TFIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ! TUESDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1893. Further Development * in the Sensation that HUB Paralyzed Oakland. WEIRD WRITINGS OF THE OLD DOCTOR Bide Light * on n I.lfo of Mjrutcry-IIIiitory thnt IteaiU I.lko n Iloinnnce .Mor mon itml .SplrltunlUt I'otos ns u Cardinal. The mystery of the little zinc box which bns tliroivn such n dark shadow over the llfo of Dr. P. W. I'oulson of Frultvnlo , Cnl. , Into Of Council muffs nnil now of No Whcro , Is far from bclnfr 8olveil , ns telegrams front Cnl- tfurnla indicate that strnngo features nro being milled to the singular case every day. Dr. I'oulson , who is a writer , Is Itnown as Dr. P. W. P. Fagerstjorna , l not hastening his return , so fir ns anybody can find out. While ills attorneys in Frultvalo cluim that ho will easily clear up the mystery the state Is getting ready to open the little zinc box to ascertain wbat Is Inside. It Is said that ho is now in Chicago. 1 he doctor'sitroublcs commenced to date from the time ho bccatno a spiritualist , hav ing turned ills back on Mormonlsm , Ho cnmo to the coast nnd made the acquaintance of Miss Edna Hnell. u handsome young woman , nnd sister of H , n. Snell , a member of the Oakland city council. It is alleged that their married life was an unhappy ono and the wlfo obtained a dl- voice , retaining the name of Edna Sncll Poulson. Just about this tlmo the "woman In black" made her appearance in the path of Poulson's life. Her nnmo was Miss Lizzie Carter , and she gave her occupation as that of n journalist. Her views ou spirit ualism seemed to coincide with the doctor's. and they had many a talk on the subject. She fell madly in love with the doctor , and would have accepted him at any moment. Hut the doctor did not lilco her looks , and through the aid of the spirits he selected the woman who Is now his wlfo. Then came the curse of Lizzie Carter. She wrote it on paper and she preached it from the streets. Her 0110 do- elro anil aim in llfo was to win back Dr. Poulson. It came to pass that through her powers as a incdluiii she had learned ttiat the day was not far distant when Dr. Poul- son's > homo would bo wrecked and his hap- viticss blasted. Her Prophecy rullllloil. This strange woman thereupon made the i > rcdlollcn of what was to como in the future , ami sure enough it turned out just as she had predicted , oven almost to tin ) day. But Lizzlo Carter luul brought some material power UTiplay in order to compass the ruin of the doctor. She was n strong letter writer , nnd spent most of her time in sending epistles to Dr. Poul- BOII and his wife. The latter received scores of the most scandalous letters , wherein wcro contained charges almost boyoud conception. As for the doctor It kept him busy opening his mall and reading portions of ttio history of liis life whcroiu ho was told of secrets which ho considered quite sacred. Later Miss Carter succeeded in involving several other women in the case until now it would scorn as if a whole colony of women \\cio ou the doctor's trail. Frorp his earliest years the doctor was a mystery to his friends. It is said that his parents even did not understand him. He was disposed to bo reticent and secretive. Nevertheless ho at tunes displayed Hashes of brilliancy which commended him to people who afterward acted as his friends. As he grow into manhood ho became morose , nnd nt times inel.inclioly , devoting a deal of time to thn consideration of ubjcets of a supernatural character. "When ho attained his majority Morinouism wns making rapid strides in Stockholm , wliero ho had bccu educated and u Hero ho had aUo graduated from the military acad emy. From the Meialnli. The young man lost little time in embrac ing the tenets of Joseph Smith , nnd thence forth wns considered us among ttio most ardent believers iu these erratic doctrines. Coming to this country a married man , ho was not able to shako off the molaucholy which periodically took possession of him , nnd on such occnslous.ho would wander far from homo and establish communal relations tvnd connections with the supernatural beings - ings with whom ho peopled the heavens. Even us Joseph Smith had been commis sioned from on high , so would ho undertake to lend ttio people back to the Messiah. In furtherance of this desire lie has loft on record Innumerable messages which came to him ns the * messages of the Messiah. These messages have been printed by him under the assumed nnmo of P. W. P. Fagcrstjerna in a work styled "Tho Light of Messiah on the Gospel of Freedom and the Order of Messiah. " Tills work contains 380 pages of closely printed matter and is only thu llrst of seven volumes which the ' 'Messenger , " as lie styles himself , has itollnod as his llfo work , and ho proposes to publish as soon as divorce cases anil other mundane matters afford him the necessary leisure. The Order of the Messiah , which tiio doctor was instrumental in creating , hold Its first meeting August L'O , lt37 ! , ou San Fran cisco bay. The rules for its government uro multitudinous and about us elaborate as these governing the urmv of the United States. Onler of the lilnck Cron * . "The order is based " ho ' - , says , -upon a military discipline belonging to the hosts of heaven. " It lias presidents"generals , vicars , counselors , , third generals , lieutenants , knights , regiments of provision. Hosicrus- cians and White Cross Knights , who nro the most numerous and the bulk of the armvand count the privates and the subaltern olllcors from their midst. This order , however , is only a stopping stone to thu Order of the Black Cross , for which the doctor has had printed a most elaborate ritual. The applicant for admission is required to Pay some attention to cleanliness , ntul this Is the manner in which the cardinal olllcors suggest it ; Cardinal I suppose ho has obeyed thu ordl- linncouf tliOHpotiKo baths , because to bo a taint Is to bo raUuil to Hod In thu freedom ol llltSplilt , so that before hlkunloilux huro hu iliould have uleiiiisoil his body from the iui purltlua and dust of thu world. Second MusseiiKur llo has dona GO. lioforo thp applicant proceeds farther the cardinal bays ; Cardinal lloforo I can allow thee to movn onti step furthurln that direction 1 must In- ijulrii If thoti hunt IHJUII served with the ordl- tiuncuof foot-Hushing ? Kecond Mofckingiir llu has not. Cardinal Thuu It U my ulll tlmt lie shall bo touted and expose his feet miked , and n basin of water and a. towel Bliull he brought nnd In tlionamuof Messiah hothull rt'culvu the holy font-washing. ( The hocimd uutsboiiKor brings n chair and a basin of wutor and a towel , mid Uiu candidate * euu hluuolt und thu second muksuiiKur saym : berond Messenger Cardinal messenger , the cumlldntu Is seated und expects your further Instructions. Uiirillnul ( goes down to tiio cundldutu-My ) brother , our Lord und Muster sava , if 1 do not wash your feet you Imvu no p irt In mo , but ho that lac can nccila nollilni ; su\o towns ! Ills foul und hu ls clean nil over , Therefore In token of my position In this coneruKUtloil nil uccoidliiK to thu pattern of our.Musslal I bend don n on my rik'ht knuu nnd conununcu to wash your fcuu tllo blesses thouuturln Slinking u cross o\ur It , and washes thu cundl- ijato b fout aud the sucond messouger help * to dry them.I Know DUcuuracoil the Prospector. . As the cardinal of this order , as the mes eencer also of the Messiah , some time ago I'oulson told some of Ma followers that ho had been told by the angels that Iti tin mountains near Pasadena there was a plloo gold w lilcli ho could got by climbing up to It and that with it ho as to build a gram temple at Independence , Mo. Poulsou set a time for getting the gold but fulled to go. Some of Ills friends became Skeptical , aud desired to go with him. They wanted a little of the gold , perhaps for priv ate u i > . Poulsou took one of them , a man of this city , to the base of ttio mountain , and , lo nnd behold , the summit , where lay tiio gold , was covered with snow I It is said that Cardinal" Poulson actually organized "Tho Order of the Messiah" and had a number of followers. As he is worth (11X1,000 ho could afford to spend a few dol- AI-S iu putting ills ideas on paper. Conrtluiitt Itourli Sjiluilin. GeorgoA , Custor Itelluf corps will give a ) lcnlo at the beach today , The old stand-by , ibo balloon , rotalus at much interest as If it was a now feature. Certainly the people enjoy It. The Omaha Guards held tholr usual Men- day night drill at the beach last evening. Mr. Arthur Shivcrlck will brine his wcntv-foot yacht from Manawa and launch t at Courtland. The flickering ol the electric lights MIMO tilnnic Ulckctt to miss her catch occasion ally , but her next attempt Is usually accom- lanled by successful achievement and np- ilauso. Louvemnark , the "novel of the water. " made another great diva last night. To night ho completes his high diving contract it Courtlnnd. Ho is a prent card , and Man ager Qrlftlths may possibly think favorable of retaining him , * TEACHERSINBTITUTE. ) oncln County Imtruc'tor * Unlit n Seiilnn at the III till * c1in < > ) . The Douglas County Teachers' institute mot yesterday In tlto High school building. L'ho session Is Doing conducted by Suporln- cndcnt Hill , Profs. A. A. Monroe of South Omaha and Bernard Blgsby of Detroit. There was it good attendance for the first day and a great deal of Interest Is being taken in the matters uhtch came up for their consideration. After organizing the meeting and holding the usual opening services en rollment was taken and it was found that .hero . wcro about 100 teachers present. The 'oronoon was taken up In classification of the ItiUltuto and short discussions ou vari ous subjects. In the afternoon they went to work on the regular program , After disposing of the liiory box and gem quotations , class A was ; lveii instructions in arithmetic by Ida S'otson , nud class B ou the reading csson by Prof. Blgsby. Ida Notsoii then delivered a lecture In the issombly room on "Biography , or American Literature. " The lecture was listened to with considerable interest , and the remarks ) f the speaker showed that she had given , ho subject a thorougli consideration. Prof. Blgsby then conducted A class In n dis cussion of school tactics , and Mrs. A. A. Monroe instructed B class on reading. The day's program closed with a iccturo jn "Tho English Language" by Prof. Blgsby. .Mr. Daniels delivered a short ad dress on scientific topics. The teachers in the city schools are not compelled to attend these Institutes , but many of them do so as they receive much valuable instruction as how to teacli "tho young idea how to shoot. " There are about seventy-live teachers in the county schools aside from these employed by the city. Dr. Blcsby of Detroit , who is u craduato of Kuffliy college , will deliver a Iccturo at the First Methodist Episcopal church on Friday evening on "Hugby and Arnold. " The professor is said to bo a splendid speaker , and handles his subjects iu an un usually entertaining manner. Tills meet ing will continue until Friday evening. The piogram today is as follows : tOIUJNOON SKSSION. Slnglnp nnd query bo\ : Class A l.nnKii.iKo Lessons .Ilortiard Hlcsby. Muss 11 United btitu > a History..A. A. Monroe. Class A nuoitr.iptiy Ida Notson Olnss K School-Government. Herimrd lllgsby. Class A On Teaching LIteruturu _ , Bernard Illtrsby Class It Goonraphy Ida NoUon In Assembly lidom Civil Government A. A. Monroe. ecturo Lesson In Assembly Itoom The KnglUh Language Hurnurd lllgsby. Al'TEIlNDON SESSION. Onm quotations and query bo.\ . Class A Arithmetic Ida NnNoti Class U-Keiullin ; Iterimrd Illgsby Lucttiic Lesson In Assembly Uoom Illotf- innhy or American Llteraluio..Ida Notson Cl'iss A School Government llernard Itltrsby riuss II KtiplMilJraimmir A. A. Mooio Lecture Luison lu Assembly Itoom The English Lant'uagu llernard Illgsby NEBRASKA BOYS IN BLUE. Olllclnl Order for tinI'lftcrntli Ainiiinl le- iiiiiiin of Vrtcrnns lit ( Jniml Inliunl. All the old soldiers and sailors in the state will bo gratified to learn that they are soon to bo granted the opportunity to once moro clasp hands under the triumphant stars nnd stripes. The occasion inaugurating such a hupu.v meeting will bo the fifteenth annual reunion to bo held at Camp Logan , Grand Island. The following communication from the department commander of the Grand Army of the Kouutilio is for their special benefit : IlKADQHAnTKIlS DKl'AHTMKNr OP NUIIIIAKKA , GUAM ) AllMV OP THIS HKI'UIII.IC , N'OUTII 1'l.AiTB , Neb. , AH * . 5 , 1803. Thu fifteenth annual reunion of the old .soldiers nnd snlloiH of Nebraska , under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Hopubllc. will bu hold nt Unnip Logiin , Grand Island , Neb. , August 28 to Heu- tonibor 2 Inclusive , llatet. on nil rnllroatlH nro ono faro for thu round trip. The city of Grand Island , over loyal and friendly to tiio boys In blue , Is milking nhpeelal effort , and IsMiailnt ; neither pains nor expense to mnko this thu mnstcnturtiilnlng am'enjoyable ' btuto icunlon over hold In Nnbruskn. In an csprclal t-ento thin reunion will boa fnmlly affnli , nlTordliij ? uvcry opporlunltv of ronuwiiiKold frlondshlpi , visiting each other , recounting old war stoilos , slngini ? the old SOUKS rciiwukunlngthat patriotic spfi It which prompted conirndu * to deeds of valor for union nnd liberty , and no comrade or his family can afford to miss It. Let uvorv ono who IMII attend. Hrln your MHU nud daughters. The occasion will do you good , ImiKthon your years , gladden your hearts and Increase your love of country anil Its Hag. All who como will ru ral vu n soldier's cordial greeting. This U Columbian year , and the reunion committee , well aware of thu fact , has made every elfort to fcoemu a greater number of su perior attractions. Thu National guards will bo present , and there will bijcompotltivo drills by the various companies. The Sons of Vit- ! ornns will bo uniformed and will bo nn nttruc- tlvo feuturo with their parades nnd competi tive drillThuio -will bo grand displays of llruworks , band contests , balloon ascensions , whrolinon'A contests , ladles' wliuol raco.s , sham battles , besides other and additional features which Imvu been added to the pro gram of plonslnx entertainments. .Somo of the most prominent Knonkars or this nnd other mutes hn\u been invited to address thu pcuplo present , and nmniu scats have boon provided , a largo numborof nhleliaie covered with awning. A llmlteu number of uniformed bands will bu furnished fieo transportation upon application to the assistant adjutant general. Headquarters of the Women's. Relief corns , Sons of Veterans and ladles of the Grand Army of the Hepubllc will bo established , \\heroall seeking Information UN to thc > o organizations can make necessary Inquiries and register. The reunion committee ofTors valuable pi l/es In tlin band contest , whuelmun's contest , ladles' wheel inroH and drum corps contest. Comrades are Invited to visit the .State .Sol diers'Home ( Hiring tholr stay at thn camp , tf hero Comrade Seen lite , thu commandant , and inumboisof the homo will give them kindly wulcomu. Aldes-de-cnmw nnd otherolllcers of the do- ' stair are lecine.sted to o present , and will lepoi t on arrival to C'nin- mamlerC. I. . Hill mestcir , senior aldu-du-cnmp nnd chief of staiy , atcnmp liuudiiunrtors' . lly order of A. H , Uiniuil , J , L. LVANR , Deportment Commander. Assistant Adjutant Gunoral. Piles of pcoplo have piles , out io Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will ouiii thorn. A. % * u u. . t..u + . . At this late date no apologies need bo made for that form of stage entertainment known as the melo-drninaowing to Its pros cnt season's return to extreme popularity. It is a form of stngo entertainment which has its life , remarkable popularity nnd justl- llcatlon ! n the irrepressible demand on the point of human nature in its present stage of progress. In referring to ttie production of the most prominent and successful melo drama ever presented upon the American stage , viz ; "Tho Soudan. " which will bo seen at Uoyd's theater on Friday and Satur day next , with matinee Saturday , tiio Now York Herald said : "Tho salient points in the pleco and many of the stage pictures , which surpass everything of the kind that wo have seen hero of late , were received with howls , and yells of delight by the crowded audience. There Is no doubt 'Tho Soudan' Is a popular success. " Managers C. B. Jefferson , Klaw & lirlanger have e > - ponded a fortune on the environment of this production for the present season. WILL F DEHATE. .Mnii Meeting of Itullu-jy Umployut to llo Held riiU K\cnliijr. Circulars have , been issued calling for n monster meqtitiB of railway employee at the Young Men's Christian Association hall at 8 o'clock tonight. The object of the meeting ii to discuss federation. Kugeno V. Debs and U. W Howard'wll | address the meeting. Coutant & Squires coul oflico removed tq 1402 Furuutu St. Mirnvinio m T fMoii ( Mir 'ALlONLRS ' COST CASH SAIL Tiio Crowd is Still with TJs-Our Bargains Are Qcutuno Catchers , 10 , 15 , 20 AND 25C WASH GOODS NOW 5C Hc t llorlln Zephyr AVnol , 3o Per Ounce H h ( lnniU Worth Up to 40o Go Now at llo-8r.OO lllankcM. S3.00 , mill 84.OO lllankots , 83.00. NOW IS THE TIME ' TO BUY. Pull jackets , worth up to $12.00 , cut to $3.000. Latlios' rctuly made stilts cut from $20.00 down to $0.50. ALL AT GO PER YARD. 20c French mulls cut to 5c. 15c I mil u challis cut to 5c. 20c ginghams cut to Cc. 15o sateens cut to Gc. 20o oriental cropcs cut f > c. 20c novelty suitings cut to Cc. ALL AT 100 PER YARD. Imported sateens value 30c , cut to lOc. Imported batiste cut from 40c to lOo per yard , Sea Island percales value i8c , cut to lOc. s 20c cable cords cut to lOc. SILKS AT GOO. A big hno of choice silks , worth up to $1.75 , go at oOe per yard. All our $2.00 black iron frame grena dines cut to 7lc. ) All our $0.00 Bwlval 48-itich grena dines cut to $2.00 per yard. All our $5.00 blnukota cut to $2.00. All our $0.00 blankets cut to $3.00. $5.00 aud $0.00 chenille portieres cut to $3.00 per pair. $7.GO and $10.00 chcnillo portieres cut to $5.00. CO-inch all wool storm serge , value $1.50 , cut to OSc. $2.00 black silk warp hcnriottn cut to $1.19. Never have wo offered bettor induce ments to economical buyers than wo are doing now. Buy whatever you will of us you got a bargain. Wo are not asking a cent of profit on anything. , N. B. FALCONER. Louvenmark dives tonight , Courtlund. Lowest Chicago Itiites Vln the Northwestern Chicago rates greatly reduced on both one way and round ti ip tickets via the Chicago &Northwebtorn railway. Thcso tickets uro first class in every particu lar. Extra accommodations for World's fair travel via this lino. City ticket olliuo 1401 Farmtm street. A convenient and plutisant place to ob tain luncheon. BaldulT , 1520 Furnam. o Bickctts , afternoon and ove. Courtland RIFLEMEN ARE READY. Western Shooting l.c c < ' ° Tournntnont Commence * Todny. All arrangements for the bundcsfost having been completed , many of the local riflemen gathered at the headquarters in thoPabst building yesterday to await the arrival of different teams , while delegations were dispatched to the depots to receive visitors on incoming trams. The headquarters were tastefully deco rated with Hags , bunting ana fostoons. A streamer bearing the words "Welcome" will also bo stretched across Farnam street at that point. The elaborate medals to be awarded to the best marksmen were received a few davs ago and uro now displayed in John Baumer's show window ou Farnuni street. Of tlicso the Kino modal especially attracts a great deal of attention. "Honest John , " as Mr. Bauinor is popu larly known among a great many Germans , was chosen to assume the responsibilities of financial secretary at the shoot. It will bo his duty , among others , to record the name of each competing rifleman and receive the entry fees. Jlr. Charles Herberts has hitherto filled this position , but is unavoidably absent in Chicago. This morning the shoot will commence in earnest At 90 : : ! nil the riflemen are expected to bo at the headquarters to form for a march to the depot. Dinner will bo served ut Iluser's park and at 2 o'clock the competition will commence. Thursday will bo ono of the greatest days during the seven days tournament. The parade is to take place on this day , and all the Gemma societies lira invited to bo at the headquarters at' 1:1D ready to fall into lino. lino.Tho The banquet or comers will also bo given on the ( mining of that day ana promises to be largely attended. Take Uromo-Soltzcr for insomnia Before retiring trial bottle lOc. Balloon tonight ut Courtland beach , INDIAN AGAINST INDIAN. Air. Frnatcd Iluur Arcimod of Having Killed Illl Illlllllll RcilUt. Frosted Bear , the Indian soldier accused of the killing of Little Stallion , an Indian scout , near Fort Niobrara recently , lias had a preliminary lioarlnu' before United States Commissioner Dorrlngton. Ho was held to the United States district court on thn charge of murder. Ho was brought lioru by United States District Attorney Baker and Deputy United States Marshal Boehmn , and is now con lined In the county jail. The nccusod man's superiors and everyone ono acquainted with him give him the best kind of a reputation , and state that ho lias never before boon In any trouble. Ho was once a corporal | n his company , but hud to bo reduced ou account of the fact that ho did not have a sufficient knowledge of Kngllsh , Neither Air. Baker nor Mr. Boohmo believe that the man will bo con victed , us the only evidence against him Is > the fact that ho was the last person scon iu thu company of the murdered scout , nnd as there is nothing to show that Frosted Bear and i.itllo Stallion had over had any trouble between them , the chances are in favor of thu acquittal of the accused Indian , Taking Up Mull Car Admits. Orders have been issued by the superin tendent of the railway mall sorvlco , on In structions from the postmaster general , for railway mall clerks to take up all admits to mall cars oxcopttngithoso Issued to United States senators on representatives , ex-post masters general ami these Issued to railroad employes to cnnblc thorn to ride In exclusive mall trains. Thwunly other exceptions are in lavorof the elcrlts on actual duty , city distributors , posUiffico inspectors ( who are required to show their commissions ) , chief clerks , assistant ochlof clerks , examiners , transfer clerks , conductors anil other train men on duty and Uiosa presenting permits dated subsequent 10 August 10 , 1SWI. Clerks not on duty , even t Dough accredited to the | inc over widen they are passing , are not to o allowed to ride. The lliwt I lvrr lined. PiSKxnr , Wayne Co. , N. C. Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrliira Hemedy Is the best mcdtclno for tlto purpose for which It Is Intended that I over used. I cured thrco cases of dysentery with ono lit tle bottle of that medicine. E. S. IJr.r.s. Louvenmark dives tonight , Courtlund. THROUGH DIFFERENT EYES. Some Itatlro.tit .Men Say Hunlncis Is Hotter , Ottiom Deny It. Of four men holding responsible positions in the Union Pacific two were emphatic in tholr statements that there was an increased movement In freight , while the other two , moro prominent in positions , were Just as emphatic that the situation was unchanged , ilio former two saw every waybill on the system , supposedly know the number of every car and could tell exactly the number of cars loaded between Omaha and Ogdon. But'tho latter two , both heads of depart ments , saw lltltochango iu the situation , Whether tills is significant remains to bo seen. Certain It Is , however , that the rep resentative heads have commenced to speak moro dcspondlngly of the situation , while the actual receipts arc greater than at any tlmo in the past month. Reference to the dally car reports will show this , yet the oftlcials hove suddenly begun n season of reticence. ' There U n considerable movement in fruit from California , " said a gentleman in the freight department , "and nn all around movement in commerce which gives us hopethat the worst is over. From this on business will undoubtedly pick up , congress or no con gress. All wo need is money to move the crops , and that will be forthcoming , so that the condition of affairs is by uo means as strained ns a month ago. " llutlilllKlit r'lushes. J. R. Buchanan of the Ellchorn is in Fremont. J. O. Philllppl of the Union Pacific went to St. Louis yesterday. General Passenger Agent Francis of the Burlington arrives from Chicago today. J. H. O'Neill , formerly traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific at Fort Worth , who was recently decapitated , U in the city. Ocorgo Harris , vice president of the Uur- lington compauv , and Airs. Hirris passed through lOmnha Sunday evening , .cnrouto to Chicago after a pleasant trip in the Big Horn mountains. The Grand Army of the Republic rate to Indianapolis will bo the World's fair rate to Chicago plus $3.05 , which will make the round trip r.ilo from Omaha $1810. . Tickets will go on sale August ! JO and continue till Sontomber3 inclusive , good to return from Indianapolis September 1C. when the World's fair tickets will apply , which is good until November 13. Tickets will bo sold through. _ WATER WORKS BONDHOLDERS. New rhiso ; of tiio Compiinv'K Troubles Ap pear * In Now York. The water works trouble has broken out in a new placo. The old complications have been aired in the courts and several suits are now pending touching various features of the case. The latest phato of the trouble comes from the holders of the 5 nud 0 per cent bonds of the company who'havo ' taken steps to pro tect their interests from the stockholders , represented by the Vcnnar forces , who have recently commenced action to got control of the property. The current numborof the United States Investor contains the following call , ad dressed "to the holders of the 0 per cent and 5 per cent , bonds of the American Water works company , secured by first consoli dated mortgages on the waterworks at Omaha : "i It hub appeared to a Inrpo numborof the holders of the above bonds that. In view of the complications and litigations cnncnrnhiK the mortgaged property , It has become a ni'ittor of immediate urgency that the Interests of the bondholders ghould he urotoctuil liy an In dependent committee of responsible character and In no way connected \vltli any of these complications , and having no private interests to subserve. The holders of a larso number of the above bomK have requested the undersigned to act as sueti committee , to formulate and carry out a plan for the foieulosuro of the mortgage and the protection of the intorsts of the bond holders , to which icquoat the undersigned liavo acceded ; anil they ask all holders of bonds and matured and unpaid coupons secured by sncli mortgage to deposit the same , with the Tanners Loan mid Trust company. No. U'2 William street , New York , and sign assent to Its jilnn , copies of which are to bu had ut tint olllueof the ttnst company , which will Issue Its negotiableeeitllleateb fur the de ported securities. Copies may also bu had of any member of the committee. Thu committee strongly recommends to bondholders to eoniimuile.ito atoncu with the Varment and Trust company or with thu secretary of thu committee. KrnstThnlmaiiii of Ltidunhiirg , Thaltnann & Co. , 41 Wall street , Now York , chairman , Itosowoll O. itolston , pieslilont of Farmers Loan and Trust company , 22 William .street , New York. Gerald L. Hoyt of Maltlatul , I'holps Ic Co. , 24 KvlmnKo Place , Now York. Trcilurlck Strauss , representing J. & W Sullgman & Co. , If ) llioad street , Now York , secretary. Wlntlnop Smith of W. & 1' . Smith , 430 Chest nut street , Philadelphia , i'a. Theodora U. Woodbury \Voodbury & Moul- ton , I'ortlaml , Me. Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE. Large Attendance iVutlaljintril lit the Coin ing ; finite Convention. Next Monday evening the annual conven tion of thu Christian churches of the state will convene in the Iccturo room of the First Christian church of this city , where it Is ox- pcctcd f > OJ delegates will bo present to participate iu the deliberations which will continue during the week At the opening session addresses of wel come will bo made by the following parties : "On Behalf of the Church , " Hoy. T. E. Cramblctt ; "On Behalf of the City , " W. A. Saundcrs and "Om Behalf of Our Homes , " ex-Governor Saundcrs. Tiio responses will be by L > . Humphry of Hebron , II. A. Palllster of Harvard , A. N. Thomas of Aurora , Mrs. C. W. ' Henry and Cliff K. Cook of Lincoln , Tuesday morning the real work of the session will begin , and from then until the final adjournment Uhoro will bo three sessions daily , at which mutters per taining to churcli'Sunday school , missionary and ministerial work will bo discussed nt length. On Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday dlnner-und supper will bo served in the basement of ) the church. On Monday uvonmg the congregation / > f ttiu Omaha churches will furnish a lunch and from that tlmo on will furnlth beds and breakfasts to all of the dologatm free of charge. AmonmMilitary Men. Lieutenant D. IV Howard , Slrtli cavalry , is registered at army headquarters , A general court martial is appointed to meet at Fort D. A , Hussoll , Wyo , , today. The detail for the court is as follows : Captain Clarence E. The oiily Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Auiiuouiaj No Alum. ( Jsed iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , Bennett. Seventeenth Infantry ; Captain William M. Van Home , Soventecntn Infan try ; Captain William P. Rogers , Sovcn- tponth Infantry ; Captain Daniel II. Hrush , Seventeenth Infantry ; Captain George II. Honch , Seventeenth infantry ; Flirt Lieu tenant Charles St. J. Chubb , Seventeenth in fantry ; Second Lieutenant Dennis M. Mlcliio , Seventeenth infantry ; First Lieutenant - tenant James D. Nlckcrson , Seventeenth in fantry , Judge advocate. Piles of peoploj h-\vo pllos , but Do Witt's Witch HazolSalvcwill euro them. Balloon tonight nt Courtlnnd beach. BOARD OF HEALTH. Short .Session nt Which Fund * Wcro Thar- oiii-lily IMncnn * (1. The Board of Health held n short meeting yesterday afternoon. Dr. Seniors brought up the question of funds for the remainder of the fiscal year. Ho said that the amount in the fund would carry the board until the middle of next month , nnd that between $3,600 and $1,000 would bo required to moot the expenses for the remainder of the year. When the annual appropriation was made $10,000 was placed iu the health fund. Mr. McLcarlo moved that the council bo requested to transfer from the general to the health fund the sum of If , > 00 for the use of the board. The motion was adopted. Mr. Howell brought up the question of the dry closets in the public schools. Ho said that President Powell of the Board of Edu cation had stated that he desired n test bo made as soon as possible ns to whether the systems are nuisances or not. This caused Dr. Seniors to bring forth a pile of letters from the health officials of different cities. He road these from Chicago cage , Milwaukee and Minneapolis , and each gave the dry closet systems n decidedly black eye. Beyond the reading of the loiters ters nothing was dgne , and In the midst of the talk ( Jhiof Seavoy slipped in a motion to adjourn , which was adopted. < s llullilhic 1'orinlts. Building permits to thu amount of $3,075 were issued yesterday by the inspector of buildings. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement ami tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many , who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by moro promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in. the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers aim permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in SOc and SI bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accent any substitute if oftcrcd. Mnndrnko Pills have a value as a house hold remedy far beyond tno power of Ian guago to describe. The family can hardly bo true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in emergen cies. Is the only vopotaolo substitute for that dangerous mineral , MciicuiiY , and while its action as a curative Is fully equal , it possesses none of the perilous effects. In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon the bowels wlthou disposing them to subsequent Costivoness. No remedy acts so directly on the liver nothing so speedily Sick , cures uiijr vuiuariv > iv Headucho , Sour Stomach ach , and Biliousness as FILLS. these . KorSalo by all nruiBists. i'rlco 25 ot . per boxj 'l bgxoq for (13 ( ets. ; or soiit by mull , post- IIRO frcu. on receipt of urlco. lr. J , H. bclionoK & Son , I'liil.ulolpliiiu WHATCANCUTICURADO Everj thing that la cleaning , purlf J Inp , and beau , tlfjhitffor thoekln. iMlpand hair ia sc"EB5 = i ? ' .i1"8."untl ' chlu.r.en.lh | cuti- i pccdlly ctiio luting acd burnlDg eczumai , clcniitu the caln of nculy huiuora , puilfy the blood , nnd re. etoro the hair. Tlioy aru iiVsolutt'v agreeable , and uulalllug , tjold et crj u hti PALE FOLKS ! Mnko your blooj rich anil pure , tone you nliolDRystoin , uuroovorynorvoiii trouble with NorVQ Boons , a now vuxotablo discovery of imirvdoiiB inuviir. Tlioy renew youth , re tora vlKur , Klvo Klow of hiinltli , iloiiblo capacity for work or pluiiHiiro.Vonilorful for ovurworlc mid worry. Sold by druztrlits. (1 a box. two i' htiiiplv , or by niuil , NCHVi : 11KAN CO. , UulTolo. N.Y. rtirnlshos the Bosl and Chcapesl Method ( A FIRE-PROOFING HOUSES. Writ ? for catalogue of LatUluf , Veuclnff , jtcblo FUturtu , uto. N , \Y. KXI'ANIKI > METAL CO. , No. 102 Twenty 81 itli St. CUIOAOO. c.itarrh Powder euros catarrh All druiriflsto. CUcuutH. The Mercer. Omaha's NewestHotil. Cor. liith and Ilotv.irJ titreoti 40rooini Ji.W per duy. 40 rooms IJ.OO per day. SO rooms with butli ut $1 per ( lav. UOruomi wltlt butli ut tl.&J pur Jar. Aluiluin In Ktury Itinpeot. Nutrly I'urnl.lit'il Thruucliout C.8. ERB , PrOD. 7 FALL and WINTER Did you over notice how monotonous tiio old strnw htxt becomes about thU time of the yoarV No matter how cureless n man might bo about his npponrmico ho'll 8hoot the old hat in disgust nnd nmtto n bco-llno for n hat storo. Tlmt'H why wo ixim to stock up nnd open the sousoti on hats. Need n now ODO now ? TaUo tha olovntor to tha second floor.Vo display ovary now shtipo nnd block Known in tha nmrket with n little cash robnto on ovcry ono. Are lower in crown nnd considerable wldor in brim. All prominent makers'o.OO sliajC3 ) arc hero at $ : i,00. $4.00 blocks are $12.60. A pure fur hat $1.00. But the hat wo are proud of is the celebrated Nobraskn special $1.50 lint ; backed by the reputation of Iho Nebraska , conceded by all to bo the equal in every detail to any $3.00 hat iti America ; pure fur , silk trimmed , and blocked according to the monthly fashion plates. But if you nro wanting an ovory-day hat , wo havo'cm at $1.00 nnd as low as 75c. A slight change in style and a trifle lower In price. Wo quote 7fio and $1.00 for $1.25 and $1.75 goods. Like our special , the $1.60 Fedora is unapproachable. $2.60 at least elsewhere for ono like it. Alpines and Tourists wo display In vast quantities ; a dozen or so of diflorcnt shapes niiif similes , nnd nothing but what's now and becoming. Price range , $1.75 , $ 00 , $12.oO. and $3.00 buys Ibo best unless you wish to pay $ U.00 more for any one's autograph in the so-called branded lints. Printer's inlc could do but little juslico describing the lino. The con tents of a car comprise this line alouo. You'll ilnd everything you nro looking for right here , and save from oOo to a couple of dollars ou oaeh hat. Prices are from COc up to your extravagance. Well , slrl The same old crusher. Not made for style ; therefore , It matters not A few more now shadow , that's all Prices are a notch lower 50c , 050 , 8jc , $1.25 and $1.7 < > . GOT OUR LATEST CATALOGUE ? IF YOU WISH ONE SSND YOUR ADDRESS. LEXINGTON ( MO. , ) SCHOOLS. . BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY Unsurpassed course of uns l.ailir.i MomrAchau MiU ern. ' Location bmlttvy uncl plena. niji. Gas.naier , gleam beat jBthycir cpcnsScpl. nth KcT.W.A.WIUonA M.Preit. ; CENTRAL COLLEOe FOR YOUNG LADIES. WENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY. , LOAtufftfin * Mu. Sti ilc * j * lltBlon. Mo. partcQcnUot Instruction 18 OidcM infhttry acliool lrj | omccrs Una Icncncri Con- . Missouri llrnltlilul l < x.m rvl"orJ' ' ° ' U1U5C- | Art ] tloiv Kraiormblc tcrm& 1 mD lumMoll < ! rn " > . lu iratiU cataloeuo . polntmenis. Jillcar illus. ? ? Iratetl A. A. ouutlocuu .IOSKM. , l'r'l. IlOI I 314 South 15th Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent opcclallBt In nervous , chronic , iirlvnto. blood , Hkln and urlnnrv diBO.iaas. A regular sn4 dicatn conlOMtB or xumler. Ono purHonal Interrluw pruferroJ. Cunaiilt.itlon Jreo.i Ourroapondonoo Btrlctly prlvuto Hoolt ( Myatorlcs of Llfo ) ueiitroo. . OOlou hours , U a. U p. in. Bnndaya , 10 A. in. to 11 ! in. bend Bt.unp fur circular. EXACT SIZE TJ . " " " COMMEILTAUf THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVER ! Undo of thu flurht quality uflliiuiim Tnlmfrn that cnn bo bong-lit. Kqnnl In rvcry rnpi'ut to tin _ , , llfc-ars. MmmracUrua by Jf.B , U/CaMBUCAMTH.K . JICAttIfAC"rOJlY.BUInU DUPLICATE PICTURES Cult l > o nrtlorotl nt mty tliiu front any jioifnlt\ro yon nitty Iiiiv'o liinl t niton nt our HliiHtvltliln the InHtton yonra , High Class Photography , At I'npuliir 1'rlcos. 31U-315-317 , S. 15th Stra.it1 OmahaNotj , NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. 8. Depository , Omaha , Neb. CAPITAL , 400,00 ) SURPLUS , 8U5.OJJ OfflcorB and Dlrucioni-Hi'iiry Vt. Yate . prnul deut. It. C. Otishlnif , vlcu | ire Ulunt , O. 8. M * rl8e , W. V. MoiHd. John S. Colllii ! * , J. N. U. I'utrloU Ixiwlu a. Hood , cashier. THE IRON BANK. OR. MCCREW U tile only SPECIALIST WIIOTUKATS tLi. PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. JH yeur * nzperleuce. Circular * tree , 14th and Farcmin bu. , Ouuu , New York Hospital TREATMENT. For nil Private an3 Special Disaas } } . ofbith MEN AMD W03IBH Ftnoturo ami nil otliir trouble * treated nt reasonably clmrgos. CONSULTATION 1'UKIC. Uullouor DH SEYMOllll PUTNAM DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Opposite ll.ijrclon linn. 1'rimliliMit of NEW ERA MJlUilOAI. i ( ClIIIHIlItlltlllll I'lOU. ) U umurpjjiud In tbo treutmaal of all Curoiito , Prlvnto anl n orvnu DUonnow. Write lu or O'jniull poriuuallr IKIA'MUM' : ( iiv JMAIL. Aditren ltli itntuu for p r- tk'ulan. wlilob will bu nont la plain unT lop . 1 . O. Uox Oil. Oillcu , IU H. IStU itrcul , Ooi h A IJrcitl ( liiurtunlty | | fur Jiivuttinetit. 1ID.M ) .SAI.I1 , lloudi of tiio city of OinuliB , In suini of 11(10.00 ( , KOUQU unil tl.VAto each , buurlnit 6 pot cent , pnyahlu annually unit omi-niiiiuuily. und nmtiirliitf in from 1 to 0 yearn , van b uurclniiou at urlvute sate at my olllco. Tlie.o liiindi Imvo liurotuforucoiiininnded K nroinluin of from 5 tu 8 pur cent , and wilt no nount < lese so on restoration of conUduuco in thu inonuy niurkotv Tint i.ilo moaiit thu currying on of puDlla vrnrkii nnd the titniloyintnt | ! > uf H sroat ioa.u Ih'ofttltliof the city Is pledgo-l amncurltr . HWlltuit OlU Tt a urtA