HE JJA1.UX COUNCIL m.un-s. OKFlcr.t NO. 12 rr.AWi sTiu.nT J'ellTcrcrt by carrier ( o nnj part nf the city IIV. . TII/CON Mnnacer . ' IhulnrM Offlcu No. 43 , NIhlK ( < lllor No. 83 J//AOK , UKA TMO.V. N. Y I'Jumblng Co. Hoston Store , dry ROW ! * . The Mnync Heal Ksti.to Co. , 621 Broadway. Some much needed repairs and Improve ments nro brinir made In the billiard room at the Ogdcn houso. John M. Adams , who stole a diamond pin from J. C. Ham of Omaha ftt Conrtlntiil beach n wcnk ORO Sunday , Is to huvo n pre liminary hearing before Judge McGco this morning. The ordinance of baptism was adminis tered nt the llerean Ilnptlst church yester day afternoon. Two of the candidates were Admitted Into Iho Baptist and four Into the Fifth Avenue Methodist churches. John ItlcRl , a Uock Island engineer who ves nt the corner of Twunty-fonrth street nnd Avenue A. requested the police last evening to look after his house during his nhsonec , ns ho had an Idea a scheme was on foot nmo.ig sonic of his neighbors to run off with his horse , which was in the barn. .Toff Green , a colored man , Is to hnvo n henrlng next Saturday on the charge of pasting n counterfeit dollar on Glaus Thomp- ion , who keeps n saloon on Hast Broadway. CoinmlsMoncr Hunter will mnUo n trip from Ottumwn for the especial purpose of hearing the case. At the council mooting this evening , in ad dition to the making of iho annual tax levy , nn ordinance will probably como up for con sideration amending the ono now In effect which regulates the price of circus licenses. It Is said thnt n small circus Is contemplat ing n visit to Council Bluffs in the near fu ture providing thn rate is made low enough so thnt it can afford it. The mayor and city clerk have decided not to bravo the dis pleasure of certain cltl/cns ngain , nnd will Issue no moro licenses on their own respon sibility. . GcorgoS. Davis , proscription druggist. > < itlc to ricmo rnrllPN. Change in time , commencing Monday , A up. 7. Trains for Miimiwn leave nt the following hour ! ; : Morning trains leave Broadway nt .10 a. in. Evening trains nt 1 , 2 , ii1 and 5 und every 30 minutes thereafter until 12 p. in. 1'lUISUX.t L 1 > J HAtlttAfltH. Mrs. H. C. Cory Is In Chicago. Miss Fannie Reynolds is visiting Miss Lou Burgess of Plattsmouth , Neb : Mr. unrt Mrs. J. Mueller returned yester day fiom n visit to the World's fair. Ocorgo H. Stlllman has decided to locate in Rock Rapids , where ho will go into the law business. 10h Mrs. F. Ogden and daughter. Miss Ivath- crlne , have returned from n visit with rela tives in Woodbine. C. II. Ilutchinson will Boon move tone South Omnhn , having sold his property to B. II. Cutler , through the Mayno Heal Estate company. Granite ware sale ut Cole's. Half price for ton days. Buy your preserving kettles now. Continue' ! ) . I will continue the sale of the Louis . millinery stock thia week. All trimmed lints 7oo to $2.50 ; untrimmcd , 25c to 50o. I have added n now invoice and all po on mile for this week. Ron.cmbor the place , 740 West Broadway. Mrs. J. D. Steven ! son. TrnvcllnR Men 1'lny Hall. Nine members of Council Bluffs council No. i , Commercial Pilgrims of America , wont down to Lincoln Saturday to piny ball with a cfub composed of members of the council of that city. They returned yester day morning wearing at their bolt iho scalps of the Lincoln fellows , which they had won nftor a hotly contested game. These com posing the party were : R. J. McBrldeJames , Bollnger , J. W. Dixon , Earl Glcnson , Frank Bhepard , Ed Brown , J. W. Jones , J. A. Sal isbury , and Charles Hnmmell. McBrluo nnd Bollngcr acted as battery for the Coun cil Bluffs club. The game was n remarkably oven ono , standing a tie at the close of the eighth inning. In the ninth inning the Bluffs men made n score and the game wus dropped at that point , the score standing i 0 to 8. The Lincoln pilgrims did all in their power to give their visitors n pleasant time. Lunch was served nt Lincoln pane after the game , and in the evening there was n ban > quet nt the Grand hotel. The visitors wuro shown all the points of interest , nnd when they returned homo yesterday they wcro on thuslnstiu in their testimonials to the hospi - tality of their Lincoln brothers. A return came will ho played In this city on Saturday. September U , ami tlio members of the local council nro making preparations to give ns good as they received in the way of enter tainment. 'Louis Colonmn , now of Bontonville , Ark. , 1ms sold his old Council Bluffs homestead to Curl Goiildin , through the Mnyno Real Estate company. Cook your meals this summer on u gas range. At cost nt the Gas company. Williamson < fc Co. , IOU Alain Htroot , largest und boat bioyolo Htook in city. Iiiwu Votorum. Arrangements have been mndo for a spellers cial outpouring of the old soldiers and sailors of Iowa to the National ciicuinpmont tin- dianapolis September A to S , The Chicago & Koolc Island has provided for n spcuiul ! train , with through cars 10 Indianapolis , leaving Council Bluffs September 3. ut UjIiO : : ii. in. , arriving nt Avoca at 447 ; , Atlantic fc:20 : , Stewart O.ilS and UusMolnes 7I : > 5 and arriving in Chlfapu at 7,45 Monday morn ing. The department - oiiimnndornnd atalT will accompany this train , ns will also there lown state hand. The lown veterans nro to bo provided with cnnes made of cornstalks , and their badges will consist of n bar pin inado from old cannon metal , with n pendant of silver and oar of corn of gold. Full par ticulars ns to transportation nnd r de tails may bo Ion rued by applying to A. doT. . Ktwull , the Hock Island tlckntnmi , at No ! , 10 Pearl street. It Is expected that this will bo ttio banner delegation , with the llut'&t train and the best hand to visit Indianapolis. Iliul lllllH Mud * ( ionil. Business men need their money in these times. If yon huvo billn iiguinst people not living in lowu employed 1 by nny railway , express , toleprupu or telephone - phone compnny entering. Io\vu , write to the Niissnu Investment Co , , Council Bluffs. Collections gnuruntcod. Coal ehcup ( or cash. ' Carbon Coal Co. , 34 Pearl street , Grand hotel bldg. Domestic boup Is the best Picnic parties tuke notice : Miss Estolln Gribble will imiku five balloon usconuloiiH at Mnnuwu , Thursday , Fri day , Saturday und Sunday ; 7:30 : IB i the hour. Want Mure l.ljl.l. During the rnlny nights of last week there was considerable complaint made by people who bad to bo out on the streets Into on uc- couutof tliodailnicss. The moon was en tirely hidden from sight by the cloud's and It VMS so dark that ono could not BOO his bund bcforo his fuco. Word was sent down to the electric light power house to turn on the lights early in the evening , hut the company hud not made preparations , expecting : that the moonlight would enable it to curry out the Philadelphia schedule without alter ation. The result was thnt in an hour or so ttio light flickcicd unit wont out , und the street * were left In total darkness during the remainder of thu ulght. Smoke T. D , Klnc & Co's Partagas. Domestic soup outlasts cheap soap SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Clinton Scnrlock Has a Dstully Fear of Odd Fellows. HE THINKS THAT HIS LIFE'lS ' IN DANGER triine * Hitllnclimtlonn of nn Iniann Mnn Sttiplrluu * of I > cTjl)0 < ly und e ( lunrilcd by Ills NalRlitiori mxl FrleiuU A I'll If ul Cn o , Clinton Scurloclt , a farmer living In Lin coln township , was brought Into the city yesterday morning on n warrant , charging him wltu Insanity aim ho will have on ex amination by the commissioners today. He seems to bo suffering from a ttrangc malady. On every subject but ono he seems to bo as rational as an.yor.0 and In his ordinary con versation ho shows no signs of anj thing wrong. But on the subject of Odd Fellow ship ho is as mad as a hatter , as ho has con ceived the notion that the Odd Fellows all over the country and especially In his neighborhood , have been plotting against , Ills life. For several nights lately ho has tat up for hours with a gun In his hand , ready to send a load of buckshot Into the body of some onu whom ho evidently ex pected to make his appearance at his bed- A note , which was found In his trunk , ad dressed to his children , gives n clear Insight into the nature ot the man's mental disease. ' In it ho begins by saying that ho thought it best to leave some record in writing , in or der that If ho should be found suddenly missing or found dead his ohitthcn might know that ho had been killed , and thai It was Charley Hartley and his father , Henry i who were responsible for thu deed. Both the Hartleys are neighbors of Ills and the son is a member of tlio order of which hn has conceived such a violent distrust. He then BU.VS tnat they liavo boon trying to get him to join the Odd Fellows , and that when he refused they took tils uamo before thu lodge , wnlch determined to follow him for ycuts and to the ends of the world , If need Do , so get his life. Ho learned that ho was to bu killed Juno 2'J ' , and It was about thjs time that his iiicni- orahlu watch , gun in hand , took place , lie says tnat on that night some ono came toMiis house and tried to got In , but Hinting his door locked went away. The next night some ono throw some subsUuico into his room which benumbed him. Ho further says that the Bartloys have told him that nothing that the Odd 1-ellows may do will ever result In their punishment , for they have money to fight and will not hesitate to use it in the courts. Suspicious of llvcrj-lioilr. Scurlock has an idea that every ono who looks at him is a member of the order and is secretly plotting against his life , and the re ' sult Is that ho lias made life miserable erin the members of Ills family. His is a plain case of insanity and on ono occasion tils des peration grew so great that he attempted isto take his own lifo by menus of poison. ton other time ho took a revolver und was about to shoot himself when ono of his relatives ! , who happened to bo at hand , prevented him from carrying his design into execution. > Four men were watching him when Sheriff Ha/.oii arrived at the house to prevent him from harming himself or any ono else. The commissioners of insanity will give him an ex amination today. OlTlCint KASDAl.K 1SAIUA' Ito Losr > ) His Hnme and Narrowly Kucnpvs Death \Vlillo ItoHOllliiff 111 * llnbjr. The little cottage homo of Police Ofllcor : Easdalo , 2521 Avenue I , was totally de stroyed by fire at 7 o'clock last evening. loA greater part of the contents wcro also de stroyed , and the oftlcer nnd his little 3-year- old girl baby badly burned. The lire caught from n gnsollno stove. The family had been away from homo during the afternoon , and Mr. Easdalo's brother and another young man who boards there had prepared - pared themselves a lunch , using the gasoline stovo. After turning it out they left ono of the burners open , nnd about all the fluid in the reservoir ran through this nnd dripped into the pan behem neatn. When Mr. Easdnle oamo In ho sat his baby down in the kitchen and started i to light the stovo. not noticing that anything was wrong. The instant he lighted a-match n sharp explosion took place , and the whole room was nlled with flame. He was badly singed by the ilrst Hash , but got outside becry fore being severely burned , but ho heard his cnild screaming insldo and instantly plunged back into the flames to rescue her. After groping about on the floor for some time ho found her and carried her out. The blazing oil by this time had communlfew catcd the lire to all Darts of the house nnd attracted the attention of the neighbors. The building was located outside the tire limits and It fifteen was minutes before nn alarm could Do turned In nnd nearly half an hour before the chemical nnd a hook and ladder team arrived. In the meantime neighbors had carried out n part of iho furniture nnd stood around nnd watched the building burn to the ground. Olllccr Kusdalo and his baby had in thor meantime been taken to the residence of r J. F. Hunt , the milkman , where Dr. Barstow was called to see him. Ho was found to i be fearfully burned about the fuco and hands , His hair wus burned off nearly to the scalp and his cars burned almost to a crisp. Uho oor little baby's | face and hands wcro one solid blister , not n particle of the exposed - posed flesh escaping. Unless they have in- haled the flumes , though dangerously burned , their injuries probably will not prove fatal. There is some fear that Ofllcor Easdalo's right hand has been burned so deeply thnt the injury may be permanent. Both ho and the child bore their sufferings so heroically that they challenged the iid- mlratton of these who were trying to allevi ate their pain. The building was owned by Mr. Hunt nnd the loss wus partially covered by insurance , but th'jro was no insurance on the furniture. si.Aur.HTiii roil THOUSANDS. The Grunt ll'iiikrupt Sain nt the Ilotton Morn IH Now Under Wny. Saturday was an eventful day in the history of Council Bluffs. It was the commencement of the big sale of Si'J,000 ; worth of dry goods bought for 50c on the dollar and put on the retail market of Counci1 Bluffs by the managers of the ever popular , enterprising and original Boston store. From the opening in the morning until the close at night the store wiis the Mecca of the town , thronged constantly , with eager , wide-awake , bargain hunters. Although thousandscaino and carried.away bargains , yet thousands und thousands of bargains are still left and will bo thrown out for Iho next week. Go to the store Monday morning prepared - pared to stay all day if ncocbsary to got all the bargains you wajit. Take Mon day morning's BKK , cut out the price list and take it with you. Do this and you will quit talking about hard times when you find that $1 will buy us much as $ - will on ordinary occasions. UllAM ) AIC.MV KNOAMI'AtlJNT. The twenty-seventh annual encampment of the national Grand Army of the Hepubllo will bo hold at Indiauupolis , commencing September 5 nnd continuing tour days. The committee on arrangements , which was appointed by Abe Lincoln post , which con sists of J. A. Spauldlng , B. S. Dawson and J , B , Dricsbach , has been making preparations for the departure of the delegation from Council Bluffs , and n largo turnout Is looked for , The special train which Is to carry the Iowa ] delegation will leave Council Bluffs next Sunday after noon nt 8:80o'clock : over the Hock Island road and will bo run through to Indianapolis without change , in uddltion to the old soldier : ) it will carry the Iowa Stuto band Department Commander 1'hil Schallcr suit. Ou the roura a * to ; > will be made nt Iho World's fair. Ixjw rates have been secured and the committee desires to have the names nont In as soon an possible , of n Inrgo number of members of the post and their friends who will go on the special train. A fine program has been nr- ranged for the occasion , nnd tnero Is Httlo doubt that nn enjoyable time It In store for all who attend. Names of these wanting gpaco In the special train should bo sent to the committee ns above named or to the Hock Island ticket office , 1C Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Clarence Rlloy , the photographer , has purchased the Charles Lund residence on Harrison street. The sale was raado by the Mayno Real Estate company. Greenshiclds , Nicholson & Co. , real c&tatoatid rcntalB.UOOBroadway. Tol.lCl. Domestic soap is the best. Ilnln Spnllnl thn Run. The Ganymede Wheel club expected to make a century run to Sioux City yesterday , nnd preparations have been going on for WOCKS In fond anticipation of the event. Three of the mcmbcrw went to bed so early Saturday night that they know nothing of the rain until they got down on the street shortly before 4 o'clock In the morning. Tlio rain hnd soaked the roads nnd put n century run , or any other kind of n run off paved streets , out of the < iucst < on. H Is the present intention of the wheelmen to mnico the Sioux City run a week from next Sunday , whllo n week Inter they will accompany the Tourists of Omaha on another cent Jry run to Tcknmah , Nob. Cole & Cole arc selling grnnito ware at half price for ten days. Now is the time to buy your preserving kettles. Cinders for Sale 200 loads nice , clean cinders for walks and driveways. Apply to E. D. Burke , Taylors's grocery. Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Blutls , to Lcbt $2.00 house In Iowa. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. o.v Interviewing the Clouds with ItoU nnd ( inn nnil Tlilrnty 12yi > n. IN CAMP , GIIAND LAKE , Colo. , Aug. 11. [ Special Correspondence. ] The present de pression in Colorado has at least given n great many people who have hitherto pleaded no time to devote to roil and gun n chnnco to avail themselves of camp lifo in the many attractive spots In the mountains. Camping nnd a plentiful supply of game and angling for the wary trout in some cool mountain retreat is not only moro pleasur able , but decidedly cheaper than idling in some mining camp or dusty town waiting "mlcawberliko" for something to turn up. In consequence thousands this year have availed themselves of the oppoitunlty and n perfect exoaus of nil manner ofoutlits laden with camp equipage have passed through Clear Creek canon enroutc to Middle anil Egcria parks , the Mecca of hunters nnd anglers. It is a common ex pression , that every ono in the mining dis tricts who has the necessary wherewith to purchase a sack of Hour and a side of bacon have taken themselves , "bag and baggage , " over the range. The rush is infectious , and provided with a good supply of provender and a complete camping outllt and under the leadership of Mr. Fred Wilson of Idaho Springs , who knows the Rockies by heart , "wo bid fare well to civilization and the endless talk of free coinage , " and headed for Mie continental divide , our objective point being Grand lake , where the ilshin ? was said to bo particularly good. Let mo say right here , that the tourist who views the rugged scenery of the Rockies from a car window in reality sees very little of their beauties. A Sudden Storm. Above Empire , some 10,000 foot above sea level , wo came to where It may bo truthfully said "storms are manufactured on short notice. " A cloud came sailing around the snowclad summit of James' peak , scarcely larger than a man's hand seemingly , and in on incredibly short time it had grown and developed into a llrst-elass thunder storm. The thunder nnd lightning was simply tcr- rilic. A long und tortuous climb brought us to the summit of Bcrtlioud pass. The storm censed as quickly ns it came. The sun came out and a scene of surpassing grandeur disclosed Itself. The clouds far beneath us , and the thunder grew falntor and fainter as the storm took itself down the canon. On every side great hanks of snow ' wcro piled. Peak after peak towered around in endless confusion. All seasons seemed merged into ono. Around the banks ol snow beds of beautiful wild flowers of every cry hue were growing , from the delicate snow ' Illy to the vivid and striking red of the painted cup or Indian pink. Strawberries und raspbci rics of the most delicate flavor crowded the banks of a little mountain stream whoso r.ourco is n bank of snow a few yards away. This stream is the head waters of the Frazer river , whoso waters finally reach the Gulf of California , and not twenty feet apart a smaller stream helps to swell the waters of the Mississippi. The high altitude ( nearly la.OOO feet ) and the consequent lightness of the air , makes loco motion extremely dlfllcult. It < was with genuine regret , in spite of the cola , that the beauties of the scene were loft behind , nnd tlio hugo brake was put on the wheels for the descent of the western slope. The mountains lower down are covered with a dense growth of magnitlcent timber , mostly pine nnd red sprueo. This timber will-be a source of great wealth to some ono when n railroad is built that will top these gigantic forests. An Avato Park. . Middle nark is not n park in the sense that a person from the East takes It , but an im mense stretch of country CO miles long by near 100 miles wiue , composed of barren buttes ( on which nro found hundreds of beautiful agates ) nud broad , grassy meadows through which , dividing tlio park in half , the Grand river nnd its tributaries flow. All ttieso streams teem with trout , and the whole is surrounded by lofty snow capped ranges or mountains on which deer , elk nnd bear are plentiful. Grand lake , the head waters of the Grand river , Is the largest body of water .in Colorado , und is said to bo the largest body of water at its altitude in the world , it Is n lovely sheet of water , surrounded by rugged peaks and has an unknown depth. A linn TOO fcot long failed to find bottom. Its waters nro clear ns crystal and cold ns ice. The town of Grand Lake is situated on Its northern side and formerly was the county scat. A successful effort on the part of the enter prising residents of Hot Sulphur Springs on thu other side of the county to change the county scat location some tlino ago was not accomplished before some four or live rcs > idcnts nnd taxpayers of thu community had died with their boots on. \Vo pitched our tent in n lonely grove near the Worth inlet of the lake nnd forty "speckled beauties" was the result of the first day's sport , nnd the succeeding days \\i-ro hut a repetition of the ilrst , lirlght sunshiny days nnd frosty nights made us think of perspiring humanity in Omaha , Seated around a roasting cnmptlro ( Ausust 10) ) , wo wondered why no ninny pcopiu during the hot weather flocked to crowded resorts when a trip throuch the Hookies , which can bo easily nnd so comfortably bo made , will not only afford diversion and amusement , but a decided gum in health and appetite. P. W. 1'iCKENS. ItVn NIK'lilorolonu , Living in the north part of Omaha isn young lady who last Friday celebrated her seventh birthday. This child was born under n lucky star , Fond of fun ns child over was , uho is always on the lookout for uny kind of r pleasure. At the same time aho it , llko many another young person of her age , con sciously fearful of some of these petty an noyances that go hand in hand with pleas ures. The other day she was invited ton party , Now , parties involve lute hours , and this it was that brought the trouble. Mothers huvo such a disagreeable way of mixing themselves up in matters of this kind and spoiling things. Our Httlo heroine was given thu choice of sleeping In the after noon or of staying at homo lu the evening. Of course such u thing as foregoing the pleasures of a party was not to bo thought of , but then ciimo the dlfllculty that this lively and mirthful youngster could not put nsldo her ebullition whllo daylight lasted sufficiently to carry her into the arms of Morpheus. to Hut necessity Is the mother of invention ; and this was a diOlculty that must needs bo a GREAT BANKR ISA H ,000.00. Thlrtyinlne Thousand Dollar Bankrupt Stock of W. D. Richardson & Co. , Rockford , 111. , 'bought by the nr -A- STORE To be disposed of in addition to our own immense stock within . the next thirty days. The above stock bought at about 500 on the dollar , makeup your mind for barg'ains unheard of in the west , in the Dry Goods being line. THF GREAT SAT.F. flONTTNTTRS THIS WEEK WOOL DRESS GOODS. 2oc 30-inch changeable suitings , during sale for 16c. 50c all-wool cords and cashmeres , dur ing sale 20c. 60c mixed cheviot plaids and stripes in ono lot , 32jc. 75c and $1.00 Mntolassn cords nnd dlngonnls at 30c , a special lot CO inch heavy cloaking ? nnd suitings that sold from $1.00 to $1.75 , choice for GOo a yard. Choice of our exclusive foreign dross patterns , ranging from $8.00 to $19.00at half price , only ono to a customer , SILK BARGAINS. Our entire stock of figured China silks that sold for -18c , C9o and 0 c , during this sale at 2ic ; positively limited to ono pattern to a customer. $3,000 ( three thousand dollar ) stock of Nivtchnui ? black dross silks , all the lat est wunvos , offered at. this snlo at cost price , Every piece at top mark. WASH GOODS. 6c lawns nnd clmllios , lo a yard. lOc outing llannols , 5c a yard. 12c corded dross ginghams , 6c a yard. 12c Taffotta cords umd mulls , Oic a yard. ' ' * ' 0c apron check ginghams , So a yard. Choice of our entire calico slock , grays , blue , blnckp and fancies , during sale all nt Cc a yard. All remnants of wash goods at ono- half original price during sale. UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. 7o ladies' and children' vostp , 3c each. 12ic Indies' ribbed vests , So onch. 25c , 83c and See Swiss ribbed vests 17o each or three for 60c. All our 30c , 450 and COo llslo vesta in ono lot , during sale at 35c each or three for $1.00. 3Ic ! gents' underwear for 19c. 50o gents' balbriggan underwear , 880. Goc gents' blue mixed underwear , 3o. ! ! Ladles' silk vests , regular 7oo grade , during &alo at 48c. . 'HOSIERY. lOo ladles' fast black hose , Co a calr. 17c ladies' fast black hose , 12jc a pair. 25c regular inado hose 17c , throe pairs for 50c. 33c and 30c fine Imported hose , 27c. lOc children's ribbed hose , tans and reds , for 12o. } 12Jo children's heavy ribbed hose , blacks , only Oc a pair. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 15c mixed socks , GOc box of half a dozen. FOTHERINGHAM , WHITELAW & CO. r rmMr u m iinrnrc IA overcome somehow. Now Httlo Miss Sovon- ycnrold is nothing if not ingenious and she knows n thing or . Ono twotqo. thing she knew was that chloroform induced sloop , and she thought sho'kne\vchloroform when she saw it. So she went ; to The cupboard where such things word kept and took from it n bojtlc. Next she saturated her hand kerchief with the liquid the bottle con tained. Then she lay her down to sleep ; nnd sleep she did but not permanently. The bottle contained alcohol , not chloroform , and the alcohol hnd no further effect than to produce the desired sleep. And the child attended the party nnd lived to cclebrato her seventh birthday , aho Is older now nnd knows better. DARK DAYS AND REMEDY. Jtcv. T. J. Alackuy Delivers nn Imorotlni ; Sermon on the Hulijnct. Rev. T. J. Mackay , rector of All Saints' church , took the theme for his discourse lust evening from the prevailing blue aspect of business and financial mutters , and gave his congregation a helpful sermon on "Dark Day nnd the " Remedy. Ho took ns a text the following : I'.salm . Ixxlll , 1 , 2 : Surely God Is good to Ibruul , even lo such ns are pmo In heart. lint ns fur me , my foot uoro uliuost gone , my stops hud well nlgli tillpped. After dwelling at some length on the sub Jeot , the eminent divine coneluded his excel lent sermon with a practical illustration of the habit of some business men to place god liness secondary to wealth getting , lie said , in part : "Our ( successful business men are not , as a rule , men whom wo regard ns examples of godliness. The great capitalists of the world nro not men noted for their love of God ' , and yet the world must have improved since the ' - ' ' - - - psalmist's day for these men are not wicked men. They are simply godless met men whom business and speculation have hardened until their hearts have be come frozen toitho noblest inllucnccs of all tt-U' ' ) life. As their possessions increase their hearts grow smaller. , and the saying of .lesus is fully exemplified today In the life of the rich. How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of heaven ? ' Am had the Psalmist continued In the same frame of mind , ho would have yielded to the voice of the tempter , and cast In his lot with these whom ho saw living in sueh prosper ity As long as ho thought upon It , it was a burden to him. It w.is a great trouble or weariness ; laid upo'n him , until he went into the sanctuary ol God until he considered tholr latter end. Ho does not follow them lilt the next world , ho does not try to see beyond the grave , but they die that is enough they die , What if they do live towo a good old ago , and die immensely wealthy they die for all that , "God is the hopo'and portion of the right eous now. God is their lifo , nnd those ihut hnvo not that hone , that deliberately put the life of God away from them must per ish. Not because Urn ) Wants them to per- Ish. Oh I no. It is Jtholr own net. They huvo no one to blumo put themselves. They nro like men who. able to bask In the sun's life-giving rays , shutoUtiU light by living in a darkcucu room.When will our worldly men realize this ! T4iut eternal life is u present lifo in the srnili and that eternal life is synonymous with goodness , purity , truth and a lifts of iietivo usefulness in this present Hooting world. . - . iso "When will our business men realize there is something else tliau'inonoy making in is world ? When sueh men ask , 'Of what use is church going ! ' lot usreply : 'No use ut nil if you muku no use of It.w > If it docs not CO you think of thu vanity of the life you re now leading ; if it aocjf not cause you tore- ullze that you ure iriorfa than a noble ani mal ; if it does not lead you to feel thnt you are have an immortal soul , church going is of little , if any , uso. .1 "I know of nmii harried u Connor who car ried in his breast in place of his heart ira . schedule of Wall street quotations , with everything marked at thu a certain valuation , Including God. "God showers his wealth on the Just nnd on iho unjust , us he docs his sunshine and niln. It would ho ns presumptuous for nda farmer to say that God l > a < l blessed only his Held with fruitful showers , us for a man to say that Ills riches ure uu evidence of God's special favor. God has no favorites , save these who do justly , love mercy and wallc humbly before Him. " Meant J.inrrr Hutefc CHICAGO , Aug. 20. The grnntlmr of cheap rates for Missouri day has gone a long way toward making u low rate for the general business of the World's fair a possibility. iulU means that nit other states will bo entitled the sumo rates und practically assures low rates on all special occasions , and from constant recurrence nf low rates to a per- manonoy of low rates is but a small step In times like thcso , when earnings are steadily dropping oft nnd all business beyond purely local truftio must bo hustled for and secured in the face of keen competition. The question of Grand Army rates Is again creating discord among the lines of the Western Passenger association. The Fre mont , Elkhorn& Missouri Valley has sntcrcd a strong protest against sending its Ne braska business via St. Louis. It desires to send its passengers via Chicago , but declares the cheap rates by way of St. Louis will inJure - Juro its business. Chairman Caldwcll has decided that the road is entitled to no relief nt this time und it must make the best ar rangement possible under the existing condi tions. Sections of New York Mate Nil Her a Lively llomlMirilinent. ROME , N. Y. , Aug. 27. Shortly after 8 o'clock this city felt n violent electric storm. Two black clouds hanging low and moving east and west met hero. Ruin fell in tor rents , accompanied by hailstones of enor mous size. The most of them were tomato shaped nnd many of them were n quarter of a pound In weight. In striking the ( lagging th cy popped like pistols. Every skylight in the city wus broken. The stores were flooded and goods damaged. Plato gla ss was broken , tin roofs wcro pierced and sot leaking , nil the green houses were destroyed nnd the plants und ( lowers badly damaged. A farm house on the outskirts of the city was strucic by lightning nnd burned. A canal driver in the employ of James Nnlloy of Oswego was struck on the head with a hailstone , which cut through the woolen hat ho wore and made a bad wound. Crops in the great hop growing region were much in jured. The storm was the worst over seen in this locality. Huloldoof mi Iowt Man. DUKPAI.O , N. Y. , Aug. 27. A man , said to bo J. McClair , station agent of the Chicago , Burlington A ; Qulncy railway" Cambria , la. , committed suicide in front of the Times oOlco last night by stabbing himself. I'alr nnil Warmer Am the 1'roillctlonn for Nclirnnkn Today. \VASIIINOTON , Aug. 27. Forecasts for Mon day : For Nebraska and South Dakota- Variable winds and warmer , fair weather. For Iowa Northerly winds , becoming vari able ; cooler Monduy , warmer Tuesday ; fair weather. l.nrnl Ilecortl. OFHICB or THIS WEATIIEU BUHEAU , OMAHA , Aug. i7. ! Omalm record of temperature and rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1803. 1802. 181)1. 1800. Maximum temperature. 7.ia 80 = 71o 88 = Minimum lemporatiiie. , IHiO 023 63 = SG = AvuniKO temperature. . . CG 71O 02 = 7(1 ( = Precipitation f > 7 .00 .07 .00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature und precipitation nt Omaha for the day and since March 1,16D3 : Normal temperature- , . 70 = Deficiency for thn dny , , , -1 = Dcllclencyfclnco Muruli 1 237 < = Normiilpieclplti.tlun 11 Inch * Kxcoss for tlioduy , , , . -G Inch Dullcleney since Mureli 1 1 40 Inch KvniirU from Other I'olnti lit 8 p , in. ta I ! STATIONS. F Omaha (18 ( 78 .00 Clear. North I'latle. . . . lid 7-1 .00 Clear. Valentino , . . . , . . IIH 71 ! .00 Clear. Kearney 70 71 Cli-ar. Chlcnif ! 70 HI ) Cloudy. hi. Ixjiils 78 IK ) .0(1 ( Cloudy. HI , I'.ml OU 7(1 ( .IH ) Clear. D.iremxjrl. . . . . . 71 ! HO Part cloudy. KIUIHHU City. . . . 70 7J ; .0(1 ( Clear. Denver , . ( III .110 Clear. Hall I.akii City. . 80 8' ] Clear , Rapid City 0(1 ( 70 .00 Clear. lleli'ii.l 118 7d Clear. Hi. Vincent ( Jl Clear. lilHmarck G8 til Cl ar. Cheyenne , . til ) IN . (10 Clear. Mlleu Clly 70 74 .01 Clear. Galvuatou. . . . . . HI 88 .01T Clear. "T" Indicates trace. GcuitUK K. HUNT , Local Korfcaut Official. J'roiti Toiloy , The following incssugo wus received from the chief of the weather bureau toduy ; Con ditions favorable for frosts Monday mornlmr in the DaUotau , Colorado and the western portions of Nebraska and Minnesota. 12o heavy Rockford socks , three for 2.jc S5o dark working shirts , 25c onoh. 03o nnd 76o elilrta , excellent styles , 60o onoli. $1.25 nnd 31.50 Bilk strlpocl shirts 87o each. 60c nnil 76o neckwear in Rents' locks , four-in-hands nnd puffs , 83o , three for $1.00. Ific four-ply llnon collars , oholoo of stock lOo each. UMBRELLAS. Every umbrella 111 the store during1 sale nt COST PRICE. Positively anew now prlco on every ono. Colored parasols , choice of the lot $1.00. The nbovo rotullod from $100 to $0.50 each. WHITE WAISTS AND CAPS Durinp this sale nt oni-hnlf ) the roguliir retail price. This is a special offer unrt shall bo found just ns advertised , every white waist nnd child's cap nt ono-hnlf the original price MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS. All inuelins during sale nt actual cost , Including blenched , half bleached and unbleached ; also our entire stock of cambrics , sheetings at manufacturers | NO SMOKE. NO SOOT. This new candidate for public trial comes in prepared sizes , same as Pennsylvania coal. It contains within three to five per cent AS MUCH FIXED CARBON as the eastern anthracite and has Lxess Ashes a.iict Less Try it before buying. For further information and samples call on H. A. GOX , © OLE , AQE1NT , 10 Main Street - Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds at Dyolntf and Ulo mill ? dona In tlio hi nil est style of tlio urt. Kiulod anJ btulned fabrics made to lee I : as Rood ni now. Warn promptly done unit Uollvoroit In nil purl * of tli * country. Stand for prluo list. A. MAOHAN , Proprietor , Ilro.idwnv , near Nortb wubtorn depot. 'Jilt ] Uu i ! . A te. - l oils - a - uay Machine ut a 10-Toiii-qDiv Price. Our Warranty Goes with Each Machln * . The South wick Haling Press Is ' u'J-hnrM ) , f iill-clrclomuchluo It lius iho largest ut'd > nny C'ontlnmiiis-liullri Double-MroUo I'ross , tlio World. Hales tight ; draft-light. Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all the UCST. Now is the time to buy a hay pi-oss. It will fore you buv , pay you to see our machines bo SANDWICH MANF'G. ' CO. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. 8PEGIiUIST I'reOili-nt "F " " ' " ' MEni "wM1' OAI , llfSI'liNt.UtY , itunturuaaed In Ibo treutaun' ot all Uaroiiio , Prlvats nn I Aorv.tiv iJiioasos- WrIUjlu ur coniull ujr < uuallr ritiiAr.Mi.sr ; itv u.vif. . . . _ _ , . tlcular Adilren . vrlilcli with itump will be for Jiil pu- la plulnunralope. I' . O. Uox ilil. Odlia. Hi a. lid itrvvl , OmuUa HIRSGH3WS The cole- bratctl Noa- changeable Spcctu- 1 e u a U Kyu ( Jlasses for mile in Oni aha by MAXMJiYEK & BUG , CO. , ONLY , cost. Everything nt list price , inolud- ng nil the best LINEN DEPARTMENT. 85o , ! .0o nnd 42o unbleached tin in ask nt 83c. 83c.fiOc fiOc , Coo nnd 58o unbleached dntnask nt 39o. 39o.6So 6So nnd G7o blanched linen dnmnsk al 47e. 47e.7Jo 7/Jo / and 85o bleached llnon dnmask at 07c. $1.00. $1.23 , 91.60 72-inch ( ino damask nt 87ic. As a special offer to reduce our tin- inonso stock during sale of llnon sols nnd napkins wo will olTor nil the ubovo at cost price , including fringed hem * stitched and plain cloths. MISCELLANEOUS. Wall paper stock nt half price. Hanging1 paper during sale at lOo per roll. roll.All All our coats nnd capos at half prlco. $1.25 kid gloves 37c per pair in slate * , blues and tans. Big offer , lOc cheeked toweling , Olo. H9c pattern skirts 20o each. 19c , 25o and S3c white goods in ono lot 12c ; don't miss this lot. Silk ribbon bargains at Go nnd 7o a yard. Tsl t-Atufn Itstnt rtt 1 ni stll * lOlrk n * % > / ! oilni-iil conrU. Itoomi 200-7-8-0 , SliUKurt block , Council Hlulf * , In. Special Notices. COUNCIL BlUFFIi I . 'Oil HALK CJooil hoimo of Bovnn room H , located nt 1707 Ninth Aru. , on small inoiitlil > { [ > ayniciita. A. J , Stupliviibon. AI1.STKAQTH untl loans. Furm Mid ally property bought and uuM. ' imirrH 1'ubuy ii Thouas : , Cuuuoll : GAHIIAOKrmiioirwl.oosupnolH , vaitllH. clilinnoyi < cleaiioil. 1U liurktt , ul T.iylor'u grocery , 54) Hi ( Mil way , I O YOU know that D.iy & lieu * have some l-'oliolcu - barcahm hifniltanU garden land thin city ? nuar ( } S AOUKS , lUinllcHfruiiipoatomco ; all In fruit Aulu txiHuld In whole or In pirtuta bargain , or will tradu for trooil city proiwrty , Urcennhlelda McliolBori it Co. COO , , Jlruudway ofllco. , oppoHlUi pout- "IK Jl you want u good n pan of milieu. 7 yoirs ; old ifc-mln and food drl vui n. mldriimi A , lieo omca AirANTKU A UoiiiiHJlciit irlrl for general i'ourlli lioiibowork. uvo Mm. A , T. Fllcklucer , B' ' < "IOWA FAHMS- ' -OO-ucro farm In Jlardlulownnlilp Iwllh btiarliiir orelianl of U acrun. * ll ( pur acre ; 320 well Improved , ttiO ) yio near Yorlcolilro , tlO ; HO. ' ' I''U and 100-ucro farina at from $20 to * JO. Johnston k Van 1'nttfii. 1 VOH SAI.K-12 acran ncljolnlnir city limits ; all In 1mltl iMfiO.OO HII oci-u. UruviiHliluldn , Kluhuluo A. Co. , Ubu Uraadwuy , -I 17OK SALK-Ono black Sliutluix ! pony , I year * - old ; hau colt by hur Hide : IH broken to drlvo ollhcr double or tingle , ixirfuctly ifcull . Will cl | cheap. Inqulru of Jumtutt lluvvietuck , Wi Main bln-ft , Council Ululta. 1C ACHES , 1W inllfH from pOMtoIlke ; nice fruit or Iganlen land ; vl&u.OO an ituro. Nluliolaou it Co. , COO Uroudwuy.