THE OMAHA DAILY , AUGUST 25 , 185)3. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Lower Prices for Wheat , Oorn find Oata Ruled Yesterday. SPRING WHEAT CROP READY TO MOVE TlirreVm Souto rinnnrn Iinpnrt < l to tlio Corn Market fur n Short Tlmo I n ICrtult uf I'rlco Cur rent I'rndtctlun. Crticxao , Aug. 2-1. Lower ( trices for wheat , com and o.its was ttio result of trading In today's short session. Compared with yes terday's resting prices wheat Is Ic lower ; corn Is oft 1 0 and oats ? c. l'rovlons vrcro In the iimln llrm , closing slightly higher for rll ) , but rather lower for pork unit lard. * Tlio influences affecting tlio wheat market vrcro the dull uml depressed condition of Kuropcan markets , thu luck of export busi ness , foreign buyers apparently In no press ing need for wheat mid notwithstanding prices arc very low , being disposed to hold off. Then It is expected that the spring wheat crop will commence to move soon and this Is having some effect upon tlio opera tions" of traders. The market opened J e lower , reacted Jfc , declined Irregularly Jfe , closing easy at the lowest figure of the day. Thcro wus some llrniness Imparted to tlio corn market for a short tune by the asser tion In the Cincinnati Price Current that very little bimcllt had accrued to the corn crop west of the Mississippi from the rcctint rnlns nnd none nt all to that cast of the river. This strength was soon overcome by the weakness of the wheat market nnd the heaviness nt Liverpool , the market being reported weak and Id lower for corn. More ruin throughout the country also had considerable Inlliiciico in strengthening the Unmix of short * . The close was about the lowest of the day. Absence of buying orders caused oats to rccedo. The receipts were larger than ex pected. The close was easy at the Instilo. Provisions were again largely controlled by the operations el Armour & Co. , whoso biokurs were buyers in moderate quantities In rihs. The latter article ruled strong out the full amount of thu day's advance was not maintained to the close. The net gala in the end was f > c In the September delivery , l.ard closed from 2Jfe to fie lower than it did yesterday and pork was reduced to a nominal price. 15o lower than it closed on the previous day. Estimated receipts fortomorrow : Wheat , 900 carscorn , oil ) cars ; oats , VX > cars ; hogs , 1U.OOO head. The leading futures i-angcd as follows : Articles. Open. Low. Clono. WHEAT Ann Sept OOMaW OOJjMlH < il > ! < Uru 07 COIIN Aiiir 37M ? " * in > ( j Sept Oct 3H ! ( ii7 May 30UU4U 40 OATS A , - 23 lit- S < litil | 2if : ! Mny IlKSHl'OHK Atiir. . . . no Sopl ii : 1(1 ( 1:1 : K ) 12 I 1)11 ) Oct 12 SI7 * li ) UO 12 I 00 LAItll Am ? 10 Sept 8 17W 8 'JO R 111 10 Oct 7 OL'H 7 7 BlIOIITlllllS- All if. . 8 0. Font. , 8 00 K in K OS 8 0.1 Oct. 7 HI ) 7 B7i < 7 7fi 7 " ( i Cash quotations were as follows : Fixjun Dull , steady. WHEAT No. 2 spring , OO.'ic ; No. 3 stirlns f. o. h. , 50o ; No. 2 red , DOSc. t'uitN No. 2 , 307ic ; No. 3 yellow , closhif OATS No. 2 , 23c ; No. 2 whlto , f. o. b.,27' { < 8 27 ! Je : No. 3 white , f. o. h. , 25i27c. ? HYB No. 2 , 4 Do. IlAiii.EV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales no. 4 , no sales. Kt.Ax SERD No. l.Sl.OO'/i. ' TIMOTHY ScED-l'rlmi- , J3.35an.40. 1'OIIK MOSF , iiur hlil. , ( li.9U13.1G ! ; lard per 100 Ibs. , 18.10 8.20 ; hhort ribs s\Aoi \ flooso ) . $8.20(38.25 ( ; dry salted shoulden ( boxnill , J7.25a7.00 ; short clear sides lbo.\ec ! ) WHISKY Distillers'llnlshod goods , per gal. , BunAiis-Cnt loaf , Cic ! ; granulated , 5.57 standard "A , " 51JC. The folloivInK were the receipts and f > hlp < incntH for today : On the Produce exchange today the liuttei market was quiet ; creamery , 18J424ic ! ; dairy lH' ft23c. Eggs , steady ; strictly fresh , New York Market * . Nr.w YOIIK , Aug. 24. FLOIIII Uecolnts 80,400 pkgs. ; experts , 5,700 bills. . 1H.HOO Hacks sales , ll.GOO pkg . ; market dull , lower. Cous MKAI. .Steady , fair demand. HYK Dull , nominal. llAiti.&r MAM Dull ; western , G6QG8c , WIIUAT Hecelpts. 2H8.000 bu. ; experts , 8. 200 1m. ; sales. 2,200,000 1m. of futures , 67,001 bu. spot. Spots , dull , ? c lower , weak No. 2 red , In store ami elevator , GGliftOOXic nll"at. , GG'J ( ; ; f. o. b. , G7a'c ; ungraded red G4(3G7c ( ; No. 1 northern , 67c. Options won moderatPly active and closed , COIIN itcculuts , 3,000 bu. : exports , 4,10 ( bu , ; sales. 316,000 bu. futures , G4.UOI mi , spot. HnotK , dull , lower ; No. 2 , 4G5J4Gc h elevator : 46U4Gcalloat. Optlcnsdull , Kftiii lower , closing weak ; Hppl umber , 4546 ie closing at 45c ; October , 4Gi4Gc ! } { , closing u 4Gsc ! ; December , 4l > U44G c. closing at40ijc . OATS-Hecelpts , lt,200 ) bu. : exports , 121 bu. ; bales , 285.000 bu. futures , 134,000 bu Epot. Spots , dull , lower. Options , dull , easier August , 2USS < a2U7ic , closing at 20J < o ; Septum J ; r. ao 30c. closing at 20 o ; October , 30 } QHOKc , closing at 30fc , HAV Hleady , dull. Hni'rt Dull , steady. 11 IDUS Nominal. I'lioviBiaNB-fiitmeals.qulet , steady. I.anl weaker , dull ; western steam closed at $8.8 usluul ; oiitldiis stilus , none ; Heplomber , (8.75 Octiibor , 8,40. I'ork.tiulot , steady ; now mos > ,1 , , IIUTTKH Unsettled , qulot ; western cream rry. 17 < a25e ; wobtern factory , 14ai7c Klglns , 25c. Jiir.KSK Kasy ; wpstorn , full skims , laiijc. KildS-yuiet , btuady ; receipts , 6,320 pkgs , western fresh , 16154'c ? ; seconds pur cast I2.25U3.30 , TAI.IJIW Steady , qplet , CoTTONHKKi ) Oii-steudyj crude , 33 340 yellow , 30c. l'iTiioiKUM-Dull ; I'lmnsylvanlrt oil wale * none : September tipllonn Hales , none ; 60 ; { asked ; Mina oil sales , none ; total saluj , nuiic KosiN-Dull , weak. Tuiu'ENTlNE Dull. easy. KICK Moderate demand , firm. MOI.AS.SM Now Orleans , open kettle , gooi Ui choice , dull , steady. builAit-Kuir. active at adecllno ; falrrnlbi Ing. 3c ; ce'itrlfugnU ' , 00 test , 3lic : sales , 2.0C toiiH.Miucnv'ado , 80 test at 3e ; 50,000 baj centrifugals. OG test , at 3o. ! and 2.6UO buy nm asses sugar , 80 test , at 2 ? c ; roUned , actlv lllON 1)u11' "tendy ! American , 112.76 ! IB 00 UorfEll-Qulutt lake. 10.50. liKAD-Qutuli domestic , * 3.60. toi'd" ' ° " 8i Htrult'i | na' ° ° ull ! Plates , ilul ijl'F.iTKit-Steady ; domestic , 13,70. , ales lOkpotttnat lOc. Ht , l.ouU .MlirkpU. PT. rouiB. Aug. S4.-l' ' < Mtil-Dull. \ViiKAT-Dull , 'iit'iCDir ; No. a red .cash an August , 67'iCi buplfinbur , & 8c ! ; Documbu ( > 0 ; COIIN- Weak , ijft''c off ; No. 2 mixed , cas August , 33 ! c ; September , 33 > ic ; Dect-n ber , ItVK-No. 2.4SC. lllTTiii : tJncbunged. Koos-Unchaiiged , rmvisu NS-l''lrui ; pork nnd lard unchangci pork , new , $13.75 ; lard. I8.12IJ. Ucaitii ra-riimr. U.ooi ) sacks : , IOC 000 Uu.i corn , 22,01)0 Uu , ; oaU. 15,000 liu. bmi'iiK.NTH-Kluiir , 8,000 Hacks ; wheat , 21 000 bu.i corn , 08,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu. Colleu Alnrkot. NRW VOIIK , Aug. 24 , Options openm steai ftiidunchunged to 111 points up , und closed Mr ut 20 to 31) points up. \ireifn 1 marUeU we more favorable. Thcio wort gold 2,160 but : Including : Kuptomhur , Mfi ; October , f 15.11 Noviimlier , J14.bOicU.H5 : DurumlHir. $14.7(1 14.05 : Jnnuurr. f 14.85 ; March. $14,00 14.0 Kputltio was urmer but dull ; No. 7 , * lt.87i. ! Oil .M rl < U. Oii.OiTr , I'a. , Aug. 21. National transit cc tlllcatcs opened at 60 ) ( ; bluhest. & 'J } | ; lowes 68 , iclojod , OtiJi ! kulcs , 1,000 bbhjclvuraucc 8,000 6bl i hlpment , 05,569 bbN ; runs , 80,401 bbls. PtTTflntliK ) , P . , Aug. 24. trnntlt certlllc.itc npcnnd nt GO ; closed. 68M1 high est , CO ; lone t , 68' < I tales , & , Ul)0 ) bbls. Omnhn 1'rnduco Mirk t , BiiTTKH The receipts of butter Rood enough for the city retail trade r rn very light. Fancy crcninerlM , mild p.ickod. 2022 let fjlr to good creameries , nolld packed , IBSMOc ; choice to fnncy country , 14ftl5c ; fnlr to ( food country. 12411 3m jmcklng slock , fresh , H'c ' { } I.IVK I'uft.TUVTho market Is full-of spilng clilckuns nnd prices are lower. Oood turlng chickens. 8'itOo ; old bens , 7)ic ) ; roosters , 4 > aBc ; ducks , 7c. , Ktins Tlie receipts uro rather llgnt wllh Ilin nmrkut steady , the bulk going at ll'it 11 We. U.tMR Wlilln the worther l.s too warm to inuke tlio bundling of game an entirely tafe business , thcro are some birds arriving ; mal- liiril ducks. (3.60 ; blue winged teal. 2 ; green wlngod teal , f 1.60 ; plover , very alow. HONEY Now honey has put. in an appear ance on thu market , but thn dnniiind Is light : choice new whllo clover , 1G3.17C. I'IOEONS The demand U not quite so active nslt wus ; live pigeons at)1.60. VHIKTAnt.liS. ONIONS Home grown stock Is plenty at ljc per Ib. on orders from tbo country. TOM ATOIS : Homo grown stock , on orders , ppr basket , GOJ176C , I'orATOis The iupply Is very light and the market llrm. On orders from the country they are worth at least 76c , 1'Alin.MJE The business In shipping cabbage to tlio country appears to bo nbnnt over. Occasional orders are received and filled at Hie. Stray uhlptnonts are arriving and tlio quality of the stock Is pronounced good for this season of the year. Celery , per dot. bunches. 35c. rnutT.s. OIIAPKR So far this season thorn nave not boon very many grapes In from California ; California , per case , $1.26ftit.50. OAUKOliNlAKitttiTS I ate Uruwforcl poaches , per box , il : llartlett pears , per box , $2 ; ilium's , per box , tl.25 < Ql,50 ; nectarines , per box , $1.60. MKMNS Oood watermelons are selling at $16 per 100 ; small or Inferior , $10.00S-12.00 ; Jem cantaloupes , baskets , SI ; crates $1.253 1.60 , Ai'i'i.KS No apples to amount to anything are being shipped In , and tlio supply of homegrown grown ntock Is moderate. Choice Duchess , per bbl. , f3.75JJ-l.00 ; common varieties , sult- ublo to ship on orders , $3.003.25. TiioricAt , rnuiTS. HANANAS I'rlccs remain about steady , per bunch , large. $2.250)2.50 ) ; per bunch , small to medium , $1.752.00. , LKMONS The steady warm weather pro duccs n very fair demand for lemons and all houses am doing a gojil Htoady business In them. Messlnas , extra fancy , JG.OORG.50 ; Messlnas , per box , choice to fancy. * 5.00a5.50 , OHA.NHKS Thcro are only u few oranitui ar riving. Klvorshlc Mediterranean sweets , $3.75 , HIDKH , TAIUW , KTC. HiDKSJ-No. 1 green blilus , 2Ue ; No. 2 green hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted liluos , 21ic ; No. 2 green salted bides , 2c : No. I green naltoil hides , 25 Ibs. to 40ilbs. , 2 ? c ; No. 2 green salted bides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . 5c : No. 2 veal calf. 8 lln. to 1C Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry Illnthlilcs , OR ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c. Part cured hldox ! { c per ID. loss than fully cured. IIEKI' PKI.TS Green Halted , each 35c54$1.25 ; green salted shoiirllngs ( short woolod early skins ) , each 16tt25ci dry Khoarllngit ( short wooled early skliH ) , > fo. 1 , each 5aiOc : dry shearlings ( short , wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool polls , per lh. . actual weight , 10Q lie ; dry Mint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 710c : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib , , actual weight , 0ltc ) : dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool jielt-s. per Ib. , actual weight , 70u : dry pieces and bucks , actual weight. 6JJ7c. TAM.OW * AND GiiBABii Tallow , No. 1 , 4n ; tallow , No. 2. 3c ! : areaso , white A 3c ! ; grease , white It , 3c ; grease , yellow , 2Jc ; grease , dark , 2'R ' ; old butter , 24J2MC ! cqeswux , prime , 10a25c ; rough tallow , 2 i % Knnmi * City MurUuts. KANSAS CITV. AUK. 24.-WIIKAT Hard , li lower ; red , steady ; No.2 lnird,49li50c ; No. ' . red , 51 < a514'c. CoitN J < ( ir.ic ! lower ; No. 2 mixed , 30 < 330Uc No. 2 white. 305JB. OATS-SI ciuly ; No. 2 mixed , 21ffi23c ; No. : wlillo. ' 27iJ28e. ( HiiTTin : I'lrnij creamery , isasic ; dairy 15 Jill 80. Enns Weak ; ll'/Jc. HiCKiiTS : Whcat , 14,000 hu , ; corn , none oats. 3,000 bn.Wheat Wheat , 34,000 bu. ; corn , 27,001 bu. ; outs , none. Cotton Murker. New ORLEANS , Aug. 24. Futures steady sales , 25,000 hales ; August , fG.700.80 ; Sop tombor. $0.7030.80 ; November. J7.00a7.01 December , $7.097.10 ; January , 87.24547,26 February , $7.331(67.34 ; March , $7.4 1447.42. Good middling , 7Mc ; middling , 0 6-lGc ; lov middling , 0 11-lGc ; good ordinary , G ? c : no recolpts , 315 bales ; gross. 328 bales : export to Great Ilrltaln , 4,000 bales ; sales , 300 bales Liverpool Mnrkuts. liivcnroOTj , Aug. 24. AVIIEAT Dull ; demand mand poor ; holders ofTcr freely ; No. 2 rei winter , 5s 5d5s ( iVid per cental. COIIN Kasy ; demand poor ; mixed western 3s lliid percental. IjAUD42s Gd per cwt. for prlmo western. BniitTS OF Tuui'n.NTiNC 21s 3d per cwt. Saw York Dry linodi Murkot. NEW YOIIK , Auc. 26. The demand for dr goods was again butter today. There was som' larger business doing , which reflects the no\ \ growing triidoof jobbers and relates prlncl pally to staple cottons nnd novelties In tin goods. The outlook Is felt to bo Improvln and there Is Increasing conlliloncc. IlillHilelplili : Ornln .Market. riiiAini.i'MiA : , Aug. 24. WHEAT Lower No. U red , Ancust. G4i'KG4c. ' Cons Lower ; No. 2 mixed , August , 45i ( 45' ' c. OATS Lower ; No. 2 wlilto , August , 35C 3Gc. _ Cliiciiiiiatl Marlcuta. CINCINNATI , Aug. 24 WHEAT No. 3 rot 8e. 8e.COIIN COIIN Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , ! ! 7c. WHISKY Steady at $1.12. HulUmoro ( iniin MitrUet. rtAi.TiMoitE , Aug. 24. WJIUAT Weak ; Ni 2 red. Gl jr. COIIN weak ; pport , 45fc. } OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 34c. STOCKS AM ) UUNUS. lo Iliiri ( In Sccurltlcn YcBtcrdsy I.linlto to ii Few Line * . _ Nuw YOIIK , Aug. 24. This has been th quietest day at the Stocl : exchange for long time , and out for a spurt during th last hour would have been one of the dulles on record. The attendance of brokers am operators at tlio board during the morn In was exceedingly small , owing to thu delay i transportation owing to last night's stern The boars took nd vantage of this to dopros prices and were asslsto'l by thu advance 1 the Hank of Kngland rate of discount to per cent und the revival of rumors affcctin the credit of ono or more Wall street cot corns. The general list was depressed fror } ( to ? ler ceilt whllo Wheeling and Lak Krio and Cotton Oil preferred droppo 2 to 4.f ' points. Subsequently I became known that firms sui posed to bo in financial difllcultlc had been pulled through and were In n danger of suspension. At the same tlnm th money on call became easier the premium on currency and gold sank lower and itv < i reported that several of thu savings banli had informed doiwsltors , who sumo tin : slnco gave the requisite notlco of will drawals , that they could have their funds o demand. Thosu Influences led to n shur rally during the last hour , improvcmci from the lowest bulng equal to li to ' j pi cent. The fact that the decrease of cnniinj of the St. I'aul for the third week of Augu : was less than had been anticipated also coi tributod to the strength of the market , 11 some of the shorts started in to cover. Who stocks were wanted the supply was found I bo small. Heading was qufto consplcuot and advanced on reports that tlio forthcon ing statement , of thu receivers would show material reduction in the Homing deb Speculation left ot ( at or about the bei prices of thu day , The Post nays : Outsidaof u Anv aesu lory attacks upon prices con lined to a sing group of securities , there was practiuall nothing done iu today's stock market. Tl action of the Hank of Kngland today in mo Ing up its discount rule at full point to G pi cent was rather more radical than had bci generally looked for. To ull intents and pu poses , it has been discounted already in tl markets , for the purchase of gold in Londc for American account practically ceased la week. It by no means follows , howeve that a 5 per cent bank rate marks the end i our own gold import movement. The highi rale may servo to curtail accommodation i the London ilniu money market , and may i that extent , hamper the freu negotiation , I our largo companies , of sterling loan What thu high discount rate asauros , hoover \ over , Is a return of London funds from tl continent a means by which the gold mi bo readily retained sufilciently to meet tt Now York demand without depleting ; tt London bank reserve. Tlio following arc the closiap quotatloi on the leading itocks on the Now York exchange today : Atphlnon 1BH Nor. PaclOo prfM. . 10 Atl.imn KiprpRfl. . . 1HO U. 1' . I.V < > B Allon.TcrroH.iulc. 17 flfi do prat'd 141) do prct'd , , . American Rxprcift 103 N. Y. Central ll.iltlmora.VOhlo. . fl3 > 4 N. Y. .V.N. B. Canada 1'aclfle 7l > ? ( ) Ontarlo.V\Vo torn. Canada Southern. , 42 j'Orccon Imp 13 Central 1'aeino . . . 17MiOreiron Nav 3.1 Clio * , ft Ohio 14 ! < | O. H. U , < .UN. . . . . . 7 Chicago * Alton. . . 12B 'Pacific ' Mall t" ( C.U..VQ 7t' ( < IN'orl.i Ioc..V M. . . , ll'j ChlcafoOas . , COM Pjllsuurir 140 Consolidated Ga . . 117 Sl'nllnian 1'nl.ico. . . 143 o. c. . I , 324 limiting 14K Cotton Oil Cert 2SMlUclimondTcr 1 askud , The total sales of Blocks today were 92,000 huros , Including : Atchlson , H.200 ; Chlcngo Qns , 8,000 ; DIstlllliiB , 3,4(10 ( ; Onnurnl EIcc- rlc. 7,500.Ueadlnu , & .210 ; Itock Islaiul , .200 ; St. I'aul , 12,000 ; Sugar , 0,000 ; Western Union , 0,000. In the London Mnrltot. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 24. The Evening Post's .omlim . special says ! Although the hank rate vns rntscd todiiy to 0 per cent , the rcscrvo has nly decreased 54.0(11) ( ) . iiotwlthstaiidliig the ut oHIux of 585,000 In gold during tlio winik or export. The cause of this small decrease s found In the return of cash from homo clr- ulntlon. Uotalls of the gold movcinnntdurliiR tha veek ; l,05rjOUOexported to the United States mil 41120,000 to Oannda ; 1549,000 received mm the continent and 43,000 from lira * II , The other dounslts have decreased JUl.GOO.- 000. The nmrkot supply of cash Is hecomlnit carco. The Hank of Franco returns show hat the very hirgu withdrawals of gold for America , which London bolloved yesterday o have been inado at I'arls , have probably not occurred. Thu French stock of cold shows only a slight doorcase. The stock markets vuro lint today all around , prices closing at ibont the on the rise of hank rates and ho prospects of diir : money for the settle- nL'iil , Thu account , however , U prohnbly too iiiuill for dear money tocauMoany dllllcultlcs. liver Is down to 34 d and rupee paper tu New York Money Market. NRW YOIIK , Aus. 24. MONEY ON CAM , Easy nt2ftG ( per cent ; hist loan at 2 per cent ; closing offered at 2 per cent. PIUMU.HKIICANTII.I : 1'Ai'cit G12 per cent. KTKIII.INO KXCIIANOK Finn , with actual 'uislness ' In hankers' bills at } 4.824.83 for sixty-day bills and I4.874.87'i for lunmiul ; commorclal lilIN , Jl.HUViSi4.80'/ . HII.VKU ( JEiiTiFicATES None on sale , closed t 75c bid. GOVEIINMK.NT HoNi > s Firm , State bonds , [ lull. lull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds. Financial Nutos. KANSAS OITY , Aug. 24. Clearings. 1840 , 703. 703.Nuw Nuw ORLEANS , Aug. 24. Clearings , 9G84 , 372. 372.MEMPHIS MEMPHIS , Aug. 24 , Clearings , $35,014 ; bal ances , $0,381. NEW VOHK , AUB. 24. Clearings , fOO.180,907 bulances. $2,877,000. OMAHA , Aug. 24. Clearings , $045,283 ; sam aay lust week , 8460,214. CINCINNATI , Aug. 24. Now York oxchangi 25c discount. Olearlngs , 11,020,000. ItAI.TIMOIli : , Aug. 24. Cloarimrs , $008,141 baluncus , $314,000 , Money , 0 per cent. I'lIII.ADKi.nilA. Aug. 24. Clearings , $3,603. 110 ; baluncus , $1,030,507. Money , G percent. ST. Louis. Aug. 24. Clearings , $2,237,332 baluncus , fc342,481. Money quint , GiJiB pu cent. Exchange on New Vurk * $4 discount. ClllCAOO , Aug. 24. ClearliiKU , 110,488,21 : New Vork exchange , t5 discount. Htorlln exchange , $4.804 ! < i 4.85i ! < Monuy steady at per cent. Nr.w YOIIK. Aug. 24. [ Special Telegram t Tin : HEK. ] Exchange was quoted as follow today : Chicago , $3 to $5 discount ; St. Louli * 5 discount. 1'AitiH , Aug. 24. Three per cent rentes , 00 lie for the account. The weakly Htatumunt u tlio Hank of Franco show.s a decrease i B.225,000f In gold and an Increase of 300.00C. In silver. LONIION , Aug. 24-Tho bullion in the Han ! of England decreased during the past wee 438,000. The proportion of the Han of England's reserve to liability , which las week was 43. 01 per cent , Is now 44.00 po cent. The amount of hnlllon gone Into th Hunk of England on balance today , 80,001 Hunk of England rate of discount , 5 per cent. O.M.YIIA. l.lVi : STUCK. There Via. * n MnrkcU Decrease In Buppllf of All Kind. . TilimsiUY , Aug. 24. Thcro was a marked decrease in supplic of both hogs and cattle today and the dowi ward course of prices at least tcmporarll checked , Uccclpts for the four days foot u 7,077 cattle , .33,950 , hogs and 3,171 , sheep , n against 8,4)5 ! ) cattle , Uj.130 hogs and 8,47 sheep lor the corresponding period lac week , In its general features the cattle markt today was but a repetition of that ( Wednesday. Supplies were comparative ! light and composed very largely o westerns , One train load of' ' India Territory cattle were on the markc and Cudahy received a train lou of Texans from Kansas City. Dressed bet men mononolizod thu buying and paid' abou steady prices for desirable beef grades , hi were inclined to neglect or bid a little lowi on common to inferior craves. They bougi fair to good 1,107 to l,17d-lb. steers at aroun ftl.UT ) and ft. and from fcJ.UO to $3.40 for tt : under grades. The westerns were voi largely on the feeder order. Killers took few Colorado unit western Nebraska catt at from fci.CO tn ) .17 } and a big string c 8G8-lb. "Territory" cattle at $2.1)0. ) The mu kot , whllo not fur from steady , was prautli ally devoid of life , although the supply wi pretty well out of first hands at the close. UulliH'sa nnd weakness characterized tl trade in butchers' stock and canncrs. Ofte ings were airaln liberal enough to mal buyers with 'limited orders indifferent nr prices shaded lower. Fair to good butcher cows sold luriroly at from fl.75 to fJ. 1 Calves at from $ ) to M.M ) were steady i strong , and Dulls and stags ut from f 1 to : were ciuotably uncl.ungod. liuslnosB in stockcrs and feeders coutinin brisk and prices are firming up nlccl ; Country buyers were looking for bargali and regular 'dealers needed to roplenis their stocks. Bupplios were rather llgl and the movement was free. Prices uro 1 ! to lioo higher than the first of thu week nt the feeling is strong. Good to choice fucdc are < iuotaulo ut fj.75 to M.I 5 , fair to good i ! .GO 10 tJ.75 and common stuff ut ( 'J to fJ.C ilcprcsuntalivn vales ; No. Av. l'r. No. Av. I'r. 1 . 1100 1270 10. . , . , .1077 130 ! 22 . 7Q'J 8 00 40. . . . , .1170 4 UC 0 . 1137 B 40 COWS. 2 . 876 1 00 3 . OCO 1 OC 1 00 1 00 1 05 1 (15 ( 2 OO 2 00 2 OO 2 00 2 00 a or > 2 10 2 10 2 15 2 ID 2 30 2 00 200 2 00 D 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 1 50 1 05 1 75 200 245 2 GO 2 GO 3 00 WKBTflRN CATTI.K. No. Av. l'r. ' No. Av. l'r. 8 stccrs.1250 J2 DO mmiASKA. 42 f'd'rs..lllO J3 05 24 stcors.1101 13 17J 1 Htcor.,1420 3 17 > i 58 COWS. , 812 205 4slcoM. 8U7' 2 00 17 steers. 001 2 00 i 0 cows . 047 1 05 afcodarsll'JS 2 50 10fuuderHll35 3 UO 23cows. . . 030 1 75 12stn > , tlgl273 2 10 INDIAN TElUUTOnY-TBXAN * . 8str3tlgl020 175 382 steer * . 80S 2 30 COUWAWO CATTI.B. 29COW8. . 887 245 1 feeitor.1080 260 22fcodersl001 315 10 fcodors 974 315 1 bull..1150 140 1 sir , tlg.lOCO 1 UO Istr.tlg. G20 190 7strs.tUtlll7 190 1 steer..760 260 1 steer..1010 260 1 steer. . 030 260 7.steers. . 811 250 65 steers. . 800 200 BHHtoors. . 918 2 GO lions With loss than half as many hogs on sale as were hero cither Wednesday or 11 week aio thcro was a sharp reaction In prices and lOc to 15e of Wednesday's big de > cllno was regained. Thcro was a very fait shipping and fresh meat demand , but Cudaby led the procession of local buyers and took considerably over half the total receipts. Light and light mixed hogs sold as usual at a good premium on heavies , will : sales nil tlio way from 4.00 up to ffl.iiO , largely at J5 and fc > .10 , while heavy anil mixed packing grades wont at from § 4.80 uii vo $ . " > , but largely at $4.85 and $4.1K ) . Trade was active throughout and over early the bulk of the hogs soiling at from $4.85 to $5 as against $4.75 to1.90 Wednesday nnd $4.S > 0 to SS.lOono week ago today. Hopro scntativo sales : Sh. Pr. No. Av. $4 75 6'2. . .290 80 4 75 60. . .330 320 4 80 04. . .200 4 80 74. . .244 4 80 60. . .308 3..304 4 80 73. . .250 1..300 4 80 G7. . .241 80 15. .299 iiiiisiS 200 4 80 GO. . .209 3..273 4 80 70. . .255 2..275 4 80. . . 58. .294 1..250 40 4 80 , . 7. .201 ! ) . . . .323 320 4 90 H 12. .238 1..250 320 4 85'- ' 04. .229 3..302 120 4 85" ' ' 04. .200 3..314 120 4 85 15. .288 5..283 80 4 KG . | 27. .229 1..279 120 4 85 4 68. .240 5 . . .204 40 4 85 i 08. .255 B . . .229 240 4 83 01. .243 IS..252 200 4 85' 71. .200 B..310 120 4 5' ' I 04. .258 G..323 120 4 85 j 03. .205 9..270 4 86 . 10. .209 2..30G 80 4 85 07. .2.15 5..338 280 4 H6 ' 76. .230 5..331 80 4 85 67 .232 5..S44 120 4 90-(1 ( 2. .180 1..27G 200 4 90 ' 73. , .214 2. . . 329 80 4 90 i 4'J. , .190 7. . .313 4 90 ' < 87. , .210 0..295 120 4 90 84. , .181 5..211 240 4 00 „ 74. , .198 8..227 1GO 4 90 q 50. . ' 197 0..267 100 4 OOi .212 7..250 3GO 4 90 I ' 83 : , . .199 0..280 80 4 90 i G5..184 4..276 240 4 9Ol 8G.i..193 7..250 320.4901 . .90..A78 3..283 200 4,90 : t i-ios Xfjn'nouair. 2..835 ' 3 80 SHEEP Five double decks of western were received and part of thorn sold P.rl ( pretty tough ) prices. The market Is weal and aull with tiio demand cxtrcmcl , limited and "only for good stock. Fair t good natives , S3.00@3.75 ; fair to good wosl eras , $2.00 < ; 3.25 : common and stock shoe ] $1.50@2.7.r ) : fjood to. choice 40 to 100-lt lambs , $3.X4.50. ( ) Itocoiptft iiuil Ulnpnittliin of Stock , receipt ) and disposition ot stock a shown by the books of the Omaha Union Stoc Yards company for tlio twenty-four hour ending at 6 o'clock p. in. August 24 , 1803 : KKOEIPI'.S. Chicago I.lvo Stock Miirltot. OitlOAnn , Aug. 24. Ifipeclul Telegram t THIS ItKK.l Thu receipts of cattle were abou 0,000 head less than yesterday , being estl mated at 13.0UO bead , of which about 8,00 were natives , 2,000 western * and 3,00 Tuxans , As many cattle were leftover fror Wednesday , wits morn tluui hiilli clent to IIII all orders , and therefore thu marki remained weak. Trade dragged and Nullei were unablii to nmlco a cleuruncu , though the worked faithfully. Balon of natlvu.s wet few ouUluo of tha llinlls of froi $1.GO to 11.-Id , while westerns sol principally at from (2.25 to $3.50 and Texan largely below $2,75. Importers have not don much this week , thu foreign market beln lower and the demand for "astern iiccoun also being lighter than usual. Fut cattle ui relatively iMieapor than the ntfirradia , Hlnc Huturdny thu arrivals Jmvo boun 0,000 boa more than for the game tlmo last weuk , an unless the biipply for tomorrow and Haturda Hhull provo remarkably light there Isnotllkul to bo any recovery of jirlces. Tlio recolptstif nogs were larg again today. fWotlng up from 28.00 lo30.000 head , butitiiey worn from 15,000 l 18,000 head lossu than for Wudnubdav and } intlnr atUi.iACllvo demand th gruatcr part of . that day's declln was recovered , llilycNi did the hunting toda ; They were outcarly'and up to 11 o'clock tliui weru continuous HtrSNIns of hogu pasting ovu the scales. The number actually on Halo WH nearly us largo u4 Ifor Wednesday , abou 14OOU head huvlniribuun loft uvur , hut nearl uvtrythlng was bought up und at aiiadvunt of from 16c 'w 20c. Heavy lion sold ir.ojtly at-"fn > m J5.1O to I5.a and from ia.76 us'feD.'JO was paid for tli bulk of the light. J'iii'y ( | light " ln erh" win In dennind und hoUlus high us (5.00 and tbui wiu u llttlu hculpliiK Jn cullnal from * 3.uU I 14.75 , The wns actlvo und strong. Kheop could not'WMl ' worse than tliuy Inn biien doing for sonidnlayn pant , and In vlow < Iho continued liuavy1 receipts imil the abneni of any coiiblduraHC ) < i hlpplng demand thu could HCurculy builpi'Cted { to toll butte Values wore without quotable changn , (3.1 for fair U > choice and at from f 1 to rJ.76 fi poor to medium.Veslernn bold principal ! ut prices below 13.25. Tlio lamb market wi bteiuly at from 12.50 to (5.25 for poor to cboh nuulltlvK , with mostuf thu Inibfneiig nt fro (3,75 tolr4.7u. The pens uru full of nheop an lambs und tills woeKU not likely to buu un linprovenient In prlco. ItuculpU ; Cattle. 13,000 head ; calvcn , 1,0 ( bend ; hogs , 28,001) fumd ; bheop , 12,000 head. Thu Evening Journal roimrU : c : OATTI.B KocolptH , 13.OOO headj marki weak for nuttvus ; Texnns and wculern Htrongt imilvos , coinmon Ui bust , I2.75ii > 5,0i cows2.76(35.25 ( ; Toxunu , ( l,40it'J.OOj wus erns. (2.11) 4.00. lloas Kccolpts , 12,600 head : market closi 25c higher for heavy und llXfcl&chlghur fi lights ; ) iitxed and puckurb , (5.11X35.26 ; prlu buury , (5.26.4ll ; tiutchun , (6.2536.55. BIIEEIHeculpts , 12,00q lumdi nutlvi (2.26 9.25 ; ultra wotburv , (3.76 4.16 ; wen emu , (2.10 3,76 ; feudvn , t'J.OOifJ.10 ; land I7.60a7.65. Knntai Olty i.lvo luck Market. ClTV , AUS. 24. ClATTI.E KeCClpI 4.0OO head : thlpmuiiu , 4,600 boud ; murk steady to Huong ; Texas and sblpplug btt'ci 11,76 5.15 ; Tot s nnd native cow , tt,203 3,00 ; btitohor stiKk , f3.00ft4.16i tlockori and feeders , (1.5Xtl3.60. Mods Itocolnts , 8.000 hc d | blpmnnt < t , 2,60 ( ) bead ) market 10A20c higher ; bulk. t4.75 U5.25 : hoavlos , packers and mixed , { 4.60 ® 6.26 ; lights , Yorkers nnd pigs , (5.15 5.25. SlIKEf-IJocolpts. 200 bead ; lillinints ) , 100 bead ; market steady. St. I.onU I.lvo Stock .Mnrkot. ST. Lotus. Aug. 24. Ovrri.r. Ueoolpts. 3,100 heads shipments , 2.600 head ; market. lOc lower for Texan ; best prices for steers , J3.10 ; cows , (2,60. llona llecelpts , 3,200 hnnilt nhlpmcnts , 1 , GllO bead ; market nponcd lower , closed lOc blglicr : top prices , J5.GO ; bulk ot snlcs , (5.20 5.50. SIIKRP Uocolpts , GOO head ; shipment ? , 400 head : markot'Sluady. AFFAIRS IN SOUTH OMAHA. Seine CommUmnn .Men nnibtbo Stuck Yurdii Comp.uiy at Outs. A largo sized difference of opinion has again sprung up between some of the live stock commission linns nnd the management of the Union Stock Yards company. The following loiter sent to each firm doing busi ness nt the yards by Secretary J. C. Sharp yesterday is the foundation for the snarl which wijl probably not bo untangled until It reaches the courts : "Gentlemen : Calling your attention to my letter of the 20th ult. . iu which 1 notified you that you would bo required to glvo this company another bond by the " .Sth lust. , copy of which has been furnished you , I have now to notify you that at the close of busi ness on the last named day your bond now hold by this. company will bo cancelled and returned to you. After the close of busi ness on the " 8th lust , you will bo required by this company to pay all its advanced charges nnd charges for yardage , feed , etc. , before delivery of stock in the company's yard con signed to you , unless you shall before that tlmo furnish the company a new bond. I glvo you this notice for the purpose of pre venting any misunderstanding' hereafter. " This matter of Riving a now bond was dls- cusso'l nt a meeting of the Exchange seine imo ago , and the unanimous sentiment of ho members seemed to bo at that time that hey would not give any guaranty bond. It now develops that several of the gentlemen kvho spoke openly In their opposition to the .iropostUon hare slnco changed their minds nnd have already given the company a satis- fastory guaranty bond , llut lliero arc ithers who have stuck to their lirst dcclara- lon and still refuse to glvo any bond other .linn the ono upon which they have been doing business for years. Yesterday afternoon Mr. T. J. Mahoney , ivho is the legal advisor for the Exchange , tvas sent for. Ho was luvltod into Mi' . Park- lurst's ofllce , where ho met a croup of commission - mission men discussing the above letter sent out by the stock yards company. The men explained to their attorney that ho had been sent for to go into the courts with this last order sent out by Secretary Sharp. Among the linns represented at the meeting nnd who oppose any change of bond are : Wagner , Burnoy & Co. , 1'arkhurst & . Hop- ier. Smith , Carey & Co. , Jackson , Acker it Co. , George Adams & Burke. Clay , Hoblnson & Co. , Kcctmu nnd Smith , Sam Gosney & Co. , Boyer Bros. & Co. , Gllchrist , Haiina & 2o. , i'arrino , Cook & Co. , Perry Bros. , Law rence , Sweeney & Horn and Beyers Bros , Today Mr. Mahoney will commence an action in the district court asking for an in- 'unction restraining the stock yards com , .tany from locking up any stock consigned Ic commission linns until after tlio question ol what sort of bond shall be given is definitely decided by the courts. Touched lor Ills \Vrnltb. James Tiernoy , a farmer from near Vail la. , has lived to bo about GO year : of ago nnd up till last nigh I did not believe that there were any dishonest men in the world. He had icard tell of people being swindled and rob bed , but Jim always thought it was onlj newspaper gab and the stories would tro irene ono ear and out the other. But any ono win hears the tale Jim relates of his cxpcriohci In South Omaha Wednesday night can easily tell the old gentleman Is in earnest and speaks from the bottom of his heart. Tierney never was much of a sport , he says , but the spirit moved him to seek n little pleasure last night. Ho had come ovei from Vail to buy seine feeders. After look ing over what thcro was at the yards ho die not find anything that suited him , so he drifted into ono , two or three saloons nnd tooli on a sufficient amount of liquor to dovelopc his sporting proclivities. For a companion he picked out a colored man , whoso name he did not take the pains to ascertain. Tin negro know where the two could go anil have a quiet good tlmo. Jim was agreeable and the colored man steered him into : housn on R street between Twenty-eightl , and Twenty-ninth. After entering Tiornoj says ho docs not remember mu'cl except the fact that there were twe pretty good looking women in the room ant that ho was given a drink out of a bottle which set reeling. After rcmainlnf in the house for awhile , without going to bee or to sloop Tierney suys he started to leavi when ho discovered that his watch had beer stolen. Ho made a kick aud the colored mat gave U back to him. Ho then bad anothci drink and went out. Just us bo loft the dooi ho felt for his money and to his immcnsi sorrow that too had disappeared. This win more grief than the old man could tolerati and bo at once reeled off to the police sta tion and told Captain Austin of his oxpcrl ence. The captain had Tierney go with bin to the house where ho claimed to have los his money and ho pointed out the house oc cupled by Mrs. Williams , a widow. Tin house was watched until morning but m colored man came out. Tierney had four $100 bills and ? Go in goli and silver. All the robbers left him was : lone nlckle , Tlio colored man referred to was seen talk ing to Tierney early in the evening and i : known by the police. All efforts to locati him hero have failed. At noon Dotcctlvi Mitchell went to Omaha in the hope of find ing him there. Tierney will remain In th city a day or two to identify the negro 1 caught. Mrs. Williams has been arrested once Tlio police glvo her house n questlonabl name , although she was not convicted o any offense when locked up before. Mrs Williams bus a daughter about in years o age and at the time of her mother's arrcs she was also locked up. Htock VnrilD Tulk. A gang of men was put to work at the stocl yards yesterday building a lot of new hoi pens iu the south yards. Fit teen carpenter are employed. The now cattle pens nortl of the Exchange building will be complutei this week- When this work Is elono th yards will have a capacity for 0,000 , cattlo. Business at the yards had dropped ol about UO pur cent during tlio last six week : aud the force of men employed has been re duccd accordingly. A heavy run of cattle I anticipated this fall and the company is getting ting the yards in excellent shape for the fal business. City ( ioHiilp , R. O. Maylleld Is at the Chicago fair. \V. U. Check Is laid up with a sprained Iil | Sim Upton of Union is the guest of Sai Gosnoy , A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. . Bcstonlohner. Mrs. KlUaboth Dulanoy of Blair is vlsltln her son Joseph. Mr. and Mrs , Utoph lost another chll yesterday by diphtheria. J. B. Clark , thu stockman who was sci tcnced to liftoen days In the county jail , wi plUME IN HIGH PLA.CE3I It * - ' not strange that some people d wrong through ignorance , ethers froi a dilluro to investigate aa to the rigfit a wrong o ( u inuttor. But It is strange that individuals und firms , who uro ( ull nwuro o ( the rights of others , will par slat in perpetrating frauds upon than High-toned , wealthy nmnufreturin Onus will offer nnd boll to rotull inci chants , articles which they know to li infrlngmnont4 on the rights of proprii tors , nndiinlUtloiiBof well known goodi Wo want to sound u note of warning t the rotuilora to beware of such linllu tlona aud simulations of "OAHTiCU'ri Ln TLK LiVKlt Pif LS. " Wlion they nro o forod to you , rofusa thorn ; you do nt want to do wrong , und you don't want I lay yourself liable to u lawsuit. Ho Frunldln said "Honesty la the host pol cy" ; it Is just as true thut thobost principle. " yostcnlay pArdoncd out by Mayor and loft town at onco. The 11-yoar-old son of N. M. ColtriU has boon missing slnco Tuesday- The Infant child of M. Goldstein died yes terday of cholera In fan tutu. J. li. 1'ftxton. superintendent nt the stock yards Is takliiR In the World's fair. ' Mr. Millcn of Council lltuffs was the Rticst of Councilman llulla last evening. Sylvester anil W. A. Kced ot Nemalm county visited .Itidso Vwlor yesterday. Wave Anderson N circulating a petition pettlnt : signers to Join a taxpaylnR tongue. Kd lltzfierr.ld lm been panloncil out of Jail by tlio mayor on account of the sickness ot his wife. Miss Mary Owens , who has boon visiting her brother .lolin , returned yesterday to her homo In IQvnnslon , 111 , Ihoclty council mot again last night to further discuss what action It would take with tlio Johnson report , The Sunday school children of the Hnlted Prosbyturlnn uhureh hold a picnic til Hans- coin park yostcrday afternoon. A stock yards switch online ] umpoil the tracks yesterday morning , uml It took until evening to place It back on the tracks. K. M. ttonnoll gave n musical feature i\t n loago mojtlng of Nebraska No , 1. ICnl nts of Pythias In Omaha Wednesday nlgiit. The "Circulating library" held a very en- Joynblo mcotlnc last night at thu vcsldiinco of Mrs. U. J. laxwoll. llcfrushmonls were served. looXowasky , an employe at Hammonds , was caught between Uvo cars yesterday and ono of bis fcot was so badly crushed that it will probably have to bo amputated. Hugli Carpenter was brought homo Wediics. day nvcnlng with n bndly crushed foot. AVlnlo In Onmba standing nt thu now library build ing a heavy stone foil upon bis foot , crushing it so that it is feared amputation will bu necessary. Postmaster Glasgow opened up another package In his ofilcu .yesterday which had ocen represented to him to contain nothing but mcrchandlso , when In fact there was also a letter in the uackagc. The sender lias been notified to call at tlio ofllco anil explain. Mr. It. Klco , a banker nnd shipper from \YiIsonvilln , Ftirnas county , was hero vester- day with a bunch of cattlo. Ho says the corn crop will bo the largest In his county that has been known for years , but that tb'u small grain Is not looking as well as In other seasons. Heavy Run of the Mlinirtiicills | Milts fur tlio runt \Voclc. MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 24. The North western Miller in its weekly review says : The mills made qnlto a record last week , thutr output buing the heaviest In any week for tlio year. It was 'J03,840 barrels , averaging :53lia : , ) liar- rels dally , against 'JCRJ.llO barrels for the cor responding time In IS'.li ' and lr > ,3$0 barrels in 18'Jl. Something of a reduction will bo shown this wtck as two loss mills nro run ning than were a week ago , cutting off ! i,000 barrels dully. They were put Into scrvico to furnish Hour on old orders , thu shipping directions on which were at the time boiug sent in qulto freely. This inclination , however - over , has since been checked and a reduction of tlio output afterward. The water power Is now In moderately good shape , and thei'o is about enough to go around. The movement of Hour continues slow , flniinclal illlllcultics influencing it very lariruly. lyast wool : probably not more than half the Hour ground was sold , old orders being drawn on to take care of the rest. Quto a largo number of mills prefer not to sell very freely on account of the unceruin- tics of the llnaniaul situation , and they pur posely exact conditions which will have Ibis effect. Foreigners seem to want Hour , par ticularly baiters , and were sterling exchange In a normal condition there would bo a big ger demand. Prices are a trUlo easier than they were a week ago , except as to low grade , which is firmer in sympathy with feed. St. Louis' Illuinlnntloii. ST. Louis , 24. Tonight , after two preceding tests , the first cfimploto illumina tion of this year's annual series was given , For three hours the principal streets of the city , filled with a countless throng , were illuminated by nearly 100,000 ulcctrio and gas lights. The principal displays were on Washington avenue , Broadway and Twelfth stieot , olectrleity being lantely used in the development of illuminating designs , for wnoso variety and brilliancy St. Louis has already won fame. The scries of illumina tions will last until October IU ana will cost in the aggregate 81 5,000. I'rimltlvo cinrh of .Vnturp. Joh'n Urown , a young man about23 years of agowas arrested yesterday by a park police man for appearing in llanscoin park iu a nude condition. The. ofllcor told Brown that the park was not the garden of Kdun and that the city ordinances prohibited such an appalling scarcity of wearing apparel. The fellow said he was only cooling oil. Ho was charged with indecent exposure. Huircliliifr : lor u Sinter. William M. Wallace of 5lk Union avenue , Cleveland , O. , arrived in the city yesterday It Curea Coldi , Cuughi. Bora 1 hroat , Croup , In flu- eni , Whooplnc Cough , Bronchltli andAathma , A certain cure for Coniumption In firtt its'Jti , and a aiire relief In advanced itajn , Uie at once. You trill ice the excellent eifect after taking the first doie. Bold by dealers everywhere. Large bottUa 0 einta flirt ? I Ort In senrch of hl slotcr , Mr * . Annix whom her family h.ivo not honrd from for two yoan. Mr. Wnllaco st.itcs that hli Uter WAS nurrlcil to John R IA\VS | ftboitt twenty rt years ago nnd some llmo nf torwnrd cnmo west V , locating In Omnhn , vrhoro iho.v have slncoT roilded. Mr. Wnllaco AJthat about two ycnrs ngo his sl tor and nor husband icpnr- atod , and slnco then her roliMtTci b&vo not honrd from her. Mr.Vnllnco says ho met Mr , Lown. who1 Is engineer nt the Now York Llfo bnlldlnff , Inat night nml wns told that ho know nothing of his former wife's whereabouts. Mrs. Louis' ' daughter , who Is about 10 years of ngo , U nlio alleged to h\vo : disclaimed nny Knowledge ot bar -vx- mother's present homo. Mrs. Ixswls Is sntd T to bo iv nurse , and her brother applied at the police station for Information concerning hoc , but none of the oftlccrs knew anything about tlio womnn , The brother Is very nnvlous to see her , and as be can only stay In the city n short tlmo ho would regard it us n favor If Anyone knowing anything about her would leave word for him at the Onult house. Mr. und Miss l.owls , Wallace uys. are going east on a visit shortly , and bo will endeavor to en list them In bis assistance before leaving. Fremont AM'itlm. FIIKMONT , Aug. 24. ( Special to Tnr. HRB. ] The iiiddon death of Theodore Ltnnomnnn , an old nnd successful farmer near Snyder , in this county , whlto working In the hny Hold , occurred yesterday by the result of a rupture of a blood vessel of the brain. The committed on location of the proposed now cotlcgo has been In the city for thu past twenty-four hours ami has been escorted over the city by a delegation of citizens. The members were very much ploiund with Fremont and ns they already have ono Institution hero they look favorably upon tha location of another. Quito a number of members of the repub lican state central commllloo were In the city tnday setting up pins for convention day. ( .Soorgo A. McArthur ol the Atkinson Graphic wns in the city today calling upon his personal and political friends. Hon. and Mrs. J. 1' . ICnton of Mnplovlllo have returned from their visit to the homo of their ancestors In Now Kngland. Minor I'oliuu Nntoi. \Vllliam Kocnlg a trial in police court yesterday afternoon for stealing (05 from a friend , and was held for further examina tion In the sum of J.VXI. Ono of the tough looking mugs in court yesterday morning was Fred Williams , Ho was arrested on complaint of Max Fogel for stealing two coats valued at f'JO. Williams will have a hearing today. Joseph Itodaoinlul , a young tough , throw a stone at Motormnn A. J. Ultterhbuso of the Sherman avenue line 'Wednesday night , In juring him severely In tlio face. Thu young man was locked up and charged wlthass.iult. Wednesday afternoon John F. JaeUsou as saulted Mary Pennillknocking her down and bruising her considerably. Yesterday mornIng - Ing Jackson was arrested and was tried Im- motllatcly. Besides gutting a good lecture Jackson was sentenced to ninety days In the county Jail , the first nml middle live days of each month to bo on bread und water. Wymoro Stciullly Improving. WVMOUB , Neh. , Aug. ! ! -Special [ to Tun IlKi : . ] Workmen have commenced on tha large double front throo-story brick block of H. W. Dinninth's. Despite hara times the town continues to grow. Brick sldo- wallts are now being laid on the principal streets. The palatial residence ot T. P. Hargravos , vice president of the First National bank , is Hearing completion. The late rains have made a good corn crop. A FULL STOMACH ought to cause you no discom fort whatever. If it docs , though If there's any trouble after eating take Dr. Florae's [ Pleasant Pellets. They're a perfect and couvculcnt vest- pocket remedy. One of these tiny , stignr-conted , anti-bilious granules at a dose regulates and corrects the entire system. Sick or ISIllous Headaches , Con stipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and all derangements of the liv er , stomach , and bowels arc prevented , relieved , and permanently cured. They're the smallest , easiest to take , cheapest , and liest. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or money is returned. is perfectly , permanently , positively curou by Doctor Bago'H Catarrh Remedy. The proprietors of this inou- icino provo that by their olfer. It's $500 cash for u casoof Catarrh which they cannot cure. By all druggislH , 60 cents. lr. C. Ilo. ) Wo. the klne of rlilnc < ! iinxllcliieu , can truly 1)0 called the lclnot nu'illcliiu boenuao ut liln \vomliTfiil hklll und cnron of ull kbul UlHcnucH. IIu Hpi'iit yrai-Hln tliu imullcal rolli'k'i ) of Cliltm anil URH If.'irncil Iho iictloim of ever 0,0111) ) illtlun-nt Cldm'Ho > ' rcini'illvH. Ilo IIIIH acquired - much Uiiowloilrii ; nut took yeara of haiil nml I'liruuDl Ktuily lo accompllHli. Old- iit'Mi iiHMllclnf'H nrn mii > o- rlur brcaUHt ! of tln-lr purity Htrenelli. They an ) , UarlsB , IICTDH , flu wcra , , , tCp ] Io lm.uoH | ic'clillty ! of IIIIJH'H prlv.ito UIHOIIHISH , loHtiiuiu- liooil , catarrh , nervotmnusH , chronic dlHuniicH and nil feimilo wiiiikncsHus. 1'atluiitH at n illHt.-iiiciicau _ . Tim < l clor lint t ) tnmli'il by corrrHpoii'lcMici ! ImnilreilHof ti-HtlinoiilalH. Scml 4 ei'iilHMUimiisror frc-ii book ot R-Htlinuiilals ami iiui'tilliiii blankH. Dr. _ C. Ouo W < / , IDtli uml California Blnjetit. Omalm , C SOUTH OIV1AJJA. Union Stock Yards Compmy , Soutn Ornahai Beit Cattle Ha anil Simp markst lit li wall. COM H _ 85r | _ < _ HO" I. _ tWeed Wood Brothers , Mvfl Stook Coiiirnlidon Morohunti " o-itli OmmUa Tolepbouj IIST. Chl3lf JOHN I ) . lAI > n\t AN , I „ . „ . , . . " WAI.TUK I ! . WOOD. ( * MnrkPt reports by mall and wire cheerful urnUhod upon application. OMAHA" U Manufacturers a I Directory Carpenter Paper Col Standard Oil Co. CarrB ( ull > tock of prlntlnxl wrl < rlo nJ lleflotil ted lubrlcatlaj wrltloK P HII , cut , , elli , 1 f t n , M.