THE OMAHA DAILV BEE : iftUHSDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1803. ' 7 SPEGlflL NOTICES. AIJVKHTISKMENT9 VOll T11F.SP. COLUMNS will 1 * Inkcn until 12.3O p. in. for tlif rvculnf nml unlll H .80 p. in. for tlio inomlnjr ami SunOnr ctllUonn. A < 1rprtl or , by rrqwMlnir ft nnmtxrwl chock , rnn linvnllielrnnHwcranildroNw l to n numlx-roi JcjlcrlnairoofTiir Dre. Anuwcoi no nadrrasod yllllmdellrrrrd upon prcHcntntlon of thn check. 81TUATION8 WANTED. llaten 1 He n wnnl flrnt Insertion. Ion word thcro- nflcr. Nothing taken for lens limn uic. ! ' ? ' liY fJOMI'ETBNT A-I'6siTIN \\'ANTKD Menogrnpher and ljrM-wrlllnt. | Two vrnrn" fx IHjrlcncu. llest of rufi-rences. Address N (1.1 , H'-e. Ml 70 17 * A-SITUATION WANTF.11 IIY YOU.VO MAN , twokkfpprornsBlstiUitj referenced liinil httl. Address O 1. llco. 17S 17- WANTED-MALE HELP. Tlntes IKc n wonl nrst Insertion , Ic a wordlhcro- fter. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. BGENTLEMAN O GOOD CHARACTER TO represent our imsuienn.lusuranco men pref crrf-d ! M71leobnlMlng. U SALAHV OR COMMISSION TO AflKNTS TO JJ handle the Pnlont Chemical Ink Erannr Pencil. The mimt iiMi-tul nnd novnl InvtMitltm of thoneo. KiHR-n Ink Ihnronehly In two Hivonds. Works llko mnrlc. 20010 f.oo in-iTent protlt. AgmtR making Sf.OH'r | week.V'o nlno want n general airt-nt to tnkerhnrco of territory and appoint mil ) agentn. A rum ehnnco to makn monrv. Write for trrnis nnd n Hix'clmmi of craslinr. Monrou Enmlng Mfg. Co. , X : iO , I.i CrosRo. Win. 6HIS 1J-1F YOU AVANT A OOOD PAYINfJ JO11 WRITE JJtho Hnwkn Nurnory Co. , Mllwaukm , Win. Tl -IF YOU WANT A OOOD PAYING JOIIWUITK JJ Iho llnultn Nnrnory Co. , Milwaukee , Wln. _ 11' -DO YOU WANT TO I1ECOMK A FRST CLASS -1' HHh-Hinaii with a chancn of beromlng a collec tor nnd work for Iho Singer Mfg. Co. If no apply nt Sln'ger onicn IfilH Douglas. 101 Slil _ r > - WANTED. IIY PACKING 1IOUSK.1N SOUTH J 'Omaha , n few ofllco IXJVH between ages of 14 nnd 10 ; inimt fnniish ( rood references. Aildres N (15 ( , lli-o. M172 17 * _ ll-WANTKD. A IIRICK MASON ; ONK THAT J3can build bake ovena. Call 110 1 N. U-lth Blreet. TI-WANTBB , ADDRESSES OF ENERGETIC JJinen nnd women wanting i nnancnt work. * : ) n week KU.lrantecd ; oxiicrlpnco tmnocessary. Gooiln monopoly : pay nnro ; Bj-Bli-m perfect. Ofllco nnd dnllvcnr team fimilBhed. Ternm frcci. Ad- dreHB K 111) , Dox JIJI03 , llostoii , MHHH. M210 17 * TJ -WANTKU. YOUNO MAN TO TAKE P A KT J J inn play. AddR-BsO-l , lleo. M211 IB * WANTED 1IE1.P. a wonl llrntlnHcrtlon , 1 o a word thero- nfler. Nothing taken for less than 2fic. _ 7S-LADIES OF GOOD ADDRESS TO INTRODUCE IjotirlmBlnpsR among friends. $715.00 to $10O.f)0 ) Mlnty to right parlies ; 417 lieo building. fiH 1 n-WANTED. LADIF.S AND GENTLEMEN. WE V/wlIl pay you ifn.oo to $12.l ( ( ) per week to do Btrlctly homo work for na at your hotnen ; no can- v.-mnliig. Send Bi'H-ndcn < HBitl envelope to O. F. Emuionn .Vt'o. . Uattorymarch and Water slreetn , lloston , Ma B. Ml OOP 17' -WANTED AT ONCE , GIRL AT 171-1 DOUO- lan street. _ 1H 111' _ fl WANTED , A OOOD O1IIL FOU OKNEKAL \-/hotmowork ; German preferred. Apply 4311 S. g4th tureot. MlOl 17' -OIIIL FOIl OENEUAL HOUSEWOHK IN mnall family. 2170 Kiniiielt Mtreet. M187 18' /1 WANTED. AT ONCK. OOOD NUltSE OlllL , V aennan preferred. 010 South 28th street. - , GOOD GIRL , GOOD COOK. 11)24 C-WANTED Mali ! 1 * NVANTEI ) , STEADY , THOROUGHLY COM- petenl American or German ulrl to cook and do BCiieral housework. 2110 Douglas. 11215 17 * I'OR RENT HOUSES. B , incn line each Insertion. $ l.flO n line per month i , Nolhlnir taken for less than 25e. TV-Foil KENT. HOUSES IN ALL PAHTS OP JthocitjThoO. . F. Davis company , 1003 Far- iiam. C87 -i : AND-t-KOOM APAUTMENTS. VON DOUN block , with Hteam ; references required ; Hit ! 8i-'il. ! r.SS rv-FOIl HUNT. 7-llOOM MODEUN FLAT , . -lyLaneo block , ( iOI ) S. iUlint. ; ! K15 FOIl HUNT , 10-room lioiino , all moilorn 1m- B provi-jneTlTSTHHSPOiilli lllth struct. Inquli-n Bfitl Chicago. yP M"IM -pwl Foil KENT NINE-ROOM HOUSE , ALL SJmo&em convi-nli'iiceH : barn ; e-liiffiuit lawn : flup Hlmilo. No. 21(1 ( 8. .list live : M. J. Konimrii , 1107-H N. Y. Llfo Ilulldliur. M ( ) ! ) ' . ' n-nooM cb'f-fAGT ' : , ronERN. CHOICE. IN D Staiifonl-Ofrclo. C. E. ElBittttcr. 201 llco bldir. 752 IXS-KOOM HOUSE , MODERN , NEAH nost- ' .l-'ni'SB , rent moilerato. Apply -01 lit-o bulUllnf. 7Sl : FOU ItKNT. NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE , $12.00. Inqulro room 310 , Now York Llfo building. M"Ui : n-FOll KENT , TWO 7-llOOM HOUSES IN -l-'Omaha View , only Wl.OO per month. 717 N , Y. Life. 71)7 ) KENT. SEVEN-KOOM HOUSE , NKAIt 'motor , barn , lialh. l.'irco lawn , trecH. cheap. 8t-o OWJHT. W. M. Wi'lch , HOI Paxton block. D50 Ti-FOll KENT , 7-I100M HOtlSE , LAUGH 4/baniclly water , unlh and c-lstern ; n-asoimble lOrlirhtiKirty. Call at ( J. F. ElHitHNcr , N. E. cornet ijtluuid Faiiutm. .Hill TVHETATCHK1) , MODERN 10-UOOM HOUSE ; a-'iiii bnKcmintTi''l ; California. Information call at IH''ll Farnain. JIl''l 10 * IV roil IlENT. FLivir 7-llOOM , COUNEK JJwlth railed. 701 S. Kith Hired. CharlcH W Hitllur , No. fil 1 1'axton block. 180-H14 * T\-FOK IlENT , NICETTllOOM HOUSE NEA11 .IJllnnwom park , HlekHlleal Estatauiri-iK-y , : ilI ) New Vork Llfo bnllilliiK Ml IK ) 20 V FOU " "HENT" TWO s-uooii COTTAOKS 'Owen UcCalTrey , 111 South lllth Ht. 20(1 ( 18" I \-FOU KENT , fi-U001I COTTAGE /liaporoil nn South 17Ui , near JackBon. Iniinln ( ) li North 1-ltli. I'.IH 21 * -U-UOOMMODEUN HOUSE WITHIN 6 JIIN D ules walk of 1 * . O Imtnlru 11)11) ) Uoilco. 1D7 TOR RENT FtTHNISHED ROOMt3 , Rnten.lKc a wonl llrnt Inserllon , Ic n wonl Ihero Iifler. Nothing taken for less than 2f o. 1 ? FUUN1SIIRD UOOM WITH ALCOVE FOIl J JL-enileiiien.liiodurn vouveiilunouH , 1120 North 2 : ) < l M 7ilO 1-FUUN1S1IUU UOOM WITH ALCOVE , SOUTi IJ front : : ilw > Hinall roonm , with or without boanl Mm. Knight , No. 2:110 : Douiilaa mn-ut. lUil FURNISHED ROO.MS. 2003 HURT ST 7ml KI : 17-N1CELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT I wttli or without boanl , Call at 2107 Douglas. , 1)74 ) 24 E TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men only , .V.'fi South 20th i.tirul. Mill ! 17-TO 11K RENTED , 3 FRONT ROOMS , FUR J-/nlHhiil or unliirnlshed , with bath.c-onVenlent ti Imtu motor nnd ciihlo ears , i/eoivn W , Ilolbrook room 7,1(123 ( Fam.'ini si , 16H J ? KOK RENT -NIUELV FURNISHviTTlToOMS Miuleni convcnlenceii. Call K2II S. llllh , Ml08 10 I ? Nlt'ELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SDITAIIL' 1 jfor nun or two t-MMillemeii , In private fumll ] tnealn If dcHlnil , Refi-nMicen n-iiulnvL 201 Illuney Htreet , Koiintc Place , M''l'J 17 * FUHSISHED KOOMS ANI > BOARE Hull's , l Uo a wonl llrHt liiHortlon.le n wonl thuro Iftor. NotnUis tulcon for li-bi than Ma. 1YOUNO WOMEN'S IIOMI ! UNDKll OAUEO J Waiiiau'MChilntlaniiHHoclatloiilll a. 17th HI. aua 1TIIK , I > OLAN,20i > AND 211 N. 1HTH ST\ V--THB HT.Vn : EUIIOPEAN HOTEL NEW AN i vlriraully fnnilHhiid roonm for rent by day i wix-k at n-aMoiinblii rates. Kuterjr A. Hpr.itt , 1SU lo 1.112 UonclaH hlntot. Mlrtl A-ja- . - FURNISHED OR UNFUI nlBheil rooiuH with boanl. Thu Frunti-r , 11(1 ( 1 . ' .Mil HtriH-l. MUllil 10 * > THK IIILlsIDE. 18TH -1 largo ( runt room ; nlbod.iy buaixl. 1C1 111 * 17 < - NICELY FUUNISIIED . . ROOMS . . . AND 110AR X'u thu Wubslur , RIO ami 518 N , llllh ut. 17tlSll WANTED HOARDERS. ItutoH. l uitTvonl tlrBtliiM-rllim , loii wonl then ulu-r. Nothing Utkt-u fur lefeMlliun ifie. ! G s6uTrrFil'OKTU6OMS'cod N. ISTlIsi' ! MllD-SU ! * / J-FOUH NOUKllN iroONsTFlttST FLOO ] V Jiiuar park , vt-ry uVMi-ablu , laoi ) S'SUi Htreut. M''OS 53 * STORES AND OFFCJEE HntCH , lOc a line ricli luHnrtlon , Sl.&O a line p uiuiilU. Nutliluif tutti-n for lean tlian aic. " " ' " T KH llKOT"o'mCK""siIACB ON Ollbljti J floor at 170'J rul-naiil htrvut. MU''li D -8Touv IIUICK l li ill Kaniuiu t. Tlm luilMliif lia u nruproot c ini'iil babt-int-nl , complHu licathc llntiin vati-r on ull Iho fluurH. tab , ulc. Apply at lliu oni of Tlm Ik * ) . Ulll II SOAT.E3. TVJEW 4SBCO.NU HANIJ SOAI.KS. ALL K1NI li Addr w Harden A NellecfcCo. , Lake t. , Chlc.r i U 0 t AOENT3 WANTEU. n.ito , 10 < j A line PIK-II mvrtlon. * l.f > 0 n line t > * r month. Nothing taken for If nn tlmn 23c. T-UXJAI * AND OKNKIUT.AdKNTS WANTKD ' To soil tlicmithmille Million of-Tliotoitniphlo HIMorVof Hid World'M Fair. " Tlio r il < > t Rolllnj book of tlm ctjnliiry. Avfnieo nalcs nearly 1,000 copies n iloy. M mniriiincont pliotoirrapiilc on- itravlnCT ( cimtltir nnarly fia.ooO ) . Rlrtnir iTiinlille rlt-wn of Ilic Ipnillnit pxhlhltn. All points of Inter- ril dpfx-rllHil In tlio nioflfrrnphlo manner. A com- plelo lilntorr of Ihf f.ilr. t'nnvaRRlnit outtlt. Wl centn. Apnt ilropplnc nil otlir > r books to Foil thin. Frelelit jmlil. Cnllt Klvcn. Onlor nulek. U. H. Woouwnnl A Co. , IlaUlnioru. Mil. MISS IT- WANTED TO BENT. Itnte . 1'ic n wonl nrHtlimcrtlon , Ic n\vord there- nftvr Moliilnu taken for luna than VSc. . AND BOAUUFOH FAMILY JVof four In prlr.iln lionmi west of iSOtli st. nenr Dodco st. xchool. Atldrvfin O - ' . lleo. 170 K-WAXTKU. TWO FUIINIHHKI ) IIOOM9 and Ixvml for man. wlfn mid two Binnll clill- ( Iren : wllllmr to pay liberally for first class so- eommoaatlons. AilUrCHS N U7 , lieu oHlcu. oHlcu.17fl in STOKAOE. lUlf-s,10caUnep.iclilnsertlonj Sl.fiOallno per month. Nothing tnkim for I'-HS than ilAc. M-ST6iiAQKwiLLUMSiCUOS3,1214HAUNKY 01)7 ) STOHAOK FOR 1IOUSKIIOI.D OOOUSl clean and cheap rates. 11. Wells , 1111 Fanmtu. f > lU ) WANTED TO BUY. llatcn , IWo a word first Insertion , loa word llioro- nflur. Notnliiir kikun for luns than 'JSa. \r-CAsi PAID KOU OOLU 1 > Jacobson A Elsolo , room 11 , 1515 Doucl.-iH Ht , . M7'0 Alii * VT-CASH FOU FOKNITUBE. IIOUSEIIOLU 1 > coodH , rto. . or will Boll for owner In our auction Bales. 11. Woiln , 1111 Farnam. t > XT-WANTKI ) . FA11M LANDS. HAVB YOU -L > 1-imlH for Halo In Holt , Knox. Ant43loiw or Plcrco conntli-H ? If no , wrltoat oncoto E. A. Crnm , Nor folk , Nub. , Colonizer. MUH7il' ! FOR SALE FURN1TUB.E. KatcH ; l ! < o n word nmtlnbortlon , lea word thuro- nftnr. Notlilni ; taken for loss than l5c. ! - IlKNT OK SALE , 11KST JIAKK UP- 0-FOU rlBlit piano. Inqulro room SOS , First .National bankbulldliiff. 'Jl3 ! FOB BAliTJ HORSES , WAGONS. BTO Hates. IKo n wonl tlrst Insertion , lea wort there after. Nothlni ; Uillun for less than -Tie. t -FOU BALK CHEAP , A NICE PONY CAHT. Inqnlro at 1014 Unmlnj ; Hln-ot. MUSI P-1ST CLASS IIOAUD1NQ & LIVEllY.VriNDSOR Blablcs , 141(1 ( Uavenport ) Btora o for can-lairm , 100 31 * PLA1NV1F.W ADD. , LOTO , 11LOCK 7. COUNKH JL'Snil and Manilcrnon HIH. Jl.inralu , $ yoo. W. T. Orahain , : UI.-i McCaKtm blilg. 200 18 FOlt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hales. 1 We a wonl llrst Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for IUHI than ' - ' . " > < ; . ( \ FOU SALE , A HEOULATION SIZE I1UUN3- v > iwlek & llalko lillllanl tablu , rack.cnoH and b.illH. Kverythlns In llret-claHB Bhapu , Aadruaa N ! ! 4 , IJeu. JI ISO. Q-HEMEMUKR WK MUST HAVE MONEY THIS week. Ono upright piano for $140.00. Ono Clilekurln ? piano for Sl-'n.OO. Ono piano , new Bcalo , $10,1.00. Ono piano , new Hcale , $100.00 , Ono piano , now Bcilu : , * -J.r.0 ( ) . Ono nlano , now ncalu. * v"iO.OO. ; Wi'Kinan from 3-ir : > < ) .00 up. Klmball orpan. $ J.1.ll ) ) . Kiuiiini : Ilron. ' or ran. $1)0.00. ) honati-r onran , L'0.)0. ( ) Chleaco CotltiRi ) orzan. $25.00. Hay Stain orean , $ ' . ' 0.00. Story A , ( Mark onran , * : I5.00. Camp .V Co. oriraii , l-'JO.OO. Smith Anu-rlcan orvan , # 18.00. IlrlilKi-port onraiiH from * ( iri up to $150.00. Will trndn for horse and Biirrey. Woodbrliliro HroM. Hell Department Store. 185-10 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , inenllnoracli Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken furlen-s than -3c. S MUS."NANNIK v. WAIIIIEN , CLAIHVOYANT , reliable bnslnoBS niedlnm ; Btli year at llUN.lllth. uUU MASSAgjj. BATHS , ETC. Itates , 1 Oca 11 nu each Insertion , $1.511 a line per month. Nolhlnir taken for leHS than 25c. fi-MAl > AME SMITH , 002 S. 13TH , 2ND FLOOU , J- Boom II. Maasaeo , vapor , alcohol , Hlcain.Hiilpluir- no anil tiea bathH. nilOO 1U * rp MME.OAKSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STIlKKT.JtD J-ituor , room 7-mausau , alcohol , Hiilplinr and BU.I baths. MUSI IB * p-MMK. STOWE , MAGNF.TIO IIKALTIK , 205 J-Douglaa block Mi-)2 10' "PERSONAL. Km , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than -'Be. ffMASSAOE TUEATM MOT d nial batliR , xcalpand linlr troatiiietit , manicure iuiclchlrooaiHt.I.Ir ] ) .l'08l-lUS. lath.Wltlinell blk : MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , I0c a line each liiHortlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for lesi than -5c. > city property. $3.000 anil upward * . ! > lo UW Per centiiiodeliij'8. W.Farnam Sinltn A Co , 1320 Farnam 001 W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWHST HATES. The O. F. DavlH Co. . 1005 Farnam ntveet. ( iOJ \\r-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON , ' ImproviHl and nnlmproviHl Omaha real estatn.l to Syuura , Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 003 \\r-ANT110NY LOAN ANDT11USTCO. , 318 N. Y. i Life , lends at low ratea forcholcu Becurlty on Nebraska aud lowafarmaor Omaha city proiierty. tJ07 _ TV-CENTRAL LOAN A ; TRUST CO. , BEE I1LDO. v > uua " \\r-ifniMt.oo TO $ inoo.oo TO LOAN i TO E ' 1 years on Improved Omaha real estate or farm lands. K. C. Gnrvln .V Co. , 204 Shecly block.MB MB 10 - MONEY TO IXAN AT CURRENT RATES Apply : to W. U. Mejklo , First National Ilk bldg. J18.VJ \v T MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 401 HEH IlLD'O. M H23 MONEY TO XOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOcn line each Insertion , $ l.fiO u line pel month. Nothing taken for ICHH than 'J5C. : Y WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- .Acurity ; btrlctly contlduullaL A. K. Jlurrla , roon : 1 Continental block 47H V-MONEY TO LOAN A. Wo will lend you any sum which you wish , Hinall or large , at the luwcHt poHHlblo rates , In the qiilckcHt powlblo Ihno and for any length of tlmi to Hull yon. You can pay It haclt In such Install- inents fin yon wish , when you wish , and onlj pay for It as lout ; an you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE HKOEIPTrfMERCHANDISE OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , JIIIU SOUTH 1I1T1I STRKKT , llrst Hour above thu Blreet , THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOlv ATK11 LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. OMAHA.CIO CIO -DO YOU WANT MONEY ? ; Wo will loan you ANYSUM you wish on your ! FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSES. WAU&NS , ! CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. : Wu Blvo prompt attention to all applications , I nnd will carry your loan a long as you wish. ! You can ri'duco Ihu cost ot carrying your loan : by a payment nt any thno , There Is no lull- ; llclty or removal ot property. FIDELITY LOAN OUAUANTEE CO. , I Room 4 , Wlthnell block. ID ! M744 Cor , Ifilh and Harnuy St. or BUSINESS CHANCES. _ N , , lltoa line each Insertion , $1,50 a Una pei month. Nothing taken for limn than 25o , " AID \T FCHlllENT , A SMALL WATER MILU AH I dresB Iwx 0. > , Lincoln , Nub. 012 ID V-TO 1IUY. SDLL OR EXOHANOB. 11USINES A rhinicoa , real i-statu or liindu Apply l Went crn lUialntws Agi-.icy. 3 HI N. Y. L. bid ; ; . MKU1 S3 V- Oil SALE OR TRADE. FIRST-CLASS DRU < 1 Hlurt cunt rally lucatod. good oa h buulnunu. C W. 1. . 1' . O UoiraiH M''Oa CLASS DRUG STORE , 1I1G llARGAi : for cabh ; good paying bublnubn. Aililrexs N ! ( Ilee. H70 17 SOLICITED 1 partlen wantlne to clnmgo their biiHlueKH or bu n , out on sliort nolu-n. All lottcra contldeutlal. A dL < dress box 810 ; tit. Paul. Neb. 173-24 L _ i ? OR EXOH'ANGE. lUn.'H , lOoa UUP pitch inecrtloii , * 1J50 n Iluo p. iiiunlli. Nothing taken forleatt lliau25o. ( oT i'crwinotf KUUISIN NEIWASKA. KANS.I JD Dakota. Will boll cneap or cxchaiiL't ) ft niiluu.hoi nvhaitd cattlo. 7U , Frankfort Jn u 13 SOo y OLKAN STOCK OF GENERAL MUSK. WIL oUH - ' I laku real ontati ) , monuy , Uox ' "JJ , Frankfort Im UH , 613 Ice Z-WILI ) LANliiC ( H.UAR.TO EXCHANaK"FO prpjmrty here. Wrlto lull de crlptlon . 71 South 27th tm > t. M507 A25 Z-BO ACRKS CI. KAU LAND \V1SCONSIN1 DS. Irndo Cor Oiiinhu proix'rty or Nobriukn Ian ICO \VillUin i Mlliaii. Uoom 813 , aicCnvno bulldln opposllu potomc - VU3 Iti FOR EXCHANGE. Conltmifd , Z-FOH FJCCIIANME , 1IAVR CLEAU LAND AND cash tn trade for Omnhn proticrly. J. D. Zlttlo , Drown blk. 181 y VOU"EXCIIANOR. VAC.UJT T/T IN OMAHA Jfor I.OS Amtolps propi'rty. Address with dr > - ncrlptlon nnd price , C. JudHon , 21 1 East Mil street , Los Angeles. CM. 2IH-1H * _ y-flOO HORSES , 11KNTAD PIIOPKRTIF.3 , 'Jmdsc. , Moclcs nnd tinmeroiis , other proportlos to i-xehaneo for clear and lightly Incumbcrod lands In Holt , Plcrco , Anlwloiw. Knox nnd adjoining counties. ( llvdcwrlpllonsof you h.ivo. Ad- dn-s.s C. W. Crum , Norfolk. Noli. M2Q031 * y frnoo.ob"oni.cna.oo DRUG AND SUNDRY Htock and nxtitn-s for Mlo , or would trndo for clear land , ln Merrlck , Nanoo , Hamilton or Polk countlos. Address , Lock DOJC103 , Central City , Neb. L'03-31 * y TO EXCHANGE , SOME CLEAR LOTS FOR fj oixfarm. . ( lood 7-room liounn for lot. Mudt-ni D-rooin houwc forcotlacp. HonnoI roonin on Military aventio. near Hamil ton , for lot. W. T. Graham , SOB McCasuo bhlg. SOI 18 y-CLKAR LOT IN OMAHA TO TRADE FOR NK- 'Jbrankn land : will nssumo rcason.'tblo mortgagu. Williams & Mlttan , JlqCusruo building , oppontto postoftlco. 202 18 rTO EXCHANGE. FINK NEW SF.WINO MA- uchlno lor milch cow. Call nt SOj McCagno bldg. ll ) IN FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Raton , incnllnn nach liiBcrtlon , $1.50 a llnapor month. Nothing taken for loss than 2f > a A FEW IlAllQAINS IN URAL ESTATE. COTTAOE and nontli front lot near 30th and 1'a- clllc , If sold quick , only $1,200.00. N1OE HOUSE and lot near Hanseom park , $ -.r.i.IM ( ) > . H-HOOM HOUSE near 32d nnd Vopplclon avoiine , will pay 10 per cent on money Invented. $0,000.00. ELKH ANT brick and frame collage , 32d and 1'a- cltlc. * 7.200.00. HANDSOME 10-rooin lioiiRoncar30lhum\ \ , all modem conveniences , $ ! ) ,000.00. r.LKOANT donbln brick residence , corner 35d and ropploton : ivu. , Boulli and cant front , will yield 10 Horn-ill on money Invested. $13.000.00. SPLKNDIIl rpHlili-iico property. 75x100 fool , past front , with two IIOUHCH , Nos. 1128 and 1130 S. : tlst ; two beautiful homes ; will yluld 10 percent on Investment - vestment ! prlei- . $1:1.000.00. : CHOlCi : FIVE-ACHE tract , cloao to clly. n first cli : Hlnv < tiiM'iitonly J2.0H.00. ( TEN AGUES with collage Just otitsido city limits , biff bnriralii.j.700.i ( ) . TWENTY ACRis : , close to now Elmwood park and Hi-.H Line railway In Wt-Ht Omaha. Will plat Into 200 bi-antlfnl lotH ! ono of the nncHt pieces of ticro property around Omaha ; uplendld Investment , at $350.H ( > per acre. 800 AGUES , Ureoleycounty.Ncb. , only two miles from North Lonp , on U , P. railway ; KOCH ! soil , run- nlntf water ; will make Kplcudtd Block farm ; listed for quick aalo at $ SOO.OO per acre. lllcka Ilnal E tatn Asrcncy , 305 N. Y. Llfo llnlldlnir. MBllI 17 tfAUM LANDS , C. F.HARRISON , 012 N. Y. 1- M315A10 rpO INVESTORS. ± WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING CHOICE INVESTMENTS IN IMPROVED OMAHA HEAL ESTATE - . . * 3r.0.oo ( ) buyn place paying lirfcr cent. $1.000.00 buys property yielding 10 pnr cent. $4.500.00 buyw eholco Improved paying lllper cent. $ -iUOl ) biis-H elegant place paying 10 per cent. ifn,5l > 0.00 buj-s proiwrty yielding 111iwrcent. $0,500.00 buys eholci ) pleoo paying 11 pur cent. $12,000.00 buys Bill-edge property pay lite 10 per cent. $17,500.00 buys ( Inn Improved paving 12 per cent. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 300 N. Y. L1FE11LDG. M210 17 B UY LOTS IN STOKPEL PLACK. ClicapcHt nntl bcBt lota In OMAHA. Special prlco and lonns to 11OM12 I1UILDEHS. SloepDl Place loti will ahvayMadrancoln prle' ) , for llio city inimt prow wimtward. Call on or ad- druaH W. A. Wobstur , 4- ( lieu bid ? . 014 T7O\V IS THIS FOU A BAUQAIN ? 124 FEET Alfrontncopii Cumins Btrcut , corner JHtli , with peed , mibHtuntlal , two- tory buslnen.1 block , two store rooniH , with llro-rooin flalH above ; bulldlni ; In In couple-to Hhapu mill cost to build over * , " > , no ( .l ) ( ) . Tlinl'-l feet fruntaKo la worth nt IcaHt * ; ! il.0 ( ( toI0.noper foot ; inn limtructea to offer llio whole property forqulelf Halo at1,111)0.00 ) , ICSH than the COBI of bulldlnjr. Properly routed It will yield from 3-MKUW to iSUO.OO l > ur uiinuni.and there IH room for another bulldlni ; on the lotn. It Is lust onlMldu the city HinltH and la a tlrst-claHS jilacu for a Urue Htoru , grocery , meat market or n\loon. : No city taxes. lllck , aneut , UU5N.Y. Llfubulldlntr. M'JIU 17 IF YOU AUK LOOKING FOB A BAPS AND J. profitable luveHtiiient Wo can ( five you one. For Instance.n Kood farm of TOO Jicro ? 10 mlloa from Omaha. What can you flnd'bottcrr Or , If you want n home oa , oas.v.pitncnta : ind choup , wohavaBuvural. Omaha Upal Estate and Trust company , rooin 4. Bee buildingMC71 1JAHGAINS. IN FARMS , IIOCJSE3 AND LOTS. J. JJN. Frunzor , room 5 Fronzor block , opp. P. O. M4SO A22 rPIIUEE I1EAUTIFUL LOTS NRAU IIANSCOM L park , with trees , fruit , newt-race , water , IMS , etc. If Hold quick only $1.1)1)0.00 ) each , small cash payment , lllcks Heal Kstiito Aeoney. 1)05 N. Y. Llfu. MU10 17 OH SALE , i > 0 COTTAGES. $350.00 TO $2,000.00. on monthly payments. E. P. Tltiijror. 1011) ) Farnam. M887 1U * * A CHANCE TO GET A CHEAP HOME IN A NICK uelehborhood. Wo have two six-room cottaces near Hanseom park , Nos. : UH ) ( ) and SDK ) I'aclnc Htreet ; want to make a quick sale of both of them- they are Bltnated in this inldutof the llncst resl- denco ueluhborhood In thu city ; if wo can wll HHMII both toeuthur will take : tnoi.0l ) ( foruach. Blolcs' Real Kstato Agency , JOB N. Y. Llfn lllds. Jd-'lO 17 l AUM MOUTOAOE3. O. P. IIAKUISON. 812 L N. Y. Life 7yo S'i' 17OH SALE. ( Ill ) ACRES OF GOOD LAND IN -L eaHtei-n Colorado. This liiuil was Bolecled and liiirchiiHi-tl from this Union Paelllc Railway com pany iiaarly li-u years -IKO ; treed soil : will grow splendid wheat , corn , potatouH. veRetaUes. etc. Land In thn vicinity Is hold nt $ G.OIto ) $ d.OO per ncro. In tinier to make a quick Halo I can offer thlsfllO acn-H forff-l.fin per aero , one-quarter CIHI. ! lllekB , ilUS K. Y. Llfn llldg. M''IO 17 _ FOR SALE , 25 HOUSES AND LOTS AT * S)0 ( ) nnd upward ; easy terniH. Why do you pay runt ? J. 1) . Xlttlo , Drown blU , J82 C -20.00 WEEIC , LADIE9 WKITISO AT HOME. AddreHn.wlth Htamp , Flora C. Ivors , llox 24 , DUH Molncs , la. joil 22 * IN PLAINVIEVV ADD. , CHEAP. D. II , bulldlii ? , Sioux city , la. IDS IB' SEX3UIUTIES FOR SAT/E. Kates , 1 Oca Jlnoi-ach ln ertlonl.r > 0 : i line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2,1c. PKioENT MORTGAGES TOR "SAYKiVKCUlT ItynbHulutoly Bafo. Amea Real K.-Hritj aai-ncy 1U17 Farnam. ' _ M532 IOII RIIADE OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES , netting purchasers cooil ratu of Interest , BIIIIIH of from$10U.U up , for sale by Olobu Limn * Trust Co. , llltli and Iodso , Omaha. 1'artloular.j on ap plication. M7U1 " 10 PER CENT 1ST MORTGAGES FOR SALE , JlSiiiiiB $ . .DO to $1 , | > 00. Address N UU , Ilee , 174 I WILL GIVE 10 PER CENT FOU MOO.Oli J- for .I yearn and irlvollrHt uiorleaBo on valuable lot ; paved street ; perfi-ct tltloi perfect M-eurlty , Addi-uBS N 04 , lieu. M171 17 rPO SMALL Oil LAKOE INVESTORS , SOME 1- very choice securities ari ! offered at an attractIve - Ivo discount. Honda , warraiits. inortcapeH , etc. , absolutely Kilt ixlu-crt. Inqnlru ot John Dale , com- meiclal broker , 2U'J N. Y. Life. Mail lt > SEUOJJP-HAND TYPJBWBITflRS. Hales , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.SI ) allnupor month. Kolhlnir taken for lent than 2Jc. lOYLESiUAlin , ( IliiNEW YORK LIFE I1LDG , MUlii LOST. Rates. IMo a word nrst Insi' a word thura after. Nothlni ; taken for less than 2Su , OST--(5HADUATVNaORlSS.ONIIO\VARIjrE tWiH'n lUlhund r.Hh.or lith ; l-twnen llow.-iri and Jackson Pleabo rolnru to Julia Knlly , 1721 Maaoii ntreet , 11UH ) 17 > SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING lUteu , lOuallno each Insertion , Jl.BO allug ptsi month. Nothlni ; taken for lou than -'flc , VOUNO LAUIE3 AND OKNT ' . SOo7 W - ' - " < * * \ * * J 1 .1 LKMKN'CAN tV/4/l' ncqiilru a working knowlodeu of bliortliand Jim typowrltlmf nt A. a Vim Sautru behoof of short hand , 51J N , V. Llfu. Typewriters to rout , U1U TJNDEKTAICEIta ANDSMBALMEKt Kates , lOo a Unit each Insertion. S1.50 u llfio pc monlli , Nolhlns taken for lean than 25c. OW , IIAKEU ( FOUMEULY WITH"JoTlN i5 Jacobs , ilt-ceaboj , later with M. O. Maul ) , uuder taker nnd cmb.ilmcr , HIS S. lOlh t. Tc'l , UUij. 017 Ud d- JSONNKNIIDUO. fUMOND 1IUOKKU 1'JO Uuu lan bt. Ixuun muiiiiy on Olampmli , walcuut ute , OKI culil uiul bilvur Dwiurlit. Tel , 163S. 010 MU8IO , AHTAND LANGUAGES or ft Vr.Kf.lf.KNIIVXJK. . I1ANJ01ST AND TKACIIBIi VI I81orallfoniia itrcet. UU id. id.m m EVILS , WEAKNESSES. DEBILITT. ETC. . that aO 01 _ _ " _ _ _ CUBED. "i-ilTbTnESa'TTr au5"ton" ClTentuererr part of the IxxJjr. I will und ( M I'O cumly packed ! J-T.KB to any ( utTerer the yroscrlp id. tton that cured me of theu Uoutuu. Adare s 0 U. WIUOUT , Uu&lo UMltMllox 1U , HOPEFUL AT IiaDQUARTERS mlL. L.n Union Pncifio Offiolals' pticipato a Btmval of Railway Businpf Next Montb , 11U CUTTING RATES 'AS"jtyEU. AS SALARIES liiii Trlinmlnjl'ncinoCorv ( f'Piunongpr Scliodiili-t on First nnd KornmljUliu * Ticket * llol- l > ar Hill CnlletV TrrlRht lintel M y lie llesloreil Booh. "Will not v receiver for the Northern Pa cific liavo a sympathetic ! temlciiny to em barrass -the Uulon Pacific ? " \vas nskcd an ofllctal of the Union PaclUu yesterday morn ing."I "I cannot see how It will affect our stand ing , " replied the oftleta ) . "For months past the Northern Pacific has boon In very cm- barrasstng circumstances , it Is a fact that their material bills have been accumulating for nhio months past , vrhllo the Union Pacific has been mooting Us bills as they fall iluoWhich has given us a standing In the business world decidedly pleasant to contemplate HICFO troublous times. Ilicro is considerable comfort in the thought that the Union Pa cific is rcRardod by muturinl men1 as better pay than such strong roads aa the Baltimore & Ohio ana Alton. While wo are suffering , wo are in no worse condition than any of our rivals and I cannot see how the Union Pa cific can possibly fool the Northern Pacific's position. Of course things cannot go on very much longer as at present , but within the next thirty days xvo will bo out of the woods , for grain anci other commodities must com- racnco to move by that time. " Out on.Conit Itntoi. For several days past Mr. E. L. Lomax of the Union Pacific has been considering the advisability of making the present basing rate of fc3 ! first-class and $13 second class on west bound business from Missouri river terminals the selling rate , but has -boon somewhat undecided as to just what to do. Tuesday evening , however , ho took the bull by the horns and telegraphed Chairman Caldwell - well of the Western Passenger association bis decision , which is as follows : The pres ent basing rate , as above noted , to become the soiling rate , effective Sunday , August ! 20. good for continuous passage on west bound business ironi Kansas City , Omaha and Mis souri river terminals to Butte , Helena , Spo kane and Portland. For six WOOKS or more the Northern Pacific and Great Northern have been inak ing these rates from St. Paul to the morti fication of General Passenger Agent Lomax. He has soon his business dwindle to in- llnltcsimal proportions , notwithstanding his basing rate , and rather than go out of busi ness entirely in the Sound country deter mined upon mooting the rate of his northern competitors. The first class rate applies in both directions , the second class only west bound. The rates decided ujjon are considerably below the present soiling .rates of SIM ) on first class and $33 on secondfplass , business. It must not bo understood , that this Is a cut , the difference only being in making the Das- ing rate the selling ratp.tyid abolishing the basing rate entirely , 9 | , , Milwaukee iii It Again baa thn Milwaukee thrown dust in the eyes of its competl ORS , this time walk ing away with a good ifcized party ol Indians from the Genoa school1- ' some forty-flvo in all. Traveling passorigor agents for the Northwestern , Milwauftqp , Burlington and Hock Island have been.campiug on Superin tendent AY. B. Backus' trail for days , and the djgjils of some of these men would pako interesting stories for dime novel .jjpaders. , . They have resorted to nll.sorta of , subtcrftiges to throw ono nnother eli the traei'iri getting to.Genoa before"tlm arrival . 'ot.their "competitors. Backus haspeonpuljo'd-put of hod nt dead of night by 'some indefatigable passenger ngcnt and his life made miserable' by glow ing descriptions of the "only route to the World's "fair. " But the funniest incident connected with this rustle for business happened yesterday morning. Monday tho.blds were opened for the bus iness , and the Milwaukee's bid being the lowest the .haul was awarded that company from the river , the Union Pacific delivering the students to that road hero. Yes terday , however , "Jimmy" do Bovoiso of the Hock Island started to Genoa to secure the business , willy nllly , and arrived on the scene this morning in timo. to see the Indians boarding the cars logo to Chicago via the Union Pacific and Milwaukee. However , thcro are the incidents in a traveling pas senger agent's life that go far toward mak ing his existence at all pleasurable. a frotght nt n loss , nnd tlio Snpoof St. Pftut Mr. J. J. Hill of tlio Great North ern , Is also oncngod In transKfrtlns | the busi ness there nt n decided dccrcnso upon for mer rates. The Union 1'aclflo has felt the present stringency Rreally , but hns boon powerless to clmnRO existing conitltlons. Anythlnc looklni ; to a rc.vljusttin'nt of the rates will therefore moot with hearty sup port nt the hnnas of Mr. Munroo. On February 15 Iho nortlinrn lines put In the notv rates , which necessarily bocan the worn of demoralization. In March the Cali fornia lines mot the reduction on the part of northern roads , which wns followed still Inter by wholesale cuts by the Great North ern and California lines to incotthostnnipeilo caused by tlio "Sunset" rates. All summer long the rates have been practically nil , With the opening of the fall season nnd the movement of business , the ro.tils lia-vniR - had an experience of six months reduction. nro only too willing to Rot back to the- old basis und make moro commodity rates than Drovnll nt present , the design boltiR to cover moro speellleally tlio commodities carried to the coast Instead of giving thorn classifica tion. tion.Tho The Transcontinental association , which succumbed to the Inevitable-last - March , was , up to that time , the strongest of nny ot the associations , having had nn actual existence of flvo .years. During its Hfo trnnscoiiti- ncntnl rates wcro Iron clad. It Is thought that the roads will ( rot to gether shortly nntl endonvor to recreate the old Transcontinental association with cer tain modifications in some of its features. llnnillleht I'huhrK. General Manager Dickinson wont to Chicago cage last ovonltip. B. T. White , assistant general attorney of the Elkhorn , Is in Chicago. President Clark ot the Union Pacific Is at Lakewood , ori Lake Chautnuqua , where ho wont from Boston , Ills return is still In- dollntto. J.V. . Farnnm , special ngont of the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulney , nml wlfo , who have bc'cn stopping nt the Paxton , went east yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Munroo , E II. Wood , Goorpo Crosby and A. II. Merchant are attcndltiR the mealing of the west of the Missouri freight rate committee at Kansas'City , \Vhllo Mr. Lomax will not attend tha Western Passenger association mooting to day ho is heartily in favor of making a one-way rate to the World's fair and would so vote if ho wcro present. General Passenger Agents Francis nnd Buchnnan went to Chicago yesterday to at tend the meeting of the Western Passenger association called for today to discuss the ad visability of maklne n week's ono way excursion - cursion , without the "plus f3" clause. BOOKS OF R.EFEBENOE. Prof. SUnrwooil ItecnmmoiuU Number of Authorities on Monotnry Ouestlmi. Prof. Sidney Sherwood , Ph. D. , of Johns Hopkins university , In his university exten sion leotures on the subject of the "History and Theory of .Money , " recommends forty- eight useful boo It 3 of reference on this sub ject , the following thirty-eight of which may bo obtained at the library : Andrews "Institutes of Economics " . , , T. 1473. Atkinson , "Report on lUmutalllsm In Europe" ( Sim. Exec. Doc. No. 34. 50th O. ) . Ashley , "English Economic History , " T. 758. llauehot , "Lombard Street : a Description of the Money Market , " T. 1874. Unstable , "Money , " In Encyclopedia Hrlt- tanlca. llohm-llaiverk , "Capital and Intorcst , " T. 2001. Hellos , "Financial History of the Unltod States , " T. 2070. Oolwoll , "Ways and Moans of Payment , " T. 2075. Duiibar , "Theory and History of Banking , " Ditnhar , compiler. "Laws of the Unltod States Itoltttlng to Loans , Currency , Coinage and Nanking , " T 2000. i Ely , "Introduction to Political Economy , " T. 1478. Uliron , "Essays on I-'lnanco , " T. 1478. Gllunrt. "History , Principles and Practice of Hanking. " T. 2220. Goschun , "Theory of Foreign Exchange , " T.2245. llorton , "Report of International Monetary Conforonceof l87B"Son. ( Ex. Doc. No. 58 , 45O. ) , Uorlon , 'tlTho Silver Pound , " T. 2190. Ingrain , "History" ol 1'olltlcal Economy , " T. 1518. ' - - James , "Hanks of Issue , " In Lalor's cycle pedia. .Tovons , "Investigations In Currency nnd Finance , " T. 2054 : "Money und the Mechanism of Exchnnrro , " T. 2135. Knox. "Hanking In the United States. " In Lnlor's cyclopedia. Knox , "United States Notes , " T. 2121. Luuchlln , "History of Bimetallism In the Unltod Stains. " T. 21C5. Leslie , "Essays lu Political and Moral Philosophy , " T. 117. Llndumun , "Money nnd Legal Tender In the TJnlled Slates , " T. 2126. Mneaulay. "History of England , " 1.2348. Mill , "Principles of Political Economy , " T. 1480. Pntlorson , "The Now Golden ARO , " T. 2109. Poor , "Money : Its Laws und History , " T. 2181. Ulcurdo , "Works , " T. 15D3. Smith , "Wealth of Nations , " T. 1423. Stunner , "History of American Currency , " T. 2100. Upton , "Money In Politics , " T. 2023. * V , A. " " T. 2173 " Walker. , "Money , ; "Money , in Us HolaUon to Trade and Industry , " ' ! ; . 211)0 ) : "Political Economy , " T. 14 5. Walker , J. II. , "Money , Trade and Hanking , " T. 2125. Wells , "KQcent Economic Changes , " T. 1477. In addition to the above , the library also has on Its shelves the following books on the monetary question , exclusive of essays and general works on political economy : Adams , "Public Debts , " T. 2000. Hacohot , "On the Depreciation of Silver , " T , 2170 ; "Practical 1'lnn for Assimilating the English nnd American Money. " Jlastalilo , "Puullc Finance. " T. 2004. llayley , "Tho National Loans of the Unltod Status , " T. 2090. IllUsurd , "The Ethics of Usury and .Interest , " T. 2040. Hoolim-ltawork , "Positive Theory ol f Caultal. " T. 2001-2. llolsBuviiln , "Tho Monetary Question , " T , 2102. Hellos , "Hank OHlcers : Tholr Authority , Duly Mid Liability , " T. 2259 ; "Lawn Kolatlng to Hanks and Their Depositors , " T. 225B. Huchaniui , "Plea for Silver Coinage , " T. 2174 , Huxton , "Klnanco nnd Politics , " T. 2057. Cornuschl , "Nomlsma , or Legal Tender , " T , 2120 ; "Cheap Money Experiment * . " T. 2138. Chuvnllur , "On the Probable Kail lu the Value of Gold , " T. 2185. Cooper , "Ideas for a Science of Good Govern ment , " T. 2183 , Uopm-thwulto , "Monoy , Silver and Finance , ' ! T. 2143. Cunningham , "Uso nnd Abuse of Money , " T , 2100. Ehrlch , "Tho Question of Silver , " T. 2142. Finvent t , "Gold and Debt ; an American Hook of Klnanco , " T.,2032. UHTun , ' 'ThoCusu Against Bimetallism , " T. 2133 ; "Thu Growth of Unnltul. " T. 2050 | "Stock Exchange Securities , " T. 2058. llunkoy.'Principles of Hanking , " T. 2238. llorton. "Silver In Europe , " T , 2158. Ilowu , "Tlio Common SUIIHQ of Jlonoy , " T , 2141 j "Monetary and Industrial Fallacies. ' T. 2103 ; Monometallism Iiuul HlinuUlllbiii , " T , 2095. .Ionian. "Tho Standard of Valuo. " T. 2172 McAdam , "Alphabet iln Klnanco. " T. 2020. MacLeod , "Elements ef Hanking , " T. 2223 , Moran , "Monoy , " T , 2152. Norman , "Comploto Guldo to1 the World'i Twoiity-nlnii Monetary Systems , " T. 2171. Putton , "Thu JIothodH and Machinery 01 Practica , Poor , "Money and Its Laws , " T. 2181 "KcsuniPtloa and the Silver Question , " T 2123. Price. "Currency and Hanking , " T , 2218. Klchardhon , "Tho National Hanks , " T , 2201 Sherwood , "Tho History and Theory 01 Money , " T. 2187. Smart , "Introduction to the Theory o Value1 T , 2034 , Tuusfiir. "Thu Silver Situation In the Unltei States. " T , 217H. ' Tronholm , "Tho People's Money , " T. 2128. Woll.s , "UoblnsDii Crusou'a Money , " T , 2175 Wuitou. "Money. " T. 215'Jj "Silver Quo * tlon"T.2100. Users of the library nro also referred t ( the annual reports of the sci-rotary of tin treasury , the comptroller of the curreuoj and the director of the mint ; to thu can catalogue for essays on this subject ; ti 1'oolo's Index for articles In periodicals pro vlous to 1SU3 and to the current numbers o Annals of thu American Academy of i'ollt lent nnd Social Science ( especially the Jul ; number containing A , U. Woodford's "Uso o Silver as Money in the United Suites" ) , th .A.'eim , the Congressional Hoconl , th Forum , the North American Kevlow , am the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Declared Atulmt ( jliHUtone , LONDON , Aug. 10. An election wa held in the Hereford parliamentary dla trict yesterday to fill the seat left vacan by the retirement of William II. Uron /oil , Gladstoniuu. Mr. Grenfell rotirei ' because ho disapproved ui tnu govern , I motit'd attitude toward silver und of th of Irishmen to , the Imporinl parlinmont ascontomplnteilby the homo rule hill. The scat was won hy llad- cllfTo Cook , consorvatlvo. Alter llritnklntt To purify , vltnllzo and enrich tlio blood , nnd RlvoHorvo. bodily nnd rtiRostivo stronsth , take Hoods Snrsaparllln. Oontlnuo the medlclnonft ro\-crymoxl for a month or two and you will fool "llko n now man. " Thn merit of Hood's Sars.wullln is proven by Us thousands of wonderful euros. Why don't you tr.v ItJ Hood's Pills euro constipation. They nro the best after dinner pill ami family ca thartic _ Louvoiimnrk dives tonight , Courtlnnd. AJ > A3t . .i.vurjt ii Kin : HI..WK. ho Snr Illilmp Turner All Clvlllr.nUon In. linrltr l frttm thn MttRro. CHICAOO , Aiifj. 10. ntahop Turnor. president of the Methodist Episcopal Missionary m > cloty , believe ? that Adam and Eve were colored ] ) orflons. ln _ an nddress before the uon rosa on "Africa" at the Art palace , ho made an attempt to provo that assertion nnd created a sensation. "llovoltniR as the story may bo to some present , " ho said , " 1 believe that all humanity started black that block was the original color of mankind. " 13eforo reachlnj , ' details as to what had been done by the colored race Bishop Turner had taken the declara tion quoted and milled : "If theoretical tfoolony Is entitled to any consideration whatever , the time was when the poles of tlio earth and the now Icebound Arc tics were BO warm that the llora of the now tropic /.onos } jro\v there luxuriantly nnd the wimo animals that now live at the equator roamed abroad in that an cient forest. This has boon vorliluil by the bones which have boon found thot'o of animals now- restricted to the tropical regions. So , as I see it , instead of black being an abnormal color , nn execrated color , a color to be despised and made the bndgo of degradation and infamy , to the extent that it involves the hu manity of those who are black , If it is any color nt all , it Is the primordial , moat ancient and original color of man kind , i have reached this conclusion after years of meditation , with such lights as revolution atTorded to my un derstanding , aided by the study of geology and the nrchsvological collec tions found in the Itritish inusoum. Yet my interpretations may bo greatly at fault , or wholly absurd , but scientific analysis undoubtedly makes black tlio base of all color , and the black man is therefore n primitive man. "The drift of nature , whether Intor- picted Bpoculatlvely or historically , would therefore appear to ho whltoward. Primitive man , who doubtless has ex isted for ages longer than our chronol ogy llxcs it , in my opinion wns black and is the father of the wliito races of the earth ; and the same black , primitive man gave to the intermediate color , erred red , Egyptian civilization , learning , science and philosophy , Including skilled labor iii its highest form , and the red race has transmitted to the white races letters , poetry , logic , mechanics and all the fund'amcntalities that the wliito race has embellished , -roflned and improved upon , until it has reached the grandeur of this world-famed Chicago exposition. " Uoud Ailvleu. in Auffust , 18U2 , J. W. Vannoyof tills place had a severe attack of llux. A physician was called , who treated liloi for four or flvo days , but as ho continued to grow worse Iho family decided to have the aid of another doctor in the case , and sent to Uavonswood for a prominent physician of that town. Before - fore ho arrived , however , 1 hail some conver sation with the physician in attendancennd , said to him : " 1 believe Chamberlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy worthy of a trial. " Ho readily consented and I Rave him a bottle. Ono dose of that remedy ( juvo re lief. When the doctor from Ilavonswood ar rived his advice was , "Keoi > quiet and con tinue using Chamoerlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoua remedy. " Which wo did nnd la two days -was cured. C. B. Howes , druggist , Sanuyvillo , W. Va. LIKELY 20 UKM XllJS ItKCUIU ) . Orand Army Encampment nt InillnniipolSs I'romlseH to Kcllpso All I'ant .Meeting' . INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. 10. Requests from posts to have their accomodations in free quarters at the national Grand Army of the Republic encampment in creased are received , by every mail. The committee feels conildont if the re quests continue to como in for the next two weeks the attendance will bo larger than It was at Washington last pear. Lyon post of St. Louis asked for quar ters for only 125. That application has been changed to 500. There is an In diana post that at first wanted dally room for twenty-one persons. It has since asked for accommodations for forty. Another that reported sixty as coming has increased the number to seventy-six , each of whom has signed an agreement to bo here. With this post will come eighty veterans , not members of the Grand Army. Prom the latest reports it is estimated that the parade on Tuesday of the en campment week will have 00,000 men in lino. This would bo 10,000 moro than were in the Washington parade , which was the largest in the history of Grand Army encampments. The men will march in platoons of twelve , four paces apart , and it will require seven hours for the procession to pass a given point. Tnoro will bo 1,000 ollicors in line on horseback. James K. Carnahan , grand marshal , will have a statf of sixty , com posed of old army ollicors who have stall experience. A feature of the parade will bo salutes from art 11 lory along the line and the Indiana battery of light artillery. In September , Ib'J'J. dysentery in a very severe form prevailed at Jamcsburg , N. J. Walter Wlllard , a well known merchant of the place , procured a supply of Chamuor- lain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy. Ho says ; "It Iscnrtaluly ono of the host things dvcr made , and has given the highest satisfaction In the most severe cases of dys entery. " For sale by druggists. II OKIM'S F.11II FIXAXVKli. Official Jtcpnrt of Expntltloii Kimi < lltur < otid liicomo Director * ICxport u I'lnllt. CHICAGO , Aug. 10. Auditor Acker- man of the World's Columbian Exposi tion company has made his olllclul re port showing the condition of the expo sition finances on August 7. According to the statement the expo sition has expended for construction and administration , S mmOU. It still has outstanding liabilities of $1,100,403 , , , besides $4,444,500 of debenture bonds. Ono feature of interest to stock holders is tlio item of receipts from con cessions , which shows that collected revenue from that source during July was over $000,000 , , a total of 3100,000 moro than the returns from the sumo source during May and Juno. As near as can bo judged from the situation the receipts from all sources , including udmlsalnns , is about 980,000 n day , Operating uxponscs uro in tha neighborhood of $15,000 , and decreasing constantly. This leaves & not revonuu of about 805,000 a day , or somewhere near 81,000,000 , for the remaining period of the fair. The attendance , however , is increasing so Htoadily that the di rectors expect to realize 13 more than tha estimate , und , clear up all bonded and floating and 3- 3it leave u good margin. itI I- Jolui llu * V | low Jack , I1 1 IJHL'.SSWICK , Ga , , AUf. 10. A i- oil of physiclnnu lias detennlnod thai o ] Surgouu John lirauh&in has yellow fovur , WANTED HIS PAY IN ADVANCE Novel and Dangerous Sohomo to LSborato nil Inllnontiftl Criminal , PLOT TO DELIVER AN INDIANA DEFAULTER How TrKiimiror Oil ' ArmntroiiR'n Uhnrtr \Vni riniinod I'or mid 1'riKtrnleil-llliit Dorlmcil to Tttke Ulinnec * Without Coin A .Story Ironi Tlitun | , I nil. I , Iiitl. , Aug. 10. No defalcation ovur occurred in Indiana that has at- trnulod the attention given that of , Inmos 1C. Armstrong , treasurer of Tlpton county. The original tltscovury of his shortage of between $10.000 and $ ,10,000 , lutulo u short time ago , followed by tlio arrest and imprisonment of his son , Cal Ariustroug , deputy troiisuror , hud ceased attracting Interest wlion It wan followed by the unearthing of a conspir acy to rojcuo the young deputy from jail. Now cornea the allogeu sensational rob bery of the Armstrong residence , with the story that the booty sought wns S * " > .000 , which the Armstrongs tire said to Imvo hidden away. The case has taken on many phases of interest. A special visit to the ijuiot llttlo town of lipton developed the fact that there are some parts of the story that have not yet boon told. Derided on When .lames 1C. Armstrong , the treasurer and father of Cal Armstrong , together with Cnl's friends , Watson Pliy.or and Joe Crosslor , canvassed the Hold for a man to do the most desperate and dangerous part of rescuing Cal from jail , they decided upon Uluf Falkonburg , a during , courageous nnd powerful man who had been in the peni tentiary three times for grand larceny. On a trumped-up charge Blnf was placed in jail , whore ho anil Armstrong talked over the plans for the hitter's oseapo. The plan decided upon was to use dynamite , and when Falkonburg loft the jail young Armstrong gave him $ G to buy the explosive. Sunday morning Watson Pitzor drove up to Bluf s resi dence and took him out in the country. Uluf demanded S500 for committing the crime agreed upon between him and ' 'al , but Pitzor told him that $400 was U that could bo paidus the Armstrongs ore at a heavy .expense and that was 11 they could spare. ( invn tlm Scheme Aivny. Bluf did not want to do the work for wo or three wooks.but ho was urged to lo it right away , us the books of the reasurer's ollleo were going to bo in- estipatod , and it was necessary for Cal k ) be free before that was done. And so hey decided to attend to it at once. Pitzor counted out $ -100 and told Bluf hat whan the crlmo was committed he money would bo paid him. Blnf de- nandcd his pay in advance. Pitzcr ro used and Bluf made an excuse to post- wiio negotiations until a later hour , luring which time ho decided to reveal ho plot and turn the conspirators over o justice. The plot was so altered that Bluf was o go to the jail yard und sandbag Chtir- ey Miller , who wns guarding the jail. Jo was then to enter the residence , pl Shot-ill Wright , chloroform the family , ocnro tli3 keys , open the door , and give oung Armstrong his libory. Pitzor vas to bo located across"tho river with mother man who was to drive Cul to Voblcbvillo. Bluf was to give the signal ) y firirg several shots in quick succes sion , 1 y which Pit/or was to know that ovorylhi ig was all rights < - ( 'might llio Conspirator * , Under the instructions of the sheriff -ho plot was carried out , a largo force of deputies being sworn in to gobble up the ionspirators. Pitzor foil into the hands of the ollicors , and the man in the buggy Irovo oil nt breakneck speed , followed jy several bullets which lulled to take elTect. Pitzor was taken to jail and searched , and on his person were found a largo revolver , $100 in money and a satchel containing- Cal Armstrong1 ! ! clothing. The articles found in his pos session wore criminating , sp lie was lodged in jail. The man in the buggy was pursued to Arcadia , where ho was overhauled and Found to bo Joe Crcsslor. Ho was brought "back to Tipton and put in jail. Meantime , the elder Armstrong was lodgod-bohind the bars. Pitzor and Crossldr have both confessed. They lay the concoction of the schomoupon James K , Armstrong , the defaulting treasurer. After Pitzor had miido his confession ho pulled oil his shoes and brought forth a largo roll of bills , showing that ho was supplied with money to do his part. On another occasion an attempt was made to sandbag the sheriff While ho was taking Armstrong to the city. Tlio cause of Armstrong's downfall was fast living , wine and women. Titlin Guoil t.'uro of tin , Children. , IJurllnRtonCo. , N. J. , July 17 , 18'JIl. Our baby , now 14 months old , wns taken with every symtoni of cholera Infnn- tum. I commenced uslnc ( Jhninberhilu's colic , cholera und dltirrtuDU remedy , and after the IIrat few doses he was relieved , and at this writinc Is as well as ever. I feel that I cannot speak too highly in its praise. Mrs. Win. K. Heed. fiaurixa tuit I'AHTVIIAOK. Cnttlomon und Nhrepim-n ut War on a. Colorado rado Mnmi Three Itopurtoil KHIoil. Ril-'MS , Colo. , Aug. 10. It was reported - ported late last night that war hud broken out between the cattle and shcop motion the mesa north of Parachnto ; that thrco cattlemen are killed nnd that the hhcopmon are ensconced in a canon nnd lighting stubbornly. The trouble arisen over the attempt of cattlemen to drive the ohoopmoa out of the country , Sunday evening Mr. Uillelor , a sheup man , arrived from Parachute and reported that curly In tlio morning a jmrty of about thirty tinned and masked men appeared on the mesa among the sheepmen , put a rene around ono man's nock und drove the balance of the herders out of the country , and warned the men not to drive their Hheop back under penalty ot death. Monday u formidable bund of sheep men started to drive tlio sheep back again. The light IB supposed to bo the result. A number of cattlemen cnmo into Do Boquo last night for arms ami ammuni tion nnd reported the light. Particulars are meager , us the KCCIIU is remote. Louvonmark dives tonight , Conrtland Tlm "Dliuetriiui Krroi" ThU Tlina. KCTCHUM , Idaho , Aug. 10. The state silver convention yesterday adopted un address to the people of the United States , In which the opinion is expressed that no final Battlement of the financial question can be directed until eon- gross shall restore the law pr vlding for the free and unllinitoS coinage of silver at n ratio of 10 to 1. It was decided to organize u State bimetal lic league , Tlio address closes as fol lows ; "Tlio paonlo of Idaho hereby record their conviction that if congress shall fall to pass a free coinage lavr at this oossion it will bo necessary for all bimolullihts , laying all other issue * aside , to iinlta in a political organiza tion whoeo sole aim it ahull bo to rectify the disastrous error committed in tha demonetization act ol IS'i'd. "