Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : THURSDAY , AUGUST 17 , 181)3. )
Omaha Police Elated at the ( hpturo of Dink
Wilson at Sjracuse ,
One of the i\Vor t Crnoki on the Con.
tlncnt Mr. unit Mrs. Wtirirll De-
flt\a \ that Martlnco AVn n Mill-
urc Minor I'olloo .Mutter * .
"Dink" Wilson , an old Omaha Crook ,
Is held In Syracuse for the murder of
Detective James Unrvcy In that city on
July 81. The gang of burglars , of which
' Dink1' ' Is tno head , has been working
through Now York state and mooting with
considerable opposition from the vigilant po
lice. One of the burglars was wounded at
Ovlu nnd another was killed In the light lit
Syracuse In which Dotectlvo Harvey lost his
life. "Dink" was captured at the tlmo and
It now being held for murder.
The gang has n local reputation. About
four years ago "Dink" and a pal wore
rvrrcsted atTopoka for having a sot of burg
lar tools In their possession. They hadidono
no Job In the place , but were flned $100 each
Tor having the weapons of their calling In
their possession. The.v sent a telegram to u
ulster of Wilson , who lived nt Twenty-eighth
nnd Cassius streets. Nettle Wilson went to
Topcka and paid the line of the men , and the
authorities of the Kansas capital acquainted
the Omaha police with the facts In the case.
The Information came the morning after a
butcher shop had been burglarized , evidently
by exports , and the safe blown. The police
went to the residence of the Wilson family
nnd arrested ' 'Dink" and a pal in bed. They
could not bo proven guilty of the burglary ,
however , nnd were discharged. Soon after
this the street car barns on Ames avcnuo
were burglarised and u largo amount of
money stolen from the safo. The Wilsons
were suspected of having done the Job and
several othars that wore turned about that
tlmo. but could not bo caught in any of them.
The close espionage of the police was ap
parently distasteful to the gang r.nd the
male members of the party loft Omaha.
This was in the summer of 1801 , and a few
days after the gang loft Omaha a train was
robbed at St. Louis and the express car
touched to the extent of about $150,000.
Two of the men were captured and sent to
the pen for II fn. It was pretty well estab
lished that "Dink" Wilson was the leader of
the robbers , but ho escaped and has evaded
police vigilance until caught In the nflair for
which ho is now In Jail In Syracuse.
Soon after the express car robbery In St.
Ix > uls the authorities hero wore notified tc
looli out for Wilson. Detect ivo Vuughn was
given the case and visited the house dis-
pulsed as a peddler of Jewelry. Ho was get
ting along linely and was in a fair way to
Jocato the gang. Ho had an engagement to
call again , but when ho loft thoiplaco he for
got his note book , which contained accurate
descriptions of the men who were wanted ,
The next time the detective called the house
was deserted. The Wilsons had moved tc
.Denver or Salt Lake or some city In the weal
nnd had not left any address for the Jewelry
Chief of Police Seavey was In a position tc
nld the Syracuse otllctals In their search foi
the Wilson outfit. Ho has been working ot
the case for some tlmo nnd hud Just locatc (
the other members of the family upon r
farm near Wllliamsport , Pa. , where Ncttii
Wilson and the mother of the boys are sup
posed to bo. It Is thought that the gant
bought this place from the proceeds ot tin
6t , Louis robbery and have been using tin
farm as n hiding place when not engaged ii
their robjilng expeditions.
It Is liouiiiifottv certain that the cxcellcn
service of "thofOmaha ohlol of police wil
result In the capture of the entire gang.
The local police are elated over the cap
turo. Wilson was a lather , by trade , but dii
not work nt hla calling very steadily. II
found , better profits In the burglary business
_ Reported MI | IIK : .
A relatfvlTbf J. C. Holt , who lives at 130
Ner'rfi Sovpntceuth street , reported to th
polled station at " o'clock ycstcrda ,
morning that ho was missing froi
liomo. Mr. Holt came down tow
early In the evening and his family though
ho had attended trio council mooting. He i
n man of regular and exemplary habits an
his relatives were much worried over his ui ;
explained absence , fearing that ho had me
with some accident or had been foully deal
I'olluo Court.
Only nine prisoners \voro up baforo Act
Ing Judge Smith in police court ycsterda
morning. They wore all In for minor offense
nnd wcro lot down easy. Frank Botko wa
the only person who received n sentcnc
worth mentioning. Ho drew n thirty da
ticket for vagrancy and the sentence wa
suspended to allow the poor man to get oi
of town.
Omnlm Till , 'lit Abroad.
Chief 'Seavey ' has received informatio
from Emporla , ICnn. , that n man giving hi
name as Charles Treadwell had boo
arrested there with fifty-one differor
burglar tools in his possession and it recoil
from an Omaha tailoring establishment fc
tl& . .
AH after-theater thought , a bottle of Cooic
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne and the
"sweet sloop. "
OMAHA , Aug. 1C. To the Editor of Tu
BEE : The tlmo has come when wo ni
called upon to do something for the larg
clans of people who are out of employment.
Wo hear of persons frequently who ha
never thought of asking help , now compcllc
to do it. Two families visited last wee
wcro found living together with nothing 1
the house to cat.
1 have been going to the court house th
many years for help for different person
but never before at this season of the yoi
have I seen ao many people applying f <
help nicely dressed children and rcspcc
nble looking people. Surely help will confer
for them before cold weather ,
C One poor , aged couple who have nnvi
asked help through this long , todtous life
Journey now ask for transportation to
distant point , where a daughter has proi
inea support it they can only reach her.
Another bravo little woman , not 20 yea
old , dcaorted by her husband , with two II
tlo children , nsks to bo sent to a sister wl
will take care of her.
Many children who should enter school
ft few weeks are without shoes or prop
clothing. Any ono having clothing f
women and children will bu conferring
favor If they \\I11 bond It to the Omaha Ul
mission , lia North Tenth street , or , if unat
to send U , drop a postal , with their addres
to Mrs , J , 11. Jnrdlnu and It will bo sent fc
Miis , J , B. JAUDINC.
Nervous headaches promptly cured by
Uromo-Seltzor trial bottle 10 cts.
C'uurt llouto Nolni ,
John O'Donohoo is suing Douglas coun
for 1 1,074.00 , representing that ho has pa
this sum to the county on his purchase
April , 1687 , of lot 0 , block , Douglas addltlo
to which the defendant failed to glvo hi
good and sufficient title.
Chrjitlan Tautkus asks judgment again
ttio city and Contractor Hugh Murphy
the sum of 10,000. to which extent ho dull
his property on Popploton avenue , betwe
Third nnd Fourth streets , has been duraug
by street grading operations ,
Dewey & Stone are the plaintiffs in a si
against U. A , Ackcunan to secure jut !
Hie nt on an acceptance uml a promUbOi
note amounting to fiilll.o : ! ,
Brownell & Co. tmvu illect u tult again
diaries H , Gulou , us n stockholder In t
Coliseum liullJInp association , for * 1,0
claimed to bo duo as a balance on account I
goods and materials furnished.
The firm of E. Ji Uruco & Co , , wholes :
druggists , lllud articles of Incorporatl
yestcrdav. U'ho authorized capital block
J2-SO,000 , of which { 160,000 Is paid up.
Walker ii Vincent , grocers nt Soi
OmuluV , Imp given three chattel mortpaj
on their stock , ono to the McConl-ltra
company for $500 , another to the 1'acki
National bank for f-50 and u third to All
Hros. for f377.04. The holders of the clal
Vud Ihu Jlriu'i doort closed yuttorday.
At tlin Morno lrj Oooit Co' .
Opportunity for pretty dresses
At pretty low prices on Thursday.
All wash goods must bo closed.
1 lot dnrk printed mulls nnd batistes
wore IGc a yard , closing price fie.
Novelty summer Roods , bilk striped
ginghams , were SOc , closing prlco Thurs
day 12jc.
Such ft pretty lot of sateens , light ,
dnrk , medium , 5to ) goods. Thursday for
lOc.IJnH wool challla , 20c goods , 8c Thurs
day.Small lot of "quarter" sateens , dark
and light , buy on Thursday at ISJc'a
1 case Indigo and fancy prints. 8c
goods , at Thursday's ' prices viz. tile a
1,000yards , pretty patterned ginghams ,
all this bcason's goods , worth ftom 12ic
to 2c ) a yard. Thursday's panic price is
iio a yard.
The weather is right.
The goods nro right.
T-ho prices uro right , and you'll bo
right 11 you avail of those goods at the
prices olTcrcd.
Put on display in Purnara street win
dow.Salo begins 8 o'clock sharp Thursday
Last day of our great linen sale.
Wush goods sale near 10th street en
Louvenmark dives tonight , Courtland.
Democrat * of Umiilm Hnro T.tunchod
Nnw .Immmllstlc Ventura ,
As announced In TUB BKB several weeks
ago , Omaha is to have n now democratic
newspaper. The following Is the prospectus
of the now sheet issued yesterday by the
Journal Publishing company :
This will bo a straight-out democratic news
paper of ulght pauus , columns ! lo the patjc ,
uml will foi'Rln publication on or about AtiKUit
17 , 1B03. Us course will resemble the arrow's ,
Initeml of the pendulum's. I'lirsutni ; a con
sistent policy , It will nlm to bo worthy of the
coiilldoncu of the party as the rollablo cham
pion of Its principles nni' candidates.
It will work for the unity and growth of the
party In the city and btuto. It believes that
while , like the American ancle , the party limy
naturally und properly have two wln s , thufr
every movement KliouUl bo directed to the
boiirltij ? upward nnd onward of the grand
political organism of which they lire a pirt. :
It will oppose tlio Intermixing of religion
with politics. In judging of cindldatcs for
public olllce It will apply the enlightened test
established by Tlionmh .lolTcrson. It purposes
to duvoto Its intention In a hpeclal iimnnur to
the promotion of honesty , ollloloncy and econ
omy In the mlmtnUtriitlou ot public alTalrs In
tlin city of Oiimlm and Douglas county , sub
jecting each act to Itsuronor mcasuro of ex
position and criticism , without fear or favor.
Piles of pcoplo nave piles , out Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve will cure tnein.
Nothing succeeds like success , and Rich
ards & Pringlo's Famous Georgia Minstrels
are a case in point. Their business has beer
on the Increase each season , and from the
excellent press notices they receive through'
out the country their success Is not difficult
to explain. In the first place , it Is an exccp
tionally original and strong company , In fact
the only recognized legitimate colored or
ganlzatiou on the road. U is headed bj
IMlly Kcrsands ; whose versatility has placet
him as the leading comedian of his race
Among other notables tire Tom Brown
James White , Hill in an and Vernon , Jamei
Moore , C. P. Alexander , W. Q Terry , tin
Great Gauze and the colcDratcd Crescen
City quartet , of last year's "Alabama. " Tin
company will appear at the Farnam Strco
theater four days , commencing with a mull
uco Sunday , August 20 , also a special mat !
iieo Tuesday1 , instead of Wednesday.
Story of tliu llruckinrKlgo Scnnclal ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 10. A Washingtoi
correspondent , telegraphing his papo
regarding the Brockinridge-Pollun
episode , tells this story : Miss Pollan
when quite a young lady was bent t
college oy an elderly admirer upon con
dition that when her education wa
completed she would marry him
She met Brcckinridgo and he
generous lover was discardei
without explanation. Recently who :
driven frantic by the marriage of Mi
Brcckinridgo to"another woman nnd i
her desolation Miss Pollard confided th
truth to her old lover. Ho possesse
ample moans , and ho promptly agree
to supply her with the money necesbur
to secure nor complete revenge. II
said ho wanted to kill Breckmridg
socially and politically , to condemn hir
to u life of ostracism , to innko him a
outcast , shunned by the people who ha
so long honored him. The old admire
sustains and supports the woman li
fancied in her girlhood and is willing t
make her his wife when ho shall Imv
driven Brcckinridgo to utter retire
Ilemiirlmblo Ponmuii Cuio.
noiiTON , Kan. , Aug. 10. Unite
States Pension Examiner R. J. Austi
has just finished the investigation of on
of the most remarkable cases the pensio
department lias had to do with.Vi
Ham R. Wilson of this city applied for
pension a year ago because of a woun
in the loft knee received at the battle c
Thompson's station while ho was a men
bor of nn Illinois regiment , The d (
partmont found on investigation tut
another William 11. Wilson of Ruli
Neb. , was drawing a pension for
similar injury and for service in tli
sarao company and rogimont. Examine
Austin has satiblled himself that tli
Kaiibas IIIUU'H claim is all right. Tl
men are distantly related.
Ymine Lawyer Jul > UIIIHH Illmtnl'a Hurt !
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. Mr. Frci
erick W. Job , n young lawyer of Gh
cago. is hero to look after his candldat
for the unusually important diplomat
position of minibtor to Hawaii , to BU
ceed Mr. Blount. Mr. Job comes hoi
with long letters to high administrutic
officers. It is undet-btood that ho wi
have the support of Senator Palme
There is considerable doubt cxnrcsboi
however , by thobo familiar with tl
delicate ana important questions no
pending boiwccm this country ai :
Hawaii as to the likelihood of M
Cleveland bolcctlng a young and ine
porionced man as minister. The DOS
tlon olTorod is one of the third clus
paying $7,500 , annually ,
Vlrululii Purnieri Allmm-o oil Silver.
RICHMOND , Va. , Aug. 10. The VI
ginlu farmers alliance mot hero yosto
day and adopted resolutions urging Vi
ginlu's representatives in congress
prevent the repeal of the Sherman bl
except upon the condition of free at :
unlimited coinage of silver at the rat
of 10 to 1 ,
INSTRUMENTS placed on record August I
1803 ;
I'aiil Kurtz nnd wife to J J Muly.Tot
U , block 16 , Ibt add to South Omaha t B
John Huburt and wife lo Mike Solgor
etui , n li lot 11 , block U.muuu . 2
0 Kbliermaii and uifo to Alfri'd Mll-
Inrd , trustee , lot 'JO , block 1 , Ucdlck
nurk . , . , .
J W Doiinull and wlfo to L S Hlgclns ,
n 1'20 foot of n 252 feet lot 1 , Cfioll-
add to II yrto iJurk ' '
U 11 uVilllth ioOH CoinutohV o'Vii'nw
4-14-10 and w M. no 4-14-10 -1,0
\Y II Me qulro to Aunust und Herman
Ivouutze , uudv | H u ( u iiuf w ti lot
BO , llartwuii's udti 6
U \V 1'atrlck to U S Uoilur > i , lots 1 to
an 8. block OH. lot 22 , block 1V4 ! , lot B ,
n block rJ3bundou I'laue. . . . . ,
Total atnouut of traunfori . . , I
Our Great Sacrifice is Reaping Its Reward
Wo Are Doubling Oar Business.
Anil rirnilnp Our Cuilomrm in I'.vcry I'nr *
tlviiinr 1OOO Yiirtli of 1'lno : i5o C'um-
brla Uinb.-oldrrlcR Oo To-
tiny at 7o 1'or Yuril.
GOO yards of Imported ami domestic
ma vuluo IGo to 30c , GOO yards of
20o sattcona , 1H)0 , ( ) yards of novelty wash
goods worth 20o will bo sold In teii-.vard
lengths to a customer today nt Gel
l > ur yard or GOc per pattern.
400 yafilH 2 , " > c figured honrietta cloth.
This is a splendid cloth for house wrap
pers ; at lUlo per yard It Is a wonderful
bargain ,
374C VESTS , 12JC.
The entire balance ofour ladies' 37ic
ribbed vests , 3 to a customer , today
at 12jo each.
1,000 pairs of ladles' fanny and plain
colored lisle stockings , worthToc , GOo
and 75c per pair , today in half-dozen
lots at IGo per pair. Those great reduc-
'tions are made In.order to put our stock
down. You cannot possibly aupllcato
these prices.
All the baluuco of our ladles' SI.00
combination suits 2 to a customer
today 335e each.
( Blankots'at loss then cost. )
Today we start thorn.
$2.00 , 2.50 AND i&.OO WAISTS , 9SC.
All our French crepe 83.00 waists go nt
> 8e.
All our $3.00 embroidered lawn waists
go at OSc.
All our $2.75 nainsook waists go ai
> Sc.
All our 81.85 linen lawn waists go al
Making all these waists OSc each sim
plifies the sale. The loss is great bul
ho stock must como down.
All our ladies'G.OO duck suits 83.00.
( Blankets at less than cost. )
54-inch all wool sacking cloth in tin
now fall shades , 50-inch all wool Froneli
serge , 40-inch all wool bengalino , wort !
from $1.00 to $1.50 , all go today a
Glc per yard.
Black -Bilk warp honriottas " , doubli
English - whip corps' , " „ , ladies , cloths
French serges , Bangkok twinscto. , , , etc.
bought to sellat , $1.00 and $1.50 , all g <
today at 79c per yard. No limit.
500 romnanW of laces , all .kinds , black
and .creams , go today at half price
WRAPPERS , $1.05.
Wo have about 50 libuso wrappers ii
odd sizes made of imported sateens , pot
calos , bengalines , cords , etc. , etc. , tha
have been selling at from $3.00 to $3.7
each. The sizes are broken and wo wil
sell them today at $1.05 each.
All our capes and jackets worth up t
" X
$7.50 go at $2.78.
All our jackets worth up to $10.00 g
at S-1.05.
All our jackets and capes worth up t
$13.50 go at $7.45.
Our entire stock of jackets , capes an
wraps today at less than cost.
( Blankets at less than cost. )
Everything going at cost or under.
Now is your lime to buy ; you cannc
miss a bargain.
Balloon tonight Courtland beach ,
County Clerk tiaclcctt DIgcnvnrs u Way fc
( Idttlne n Iliiniltiiiua Ilobnte.
It is reported that the county dork hi
discovered a way by which ho can save r
least $160,000 , to the taxpayers of Dougl :
For years the levy for state purposes h :
Dcen made and the money turned over to tt
state treasurer when collected. No accoui
hns been tnkeii of thutnxcs , thnt hnvo.bei
refunded In particular * cases annually f <
ono reason or another. Every case of r
fund of courbc reduced the total proceeds i
the lory , and Douglas county has had '
stand the loss , owing to ignorance or cai
lessncss of former otlluials ,
It is now contended by Mr. Saukett tin
the state must pay buck to this county tl
former's proper proportion of taxes legal
refunded to property owners. Tlio sum ,
is suld , will aggregate something 111
tl50KX ( ) .
Tonight Courtland beach has tl
greatest attractions of the season ,
liulldliic I'ormlti.
The following permits to build wore Issui
yesterday ;
Cora Ij. Druco , 131 North Thlrty-flrst
uvonun , dwelling 9 6,0
Motz & llros. , Hlxth and Lcuvonwortb ,
nltorulloii , . , . . 6
Ouu minor permit
Thrco permits , aggrogntlni ; t 5u ,
Uicd with tirnnt HittUnictlon.
i , HII.L , ferson Co. , N. C. Wo ha'
used Chamberlain's colic , cholera and din
rhoja rumody with great satisfaction. It h
proven a good mediciuu tin every caso.
W. Clayton & Co.
sm-.mrF'S , , i ; , CKOCICKKY.
The Kn'tlrr Stnclo nt Crockery , OlnmwarB
nnd lmnp Appr ned nt 10OOO Will
He on Snln Arftiiilnf , AiifC. 31it.
On nnxt Montlay , Aug. 2lst , Boston
Store will plncop on palo In tholr base
ment nn ontlrai Now York stock of
crockery , glassware , lamps and such
goods usually a first class crock-
cry and qunonawnue store , all lately sold
at public auctlomby the shorlfT.
These goods ncc-now being unpacked
and arranged fop sale , and this being
the first bankrupt.tealo of crockery over
held in Omaha , people may expect some
startling prices.
Wait for the day ; remember now ,
Monday , August 21st.
N. W-Cor. 10th and Douglas.
1 Ctno ot I.ndlcft' runt lllnck llosn Our
iltonulnr 4On ( Junllty nn Snlo i\t SBc.
1 lot of ladies' fancy cotton hose
worth GOo per pair reduced to 15c.
Boys' outing 11 ttnnol shirts worth 35c
reduced to IGc.
100 doz. of Now York mills unlaun-
dorcd shirts ' 3-ply Hnou bosom , double
back and front only GOc each worth 7Gc.
1 lot of ironts' night gowns , worth
$2.00 , $2.00 und $3.00 , to bo closed out at
Gouts' seamless 1 hose only 9o per
pair , reduced from 15c.
Gents' ' British i hose only 12c per
pair , reduced .from 2oc.
Gents' extra super line British i hose
only 17c per pair , reduced from 3 , > c.
Boys' shirt waists only lOc , worth 35c.
Wo are closing out all our navy blue
umbrellas at less than cost.
Balloon tonight Courtland beach.
Omitlirt'g Ilomocratlc Paper ,
Tlio Omaha Weekly Journal , appears
this afternoon , Aug. 17. Loading arti
cles are : "Tho A. P. A. , " "Tho Presi
dent's Position,1' ' "Tho Question of
Ratio , " "Public Work for the Unem
ployed. " Five cents a copy. Newsboys
wanted , at 525 Paxton block.
AHnlra of the Suspended Amorloun Nntlonnl
Hank Ilelnc Adjuitod.
Mr. John L. McCaguo was asked yester
day for a statement as to the prooa-
bility of the American National resuming
business in the near future , along the
line outlined in the morning dispatches
from Washington. Ho declined to say
anything for publication at this time ,
but ho was evidently in a very happy frame
of mind , and finally admitted that tha state
ment of Comptroller Eckels gave the situa
tion just as it was , That was the oxtcut of
what ho could bo' Induced to say , beyond
vouchsafing the information that it would
bo a bolter time toitttlk in a few days than
nt the present timo.
From a talk with. National Dank Examiner
Grifllths , who still has charge of the bank ,
the Impression was received that it was
almost a dead openiand shut that the bank
would resume. Ho that matters
were progressing most favorably , but
when asked snuarely whether or not
the bank would open , ho said that
ho did not want to make a definite
statement until the arrangements were posi
tively made. From other sources it was
learned that the collections hau boon re
markably urood , and that a very larce sum
of money.has already boon turned Into the
bank. The comptroller extended the time
giventhe''bauk to pull itself ctOKOtho.r. from
August 15 to August 20 aud it
is Vorjie certain that affairs are
progressing so encournslngly that.ln case the
additional' 11 vo days is not sufficient oven
more tlmo will bo allowedj It Is very prob
able , howoyor , that' the arrangements will
bo completed within the next three or four
days , as an eastern capitalist' is on way
here , who is expected to make the deciding
move. Dut for illness in his family ,
which caused him to turn back' ' after a pre
vious start , ' the matter would , undoubtedly
have boeti settled before this. . The indica
tions point to ono or two new oflicers under
the new order of affairs , which will bo duo ,
however , to the new capital brought into tliu
bauk , and not to nuv mismanagement or in
judicious actiou on the part of the old of
t * . ff
iir > rl8 Heine Alndo to ( live the Qarmnii
Mnrliamen a Itoyiil Iteceiitlnn.
Only by extraordinary efforts did the
Omaha delegation to the last biennial na
tional Schuot7onfest at St. Louis succeed In
getting this year's tournament for the Gate
At that time St. Louis citizens , almosl
without exception , contributed to make the
affair what it was a grand success whicl :
will long bo remembered by the residents ol
that southern city and sharpshooters every
From present indications Omaha will sur
pass all former receptions to the visitors
but much is yet to bo accomplished. Tin
time is very short only five more days Inter
vcning between this and the day of the com
mencumunt of the Schuotzonfest , at whicl :
an attendance of fully 700 crack rillo shots
is expected.
The Omaha Schuetzonvoroin and espo
chilly the members of the several commit
tees have worked indefatigably , meotitif
daily to make thu arrangements as pcrfcci
as possible , so that thu visitors might carri
away as good au impression of this city a :
they did of St. Louis two years ago. To u <
all this some expenses necessarily had to b (
incurred. Ilusinoss men and others wen
asked tor assistance. So far quite a numbei
have responded and furnished means for tin
proper entertainment of the guests , win
will reach Omaha on the 21st and remain fo :
seven days.
The shooting will bo at Schuotzonparl
( Rusor's ) . 1'rizo * aggregating fr..OOU ti
$7,000 will bo awarded to individuals am
teams according to the program as publishci
in THE HUE several weeks ago.
Indian soldiers from the fort are also expected
pected to enter the competition. Fron
many or the business men of the city assui
auces have been received that their place
will bo properly dec-orated on this occasion
Special rates have been granted by th
railroads conterlngihero.
funeral ofiAhrnhnm I'rlnec.
Funeral services' over the remains o
Abraham Prlncowcro held nt 2000 Callfoi
nla street yesterday afternoon , Uov. Di
Franklin of the Jewish tabernacle couductc
the impressive ceremonies ,
The large attendance of the friends an
relatives of tlio deceased clearly Indicate
the catuom iu which bo was held iu thl
community ,
There was a large number of floral trit
After a fiftecn-ralmito sermon by the mil
istor the coQIn was borne to the hcarso. Th
pall i bearers consisted of S. ICatz , C. Hliuu
O. Drandcls , U. Noivmuu , Dr. Uorglum an
S. Gootz.
In the funeral cortege that accompanlc
the remains to Pleasant Hill cemetery wet
many of the oldest aud most prominent clt
zens of Omaha.
6 ,
87 25 PRICE'S
10 The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
10Hi Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie'Standard ,
SAM : OP sitoi.s.
lloalnn Striro OfTflM Trrmeiitlon * Itnrcnlnii
In Shoe * for the Nott Flvo liny * .
Wo have about 800 pairs of all kinds
of shoes In men'sladles' and children's
shoes and slippers , that wo will close
out ot half price or loss , during the next
five days.
Thls'ls done to clean up our stock and
close , out all the odds and ends and
broken lots.
Bo sure to examine those hoforo at
tempting to purchase clsewhoro , as It
will save you big money.
Some of these shoes sold as high as
$0.00 to $8.00 a pair. Half prlco or loss ,
is the prlco now , to close thorn out.
Solo ngonts for Burl's shoes.
N. W. Cor. UHh and
I.nwcit Chicago Itntna Vln the Northwestern
Chicago rates greatly reduced on both
ono way and found tt ip tickets via the
Chicago & Northwestern railway. These
tickets nro first class In every particu
lar. Extra accommodations for World's
fair travel via this lino. City ticket
o 111 co 1-101 Farnam street.
Omaha to Manawa , round trip 30
cents. Take the bridge Hue.
Acouvonlont nnd pleasant place to ob
tain luncheon. BaUlulT. 1520 Farnam.
ol Time.
On Sunday , August la , the Burlington
route changes time. For full information
see tlmo table column in this paper.
The Burlington lloute Chance * Tlmo.
On Sunday , August 13 , the now train
schedule wont into clTect. Trains now
leave for :
Denver at 10:15 : a. m. and 4:50 : p. in.
Chicago at 11:35 : a. in. , 4:20 : p. m. and
7:17 : p. m.
Hot Springs and Dead wood at 10:15 a.m.
St. Joseph , Kansas City and St. Louis
at 0:45 : a. m. and 10:15 : p. in.
Lincoln at 8:15 : a. m. , 10:15 : a. m. , 4:50 :
p. m. and 0:50 : p. m.
City ticket ollleo , 1324 Farnara street ,
W. F. Vuill , agent.
To IlniiHton , Texas , mill Itaturn.
On next Tuesday , August 22 , low rates
for rountl trip to Houston or Galvcston ,
Texas , will bo given by the undersigned.
Address R. C. Patterson , Omaha , Nob.
lllooilcil Stork Iturned.
.Tonn D. Creightou's stable and three of his
line trotters near Donorail , Ky. , was do-
stroycd by lire Monday afternoon. There
were a largo number of horses In the stable
at the time , but most of them were saved.
The lire originated from a cigar stub , which
sot lire to the hay. Among the horses killed
are a bay yearling filly by Jay Bird , dam by
Entiold , nnd a B-ycar-old filly by Chltwood ,
dam by Enlleld. The Inlurod youngster is a
2-year-old by Lord Husscll , dam. Florence D ,
2:12 : } . by Jay Gould. Among these to os-
; -apo the llames wcro the noted trotter and
sire , .Tunemont , 2M , by Trcmoiu , also John
Turner , and a number of colts and fllllos.
My doctor snya It new gently on the stomach ,
liver and kidneys , nnd 1 * a plennant laxative. Tula
drink Is made from herbs , und Is prepared for use
u easily as tea. Itlscalleil
. If you
cannot get It. eerid your niMre.ii forafrcn BumplP ,
I.ane'v I'amllr Medicine JHCIVIM Ihc ti < mel
cnrhflur , lr r"4'- ' " " 'vMspry
AM )
TVo euro Catarrh , All Disoao > of fi :
Noso.Thront , Clio it , Stomach , llowol
anil Llvor. Rhoumntlvni , Dyspojinia
Ulood. Skin nud iCiduoy Ii
FciualoVoalmosso , liost MauUaj.
CUKED , nil I all forino of
J AND VAUICOOBtiH itermnnoiill :
and mtcccBHfully cured. Method uu\vuicliin.ilHiu
i'.M INT nv MVII < > ii
PILKS , FISTULA. PISSUIIK , pornianontly eurjl
wlthoul thu UBU of Kiilfo , llt'.ituro or caimtk * .
All maUUlef ) of a prirata or Uullcatu iut irj , ol
cither bux , positively etiruJ
Cull en or aililruu's , with btiiup. for Circular )
Freu Jlook , Heclpeu and Symptuni lllanlia ,
Dr. Searla ? &
Higli Cla i Photography ,
At Popular I'rlcot
31U-U15-317 , S. 15th Straat *
The Mercer.
Omaha's NewestHota ! .
Cor. 13th and llotrartliitrcoU
40r < mtna fi.51 per day.
.40 rooms * 100 per duy.
aO rooms with bath at $3 per dar.
80 rooms with bath at tlM per day.
MuUcru iu Kvcry Keipoct.
Auirly X'uruUlicd Tlirouelioat
C.S. ERB , Prop.
The monetary question must bo settled at once. "So says
the" Chief Executive in his document to Congress. The
speediest way of settling such a question in our opinion would
be to satisfy every creed. According to silverttcs the white
metal is the pqpr man's money ; if so let him have his share
and retire. The worshiper of goltl who claims a silver dollar
worth but 580 is entitled to a privilege of paying iSoc for every
dollar he spends , if he is honestly inclined. If the treasury of
our prosperous country has too much silver within its vaults ,
according to the ideas of some , let them dump it in the Chesa
peake Bay. If anyone in our vicinity has too much silver
fetch it for "Safe Investment" to Nebraska Clothing Co.
The way we define the silver question , 412 grains of
silver , 9-10 pure , moulded in shape of a dollar , will buy $1.50
worth oi goods this entire week.
At this ratio you can buy anything about the house. 'Tig
an "Odd and End" sale of Spring and Summer stock , and all
goods in every department are "in it. "
Besides a lightweight suit , stacks of cool furnishings
and apparel you need right now , you will find medium weight
clothing , furnishings for the fall and winter , light and heavy
weight shoes , and hats that are "just out. " All included one
dollar buys one and a half dollars worth ;
Quite a sacrifice , ain't it ? Can't help it. To carry goods
to next season , is entirely against our principle. Besides , we
are crowded. Every inch of space on each of our four floors
is crowded already and three car loads of Fall and Winter
ware to hear from.
Speaking of Fall and Winter goods , we can't help mention-
ng. So far we unpacked the loveliest lines that human skill
jroduced. Repeating the language of our buyer , The finest in
he market , cheaper than "Free Trade" prices , low enough fore
: o create a sensation.
Our semi-annual catalogue (1893-4) ( ) now ready. If you
lave failed to receive one send your address. We'll do
he rest.
Told In a superb series of living Illustrations , Is u Dart of the pruxnunmo tills your of the
They unite. In nn ensemb'o ' of overwhelming grandeur ,
W * * '
MIPl T/-
/ m / - >
And the most MnRiilflccnt Kntortiilniiinntor nil time , tlioSOBXf.H AND IIATTIjES Olf
All Klvun bcno.ith tlio viibt water-proof pavilion of
Amorlcn's O.clost , Lnr oR , Best and Lending Exhibition.
Cnpitnl Invostocl , S3.00OOOO.
Slxtv ciira for tr.insportiillon ; 4UJ liorsc < ; herds ( if oloiilmutu and cuimilm 200 wild bouBU In thl
MoiitiHurlii and mmr y
L'lr-ost ' number uml liost of jiorforumr-i ovnr soen-lu tlm Oiruus , Including the World-
Fuiiimisbl VKN ( JKUOMR IJHOri , All C.irtli'n ( ! | | iuiiloii ] Acnilm . .
TlIK WII/lV / WAItltlOIl UUirfAOlCd 01' ' ' I'll 15 U/.AH-Moil uring , rooUloas , skillful rough
rldnis nnd iluhtcrs nmonir men Ki-on for llio llm time In America.
BIXTV-KIVU iHAINKI ) WILD IIUAbTdNolhlim Ilko them ovur iuon bofuro. They mukti
nravlmiH uxlillntlons or trnlnnd iiiiliniils iiiivir | | : lo lie the vorluil uhllil'H play.
. tlmo , nud all tht
llio first
IN THE Hll'l'OIWOMK many Innovation. Uucus soon for
SlalA1iSmnTeii0n\VlhB \ | of supor-tULulleiiOB. . frot.i . nil tliu moil fruitful Uoldi ol
the m Iver jJ i well oalluU Iho l--.Ol'MI'd I'At'UIUTlU IM.BAblWU and I'ASTIMU.
KemurlriK Aoron of Suenury ; Tlioim-uidM of Horrent CJontumo nil tliu Arms. I'linphprnnlia iina
Acumitroiiiunlbof War and for tliu Portrayal of llmU iiir.ictursUiipriJaoiiio I. tlin luntlrobtronitUi
of lliu Slmw's Comli my. nuurly I.WiO Mun , Womnn niid IMilldreu , lo pnijierly. . . ruitlutically . repro-
. , tha Diiluvrurui
' .
Sucothn losoflJii.iUnrlUll.t'oiio.iidiitidMonM.oullii . WiikliliiKtniiCroislu :
I'ttiil KovoroS a HIiUi : tliu HurrunUorof Cornwulllsi thd Tunrliiit Umvi /ic > ( the Btiiuin ( [ J ( ieortfci thl
III : WnsliliiL'ton's Inau.'iirii tlou mid oilier * of t hit pent uvuiiu in tliojitllniil utrugglo of out
vklorouh forefatliori , for tlio tliu _ liberty thut In ourx in enjoy _ _ _
Whoso Child Should Not Learn JChjg _ OlorTouVjLeBBgii So Uoljphtftdlyjroldl
- NO'j'Art < 1JfcltT < SiuTiFratnl"orTIiriforiiicr. "Tliu llultlonro l ' [ Jll" | ! 1J11i".eA } ! ' . > , la'iIin ! " 0lf * :
lcg fYiivti1o _ oiTueU. booiiilii oLyjiiiiimi.jitc ic ilJiyJ iiuH y i
Takci place at w a. in- dully , unfoldin i * lol'ubllo Vh , w , . free asulrtoovorybody.aUtliodttzillnj. Uinul
in"jny | ( JM „ ( l .mnptnouK profe
rcsoiirceii nf llm Mmislor Lxpotltlon. _
Children. Under Nine Yqara 25 Cents.
ri'CitiunT Dally. ' Doom open a'J uiia7 I' . M I'grfoViiruin-ini bo ln
Two ri >
of thu ptiblle. who iluiilre to avoid tlie n > wd oil the KrounJ. -V
For the acBoi mndutlon uoBOCuroUntenow. luin'l ft Co , ' drug Horo. 15tli an I Karnain meou , at the -
ISSulttr prlw on thu day o" * bllJUlou only , admiiflou UoUuU at the usuU ; .lluht advance.
314 South. 15th Street. Omaha , Nob.
mercury UB d. Hew trealmeat ( or ! o . ol rltol power. PurUoi uiiaon 10 ii m m 7 DO i rciMw ai not
by oorritpondwico. M 41oluei or luilruir.tnu ont t > r ro or "We * * Jf rolp ck ai no mjrkiu L _
dloiU oooi nu or eriasr , Ono yer on l Solerrlvr j > re ( rr 4. Con u.Uloo ! UMN Corre > pQo4u > a |
itrlcllprlriUi Utfolt CMritcrlft * ot UI ; an Ir * . OflMo H ur , a. ! * . , ( 9 p. w. Bundaj'fr , 19 i
IS ! m. i > < sa4 itliup for ilrfluUi )
s.- * " " ' "
- * *