Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Mysterious and Murderous Attack on an
Italian Frnlt Vendor.
Other I'ollro New § tin tin Ilurlcu * Cnu ht
At Jclllotto Skip * by Ilia
, , Light uf llio Maim
Jull Jottlngi.
Peter Hlnccln tlio owner of , n fruit stand
fit tlio southwest corner of Fifteenth antl
Unvcnrort streets , was found biidly wounded
nnil In tin unconscious condition nbout 11
o'clock jesterdny by hla nephew , M. Clmrrs.
People \vlio Imve occasion to patronl/o
Ihaccla on Sundnys saw that , Ills place was
closed yesterday , but nupi used bo bud pone
nwiy for the day. UK ncuhnw had occasion
to visit him during the day , nntl llmllng the
pbicn closed went urouud to tbo sldo of thu
Ho licnrd some ono groaning- Quickly
forcingnn entrance through n window bo
saw Ins uncle lying on a dot , covered with
blood nnil unconscious. The startled young
man called for assistance ami the police wcro
promntly notified.
Binccla appeared to bo dead. The Interior
of the stand looked like n slaughter houso.
Blood was spattered nil over the lloor and
bod. Illaccla's head had live gaping knlfa
wounds in it.
The man was taken to the Presbyterian
hospital , and nt 0 o'clock last night hud not
recovered consciousness. His attendants
Btnto that the man had been drinking. Ho
is frightfully Rashcd about the head mid Is
very weak from the excessive loss of blood.
ThamoBt tlangurotis cut Is behind the loft
car and the small blood vessels at the buso
of the skull aru several.
Wlmt tlto I'ullrc found.
Ofllccrs wcro put at work on the case , but
han obtained no clew up to a late hour last
night. They ascertained that Blnccla was
ECCII sitting outside his little box which ho
calls a store us late as 1 : ! ! ( ) yesterday morn
ing. Ho wa4 assaulted some time between
tlmt hour and daylight. There are bloody
linger marks on the door to the shanty and
the oHlccrs think ho was assaulted or In
jured In n light outside and buiug able to
reach his homo staggered there mid fell
exhausted from the great loss of blood , It
Is thought that the assault could not have
been made for purposes of robbery , as his
watch and W or 4-9 wcro found in his pockets.
There aru no signs of a struggle Inside the
stated , and from the door to the cot are
streaks of blood.
The victim must have become sick , ai he
vomited near the door , and when lound was
on the cot six feet away from the entrance.
Biaccla's stand is on the corner of n lot on
Fifteenth and Davenport streets , about
twenty-live feet from a house occupied by a
family. None of the family heard any un
usual noise , and no weapons wcro found in
the fruit sttuul , so that the theory of the
police that the assault was committed else
where seems plausible.
lilarcia is In a critical condition.
It was developed last night that Blaccla
had a quarrel with another Italian in front
of his fruit stand between 10 and 11 o'clock
Saturday night. The men did not come to
blows , but the police believe now that the
fellow returned about 2 o'clock in thu morn
ing and that the men fought to settle their
differences. The indications are that the
assault was the result of some feud and that
Biaccla's assailant Is the man with whom ho
quarreled early in the evening.
Caught at l.nst.
John Burkus was arrested by Officer
Mitchell yesterday afternoon on the charge
of forgery.
It Is said that this is the man who re
cently duped a number of Om'iihn grocori by
presenting forged orgcrs on Adolph Meyer
for goods.
Ho would take part of the order with him
and order the balance sent to tnc house ,
where the forgery was dotccted. It IB
alleged that bo also forged cheeks
on Fred Krug and Ernest Stunt
for J ! > 5 and $15 respectively. Just after
the arrest , Mr. Krug came along mid identi
fied Burhus. Mr. ICrug told Officer Mitchell
that ho would flic a complaint against the
man today. The prisoner is accused of pass
ing about ten forged checks ana orders. Ho
eluded the oflicors by moving from plaeo to
jiluco. Ho was located at the old Peabodv
house on Jones and Fourteenth streets.
Mrey Ule.
Charles Turbls wont to his homo at 1110
Jones street about 2 : 0 yesterday morning
ami proceeded to kick ami beat his wife In a
brutal manner. Turbls had been drinking
and his wife had to run from the bouse or
else ho might have killed her. Ttio police
wore notlllcd , and at 5 o'clock in the morn
ing Officer liruco captured the man in a
water closet. On being taken to the station
Turbls said that when ho went homo his
wife tantalized him until ho lost control of
himself and then ho struck her.
Or. TOWIIQ was culled to attend the , woman
and found her seriously hurt. She Is injured
internally and was vomiting blood yos.or-
day. The doctor says this Is indicative that
her lungs are badly injured. The woman's
abdomen also shows marks of brutality.
Turbls will bo held awaiting the results of
his wife's Injuries.
Mnx\vi > ll' Mlituko.
Saturday afternoon Dr. Maxwell , who
conducts a medical institute at Sixteenth
and Howard streets , missed six $20 gold
pieces and thought ho had been robbed.
The doctor suspected ono of his students , who
arrived In Omaha last Wednesday from
St. Louis. About 10 o'clock the student was
iplaced under arrest at the Instance of Max
well. The young man , who appeared to bo
qulto a decent fellow , salit he was innocent ,
niul when searched ttioro was nothing on
him to Indlcato that ho had stolen the
.money , About two hours afterward , Max
well called at the policu station and said ho
had found the money. The student was re-
leaned. When the officers told him ho was
free , the .young mun broke down and cried
lllco a baby.
( or MrClnlr'n llrlutlvca.
Superintendent of I'olleo Chambers of Buf
falo , N. Y , , telegraphed Chief Senvoy ns fol
lows yesterday : "John MeClalr , about 45
years old , commlttcU suicide hero lust night.
Ho U a telegraph operator. I think ho has
two brothers thovoj ono named Charles.
Locate and advise what ho wants done with
rcmulns. "
There Is only one Charles McClair In the
city directory and ho is an engineer living
north of the fair grounds on NineteenUi
street. An ofllcar was scut out to see If this
man Is n relalivo of the dead man , but no
ono was ut home ,
> Irl lotto' * Jump ,
Frank Jclhotto , who s nbbod the Calla-
bcos an 1 who la wanted by the pollco on the
charge of attempted murder , has made his
escape from the city. Late Saturday night
ho was seen In Florence and un o nicer wast
sent after him , Jelllotto must have been
warned of his impending arrest , for ho dis
appeared about the lima a re
freight train pulled out und It Is lit
that he iccrotvd himself in box
a car. The :
victims of his attucic will
probably recover.
Mrnla Wurpml With WhliUy ,
O. J. Kcnyon , a bartender in a South
Tenth street saloon , was arrested early yes !
terday morning for being drunk. After
being locked up Kcnyon developed a case of
Jim-Jams , " und besides seeing u whole
menagerie of wild nnlmals ho was trying to
pet two dimes and n. nlcklo which evaded
him with exasperating alacrity. The man
was quieted witu a dose ol I'utsey Havcy's
patent liquid sea serpent extcrmluator.
' 0 i
Carrlrtt u lmii : < irau Weapon ,
J. Young Drown wus arrested yesterday
Afternoon us a nuspldous character. The
man tarried u picco of slag tied up in a
Dully N w | iup r Circulation ,
. , Aug. 87 , To Vhe Editor ot TUB
BBS : Please state the ] newspaper that lifts
the largest circulation In the world , '
O. T. QmrriTir.
fA Potlto Journal , nubllibcd In Paris , I *
supposed to have the largest circulation of
nny ilally newspaper. Its sales amount fre
quently to more than 600,000 copies dally. ]
TJio Other Kldn of llio PninoUH Oakland
California , Rcniulnl *
Headers of THE Br.nwltl doubtless recall
the articles published recently concerning
Dr. Poulson of California. The doctor for
merly lived in Council Bluffs. Recently ho
became the central figure of a sensation at
Oakland. His name was paraded In big
black typo in the San Francisco papers. The
eccentricities of the doctor as n spiritualist
wcro all extensively written up , and among
other things was mentioned the somewhat
mysterious tlndlngnf a zlnu box , containing
the remains of a babe , at thu doctor's resi
dence in California.
An effort by Bun reporters was made to
locate Dr. Poulson in Council Bluffs , whcro
ho was visiting recently , but ho had gone to
Chicago , yesterday the following commu
nication was received from the doctor :
Cntc.MH > , Atig.2& . To the Kill tor of TUB UBR :
i our paper lias liei'n fonr.iuleil to mo nt the
World's fair , und 1 ft\ that tiliicktimlllng Is
JloiitlshliiK nt my old honiu In the clllos on
both sides oMJio MNwttrl river.
Lawyer McJnnkln , late of Council IllulTsand
my former ntlnrnuy , does the vork , bccnnsu I
einulnvcil R W. Sawyer us my attorney. Mc-
Junklii rites a letternf July 20. 18)3 ! , iimldo-
iimiidi of mo to bond Mm ? ! > UU bv return mall ,
or ho threatens by hlai'kiinlllng to ruin my
Icputiitlon all over the 1'aulllc coast and thu
As I nm not In his debt , and am too poor to
practice extortion upon , I did not send the
money , but liu kept his word.
About nuvuti years nyu I built the Krultvnlo
hospital In Alnuiciln county , California , and
my wife's parents inoxud In there , and other
members of the family. Hy tlcRiccs most left
iifinln but her p.ironts. They nmdu constant
trouble between UK and uctcil Insulting and
Diremllii ) ! to mo and refused to movotiuay ,
anil niiulu It Impossible for me to live In ponce
with them.
1 Intended to make steps to have them re
moved , when they Induced thulr daughter to
sue foradlvorco on the ground of ctnclty , but
I dli | not employ Mr. McJtinlltiutHldurliiK my
absence east ho inndo the above mentioned
effort of extorting money under threuts.of
Uurlni : the month of October , 1801 , my wife
had u miscarriage. She became frightened by
thi ! matron at the hospital telling her a story
about a womiitilio minted to break Into the
house. Mrs. Hives supposed slio witi crazy bc-
cniiso hhoopoko Swedish. Tint happened Octo
ber 27 , JHOt , 11 n. in. The frlqht made my
wife turn deadly pale und nearly Taint , and
thu motion of thu child was not full from thnt
moment , but a sinking of thu nhdomcn und
Piilii aioumt the heart. October III ) , U ) p. in. ,
liiOl.tlio child was expolleil In decomposed
condition. 1 never report , such cases , but 1 ro-
pected this case verbally to tliu coroner. I
hud ti similar cuso nt Council HlulTs year.IIRO. .
Ilucnuse tny wife and 1 , wo both wished to
save ihu remains to be deposited In a vault
wo expected to build. I pioposed tokocptho
remains In alcohol , but It would not look well
to deposit u jar In u vault , so I placed the
small pliicenta In alcohol und thu remains of
the prematuio child In a small zinc hox.
I expected then soon to Icnro for Council
IIliill's , where neur by I Intended to tititld the
vault. However , two years went un ay. The
remains In a zinc bo\ cannot very well bu put
Into the ground , but In [ mother box , and left
within a vault us the only funeral , because re
mains herniotlcally sealed np uro burled ,
The lawyer , McJunkln , of puio rovcnso
pulled that small ilnc casket up before the
nubile at a putlod when I nm working to pro-
imro the vault and my attorney would have
shipped the remains out hure.
In the plucu of being deposited In a vnult
they wcro sent to the moiKue , where I will
now go und got thuin , nnd Mianm to my wife ,
who knowh tlio tiuth nnd till about It , thut she
consents to such u .soandnll
llIucktmillhiK went out dressed In the nmny
coloied garb of falsehood , intimating murder ,
Ualy , child , corpse , crlmo und all Imaginable
to u.\cltu the public. My attorney , JtidKu Ulb-
son , knows I went away according ton plan I
dUelosi'd to him nt January , nnd that 1 went
away also Independent of any divorce suit or
blackmailing. Every doctor lifts a right to do
whttt 1 did. Our child ( lied from Intru utciltio
apoplexy Induced by sudden fright und the
momentary stoppage of the mother's heart ,
What McJunkln's next move will bo I do not
know , but 1 know ho can only work on the
public mind by blncktmillliiB. Ilowover , I
shill soon personally face his music for the
(600 and sue tlio papers nnd him for damages.
1 Blmll not answer nny of tlio religious ac
cusations. They uro too boyish to notice , but
I shall say that I'reject for myself modern
splrllunllsm , but accept the truth where I find
It. I am not a spiritualist In the totm of the
world , but a. Christian bible bellovor , and my
book , "Tho LlKhtof Messiah. " Is a Christian
book and worth reading of ull who love Jesus
and his word. This Black Cross Is a Christ ! in
order with us much rlKht to exist as any other
of the numerous orders I belong to. und Its
ritual Is as aucied as the Masons and Odd Fol-
lov .
Unfortunately for the public the reporters
for nonsuupvrs are boysnot hunting for truth ,
but for sonsatlons , und people who buy andrew
row ! the papers are misled.
I huvo sent a letter for publication to Mr.
Do Young , of the San I'runclsco Chronlclu , and
one to Mr. Murphy , of the Overland Times , and
1 trust to get extortion and blackmailing nt
buy , und get tlio support of the press tinned
uwuy Iu disgust from serving the calamities of
The certlflcnto specified In every particular
Is In the cotonerY : possession. The pathology
of morbid anatomy can prove It. The cranium ,
thu epidermis , llio ceilm , llio lung.s , the heart
and Internal viscera can prove by science the
death , because the subject has boon hermt'ti-
cully preserved , nml the placenta kept In alco
hol tells ( lie Intru uterlnu mortem falulls.
* Uu. 1' , W. 1'ouhso.N.
Attention Comrade * .
Not the train that carries the officials ,
but the train thut carries "tho boys" to
Indianapolis. C. R. I. & P. railway
special curs for comrades of the G. A. R.
and tholr friends will leave Omaha on
the evening of the lid of September for
Indianapolis , and on Sunday , September
3 , the Rock inland will run a special
Bolid through train , leaving Omaha at
U p. m. , Council Bluffs at 'tillO p. in. ,
arriving at Indianapolis Monday at
2 p. in. This train will bo accom
panied by tlio Iowa State Bund. Com
rades desiring to take this train can
rest assured that they will got superior
accommodations and fast time to In
dianapolis via the Great Rock
Island Route. Prom Chicago via
the Big four passing over the cele
brated Midway Plaisaneo of the World's
Columbian exposition , thus obtaining u
fine view of the grounds , and upon re
turning can stop at the World's fair
grounds without going into the city.
Round trip tickets on this train or via
this line sumo us via any ether lino.
Parties desiring to go only to Chicago
on either the Saturday or Sunday trains
can purchase tickets to Chicago only.
The special train leaving Omaha Sun l-
day at 3 ] ) . in. will bo composed of chair
cars , high hack coaches and Pullman
sleepers nnd will bo in every way ono of
the llncst trains over run out of Omaha ,
passing through DCS Mollies , the capital
city of Iowa , und getting as well a line
view of the government arsenal build 1-
ings at Hock Inland , 111. The regular
truin on Saturday will bo equipped with
equal facilities and accommodations.
Comrades who are well acquainted will
accompany the trains on Saturday and >
Sunday through to Indianapolis. For )
further particulars call at Chicago ,
Heck Island & Pacillc ticket oilice , 1002 )
Farnam street , Omaha , Nob.
G. N. W. P. A.
IlurlliiKton Itauto tu Kuiuui Oily ,
One way tickets , &r > .00 ,
Double dally service to St. Joseph and
Kansas City now offered by the Burling
ton Route.
The express trains which leave Omaha
at UM5 a. m. und 10:15 : p. in. carry bleep
ing , smoking and free reclining chair
cars , and constitute tFio quickest and
best means of reaching either of the
above-named cities.
City ticket olllco , 1321 Farnatn street.
IJnn't I'orKVt
The special train on the Chicago , Rock
Island & Pacific for Indianapolis leaves
Omaha Sunday , Sept. 3 , at 3 p. ra. This
will bo tlioolllciulG. A. R. train through
Iowa and will be' accompanied by the
grand commander and stall and the
Iowa Stiito band , arriving In Chicago
7:45 : u. m. , IndianupolU 2:30 : p , m.
Oliver i'urcha e § .
WiHUiKOTOK , Aug. ST. The treasury yes.
tor.lav bought 101,000 ounces of silver at
* O.T875.
Sensational Sequel of the South Oman&u's
Sudden Departure ,
Short In Ills Account * to the Kxtrnt ol
81,000 Captured In Illinois Knit
Itrnuclit Hack to
Uninlm ,
Fred Granthatn , the South Omaha young
man who mysteriously disappeared from
view n few weeks ago , Is now an inmate of
the Douglas county jail , with the charge of
embezzlement resting against him.
Qrantlmm for a number of years past wns
the contlilontlal clerk for Coffman Bros , ft
Smiley , the South Omaha commission IIrm ,
and always bore an excellent reputation.
The llrm placed the utmost conllilcnce in
him anil ho had charge of their llnanrcs. He
' i received moneys and drew checks , which , in
the aggregate , annually run up into the
thousands of dollars.
A few months ago ho led to the altar ono
of the loadliu ? young ladles of South Omaha
and his future seemed bright and promising.
They moved in good society and were among
the social leaders. Ono evening a few
weeks ago Granthtimwith his \f\to \ , visited a
sociable. Ho did not remain , but came back
later , and as his wife was not ready to go ho
again left , saying he would return in time to
accompany her home. That was the last
seen of the young man , and his disappear
ance was shrouded in mystery. All were nt
a loss to account for bis behavior , and his
family and friends suspected foul piny. A
search was instituted for the missing man
with the result that n few days later ho was
located at big mother's homo in Illinois. Ho
remained there a few hours and was put
aboard a train for Omaha. Ho never reached
hero , however , ana again all trace of him
was lost.
Oos lp' Titttltnt ; Tollgup. I
By this time ugly rumors concerning the
young man were alloat. It was charged on
the streets that ho- tempted fortune with
the cards and had lost heavily. A proprietor
of a gambling resort said that Gruiithaiu
wns in bis place on the night ho disappeared
and thnt he twisted the tiger's tall. Humor
also said that ho had lost heavily .and had
used his employer's money. These rumors
caused the commission llrm to have their
books examined. There was a startling
revelation. Grnntham , it is said , was found
to bo an embezzler to the inn omit of $1,000. ,
Steps wcro taken to locate him and secure
a settlement. The llrm was not anxious to
prosecute and desired a settlement only.
This they claim never to have brought
about , and then a complaint was filed clmrg-
ing Granthum with embezzling $1,000 , and
the warrant for his arrest was placed In the
hands of Deputy Sheriff John Lewis. The
ofllccr located his man in the wooded dis
trict near Marseilles , 111. , where Grantham
has a brother residing. Wednesday of last
week , arnica with the necessary requisition
papers from Governor Crounso , Mr. Lewis
departed for Illinois.
Kxtr.ntitoil from Illinois.
A visit to Sprlngflelil and a call upon Gov
ernor Altgeld resulted lu the papers for the
extradition of the fugitive being issued.
Then the deputy sheriff so't out for Mar
seilles. Ho found him at his brother's. The
young mau was averse to returning with the
oOlccr , and in this he was backed up by the
family present. They claimed v > have
effected a settlement with the commission
llrm and said that $1,100 in cash had been
paid over.
However , there was but one course for Mr.
Lewis to pursue and that was to bring Ins
man to Omaha. After a great deal of argu
ment ho succeeded in getting Grantham on
the way and arrived in the city with him.
yesterday afternoon. The young man was
then placed in jail.
Mr. Lewis says that Grantham Is as sound
in mind as any ono and that there is no indi
cation that his mind was affected , as his
friends intimated at the time of his disap
A settlement of the case may bo brought
about without a prosecution , as it is under
stood the firm is not desirous of pushing the
young man.
O. A. 1C. Comrades , Attcnton !
The 27th annual encampment G. A. R.
takes plaeo at Indianapolis , September
1. The headquarters train convoying
the department commander and stall ,
the president and stall'of the Woman's
Relief corps , department of .Nebraska ,
laoies of the G. A. R. and Sons and
Daughters of Veterans , leaves 'Omaha 5
11. m. . September 2 , and runs solid to In-
planapolis via the C. & N. W. R'y.
There promises to bo at Indianapolis
this year the greatest assembly of vet
erans this country has seen. On the re
turn trip , stop will bo made at the
World's ' fair , whore a special program
has been arranged for veterans of the
G. A. R. Rates will be very low. Wo
urge you to attend. Wo , have secured
free space in chair cars and low rates in
tourist and sleeping cars. Hand in your
name and accommodations wanted for
yourself und friends , to your post com
mander us soon us possible , and see that
our Omaha , Fort Omaha and South
Omaha posts make a strong and credit
able showing. R. . M. STONE ,
Commander U. S. Grant Post.
J. B. WKST ,
Commander Geo. Crook Post.
Commander Goo. A. Custor Post.
Uourtlanit Ileiioh ( ln nlp.
In all probability the Omaha Guards' reg
ular Monday nlght.drlll will talto place to
night at the bench" .
Minnie Ulckett accomplished her "Hying
soincrauuli-and-a-half" net yesterday ,
much to the delight of a largo audience ,
The quartet , composed of Misa Coon , Mrs.
Moeller , Mr. Wllklns and Mr. Pennoll , give
. another concert this evening at 8:15 : o'clock.
1 A line balloon ascension was made at 0:10 :
last evening , notwithstanding thu high wind
Manager GrlOlths was especially desirous
for an ascension owing to so largo an out of r
town attendance.
Two men wore ejected from the beach
yesterday because they brought bottlea
beer Into the grounds and sat m the grove
drinking. Manager Grlnlths says that ho
don't propose to allow any one to trespass on
his ideas of beach propriety.
The Kilt horn road brought in a special
Courtluud bench train yesterday with about
800 excursionists. It was such a success that ;
Manager Bnclmntin of that roud says it will
bo repeated next Sunday. The Burlington
will probably have ouo from Plattsmouth
next Sunday also.
Leuvenmark yesterday worked his audl-
cuco up to a full appreciation of his daring
feat previous to hi * dive. For the first time
at Courtlnnd ho apparently feared the dla-
tanco between hltnrtilf anil the water and
attempted to descmirt the tower , but the
shouta from the crrrrfd for a "dive" caused
him to return and nrtlni a successful plunge.
Silver' ! Siirlrk for Um White Mclnl Uthrr
The following resolutions were adopted at
the silver mass meeting in Blum's hall
. Saturday nlrht :
Whereas , Tho'prewnt financial convulsions
are the rcsult.sof vlelmrclnwn surreutltlonsly
onnctcdor crhnlnal'iiinkcsblfls as llngrnntly
executed as they vrrrc Insidiously uniictrd ;
and Whereas , These bud laws ami their worse
execution have given a band of fore I pi con-
splratOrA and American traitors opportunities
to wreck the business of tboiHtinda und ruin
thn hopes and conlUciito the property of most
wraith-producing Americans ; nnil
whorens , These conspirators and traitors , In
their mud rush toronlhcato tlio property nnil
double thu dohlrof our citizens have brought
un the colil gamblers' panic ; therefore" , lie It
llusnltcd. llytho people of South Omnhn ,
Neb , , In tiinss convention assembled , that via
demand nt the nallomil InwmnUliiR power thu
roinonutl7itlon of slhiT at the ttinu honored
ratio of 1G tu 1 , with full legal tender iiiallty | ,
Thut we denounce as nu-Aiiicrtcnn and
traitorous all legislative tiuekling to foreign
Inlluonce and denounce In unmeasured terms
foielun Interference In our inoiintary nlTulrs.
That no denounce as thocrliuu of crimps thu
surreptitious iloinonotlzatlon uf Hllver In 1873 ,
then nta premium of 3 per cent over Kohl for
the solo purpose of doubling the iloht.s of
American wealth pi-uducurs and oidmnclriff
the wealth uf American and European fund :
That wo bellcvo and nvur that , tlio Interests
und mute-rial prosperity of the cities or Omaha
and South Umnhi : , as well as the entire state
uf Nebraska , are linked with thosn of the
ItocUv mountain regions , and that thu opening
of the UhlH'tl Statoj mlnt.s to thu f reo unlimgn
of silver Is of more interest and will bo of
more bcnullt tu the asileultnnU and commer
cial Interests uf Nebraska us well as to thu
cotton ral ors uf thu south than to the inlnlni ;
Interests of the west. Itu It further
Kcsutved , That wo urgii our representative
In congress , Hun. I ) . II. Morccr , to use all his
Intliicneu to Kccnro the erection of u mint In
Omaha for thu coinage uf bulb gold and nllver.
Resolved , That copies of thesu lesoliitlons
bu lonvurdod to the senators and representa
tives In congress front Nebraska.
Surrounded hy Women ,
City Poundmnstcr Cunmilugs hud a lively
over in Brown park yesterday
morning i while trying to drive oft to the
pound 1 three head of cattle which ho had
found running at large. Over on P street ,
between | Twenty-second and Twenty-third
streets , he was surrounded by three women ,
who demanded thnt ho surrender the stock.
Cummlngs ( refused , and the women , be sajs ,
were about to assault him when ho drew his
revolver and stood them off. Olio of the
women fainted. .
Cummings sent to the police station for
assistance , but botoro Oftlccr Mitchell ar
rived the women had succeeded la getting
their cows homo. Cuminhigs says ho will
llio complaints against four women this
morning. The women say they will also
swear out a complaint against the cow
Kullurml ooturo Kail.
George W. Gray , un oiler at Hammond's ,
was < painfully Injured about midnight Satur
day , night. Ho was standing on a seventeen-
foot ladder oiling some machinery when the
ladder slipped and the man fell. His left
hip struck the corner of an open door and
tore the door from. Its hinges. This par
tially stopped the force of the fall but the
man was injured Internally and has suffered
much pain since Ihoaccidcnt. He was taken
to his room at the Kirby house , Twenty-
seventh und L streets.
Itcpcnttns in .lull.
John Raufor baa his beer bucket filled
several times in Leiscnring's saloon at
Thirty-second and K streets yesterday morn
ing and then ref used to pay for any of the
amber juice he had imbibed. Aspiritod dis-
cussion'betwcon him and the barkeeper was
the result and the men finally came to blows.
Haufor proved to bo a pretty good llchter.
The police xycrc sent for and Uaufor was
placed in durance vile to sober off.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Pinnell are fiomo from
a visit to the White City , ,
Mr. and -Mrs. Hawks of Elgin , 111. , are
vlsitin ? Mr. and Mrs. Jaycox ,
Miss Borthn McConnell of Superior , who
has been visiting her brother , I ) . S. Clark ,
returned homo yesterday.
TWO mom : iiAitvisT JiXcuiisioNS.
Low Ittitos to the Soiitliwost nnil Toxus.
September 12th and October 10th the
"Rock Island" will sell tickets at ono
fare for tho.round trip plus $2.00 from
all stations in Iowa and Nebraska to
Kansas , Oklahoma and Texas. Tlio
Cherokee strip will bo open for settle
ment September Kith , and the ' 'Rock
Island , " running through the very heart
of this famous country , affords the only
direct line from Nebraska. Tlio Texas
Express leaves Omaha 0 a. m. , arrives at
Culdwoll 8:10 : p. in. and Fort Worth
7-l.r : > a. m. the following morning , 12
hours in advance of all other lines. For
maps regulations , etc. , regarding the
opening of the Cherokee strip call on
any "Rock Isla'nd" agent or address
Clias. Kennedy General N. W. Pass.
Agent , 1002 Farnam street. Omaha ,
lliirlliiKton ICuulu to Kuns : s City.
One way tickets , $5.00.
Double daily service to St. Joseph and
Kansas City now offered by the Burling
ton Route.
The express trains which leave Omaha
at 0-15 : a. m. und 10:10 : p. m. carry sleep
ing , smoking and free reclining chair
cars , and constitute the quickest and
host means of r caching either of the
above-named cities.
City ticket olllco 1324 Farnam street.
"Tho Oinnhil Train
Through Iowa for G. A. R. meeting ut
Indianapolis will leave Omaha at II p. m.
Sunday , September 3. Special rates
will bo inudojor all old comrades , their ,
families ami friends. For full particu
lars call at ticket olllco 'Chicago , Rock
Island & Pacific railway , 1002 Farnam
The I.oirnit World' * Fair Itutcs Kver OiTermt
By the Burlington route uro now in
force :
Ono way tickets $7.fiO.
Round trip tickets $1-1.75.
See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far
nam street and arrange to make that
long-planned trip * to Chicago.
Dcatruuluin of a Hum ,
CAMI-UEI.L , Neb. , ! AUg. 87. fSpecial Tele
gram to TUG Bun , ] Lightning set lire to a
barn belonging to A. D. Karnes this morning
and It was totally consumed. Lois , { 000 j in
surance , $300.
Amoricnii mull way Union ,
The regular mooting will bo hold at
I Gate City hall , Tuesday , August 2 [ . All
I railway employes are requested to bo
! present. G. W. GOODUICII , Soo'y.
All Other Baking1 Powders
Leave traces of Ammonia , Alum ,
Alkali or Acid in the Pood.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Is the only Baking Powder that is free from any taint ol
adulteration or defect.
Dr. Price's is indispensable when perfect work 'and whole
some food are desired.
o * Its higher raising power and marvelous purity make it
more economical than any other.
Orthodox Sermon from a Prominent African
Methodist Preacher.
Divinity of I.ovn Uoil'n Devotion M Unilcr.
etilmnloil Hotter thun rnina unit
Fortune InrRo Cnticrccniloii
ol Colored Cttlzrn * .
The African .Mothotllst church
at Eighteenth anJ Webster streets was
crowded to the doors
yesterday morning l > y
nn Intelligent uudlunco
that hnd cotigrepu-
_ tcd to listen to the word of God , ns ex
pounded by Uov. Dr. Coupon of Phila
delphia , and editor of the Christian He-
cotdcr and Quarterly Kovlow of the African
Methodist Kplscopul church of the United
Dr. Coppon is a colored ninn and ono who
possesses ffoat brain power. Ho Is tin elo
quent and polished spc.ikcr. Yesterday
mornlnK ttui learned dlvluo addressed his
hearers , Informing thorn that the causa of
Christianity could bo easily espoused hy
these who follotrcd thti teachings of the
Lord anil wcro willing to understand the
nature of Ills coming into the world to save
it from sin. With Glirlst'scomliig lie broupht
a now cia of things , redeeming the world
from the cloud of darkness with which It had
been enveloped for ninny centuries. There
wcro many rconlo who wcro
ready and will
ing to crlticiso the actions und deeds ot
Christians , but that was expected , for when
the Savior was upon earth His actions wcro
the subject of criticism , especially when and
at tlto tlmo of His
dining with the tnx-
giithercrs. Upon this particular occasion
the people scoffed nnu naked of thedlsclplcs
"What kind of a leader have you that ho
will associate " and alt at the table with such
men ?
This , the speaker said , worried the
apostles und they at once went to Christ ,
tolling Him of the questions that had been
naked and the comments that had been
Dlvluo r.ovo of ( ! oI.
Smiling , the Lord told them that thcra
was no danger and that Ho had been sent to
help those who wcro needy and not the ones
who wcro whole anil washed in the blood of
the lamb. Christianity , Dr. Coppcn said ,
was for the
very purpose outlined tiy Christ
in the statement made to the twelve
tles. Men were apt to forget this and over
value every thing except the love of God , and
this they \cro prone to regard ns the most
precious boon of u Savior who had died to
save a sinful world. Money was a good
thing to have ; it was hard to get and still
harder to get along without , but in every instance -
stance the value of money was overesti
mated , while In almost every instance the
love of God was undervalued and underesti
Hotter tliuu Ciolii nnil Glory.
There were men who would sacrifice
and everything for fume , notwithstanding
the fact that there was something better
than wealth or famo. and that was the un
dying love of God , which was as everlasting
as the eternal hills which were builued by
the hand of the Almighty.
Unhapiiiness , Dr. Coppon contended , wns
the root of all evil ; it was ono of the prime
couscs of sinfulness and an enemy was
found in every community. It could , however -
over , be overcome If neonlo were more ready
to cast their burdens upon the Lord and seek
him when they .wore In need of relief. Man
was created to bo happy and the state of
unhappiucss was an abnormal condition. To
prove the sentiment ho
cited the lirst au-
pearanco of Adam unit Eve in the Garden of
Eden , Doth of whom were happy and con
tented until something appeared between
them and tholr God , after which hnpuincss
was an unknown quantity and had continued
to be such to u largo extent , at least , over
since. Unhapplncss was a thing that sapped
the very vitals , stole the bod.y and ucstro.vcd
n perfect pcaco of mind ; It was like a candle
that burned at both ends , eventually bring
ing about a condition which caused u lack
of confidence iu a creator of the universe.
"Why has God aakod you to place your
burdens upon Him ? " asked the speaker.
Continuing , ho said it was because do
was so great , because Ho was so powerful
ami because Ho was so holy. No mini could
look at the hills and the mountains , their
heads reaching to the clouds , without recog
nizing the power of God. His love , hownver ,
the speaker said , was greater than His
-works. Ho Jovod the people of the earth be
cause they were His children. Ho loved
them with a degree of devotion greater than
had over disturbed the breast of any human
mortal. If God took an account , of the tens
of thousands of sins which man committed
there was not a man who would bo saved ,
but Ho was forgiving , overlooking many
with n love that was incomparable on ac
count of its greatness.
This love was free to all , and could bo had
for the asklntr , tTio only requirement being
that mun should liuvu faith and follow the
teaching of Christ. *
"To IlllsllMssMi'ii. . "
Do you want to spend the day in Lin
coln ? Tuko the "Rock Island" from
Union depot ut:10a. ! ) : in. ; it runs through
to Lincoln without a stop. Itoturniu ? ,
leave Lincpln at 2:10 : p. m. , 2:110 : p. in.
and ! ) p. in. Ticket olllc3 , J002 Parnain
street , .
The total amount of bog land in Ireland is
2,830,000 acres. The average depth of an
Irish bgg is twenty-six feet.
Just a little Gumption
in the matter of washing , will lead
you to use Pcarline. Look about
you , and see the work of your friends
who use it. Isn't the
work easier ? Isn't it
better done ? Can't you
sec that it must be
. easier and better
without all that rub
bing that tires out
women and wears out
clothes ? Gumption
is the seeing why
and the knowing
how. You can't know
how to wash with the
least work and the most saving unless
, you use Pearline.
CJrt- \ Peddlers and some unscrupulous ( jroccrs will tell " this is "
kJCLLU. you ns rood .
. " " as.
or "tho same as Pcarline. IT'S KALS15 1'carlinc is
never peddled
" 4. T" > 1 nnl if > ' ° ur croccr scuds you something in place of Pcarline , bo ,
JJclCK honest stud it tact. 3-0 JAMES PYLH , New York.
Wo tufor you to 3,3M p itlcnta.
Nnt'lllinlt f0oiitmaroo.0m h .
Uerm M J.kVim ll.uik , Omitn-v
No ilntetilicm from tiuslnc < H , NooioriUU | > n. Inret *
tlpatu our method. WrlUuu Kimr.inlod to txbtnlutolr
euro nil Ulnds of HUPTIIICIC ot both * oxoi without tut
uscotktilfu , no mutter of how UMU standing ,
a07-iOS : N. Y. Life Bu ldlii , Oiuaba , Nob. run UIIICULAU.
* i
Unsurpassed eourso of Voting l.atttr * tlnmr * < houl
t iJy Muiic , art. lltcra- On" > ' " " ' ' " ' " I InMlf"
turc.clocutloD.fousmcts.uic ] ftuurt Antointnirnvt modern.
Location licuHhJml _ plias.j Mu l { anJ Art Toactier.
V " " " Caa.watcr. bloamhcut l Stwilinm lliu.triu-d eata'
d , yejr opens Sept. uttt
K.r.W.A.V.'lljoa.A ttrnit. , , , .r'n.'HV '
l-CAingtim , Mo. Six Ue- L , hlnBton , ftlo.
pirttncntsof Instruction IB
Oidetl mlliury ithool l
officers uml .
tcuchcrs. Con * .
Missouri llrallhlul lixia
scrvatorjr ol music. Art
1 .
lion. Keasontblc IK
GoiQ . Html
) aium. MoJcrn r >
iS . ' luslrattd catalogue
polniments. i'&tb year III us-
- "rated catnlnpua MA. ) . S. SI'.I.I.EKV
A. A. , ! ( IM : * . lrc * C.
314 South 15th street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent apccl.illst In ncrvou' ) , chronic , private , blooil , skin anil urln.iry illsoaeov A rortilar n < J
registered crailuaio lumcdlclne. nt diploma ! ) anil ccrtmciitua will ahovr , IH mill troatlnr with the reatoa j
success , catarrh , lost manhood , seminal weakncsi , nlirlit losses und all forum of private illaeawt * . N >
mercury used. New treatment for IOSH .
by . of vital power. Parllcaunublo to vlHlt mo may Do t roAted at honia
correHpomlcncc. Modlclnua or Instruments nont by mall or -
Hxpn-sa Hccnroly packed ; no marks to In
dicate contents or sender. Ono peraonal Interview preferred. Coiiaiilullon free. , Corroapondanc *
strictly 11' iu , bund private uUmp Hook for ( circular. Mysteries of Ute ) ituutfroo. Offlco hours , 0 fc mto U p. m. Sunday a , 10 a. m. ta
WITAI ITV ano v" > ' < -r iu'f'"r ' ' ro
innuii I I 'loieil. NrivoiiHl'cbUU , ' }
ttc , ,
< i ur ( CIlrfd
INDAPII. the creat Hindoo llcincdy. Sold vltli nrrlt'
ten cuurnntt-r of cure. Numplo ent Irec. Address
Orletitul JU-dlcal Co. 6s I'lir .alh I'lait. tblfuo , 111.
Klgli Class Pliotosrnplijr ,
At Popular Prices.
n , s. istu strint
OmahaNob ,
U. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob.
CAPITAL , 8400,000
SURPLUS , - 805,000
Ofllccrs and IJImctorn Henry W. Yalos , pros ! *
dent , K. C. Ciishliiff , vlco president , 0. S. Mnurlcis
W. V. Mor o. Jnhii S. Collins , J , N , U. 1'utrlolt
Luwls S. Uuod , cashier.
U the only
Women Excluded.
IS ynar * ozperleao * ,
Clroutara free. ft
1 1th nnil Farnam BU. ,
< 1
"Meinwants but little hor& bolo\v ,
IBut that HttlG in Tlio "
TO BUY ? * /Fillout tills ulnnk. See rale * i > o-\
\ low bl.uilc or on our wantiMKu/
17 words , or loss , one time , 25c , and one cent a word for each subsequent time ,
18 words , or more , ono time Ho a word , and lo a word for each subsequent insertion.
Address all communications to
"Want Department , " Omaha.