Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    TTTT ? rwrATTA TA T T V nPfi. , rPTTT7CT\ V 1QO1 ?
Onr Not Increase of Thirty-Tbieo and One-
Third Per Cent
Proven tlml Tlinro In Almiy Money Amonp
thn IVopIo for Pn Ulv ll rcnlin for
Seven Dnjs .Morn liny 'Wlmt You
AVnnt of 111 Without n Cent
All must go.
Take your pick of 50 early fall jack
ets brought out to sell at from $5.00 to
8.00 this week at $2.00 each.
A fine assortment of now style jackets ,
many worth as high as SlO.UOj for the
next 7 days your choice at $ H,7i ) each.
A grand polcetion of fall and winter
now style jackets ranging up to $15 each
all go this week at $5 each.
In this $7.75 lot will bo found ladies'
plush garments worth up to $2,5 each.
The plush cloaks are carried over , hut
the jackets nnd capos are all new and
were bought to hell this season at from
$12i" > 0 to 817.50 each. At $7.75 they arc
wonderfully cheap.
A beautiful assortment of high grade
latest , fitylo jackets , capes and wraps ,
worth from $20 to $30 each. Your ehoico
for the next povcn days , 913.50 each.
All of our very finest imported pat
tern garments that should bring $30.00 ,
S.Ti.OO and $40.00 each , cut for this seven
tlnvs' elToi-t to $10.00 each.
Wo have about 40 handsome imported
pattern robes of union wool fabrics , car
ried over from last fall , the lowest price
fiiiit in the entire assortment was marked
$15.00 , most of them were $20.00 , $22.50 ,
$2.'i.OO , $30.00 and $35.00 robes ; they will
nil bo thrown on our counters today
at $8.75 per robe ; the styled wore really
in advance of last year ; a sample line of
them will bo on exhibition in our west
show window. If you need a good fall
or winter dress see these robes.
25 pieces of $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 black
silks on our counters now at $1.05 per
15e and 20c wash goods 3jc.
20o sateens f > .
All our 25c and 30c Scotch gingham
for today only , wo will sell at lOc per
Wo will also place on sale 500 yards of
2nc , 30c and 35c dark and light ground
batcen at lOc per yard.
We will not stop at cost now. Every
thing must go. Whatever you buy of us
is Iv positive bargain.
Fireworks tonight , Courtland beach.
llroiTiinll Hull , OtimliH. Nob.
Bishop Worthlneton , visitor ; Rev.
Robert Doberty , S. T. D. , rector. Fall I
term begins Wednesday , Sent. 20. For
catalogue and particulars apply to the
IloincnrcUpis' IJxcurslonn.
September 12 and October 10.
If yon contemplate changing your lo
cation it will pay you to lake advantage
of the Burlington's Ilomescokers' ex
cursions of September 12 and October 10.
On those dates round trip tickets to
the cheap land regions of western Ne
braska , eastern Colorado and northern
Wyoming will bo on bale at very low
rates. Nearly 50 per cent saved.
The Burlington route will also sell
round trip tickets to southern points
Texas , Oklahoma , etc. at considerably
reduced rates.
Aslc the city ticket agent at 1324 Far-
nam street for full information.
Alliort rreclorlcks Sinlilrnly Develops Symp-
toiiiH of llytlrophnlilH.
Albert Fredericks , who lives .it 1718 South ,
Tenth street , was taken to the county Jail
nt nn curly hour yesterday morning suffering
from what nt llrst glance appeared to bo in
cipient hydrophobia , but whlcli Is believed :
by many to bo merely a fit of temporary in
sanity duo to nlclilmnro or nervous ailments.
There was some ( lilllculty found in nrrcst-
i InR Fredericks , who is a powerful man , and
tlio ofllccrs were ronilorcd wary by the fact
that tie was frothing ut the mouth , hugging
and iitlne the bed clothing and occasionally
barking like a dog. Indicating that ho is
Buffering from hydrophobia. is
wero'sent for , nnd Dr. Towno came in re-
uponso ton telephone call , and after n hard
struggle the handcuffs were put on the man
nnd ho was conveyed to the wagon , where inu
pitiful scene occurred.
Fredericks appeared to become conscious of
Ills position , and , after calling for nmt
rapidly gulping down a glass of water ,
screamed frantically : "Mammal Mother I
Alice , darling I ( his wife ) what have I done
to you ? "
It required the efforts of three policemen
to hold Fredericks in the wagon
until the jail wns reached. Ar-
r'.ved tlicre , ho uccamo somewhat
rational , stating that ho hud had n bad
Dlghtnini'o , ns tlio result of a hearty sapper ,
nnd that thcro wnn nothing the matter with
him. "I know this " HiB
place , ho said , looking
about him "I'vo -
, prcai-hod to the prisoners
lioro sovornl times , " Ho nsked the olllcers
to lot him go to his wlfo and b.iby , to whom
lie referred in the most touohln Iy tender
tcnns , and when told that ho had been
choking and maltreating his wife ( luring his
freii/.y lie retuscd to bclluvo It.
From Fredericks himself nml from neigh
bors It was leunicil that ho wns bitten by a
dog about n month ago. Whether the bite
lias resulted In hydrophobia or whether the
man has so worried over It as to become In
sane It Is hum to say. nbo
Or. Towno believes the latter theory to bo
the correct one , the fiic.i of the man's drinkIng -
Ing water tending to disprove the hydrophobia -
phobia Idc.i , ra.ut
Fredericks has been. In the city about .
eight months , during which tlmo ho has
been doing various kinds of odd jobs , Ills
father IK eatd to bo an ofllccr In the llntish
srmy und his mother a uatlvo of the West ;
Indies , which Inttcr statement Is somewhat
berne out by Frodoricks' complexion and
features. Ills wlfo , of whom ho upponrs toed
bo very fond , Is an iCnglUh woman.
Yesterday morning Fredericks appeared
perfectly rational and talked About hisnflnlrs
In n commonpluco way , His friends' claim
that hols subject to fits. Physicians did not
eifimino him ycsteiKlixy , but whim they do
bo will probably bo allowed his liberty ,
Fireworka tonight , Courtland boni'h.
Culm lit Aniilliur
'Tho last of the gang of burglars who broke
Into and oiiiptlou tlio .
r.arsen tailor shop n
few weeks ago has btfiw approtiomlod
and is now at the police sta
tion. His name ' is William Nlxou.
Ho was arrested V3aturda.v before last with
tcveral ollitMvafc' IA Council UlutTs and on
Captain Mostyn and Detective Savngo look-
let' over the gang thev recognized tlio much
wanted uurglar and transferred him to this
ildo of thanvor.
Nixon Is tlio party who broke the window
t the tlmo the l/irscm burglary was com-
niltted niul the police think they have ovl-
denuo suniclenl to tend him to the penlten- ;
'immediately after committing this last Job
Nixon went to take In the sights at Chl-ugo i ,
nnd but for his lielue talcun as n rai ; In
UouuUl UlutTn ho mignt uow bo a free uiau.
Immense Oaih Purchases from Hanl-Up
Jobbers and Importers Sale Today ,
nrniln Printed China Slt'k , Ifio
Yard , nnd thn ( Iniinlot Stock of
Gooila I'.vor Slinwn In
On our front bm-ffniii cirolovo will
plnco today thousands of sample
jiiocos of the flnost grades of Imported
silk velvets In nil the latest colorings
nnd the finest qualities , your choice to
day of any of tliofio wimple pieces at
fie and lOc , according to sl/.o.
Today wo will positively close out
ovary remaining yard of our printed
China silica that sold up to $1.00 a yard ,
go toclav at Inc.
lf > 0 unmade dress patterns containing
7 yards all wool 40-inch camel's hair , in
plaiu and fancy novelty suitings , anil 12-
inch all wool Wiilo suitings , ' all now
shades. $ U.I)8 ) for an entire pattern.
Imported dress patterns $ ; ) . ! )8. )
17f > unmade dress patterns containing
7 yards each of 42-inch all wool now hopsacking -
sacking and nattoe cloth , in all the new
autumn shades of browns , greens , blues ,
plums , heliotropes and blacks. SU.OS for
an ontiru pattern.
12o unmade dress patterns , containing
fiO-inch all wool medium weight now
whipcord , 50-inch all wool drop do
Paris , all now check olTccts , 50-inch all
wool Imslcet cloth , the latest novelty for
early fall wear. $ J.OO for an entire pat-
The finest imported pattern suits over
shown in Omaha , all exclusive patterns ,
" the latest confections from Europe.
"Wcshalr , the now serpentine chango-
ahlos , shadowed ombres , two-toned ox-
callers , changeable sail cloth , clarmont
glace Fraticaiso. All go at $12.50.
N. W. corner ICth and Douglas.
Fireworks tonight , Courtland beach.
Look nt the Tlmo Tallin
of the Lake Shore route America's
best railway and you will readily bo
convinced of the excellence of the uas-
sonyer. borvioo now afforded between
Chicago and the cast. Trains leave
Chicago as follows : 7:10 : a. in. , Buffalo
accommodation ; 8 a. in. , the fast mail ,
has parlor car to Cleveland and Pitts-
burg and sleeper , Cleveland to Now
York , arriving 105 : ! n. m. next day ;
10I0 : ! a. in. , Chicago & Boston special ,
solid vcstibulcd train , 'dining car and
butrot library car to Boston , arriving
11:40 : p. m. next day sleeper to Now
York arriving 2:10 : p. m. ; 2 p. m. , exposition -
position flyer , the famous twenty-hour
Now York train , making the run be
tween Chicago and Now York five hours
faster than via any other line , a solid
vcstibulcd train , arriving in Now York
at 11:15 : a. in. next day ; ; i:10 : p. in. , At
lantic express , vcstibuled sleepers to
Now York , dining car , arrives in New
York at 8:50 : p. in. ; 7:45 : p. m. , through
sleepers to Wheeling , Cleveland , Now
York and Boston ; ! ) p. in. , through
sleepers to Cleveland , Pittsburg and
Buffalo ; 11:30 : p. m. , through sleepers to
Cleveland. B. P. Ilumuhroy , T. P. A. ,
727 Main street , Kansas City , Mo. ; C.
K. Wilbur , western -passenger agent ,
rinltcrton SIIJ-H tluit tlio Rani Dlauiund
, Tlitot M In Custody.
Advices have been received from Billy
Pmkerton in which ho denies that Frank
Bruce , an alleged member of the Straiten
gang , who was arrested for safe robbery at
Tcrro Hnuto , Ind. , is the man who held up
Pollock on a Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
train last fall near Logan , and , coercing the
passengers with his revolver , relieved Pol-
lock of $23,000 worth of diamonds. The story '
comes from Tcrro fiautc that Bruce is iden
tified as the robber bv liobort Flemine. a
saloonkeeper from Missouri Valley. In. Mr.
PInKcrtoii disposes of this report and ex
poses an ingenious bchcmo on the part of
gamblers , friends of the real robber , to provo
nn alibi for him. Ifo says that James Burke ,
nlias Frank ShorclUC , a well known western
all-around crook , cihchargcd from Utah pen
itentiary , is the roblior. and Di.stnut Attor
ney Koodilcr , at Logan , la. , who
conducted the trial ono week ago Friday ,
had plenty of witnesses from among
these on the train to identify Burke as ttiu
robber , among them Fleming , who swore
positively that Burke was the man. Burke
made no defense nnd was hold to the grand
Jury. A coterie of wealthy gamblers who
are behind Biuco approached Fleming nnd
seemingly retained him in their Interests.
It was part of the program to got Burke out
on an alibi and Fleming was sent to Terre
Jlauto , where ho promptly idciitlflod Bruce ,
the safe robber , as the man wanted in the
diamond robbery. Deuce's movements were
followed from the tlmo thu description of
the robber was made known and can provo
that ho Is not the guilty man. Plnkcrtou |
says that ho ascertained that Burke , alias
Suorcllff , was on thu train and that ho was
the robber. Suvcral witnesses have iden
tified him , and the { amblers' schcmo to got
Burke out by swearing Bruce into the peni
tentiary will not wont according the
opinion of the Chicago slnuth.
Jutlui rrU'itiuiinn Tlilnlis IIU Son Was Lost
* In thu ItUiT.
Julius Friedmann , who lives on Leaven-
worth street , Juit cast , of Fourteenth , and is
an employe of Wallace & Co. of CM and 5Hi
South Thirteenth street , nsks that the city
authorities take steps to\vard \ recovering the
body of his souj 15 years of age , who , ho
says , wns the person drowned by falling off (
the Jones strcut dump last Friday , instead
of n man , as was first reported.
Mr. Friedmann says that his son was tryIng -
Ing to make a collection of stamps , nnd had ,
gone to the dump to EDO what ho could find
on the ninny old envelopes deposited thcro.
In going over the piles of waste paper ho
ventured too near the edge of the dump , de
spite tlu > warning of the watchman , nnd was
carried down by a cave-In of dumpago and
Qrovuicd. Several fishermen who saw the
accident made efforts to save the lad , but before -
fore they could roach him ho went down for
the last time.
Mr. Frlodmann cannot bo convinced , ex
cept by actual search , that his sou's body is
Irretrievably lost , but tliniks that It will bo
found , If carefully sought for , somewhere
near the scene of the accident.
of people' mvo piles , out Do Witt's ,
j Witch Hard Salvo will euro tnora.
Ftiroircll Kempt Inn.
This evening , nt Beth-Eden Baptist
church , the Baptist congregations of the
city will uiilt lu a fitting farewell reception
to liov. and Mrs. E. N. Harris , who are
about to leave for Durmah , to cuter the
missionary fluid , Tljolr destination is a
, i > oiut near Uangoou , where for many years
nlr , Harris' lather , as well as Kov. On
Thomas Allen , father of Mrs , Harris , we're-
engaged In missionary work , and whore Mr ,
Harris was born. Air , Harris has been
pastor of tlio llcth-Kdcii congregation for
so mo time , nnd much regret is expressed
over Ihu departure ! of hlinsolf and his ustl-
inaMo lady , coupled with all sorts of good
wishes lor thulr success in tho. uow Hold
j I they have clidsou ,
' Plloj of poopln .rave pt.cs , um 0 ; VYitl'q
Witch Ha < olSalvu wllluuru Uu-u
An Entire Curtain Mill Stock , Even the
Curtains on the Loom ,
ICvcrjtliinc- tlio Itullillnf * In tlio Slmpo
or n Cnrtuln , Whether In Tnlri ,
Wiolo or r rtVcro
Sold to U .
And nil goes on sale today in our
basement ,
Thousands of unUnlsned lace curtains
from 2 to 4 yards long , in all styles and
qualities , worth up to $2.50 , your ehoico
today for Joe.
Full size and full width good quality
nottingham lace curtains go at > ! Uo n
Very heavy nottingham lace curtains ,
extra largo size , GO inches wide , Gi yards
long , for today USe n pair.
At 81.15 n pair. Very fine lace cur
tains that would bo cheap at 83.00 go at
81.15 n pair.
At $1,08 n pair. Wo offer today-
very fine Brussels olTcct luce curtains in
now'nml dainty patterns , really exquisite
goods , at Boston Store luipulnr iflco ) ,
Sl.OS n pair. They arc well worth &l.oO.
At 92.50 iv pair. The very finest itntni-
, tation Brussels curtains ; all the most
desirable effects ; goods to equal thorn
have never been shown for less than
The great sale of Minrnus Weber's
bankrupt exemption of shoos dra\rs \ the
crowd now.
The best shoes from the Sixteenth
street store are what ho tool ; , and what
his lawyer sold us. They go now less
than half price atBOSTON
N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas.
Fireworks tonight , Courtlaiid beach.
You Cun't I tent It.
Leave Omaha at1 p. in. via the Chicago
cage , Hook Island & Pacific anil bo in
side the World's fair grounds at 8 a. in.
the following morning. You can't make
this time via any other line , and the ac
commodations to bo had on the great
Rock Islr.nd are noted from Maine to
California. By examining the map and
time tables of tiffs line you will find
that as a World's fait- line it stands
without an equal , as passengers can
avoid transfer and a tiresome and ex
pensive trip through the city by getting
ojl at Englewood und taking electric
line direct to main entrance of World's
fair grounds ; time , ton minutes. In
addition to this train wo have trains
leaving Omaha at fj p. m. , 7:10 : p. in , and
100 : ; ! a. in. , thus giving passengers the
choice of four daily trains to Chicago
and , as before stated , making quicker
time and landing passengers at tlio
World's fair in advance of all other
lines and with loss trouble and expense.
Dining cars attached to all through
trains , serving the best meals of any
dining car line in the United States.
Per maps of Chicago , World's fail-
grounds , time cards and sleeping reser
vations call at 1C02 Farnam street.
Charles Kennedy , G. N. W. P. A.
Fireworks tonight , Courtland beach.
Fatal TcrmliiHtlnn of n .Mysterious Assault
on a Fruit Vunilor.
Pedro Biaccio , the victim of a murderous
assault committed ono week ago , breathed
his last at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at
the Presbyterian hospital. Ho died from
the effects of injuries recohed upon that
darlc Saturday night.
The identity of his assassins is still some
what shrouded In doubt. The police Imvo
arrested Charles Martin , known as "Creole
Charley , " and i'carl Brown , a dlsroputublo
white woman. Martin and the woman are
charged with iho awful crime.
When the case was first reported to the
police Detective Vaughn visited IJiaccio sev
eral times with an interpreter , but tlio sick
man , being in a semi-unconscious state , was
unable to identify his assailants.
Five days after the assault was committed
a son-in-law of Biaccio aupeared at police
headquarters and formally lodged the com
plaint ngalnst the alleged murderers.
Uotn of the suspected parties , however ,
stoutly maintain their innocence.
The pollco have ascertained that Biaccio
nnd another Italian exchanged some hard
words early in the evening upon the Satur
day when the deed was committed , but they
have been unable to liml the mysterious man
witli whom Biaccio quarreled.
The wounds that resulted In Bioccio's
death , were indicted with a sharp Instru
ment which penetrated the skull ami caused
inflammation of the brain , Surgeons imulo
post mortem examination of the dead man
lust evening but the result will not bo an
nounced until this forenoon , when an in
quest will bo held by Coroner Maul.
Piles of people Irvvo piles , out Da Witt's
Witch Hazel Silvo will euro them.
Notr Church Organ.
Workmen nro busily engaged nt the West
minster Presbyterian church , Twenty-ninth
and Mason streets , in erecting a fine , two
manualo plpo organ , which the Indies of the
congregation recently purchased fromStccro
& Sou of Sprlngflold , Mass. The organ has
boon In tfto'clty for two weeks , but the men
who were to erect It were delayed In reach
ing Omaha until Saturday. The work will
now bo pushed , and it Is believed the Instru
ment will bo In place by Saturday next. It
Is the Intention of the Indiesot the church to
give an organ concert just as soon ns practi
cable after the Instrument has boon tostodf
probabry some evening next week. Prof.
Tabor will preside at the organ on the open
ing , and a vocal program will bo furnished
by a quartet of the First Presbyterian
church , Miss Itocder. contralto of Westmin
ster , and Miss" Harriet 13. Brown , lately re
turned from Berlin , where slio has boon
pursuing her musical studies the past two
An exact duplicate of the Westminster
organ has been ordered by Unity church pnd [
Is expected to reach Omaha shortly.
Piles of people have piles , nut Do Witt's
witchliazel salvo will euro thorn.
- * -
Reception I" Mnx Aliiretzrlt ,
Max Maretzok , the veteran director , who
will have charge of the Opera Festival
school , has arrived In the city and will bo
tendered a reception nt the rooms of tho'
school , fifth floor of the city hall , this
Invitations have boon issued to all of the
leading musicians of tha city and state , to
the local clergy und prominent business men
and society people of the city to meet the
master musician who will devote his cnor-
pics for the 718x6 year to the upbuilding of
the new muslcdl fenturc in this city.
tle Mr. M.irclrtk U nt the rooms of the school
each day for Iba purpose of selecting voice *
for the schoohVlilch will be formally opened
next week.
Ainnltln Tnr Illnoil.
Iifi what Hcbd's Sarsnparllln vigorously
fights , nnd It in nlwnys vlctorous In ex pell
Inp nil the foiil tajuts nnd giving the vital
lluld the quality and quantity of perfect
health. It euros scrofula , salt rhouni , bolls
and all other ! troubles caused by Impure
. blood ,
Hood's Pillcurt ) all liver Ills. 2T c. Sent
by mall on rcct > lnt of prli-o by C. 1. Hood ft
Co. , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
Interest In tlio Cclolirntlon of I.nbor Day
I.ncnl .UnMlp.
Beginning early yesterday morning the
motor tr.ilns for Omaha were jammed with
South Omaha people who wont to Omaha to
look at the Labor day pa ratio and to take
in the sights at the fair grounds.
Work was stopped on nil public Improve
ments and as ni.iny as could bo lot go from
the packing houses were excused for the
day. All the banks and city oflices were a
label which road , "Legal Holiday , " and the
doors were locked. Several of the merchants
nloscd their ulacrs of business at noon and
the city had a quiet appearance throughout
the day.
N Orcnulrcd Arrnneoinont.
The public schools hero open this
morning. This Is nlso children's day
nt the fair. No provision has as yet
made for the scholars to attend. Prof. Mon
roe was nskod about the mittcr this morn
ing nnd said that no tickets had been sent to
him for distribution , neither had the man
agement of the fall1 said anything nbotit the
fair to htm. Ho said that any of tlio children
that wauled to go would bo excused , but no
organized effort had yet bccnmado to have u
majority of thorn go.
Sltmild Have Kulil Horn.
Another evidence that top prices are paid
for stock at the South Omaha yards was
demonstrated a few days ago. A man from
Oregon came hero with n train load of cattle.
Ono of the buyers hero offered him $3.53 for
his stoclr. Ho refused the offer nnd went on
to Chicago with his stuiT , where ho had to
soil for $2.05. It is estimated that It costs
nt least 20 cents n hundred to convey the
stock from hero to Chicago , so the man lost
10 cents | i hundred on the deal by not selling
at this nlnrkct.
City Gossip.
H. C. Wedge is in Papllhon.
Hcv. C. N. Dawson went to Norfolk yester
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Woppner , a
Dr. .T. W. Bell returned yesterday from n
trip to Illinois.
S. D. Uyucarson and wlfo are In the city
for a few days.
Ben Cohen nndi.3 \ sister loft yesterday
for a trip to Oklahoma.
William Blow and family of Blair are
visiting Mrs. H. L. Wheeler.
Fred Sparling is very sick at his homo ,
Twenty-third und J. streets.
Miss Moranda Haclloy of Stuart , la. , Is
visiting Misses Alice and Huby Grifllth.
Mayor Walker has moved his ofllco into
the rooms occupied by City Attorney Van
Mrs. It. H. Grifllth and daughter , Mrs.
Bula Johnson , are homo from a visit in
Benny , then-months old babe of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Truehaft , was buried yesterday
The receipts of cattle yesterday were 5,000 ,
which is the largest number taiccn In for a
long time.
James Thomas and wife and daughter ,
Clnra. of Sheldon , la. , are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Vinz.
Mrs. D Ganoy was bitten by a vicious dog
at Twenty-third nnd J streets. Tlio dog was
shot by the dos catcher.
Miss Barbara Hoymtin was called homo
from Atlantic , la. yesterday on account of
the serious sickness of her mother.
The twenty-third anniversary of the
battle of Sedan was celebrated Sunday by
n ' largo uumber of Germans at Syndicate
A social was given last evening at the resi
dence of Kov. C. N. Dawson by the Junior
league. Ice cream ami other refreshments
were served.
The pollco gathered in twelve offenders
over Sunday. All were discharged but
three , who were assessed a nominal'sum for
Two colored men had a fight in the alley
way back of Fisher's drug store last even
ing. One of the participants was captured
and locked up. *
The city council will rneot tonight. As no
session has been held for , two weeks con
siderable bnsmc'sa hus accumulated for the
city duds to dispose of.
An effort was maao last night to hold a
meeting of the school board but as there
was not a quorum present an adjournment
was taken to Wednesday opening at 7tiU :
Bridget Tlerney and Mary Tobln have
caused each other's arrest. The charge
against both is using loud nnd profane
language. The hearings will take place onu
Vcok later.
An entertainment was given by the
Children's Mission band at the United Pres
byterian church last night. The quackimr
shakers and the broom brigade tooir. part
anil refreshments wore served ,
John Flynn , Ed ICont and Charley Scarr
returned yesterday from a week's hunt.
The bo.vs report an elegant outing and
plenty of sport. Flynn says that If he had had
n scythe to mow the heads oil the chickens
ho could have b.igged a million. As it was
the party only got liOO birds.
Some time ago Joe Cornish , the Jeweler ,
secured a Judgment against Jake Hyatt , a
barber , for $28. Hyatt loft for the west
about two weeks ago , storing his furniture
hero. Yesterday a woman made an effort to
ship the furniture to Hyatt , when Mr. Cor-
ulsli attached it and stored it away until the
bill is settled.
An effort is now-being made to revive the
Arlon singing society. A meeting of the of.
llcors of the class has boon called to meet at
the parlors of the Homo bakery , on Twenty-
fourth street , on Thursday evening. Prof.
Torrcnco of Omnh.i has made a very liberal
offer to the class for the coming season , and
most of thu members seem anxious to re
vive the class.
Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's
Wituli Hazel Salvo will cure them.
I'lonsant Horuiiailn Tomluroil to Dr. livonilc
nndil'urty Ventorduy.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Dvorak , Mrs ,
Dvorak and Prof. Kovarik , who were con
tinuing their sight seeing about the city ,
were pleasantly surprised while viewing TUB
Bnu building by a complimentary concert
tendered by the Seventh Word Military
band , which gathered in the rotunda of the
building and rendered several selections In a
munnor worthyof the highest praiso.
After the distinguished guests had seen
the Interior of tlio building and had nn op
portunity to Appreciate the magnificent
view afforded from the roof , they returned
to the first lloorund listened to tlio excellent
program roudurod by the band , which In
cluded selections from ' 'Tannhausor , " "II
Trovatoro , " a raodloy of patriotic Americaii
tunes and the inarch , ' 'Distant Greetings. "
The only Pure Creatu of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Early Blighting Effects
of Catarrh.
Tlio Cnno of Ori llntrrcalt Holntml liy Her
1'n rent * , Mr. mill MM , A. T. Itnttrritll ,
Wrll Illitatrittr * tiln Kxcollont jloitiltH ( if
Thorough Trentmrtit.
Mr. A. T. ! roMt lives on North 24th street.
South Oiiinhn , botwcoti V nml 0. Ho Is 010-
ployed nt the Union Stock Ynrd" . pcai < lti < !
of tliolr ( luuRlitor. Or.A. a bright school girl ut
14. ho and his wlfo ulvo theio tuols :
"When wo took ourdniijhter to Dr. Bliopiinl
a few months utjovo did not o.vppct to toallto
thu grunt uhim c4 tint liiviilnkoii : iilnco In
lior condition. \ lonit tlniotr.ovo bosun to
nollca Unit .1 slow cntnrrh wne guttlns hold of
hersystom. It win not inurolv llttlu trouble -
blo In her nose unil throat , but It utTotoil her
In m nv Hnys so seriously ns to toll her of
haiilth entirely. ThoUlseaso blocknl her nose
with tumors and nironil to her eyes so slio
could hardly sco to iciul atull. Her voice ) ha-
i-iimo lumrsn nnil the thro it constantly " < oro.
I.iiloron her lioarliu liu un to fill : In fuot ,
luirdly tiny sauio scorned to usctno. Ai'tor
uatlni : slio wai subject to huuuuclin nnil hull *
ROitloti nnil shu wiis Bti'mllly urowlng woalc
nml loiliiB llosh. A lurxo prvrt of tha lltmi tor-
rlblo lumdachcq wore lirosolil , which took her
Rtrmiulh and vitality anO in.ido her nearly mi
Invalid ,
"Sliico Shoinl | ) : has hrul licr C.TO ; In
chnrno slio has Rot , rid of all thesiilroiililos.
Horuyosijjlit Is perfect ! her ho'ir.nit ! also
porfcct. rilio Is stron-c and heart v , free from
Dull ) , nmlvu can cludlv state that bur huaUh
Is rostoruil. Our exuorlenoo with Dr. Shupard
Is In ovorv way satisfactory nud ' .hrou li this
trying enso ho has been siiei'cisf ill at every
point. Wo hoaitlly commoiid him to our
friends and nelslibois.
IIOO&IS 311 AND rill NEW YO'.Vv '
Every Curable Disease TrcateJ-
Offlco Hours U to 11 n. m.:2 : to"p. . m. : 7 to 3 u.
in. Sunday 10 n. m. tolin. .
Mandrake Pills have a value ns a house
hold remedy far beyond tno power of Ian
puapo to describe. Tlio family can
hardly bo true to itself that does not
keep thorn on hand for use in emergen
Is the only vegetable substitute for that
dangerous mineral , MEiicttiiY , and
while its action as a curative is fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mundrako acts upon
the bowels wlthou disposing them to
Bubsequont Costivoness.
No remedy acts so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick
Headache * Sour Stomach
ach , and Biliousness us
thcso ,
ForSnloliyall nrusslsts. I'rlco 1" ct . per
box ; U boxes for fi. > els. ; or sent by in all. post-
uco free , on receipt of nrlcc , Lr. ) J. IF.
Schoncu & Son. I'iilludolphtu.
Made a well
Man of
TIIK ( iltKAr
ItlXri.TN IN I ! IVH. . Cn. . . . . .
Nervous HUt'nfef , Fulling Memory , \
I'nrunlsSlei-iilvMnrnii , WenUm-men , etc1. . - - * -
anil ritlliUly tint hllioly 1 estates l.o t VltnlllJ mom or
JOUMK. Kunlly cull KM III e tllOl ct I'llio # 1 IMIa
imtkfiKO. Six forir.1" ullli n u-rlltrnciiitrniitcr Iw
curoiir mom' ) rt-lnmlol. Han't let nny linitlnrtlpd | | )
iliuKvlbt i-ell \ < m any kittil r / tvittntlnn , Innst on
liavliii ! IMIAI'O. If liuhiismit until.o \ \ III fend
Itliy nmll upon receipt of pilce. 1'nmplilct In tenleil
cnvelopuflec. iltlrrtfl Orient ill MuilleulCu. . J'mii * ,
C-ileuc < f , III. , or our Ulrent * .
SOI.U hv Klllill .t Co. . Tor , 1.1lli nnil lloturla" St < . , nnil
J. A. 1'llllcr.V-Co ' , CoMltll.t luuCln ) > hl"OMAllA |
by 1'nul ( I. Krluiplilcr , Ml Iirondway A 0 Pearl St. ,
COUNCIL W.UlTSaml Leading DriiRKlntii.
AM )
IVo Cliro ( M.TAHKII , ml ni.Si\fiiS : ; OK
Till : A'OSH , TIIUOAT , OIIKiT , ( iTd.tlAUII ,
HOWICLSitiKl IIViit : , UllliU.MATI.S.'M.DV.S-
lll.OOH , KKIN mill ICIDNKY DUcnx-D ,
IIOOU CIIKIM ) , mill lilt fiiruin of
and biivt'uHHfully curod. Mctlio-l nu\\r uiul uiif.illliii'
TllliA'l' . li.M' : M V .M.HI. li iiitclity. : !
I'l ES , FISTULA , FISSHUK , pormancntly oiirod
wllhout Iho imu of Kiilfu. llir.ittiro or c.umtlo.
All nmliulluH of u nrlvaio or Uulleutu nuluro , o (
clllier BOX , iioHlllvi'ly uurt-'l. '
Call on or uJJruuH , wllh atiiuip. for Circulars.
Free Hook , ItoclpuH unil Uymploiii JilankB ,
Dr , Searles & Searles , ' " ! , ; ; ; ; ; ! , ' , ' , ' .
Til 17 "Ml ? VC1 Catarrh I'owdcr euros catarrh
UllvlM l Q All ( iruinritttti. oOcuntB.
UK cnrly bird catches ( he
worm. Earlier than ever
we spi-ciul ) iir WHKS ! over
tilts western sphere anil
announce the opening of
Autumn " , ) : t ami the 17th sea
son of the most marvelous
success ever achieved by any
clothing concern in the an
nals of the lilth century.
Season follows season , and
our efforts exceed efforts , as
we intend to show this season. So far , every nook ,
corner and cranny is cramped with merchandise from
everywhere. Not a leading manufacturer on the facu
of the two worlds but his choice products are unloaded
in our establishment , llrielly stated the finest for love
or money.
Talk of values ? Time will show what mira'cles our
ready capital did perform during the money strin
gency event. We displayed the ready cash it made
them feverish. They were fotved'to sell at our figures
and their blessings were thrown in the bargain.
Cash did it and always does. Your cash will do
likewise. Share the profits of the late financial diflicul-
ties. This is our "golden Rule. " Make your dollar
reach a-s s \ vmiUniave on rs do.
Yours grcetingly ,
Whsia for Catalog-tie ? Send your address.
Those solid silver knives
and forks sell at 20 per cent
discount now at Raymond's.
S. H. Cor. l.'ith and Dmulun.
-f ;
. ,
llnilo of tinlltii > st rjunllty uf ° Ilinmm Tobacco Ilintcaii bo 'jniiflil. Krjunl Ir every rrspi'i't to Hie
High Class
At Popular Price * .
313-315-317 S. 15th Street ,
Omalin , Nol ) .
A Hollow Tooth
la BO nice
( If ll'aflllod
with gold ) ,
T'wont , hurt n bit ,
4th 1'lour llrotvn Illoelc ,
Telephone 1775.
A medical work that tclli Ilio cnuwi , ilrwrilin } '
janJ'inonoInlewliiiK Marrlatrc , ftp.
r Kvei u "i" " i * ' 0 u-ouM inow lite Uianil Trvtbt , f.
S ie I'latnf'iHlt , the Mil Ktcrttt onilAVw / . > ; * >
covtrlet of Medical fclenc * at aii'lltd lo Har-y
tr ( I Hfe.tcho iretiM 'pn"r l' " . / " ' ? 5
( ami anMfulurrjilifant.tlirvhl write { vr tltiiA
I woxnpalui. UTTLH JIOOK. §
> It Hill be Rent fn-o. undertral , iitle ) theedl <
llun lu t . hloic iifi' , uud It inurrkd or ulugli ; . s
' Addrciullia iiublUucri , §
ERIE MEDICAL CO. . Buffalo , N. Y.
Etc. , Add , 12. F. 11U1.LAHD ,
f MltlTARt
slVKKTHI'HIMlH , MlfcSIHTIII. Theitreat Military
tkkoul vt U > Wu.t. Writ * tat lllu lruuJ
New York.
For nil
tonic , Nervous ,
Surgical ,
Private and
Special Diseasas
nr Imtll
Stricture , Hytlrocolo , Vnrlcocolo ,
And till ollinrtninlilns tulni | at roaionablo
OppoMto llaydon llro >
TJ. S. Depository , Omnlm , Nob.
CAPITAL , 8400,000
SURPLUS , ser , ooo
Otflctrn mid UlroclorHHenry W. VatcH. pi-oil-
Unit , H. 0. UiiHliln. , vlcii iiruslueiil , O , S. Maiirlets
W V. Morau. John H. Uolllim , J , N. 1L 1'alrloi
Lewis S. Kootl , c.mlilcr.
' "
he i
Omaha's NewastHotjJ.
Cor , K'th nnd HowurJ titreott
40 rooms tifil per day ,
40 rooms tl in per day.
; xi rooms with Imtli nt 11 pur cliY ,
SO rooms with butli altl.ti'l per Juy.
AlaUurn In 1C very lt ( > | iert. >
ulvly | | r ildio I TUroiizh ut
C.S. ERB , Pron.
Oprnctl May IHI JSU3 , Flrut claub. nuw , inodoiro"
bnlll. HlfUiu ( II ) uulBlilurounm. IIKW fnrnlluru.ulcu-
trlu bc'llH , ' unvunli'iil Uro ubvaiion , iilcab.intly lo-
caKil ni'ar Ihu ccnlcr of buulnuka un lUtli unit t'ld- '
cauo HlriflH , ( M'poMlto ' Juftumun < ni4ro. rcaeliuil by
all car Hue * rnnnlntr luainl from Uullroad Uuiiou.
Cunnvll Illuirw and buulli Umaliu , anil ull iilaccu ol
nirnibi'Micnl un4 Ihu fair .
grouiiilu. Hales Aini'r-
lean I'lan. fl Ol ) per day Kiiropuau 1'lan. t\.V1 \
lH.Tilay Siu-cl.M ralcu Dy Ihu week for ( .inillln
uud bin.-lo men. M , J , i'UAMCK , 1'rupilutur ,