THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fflllDAY. AUGUST 18. 1803. SPEGIflL NOTICES. A DVER11SEMENTS FOR TII1CSB COLUMNS J\ will belakcn tintll 12:30 : p.m. for tlio evening midnnlllH.aop.m. ( or tlio morning and Sunday till lion * . AilvprtlarTH , hy feqitrMlnir n numbered rheck , ( fin linvu their answers nddn-Mieri to n numbered ' ' rlncnreoITjicIlr.t Aimwors M addressed vlll re Delivered upon proM-nl.itlon of tlm check. S11UATIONS WANTED. _ _ RnUs IS cn wonl first Inwrtlon , lenwonl thero- ntler. Nothing taken for ! ( * than 2Ae. A- POSITION W VNTED IIY COMPETENT Hletiogmplier nnd lyixjwrlllst. Two years ox- lierli.-ncfj. llesl of references. Address N nt : , lleo. . . M220 20' SITUATION WANTED IIY YOUNO MAN , bfiokkeeixT or asslslanti references fnmlsliwL AddreHHO 1 , Ilep. 170 17 * A- WANTED , SITUATION AS NURSE O1RL. Inqiilro evenlmrs nt 1014 Webster strm-t. Rnles l' ' < ea\vord flrsl hiBertlon , Icn wordIhero- nfler. Noihlng taken for lets than 25c. TJ "oENTLKMAN OFJ6oiV CHARACTER TO J'renretM > nlnurbiisIne , liisurancoineii unifem-d ! 17 lleo building. 084 J > SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO J'handle Iho Patent Chemical Ink Eraser Pencil. Thereout useful nnd novel Invention of J'raMn Ink Iliommthly In two seconds. Works llko magic. 1T,0 to 000 txvccnt profit. Agents making tflKT week. Wo also want a general ngent lo Hike churim of territory nnrt appoint sub agents. Arurcchnnco to make money. Write for terms mxl n apeeluiMi o ( erasing. Monroe Erasing Mfg. Co. . JC HO , La CrosHe. Wla. 5S5 jlIF YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING JOI1 WRITE J Mho Haw Its Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wit. MH05 S3 * IV IF VOU WANT A GOOD PAYING JOIl WRITE J Itliu Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WH. | _ . MHOS sn JV DO YOU WANT TO HKCOME A FIRST CLASS J'salesman wllh a chaiicn of becoming a oollee- Inr and work for the Singer Mfg. Co. If no apply m Singer office 1818 Douglas. 101 SKI 1WANTED. . A 1IRICK MASON : ONE THAT J > can build haku ovens. Call 111)IN. 2tlh direct. Mill 122 * ' Ij-WANTED. YOUNO MAN TO TAKE PART J Jill a play. Address O 4 , Hen. M2U 18' I } WANTED , A HUSTLER. ONE WHO HAS MET .IJwIlh success hulling goods on the road pre ferred ; can oiler a good and paying poslllim to Ihu rlBhl innn. Address with references , to W. C. Wll- son , lock box ir > l , L.ncolu , Neb. 2211 10 -WE WILL PAY $100.00 PER MONTH AND ofllco expenses" lo a man In every clly to start branch office and employ 10 mrents to sell "Econ omist" gns governor nt 25 eeuts each nnd other Hpeelalllus. If you moan business heml us $1.00 ns a gunranlra mill wo will send samples , pholos , circulars nnd parllcularH. Tills U a business transaction , ( our reference. Dun's Mercantile Airency.l No capital required. The llnffalo Gas Saving Co. , 121 Franklin street. IluHalo. N. Y. M2.JO 20 . AT ELDORA. IOWA , AT ONCE , > 5 Hlnnn cullers nud a good masons. Address J , W. AUlnson , M'-MI ID * WANTEDFEMALE HELP. Jlales.l Ke a wonl llrst Insertion , lea word there- nllcr. Nothing taken for less than 25c. TrvL.Viuns OF GOOD ADDRESS TO INTRODUCE 'our Imslm-ns among friends. $75.00 lo $11)0.00 f alary lo rfght parlies ; 417 Due building. OBI " - FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN C-R1RL . 2I7I > Kmmelt street. M187 18' V WANTED. AT ONCE , GOOD NURSE GIRL . /German preferred. 010 Soulh 2Slh street. WANTED , GOOD GIRL , GOOD COOK. 1024 C Farnam. MB1IJ 10 * 1OR RENT HOUSES. Ratm , lOea line each Insertion. $1.50 a lluo per nonth. Noihlng taken for lest than 25c. TV FOR IIENT , HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF J J Iho city. The O. F. Davis company , 1505 Far- liuin. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 037 - , ' AND4-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN block , with steam ; references rciiulrcd ; 810 H 22d. OHM n-I'OR RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , -L/Lnngul block , (100 S. ilh : st. " | S'OR RENT. 10-room honsn. all modern 1m- J provcmcnls , HSSBOuthlOlli sti'eet. Iiuiulre2511 Chicago. M 0i : 'l-v i-OIV 1VENT NINE-ROOM HOUSE , ALL 'moJem tonVvnlences : bam ; elegant lawn : linn shade. No. 2K8. . : l ! stave. M. J. Kennard , IUI7-S N. Y. I.lfo llullding. M 002 I-ROOM ( 'rOTTAOE , MODERN , CHOICE. IN D Stanford Circle. U. 11. Elguttler. 201 lice blilg. Ti-B-ROOM. HOUSE ; MODERN , NEAK 11USI- J uess , rent moderate. Apply 201 lieo bulldhig. 'I\-FO'R p.r.NT. NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE , J/12.00. Iir.iulro room S10 , New York Life Irtilldlns. M70t : B-FOR RENT , TWO 7-ROOM HOUSES IN Omaha View , only 40.00 per mouth. 717 N.Y. Life. 07 Il RENT. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE.-NKAR molor. bnm. bath , large lawn , liven , cheap. Sen owner. W. M. Welch , (101 ( 1'axlon block. U5U TY FOR REXT. TotOOM " "HOUSE. LARfJK i''hirn : , city water , bnlh nnd cistern ; rcastm.ibli ; lo light IKIIIV. Call at U. F. Elsasser , N. II. eiirnei 1411) ) and Fatimtu. IHKI B DKTATCHED. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE : no basemenl ; 2521 California. Informallm call al IH''lt Farnam. SI 121 HI * B- FOR KENT , FLAT. 7-ROOM , CORNER wllh range , 701 S. lOlh street. Charles W , llaller. No. 511 Paxlon blouk. ISO-si l ForJ ] ; EN'r7 NICE H-ROOM HOUSE NEAII IliliiHeoiu park. Hicks Real Estate ngi'iiey. 'M' York Life bnlldln ? M1UO 20 D-FOR' RENT , . . Owen MeCa.Trey , 111 Soulh lliih st. 200 lh' D -FOR RENT r.-ROOM COTTAGE NEWL\ imiiorcil on Winlh 17th , near Jackson , lininln III- North 1 Ith. HIS 2j' - - MODERN HOUSE WITHIN OMIN D-11-ROOM ules walk of P. O Inqnlro 11)10 ) Dodge. 107 LAltGE I1RIOK ON CADLi : . 10 HLOCK ! fiimi roxlufilLi ! ; npeclal price , F. D. Wead. U indDoUBlas. . 225 10 D.-F.OR RENT. SEVERAL SMALL COTTAGE iVuoiilKljlnsof city > vtlhSto 10 acres of land IIIekH real eHtalu ajreiil-y. 220 20 'SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE , J1210 CASi St. , llrst class repair ; lluo neighborhood. Ap ply to E. A. Norlhup , Tax Depl. U. , V M. R'y. Man 20 * _ FOR RENT 3JUHNISHED ROOMS , Hales * . IH'e a wonl tlrnt Insorllon , leu woiil there tiler. Nothing taken for less than 25e , l7-FURNisiiED ROOM WITH ALCOVE FO ! J gentlemi'ii nvoileni conveniences , U20 Norlh''Ild ' M Till ) _ -FURNIBHED ROOM WITH A1XJOVK , SOtm l friml : also small rooms , wllh or without bo. ml Mre. Kuislil. NO. 21110 Douslas sln-et. Dll : D ROOMS. 2003 HURT ST jj Tim _ : i " - -"NIQCLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENI .I'jwllh or wllhoul board. Call al 2107 Dr.uglas. _ U71 24 -T\VO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR OENTLK .men only. 023 Soulh 20th slroei. Mill ) TO IE RENTED. ! 11'RONT ROOMS. FUR iilMied tir I'lifurnlHhed , with bath , convenient t Imfh motor and cable ears. Georso W. HolbrooV ruom 7,102.M Farnam ut. 150 REXT-NK.'ELT FURNlsfninfoOMi EFOR - . : Modern conveniences. Call K2U S. lillh. M108 11 J ? FURNISHED PARLOR AND HEDROOM" I P Jsnlte. hteam heat and san. 711 S. lOtli strec thl.iltloor , illt. : M''h20 EI VRGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM , ALL MOI t-rii , amis llarney. MMil 31 * FUR \ISHED ROOMS AND BOAR ! Rrles. 1 Mo a word llrst liisarllonlou worillherc Ilia L Nululng l.iXeu for loss than 25u. 1 ? VOUNCt WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE 0 1 V iiinan'B ChrlHllau assoelallou , 1118. 17lh st. ooa HE IKIUXN. OU AND 211 N. 18TH ST. ST.BOII BOII i : STATE EUROPEAN HOTF.LNKW AN aully IiirnthhiHl rooms for runt by day i \ueMinvaBonabloraUiH. Emory Si Snr.ilI , Illl 1 ? DESIRAIILE riTKNISIIED OR IJNFHl nliiJi l70ouin\\lthbo.ini. Thu Viviuer. llll J VOlli strool. MU'JO l'J HOAR al tlm Wobbler , 610 nnd 018 N , HMli st " 170SU * S J ? N1CKLY FURNISIIKH SOUTHEAST FRON Jk ix > nm wllh alcove itmUtay window.imxlerncoi r - Vi-iilenucu , private family ; IvarJ. 022 South 2Ui U-ei > t. -J24 20' WAN TED BO ARDER3. Uali-H. IKc n word llrst Inserllon. I r n word llier after , Nolhluc taken for lims limn 23c. a souTi i vibNTwxsis. OOS N. 1MT1I ST , M11U-S121 " "FOUII MODERN ROOM'S , FIRST T-LOO near pnit.crj desirable , 1UOU 8.2Bth htnxjl. - FIVE ROOMS , 1713 N. 14T11 STRKKT * M22720 yOH RKNTSTORES AND T-KOll P.KNTTll'FlcS"lil'ACK O J-iloor &t 170'J Fanmm ktnx > ; . FOR KENT STORES AND OFFIOE8 f FojlENT. THE 4-STORY tIRICK HUILD1NO J-010 Fnmam U The building ha n llreproof co- nent basement , complete steam healing flxltires , wnlcr on nil tlio floors , gun , etc. Apply nt the offlco omiollcc. 810 WANTED TO RENT. Hales. 1 Me a wonl first Inncrllon , lea word Ihcro- nfler Nollilnir taken for less than 25c. TTA WANTED.ROOMSANDIlOARDFbRFAMILY IVo ( four III private house west of.'Oth nt. near Dodge at. ftchool. Artdress O 2 , Ueo. 170 STORAGE. Rates , lOen linn each Insertion , $1.50 a line i 3r month. Nothing taken for lim than 23c. M-STORAGKWILLIAMsicilbsSlS14 iiVRNEY 007 - STORAGE < FOR HOUSEHOLD OOoiSj clear and cheap rales. R. Wells , 1111 01)0 WANTED TO BUY. Rates. 1 We n word first Inncrtlon , lea wont tUero * after. Nollilnir taken for ICH * than 25C. TV-CASH PAIDOR GOLD J. ' Jacobson A Elscle , room 11 , 1515 Douglas st. M720 A31 * N-CASH FOR FURNITURE , HOUSEHOLD cowls , etc. , or will sell for owner hi our auction Bales. R. Wells , 1111 Fariiam. GUS AT-WANTEO , FA11M LANDS. HAVE YOU -i ' lands for Halo In Holt , Knox , Antclnim or Plerco eountles ? If so , write at once to E. A. Cnim , Nor folk , Neb. , Colonizer. M087 21 * T-W ANTED TO IIUY , RESIDENCE OF 5 OR 0 -L ' rooms ; must bo n bargain. Address O 0 , Ren. T-WANTED , A FRESH COW. APPLY AT 1318 t Farnam. ' ' 221 ! 18 FOB. SALE FURNITURE. Kntes. IKc.i wonlflrnthiHcrtlon. lea word thuro- ntliT. Nomine taken for IUHI than 2oc , 0-KOK HUNT Oil SAI.K , 11K3T MARK UP- right | ) tino. : Inquire room DOS , Flral National bank bulliUiix. ' - > - ' : ! 0-KI.KOANT FOLDING BED. CHEAP FOU c.iHh : mitiim ! | oih : : bill little used. First IIOUBO north of Doilpo on : ilm nrciiuo. M'.MO 'JO * FOR SALE HOUSES , WAGONS.KTO llntuft. lUca word Urst Insertion , lea wort llicro- nfler. Nothing liikun Fur luax thun V5c. P-FOII SAtK CHKAl' , A NICK PONV CAHT. L Imiulro at 11)14 ) Cumlnir Direct. M8S1 P-l ST CLASS J10AKD1NO A LIVKRY.WINDSOIl stables , 1410 U.ivenporl ; Btorat'o for carriages. 100 III * . , LOTO , BLOCK 7 , COKNKR A 'J''iid nml ManiliTson Bts. liurgaln , $ yOO.V. . T. , IIH3 MeCiiBUo ulilj ; . - ! < ) ( ) 18 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates. IKcn wnnl tlrstInsertion , lu.i wordlhoro- nftur. Nolhlnc tultini for IUSH than U5c. Q-FORSALB. A RKOULATION SIZK 11RUNS- wk'k & llnlko bllllanl lablo , raulc , < Mi < > H anil balls. Kvvrylhlnjr hi flrat-claa ttliapc. AUUross N 11 ! , Ui-e. MIBll. - WE MUST HAVE MONEY THIS Q-UKMEMI1ER week. Ono tiprlRlit piano for $1-10.00. Ono Clilckorlnjr plnno form5.00. Ono piano , new Hcnln , $1115.00. One piano , now HCIO , $11)0.00. ) One piano , new ncalo , $ j'Ji > .00. Ono piano , new wait1. $ . ' 50.00. WoBinan from $ IIMMl ) HP. Klmtaall orifim , $ * . ' 0.00. Newman Hro . " oriran. $ .10.00. Slionnh'ur oruuii , S'-'O.OI ) . Chicago CotlaKo , $2. .00. Hay State orunn. S'JO.OU. Story A Clark orcan. * : jr .00. Camp -V Co. organ , * -D.l)0. ) Smith Amcrlistn organ , iflR.OO. llriiljreporl organs from $ ( ! 5 up to $1CO.OO. Will tratli- for hnrao anil Btirroy. Wooclbriilje Unix , lli-ll lli'partmfiit Store. 185-19 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rati-H , lOcnllnoi'ach hi orllon.l.Ml n line per month. Nothing lalteu for li'Hs than -"e. S MllS. NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , reliable business mt'dlunr ( Hli year at HUN.KHIi. oil' ' ) _ MASSAGE. BATHS. JiTC. Rates , 1 Oca line rach Insertion , $1.5(1 ( ii line per month. Nothing taken for IUHD than * . ' 5c. MI MAUAMH SMITH , fiO'J S. IHTII. S , -1 Room : ) . Masnaxo , vapor , alcohol , fitcviin.sul plim- jaq and Hoa batliH. ml Oil 1U * rp-MMU.OARSON. 1121 DOUGLAS STREKT:1D : -L floor , room 7 , ui.tbu.lffi ) . ulcuhol , Biilrliur anil so i balliH. Mim 1H' STOWU , MAGNETIC IIKALER , 203 Uuiislan block MU17 IM PERSONAL. Rains. lOc a lluo each In urllon , $1.50 a line par month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. U-MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRIC-THER- mal Ixilhs. healp und Irilr treatment , ujanleuro nndehlropodlst.Mrs.PostilUHS. : IBth.Wlllmellblk Hit MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Kntes , llle a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25u. \\r-LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' elly property , and upwards. OtoOWper ccntuo ; delays. W.Famam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnam _ _ U01 \\T MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1003 Farnam street. OOJ \\7 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON t' ImprovKil and unimproved Omaha real estateI lo 5 years. Fldellly Trust Co. . 170. Farnam. 005 \\r3ANTHONYLO.\NANDTRUST CO. , : U8N/YT "i Life , lends at low rnljj for uhulco seenrlty on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property , U07 _ \ \ 7ENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. , 1IEB HLDO. > 008 \\r-f5oo.oo TO ei.fiun.oo . TO LOAN i TO 5 ' ' years on Improved Omaha real estate or farm lands. E. C. Garvln .V Co. , 208 Slioely block. M810 _ -MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES. Apply to W. U. Jlelkle , First National Ilk bid ? , MH51) ) \ \ - MORTGAQE LOANS. A. MOORE , 401 I1EE > 111 , 1X1. M M2a MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOca line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per nionlh. Nothing taken for less than 25e. yl-WILL LOAN ( sioNEYON ANY KIND OF SE- -'icurlly ; strictly coiUUIenttaL A. E. Harris , room 1 Conllneulal block 478 V -MONEY TO LOAN- A.a will lend you any sum which you wish , wiiall or largo , at Urn lowest possible ratei. In the ipilekest iHJislblo lime and for any length of time ' .o unit you. You eau ) > .iy It back hi sucli liiNtall- menls as you wish , when you wish , and only pay for U as long as you Icocn It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RKCEIPT3 , MERCHAND13B OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of prot . % rty. OMAHA MORTGAdK LOAN CO. , IlOU SOUTH 1UTH STREET , first floor above HID street , THE OLDEST. LARGESTANDONLV INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 010 V 1 > O YOU WANT MONEY ! * * 4\- Wn will loan yon ANY SUM you wish on your I FURNITURE , PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS , : CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. Me , I We give prompt allenilou to all applications , : : and will curry your loan as longas you wish , : ! Vou can rinluce the cost of carrying your loan ! ' by a payment al any tlmo. Thoru Is no pub- I I llflly or removal nf proiiorty. , ' FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . I I Room 4 , Wlllinell block. I ' . M7U Cor. 18lh and Hartley 8t. i BUSINE3S CHANCES. Rates , IDoii llniMiach Insertion.$1.51) ) a lluo per inoulh. Nolhlni , ' lakeu for hiss than 23u , 7- FOR RENT. A SMALL WATER MILL. AD L dress box 53 , Lincoln , Neb. 012 ' TO IIUY , SELL OR EXCHANGE , 1IUSINK8 ! uliKiicfS , real esiatJor lauds Apply loVe t- eru Hu dneus Aireney , U10 N. Y. U bidr , MHIil S3 Y FOftSALKO.iTRADE. FlRSr-CLA8-J DRUO ntoit. lujutrally lj-ito-l. : troo.1 ca-jli uualnesi. U W. 1. . P. O Uox .1IH MS02 \T-YlKifC CLASS DRUG STORE , I11G IIAUIiAU 1 forcash ; iroodluyln ; biislncs.i. Address N20 lleo. H70 24 Y-KRRESPONDKNCK ) SOLICITED KROS parties waullni ; lo change their bu lnebi * > orbel out oiiHliort nullce. All letters conliilenllal. Ad dress box HJO ; .Si , Paul , Neb. 1711-24 V - I1KST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NEIIRAS 1 lea fur Male at a barfalu , WvNlern lluslut-i Atfuncy , illU N. Y. L I'ldy. 21US10 _ rIOWN 100 FARMS IN NKI1RASKA , KAN3A : Aland Dakota , Will sell cheap or iiKchamsu fo lnd u.hursuiiandcatllu. Add. box 70 , Fraiikforl.Irul Ul3 _ _ VCLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDdE. WIL1 - * lake real estate , uiouoy. Uox 2U3 , FrauKfortlnO , nLKAll'rO EXCHANGE FO1 here. Wrttu full description * . 70 Btrcol. M307 A23 ' / FfR hXCHANr ? lTrvKCl7EAul7AND AN1 'Jcat > h IK tnulo for Dm , ilia pruliorly. J. 1) ) . Zllih Drown blk. itfl ' / FOR EXCHANGE , VACANT LOT IN / ifor Ixxt Anzvleo pi-uperty Address wtlh dc tcrlpllonandprlvu.C JiuiiiujV14 Ka l ,1th mreel Lou AiiiTolcn , Cat 201-10 * FOR EXOUANGE. R.Mrs , lOcn line cnch Inserllon , tl.fJO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than SSo. 'y HoO ilORSKS , RENTAL I'ROPERTIKS , * - lmin. \ . , olockfi nnrt numerous other properties to oxchnngn for clear nml lightly Incumborod lands In Holt , Plcrcci , Antelope , Knox nnd ndjolnlng countlpR. OlvodcBcrlpIlonsof what yon havo. Ad- dresa U. W. Cnini , Norfolk. Nob. MgQOai * _ V $1.600.00 OR $1,000.00 DRUO AND SUNDRY ' iBlock nnd flxlurcs for sale , or would trnnn for clear InndIn Mcrrlck , Nanre , Hamlllon or 1'olk counties. Address , Lock Ilex 403 , Central Wty , Neb. 205-31' _ _ -TO EXCHANGE , SOME CLEAR LOTS FOR Good 7-room house for lot. Modern D-room hon n for cottage. House 0 rooms on Military nvomio , near Hamil ton , for lot. W. T. Graham , 303 McCajuo bide. 201 18 y-CLEAR LOT IN OMAHA TO TRADE FOR NE- ' JbraHkn land : will assume reasonable mortgage. Wlllhuus & Mtltan , McCague building , opposite goa l _ Z-80 ACRES CLEAR LAND IN WISCONSIN TO Irado for Omaha proiwrty or Nebraska land. Williams ft Mlllau. Room : tii ; , McCMsuo building , opposite itostofllcc * 203-1H y-TO EXCHANGE. FINE NEW SEWING MA- / 'chlno for milch cow. Call nt U03 McCagnn bldg. 100 18 _ Z -WANTED , A SMITH PREMIER TYPE- wrller In exchange for S100.UO share of Uea- Irlco Canning Co. P. O. Uox 12 , llcatrlco. M235 22 * _ r/-STORE IIHILDINO IN DAVID CITY , NF.H..TO AJexphango formercliandlse. Address N , David Clly , Neb * 221) ) 20 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ilatrs , 1 Oo n line each Insertion , $1.50 TV Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than 25q AItM LANDS , C. F.lIAlllVlsbN,012 N Y. LIFFl MS45 AID * B UY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Chc.ipuxt nml beat lots In OMAHA. Sportnl prlc-o nml terms to HOME BUILDERS. Stoopel Place lots will nlwjiysntlvnnco In prlco , 'or the rlly must crow weHtwanl. Call on or nd- dross W. A. Webster , 40U lleo bhlff. < 1M IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAFE AND prolH.-iblo Investment Wo can Blvo you one. Forlimlancu , tiitooil farm of IflO ncrcs 10 mlloa 'rom Omaha. What can you flntl bettor ? Or , If you want n homo on t-nsy piymenti nnrt 'heap , wo have Boveral. Oniah.i Estate and Trust company , room 4. lleo biillilln ; . M071 BARGAINS , IN FARMS , HOUSES AND LOTS. J. N. Frouzer , room B Frciizor block , opp. 1 * . O. M43I1 A23 FOR SALE , 20 COTTAGES , $3r 0.)0 ( ) TO $2,000.00. on monthly payments. IS. F. Rlnirer , 1D1U Faniam. Mrt87 111 * FARM MORTGAGES. C. P. HARRISON , 5112 N. Y. LUo. 780 S2 * IOU SALE , 25 HOUSES AND LOTS AT $800 JL nml upwaiil ; i-asy terms. Why ilo you pay rent ? J. 1) . Zlttlu. llrowiiblk , 182 C-$20.00 WEEK , LADIES WRITING AT HOME. Aililress.wllh utauip. Flora O. Ivem , liox 21 , DCS MolneH , la. Hill 22 * pORNER LOT IN PLA1NVIEW ADD. , CHEAP. . I ) , building , Sioux Clly , la. 103 18' I OR SALE. A SPLENDID SUMMER GARDEN -property on Center xtivct jiiHt oppoHllo Rimer's liolel anil Schulzeu parlt In Wist Omaha. Low ; easy terms. Hide's Real Estate agency.I 221 18 SECURITIES FOR SALE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.I > | ) a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. OPER CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. SECUR- Itv Absolutely s.ifo. Ames Estate agency 1017 Fariiam. M532 HIGH GRADE OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES , nulling purchasers good mto of Interest , sums of from $1011.01) up , for tulo by Glebe Loan & Trust Co. , Kith anil Dodge. Omaha. Particulars on np- plication. M704 TO PER CENT 1ST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. J-Sums $300 to $1,000. AililresM N ( ill , Hoe 174 rPO SMALL OR LARGE INVESTORS , SOME -1- very choice nccurlttn ! nre offered ut nn attrnct- Ivn discount. llonilH , warrants , mortgages , tstc. , absolutely cllt edgi-d. Inquire of John Dale , com mercial broker , ' 'Ml N. Y. Life. M214 1U SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Ra'cs , lOc.i line each Insertion , $ l.J50 a line per month. Nollilng taken for less than 2.c. nOYLES & BAlin , Oil ! NEW YORK LIFE JILDG , I carry the larcest line of typo writers In tlio west , all makes , 25 to 73 per emit s-ived on all lending machines. Rentals monthly : Callgraph SI.MI , Rcmlngloii $2.00 , Smith Premier $5.00. Tel CfiH. - MOl'J UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMEKS Rates , lOca line each Insertion , $ l.r > 0 a" line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2."c. . . Jacobs , deceased , later with M. O. Maul ) , under taker and embalmer , Ulo S. llHh-st. Tel. UIHI. _ (117 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Hate.s , 10c a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nollilng taken for less than 25e. VOUNtTLADfESAND OKNTLEMETrcAlTsOON X iicqulru n working Icnosvledgo of shorthand and typewriting at A. ( J. Van Saul's xuhonl of short hand , fil'.l N. Y. Life. Typewriters to rent. Oil ) PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOc n HUP e.ich Insertion , $ l.r > ( ) a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. SONNKNllKRG , DIAMOND UllOKER KV)3 ) .Douglas si , Loans money on diamonds , watches , utu. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 155S. Ills ) LOST. Rates. Ikjc a word flint InsertionIc a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. TOST , GOLD MEDAL , WITH PIN , AT COURT- Jland beach. Return to 4UO So. 24th avenue and incclvo reward. M2 ; 7 18 SCALES. N'EW i SECOND HAND SCALES. ALL KINDS. Address llordeu .t.SelleckCu. , Lake St. , Chicago 020 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GF. GELLKNIIECK ; IIANJOIST AND TEACHER 1810 California slru'ul. U14 R WHYTMEJBRRD [ Leaves ( CHICAGO , IIURLINOTON A Q. | Arrlvpa Omaha | Depot 10th and MasoaSts. I Omaha 4.20pm Chlcagh Vestibule R.OOani 11.115 am Chlcagh Express 0.50 am Chicago Express 4.25pni 7.17 pm Chicago & Iowa Local C.SO pni "Xrrlves Depot 10th and Mason Sis. Onrihi 10.15 am I Denver Express 111.23 am 10,15am Deadwood Express. . . . . . . 4.OOpii ! 4.50pm | Denver Express | 4.00pm 0.50 pml.Nebraska Local i&cc i > t9un ) . , | O.'iipn ; B.I 3 am I..Lincoln Lonal ( Bxenut flunl. . | ll..l.'iain Omaha | Union Depot 10th AMarey St . | Onrtlrx 10.110 am Atlantic ExpruHt 0.00 pin 4.00pm Nebraska Stain Lmttod .1.00 inn 7.10pm NUlit Kxpruss- 7.53 aiu 0.00pm World's F.ilr Llmlled 2.00 ) inl , ClIlRAT.07R . I. S PACIFIC7 FfonT jUnlon IVpot lOtli A Maruy Sta. _ _ _ O.lOpml Lincoln , Falrbnrv Local. . . . 10.23 am 0.10am , . . . .Nebraska SlntH Lnllml .7.5' ) pin 2.aopml World's Fair Limited. 4. 10 pal Omaha I Depot Hlth and M.nou Sit. O.t3am.Kansas | City Day Express , . . . ! 0.05pm 10,10 pm K. C. Night Exp. via U. P. Trans. 0.40am . | . . . . . . . . . Lonln KxpreBS. . _ . _ . . , , . | 0.10an : "LcaveTI UNION'PACIFIC. I Airlrui Omaha lUnlpn Dupol loth .VMaroy SU. | OuiMn 11.50 tin , Denver Express 4".0. " > ] rii 2.15pm Overland Flyer 7.00 pn : 4l&pm lleatrlcn A Stromsb'g Ex ( ex Sun ) I'.HOpm 0.40pm Pactlle Expruns , 0.30 li.ll Denver Fast Mall U. P. Depot nud Marcy Bis. | Omaha B..mpml ChlcaToExprn. ' . . . , I ir.H.1ail 11.DO am I Clilc.ivoExprust | 5.0pm F. , R. A MO. VALLF.Y I Arrives Depot IB Hi a-l I W .nt-r SlH. I Oinah O.M ) am Deadwooil Express fi.HOpii II..U am ( Ex , Sal. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Ex , Mon , ) n.HO pn : pm Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday ) . , . . , lO.'nan D.45 | im . . . .St. Paul ExpreuH 0.2S an Lnaru * I CHICA'GOi NORTH WK-STN7"Arriv | Onrihtil U. P.dusot. lou A Mu-ovsn. | Ouiihi 7.20UIU ( Ex.lim'y.i C irivill 1'amcn , pn 4 0.4(1 ( am ClilcnoKxpre94. . . . 0.03 pn 4.0,1 pai VitsllbiUi Liiiilt > l. . . , 11.211 : n 7.00pm .E'islar.i Fljvi 2 13pi : 0.20 pal ( Ex. San. ) Chic. < Ex. Mou. ) 11.20 an LeTvei | MISSOURI PACIFIC , Omah.i | Depot 19th and Wobtlur Sla. IArrlvoj : - . | , . . , , . , . . LouUEtpnm I ft.'illan 10.00pm1 . . .St. Loul-i KxprjHj I 4.25pn 8.25pml Nobrjaka l.ocul I b.S.lau Leaven I n. S1' , P. . M. & O. [ Arrives _ Oinalt : lDotiot _ 13th and Webiter Sta. | Omah 8.50 am . .Sioux Clly Accommodation. . . 1.15pm Sioux Clly K < cpr4 i Sun. ) 12. 10 pa \.15pil : . St. Paul Limited U.2Jaa b.Ulpni Emerson Pa-Hunter IBx. Sim. ) a. 13 MI Leaves Arrlvea _ 7.10ati | , Sioux Cllv Passcujrur. lO.SOpn 4.00pml. . „ 31. Paul Kxpraaa. . . . . . . . . . 10.00 an Lelive " i SfO'UX'OirTST'ACiFIO [ Arrived Omahal Depot. 15th und W'jUalurSta. I Qqiah 6.13pm HI. Pftul Lliiillcd , I ' J..iOMill | . . „ . .Clilcato Limited I U.23aii Leaves I OMAHA" * 8T. 'LOUIST TA Irlvr OmalialU. P. Depo , _ 10lhuud _ Marcy.l Omali " ' ' . . LouliCairaoiTVaU. , . . . ,113.35 PC WESTERN DDSND DOINGS Abandoned Placers ofFnlralous Wealth to ( U Operated Bolojr Water Level , NEW SCHEME THAT MAY NET MILLIONS ll 7 Lnrnmlo'i Lucky Aluiripum | Fluil ( lolil In Iilnho Lo's KottoirUroi Appetite A illlumlnou * Conl JTInil ( leiiornl Newt of tliulKuiilro. Ono of tlio most promising gold llolJs of this section , says the LoaJvlllo Ilorakl-Doui- , is located near Urockcnrldgo , for many years regarded as one of tlio lending gold camps in Colorado. About flvo miles from the town Fnrncum hill is located , whore , as Is well known , are found tliovon - erf til lode claims that have produced such ich returns. At the foot of the hill nro ; ovoral gulches , convergltiR toward Swan Ivor , and In these gulches are located the unions placer diggings , .from which about ia,000,000 have already been taken. The property which It la proposed to work comprises 5,000 acres of lode and placer claims owned by John R Campion , The ground is located in Georgia and Humbug gulches and extends to thoSwnu river , com- jirislug an area larger than the gold area of Jrlpplo Crook. 'Out of this vast territory inly 150 acres have boon worked , rom which , including the lode claims , about $1 ,000OOU has been taken. Heretofore the placer diggings have never potio to bedrock. Operations have boon conlluod to the pay dirt above water "ovel , and us a consequence , none of the dig- flngs have gene below forty-live feet , or to ivatur level , Bedrock lies at a depth of about 100 tcot from the surface , and it is proposal ! to sink shafts down to roach that i > olnt , put in pumping and hoisting ma chinery uud raise the pay dirt to the surface , whore it will bo sluiced and washed. A ilumo fourteen miles long furnishes suRlclcnt water for sluicing purposes. For the present two shafts will bo sunk , ono in iJuorgliv ; ulch and , the other at the Junction of Georgia and. Humbug , near the Swan. After the value of the dirt below water level has been tested thoroughly , so that accurate data has been obtained , it is the inten tion to construct an immense bedrock luino in the Swan river and by moans of modern anil Improved hydraulic appliances wash out the entire gulch to bedrock. It is safe to say that this is ono of the most gi gantic and important gold mining enter prises over undertaken in the \vost. The work which has been done has demonstrated the enormous quantity of gold In thoground. In ono placer claim alouo , llfty foot square , ' . 00,000 was taken. Another Strike Nonr r.aramlo. George W. Fox and Prof. W. C. Knight : > ave located two claims of forty ucres each of oxide of aluminum , In section 0 , township 13 , range 73 , being within ono mlle of Sportsman's lake and fourteen miles south of Laramlo , iu the heart of the celebrated gypsum bolt. Inasmuch as aluminum is the coming metal , the full extent of the value of which is hardly known ( yet , they bollovo their property is as valuable as a rich gold mine. The deposit thero''is said to bo CO per cent pure. 'llio value of ! this can bounder- stood when it is known that deposits with a purity of from 5 to 7 pet cpnt are now being worked successfully in jio east. A little material from , this deposit with proper chemical additions , makes the finest scouring soap that can be 1ound in the mar ket today. It is sulii < to bo superior to sapolio. The owners of this deposit will soon make a move that is hoped will result In anew now enterprise for Laranu'o. _ Gold Mines in Idaho. The Moyea gold excitement itf at fever heat and pro's-pectors aw-feiiviilfr hourly for the fields. Every .indication points to the fact that a valuable ' [ ( Hi ; lias been made. Ill-ports haVjp beert ccelvea .fronigauthontic sources sliowidg that tho.Cdfrt is very rich and that .o iio man has taken out'inoro than an ounce In a day with a very crude rocker. William Vangaskon.a buajnoss man of I his city , has ono'of tho'hiost valuable locations and will work Iton ah extensive scale. Whit ney , Houston and many others have also made valuable locations. It is a poor man's camp , water is plentiful nnd'suppllcs can bo taken into it at small expense. The diggings maybe bo reached in ono day from Spokane. United States Marshal Pinkhani , who Is an old-time placer mluer. is hero from Boise City. His opinion regarding the value of the finds will have great weight with the outside public , especially the southern part of this state. Men who have looked over the ground claim that the Moyea basin will come up in the near future as ono of ttio greatest gold pro ducers iu the 'west. ' A saloon has been opened and parties are preparing to take in stocks of goods , and there will bo plenty of supplies on the grounds in-a few days. One man who came in for supplies will return at once. Ho states that the best finds are being made up near Hound prairie , close to'tho Fort Steele trail , and many of the gravel men are going up there. . This indicates that the ledge from which the gold comes must bo at least thirty or thirty-five miles above the mouth of the Moyea river. Andrew Kent , well known in the Cceur d'Alouos , brought in a piece of quartz that is very rich in free-milling gold. Ho Is confident that the Moyea district will bo shortly filled with miners who will bo richly rewarded for coming. Details of the finds are scarce for the reason that every ono is going to the fields titid no' ono coming , livery business man. In fact about every man in the town , is either in the dlstnct or is represented thoro. 'T.htj.ropo'rt of the dis covery has readied Kasld and Nelson and quite a uumoer arrived on the Idaho and will leave soon for the diggings. Katichors are bringing in pack animals fortho use of 'prospectors , but are hardly getting them In fast enough' to sup ply the demand , and many have been com pelled to take trail on foot , packing their blankets and grub. J'omliriR Kcdlldim. Sheriff Homer's small band of redskins are doing finely , says the Dead wood Wo- nuor , and while the whnlo caboodle of them are awaiting trial for snnous offenses , all the wuy from stealing government cattle to murder , the county jail affords such , to them , Hunorlor quarters and th rations nro so much bettor than they over had before that they are about as'content n lot of red- shins as can bo found. Kali Well , Just ask the sheriff about it. 'When ' they are first brought in from the reservation they nro as lank as racers , and the way they pile into the grub for the first few days until they got "fillod'up" is a Jjautioti. To make them understand that < j\ch ; succeeding day is sure to bring its thro ? square meals Is a task only possible by ( .etaul practice , nnd for the first few days "Lo's'&Jfr.iatest ambition seems to bo to cat , not oulr his own generous rations , but all that is'-iloft by the other prisoners. Ho actually fluffs himself until ho cannot hold anotherainorsol and then , almost invariably , tlieroMs a Job for the doctor. One of the luW arrivals gorged himself until his ovoroaif&i | stomach forced tlio blood to hla head , and It was at first thought lie was suffering with pneumonia. Marks and young Two-fttlcks. tlio first ol the present batch to bo locked up , hud their experience at gor'Utg themselves , and afterward found uniustj'muiit in watching thogiarantlo eating powers of the later ur * rivals , Marks philosophically remarking , na he would witness the ( w'fe-ltig of a newly- arrived mtskin : ' Ughbiputty soon doctor comol" It ttiKes abouU'-j week to gut one of the redskins "filled uiV 'and during that first week he cats ( or tries to eat ) about everything in sightv lie is by no mnuiin dainty , disdains the use of knives and forks , and is as contented In stowing away the leavings of his companion prisoners a : the pi'ovendcr provided for his special mastication. After awhile he gets "filleiJ up , " but regularly tlirco times a day Mr. Lc is ready to mow away a good square meal. Cnul fur tlm Nnrllnvealeru. Charles S. Uogorc , chief engineer of the Wyoming & Utah railroad , has found tlu coal which the Northwestern has been look ing for. It is on thu unrvuy between Cuapoi and Ogdoti , uut Mr. Hosiers refuses , ol course , to give the exact location. Ho ha ; discovered three sepurato veins of this coal one six , ono seven itud ono fifteen foot It thickness. He iiai had the foul thoroughl.\ analyzed by several different avsaycrs ant they all return practically thu name cor tlflcaicn. The now find ii n true bltumlr.our coal which contains about2 per cent lo watei than the Hock Springs , ft little less nsh than that coal and n proportionately larger per centage of' carbon. It absolutely will not slnck , Is a beautiful brleht black , n trlilo heavier thun Kock Si > rlnei and Is in every way the best quality of steam and domestic coal yet found in Wyoming. Mr. Rogers Is n man who o statements can bo rolled upon , says the Wyoming Derrick , and ho has taken every precaution to satisfy himself of the quality and quan tity of his find before allowing the puullo to know of it. The wrltor snw n sample of the coal this week. It had been out of the ground throe months and there was not a check or crack to bo seen. In fact , it hnd none of the well known charac teristics of llgnlto real , but , ns said before , Is ot .1 true bituminous character , very clean -nnd bright. The veins , Mr. Kogors says , nro where they can bo easily mined , ns they crop from .tho side of a hill or mountain. The roof is solid , and will admit of mining without much timbering. Struck It lllrh. Ono of the richest strikes over made In northern California is reported from Shasta county. Four years ago some SfiOO float was found by William Dale of Slsson on the north side of ICddy mountain , but the float was not trar.nd back to the ledge until re cently , when H. II. Maxwell nnd an Oregon nssnycr wont into partnership with Dale ntul succeeded In finding the vein. An olijht- foot shaft Inld bare n two-foot ledge of quartz , eight inches of which is 80 per cent gold , that can bo traced lor A mile , and all the ground has been located by prospectors , who rushed in us soon as the news of the llnd reached Slsson. Dale nnd his partners have taken out $10,000 In gold from the voln already. Outside of the streak of free gold , the ore is n suluhurot assaying tV * > 0 to the ton , but none of that ore has boon worked yet ! Tlio Klilnnroro * In Litigation. The Hhlnoccros mine at Crlpplo Crook , in which a recent enormous strike of gold was made "and which many Iwllovo Is now the richest mine In the camp , is getting itself Into legal trouble nnd u big contest over it seems to bo assured , The Khlnocaroi nnd Nil Dcspcrandum are being worked , by the Gould Mining company , and they are taking out ere that rims from $7 to 510 per ton. Mr. S. S. McTjiUti , president of the Pueblo Consolidated Mining company-went to Colorado rado Springs the other day and filed an ap plication in the district for an Injunction against the tGould company to restrain it "rein taking ere from the Khlnocoros. The grounds taken nro that the mine was abandoned shortly after location , and no work performed on it ns required by law. The Pueblo company relocated under the title of the Little Chrisslo , nnd , It is claimed , kept up the assessments. Later the Gould company proceeded to work it , with the re sult that an enormous strike was made. The property is worth thousands of dollars. The application for an injunction will bo acted upon some tltno this week. New Strike In KcyHtcmo. Thomas Swoonoy reported to the Journal couple of days ago that the recent now strike in the Keystone mine was made ot a depth of 520 feet below the surface and 110 feet below water level. The voln was from twenty to twenty-four inches in width and far exceeds in richness any strike heretofore made on this property. It is the Intention of the company to sink the shaft tea a depth of at least 200 foot below water level before cross-cutting. The mine has grown in richness as depth has been attained and today Is ono of the best and most promising mines In the Hills. Mr. Sweeney states that whllo there ho saw a retort made from a tlirco d ys run and taken from the plates that weighed over $1,000. The company now has over fifty men on the pay roll , all paid up to date. Everything is running as smooth as oil at the Keystone , and when you hear another report that the mill is going to 'closo down , don't believe it not while there's $500 a day in the mine a mountain of it. Oregon. Forty acres of gold placer ground have boon located in the Cow creek mining dis trict. Dr. Oglcsby is exhibiting in Euecno some very rich gold quartz which eaino from a ledge ho dlscoverod iin the celebrated Bo hemia district east of Cottage Grove. Some of the residents of Sixes river , Curry county , nro engaged in burning alder and maple eharcoal for shipment to San Fran cisco. Coal from this wood is said to bo the best mado. An act of the last legislature compels all railroad companies In the state to fence their tracks within three years. The South ern Pacific company accordingly placed a fencing crow on the line of its road and fenced the track from Aurora to Salem. From there tlio builders will contmuo on south. Mr. Joseph D.vsort of Grave creek has sold his mining interests on that creek for ? 15- 000. The mine is both placer and quartz and consists of several claims in the same local ity. The placer ground is undoubtedly rich , as Mr. Dysert has several ounces of largo nuggets which ho had taken from the claims lust win tor. The "Jackass" mine has been located in the Bohemia district by J. K. Kennedy , W. S. Chrlsman and J. B. Stewart. It consists of 1,500 feet of quartz ledge , and is located on the cast side of Bohemia mountain , about 8,0000 feet from whore the Crouch trail crosses the bridge near the head of Peters burg gulch , and about 5,000 south of City trail. Cattle buyers are in Klamath county offer ing $18 to $21 per head. This is about what the cattle sold for last year , but as the first offers aro'usually n little lower than the av erage prices for the season , It is probable there will bo n slight improvement over last year when sales begin. Beef cattle are in better condition than last year , and buyers could afford to pay a little moro upon the same market r.atca. The Owyheo company's ditch will bo built through the "Hogback , " a low , narrow hill , and will bo completed to the Malhour river by May 1 , 1SW , bringing into cultivation 25,000 ucres of fertile sago brush land. Thirty thousand dollars have already been ex pended on this ditch and nine miles of by far the most difilcult and expensive part of it are already completed and all twenty feet wide on the bottom , and that industrious little community on the Owyheo , which In augurated the enterprise and worked five years to accomplish it Is now being re warded with abundant crops. The following advertisement appears in the Fossil Journal : "Durim ; the last year a thief has stolen about everything movable and a number of things that are not supposed to bo movable from my ranch , a few miles southwest of Fossil. Among the articles taken were : Stove pipe , crockery , pillows , razor , house lining torn from the walh , plow clevises , pitchfork , and recently the hlngos from off tlio barn door. As the thief knows , there nro still a lamp , mirror and spring bed loft , and 1 propose that they will remain there , and hereby offer a reward of $25 for information that will load to the arrest and conviction ot the guilty party. Charles U. Mlllett. " Colorado. The Victor , Cripple Creek , averaged over (1,000 a day in gold all through July. About 100 men nro working Iu the Taylor river placer * near Aspen. Two men in five days found * 7S. The Independence mine , Crlpplo Crook , Is shipping an average of 200 tons a week to the ( Jlobo mill. The boys at the reform school at Golden have just burned a kiln of 07,000 brick , their own manufacture. Utes are slaughtering door by wholesale near fJi Platte City. ' They take only the hides , leaving the carcasses to rot. The Bull Domingo at Silver Cliff has of fered to pay Its men $2.-5 cual ) or fJ In cash with (1 in duo bills , payable when silver reaches 85.and Joad fl.i" ) . Senator llnluh Voorhees took forty pounds of magnificent ore from thu Cash liurkln to Denver. It is full of ireo gold and was taken from a recent strike in the MXMoot level. A pay streak from four to seven Inches wide of horn-blend ere running $100 a ton In lead has noen struck in the Galena mine , three miles northwest of Cripple Creek on the Florissant road , A now town , which has been given the name of Altman , has been laid out on Bull mountain on the patented ground of the Frco Coinage and already has upwards of : :00 : business nnd dwelling houses. About all thu houses at Pharmacy City have been re moved to thu { low townste. ! H. H. Huidius and II.V. . Hughes of Dud ley. England , largely Interested in the vast coal mines of England , are here for the pur pose of looking over the coal resources of Colorado. Over 800,000 coal miners Iu En eland nro now out on n strlko , nml busi ness Is sutTeiinff greatly in coiiarquonro. Them Is some oxcltotnont tit StonmboJit Springs over placer dlscovorlos In Twenty- mlle park on Trout crook , above the Haydcn road. At bedrock , sixteen foot down , gruTol has been found panning lW : colors , from the slzo of gootl rice to rlflo powder. Many min ors nro coming In from Ijoadvlllo nnd Aspen. The DnkntiM. It is sMil that thu water will bo turned Into the big Irrigating ditch nbovo Edge- mont this fall. Extensive development work is being done on claims in the Bald mountain district and others n short tl [ stance from I City. Owners of claims in those districts will com- mcnco work to got them among the dividend payers ns soon ns possible. Senator Pottlgrow has prepared a bill pro viding for the opening of the Ynnkton In dian reservation and the nalo of lands at $3.r > 0 per aero. There nro about ! MO,000 acres of land in this reservation to bo thrown open to settlement under the bill. Some very rich gold ere was taken out nt the Golden Summit last wonk. This mine was In years past remarkable for rich pockets. Millions of railroad tics are now piled up on tlio ceiled lands for n rend from Chamberlain ito the Black Hills , innd the road will ba in operation within n year. The president of the Black Hills Prospec tors association hits called n mooting nt Deadwood to consider the advisability of joining with Colorado mid other western prospectors In a petition to congress to sus pend the law of annual assessment on min ing claims for two years on account of hard times. The big irrigation ditch known ns the Duhamcl ditch"situated near the mouth of the Belle Fournlto , Is nearly completed. The ditch is something over four miles in length , twenty-four feet wldo and seven foot deep. The excavating is now completed , and when some trestle work , which will take about 12,000 foot of lumber to build , Is erected , this big Irrigation" ditch will bo finished. Mr. Duhamol will turn the water on about the 1st of October. I Some months ngo Sidoy , Iho Hot Springs curio man , discovered a hole In the ground which gave promise ot being n great cave. Hu immediately made filing on the land and grub-staked a man to uiuko some explora tions aim open it up. Ho and Mr. Jensen drove out to it and they were wonder stricken nt the result. Eleven largo cham bers have been opened up and they are beautifully hung with stalactitios and cov ered with crystals of great beauty. The cave gives promise of being as great n wonder ns the famous Wind cavo. It Is located between Hot and Cold Brook can ons , with a picturesque road leading to it. "Winlillicton. Thousands of young fruit trees on Swltz- ler island , in the Columbia , have been wrapped to prevent the depredations of rabbits. Experiments In smoking and canning sturgeon have proved successful at llwaco , nnd a permanent market for this fish has thus been established. The Western Washington Industrial Expo sition company of Tncomn will hold no fair this .vear. Thcro Is an indebtedness of $30,000 outstanding against the company. M. A. Kowan of SliarpsburSr , Pa. , has made arrangements for the establishment of glass works in Tacoma. The capital stock will bo $50,000 , and it is proposed that all sorts of glassware will bo manufactured , including bottles. Merchants , worklngmcn nnd citizens are urgiuc the Spokane county commissioners to issue warrants in amounts not exceeding $10 , nnd have the latter used as script , negotia ble at par in any store or place ot business within the county. A mass mooting of laborers in Seattle passed resolutions urging the city to pro ceed with the improvements for which bonds were voted and offering to take their pay in bonds. It was also urged that improvement bonds be made receivable for city taxes. Last Sunday Thomas Johns stood In the door of Bert Chapman's cabin , three miles from Kahuna , and shot , a largo bear. Mr. Johns says hn does not mind killing beam when ho U in a house , for if they do not Illic it he can close the door on them and not say any more aboutit. . Captain Gus Isaks and a crow of mon wore fishing for halibut iu n dory off the Flattery banks , when a forty-foot shark began leap ing up , evidently trying to seize one of the men in the bo&t. In ono of his lunges a fisherman hit him with the but end of an oar. The blow fortunately struck him square between the eyes , and wa * weighty enough to stun nnd cause him to sink out of sight. Whether the shark was killed by the blow the men wore not able to report , as they did not linger very long on that spot to solve the question. They were only too glad to feel that they -were relieved of the monster's presence , and rowed back to the schooner in quick time. jMIsoi'llancom. A chocso factory has been established at Buffalo. An extensive low grade strike of gold ere in reported from the Manhattan lode in the Henry mountains , Utah. Animals around Laramlo have n queer disease. Two or three pot antelopes have died of it. The animals' eyes iturn perfectly white and they soon die. Extensive washouts have delayed travel during the past week on the Southern Pacific , one of them extending from Estrolla , Ariz. , to forty miles west or Yuma. San Bernardino county , California , has exterminated her coyotes at , $5 pur scalp and now has a crop ot rabbits in their place. She is now offering " 0 cents on all rabbit cars produced before the county clerk. Frank Hewitt , the vorld's champion sheep shearer , who resides at i.aramle , has received an offer of $10' a day from Buffalo Bill , to shear a sheep at every exhibition of the wild west show at the World's fair. A vein of COT ! was strjc * in ono of the shafts being sunk by the Transcontinental Coal and Iron company near Uawlins at a depth of forty feet. The vein is nine foot thick , about five feet of which is a mixture of coal and slate , mostly slate. The vein of solid coal is four feot. Tlio Emma G. gold lead , discovered twen ty-five miles west of Laratnle , continues to hold out good. They have not quit work there , and nro sinking on the top , Tlio shaft la down thlrty-ono feet and the tunnel in forty-eight feet. The indications continue equally as good us at first. Tlio Fortuhatus company has just made a cleanup of ltS ounces of gold in an eight days run at the placers of Bald mountain , forty miles from Sheridan , Wyo. This was an average of ! j.iO : n day for each man em ployed. Tlio placer fields cover -0,000 acres of gravel eighteen feet deep. Are You Norvom , „ Are you all tired out , do you have that tired feeling or sick Headache ! You can bo re liuved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsnparilla , which gives nerve , men tal and bodily strength and thoroughly puri fies the blood. It also creates a gooii appe tite , cures indigestion , heartburn und dys pepsia. Hood's pills are caiy to take , easy in ac tion and sure iu effect. > cent * a box. Fireworks tonight , Cowtland beach. Garneclo Couiiaiiy Cutting PlTTSlitma , AUJJ. 17.---Wii e reduc tions are no ruspcutera of persons. Among these who will /eel the olTuutn of the financial Htrin-iency in their BiUarioti is Chairman Henry Cmy 1'Yiek of tlio Caruoylo Steel company. Mr. Kriuk has boon drawing a salary of $ . > 0,0H ! ) per annum. This Is Indopoiidunt of hla slock earnings. In n notice , u copy of which was sent to every ollk-or nnd dork of the company , Chairman Prick un- nouncon that , taking olTeta Sttptomhor 1 and applying to ovary omployo of all the associations oxcupt thooii work ing under wugo scales , thuir salaries will be reel u cod as follow * ; ro- coivlng over $500 per month , 'M per cunt ; between 8100 und $500 , 2't per oont ; between $200 and $1UO , 20 pur cant ; h < > twoen $70 and $200 , 15 per cent and all these receiving loss thun JOG per month , 10 per eout. As Mr , Frlck Is ono of the employed receiving over $500 per month his salary is cut $15,000 , Ouialm liii | > ruvoiiiunl Club , The Omaha Improvement club will meet nt 0.'tl Laka street this evening at 8 o'clock 1.3.cad of Saturday ovculng , REPEAl CONSIDERED CERTAIN Objootof the Oonvontlon of Congress is Sure to Bo Attained , SILVER MEN CONFESS THEIR CAUSE LOST Cnnrnsi .Mntlo l > r TlieiiMclrct Shown AVHuon mil will | -n Two to Ono Dolint * from jt w on will Ito 1'nrolj CHICAGO , A\ifj. n. The Record's Washington correspondent telegraphs the following : The Inst doubt na to the purpose of the honso of representatives to repeal the silver purchase IHVV when the final vote Is taken tun days hence was removed-last night. It wiw made absolutely certain for the first tlmo that nil ninundmonts providing for n now ratio would ho defeated , nnd that with tlioso amendments swont out of the way Iho repeal Itself would bo passed by almost t\vo \ to ono. This conclusion was reached by n can vass instituted by the ailvor mon. llnro- teforo nil the canvasses have boon mn < lo by tlio antl-sllvor mon , no that they have boon naturally looked Upon ns somewhat overconfident , llut toimy the silver men made n eloso count of their ranks , nnd nftor including every possi ble vote on the ratio amendments they frankly conceded that they would ho beaten , first on the ameiidinonts nnd then on the flnnl vote for repeal. Hope til the Sllvcrltn. The silver men have based their hopes on the ratio amendments. These nro to ho voted on one aflor the other ha fore the main question of repeal is reached. The calculation wan that n peed many nnti-silvor men und not n few republi cans would join with the silver mon In establishing n ratio of 1C to 1 or some other ratio up to 20 to 1. The danger to repeal wan based wholly on tho'proba bility that Bonio ono of these ratio amendments would bo carried , nnd that thus the repeal would bo conditioned by an amendment when it reached the Hnal vote. It was for the purpose of establishing just what strength could bo shown on these ratio amendments that the silver men made their canvass. It disclosed to them for the first time that , whllo they had eleven populist votes on the 10 to 1 ratio nnd quite a number of republicans on a 20 to 1 ratio , they had no one ratio that would bring together all the di vergent elements nnd give the silver men a majority. In abort , it was estab lished positively that the successive ratios of 10 to 1 up to 20 to 1 would bo voted down ono after another. Thus the last hope of the silver men was destroyed nnd they wore brought face to fnoo with the final vote on the main question of repeal. On this there has never boon any doubt. But the silver canvnss showed that the silver majority would not bo much short of 100. Conceded DofoaU After their canvass the silver mou did not try to conceal their disappointment. They frankly conceded that they wore broke , and it was from ono of their fore most leaders and canvassers that the foregoing concession was secured by the Record correspondent. The same gentleman carried the news to a number of congressmen , among whom it was re garded as eliminating every shadow of doubt ns to the result in the houso. With unconditional roponl thus assured , the debate in the house between now and August 25 is wholly formal , and it can not change a decision now mudo certain - tain beyond doubt ! With the certainty of repeal in the house the struggle is removed wholly to the senate , where it is probable that conditions will bo attached to the re peal. In that event the differences be tween the honso and the senate will hava to bo adjusted by : i conference committee. The anti-silver men say that this conference committee will bo HO constructed that it will hold out nil winter before it yields to anything short of unconditional repeal. It is believed that tills linn front by the anti-silver men of the conference committee will eventually force the senators to yield. To Ulonnso tlio Syntom Kffectually yet gently , when costive or bilious , or when the blood Is impure or slug gish , to permanently cure habitual consti pation , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity without irritating o weak ening them , to dispel headaches , colds or fevers use Syrup of FIRS. The big day is tonight , Courtland , WINS VULLAKIt IN Bay * Khe Will Speak Out on the Ntnnd In HIT Cn o Acxlimt lirncklurldci * . WASHINGTON , Aug. 17. Madeline Vinton Pollard , the young woman who haw brought Htilt for breach of protniso against Representative Brockinridiro of Kentucky , is perhaps the most talked of woman of the day in Washington. She was located in an out of the way suburb and interviewed briefly. She looked tired and worried , but her face is that of u young girl. Miss Pollard was much adverse to an interview. This , who onld , was by the ndvlco of her lawyers , and she had noth. ing to add to what was in the pnpora they filed in the Btiit. She would not even deny for publication any of the Htorlos about her that are HO diametri cally opposod. "I would much rather you would not Bay anything about mo , My position la public enough without making it any worbe. I am not by any jnoniis all the sorts of n woman I have boon described. When I go on the Htand I think many people will change their views about mo and my position in this wliolo nlfalr. Any ono can woo from the character of the lawyers who have undertaken my case that I have a good CUBO. They would not have taken it if it had not been mich. Hut at the Bamo time 1 do not euro to make any formal statement now. I will have plenty to say at the trial. " A ( I or Mcfllynu llnrlnull , NKW Yoilif , Aug. 17 , Tlio restora tion of Dr. llurtbuil to his old parish la among the possibilities. ITo was sent to Uomlout by Archblbhop Corrlgnn nt the time Dr. MoGlynn was silenced nnd since thun ho has boon almost a stranger to lils old pnriHhionord. Tonight ho had a conference with Mgr. Satolll and Archbishop Corrlgan , Dr. Uurtsell hud been oxpoctud. Archbishop Uorri- gnn was not told of the prioHt'u arrival until an hour later , when the nhlegato Kent for him , Thou Dr. Bnrtsoll wuu told to leiivo mm the two were alone. An hour elapsed before Dr. Uurtsoll came back. Later Dr. Uurtsoll loft. After Dr. Hurtsoll left the honso ho mild ho was sorry ho could say nothing. It was suggested an arrangement was made wheruby ho cun return to the church without causing Arch bishop Cor * rigan any humiliation. There ara three things worth time , troublu and money and Do Witt' * Kittle Harly Klsm will save them for you , Thuio little pills will tavo you time , al they act promptly. They will ave you trouble , as they rauso no pain. They will savoyou mnaey , a they ecouomlie doc'or' bills.