H THE OMAHA DAILY HER : WE ON IDS DAY , AUGUST 23 , 1803. TURNED ON A STRONG STREAM Gross-Oomplalnt Filed by the American Com pany of Illinois. LATEST WATER WORKS LITIGATION Charge * I'llod Alleging Hint thn Hn- tlre Dnnl of tlin Nfetr .loriojr In corporation \Vns lllcRAl W.nnt the Deal Declared Volil. A cross-complaint has been llled by the American Water Works company of Illinois , ngalnst the United Water Works company , the American Water Works comp.iny of Now Jersey , the Denver City Water Works company , E. Hyde Uust , ct ill. The eross-complulnl Is a voluminous docu ment and seems to cover every point of the caso. Opening , It relates briefly the history of the company'sorganlzntlon and Its acquire ment of tint Omaha system setting fortn the conditions of the franchise under which the plant was acquired , nnd claiming the In ability of the company to properly comply with the sumo under present conditions. The orator states Unit the Denver City Water Works company was organized in No vember , IbUO , for Iho purpose of purchasing the property of the Denver Wntor company , the Beaver Brook Water company and the Mountain \Vatcr company , which was done ; not , the orator claim with the full consent of the stockholders of the three latter com panies , among whom Is ex-Attorney Ucncral Wayne MacVeagh of Pennsylvania , who voted agtinst the transfer of the property end who , it Is claimed , will bring suit to secure the annulment of the convoy.uico. it Is furthermore claimed by the company that It had no right , under the terms of Its franchise , to sell or con voy Its property , thereby depriv ing itself of the moans of ful filling the said contract. The special meet ing of the directors held in Calcago in Feb ruary , 18'Jl. ' ut which only four members were present Is declared a "fake" and a fraud , and the complaint also alleges that the meeting of March 10 of that year was not on the square , inasmuch as the call was signed only by President Underwood , who , it Is alleged , held only ! ) ,800 shares of the stock und did not state m the call the amount of his holdings ; and , further , that the call for the meeting was not published . in a newspaper nnd that the notices were not sent out thirty days In advance , as re quired by the constitution. It is also claimed that Joseph A. Grifiln acted as secretary of the meeting and voted most of the stock of the company by proxy , and that ho illegally voted the stock of the United Water company and Solon L. Wiley , both of which parlies repudiated tils action. Therefore , it is alleged , not over 5U70 shares ot preferred stock and 1,4124 of com mon stock were rightfully voted nt that or any subsequent meeting. Only Messrs. Uu- derwood. Griflln and J. U. Custor , the holder of 11 vu shares , were present ut the meeting , it is alleged , and the former did the voting and verified the contracts for the transfer of the property. Altoecil Illegal Action. It is sot forth , also , that the Denver water company in taking llko action , acted illegally. The orator sets forth in strong terms tno history of ; ho organization of the new com pany under the laws of Now Jersey , and states a belief that the measure was not according to Hoylc , In asmuch as all cities and towns In that state of over 15,000 population own or control their own water systems , and that the articles of incorporation of the now company do not so comply with the statutes as to permit it to operate in the smaller towns of the state. The conveyance of the company's fran- chlso in April , 1SU1 , oy President Under wood and Secretary Hall is called illegal , the complainant alleging that Hall accom panied Underwood to Denver , taking with him the seal of the Omaha company , and that thn instruments of conveyance were executed there and not in Douglas county. It is claimed by the complainant that before - fore the consolidation It was making money , but that If the action of Mr. Underwood holds peed It cannot pay its obligations , among which is a llojting indebtedness of S125.000. Closing , the statements in the petition for Receiver liust's removal are reanirmea , and his permanent removal and the appoint ment of another receiver ; it Is claimed that the consolidation Is not legal under the laws of Illinois , which provide only for the consolidation of corporations in the same vicinity , that there should have been a vote of two-thirds of the stock nt the special mooting ; and that Messrs. Vernier nnd Underwood put up the Job for the mirposo of helpini ; themselves. U is prayed that the proceedings leadlnir up to a transfer bo declared Illegal , as well ns Mr. Grlllln's use of the proxies of the United Water company and Solon U Wiloy ; that the or.itor hud no right to convoy its property nor the New Jersey company to accept the conveyance , and that In the event that the Now Jersey com pany refuses to roconvoy the property that a commissioner bo appointed to bring about a recojivojance. An accounting is also called for , nnd thq permission of the court to apply pre. ont profit to the payment of past due bond coupons. 1 Lcuvcnmark dives tonight , Courtland. I.oivcnt Chicago ltiitt n Vlu the Northwestern Chicago rates greatly reduced on both ono way ami round trip tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern railway. These tickets are first olass in every particu lar. Extra accommodations for World's ' fair travel via this lino. City ticket olllco MO I Farnam street. Coutant. & Squires coal olllco removed to M02 L-'aniutn St. If you uro in need of Htonowaro wait until Friday. Hiiydon Bros. PAKTNEttS DISAGREE. Climax of ii r.nnk of Harmony itotwoon Two llonrillni ; UOIMU Urnpur * . Some tmio ago Mrs. lllttlngor and Miss Burnett opened a fashionable boarding house on the northoUst corner of Eighteenth nnd Dodge .strojts. They soon had a house full of select boarders and entered upon an era of prosperity , Things ran along smoothly for quite ft while , but as time progressed little disputes arose until U was .mutually agreed to dUsolvo their business relationship , Monday afternoon was the tlmo fixed upon for the meeting. Each had consulted attorneys regarding their rights and all four worn lo moot at an office down totvn , Mrs. lllttlngor was on hand nt the an- pplntod hour , but Miss Burnett was not , and Inter developments showed that she was quite busily engaged wheu she should luvo kept her appointment. U U said that ns soon ns Mrs , Blttiniror huu gotten out of sight from the boaiiHne liouso Mias nurmitt arrived on the scone with a huvn fiirnlluro van following her. With the aid of two able-bodied assistants she proceeded to take what she considered her siiaro of the furnlturo and had It con- vevou over tu Council Blurts In sKorl order. \\hcn Mra. IlitUiiKor could wall no longer for her partner to meet with her at Attorney jCarr's olfico ho went homo und found everything - thing In a "tops.v turvoy" condition and a largo portion of the furniture uono. She BOOH found out what had happened during her absence and had to purchase considerable now furnlturo jo provide uccommtdntlons for her hoarder * . SIio said last night that pho was glad to hnve the matter of dissolu tion o quickly and positively settled and that the would take no further action in the matter. Miss Burnett was evidently afraid that If the poods were loft in Omnha lu-r partner would replevin them until thn matter could bo settled legally. She turned qulto a sharp trick , but hur attorney says that it was not on his advice. The boarder ? say they are satlsnetl , Mri. nittlngor says shu U eutisllod und U la pra- mined that Misi Burnett also ii Mllstlod With tie | \vny the affair ended. for u Thief. Nidk Spellumu U looking for the lufof who tripped his house on 1'lnUnoy street , near Thlrtv-flj-st. of the window * , doors nnd other portable nrtlclc * of construction. The house him stood omptv for some tlmo nnd some thief took advantage of the fact to supply himself with a qtiantltyof build Ing material. Bickctts , afternoon nnd ovo. Courtlnntl A convenient anil plonsnnt place to ob tain luncheon. BaldutT. 1520 Farnara. . _ . * j. S 1 Omaha to Manawa , round trip 30 cents. Take the bridge lino. (1. A. It , Comrades , Attentlnnl The U7th annuitl oncatnpmonkG. A. R. takes placent .Indianapolis , September 4. The headquarters train convoying the department commander nnd stall , the president and stall of the Woman's llollof corps , department ot Nebraska , ladles of the U. A. R. and Sons and Daughters of Veterans , leaves Omaha 5 p. in. . September - , and runs solid to In dianapolis via the C. & N. W. R'y. There promises tq bo at Indianapolis this year the greatest assembly of vet erans this country has HCCII. On the re turn trip , stop will bo made at the World's ' fair , whore a special program has been arranged for veterans of the G. A. R. Rates will be very low. Wo urge you to attend. Wo have secured free space In chair cars and low rates in tourist and sleeping cars. Hand In your name and accommodations wanted for yourself und friends , to your post com mander as soon as possible , and &eo that our Omaha , Fort Omaha and South Omaha posts make a strong and credit able showing. R. M. STONE , Commander U. S. Grant Post. J. B. WEST , Commander Goo. Crook Post. JNO P. IlENDEKSON , Commander Geo. A. Ouster Post. Great sale on Friday of stoneware. Ilaydon Bros. < & . AFTER THE ERMINE. AInnjr Utsclplo of lllnckntono Waiting for Cunt ( lit .ludlclnl Klilmcnt. The May term of the district court ad journed several weeks ago , but , notwith standing that fact , Judge Davis was about the court house yesterday , holding court In chambers and signing some orders which have been hanging in the balance. The principal object that the Judge had in doing this was to clear the decks before stcpnlng down into the rough and uneven walus of private life. Some months ago Tuc BEG announced ex clusively through Its columns that with the coming of September Judge Davis would re sign his position upon the bench and resume the practice of law , and now It is enabled to corroborate the announcement and state with authority that next Monday morning Judge Davis will forward his resignation to Governor Crounso , to take effect immedi ately upon its receipt. After THE BEE had first given the information to the public there was n great hustling among the members of the Douglas county bar , and for a time it seemed that almost every law yer in the city was anxious and willing to take up and wear the cast off ermine. Things , however , have changed to some ex tent until the lists have narrowed down until there are scarcely a dozen men in the entire Judicial district who have announced their willingness to hoar arguments , pass upon knotty law points and draw the salary that goes hand in hand with the ofllco. This vacancy will belllledby the governor , but the lucky man will hold the position hardly long enough to win his spurs , for his successor will have to bo elected at the gen eral elcetion to bo held in November. In this connection it might be stated that there will be two other vacancies upon tlio bench , as both Judge Ogdcn and Judge Walton hold their positions by appointment , the former getting his through ex-Governor Boyd and the latter his through Governor Crounse. Judge Ogdcn is not a candidate for election , but Judge Wnlton has put up his lightinlnc rod and fs willing that it should bo struck by a political thunderbolt. Regarding the question of who shall servo upon the bench the lawyers of the district propose to have a word to say , and with this end in view they have called a bar meeting of the district , which will convene in the largo court room in the court house on August iiO , at which time and place they will decide who shall load the various forces through the political fight. In speakingof thismeet- ng the leading members of the bar state that they will work for the nomination and election of a nonpartisan judiciary , adding that they intend to select the best men , re gardless of their past political aftitiatlons. The calling of this meeting has resulted n the candidates having declared them selves and at this tune the following named legal stars have appeared In the political liorbon : E. H. Dulne , W. S. Curtis and B. E. B. all of whom Kennedy , are dyed-ln-the- wool democrats , while on the republican side Judge Walton , John L , . Kennedy , J , H. Blair , Gcorco W. Ambrose , J. W. Carr and "Will Redick are candidates for honors. After having disposed of the question of the district judges , the attorneys from the outside counties of the district will with draw , and the Douglas county legal lights will take a hand for the ourposo of deciding who shall run for the position of county fudge , the main object being to have the place flllod by some lawyer of ability. This l > lan will bo fought by the present Incum bent , who for months has been laying the lines fora second term , but the lawyers claim that they have him on the run , and that ho will fall early in tlio light , and that his name will bo mentioned In history , only. If you are in need of stoneware wait until Friday. Ilaydon Bros ) . WARD DISCHARGED. flcarrcitoit on tlio L'liitrffo nt Itlcgiil I'rnc- tlco of .Mcillt-lnn , The preliminary hearing of "Dr. " Ward , \vho was accused of the murder of William Rogers Garner , was concluded yesterda.v afternoon , and the prisoner was discharged because there was not enough evidence tc convict him. Immediately after his dls charge Sergeant Haze swore out a warranl charging ward with the illegal practice ol mcdiclno , Judge Berlin fixed the bonds ol thb prisoner at $300. Ward was remanded to jail In default of ball. During the preliminary trial for murdci Ward took the stand in his own behalf. He said that after ho and Garner went to his room ho gave the deceased two injections ol diluted alcohol. Garner asked him for a glass of water , and ho went out to got some thing to cat. When ho came back ho said he found that Garner had drank part of the water and noted ns if ho had taken mor phine. Ho claimed that Garner told him he had taken about n grain of the ( Irug. be cause ho could not sleep , ilo saw that the man was falling and gave him an injection ol raw alcohol , This did no good and ho re sorted to atrophine. Garner died soon alter ward , nnd he was so horrilloil that ho tooli an Injection of morphine himself , and die not act in a rational manner until after hli arrest. The prisoner will soon have a hear Ing on the charge now standing against him Great Bale on Friday of stoneware , Ilaydon Bros. Murrlucu The following marriage licenses wen Isbued yesterday : Name and Address , Ago ( John J. C'oudy , Omaha " 2 ( I Mary U. Itassmussun , Uuiulm Bl III , J , Lynch , Ouiahn r. 2- 1 JuliaT.MurpbyOmaha 2 ; , Nmr York KxuhuiiKo Quotatlani. NEW YOHK , Aug. ± J. ( Special Telegram t < Tun BCB. ] Now York exchange was quote < as follows yesterday : Chicago , 15 to t7.6i discount ; Boston , $1.0 premium : St. Louis fo discount. ItohlMiil H I'ullur Shop. Max Fogol's tailor shop at 21-4 North Six tccnth street , was entered by thieves Mon day ulgtu and about $7S worth of clothe and other-articles stolen , llullillug rurmll * . Building penults to the amount of (05 werei Issued yesterday by the Inipectgr c buildings. FALCONER'S ' COST CASH SALE In Spite of the Riin the Crowd of Buyers ffcro With Us Again , IRRESI3TA3LE QUOTATIONS BRING . -THEM Today Vfa Utter Our New 78o Frill Hop. nicking nt fiHo Tor Yard Our No + St.25 Salt -Cloth Our Now Knlift'roof SorRC , 83.00 Uimllty , 81.30. READ PARTICULARS. , 75o black hopsncklng. fi8c. ' $1.25 quality of the now blnck sail cloth , OSc. $2.00 quality of blnck rain proof serge , $1.30. 81.00 quality of black Gorman whip cord , 7oe. . OOo quality of black nil wool honri- ottn , 05c. 2oc quality of colored half wool dress goods , lOc per yard. 7fic quality of colored nil wool hop- Backing 58c. COc quality of colored nil wool honri- ottn 42jc. Beautiful now plaids bought to soil at 8TC , RO today at 58c. w $1.00 quality of colored whip cords , nil the now shades , 75e. $1.05qunllty _ Drap do Paris buy now nt $1.25. The first time the price was over broken on how fjoods. UMBRELLAS 89C. 100 imported gloria umbrellas , twenty- six inches , fancy stick handles , $1.25 to- tlny in our great coat cash sale , at 80o. UMBRELLAS , $2.39. 200 umbrellas in all silk taffetas , all sorts of fancy handles , worth $4.00 and $5.00 apiece. Your -tshoico today , $ .o9. Remember everything is going at cost or under. You cannot miss n bargain. $7.50 and S10.00 chenille portieres go at $5.00. $5 00 and SG.tiO ones for $3.00. $10.00 and $12.00 jackets go nt $3.00 each. $7.00 and $3.00 silk waists $2.87. $18.00 and $20.00 ready-made suits go at $0.50. All through our jacket and suit stock you can pick up the most wonderful bar gains. Linens at cost. Sheetings at cost. Blankets below cost. lOc , 15o and 20c wash goods go for 5c per yard. Wash goods worth up to 40c go at lOc per yard. Watch the papers every day for the extra specials. Now goods as fast us they come in go right on sale at cost price. N. B. FALCONER. Louvenmark dives tonight , Courtland. lliirllneton Kouto to Denver. One way tickets , $10.75. Round trip tickets , $20.00. A vostibulcd and gas-lighted train the Burlington's famous "Denver Lim ited" leaves Omaha at 4:50 : p. m. daily , reaches Denver at 7 the next morning and offers unequalled service of sleeping , smoking , dining and free reclining chair cars. cars.Closo connections made at Denver with trains for Colorado , Utah and Pacific coast points. City ticket office 1324 Parnam street. The Lowest World's L'alr'Kntcs Ever Offered By the Burlington route are * now in force : Ono way tickets $7.50. Round trip tickets $14.75. See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far- nam street and arrange to make that loiig-plunnod trip to Chicago. AX NO I/A' c'/iVU U. A TA. Ono of the brilliant features with Reeves & Palmer's Cosmopolitan company , which ap pears at the Farnam Street theater next Sunday , Is Prof. Abt and his wonderful dis solving views , illustrating In a superb man ner , wonders of the World's fair , nod the foreign displays ot the Midway pltiisanco , lncluttlngtho Ferris wheel and the grand buildings , and reproducing gems from the Art gallery. Ho also gives n panoramic sightseeing tour of the world , placing before - fore you in n comprehensive manner sights from many countries , entrancing visions of the Orient , the pushing.busylifo of the Occi dent , and rriany interesting imitations of mo- chanicul ottects , such us the eruption of Mount Vesuvius , the destruction of Pompeii , olc. Prof. Abt is only one of the many strong features with Ileeves & Palmer's company. Every act Is a distinct novelty nuil a surprise. The music halls of Europe ana America have contributed to make this the strongest vaudeville show on the road. This Is circus day and the big Forepaugh shows , with its famous herd of trained elephants and other attractions , will bo here before the majority of the citizens arc up and stirring. The coming of the shows will send ninny curiosity seekers out in the early light to the Union Pacillo depot or to the show grounds at Twentieth and Paul streets , but the greater part will bo con tent to wait for the starting of the parade at 10 o'clock. The trained elephants have had an inter esting addition to their number this season in Baby Uuth , n little 12-months-old pachy derm , Imported from Ceylon. She Is said to bo the smallest elephant over imported. There Is a company of trained beasts this season of a somewhat more savage nature than the big elephants. .The first act in the circus tent , and one which is said to furnish a strong inccntivo to the early comer , Is the performance of two full-grown lions , two leopards , two panthers , two dogs and a bear in u big cage in the center of the circus tout. These animals are pupils of George Arstlng- stall , the celebrated animal tamer , who had charge of Jumbo at the tlmo ho was killed , and who afterwards spent some six .years In Hamburg , putting to-rothor novel nuimnlacts for Hagenbcck. Mr. Aratlhgstall has had charge of the menagerie of the Foropnugh circus since It came into the control of its present owners. Another of the novelties of the present' season Is the spectacle of " 1770 the American Koyqlution" in which the chief events In the war ttfat 'gave inde pendence to the American colonies are de picted. A third now act Is the horsemanship of a troop of Cossacks , brought pVor from the liluck sea region by special contract with the Russian government. - - , The Foropaugh shows arc now owned equally by James A. Ualloy and f T. McCad- don , and are managed by the latter. Mr. Me- Caddon is a young man , perhaps 35 years of ago , and is himself as great an example of the change that has comb in the show busi ness in recent years as is the exhibition ho controls. If there has been an evolution in the circus , so there has In the circus man and the ' 'typical showman" of swell clothes , swaggering ways and loud lunguagq has dis appeared. Mr. McCaddon is a quiet , nervous man who has never used liquor or tobacco and who is never hoard to swear. His discipline is severe , but the man who doc * his duty known that ho hut n frit-nil In Mr. McCnddon nmlim sure position with the show. So fnr ns tile mnnngor'a npponrnncn Is an IndlcAilon.itta might bo n surccssf.il young' bnilk'cr or tdAi manager of n prosperous manufacturing buMocss. "fheSoudnn. " ; glvcn by Managers C. U. Jefferson , Klnwmnd Erlnnger's immense organization , will fco the Attraction nt the Uoyd for two night * and Saturday mntlnco , beginning next Jfirtday evening. No piny has over been glvon'.to ihoniodrrn singe that is so rcallstiu Jin.Its environments. The necessary paraphernalia to give the play the proper ataplng that Its nintmitomont com mands shnll bo dona for it at all times fills a special train'and the persons utilized In tlio various acts number over 300. A thunder storm In the English mnrshcs , with Its blinding lightning llusbos ; the bombardment of an Egyptian town by British soldiers ; the triumphant return of thesoheroes of the memorable Egyptian war and their recaption under the very shadows of tho. Nelson monument in 'Irafalcnr square , London , amidst the unfurled Hags , the playing of military hinds , the tattoo * of the arum corps and the huzzas ot a Joyous people , are but a trio of the thrilling liiturestltitr scenes presented In the several acts. The sale of s ats will ojron tomorrow morning. BUKNINQ THE iAY J.IO1.U llcrolo Itnmeily Adopted tu linnhlo the It.'tilvrny ( ! ho t to Walk. Considerable has been written about the reductions that have taken effect , on the Union Puclflo during the past two months , but It-has been of so frngmontary n nature that one naturally forgot from one day to the other what had-bocn done. ' Men have been laid off In , every depart ment , the working hours of the shop em ployes have been reduced , gangs have been curtailed : track hands hitvq felt the full effect of the fltianclal stress , train agents have been discharged , oftlcos have been closed , In short the whole system has felt the headsman's ax. But the wholesale reduction has not been without Its effect on the expenses , having reduced the total expenses of the company for the month of 'July $250,000 , which Is ex pected to run HX,000 during August. Counting an railroad men rookon wages , the reduction of fciM.OOO during the month of July is equivalent to 4,000 men working one full day. The railroad man figuring the wage question computes that If n man has worked fourteen days during the month and Is discharged he is equivalent to fourteen- thlrtleths of a man working one day. If three men have worked ten days each dur ing the month and are let out the reduction is equivalent to ono man. Add. however , $30,000 to last month's reduction in salaries in consequence of the curtailment in the force and August will show , a still further Increase in the number of men reduced , probably something llko 4,500 , working ono day , figures startling in their nature when thus brought homo to the careful reader. Yet these reductions have been imperative , as the llgurcs will show in the comptroller's ofllcu. Erastus Young , spanning this morning of still further reductions , said that wher ever possible they were still reducing the force. When asked about the outlook , do said : "It Is aboutlns dark as the weather outside. I can seouo increased movement in freight , and the Jack of confidence in the country gives little hopa of immediate bet terment. " When asked astto what the showing of the Union Paclllc would bo on August business , and what the percentage of loss would bo , Mr. Young closed'up like a Jackknlfe , meta phorically speaking. Ho had tupcrs requir ing his siguaturo'to the exclusion of every thing else Just at'that particular time. FactnrloH fur Omnhn. Commissioner Utt of the Commercial club , although temporarily disabled on account of the bridge aroltrary not being removed as ho had every reason to suppose would be done , is'stlll in thawing nntl ays tho.unjust discrimination wlllibo removed sbmo of these ' days. In the 'mcantlmovba.is-twnlng his attcn- tion'jto securing fact odes for.Omaha and fs meeting with gratifying > -'success , having closed an agreement witbiThomas C. Philips of New York , manufacturer of , artistic gis : fixtures , to-rcmovo to Omaha. Ho is also in correspondence with a wooden shoo factory , a woolen mill and several other largo con cerns seeking western locations. JCctrcnolunont. The Burlington people , not satisfied with taking of ! passenger train service , have gone into the local station closing business , and will discontinue within the next three days the ofilccs at Hollis , Kan. , Turlington , Neb. , and Fortcsquo , Mo. These ofllces have not been earning enough to warrant their continuance and they will bo closed until business picks up. Railway Humbling * . John Francis of the Burlington has re turned from Chicago. General Manager Dickinson will return from Chicago the last of the week. Freight Traflle Manager Munroo returns to his desk nt Union Pacific headquarters today. H. T. Haincs , traveling passenger agent of the Fort Scott & Memphis system , was In Omaha yesterday. President Clark is greatly improved in health and-is at present in Pennsylvania , but it is thought will shortly return to Omaha. As an instance of the number of men out of employment there have almost been 200 applications for positions filed with the Omaha Bridge Terminal company. There is mournlnfr'in ' railway circles ovo" the fact that O. H. Fitzgerald of the "Ellen N'1 ( L. & N. ) will not represent that system any more , the retrenchment dccapltator having found Fitzgerald ono summer morn ing hardly a fortnight ago. E. B. Pope , representing the Chesapeake & Ohio and full of his subject , was making a host of friends among the railroad boys yesterday. The Chesapeake & Ohio will shortly put on a line of freight steamers from Newport News to Liverpool , six mon ster boats having been built on the Clyde for this now lino. Mr. Pope says it la just us easy to go to Liverpool from Nowpdrt News as from Now York , the distance buing about the sumo and much nearer than from Balti more. do to the Ant. Of nil very small creatures the ant ap pears to bo the most gifted with intelli gence. Ono of the proofs of this is the way m which in a battle-they carry off ttioir dead. Tlite they do.aw carefully as real soldiers , caring for them in the roar out of danger. 'They will help each other fight and'never mistake friend for fee , ovori in the dark. They inarch in regular array way und have olllcors , and I have no'doubt iffivo orders in some wuy. Another thingiaund out about the ants is that they iJceop pots. The pot 19 a kind of a cat or. a dog-of the family a very small ant t not a quarter as big us the usual sort. tBoraotlmes they got on the backs of the others , between their logs and all around and about , und re mind us of little kittens and pups that our children have to play with. The ant loves fun ; Hip takes another ant up in his arms , carries him uwhilo and then llings him downfall in a heap , und then they go on their way as happy as two school boys who have had a wrestle. The ants kcop nurses. Those are ants which the others have captured in war. They are inado to wait on the wounded. DPRICE'S Baking Powder The ouly Pure Creniii of Tartar Powder. No Animouia ; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homfcs 40 Years the Standard. And yet lives in ignorance of the fatt that a single applica tion of the CUT1CURA REME DIES , will , in the majority of cases , afford instant relief , per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy , permanent , and economical cure , when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders , and its cures of tor turing , disfiguring , and humil iating humors arc the most wonderful ever recorded. BolJ throughout the world. TorTEn Dncn AND CiliY..C < mp.lM > Ioprops.lloston. a-"Ali About the Blood end tJUn1 ' umllud free , , Fnclul nietnlMir * , falllnu hair and dim. pie baby roaho lirexeuud by Cutlcur t-uup. Nervous Instantly relieved by a Cutl- . , , curu riitktur , because It vl- MUSCUlar tallzca the ncno forces and Weakness Ilc" ? ° curcsncrvous , i'al 9. TV i-cirvnv.33 weakness and lunnbncss. Is stamped in the best watch - cases made. It is , the trade,1 , ' mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia , the oldest , largest and best- known factory in the world 1500 employees , capacity 2 ooo cases daily. Its products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , now fitted with the only bow ( ring ) which can not be pulled off the case the Ask your jewelerforpamphlet. The finest of Photographs , Crayons , Pastels , Sapias at High Class Photography , At Popular I'rlcos. 313-315-317 , S. 15tli * Oiua1iaNob , New York Hospital TREATMENT. For , all CM ) , HH/JU / , Private ani Special Disarm , ofbfi MEN AND mm Ftnoturo nnd all otbsr troubles troitod at roasonalilo cbnrgus. CONSULTATION ) . 'HEU Culionor uddross DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Opposite lliiydon llrjj. " * The Mercer. Omaha's NewestHotal. Cor. nil.und ) UowarJ btreoW. 40 room * $2.50 per ditj- . ' < 0ropins ilOO per day. UOroomi ) with uutlt ut ii nerclar. HO rooms with butli ut $1.5) yur Juf. Moduru tu Ktcry [ * | . > ot. * Ncwly FurnUliocl Throughout C.S. ERB , Proa. nd all the train of EVILS , WEAKNESSES. DUBIUTY. BTO. , that ac company thorn In mon QUICKLY and PERMA. CT3NTLY OU11KD. Full UTKUNOTU and tent giteii to every part of lha body. X will land ( * e > curoly packed ) KllEB to any iufferw tbs presorlp. tlan that cured ma ot tbeao Uoubl Addreti O. u. wnioiiT , Uutli ) D tTtr , IB * 1 J . AJartUaii , V . < IMP Tl Effects can be had in Japanese Rugs at very small cost , espe cially the large sizes for dining rooms and libraries. A large importation , too late for summer business , very much under price , carpet sizes from $9 to $17. We would like to have you see them. Sent on approval if desired. Some Japanese Matting in same lot at 38c that sold at 60c. Don das , between 14th. and 15thr UPT 0 ] , PAY , NO PAY UNTIL CURED. Wo refer yon to 11,5)0 pitlontj. tlUflliniAl ntCCntWPU N"1' ' "ink of Oommerc . Oman * . rlllnliUALlitrtlitliuti UonmuiiivnM ? lUnk , Omaha. No Unteiitlnn from business. No operation. Inrav tlznlo our method. Written Kuanintoa to ikb olutal > euro nil Muds of UUl'TUKK ol botli saxes wltUout tn use of knife , no matter nf how IOIIR standing EXAMINATION FREE. THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 N. V. Llfo Bu lillng , Omaha , Nob. SRNU run OIUCOLAII. LEXINGTON ( MO. , ) SCHOOLS. OAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. CLIZAUCTH AULL SEMINARY. - ( vnung ( .adirM Momcd < htMil Unsurpoxx-il courto c ( , , 01 One of IhcolJoi.Uol ll ) Mil. Mumc il Jy art lltcra- . { turectotutlontbuainejis&c. f-iiourl. AiHlnuncnl | , moilcirv l . Muilc and Art Tcacntr * < ocation bcalthyuad plia.v * ant. GasHatcrt tcanibeat | ( Speclaliai& Illukiraudcau , . ar llti T I * . U'wllon , jBlhear opens 3epl. 12th K R T.WA.WlUonA M.r tt. , „ , , „ „ , CENTRAL COLLECT FOR VOUNC LAOIEU. WENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY , ' u Lciinjftnn , Mo , fill tlu parltucnuof Inttiruciton. 16 Olc- l inlliurV v'hoolW omicru and teachers. Con- MtMioutl llrnlllilu , luvn ttbc-rvalory ot inusla Art 'tiloti ' llraionablc iiimt 'b ' jfiGymuaiium. Modern up- lualrulttl rutalocuo. \ Ii1 IKjIulincutt-2Mb irated catalogue. jcar Him- M.-V.I a. SKLI.EH * . - ' A. A. .ION KM. I'ru'l. OWNS 314 South 15th Street , Omaha , Nob. The eminent specialist In ncrvoiiB , chronic , private , bloodi skin nnd urinary illBeatti. A r lar n4 rcnUtunid ernduate liinu-dlc-lno. H illiiloinni und cortlncutos will uhow. la mill troatlnr with thegrcat ii nnccBUi ) , catarrh , lout nunhood.Heinlnal wuiiUnesn , nlifht losnoa and all forms or prlvatodldoaaei , Kd mercury used. Now treatment tar IOHH of vllal power. Parties unublo to vUlt me may bo I reated g | hotnp by corri > poiulr > iico. Medicines or liinminiPiitii B nl by inull or oxpreui mcurjly paoUol ; no murks to m- . preferred. Consultation frtfo.i Corre | ) onaeaa dlcatB contontu or uumler. Ono paraonul Interview Btrlctly iirlvuto IlooU ( Myslorlou of Life ) uviit free , OOloo Uouru , 0 a. m.to 0 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to \'i m. bend Btump for circular. S PEGAl.m ! I'riolilcilt of NEW ERA ( ( Jonaiilliiliiiii I'ron. ) ' U uniuriuiMcd lu tbo treatment ot all Cnroiilo , Private aul .Now ms DUonnei. . \Vrilctu or 'j ult yor ou lljr I'KKAnilCM' IIV MA II. . Adflreii with Mump for par- tlrulur * . which will uu suit la plain enrslupg , IO. . ilax 0)1. emu , ltd b. 1Mb tri'ct. t > iaah DR. IWCCREW Is tlio only SPECIALIST PRIVATE DISEASES aurl DEOILITIES ot MEN ONLY. Women Excluded , IS ycnrn ozporlnnc-e , Circulars ( rut * . I'an.arn t-U. , HID. JSIltlllC , To thu holrj of Francis U. Schneider , do conned. In the mntlcr of HID Intestacy of Franpls-D. Hchnoldur , deceased , Qormnn voluaeo. Jndo nf Vtrti Iiifctnnco of the townshlh of .Mulotfe , ItotvurUiillforiilii , Mexico , IIBH by u Judicial decree of the savonth Instant , or do rod that thu uurioiii whocounlilorlhuiinolvoblo huentitled to thU Inheritance , hluill ho called together In order thill they limy ho nhlo to provo their riming in thu uUovu nunieil court , ( I u ring the period uf ( Mi thirty ( lays , countinv from tbo tlmo of the liiht puhlUutlonof this notice. A. tiruvlslon of the uourcu IB U ) the efToot , that it will ho to thn detriment of the heirs if they full toappmir after this nutlllontlou. In itcooTtlnncu with tlio ufunold decree this nollco U Issued In order that It may bo pnb- lUhed In thu nowipuuur ot the litruuit clrou- liitlon in ihnollr of Oimilm. itntoof Nubraaka , fur throe tlniun ut Inturvuls of tun ( lays. Mllcgo , Ix > worOullfornln , Mexico. Juno20th , U01. riUODKlUUG INOIjAN , A3-II-XJM aucretary. A ( Jrcut Oiiiirtuiiiiy | fur luvoittuent. 1IO.SU fiAl.K. Itondi of too cllv of Omaiii , In turai of tlCni.Oj , t-VXXOO Mild 11,000 CO each , utarluR I pur cent , payable annually and oml-annually. nnd maturing In from I to 80 year * , can bo purohHtua at private tale at ujr olUoa. Theio bondi have horelufure commanded a premium of from 5 to H per ounU and will no aouul da ( n ou reitoratlon of confidence la tbo mangy markoU , Thn nlo meant tbo carrying oo of poollo nurkt and the employment of r al inaa ? 'Hit fultb of tht oily Ii pledges tiieourllj alCilUtuia Oltj Tr akui r ,