onlj two nitlonnl
holldnvs ; II pi ilms there nro more1 nnil tliov
bi't. 1'loiM ) n une the third and finlttb If
tliore mi'niij anil olillco n itilni'tlbpi I'
Aim , 'I'ho Komth of Julj and Cluisttiins
nro tlio only national holldnvs
- - ' G--T. . ) thpSiinrtlnsTMItorof
TillIII l Tlii-ro Is a Rood dc il of trottlnc
tnlk In this bitrtt Just now , e'Mllul li > tliccom-
IIIB npps I'leise decide tinfollnnlin ; bc-f
A IIIVM $10 tbnt J 2 ( > Iml nol been boitcti up to
IHtiO , llclnlins that It was I'h ISP decide und
glvo n line or horse , If ii-JO was be'.itt'ti U. U.
Ans Flora Temple trotted n mlle In
2 nil * nt Mich . October 15. IVi'.i ,
which was then the fastest mile ever
Sept 3 To tlio porllns Tdl-
torof I'm. Hi i : 1'lei e stuK' In smnlny's Hm
the ago of HdiMitil II inlnii , the e\-eh minion
oirstnnnor thp vvorlil , lliiifonl Miller
Alls Thittv-oight Ho was 1 10 in in
Toronto , C.inuhi , July 23 , ISVi
Ovi vil v ' opt 7 To the ' porting IMltor of
TUB Itrt- l\i dpi'hk-u wager state. * In the * lltu
ftntii vvliotn I'uldv Uvnn vvon tin * luttvjvvvlKlit
cliiiiiiplonslilp li-liiliiilt us Jo * . Cuss mill \V
claims It VUIM Jliiimj I'.lllotthoto Is Cnss ,
nnd hou ninny lounilt did It tuUo I ! ) an to
win ? lldli.ui OVCT meet Corliult-Atlilctlc
' Ans ( | * j Joe Ooss. (2) ( ) In hen.en 1 hope
) lounds. (4) ( ) Yes , In n
leiidlv sotto in'Fi Uco.
Dwrsi-oiiT. In. . 6 To thn
l.dltorof Tin. IJKU : I'lc-usc tiubllsli lovvti. Ni-
hnisK ' i anil Kansiis open iiunll season \V II
I'c i rc'll
Ans Iowa and Nobuski , October ! to
latin iry 1. Ifatis is , the birds mo pnitected
Ovvncis of land may kill the blulson thulr
own promises.
UMON I'M uc Pnni , ( Mt 7 To HIP | iort-
Ing IMltor of Tin : III 11 Plc'iiM.tiitn ) ( InI ( I itu
nmlpl.uoof tlm ili-atliof Cl ircnco \ \ hlstlcr ,
onro u "Ii mil' In tlusuhliciiM iml till ) grectesl
vvic'itltr of iiinihirn times IKIpcT.
Ans November 0 , IbS'i , In Melbourne ,
UM vn v , To the Sporting IMltor of
Timlin : Is MclU mo who pitched for the
Nonpareils on Labor ilny the Mcllvano vvliu
soini'tliiics plli lies fur tlio H'cond Infantiy
nine ? Is bo asoldlei1'leusu uniiwei In Siin-
dny's lit innd oblige M vo.
Ans Yes
OIIVMI ISIAM > . Popt 5. To the PportltiR
l.dltorof Tin Urn I'o decide i bet plo iso
st ito In n'\t buiid.ij's Itb Klhed itc-of the lust
ll ht hctvvoc n Jolinnlo Uilllln of Kralnlii o niul
( jcorwo IIUoii ? J.V. . V.
Ans When did thoj' over moot ?
( 'Ot.Ne'lt ) , Illtin-a , bcpt. 0 To the Sportl [ ;
Ldltorof Tin IIICR : Pie iso Inform mo tnroiiKh
llio columns of the Sniidiiv lln bow soon
quails ducks , , geesp uml other , ; uno bo hunted
( oi i illier shut ) and gic'illy oblige a constiint
reader A. P. I' .
Ails Quuil October 1 to January 1. Ducks
ami goeseTat any time. "
There nro lottois at the sporting dcpnt-
ment of this olllco for Leuvcinnaik , the
high diver , ' 1 T. Austin , pugilist , and Joe
Tbo Christian Woikcrs' cotnention this
. . . . is .1 to be held nl Allanli , G.i , November
U to 10
The consecration of Bishop eloet Lirenco
of Massachusetts will tuko place in Tunity
chinch. Boston , October 5
Ur llriggs is still on c.uth. H.iving been
ofllci illy declined a heretic ho npiiMisto
be Ki-UiUf ? along Just as well as before the
The consecration of Assistant Bishop-
elect Cheshire of tlio Episcopal diocese of
North Carolina w111 take place at Turboro ,
October ( Ib.
Ucv. S.tmuel P. Jones , grandfather of
Sam P. Jones , the Georgia evangelist , is stil
living and has celebrated his 83th birthday
in Cnitersville.
Kov. Dr. Edward Becchor. tlio eldest son
of Ljiiuui Ueocher , that famous sire of
niatij famous sons and daughters , recently
celebrated his 00th hirtliduy.
Father Aithur C. A. Hall , priest of the
Anglican Older of Cowlej Fathom , has been
elected bishop of tlio Episcopal diocese of
Vermont. Ho Is an Englishman by buth
and was educated M Oxfoiil.
Thomas Spuigeon has been fairly inducted
into the great tiibciniclo pulpit at London
The opening seimun was 0110 that pleased
all and seeinod to give prospect that ho
would vvoithlly 1111 his fathei's place.
Dr. Hradlov had copies of the open hiblo
inclosed in blocks of transparent ice , which
anaiUsian icu compiiiy pie | > .iroJ for him ,
dispHied lit the meet ing in Asburvpailc list
Sunday. lie wanted to bring the fie en
truth to the attention of visitors
A spiritualistic periodical published in
London h is announced that it has secured
the -exclusive collabonitiuu ot William
Shakespeaio in the spnitu il world , " and the
public is warned that alleged communlea-
lions ftoni him appealing in any other paper
are spurious
Berlin Is not the only great Protestant
cVinltal in I uiopo that soiulv needs now
churches In Chiistiania , in Norway , thcio
is an iver.ige population ot 111,000 foi each
chinch , and in Copenhagen an averiRO of
215,000 ; or , including the biibuibs of Kied-
oneUsboig , oven of liS,000
The vatic in , the magnificent I OOO-roomcd
"prison" of the pope , sheiteis at picsent
1,1)37 ) poisons , who all belong to the pipal
household. Of thoio 118 constitute the
Swiss guild nnd cightj-llvG aio papal police -
lice The majority of these are scions of
Catholic nolilu families.
Mr. Moody is conducting at Chicago one
of thu biggest mil ) most stilling iclit'loua
catnpilgns he has over organi/ed. Last
Sund ly sUty-tlneo meetings in different
puts of the citv wore hold by his foices ,
with an aggregate nttendancoof fd.100 , and
huudicds tuined away in many cases.
'Die Evangelical allhnco for tlio United
States has arranged for an Intel national
Chiistlan conference to bo held in tlio
Mcmoi lal Art of
pnlaco the Columhlun ex
position fiom October 8 to in. The object is
to ho an exposition of the results and
present stilus of mental , moral and npiitunl !
uchlo\omeiit throughout the woild
'Jhonicmit ndvcitiscment published by n
member of the Now Voile Church of the
Strangers otTeiing a pmo of flO for the best
answer to the question , "Whiil bpoulnl fea-
lutes of Dr. Ilodson'a bormons causa thoin
to ho so iiitiactive and HO popului ? ' h is at
tracted enough attention to provo if it was
necessary still to pro vo it that ndvc't Using
nlvvajs pa } a.
Among tlio distinguished men who will at
tend the religious congi efas in Chlcngo tIs
Kov Ir S imuel Perguson , bishop of Capo
Patinas , Liberia. Ho vvai , born in South
Carolina , hut was taiccn to Liberia when .hn
child , lecelvod his education there , nnu has
bc'cn a factor in the civlll/atlon of that part
of Africa lie wan tnado a bishop in Grace
churcn , New Yoik city , in 1635 ,
Mgr Satolll was so charmed with the :
California climate during his lec'cnt visit to
the coast that ho has promised , according
to 1 the bin Krancihco pipois , to tutiiin ut
some Unto in the near future and bo the
guest of Archbishop Kioulmi The papal
ablcgalo will also probnbl ) > islt the missions
in New Mexico and Arizona and may extend
ills Journey Into old Mexico.
Hev Or Samuel Wnkcllold of West Newton -
ton , Pa , h is just celebrated ttiu iVL'd
anniversary of His wedding. Ir Wakone-ld
was U4years ; old last March , but is uhlo tote
travel aloue , having leecutly made a trip to
Pitittbuigand l > ack without great fatigue
Mrs Wake-Held Is U.J icars old The aged
couple arc the parents of flvo ions und tlvo
diiughtun , all of whom are living , and the
eldest of whom Is 71i ears old.
Arcnhishop Kiiln , who has boon appointed
coadjutor to the venerable Archbishop Ken- :
lick , St J-ouis , has been created archbishop
of OxyrlnchiiB , as there cannot , of course , bo
two archbishops of St. Louis , Oxynnohui is
thn mod urn llcunessch , u place In lower
Ugj pt on the wustern bank of the Kilo near
llahr ol-Jhsuf. It was formerly one of the
most powerful and Influential dependencies
of Homo , nnJ numbered COO bishopric * Now
it Is practically u wilderness , hut the Church
of itomo never abolUhes these dpUcopul
titles Mgr. Satolll , for instance , u urcti-
bistiouof Ixjpauto , although that illocosB hut
long ceased to exist except In namo.
\T < Tiin f > i fi i THn T/\ t P i ITI
But En Departure Her F nrors Showero'l on
Cloiul-ICI < oil Mountains Urllrrt thn 'Mrlliiw
llpiiiK of Sol , nnd All I.Hi' Itcjolcri
VVln-li Idnt Is Not on tlm VVInc
' I'rnlt uiiil llmhnr.
> , Ore , Sept 0 [ Correspondence
of TIIK UM : ] Twenty jcirs ago the writer
\ tiavcllng up and down the country
nrotind Oinilia ns a mtssloii irj for Tin : HKI : .
nnd w tiling occasional shotchos for publica
tion ever tno slgimturu of "Don timeline"
Tlnn's vvcro dull then , but traveling v ? as
( rood The people of Nebraska vvoio wldo
nvvakevartn ho.irteil and generous Ho
hns not cen ed to sigh ocetsioiullj , like n
travolei In the wildc'tnusa for sunshine fern
n people like them Yet the twenty veils
have gene fairlj' well with him In this Hnd
of icputeit riln. It does riin hero a gioit
clenl of tlio time fur sl\ months In the jeir ,
out vvo tnko rain In hotmvpathlc closes ; one
hotn's good alopathlc rain In Ne'braska would
seivo tlio Oicgon lalntnakoi s stock In ti.ulo
for a good three weeks run on rain overj1
day Wo get so wo don't mind thu ram ;
snow . Is vvh it gets us. Lot but an inch of
the . . ' white Hakes fall , however light and
lleecj , nnd ovetjbody , oven to iho lumber
man but a few jeirs out from the pineries
of mntliein Wisconsin uml Michigan , t ikes
tocimp and tofnscs to woik till tain come
ngam to uncover the giccn.
Then vo have sunshine for nearly half thi
jear , niul such sunshlncl Soft and shim
meringllkc chased silver , coming down out
of heavens boundlessly blue ns the ejes ol
the fait miidcn seen -.oiiiovv hero In the far-
off past ; i nil tier hnlr , its blonde waves and
culls Miggcsted bv lleocj , low hung clouds
which t-'lvo half thodavsof sptlngaud uu-
tmim the .tppcntauee of the Hist half-hour of
sunshlno and shadow after the passing of a
spiing s > hovv cr among the midland lakes of
old YotU state
Tor twenty jeats I hnvo se'cn no wind
sloim blow ibat was lieicer than daily
biec/es on the plains of the Phtte , noi felt
Ihuchillof n tempotaturo below 7010. I'ho
"lUhlninic's pi iro" mid the "thunders roar"
mo nn thle il teims to clillittcn le.ucd in ibis
limit , for thov aio nolthcr RI-OII nor he ml
One of Iho pei uliaiitiis of this summer
cllninto Is that n season of the hottest
wciihei known hoiu will toiinlnato In n
night without a distinguishable quiver of
olectucal 01 other atmospheric illstuilnnco ,
and tbo following ( lav , vvilh Just ns blight a
sun and ele.ii sky , will un cool and delight
ful Drj weather for having and harvest
mnj bo iclied upon as certiiinlj ns night fol
lows sunset. The fnnner uses his wheat
field for a ginnaiy , le.ues the thicbhed grain
out till it goes to the ti.iin or l it.
Urucon Mini niul DiHt.
Hut I must not w i Ito an iminiginnt ciicu-
lum , giving onlj the good. Mini , mid more
mud in winter ( six montns ) , is the gie-ut
dtawbaek H sets one down BO deep mid
sticks so b ud nnd close that the ' old timer"
most used to it will nt tunes exhaust the vo-
cihul.uj of cussatives. Anil dust , thootlior
oxtioinoof mud , mingled with smoke fiom
burning woods , thickens nbout the 1st of
Septembci , so thick thit jou could cut it
Hut ) it will rain in a few dnvs Uncle Sun's
bhcklliigovon now hangs on Iho vvcalhei
signal staff above the Oicgondn office
Then smoke nnd dust disipiic.u , tlio world
laughs , all natuio laughs in n sunshine soft
as Hoods the "hills of P.undiso. " To Iho
then is to bo glad. Every Orcgonlan swears
new fealty to the land of his adopt ion. It is
the strongest pioof of the winteis of this
climate , that no mnn or woman who has
lived heio a jear or two would exchange
back : to the "states" for any consideration
olC wealth. "I would not live enst of the
Cascade mountains and be king of tbo whole
countrj' , " is a common expression.
A Mountain Online-
Within the pist few weeks I have cnjojcd
a Jaunt among the mountains , the llrst ical
one of the kind for pleasure since coming to
this countrj' . Two gentlemen nnd mvsolf
left tlio city nt 0 a. m and camped at night
by the side of a brawling stieam high in the
mountains , where In half an hour one of us
bad caught trout oi.oiigh for supper nnd
breakfast for Iho party. The next dnv wo
climbed n ( hvido 5,000 feet liigh , nnd , after
taking a 1111 of the panornnin on both sides ,
descended mlo n wooded vnlloj' bojond ,
whoso only other denizens , wore elk , dear
and bear.
Hero for a week vvo walked tlio halls of
natuio unit leveled in tostsupeib Could
I hut descnbo this foirst of the Pncillcl The
timber is ever green 11 r , laich cedar nnd
hemlock. Eachtieolsu btiaight , smooth
shaft fiom llueo to six feet in diameter , so
tall th it a oitv block could lin stood on e'liil
under the limbs One hunched nnd twenty
steps vvo paced off on the body of n fallen
shaft 'I he foil igo of the tops mingle and
makes a canopy the sun cannot pciiolinto
Only patches of the skj can be seen tin ouch
pel uumllcular walls among the tieo tops
'Iho floor of the foi cst is eaipoted with n
moss which mows In lot in line tno foicsi ,
tlueo or four Inches deep of living gleam on
a foot of soft , do id accumulation , into which
Iho foot sinks In noiseless hainiony with the
silence of tlio waiting woods
waitinp for thu time to come , when , the
Nicaragua canal completed , tlio luinboiinan
comes to untie the vast wealth stoiod thcio-
In llovv vast mnj bo seen by a llttlo calcu
IlniiiidlrfiK Ijiimlior Ilcioiu < r .
A log 40 inches In diameter nnd 20 feet
ig hiiB ld < ) loot of lumber , and ono of Iho
jiio length U ) Inches in diameter cm lea
nearly 4,000 feet , boiud moasino Any ono
of tliusu Irces will cul ton lop SJO feet long
bj 4.0 Inches In diameter , uml the laigestof
them will make as many CO Inch long logs of
tliu same length We cun count unyvvhuio
twentj such lines on an aero of ground.
Call one-half , though thoto tire no appar
ent defects , and bj the smallest tiees vvo
have lOx-IOxlWO , ItiJ.OUO feet to the aero
'llio quality of this lumber Is bupcilor to
Michigan or Wisconsin lumber for any pur
pose , and when Its value is computed nt the
i.ito of sny $5 pci M. stumpngo ( low In
Michigan ) an auto of such limber U worth
$50001 upwntd As now held by tbo govein-
mcnt such land can bo had for the taking , or
nt most for f , ' 50 pot acre.
Fruit Outturn In Ornron ,
The fertility of a soil that produces nuoh
n forest giovvlh is measuioloss by nnv other
standard. Wheio It has been cleated and
put In cultivation , ut an immense cost , of
course , iswhuiu the famous crops of the
Dromon coutitrj1 at o grown Tlio jmoploaro
lul be/luiilng to rciill/o Its vnluo , and
true u o Trult culture has neon prauticod
by a few- long enough to provo the pet feet
adaptability of both cllmnto mid soil to the
puiposo. 'iho returns of piuno ml tin n , for
Instance , nroslmplj fabulous , f-iOO , # 100 nnd
1500 per acre not per annum fiom the ciop
Is universal whet o tlio orchaids huvocoimi
to bearing A man with ten ncios In bearIng -
Ing pruncb bus nn easy and pleasant occu
pation , and a cash Income of .1,000 ormoio
per annum ,
Yet this is omliiPiitlv not n ln/jf tnnn'n
countrj' . U takes hnid work and much
closer nttentlon to details to succeed a * the
cultivator of land In this country thnn It
does In Nebraska. I would never ml v iso u
western farmer , wedded tovvestetii methods ,
to pull up and come to thii countrj' . Hut
the Intelligent beginner in BKrlculturo , with
u llttlo inonoy ahead to see him through the
llrst years , raiy talto hold hero with the
most perfect asnuraiico of securing thu hl'ti- )
cbt degree of success in fruit production.
Times nro dull lu Portland , though our
suspended banks are about ready to leojicn.
Wo look for n large immigration next your
nu the result of our displays nt the World's
nfair , I ) . U.
Unsy people 1mro no tuna nnd sonslblu
people huvo no Inclination to use pills that
malco thorn sick a day for o\ cry dose they
tnke. They have learned tbiit thu use of
Do WItt'B Little Karly HUer * does not Inter-
feio with their health by causing niuisea ,
pain or Kilning 'Ihese llttlo pills nro perfect
in action aim result , regulating the stomach
and bovvois , so that headaches , aUzlnuas uud
hlassitude are provoiitud. They tone up the
siKtom. Lots of healtu iu these llttlo
fellow * .
Beauty Culture
Oitfflintorof Steitnlnrllio run- Inventor of tlio
onl.v ML inline Apiitratua evil given n lulcnl il
\VnsliliiRtou , n 0
SIMCIAI. : Nona- : .
I'or tlio benont of lullin iteslrlui ; to tike Minn
Ynlo'H Iri ilment for KIMIUIV InurlnkliH Hi-stor ,
Inc Ycnitli ( 'nltlillni : Hi iiitv I'urlfvf \ \ \ the Com-
tilexlon imil eiirlinr all furnm cit Slitn UUc isos
Minn Y.lieu 111 cUe
Our tmlmciit will unite iwoiinn of 10,60 00 ,
70 nnd older look from tin to nflu'itvo irs.\onnii r ,
Mine. .lie Is Iho oiilj inlliorltj llvlui ; who re-
inovox vvrlnklosiitid iiNliin H vonlh Mlildle-iiKiU
nnil ultl I utU nrum iikMo look like JOIIIIK C'I'H ' '
l.ndks u in bo Mjc'ii at Mine \alo H ' ! < miilti of
lli'iulv aui day vv lie have bun n.stonil to youth
anil bcnulj _ _ _ _ _ _ _
riioM OMAHA nnu
This Coupon is good for ono Facial
Treatment ut Mmo. Ynlo'a Temple
of Beauty , at 501 Kurbach block ,
15tli and Douglas sts. , Onniliu ,
'oK o.Ar ; : / ; /
Home Treatment ,
s Uv IIIK it a illnl inoi * an > Instructed free by
m ill 'Ihu IIIIICIIICH aru simply to apply. SLO
1'rlcu J.lbt
J.lbt"La Freckla"
ThoII-iHv rii'cklofurp It in illerH not If rrccklca
li mtbicii from i hlldliooil to old .IBP , I.i Frrohln
will cnio tin in evctv time. ( > u iranlicil to mAUo
the ( oniplexlon t IP ir nut tv intlfnl Hemovoa
Bimbiiin .mil t m In a few apiillcalloiiH. I'rluu (1.
Excelsior Skin Food.
The only reniedv lu the vvorlit Hint removes
wrinkle's unittliu tr.ue of airc. 1hcn ) arc niauy
Inill.iltoiiii , lint Mini.1 Yale'u IH tlm onlSkluJMiHl
Bonnlne 11K\V'A11K OF 1MITATOHS I'rtco , $1 BO
unU $8 00.
Excelsior Hair Tonic.
ThlBineillclno iioBltlvelj turnn gray lialr back
to color without ilje U IH tliollrHlUne
In tlmlilslor ) uf llu ; vvorlit Hiich a tliliiK lian b ea
dune lIuiulrcilH of iinllcH anil Kontleinuii cnu t >
Hct n hi Ihls 'iml oilier cities vv ho vv 111 cliidly Icstl/y.
ItHlops InilrfHllliiK out In tvvtntjrour hours niul
creilcH a luxuilint tfionlh An ubsoluw euro tor
all ui il | > and li ill JIM. IHCH I'rlco , fl 00 per botllo )
0 roi fj 00.
CoiHiillilion Free al Olfico or by Mail
MAIJjOUDKKS LnfllPHOrdiTliur b } mail plenoa
HI ml ) our mom v by rcnlmorul lottnr , ti intt ilrifl.
I.O orderccrlltic'il clink or puulnl nole , olhor *
V.IHO jt jour own rlnli. AildrtHH nil oidtrs to
Beauty and Complexion Specialist ,
Temple of Beauty , 501 Karbach
Block ,
] , " > tli niul Dou-fliiH Srs. , Oitiultn , JVol > .
1 * S S.'iiil 0 ccntn i > OHt ik'o fur Muie. Yale's
Hi uny Jioolt
IB the only "
Women Excluded.
IB ycnri cxprrlf rfce
Circular * free. '
1 4th nnd Fnrnmn SU. '