Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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COUNCIL llliU ! < T&
I'cllvcreil by cimler to any part of the city
II. W. TIl.TON - Manager
TFt , Fi'iin\M : < > J IUisltif.5 Ofllco No.-IS
MlfiOlt . / : . > 3TICM.
N. Y Plumbing Co.
Boston Store bankrupt sato.
The Mnyno Keal KitatoOo. , C21 Tlro.vlwny
The superior court made Its assignment nf
cases yesterday afternoon.
Frank H. Arnold nnd Annie .Tones , both of
Omaha , were yesterday married by Justice
Mrs. W. M. Fuller linn tnken nut n , build-
Intr penult for n residence In Johnson's addi
tion , to cost $1,000.
Horsellcsh , especially In the western part
of the city , Is being greatly troubled with a
snlnilng sort of distemper.
A little daughter of DcnyerSnillh Is suffer
ing from a fractured arm ns the result of
stumbling over a croquet arch , '
The count v Board of Supervisors consid
ered road mailers yesterday , the proceed
ings naturally being dry and dusty.
The agreement among the railway agents
requiring cash payments of freights before
delivery goes into effect on the llth.
This is tax-paying month , and these who
do not hand In their casii before the 1st of
October will have to pay the penalty.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Congre
gational church will hold n business meeting
at the church this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Art Mcl iren and Clydo McCullough were
yesterday arrested as being among these
concerned in the recent despoiling of- the
The Kind's Daughters of the Christian
church had an enjoyable , literary nnd
musical evening , at the residence of Mr.
Married.nt the Kiel hotel , September fi ,
18'.i : . Mr. Gordon C. Smith of Lo Mars , la. ,
nnd Miss Jessie Mason of Tcicamuh , Neb.
Her. H. H. Barton , onicated.
From a private letter from Portland , Ore. ,
it is learned that twojCouncil Bin IT a boys ,
Frank Stacy and I/iuls Bcchtcle , are en
gaged In gathering hops in that vicinity.
The Ucbckah Itollef association will meet
with Mrs. D. J. Gates , SOT South Seventh
street , this afternoon at UiilO o'clock. A full
attendance Is desired. Visitors welcome.
The case of Larry Mosby , charged with
getting away with the burled treasures of
the colored church , has had his case con
tinued until tomorrow before Justice Vion.
Frank Meyers , the suspicious fellow wearIng -
Ing three pairs of pantaloons , was not able
to clear himself from the charge of exposure
ol person , and his carelessness cost him $10.
The general fund of the Homo of the
Friendless had a deilcleney of less than $100
when the year opened. There has been such
a shrinkage of support that the deiloicnuy Is
now over $1,000.
The amusement season will open at
Dohany's on the 20th by the presentation of
"A Hum Pnddinir , " by the MinnieSartello
Comedy company. Cleveland's Minstrel
company , which was to open the house on
the llth , has changed its dale to October 1 ! ) .
During the month of August only five cases
of contagious diseases were reported to the
city Board of Health thrco of measles and
two of scarlet fovor. During the month
there were twenty-six deaths , eight more
than during the same month last year. Six
teen of these were under 10 years of ago.
There was n stormy scene In Justice Fox's
court yesterday between attorneys and tlio
presiding magistrate as to the question
whether the oath should be administered lo
an 8-year-old witness. The court decided
tnat the boy could tell his story without
swearing to It , and h's- ' testimony was to bo
received as though in the regular way.
Ono of the Missouri customers of a Council
Bluffs commission house wrote hero yester
day in regard to selling some bonus and cord
wood which financial depression prevented
his selling in Missouri. The customer has
been m the habit of mixing politics with
) iis commercial epistles In enthusiastic demo
cratic ! doses , but yesterday's letlor indicated
that ho was not so well pleased with the ro-
Bult of the election as ho had imagined dur
ing the campaign times. After telling about
his beans nnd cord wood lie says : "By the
way. what'Is the matter at Washington t
Cleveland has gone n-Jishlng. nnd you bet
the next time he wauls lo bo president I'll
go a-ilshing. "
The firm of Wheeler , Ilcrcld & Co. , is
this day dissolved by mutual consent , II.
P. Wilkinson rotlrinpr , G. R. Wheeler
and J. A. Heroic ! will continue mulct1
tbo firm mime of Wheeler & Herold ,
thcv ' assuming all liabilities and collcct-
Ing'ull bills.
G. R. WHKKf.KK ,
COUNCIL BLUKKS , Iowa , Sept.1 , 1893.
Coal cheap for cusli.
Carbon Coal Co. .
34 Pearl street , Grand liotol bldg.
timokc T. D. King & Co's Partagas.
j'jitt > u.\.u , t > Ait.mii ti'iis.
S. P. MacConnoll left lust evening for the
K. F. Chirk , proprietor nf the Grand , re
turned yesterday froin un extended eastern
Miss M. V. Utilto of TvOs Angeles , is mak
ing a brief visit to bar old friends hero. She
is now engaged in business in California unit
bus just been to Now Yorlc after now goods.
Miss Anna Morgon , daughter of John
Mergan , loft yestonlay for the World's fair ,
nccompaniud by her aunt , Mrs. Mergon of
Omaha. Miss Mergon , after spomlinir a
few weeks in Chicago , will visit Grand
Kapids and St. Paul.
Are soiling four to six n day of these
inngnlliuKiit Uiuliant Homo ranges. Bo
euro nnd BOO them before you buy.
Cole & Colo.
Fruit lnmln and farms. GrecnshioldH ,
Nicholson &Co. , ( iOO llroadway. Tol. 151
Williamson' & Co. , lOli Alnln street ,
largest anil host bicycle stock in city.
Able your grocer for Doinostlo soap.
Io t Viilniililu liluiiiiiuil.
John Motculf , who runs a resort n short
distance out of town , is mourning the loss of
n hnmisomo diamond pin valued at H40.
Ho was driving homo Into Monday night In
n light buggy ami while trying to avoid inu
collision with a country rosui hog drove is
buggy intoailllch and upsut it. Ho : is
thrown violently out on the ground ami tin-
Ishod with a regulation haso bull slide on ills
stomach. Thu contain with thu harsh earth
ripped off his diamond pin. Ho loft his
buggy cushion where it
fell to mark tliu
place and drove for lantern.
a lantern.Vhen ho re '
turned the road hog hud stolen bis cushion ,
or at least It was gene , and a long and earn ,
fill search failed 10 rovcal the diamond. tilt
la still undiscovered ,
Dcautiftil etching given with every
fl.'Zen cabinet photos at liiloy & - ti
tion's for twenty dtiyn ; frames of ll 1
kinds to order.
George S. Davis , pro.criptloii < druggist. )
Domestic Bonp outlasts cheap soap
\Viiniod it * u WltiiiM * .
Deputy Sheriff Llewellyn of Sioux City
wns in the city yesterday to secure Airs.
Carbon , alias Mrs. Hunk , whoso husband
hud such a Hashing career hero by beating lida ;
drum and his landlord. Carbon Is belnir
held ut Sioux City for being too muehly mar
ried , and the wife whom ho married when
bo was behind the burs
hero is wanted as a
witness. She had given bonds to appear bo
fore the grain ! Jury at Stolix City , but JOit
eeems that when she
was wanted she wns
not there. Hence the '
oftlrur's visit to Coun A
cil HlutTs , Ho will talin her hauU with him.
Cook meals this IIl.aa
your summer on a gas
rangu , At cost ut the Gas company.
t Slop at the Ogden , Council J31ulls , t le
' "
2.00 hoiibo in Iowa ,
Domestic soup Is the best
Laflesh and Shepherd , Confidence Men , Have
Their Hearing.
Moth Mnn Dorlnrrd Their Innocnnco of Any
Intention to ! > < > AVrnnc Henutlct
or n I.ltrly linncluntlou
AVoll llUintrntcd.
The two confidence fellows , giving their
names as 11. L. Kallesh and J. , J. Shepherd ,
had their hearing before Justice Field yes
terday. The testimony showed that the
two wore partners working the little pad
lock scheme. Shepherd took the role of the
verdant stranger , who was anxious to bet
any amount of money that ho could open the
mysterious padlock exhibited by l.nllesh.
Lallesh was always willing to bet but
uu fortunately had no means except ft
draft , which ho was willing to
put up as security , It the saloon
man would lend him the monpy necessary to
mnko the bet and capture the veulant's
money. The game was tried In several Main
street saloons but no ono bit , and the pair
of sharpers found themselves suddenly
tumbled into a patrol wagon nnd headed for
the station. On the way there Shepherd
crumpled up nml dropped a draft for $1,500 ,
and his partner in llko manner tried to get
rid of the little padlock. Those evidences of
the * business were picked up by the police ,
however , and the follows had to fuco them in
Krlitenccft of Tlirlr Orcupitllon.
On Laflcsh was found a $ V)0 ) draft , which
was made out on the same sort of a blank ,
and In the 3:11110 : handwriting , and in favor
of the same party , J. M. Beck , ns the $1,500
draft which bhephoril had tried to got out of
the way. It took a peed deal of tall swear
ing for the two fcllnws to explain themseh'cs.
Shepherd claimed that ho had fallen in with
Laflesh by chance at Sioux City , having had
a alight acquaintance only with htm before
in Chicago , whore Lallesh , or "Silver , " as ho
called him , had worked In n Clark street
auction house. Shepherd was bound for
Arkansas City , Kan. , and Lallesh concluded
to KO along , nrovided that Shepherd would
waltn few days until ho could realize on a
chfok for f.V)0 ) which ho had won gambling
with a man named Heck in Sioux City.
Shepherd was In u hurry to go on his way to
Lailcsh nrofossed to belong to the Order
of Trainmen , being an old railway man , and
that by reason of this ho could got free rides
and taken partner with him.iShepherd there
upon proposed to furnish grub money , if La-
tlcsh would furnish transportation , and the
two under this arrangement came to
Council nitiffs. While waiting hero for a
train to take them further on their way they
went into two or thrco saloons lo get re
freshments. In two of them Lailcsh showed
these little padlocks , in both cases pulling
them nut of his pocket accidentally with
some change , and as they attracted the at
tcntion of the bartender "in each case ho explained -
plained frankly that one of the padloclcs
would not open , for some reason , but that
the other would. In ono place the bartender
wanted to bet Shepherd , but the latter re
Clnlincil Thry W ro Strictly Honest.
Beyond some llttlo details like these both
men denied that they were trying to work
any game , and denied , too , that they had
tried to mnko way with the padlocks or
drafts. Neither of them had over seen the
$1.600 draft.
Laflesh said that in regard to the padlock
that ho did not know it was in his hand and
that if it was ho must have dropped it
out of the wagon in sheer nervousness as ho
put his hand up over the rail.
The precious pair were bound over to the
grand jury in the sum of $ ; iOO each , and in
default of bail were talcen to Jail. There
seems little doubt but that they are quite
slick , but their play in Council BlnlTs was
very unfortunate , possibly because they
toolc it few too many early drinks before
staying their stoma'chs against prohibition
whisuy by a substantial breakfast. |
Nothing Un * Yet lli'on Heard from tlio
Mlsslnc Watson.
The search was being kept up vigorously
yesterday for some solution of the mystery
surrounding the disappearance \Vatson ,
the traveling man. at Silver City. As usual ,
just as soon as the occurrence of such an
event becomes generally known there sprung
up a thrifty crop of clews and singular cir
cumstances , each of which , iu the mind of
the excited narrator , Is the all important
ono for speedy investigation. One of the
most singular of these was oue which throw
the little town of Mincola
inio a state of ex
citement almost equal to that tingling the
nerves of its near neighbor , Silver City. As
the story goes , a saloon man at Mincola
went to ono of his outbuildings late Monday
night and was surprised by the form
of a man crouched in one corner.
As ho struck n match to enable him
to see more clearly who was there , the un
known jumped and ran. but not before tlio
Biiloonist had noticed that he was halloas ,
coatless and vesllcss. Ho
excitedly gave the
alarm , told what ho had seen , and soon
neighbors nnd citizens were running in all
directions searching for him whom they
supposed must be the missing U'utbon. The
saloomst's slory had Us force rather shaken
by the discovery that the narrator did not
get over his excitement , but it rather In
creased , until yesterday morning it ills
qultei evident that ho was far uI ! from lsa
mental balance. This has caused the con
jectures to bo divided , ns to whether the
saloonist imagined he saw such a man as ho
described , or whether ho really did see him
and the shock caused him to lose his mind.
The theory that Watson was assaulted in
such a manner as to leave him in a dazed
condition , causing him to wander otf , seems
to bo meeting with most favor. The absence
of traces of blood - cog.
any p-ovys most puzzling ,
but the absence of any motives for him tote
voluntarily disappear is equally certain.
Sprclnl for Wcdnexliiy.
So dozen Indies'
Jersey ribbed vests ,
our regular USe quality. Wo want to
clobO thuin out. J'wiitiro lot todav , lOtr.
20 dozen Infants' nil wool knit vests ,
all Hi/on , today , 25o ouch.
Largest line of underwear In the city.
Today wo olTor 50 pieces of heavy cot
ton twill crush , tijoynrii. ny
100 pieces light shirting prints today ,
1,000 pieces now fall dross prints nt.'ljc
nnd fie yard. You have nionoy by trad
ing with us.
l ! . " ) niouod of outing flannel , nlco styles ,
regular 12c } quality , today , Do yard. :
Can you pass this bargain by ?
f)0 ) plccos heavy bhirtings , nice styles ,
rotriilar l'2Jo quality , today 7oy.ird.
Ho on hand early for these bargains.
Council HlulTd.
A coiircTJON : Aii.scv. :
lla\r tlm J'ullro Court Hun Aldoil u Mer.
cliiint to Uolli'Ct u Duel Unbl.
Chris , Larson , a South Main street mer
chant , is being congratulated for his success
ful methods of collecting bad accounts.
Hans I'etersen had owed him a bill that hud
paused the ago of youthful Indiscretion ,
turning the seven year period by
several mouths. The amount exceeded
K'O , and Peterson always managed
to keep his property In such a
shapethat executions were harmless ,
few day ago went Into a South
Main street saloon and ordered the drinks :
for some of his friends. When ho went i to
pay the bill ho stepped into a back room ,
pulled oIT a shoo and sock and took out a
reel of (140. Ono of Larson's friends
happened to sea the performance ana re-
noricd the fuel , Larsen then devised
uu original schemu to got a whack at
the roll. Ho got UU friouUi to accompany
Peterson around town and pro utfon him
frequent injunctions to take ft drink , and
the result was that within a few hours the
stocking banker was rlpo enough for the
police to pick. The people nt the city Jail were
given a Mint to search the prisoner's stock
ings and the JUO roll was brought to view
and deposited in the strong box In the
Jailor's onico. Before the trial was called
the next morning Larson garnished the mar
shal , got judgment In a justice's court and
collected his bill. Other creditors heard of
the proceedings and followed suit. A llttlo
of the money is still left In the court's
hands awaiting any other creditors who may
happen to hear of the case ,
How r. Itj-nn , nn Aged IllnnUo , Observed
l.nlinr Day.
T. Hyan , h grizzly old patriarch of about
ninety pounds weight nnd OOyoars existence ,
was brought Into the central police station
yesterday afternoon In the patrol wagon at
the Instance of his wife and neighbors. Ho
celebrated tlio recurrence of Labor dny and
only got into a condition to feel real young
and frisky about 8 o'clock yesterday afterIool
noon. Then the furniture of his humble
domicile on Seventeenth avenue required his
attention , Ho procured an nxo and devoted
a perspiring hour to the reduction Into
kindling wood of every article suitable In
the house. His old wlfo had to fly for her
life , and when she got some of her
neighbors to como to the rescue
of her household goods there wasn't
much left , and nearly nil of U was
lying out In the yard. Not a single article
that couH succumb to the blows of the ax
remained In existence. Deputy Marshal
Anderson , who accompanied the wagon , de
scribed the wreck as being the most com-
uleto ho hud over seen outside of a dynamite
The grizzled old sinner had. to bo picked
UP bodily nnd carried into the cell assigned
him until this morning. The police say that
It was the best doseof flghtine whisky they
have encountered for u long time. A few
weeks ago Kj'an had another jamboree and
came near wrecking his homo , nnd Ofllcer
Lcuch had to tlo him up in his bit ; bandanna
handkerchief and carry him to the nearest
patrol box. Ho was discharged that time
upon giving Judge Medico many repentant
promises , but ho will probably bo taken care
of this time until his wlfo can rehabilitate ]
the stricken home.
> 'ntlct tu ruuunors.
School will open Monday , September
1 , and in order to make life In the school
room ns bearable as possible teachers
should provide themselves with good ,
oomfortublo shoes , anil of course the
cheaper yon can buy them tbo bettor.
Thomas B. Hughes of 1)11) ) ) South Alain
street is closing out his entire line of
ladles' shoes at a sacrifice. The line
comprises everything in the wjiy of n
lirst-class ladies' shoo , nnd when you deduct -
duct 20 to 50 per cent from his regular
prices ( according to style ) you got a shoo
for a very small price.
Notlco to ( irorory.iion.
The brand of corn known na "D. W.
Archer's World's Fair Brand Sugar Corn ,
Co Bluffs , In. , " is not packed at
Co Bluffs and Cpuncll Bfulls Can
ning Co. has no interest whatever in said
Don't ' fail to figure with Cole & Cole
on your steel range or cook stovo. The
best stock and lowest prices. Sold on
payments to responsible parties.
Have SI.500 to loan on real estate
security. E. II. Sheafo.
Sliiyintlio DOUR.
Dop Catcher Bates and his deputies have
inaugurated a new carnival of destruction
among the dogs whoso thoughtless musters i
have neglected to provide tliem with tax
receipts. Twenty-seven were hauled into
the pound Monday and an equally large
number were shut up yesterday. Monday
afternoon they had some exciting experiences
with two dogs that had beer , outlawed in
the western part of the city. They had
shown symptoms of hydrophobia and
numerous complaints had reached ttio dog
catchers to como and take care of them.
The dogs were captured nnd thrown into the
wagon , when they Immediately wont to
work to exterminate u number of other dogs
already there. Both were shot at once.
Two others that were bitten in the wagon
were also shot us a safeguard against possi
ble danger.
The dog catcher has destroyed nearly 300
dogs and expects to bring the total up to
1,000 before ho quits.
Itud Hills .Mll.lo Good.
Business men need their money In
these times. If you have bills against
people not living in Iowa employed by
any railway , express , telegraph or tele
phone company entering Iowa , write to
the Nassau Investment Co. , Council
BlufTs. Collections guaranteed.
Tlio time for the
purchase of now carpets -
pots , etc. , is here , and this recalls the
fact/that tlio Council Blutrs Carpet com
pany is tlio i nly establishment where
you can positively save money and get
satisfaction iu goods. Counoil Blutl's
people , and as many in Omaha as desire
to save money , will appreciate this hint.
Cinders for Sale 200 loads nice , clean
cinders for walks and drive ways. Apply
to E. D. Burke , Taylors's grocery
Domestic sou ] ) is the best
Clinlrrn Mailntlrs In Italy.
HOME , Sept. 5. There hnvo been 250
now cases and 25 deaths in various parts
of Italy during the past twenty-four
hours including II deaths at Palermo
and U at Naples. Since the beginning
of the outbreak there have been 70
deaths from choloraat Palermo.
TinDentil Kull.
BKVEHLIA' , Mass. , Sept. 5. Joro'mo
Bon.tparto died ut his summer homo at
Prides Crossing Sunday night.
LONDON , Sept. 5. Frederick Do
Coursoy May of Alnryland died on Fri-
dav ut Uvde , a watering place on the
Isle of Wight.
Southerly Wliiiln Will Illnw anil ItVII1
Ho I'air In Nubr.mku Today.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 5. Forecast for
Wednesday : For Nebraska and Iowa
Fair ; southerly winds.
For South Dakola : Fair ; slightly warmer
Iii extreme eastern North Dakota ; southerly
local Uecoril.
Sept. 5. Omaha record of tompuraturo ami
rainfall compared with corresponding day of
pint four yoiiri :
1893. 1802. 1891. 1890.
Maximum temperature. HU = ( ! 8 = > 70s Tjo
Minimum temperature. , ulc 6lo 570 coo
Avuragu temperature. . . 75 003 ( iuo 70O
I'lOilpltatlon 01) .00 .00 .00
Stalomont showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation ut Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , Ib'JU ' :
Normal temperature C8 = >
ss for the da
Di'llclency Muco March 1 . . 255 = >
Normal precipitation . 11 Inch
Dullelenuy for thu day . 11 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 . 'J.lUlnch
Jui < irU from Oilier J'nlntB nt H p. m.
K15 - * ! : < t * * *
aS gf * v- f
STATIONS. 02 2j jr ° n
BS z * * ?
a vi-i a a
tlP tlh
ay. tih
OCUUQK . llL' r , Local 1'orecnst Official ,
Two Little Ohlldro It the Dead Woman
on the Witness Stand.
Clnronce nnd Krberk' * Testimony Agrees
In General with tli'nit of '
t'rerlomVll -
netso * Mr . Miuvhor't I.lfoVn
Injured Tar 80,000.
AVOOA , In. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] There was an clement of pathos
In the proceedings of the iftstrlct court hero
today , the children 6f the Into Mrs. Mawhor
being called on to testify to the fuels
surrounding their mother's last hours.
The little boy nnd girl , who are bright
looking , Intelligent children , evidently
felt the peculiar situation In which they
wcra placed , nud showed they know the Im
portance of the proceedings. They gave
their testimony In a simple , straightforward
way , their childish voices seeming strangely
ont of place In so serious a matter as the
trial of n man for his life. Ami when tbo
man was the one who had undertaken the
duty of n father and who was accused of the
awful crime of murdering their mother , the
pity of the thing was Impressed on all who
heard their evidence.
Clarence Erbeck , the 11-year-old son of
the dead woman , was the first witness
called. Ho told of being at school on the
uay his mother died. Ho returned In the
evening and ate supper with the family.
After auppor his mother busied hcrsell par-
tug tomatoes to make pickles. Just
before she went to bed she wont
to the pantry nnd got some quinine
capsules. They were In u covered box. Ills
mother took two , ami then asked Mavhor ,
"Shall 1 taKe the oilier onol" Mawhor
answered , "Do as you plonso. " She look
the third ono and then went to bed. In
about twenty minutes she woke up and
called him and his sister. She Uissed them
goodby and said she was going to die. To
Mawhor she said , "What was in that iiii- ]
nine , i am afraid it is going to kill mo. Wit
ness went after Airs. Harris , and Mrs.
Harris went for the doctor. His mother
said nothing about the third capsule being n
litilo one. ( This statement is m contradic
tion of what. Mawhor told before the cor
oner's Jury , when ho said his wife spoke of
the third capsule being a "llttlo one. " )
Fiivorcd IIlH StpplntliiT.
Cross examination developed the fact tha
the little hey was rather partial to Mawhor
and when the court made the order placing
him In Sheriff Tale's hands it was atrainst
the wishes of the lad. Ho said Mawhor had
promised his mother on her deathbed to take
good care of the children. When Mawhor
was arrested the boy ran away and stayed
with George Mawhor , a brother of tbo
Llttlo Fannie Erbeck , daughter of the de
ceased wife , told in substance tbo same
story us her bi-otltoijconcerning the evening
prior to the mother's ilenth. She said
that when her mother asked Mawhor
if she should take the third
capsule -
sulo he replied : "Do as you please.
It makes no difference to me. He re
peated this remark , and then her mother
look the capsule. Nothing was said about
the third capsule beiutf u small one. Fannie
went to bed , but did trot go to sleep. She
saw Mawhor going to the kitchen after
water for her mother , Then her mother
called the children ty her bedside and kissed
them'goodby. ' '
ITannie's ( luery as to wliat
was the matter shq s\id \ , " 1 don'l know. I
believe 1 am going , lo die. " She told the
children to bo good children. Then she said :
"I wish I had no , , taken those capsules.
They are 6-oIng to kid mo. " Mawhor stood
by and when his ilyiiig wife said this he
only shook his head. Her mother's last
words were to Mrs. Harris : "Don't rub my
foot , " Her mother , " did nothing unusual
during several -immediately before her
Kiinw of Her .Mother' * Insllrnnoe.
On cross-examination It was developed
that Mrs. Mawhorhad ( told her daughter a
few nays before hijr deatti that she had her
life insured for ? 5,000. Witness also admit
ted that Grandma 'Erbeck haa told her she
had better refer to the defendant as Mr.
Mawhor and not as "Old Mawhor. "
An argument was then precipitated as to
the admission of the testimony of Mrs.
Fannie Erbeck of Alton , 111 , , mother of the
dead woman , the defense contending that no
notice of oho states ! intention in this respect
had been served. The state contended that
the production of the witness "as notice
sulllcient. The objection was sustained.
Opening of tlio Now Union Depot 1'iitx
Otimlm'n Kfl'orU tu Slianii' .
Sioux CITV. Sept. G. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] The now union depot was
formally opened today with a celebration in
which nearly everybody in Sioux City and
many railroad men from the western roads
joined together. It was ono of the great
days In the history of the city.
The now of the very finest in
the west , represents the realization of an
ambition thut has been cherished over since
tin city bud two lines of roads. For
many years efforts were made to get
tinge roads to uuito in erecliug a
good < depot , nnd , at hist , everything
else failing , n company of Sioux City men
undertook it. The Sioux City Terminal
Hallway and Warehouse
company was or
ganized , and it Is this organization that has
given the city tha splendid structure in
which it now rejoices.
Ttio depot , is situated
on Third street , extending -
tending from Douglass to Pierce. It is . ' 118
feet In length by 100 in width. The train
shed Is additional to this ami will accom
modate nine trains at ono time. The struc
ture Is of pink jasper , three stories high , anil
has cost , nxcluslvo of the site , ? 2-l,000. ( )
Itah has been In process of building
about eighteen months nnd is now
complete In every detail. Thu ex
terior . is of plain architecture , hut the
interior finish is very line , and railroad men
nay it is equal In every facility to any dejiot
in the west.
The events of todaylncludcd a reception to
elti/eiib nud visiting railroad men In the
afternoon , followed by a dinner lo tlio vis
itors. In the evening a ball was given in
thu depot , which was "brilliantly decorated
and lighted ,
Wnmcn'K and < ; iilYj/n'm' / Day lit tlio Stnto
I'M I r llrlnifx l/iif / 80,000 ruiipln. tom
DHS MOINUS , SoptiiiS. [ Special Telegram
to Till ! Uni ! . ] AbciuUSiO.OOO persons visited
the state fair todays It was women's and
children's day. Theifuatures
of the day were
the annual opening oxurclsus or the ofllclals
of the society , thanlxercises conducted by
the Woman's C risiian Temperance
union ami thotQ meeting of the
Woman's Suffraw > 0 , soeietv. Mrs. Anna
Palmer was tj'p. ' , speaker for the
former and Charley f jMcKlnziu for the latter
society. The taring. ) gpening exercises were
held under the domf ? f the Kxpasltlon hall.
President McMullfn , oji bohalfof the Slate
Fair association , dVl vered the annual ad >
dress. Ho was fujl towed by ox-President
Judge Wright and tiiptuin Head. President ( J
McMulleri spoke ol Iiuvn In glowing lurms.
Aliulou llulil'llimli Tor Liberty ,
DAVKxroitT , la. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBK. ] As Turnkey Martens
was carrying out the dishes from which
nineteen prisoners dined in the main corri
dor - of the jail hero today , six of them made
rush , knocked him nud his wife down .
and escaped , The police force mid
the sheriff's men pursued them ,
and , after a hard chase , recaptured
them all. Air. Martens was bruised on the
beau and body , but grappled one man as ho
passed and threw him. Ho uroke away and
ran. Five nip held for burglary mid ono for
assault. The Jail Bulled with bad men nnd
uovenil attempts nt sawing out have been
narrowly frustrated recently. The criminal
docket of this term of court , which opened
IU141 * , > , Included more cases thiin wore ever
brought ut any term o. ' court boforo.
Doctor Tliriiuu from UU Cart ,
GI.KNWOOD , la. , Sept. C. [ Special to TUB
DEB. ] Dr. L. B. Bacon , a puydcian of
t'nclfio Junction , was thrown from his cart
this morning nnd U lying unconscious nt hln
ofllce , with small chance of bis recovery.
Prctldriit Cleveland Confer * wllh Concrcus-
man Ontm Over n Mcn nrr.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 6. "You cnn
R y , " said Congressman Oatca of Ala-
bninn ns ho left the white house after nn
Interview wltlf the president on the
subject of the proposed repeal of the
state bank tax , "that while I am not nt
liberty to relate my conversation with
Air. Cleveland , I can say ho Is not op
posed to the repeal of the prohibitive
tax. "
This Interview was considered of such
linportnnco thnt the president , declined
to receive Air. Hlount nnd several
foreign ministers who called at the
tlino the Interview wns progressing.
It is true that the administration
is endeavoring to dovlso some plan
by which the demands of the southern
and western democracy for inoro
currency cnn bo satisfied , effect bo given
to the state bank plunk of the demo
cratic platform , and the schism which
exists in the democratic party because
of the advocacy of gold monoinotnlllsm
bv the president bo healed. Hut It Is
also true that the project has not passed
beyond the stage of suggestion nnd thnt
even In the preliminary consideration
obstacles have been suggested which It
seems dllllcult , if not impossible , to over
It Is difficult to eco how n law Is to bo
framed which will save the benollts of
the existing national banking act , cure
some of its defects , maintain national
supervision and safeguards , and yet re-
inovo the barriers which now prevent
free and unlimited state banking.
The most Intelligent statement of the
plan said to be under consideration is
the following : A reorganization of the
national banking system under which
national banks may bo organized with n
minimum capital of $2o,000 ( ) , and with
the privilege of issuing circulating notes
to 2 per cent of their assets , but not to
exceed the amount of their capital.
The purpose of fixing the minimum cap
ital at $250,000 for national banks is to
conllno the Inrgo banks to commercial
centers , thus encouraging the establish
ment of state banks in the less. populous
sections of. the country. The security
for the circulating notes is to consist of
10 per cent of government bonds , 0 per
cent of commercial paper and 20 per
cent of coin. Instead of the existing tax
of 1 per cent on circulation , it is pro
posed that one-half of 1 per cent shall
bo imposed on so' ' much of tbo circula
tion as is secured by government bonds
nnd 1 per cent on the remainder.
In reference to stnto banks , it is pro
posed that the law shall provide that in
states which enact laws in harmony with
the federal law state banks may obtnln
circulation notes upon the same terms as
national banks. The states must re
quire that banks deposit with the proper
state oiliccr tlio same amount of state or
municipal hootirities as is required for
national banks , and that tlio cash and
commercial paper shall bo sot apart in
the same proportion as additional secur
ity. In addition to these collaterals , the
eiitiro assets of banks , both national nnd
are to bo hold to secure circulat
ing notes.
State bunks organized in the manner
described are to bo exempt from the pay
ment of the 10 per cent tax now imposed
on circulating notes of such banks , but
they will bo required to pay the wmio
tax imposed upon the circulation of na
tional brinks , which is , too , held for re
demption of the notes of failed and
liquidating banks. The noted of issue
to state banks will bo a series distinct
from these issued to national banks.
Both issues will bo
accepted by the gov
ernment in payment of all public dues ,
but will not have the full legal tender
Mr. Carlisle has for some time been
tninking over the question of the coinage -
ago of the silver bullion now in the
treasury and is anxious thut nn author
ization for this coinage should bo given
by congress. The two propositions will
probably bo combined and recommended
to congress for action or , at.all events ,
the leaders in congress will bo given t. )
understand that the administration will
approve of a measure repealing the tax
on state banks and providing for tlio
coinage of bullion.
It is believed that this proposition ,
which is in the nature of an accommoda
tion from the mlministration to these
who are anxious for an increase in the
volume of money , is expected greatly to
case up the opposition to the repeal of
tlio Sherman law , and it is beliovcd thut
It will haaten notion by the senate on the
Voorhccs 1)111. The senators from the
Hilvor states not bo
. . inny alfoctcd much
by it , but nearly all of the other sjlvur
men , ( will probably bo satisfied with it.
A Great Many Children
Iiavo IXXMI cured of scrofula
nnd other skin as
well as thousands of crown
jLw/peoiile , by faking Dr. I'/ercu's /
4 Golden Medical Discovery.
Evary disorder that can bo
reached through the blood , yields
to its purifying qualities. 15o-
sldos , It builds up wholesome flesh
nnd strength ; not merely fat llko
. Cod liver oils. A scrofulous coudi-
' tlon of the blood invites Catarrh ,
Bronchitis and Consumption.
We're all exposed to the germs
. of consumption , grip , or ma-
Alarla yet only the weak ones
A sullcr. When vou'ro weak ,
' tired out , and debilitated , or
when pimples and blotches
awioitr heed the warning in
time. The " Discovery" heta
all the organs Into healthy ac
tion especially the liver , for
that's tlio point of eiitrunro for
these genus , then If the blood
Is pure , they'll bo thrown oir.
Theru'H no risk. If it falls to
Itcncdt or euro In all cases of
impure blood or inactive liver ,
your money la returned.
Insane :
In oluirgo of thoSlstora of Mercy ,
This renowned Institution Is situated on the
lili-li Ijlulls back of anil overlooking the city hoof
Council llluirs , The apHcloiu Kronnda , Its
hlxh location and splendid vlow , muko It a
most pleasing rotrout for the alll.ctccJ. A alt
of eminent physlcliins anil u larfju corpo of ex-
perloncod r.urjcs minister to the comforts L'Xcf
Iho jmtlontB. Special euro ' given to Judy pa-
For particulars upply to
Frank Strait - - - Council Bluffi , Iowa ,
Special IX/otlcese /
FOK SALE-Oood hoiiue of BQVCII rooiuu , locutisd
ut 1707 Ninth Aro. , on amull monthly puyiiiunu ,
A , J , mc '
J1STUAOTS und loans. Farui and city propjrt/
anil uoliL i'ubuy it TUuaina , Cuauull
First exion Specialist
KNIHMSHl ) 11Y Till ;
Will Giue a Jar of Her Celebrated Skin Food
Youth Restored , Beauty Cultivated
Marvelous Complexion Remedies.
T tli , V.l//J'S 7MCJ.U.
S , iNVExS riGA/Thi IT.
If presented this waok this coupon is good for ono jar of Mmo-
Yale's SEEN FOOD , tha only modiciue in tlio world known to remove
Wr.'n'clos. It will ba iiocossary to purchase some ono of Mmo. Yale's
other remedies in ordar to got the Skin Food free , as it is very expen
sive , the price of it being1 $1.50 nnd $3.00 per jar. This liberal offer
is oxtsnded to the Indies living- out of town wlio sand iu their ardors
LA. The Three-pay Freckle CUre.
It Mint tors not If the freckles IKIVO boon
from rlilldliooJ lo old ao , Li : Kreokla will
remove Ilium ovury tlino and luitvc tlius.Jn butuillful , 1'rluo , SI. 00.
EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC- inodlclno thnt does what no ollior moJIcliio has OTor
dnno boforu turns Kr-iv hulr biok : to Its orUlnul color without ilyu. 1ms un uutloii on
thu natural coloring mutter , slops luilr fat Ing In -I hours , creates a lii.\urliut : Rrowtli
acurufur ull su ilp anil Inilr diseases. 1'rluu , Sl.OO tier bottle ; six for J3.00.
ALMOND BLOSSOM COMPL2XIOX CR"3AM Usol for mnssuslui ? tlio fnco ,
cloansin iuul'njj ' tliu suln ; dollulous and rofro.-thliu and fragrant , 1'rlcu , $1.00.
ELIXIR OF BEAUTY. Kor rulliilni coarsu pores , toning the nerves , intitules mid weak
ligaments ; acts on tlio circulation and cultivates natural rosy clieuUs. 1'rlcc , fl.UO.
EXCELSIOR COMPLEXION BLEACH Thoorlslnal nnd only reliable Face llloioh
( iu ranteoc ! euro for Moll. Patches. Sallowness ) and till Skin lllemUhos ; olours a muddy
comploxlon In a few dnys. Price. JJ.Ofl nor loltlo : ; lliron for t. " > . ( X > .
EXCELSIOR 13LOO 3 TONIC. I'lirlllos the blood , nets on the liver , aids digestion
cures constipation a necessity In etc. irlntlio ; complexion. Trice , { 1.03 pur bottle ; six
for to 00.
GREAT SCOTT. Thoonly pornmnont euro known for removing and killing the urowth
of superfluous Irilr : does the work In leas than llvo mlnulos ; docs nol Irrltato nor ovou
make the skin red. Price. 15.00.
EXCELSIOR SKIN FOOD. Mum Yale Is the discoverer nml originator of feeding the
skin. Her Skin Food Is the orl > Inal and only skin food ; It It absolutely guaranteed to
ronnivo wr.iiklesiind overtr trace of nitc. Price , il.50 and W.OOtwo sizes. A Jur glvon
with every piirehnbo this week. See coupon.
EXCEL " 5IOR COMPLEXION SOAP. Made by Mmo. Yale expressly for the complex
ion. 'Must bo used to bo appreciated. Price. 50 cents.
SPECIAL LOTION , NO1. . A guaranteed euro for PImploa and liluckhonds.
1'r.ce , Jl.OOiior bottle ,
Douglas null 1ft tli Sts. Omaha , Neb ,
Beauty and Complexion Specialist. TEMPLE OF BEAUTY.
Sole Agents for the celebrated Huntington , Arkansas ,
For further particulars , and prices call at office , 34 Pear
street , Grand Hotel Building- .
A 1 \ 2-ToilS'a-DaV fllnchlno at a 10-Toni-a-Doy Price.
' Our Warranty Does with Each Machine.
Tlio Sonlliwlcklnllnzl > resssa'-hnriuriill-clKlo ! ! machine.
It has ihu largest Iced opening elK
K any Ociiithiiinus-liulhm ,
Iloiihlo-Slroke 1'ress In
the World.
Dales tlilit ; ; draft Unlit.
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability all the BEST.
Now Is the tlino to buy a hay pt-033 , It will pay you to BOO our machines bo
fore vou buy.
All klndaof Oyclus
nnd Olu mliif douu In
tliu hUho't style of
thu urU I'u'Jod ' unJ
stained fuhrlux made
to loul : ai Reel a
iiuw. Worn promptly
dune aim dullvero.t
In nit parts of tlm
country. UuiU tot
prluo IUL
O. A.
Proprietor ,
Uroadway , nonr Korl
w intern depot ,
T ck'phonSi
Special rsfoUces.
OAHIIAOK rnmovwl , ccBupuols. vaiiltn , clil'iuvjy i
cluauod. Ha Jiurku , ut Taylur'u erocary , 31)
DO YOU know that Day ft HOAH IKIVO 00:113 :
cliolco barifiiinit In fruit ami k'jrdun land uuar
llila city !
TF-you want a rood upon of mule * , 7 years old
-Ik'uutU uuil vood ilrlvorn , uJJroba A , IJuu otllcw.
Special JVfoUces.
SB.'jOO uloc'k - uf incrchuriillHO to i
for a food Dun Molm-n or Council llluiTi
n.-olilence. Huvi > clear lini'ruvod land and c.nli to
Irude for HiHH.OIIil.OO to fjll.000,00 Block of KL-U-
i-ral incrchaiidlftu. Block of druga to trade for
land. Joluibtoii A Van 1'attcn ,
JOU SALK-C'lit' ii. a now Kunbnll nnrifht plain *
Buvun and a Imlf octav * . lugulru z T , U. Wuod >
run , UruuU LluUt