u TT-TI ? rYlYfATTA TlATT.V TJT.T ? . FIC.A fPl TT ? n A V 9. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Boom in Wheat Oollapsod and September Lost a Fraction. SHORTS OVER THEIR SCARE OF THURSDAY Early doling of the Uxclinnf-n Todny "nil Occurrence of a tlolldiy Moiulijr Unit Some Iiillncnco In CHICAGO , Sept. 1. The shorts got over their scare today. The cilgu vrns olT the boom in who.it , and Jfo of ycsterdny's nil- vnnco in September was lost. Decem ber suiTorcd n more sorlou.t decline of 1) ) 0. * 1'ho illlTcrciico In the loss In September nnd December Is % c < unil represents Just so much reduction tin the carrying charge since yesterday. It amounts now to only fij o between September nnd December. Corn was heavy nnd closed at a dccllno of J c per bu. Provisions dragged through another weary day. Tiio early closing of the exchange tomor row nlfll the occurrence of n holiday on Mon day had some Influence ! In checking business. The Illinois crop report shows a buyer yield than anticipated. Deliveries on Sep tember contracts were lighter than generally anticipated , and the properly was reported to have centered In strong hands. The re ceipts at the principal points exhibited some enlargement , which had n llttlo effect In a general way. The liberal slocks of Hour and \vhoatln Liverpool showing an Increase of nearly lOUO.OOl ) bu. during August had a weakening effect. The principal business was hi buying September nnd selling Decem ber. The market opened unsettled and from Jfc to ie [ low or ami further reductions ot from } { o to Jffc were submitted. At tha de cline tlicro was moderate buying credited to1 "shorts" nnd prices wore advanced troni y to J e for September and < { a for December. After these wants were provided for an easier feeling was developed and prlccs gradually receded from % c to Jtfo and the ( market ruleil rather tame with slight iluetu- atlonu to the close. Corn ruled quiet most of the day , fluctua tions covering but J o. range. The strength of September was quite noticeable. The do * mnnd was not near so largo as.yesterday , and after opening nt the closing prices of yesterday offerings became quite free , tho. action of wheat oxcrting some influence. .It closcu at n loss of from % a to Jc. Oats were quiet and easier , with most , trading switching from near to distant months. Prices receded Jfo und closed steady. Provisions brokers were still among tho' army Of unemployed. Compared wtyh lnsti night pork Is nominally 45c higher , and lanl und ribs about unchanged. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Client , IDS cars ; corn , 750 cars ; oats , U83 cars ; hogs , 18.000 head. . Tlio loading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as follows : Fi.otlii Dull ii nil unchan-jcd. WHEAT No. 2 sprliiK , 02 c ; No. 3 spring , t . o. U. , & 7 < at30c ; No. 2 rod , C3) ) < c. Conn No. l,37ics ! No. 3 yellow , closing at 40c.OATS OATS No. 2 , 23 c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 27Uffl 26u : No. 3 wlilti' , f. o. b. , 2GQ27J4C. ItYR-No. 2. 41c. HAHI.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 37c ; No. 4 , nosaios. FI.AX SKKII No. 1 , 08c. TIMOTHY SEEB l'rlino , $3.20. 1'oitK Mess , per bbl. . aiG.00@lfi.riOj lard , per 100 Ib3. . If7.00a7.97' } ; .short rllis , sides ( loose ) . J8.Hoft8.00 ; dry salteil hhouldurs ( boxud ) , $7.2iiJ7.GO ! ; Bliort cloarsldusbo.\udl ( , WHISKY Distillers' finished needs , per sal. , StjflAits Unchanged ; cut louf , O'.ic ; Kranu- latrd , 5.57o ; standard "A , " 51ic. Tlio following were the receipts and shlp- iiientH for toduy : On tlio Produce oxchatijro today tlio butter iniirkot wiisstoady ; creaiuury. 212li ; ; ilulry 10ffi23c. KBBH , linn ; strictly fresh , Me. Now York MurUins. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 1. I'i.ouii IJcfinlpts , 20,000 pkgs.j oxportH. 4,800 ubla. , 13,000 sacks ; bales , 17.30U pUgs. ; market steady ; inodcratodcniana. COIIN MIAI : < Steady , fair demand. HYK Dull ; nominal. HAIII.IIV MAI.T Dull. WIIKAT liecolpts , 13,000 bu , : exports , 05- 000 bu. ; saloa , 4,015.000 hit. futures , 72.000 tin , spot. Spot market dull at JiftSl' c decline ; NIL 2 red. In store ami olnvator , 084@G9c ? ; nfliiat. GHVc ; fo. . b. , OSj/QGUVc ; iliiKradi-d ri'd. G'JSOU.Vc : northern. GltO014'c. ! Options nctivc , Irregular , but closing wi'iik at - ( ijlc ducllnn ; No. 2 red , Septumbur , Gtl c , closliiK ntOHJ c ; October. 711Hia7 ( ( ) c , closlnir at. 7Hc ( } ; rjovombur , 72f , < < i73ic ! , closing at 72ic ? ; lo- coinlior , 74i ! < 37oJic , closlns at 74 c. COIIN Hcculpts , 12,000 on. ; experts , 5,000 bu. : sales , 610,000 bu. fliturcs.4u.ooO bu. spot. HpolH dull , weak ; No. 2 , 4Iiu4C > < { c In ulu- vntor ; 4r > ! (340 ( c alloat. Options modor- ntely active and > i4'c ; lower , closing weak ; Hoptumbcr , 44 ? © 4Sc , cloiliiK at 44'c ; Octo ber , 4fiy4B1'i1 , clasliiB at 40'c ; Novuiubnr , 4tQ4Uu ( ! ! , closhiK ut 4Gej ) { Ueconibor , 40J } Q > 4li4'c ? , closing at 4GSc. ! OATS KcculptK , 102,000 bu. ; exports. 15,000 bu. : sales , 320.000 bu. futures , OU.OCO bu. spot. Spots dull but firm. Options dull nnd uasy ; September , iiOJic , closing at 30c ; October , 3l4 ) < n.30iic , closhiK at 30j/c : No- vcml.or. aorjjtaijjc , closing at SOKej No. 2 wlilto , ! l3 H3Uc : No. 2 Chicago , 3Uic ; No. 3 Chlcngo , 29c ! ; No. 3 wlilto , 32i'c ! : mlxud woat- ern , 30 < a32c : wlilto western. 33a3'Jc. llora-Qulut. firm. lliucti Vulr ( lumund , steady. WOOL-Quintsteady ; doniustli : fleece , 20 ® 2Ho ; pulled , I02fjo ; TUMIH , 1217i ; . I'ltovisiONS-Uiit niiMits dull , easy ; western Btcnm closlns at J8.40 , nominal ; Milt's none , Option Miles , none ; closed al JH.-10 forHontoni' bur anil fH.M ) for Octobur , 'I'ork , dull , stnady. Ilumii-Qiilut. : firm ; htiito dulry , 17ffi24c ; weblern dairy. IDiitBlOc. UiiEEHU-Qulot , llrin ; statu , largo. 18 OUc ; fancy colorud.UJic ; wubtern. Kuos Oulotj receipts , 11,300 pkus , ; western fn'sli , IDiitUli : . TAI.IXIW Maslur ; city ( ? 2 per tiki ? . ) . 4 > fe. n tii-Dull , stoaify ; crude , 32 ® llcwiN Qnlot , fitcu'dy. TUIIHKNTINK Dull , Ill'lll. ' . . ' 1'rmtoi.mi.M-Nonlcctudj I'onnsylvanhv oil , emit salon , none ; October option suloK , none , b'J'iu ' bid , Mmn oil , biiluK , none ; total saleit , none , HICK Actlvo , nrm. MII.APHIS ( : New OrlcniiH , open km tie. irood toehold ) , ! IS < a38o ; hteady.Murot. SmiAit Haw. nonilnnl ; rullnvd. firm. I'm luo.s null , btuady ; western , M2.75a 10.50 , UOITEII Quiet , Ktsady ; lake , JD.CO. I.EAIi Steady ; donifhllc , 13.70. TiN-Flrnii Siriutu , 10.40 bid ; plates nulut , toady. n-Noinlnul. Knii a City -Mitrkru. KANSAS UITV , Bopt. 1. WIIKAT 'idle hluhor ; No.Uhurtl , MiiOl'.io ; No. 2 red , 02H ( L&53e , COIIN Finn ; No. 2 mixed , 80H l No. 2 wlilto , - No. 2 mixed , 2223ci No. 3 wblto. ! S7ffl28c. KYK-Soarcii ; No. 2 , nominally 444Bc. HIIAN Mriii ; JJ3it65c. HAY Klrni , unchungi'd , KI.AX Hr.Kii Nomlnully HlfitiSc , UECKII-M-Wheat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; oats , noun. Huil'MKSW Whout , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu.j oats , nuno. _ _ _ _ _ _ Nortlt Kttrn .MIllur'H Ktittoiiicut. MiNNKAi'OUH. tiupt. l.-Tlio Northwuvtorn Miller bayb : Whllu the mills last wuuU did not ( | iilto Umch tlio llgurti ! , of thu week before - fore , they iiiudd a blp biiowlntr. Their nggru- § ate production was 11)7,075 ) obU. , uvuraglng 2,02'J bbls. dally. tiKiiinst 203.040 bbU. tliu previous week , The flour market U churacr torlred UH dull by about uvurybody. Millers nru pretty , firm In their prlccH nnd n-fram from crowding biulnvbH very hard , owing to the uucertulutj kurrouudlug tuouuy iuativ . The domestic trsdcw are buying only wlioro Itli nbsolutoly nocc ssry to do * o , and do not vary greatly In volume. Ktporw also iiro llRlit , as the farolgnori are not willing to psy wlmttlin nilllorR itsk. Thcro Is a pretty good tnarknt for red dog at homo ns fee 1 , nndlhl keeps the prices firm. On other grades prices are nlxiut tlio K.Tinn at they were a week ago , I/owor frolehtratvs , both domestic ixrtd ticean , help nut the miller somewhat , and the situa tion ns to oicliango la nlv > Improving. Omnliii 1'rodiirb Mnrlcet. Tlio receipt ? of butter Rood for tbocity to retail worn very light. 1'nncy creameries , solid pncketl , 20J521c ; chotru to fancy country , 145tlDc ; fair to good country , 12 < 2 > 13r ; pncklni ? ntock , frc li , ll'ic. ltVR I'oui.TitV Tlio market In full of spring chickens and prices are lower. Uood spring chickens , 7'iii8c ' ; old liens , 7c ; roosters , 4 ® 5c ; ducks 7c. Kniis The rccnltils nro rather light , with the market steady , tbo bulk golnc nt 11 ® lll ! ( ! . OAME While the weather Is fee warm to iiinko tlio handling of gatnu an entirely nafo business , there are some birds arriving ; mal lard duck * , J3.00 ; blno winged tcnl , * 2 ; Rreon winged teal , (1.50 ; plover , very slow , llONRY Now honey Imi put In nn appcnr- ancn nn the market , but the demand Is light ; choice now wlilto clover. lG17c. I'ldKONP Tlio ilemnml Is not qultoao active as It vriin ; live pigeons at f 1.50. VEIIF.TAIII.F.S. ONIONS Homo grown stock Is plenty at l4c ! peril ) , on orders from I ho country. TOMATOI Ifoina grown stock , on orders , per basket , 0076c. I'oTATdr.s Tlio'supply Is vary light and the market llrm. On orders from the country they art ) worth at least 7oo. UAiuiAdK The business In shipping ctibbago to thu country appear * to bu about over. Occasional orders are received and tilled at l5c. ! C'Ki.Kiiv Stray shipments nro arriving and the quality of the mock Is pronounced good for tills season of tlio year. Celery , per loz. bunches , 3Dc. FI1UIT3. On APES So far this -season f hero have not very many grajiesln fjoiii California ; California , per cast ) , tl.25Hl.50. UAMIOUNIA KIIIIITA Ijtito Crawford poaches , per box , II ; llartlelt puard , per box , } 2 ; 111111111 , per box , fl.2&1.50 ; nectarines , per box , tl.&o. Good watermelons nr-3 selMns at JlTi per 100 ; bnmll or Inferior , $10.0012.0U ; join cantaloupes , per basket , $1 ; cr.itcs , I ' . 25 1.50. Ai'i'i.Bs No apples to amount to anything are being slilyped In nnd tbo .supnly ot home uroHii slock Is moderate. Choice Ducbess , per bbl. , f3,7534.00 ; common varieties , suitable to ship on orders , $3.0033.25. TIIOIMO.U. riltllTS. H.ANANAS Prices romaln about steady ; per buncli , lurgo , * 2)2520 ; pur bunch , small to medium , 11.75)12.00. ) LKMO.SS The ntondy warm weather produces n very fair 'Ueiriand .for.lomonsaml till houses nro doing a good steady bnsitioss In them. Mosslnas , extra fancy , fO .OOaG.50 : Mosslnas , per box , choice to fancy , $5.00445.50. OiiANOns Tboro are only a few ormiges ar- rl Ing. UlversUUi Mediterranean sweets , 83.75. HIDES , TAI.I.OW , 1CTC. Hiiina No. 1 green bides , 2'Jc ' ; No. 2 grncn hides , 2c ; No.'l Kreeu snltud hides , BJfcj No. 2 gruen salted lildts , 2c ; No. 1 green Baited lildt'H , 25 Ibs. tOrKHus , , 2 fie ; No. 9. green salted hides , 25 Ibs. lo 40 Ibs. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , H Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 2 veal calf , H Ibs. to 15 Ibs , . 3c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , Gc : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry baited hide * , &c. I'art. cured hides He per Ib. less than fullv cured. Sur.El' J'KIVTS Urcen sailed , each ' 35c@Sl.25 ; green salted shonrllngs ( short woolcd early skins ) , each 15 { 25c ; dry Kliourllngs ( short woolcd early sklnsi , Nn. 1. each 5Q10C : dry shearlings ( short wooled onrly skins ) . No 2 , each 5c ; dry .flint , Ktiusas and Nuhraska butclier wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight , 10 ® lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual twelght , 710c ; dry flint Colorado butclier wool polls , tier Ib. actual wnlght , OaiOe , dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pell.s' per Ib. , actual weight , 79c- dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 57c. TAI.I.O\V AND GHUASE Tallow , No. l , 4c ; tal low. No. 2 , 3c ! ; gre.iso. white A , 3Jjc , grease , white It , 3c : grease , yellow , 2ic ? : grease , dark , 2tic ; old butter ' , 22io ! : beeswax , prime , 10 ® 25c ; rough'tallow , 2153c. SI. l.onU .Markets. ST. Louis , Sent. l. l''i.ouit Weaker , but not qunliibly lower. WIIRAT Declined steadily all sosslon , nnd closed 1 itfM lie below yesterday ; cusli , G9'ic ' ; Soptcmbor , 5'Jc ; October , Gljic ; December. G5'ic. COIIN Pull and weak , and closed UffiSio under yesterday ; cash , September and Octo bor , 34c ; December , 334'c. ? OATS Slow and lower ; cash and September , 23 c ; Octobor. 23 ic. IIUTTKii Lower ; creamery , 2124c ; dairy 175i22c. Eons-SteaJy ; 12Jc ! for fresh. 1'iiovirtiONS Slow and easier. HECEIITS Wlioat , no.OOO bu. ; corn , 38,000 bu. ; mis , 20,000 int. Sitip.MK.NTS-1'lour , 7,000 sacks ; who.it , 14- 000 bu. ; corn. 23,00(1 ( bu. : outs , 4,000 bu. Oil Miirkot-i. Otij CITV , Sept. 1. National transit cer tificates opened nt 59S4 : highest , GOU ; lowest , OUH ; clcscd. OOJf ; sales , 9.00O bills. ; clear- Knees , 712,000 bbls. ; slilpments , 04,745 bbls. ; runs , 11,058 bbls. I'lrrsiium ) , Sent. 1. National transl cortlllcatosoponeu at 59V < ; closed , GOK ; high est.OOU ; lowest , 59 . LONDON , Sept. 1. CALCUTTA LINSEED Au gust and September shipments , 41s5JJd per quarter. LI.NSCKU OIL 20s I0'd ' ( porcwt. Gdttini .tlnrkct. Nkw OIILKANS , Sept. 1. 1'uturos steady ; sales , 40.300 bales ; Suptomber , J7.37 bid ; Oc tober , * 7.4li < a7.57 : November , $7.577.58 ; De cember , J7.it'i7.07 ; January , $7.827.83 ; Kubruary , * 7.90iS7.92. Good mlddlliiB , 7Jio ; inlddltiig , 7 5-lGc ; low middling , 7 1-ltlc ; net receipts , 194 bales ; gross reccpt.4 , 224 ball's ; exports to Urrat llritaln , 2,280 balescoastwise ; , 888 bales ; sales , 050 bales , Nv Vnrlc Dry Uoodi AInrket. NKWYOUK , Sept. 1. The now features of the dry goods market are all favorable as compared with conditions of u week ago. There Is an fair business In progress intu y taking a cheerful vlnw of the future. Ituyoi-a are ordering goods forwarded at once , In stead of deferring shipments , us has boon tlio practice heretofore , ColTru .Market. NKW VoitK , Sept. 1. Options opened dull and unchanged , 10 points declineclosed 5 points down , sales , 1,750 bags. Including : October , * 14.5015.50 ; December , $15.35. No trading In other months. Spot Klo , dull , steady ; No. 7 , $10.DO10.G7Si. J.lvorpool .Market ! ! . TiiVKiipnoh , Sept. 1. WnnAT Quiet , do- mund moderate ; lioldur.s oll'er freoly. COIIN Steady : domiind fair ; mixed western , 3s ll.id pur cental , AMUHIUAN KEfitiucitATOit Iiiir : 3jd , Clnoinniiti niiirkut * . CINCINNATI , Sept. 1. WIIIIAT Easier ; No. 2 rod. 57SS58C. Colts ] < ] uslcr : No. 2 mlxon , 41c. OATH Weak ; No. 2 mixed,20)i ) < B20J/1c. WiiisKV-Kirm ; $1.12. Haltlinoro Oraljj Market. IlAi.Ti.MOKE , Sept. 1 , WHEAT Qulot ; Octo bor , 08UC. COIIN Dull ; October , 45\c iisliod , OATS * Steady to firm ; No. 2 inlxcd western - orn , 30c. Minneapolis tVhnit .Mnrkot , Mi.NNCAi'Ous , Sept. 1. Knliiros , dull , lower ; cash , steady ; HiMilombnr , 57'/iC ; December , 02c ; No. 1 northern , & 'J2.00Jic ; No. 2 northern , r > iiff/i.fiHiT. .STOCKS AM ) iillNDS. Course of tile Miirkot u DUttnot Dlmip- poliitiiimit'Culturally. NEW VOIIK , Sept. 1 , The emphntlo denial by the General Klectrlo ollluials that their company was In any dltllculty had n goud effect on the stock marlcut at the start. Thu rally to ! ) S nt the opening upset the calcu lations of n number of operators who had been loud In tholrpredictions of a further general decline in prices. The course of thu imu-Kot in the early trading was n distinct disappointment to this class , und an at tempt to cover wns maUu by those who had sold on the General ICIoutrlc receivership rumor. The supply of stocks was smaller than they had snpposo.1 , n fact which is cor roborated by the high lending rules for Gen eral Electric. Ixmlsvlllo & Nashville nnd Durllncton & Qulney cnmo under this notion nlso. The first number wns worth } f per cent per diem for use. In the afternoon the failure of the Equitable Mortgage company of Missouri , with main offices in this city , was announced , nnd it wns stated Hint , another institution of similar character wus In trouble. The Importance of the failure of the former subsequently prayed to have been exaggerated , but not until the room hail put out fresh lines of shorts. Brokers in receipt of ready Information in thu misfortune of the Equitable Mortgage company concluded its Interests were largely centered in the oustoru states. Consequently they sold New England , nnd by main force put the stock down from 2,14 to 20. Holders of other stocks refused to bu frightened , however , and when this became apparent to thu bears , a rush was made to got back stocks put out at lower figures. This buying gave the market an appear ance of buoyancy und a majority of the lead- lug lnues suld at the best prices of the day and week. St. Paul rose to 6'J , Burlington & Qnlncy to 80 > f , Uock Island to G0 $ , North western to liSJf ; Sugar to 85 , Ixiulsvlllo fi Nashville to fiSV Northern Pacific pre ferred to 22J < , Heading to 17 , St. Paul & Omaha to U2/ ! , Union Pacific to C3 nnd Western Union to 7lJ ) < . At the close the mnrkot was strong. The sales of listed nnd unlisted stocks were 173 , CGO shares. The Post says : Monov is In decidedly better supply throughout the country. The rise in domestic exchange rates In New York is chiefly dtio to falling off In the sup ply of drafts pressing upon the market but shows , none the less , that the needs of in terior consignors have boonsallflflcd In other ways. At Chicago , where the banks linvo no loan ccrtillcntcs to liquidate , the casing of the money market progressed so rapidly todny thai contracts for wheat delivery broke with great violence , with the Septem ber price standing unchanged. There Is , indeed , peed reason for supiraslng that the $40,000,000 of foreign Bold imported during August hns been sent where it is now at Inst restoring monetary equilibrium. The following are the closing quotations of the loading stocks on the New York ex change today : Atclilxon Nor. I'acint ! l > rn u Acl.imrt . . . 13- , U. V. . l.t ( lulf. . . . Alton , TVrre llniito 131(1 ( Northwi'Htern i . . . . do jirof'd , 110 do prt'l'd . American Kxprcss 104 Now York Central. llnltlnioroAOhlo. . 1047M N. Y.&JJ.K . . Cannila I'aclflc. . . . 74 Ontario .t Western Canada Southern. . HIM Oregon Imp . Cfiitr.il I'acltlo 20 Oroeon Nnv . Chen. .fcOhlo 17J O. S. L. .t U. N . Cliloneo .t Alton. . . Pacific1 Mali . t O. . II. , VQ Peorla , Uec. &K. . . Chicago O.vi ConRollil.itodn.is , , I'nllm'an Palace. . . c. a c. & st. ij 3D Itnadlu ; . Cotton Oil Cert 32' ' < Hlcliinoiul Ter. . . . . Del. & llmlHoti 114 do iiref'd . Del. Lack , .t West. II I o OraniU ! Weut. . 1) . A H , ( } . profil. . . do prof'd . DlB.AC. Fdr .Co. . Hock Inland . KastTonn St. Paid . Erie do prof'd . do nrcf'il St. Paul & Omnh.i. Fort Wayne 140 do iirot'd . ( tixMtNorlirn pfd. 104 Southcrit Pitclllc. . . Clil..VEast. III.pfd HO Sucar Hennery. , . . Hooklnir Valley. . . HOmi Tonn. Coal , t Iron. . IIIInolH Central. . . , ll' ! Texan Paoltlo . SI. 1'aul .t Dnliith. ji ; Tol. > VO. Cen. pt'd. Kan. .t Tiuc. prut'il. 15 Union Paeltlc . I.ako Krle & Weal. U. S. KxproHi . do iiref'd W. , St. L. A.P . raho Shore. do preCd . Load Trimt 2UM Wells Karco Uxp. . LoulB. A. Naoh Wi'BliTn Union. . . . Lonln. > V N. A WheolbiB .V L. E. . . Manhattan Con. . , . 117U do pri'f'd . MlMllllhlH .t C. II ) M. .tSt. L . Michigan Cviilr.il. . 1) . .VH. O . Missouri Pacltlc. . . 2:1 : ( Ji'iieral Klectrlc. . . Mohllo.t Ohio it : National LliiHevil. . Nanh.AChatt All C. K. A I . National Cordage. . 1U ! do * nref'd . do iirefil 411 H. * T. C . N. J. Central 100 T. A. A. .tN. > ! . . . . Norf61k.tW.pfd. . T. St. L. .V K. C . North Ameri'n Co. 'do ' prot'd . Northern Pacltlo. . aHkcil. The total sales of stocks today wcro 174,000 shares , Including : Atchlson , 3,100 ; llurllne- ton , 0,700 ; ChliNiRo as. ll.dOO ; Distilling , 0,400 ; General Electric , 10.700 ; Louisville It Nashville. 3,000 : Now Knglaml , 7,400 ; Nnrth- orn 1'aclflo. 3.30O ; Reading , 3,200 ; Kock Island , 3.000 ; St. 1'atil , 20,000 ; Sugar , 32,200 ; Union Pacific , 4,600 ; Western , Union. 11,400. Ni'w York .Money M-irkct. NEW Vnnic , Sapt. 1. .MONEY ON CAM * Kasy. at 3B.4 per cent ; lust loan , 3 per cent ; closing olT < m > il at 3 per cent. I'IIIME MKIIOANTII.R 1'ArKit 812 per cont. Brniti.iNO KXCIIANOB Klrmer , with nctun.1 business In bunkers' bills at $4H1-14.82M ( ( ! for sixty-day bills and l4.8&U4.HG'/5 for demand. Commercial bills , $4.Hltj4.81 { . Sli.vcu UtitTiriOATES Neglected ; closed , 74c bid. QOVEIINMCNT IJONPS Steady. State bonds dull. dull.The The closing quotations on bonds : U. s. 4srur ( N. W. Hot ) , fm lou U. S. 45COU | ) HIM st. II.AI. M.nvn.uH 10 U.S. 4SMrufr 98 'St. ' L.AS. P.Gcn.M 100 Pacific ( ) B of ' ! ) ! > . . . 101 'St. 1'aul Consols. . 1'JU Louisiana HiniHl4a 05 'St. ' P. C. .t P. Ists. . lOil MlBBOitrlOa II. ' , T.P.L.O.Tr.Hcts. am Tenn. new set Its. . . OS T P.H.O.Tr. Itcts. ION Teini. new Het Bs. . on Union 1'ao. Ists. . . 102 'Tonn. nowBet 3s. . " ? West Shorn 08M Canada So. 2ils D. & n. Q. W. IstB. no Central Pae.lBts. . 101 Atehtacm 4 72i ! D. litt. O. IHS ( 111 ! do'JH clllHH A. . . . 40 D. &H. O. 4b ' G. II. AS. A. fis. . . yo Erle'JilB 70' do 2d fis in ) M. K. & T. Gcu. ( ) B. 38 tH.AT.C.CB 102 M. K. i T. Gen. 5s. do con. OB 115 ? 8M Mutual Union ( Is. . N. Carolina 0s. . . . 112 N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . do 4s ou N. 1'ao. Ists ion Tonn. old Os ou N. I'ac.lMs 88 V.i. ( > s BO N. W. Consols 132 Vn. Kx-Mat. coup. bid. tasked. Ilostiin Stuck OuotnttoiM. ' - BOSTON , Pont. 1. Call loana. 8 per cent ; tlmo loans. afilO per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Atch. T. .t S. V Westlngli. Klectrlo 1UM American Sufitr. . . do invfurrud . 3l ! do preferred . HH WlBcoiiHln Central. 3lIK ( nay St.ilo Gah . . . . 10 Atclilson 'JilH . 40 Rell Telephone. . . . 1811 do4s . 72 IloHton it Alhany. . . 21)0 New BiiKland Cs. . . 10'W - lioslon , t Malno. . . . IIS Opiioral Electric SB ( ill dopreforrcil IIH ; WlHcoiiBlnCont'llH ( I7)f ) R.-I1..V Q 80H AllouezMlnlitK-Co. 4(1 ( Fltchbnrir Atlantic . . ' . . Gonernl Klectrlo . . Uoaton A Montana Mexican Central. . . lliitte.t DoHton . . . . II N. Y.&N. E Calumet & Hvcla. . . 265 Old Colony 170 . Orecon Short Lino. 9 Franklin . OW Rubber Kuarsarfo . fii' ) San Ileio 10 Onceola . 241 Union Pacific Qulncy . 100 West End III Tamarack . ISO ilo preform ! 8 > n I'runclsuo .Mining Uuntntlons. SAN ritANCisco , Scot. 1. Tlioolllcl.ilclosing ( | uotutlons fur mining stocks wcro us follows : Alti : U ) Halt ) > l Norurous. . Ilulchur 40 Mexican . JtpHt.t Delclicr. . . . W Ophlr IlodluCon 20 Potoal 0(5 ( Ilultvur 15 Saraeo 40 Cliollar 23 Sierra Nevada 30 Con. Cal. i Va 1U5 Union Con 35 Crown 1'olnt 'M Utah 35G Uoulcl li Curry 2.1 Yellow Jacket , . . . fir. > Yorlc .Minnie < Jui > tutlon . NKW YOIIK , Eupt. 1. Tlio following are the inlciliit , ' quotations : Con. Cal. .t Va 12A | Sierra Novaila 45 DuiUwoo ; < l 100 Standard 110 Cionld and Curry. . . UC Union Con 30 Halo.V NorcroHH. . . . CO Yellow Jacket 4fi lloiiit-fltake 8M ) Iron Silver 10 Mexican no Quick Silver ISO Ontario 000 do pruf'd moo 1'lymoulli 10 10 M , I.oiilti .Milling ntockft. ST. Loui : } , Sopt. 1. The following nro the closing quotations : lllil. Aukvd. inn. AuKuii. AU.imB 10 .110 OranllcM. 2.00 li.OO Amor. N. . .S3M ! . Kllzabelh .10 .1C lllin'talllc 3.7n Leo 01 OH On tli London -Marltot. Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 1. Tbo Evening Post's London financial dispatch bays : Tim Hank of KnKland boimht toduy A' 11 , 000 In bar Kold. l''orty ' thousand hOVcrolKiia were withdrawn for llucliarust. The siuponslon of thu" Kiiultulilo MurtKtiK0 company of MlssourUntorosts many small suctions , but does not aut'Ct Credit hero. The Ntock iiiarkntH hero were dull today. Americans partly rallied towards the close on Indellnlto rumors of an ISMIO soon of nn American K ld loan. Silver was down to 34(1 and rupee paper to ti7iU. KANSAS CITV , Sept. 1. Clearings , 003- , 383. I'.tius. Popt. 1. Three per cent rentes , 99f 40c fur thouccDiint. NKW VOIIK , Sept. 1. Clearings , $74,090,510 ; balances , J4.034.10U. - H.u/mioiii : , Kept. 1. OlonrliiRs. tl , 170,001 ; balance * , f244,01)3. ) Money , 0 pur cent , lOSTO.v , Suiil. l. Ulunrlnps , $0.320,690 ; bul ges , 4040,071. Kxchnngu on Now Vork at par . , r.OMAHA. OMAHA. Sept. 1. The bank clenrnnces today wuru t57(3,3.'il,77. ( Same day last wi-tk , $ G'J5- 530.4'J. CINCINNATI , Sopt. 1. Money , flffip nor cent. New York uxchungc , 50o dlticoiint. Clearings , $1,228,400. , LONDON , Fcpt. 1. Amount of bullion with drawn from Hank of England on balance today , i'29,000. Mi-.Mi'ins , Sipt. 1 , Now Vork exchange bull ing at fl.fiO premium. L'luui-lngs , 151lbH : balniicus , $12,350. NKW OHI.KANS , fopt. 1. Clearings , 1000.- 800 , Now Vork uxclmniro.fi per f 1,000 pro- mluiii ; bunk , till pur $1,000 pruniiuni , ST. Louis , Sept. 1. UlcnrliiKH , $3,413,630 ; balances$3 0,111. Money , tiuliit ut 74itt pur cent , Kxcliumooii Now \atk , ftOf. dUcount , Pllll.Aliiu.rillA , Supt. 1. CluarliiKs , $9.211- 209 ; bulancf.s , $1,003,308. For tbu week. cluiirlniiH. t3U.3GG.51G ! Balances , in , lot , HIM . Money , G per cent. CIIKWW , Sopt. l.-OlearlnRs. $13,887.089. New Vnrk uxchunge bold in pur. Hturllnx uxclmmu ; iiilot | ut * 4Hl'i < ii4.tiO. Money , steady ut 8 per cont. OMAHA 1.IVK .MA11K1CTS. UccBiptu 1'ull OT CuiiBldernbly anil Stmit l'ricc Dp with u llounoe. .PltlllAY , SODt. 1. Receipts ot all kinds of stock were coin- parattvuly moderate toduy. So far this week , compared with lust , variations In sup lilies have been slight. Cnttlo receipts have Increased about 2,500 head and hogs about U.OOO head. There has been a railing oft of nearly 1,000 shcop. The comparatively light run of cuttle and the moro encouraging news from eastern markets rosultetUjin more activity nnd strength than on luiy previous day this week. That is , the market \tas bristt nnd strong on the right kind of cattlo. Dressed boot mop were , ns usual dtil.ito , the only buyers , but they needed UieMow good cattle hero , nnd needed them hall , They paid from $4.Kl ! to 4.75 for good choice 1,228 to 1,420-lb. beeves , or pretty eltno to n dtino UlRhor than ycstcnlny. Even tlo | very fair to poor stuff sold nt substantially stronRor prices , from M to II , OfferlngsJ&f western"range cnttlo wcro somewhat limited nnd nothing extra ns to quality. The fmjstccra that were fit to kill went nt from $6 to { 3.25 , or not far from steady prices. Thjlrp were lots of Texns cattle tlo hero , nnd thG'innrkot was slow nnd barely stonily forthem. A bunch of Wyo- ming-Toxnns nvei'sfflnjr 1,010 Ibs. brought t'J.60 , nnd n train load of S.T3-lb. Indian Torrl- tory-Texans sold forJ2,3o. There seemed to br ( x Rood firm healthy undertone to the trade , nnd the noon hour found the supply practically out of first hands. Good to choice fat cows nnd heifers at from $2.10 up to $2.00 wcro &troug to 10 < higher than Thuradnv. while the common ami canning grades al from $1 to S3 wcro not quotably changed. Calves were about steady and the mnrkot for rough stock was firm. There was a good lively trade hi stockers nnd feeders nt p'rlces steady to n shntlo stronger nil nrouod , All classes of buyers took hold freely nnd business was brisker than for several days past. Good to choice feeders nro quotable lit f&r > ( f$3.S5 , fair to peed nt i $2.GO@2.75 , nud rointnon stuff nt W.OO © 2 , CO. Heprcscntntivo sales : IHICSSKD IIK.KK. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r 7. . , . UH4 t3 00 107. . . 1348 } 4 35 13 . . .1003 3 00 09. . . .1228 4 00 24. . . .1137 4 00 17. . . . 1420 4 75 38. . . .1339 4 25 cows. 1. . . . 770 1 00 23. . . H91 a 10 3. . , . 040 1 40 1. . . 1200 2 10 2. . , .1000 1 .10 15. . . 832 2 15 1 . , . 090 i no 1. . .1100 2 25 1. . , . 080 1 00 112. . 059 J 25 2. . . . 1005 1 00 28. . . B38 2 25 1. . . .1030 1 05 1. . 1050 2 25 1. . , . U30 1 70 3. . 034 2 25 1. . . . 000 1 75 1 , .1140 J 25 i ) . 050 1 75 1. . OCO 2 35 I ! ! ! 1270 1 75 1. . H70 2 no t. . . . 800 1 7.r > 1. . 040 2 50 7. . . 031 1 00 3. . 7b3 2 r > o 15. . 1 05 1. .1100 2 75 1 , . .1020 2 00 1. .1200 2 00 2f. . 010 2 00 CALVES. 1. . 300 GO 124 313 2 75 1. . 210 2 00 21 ; 231 2 85 1. . 4-10 2 00 1 210 3 ( )0 ) U . . . . 300 2 10 2 183 3 75 3 423 2 25 nutrs. . . 770 1 GO ' 3..v..1710 2 75 . .1070 2 00 OXEN. 1 1420 1 75 bTOCKEIIS ANII 1. 540 2 10 12. . . 818 2 00 3. 700 2 35 . 445 2 or. 1. 720 2 35 0. . noa 2 05 0. 004 2 35 25 . 8UG 2 05 10. 854 2 35 25H. . . 745 2 75 57. 820 2 45 0 . 857 2 85 1. 830 . 2 50 34. . 082 3 05 1. OCO 2 50 12. .1120 3 .0 WKSTEIIN CATTI.K. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. SstrsMS'JO J2 35 . 25 sirs 1043 $2 95 - ' WYOMING. 74strst.l010 250 97 fdrs 1038 200 105 fdrs. . 1042 2.80 NKllllARKA. 2cows.lOOO 1 iTO V27 fdrs 12G3 250 72 fdrs. . 998 2 800 54 COWS..1005 2 10 46 Jdrs..l071 3 10 ' ' CO'I'OIIADO. , Ifdr. . . 830 225 14 fdrs 934 2 G5 83fdrs. . 054 310' K ) sirs 113G 300 1 COW..1(110 2M ) ' 24 cows..1001 245 Iblr. . . 900 275' ' 2 sirs 800 275 4strs..lllO 3 25' lOstM 1028 325 3strs. . 005 3250 i7strd 1025 325 Hstrs.,1047 325 12stra 1115 325 21 sirs..1002 3 254. 25 sirs 1072 3 25 2strs. . 905 3 251 INUIAN/CEIUUTOllY-TEXANS. 324btrs. . 838 2 35 * tlg ; tTox. Hoes The rutT'fbdny fell considerably short of dealers' estimates and the result was a grand scrninblo among buyers to 1111 orders and a furthers advance in prices of from lOc to 25c. With less than 5.000 hogs on sale , favorable reports- from Chicago , an active shipping Ami ah .unusually urgent local demand sellers were In a position to force nn advance all alonp the line. Light nnd light mixed hogs sold nt from $5.25 up to $5.50 , with the bulk at $3.aO and * 5.35. Tno heavy and mixed packing grades , however , allowed the most advance , selling largely at $ T > .15 and $5.25. Choice heavies sold ns high as ? 5.35 , nnd 55.12K was the extreme low mark for full loads. The trade was exceedingly lively from scratch to wire , the close belng-at the high point of the day. Sales were a't ? 5.20 to gS.US mostly , ns against $ . " > to $3.15 Thursday and $5.10 to $5.25 one week ago today. Represen tative sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 4..306 $5 11) ) 08. . . 245 440 J5 25 50..258 280 6 12 C8..267 280 5 25 55..278 100 5 15 49..282 120 5 25 4. . . .125 5 15 77..208 12O 5 27'J 70 , . . .287 240 5 15 02. . . 274 240 5 30 4..317 f > 15 73..272 5 30 07..214 240 5 15 01..220 80 6 30 4S3 . . .253 240 5 15 40 5 30 54..270 5 15 62..I.291 ICO 5 30 05. . . 231 200 6 15 04..251 120 6 50 4..317 5 15 70..2GG 280 5 30 54..270 ICO 5 17i ! 08. . . 257 200 5 30 71..259 100 5 20 84. . 237 120 5 30 57..273 120 5 20 02 , .254 5 30 52..300 120 5 20 05. , . .224 280 5 30 00 . . .240 100 5 20 71. . . .220 5 .10 09..205 100 620 129. . 228 240 5 20 04. . . 280 80 5 20 7. , 207 5 30 GO..302 100 5 20 02 . .2SO 240 5 30 5..294 6 20 60..340 ! ; 40 5 30 5..298 5 20 0 . .242 5 30 60..290 40 6 20 11..244 5 30 05..3GG 80 5 20 GO..20'2 40 5 30 5..180 5 20 5 32J } 50..272 40 5 20 09.215 100 6 35 72..275 100 6 20 72..225 100 6 35 01..207 80 5 20. 20..233 5 35 01..278 200 6 26 81..232 200 5 35 07..241 120 b 25 04..255 200 5 35 4..315 5 25 . .208 40 5 35 08. . . 225 120 5 25 71. .HOG 6 35 00..320 HO 5 25 73. .202 80 6 35 05..291 100 6 25 102. 238 400 5 35 75..204 80 5 25 GO. ,2G3 200 6 35 42. . . 280 ICO 6 25 CO. .283 280 6 35 CO..200 240 6 25 160. 218 300 5 40 G0..2G4 320 5 25 83. , .210 300 5 40 37..450 6 25 11 , . .194 5 40 03..207 80 5 25 7. . .152 5 40 75..233 100 5 25 71. . ,223 240 5 40 09. . . . 290 200 525 02 , , .240 80 5 42SJ 40..281 40 5 25 75. . ,217 40 6 tXT 42.313 6 25 Siii'.ui' There was another liberal run of heep and no improvement in the market. The demand was not , n tall urgent and prices uway down. Quotations : Fair to good 'in- tivcs , $ J.ii5@i.25 ; ; fair to good westerns , $3.00 @ ; i.OO ; common nnd stock sheep , $ l.r > 0ri.2r ( ! > ; good to choice 40 to IDU-Ib lambs , J.OOfu4.25. ! ! Kecnlntn ntnl OUposltlnii nl Stuck , Ofllcial receipts und disposition ot stock as shown by tint books of tlio Union .Stock Yards company for the twflnty-four hours ending at 6 o'clock p. in. , September 1,1803 : IIBCKIl'TH. CATTI.I : . 110(18. , hllKKT. Guru. Head Carn. CarH.lllcud Cars. Head , 80 li.101. 71 | l,101 llltU'OSITKIN , ( 'lilruiro Llvo Stock .Market , OniOAiio , Hopt , \ \ ISnoclBlTelogram to TIIK llUK.1 Tbero wflB L'pntlnut'd firmness In tbo cnttlo inarKot. Itct-'plpts were u uln HKbt and tbo demand of u Konorul itlniructur and fairly ucflvo. Trading br an uarly and thoru wan until tbo supply was oxbaiihted , Natives wuruiiuotcdat ( roiutl to (5,20 , with tbu ( 'routor imrt of tbo sales ut from 81.00 to 12.76 for rows , heifers und Inill.s and at from 93.76 to $4,76 for stcors.Vestoriu were In limited Hilnnly , nnd wuro firm at from * 1.50 to $4. and tboro waa aatroiiK market for Toxus cattlu at from tl.40 to t3ln. Uood Kradc.s wcro Kenerally from &c to l&c'lilnhur tlmii yesterday. The ho miirkot was llrm ( o u blmdo bibber at tbo opening of buslnesH this iiKirnlnj ; , but thubliowof htrunKtb was bhorl-livcil. Hoon after tbu bcKlnnln of oiiuratlDim tbo Uomund full off , and prices followed hull , tbu iu.so : ! being hourc.uly as food us for Thursday. Tboro wuhonly u Might decruaKO In tbu iinlvuU. They wuro ( 'ntlmuted nt 22.00O boud , muklng 141,311 lioud for tbo past live days , or 21,000 moro than for tlio kiimu tlnio U > Ht week. Homo bogs wcro left unsold , und tbu market cloiud weak. NotlliobllKbtostlmprnvumuntcniibonoloUIn anyfuatuiuof thoslieeu mnrkot. The Mipnly IK still ovurwbolniliiKly In uxue&s of nil > 'o- ' muiuls , and prices are albtrusulngly low , I 'or western Krus * sboep $3uorcnt. U now prac- tlcnlly tbo top of tlio market , mid U fik H moro than un ordlnnrlly good 1 uucU of na- Urea tobrluguu much as fS.&O truui viiuu prlco . Pnle < rnn ns low n < from $1 tb tl.25 , nnd tlio bulkof tlio 60,000 hero nltbln tbo lircscnt wcckclmnceil bamUbolow 13. Tlicro were scftitorlnR sales of cbolco nntlro nclbera nrouml J3.70 , nnd a sale or two of oxlrn qnallty at better than * 4. The lamb market nlso ha * suffered n decline. It I * off to from $2.00 to 1 1.76 for poor to choice Brado * . The prevnlllne low prices bnvo .stimulated tlio di- mnnd for feodliift purposp' . but the number thin disposed of was InslRtiltlcnntn * compared \vltlitlioiiumbcrtbat bail to Book other out- lots. At tbl wrltlnif tbo v tn tire full of stale stock anil the Immediate outlook Is not at all encouraging. Receipts ! Cnttlo. 6,000 head ! calves , 600 bend ; hojts , 22,000 bead ; sbeep , 4,000 head. The Kvenlnit .Tournul rnports ; OATTlK-UecL-lt | < , 6,000 bend ; sblpmcnts , 2,000 bend ; market steady lo strnni ; ; prime , f4.005.1G | Ronil locholco , { 4.25414.75 ; otbers , J2.76iB4.00 ; Toxani. 52.2523.25 ; westrrns , J2.6og3.BO ; stockers , $2.00iJ2.7G ; cows , il.OO © 2.75. Hods Ilecclpts , 21,000 bead : shipments 0,000 head ; market closed 6i6luc lower ; rough heavy,54.76S15.IO : i mixed nnd packers * 5.1 ? > 35.no ; prime .leavy , $5.85 5.5 ( ) ; butohers1 weights , J5.60ii5.Vo ; light. J5.7& ® G.OO. Hccclpts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 950 lioml ; market slow , wcnk ; culls. $2.00 ® 3.00 ; rums , * l.75 2.75 ; westerns , $1.75 3,15 ; lambs , $1.3025.00. KIIIIMII City l.lvr Muck Mnrkot. V KANSAS CITY , Sopt. 1. CATTI.I : KccolptR , 5,500 head ; shipments , 3,200 head ; mnrkot strong nnd higher ; Texas nnd shipping steers , $2.16ii6.00 ( ; Ti'xns nun nntlvo I-OWN , $1.2) ® 8.00 ; butchers' stock , $3.60114.10 ; utockers and feeders , lil.B532.nl ) . * lions Receipts , 0,000 head ; shipments. 2,900 head ! mnrkot strong nnd higher ; lulIK of salt" ? , J5.0035.50 ; hoavlc * . pucker * and mixed.$6.0oa5.DO ; lights. Yorkers and pigs. $4.60,155.70. Snr.m * Heculpts , 100 head ; shipments , none ; market slow und weak. NIMV York l.lvo M K k . Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 1. llur.vKS Receipts , 2,255 head ; market dull and heavy , closing wouk for all prniltmt nntlro steers , $3.37jrji ! , 3.80 ; Toxuns , J3.60 for bulls and J1.4oa3.25 for dry GOWN. Shipments today , 1,140 iinartors of beef. 3.70. v. lines ltecelpt.s , 3,080 head ; market firm at J5.76tt6.60. St. liotilg I.Ira .Stock .tlnrkct , ST. I.ouis , Supt. 1. OATTM : Kocolpts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 2,400 head ; market ouster ; nnd firm ; f.ilr natives , I3.00it4.nui Texas steers , * 2.503.1O ; cows , * 1.UO 2.25. Hoes Receipts r'JOOhead.slilpment.s. 1,800 head ; market 10&16c higher ; llitlit , $5.40 ® 6.HO ; packing , $5.1)0416.00 ) ; honvy. $4.0la0.40. ) SIIKKIHicelpts , 4,000 huad ; shipments , 400 head ; markot.slow and un'hanied. : Stock In Mght. Ilecclpts of llvn stock at the four principal western markets I'rlduy , September 1 : Cattle. llojs. . hcep. South Omaha 2,102 4,01(1 ( 1,101 ChlCilKO 6,000 21,000 3,000 KmiMisOlty 6,500 0,000 100 St. Louis 2,000 1,000 4,000 Total 15,592 33,510 8,201 Piles of people nave piles , oiu Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure mom. DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. l'rop , ritloin on Kliilmrate Scnlo lor tlio Opening Xoxt Momliiy. The bicycle race Monday , the opening day of tlio fair and races , promises to bo a great success. Already twenty "bykcrs" are en tered and there nre ns many moro applica tions In the hands of Secretary Knglcman. Tlireo clerks nro kept busy from early morning until Into ut night in the secretary's oflico recording the nrrivnl of entries. The entries now nrrivmg include exhibits tor the fine arts department nnd the floral halls. In one of the floral halls , this year , will bo dis played the goods by merchants. A special committee has boon busy all week soliciting displays from the merchants. The spaces nro free. The baby show still continues to attract n great deal of attention. Scores of mothers have signified their willingness to enter their children , nnd thnro is no doub't of the success of tho'cxhtbit of tlio infants. There will bo dozens of pretty children in the show and Superintendent Connor ex pects to make this the loading feature of the fair. fair.Tho The exhibits have begun arriving ? nnd by tomorrow noon most of the displays will be in place. Of the 200 horses entered in the dally trot tin | pacing nnd running races only about fifty have arrived , but the rest will be iu tomorrow. The races this year will bo much bettor than heretofore , as this year Omaha is in the western circuit , and the horses which will bo here will also visit St. Joe , Kansas City , Lincoln and Sedalia. This alone should assure the races u good attendance each day. The various buildings and stables have been thoroughly overhauled nnd today the exhibitors will begin filling their various spaces with their displays. The track is being put into first-class condition nnd it is the general impression that some good time wilt bo seen. Piles of people have piles , out De Witt's \Vltch Hazel Salvo will euro them. * Quartet sings tonight , Courtlnnd. Iloiierts' rrolliiilnnry Trial. William Roberts , who assaulted 13-year old Christina Christenscn , was arraigned In police court ycsterdny afternoon , nnd upon a plea of not guilty his preliminary examina tion was proceeded with. Besides the unfortunate girl , seven wit nesses " nppenrod for the prosecution. Ono of these , Dr. W. K. Orwnl , testified that nn ex amination of the girl's condition revealed damaging evidence against tlio accused. At the conclusion of the prosecution's tes timony the defendant was bound over to the district court In the sum of ? 3,000. o Quartet sings tonight , Courtlnnd. MectlllK of III" Unemployed. A meeting of the unemployed Is hereby called to meet nt Motz hall on South Thir teenth stroei next Thursday nt 8 o'clock p. m. to mlopt measures to curry out the notion of the city council in reference to the un employed In Omaha. ISAACS. HASCAI.I/ , PiiTr.n R KI.SASSIIII , OKOIIOI : F. MU.NIIO , Committee on Police. I.nnlilnc for Hrr Hoy. Mrs , S. Proinpotcr residing nt 1-15 Shelby street , iWlsvIllo , Kj' . , has asltea the police authorities to flnil her son I ouls , who Is n In all your outings to the World's Fair Seaside Mountains everywhere , take take'S ' ( T -Pills with you. Illness frcmiently results from changes of food , wafer , climate , habits , etc. , and the remedy is Deecliam's ' I'ills. ca i Indapo Made a well of INDAPO TIIK ( JlitUT HINDOO REMEDY I'UUbl'CKII TIIK IBOtK _ _ _ KiXlll.Tl * IN noPAVH. Cuu-.all Ntrvuu * lUwamii , Kalllnir Memory , > . rarc l < , HH't-ilr | ni'Vpnkne , tie. . . mid quickly tut mi cly r toic l.o.t Vitality inuMor yoanic , Ku lly carried In vr't pocket , I'rli-f * I HO a | i tk Kf. Six for # 5.li whlmwrlllrnituaruiilfclo i-uru r uio * y rrun.l.l. . Wuii'Hri. any uii | > rlneli > l d diUKKlkt > rU > uU anil kulit oImitation. . In > lit un h.rliiir IMIAl'O. It lie Iminot irot It. we will wnd It by uialluiionreci'lptuf | irlte. Painplilcl In K-iiled ilUlopuJrrf. AilJreHllrlrlilul llldlc-ult'o.l'roi' , I'blrutf * * . III. , or vur ucvnl * . BOt.U li Kulm * Co. . for. lltli nd DouuloM 8H. , nnd J.A.rulleriXCo. , CurHII.tl > i"IKla.iHt . . < IAIU | by 1'nul U. Hchneldcr , 621 Ilrotdwuy Ac 1 l't rl til- , COU.SC1L , llLUrrs , md L adlniI > ruKKliti. clgnnnnkcr bi' trndo nnd who left his home on August 13 , presumably forOimthn. Since that tlmo no tidings of him Imvo boon re ceived. llniril nf Public \Vtirl < . Tlio Hoard of 1'ubllo Works mot .yester day nftcrnoon nnd transacted routlno business. Smuuul Katz was nwnrdoil the contrnot for .Moping banks of earth nntl fill ing nuisance lots In dliTcrcnt pnrts of the city. The prices rnnecd from 17 to Ufl cents , nccorrtlnR to existing comlillons. lloroafter the Inborors in the sewer do- uartment will receive thosruneeomponsatlon ns those In the street department , excepting the cleaners , who possess some expert knowl * edge. They will receive 23 cents per hour. This nntlunvns tnkcn bv the board upon rec ommendation of Mnjor Kuray. Major Fin-ay appointed T. J. McLoan ns foremnn on sewer repairs nt a salary of * 100 n month , The npiralntnicnt conllrm'ed. A nntnborof bills and estimates were passed npon nnd ordered recommended to the coun cil for payment. The snlnry of Charles K I" nray , Major Fnray's cleric In the soxvcr department , was nllnwed. Chairman Win- spenr voting in the negative. Qunrtot sliiKS tonlpht , Courtlntul. O ' lllircl'l' : Amiillantii. Ycstcnlny afternoon Charles Martin nnd Pearl Urown were tnken to thu 1'reshytcrlnn hospital to see If Potcr-ninccln could identify thorn. The patient Is very low nnd is ex pected to die. Ho could not bo milled enough to recognize , nn.y ono. The prisoners wcro tnkcn brtck to Jail and n complaint was immediately Hied agnlnst the Drown womnn for assault with Intent to murder , - Pile of people have piles , out Dowltt'a WltchHnzcl Salvo wil" euro thutn. Stolen l'ri > | i < * rtv , < Kc ( ! < > vormI. A valuable overcoat belonging to Henry Voss , stolen sovcr.al days ago , nnd n gold watch valued nt WO , stolen from J. Bohan- non , were recovered yesterday 'by Detective Vlzzard. Qitat-tot sings tonight , Courtlund. run KUAI.TV .U.VUKCT. INSTIIUMEXTS placed oi7 record Soptc-mbcr 1 , Iti03t WAllll VNTV IKit- : . J I * McCnRtio nnd wlfo to O K Thomii-1 son , lot 10 , blockVo < t CuinliiK nud . $ 750 GV Ames nnd wlfo to . I S Kalconor , lot 7 , block 3 , Anii'V I'lnci- . 400 Same to .1 O und Minnie Vunlaistor , lots 0 and 7 , block 4. sami . . . . . 800 A ( ! Atulvr.son to O A Anderson , o4 ' lot 7 , block 471.Urandvlow . 800 Lpavltt Ilurnlmm nnd wife to AUR lli-dtiall , n li lot 4 , block 10 , llurn- hnin I'laci ) . . 270 School district No. 40 to Klnwoi- Hill Cemetery comnany , 1 aero In nw corm > r nwsw ai-10-ll ! . 50 I.outH Hill and wlfo ( o O 11 Anderson , lot 78 , I'alrmount IMnco . 2,350 1-oiivltt 1 IliirnhiimaiHl wlfolo.I A I'alk , Iot4 , block 10 , llurnhani i'laco . 300 A A SuoDurpor to Oharlrs S erK , lot 7 , nnvenpori'MKiibdlv . 6,000 Matoj Kntus and wlfo to Martin nnd K Uriif , lot 10 , block 1 , Van ( Jamil's. . . . 225 Gottllob fctorz nnd wlfo to Knink Knrnf iiml wife , lot 4 , Btorz1 siibdlv. 400 G H llojTKi nnd wlfo toV It Smith , H 15 i fuot of n ! 4 lot 10 , block 4 , HOURS .t H'.s 2nd nila . 400 Nellie KliiK to T J Roberts , block 4 , lot 1 , block 1 , Woods 1'lace. lot 3 , block 210J& & , Omaha . 24,000 QUITCLAIM PIXHS. A .1 Totter to Uichard Sharp , lots 2 , 4 , 0 , block 9 , Myers , K. it T's add . 3 William Hay to Mary Hay , lot 1 ! nnd iiii lot , U , block 13 , Koiinlzo & It's add . 1 C V llirmon to O N Diets , lot 5 , block 42 ; lot 17 , block 30 ; lot 15. block 30 ; lot 12. block 32. Ambler 1'lnco ; lots 3 , 4 , 23 , 24. 27 , 2H , block 0 ; lot 20 , block 0 ; lot H , block 8 , Kckcrman 1'luco . 9,892 i > iins. : : G A Itcnnctt , sheriff , to V K Hunt , 390x105 feet , commencing at point 000 feet north of f > o corner so 33- 10-13 . 1,300 L S Dund.v. jr. , master In chancery , to New Hampshlru Hanking com pany. lot 15 , block 115 , Dundee 1'laco . 2,335 Same to llidknup Savings [ bank , lot 10 , block 110.snmu . . . 2,335 Flower Hill C'uinetury association to 1'ublic. plat of add to Flower Hill cemetery . „ , . . . Total amount of transfers . $ 01,010 Plies of people 'nave pi.es , out Da WitUs Witoli Hawl a.tlvo willouro thgmT ftvf.i : m J-fi THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. lly doctor snys It nct cently on the stomach , liver and klilnevs , nnd KB jlcn nnt laxative. Thlf drink la mnde from herhn. nnd Is prepared for use vseaallvos lea. HUcallcil LRIE'SMEMGMI AUilruBBlstasclltttttSOc.nniH' npuclcnce. If you cannot get U. tend rouradilreaa forafreo N.-unple. l.une'n Fninllr ntedtclnn inovcn HID IionulN nch Aax lttotArrtobnJiMlttiy.thIMs ncceswjf OCCUPATION , plenty of sitting ; down n n d n ot much exercise , ought to .Imvo Dr. Pierce' * Pleasant Pellets to go with It. They absolutely 'mid permanently cure Constipation , Ono tiny , sugar- contcd Pellet is n corrective , n rcgnlntr r , n gentle laxative. They're the smallest , tlio easiest to take , nnil the most natural remedy no reac tion nftcnvnnl. Side llcmlncho , Bilious Ileiulnche , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , nnil nil stomnchnnd liowel derangements are prevented , rclk'Viil nnil cured. A " CO .D IN THE HEAD" U quickly ci red by Ir. Sago's Ca tarrh Hen cdy. Bo is Cntnrrlml Headache , ami every trouhlo caused by Catarrh. Bo U Ca tarrh itst If. The proiirlcton ofTor f500 for nny case which they cnni ct cure. Searles PHYSICIANS SU8GEQHS & Specialists GHR08IB , NERVOUS AM ) \Vo Oiiro ' 'ATAltltll , ml IHSHASKS HIT TIIK VOSK , TllltOAT , UIIKST , STOMACH. 110\vi < : isnnu I.IVIH , IUIKU.UATISM.UYS- 1'HPSIA. HI.OOK , SKIN itiul KinNr.Y.IlUoniioii , fKMAf.KVHAKSUSiis : , MIST .MAN HOOD CUICKI ) , nnil Mil form * of WEAK MEN HYDUOCEM- : AND VAUICOCKLK purmanently ami successfully ourud , MutlioJ new and uufalllnr TUi-ArMi\T : itv MAIL , a i > eciutty. 1'ITjES , FISTULA , PISSUHE , permanently cured without the uao of knlfL'-ilif.'Hiiro or caustic. AllmauulteHOf a prlwlo or ilollc.ito nature , of either BOX , positively ciiretl. Call on or addrenH , with stamp , for Clrculari. Fruu Hook , Heolpci ) and Symptom Ill.Vuka , Dr. Searles SL Searles , 11H Omiiliii Soutll , Neti- lOthNt. A Question of Seconds. The safety of human lives and of valuable " * property daily depends upon the accuracy of watches used lry train men. They nuist have RUBY JEWELED the best. A difference v\ J ADJUSTED 14 of a few B ceo nd is enough to cither nvoid or meet .1 collision. Would you like to know which watch Is most used on America's ( Jreuiest Itallrondr Ifiio. write for circular "A Question of Heconil3."Tii DUKUEll Vf AICU WOUKB , UuiltOU , O. i SPECIALIST I'rn ldpnt of UltUICAI , UISPUN8AKY. ( Ciiiisultfktiun Vroo. ) Ii ninurniDsud la the troitraoal of all Uiironlo , Prlvnto aul Wcrvjus Diioanoa. Write to or coaault par > oimllr rlCI-.AfDIICNT HY MAIL. with Btnmp for pitr- tlculari. which will bo unt la plain onrolopa I * . O. Jiox Uil. Ottloo. lit ) d. Ulh itrcet.'Omah * SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , South CeitCattl * llo markotlnth * wi' HOUSei. Wood Brothers. Mvo Stook OonimUslna Moroliuntv ? 0'ith uniah Tolepbono Il5f. Chloin JOHN I ) . OAUHMAN , I . , . , . , , ' an z rr WAI/l'KIl IS. WOOD , fi Market roportsby mall and wire cheerful ttrnlshod upon uppllcatlon , Dr. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER , the celebrated chemist of London , in Ms analysis of n sample of our North Carolina Bright Leaf Tobacco , says : that he finds but LITTLE NICOTINE or albuminous compounds , and that it is one'of ' the FINEST FLAVORED MILD TOBACCOS i he ever smoked. This package is made from the " Pick Leaf" of our North Carolina Crop , Golden Belt District. | Only the PUREST , ripest and sweetest leaf , < with the purest and best artificial flavorings and sweetenings arc used. A pleasant , cool and healthful smoke guar anteed. MANUFACTURED BY Z. I. LYON 4. CO. , DURHAM. N. C MAHA BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coc Shoi. Company. fl.leiroora aJ OIHce-llHi-inMIII llotfivr ] * ( Kaclorr-lllV-ll'il-IUI llu M HU We ars tlio OMI.V M nufiiturori o ( lloolianl Hliouiln the ititlp of Nobraiki. A Kundrnl InTltallun It ul8ii4 jj to all to Impact ouruonfuctur/ . DRY CJOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. Kilpatrick-KochDry GO3UH CO. Dry good * , nolloni , fur- Natlonn , K pt ' furnUli- nUhlnit uoolf. corner Intc iruu'lf , cur , IHli uJ IHU uud llowurd Mil. llitavr btrceli. FUBNITURE. Bel ee & Runyan COMl'ANV. ( Jpbolitoreil furnllurs. rUltNlTUKB COMl-ANV IIUJ-llOl NltbuUi 61 \YboUi l uul/ , udl9lbStr il HARDWAJIE. Hector & Willicliuy Lobcck & Line , Dealarila Ii rd < r raau1 Corner lllli mnd Jickion uicclinnlci' tooli. Blroet ) . HUI Dounlii Street , Vfi