Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Heavy Exports of Wheat Tailed to Prevent
a Decline.
Corn Mnrkot Opnnod Knther firm nt the
doling Trices of Wcclnfmlay and
nti Improvement U'ln
Bhortlr Scored.
CitiCAtio , Aug. 17. Although Is
going out of the country at a rate which , if
kept ut > , will leave it a scarce article hero ,
the price Is > < o lower than yesterday. He-
ports of failures cast nnd west , more clearIng -
Ing house certificates Issued at Now York
cables combined
and very discouraging closing
bined to depress tlio market. Corn is a
nhndo higher and provisions nro irregular j
lower for lard.
Wheat at the opening was from Jfe to {
lower than yesterday's ' closing , ruled easy
nnd prices furlhor declined from } { c to % o ,
then got stronger and advanced Ic , again
ruled weak nnd this tlmo declined c , nnd
the closing was easy at from o to % e from
Inside figures.
The early weakness wan duo to' the dull
ness hi trade , the continued weakness In
locks and the fooling of unrest nnd uu-
certainty in financial circles. There was
considerable wheat for sale , with lltllo do-
mnnd , but the local receipts were small , ff
cars , against 6T7 cars n year ngo today , nnd
the exports were unusually largo , which
caused some reaction in sentiment ,
nnd early sellers' tried to got back
their wheat. When the final returns were
in , showing yesterday's ' exports to bo nearly
1SOO,000 bu. In wheat nnd flour , making
over 2,000,000 bu. during the last forty-eight
hours , there was a season of sharp buying ,
which soon sent prices up Ic. But the mar
ket soon eased off on frco realizing , and
weakened rapidly on statement * that the
banks were calling In loans , and on the wide
circulation of other disquieting reports.
The Cincinnati Price Current reported
that late rains have helped the corn In Iowa
and Nebraska. Outside of Unit district the
condition had not Improved , and in some ol
the dry districts the crop was being "Jlred. "
But tlio trade was not much affected. The
market opened rather firm at tbo closing
prices of yesterday , and an'iniprovcmcnt of
j ! c was shown. Later the , feeling was not
so 11 nil and prices solllcd back again from
J c to Jfc , and closed comparatively steady.
In oats traders were Inclined to follow the
action of other grains. The price changes
were frequent within J e range and the
close was at about tbo lowest point.
There was no more life In the provision
market today than yesterday. The absence
of money for operations is the cause given.
Pork Is unchanged for September , but nom
inally ' ( ) c lower for October. September
lard Is 7Kc lower and September ribs 7J o
higher. Thcro were 23,000 hogs received
and the market was from lOo to S0o ! lower.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
05 cars ; corn , 270 cars ; oats , 2'.H ) cars ; hogs ,
18.000 head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. Opi'n. Hldi. Low , Close.
01 r.oy CIH
K"O < J H
OOJ6 ( itijti litl.H
sn an
40J6 iiljl 41U
A R , 24 K 24 24
Mav ,
Auir R5
Sc-pt 75
Oct 00
AUR 37
Si'i't ' , H : i- } B : t. , „ 8 na 37M
Oct , a , us 8 I'M s us 12K
Allff. . . , , . . . 7(5 (
80lt | 7 ( taw 00 75
Oct 7 n7 ii f 7M 75
Cash quntntlons were ns follows :
Fi/otlit Dull : buyers ami sellers apart.
WHEAT Nn. 2 spring , Oljtjc ; No. 3 spring , f. o.
b. , 6GHi67c ; No. a rod , OlJJc.
OOIIN No. 2. 39c ; No. 3 yellow closing -lOVJc.
OATS No. 2.24c ; No. 'J whlto. f. o. b. , 2ai6 ( (
201ic : No. 3 whlto , f. o. b. , 27i@28 ! c.
HVE No. 2 , 40c.
I5AHI.EV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , t. o. b. , 3Dc ;
Nn. 4 , no Bales.
KiAxHKEiN ( > .l , 11.02 ! ' , .
TIMOTHY SEED I'rlino , J3.40.
1'oilK-Mess , per bill. , $12.051612.87 ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , $ b.3754t8.471i ! ; short ribs sides
( loose ) , J7 tl(37.05i ( dry sailed hhouldors
( hoxpd ) , $7.00(37.25 ( ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gal. ,
f 1.12.
SUOAIIS Cut lonf , GJfc ; gramilnted , 5.57 ;
standard "A. " 5.70.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Un the I'rodnco e\cliame todav the butter
market was firm ; creamery , 18&24lic ; dairy ,
lB@22c. EKKS.steady ; strictly fresh , 14c.
Jion York Miirketii.
NEW YOIIK , AUK. 17. KLOUII Kocolpts
84,000 jiURs. ; oxpurtH , 8,000 bbU. , 30,000 sacks :
lalos , 10,000 pugs. : market very dull , steady.
COIIN MBA i , Dull , Btoncly.
KYK Dull , steady : western , OOc.
ItAiu.KV MAI.T Dull ; weslern , 70a80c.
WllKAT KccelptH , 338,000 bu , : exports , 370-
000 bu.i sales , 035,000 bu. of futures. 72-
000 bu. spot ; hpot nmrkot dull , loner , closing
steady ; No , 2 rod , instoround elevator ,
G8ic ! ; alloat , G8 ft08 c : f. o. b. , G8HttCOic ( ;
unuraded red , GOMG'Jc ; No. 1 northern , 70c.
Options \vore very dull. Thu opoiilnj ; waa
Weak at H < < l ? c decllno and the clonliiKbteady
nt Mo under yesterday. No. ii red , Auiaist ,
( iHiit ! ( < iHCc ; , closliiK at U8/c ; ; September , ti'JliiC
70'Jc ' , closlnit at GO Je ; iJecomber , 7GKS77c ( ,
closing at 70 io.
COIIN Kfcelpl.s. 04,000 bit. ; exports , 40,000
bu , ; bales , llO.dOO on. fulurcH , 28,000 bu ,
spol. Kpols dull , Htoady ; No. 2 ,
In elevator ; 47W.4HHc ulloiit. Options worn
( lull and opened at } { WWc advance , but fell
H& ! < c and closed Htoady and unclmiiKCd ; An-
Bust , 47 > c , ulosliiK lit 47Jic ; Heploinbur ,
47 > i < 348c. clo lnsal474c ; October , 4bffi48ic ! ,
cldslni ; H8c.
OATH KccelptH. 112.000 bu , ; oxpartu , 200.00C
bu , ; bales , 17D.OOO bu. fnture , 18,000 bu ,
spot , SpotH , dull , Btfiuly , OpIloiiH , dull
No. a2U'iScr'miicd ; wcllorii !
llAV Klrm , qtilot ,
lloi'H Oulut , linn.
lllliKS lull ) , weak ,
I'novifilONK-Uiil meals , steady , dull. Lard ,
dull , easier ; westoi n ntuumcloiodutfU nominal ;
sales , 100 tlcrci's at { 8,00 ; option hales none ;
beptembur , IH.Ul ) , nominal ; October , I8.GO
nominal , 1'ork , linn , quint.
UUTTEII l.lKht rocelpts , steady ; wcsiorr
dairy , 141i4U ; western factory , 141J4J
IHc ; creamery. 17 24ic ! ; KlKliis.24 > ici Imltif
tton iMt'umury ,
( . ' , stciidy ; wcstorm Hiuall , 8 < fi
0ic ; fancy colored , OU4j.Oc ? ; part skims , 24J
UUc ; full hklmu , lOc.
' 01'11' ' 8 ° 00 kif we8tor"
n -Qiilul , steady ; crude , B5E
88c ; yellow , 43c. bid ,
I'KTiior.Eiiu-Wus '
neglected ! I'omisylvanlii
oil , tialcK , none ; September , option naleB , none
67c bid , 07lic naked ; l.linu oil , tales , none
total piilru , iioiui ,
UosiN-Stfady , dull ; strained , common t <
good , OOOSc.
Tuui'BNTlNB Qulot , easy ; 25Jtt2Gc. !
KiCK-Qiilut , ( Inn ; dome&tlc , fair to extra
2t(5ic < ! ; Japan , 4'i < < i4liC ,
MUI.A&SKS Now Orluuns , open kettle , good ti
choice , 3IHi31c ,
buuAU Kaw , quiet , st saily j refined , btoudy
fair ili'initiul.
l'i Iiio.N-Dull , steady ; Amorlcun , tl2.70C
Ooi'i'KK Steady ; hike , fO.OO.
IKAiQnlot ; ( lomebtlc , t3.32 { .
TIN -Strong ; Btrultu , (18.50 bid ; plates , dull
ii Quiet ; domestic , U3.76.
U'liniit .Murk't.
, Aua. 17. Market weaker fo
futurua ; cash btuady ; Decomher closed a
U2HO ; Keptembor , 7fc ! under Dorembor ; 27'
curs ; No. 1 northern , 07 > i4i08cj No. 2 northern
orn , 07o.
Nor York Dry amid * Markfit.
New YOIIK , Auir. 17. The demand for dr ;
goodHut Untt handv wus bettor today. Smul
ordur * may bo u llttlu m ere froquuut by unil
and talugruult for liumudluto kblpiuout , bu
thorn U Minoil nothing tlolnff on the spot. Tlio
jobbing trade iliown n llltlo Improvement , but
rotallori hava not liullcfitod In ixny way the
nxtctil of tlr\nn ) for niirchaso. Jobbers are
Traltlng for n rnoro dcflnlto Rjprcsulon from
Hint branch of trade before emending tholr
operations on the original market.
ntniilm 'I'roditco Market.
UtrrTEltF.incjr croamnrlos , lolld pck d ,
JOc : fulr to good crpamortof , solid packed ,
16318c : choice to fancy counlry , 14 < aiOc : fair
to Kood country , l'ViM3c ; packing stock ,
I.IV'B I'oui.Tity Thn receipts for this week
tire InTKcr ; choli'cold hon * , 7Vc ! old roosters ,
4510 < : ; HprliiKihleken < i , OUlOc.
Klis The receipts nro not largo , hut they
are Rufllclcnt to supply the trade , The bulk
of the sales urn reported at lie.
OAME A few bird * HI-O commencing to nr-
rlvo from northern points ,
HONKV Now honey lias put In an appear-
nnceontho market , but tint damilid Is tight ;
choice now whlto clover , lCifcl7c.
1'ItlKONS Thi ) lixinl KUli clllln reiiulro quite
a need many pigeon * , and In addition to that
there Is quite u idilpplng demand ; llvo pig-
cons , per duz. , Sl.tJU.
ONIONS Homo crown st < xk U plenty at lic !
per 11) . on ordars from the country.
TOMATOES Homo grown slock , per 4-baskol
crnto , '
I'HTATOM Th supply Is very light and the
market linn. On orders from the country
they are wotth atloHSt70 80u.
UA mum : The business In shlpplni ; cabbaRo
to tbo coitntiy appears lo bo about over.
Occasional orders are received and filled at
l'c. '
t' Stray Milpmcnt.i arc arriving and
tbo quality nt tlio stock U pronounced good
for this season of the your. Celery , per dot.
Imnclriu. 35c.
( nArrH-Si ) far this scaBon thcrohavo not
been very miiny grapps In from Uallfornla.
California , per case , (2 ; Illinois , per 0-lb.
basket. 40ftOc. )
( JAI.IFOKNIA KHIIITS KarlyOrawford pcachrs ,
per box , J1.16 : Oto lu-box lolH , ;
clIliKH , 11.10 ; 10-box lotcltliKx. . Hi ll.irtlctt
poar.i , per box , (2 ; plums , per box , (1.009 }
1.70 ; uxtra fancy plums , Si ! ; nectarines , per
NS The supply of watermelons Is
than It was a few days ngn. Good
wulurmclons urofelllnn all Uio way from JIG
to $20 per 100 ; smnll or Inferior , JlO.Ooa 10.00
.Tom cantaloupes , baskets , ( ! , _ & ; short crates
Jl.20ai.00 : loiiKCratea , 1.70ia2.00.
Al'i'i.Kfl-No apples to amount to anything
are boliiK shipped In , nnd the supply of home
grown ntock Is moJerato. Uholcu Duchesq ,
liar bbl. , $3.50 ; common varieties , suitable
to ship on orders , S2.7003.00.
inoricAt , rtioiTs.
The steady warm weather pro-
ilnccs a very fair demand for lemons and all
houses are doing a good steady liuslno s In
them. Mcsslnas , extra fancy , } 0.00 < ( tti.OO ;
McssliKis , per box , choice to fancy. fo.OOifij.CO.
UIIAKIIKS There urn only u few oruiiO4 ) nr-
rlvliiR. Klversldo Mediterranean sweets , $3.75 ,
HANAXAB Prices remain about stoaily. I'er
bunch , large , t2.20Q2.75 ; per bunch , timall to
medium , * 2.0032.25.
111111:9 : , TAI.IXJW , r.TC.
HIDKS No. 1 green Iridos , 24c ! ; No. 2 creon
hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted blues , 2Xc ; No. 2
green sailed hides , 2c : No. I green Raited
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40ilbs. , 2c ; ; No. 2green salted
hides. 25 Ibs. to 4O Ibs. , * 2c : No. 1 veal calf.
8 Ibs. to 10 11)4. . Gc : No.2 veal naif , 8 Ibs. to 10
Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry fllnthldes , Oc ; No. 2 dry flint
hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Oc. 1'art
cured hides > ( c per It ) , loss than fully curod.
SHEEI1'Ei.TS Oreon sailed , each 30c$1.20 ;
green salted shoarllngs ( short woolcd early
sklnsi , each 10' < 25c : dry shearlings ( short
wooled early nklns ) . No. 1 , each fisioc : dry
shearlings ( short woolud early bklnsi. No. 2 ,
each Oc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool polls , per II ) . , actual weight , 103
lie : dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 710c : dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , OSlOc ; dry Hint Colorado mur
rain wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 70u :
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight. 5is7c.
TAI.I.OW AMI ) OniiASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4c ;
tallow , No. 2. 35c ! ; urease. whlto A ,
3Sc ; grease , whlto I ) , 3c : grease , yellow ,
2t'c ; grease , dark , 2'Sc ' : ; old butter , 2@2S4c ;
co ( | swux , prime , lG32Dc ; rough tallow , 2jj
S.3c. _
.St. l.ouin MiirKctK.
ST. f.otriB , Aug. 17. FI.OUU Dull , un
WHEAT Wus sluggish , closing % c lower ; No.
2 red. cash and Atiiust , oa4'r. : September ,
59i501ic ? asked ; October , 02J < c ;
Dccombor , 07 , 0.
COHN firm , higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash ,
34 > { c : August , 34c bid : September , 30'c ;
December , 34 ; < c ; year , 33Hu usked ; May , 37c
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 , cash and August ,
23Kc bid ; September. 23jc bid.
HUTTKH Unchanged.
Kdds Unchanged ; ll',4c ; higher.
I'UOVISIONS Firm , nulot ; pork , unchanged ;
now. current make , (13.70 ; lard , unchanged ;
HKCEtris Flour , 2,000 sacks : wheat , 81 ,
000 bu. ; corn , 30,000 bu. ; oats , 32,000 bu. ; rye ,
1,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 sacks ; wheat , 12-
000 bu. ; corn. 42,000 bu. ; oats. 7.000 bu.
Wool Miirket.
BOSTON , Aug. 17. The wool market hns boon
dull and the miles are In .small lots mostly ,
amounting to 900,000 Ibs. of all kinds. Prices
are about the samo. but are Irregular. Ohio
ileecos are selling at 242Dc for XX nud above
and 20&2GC for No. 1. Combing wools are dull
nnd In demand at 22c for Michigan and 25c
for Ohio. Territory wool In fair request at 20
< t)30c ! ) for flno and line medium and 30(330c ( for
medium. Texas and California slow at 36 < & 40c
for clean. Pulled wool dull and foreign wools
neglected. _
K City Markets.
KANSAS CITV , Aug. 17.- WHEAT Firm ,
steady ; No. 2 hnrd,0in < & 52c : No. 2 rod , 04c.
COIIN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SiasiVJc ; No. 2
whlto , 80 ® 31iJc.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22 < 223c ; No.2
white. 25f < t2Cc.
HAY Firm.
HuTTEit Firm ; creamery , 1720c ; dairy , 10
EGGS Firm and active nt 10Jc. !
Liverpool Market * .
liiVEnroor , Aug. 17. WIIKAT Qulot , demand
poor ; holders offer freely ; red western spring ,
6s 7WdS6n 8d per cental ; No.2 red winter , 5s
COIIN Easy , demand poor ; mixed western ,
4s Hid percental.
POHK I'rlmo moss , western flno , O'Js Gd per
HACON Xong and short clear , 00 Ibs. Ols per
cwt. _
Cotton Murkot.
NEW Oni.KANB , Aug. 17. Weak ; good mid
dling , 7ic ? ; middling , 7 15-lGc ; low middling ,
G 11-lCo ; good ordinary , GJjc ; net receipts ,
030 bales. Including now crop ; gross , 031
bales ; block , 48,702 bales ; futures nnlot and
steady ; sales , 3,200 balon ; August. J8.77 bid ;
September , J0.77O0.78 ; October , t7.877.88 ;
November , ft8.OHftH.U9 ; December , 7.087.00 ;
January. * 7.23iB7.24 ; February , $7.31(167.33 ( ;
March , * 7.30tt7.41.
Oil Market ! .
Oil , CITY. To. , Aug. 17. National transit cer
tificates opened nt 08 ? * ; highest. 00 ; ; lowebt ,
574' ? : closed , 087i ; sales. 0.000 bbls ; clearances ,
8.000 nbls ; clmrlors , 110,722 bbls ; shipments ,
78,342 bbls.
PiTTBiiumi , Pa. , Aug. 17. National transit
certificates opened ut08i ; ! closed , 08 ; high
est , OOJi ; lowest.58. _
CotTou Mnrket.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 17 , Futures opened steady
and 10 up to 5 points down nnd closed at 10
to 30 points un. Kalt > s , H3.700 bags , Including :
Kuptemhur , f 14.05tU4.70 ; October , 114.06 ®
14.75 ; November. J14.50Q14.50 ; December.
H4,0014.00 ; January , I14.40li614.8ll ; March ,
$14.40. Hlo on spot was bloady at { 15.G2U ®
15.70 for No. 7.
1'lillndelplilB ( Jruln .Miirknt.
I'liii.Aiii-i.riiiA , Aug. 17. WIIKAT Dull nnd
lower ; No. 2 red , AIIKUSI , 0& ? ftl3GHc ,
COIIN Higher ; No. 2 mlxud , August , 47i@ }
47 We
OATS-Cnr lots , MteaJy ; No.2 white , 35c. |
Cliicinnutl Markets.
CINCINNATI , Atib' . 17. WHEAT lllghor ; No.
2 red , OOc.
CoiiN I.ower : No. 2 mixed , 4Jc ! ,
OATB Firm ; No.2 mixed,27Wc.
\VuisiiV-Quiut ; $1,12.
liultlmiiru ( iruin Mnrkvt.
llAi.Tiuoitc , Aug , 17. WHBAT Firmer ; Bop-
COIIN Firmer ; Soptcmbor , 47c.
OATH Firm ; No. 2 whlto western , 34
Tolud.t Uruiii Market.
TOLEDO , Aug. 17. WHEAT Easier ; No. 2
COIIN Dull ; No. 2 cash , 42c.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 25ic. (
Movement * of Sccurlttci Were of rillglil
Iiuporlniifo VoKteriUy.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 17. The movements on
tbo Stock exchange today wero'of slight 1m
portunco us Is evidenced by the transaction !
which reached only about one-half of ycstor
day's small total. The doalliigs In listed nnd
unlisted stocks footed up 110,70'J shares nud
were coullncd almost entirely to the trading
element In the board , There was scarcelj
any business for outsldo account , nnd tin
commission houses are not encouraging spec
ulutlvo operations , owing to the dlfllculty o :
scouring tlmo loan accommodations.
The business troubles at the wosl and tin
unfavorable rciwrls from the MIssuri Pa
citlu and the St. I'aul roads for the sccotu
week of August , the former showing a do
create of carnluts of (201,000 and the lattei
a decrease of f U3.1UO , alio helped the de
clino. With n vlow of ndillnp to the unensy
feelings gomo stocks rrcro sold on sellers'
options at prices from t to 3 points below the
quotations current nnd even thcso were
attacked , Despite all this , however , there
wns comparatively llttlo selling for the long
nccount. General Ulectrlo declined Hf } per
cent nnd Manhattan SJtf for cent , but the
remainder ot the list yielded only to ! i per
cunt. Flnnl quotations were from H lo K
per cent above Iho lowest. Distilling nnd
C.ittlcfccdlng was advanced 2 % per cent to
20 early In the day on reports lhat congress
would probably ralso the lax on distilled
spirits , hut later fell back to 18. ftot n
single stock un the list wns traded In to the
extent of 20,000 , nnd In only three Instances
did the transactions exceed 10,000 shares. -
The Post says : Nearly W.OOO.OOO . gold
cnmo In by lodny's Kuropenn sleiunor , the
consignees being no less than sixteen in
number. This has been ono of the remark-
nhlo features In the present speclo Import
movement that the Ixnidon engagements
have as to their allotment here been so
widely distributed. The result nppoars to
bo Hint the banks Importing gold under
order hold their consignment ns intnct ns
though it wns merchandise or grain and
that the speculative Importers sell their
rold nt once In the open market. This Is for
us n thoroughly abnormal situation nnd
sots nil reasonable calculation regarding
the effect of Importations on our city bank
reserves nt defiance. Kvcn In the fnco
of today's gold arrivals there was n
further issue of clearing house certificates
hero and In Uoston , Meantime , Chicago
dispatches report Ihnt the direct cold en
gagements from Kuroio ] for thnt clly al
ready nggregaio * 0,000,000 , This properly
shifts ou Iho Chicago banks the responsibility
of moving the far Interior grain crop. That n
result not1 wholly dissimilar must como
about in finances In moving the southern
cation crop seems highly probable. The
pressure from that quarter hns this week
become extreme.
Tlio following nro the closing quotations
on the leading stocks on the Now York
exchungo today :
' .ibked.
The total sales of stocks today wore 114,600
shares , Including : Atchlson , 4,100 ; IturlliiK-
ton , 0,200 ; Chicago Gas , 9,800 ; Distilling , 17-
200 ; ( icncral Electric , 12,200 ; Manhattan Con-
hollduted , 0,000 ; Northwestern , 4,200 : North
ern 1'aclllC preferred , 8.300 ; t. Paul , 13,000 ;
Sugar , 4,700 ; Western Union , 0,000.
New York Monov Market.
at 2i24 percent ; last loan at2 percent , clos-
Inp ottered lit 2 per cent.
STF.UI.INO KXCIIANOK Steady , with actual
business In bankers' bills at $4.82 } for
sixty days and $4.85 > / ( for demand ; com
mercial bills. * 4.804.85 .
SinvEit CKHTIFICATES Closed at 53c bid.
OOVCHNMKNT 11OND3 Strong. State bonds
dull.Tho closing quotation ? on bonds.
bid. tasked.
llostnti Stock Ouotttlon : > .
HOSTOX , AUR. 17. Cull loans. 7 3-10128 per
cent ; time loans , G per cent and commission.
Closing quotaltonson stocks , bonds and mining
shares : .
Ill the 1-jnclnii Murkat.
NEW YOIIK. AUK. 17. The Evening Post's
London Hpncfal says : Thu bank reserve In
creased thtx week 403,000 , notwithstanding
the ulllnx of 8.16,000 In gold for export dur
ing the week , tlio dulalls bolng i'GOl.OOO to
the United States ; 145.000 to Canada ;
200,000 In from Australia ; 10,000 from
China , and 300,000 from the continent. The
reserve now exceeds 10,000,000.
Today's Mock markets were stagnant
Americans , which bad been good , were Hat at ,
the close ; bar gold was In strong demand ,
with no quotation ; silver was unchanged ;
rupee paper was down to GS > d , In cause-
quenco of the action ot tuo Indian council
yesterday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' I'luuncliil Xotot.
KANSASClTV , Aug. 17. Clearings , 11,006,040 ,
NEW Ont.EANS , Aug. 17. Clearings , (822,341 ,
MuuriliA , Aim , 17. Now York exchange
gelling at 11.00.
GMAllA. Aug. 17. Clourlnss , (400,214 ; same
day last weuk , (540,500 ,
NEW YOIIK , Air. ; . 17. Clearings , (08,088.-
G40 ; balances , (3,700,437.
U.ll.TluoiiK , Aug. 17. Clearlnes , (2,143,708 ;
balances , J'JB'J.OUB. Money , 3 per cent.
I'liu.AliEl.fllu. Auir. 17. Clearings , 10,039-
307 ; balunros , (1,489,040. , Money , 0 per cent
HAVANA , Aug. 17 , Exchange ciulcl ; on tin
United States khort sight gold , lOUfJllc ; on
London , 20Q20ic ! } premium ; sugar quiet.
ST. I < OUIH. Aug. 17.-Cloarlngs , (2,582,404 ;
balances , (277,071. Money quiet , C8 pel
cent. Exchange on Now York , (7.00 discount
HOSTON , Aug. 17. Claarlngs. (9.940,041 ;
balance * (1,090,133. Money , 7 a.lOttB pel
cent. KxcluuiKu mi Now York , f 1.20&2.00 pre.
mluin per (1,000 cash ,
CIUOACO , A nit. 17. Clearings , (10.020,371
Now York exchange ilC.OOQ20.00 discount
Kturllm ; exchange uasy lit f-t.bOit4.B5. Money
steady at 7 tier cent.
I'Ains , Aug. 17. Three per cent rentes , 09
421ic for tbo account. Thu weekly stutomeii' '
of tti Hank of Franco Miaws a decrease o
8.125.000f for cold and an Increase of 850,000 ,
LONDON , Aug. 17.-Ilulllon In the Hank o
Knglutid IIHH Increased during the lust weul
24.OOO , Tlio proportion of tlio Hank of Eug.
land's reserve to liability which last week wa'
42.UO per cunt , Is now 43.01 per cent. Amoun
of bullion gone Into the Hunk of England 01
balance today , 08,000.
Huuvai C'lty Llvo stock Market.
KAN81U CITY , Aug. 17. ( UTTI.E HeceinU
3,700 head ; khlpmcntn. 4,200 head ; murko
slow , quiet and lOc lower ; Toxaa and shlpplni
( tverit U.10U3.10 ; Texan uad uutlvo cowi
(1.35 2.00) ) bulclmr stock , t2.4Oa4.10i slock-
CM and fi-edcrs , $15 3.36.
Hens Receipts , ' 11,000 hondi HhlpmonU ,
1,500 head ; hoavlos. U > Ui20clower ! olhors. 5 ®
lOc lower ; bulk , $4.f &ttO.OO ! heavies , oackoM
nnd mlxcil. ( I.7 * > tl0,40i llRlits , Yorkers mat
mixed , (5.25ftO.G5'l
Siinnr IJecolpts , none ; shipment1' , GOObca
market steady. 1V (
l.lbornl Supply o/'tAll 8ort rind * I'rlccn
Very AVoUSnMnlned. _
Tllt'ltsnAT , Aug. 17.
Receipts of nil kinds were rather liberal
today , the four di\ys > supply bclnR heavier
than for the first ifour days of last week by
some SWX , ) catllo and , , ( HX ) hogs. There hns
been a shortage of about 1,200 sheep.
Although the entire fresh supply of cattle
was comparatively large the number on snlo
was comparatively smnll , as of the 109 cars
received 4'J were western and southern cattle -
tlo cither billed through for slop feedIng -
Ing or Olrcct to local slaughterers. The
majority of the cattle offered were
wcslerns and very largely on the Iccdor
order. Fat cattle sold very generally Iti
Wednesday's notches. Condlllons were
practically the same. Good 1,200 to 1,800-lD.
dry fed natives mot with a ready sale nt
from $3.03 to $4.35 whtlo fair to very good
850 to 1,150-lb. steers sold at from 83.50 to
$3.83 with common and Inferior stock at
around &l.2'i and $3.60. Good western cattle
sold at fully steady prices , but the under
grades were hard lo moro and lower. Fail-
to Very good 050 to 1,200-lb. rangers sold all
the way from $ i.C5 ! to $3.05 with rough and
thin tailings around " (3 to $2.50.
To trado" In cow stuff was reasonably
actlvo at steady to strong prices. Sales in
cluded poor to very good cows and hulfors at
from $1.23 to $2.05 , with fair to good butch
ers' cows largely at from * 'J to $2.40. Calves
sold at from f 1.25 for common largo to $4 for
good votil stock or fully steady prices.
Hough stock was In rather do-
tnand at low prices.
The feeder business was rather moro
active than usual of late and prices ruled a
shade boiler all around. Fair lo good slock
sold out of llrst hands very largely at from
$2.50 lo 42.00. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
21. . . . 074 $3 25 20. . . .1060 13 75
0. . . . 047 3 40 74. .7,1113 8 85
1. . . .1270 3 00 10. . . .1102 3 00
20. . . . H35 3 50 19. . 4 120
1. . . .1300 3 50 10 1317 4 30
30 1105 3 70
. 028 2 00
0. . . 020 30 2 10
r. . . 870 30 2 25
1. . . .1010 1 00' 2 25
1.1. ' ' 1080 50 2 25
-1. . . . 754 00 2 25
6. . . 805 00 2 25
4. . . 750 1 00 2 30
1. . .1040 CO 2 30
1. . . . 720 00 2 35
4. . . 042 70 2 35
4. . . 850 75 2 40
2. . . 899 80 2 40
1. . .1020 85 2 40
7. . . 807 85 2 45
7. . . 724 00 2 05
1. . .1190 2 00 2 CO
1. . . 040 2 00 2 05
1 50
1 05
1 80
1 8O
2 25
3 70
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
1 85
2 75
2 55
Q 55
2 05
2 GO
2 75
2 75
2 75
2 90
2 U5
845 J2 35
2 00
1 stag . . . .1470 220 45 ulcers..1141 340
1 sir. tlg.,1020 2 OO 1 steer. . . 1O40 200
G steers..1100 2 00 1 t.tccr..13'JO 3 GO
3 steers..1100 3 G5 17 steers..1215 3 GO
G htrs tlB.1103 180 Icow. . . . 040 200
3 feeders.1023 2 00 1 feeder. . 030 2 OO
10 steers..11O5 2 80 1 steer..1070 2 G5
5 steers , . 004. 2 GO 1 stoor. . . 760 205
0 steers..1231 275 7 steers..1102 275
13 cows. . . . 704 1 50 10 cows. . . . 729 1 00
1 COW. . , . 880 3 00 1 cow 830 2 00
1 COW 1000 20Q 1 cow. . . . GOO 2 00
18 cows. . . . 833 2 00 2 helfere. 400 1 00
2 heifers. 040 2 OO 2 calves. . 220 200
1 btoer. . . 700 200 1 steer..1200 200
1 steer..1150 2 00 1 sleor..lOiJO 2 50
G steers..1071 200 3 feeders. 820 230
10 feeders. 008 2 35 10 steers..1201 3 00
4 bulls..1007 1 00 20 bulls..1110 1 30
1 holfur. . 400 1 4O 1 heifer. . 410 1 40
03 cows. . . . 700 1 25 20 COWS. . . 772 2 00
40 cows. . , . 830 2 00 24 cows. . . 800 2 00
1 feodor. . 400 2 15 2 feeders. 5GO 2 15
1 feeder. . 400 2 15 3 calves. . 100 2 50
1 calf 310 2 00 0 calves. . 223 3 25
2 feeders. 000 2 00 1 feeder. 030 2 00
G feeders. 781 2 15 8 feeders 857 2 10
20 steers..1054 2 70
Hoas An advance of 25c to .15c in thro (
days brought out the hogs today , and a gooi
share of the advance' was lost. An oven 1W
cars were received , or within UOO head 01
the heaviest run in over two months. Sell
era were prepared to shade prices on ac
count of the heavy run bcro and bad report !
from Chicago , but as the proportion of Hghl
hogs wus not largo and the uoraand
very active for Iheso grades prices wen
fairly well suslaincd , ranging from $ :
up to J5.40 for fair to very prime assortcil
stuff. Outside of the local packers there
was a very limited demand for heavy hogs
nnd they experienced lltllo dlflluulty in fill
ing their orders at prices lOo to 'Ms lowci
than Wednesday. The ponular price
was $4.00 , with the extreme range foi
"straight , " heavy loads from tfl.80 lo $ T >
There was a good doul of sorting after Hghl
hogs and throwing out heavies. Thesi
tbrowouls sold largely down around !
and $4.75. Business was dull throughout
and the close wus very mean , with some
thing like 1,500 hogs still in first hands. Tin
bulk of the trading was at from $4.00 t <
{ 5,10 , as ngalnst from 5 lo { 5,15 yostordaj
and from $5 to & .10 ou lat Thursday. Hop
rcsonlalivo sales :
No. Av. Sli. I'r.
9. , .333 240 $4 90
5. , .330 200 90
7. , .388 80 00
10. , .358 820 90
10 , , .280 200 90
12. , .209 00
5. , .284 40 92
C. , .200 80 02V
4. .287
4 , , .305 05
0 , .200 1GO 05
13. .343 40 4.05
0. , .3133 4 05
11. .271 80 05
200 05
| ! 40 95
10..238 95
58..240 ICO 95
7..301 120 95
10..2U3 240 05
40..307 05
60 , " 107 2HO 95
03. .255 280 96
54 , .293 200 6 00
05. .276 80 5 00
71. .202 200 6 00
GO. .302 80 D 00
50. .304 6 00
2 , .335 200 6 00
01. .278 40 6 00
63 , .200 820 5 02 }
50 , .219 1GO 6 021
60 , .208 6 05
15. .2110 40 0 05
10 .202 2UO 6 05
CO ,247 120 u 05
360 6 05
67. . , ,280 280 6 05
18. . , .330 120 6 05
70 , . , .270 80 O'lO
GO , . , ,278 300 6 10
11. . , .300 240 ( j 10
0 , . , .321 40 6 10
65. . , .328 120 6 10
62. . , .200 100 6 10
74. , , .250 10
68 , . , .251 280 10
70 , . , .272 280 10
72 , . , .271 160 5 10
63 , , , .319 160 5 10
05. . , .250 820 6 10
64. , , 240 240 6 10
GO , . . .235 200 6 10
65. . , .331 120 6 16
74 , . . .237 120 6 16
G2. ,270 , 1GO 6 16
65..840 40 u 16
61..276 BO 6 16
1..240 1GO 4 00 G9..225 200 8 IBCJ
0..840 80 4 00 04. . . .218 160 6 16
9. . . .268 120 4 00 67. . . .224 60 6 IB
8. . . .230 160 4 90 69. . . .200 80 6 16
0..289 40 4 90 48. . . ,225 80 6 15
0. . . 288 - 4 90 71. . . .210 120 6 16
2. . . .282 80 490 72. . . .233 200 520
Q. . . .358 - 400 48. . . .235 40 620
3. . . .318 120 400 62. . . 205 240 623
4. . . .275 120 400 75. . . . 108 200 625
G. . . 307 240 4 00 GO. . . .210 200 6 25
41. .204 440 4 00 80. . . .226 120 6 25
2. . . .327 280 400 60 , . . .214 40 625
6. . .281 120 4 00 08. . . 220 - 625
i7.,307 - 400 04. = . .231 40 625
i2..317 200 400 77. . . 214 100 625
0..315 80 400 84 , . . .218 40 625
i0..305 80 400 G8..2U3 80 625
> 0.252 ! 300 400 75. . . .212 - 630
14. . . .2GB 3GO 4-flO H7..198 536
13. . . .260 40 400 81. . . .192 100 5 3SH
15. . . .322 80 400 86. . . .171 - 6 8&O
' 3..3S3 80 400 110. . .170 6 40Q
17. . . .277 120 4 00
Snr.up Kccolpts were , mostly
vestcrns nnd not choice. There was no 1m-
irovomcnt In thn market. loinnnd In-
ilftcrcnt unil prices weak. Quotations ns fol-
ows ! Fair to good natives , $3.00(33.75 ( !
air to gcod westerns. J2.50@3.2r ; com
mon nnd stock sheep. tl.50@'J.75 ; good to
holco 40 to 100-lb. Inmbs , $3.00@4.75. . Hop-
cscntatlvo talcs :
So. Av. I'r.
10 culls . 07 12 oo
74 mlxud . 01 2 05
178 mixed westerns . , . . , . . 01 2 G5
mill lll | ic > ttlin ( of Stock.
Olllclnl rccolpti and elimination of stock ns
hewn by the books of tlio Oiniilm Union Htook
Tards company for tlio twuiity-four hours
Hiding nt 0 o'clock p. m.Aumist 17 , 1803 :
Head Cars. Cnra. Head Cars. | Head.
100 J.740 100 1,222
> mnhri Pacltlnir Co 41 I.IIOS
Tlio Q. II. Hammond Co. . 124 OH I
Swift A Co 127 30:1 :
L'he Ciulahy Packing Co. . 1,104 2.H17 400
John P. Squire .V CO
Tabor * A 111
} lKvolnnd 1' Co 275
tOcy fi Co
Int. AW. P. Co.
IVlHvnoth A Sons los
t. llfckcr A UCROII
Sinclair . . . 400
VniiHAiit A Carey 42
ll.AS 18
; > : iytun 1:1.1 :
, 'arlccr , W. ACe
Dros il'.Ml '
HIUld feeders , , 170 713
Loft over.HIUld 1,100
Total. i.r.ia
Stuck In slslit.
Uocfllpt.t of llvo Ktock ut the four principal
western markets Thursday , August 17 :
Cattle. Ilom. i-liocp.
South Onmlm . 2,749 10,212 1.222
Chicago . 14,000 23,000 10,000
IvunsasUlty . 3,700 11,000 500
St. Louis . 2,500 3.000 2,300
Total . 22,049 47,212 14,022
Chicago l.lvu Stuck Mnrltrt.
CHICAGO , AUR. 17. [ Special Tolpprnm to
Tut HEK. ] The weakness developed yester
day was continued throughout today M mar
ket. The Increase within the last few days
has proved too crcut a strain on prices and
they have weakened to the extent of from lOc
to 20c per 10(1 ( Ihs. The average roductlon
today was about 5c , It being Impossible to get
ijultu yesterday's prices for anything except
the cream of the offerings , and there was not
much cream , There wore a few bunches tbat
would easily conio under tlio bead of choice ,
and a fair number that answered to
the description of goml , but com
mon and medium grades made tip
the bulk. Kully ono-hulf of nil the
cattle oti sale came from the ranges , Texas
being credited with 3,500 and the western
ranges with 4,000 head. A large part of the
natives wore of u quality that come In compe
tition with the rangers , and therefore any
thing grading below good sold very unsatis
factory. The major part of the natives sold
at from $1.75 to $2.75 for cows and at from
83. DO to S4.G5 for steers. The popular prices
for westerns wore from J2.DO to $3.40 and for
Tcxuns from $2 to 12.00. Nothing of consequence
quence was done In the stock branch of the
market. Calves wore salable at former prices.
A part of yesterday's advance In heavy
hogs WHS lost today. Light weights bold up
pretty well , a decline of not more than from
oc to lOc belnz noted , but sellers of heavy and
medium weights complained of a slack trade
tit from 20c to 2ScolT. Averages of over 250
Jbs. wore not In demand at the close at batter
than $5.45 , while the choicest of the light * .orts
were taken at from 10.10 to $0.20. Of fresliund
stalohogs combined there was not to exceed
25,000 head , and though trading was pro
tracted until a Inter hour than for borne days
past , a good many lots had to bo carried over.
The offerings of light hogs were altogether In
adequate to the demand , and they now occupy
a point from 60c to 70c pur 100 fbs. above tlio
prices current for heavy weights. That this
difference will long bo sustained IR doubtful.
Early In the morning there were tales of heavy
hogs at from $5.40 to $5G5 and u few light
fetched $0.25.
The sheep market was without further Im
portant declluo , but sales dragged heavily
and the tone of the market was extremely
weak. Choice wethers were quoted at from
$3.00 to $4 and something extra might have
brought , from $4.20 to J4.25 , but the bulk of
trading was demo below J3.5O. Westerns .sold
largely nt from $2.00 to J3.25 and Texans , of
which there were few , were quoted at from
81.25 to S3 for Inferior to good stock. The
lamb market was lower at from S2.75 to ? 5 ,
Kocoluts : Cattle. 14,000 betid ; calves , 800
head ; hoes. 23,000 head ; sheep , 16,000 head.
The Evening Journal reports :
CATTLE Kocolpts , 14,000 head ; shipments ,
3,100 head ; market slow , lower ; prime , J4.H& ©
6.15 ; gooU to Choice. t4.264.76 ; others , $2.90
© 4.00 ; Toxans. $4.35 ; westerns , $2.26a3GD ;
cows , ll.OOt(2..BS.
lions Ucculptu , 23,000 head ; shipments ,
7,000. head ; closed 20325c lower ; common
rough heavy , M. 6034. 80 ; mixed and packers ,
$5.000:5.30 : ; butchers' weights , J5. 40&5. 05 ;
light , I5.50SG.10.
siiEKi' Itecelpts , 10,000 heart ; shipments ,
1 , 380 head ; nat I vcs nnd westerns barely steady ;
lambs lower ; good to urlmo natives , $3.003
4.00 ; others , $2.75@2.85 ; westerns , I2.G033.DO ;
lambs , $4.00Q5.00.
St. I.oals I Are Stuck Mnrket.
BT , Louis , AUK. 17. OATTI.K Kccoluts , 2,600
head ; shipments , 2,400 head ; market lOc
lower for Texans and Indians ; no natives on
sale ; good to best steers , $3.35 ; good cows ,
Iloas "Uecelpts , 3,000 bond ; shipments ,
1,300 head ; market opened lOc higher than
yesterday , closed 20c from the top ; top price ,
$0.10 ; bulk of bales , J5.703G.OO.
KiiEKj1 Receipts , 2,30U bead ; shipments ,
200 head ; market slow , woak.
World's I'ulr Con rem.
CHICAGO , Aug. 17. The fonturo of
the peace congress yesterday wus a paper
by Mrs. Chant of London holding that
it Is within the power of tlio women of
the world to disband armies and put an
end to militarism. In the afternoon
there was a conference to prepare plans
for a ( rrcat petition from the Christian
countries of the world to tlio govern
ments , tutklnfr that arbitration bo adopted
for the settlement of all disputes.
The congress on horticulture began
yesterday and will bo in session for two
days. A largo number of horticultur
ists from different countries wore pres
ent and interesting papers wore read.
The congresses on Africa , dentistry
and medical jurisprudence also hold ses
sions ,
Uleurml the Strip.
ARKANSAS CITY , Aug. 17. The
troops of United States cavalry which
have boon driving out intruders from
the Cherokee Strip , preparatory to the
opening of that country to settlement ,
have about completed their work. Every
one on the strip has been compelled to
move out. The only trouble encountered
by the troops was with the haymakers
who have been accustomed eaeh year to
gather immense quantities of prairie
hay. They at first declined to move on ,
but the troops threatened to burn their
hay and machines as well and they re
luctantly moved off. No one is allowed
to enter the strip oven for the purpose
of crossing into Oklahoma.
Juju Converted nt the 1'nlrl
CHICAOO , Aug. 17. Two sons of Japan ,
who were sent hero to represent the
Japanese government at the World's Co
lumbian exposition , have been converted
to Christianity. They are A. Yoshl-
kawa of Tokio and S. Mirmno of Osaka.
Rev. W. R Black , pastor of the Central
Church of Christ , Sixty-seventh street
and Indiana avenue , converted them.
Mr , Yoshikuwa is ono of the iti'orpro-
tor 8 for his government at the World's
fair. Mr. Minano is a commissioner.
Both are very intelligent men. They
have been baptized In the faith of the
Christian church , and upon their return
to Japan they intend to ostabllnh mis
sions in all the largo cities of tholr na
tive 1 and.
) nkland | Cnl , Overrun by Trains Speeding
Thirty Miles an Hour ,
I'ooptc Mnlmml l > r the Itockloi * Jucrornnut
The Unnil Itepudlute * rait Agree *
mciitu It * Conduct Outrncooui
Will tin Brought to Time.
OAKLAND. Aug. 17. ( Special to TUB
The Colorado governor has been outdone
In this city by the Southern Pacific , which
Is literally driving Its Iron borsos through our
it root a up to their bridles Inbloo.l. They nro
sending them through , shooting along nt n
speed of thirty miles nn hour , anil the flnt
day's record points to at least seven victims
among the injured and in a I mod.
Homo once doclnrod that Carthage must
bo destroyed ixtul the uknso of Czar HuntIngton -
Ington of the Southern Pacific is that Oak
land must bo punished. The Roman episode
Is a thing of the past ; it is done and com
pleted ; the C.illfornlan parallel is yet
unsettled nnd if the purpose of
thb railroad magnate Is ono of ro-
vcngo he has chosen the most unfortu
nate method of wreaking It a mortal could
linvo dovlscd. It is foolish to hold a red ( lag
before a bull ami to tell the public to bo
damned , and tell It in such n brutal
manner , with such tf contempt for human
life Is on a par with the work of
anarchists who rely on public sllcnco nnd
Indifference ns they grow bolder and more
audacious. There Is , however , n limit to
liumnn endurance , nnd oven railroad mag
nates are liable some day to learn how
potent a thing the majesty of the law Is
when the cousclonco of the people Is once
ItVi n Xutnliintoil In thn llond.
The gist of the difficulty lies In the fnct
tbat tlio people of Oakland have exorcised
the ptivilcce of riding free between stations
on Uio Seventh street local system , for
many years , It having bcon a condition upon ,
which the franchise was granted the copora-
tlon , by which this corporation had the ex
clusive right ot traversing her streets on the
ground level , that no faro was to bo col
lected from passengers \vlio rode only within
the city limits.
When the old timers and the new coiners
saw the trains running nt full speed up and
down Seventh street nil day Saturday they
were amazed. It was evident that
the railroad aimed to repudiate
Its obligation , nnd meant to wage
war for the patronage of the people
of Oakland. Its object was evidently to
prevent people In West and East Oakland
from taking the local train free and then
going down to the Davie ferry to San Fran
cisco. Its aim was dual to at once kill
tlio free ride system and to compel passen
gers to patron izo Its line through to San
Francisco or walk to the furry If inclined lo
take that route.
When tlio trains commenced to operate
three flagmen were put on guard.
The limited , however , had no respect -
spect for city ordinances or anything
6f the sort , keeping tlio speed
of its sixteen trains up to thirty miles per
hour. As a result , early in the day people
commenced to make mistakes by getting on
the wrong train and many a free rldor was
tnKcn from Broadway to the mole , only to
foot it back to West Oakland or pay the
comuany 10 cents.
liidienutlon TnkeB Form.
And so the trains tore through the streets.
There were miraculous escapes from death
and there wore broken bones and blood
spilled. Men regarded it as a
criminal outrage and indignation ran
high. Ono man remarked : "This thing
couldn't go on without somebody being hurt
and the company know it well enough. It's
an outrage to run cars through the city at
this ruto and it ought to bo stopped , "
One prophet remarked that it would take
very llttlo moro tyranny from the company
to make the people take up the Seventh
street track.
Shortly alter noon n citizens' committee
was sot to arranging lor a grand mass meet-
in : ; for the night , the posters announcing as
follows :
AT TI1K TAlllilNACI.K : ,
Corner Twelfth und Webster streets ,
AmcotliiK will behold t that time and place
to devise some means by which the people ot
Oakland anil vicinity may free themselves
from the embrace of the Ulant Octopus , the
Numerous Speakers ! Everybody Comol
Early in the day the following circular
was distributed broadcast :
Kosallo The People's Ferry. To the People
of Oakland mid Hun KrnncTsco : Now Is the
time to strlUo for your liberty. We do not ask
you to contribute ono dollar to the Duvlu ferry ,
save In the way of leBltlinnto patronage. We do
tiot-nsic you lo give us your moral support-Stand
by the people's ferry , an It Is plodded to stand
by you. It Is ovldeut from Its acts that tlio
Southern Pacific Intends to break down the
competing ferry borvlce , and It nsks the people -
plo who cros > < the buy to assist In the per
formance of the tusk. Under which banner
will you rally ?
The Southern I'nclflc collects for
ferry service per month 1120,000
For the Kanio service the Davlo ferry
would receive 48,000
Saving to the people per month $ 72,000
Saving to the people per day t 2,400
No compromise ) and no surrender.
The circular was read with a great deal
of interest by many people , and it had a
good effect , as the patronage of the Hosnllo
has since run 10 to I against tlio Alameda ,
the boat of the Southern Pacific , running in
Vice 1'rcBlilnnt Unco Mnkos n Hjirrch.
So serious has the contest become that
Vice President Stephen T. Gage wont out
and , on the corner of Seventh and Uroad-
way , harangued the crowd. Ho was alien-
lively listened to and no violence was
offered , but ho umdo llltlo Impression upon
the multitude.
The fact that those tactics on the part of
the railroad company came just at n titno
while the people of Oakland were opposing
the title of the Southern Paclllo to the
wutor front and encouraging opposition to
the company's claim , and the additional
Bcmis Omaha Bag Omaha Tent-Awning
Importer ) nnd matiufno-
turer * ot flour > acki , IIOltHK COVrvllS.
turlupj , tvrlno , IIlit Fnrnnra Hlruel.
Morse-Coe Shoe Company.
Saloirooui anJ Olllca-llOI-IIOl.llll Jlo.turl t
Fnctorr-lll'J-1121-im Howard 8t.
We are tlio OMI.V Msnufunuren of Ilooti ani
Blioosln thoitntaof .Neuraikt.
A general InrlUtlon li udaiidad to ull to Inipoct
M. B. Smitb & Co. Kilpatrlck-KocliDry
Drr fioodi , notloni. fur- Notion * , uouti' furnlih <
uliulDK gooJ . comer Inif vuuil4 , cor. Illh aud
Dili and Howard btt. Ilurnvr Htreuti.
Omalia Upholstering & lluuyaa
Uptiolitered turolture. ITJUNITUIIK COMPANY
HW-I104 Mcbulai el.
ud I81U Hires t
fact that the change of program vrlll
have K decldod Intiunnce in diverting
buKlnt'iu from some sections of the ally Ana
thus destroying property values , Rlvo colOK
to tno accusation that the proceeding ! nt4
the \vork of spite , to wreak vengeance on th
city of Oakland.
A formal protest againit the railroad' *
action was made by the I3ord of Trade. M.
, ] . Keller , president of that organisation , and
Director Nonlliamon called nt the conj
pany't ofllces , nnd for nn hour and a half nr-
gued with Messrs. Tiwno , Stubbs , Uftte.
Huiutngton , Wilder nnd Fuller. '
OrtkUnd Will ( let
The representatives of Oakland were
practically told that their city had boon
naughty and would be punished. In other
words , that revenge would bo taken upon It
for encouraging opposition and questioning
the water front rights , and it would bo dona
by depriving the stores In the main portion
of the city of all suburbia trafllc.
Director Nordhnusnr wns indignant at the
manner In which the city was treated.
At the mass mooting that evening n scrlc *
of resolutions were approved , condemning tno
course of Iho Southern 1'nclflc as nn attempt
to override nnd overawe the people and do *
prlvo them of tholr interest and Inherent
right to civil llborty.
A bill la also to bo passed h.v the city
council limiting the speed of trains to not
over olphl or tan miles nn hour within the city
limits nnd compelling every train to slot )
within 100 foot of ovcry street crossing on
which thcro Is n railroad , cither steam ,
cable or electric. The railroad will nlso ba
compelled to keep a flagman stationed at
ovcr.v street crossing on which there Is any
kind of n railroad running.
If thcso restrictions can ho enforced , nnd
they nro so reasonable there U no doubt , j
hut they will bo , the people nf Oakland will ' j
completely check the llttlo came of the P
Southern 1'nclllo , which will have learned on *
lesson In "punishing" n city. F.
H >
Attorney Modnush Puts Forth u No Yd Tie *
Acnlnit Taxing on I'.iirnlne Capnrltr.
INDIANAI'OMS , Allg. 17. E. W. Mo-
dtuigh , iittornoy for the Chicago t Grand
Trunk , in the hearing before the Hoard
of Tax Commissioners now going oa
lioro , ontcrod a most novel plea against
tlio present system of assessment.
If the constitution of Indiana was to
have force in tlio consideration by the
board , ho said , the plan followed was er
roneous. Railroads should not bo as
sessed "Uncording to tholr earning ca
pacity , but what it would cost to repro
duce them or whut they would bring if
sold on tlio mar Kot. To assess the earning
capacity meant to tax the brains to
which the railroads owe their success.
This is the method now being followed ,
and unless it wus applied to all cases of
industry it was leading to injustice.
The Grand Trunk puid its taxes instead \
of going to litigation , aa lias some of the - ' " > ,
other roads. The railroads are bur-
dcncd with u tendency on the part of
the public to have passenger and
freight rates cut down , and the rate of
taxation was to bo raited. This could
bo carried to a point , ho said , where
there was not room enough for the rail
roads to go on.
Ilo stated that the railroads were Buf
fering from tlio linancial stringency tlio
same as other concerns , lie mentioned
the roads that had lately become insol
vent and said other lines were sure to -
follow. The railroad ho represented belonged - '
longed to the Canadian Grand Trunk
and to others than the owners the stock
had no value. They thought that tlio
line had boon ovcrasscsscd. In assessing
the rolling stock under the Bystoin ,
adopted by the commission Mr. Mo1
datigh said that Indiana received bone *
fits to which the state was not entitled ,
Now York's Ilnuin ployed.
NEW Yoiuc , Aug. 17. Yesterday after
noon 1,000 unemployed cloakinakora ,
clothing cutlers and other workers pa
raded the streets. They secured a hall
and thcro adopted these resolutions :
Whereas , The monopolists of .New
York , London and Paris arc responsible
for the present misery and condition of
the working masses ; therefore bo it
Resolved , That wo ask every hungry
man , woman und child to assemble m a
mass meeting.
Resolved. That wo call upon every
hungry workingmttn not to pay iront
until present conditions are improved.
Holte U Hoard From.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Aug. 17. In nn cdl ?
toriul on tlio linancial situation the
Evening Journal , owned by Secretary
Smith , calls upon congress to pass a free *
coinage bill of gold and silver , putting
enough metal in the silver dollar to put
it on a parity with the gold dollar.
"Wo believe , " it says , "that Mr.
Cleveland and bis cabinet of democratic
leaders in the nenato and house squarely
favor thin plan. "
AB the Journal has equivocally en
dorsed the president message and has
not until now called for free coinage ot
both gold and silver its utterances are
regarded as significant.
Illlnou IV'vittB ' Hunk llrok * .
AuitoiiA , 111. , Aug. 17. The bank of
L. N. Hull ut Oswego , 111. , is closed. It
is said that thcro was not $100 in the es
tablishment. The losers are principally
farmorB round about Oswego , to whom
Hall was indebted to a considerable
N S W * *
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornaliai
OeitCattlo Ilo nnd Slioop mariet In th
Wood Brothers.
Mvo Steak Cotnmlsilon Moroliunti
So'ltli Oiuulia Telophonu Ilif.
JOHN I ) . I > AIHMAN , I . , - . , . . ,
„ „
WAivr&it K. WOOD , f
Marltelroporlsby mall and wlro cheerful
urnlshod upon application.
U IhiifactiB i Jobs Oratory