f t.- ' 4 V THE DAALtf couNiir. iii.urrs. ornop.t NO , ia pEAUf , t llv rc < l by carrier to ( iny part of the clly II , W. TII/TON J IHWIIIPMI onicc . No , 4ft lNlshtKdlt > r . No aa .im O M1SA 1WA. N. Y Plumbing Co. Boston Store bankrupt nle. TheM. .vno Heat isUtoCo.G3l Hroadway ' Fnlrmount park was vvoll patronl/ed by picnic parties yesterday , Tlio nubile schools opened yesterday with Increase of nttcmlanco over last year. An assignment of tascB for trial at tlio September term of superior court will bo made nt 2 o'clock this aftoinoon. ' The County Hoard of Supervisor * mot jes- tcrdav for Its tjunrtrrlv meeting , but did no business , ndjouinmcnt bulng t nit en until today. Harmony chapter No. E\ Order of tbo Jiubteui Star , will meet In special session , for tbo pjrpose of Initiation , on Saturday cvonlntr , September U , Uyonlcrof worship ful master. Council llli.ffs real citato transfers for the past neck foot up over STS.tKKI. 'Ibo In- ci case In li ansfcrs so far this .v c-ir as com pared viltn last j ear , up to the first of this month is moro tban KO,00. Tlio regular monthly meeting of the oltv council was to have been held last evening , but ow li'g to the fact th.it it was Labor day ana nv'iitlonnl ' hnllilay the meeting was postponed uatll this evening , There wits not a gcnoial observance of Labor day union/ / ; the business houses most of which remained open dining the gieatur part of the day. The banks at.d public ofttees wcio closed during the afteinoon. The democratic1 county convention has been called to "meet at the com t house on September 20 , to nominate candidates for BhctilT , tieasurer , superintendent of scnools , one supoi visor , uoioncr and surveyor. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , T. D Huibiidgu died josteidny at tlio icsidrnce , 400 U.nnon street. The funeral will t.ilo place at to oVIrck today , und tlio body will be taken to Hoomer tounsliip for Intel mcnt. One of the jar.itois of the city schools de- elates ho saw In the he.ivons the other night n bloody svvoid held In u phantom hand. Ho Intcrpicts the wonderful vision by predict Ing war , but whether in the school boird or whcio ho does not say. Tlio Atlautlo association of Baptist churches will moot at the Hcionn ll.uitist church in this city Fiul.iy. On the prccuil Ing evening ilicro will Do a meeting oE the Young 1'eoplo's societies. Tlio convention proper will Cu.ititiiio over Sunday. About ov only-live delegates aio expected. The police aucstou a. follow .yesterday afteinoon who gave his name as Moyeis and who appaiently needs investleation. Ho was booked for exposure of person. Ho hail about f0 ! in cash and numerous trinkets , but the most suspicious fo ituio was his wearing thrco pairs of pantaloons , although the weather wns so extremely sultry. IS. C. Davis and Jack Dennis came up In police court vcstoidnv moinlng for a trial on the charcoof larcenj from a building. Tom McLaughlin , tlio South Main street s i- loon keeper whoso place they wcie alleged to have robbed of thtco boxes of cigarstwas on hand , but his brain seemed to li.ive grown sti.inge.ly mlstv slmc the two men weieaucstcd al bis icqucst. Ho could neither idcntny the men or the cigars , although ho did both at Hist. Tlu couit dischaigcd the two suspects am directed th.it > the cigars bo left in the pos session of Pike Gibson , the North Mali : itreot saloonkeeper , who bought iheui. . Xntlcn to limthur * . School will open Monday , Soptombei 4 , nnd In aider to iniiko hfu in the School room UH benrnblo as possible tctiohot should provide thenibolves with good , comfortublo shpes. and of course tlio cheaper you can buy thorn tbo bettor , Thomas B. Hughes of 01 ! ) South Mail ettcot is closinff out his entire line o : ladies' shoos at a Bucrilico. Tlio line comprise * ) everything in the way of a first-dabs ladies' shoe , and when you deduct duct 20 to BO per cent from nis i ognlai Erlcos ( according to style ) you get a shoo ) v uory small price. Have Sl.fiOO to loan on real estate security. E. II. Siicafo. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap I'Klt A O A .1 1. I'.lll.HHtt 1'JIS. \V. li. Thickstuu left yesterday for the big show. Miss Nettle Wallace has rotuincd from a ten days visit to the Woild's fair. Henry C. Scbeidlo and w ifo have rotuincd from a ton dnjs Woild's fair tiip. Mrs Hartlott and daughter of Dunvor , aio visiting her patents Captain and Mis. D. 15. Cl u Icon Worth stieot. Dr. Huggins , who icccntly opened an ofllto heio as an optician , has decided toicmcvo to Hooper , Neb , ulieto ho will eng.igo in busi- U8SE. 13 B. Gardner is a happy grandfather for the second and third times a son and a daughter whoso aggregate vvolghtls eighteen pounds , having come to the house of Mr. and Airs , F. A. Shepard. Mrs. A. Darraugh loft yesterday morning for St. Joseph , Mo , accompanied by her son , Duncau , who will enter the Chiistian brothels' college. Miss Patricia Is alrc.idj there and will attend the Academy of the Bacrod Hcait this year. Miss Lunlla Hogo , a nloco of Captain O. M. Urown , having finished her visit to her Grand Island friends has , returned to this city for a few daj st.iy with nor friends . hoio at tbo residence of Mr. Whltnov Layton - ton , No. 107 Seventh stieot , after which she \\ill proceed to her Ohio homo. Out Your 1'ortiiuu Told By a real live clairvoyant , at the Bocial given by the Kings Daughters of tlio Christian church , at Mr , Blnncliard's , corner Second avenue nnd Ninth stieot , Tuesday evening , September 5. Koftonhmunts will bo barred ami the following program will bo rendered. Colonel Tulloy's Ore-host in. Ilccltatmn . Miss Nol IIo Trancy I'limn solo . Jlliu I'atturMin Vocal solo . MlssUolby KoHdlng . , ' . MlsIyoim J'uiit ' . MU.scH I'uItoiMm mid Chiimberlln Heading . Airs. Toinlliisoii-Johnson bold. . faolvcted Orchestra. Admission , SJoc. Fortunq , lOc. llllll IIIIU AlHllo ( llll. Business men need their mopey In these times. If you Imvo bills ngninst people not living in lovviv employed by nny railway , oxpioss , tolefrraph or tolo- iihuno coinjmnv cntorlns : Iowa , write to the Ntihbiiu Investiue'iit Co. , C'ounull UlulTa. Colloctliina guaranteed. Stop at the Ogden , Council Blulis , 110 Icbt J2.00 htiiiFo hi Iowa. Tllr 1'oHnllltu IMllll ) , Conjectures and pi cdlctions concerning the tomlng iK > stnuistcr nnd the date of his in itiation Imvo quieted don n of Into , it being gencinlly unclei stood that A. W. IJlckitmn nns tbo coming men , date unknown. The inesent postmaster has bcon In ofllco about four years , but his predecessor , Thomas Hovvman , reslgmvd , nnd Mr. Trovnor was ap J pointed to fill thi vacancy for the unoxpircd : term , and also commissioned for n full term of bis own for fouenia . from January , 1MK ) . Ills commission \MI1 not therefore oxpiio until next January , and it Is now understood tbat no cbniigo will bo made until that date. SI bis doubtless nccounts for tbo quietude of tbosuvvlio are Oipectlng to dip their fcp jnto the bioth ns soon as thu now bowl Is I sot on , _ _ lluy ono of these wonderful oil heaters of Cole A- Cole , 41 Main btioet. They \vill heat the largest room in 15. leather ; cost , lo an hour ; fully yum- nnteod. Just the thlnp for early fall nnd Bin-ing uso. Ciiulorsor Sale 200 loads nlco , clean pindora for vvulkBuml driveways. Aiiply , Vo i : . D. Burke , TuylorsV giouery | Domestic soap is the best SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS lystery Surrounding the Disappearnnoo of B. L. Watson. EVIDENCES OF FOUL PLAY DISCOVERED II * Coat nnd Vent rou'tid t Silver City Cut And Nlnslird 111 * drip and Sninplo CnnoMtobbeil ot Thlr Contunli Alii < i round. Where Is n , L , Watson ? What has boon ills fate ? 'llio attempt to solve tbo mvstcry caused Silver City to ba In a state of Intense excitement jcstcrday , nnd residents of the Ittlo town nnd vicinity devoted their tlmo nnd energies to trilng to solve the mj story which seemed to Indicate thnt n fearful ragcdy had occuucd Mr. Watson Is a traveling salesman nnd collector for tbo : jtnpke-Sbugart ! company of Council llluffs. His homo Is In Shelby , and bo vv.is just finishing n short trip , reaching Silver Cltv Saturday. Ho planned to take the freight tr.iluat that station n 11'J o'clock Siturday night Jor Council muffs , bo that ho might reach hero Sunday morning In llmo to catch tbo Kook Island train for bis homo in Shelby. At the hotel In Silver City ho bade goodby to "tbo bovs , " sajing that ho would go down to this depot and bco If ho could get tbo train , which was often behind tlmo. This tt.iin Is not scheduled to stop nt Silver City , but if it is flagged It allows passengers to get onto tbo caboose. Tbo agent does not open the depot for this midnight freight , so that the opportunity for such a deed of rob bery and murder us Is _ thougbt to have occlined was most favorable. i\ldcnco nf Murder. From tbo time of bis dopirturo from the hotel to tbo piescnt ho has not been seen. Hilly iostiuday motnlng some ono noticed thnt some sort of a garment was lilng under tbo cdgo of the depot platform , and on Its being pulled out it pioved to bo n coat , ono side of which vv.is slashed as if bv a knife. A vest was also found , and it , too , was slashed in like manner , and banging to n buttonhole - hole was tlio fragment ol n watch chain , an'c paicntly bioken In a struggle , while fiom the bir hum ; a Knights of Pythias elm in with tlio name ot B. \\ntson upon It. Near these j'.umciits v.is found his snmplo case nnd gup , tbo latter of which bad been ullcd I'lieio vvoto no valuables found , and the com ] it Ion of the garments , which wet o speedily idr-nlitled ns those belonging to \Vatson , indicated plainly tint thcic had been foul play and lobbcry. Onostiango fe.itmo of the findings , bovvovor , wns the absence of any blood. If Watson bad been stabbed , as indicated by the clothing , why was there not some bloody cv Idenccs of tbo crime ? Then , too , tbcio was an iron bar discovered li ing in sucl. close proximity as to make tbo conjcctuio plausible that It had been usnd bv his assailants , as it was bent as thioti.-h tbo result ofabeivi blow. A Httlo further off Watson's iiat vv.is picked up. Sr trilling for t'i ' Hoilj. Search vv.is at once entcicd into for tbo body , as by this time it vvaspiotty well set tled that a nun del bad been committed. Patties stalled out in every dliection , but up to. . liito boui last night no tiaccwus found of the missing man Watson had with him about S100 of the film's muncv nsshownbi hisllttlo p issboo'r ' , which was left in his grip , and which showed thii collections ho h.ui madu up to Ibo time of his disappearance. H doubtless had some oilier money of his ow n , but pi ob iblj nolalaigo amoiiut Watson xvas a man of steady habits , and Ihcto is nothing in hU history to warrant the least suspicion ttiat ho has disappcaied volunt.uilv. t. Ho was about 33 jcais of age. and some voni s ago w is in the e uploi of I' C U iVol in this citv. Liter he moved to Shelby , whcio he was for some tinio iu the haidwaio business for himself. On tbo 1st of last January - uary ho enteicd the employ of the Uinpklc- oiiuuuii. companv. IIo has alwajs been found to bo straight every vv.iv' . and bis cm- plovers scout thu iuoa th it tbcio could pos sibly bo any motive , cither commoicial or domestic , for voluntary dlsippcariinco. Ho carried n llfo insiii.iiicc ofiOU ) iu tbo New Yoik Life , and had eaiued it for over four ieais. Latest NDHH from Sll\i < r City. Fred Emplcio icturned from Silver City last evening and biought tiaclc all tbo information mation that could oo obtained. As me igre as it fs , however , it adds weight to the con viction that Watson IMS been foully dealt with. The train thai ho wont to takeuttho dark and lonely little depot for Council Bluffs was duo at tlio station at midnight , but it \Viistwnhours latn. Watson lemained at tbo hotel until after midnight , plaving cauls with some of the people theio All o'dock the hotel was closed and Watson started alone to the depot with a lantern to llag the tram. The last thing found yesteulaj was liis bat. and this was discovcicd l > ing In the weeds about twcnt\-flvo fcot from tbo end of the pl.itfoim between the hotel and depot. Near by ft they found a por- liu ur bis watch ihain. Tlio vest and coat nnd giips woio found in tbo weeds under tbo platiorm at the opposite end , IfiO fi > et from the point w hoi o tile hat jay. Near them w as found the bent iron b ir. It was a round bat , 11 vo ciL'hts of nil Inch thick and three or four fcot long. At the oppjsllo end of the platfoim was another similar bar. Neither of thu bats belonged about the place . The theory is that no was assaulted where biti hat was found , and after being knocked senseless with the bar his coat was slashed with a knife to got at his watch. As ho loll tbo hotel ho was observed to button up his coat clost-lv as the night uir was chilly. Thu two lion hats indicate two assailants. Ono bar was dioppcd wlrjro the ass lult vv.is made and the other was can led along with thu grips. Tlio wallet which contained his money ho alwajs can led in Ills inside coat pocket. His collections woio not noted in a pass book as lltst icpottcd , but on tlio stub ot his iccoipt book which ho cauled in his grip with hla other stationery. The last re ceipt which ho had given in Silver City was for 810. The country around the Httlo village Is heavily weeded and cut up with hills and sharp ravines , all covcicd with a dense giowth of weeds and other vegetation , If ho was only da/cd from a blow on tin ) bead ho might wander nvv.iyand fall into the dense undcrgrow th nnd bo completely hid den from searchcis who might pass within a few feet. Scabbing pat tics scouted the country nil day ycsteiday and until lute last nightbut wlthoutllndingati.uoof thomUs- lug iran. Other pirtles arc coming from Shelby this moining and the search will bo systematically i enow cd , If the man has not been murdered outilght and his body conI cealcd , It is feared no has wandered uwtiv nnd polished from exhaustion. The firm of'VVhcoler , Jlorcld & Co. , la this day dissolved by mutual content , II. F. "vVilkiiJbou lotlrfng , G. R. Wheeler and J. A , Hot old will continue under the lli'in name of Whaelor & Ilorold , tliov ' assuming all liabilities and collect- ing'uU bills. G. R. WHI3ELKR , J , A. IlHUKLD , II. P. WILKINSON , COUNCIL BLUFrs , Iowa , 'Sept. 4 , lbl)3. ) Beautiful etching glvon with every do/cn cablnot photos at Riley & Sliorru- den's for twenty dayu ; frames of all kinds to order , v AKrecliiK < m 1'ruluht Calluollnni. All lmtortniit | meeting was held nt the Gran 1 hotel Saturday evening attended bv the representatives of all the railroads con- teilngln Council DluIts , It was for the pur * pose of ui riving at n general ngi cement for the collection of freight charges nt this IKilnt. The follow Ing resolution was adopted to take affect September 'J ; U t * huroby ugiord by all ru.lway lines enter ing the city of Council Hluirs that no budullvt'rvd tncuiiblKiioubur thtlragunu , ux- cepl ntt horolmiftor stated , without full pay * mi-lit of all fbargt's bufuru delivery of said freight U inado to conslKiicnii or thulr ngcnls. It U understood and aKriiid by ull llnea huro . _ . that no crudlthhiili bopUen to uiiytlrmoi Individual on account of freight' Jhargoa of any nature , nnd that nil collections aliHll bo offuclcd at Ihotdallou dally , and the 8urtlcts ! > lit oollei'lorn bo dUpi'iiiOil nltb un- tlrely. All frolgnt chnrKVb shall ho iiayable lint thu cashier's oillco on dcllvury of pioportj but U U undorHtood that merchants uud ruKU - i lar imtronw inuy rtculvo properly at ull tlmus during butliu'su houra. und huttlu for char oi thuruun at tlio cukhlur'ii otlicontouo tliuu for the entire dnllvrry , Tflthln twonty-four (24) ( ) and before nny further dcllvorr of properly 1 } inndo on this Any viuiutlun in tl"-t ! arrangement by nny Individual or firm uliiill deprive thoni of nny fiirthereourtosy of llxo nnturo , nnd pavment of freight clmracs thorcaftcr shall lie plYocled on delivery of property at the ofllco of the cashier nt tlio station , and the various n fronts of lines represented notified ot such action , Which shall bo adhered to by them. I.out Children. Two Httlo children of Mr. and Mrs. Doll O.an Morgan vvero the cause of n great deal of anxiety to their parents and friends > ester- day. When the proccrymtm delivered tbo day's supplies nt the Morgan residence on Second nvcnuo the children begged fora ride , and with thoconscntof their mother the driver took thorn n short distance on his rouuds. ' When ho came into the neighbor hood again bo put thorn out In sight of their homo , a block aw ay , nnd supposed they would readily ; find It. Instead of going homo they plnjed along the street , nnd finally 'goA ' over on Thlid avenue nnd disappeared , An i hour or two went by and the babies bad note returned , and Mrs. Morgan telephoned tohcr husband nt his diug stoic. He in turn found the driver and got nil the information mation ho could glvo him. Search was at once Instituted , but hours passed without , nny tidings. A number of Gipsies nnd In dians had passed through thnt portion of town during tbo morning , and n dreadful suspicion arose that tbo children had been kidnaped. A systematic search had been commenced , but bofoto tno assistance of tbo polieo of tbo two cities hud been called , the children bad boon dlscovoicd on Twenty- ninth stieot , nonrly two miles from homo. Ono wns Sand thoothorS joiu.s old. The time for the ptu-ehtibo of now carpets - pots , etc. , Is here , and this recalls the fact that the Council Ulutls Carpet com pany is the rnly establishment vvhoro yon can po&itivoly save money nnd get satisfaction in goods. Council Blulls people , and ns many in Omaha us desire to save money , will appreciate this hint. Do you Ilko good , clean laundry work ? If ( so HOIK ! to the Hiiglo laundry , 7-4 Broadway. It is turning out line work now , nnd solicits your patronage. Telu- pliono 157. Century Kim Arxt Sunday. TboGanjmcdo Wheel club will tnkolts postponed centuiy run next Sunday , the weather permitting. The wheelmen will leave the club looms at 4 p. tn. , and the schedule lias been drawn no in such a way as to glvo n steady gait of ton miles per hour , nl near as possible. Dinner will bo taken at Onaw.i , and Sioux City will be i cached at 0 p m. , in older to glvo th ridcis a chance to tikothe Sioux City 1'aclllc train , which oives for homo at that hour. The following schedule will show tbo distance of ench of the towns passed through from Council Bluffs , ns well as the tlmo at which they will be , readied : Council IJlulTs , 4 a. m : Crescent , 7 miles , , 4MO ; Honev Crook , lit miles. 510 ; ; Lovelnnd , jt miles , 5-40 ; MIssoun Valley , 23 miles. 0:20 ( : ; Momlnmln , US miles. 8-HO ; Little Sioux , 45 miles , 0:10 : ; Blencoe , B5 miles. 10:15 : ; Onnwa , Ut miles. II-.JIO ; Whiting , T.t miles , U ) ) m ; Sloin. 81 miles , ! i ; S.ilix , b $ miles , Ji-fiO ; Sargent Blurts , 'Jr miles , 5j Siouv. ' City , 103 miles , ( ) . Notluo to iiruiiry ii' < n > The bi and of coin known as "D.V. . Archer's World's Fair Brand Sugar Corn , Council Blulis , la. , " ib not packed at Council BlulTs und Council Bfulls Can ning Co. has no interest whatever in said , brand. COUNCIL Brurrs CANNING Co. Coat cheap for casli. Cat bon Coal Co. , 31 Pearl btrect , Grand hotel bldg. Abk yotn- grocer for Domestic soap. Must IIo m.mlt mi Delllcrj. One of Council Bluffs' promments got into a pcculiu dilemma at Courtland beach Sun day tin ough bis iciioianco of tno rules nnil the foicc of h ibits foimcd in a piohibition state. The tulo which llooiod him was one that foibids the sale of beer to females and requii ing that all beverages must bo drank nt tbo booth whcio they nro piuchased. With ti un ptohlbltory simplicity he crowded up j to the bar and secured four glasses of beer and two bottles of pop , and started for the outside with them to supply his thustv pnrty , several of whom were ladles Ho was enjoined from cariving the glasses nvvav fiom the bar , and informed of tbo rule that in ido it ncccssiry for him to dt ink the boor there nnd then In vain ho appeal tn tlio bu tender for relief , but that stoical individual infoimcd him that ho dia not cue what hodid with the four glasses of beer , but that ho could not tike them out side tbo loom When 1 ist soon by TUB Bui : observoi ho was nobli stiug hng with tlio thiid i f- Fruit lands and fauns. GrcenshloldB , Nicholson & Co. , (100 ( B.-oadway. Tol. 151 Willininhon & Cu. , IOU Main stieot , largest and boat bicv < 'lo stjck m city. bmolco T. D. Kinir & Co'b Partagas. Stnlo a fi-1 turn * 1'lctc. Willlim Smith , a gentleman of Tiench descent who runs a icstauniut and candy store on Broadway between Bryant and Second streets , icportcd to the police a few davs ago the theft ot a valuable coin , a .1- franc piece daUd 1810 , bearing tbo vlgnctto of the great Napoleon. The coin was taken by a sneak thief and thoto boomed to bo but a foi loin hope of its u-covcry. Ofliccr Murphy took the matter in hand and yester day moiuiii'j got the souvenir. It was in thu possession of a small boy living near the "Q ' depot , who had ext lunged a shootci" for it. Cook your meals this summer on range. At cost at the Gas company. GeorgoS. D.ivis , pi osuriiition druggist. Domestic boui > ih the uoat. Jlt. ' ( lit I 'A.S' 1,11 Thnt itcroivpil ny thn ( joiiuty Ooinmls- Hlonrrg ol Arnpulioii Ctiiincy. DENVTII , Sopt. I. Coroner Cnlvmgton nnd District Attorney Steele bold a conference , ntvhlob it was formally and ilnally decided that thcro will bo no autopsy upon thu re mains of Dr. T. Thatcher Oiavcs , who com mitted suicide in the county jnll oaily yes- crday morning. Mr. Btecln says that U is conceded by Dr. Graves' fi lends that the doctor died of suicide by poisoning and tbat tbo I only advantage ot an autopsy would bo to bring out the o\nct imturo of tbo poison used \Ylmtuver tbo drug was it did its \\orlcwcll unll left no outward signs of n doatli stiugclo , It is thought by many that inoipliiiio was used. Thu Inquest on tbo uodv vvill not ho held until tomoriow , this being . , , n _ legal . . _ . . f 11UUU11V. i : _ * i _ A. . Tbo Ipttor from Dr. Graves to the county commls'sloncts was not inado public until to day. It Is ns follows ; COIIJ.TV J in * DUNVUII. Cole , Aut ; 8 , 180.1. To thu llonoiublo Hoard of l.'omnilsblonuis of Arapahou County ; ( luntlumun Will the county of Aiapuhoo pluato to ilofr.iy iny burJal uvpunbCH tn Thompson , Conn/ Alt > o the ip nsei > of iny ulfo and inothui and u fumulu escort foi my wife ! 1 Mould not usL this , but all of inv avallablu funds aru ox- Iniiiblod and 1 cannot but feel thai thu county of Arapahoe oucx this to mo and inlno for tlio trouble which thi'y have caused us. My wlfo Is notbtrong unoiiKh to travel iilnmi , Therefore - fore 1 huvo made the icijuust. Your.- * respect fully , T , TlUlCHEUOllAVhS , .M.I ) , This lottcr was oidorad Hied and it will bo acted upon officially at tomorrow uiorning's mooting of the board , Ono of the commis sioners said that If U could bo proven to the board that Mrs Graves was without means , the doctor's request would bo granted , but If she Is to pot tlio $2A,000 loft by Mis. Bar- naby to Dr. Ciiaves , no notice will bo inkcn of tnoiequest. Miss H.iIIIt ) ilanlu } , who has been ono of the most famous figure * In the Graves trial , U ' .i Denver. Miss ilauloy was soon this morning but was loath to fillc of the caso. "Poor iiuin , " she said In a most Fympatbotio tone , "ho was driven to his death. 'Iho fact that ho has taken his own llfo docs not alter my opinion , which has alwavs been that ho U an innocent man. I have not .v ot docldod what I shall do , now that the case is ended. " Mrs Graves , who Is still prostrated by the shock of her husband's death , does not bo- Hove that the doctor committed sululdo. Her friends do not disabubo her mind of that Idea , us thov are afraid of the consequences iu her present condition. I VAUGHN i AGAINST VIZZARD Discord Among Dottotftea that Will Donbt- Ics3 Drag Oat SWcral Skeletons. BEFORE THE-FIR& AND POLICE BOARD of n Tljr Cnp Vfhu IMiri n n Ito- former Chief U < wp Admit * Hint lie Worked the fan irietm. The Board of riro jjjid Police Commls sionors hold n rceul if session last , evening. Mayor Hem Is was tfio only absentee The major has been absent from meetings over slnco the Vaughn-Vlzzard row has been called to onicial attention. After ttans.iciing routine business nnd granting sevei.il olllccis and firemen leave of nbscnco , the boird listened to icports. In cluding ono from Scctotury Uobout , in vvhli-h the latter announced the pa.vmcntof to Mrs. Caytain Cox and MO to Mrs Morris. Charges wcio urofciied against onicer Cox for steeping on d jty. Action postponed. Onicer Kelly was charged with attending church. In unifotm vvhllo on duty. After beating testimony , the oftlcor wns repri manded , The feature of the evening wns the trial of Detective Vlzratd. chatgcd by his fellow ofllccr , Detective Vaughn , with having made illegal charges for bringing back n fugitive from justice. VaUghu was suirounded with his attorneys and a stonor'raplic-r. Sp 102 foibids general mention of the testimony , Vaughn's sldo presented .v letter from the private secretary of Governor Holes of Iowa showing the method of securing the oxtra- dltlon papers for the pi honor , mil the board declined to admit the letter ns testimony. Ucforocommencing tlio taklntr of testimony Judge Duftle , who represented IJetcctiVo VizzaidNstnted that ho bolloved that the boird had no Jurisdiction In this case under tlio rules set forth in section 8.11. chapter xvx. of the Nebraska code , .ludgo Dufllo said that the auditor of the state had evi dence before him that thu account rendered by AMzzard was correct nnd that the boird could not Investigate-tho acts of u state ofllclil. This struck the board Ilko n coltish Kansas yoplijr and Chairman Hartman - man called for legal advice from his col- le igucs Mr. Smith thought the vi Ial should goon. So did Mr. Strlcklor. Mr. Coburn was silent and attentive. ( Jurisdiction C'linllenjrod. Judge Duflio contended that Detective Yirzard was artiug as agent fortbo govcinor ofO Nebraska and not as n poliro ofll < er of Omaha while ho was out of the state after a fugitive fiom Justice with requisition papers. ftV The boil d .decided to take testimony and Vaughn was placed on the stand. IIo said : "It was cither the 8th or Oth of July I was sitting in theoillco with Scigeant Haze , and Vi ad came in with a paper and said ; bo wanted to get all he could out of tbo case Hn o said"Vlz.ird , jou nro tlo hog. Hr had his uttOHtion called to the expense : of hack hlra nnd the expenses for carfaieto DCS Moines H.izo slid : 'It's jour bill , not mine , but it is padded. ' li lit a few dajs Vizird came to ( Haze nnd wanted to got aCl tolcgram. This is all I know about It , ex cept that I nm satisllcd th.it he did not go to Clci Moines and only worked twodajson the case , while liuohaigcd the state for live. " Judee Dufllo cio'is-oxijiniiied Vaughn and asltcd linn if ho'and ' Vi7zni < l vvi-io not fiieiidlj. Vaughn ivplied that he hid no use for a man wheni he caught him In crookedness. , On the cross exainm ition Vaughn was not 'so positive in his state ments and frenuentli ( replied that ho hail nnswctcd the qUestloiio IIo said he know nothing about the matter until thu bill came bick. Ho tbon thought it bis dntv td inform the boaid. IIo said tie H5d been agent for the stnto on vanous occasions aim had novel overcbuiged the statoi'-ono nicltel" Ho sjid io went to Baltimore after ono Harry Clampitt Ho was asked what bo stopped in Pittsburg two days for. Vaughn's attor ney objected to this ) , although his client hai testified on direct oiuinlint.ion . that ho had never mddo falsb chaiges' to th6 stato. The defense wanted to slunv * that those charges woio not made in good faith. Iwo lilrdstith Oiio .Stone. Commissioner Hartman said it had been the practice of the bontd to admit all kinds of testimony and Strickler said ho was w ill- ing to have everything admitted. Vaughn's attorney wanted lonffrr time to prepaio ! defense to those charges which huvj beet found against Vaughn in oveichargiiig tbo state. Mr. Hartman said that if anjthitif , came out nsjaiust Vaughn they would piobably bung him onto the carnct. Ho thought this was a chance to kill two birds with ono stone Vaughn then said tint bo never had any passes on the trip to Baltimore. IIo s lid ho stopped in Pittsburg about twout-four hours. Ho said tint ho stopped to slooj thoio because ho bad stajed up all night and ho did thu same thing In Chicago. Chief lla/o waB then put on the stand. His testimony airanibt Vizard was simply an echo or Vaughn's Haze claimed that VUzai-d s lid ho had accomplished the pur pose for which ho nad been commissioned and thought ho was entitled to full pay. They disagreed and Hao alleged that he intended spe iking to ttiu chief of police about the matter but it slipped bis mumory time after itimo , until Vaughn had lllcd his complaint when Vizzard wrs out of tlio city. Ha7c- admitted that ho had traveled on lallvvay pas > sea nnd chirgod full tare to the stato. IIo could not swear whether other ofliccts followed this custom. IIU70 hnyH "Thci All Ii It. " Ho thought that this was Vizzard's first trip out of tlio state after u fugitive. IIo said nouli eveiy Khotiff In Nobiaska trav eled on annual passes and charged the state full faro for the trip. Detective Yi/ainl was placed on tno stand , IIo said ; "Ihavobcen on the polieo foico five ycais. This -.vns my Hist oxpoilenco in going after prisonois and I talked over the matter with IIi/o , who assisted mo in gcttinc up my papcis for iciiuisition papois. Haze went with mo to get u pass to Lincoln , but could not , und I bought and paid ] i for a ticket to Lincoln and return. Haze vvioto a letter to the govoinor of Iowa nnd I wont to Sioux City. The prisoner was there in Jail. The governor of Iowa hud been instructed by Hnzo to scud the exttndi- lion pipcts to Sioux City. It was Jlvuda.vs before I got the papers and brought the prisoner to Omaha. Soon after this llnfo came Into my ofllco down stalls nnd ho told mo tochfugo the jtflto for five d.ijs tlmo. Hn told mo to chaigo fine fron Omaha to DCS Molnos and from the o to Sioux City , with W board b .1 In 1 each city. 1 told him thn. , 1t had not incurred such expenses , but lie told mo that was nil , rlfjht. tnat it was cus tomary to do this whcifjpfllcors wont out of the state nfter pilboiicis , I made out tbo bill t In my ofllco and Haz helped mo do so. tt Hiiro told ma it wa , dijslomaiy for the do- tcotives to go on passcJund charge it up to the stato. „ Chief of Polieo ScaVf'y , Captain Mostyn and others testified that Dote < ; ! ivo Vi/znid wns un excellent ojliuj ; and a man of good character. 3 , itl After going Intojcxpftutlvo session the 1C board 1 adjouincd tomcotagain on Wednesday evening , , < JIT fyii : ABA .tn : . New Linil Ulllclitliifor Oliltliuiiin Wash- WASIIIXOTOX , Sontjui . Confirmations ; of public moueys D H , Pattern , of IndianaWoodwardi Old. ; J , H. King of Alubania , Perry , Okl.pjti H. Allen of Mis- slgslppl , Alva , Okl. Kogisters of land oflices 1 { . \V. Patteison of Georgia , Knldj Okl. ; J , Mnlono , of Wisconsin , Perry , Okl. ; William HummockWoodward , Out. ; Wl lam Alexander of Texas , Alva , Okl. J. H Johnson of Missouri has been ap pointed postonico inspector of the St. I ouls division of postoflleo inspectors. lie was postoftlee intpootor during the former , asd iniulstiation. His jurisdiction includes Ar kansas , Missouri , Nebraska , Kansas , Okta- lioman and Indian Territory. The tieasury department today puichased 25KM ( ) ounces of ullvur at (0IX an ounce nnd olforud the same umount for 'MO,000 ounces : more. The president will deliver an address on September 18 , the occasion of tbo centennial , nnlvorsary of llio laj Ing of the cornerstone if tlio United States capltol building. MR , CDLL01I FAVORS REPEAL rnovt nnsr TAOE I doubtless double their production and enable - able them to buy more of the United States. \Vlio r js theTut ? Mr. Masters then jleldcd to bis colleague , Mr. Watson , The latter In reply to n ques tion then took up the matter of who piys the tariff tax and orplalncd In support of his assertion that the inhabitants of Her- muda , ( the foreigners ) paid the tax : that this was duo to the extremely porlshablo nature of the products shipped to the United Stales. After the tni iff Inx Is paid In Now York the products go on to the maikutaud bring what they can. biM In answer to n question by Mr. Hopkins , Mr. Wntson slid that slnco the enactment ol the McKlnley law Uotmudn had paid olT ViO,000 tariff taxes to the United States Tttls money has been taken from the resi dents of tuoso Islands and placed In thu tieasury of the United Status. tiS Mr. Uryan When vouoxtxiit to the United States jou say jou pay thu tarllf. JN'ovv when jou Import products from the United Stiles who pajs the tax then ? Mr. Watson Wo pay that tax nlso. [ Daughter ] Mr. IJryiin You pay both wtjsf You nro In prcltv bind luck. [ Tyiughtcr. ] Continuing , Mr. Wntson explained thnt In the case of Imports the nrticlcs wcro or dered In the United States nt fixed prices and the duty of Bermuda wns added on tltoir arrival there. Chairman Wilson drew out the fact thnt although Bermuda had p-Ud smco tbo passage - sago of the MoKlnluy law $150,000 per .vcnr in tariff duties to the United Slates , against ? .tUi ( ) > 0 piovlons to that tlmo , the vnluo of lands bad not fallen In Bermuda. Tbo land U held by old tcsldcnts nnd Httlo was on the tmiikct. If there was n fotcod sale ho thought the present situation would show itself. Mr.'Wntson slid thnt Bermuda was enabled to settle tbo heavy lrvlnnc.es of trade ngalnst lior because tbo Biltlsb gov- ( iinment had lately expended great sums in formications ; visitors spout money in lor- ! muda , and money was deilved by wcalthv residents from foreign investments , nnd all combined to cnablo Boimudn to settle tbo advoisu bilanccs. Mr. Diboll asked vv bother the McKlnloy bill bad kept the product of Bermuda out of the United States. "No , " replied Mr. Wntson , slinking his boul "I am afraid wo are obliged to send our products at any sacritUo Tbo point where the United States suffers Is In de creased oxpoituion to us. Wo cannot buy so much. " Mr. Wntson , In conclusion , proceeded with an argument , as ho said from tlio data ho had piosented , but Club man Wilson stopped him si } ing that the commlttco would ura vv its own conclusions. The commlttco then took a recess until 12 o'clock. Aliiilrlnn Griipo-i. E Li Goodscll , a Now Yoik Importer of Almlrlan grapes or , ns they nro comnibuly known , white or Malaga grnpcsY appeared nt li o'clock. Alinlra is a small shipping point on the Mcditenatiean sea between Valencia and Malaga. The duty bofoie tbo enact ment of the Mclvinloy bill was 20 per cent ad valorem. H was changed bv tbo Mcltln- cy bill to a specific duty of Ol ) cents per bar rel , w01 tb about $1 40. Mr. Goodsoll aigtied for a i eduction to a specific duty of 23 cents per ban ol , claiming that an ad valorem duty was impr.icti'jahlc. Inasmuch as the gi.ipesweiosold.it public auutipu in ow York on account of the giowcr and , after the fieight and duty chaigos had been de ducted , the balunco vv.is remitted to the glower. Air. Dil/ell Then the growers pay the taiiff tax ? "Most assuredly ; but wo collect it doubly from the Amei ican consumer in the selling price. " Mr. Goodscll said ho did not advocate plac ing these grapes on the fieolist as hosbe- hevcdthcso importations could and should pay a fair and equitable tribute to the coun try. Wcro the grapes put on the free list , however , ho did not believq tbo domestic product would suffer. If Ibo duty was re duced or grapes * oio pi iced on the free list the importation would increase to 403,000 barrels. Wcro Importation to increase to this point the price per biiiol would de crease 60 cents on account of the laigcr sup ply , and the grapes would bo placed within the reach of many people now debarred. Ho denied th it tbo retail price of thcso grapes bad ruled lower since tlio pass igo of the Me- Kiiley bill. Mr. Pavno . " .sked whether , coming ns an impottcr , hodid not come before the commit tec In his own interest. "Cci tainly , " replied Mr. Goodsoll , "it is not a nro bono publico matter with mo. I como hero from purely selfish motives for inj self and the Spanish grower. " Tlio committee adjourned until tomorrow morning , when H W. Luslio will bo hoard on the subject of cement and Joseph New man on silk cultuio HuiKiiiRtiiiK llio i > tlnntcH. WASHINGTON- , Sept 4 A most elaborate banquet was given tonight by the American Medical Editois nssoelition to Its mcmbois mil the visiting delegates to tlio Pan-Amor- can medical congiess at the Atlington louso. The cosmopolitan diameter of tbo gathering was most mm Iced for among , lto guests v\ero many fiom tbo Span ish-American counlncs , fiom the Brit- iib West Indies , from Got many and England. Mexico beaded tbo list of foreign visitors with fifteen In attendance , i'bo toasts woio of nn international charac ter. Dr. I. N. Love of St Louis noted ns toastmastcr. Among the speakers wcroC. " 3. Hughes of St. .Louis , , Secretary of Agri- ultuio.I. Sterling Morton. Kianlt liutton , Tames P. Hibimul of Kicbmond , lud , Surgeon Goncr.il Walter W\nun , Gcorgo M. Stcrnboig and J. H Wiisbburn. Moxlcm i : iinilnry ' 1 roubles , WASIIIMITOV , Sept. 4. In a telegram to the Wardepaitmont regarding the Mexican ijoundarv trouble , dated Havana , September 3 , Major Keyes , commanding tbo United States troops , s.i.vs thnt four troops of Mox- ; tan cavalry under Colonel Maneiro airived Saturday. Yesterday Major Koies , Colonel Manorio nnd un oflker of the engineer corps went over tbo disputed ground The Mexican claimed that tbo piece of giound whcro the sheep were kout was on Mexican soil and that the United States troops had no right to piovcnt them diking thoshcep across the river. Major Kojcs states that tlio wbolo matter depends on certain dry beds of the old channel of tbo i Ivor , nnd tbo Mexicans claim tbo present channel as a boundary. Major Koi us contends that the land is undoubtedly In Texas. Aiiotbnr l'in lnii Killing , WAsmxorov , Sept. 4. Commissioner Ixichian of the pension bureau has isauod nn order withdrawing that of Juno 1'J , 1SOJ , rating cases under the act ot Juno 27 , Ib'JO , The order leads : "Hereafter in nfllxing rates undnr this act the medical lofereo or tbo medical ofllcer on tbo hoard of revision shall weigh each dlsibllitv nnd dotennino tbo dcgioo th it each disability or the com bined disabilities disabled the claimant from eaininga suppoit by in.inuil labor and n rate coriespondlng to that dcgtcc shall bo THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor i r U acu eemly on the stomach , llTCrcnd Lldnevi andl < ai > leiuanlUitllte 'Ibll drink U made from hcrM , und la prepared for u t u tutty a lea 11 li cMId - - All iirut' Ut ell It ftttoc. and : n rackocc J f you cannot get n , itnd yuurftddrou forarrcu tainpla. l.ane'i famllr Mrillrlna inurni Hi * botreli rnrbilur , liiordi rintinlir dtbrtliUUnccruarr ' Allowed. In cn e In which the ponilcnor him ronchod thn npc of ? S hl i.ito nhnll not bo disturbed if bo In receiving iho innxltnum , and If ho is not n pensioner lie shall rocolvu the innxlmum for senility alone , If thcro nro no special pensionable dls\blliUos shown. " Applied for Dliliirrctnntn. WASIUNOTON , Sopt. 4 Surgeon Cic.ioral Wyinnn today received a lottcr from the chilrmnn of the Hoard of Health nt Hcau * fort , S. C. , asking for dlimfoctanti. The entire water front of the town , the loiter sajs , hn : been washed nvvny. The decn.V ing matter In wreckage threatens the town with nn epidemic unless prompt nctlon is taken. The inhabitants have foiif of the jollow fovcr , ns It hit prevailed In n mild dcgrco farther south. The surgeon general at once granted the request nnd disinfectants have been forwarded. Die Koran. According to Mohnmincdnn belief tlio flrst cony of the Koran , or Allcoran. tholr sacred nook , was brought down fiom the highest to the lowest heaven by Oab.'iol on thu inyBterloiH ni hl of Al Kh.i lo in thu month of Kiunmhui. This woiiilor- fill book , written in heaven ami b mini in satin , jewels nnd uohl , was ooinniuni- eatcd to Mohamnind ut dllTorent times durinjj a period of twonty-throo years. This was done , according to Moliniu- meclan belief , either bv Rnbriul In 1 iu man shnpo or by God Ittinxolf. Whuii Gabriel acted ns tuimlntor nnd c.'in- innnicalor ho did M > "with n grout sound of mueiu and bulls ; " God appeared either "veiled or nnvolled during Mohainmod's waking hours , or during dreams nt night. ' ltnUHt | DUi rliiiliintlon. Indlnnnpo1lsJourn.il : " 1 notice , " mid the woman with the steel-bowed glasses , "that if a married woman happens to got killed the papers announce that ' .M.uv Smith , wlfa of John Smith , wns rim over bv tbo eais , ' for Instance. If John hlms-clf gets it there Is not a vv old said of Mary , except to men tion that ho loaves a widow. And that's why I'm kicking. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement and lends to personal enjoyment when rightly usotl. Tlio ninny , who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by mote promptly adapting the world's best pioducts to the needs of physical being , will attest the vnluo to health of the pi liquid laxative principles cmbiaceeL in the remedy , Syrup of FiK * > . Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleasant - ant to the taste , the icfrcshing and truly beneficial propotucs of n perfect lax ative ; elTectmilly cleansing the sj&tem , dispelling colds , headaches and feyeib ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly fice from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c auf : $1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , alto the name , Syiup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accept any substitute if oflered. PURITY CUTICUHA UEMEDIES cleanse the bloml , tUii , fltul pculp of c\cr $ eruption , Im. purltj , niid illtcnxclnllur Mm- plijflcann ! fill. Bo'ld throu lioiittliu Un id this from J ired li it-ipnon , l.u : rincn.O "laniM , suffered forjoars fiom results o youthful Hrron I uson llto boxes Nurvo lloans and am coniplotoly enroll. Aly nerves nro now stron/ . nun I lie not snirer any inoro from blnopicssnuss ; iny sKIn Is bright : up pc- tlto Kood : galnod Tilbs " fl bov. imou li for two \vooka. All druulst3. or bv mall , N'crvo lioan Co. llnfTalo N. Y. Attornoys-nt-law I'rae- tlco In Uio state and ednral courts Hoonis 201-7-8-0 , 3)111,5 ) it block , Council Illuffb , la. A STOMACH JM AN INDIAN. Why the Imllnno Never Have Dys- popsln , Yet nro Cnroloso Enters. Ko ono could fin ItullaM ot orot cnre. tulnest In cntliii ; . He ate wliut nature gave him berries from tli ooil , spoil fiom hi * traps , gome from bit bow. lie ntr plenty ( > C It , nto till ha * ns full. It was not very well cooked poiiietlme. ' , nnd lie often nto fnit. When bunting or flglitlng a dixy would often pass without nn ) thing lining cntcu at nil. Yet ho iicv er had tl ) spcp l& . lie novel "dieted. " v.Vc hear too much about " dieting" tuoso days. A m tn tint n't cat pie , or cftbbngc , or cnkf , or bcnns , or this nud IhM , lie imnn't cnt v ory mucli nnd bo mutt do It voty liw. lie inn tnuvor drink when h ct\t . llu mil n't burr ) . Itu tnusn't worry. And so It Goes. ' 1 Ids la nil v ciy good nd vlco , Itut It vrouM wony a man to dcnth to icmcmticr It nil , \\liv can't wo llvo Ilko the Imllnn in ft lu'ulthy , hciiity , nuturiil wrnv t Iltfentise w liav n nnah v > enic stomachs , nut ho\r did tha liulliiiposicl > ssiiclu < otfcct tlnn , tUgaitlonf 11 v t iklnir tlnit ineillelno of liH , f > aitwnwhcn- cve-i ho folttluruwns anvthlnirron ? with him. That Baiswu v\c ha\o now ctnplovcit litmtoinako for IH. U you would take the nntuial American le-ine'dy for djripe ) > slri ( Klckiipoohngvra , > ou , ton , would , nut knovr what n we'iik * tomnch or iljsprpslavas. . lliunUs to thooHolt * ut the Klekiipno Moill- i cine Com puny , Imllnn bngwit un < l other Klcknpno Imllnn lumcdloii nro obtnlnnlilo ot any dmgKlut , mid their genuine cunvtlvo Tnluo 1 . beyond comvarlson. t Klckapoo Indian Sagwa. $1,00 per Bottle , 6 Bottles for $5.00. g. W. PANGLE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. READKU OF niBEASHS OF MEN AND 1VOMKN. rUOl'UIETOK OV TUB 8A11V -HKUIOLNK. . /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Ilend , Throat , and I < unRS ! Dig. on-HMof the E > oand Kar , Ills and Apoplex > , Ucurt Ulica'-c , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , IVicrital Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , niabcte * . BrlcM a DUcoso , 8t Vitas' Jancc. Itbouiuatism , 1'ftraljfls , White Swelling , Scrofula , rover tores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula n arto removed without the knife or drawlne a drop of blood. Women V7lth liu delicate orcnus re- ntnrcd to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Spacial Attention given to private FJiscascg of all kinds. S5O to S5OO forfeit for nny Dlo- case i cannot euro without moroury. a-scs Worms removed In two or three hours , or no raj > Heiiiorrnolils or Plica cured , TIKiSK WHO AUK AFI LTCTED WllUavo llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Ph > nlcian who can toll what nlla a porFon without u ktng a qitostlon. All corraiponiloncoBtrlcllv confidential. Uodlolnl EC/it by express. Address all letters to G. IV. PJLNGLB , M. Dr fifJ/5 / lirotul\vtiyt Counatl Ulufta , 1 ci'iiln hi Btninps for roply. Special ivfoiices. COUNCIL BLUFFS : I7OR S Mi : Oooil lioiiso of HUMMI rooniH , locntml JL1 , u 1707 Ninth Avc , on Himll inoiillily p lyinents , A. J. Sl phi IIHUII AnSTHAClS .uidlouis Farm ind city propjrtv bought anil Hold 1'iiHuy tt Tliuiuan , Council liliiirH _ GAIUlAOKrcinnvi il , cosHiiuij'.H v anils , Udinnay * ch uiLd. Kd llnrku , al Tijloi-H jrocsry , 01J IJro ulw.iy. DO YOIT know tint Diy .t HCHS hivi ) eona choltu b ire ilns hi ft nit nn 1 t' udon 1 mil nuir thin tit ) ' ' _ IF jon vv mt a iooil HPIII of innli'H 7yfirflold' ' KLiHlo mill ifowl < lrlvi.ra , aildn-HH A , lli-e onico CJ ; . " 'J d Htcxk of nil ixli nullHu to i-xcluniru 'IPfor n iruoil IJes Molni H nr Council lilnilu iLHlikncc H m-cli'ir InipiuKii lain ! nnd ca h to tr nlo for .1 $1 1 illiu III ) In * . ' < ) lion III ) Hlnck of IPII- i rd ini'U'li incline , stock of UrnirB to tr.ulu for laiiil JohiiBton , V Van 1'atU n , IfOK SAT.i : Clii-nn , a new Kinibill nnrlelit piano , HISU n iiii'l n li ilf octivea IiuiulruofT.il VVooU- ruir , Grand llotul. NO SMOKE. NO SOOT. This new candidate for public trial conies in prepared sizes , same as Pennsylvania coal. It contains within three to five per cent AS MUCH FIXED CARBON as the eastern anthracite and has L.ess Aslies a.ncl Less © ulpfruiv Try it before buying. For further information and samples call on H. A. OOX , SOLxEX AQE1NT , r 1O Main Street - Council Bluffs. "Shawls , " Ctntfeains , 1 , , s- A'4vf Blarjkets.jlugs . PifomptiaAtitentiiorO ' , t H- ' V * K R e a s o n p ble * Pji cfi §