Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1893, Image 10

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. /TVT T A 1S.T
Our Fall Stock is Now Arriving.
Take Advantage of the
Wash Dress Goods. -
New Fall Styles.
Krnp do brilliant , a now wash fabric ,
beautiful printing on black cround pal-
terns , copied from India silks , etc. , 32
inch wide , only 15c yard.
30-inch wide double fold part
wool dress goods , just the thing for
Dchool dresses , etc. , stand washing and
rough wear , worth 35c , on sale at lOc
a yard.
Plain black sntlno at lOc , 12c , 15c ,
20c , 25c , 30c and 35c a yard.
Closing out 32-inoh wide canton clofh
nt 7ic yard , was 15c.
32-incn wide s'ttoon , in great variety
of patterns , lOc , 15c nnd 2oc.
32-inch wide pongees reduced lo lOc a
Choice of all our 30-inch wide bosl
percale , Irish lawn , olc. , cheap al 15c ,
now only lOc yard.
Wo nro oIToring some special big bar
gains in remnants of lighl summer
goods al 5c and lOc yard , worth throe or
Jour times the price wo ask ; but they
must bo sold look them over.
Wool Dress Goods.
Monday will bo n big bargain day.
05 pieces of 30 inch suitings , worth
85c : We will place it on sale in center
aisle at lOc.
50 pieces of Jamestown serge plaids
and diagonals , worth 50c ; all in dark
fall shinies , go in ono lot for "Oc.
40 pieces 40 inch Saul M.trino Plaids
that wo sold up to 58c'a yard , 'in' light
shades , wo will clean them up Monday
for 16c.
40 inch nil wool plaids and stripes ,
worth Ooc , maico olejjant school dresses ,
go in ono lot at 2oc.
40 inch all wool Chevron Bedford
Cords , and other fancy weaves , worth $1 ,
Monday only at 40c.
Linen Department.
This department is having n big run
Just now. Wo are culling agroal many
t < iblo linens and ul such prices thai il
will pay you to lay in n supply for the
Only a few mo-o of Ihosc big all linen
full bleached 3-4 dinner napkins al Sl.OO
a dozen.
Jual received 200 dozen of Gorman
napkins , 5-8 sizo. silver bleached ; this
napkin would bo cheap at $1.50 , but we
ahull sell them ns long as they last at
81 a dozen. Wo control the tale of this
napkin for Omaha.
Fancy drcsaor scarfs in great variety
of styles , sizes and price.
Lunch cloths of every description.
All colors in table felt.
Our prices of towels speak for them
selves. You will find them stacked on
cantor tables at 5c , 7c , lOe , 12c } , 15c ,
lOc nnd 25c each ; every one that has ex
amined them has boushl some , and ev
ery ono thnt lias peon thorn haneald that
they are the best fur the money in town ,
nnd what everybody says mubt be so.
Big stock of toweling by the yard in
bleached or unbleached , glass checked
toweling , eta
All the different widths in cotton nnd
linen diapers.
Wo call particular attention to our
whlto bed spreads at 88c , 05c , 81.00 and
tl.25 each.
Look at thai 33.50 imported mnrsoilloB
spread on sale now It's a beauty.
Those co'orcd mltchclino spreads at
$1.03 are cheap iho bosl made.
Bargains in remnants of white goods ,
table linens and crashes ,
Great Clearing Sale.
Cloak Department.
Ladles' woolen Eton and blazer suits
In blue nnd tan , regular price 80.00 , will
bo closed out Monday ut only 83.75.
Ladles' capos in blue , brown nnd
preen , nt 81.50 , 82.25 , 82.05 , 83.50,84.50.
Ladles' jacket * in black , blue , tan and
gray , worth 83.76. Man day at only $1.05.
Groit outs on ail ladles' woolen suits.
Ladies' fancy lawn and pdrculo atrool
costumes , regular price , 83.50 and $4,00 ,
take your cholco Monday at only $1.98.
Ladies percale waists , regular price
CO nnd 05o , will go Monday at only 85c.
L'idlos' luunUorod waists , latest styles ,
regular price 87c , Monday only 85o.
Great bargains on nil ludlos' fancy
porc.alo waists.
Spaclal saloon ladies' house wrappers ,
shawls , skirts and insant's cloaks.
Dress Linings.
In this department you can always got
what you need In the way of linings und I
uvo money besides.
Best cumbrics 3c } yard.
Best crinoline lOe yard.
Canvas loc and -Oo yard.
Everything else good in d una vrny.
Dept ] No. 50.
In this department our bargain coun
ters hivvo boon 11 grind success for the
simple reason thiil there being so many
different articles to choose from you tire
euro to find eoraolhiug you want nnd
anything oiTorad on these counters tire
sold ut onc-lmlf their actual vuluo.
Where else cun you buy
2t5c hair brushes for 12jc.
2oc cloth brushes for 12Jc ,
25c till sillc Windsor tics for 12c ,
30c worth of best rod floss for 12Jc ,
2oc lunch baskets for 12jc ,
30c spools of crochet sillc for 12jc ,
25c combs for 121c ,
25c ilesh brushes for 12jc ,
25c dress shields for 12c } ,
2"jo stumped linens for 12jc ,
2oo silk , linen und chiffon handker
chiefs for 12c ,
25o belts for 12Jc ?
Or where else can you buy
No. 10 nil silk ribbons for 9c ,
loc nnd 20c combs for Oc ,
lee and 20o tooth brushes for Oc ,
25c olnshers for Oc ,
15c and 19c handkerchiefs for Oc ,
20e worth ot crochet cotton for Oc ,
2oc dolls for Oc ,
0c stamped linens for Oc ,
18o purses for Oc ,
20c hose supporters for OeV
And again who else will offer you over
50 staple and useful articles , worth from
8c to 15c , for 4jc , including tooth brush
es , combs , mirrors , photo frames , sleeve
holders , ladies' , misses' and babies' hose
supporters , dolls ; stamped linens , toys ,
fancy hair pins , corset steels , veilings ,
ribbons , and dozens of other articles ?
And above all , who will present you
with -41 lOc Cushion book with any purchase -
chase ovur the tab'lo ? No matter wheth
er your purchnso coinos to 4Jc or $4.50 ,
you arc entitled to one of thoio books.
Remember , the first aisle to the loft.
Domestic Bargains.
Best 42-inch wide bleached pillow
casing now lOoyiird.
Wo carry a.big stock of pillow cnsinjr
in the different widths in bleached , half
bleached and unbleached , also double-
width shootings , bleached and brown
muslinp , dairy cloths and ducks. |
Cotton flannel at 5c , Oc , 7c , Sc and lOc.
Clean cotton baits oo a roll.
Hayden Bros. ' No 1 butts 20c roll.
Hay den Bros. ' No. 2 halts 15c roll.
Iltiydcn Bros. ' No. 3 balls lOc roll.
Tills cotton batting is manufactured
and put up expressly for Hiiyden Bros ,
and is by far the host cotton for the
money over sold by us , bo sure and ask
for Ilaydon Bros , balls , if you want
pure clean cotton.
Heavy striped shirting Sc yard.
Full stock of ticking , denims , shirt-
in , outing flannels , etc.
Double-width canvas shirting as
long as it lasts lOo yard.
White shaker llunnol Co , Oc , 7c , 8c and
lOo yard ,
Whllo wool mixed flannel at ICc , 20o
and 25o yard.
Apron chocked glnghnm 5c.
Odds and ends and remnants in this
department at prices to sell , und soil
them quick before tnoy accumulate.
Thompson's Wild Cherry
Hygela Phosphate.
The demand is increasing for this de
licious beverage ; il stimulates digestion
and tones up the stomach. 25C , COc and
51 a bottle. Sample it while in our store ,
opposite our drug department.
Carpets and Drapery.
Wo have to reduce the stock In our
carpet and drapery departments.
Silkalino from I5o to 6c.
SlllcaUne , line Quality , 20c to lOc.
And everything in this stock in pro
Wo have a now lot ot ALL WOOL in
grain carpets for 50c.
A line bruttBolls carpet at COc and 05c.
Everything in this department , in
cluding rugs and malts , shades nnd
lace curtain , must bo reduced this week.
Blankets , Comforts.
The demand 1s greater for blanket : )
since the cool nights have eat in , and
our sales are dally increasing. Wo are
showing the best line of gray blankets
which were over brought to Omaha at
50o , 76o. 81 , $1.15 , $1.60. $1.75 , $2.25 ,
$2.76 , $2.85 , $3 , $3.38 , $3.50 , 83.7/i , $3.95 a
pair , and BO oa up to the finest all wool
All wool , remember , all wool rod bed
blankets at $1.75 n pair. These prices
you won't get when frost sots in , in fact ,
the way they are now colng there won'i
bo any loft by that time ,
White blankets in great variety from
Sateen covered comforts , only a few
moro at $1 each.
Boo our line ot comtorU at $2 , $2.25
82.60 und $2.75 each. '
Down comforts at SI 75 each.
Look in our Dodge street window nnd
you will see sucli a crop of bargains as
only grows on soil watered by close buy
ing and low prices.
This side board is solid , quarter saw-
odoak ; has French hovel pinto mirror ,
18x27. The back and Inside of drawers
are all hard wood. ' Is 44 inches wide ,
21 dcoi ) and Is 5-10 high. Is made by
ono of the best houses in the country
nnd you can buy it for 81(5.50 ( , although
it ought to sell for $23.
Wo are showing a fine line of bo'd
room suits , and wo can give you as good
finish and style ns can ho bought at a
less margin of pioiitthan is usually
asked far the same goods.
Suits at 810.50.8)11.50 ) , 813.50 , 814.60.
Oait sulls at S15-818 and 820.
Those are all I ! piece suits nnd are
well made and flrsl cluss.
Wo carry an elegant line of polished
iak center tables , new designs. The
above table , oak , 10x10 , Ooc each. 21x24 ,
1.05 ; extension tables , $3.50 , H.25,84.85 ;
foot ; 8 foot $5.25 , $7.61) ) , 88.50 , 89.50 , nil
ak tables and all worth from $2 to $5
ipioco moro than wo ask. Wo still
lave some bargains in baby carriages.
at 81.CO , $3.50 , 84.50 , $ ( i.50.
Special sale on all our pictures.
All our 82.00 pictures , Monday Sl.OO.
All our OOc pictures , 45c.
All our 50c pictures , 35c. If you want
a picture you can now buy ono cheap.
It will puy you to got our prices on
Boolrcasos ,
Desks ,
, . Folding Bods.
Office Chairs ,
Office Desks ,
Parlor Suits.
Why'not got the prices anyway'r
Drug Dept.
Strong's Arnica Tooth Soap , 20c.
Lyon's Toolh Powder 20o.N
Brown's Camphor Tooth Powder 20o.
Royal Root Beer 15c ,
Palno's Celery Compound 75o.
Alcock'fi Plasters iJ for 25o.
Piorco's Favorite Proscription 75c.
Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery 75o
And all other patent medicines' at
same rates.
Proscriptions compounded from the
best drugs und chemicals , at about half
the price charged at drug stores.
Silks Velvets.
, . .
Wo would like to call your attention
to the fact that wo 1mvo now in stock the
( inosl and best selected stock of'colorod ,
ns well as black , dross and trimming
silks and satins over shown by any house
In the city.
Wo show among the many now trim
ming silks the celebrated JEollon
changeable and satin o ( Toots , crystal
bongallnoR and novelties of the very
latest production.
Our fall stock of velvets has now ar
rived and wo find that our agent has
bought unusually heavy bjt with splen
did taste , and we will now ba enabled to
give the trade shades and qualities to bo
found nowhere else in the city except at
Hayden Bros. '
f ,
CLOTHING is coming in and
there has been one of the greatest
Clothing Falls ever seen in this town.
All the light and medium weight men's suits
have fallen about one-half in price , Prove it
by a visit ito the store ,
Now is your chance to get a good durable
boys' suit for school wear at a price never men
tioned before in Omaha. Good weight , well
made , reliable suits for $1.00.
We sell standard and high grade Pianos at
Dry Goods profits. We have in stock 20
different ; styles and prices , and 6 different
makes. ' Sole western agents for
Guitars , mandolins , violins , sheet music and
musical merchandise of all kinds , at prices in
keeping with our low price record.
Jewelry Department.
The last week of odds and ends snlo in
Rogers' i2-dwt best quality knives
or forks ( solid nicUol forks ) $1.25 per
sot.Roger's AA teaspoons 08o per sot.
Quadruple plated cake baskets $1.75 ,
worth 83.50.
Quadruple plated butter dishes $1.08 ,
worth $4.00.
Beautiful engraved napkin rings 25c ,
worth 75c.
And 100 other diffpront articles at un-
hoard'of prices
Something now ! Aluminum hair or
naments , hand ongnvvod , in the very
latest styles , warranted not to tarnish
nnd equal to sterling silver in durability
and appearance , 3Qe , worth $1.00.
Solid golcl sot rlnffa.aOo , worth $1.00.
Gents * link cut ! buttons , best rolled
plate , 85o , Worth § 11,00.
GonU * patent lover cuff buttons , best
rolled pluto2oc.wopth , : SliOO. \
1000 gouts' watoli chains in the very
latest style ? at half jewelers' prices.
Solid silver thimbles 13o.
Baby rings , solid gold , 23c , worth 75o.
Nickel alarm clocku 680.
Genuine diamond rings , 1-4 karat
stones , $12.60 , worth $23.00 ,
Don't forgot that wo lead in low prices
on nil flno American and Swiss watches.
B. W. Raymond nickel movement in n
gold-filled case warranted to wear 20
years , $18.75 ; jewelers' price $35 to $50.
All goods warranted as represented.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
Trunks and Valises.
18 inch Gladstone Dng , 2 straps out-
Bide , 2 inside , loiter pocket , good han
dle , good lock , well made and all O. K.
in every way , well worth 89.85 , our
price. 82.00.
Leather lined club bag Ooc , and cheap
at $1.60.
All our trunks are good nnd well
made and wo can save you something
on all you buy.
Meat , Butter , Cheese.
Country butter , 12jc , 15c and 17o.
Creamery , lOc , 21c and 23o.
You will always bo sure to got what
you want at our butter department.
Wo will sell Wisconsin full cream
cheese for Tic , Oe and 12ic.
Brick choose , 12jo and 15c ,
Swiss cheese , 15o und 17c.
Wo have any kind of cheese you wish ,
and ulwiiyH at bottom prices.
Pigs' feet , 5o per pound.
Wo are soiling the 2-pound cans of
Rex corned beef for 15o.
Potttcd Irnin , deviled and ox tongueSc ,
per can ,
Boneless ham , 12jc.
Cooked boneless ham , 12c. }
Strictly sugar-cured No. 1 hams , 12Jc.
Picnic hams , lOc.
California hams , lljc.
Bologna , Cc.
Corned beef , 5o per pound
Picklopork , IHo.
Romomuor everything in our meat de
partment is sold with a guarantee. None
only the best goods are handled by 1 8.
- . AT.
Lessthan .
Ladies' $1.50 and $2.00 ox-
ties at 980 a pair.
Ladies'fine $8.50 hand turned shoos
Ladies'fine ' $4.50 Ludlow kid shoes ,
Ladles' 82.00 white canvas oxfords ,
School Shoes ,
Children's 81.35 glove calf school shoes
81.00 , si/.es 0 to 12.
Misses' 81.70 kid patent tip bcliool
shoes , 81.23 , si/.OB 111 to 2.
Youths' 81.75 clove calf tip school
shoe1) , $1,25 , sizes II ) to 2.
Boys' $2.00 satin oil calf button shoos
$1.40 , sizes 2 to 5 } .
Men's ' Shoes ,
Men's 82.00 satin oil calf &hoos at 81.50.
Men's $2.50 light cordovan shoes 82.00.
Men's 83.GO flno hand-welt calf shoes
Men's $1.50 calf low oxford shoos $1.00.
Look ut the bargains in our show
case.Fine shoe repairing good and cheap.
Great sale on dried fruit.
This fruit is all now and all this yoiir'J
Wo have no old fruit on hand.
Evaporated California apricots lOo.
Evaporated California poaches lOo.
Evaporated California grapes Co.
New Turkish prunes fie.
New Valencia raisins 7jc.
Now California nectarines loo.
Best Alden evaporated apples 12o.
Now California ohorries 16c.
Sun dried apples 5e ,
Evaporated blackberries 5c.
Grout sale on canned good A
2-lb can gooseberries Tie worth 18c.
2-lb can preserved blackberries in pura
sugar syrup "ie , worth 2.3e.
2-lb can preserved raspberries , sugau
syrup , 12Je worth Hoc.
2-lb can preserved strawberries , eugau
syrup , 12Je worth Hoc.
2-lb can preserved blueberries 7o }
worth ISe.
2-lb can whllo wax beans 7ic worth
2-lb. can sugar corn , Tie , worth 12Jc.
2-lb. can Lima bonus , 7je , worth 12ic.
2-lb. can siring beans , 7c { , worth 12jc.
2-lb , can earjy Tune peas , 7io , worthy
17 c. * *
All kinds of California 3-lb. can of Hf/
plums , 12ic. * *
3-lb. can California poaches , 16c.
3-lb. cun California apricots , ICc.
, .Home-made catsups , per bottle , I5o ,
Silver Hake oat meal , fie.
Corolino flakog.jGJc.
California breakfast food , fie.
American breakfast cocoa , 3oc.
Imported maccuroni , 12ja
Imported spaghetti , 12a }
Imported vermicelli , 12jc.
All kinds of washing powder , JOo.
20-lb. pail of all kinds of jolly 35c ; rogt
ular price , 76c. .
3-lb. can of all hinds California plums ,
12jo ; regular price , 25c.
Good coltco , 12ic : regular price , 26a
to Hoc.
Good tea , 25c ; regular price , COo ta
Good Hour , fiOc ; regular nnco , OOctoSl.
2-lb. California peaches , 15c ; regulaff
price , 25o to Hoc.
Fine blood red Columbia river salmon.
Gallon can apples , 2oc ; regular price ,
Dried apples , fie ; regular price , lOc.
All klndH of California ovaporatocj ,
fruit less than half prlci ? ,
Soda crackers , 4c. .
Ginger snaps , I\K.
Mohibscs cauo , 74c.
Oat inonl crackers , 7lc ,
Milk biittoi7ic. .
Frosted cream , 7ic.
Graham crackers , 7jo.
Sugar cookies , 7jc.
XXX milk crackers , 71c.
Lemon snaps , 7ic.
These prices hold good whllo tha
articles last , but they won't last long.
Wine glasbos 2c each.
China motto cups and saucers , 8c per
pair.Lamp chimneys , Ic nacli.
Austrian china cream mugs , lOc each.
Vases , fie each.
Syrup jugs , Oc each.
Gorman print cup , tnucer nnd plate ,
lie for the thrco pieces.
1 pint jat'8 , 45o per doz.
1 quart jar ? , COo per Am. ,
"quart jars , 03c pcrdox.
Just received , u full Hue of white
French china for decorating pur
( Jut one of those Hue decorated
dinner KetH , 100 picceti $5.1(5. (
$5 lamp with line bi.sciuc shade ,
$1.05. , . _
Great Stoneware Sale
At Hayclen Bros. ' Tomorrow.
2 carloads of stone ware consigned to
parties In the west IH stopped hero. The
manufacturers telegraphed UB to tulto
them at I the actual cost , Wo took
them and wo will soil stoneware at
unheard of prices.
1 quart milk crocks 3o each.
2 quart milk crocks 5 each.
4 quart milk crocks 5c each.
52 quart butter jars 4 Jo cacli.
1 gallon butter jaru 5Jo per gallon.
Z gallon butter jars 5 jc per gallon.
3 gallon butter jura Ojo per gullou.