* < THE OMAHA DAILY HKE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 23 , .1893. LAID LOW THE RING IDOI George Diion More than Moots His Mate' at Madison Square Garden. BILLY PLIMMER "DOES" THE CHAMPIO JIu llfdlii the lloston Boy nt Krerr 1'olr In thn J'uiir-Hound On and U n Freiti n Win Corliott After Down- In C .John 1 NEW Yomc. AUK. 23. Never slnco the daj tvhon John t > . Sullivan , the great gladiatoi was In his prime has there boon such demonstration for admission to Madlso Square Garden to a boxing entertainment n was shown this evening. Had the bout boo between Cornell nnd Mitchell , instead o Dlxon nnd Pilmmor , the rush could scarcol have been greater. The opening bout was between Jame Mcoblor nnd Tony Moran nt 120 pound ; Mornn won , The second was between Sam Bolau ( Now York and Charles Burnett of No York , nt 125 pounds , nnd was declared "Chuck" Connors and Billy Woich , bet of this cltv , did n burlesque act. The fourth bout was between Con Cougl Hn , the Irish heavyweight , nnd Con Iliorda of San Francisco. Hiordan knocked ov Coughlln in sixty-throe seconds. The llfth bout was between Joe Wnlcott < Boston nnd Jack Hall of Australia bet celebrated lightweights. Walcott planted terrific upper cut on Hall's Jaw , which soi Him down in Just twcnty-flvo seconds. Thn I'reinlor Kvcnt. The final bout of the evening was botwoo Ooorgo Dlxon and Billy Plimmor. Hound 1 After sparring a few seconds fi nn opening , Plimmor planted his loft I Dlxon'n wind , nnd a socona later ducked nasty loft-handod swing. Dixon wont i his man with n will , but found Pllmm .ready to give as well OB ho took. Hound 2 Plimmer led and landed , but 1 was caught a few seconds later by n right nt loft from Dlxon. Pllmmcr kept jabbing h loft In Dixon's face. Dixon did not appe. . ublo lo land , although ho made some viclo left-hand swings. Hound 3 Piimmor kept up his clov work nnd got away from | Dlxon's smash with astonishing alacrity. Plimmor was for fair play and not only avoided the leai of Dlxon , but fought back at him as thou ) ho did not consider him in any way 1 : superior. Plimmor was cool , clover und good stiff puncher. Hound 4 Pllmmcr was right in it , ai fought hard. Ho fought Dixon all over tl ring and every time Dixon led with his k ho only succeeded in sending it around Plli mor's neck. When the bout was finished the upro was so great that the announcer could not heard. When the verdict of the referee w announced giving the decision to Plimmi it Boomed ns though pandemonium h broken loosp , and when Plimmor attempt to leave tho" stage the crowd grabbed h : and throw him on their shoulders and cs rlcd him around the hall in triumph. NATIONAL I.KAOUi : O AIM US. Hutohlnstm I.osoi Illi Grip nml Undo Si fnrft Suvnrcly lu Consequence. NEW YOUR. Aug. 22. The Now Yoi batted Hutchinson all over the field and i featcd the Chicagos with ease. Score : Now York . 05004170 - Chicago . 010011S10- Illts : Now York , 17 ; Chicago. 12. Erro Now York. 3 ; Uhlcapo , 4. Earned runs : N York , 0 ; Chicago , 3. Ilatturles : German a Wilson ; . Uutchlnson and KHtrldgo. XAVoHn Kxcltlni ; Inning * . BuooKLTjf , Auc22. Ono ofthe hardi fights In the dfomond this season was 1 twcon the Brooklyns nnd Pittsburgs tl afternoon. It took the Brooklyn to ; twelve ItiKings to win the game. There v plenty of excitement during the giu Score : liroolclyn.O 00010000001 l'Htabuc . 1 4) 0000000000 Hits : Drodklyn. 8 ; I'lttsburg. 6. Erro llrooklyii , 2 ; Plttslmrs. 3. Enrnod ru Brooklyn. 2 ; PlttKhurg , 1. Rattorics : Id neily and Dulloy ; Klllon and Muck. Iluttloil In the Flrnt. WASIIINOTON , Aug. 22. Poor fielding Washington in the lirst today gave ' Lev villa the game. Washlnitton . 000001010- Loulsvlllu . 40200002 - Hits : Washington , 2 ; Louisville. 12. Erre Washington , 0 ; Louisville , 2. Earned ru Washington , 1 ; Louisville , 3. Hatter ] Stephens and JlcGuIro ; Monofco and Clrlm. AVon by u Noun. BXLTIMOIIE , Aug. 22. It was Hawk apal Broltcnstuin today , with a verdict for former by a nose. The game was flno. Baltimore . 101000000- 8t. Louis . 000001000- Hlts : UuHlmoro , 7 ; St. Louis , 0. Erre Itultlnioro , 1 : St. Louis 3. Earned rn Unltlmorc. 2 ; St. Louis , 1. liattorles : Hu and Uoblnson ; llreltensteln uuil 1'ellz. IMiillliit Change Their Luck. Aug. 22 , The Phil : broke their losing streak this afternoon , feating cr&veland in a long-drawn-out i generally stupid game. Score- Philadelphia . 0 2 3 0 oj 1 1 3- Olovolund. . , . 0 1 1000002- Illts : Philadelphia , 12 ; Cleveland , B. Krn Philadelphia , 0 ; Cleveland , C. Earned ru Philadelphia , 2 ; Ulovuland. 3. Hatter Taylor and ( Jioss ; Young und O'Connor. lliirilVurk tor thu Chuinplnns. BOSTON , Aug. 22. It was hard work the champions for llvo Innings today. In sixth inning the Bostons had tlio llrst g chance to work team tricks , nnd they dli so well that they won hands down. Atto nnco , ! l,100. Score : Hoatoii . 00100240 Cincinnati . U 0 2 0 o 0 0 0 0- Him : Hoston , 0 ; Cincinnati , 5 , Errors : I ton , 4 ; Cincinnati , 4. Earned runs : llos & ! Cincinnati , 1 , Ilnttorlos : Morrltt Uastrlgbt ; Vaughn and Chamberlain. of the TO.-UIIH , Won In thu Klim-ntli. MIKIUIX , Nob. , Auff. 22. [ Special i pr.xin to TUB HKB. ] An axcitlng game ball was played today between the Ax and Mlndcn tuains , resulting in a victory Ax tell , hjcoro : Axtull . . . . . 0(1 ( 0000 00303 Mlmlen , . , , 2 o 0 0 0 B 1 0 U 'J o lUttcilnx ! Cone nnd lUirnmn fur Ax Itolmir and I link for Mlmlen , Struck Cone , 11 ; Kohrer , & . Umpire * : Mcl'heuly Canon. HACKS. TVlml Altogether Too High for ] Tlmn on the FUIIIOIU Kite. lNnEl'ENiir..xcK , In. , Aug. 22. [ Spe Telegram to Tin : BEK.J The wind was b Ing n gale down thu long stretch of the track today when the bell tapped for horses. The track was otherwise fast. The first thing on the card was the trot f or f 1,000 , The llrst heat was a glf Ed Clarkson , by Idol WiHtcs , ' In the se < nnd third heats Wardship , by Marl made a brilliant race all thu way , but c not bent the steady son of Idol WilUei , The S-year-old 'and under iftico for a t stake was a great race in the first heat , in Iho second Free Coinage had it all own way in slow time , lloulah. a gray by Superior , had the speed of the parly , was decidedly erratic. The llttln 2-yea fllly , Lena Hill , by William M , Hill , she great apced aud gainencss , Summaries 2:24 clnas trot , puma 11,000 ; Ed Clnrkson. b. h ; . . . „ . „ i Abcrcroinblo , cli. _ Wurdnhlii , b. u , B Water IJIy.br. m. . . . . . . 4 Time ! StVUM , 3:20 : . 8:21. : Tliioo-.vear-olda and under , 3:00 : pace , s U.OOO : V'ruo Ooln.ieo..J , . . , , , , , , , . . , . , . , . , , . . . . , , . , , Luna llllt..fi. f Ring Itoso , b. f. , , , , , lleuluh. _ r. f. , , . . , , , , . . . . . . . Toinpey , . . . . _ . . Beilo Wye'.Uu , by Toronto Pat < stirtcd to beat 3:30)f : nnd won. JTimo linnoillct linens , Nob. . Au ? . 23. [ Spccnl to Tit DEE. ] Nearly 2,000 Doople wltnowod thi races here on Satui-dny ovcnlnz. t'ollowlni la the record of the time made , also th numes of the contestants in each race : Flvo-mllo races William SnollofOmah nnd Charles fiarbor of UcnodUi. Time Suoll , 11:47 : ; Harbor , in:27. : Ono-mllo race : Ktlear Hurrlngton , Clai once Meyer and Milton Qroba of Benedict Time : 4. Throo-mllo 'raco : Uubo Clark an Clarence Clovendor of York and Harry Ilni rington of Hnnodict. Tltno : 8:47. Ono linndrod yard foot race : Kcrr e Clarks anil Indian Flyklto. Time : 2. Wo by Korr. Ono-mllo race against tluio : Moftott c Lincoln. < lrAinl'Circuit Unco n. SrniNnmui , Mass , Aug. 22. This wi the opening day of the grand circuit. Tli weather was flno nnd the track good. 2:17 trot , Fanny Wllcox won , Capru second , Zombla third. Best time , 2:15. : 2:4'J : trot , for two-year-olds , Director Flower won , Altoona second , Hed Bti third. BcUtinio:2-iX' ! ! : 2:20 pace , Halbradon won , Borkshli second , Merry Legs third. Best time 2:15. Dakota City llncrn. DAKOTA CITY , Aug. 22. [ Special Telegra to TUB BKB. ] Thoraco mooting at this pl.v the 24th instant promises to surpass expect tlons. Horses have already been entorc from Homer , Sioux City , Sloan , Jackso Sully and other points. Largo purses' a : offered and the races promise to bo oxcltln Superior Uncos Docluroil Oil. SuiT.ntOH , Autf. 22. [ Special to Tun BEK The races nt Superior have boon declare off. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hovoy DnfoiUs slmw. Nnwi-ouT , U. I. Aug. 22. The tournnmoi ol the United States National Lawn Tonn association opened this morning. Tl llrst contest was rather a walkover f Hovoy , ns Shaw was unsteady. Sha bniced up and made a strong flht in tl second ana third sots , but Hovoy beat hi in both. Of the other matches played , the follow Ing In a summary i Preliminary round : Willis beat Hovoy 1 default : Iby boat Cobb ; Head boat Frazc Talmaco beat Brush ; Chandler boat Hus more : Donohue iboat Thompson ; Post be Wright : Ward boat Codnian ; Hurrick bo ; Emmous. First round : Porker boat Dowlor ; Wolgl beat Pile : Wren boat Dickey ; Hood be : Warren by default ; Stevens boat McCc iniek ; Hall boat Ilouland ; Ames beat Dod by default ; L-irnod beat D.ivldson ; Hoba boat Lord ; Footo boat Uussell ; Slintno beat Smith ; Keoso beat Howins : Thorn beat Thayer ; Miller beat S. C. Thompso Bruce beat Hotzcl ; Hunting boat Green. Kxpclleclnltor Hanger. MILWAUKEE , Aug. 22. Walter Sangi champion bicyclist , < ras tonight oxooll from Iho Telegram Blcyclo club for condu unbecoming a member of the club's raci team. Sanger refused , nftor being advi Used , to appear on the track last Saturd in a mooting arranged by the club. Vigilant Win * llio Astor Cup. iNBWi'OHT , R. I. , Aug. 22. The Now Yo Yacht club's regatta committee started t resail for the Astor cup today. The Vi , lant won the cup. The only ether entry w the Pilgrim. Louvonmark dives tonight , Courtlau YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. Kloctiou ot Dolccrttoa to Attend the > tlonal Convention. At a mooting of Carroll council No. 141 the Young Men's Institute hold h night Father S. F. Carroll and Gooi T. Kloffnor were elected ns dc gates to attend the national convent ! of the Grand Institute , which is to bo holO Cincinnati , commencing on September 25 a continuing for four days. James P. Dugdi and F. H. Kosters were elected as alti nates. Several Important subjects will como up J the consideration of this convention , auio which will bo nn effort to consolidate t institutes under the Jurisdiction of I Atlantic and Pacific divisions. The ins anco laws of the order will bo revised am now procedure for electing the gra officers will bo discussed. The n plan is to give the western divisions more fleers from the grand lodge. Father Carrel ! this city is a grand organizing officer , 1 owing to the rapid growth of the Omo organization the members believe tl they are entitled to a greater reprosoa tion in the grand lodge. The conv tion also expects to adopt r. uniform ra : The ways und means committee will doavor to bring about a reduction of the ] capita membership tax. An effort may made to consolidate all the Cuthi societies. The loc.il committee on the revision of constitution have completed their work i have forwarded their report to the natlo chairman on laws and supervision. The local institute is in a nourishing c dition nnd they are arranging to give tl ; friends a complimentary social nt an ea dato. Their regular social season will c < monco on the first Friday in September. CrETIINO BEADY FOB ACTION Meotliifjor Itepubllcnu County Central Ct mUteo Cnllnd Prolilbi Organize. A meeting of the Douglas countv rep lican central committee has been called September 20 , at 3p. m. , to arrange da for- holding primaries nnd a convention nominating county officers and uuch ot business as may come before the cent committee. The prohibitionists of Douglas county h ; elected the following officers for the onsu term : J. Plupps Hoe. chairman county c tral committee ; R. KoobucK , soerotary Haskoll , treasurer. The following w elected as delegates to the stale prohibit convont'on to bo held at Lincoln August J. Phipps Iloo , Marsh , G. W. Parker Haskoll , Charles Watts , J. O. Adams , li George W. Woodby , S. M. Ware and A ] dames A. B. Henderson , Graham Park , W. Covoll , F. T. Shlnrooic , G. W. Clark i J. II. Barr. CITY COUiN OIlT PJIO0 EEDINaS Mayor ItcinU Vetoes the Unwell .Tiiclgin Appropriation anil Is Sustained. Mayor Bomls took a hand In the coui proceedings last ovomng , and knocked for thu time bOIng what has boon kuowt the "Howoll 'Judginont , " the history which was given1 in yesterday's BEK. ' mayor's veto , after much discussion , sustained by a narrow margin. The mayor also disapproved of two H In the appropriation ordinance npproprini respectively ? 5l > 00 and $2,11460 and dn against the sinking fund , for the reason I the warrants for the amounts were properly drawn , The vett was sustalnet Paving und grading matters ana s < other unimportant business occupied attention of the council until midnight , then after agreeing to parade on Labor adjourned until tomorrow evening. Louvenmurk divoa tonight , Cotirtlo 10 Mr. Clarence L. Dean , press reproso tlvo of the Forepaugh shows , is lu the c Mrs. Lewis , wife of Deputy Sheriff La returned yesterday from n mouth's \ with relatives-in .southern Illinois , * Lieutenant Henry G. L.VOU , Seventot infantry , arrived yesterday to take par tha rllto competition at Jlullpvuo. Is Miss Low nnd Miss H Iconic of Albany , ly Y. , arc in the city visiting their frfoi ut Mr , aud Mrs. Hobort H. Willis of Idlowll Id Mr. Maurice Itosoathal aud family i gene to Chicago , where they expect tc main several weokn attending tha Woi 1 fair. * . 3S Mr. and Mrs. J , A. Llnaahn and Ml : S Heclan loft yesterday for a three wi 4 trip to Manltou and other Hociiy uioun resorts. c 0 Mr. und Mrs. John Irey , father and mo ol County Treasurer Iroy , who I been visiting in tbli city during the . .8 | three uioiitn. , departed 'for Uiofr hoia i Philadelphia yesterday tnornlngr. m Bullooii tonight ut Courtland beac RALLY OF RAILWAY EJIPUKE Eugene V. Daba and 0. W. Howard Urg Federation of Brotherhoods. SENTIMENTS OF SPEAKERS APPLAUDE ! An r.lRht Hour l > , r Urcoil us a Ilollcit fo tlio unemployed Stop ? Tnkcit to Or ganize n Local I'oilpriiilon Wni Bald. Etiacno V. Debs , the executive head , tin G. W. Howard , vice president , of the no' universal organization of railroad men , th American Hallway union , talked to a larg audience of the railroad men of the city la ; evening nt the Young Men's Christian ass elation auditorium , setting forth the ci cumstanccs prompting -organization < such an association , the purposes it.'almed 1 accomplish nnd the methods to bo fo lowed , In calling the mooting to order , Mr. J. 1 Scullon announced ns its object the Inform tlon of the railroad men of Omaha as lo tl principles , purposes and methods of tl American Hallway union. Ho introduced : the first speaker , G. W. Howard , vlco pres dent of the union. Mr. Howard stUcd thai Iho object of U organization was the banding together of a the railroad men of the country , trom tl hlchest to the lowest. It was not the purpose of the advocates i this organization to Indulge in viliflcatlo as they wcro after no man's scalp. For thn years they had unsuccessfully tried to g the representatives of the old organizalloi to go over thu country and toll the rnllro : men what was the matter. What thu rcpr sentatlvcs of the now organization wou like was to moot these representing the o railroad organizations on the platform nt let the rank nnd illo judge of Iho merits tu demerits touching the present chaotic co dition. The s.peaker had been In the railroad bu ; ness for over thirty years , occupying almo every position from wheelbarrow pusher general superintendent , and ho know th the ofllelals were in sympathy with tl mon. These ofllelals , including goner managers and oftentimes the prostdonts , n only employes , but they cannot ndviso tl men to got together and organize , for fear calling upon thouisolvos thu d : pleasure of their capitalistic cmployei He did not want to ridicule the older orga izattons any more than ho would rldlculo tl old stsigo coach which had given way vostlbulca express trains , as both had do a world of good. The old brotherhood of t footboard had given way to later organ ! ? tlotia , bul Iho old brotherhood did good. ] life was duo to the fondness of youi America for n "scrap , " so that when some the boys got into trouble and asked tethers others , ' 'Will you stay by mo ? " the answ was , "You bet your life. " And they did. The conductors did not have a strike protective platform , the engineers first ta ing that stand , nnd the llromcu followlr Fault had boon found with the engineers I cause they did not help any ono also , i though they had always been helped ther selves. They were not to blame , becau they had been educated that way for twcnl two years. It was impossible to accomplish anythi on the present lino. Not oven an attorn was being made to protect the boys agait injustice. There are over 10,000 engineers the ranks of the Brotherhood of Firomi duo solely to the laws of the cngino ( brotherhood discriminating against t young engineers. Fooling grow until many roads the engineers and firemen hn each other by the throat , just us it is tii on the Southern Pacific. The engineers struck on account of t promotion of a firemen's brotherhood on neor to a road engine , and the firome brotherhood agreed lo take the engines I by the brotherhood ot engineers. Duo to a Laek of H.irjnonj- . "There never could.be.federation . botwc these organizations.continued tUo.speak "That was the trouble .all along the Hi There was too much cat-hauling nud ha pulling. Aside from this , organizations wi working at cross purposes. Iho Order Hallway Trainmen is trying to get the n conductors and keep the .voung blood out the Brotherhood of Conductors and is a taking in switchmen. It niiiiht bo patrio onouch to say , 'Stick to the old organizat : and go down with Iho old ship if she sprii a leak , ' bul it wouldn't bo very wise. T ; now union is miscellaneous , taking in brinches of the service. Ihero might some objection to this , but it could easily proven thai it was imoossiblo establish an aristocracy , or to mamtaii if It could bo established. The Lake Shi & Michigan Southern excludes mon fr entering its service after reaching the ref of forty-five years. The corporations i pulling up Iho bars. The result of I increased insurance rales of Iho organlzalions is lo crowd old men out n fill Iho counlry wilh Ihousands of pericncod railroad men to draw from at v whenever Ihero was need of Ihom. "Tho only way to maintain an avistocr : would bo lo save $ l.CO n day for twoi years and thai would only pay f50 a moi and then the would-bo aristocrat would tu to come off the perch anyhow , for $5 month wouldn't support much aristocru II was all nonsense for Iho $4 a clay man think he was four times bettor than the a day man. Tlio time has come when n must give some attention to political act ! and nothing but complolo organizalion wo bring material bonolll. "It ihoro was u nalional oighl-hour-a-il law properly enforced , there wouldn't b man idle in the country , for 11 would give 1 more mon work for every twenty employ The only remedy is to got together and strov caste , for no true man is bolter 11 another. Of the 1,000,000 railroad menthe the counlry , but 102,030 uro members of r road organizations. These now member : no organization would bo all-powerful if rolled in the now uulon. " Dobs' Address. Mr. Eugene V. Debs was then introdu bv the speaker in decidedly eulogistic tcr The tall disciple of organized railroad lal who bears a striking resemblance to 1 Nye , was enthusiastically greeted as stepped forward. Ho declared that th was not only room for such an organUat as the American Hallway union , there was urgent need of It. all the big strikes , the battles twcon capital und labor , capital I come-out on top every timo. The time couio for the men to get together'aud ui in ono great body to work for the good of An aristocracy had unfortunately sprung and it had kept the men apart. In dies slon nnd bickering there was weakni This union subscribes to the philosophy Robert B'jrns "A man's a man. " It is perfectly natural that oaoh organ tion should strive to attain the supreme and a spirit of unfriendly rivalry is gendered. If all were united in ono organ tlon it is certain that all reasonable inands would bo acceded to und all rig recognized whenever assorted. These organizations , acting singly , unable to cope with the rail way corporatii The other day the National Assoclutlo ; Hailroud Managers was formed in Ohio to furnish the corporations mutual pro tlon. Employes should have the wisdom good sense to emulate their example , T do not organize In classes , according to slzo of the roads represented , but in ono b for ttio protection ol nil. Class organization was all well ono In its day , but In this day of combinai ! nnd consolidations it will not do , As Ion employes are divided among themselves , these dissensions exist , they will bo thoc prey of such corporations as uro dispose ) take unfair advuntago ' Of th Thu Inborn selfishness of man Is respons for the prevailing trouble and porai calouiiea augment it. Religious pars tlons in BO mo parts pf tlio country. , broken up lodges. A man's religion sin s bo a matter solely between himself and God , and it was the height of Impcrtlm for another to inquire into it. It la a Ject on which many are sensitive , an was the policy of these opposed organized labor to throw this llrobi Into the lodge room , knowing tendency to disorganize , and knowing ther its aid in bring the workluginon c plotoly into thq full power of the desigi minions of the corporatious. The spei deprecated the fact that this question been allowed to take up so much time attention in the lodge room. Ha hop < would bo laid aslJofind that of labor nm wages would take HW plnco for discussion as a matter In IT Melt nil are vitally inter cstod. The American Hiihrav union proposes t < build Itself up by educational methods , turn Ing the lodge roomsWhll ) schoolrooms , Th' ' solution ot the lalkir. . , question is throtigl rducallonal tlovclor > ni6nt. nnd men must un dnrstand their rightsnnd the sltualloi bearing on thorn in onlor to ncqutro them It is not intended ij Inaugurate strife o strikes whcnotor posilblo to avoid them The speaker said rfoTlkod to think of th day when labor wyujd rise nnd brush th dust fro.n Its knpcs , not. ashamed to stall abroad the sovereign ! citizen of Iho world. Ho cltod a nunibor of Instances to prov the weakness of tioipld ) , organizations nni their inability to furnish their members th protection It had promised them , and th success the now organization has alrcad achieved since Its birth last Juno. His remarks were greeted with evidence of hearty approbation , and nt Iho conclusio ho was accorded quite an ovation. At the close of the meeting n number c applications were received for a charter , o which to establish a branch of the no' ' union in this city. Balloon tonight at ( JourUniid bench. JHHritKSS IS 1'KllV. It III Snld to lie Largely Conlliieil to th CltlCK. , Chill ( via G ilvcslou. Tex. ) Auc. 23. [ By Mexican Cable to the No < York Herald Sp'eclal to THE BEB. | It I announced that the Valparaiso Natioua bank and Agrlcolo bank have boon consol dated with a capilat of S20OJO,000. I hav been lold by Iho leading roprescnlativo of British commercial house , who has just n turned from Peru , that thd financial dli tress in thai counlry is confined lo Llm and Callao. The prospocls are bright in th northern and southern provinces. Ho say politicians of Peru declare it Is impossible I predict who will bo chosen president. Gei oral Cacores has a strong following In tli northern provinces and Dr. Hosar , wit Picrola's adherents are strong in the soutl Bolivia's action in arming her troops Is n gardod with suspicion in Peru. Tlirontnnril Invasion. LIMA , Peru ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , Au | 23. [ By Mexican Cable to Iho Now Yet Herald Special lo Tun BEIS. ] Genor ; Plcrola Is reported lo bo al Iquln.ue , Chll enlisting his followois nnd preparing for a invasion of Peru. Managers of throe bank have been asked by the government for loan of 500,000,000 soles. The bankers roplic lhal il was Impossible to make the loan an recommendea lhal a proposition bo made U the government to the commercial house The minister of finance offered to pledge tl : customs duties collected in Callao for tl : payment of the loan , but these are alreid partially mortgaged to the Peruvian forcig corporation. Dr. Barriga publishc Latundas again yesterday in defiance of It throats of Iho police again to suppress it. Balloon tonight nt Corn-Hand boacb. o l.UU.Lt. The Eighth Ward Republican club w meet at Twenty-fourth and Cuniiug strce Monday evening. " " Sheriff Bennett \Wrnt down to Koarm yesterday , taking with 'him ' Sylvester Hart son , n colored lad , who1 had been adjudgi incorrigible and ortler'cd confined in tl State Industrial school. The republicans oY tlio north end of tl Sixth ward will iriee. ; Saturday night i Thirty-first street aiid Ames avenue for tl purpose of forming ' the Xorth End Sii.1 Ward Hopublican club ' Deputy Sheriff Dailoy has tondprod b resignation , to takft utlect the first of tl month. Mr. Dailoy'has accepted the po : tion of professor ofilpnraanship in ono the business colleges of the city. The records in the jpfllqo of the counl clerk show that thOjSqfith Omaha Tribu ; has changed Unnds , ; is abill , of sale ' has bei filed , by which" for acohsidoratlon 'of § 1,1 the plant passes inlqjtljq possession of Dai C. Bradford. lf , „ , , , „ IL The Board ofjTrado of-Los .Angolos , Ca is endeavoring to organize an-oxcursion fro the Pacitic coast to tUo World's fair. Shou the effort prove successful'tho Board Trade of Omaha , through the Commorcl club , will invlto the tourists to spend a di hero. The work of renovating , painting and fr < coing the court rooms and corridors in t ! court house goes bravely on and now tl promise is made that all of the rooms will ready for occupancy before the date lix < for the opening of tno Septem bor term the district court , George Wicks , a resnectablo apnearii younjj man , was arrested at 1 : o'clock yesterday morning by Ol cer Cory at Sixth and Pier streets. The officer says that ho captun Wicks in the act of stealing chickens a : sent throe spring chickens to the station evidence against the prisoner. The dull tinier which prevail to such ; extent throughout the entire country ha hit the office of the register of deeds of tt county ana ns a result tlio ten copyists ha been laid off until such time as the tratisfc become numerous , In the mcautimo t register ana his deputies will take up their shoulders the work of doing the i cording. It is pretty definitely settled now that tl city will not have a market house this yea The season is too far advanced to accompli anything and by the time a strt turo could be completed the bias of winter would bo hero. This the reason assigned by Counclltn : Prince , the chairman of the market hou committee of the council. Bicketts , afternoonnml , ovo. Courtlai A P-LAYiTJL GOAT. Ho Hud I.carneil to 1'lay Hlilo nail Me with HIM Owner. A mountain gout that I once kept conllnornont , bays u writer in Forest m Stream , was about as cunning at ) tl average street uvub , und , had ho liv to maturity and kept on acqulrii knowledge , the chances are I wou have hud to inovo out aud give him t rango. Ho usually follpwcd mo on short c oursions into the woode , and general kept right at my heels ; but on ono oa sion ho lagged behind , and , although culled him several times , he paid hoed. I finally walked back to BOO what ] was interested in , und found him bu feedlnu on some mossthat , grow at t ! roots < f a lir-treo ; wi Joloft him and cc tinued my tiamp. a'But after I had r away n _ mrt dlstntlcen the thought i currod to mo to hldbtl'nnd see how. would act ; so I slipped into a holli stump close by thu .trail and awaited t result. Presently Itjjeard him coml bounding along the < tfull , and after hud passed I fatuolc tiut my head to wat him. When ho > jgot about twon foot beyond mo" * bo stopped u commenuod looklncfaround , and the co icul expression on Tily.faco ns ho scann every object that b.jro | any rosomblan to a human bolng cn tied mo to burst c laughing , when hoirftwndd und saw u Then ho commenced to sulk , and woi not go any furthot'u'/o , ' I had to rotu 3 ° homo. The next day ho foll&wod mo as nail but in tlio midst of BO mo thick brush 11 down timber I got interested in n bi that I was following up und forgot t gout , and when I came to look for h lie was gone. Walking back to whan last saw him , I called , but no "Bill came in sight. Thort I commenced diligent search , and prosbntly I cuug sight of something white beneath brush heap. Stooping down and lookl In I saw the little brute curled up li heap , und not a move could I got out him. Reaching in I caught him by I leg and pulled him out. and gave hin good culling on both sides of hiu ho But ho did not mind it a bit. and BOOH to enjoy the joke immensely , caper ! about in his' usual manner all the v homo , as if ha would say ; "You 1 from mo yesterday , and I hid from j today , and honors are even. " ADDRESS TO BUSINESS HEP Circular Issued bj the New York Board o Trade and Transportation , ASKED TO ASSEMBLE AT WASIIINGTOf Kvcrj Commcrclnl Hody In HID Cmintrj to homl Ool i ; > ue ritmncliU Mnttar * Are tit Ho Conaldcreil liy ttio Mooting. NEW Yomt , Aug.23. The Now Yorlc Moon of Trade and Transportation has sent the fol lowing circular to commercial bodle : throughout tlio country : Under dutd of July 25 tlio undnnl.nod hat tlio honor , by the hut ruction of the Now Vorl Board of Trudu and Transportation , to ndilrus 145 ; ! I'omiiiorel.il orninlr..illoiis : In tlio Unit PI htutes u clrculur loiter requesting each of th said nrganlrailniM tosond to us atonco thocor tilled copy of a-iv action Itlmd taken upon "Mi repeal of the compulsory silver purchasing sec tlijii * of llio Sherman law. " Wo also ronuostcc Iimncdliiio icply to tlio following tua-stloii viz ! "Will your uritanlzatlon send ut leas two do legal us to a convention ot eommorcla bodies In Washington , 1) . 0. . on or about Sop taiabur I niiXl , If It Is decided to call sm-li convention , to take action on the uuslnes situation ? " \\ostalodnscloarly n * wo enuld thatou deslio win loiecolvn all resolutions , whollii- for or against tlio repeal and to secure as ful n representation ns "possible on both sides o tlio ( Uii'stluii should the proposed coiivontlo buhuld. Heplies mid resolutions liavocomd to us 1 JarRH numbers from commercial urbanization III all puU of the country approving th proposition to hold thu coiivuntlon. naniln delegates and urging upon conjrc > > 9 the tin incdlatu and unconditional ropaalot thu alive purchnsliiKSBOtlonsof thu Sherman law. On the other hand , only onoof IJSOUcoin morclal organization * addressed , vlth Denxer Chamber of Commerce , has 8Qnt rose lutlons opposing the repeal. * * . ? ( So fur , thuroforo , as the businessmen of th country aru concerned , the time for dlscussio : has passed anil the tlino for Immediate , uur nesl , IntclllKunt and united action has ar rlvod. With this Htalumunt wo request you orKiiulrallon to snncl at least two delegates o such n. n n inherits you may becntltlcd to undo thu rules of the national board , to a oonvuti lion of commercial organisations to ho huld a Wlllard'.s hotel , Washington , 1) ) . 0. . Tuosdn the I'-thof September , Ib'JII , beginning at li o'clock , noon , for the purposoof urging uno congress the business necessity for the mi inodluto and unconditional lepoulof tliosllvi ! purchasing sections of the bhurnian law an also thu nppultitiiiontof a national nonpartl sail and expert commission to consider th f uturo llnancial needs of the country. K. 31. DONALDSON'S CllASII. Tlio intuitive Capitalist Was Doing Wholly on Hnrronrril Monry. Ciiic.\ao. Aug. 22. | Si > ccial 'L'olcgram t Tim BIE. ] Senator J. J ) . Loumans of Siou City , la. , at the GIMUU Pacific today , speaV iug of Donaldson's alleged flight to Mcxk with $ SUO,000 , explained that Donaldso promised investors largo interests on thel monov. Ho said ho could not undcrstan how Donaldson could inspire enough con ! donee in pooulo to cause thorn to give u their money to him. It was ono of the dec mysteries. Tlicro was nothing about th man to inspire confidence , or oven to wi respect. Hut ho got money , and lots of il Ho had an overweening confidence in hi own capacity. He borrowed a great dm of money , and thought he could pay a goo interest on it anil still have a big proiit hin self on what ho could make with its use. II was fooled. With his banks and his Union Trust con pany in Sioui City and his cattle and his hi farms , all operated on borrowed money c money from the sale of stock on which li had guaranteed a big dividend , ho had loa enough to swamp any man. in groundin the load ho undoubtedly picked up overt thing that rould bo readily converted int cash and made away with it. But althoug this may go up into the thousands the sum tor did not believe the amount would vcac 5800,000. Matt Flynn , a contractor of Sioux Cit ; who had formerly owned stock in Dona'c ' son's Union Trust company , said at th Grand Pacific : "Stockholders living i Sioux City luckily got from untie before the crash camo. Wo were n Jlttl skcptic.il of Donaldson's methods. Donah son mot his Waterloo when ho organized th Northwestern National bank In Sioux Citj Ic wiis his aim to have this institution do th ilnar.cing for his chain of small banks i northwestern Iowa. But they wcro .ilroad under the control of his Union Trust con pany and the wheel within a whnol , whil it may develop that it aided him in his craft designs on eastern capitalists , seemed 1 iiandlcap him. With his many other onto [ irises it was the ono that made the load tc lieavy. Doimliltou's loirii Connection * . Sioux CITY , Aug. 23. [ Special Toloptrai to Tun liEE. ] A dlsu.ttch sent but fro : Kansas City yesterday , alleging the distil peirnncoof E. M. Donaldson , formerly i Sioux City and manager of the Union Tru ; company , contains gross errors as to tl : Looks in northwestern Iowa which former ] had some relations with the trust eompan ; It is wholly wrong in saying that the failui of the trust company carrieu down thos banks in Ida Grove , Holstein , Sloan , Dai bury , Ute , Woodbine , Gushing , Castam Shuttlor , Aurella and Modale. The Dai nury bank has no relations whatever wit the trust company , having close out the old relations months ag < nor has it relations with Donaldsoi It is strong and solvent. The banks i Sloan , Castana and Gushing are running an are believed to bo in good condition. Tl Woodbine bank was thorougly investigate by the state bank examiner'only a few daj ago.and ho reported it to bo in most excolloi condition and absolutely safo. The Fin National bank of Ida Grove went into liiju datlon some time ugo. The Aurella ban which closed several weeks ago , reopcm and is running. The Ute bank is still closei SVKiS JH COMPANY' * 1'AII.UIIE. Tlioy ISmlorxn Tor Annther Firm untl A ) Forcnil to HII * ! " " " ' * NEW YOIIK , Aug. 22. Sykes & Co. , whol sale dealers in boy : ' clothing , at Nos. and ! J Lafayette Place , corner of Thu street , have failed with liabilities of $ . ' & ( 000 , and assets of $400,000. The linn mat an assignment to Lawyer M. Warlc Plalzek. giving preferences for tMO.OOO. Mr Platzok , the assignee , said thu nctu liabllltios'ara about $250,000 , including pr forred claims , and the contingent llabiliti are about $100,000 for endorsements , Tin endorsed for the accommodation i Woil , Dreyfus & Co. of Boston the extent of $90,000 , which papi is maturing. The immediate causes i the failure of tlio concern wcro these o : dorsomonts. Because of the suppose stability of Well , Droyf us & Co. the llr continued paying its own debts down date and made no arrangement to meet co : Ungont liabilities , relying on Well , Droyft & Co. to tnko up their notes. A few da ; ago Sykes & Co , were nollllcd that UK must look after thu papor. The condllic of the money market pro von ted them fro raising the money. Dispatches were t caivod today that n receiver had boon u pointed in Boston for Weil , Dreyfus & C ( therefore Sykes & Co. assigned , All nsse have been turned over to the assignee , I accounts have been transferred nor ha any goods boon disposed of , CAN.NOT rOHOE ITU UAK. Silver Hunt to ; ( lot Into Circulate Despite tlio Monetary KiriiiKonoy. Nuw YOIIK , Aug. 23. The assistant troi uror at the subtreasury today paid over t counter,052,000 ! , , , of which JT8.000 was treasury nbtes and the rest in gold , Trot fers of silver to Now Orleans amounted $35,000 , to bo U50d la moving the cott crops , The significant feature of the st treasury operations was the fact that noai as much silver was paid in today as w paid out , which seems to show that in spl of the great demand for currency , slh cannot bo forced into actual circulation long as small bills uro obtainable , oyoa at premium. The subtroasury counted ted about $1,000,000 gold for tlio importers. O consignment of (450,000 in gold was sold Baltimore ut lf per cent , but all the clc gold to arrive was offered at throe-fourths c nor cent. The currency fainlt.o has led sovo banks to discriminate in writing up their i counts and making payments thercoa I twp ( > n dcixjslti of cash nnd deposits o chocks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To I'oreclmo n 111 * Mortgage. NK\T VnitK , Aiift. S3. Tlio Farmers I ai nnd Trust company today filed n 1U pcndon : riKalnal llm pniiiirly | of the fVorthorn rail mad In n null to forcloso a mortp\io o M.mxi.Oixi , ilntfd Ootobor , 1Ht7 , on the pro potty of llm I'umimny In Now York fron Ono Iliindri'd nml Klfty-llfth mroot to Hrow tur , N. Y , tlnjixl to Alliltn. CiiKvr.s.NBVyo. . , A K.3. . A call to tin people of Wyoming hns been Isstiod by Johi Charles Thompson , vlco prosldont foi Wyoming of the American nimctalllc longuo urging them to hold mnotlngs and p.is < . esolutions ; circulate pnttttons nnd wrlti utters to their roprcsontatlvcs in rnngros' to prevent thn rupo.il ot the Shormaii nci unless coupled with the full restoration 01 silver to the plnco It hold prior to its do uonotlzatlon in 1ST : ) . IIMTH llnnli failure , WATKHI.OO , Ta. , Aug. 23. The private mnk of J. T. Knappfc Co. of Cedar Fulls I.\M failed to open this morning nnd a com > loto assignment of the affairs ot the tnsti ution was made later. H. II. Clay of Ccda . " 'alls Is the assignee. No valuation \va given. I'lnnnrlnl Note . MiiAVAViRCR. Aug. 23. The Butlor-Muoljo company , lumber dealers'assigned today I'ho assignees bond is put at 8108,000. I'ON'nox , Aug. 23. Forty thousand pound : in cold was withdrawn from the Bank o [ England for shipment to America today. Ci.RVRi.Axn , AUK. 22. The Ohio Stem company of this city wont into the hands o v receiver this morning. Assets about $ , ' 100 , 000 and liabilities fioO.OOO. New Yonit , Alii ? . S53. The steamer Em ; arrived today with 2 7COO , S 00,000 am 3,170,000 marks all in gold. Bar silver has risen to 75) ) . Ci.cvEi.Axn , Aug. 22. J. Itlchard ? & Co. inuslc publishers nml dealers in muslca Instruments , were placed in the hands of i receiver today by Boston creditors. Mi'.Mfiiis , Aug. 23. The Memphis Cottoi exchange tonay adopted resolutions callliii upon congress to hasten the repeal of tin purchasing clause of the Sherman law. JMJOI'B OFF TltK ITALIANS' - ' Ilonnn 1C nt Kan Striking1'iKililiiK in ploy in HIH City Start a Siunll Itlnt. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 22. Swift's paokini liouso closed down today on account of the butchers' strike. This morning at 7 o'clock the presence o ; about twenty-live Italians nt Swift s gatci applying for work aroused -indlgnatioi of the striking butchers and a small slzo riot was witnessed. With boards ami stick ; the irate butchers moved upon the Italian ! and drove them across the Union Pacilli railway yards and sent them across tin river to their homes in "kittle Italy , " 01 the Missouri side. Chlof of Police ( Juarlo : of Kansas City , Kan. , and Captain Porte : were called to the packing house , but whet they arrived there was nothing to Indicati that anything unusual had happened. No cut in the wages of the butchers hai been made at the other plants and they an working full force. It is believed the striki will not extend beyond the Swift plant. GUAKDKU MY CITIZENS. Miners ItosninoVnrk Protected 1 > ; \Vlncli < it ( > r . PlTTsntmo , Kan. , Aug. 22. As a result o the citizens' mass meeting hold hero las nignt thirty armed deputies , made up fron the best citizens of Pitts burg led by Undc Sheriff Adslt , went to Frontenac about o'clock this morning to protect the men win had signed contracts and wanted to go ti work for the Santa Fe Coal company. Soon afterward President Walters of tin miners union and about 400 men marchec out to the shaft to intercept the workmen but when they were met by the largo num ber of Winchesters in the hands of deter mined men they halted. An attempt wai made by Walters to send a message to tni ' workmen , but the deputies'refused liira admittance mittanco inside the line. Fifty men wont down Into the shaft t < work , but about 175 who were there , throuuV four , would not enter the shaft. About 251 have signed contracts nnd are ready to g ( down into the shaft as soon us protection i : guaranteed thorn. During the trouble the wives of UK strikers and of the workmen fought will each other. Ono woman pleaded with tin olllcors , the tears roUing down her chocks to protect her husband in his work. Shi said : * 'Wo have not a cent in the house ant not a bite to eat. My husband wants ti work to get bread for mo and my children but those men , " pointing to the crowd o strikers , "will not lot him and wo an starving. " The crowd led by Wnltets were mostl ; from other camps. ( jonoral Manairor Devlin arrived this after noon on a special train , with minors am deputies to protect the men. Indication are that , while the strike may bo eonsidcrci to be practically over , there uro fair proa poets of considerable uiinoynnco and troubli r.hcad , The actions of Walters and his fol lowers undoubtedly mean continued demon strations against these at work. While tin union to a great extent favors thu Dovlii proposition , ut the same time it will not accept copt it as u whole. JJXOITKMKNT AT W1UK CITY. Strikers lluvo u How with n Nvgro Minor Arming ; . AVi'.m CITV , ivan. , Aug. 23. An cxehangi of shots between a nn ro minor and a crowi of strikers has wrought up excitement her to the danger point. A negro miner ram into town this morning from the mine of th Central Coal and Coke company afto supplies. Ho was recognized as ono of th negroes who took the strikers' places and i crowd gathered about him. The crowi Jeered the negro , nnd when they discoveroi a revolver in his hip pocket they mudo , rush for him The negro drew the wo.ipoi and fired in the air. The crowd did not hell tate and the negro then Hind at them pom blank , ut the samu time taking to his heel in the direction of the mine. The crowi followed , firing as tloy wont , and the ncgn would turn at this and lire at his pursuers Tlio negro was /loot-footed and reached tin stockade before his pursuers , The encounter has stirred up the miner to n pitch of frenzy for they hollovo now tha the company has armed all of its men. A company of strikers was armed thl afternoon and drilled all the res of the day according to regular .mill tary tactics. A nu , > oting was , hoi this afternoon at which Thomas Jforsloi ono of the loaders , spoke. Ho charged th miners to arm themselves and to hcgl rigorous warfare nt onco. It was planned t attack the stockade ut the Kansas , & Tex a mine No. 23 , tomoirow , and drive the worli ing minors away. It is believed seriou trouble will follow if the plan is carried out Offers or Aid from Denver. DKNVBH , Aug , 23. At a mooting of gentli men hold tonlirht in Denver to consider th petitions for help for the needy ui employed of Now York , ono signe by General Weaver and others , anothi : by Samuel Gompors .and others , it was n solved to respond with an offer from OK rado of tuo carloads of Hour and two carload of potatoes. Mr , Samuel Lcsum , chalrma of the committee appoln' d to attend to th business , was instructed to soud the follovi ing dispatch to New York : DKNVKII , Colo. , Aug.2 , 1893. To Saniui noiiipor , President American Kudurution < Labor , New York ; Will you accept twocui loads of Hour and two carloads ' ( if potatoeu , t bo delivered free , as Uonvnr'ti contribution fi : the iiiiuinuluyod In New York who are In neec HAMUEI , I.KSEM , Chairman ot Connliltlcu. Wuntuil Jiruad anil lYurk. MILWAUKEE , Aug , 23. A , mob of unon ployed laborers marched to the city hall thl morning and culled out tiie mayor , who wa greeted with cries of "Bread" and "Work. The mayor advised them to return to the : homes , ussuied thorn the city would coo have money to prosecute public improvi monts and give many work , 'llio mob dl ; persod quietly. _ _ Htruck fur Thulr Pay. TBRIIB HAUTE , Auir. 23. The Kvansyll & Terre Haute monthly pay car arrive today and paid off in chocks dated Soptou bur 1 , instead of cu h. There was .much Ii dlgnation among the men and thoswltchmc ktruck at onco. The trainmen , engineer and ilromou will probably strike tomorrov FILED IN THE FEDERAL COURT State Board of Transportation Presents Iti Reply to thn Railway Companies. . CHARGES OF A COLOSSAL CONSPIRACY I'otltlon of the IMalntlfN Aniwnrml In IHill Allncril Mixture of Stnto nnd Itilnr- ntute TrolRht in ttmunil i Uralu Shipment * Tlio Itcply. Yesterday afternoon the State Board ot 1 Transportation Illod Us answer In the United States circuit court in the cases brought by the Chicago & Northwestern , the Chicago , St. Paul , Mtiino.iiolls | & Omaha , nnd the I'Vomotit , Klkhorn it Missouri Valley Hall way companies to restrain the board from carrying out the provisions of theN jvfborry maximum freight law passed at the last session of the Nebraska legislature. This answer , In the main , Is ldontlc.il with that Jlled by the Chicago , Burlington fc ( Julncy Kallroad company hist Saturday , This latter answer Is a lengthy document , covering fifty typewritten pages , besides a nombor of pages of exhibits , showing the freight rates of this state as compared with these In force In the other states of the union ; the profits which the roads have boon making during the past years and the past MM present market value of the common nnd preferred stock In the Now fork market. l'linrirM ol Uunnpirncr , In answering the petition of tlio plaintiff * the defendants , members of the sin to board , allege that soon after the passage of the Ismvbcrry bill all of the plaintiffs conspired together to defeat the carrying out of the provisions of the act and to avoid the penal ties and forfeitures. With rofcronco to the case of the Elkhorn void , the defendant al leges that this paillcular road Is a domestic corporation , operating its own lines , most of which are wholly within the state of Ne braska. Touching upoirtho subject of the Chicago , St. IV.ul , Minneapolis & Omaha road , the defendant alleges that that i-ompany is not orgaimcd under tho-laws of any other state outside of the state of Nobraska. and that the entire road can bo reproduced and equipped nt the rate of § 15,000 mlloj that if the payment of cash dividends was conllnod to stock actually represented by cash invest ment , thu net earnings would bo from ' _ 0 to ! Ki per cent per annum. However , the de fendant alleges , that such is not the i-aso , but that the stock is watered for the pur pose of absorbing all dividends and showing that the debt is largely in excess of the cost and the value of the road. Crltlclm-s thu Klklinrn. Referring to the Klkhorn road , the do- fomiant alleges that at the time ot the in corporation of thu company thu capital stock was limited to $1,000,000 , but thatsinco thuti it has been increased to moro than SHO.IITO.OOO , ami that $20.000JOO ( of the gross amount lias been distrlbutod about the country In the , shape of bonuses. Owing to this fact the de fendant alleges that the road has 116 right to claim that the running expenses of the road are in excess of the bondcu indebtedness. Taking up the entire lines of thu North western system , the defendant avers that one-half of the tonnage transported in this state consists of grain hauled cast , nnd that the rate should not bo at the high est liguru. The defendant denies that theao roads are carrying p.issejigers at less than actual cost ami that the freight and passenger r.ttes provided for by the terms of the Newberry bill are lower than these of other states , but on the contrary avers that they are much higher than these in force In some of the western states , The defendant also denies that on August lnlSOl , the state board determined that the , froKht ) rates then m foreo wcro Just and'equitable. _ butit does aver that slnco thUt tlnta'tho "value of farm products , machinery , manu factured goods rtiid labor have buttf reduced , though notwithstanding all of this thu roads have raUcd their rates fully 4 > polMxmi per 100 pounds. > n nil * , ' Million a Now CharRO. 'A now charge is made in which the de fendant alleges that the plaintiffs have been mingling local and interstate freight in the same cars .simply for the purpose of taking aw.iy the right of thu state to establish und maintain a maximum freight rate for local business. This allegation the defendant , thu state board , n'leges that it is ready and prepared to prow , when the case is reached for trial. In the exhibits which are a part and parcel of the answer the defendant com pares tht- Iowa rate with that provided lor under the terms uf the Nowborry bill , show ing that it is lower in almost orer.v Instance , and In another table shows the dividends which the three companies have declared each year slnco their organization. Harper's Uazar : "It Is not enough that he should want me. Ho must want fur more than that , and want it impetuously and with a purpose to got it. I would never cndtiro to marry an aimless man. " "So ? It would not bo enough for mo either that ho should want mo. It would tie neces sary also that I should want him very much. And I think I .should require too that some other girl should want him awfully at the same time. One could not marry a man who would be no loss to any one. " Tired , Weak , Mrs. Mary O. Crydcrman " I had rheumatism eo severely Unit I waa Obliged to nso n cane. l'Wi"i ' tired of Ufa nnd ivas n burden to these about mo. I often unf- tcrcd from dlzzlniBs , worried much , and \vaa Itiboct1o ] norvons spoilt. Hood's HnrHapailllii made mo fcol Ilkon different ( icrxou. I owa Hoe < fss ? > C res my present good health to Hood'a Haisapa. rllla. " Mita. MAIIV O. CIIVUKIOIAK , l.a Ton * talno , Kansas. lloanro to get Hood's. Hood's Pllia euro all I.lvcr Ills , lllllous. Deis , Jaundice , Indigestion , Sick Headache. Tlio Kyiiul ot BO YD S THEATRE ttiu .Siiiiaoii. Friday and Saturday , August 25 and 26. nlliioo Hnttirtlny. THE SOUDAN I'rcaentcil lioro with a tmnorlor company und all HID orlcrlmil Huonlo rlf ect . ' 10(1 ( KuclUli Solillerb , luu Arabian Wurrlora , In The Battle of the Do.urt City. 300 Men , W onion und Children In The Trafalgar Square Scouo , Drabii U.incU. ( Uo niul Uriiin corps , kuriiOtt and cannon. Usual prlcua. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JH'EATER rg LAST NIGHT * it IMUNGLK'H PA.MOUH GEORGIA MINSTRELS Headed by the great and only nilly Kenand *