TUB OMAHA DAILY HKKt W'ftPNKSDAY , AUGUST 23. 1803. THE DA1LX" BEE nr.unra. OI'FKiBi NO. 12 1'EAIlti STHEET rollycrcil by carrier to ntiy part o ( tlio city. H.V. . TII/TON - Manager. lUHlnc-ss Office. . . . Xo. 43 No. 23 Ml.\Vlt MltSTWtf. N. Y IMumblnjt Co. Boston Store , dry goods. Th. Mnyno Heal Estate Co . 021 Uroailwuy Lowls Williams nnd Klttlo M. Burns , both of Omnlia , were married by Justice Fox yesterday. Miss Marie Orciiplle entertained a number of her friends Monday evening at her homu on Cark avcnuo. Ilcrttm Margnrcttc , Infant daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. IJ. . Hnnscn , died 'Monday night , aged 1 year and 8 months. The $15.000 damage suit of Hortha Dumnor nRiiIn.it N. M. Pusey was dismissed at the plaintiff's coat in the district court yester day. day.A A boy named Holder was knocked down by a motor yesterday morning at the corner or Ilroadway and Sixth street , but. was not seriously Injured. The four Omaha young men who created a disturbance on tlio streets Sunday night while driving in u nlnglc-scatcd phaeton wore lined (5 and costs .each in pollco court yesterday morning. W. 1C. Kynott was tried by Justice Field yesterday on the charge of assault and bat tery and was lined $5 and costs. Ho took a chnngo of venue In the case of the larceny of lllty bushels of iwtatocs , which resulted from the same deal. ' 1 1m latter case will bo tried by Justice Fox next Friday. Moses Gnmnicl got Into a dlniculty at "Jean's Place , " a saloon on the I'ony creek .road , last Saturday night , and ho claims that Eugene and Rudolph Aldlngcr , who Keep the saloon , gave him several hard Biuashc.t In the face , using a knife ns well as their lists. Ho swore out un information In Justice VIen's court , and the two men travo bonds yesterday for their apuearcnco next Friday for a trial. Charles Motz , a teamster , came near los ing a largo portion of his nose yesterday. Ho was unloading some heavy boxes at the Burlington depot when one of them struck him on the most prominent part of his ftice. One of the Hiirlington "stickers" was brought Into use as the nearest approach to n picco of court plaster and with Its aid the blood was kept from Mowing until a surgeon could bo found to place together the parts of Ills fractured physiognomy. A young man g vlnp his name as W. F. Smith found himself In a mood for practical ' joking vi'steroay , and sought to givc'vcnt to nU hilarity by going about- throwing cow-itch on the women ho ran across. Three or four females who worn looking around frantically for a currycomb or something equally serviceable rushed down. to the police station and had Mr. Smith arrested. The charge on the books at the city jail is assault with intent to do great bodily injury. James C. Hanson's residence * at the corner of Nineteenth street antl Avenue B was en tered by thieves yesterday afternoon. All the members of the family excepting Mr. Hanson wcro at the circus and he was at work. When ho reached homo he found the liouso had been thoroughly ransacked , but whether anything had been stolen could not i 1 ( bo ascertained until a closer search had been made. There was quite an amount of money In the house , which Is supposed to have been taken. Tlio Now Twin C'lly I > yoVorlin. . Although engaged in erecting u now building , getting now machinery , etc. , customers will find no delay in getting their work promptly done and in thd most satisfactory manner. All kinds of dyeing and cleaning. Omuhu oillee 1521 I' arnuin street. Olllco nnd works 2tli ( ! nild Avenue A , Council Bluffa. on elec tric motor lino. G. A. Schocdsack Domestic soap is the best Grconshiolds , Nicholson & Co. , real CBtutonnd rentals , GOO Broad way. Tel.151. I'AltAOKAl'lIS. Fred DoGroat has gone to the World' * fair. fair.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Russell have moved tc Chicago. V. Jennings nnd wife are homo from t World's fair visit. J. W. Bell of the Northwestern and wife left last evening for a visit to Chicago. Miss Neolo M. Ogdcn is homo from t week's visit with relatives In Woodbine. Mrs. F. E. Shepherd leaves today for i two weeks visit in Now Point , Holt county Mo. Mo.A. A. W. Holkman , U. J. Clancy and J. J Shea are attending the state democratic con vcntlon at DCS Moines. . Miss May Bryant , formerly of this city now of Chicago. Is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Watson , on Washington avenuo. I. N. Fllcklngcr loft last evening for i business trip to Indianapolis. Ho will sto ] at Chicago for a week or so on his return. J. McNair and II. H. Clark of Aspen Colo. , wcro in the city last evening , gucsti of the Ganymcdo Wheel club. They are 01 their way to Chicago , Detroit and othu eastern cities. They have made the entin distance from Donver.tn Council Bluffs dut ing the last two weeks , and expect to resume sumo their Journey this morning early. John Abies , the eccentric blacksmltl philosopher , started yesterday for Chlcagi to attend the world's psychical congress , t which ho was chosen as state delegate 01 the recommendation of Congressman Bow f man. Some of his rationalistic theories nur got n bump or two , but if hit too hard tli philosophic blacksmith will bo heard from With nil his oddity ho is n pretty hard hlttc In debate. Ivotlco to I'lcnio I'urllea. Change in time , commencing- Monday ' Aug. 7. Trains for Munawa leave at tl'n following hours : Morning trains loavi Broadway at 10 a. in. Evening trains a 1. li , 11,4 and fi and every 3D minute ; thereafter until 12 p. m. Cinders for Sale 200 loads nice , clem cinders for walks and driveways. ADD ! ' to E. D. Burke , Taylors'/ grocery Coal chcup for cash. Carbon Coal Co. , 31 Pearl street , Grand hotel bldg. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. The Clrmm. Of course It drew a crowd. Foropaug always does : but these who thought thn hard times would bo noticeable yestorda found themselves sadlv in error. 'Mm poured In from the cmi > > from the city , and theux _ . , . . . t free silver In circulation. Tnoso who ar fond of repenting that one circus Is tlio s&m as another in all times and climes also foun themselves in the wrong , Foropnugh's sho1 had numerous novelties , and three rcmnrl alilu ones the trained animals , about slxtj live in nil , tlio Brand spectacular c the American revolution , and the wet derail riding of the Cossacks. The vivl picturing of American history was especial ) appreciated by the Jurgo proiwrtlon of tli 400 school ma'ams whu uro attending tli county Institute held iu this city. Thci was many a covetous wish expressed ths they count transfer the realistic scenes t their school rooms to hjilp impress the youn Ideas. Despite rain and uiunp chilllne ; the tents were crowded afternoon and ovei Ing , and the verdict seemed unanimous an favorable. Wanted , fiO gentlemen and as man huiies to prepare for teachers , bool keepers , bankers , managers , stonoj. Humors , typewriters , etc. There ar always good places for those who ar well nunllfled to 1111 them , Fall term t the \vustom Iowa College begins So | tombor . Tuition only $1.00 per weet W. S , Paulson , Council Bluffs , la. Cook your meals this summer on u gt range. At cost at the Gas company. Williamson & Co. , I IK ! Main streoi largest and best bicycle stock iu city. Domestic soup in the best NEWS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS Circus Shark Falls Into the Hands of the Guardians of the Ponco- "SlfORT CHANGE" WAS HIS SPECIALTY A Mltilitcrlio IAid Dp Tronxurrs on nnd Hid Thorn In Ills Collar rintliUut Hint Thieves Break In anil Steal. Sam Hutchlnson occupied uosltion as "advance ticket seller" for Forcpaugh's circus until yesterday , but the circus has gene off nnd left him to occupy a cold cell In the Council Bluffs city Jail while another man , leas full of guile will bo put In to take his placo. Ho was busily engaged yesterday In selling tickets outside of the grounds , and Officer Murphy was tracking him for the purpose of seeli.g whotnur the rumors that were floating about with reference to his ctookodncss were correct. Upon selling a ticket to n country man he received a $10 bill and gave the fanner his change in sil ver. The farmer called him down when ho had time to count the money , tolling him the change was short. Hutuhlnson ad mitted tno shortnge , and passing out $1.50 started to pass on. Again the farmer kicked , and at this Murphy nabbed the fel low. Ho was still short M.W ) , according to the farmer's statement. When searched nt the jail ho had $42 in his pocket. If reports are correct It may bo a long time before Hutchlnson will bo able to resume his connection with the circus. Indeed , the prospects for his remaining right hero for some time are so good that the manage ment of the circus hasannounccd its intention to let him shift for himself. It now looks as though Hutchlnson will have to answer to n more serious charge than merely bamboozl ing a rustic out of a little money. It will bo remembered that about two weeks ago a man named Baxter was bound over to the grand Jury for robbing John Metcalf of a lot of money and diamonds about three years ago. That he was hound over Is largely dud to the testimony of John Stoilcn , who lives in tlio vicinity of Big Lake and bus a boat which he sometimes operates on the river Stcilcn stated that on the night when the robbery took place lie was em ployed to row thr o nion across tlio river to Omaha , and that during thu passage one of them joked Baxter because "the woman pulled the veil off his face. " Baxter were n mnsk while the operation of robbing the Motcalfs was going on , but Mrs. Metcalf pulled the mask from his face. Stcilcn iden tified Hutchlnson yesterday beyond a Uoubt as one of Baxter's companions on that fate ful night. Mrs. Metcalf will bo brought down to the city building tills morning for the purpose of ad'ling her Identification if possible. I'ACTS FOK INVJ2STOKS. Tlio Fcrpetunl .Maturity Homllng Oompiny Shurply AiiKivem Its Oritlcx. To the Editor of TUB BHE : "Whom the gods would destroy They first make mad. " In the light of the truth of this old Grecian maxim that has como down as a prophecy through -1,000 years of human endeavor and failure , can wo see anything else than the doom of the old line life insurance com panies ? It was the frenzy of madness that prompted them to till three columns of Tin : SUNDAY BKI : with attacks upon the liberal methods of insurance nnd savings repre sented by the bond and investment compa nies , methods that luivo cut deeply into the sources of profit of their gold-lineel whirl pools Where millions nnd billions of dollars of the people's money has been sucked in and sunk never to be returned. Of course we know that they are better able to make attacks financially than we are to defend them , for they have millions of dollars to give to newspapers where wo have nothing , but wo presume , knowing the fairness and strict business methods of Tin : BICE , that they are not charged uny less per line than wo are , and wo know that wo pay our good hard cash for every line wo have printed. But the contrasts in these columns tell their own and the whole story , and the wider the publicity given and the oftener told the stronger will bo the hold on public favor of the Perpntual Maturity Bonding company of Council Bluffs. Let me call at tention to some of these contrasts. In the first column of tholr three column article they say : "Tho Perpetual says the first .TOO bonds will bo paid in consecutive orocr. That will require an accumulation of (00,000 ( , in blocks of $1,000. Suppose the company has 1,000 continuous Investors paying $1,000 a mouth , or 12,000 a year. It would take the holder of bond UOO just twenty-five years to reach a divvy. Meanwhile , the managers will have pocketed f75.000 in cold cash. " Now what would be the result if you substitute stitute- the New York Life , your especial contributor of doubts nnd dollars ? Take. 800 lontino policies of ยง 1,000 each , payable In twenty years , live years less than they have figured as the possible period of maturity of our 300 bonds. It will bring a rovcnuo to our company , they suy , of $75,000. The "rake off" on the same business for only twenty years for the Now York Llfo will bo a ittlo trlflo of men hum ! red anil Jlfttj ttioiisoiitl ilullari ! The policy holders In both organizations pet precisely the same returns , $1,000 each , upon the maturity of each company's obligations , with the differ ence that wo take from the policy holder about 1,000 per cent less "rake off" In the way of costs than our competitors. It cost the old line company , for a period of twenty-six years , an average pet year of $8 for fl.OOO to pay all death claims and indemnities of every nature , out they exacted from the policy holder an average of M2 a year per fl.OOO , while in the Perpetual Maturity Bonding company it would cost only $15 a year , only ? a of which could bo used for expenses. But it would require twenty-live years to mature the aoo bonds only if there were no lapses and no growth , two absolutely impossible con ditions. This question of lapses is one that all old .lino organizations fight shy of. It Is tholt citadel that must bo jealously guarded as the very principle of life , for it is tlioli chief source of profit. In twenty-six years in throe of the big eastern insurant's states , it poured into the coffers of these companies over two bllllvii nine hundred intllloi ilollnri from deluded contributor : who never got back a cent. In the Perpet ual Maturity Bonding company every cenl of the lapses und all fines and transfer ; go to the payment of the bondholders , ami not a cent of It for expenses , There is another feature that Is not to be spoken' of , either , for it is an equally delicate subject , and that is the incon colvably vast sums pouring constantly Intc these scaled money boxes of the oast. A rough Inquiry was made a short time ago bj a curious gentleman for ail estimate of the amount of money that went out of Couuei Blufls each month for the payment of life Insurance premiums , and ho found that ll approximates between $50,000 and $7j.OOO with perhaps three times as much fron Omaha. How much of it over conns hack The very fact that this gigantic and con ccrted attack Is made upon the bondinf companies indicates their importance , aiu the fact that they are withstanding it indi catcs their strength. There Is no olhei kind of financial Institution in the work that could withstand twenty-four hours tin attacks that have been midu : lor month ! upon the bonding and low premium invest ment companies , a sample of which was tin Sabbath day assault upon the Perpetual o Council Bluffs. Thu principle of jhoip , quickly-maturing Insurance has como to stay , and will no down under any attacks that can bo madi upou It. They do not chnrgo us with falllni to perform any of our obligations. They d not say that wo have fulled to pay a bom when duo , or Intlmato that a penny of tin funds set apart for that purpose- has eve been misappropriated , but the complain seems to bo that something like this mlgh occur in the future. This Is singularly Ilk the old cry of "Stop thief. " J , B , AI.LEN , Secretary Perpetual Maturity Bondln , company. Council Bluffs , August 21. Kmanheil the A new delivery team belonging to H. Wa ! ton became frightened yesterday forcnoo while crossing one of the railroad tracks o South Seventh street , and ran wildly ute to n. Two boys wcro driving , but the worn uuablo to get the horses under contro Near the corner of Sixth avenue the ton collided with Ole Rasmusscn's wnpon nnd there was an all-around smashup. Walton's two boys and one of Hasmussen's men were nil dumped out upon the ground , but they nil managed to escape any serious Injury. Has- mussen's wagon was almost smashed into klmlllntr wood , there being oarely enough left after the collision was over to pay for dragging It off. Walton's team was finally caught Just after It had turned froin-Sevcnth street on Broadway. The team Is one of which Mr. Walton has been \cry'proud until now. ' itr.rusiM ) TO \ \ HACK UP. Citizen * try to I'orrc n Slinwmnn to Pay tlio Itrqnlrrd l.lcrmi ! l > e. J..T. McCaddon , manager of Forcpaugh's circus , which exhibited In Council Bluffs yesterday , took out a license to exhibit , pay ing the sum of ( > , that being all that the city clerk required of him. During the afternoon Jueigo Aylesworth visited the show grounds , and finding out the amount that hud been paid informed Mr. McCaddon that ho would have to call nt the city building and put up $100 moro , as the city ordinances provide that the licenses fen shall be $75 for each exhibi tion nnd f'-iTi per day for each sideshow. In taking out his llc nso McCiddon : paid tor only 0110 exhibition nnd not at all for the sideshow that was run In connection with the circus. On his refusing to put up the extra 5100 Judge Aylesworth came up town and filed an Information , charging him with running n show without taking out the required license. As a matter of accommo dation for McCuddon , the city clerk , who was at the show grounds , approved the bond which ho put up for his appearance lu police court this morning , and McCaddou was at once released without having to take the trouble to visit the pollco station. Ho claims that ho paid all that the city clerk asked him to , and 1C the clerk did not charge enough that Is the clerk's lookout and not his. Had Hills .Iliulii tliiod. Business men need their money in these times. If you htvvo bills iifjaitiHt people not living in Iowa employed by any railway , express , telegraph or telephone - phone company entering lown , write to the Nnssuu Investment Co. , Council Bluffs. Collections guaranteed. Stele fr.mi n Uov. U. January , pastor of the colored Baptist church on the corner of First avcnuo and Thirteenth street , has moro faith in savings hanks and less in the stockIng - Ing system of making financial deposits than ho used to have , and it is Larry Mostly who has the responsibility of bringing about his change of heart. By close calculating ho and his wife had managed to lay by ? 73 for a rainy day. It was all in depreciated silver , and as they had some doubts about the safety of entrusting tholr precious wealth to tlio hands of a banner , they dug a hole in ono corner of their collar , placed the silver in It. and carefully covered it from sight. Last Thursday tbcj wcro attending a colored Baptist meeting in Dohany's old opera house , and when they reached homo they found that during their absence some one had made a tour of inspection through their house , turning everything topsy turvy in the s.arch ; for valuables. On goiug down to the cellar they found that the place where the sil ver had been hidden had been discovorcd and the money was gone. Some of the neigh bors said they had seen a colored man named Larry Mosby leaving the house during the afternoon. The suspicion that Mosby might bo the guilty party was strengthened ma terially by the fuel of his having money enough to pay several of his bills , a thini ; that had not happened before for a long timo. IIo was accordingly arrested yester day morning on the charge ot grand larceny. Ho had about $0 of the stolen money in his possession at the time of his arrest. Ho will have a hearing in police court this morning. Stop at the Ogelcn , Council Blutls , to tc&t W.OO house in Iowa. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap Terms ol Court. Judges Thoruoll , Smith , Dccmer and Macy have held their annual meeting , as re quired by law , and arranged the schedule for the terms of the district court for the years 1894 nnd 1895 , The following is that part of the schedule relating to Pottawat- tumio county : Terms shall bo hold In Council niuflfs In the year 180-4 , coinniemclng on the Utli day of January , thu 3d day of April , the 28th eliiy of AUKUSI and the Gth day of November ; and in thu year 1805 , commencing on the 8th day of January , thoUd day of April , the 27th day of AiiKtist und thu 5th day of November. And terms shall bo hold at Avoca in the year 1894 , commencing on tlio Gth day of Feb ruary , the 1st day of Miiy , tlio 25th day e > f Sep tember and the 27th day of November ; arid In the year 1805 , commencing on the 5th diiy of February , the 30th day of April , thu i4th ! day of September and tlio 'jOth day of November. Smoke T. D. Kinff & Go's Partagas. A Vlrifliilii City Character. "Thoro was a queer character out in Virginia City during the palmy elays in the early 'GO'a ' , " said W. U. Barstow to the Washington News. "Ho was called Laughing Tom. Ho couldn't say a word without laughing , and ho usually prefaced - faced what ho hnd to say with it series ol chuckles that were the most infectious things imaginable. "There are hundreds of stories oi which Tom is'tho hero , but ono there ie in particular which I have never seen printed. Ono day Tom began playing poker with a miner. The btakes wore small , but they wcro big to the playon- thotubolves , as they represented all thoii earthly possessions. It was nip and tuol < for awhile , and a pretty good jack pol was being built up , when the minor saw Tom slip a card. IIo said nothing until the laughing rirodigy opened the jacket- , bet oil the limit anil was about to gathoi in the pot , when the minor quietly told him ho had scon him cheat. " 'All right. ' said Tom with his laugh , 'it was unintentional , I assure you , buf take the pot and lot's keep on playing. "Tlio minor \\its agreeable and pluj was continued until ho caught Ton cheating again. It was the lattor's deal and ho * llpj > cd two curds into liia luj while shulliing the cards. 'The minor was as mad as a , hornet , not so much em account of Tom's cheat ing as beciiuso of the insult to his Intelligence - ligenco by the bungling style of Tom't work. Rising and drawing his pisto ! the miner t-nid : " 'Damn you , Tom. I'm going to blow the top o' your head oil. ' "Tom looked up intu the gun's inuzzh and laughed out : 'You wouldn't ' kill t follor before the draw , would you1 "Thoro was no tragedy that day. " llrouclif Up In " nlioop I'nutiiro. Now York Tribune : "I asked for tur key , Mm. Codhookor , " said tlio Chieagc hoarder in deliberate tones. "And received it sir " you , , answered the landlady calmly. "I gave you tin drum-btick myself. " "Then , madam , this turkey was i monstrosity. " "SlrV" "It had four logs and a heard. " "You are insulting , sir. " "A re > semaelttin"rojoined the Chlcagi boarder , blandly , "smells as sweet by an ; ' other nuineand sheep Is sheep though i' ho called roant turkey. You have binuth orcd three sliced of mutton under gravy dressing und turkey hones , and thin ! that I don't know Ilurloui goat fron Rhode Island turkoy. Madam , I huv too much respect for my sense of taste t try and fool it uny longer nt your table I bid you good-day. " The Chicago boarder arose , placed hi gross napkin ring iu his coat-tail pocke with a dignllled wave of his hand , an loft the room , There was an uppalliiii uilcnco around the table. Even the land lady appeared much disturbed. "Perhaps , " BUgccatod the hall hoc ] room hoarder at length in gentle tone of compromise , "perhaps this turko was brought up in a sheep pasturi Who knows'1 , "Who , indeed , " said the landlady softly. MASTERS OF'a\RKSMANSIIIP ' \ Eighth Biennial Tonronmont of the Western Shootinc liOftgue. ST , LOUIS SEEMS TO'iBE STRICTLY IN IT ' < K ; i I ' While tha AttomlixiWe'-li Not I.nrce nn An. tlclpntcd , tlio Utul'o t Untliiislnim 1'ro- i l'lr t t > i jr > rrogrnm at Huier'i Vnrk .Moduli for Mont. The attendance at the opening of the eighth biennial tournament of the Western Shooting league , while It did not fully meet expectations , was oncouraring under the circumstances. One of the principal reasons for a comparatively small attendance Is duo to the fact that many of the Cnicngo'Schuot- ' zcnvcrclns are holding an International shoot at Chicago during the World's ' fair. This was possibly Inspired by Jealousy because Omaha came out ahead two years ago when the question of selecting n plnco to hold the next tournament was settled In favor of this city. Anottier reason Is the general business depression prevailing everywhere. Although the outlook for a successful tournament financially is rather gloomy at present n feeling prevails that success will yet bo attained before the last day on the program has passed. Certain it is that any partial failure can not bo attributed to the Omaha Sehuotzcn- voreln or Its committees. As previously mentioned , they have worked indefatigably to perfect all the details of the arrange ments and labored earnestly to innko It an eminent success. At 10 o'clock yesterday morninc the rifle men gathered atl'abst headquarters and after an hour's sociability they formed in line , preceded by the Musical Union band of sixteen pieces. Seated in a carriage ahead of the proces sion wcro Louis Slcher , ox-vlco president of the western bund , nnd Joseph Stophans , who held aloft the banner of tiiu league. SchuotzcnmcUter William Mack was In com mand of all the teams , which marched In the following order : St. Louis Sharpshooters. Chicago club. Danish Klllo club. Council Bluffs. Bcnnlngton club. Omaha Schuctrenvcreln. The marksmen were followed by the markers engaged for the shooting stand. The line of march was from the head quarters on Farnam street to Sixteenth , thence to the Webster street depiK whore a special train on the Missouri Pacific was in waiting to transport all to the Schuetzen paik. Hero the riflemen wcro formed iu a circle and wero'addressed iu a few words by Hon. George Helmrod , fest president , who welcomed "tho visitors and added that the local vcrclu had worked under great difficul ties on account of financial depression , but the speaker hoped that all would enjoy themselves and that on the visitors return homo they would have Impressed upon their mind the fact that Omaha had done the very best under thu circumstances. Vice President Sfyhcr of St. Louis , in behalf - half of the Icaguq , iheroupan turned the bundcs banner over to Mr. Hcimrod with a few well received remarks , to which the latter again happily responded. The gentleman from the ' 'Future Great , " on behalf of his veY.elii. also presented Mr. Holmrod with a clft Of honor to the Western bund , in the shailo.of an elegant plush-cov- nrcd case , containing two $20 and one $10 gold pieces. ' 'llio YlNltliiK Marksmen. Among the visiting , riflemen St. Louis is largely in the majority , and its toam.prcscnts tlio finest appcarancQ. Of the moro promi nent members of 'that ' club who are present may be mentioned : Messrs. Louis Sichcr , its vice president ; LeonardPriester , schuctzontneistot'Joseph ; Stephen , banner bearer ; L. ScliwelifUoofor , the crack shot who received the king medal at the last tournament- ; . K. Dunkorley , who won the same honors at that veroiu's shoot ; William Bauer , John Hof , A. Schottlander , S. Dor- man , A. McBeah , G. W. Alexander and E. Schncidorwiml. Chicago sent such members as : Joseph Hoff , F. Stoggcnburger , M. Graw and Jolly Otto Sommcrs. The Bermington. vcrein thus far has only been represented by H. C. Timme , Jr. IIATTMJ OP Till : K1FLKS. Shooting Commenced Promptly nt 2 O'clock Amid Much Untliuslimii. Dinner was partaken of at the park , and it is but Just to say to Mr. Husor that the tables were laden with good things to satisfy the most fastidious. Shooting at the kolir target commenced promptly at 2 o'clock , when the opening was announced by the firing of a cannon by Mr. Frank Heft of this city. From that time until the closing oftho , program at GHO : the crack of rifles disturbed the usual quiet at the grounds. The riflemen were not even disturbed by the first announcement by Schuctzcnmeistcr Muck that Louis Sichcr of St. Louis had won and been awarded the first medal on this target , making 123 points out of a possi ble 200 points. Tills was considered very fair shooting. The distance was'200 yards and shooting at this particular target was difficult. The second medal wds claimed by a resident of St. l > ouis on'a score of liil points out of a possible 240. Chicago then followed , and for awhile it Koemcd as though Omaha would ho deprived of any honors lit this line until Fred Fuller redeemed tlio reputation of the homo club by being awarded the fourth modal. The stock of local pride , however , dropped to zero when the Chicago and St. Louis men alternately wcro decorated with emblems until the close. Mr. To gonburgcr of Chicago cage followed Fuller. The iattor was fol lowed by William Bauer of St. Louis , wno preceded Joseph Hoff of Chicago. St. I.oilU WIIH "III It. " After this St. Louis stepped to the fronl again and took the eighth , ninth and tenth medals , the names of the successful riflomcn being John Hof , U. Schottlander and Samuel G. Dorman. As each of tlio successful men received the medal from the hands of the bundcs scheltlzomnoisier the band would ho callcc : upon to play , while iiiauy "hochs" rent the air , and nolens voicns , Mr. Killoman saw himself in n | > ositlon where nothing but r speech would appenso.his fellow sportsmen In this way the park presented , during al ; of the afternoon , an animated scene. Enjoy ment hold full svra.V. When the boom of cannon finally nnnounccc the close of the dual's program It was fouiu that St. Louis wn jfar In the lead as far n ; making single pointsjun the targets was concerned corned , so that fpur men of that club cat claim , in addition Jo their medals , a caul premium. Their "mimes nro : D , Schoido wind , with 2f > : t points ; Sam G. Herman , will 202 ; Louis Soliwolghoofor , with 1 0 , am William Bauer , with 125 points. During tno cntiic , afternoon a contest 01 the ten-pin alloysiwuu also In progress , am tnoso of the shooters who found moro rccro ation In this were ! 16 \ > o found there. Out o seventy-live ontnds"tvro men succeeded li downing nil tho"Mhs | In live successlv throws , making llfiyi : J , F. C. Humolir nn < Fritz Bochcl of Omaha were the ones. J gold medal and 2i > jH'r cent of the total re ceipts will bo awju'dcd to the best mun a the cud of the week. rrogram , The weather during the entire af ternooi yostcrdny , though the sky was clouded , wu delightfully cool and very favorable to th shoot. According to the program today th riilomcn will start for the grounds at o'clock In the morning , on the train. Th park can also bo readied by "carry-alls' ' from Thlrty-suvcnth nnd Farnam am Thirty-ninth and Lcavenworth streets , till being nt present the best route , us thu roa from the end of the Thirty-second nnd Pu clliu street motor line Is In very bad shape. Wrecked u Disorderly Ilou r , ICan , , Aug. 22. For over si years Hose Chapman has kept a dlsordorl liouso hero. Public sentiment has bco gathering against the woman for man ; months. This morning It was determined t take hold of the matter in daylight and ri the town of the nuisance. The signal be ! rang and 000 men gathered. The hose con puny was jircaned into service , and after tu doori nnd windows of the wotnnn't house hnd been broken , heftvy itroumi of Wfttor wore turned Into the houio , its contents thoroughly drenched and the Inmntci drowned out. Hose escaped out of the buck door , but wna cnptured. Some of the hot heads advocated hanging , but cooler mlndt controlled the mob. and she nnt given a short time in which to leave town. VOORMS' ' VIEWS ON REPEAL [ CONTINUED p o TIRST rAou. | the frco coinage bill , claiming a surer dollar was the equal of a gold dollar. In illustration ho related his own experience when ho nns Journeying to Washington. Ho had ontorcd Into conversation with A banker who had denounced the silver dollar as a lie. It purported to ho worth M , when It vras really only worth but OB cents. Presently the porter came along and do.nanaod $3 fern n berth , and the banker , going down into his pockets , pulted forth two silver dollars. Ho ( Mr. Lane ) was so disgusted at the banker passing a llo that ho would have nothing moro to say to him. [ Laughter. ] A silver dollar was worth 100 cents In any bank , In any store In thlt country. Ho was hero for frco coinage and might God forgot him U ho forgot his duty , [ Applause. ] Nevada' * Plant Mr. Nowlnuds of Nevada voiced the demand of his region when ho vigorously advocated the free ooiuago of silver. There wcro , said ho , two aspects of this question the industrial and financial. America was the great sliver producing country of the world , England wa the great gold accumu lating nation and was becoming the great gold producing nation. Our legislation should not bo favorable to England's accumu lation of gold to the detriment of America , Should wo Increase the value of England's gold by the destruction of Its only com petitor ! England used her power In build ing up her own nation ; the United States was spending her money building up other nations. lApolnuse.l The United States was assenting while England was acting. If the United States went to a gold basis It would have to gat the gold , place it In vaults place sentinels around it. ana resort to these measures. When the country draws Its support silver would bo gone forever. Mr. Bynum , In advocating the Wilson bill , said , unquestionably , the vast majority of the poopio thought the Sherm in law was re sponsible for the evils described by the president. Since the passage of the act the price of silver had gene steadily down. Uy this the government was losing $10,000,000 a year. Gold was being exported lu largo sums. Ho eulogized the action of Secretary Carlisle for his refusal to Issue bonds. Ho did not bcllovo a vote would bo lost under the threat that a man would lose his seat who voted for the Wilson bill. Time had como when subterfuge should bo driven from these halls and judgment and reason restored. It was said silver had appreciably fallen In value during the past twenty years , because during that time it had been under lire. There might bo some truth In that assertion. The country could not open its mints to frco coinage when the mints of other nations were closed against sliver. This country could dccidn on no ratio that would glvo a Hxod value to sil ver. Free silver at this time would bo the hardest blow that could bo struck at the metal. Frco coinage would ruin our trade and a full in the value of money would mean n fall in the value of the money In which the workingmen are paid. Should free coinage bo decided upon , tic would bid farewell to any hope of reform. I'rutcst Aculnst Repent. Mr. Hepburn opposed the repeal of the Sherman law. He protested against the shifting process of legerdemain by which the democrats attempted to place the responsi bility of the repeal on republican shoulders nnd make the republicans admit the Sher man bill contained all the iniquities which the democrats charged It did. [ Applause. ] The banks , boards of trado. chambers of commerce , the moneyed institutions aid not rule the business of the country. Their business began where the business of the producer ended. Ho. Believed the Sherman act in Us operation was beneficial at all tunes and it was not harmful today. Tlio true way to solve the financial question waste to compel , by Judicious legislation , the bal ance of trade to turn in our favor. Let us not buy abroad ; lot us patronize less the labor Holds of other lands and moro of our own. , [ Applause. ] Let us , by judicious measures , Increase the merchant marino ; let us secure by proper methods , of subsidy or bounty , the production of all the suear wo need. [ Applause. ] All bankers were monomotulllsls and they recognized Mr. Cleveland as one. The banks wcro the power. The press assumed to speak for the country and assumed to say the people made the demand for the repeal of the Sherman net. Ho know of but one representative who had received a petition asking for a repeal. The republicans were asked to admit that all the evils aflhuting the country came from this law. For one ho would not do so. Mr. Jones of Virginia opposed the uncon ditional repeal of the purchasing clause and favored frco coinage. The existing condi tions ho attributed not to the Sherman act , but to the McKinley act. The house then took a recess until 8 o'clock , but only after an agreement that during the remainder of the week the hour of meeting should bo 10 o'clock. Session. After the recess Mr. Ellis of Kentucky spoke in favor of frco coinage , and severely criticised the position taken by his colleague , Mr. McCreary , upon the euestion. [ The po. sition was that the United States should re. peal the Sherman act , and then refer to an international tribunal the ratio at which sil- vorshould bo coined. He objected to the divis ion of the question. If the matter were to bo referred to an international tribunal why not refer also to it the repeal of the Sherman law ? The passage of the Wilson bill meant the discontinuance of the furthci coinage of silver. If the gentleman's con. stituonts justified that kind of legislation his ( Mr. Ellis ) constituents did not. The Sherman law ( poor though it was ) was the only obstacle which stood between bimetal , lisin nnd monometallism. " Mr. McKalf ? . democrat , from Maryland spoke against the free coinage of silver. Nc nation , oven ns great a nation as this , was independent of the world. Mr. Cooper , democrat , from Indiano stated the country was very impatient , bin ho believed the medicine sought to bo glvoi by the Wilson bill , instead of curing the patient , would assist the disease. Do l'ore t'H Ilurk 1'loturo , Mr. DeForest , democrat , from Cor.noctl cut , said there uhould bo no opposition fron anv source whatever to the repeal of tin purchasing clause of the Sherman lav under existing circumstances. The ncccs stty for that repeal is so clearly written 01 the face of public distress , the demand foi it is so distinctly heard in the voice o the general calamity that it wouh seem that no partisan rai.cor , no in dividual hobby , no speculative theory , in merely selfish personal scheme or scutlona Interest would dare to obstruct it by th slightest obstacle or the least delay. Tin cry for this relief came up not so much fron the rich and powerful , not so much from tli bankers and the capitalists as from th htimblo poor , from tlio worthy and in dnstrioua masses. In response to thisappcal the president had convened this special congress gross for this special purpose. All the vus business interests of the union , tottering 01 the vurgo of destruction , believing Urn through congress , nnd this means alone , the could bo resoucd , were imploringly holdln out their hands for succor. Why should i not ho granted immediately , uncoiiditior ally , without hesitation ) Mr. Arnold , democrat , from Missouri , d < niod there wus any condition in the countr to justify the demonetisation of sllver.whlc would follow the repeal of the Sherman lav There was uo du'aund for this action. Th farmers and workingmeu of this countr hud no reason to envy the condition of th farmers and workingmen of tlio other cout tries who had discarded silver. .Sjiuko fur l-'roo Colimge. Mr , Williams , democrat , from Mlsslsslpp spoke lu favor of free coinago. Ueadin from a nowsoaper article which staled thu President Cleveland hud said ho would nc make appointments to office until the silv < question was disposed of , ho declared , I his opinion , that thu article was entirely ui true. The preposition was too huso , tc contemptible. Even If ho did not believe he would assort that the poopio of the soul could not bo cajoled by the promises of pelt otllccs. [ Applause.J IIo believed the we : could not bo coerced by uny such reasoi [ Applause. ] In the name of the farmoi and laborers ho protested against a mlnorlt of thu dctnofratio party joining the bulk c CARBON COAL COMPANY ' Sole Agents for the celebrated Huntington , Arkansas , nnn inirni FDR- FURNACES AND HEATERS. For further particulars and prices call at office , 34 Pearl street , Grand Hotel Building. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of OyoliiR nnd Ulo.inltiji dune In the highest style ot the urL Killed unJ stained fabrics mndt to tool : us good ni nnw , Work promptly done anil dollvorol In nil parts of ths country. Bon.1 for prlua Hit. C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor , llroailvrny. near North western depot. Icli In ! ' ' t--- ) ) - - - the republicans Iu repealing the Sherman law. law.Mr. . Tracoy , democrat , of Now York City , asserted when the vote came , the majority of the democrats would bo found voting for the unconditional repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act. Mr. Williams Never , sir , iu this world. [ Laughter. ] Continuing , ho said , a few years ago there wcro In congress a few nondescript members who called themselves "protection demo crats. " IIo predicted after the next elec tion , the monomotalllst democrats would find themselves with the protection democrats either at homo or on the republican side. Ho said If Ijo were called upon to clollno "congress" ho would define it as a court of appeals from the decision of common people. [ Applause. ] Kven If it wcro possible a ma jority of tlio democrats could bo cajoled or coerced lute voting against free coinage , that action would not bo the action of the majority. And by that majority of democracy ho proposed to stand. What was the reason congress hail boon called ono month before the president had origi nally intended t The reason was there wan a fear the panic would cure Itself. [ Laugh- tor. 1 He thanked God he lived In a state where there was no millionaire nnd no pauper. [ Laughter. ] In a sarcastic man ner he referred to Assistant Secretary Quincy and compared him in no compli mentary terms to the late Koscoe ConklinR. At the conclusion of Mr. Williams' re marks , the house at 11 o'clock adjourned. A FAMOUS STEAMBOAT BAOE. The Snfoty-Vulvo Ilt'ld Uown by a Husky DiirUy. The famrms race between the Hanni bal City and the Ocean Spray occurred in 1859 , nays the Globe-Democrat. Prior to this race the Ocean Spray hud splen did records. Tlio race was from St. Louis to Keokuk. The early part of the race was very close , and the excitement was immense' . When Hearing Bissell's Point the Ocean Spray found the Han nibal City passing her. The mate on the Ocean Spray , ono Davis , becoming desperate , ordered the head of a barrel of turpentine to be knocked in. His men ware then ordered to dip the wood in this turpentine before putting it in the furnace , the object being to quickly in crease the steam pressure. The Ocean Spray was supposed tD carry only 100 pounds of steam. but Davis thought that by "putting another negro on the safety valve" ho could run the pressure up to 200 pounds and distance his rival. In carrying the dripping wood to the furnace the track became saturated with turpentine , which caught fire from the open furnace. The ilntnes quickly reached the barrel. An attempt was made to throw the barrel overboard , but it exploded and the burning oil neing scattered all around , the boat was soon a mass ol flames. Scott Matson was captain on the Hannibal City. Ho was a bravo and generous man , and in this instance those two qualities made his name famous. Notwithstanding the imminent dnncrer , ho ran his boat alongside the burning ono and resncd every person on hoard. Davis , the mate of the burned boat , was afterward convicted and sent to the penitentiary for Htich gross violation of the rules of safety. Ho was later pardoned. Survival of a Strange Custom. On July l.'t of this year , as on July 1.1 of every year since the thirteenth cen tury , the inhabitants of the province of Bnrotous , in Franco , including tlio mayors of three communes , performed a curious ceremony in expiation of a crime their ancestors committed moro than 500 years ago. In these early days tlio people ple of Uarotous fell upon" the poopio of Roncal , in Spain , just across the border , and massacred thousands of men , women and children. Today their descendants humiliate themselves before the llou- calcso as a token of sorrow and rogrot. Punctually at ! ) o'clock In the morning the ceremony began. The Burotous dig nitaries , escorted by an armed detachment - mont , stood at the frontier. A. peasant , hearing a red pennant as a symbol of justice , was at their hide. At tno stroke of the hour the French mayors ad vanced , wearing their scarfs of olllcoand preceded by a peasant currying a lance , with a white punnon as a llug of truce. Behind there followed the peasantry of Baretous , some loading three white huifers. "Dj you wish peace ? " cried the Span ish mayor of Isaha. 3 ' . 'Yes , " replied the Frenchman. They ' " 1 laid tholr lu'nco on the boundary stono" . The Spaniards planted theirs on French soil , then laid it across the French weapon. Ono of the French mayors stretched his hand ahovo the cross thus formed. Tlio Spaniard did the samo. Then they repeated the formal oath and all present swore to nhaorvo it , e "Paz davaiHl"iJ"IIonceforth ( peace ! " ) said the Spanish mayor. His escort 11 cd oil their guns toward the French terri tory. Tno three white heifers were next turned over to the Spaniards. The two parties then dined together at the ex pense of the Spaniards and a paper was drawn up , which all signed. Formerly the blood tribute took the Blmpo of three white marcs. Tlioir price and the dlllluulty of finding them has brought about the change , The heifers cost about 8120 a'largo sura for these poor mountaineers. Open tu That I'reiumptlun , PlttsburK Chronicle ; Mr. Illoomflcld I suppose you have noticed newspaper refer ences to Prof. Oarncr'a experiments iu the monkey lutiKuaKot Mr. Uelleileld Yes. Mr. Uloomlleld llo says that "achou" In simian dialect means warmth. Mr. Hellcfleld Does that indicate that the Professor's efforts uro not to bo suoozcd at ? The purchasing power gf money in the days of the Itoman emperors was about ten tlmtu WUM it is ut presto t. La Freckla The 3-Day Freckle Cure ATTENTION , Physicians and Chemists Ladies and Gentlemen : Mmo. M. Yale , that most wonderful woman chomtst , has discovered a medicine that will remove Freckles from any face In three days. Hark yo , doubting Thomases , every bottle la guaranteed and money will bo promptly re funded Is case of failure. It removes tan and sunburn In ono application. It matters not if the Freckles have been from childhood - hood to old ape , La Freckla will clear them In every caso. Price $1.00. Sent to auy part of the world. Address all orders to MME. . M. YALE , liouuty and Complexion Specialist , ItoomsSOl-U Karhach Illooic , Cor.l6tu and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , . Neb. Ladles liviufr In the city please call at Temple of Beauty. Retreat FOR TI-IE In charge of thoSlstors of Morcy. This renowned Institution Is Hltimted on tha ilfrh blufTs back of and overlooking the city o ( Jo u neil lllufTs. The apiiclons grounds , Hi ilKli location and splendid view , make It a nest pleasing rctrout for tlio anllctcd. A start of eminent phygloliins nnd a largo corpn of ex- lerleneed nurses inlnlstor to the comforts of ho patients. Epcclul euro given to ludy pa tients. TERMS MODERATE. For particulars apply to SISTER SUPERIOR Frank Street - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , W. C. ESTEP 14 , N. Main St. , Council Ulullfl. Oftlco 107 TEl.KI'IIONHS-Kosldonco .1 Sims & Balnu-ridgo-fte'r"oy * aw , I'rac- In ttip state und foditral courts. Itoomi 200-7-8-0 , SliUjjurt block , Council lllulfa , la. VITALI I Y 'toied. NITTOU * bl lllty TO , et turBl Cllrea b IMIAI'll. the great Hindoo ItuncJj. Bold v Idi writ Irn jrilarnhlcc , of curr Anmt lo * rnt Irrr. Adar0M Irlri.tul Medical Co. , U Tlir ulk I'l.e. , Special fUoUces. GOUHCIL BLUFFS ) AI1STHACT3 nnd lorum. Farm and city propart ? buiiifht Una Bold. 1'uttuy & Thointi ) , Council UluttH ( i AKIIAOUnjinovixl. cos i > oolH. vaults , elil'imeys Jcloanod. Kd llurku , ut T.iylor'u trroeury , Ctk' ) Ilioudwny , | ? IIUIT PAKMS-Wa hnvo HOIIIO line lionrliii- fruit 1 fnrinuformlo : alHOiroixl Iowa t.'irmn ; iichrflc- ) 210-ucro liirni , tiu ; iwr ncra Julmntoa Si Van 1'allen. D O YOU know that liy ) & Hunt li.ivu HOIIIO cholvu biirbMlnii Infrnltand Kirdon laud near U city ? IK you want a t-owl npim of iiiuleH , 7 yarn old , b'untlu and KUW ! ilrlveru , uddrctm A , llcxi olHco. 1'OK KXOHANHK Good opun buinry for cowl Hccond-hand organ. Ilotirlcluu , nil Stutmuau mrout. ' ACKKB , 1W mlloH from po.slolllce ; nil In fruit will Ixi bold in whutn or In ii.irt at it tiiirKUtii , u t will trailo for t'ooil city uroiMTly. lirrunHlileldu , Nicholson it , Co. , COO llroudway , opittulte poat- olllco. 170118AI.K-12 mnn adjoining city limits : all la i fruit ; KifiO.OO nil iicro. UrcenBlilcldH , Nlcholuou k Co. , COD Itroadway. 14'OU SAUS-Ono black Shetland pony. 4 years I old ; II.'IH colt Uy liur uldoi U broken loflrlvo ullliur douulo or ulnirlu ; purfoctfy gonllu. Will tell vliiui. | Imiulro of Juintui lIuvcrutockUUl Mulu Btreet , Council Illuffu. 1 C AGUES. ' . ' iiilluu from iwutofflce ; nice fruit or lunnlou laud ; * 1CO.OO un ucru. Oruu Utcld , . , UUO JJroadwuy ,