* > - „ . . HE \ . _ _ . ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOllNl G , AUGUST 20 , 0Y - K1VR - - CENTS. VICTORY FOR REPEAL o of the Wilson Bill by the House of Representatives. IT WAS CARRIED BY A LARGE MAJORITY Vain Efforts of Its Oppoaonti to Saddle it with Amendments. SILVER HEN MAKE BUT A POOR SHOWING They Ha-1 Overestimated Their Strength antl Are Beaten at Evoiy Turn. CROWDED GALLERIES WATCH THE VOTING Orint Interest TiiUen In the rr How thu IMirerout Mpmbnra Oust Tbelr HallolK Tlio llotult Ap- plnudnd by the Spectators. WASIIIVOTO.V , Aug. 23 The galleries of the house wore crowded long befoio tlmo for assembling by persons Interested In the re sult of the balloting on the silver question after the two weeks of dob.ito. When the spealtcr rapped for order al noon nearly every seal In Iho nail was tilled. While walllmr for the call to order Air. Blind freely admitted that the claims of tin- am ! silver men of n mijorlty of fifty weio wi-ll founded , and might bo ex ceeded , and It loikcd as If the Wilson bill might go through with llttlo or no fiicllon After the loading of the Journal Air Wovrr of Now York appeared at the bir of tbo house and was sworn in Then the cleik lopoited the lesoUilion containing the order of procedure on the silver question , providing for a vote Hist on the free coinage of sliver nt the latlo of 10 to 1. Air Bailey of To\a asked If , In case all the amendments as to tbo latlo were de- fcitod , It would bo In order to nroposo an additional amendment. The speaker thought not , but would hear the gentleman on the subject when the time came to formally present thcsubjccl Air AlpAIlllln of Tennessee wished to offer nn amendment for the free coinigo of the pioduct of the silver mines of Iho United States. Air. Miami objected oven to the reading , sa.v Ing It was not free coinage at all. llu'ii Uiiiuo the Koiil Then the Wilson bill , repealing the silver puiobaslng clause of the Shot man act. was re id and Air Bbind offered his llrst amend ment for fieo toinago at tlio lalio of Hi tn 1 , which was defeated yeas , 124 ; navs , 2-fl ! amid applause from the anti-silver men , who did not expect so laigo a imjoilty. Following is Iho detailed vote on Iho Ki to 1 amendment : JFAS. Abbolt ( dom. Tex ) Aitkcn ( rop. Allch ) Alexander ( d. N. C ) Allen ( dom. Aliss ) Arnold ( dem. Ale ) Bailey ( dom. Tex. ) B iker ( pop Kan ) Banlcbcad idem. Ala ) Bell ( pop Cole ) Bell ( dom. Tex. ) Black ( dem. Ga ) Blaiichard ( dem. La ) Bland ( dem J.Io ) Boitncr ( dom. M ) Boon ( pop. Minn ) . Bovver ( dem. N. C ) . Bow01 ( rep Cal ) . Branch ( item N. C ) . Bretdem ( Ind ) . Biodeiick ( lop Kan ) , Bookshiio ( dom. Ind ) liryan ( dem Neb ) . Bunn ( dcm N. C ) . Burns ( dcm. Mo ) . Camlnettl ( dom Cal ) Cannon ( dcm Cal ) . Capchait ( dom Va ) . Clink ( dem Aio ) Cobb ( dom Ala ) . Cockrell ( dom. Tex ) . ColTeen ( dem'yo ) Conn ( dom Ind. ) Cooper ( dcm Tex ) . Cox ( dem. Tonn ) . Ciawfoul ( d. N. C ) . Culbeison ( d , To\ ) . Curtis ( rep Kan ) . Davis ( pop , Kan ) . DoArmond ( d Ale ) . Dcnson ( dem Ala. ) . Dinsmoro fd. AH : . ) . Dockei y ( dcm. Aio ) Donovan ( dem. O ) . Doolittlo ( icp. Wash. i. Kdmomls ( dem V. ) . Hills ( dem. Kv. ) . Knloo ( dom Tenn ) Kpes ( dem. Va. ) Finnan ( dem 111) ) Funslon ( rop. Kan. ) Fi an ( dem. Ale ) Geardem ( Gil ) Goodnlgnt ( dom. Ki ) Giadv ( dom N. Y ) Hall ( dem. Mo ) Hauls ( pop. Kan ) Haitman ( top Alont ) Hatch ( dom. Mo. ) Iluid ( di-ni Aio ) Henderson ( d N C ) Holm.in ( dem Ind ) Hooker ( dom Aliss. ) Hudson ( dcm Kan ) Hunter ( dom 111) ) . Huichcson ( d Tux ) Jones ( dem Va ) . Kcm ( pop Nob. ) . Kllgoto ( dom Tex ) K.vlo ( dom. Miss ) . La no ( dom. Ill ) . Latlimcr ( dem S'C ) Lawson ( dem Ga. ) . Lsstcr ( dom Ga. ) Livingston ( dcm. I.a ) Lucas ( lep S D ) Aladdox ( dom. Ga ) Alairulio ( dem Cal ) Marshall ( dom Va ) McOulloch ( d. Ark ) MeKclgban ( pop Nub ) Mi-Don man ( d , Tumi ) McAlillln ( dom Tonn ) McUiuicn ( dem S CAletodith ( dom Va ) Mi-Uao ( dom Aik. ) Montgomery ( d , Ky. ) Alonoy ( item. Aliss ) AIoos ( dem G i ) Moi-gin ( dom Ale ) Nclll ( dem. Aik ) Alunav ( iop S C. ) O'Forrall ( dom Va ) Now land ( pop. Nov. ) Ponce ( pop Cole ) 1'njiitnr ( dum Ky. ) Pickloi ( iop S D. ) Pendloton ( d.Tox ) Kichaidson ( d Alich ) Post ( top 111) ) Uobbins ( dom Ala ) Kichaidson ( d. Trnn ) S.iiOH ( dom. Tox. ) liobeitson ( dom Li ) Simpson ( pop Kan ) Sibloy ( dem Pa ) Stalllngs ( dem Ala. ) Stoi-kdalu ( d Aliss ) Stone ( dom Ky ) Straight ( dom S C ) Swanson ( dom Va. ) Sweet ( icp Idaho ) Tnlbert ( dom S. C. ) Tnisiioy ( dem Ale ) Tate ( dom Ga ) Tailor ( dom Ind ) Teii'i ( dom Aik ) Tin pin ( dcm. Ala ) Tvlor ( dcm Va ) Wheolcr ( dcm. Ala ) Whiting ( dem Allch ) Wilhuns ( dem Ills ) Williams ( dom. Alls ? ) Wilson ( iep Wash ) Woodward ( d. N C. ) IlAIS. Adam * ( rep Kv ) Aldpisond. ( W. Va ) Aldiich ( rep III ) Apsloy ( rep Muss ) Avery ( iop Allch ) Babcock ( iop , Wls. ) Baker ( iop. N. H. ) Baldwin ( dem. Alinn. ) Barnes ( dom. Wis. ) Baitholdt ( rV'p. Alo. ) Biiitlott ( dom. N. Y. ) Barwlg ( dem. Wls ) Bidden ( iop. N. Y. ) Boltzhoover ( d. Pa. ) Kerry ( dom. Ky. ) Blngham ( iop Pa. ) Black ( dem. 111. ) Blair ( rep , N. H. ) Boutcllu ( rop. Ainlno ) Biattan ( dom , Aid , ) Brawloy ( dem S. C. ) Brockliuldgo ( d. Ark. ) Brocklnrldgo ( d. Ky. ) Bricknor ( dom. Wls ) Broslus ( leu. Pa. ) Brown ( dcm. Ind ) B'irrows ' ( rep. Alli-h. ) Bynum ( dem. Ind ) Cabanlss ( dem. Ga , ) Cadmus ( dem. N J ) Caldvvoll ( iop.O. ) Campbell ( dcm. N Y ) Cannon ( iop. Ill ) Caiiuth ( dom Ky ) ditchings ( d. AlKs ) Causey ( dcm Del ) Chlckoilng ( top.N.Y ) Child * ( rop. 111 , ) . Clhiioy ( dem. N. Y. ) . Clink ( dom Ala ) . Cobb ( dem. Mo. ) CocKian ( dom N Y ) Cogswell ( icp Alass ) Compton ( dom. Aid , ) Coombs fdom N. Y. ) Cooper ( dom Fla. ) Cooper ( dem. Ind , ) Coopor'iop ( , Wis. ) Cornish ( dom. N. . ! , ) Couzlns ( iop. Iu , ) Covert ( top. N. Y. ) Cianln ( dom Tox. ) Cunnnlugs ( d N. Y. ) Cm tis ( rop. N. Y ) Iilzellrop' ( Pa. ) Daniels ( rop. N. Y. ) Davoy ( dom , La. ) DoForcal ( dom. Conn ) Dmgloy ( top. Mo. ) Dollhor ( rop. In ) Draper ( rep. Mass ) Dunn ( rop. N. Y. ) Dunphy ( dcm. N , Y. ) Durborow ( dom. Ill ) Kills ( rep Ore ) KnglUh ( dom , N. J. ) Krdnmn ( dom. Pa ) Kverott ( dem. AlUa ) Follows ( de-n. N. Y. ) Floldor ( dom. N. J. ) riotohor ( ron. Minn. ) Funk ( icp. 111. ) rilcli ( dom. N. Y. ) Forman ( dom. 111. ) Gear ( rop. la. ) Glllot ( rep , N , Y ) Goldzlor ( dom. III. ) Gardner ( rep. N , J ) Uaiscnholniord.N.J.Glllott ) ( i p. Mass. Uicsham ( dem. Tox. ) Gorman ( dem , Allch ) Grout ( rop. Vt ) Grosrenor ( rop. O. ) Halncr ( rep. Nob. ) linger ( lop. la ) IU11 ( dem. Minn. ) Halnes ( dem. N. Y. ) Hare ( dem , O 1 Huuiinond ( dom. Ind. ) Huiter ( dom. U. ) Iluye-s ( dem la , ) Ilonderton ( rop. III. ) IIaruicriop. ( Pa. ) Haugon ( rop. Wls ) Halucr ( ro | > . Pa ) Henderson ( rop. la. ) Hepburn ( up. la. ] ) lloniiricksdoni.N.y. ( ) Hicks ( rep. Pa. ) Hirinan ( rop. Oro. ) Illncb ( dom. Pu. ) Hllborii ( ron. Cal. ) Hooker ( rep. N. Y. ) Hitt ( icd. ill. ) Hopklut ( rop. Pa. ) Hopkins ( rep 111. ) Honck ( dom. Kv. ) Ilnuck ( dom. Ohio ) Hull ( rop. Iowa ) Ilullck ( rop. Ohio ) . Johnson ( rop. ( Ind. ) Hlkert ( drui. Ohio ) Johnson ( dem. Ohio ) Johnson ( rep , N , D. ) Klofer ( rep , Minn. ) Joy ( rep. Alo. ) I > icey ( rop. Iowa ) Krlpps ( dom. P.i. ) Lakcn ( dcm. Ohio ) Lapham ( dcm. U I. ) Lilly ( rop. Pa. ) Lifevcr ( rrp. N. Y. ) Lisle ( dom. Kv. ) Linton ( rep. Allch , ) torn ! ( rep Cal. ) T/iokwood ( d N , Y ) Lvnch ( dom. Wls ) Ivouccnslagor ( rop. AIainor ( dem. N. Y. ) N. J ) Marsh ( rep. 111. ) Mahon ( rop. Pa. ) Marvin ( rep. N.Y ) Mallory ( dom. Fla. ) AlcCall ( pop. Alass. ) Alnrtin ( dem. Ind. ) AlcCreorv ( loin. Ky. ) AIcAlocr ( dcm P.I. ) McUinnold ( dom. 111. ) McLcary ( icp. Minn ) Moittnck ( d. Mass. ) McDowell ( lop I'ft. ) , AlcKalg ( diMii. Aid. ) . AIcann ! ( dcm , 111. ) . Alorcer ( rep Not ) ) . AIoNngny ( dcm.Ind. ) Alilllkcn ( rep Alo. ) Alolklejohn ( r. Neb ) . Moiso ( rop. .Mass ) Meyer ( dcm. Li. ) Nnrtliwny ( rop. O ) Aloon ( rep Allch. ) O'Neill ( rep. Pa. ) AttitohW ( dom. P.1. ) Page ( dom H. I. ) Oitcs ( dem. Al i. ) Patterson ( d Tonn. ) O'Ncil ( dom Al iss ) Pearson ( dem O ) Outhwnlte , ( d O. ) Passhal ( dum Tox. ) Paine ( iop. N Y J Pcndloton ( dem W. Perkins ( rep la. ) Va. ) Phillips ( rop. Pcnw ) Plgoti ( dcm. Pcnn ) Powcis ( rep Vt , ) Ptlco ( dem , la ) Itntulall ( rop. Alass ) Uny ( iop. N. Y , ) llaynor ( dom Aid ) Ueed ( rop. Mo. ) llcilly ( dem. Pa. ) Koyburn ( dom. Pa. ) Richards ( dem. O. ) Kltehio ( dcm. O. ) Hobinsun ( rep Pa ) Kust ( dom. Aid.1) ) Hussoll ( icp Conn ) Uusscll ( dcm Ga. ) Hyan ( dcm. N. Y. ) Schermorhorn ( dcm. Scranton ( rep Pa ) N Y. ) Sotllo ( rep N. C ) Shaw ( rop. Wls ) Shornnn ( rep. N. Y. ) SloKlcs ( dom. N. Y. ) Slpo ( dcm Pa ) Smllh ( iop. Ill ) Snodgiass ( dem.Tcnn ) Spotrv ( dom Conn ) Soinors ( dcm. Wls. ) Stevenson ( top. Alien. ) Springer ( dom 111. ) Stone , C W. ( top Pa ) Stevens ( dcm. Alass ) Storror ( rep O ) Stouo.W. A. ( rep Pa ) Talbot ( dom. Aid ) Strong ( rep O ) ( top. N. Updegraft ( dom. In ) Y ) Van Vooiblsiep ( 6) ) Wallcer ( rep Alass. ) Wadsworth ( rep N. Wagner ( rep Pa ) Y ) Washington ( dom Warner ( dcm. N. Y ) Tenn ) Waugb ( rop. Ind ) ' Wells ( dom Wis ) Weadork ( dem Mich ) White ( iop. O. ) Wovcr ( iep N. Y ) Wise ( dom. Va. ) Wilson ( dem W Va ) Woomor ( iop Pa. ) Wolveilon ( dem Pa ) Wright ( iep Pa ) Wiight ( rep. Alass ) Total 2J ( ! Owing to illness , Air. Whcclor of Illnols did not leach the house until several votcM bad ocen cast. Ills name will appear aniou the na\s on all tlio voles in the oflicl.il list. Dlshrnrtriicd the Sllxcr Men. Air Shell of South Caiollna. in favor of free silv or , was palled with Air Giatmm , demociat , who opposed it. Ncaily as much inteiost was taken in the second vote , which was on the i.itlq of I" to I. The decision on tbo 10 to I ratio scorned to dlsbcai ten the silver men and in place of the attention which was paid to tlie llrst vote was substituted allstessnoss wlili-h spioad thiougbout the loto. The vote re sulted In the defeat of the amendment ; > G.IH , 100 ; 1113,3 , , " 10 The popjllst members did not vole. The members who voted for the 1C to 1 ratio , but against the IT to 1 ratio , weio : Bietz , domociat. of Indiana ; Brookshiie , domociat , of Indiana ; Bryan democrat , of Nebiask.i ; Conn , domociat , of Indiana ; Gcaii , democrat , of California ; Harris , populist , of Kansas ; Holman , demo crat , ol Indiani ; Latimer , democrat , ot South Carollni ; Alaguiio , democrat , of Call- fornii ; AIcKoighan , populist , of Nebraska ; AIcLiurin , democrat , of South Carolina ; Post , icpubllcan , of Illinois ; Strait , dome ciat , of Soulh Carolina ; Sweet , republican , of Idaho ; Talboi t. democrat , of South Carolina lina , aud Ta\lor , democrat , of Indiana. 'Jbo gentlemen who voted for 10 to 1. but who declined to vote at all on the 17 to 1 amendment , wcro : Bankhcad , democrat , of Alabama ; Boon , populist , of Allnncsoti ; Cannon , democrat , of California ; Cockioll , dcmociat , of fc\as ; Davis , populist , of Kan- sis ; Grady , democrat , of Noith Carolina ; Hudson , democrat , of Kaiisis : IConi , pop ulist , of Nourabkn'i Pence , populist , of Colo- i.ido ; Simpson , populist , of Kansas , and Tui- pin , democrat , of Alabama. Air Husscll , democrat , of Georgia , and Air. Snodgrass , domouat , of Tennessee , who voted against 10 to 1 , voted in favor of 17 to 1. 1.Tho The other changes on this vote as com pared with tnnotoon 17 to 1 vvoio as fol lows : Baldwin , democrat , ol Allunesota , who voted tor 17 , voted against 18 , and Hil- born , republican , of California , and licit I , democrat , of Ohio , who voted against 17 , v oted for IS. Anuthor 1'roiinsliluu Ilo n. The boii ! > o then voted immediately on the 10 to 1 amendment aud itas defeated , icas , 101 ; miis , 2J8. The 18 to I standard was defeated by a votooficas IDi. najs 2i ! ) Of Ihoso who had ptcvleusli voted on the 10 or 17 to 1 , the following did not vote at all on the IS to 1 ratio : Allen , democrat , of Alissis blppi ; Bankhcad , dcmociat of Alabuna ; Balloj , democrat of To\as ; Cannon , domo- cial of California ; Giady , domociat of Noi th Carolina , and Livingston , democrat of Georgia. Then came the 20 to 1 ratio , and this was in turn defeated , though it showed more sticnglh , the vote being : Yeas , 121 ; najs , ) * > > No ono who voted for 10 voted against 2'J to 1. but thoio , v as a decided gam , as the fol lowing named nicmbeis who had opposed the 10 to 1 voted for Iho 20 lo I amendment' Aldeison , dcmociat , of West Vir gin ! i ; Cialn , democrat , of Texas ; Kills , lopublican , of Oiogon ; Her mann , icpubllcnii , of Oregon ; Hopkins , lepubllcan , of Washington ; Linton , repub lican , of Allchigan ; Alalloii. democrat , of Florida ; Aleiklejolm. republican , of No- biaslca ; Aloon , ic | > ublic.ui , of Allchigan ; Gates , democrat , of Alabama ; Paschil , ilem- ocrat , of J'oxas ; 1'ilc.o , democrat , ot IxniiPl- nna ; 1'uukor , dcmociat , of Virginia1 ; m- ncr , democrat , of Georgia ; Wcidock , lopub- lican , of Michigan , Whlto , lopublican , of Ohio ; Alaish , lepubllcan , of Ohio , 111 The ineinbors who voted against tlio 20 to 1 nnd not on 10 to 1 wore : Koni , populist , of Isobiaska , and Alaguiio , democrat , of Call foinia. iho proposition to rconact the Bland- Allison act us a provision to the repeal bill leeched thu strongest snppoit , but even that W.IH defeated by a majority of 77 , the vote standing , icas , I'M ; na > s , 2li. : The members voting for 20 to 1 and against tbo Illand-Alliioii bills vvcre : Broderick , ic- publican , of Kansas ; Cralu , democrat , of Texas ; CurtU , republican , of ICinsas ; Funs ton , icptihtlran , of Kansas ; Alallory , deuio crat , of Flotlda , Marsh , lopublican , of 111 ! nols ; Alclklojohn , icpublican , of Nebraska , Aloon , lepubllcan , of Allchigan , Turner , democrat , of Ocoigia ; White , republican , of Ohio. The member who voted for 20 to 1 , nnd nol voting on the HIaml-AlllbJn substitute , was Nowlands , populist , Nevada Voting for the Bland-Allison not nnd against 20 to 1 : Biotz , democrat , of Indiana Brookshlro , domocial , of Indiana , Bryan , demociat , Nebraska ; Conn , demociut , if Indiana ; Doolittlo , republican , of Washing ton , Haio , demooiat. of Ohio , Hauls , po , > u list , of Kansas ; Holman , domociat , of In dlana ; Keiu.impullst , of Nebraska ; Litlmur , democrat , of South Carolina ; Alaguhodcmo - crat , of California ; McCroary , democrat , of Kentucky ; McKcipliaut > o | > ulistof Nonruska o'ti AlcUiurm , populist , of South Carolina ; Post roimblicauof IllinoisUltcblo. ; lopubllcau. of Ohio ; Strait , democrat , of South Caiollim ofM Sweat , republican , of Idaho ; Talbert , demo - crat , of South Carolina ; Taylor , demociat , oDf Indiana. Voting for the Bland-Allison act and not on 20 to 1 : Dakar , populist , of Kansas ; Born , populist , of .Minnesota ; P.iUs , | KipuIint , of ; ICunsab ; Hudson , populist , of Kansas ; Pence , populut , of Colorado ; Simpson , populut , 0.Of Kaniai. ' Vote imlllo ( , VVIlKlll HIM , The vote VT.IS then taken upon tha final piuaigo of tbu Wilson bill HUd it was pained Yeas , 240 ; uav , 110. YEAS. Adams ( top. Ky. ) Alder on ( dom , W , Aldiich ( rup. III. ) Y. ) Asploy ( iop. .Mass. ) Avori ( rop. Allch. ) Babtock ( rep Wi ? . ) Bakur ( iop. N. H. ) Baldwin ( dcm. AIlnn.Bond ( dom. Wls ) Bartholt ( rep. Alo. ) Bartlett ( dom. N. Y. ) Barwlg ( dom. WIsJ Boldcn ( rep. N. Y. ) ivcr ( dcinPft.Borry ) ( dcm. Ky. ) Ulngham ( rep Pa. ) Black ( dom. III. ) Blair ( rot N II ) Boutollo ( rop. Alo. ) Br.itt.in ( dem. Aid. ) Br.iwloy ( dein , S. C. ) Brccklnrldgo ( dem. Brccklnridgo ( dcm. Ark. ) Kv ) Brotz ( dom Ind. ) Bricknor ( dom. Wls. ) Brookshiro ( dom. Broslus ( rep Pa. ) Ind. ) Brown ( dem. Ind. ) Bunn ( dcm. N. C , ) Burrows ( rep Allch. ) Bynum ( dcm Ind. ) Cabinlss ( dom. Ga. ) Cadmus ( dcm N. J. ) Caldvvoll ( rep O ) Campbelldom ( N. Y ) C.innon ( doni. Cal ) Capolmrt ( item. W. Caruth ( dom ICy. ) Va. ) C tchings ( dcm. Causey ( dcm. Del. ) Aliss. ) Checkering ( dom. N. Chiles ( rep III \ Y. . . ) . . . . , Clancy . ( dcm. . N. Y. ) * fi t.t ? * Clark ( di-m Ala. ) Cibb ( dom. Mo. ) Cockran ( dom. N Y. Compton ( dom Aid. ) Cogswell ( rop. Alass. ) Coombs ( dcm N. Y. ) Conn ( dom. Ind. ) Cooper ( dcm Ind. ) Cooper ( dcm. Fla ) Cousins ( rop. la ) Cornish ( dem N. J Grain ( dem. Tov ) Covert ( dem N. Y Curtis ( rot ) . N. Y. ) Dilzell ( rop. Pa ) Cummlngs ( dom.N. Y ) Divey ( dom Ln. ) Daniels ( rop. N. Y ) DIngley ( top Me ) DoFoicsl ( dcm Conn , ) Donovan fdom O ) Dolltvcr ( rep Ii. ) Draper . Alass Doolittlo / . . * . . . Wash ( lep. ) ( rep ) Dunphv ( dem NY ) Dunn ( dom. N .1. ) ndimmds ( dcm i , Va ) Dtirborow ( dem 111) ) rdman ( dem Pn.j Hngllsh . _ . . ( dem V. J. ) Follows ( dem. N Y. ) nvcrett ( > dcm. Mass. ) Fitch ( dem N. Y ) Fielder ( dom N. J. ) Foi „ . . . 111. \ til t . .I . . /u.i. . \ t f. . . . man ( rjp ) Fletcher ( rep Minn ) Gardner ( rep N .T. ) Funk ( top 111) ) Geary ( dom Cal. ) Gear ( rop. la ) Glllet ( rop. N. Y ) Goissenluviner ( dcm. Gillette ( iop Aliss ) N. J. ) Goldzlor ( VtVjUH .Lilt ) Gorman ( VV > l4t4 Alich. ) rcslmm dom. Tex. Grosvonnr O. ( ) ( . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . rep . ) Gioul / ! VI \ Halnes /.In. \T T ' ( iop ) ( dcm. N. Y ) Hall ( dom Alinn. ) Hammond ( dcm. Ind. ) Hare ( dom O ) Hurmoriep ( 1'a ) Harlcr ( dom. > 6 ) Haugen ( icp Wls ) HiliCS ( dcm. III. Hainer Pa ; KIUIHUI t vlt"l' l a ) Hcmloison ( rep 111) ) Hondcison ( rop. la. ) Hcndrix ( dcm N.Y. ) Hicks ( rjp Pa. ) Hlnes ( dcm. Pa ) IHUIOI ( ) HI ) IUilman ( dcm Ind ) Hooker ( rep N. Y. ) Hopkins ( icp III. ) Houk ( dem O ) Houk ( rep Tenn ) Hullck ( rep O ) Hull ( icp la ) Hunter ( dem III ) Johnson ( rep Ind ) Johnson ( rop. N. D ) Johnson ( dcm O. ) Jov ( rep Aio ) Klofcr ( rep Minn ) Kribbs ( dem Pa ) Licey ( rep Ii ) Lipham ( dem U. I. ) Liwson ( uom Del ) L. ii t in ( dom. O ) Lc Fever ( tep N Y ) Lcster ( dem G i ) Ulli ( iep Pa ) Linton ( rep Alich ) Lisle ( dem Ki ) Lockwood ( dem N. Y. ) Loudenslagcr ( rep. Ljnch ( dem. Wis ) N J ) Alugner ( dcm N Y ) Alibon ( iep Pa ) Marshall ( dem Va ) Aim tin ( dem Ind ) Marvin ( iep N Y. ) AIc-Alcer ( dem Pa ) Alt-Call ( rep Alass ) McClc.in ( rep Minn ) AlcCioaiy ( dcm. Ky. ) AH-Dinnold ( dem. Ill ) AIcDowcll ( rop.Pa. ) AIcEteiick ( dcm. AIcGann ( dem. Ill ) AI iss ) AIcKnL' ( dem. Aid. ) Mc'Allllin ( dcm Tonn ) AIcNagny ( dcm. Ind ) Alcicci Neb Alciedith dem. Va . . . . ( icp , . . . . . ) . . ( . , . . ) Xf „ / dom Li \ Mtlllkcn / \ * Alojer ( ) ( rep Me ) Alonttromery ( dem. Aloon ( rop. Mich ) Ky ) Alotso ( rep Alass ) Alutchlor ( dem Pa ) Northvvny ( lop O ) Dates ( dom Ala ) O'Fen all ( dem. Va O'Ncil ( dcm Al iss ) O'Neill ( iep. Pa. ) Outliwaito ( dem O ) Page ( dom H I. ) Paschal ( dcm Tex ) Pattoison ( dom. Pa.vue ( iep N. Y ) Tenn. ) Painter ( dem Ky. ) Poaison ( dem. O. ) Pemllotou ( dem. Tex. ) Pcndleton ( dem. W Pci kins vicp la ) Va ) Phillips ( lop Pa ) Pigott ( dcm Conn ) Po.t ( rep 111 ) Powers ( rep Vt ) Pi Ice ( dom f. i ) Handall ( iep Alass ) Itav ( icp N Y ) Kiivnor ( dem. Aid ) K-cd ( top Ale ) Kcilly ( dem Pa ) Itei burn ( rep Pa ) Uichaids ( dem. O ) Rich irdbon ( dem. Undue ( dem. O. ) Mich ) Kobinson ( iep Penn. ) KusK ( item Aid. ) Hussoll ( rep Conn , ) Uitin ( dem N.Y. ) Sehcrmoihorn ( dcm. Scranton ( rep Pa ) N. Y. ) Settle ( IPP. N. C. ) Shaw ( icp. Wis. ) Snerman ( rop. N. Y. ) Sickloi ( dom. N. Y. ) Sipe ( dem. Pa ) Somcrs ( dom Wis ) Spoiry ( dom Conn ) Springer ( dem 111. ) Steplionson ( lop. Stevens ( dcm Alass ) Alich ) Stone , C. W. ( iep. StoneW. A ( rep Pa. ) Pa. Stone ( dem Ky. ) Stoier ( icp. O ) Strong ( i op O ) Swanson ( dem. Va ) Tnlbott ( dem Md ) Ta v ney ( rep. Alinn ) Taylor ( dem. Ind ) Thorn is ( icp. Mich ) Tiacoj fdem. N. Y. ) Tuc-Kor ( dem Va ) Tu % nor ( dom Ga ) Tui pin ( dem Ala. ) Ti lor ( dem Va ) Unde rafE ( rep la ) Waugb ( iep Ind ) „ . . . . . Weadock ( dom Alich ) Welts ( dcm Wls Wover ( icp N. Y. ) Wheeler ( icp 111 ) White ( iop O ) Whiting ( dem. Alich. ) Wilson ( rep O ) Wilbon ( dom. W. Va. ) Wise ( dem Va ) Wolveiton ( dem. Pa ) Woomer ( iep Pa ) Wiight ( lap Alass ) Wilglit ( ic-p Pa. ) Total 'J40. NITS. Abbott ( dem. Tex ) Aitkln ( rep Allch. ) > AlO'candcr ( d N. C. ) Allen ( dom. Aliss ) Arnold ( dem. Aio ) Bailuy ( dom. Tex ) B liter ( pop Kan ) Bankhoad ( dom. Ala. ) Bell { pop Cole ) Bell ( dcm Tex ) Blanclnrd ( dem La ) Bland ( dem. Alo. ) Boatncr ( dem. La ) Boca ( i > op Minn ) Bow or ( dem. N U ) Bowers ( rep , Cal ) Bianch ( dom , N. C. ) Brodcriek ( rep Kan. ) Bivan ( dcm. Neb ) Bin lies ( doin. Alo. ) Cammcttl ( dem. Cal ) Cannon ( top 111 ) Clark ( dem * ' 1U. ) Cobb ( dom 4k lilt ) Cockrell ( dem Tex ) Coffee ( dom Wyo. ) Cooper ( dom Tex ) Cox ( dom. Tenn. ) Ciawfoiddcin ( N C. ) Culbeison ( dcm. To. Curtis ( iep Knn. ) Divls ( pop. Kan. ) DoArmond ( d. Ale ) Dcnson ( dem Ala. ) Dhibinoiudom. ( Aik. ) Docaory ( dem Alo. ) Kills ( item. Kv ) Hills ( top. Oio. ) Diloo . . ( . dom . Tonn ) Epos ( dom _ Va ) * . f Itt.l- f.l III V TT J * - - * * ! \ Fithtan ( dom ill ) Funston ( rep Ivan. ) Fvan ( dom. Ale ) GooiJnight ( dom. Ky ) CJuidj ( dom N C. ) Hager ( rei > la ) Halnci dop Neb ) Hall , ( dem Mn ) Harris ( pop Kan ) Hartumn ( r Alont ) Hatch ( dem , Ale ) Heaid ( dom Aln ) Henderson ( d. N. C. ) Hcpbuin ( icp la ) Hermann ( icji Ore ) Hllborn ( lop Cal ) Hooker ( dom , Aliss ) Hopkins ( rop. Pa ) Hudson ( dom Kan. ) Huichcson ( d To ) Ikht ( dom O ) Jones ( dom Vii ) Kern ( pop Neb ) Kilgoio ( dem Tex ) Kilo ( dom. Aliss ) La no ( dom 111 ) Litimcr ( dom S. C. ) Livingston ( d. Ua. ) Loud ( rop. Car. ) Lucas ( lop S D , ) Aladdox ( dom. Ga. ) Alagulro ( dem. Cul. ) Mallory ( dom. Fia ) Alursb ( rep | , ill./ AlcCiilloch yu Aik ) AloDeaimon ( d. ronn.AIclCoighan ) ( p. Neb. ) MoLaurin ( d S. C. ) AlcHao ( dcm ArlcJ Alolklojohn ( r. Neb ) Money ( dcm AlUa , ) Moigan ( dom Ale ' Moses ( dom , Alnu.ii ( icp S C , Neill ( dom , Aik. ) Now lands ( p Nov. Pence ( pop Cole ) PicMer ( lop S U , Hiclmidson ( d Tonn ) Kobblns ( dcm Ala. ) Hobortson ( dom. La , ) Sajcra ( dem Tex ) Slbley ( dem Pa ) Simpson u. Kan ) LJmith ( rep 111 ) bnojgrass ( d. Tonn ) Stalllngs ( dom , Ala ) Stoi-kiUlo ( d Aliss ) Strait ( dom S. C ) Sweet ( lop Idaho ) Tnlbert ( dom S C. ) Tnrsnci ( dom Mo ) Tate ( dem. Ga ) Taylor ( iep Tonn ) Terry ( dom Ark. ) Whi-oler ( dem Ala ) Williams ( dom III ) Williams ( d AlUs ) Wilson ( rep. Wash , ) Woodard ( dom N. 0. ) Total 110 Voted fur Uncnndlllomtl Itepcat. The members vv ho stood by silver under the Bland-Allison act , but who llmilly voted for unconditional repeal , wore : Alderson , democrat , of West "Vhginla ; Black , demo crat , of Georgia ; Brctz , democrat , of Ohio ; Brookshlro , democrat , of Indiana ; Iliiinm , democrat , of Not th Carolina ; Conn , democrat , of Indiana ; Donovan , democrat , of Ohio ; Doolittlo , republican , of Washing ton ; Kdmuuds , democrat , of Virginia ; Hare , democrat , of Ohio ; Holman-tdcinocrat , of Indiana : Hunter , democrat , of Illi nois ; Lawson , democrat , of Georgia ; Lester , democrat , of Gooigia ; Lintou , republi , * * * , of Michigan ; Marshall , demo - i-rut , of Virginia ; AlcCreary , democrat , of Kentucky ; AloAIIllln. democrat , of Tennessee - see ; Meredith , democrat , of Virginia ; Alont- gomery , democrat , of Kentucky ; Gates , democrat , of Alabama ; O'Forrall , democrat , of Virginia ; Paschal , do-noerat , of Texas : PaHUor , democrat , of Now York ; Pcndleton , democrat , of Texai > ; Post , icuubllcau. of Illi nois ; Prlco. democrat , of Louisiana ; Klchaid- son , dcmociat , of Michigan ; Ritchlo , demo crat , of Ohio ; Uussoll , democrat , ofiGoorgm ; Stone , democrat , of Kontticlcy ; Swanson , democrat , of Virginia ; Taylor , democrat , of Indiana ; Tucker , democrat ! of Vlrglnhj Turpln , domocrit , otAlabatnaj Tyler , demo crat , of VlrBinla ; Woadockv democrat , of Allchlgin ; Whiting , democrat , of Michigan. Catchlngs , democrat , of Missouri , gave notice that ho wouU ask the house to con sider the rules tomorrow and then tbo house adjourned. r IX THIS 8R.N.VTE. Alton of Waslilngton'ntid ' Unntlo of Ainu * liniAm ! Untrntrd. WASIIINOTOV , Aug. 2i The sonata todiy , by the vote of : U to 29 jjocUod Air.Al.mtlo of Alotltnnn and Mr. lon of Washington r are not entitled to soiti'und th it n governor of n statu his not tha rfcpht to appoint n sen ator lo flll the vacanclot caused by the ox- piratlon of .1 regular tofra , not happening by resignation , j- ! * Tlio house bill to ropc.il the Shopman act was laid oaforo the scnatb and referred to the committee on finance' , Air. Voorbces annoimcoa" tlioro would bo prompt action by the cpmmlttoo tomorrow. Air. Sherman gave notice that ha would address the senate on silver Wednesday , and Air. Wolcott gave notloo of a speech for Thursday. \ ' Air. Platt icportf-d from the committee on Indian affalis a bill to allow certain Chrro- kccs having equities in * the Chcrokco Strip to purchase their holdirign'nt the same erica as wblto bottlcis Passed , > The bill allowing the banks to incroiso tholrclrculition up to tlie pir value of the bonds deposited by them was taken up , tbo question being on thu 'amendment of Air Cockloll for the redemption of such 'J psr cent bonds as may bo made and the p i.V- inont therefor received In a new Issue of tre isury notes. The vote was taken with out discussion nnd the amendment was rejected. Yeas , 'JJ ; n i\3 , 29. Air Cockicll then offiTol an amendment authorizing the holders of any United States bonds to deposit them and receive in ex- onango log il tender notes equal to the face value of the bonds Tlio bonds are to beheld held in tbo ticasury subject to redemption In tlio same sum in legal tender notes which nro lo bo destroyed. No Interest Is to bo paid on the bonds vvhilci thoynro held iu the treasury , but when thov are again with drawn llio interest Is ttba _ paid , less } { per cent per annum. lDi > .Mantto.'lTniontod. Iho discns"ion on this amendment was in- lenuptedat 3 o'clock when the bill was laid asldo and the Lee Alantlo case was 1 lid before the senate , the question being on Air Vance s motion toty \ \ on the table Air AI inderson's motion to roconsldor the vote wbcioby tbo son ito decided last week tint Air. Mantle > vas not outlined to the scat The vote was taken and reeulted : Yeas , HI , naji , 28 So tbo motion to lay on thp table was agreed to. The vote was then taken on thooilglnal icsolution as.amended and it , vas agieed to. Yeas , fQ ; nays. 20. The olfcct of the vote Is declaration that Air. Alantlo Is not ontltledjto the seit. The vote was then taken on the right of Air John B. Allen to a seat' from the state of Washington ( claimed under , similar clicum- stim.cs ) , and it was alsb decided th the neg- Titlvo bv ex ictly the same vote 32 to29. No action was liken on the third case , from the siite of Wyoming , Mr. jBcckwith having resigned. ' 1 bo consideration. of _ the national bank cir culation bill was then resumed , the question being Air. Cockiell'-i amendment on - , permit ting the deposit of United States bonds and the withdrawal Of th'fir face value Hi groon- b iclts. Air. Voorheos. chairman of the com mltteo on finance. advij-dtho _ friends of thb bill to vote down all'ahiOidmcKtB , ' and-sni'l that tom6irow the senate VoultliBiJ engaged in old business , anil .tjou tlis | bill , as , a minor fcatuto of the c'x'ltionlinary session , would have to take a siiV'irdlnato place , and give way tq the great v&4 major proposition that had brought congress together Ho iu- tcndi-d th.-t the country sliould uudcrstand that ho pressed the national bank bill and asked a vote upon It unli deplored the dejgys that had taken place. If it fell , its tall should not bo laid at his door. Actiiin on the Wilson Hill. While discussing the subject , tlio clerk of the house was announced with a message that the house had p issed the bill to repeal part of the Sherman act. The bill was im- mcJhtely , on motion of Air. Voorhccs , re- fenod to the commltteo on llmmco , who stated what would be , ho said , satisfactory to the country , that there would bo u mpct- ingof the llnancocommittee tomoriow , when there would bo piompt action in connection vvitli the house bill and with the measure alicidy repealed fiomytho llnanco com mittee. / 'Iho discussion of MrCocktell's ani"nd- mciits was icsumed , bu ( without action on it thosunatoproceeded toexecutive business and soon adjourned. X l.It'Jl It hlill Atir.tctg lllr ( Crowds tn the Fair ( rnumlA VlnetfiiGTuif ConprcHHOi * . CHICAGO , Aug. "S. The Hvo stock pavilion was the center of attraction nt the World's fair today , the Judging of animals for au-nid continuing. The labor congress assembled in the Art Institute today , with many piominont delegates' present , includ ing Bishop Follows and Herbert Burrows , icprosentlng the English Social Domociatlu federation ; Dr. Hirsch , toprcsenting the Jewish congicss , and othcis. Kato Field road the llrst paper bofoio the labor congi oss today. It was wrltlon by Lilly Amelia Dilko of London , lolling of iho frightful condition of women in the labor rnaiket of the Unltcu Kingdom. Herbert Burrows , representative of the English Social Democratic federation , led Iho discussion which followed , Ho told of women who worked twelve hours a day for $1 25 a wcok In the rail and chain forges of Ciadloigh. Heath , and said they hung the crauleb containing thplr babies over the forges to prevent then } from fico/ing or starving at homo for vvnnl of ciuo Hodo- mandcd equnl pay for women v.no dn the sinio work as men , and declared the woman question must bo sottlcd | n lutior circles bolero - lore the labor question can bo satisfactorily sattlod Ho was vigorously applauded , Tonlghl the chlof HI waiters were Rev. Dr. E-i vard McGlvnn otN"oivYork and Samuel Gou.pois , iiiesident of thb Atnorican Federa tion of Labor. i Advocates of tha economic tboory of single tax mot today iu a world's congress at tlio Art linstituto. Whllai tha gathering was styled a "world's cbutrco& M ull but two of the delcgatesu re fro/n different parts of this country and their n'ainca indicate , as a rule , either Ameiiciin or , Irsi | | nallvlty. Alost of the noted single tax advocates of the United States are on the prografn for addresses dur ing tbo week's session , nqtably Henry George and Dr McGUnn. Today's : work was largely pieliminary. i The Jewish dcnoinloa Ional congress was mainly occupied today in hearing papers by Uabbl Allelzloucr of Clnblnnatl. Sale of St. Louis , Heritov\lt7ot Plilladelphla nnd others , Dr. Berkowitz disuussod 'A Jewish Depart ment of the Cliaulauquvl' Aliss Ilonriotta Staid of Philadelphia real n paper on "A Jnulsh Publication Society. " Total admissions tolay were 100,009 , of which 120,488 were piid. , MoiomenU of Ocoaii Hteamnri , Auim "If. At Now York Arrirod Spaardam , from Hottondam ; Alaska , from Liverpool. At Quccnstown Aruved Lord Gough , from Phlludulptila. At Havre Arrived L Normandp , from Now York , al. At ( Jlasifow Arrived State of Cu" tlnnia , from Now York. r m - < jfr Now York Uirhuiice Uuotatlo".i ' NEW YOKK , Aug. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEI-.J Kxc-liango vvus quoted as fol lows today ; Chicago , 1 discountSt. ; Louis , f 1.50 discount bid ] Boston , "S Wc premium ! Mudo the Trip Safely. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 23 Four millions in gold coin arrived lioio from San Francisco today aud was deposited in the subiremury vaults. SILVER'S ' FATE IS SETTLE ! ) Most Conservative Advocates of the Boadorod Briathlsss by the Veto. EVEN ITS OPPONENTS WERE SURPRISED No nilbiMtcrln ; or Uuiuunl Mnthod tu Ilo Kuiiliioil | Upon tlio Ui bhlo In tliu M'll llo tu 1)0- Ic'ilt Ki'peiili WAsntsoTov UuiiBvu OF Titr. Bris , ) 513 rouiiTUCSTit STIICI-.T , V U'AfltlSOTON. AlU. 'J3 I Silver as a money metal iccclved u stun ning blow In the house of ropicscntfttlvcs today. Not only did that body piss a bill unconditionally icpoaling the silver purchas ing act of July , IS'JJ ' , by ISO m ijotlty , but it icfuscd a fico coinage amendment by nn overwhelming majority ami defcited a num ber of amendments lucre islng iho ratio of silver as a money metal comp ircd to gold b.v an equally l.ugo m ijoutv , and.burlcd forever the Bland-Allison act of 18"3 , which one of its authors sought to revive. No ono antlcipuednnj thing Hko the ma jority given unconditional tepeil , the highest estimate placed upon thu majority just before the roll was called upon tbo Hist vote being sKty. Mr. liland nnd his foi- lo.veis were almost breathless withsuipriso when the result of thuoto upon fieo coinage - ago was announced. All of the lepubllcans , excepting about a do7un , voted against free coin igo upon any i.itio and forrupoil. 'Iho bulk of the fioo coinage votes came fiom the democrats , as also most of the opposition to unconditional icpc.il. Kduct In.tho Snmlc. The votes of the house have hid n vcri strong effect upon the senate , wliete the lice coinage advocates h ivo for somn time hinged their hopes Four or five sonatois hive alieidy announced a change of heart , among them , Hinsom of Norlh Carolini and Gor don of Gooigia. A le ulliift democratic sena tor Is authoiltv for llio statement that there will bo no filibustering or any unusual methods cmploicd upon iho dcmocialle side to defeat a fair and sqiiito vote upon tbo bill tbil p issol in tlu > bouse to lav. llo sais Ihal so far as the democratic free coinage - ago so'Mtois.lie concoincd Ihey wlllspcik aud vole agalnsl uncondllion il iepo.il and for the amendments which will bo olleied and then lot the bill como to a veto. Tbo fioo coin igo senators openly acknowledge th U Ihey .no in Iho inmouty In the senate , and that it is now next to an impossibility to defeat unconditional repeal by any method. Their hope of defeating U by a prolongc I debito and avoiding a dlrocl vote seems almost blasted. It is believed by almost every ono that tbo bill , which pissed the today , will become law befoioniany Then silv or as a money mot il , f in tbcr than that already in usj in this country , will have to depend upon the success of an intoinationil ngicement. 'iho Nebraska delegation , duimg all of tlio voting , was consistent with the positions heiotoforo assumed by tbo mcmbois Air. Halucr voted against allot the amendments oflou'd lo the unconditionil repoil and for the bill Air. Alcrcer voted against all but unconditional icpeiU Air. Biiim voted for Iho iatio of 10 lo 1 and against 17. 18 , IU and 20 to 1 aud against rope.il Ho is for fieo coin igo al tlio piosi'iit latlo. Air. Keui voted the same , Air. AIcKeighan ditto , and Air. Aleiklojohn voted against all amendments and for 20 lo 1. How Hcpnblionns Are Discharged. At no time prior to the enactment of tha civilsorvlco lawworo changes nmdowith greater frequency or In a more swooping manner than have taken place in the minor offices of the various executive departments duiintr the past tin GO months This is espcclilly true In Iho Treasury and Interior departments. It would scorn tbatSeciotaiics Cat lisle and Smith weio pledged to oxciciso most vlgoiously the use of now biooms. Scarcely a week day has passed within tinco or tour months that tbo local news papers of Washington h ivo failed to oluon- iclo the displacement of fiom Ion to fifty clerks in 1'ioso departments. The p ist few days have been fiuilful hurvcsls for Iho spoilsmen. An impression abounds lhat wnen once a man or woman secures cmploiniPiit in the cxeculivo doputmciits of Washington through the Civil Sorv Ice commission and tbo competitive examination processes that ; clerk is sccuio fiom displacement for patti- san icasotis. Alost people behove that do- p u tinent cmploi cs within the classified scrv- ice Ihosc whoso salailes range fion J'JJO to ? 1bOO annually are secure against lomoval If they only properli pei form their duties and commit no peisonal offonso. This is a mistake. Tlioro aio Iwo direct molliods of gelling rid of anyilcrk or oilier employe. The tlrst is lo dischuigo him or her for the alleged reason thai the service porfoimcd is not necessary. The second is that the clerk is ineflloient. Oilier VVllyH to Work It. Again , the head of tbo dopirtmont can reduce Ihe salary ot Iho clerk or employe tea a point below the minimum of the civil service classification or promote and in crease the salary to n point above tbo classi fied list and then dismiss without giving any reason. Still another way to dispose ot a clerk within the classified list Is to simply dismiss , nnd then when cause Is demanded , lo say : "You wcro offensive In the discharge ) of iour duties. " Not ono of the thousands of icpubllcan employes of the fcdoial govoinmont uho have been summaiily dismissed fiom sorvieo since the ad vent of President Cleveland has over thought for a moment of making com- plalnl to Ihe Civil Set vice commission or de manding a reinstatement. Tlioro is prou- alily not a ease on iccoid vvhcio all effort nt loinstalcmont was successful. Efforts havu been made , but n sulllcient excuse was given by tbo head of the dopiitmont who .ilieolcil the dismissal. A largo number of tcsls wcicmado dutlng PresldciitClovoInnd's'first term , but it was noon learnnd that offoits at reinstatement wore so much good labor lost. A popular method of getting rid of repub licans under ibis administration has been lo order a "reduction of forces" in this and that department. Seine time after tlio wholesale dismissals iho hcid of Iho department will 1 begin to promote domocrais to 1111 the va cancies In iho higher gtadcs , and in many instances domociats under iho classified list have bcon pushed up within classification. When ox-Governor Thompson of South Caio- llna was assistant secretary of the ticasur.v during President Cleveland's first term , ho invented the schema of reducing or raising republican clerks , so as to got them outside of thu classified list , with the view to sum mary dismissal , Ho then got demociuts Into their places by the s uno process Repeated intention was culled to this vvoik , tiui the Civil Set vice commission was Impotent. Gov- oinor Thompson was rewarded for his disre gard of civil sorvlco pilntlplos by being made a civil service commissioner , Ills Merit O. II. Parker of Breakings , S. D , has finally accepted the tender by the commis slonor of Indian affairs of the position ot superintendent of schools for the district of Colorado and will repair to Denver lo enter upon his duties. Air. Parker was supeiin < tendont of Indlun schools for North and South Dakato and Wjomlng during the In ? I administration until the jtosltlon was abolished Since he is a strong republican and the position which ho accents was tendered solely upon his merit his frlcnda here regard it us quite u compliment. Air. Parker is an Intimate , poisomil und political friend of Senator Pettlgrew , w ho secured his appointment as superintendent of Indian schools under tne lust aduilnia- tratiou. Tulillo Ilulldliigi Illtli. Senator Mandcrson today rclntroducod bills of lust congress making appropriations for u number of public bullaioKu In Nebraska ; cities as follows ; Hastlnirs , tJOO.OOO ; Grand Island , | 100,000 ; South Omaha , 1150,000 , I'lattsmouth. JtSO.OOl ntiA ' , llolk $2oW ( ) All of these bills were ndrf. Z \s tlio set oto nt Its last session ami will' ilio ndoptcil again , but It Is not piobibll u' 1 the lieu j will piss ntii of them , ns til "TJldv Is com mitted npiltist putrtlc bulldlV Senator ICvlo of South li\ \ tioducod a bill nuking I/tuo , holiday. \ .Mi Senator Allen to TIIK UKI : \ today vavo it as his opinion that iho Vim- bees bill increasing national banl ni ubiu n to tlio pir value of bonds deposited llll be pissed In the snnato. Theri1 wis n los \oto on the bill this nfU'rminn whli-b Indicated a majoi It v of sKt.v In that boi'\ . The overwhelming majoiltv whU'h was given the unconditional repeal bill in iho hous ted - d > y and the ttemendous majoiUli'i n/alnst free coinage nio tnken as fiirnt iMc Indica tions for the consideration of Un national buik circulations bill and it Is In-limed tb it thonuMsmo will piss thu house as well as lin soimto. riioonly tiouble In the bouse ns well as the seirito seems to be to get the nicasuro to u vote. A. M. StuoK of Omaha , foimcrly conncck-d with ihuciiglnectlngdtipirtincntof the 1.1k- hoin railroid Is in the city. He lias been ti'I the employ of th it company for nlno v c u t The ro ul wafoicod to in iko n i eduction of foico and ho was ono of the dlsch irged. Colonel and Aha Guv V Henry have to- turiicn to Port Meyer fioin Ocean City , Mil where tlmy tnvo bcjn the pist month. A half dozen nplillcatlons weiemadi' toilav suspended n ilional binks foi : uUboiit > to rcsumo business , tliov h ivlng m ido irooit thcireipllal 'Ihooiih n Huron-ported was tint of the rirst National banu ol YutU , NebDaniel Daniel O. Campbell of So-ith PiKita Ini been nppjlnto I to a $ lt J potltion in the vVar iteputment Pntii\ In tb lliimH ua . .ivi'lMT. WASIIINOTON , Aug 'JS. Compti oiler l kcls has appolnteil Stewart HIco loceiver of the Washington Nation il bank of T.uomi Wash This bank had gene into the coaits to endeavor to get out of tlio h uids of the comptt oiler of the eunency , wh n l.'lo on S ilurday night bo took U out nt t u < bands of the buik examiner Inchaigo and nl icoil it In the h indsof a lecelver , thus stoilin a m iiv'h on the buik ofllclils 'Iho aiTiiis of tins buik weio no' In a condition satis factory to the ( omptin'lcr. ' Ulll Until I hi > . ii < l Iliillion. c , Aug 2Ssect clary Citlislo has ordcicd the mints at Pnilil liihiu and Sin Fi.inctsco to be fully m 1 1 led and the full eapU-lti of both mints l o ntili/ed In tlie coining of gold bullion j'no J'iMsurde - p u Uncut possesses f rom xi-iOJJO)0 , tu VJ'i.- 000,000 gold bullion , w lilcb is a put of the leservo of the JKKI.OJO.OOO Gjld b.us call- not boused us cut rency , so It Ins been de cided to coin the bullion on band. KILLISl ) 11V A Ol'UIMlUS. Tnrty 1'rnpln nt S.Miuumh , < . , Slid to HUM ; .Viet Heath Iu thu Storm , Nuvv YoriK , Aug. 28 A cyclone is rcpoi ted to ( have occurred at Sivannih , Ga. Foity people 1 are s lid to hive been ! dle I and < 10.- 000,000damage done Tclegriph vvnoj arc- all down and further Information is difficult to obtain. jiii , ria. , Aug. 2rf This cltj has 1 been cut off from communication v. ith the | outside world since H o'cloik bun- iay ? mouilng. The ciciono win h tne weather bureau fortold last jtturdaj stiuclc Jaeksonvillo about d < i > biu.ilester . - day moraing nnd rapidly incrc iscd in force and fury up to 4 o'clock p. m. It liavelcd In u northwesterly direction from the West Indies. .It first struck the Florida coast'at appoint south of Jupiter. They Hi-Id Anntlinr Uujtlnq ; on ttiol.ikn I'ruut An Innlilnnt ol tin ) Alltlr. CIIICAOO , Auir 23 Another meeting of tlio unemployed vvns hold at the foot of Colum bus monument , on the laku fiont , and was attended by ! ! ,000 , mc-n. The police , who wcio present in force , qulot'y ' .u tested ono man who uigcd the men to go aimed and fight the police Then the cioud suiped in an aimless way down Van BmonsUeot until Sigel tl Cooper's blc genei.il stole WHS reached. A number of the ciowil vvoie sud denly seized with the Idci of Piitcilng tlie store , and made a msli for the door , veiling and shouting. The people in tbo store woio badly /lightened and were hur- rilmr for other doors when Inspector She i nnd Assistant Chief of Police Klploj at the head of fifty ofliccis in pi iln clothes clnigod the mob The crowd scattoied like gce'o and the police uhilo attcmitin | to make no aucsts vigorously thumped these of Hie mob who wet o slow in getting out of the w ay. _ Would Not A Eric tu it ICoiliictl'in. ST PAUL , Aug. 28 The publisheisof the daily papers in this city made a proposition to the typogiaphical union that it accept a reduction of 10 per cent on scale , to bo in force for six weeks The union v csterda\ voted on the pioposition , refusing to accede to it bj a l.ugo nmjoiltj f Compos itors on hand vvoik on the morning papers are now receiving It ! cents per thousand The publishers insist on the small ro luution and the outcome will be awaited with intci- cst. The publlsheis will meet toumuow and consider what steps tn lake in older to carrj out their viuws l.iii niiiiitlvii HIIKUIVIIIH III Spinfun , ST. I.ot'is , Aug. " 3. The annual meeting of tnogiievaiico commltteo of the Biotlier hood of Locomotive engineers of the Missoutl Paclllo svslcm convonc-d heic this morning M Cadlo of Scdall.i Ale , picsidod and H Grovorof Kansis Citv acted as seciotary. with twelve membuis present This morning's and the eaih aftoi- noon's sessions were occupied with tne ills posing of prellmln try matters and no bus ! uess of in portanco was done 'Iho commlt tee will be in session the entlro week , it.t Hull Ariildunt lo u I'liriHin I url--l'lu j I'enplu Dnnviie I. WIIITKIIAI I. . N. Y Aug. 23 Grorgo P WIthoibco of Port Henry , and six voung oompaulous vv ho wcro s illlng on Wltherbco'h yatcb , the Alpha , wore capsUcd In Laku Cbamplaln nt 11 o'clock today. WIthcrbco and live bo.vs were diowncd. Their names wore : WILLIAM ( JIIl > i : 13 jours , WILLIAM HIlAUNnit , 14 years. iiiii.iiniiur. : ) : : nyours. JOHN Will I MAN , I'J Witherbeo was graduated from Cornell college in Juno , IbUl , and was elected captain - tain of Iho 'Vaislty crew Ho was a compe tent vachtsnian , but the boat was billasted heavily with iron ore and when a stilt squall struck her she went over without warning Withcrbce uled In an effort to save the life of ono of his campanlons MUHimitUUS lUHIllt.tlMllV JMl.Kl ) , Arreit or uO ne"f Uiper t YouncTliiii | at Dumllle , 111 , DANVII.I.B , III , Aug , 28 The blgbwny rob bers who killed Henry Ilelmlck In his buggy wliilo ho was returning fiom church last Friday night are In Jail , Ono of thu gang , CharJcs Harris , a young painter , 17 years of iiBO , recently of Chicago , has confessed that he , Horvoy Piuo , Frank Stair and Ullas McMrnklus of tills city nmdo up the phu at u saloon in this city. Puto formerly worked for Ilelmlck and know h had money , The arrests aio very Important , as thu gaiit ; has commlttod robberies nil over uasloin 111) ) . nols Partners from the icglou vvliuiu Holmick lived are in the city cnm.iBse todav and iirmod to ibo tcoth. UUuie may lx A lyuoblu ? . Clffi S OF Thousands ot At _ tcndano * COMMANDER " FULL CAR6E , , ( llllrl.l Order * Itcnd ' " " \lcht- - Some l.lxi'lj Cnnip.lrfl pi-rrhr * liV the brxidoti Trmiiriiiliniit ( , 'roHtl I'lnim lur lt DutcTl il ifi , GUVNP Ist.vst ) , Neb , Aug. VS. [ Spcci.i Telegram to 'I'm ; IHrj The fifteenth an- intiil ti'iiniuii of soldlois and s.Uloisof Ne braska was fornmlli declared opened tod.iy. The olllc'hl iccognitlon of tlio fact was when Camp Logan was turned over U ) Dopnitmcnt Commander Chuich by thu citizens louuton coininiUcc. At 8 o'clock Commander Church and staff , together with the commttU'o , assembled upon tlio platform. Ch.ilrnnu Doan of the com- nut too iti a few woids turned iner the camp , which announcement was gicotod with a silnto iif Ilftccnguii ! ! Uointnimlar Church , In a neat speech , accepted and assumed command Cliailcs 11 Butmclster , senior .idc-do-cami [ > aiul thief of st.iff , lead the orders. Comrade Cl. II. Ciildwcll was ap pointed assistant ndjnt.int iroiiLi.il , and Com rade Geoteo P. Dean provost maishal of llio c.unp All llio bands wcrootdcred to report to Conn ado Bmmolstcr and lomaln in camp until Fiiday , * ) rorc'hlii | ; Smith. Then followed camptho speeches , t > omo of them tinned somewhat hi partis inshtp , and the doinocrntU- administration vvns given sovci.il diubbings Holte Smith was the taiget all aimed at , and ho was dubbed Hocus Pocus. The speaker * WPIO Colonel John 11 Lee , postmaster atO\foid. Dr TIlTiin.v of Giand Island and othois Colonel Lee dau-d lloio Smith to stop pensions of velenns If In till tlio time would come when all would lie loissuod. Ilo hnpeti the \eteians would lotuui to the fold and again unite Dr Tin.no made the chlof addioss. His aimy icminiscenecsero inlcicstlng Ilu gave thedoniociatie puty n fowi.ips That paity had twisted its platfoim until it re sembled the icmnants of a toinado. Ho slid tlio action of confess reminded him of a boaulof supervising that wanted to build a court house anil resolved that , the "new one bo located \ > hero the old one stands and the old one bo not torn down , until the now One Is erected. " This , he siid , was the \\ay inbleh the domo- ci.iliocongicss Is handling llio silver ques tion The allusions ot the speakers to ilemociacy and Cle\eland vveio applauded. The eampllio bioke up at a late hour. Kcrulvlng l > lhtlii nUlHMl ( iiicsti. The first denioiistiation of tboday was tha ai rival of Judge A. II Cnuich , commander ' of the Depirtment of Nobiask.i lie came In at 2o'clock fioin Noith Platte , and was leeched at the depot la bollttiiig manner , llovv.isinol by tlio Boi * Comet , band of Hasting and the members of the reunion lommittco Later In the afternoon other distinguished votciuns came. Tlioy wcro given a ptoper lecoptlon at the depot. At 4 o'clock Adjutant General HV.IIIB , Chief of Stuff IJuimeistor , Adjutant General Gage , \V 13 AlcArthur , colonel commanding Sons of Veterans , and Colotfcl Brad Cook arrived.- The Hist band to airivo was the Boys Comet band of Ilistings. The Edgar Cornet band soon followed , antl Ihoic. was niusio guloro in tha camp. Both1 organizations romombcrod de partment hcadquailers with a serenade. Fully 4,00(1 ( people wcro on the giound all aftcinoon , vvandciing hither and thither. lic.\oid the music piovidcd by the bands and the aulvals of distinguished people , thete vvero no uttiactions , barilng f course , the mrrri-go lound , the festive fakir , tha side snow , etc. At ihoqu.utermnstor's ofllco it was given out that 110,11 ly all the tents bad been taken. There was a constant stream of people tlioro and the supply will soon bo exhausted The llnest of weather is favoring the reunion. The sun sheds Its bngntcst ravsand Iho temperature is pionounced perfect. Looking foi a Cron il. The indications today are that the reunion will bo bigger and bettor thin ever before At no time since Grand Island has had the gathoilngof the veterans has thoio been such a demand for accommod it ion. Inquiry fioin almost every post in Nebraska has bcon made and quaitois have been piovidcd , 'iho veterans seem to regard the Colum- hi in je.ir as nio uof patriotism , nnU what ever iu that Itnejs undci taken Is milked by astounding success. Such is the reason for tlio belief that thi reunion will ocllpso all olheis.Vhoiioverthoiois any iiatrlotlstu to bo ehoun in Its truest colors It takes a veteran to do It evciy time . .jiff ) ms jmd It instilled Into his blood fiomVCHe erndlo up and the facing of the oncrily'on u battlefield , the loarof muslcotry and cMinori and the scent of powder bus sorvdd tb temper it with the eharac'tciistie of slyel.io far us Uuoncss is concerned. - " The tented ileld of Gimp tie au Is Inspir ing. Today it is alive with hutuliods bur- ri ing liero and thcio. Ky oiybody is getting into oimp nnd with the grcrttcst of cplerlty. Theioaiono dronnt about tlio camp. The ii//.l.\ veteran of { hieuRCvio yenrs Is as spry and as lively n the handsome young- son. v1th his trim uniform , who will livu after him Ago and Inthmity havu boon loft behind and as ono wanders about the avenues of the tented field there Is every thing that indicates aetivo life and vvholo- souled fellowship Camp Jxviiu , named m honor of "Hlack Jack , " whom the vetoians loved dearly and whoso name is loveied by them , Is an ideal camping ground It lies beautifully nnd U always admired. Situated mldwny between thu city ilnd the Nebiask.i Sold lei a * home , conimlsing IK-K ) acres of oven gionnd , It U especially adapted for tlio occa&Ion to which It has been dedicated , In lows upon this beautiful tract aio 1.8.15 tents furnished to these who have applied , by the reunion committee. There is unl- lo.mity to the plan in which they are laid out All border upon either u street , aveuuo or lane. Running Ironi north to south are six blocks of tents , and from east to vscst nineteen. In addition to this number 200 extra have been provided on thu north of the camp as originally laid out. This was muUo necessary by reason of the Increaucd de mand lor privileges While every auiiliiblo tint , 00 more limn wore In use a i oar ago , Is occupied ir assigned , the reunion commit- tne could use MX ) more. Thlt demand in dicates that a greater ciowd U to oomo than antlclpatod The cummittco , however , U i oinnosed of hustlers and will takocaro of all who do come , und do it In u satisfactory manner. VVhrrii Tliny Are Located , The main thoroughfare Is known a Sher man avenuo. Us course is froin east to west , and It is 100 feet in width. On cither side aio stretched the tents of state hcadquar- teia , department ofllcors , the press , the Woman's Uellef corps , the Sons of Veterans , and Daughteia of Voterans. Tliuso are locnted on tha east half of the avenue , while thu west half Is t Jrnod over to boothswhich are occupied by the customary venders on suub ocoaalon North of the avenue lies the tented homes of Iho votrrnns for tbo coin ing week. Probably one-half of them renew now occupied , und by tomorrow n vacant tent on the grounds will command a pre mium Still north of the tents is tun imrado giounci. comprising several acres. It U hero that ull parades wilt take place and the in- lorcsltng Hhdtn battle of lilday will traai- plio here I/icutod touth of Sherman avenue Is thu poitlon of the groundi < ot aside for the several companies of th NobrasUa Katloutl guurda that ro Into camp toinonovv , 'llio companies are from both thkt First mid Sucoud roglinents Mid locludt uompantus from Kearney , Ord , Central City , , Junlaw and York. Adjuttul