TUtt OMAHA DAILY BEifryTIIUKSDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1893. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Trade in Wheat Was Only Moderately Active Yesterday. TENDENCY OF PRICES WAS DOWNWARD Umlncs * In Corn ami Out * Win Light While lu I'rrmsloix tile Hrol < or Were tlnnhlo to Da Any thing. CHICAGO , Aug. 10. Trade In wheat wni moderately nctlvo tpday. In corn and oats It was llght.whllo , lu provision * the brokers ensconced themselves In their capacious nrm chairs and went comfortably to sleep. Thu tendency of prices was downward , the result of what was spoken of ns the less favorably llrmnclnl outlook. Compared with yesterday's closing prices wheat Is MO lower , corn Is off } f e , and oats from > o to Jjfc lower. Wheat at the opening was about the same ns yesterday's closing to } ( o higher , nnd after numerous fluctuations prices fell le for September , and from Ufa to llfo for December - comber , reacted < c. closing llrm at about- medium prices. Light receipts , uid the good export business caused the temporary show of strength at the opening , but cables were flat nnd depressed , and Now York wired that foreign buying orders wcrovory gen erally withdrawn. Tlicro were pretty free offerings during most of the session. Exchange was again illfllcult to sell and quoted at * 15 discount. Stocks In Now York \vcro lower and weak and the Northern 1'a- clfio receivership helped to depress the market , Seine of those who started the previous advntjco which commenced a week ngowero throwing over tlicir loads today. N. II. Ueam , Arthur Orr and Harry Champ- Hn were among those who thus sold out. Closing public cables showed slight ad vances at Liverpool iiml Paris , and that , brought some buying orders from the out side which caused the market to close linn. Tlicro was a little pressure to sell corn at the ; opening , Ouo to reports of rain , particu larly west of the Mississippi. The demand was light and prices receded from J c to Jfc moro marked on the deferred futures. Later the mnrkot showed a little more steadiness with lea's inclination to sell the near futures , being inlluonced to some extent by a good Inquiry for the cash property , and prices rallied from % o to HC. During the latter part ol tlio session the fooling was easy and prices settled back again from Jgo loic , nnd closed steady. With only a moderate trade In oats early a Weak fooling prevailed , prices receding Jj'c , but reacted and closed at about the same prices an yesterday. There was liberal buy ing of September back by the shorts. It was a case of almost perfect stagnation In the speculative department of the provis ion trade. Prices were high but there was a general disposition to trade. The controll ing forces made It dilllcult for any ono having ingnn order to execute It. They had to dis count the preceding quotation if they de sired to sell and had to pay a premium If they wanted to buy. Compared with the closing prices of tbo day before , pork is nominally 15c cheaper : lard fromBJ c to 5c lower ; ribs unchanged to 5c higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , C > 5 cars ; corn , b 5 cars ; oats , 165 cars ; hogs , 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUU Dull \incliiiiiRcil. . WIIBAT No. 2 sprint ! . 01 ? iu ; No. 3 spring , f. o b. , uCG3c.i No. ' 2 rod , GlK&GliJc. OOHN No. " , 3'JJJcj No. 3 yellow , closliiir a . OATR-NO. 2 , 24Vic ; No. 2 wlilto , f.o , b. , 20HG EOc ; No. 3 whlti' . f. o. b. , 29.WjC. ItVE No. a , 4G c. llAlir.KV No. ! 2 , f. o. b. , 37c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 8 ! E30c. Ki.AxSEEn No. 1 , J1.02W. TIMOTHY SKKP i'rlnic , f3.373.40. ( I'OllK tlURS , per hbl. , $ lUOai''ai2.871/5 ' : lard pur 100 HIM. , t8.4fiQ8.DD ; short ribs si , If lloosol , $7.8U14ii8.87i ( ! : dry salted bhnulchir jhoxudl. * 7.00ffi7.2D ; short clour bldoa ( boxed ] WHISKY Distillers' finished Roods , per gal , SIIOAHS Cut loaf , ttnchniiRod ; eratiulatod 6.70 ; htundard "A , " & ,82. Tlio following were the rocolpts und ship muntsfor today ; On the Produce exchange today Ibo butte inurki't was llmr creamery , 184t24c ; ilnlrs 1722o. KKgs.Hlcady ; strictly freah , 13 ® 14i Ne\r York Murki'l * . Nr.w YOHK , Aui , ' . 10. FI.OUU Uecolpt 23'JOO iikps. ; exports , 800 bills , , 650 sack' , sales , 20.7UO lilies. , timrkot moro uctlvi Btcady. COIIN MBAI < Dull , stonily. KYK Dull , nominal , wc-stern , 05c. HAHI.EV MAIT Qulot ; western , 705180c. WllKAT UuuellitH , 104,2W ) bu. ; o.\porl ,103 DOO bu , ; stiles , -1,075,000 bit , of fnttirc.s , 63 000 bit.spot ; No. 2 red , instoruiuid uluvato C8'ilC8ju ? ; ; afloat , OOc ; f. o , I ) . , G8U < 70ic ! ; uncrudcd red , ( MCiGOc ; No. luirtlicrn , 70u. Options opened weak ut ! ; decline on forolun hdllnK , rallied ! ' ® ? ec IlKbt rvcolptH , fell Vi < tiiic , nilvnncod * iWtc mi clohod at He below yesterday. Soptomho I10 ® 7ic ( ) ! : October. 7 17ia72ic ( ; Novombo ' ii : ; Docvinbur , COIIN llocelpts , Gi,400 ( on , ; uxports , GO.OC lilt.1 ; bales , 3J6OOO uu , fiDurci , , U2.OOO b ipot. Hpot market iitilot , Momly ; No , 2 , 47 U47ijc In elevntor ; 474' < it48o nlloat ; No , white , 47 ? o ilillvori'cl. ) Uptloim opened wuti Btid closcil steady tit Uc up to ? ic down ; Ai Rust. 47i47 ! ? i ! . closuiK at 47aCi Kopteinbi ! I7UO47 ( J : October.47Ja4t48e. . closing at 48 DecMinlier , 407i , closing at 4UiC ? , OATS HrcelptK , 142,800 bu. ; exports , 11 bu. ; hales , iati.000 bu. futures. 05,000 b ipot. tipotB , dull , Options. dull. August , SOU closing at 30c ! ; Hepteinbor , 'JO HI' , , , eli ; Ini ; at 307ic ; October , 3lS31hc , closing Blf.ij : NovHinbor , 32J < c ; No. 2 , 30J 4t3OSJo ; N U while , 40i { | No , VJ Ulilcaeo , 3la < t ( > 32iie ; N D , UUJio ; inUt'd western , 3U&33cj white wet ertt , UH&tfio. HAY l-'lrni. llot'H-l'Irtn , . I'uoviBioNS-Ctit meats , steady ; inldillliu nominal , l.ard , < iulet , uualor ; western steu clostMl ut t'J nomlmtl ; hales , 2&0 tierces i IH.'J&QS.M ) ; option htilos nuno ; Hoptemb | U.7Uiioiiilniil | October , J8.05 , nomliml , I'oi quint , Kleudy. HutTKti I' Inn , ijuluti wpsiorn cruiiinci 17if'J4'ic ( ; KlgliiB , 24Sioj Imllittton creainei OHIJESU 1'lrmor , llsbt recolnts ; BJiiilO'i fancy colored , OUOO-Scj part fcKlins , UiiGfj fuUhklnih. lOc. . KIIIIH Finn , moiloratn rccolpts ; rocelp 6.4UU plinestorn ) ; , fresh , K ; ' 4tl7c. 1'Ai.r.ow Aetlvc , limit city t 2 per pli C ; case , t'J.rilKit3,25. On < ( julel , flrin ; criulo , 31 880 ; yullow. 43c. bid. I'ETitoi.KUiiViis necleclod ; renitbylvrti oil , Miles. iiDiio ; September , option sales , noi t > 7c bid , 67 He iibkcd. l.lma oil , bales , not Q'otal sale's , none. UOSIN Dull , steady ! strained , common rend , 00 < 305e. TUIU'BMTINB Dllll , Clisyj 26H < S2Gc. HtCK-Quloti ( loinebtlc , fair lu extra , 2 ? tHio ; Japan , j- . ttoady ; Now Orleans , 011 kettle , Kood to choice , 30fc38c. btiiuii Haw , ijulut , steady ; relhied , bteai /air demiind. r I'KI InoN-Steadyt American , J12.76S1& . Coi-l'Bli Wotikt lako. * 'J,60. l.KAl > Quiet ! domchtle. < 3.3'J ( ; , TIN Firm : traltMlt.2U * bid ; plates , bi'KM'Kit-atuadyj Uumcgtlc , t3,70. St. I.oulu MiirkPt8. ST. Itoms. AUK. iO. Krx > un Wculc , i ptiis ed , not quotably lower , WIICAT'us weak until near thu cloi > owl Uu'uctuiltuwltliluScut ytstor < ltiy'sclo e ; , ' Q red , utuli , 68 ? < c ; August , 6'Jc ; Hepteml CUftGOHo uikod ; Octobur , G2 io uskeil ; Dece bor , GHXo bid. Ooitw Was lower on crop luiproveiuo No. 2 tiiltod. C li ml Alljfint , 33 > { C ! "optrtnbcr , S \c lilih l > foi'tnbBr,34c bid ; year , 33seiMiiraAHeliUl. . . . ( htsNoiiilnnlt No. 3 , CMII mid AtiRUst , 33o ; September , U9.VO bhl. . . . . HAT Scorco , flrifi } prlmn lo cholco ttmotby , tn.oofna.oo. Hl'TTKitUncbivnKPil. . KotiA'ltSc , blKhor. I'mivmonK-Iliitlior. ory nrin- pork , now , current mnho. fl.1.7hi Inul , t8.2. > ; dry salt mtmt , | OH P ilinulilcr < , 0.7.'i ! lonps tvntl ribs , $7.87 ! boft < , IB.afii botrd , lOc higher ; bncon , pivoued lioiildcri , Jfl.76 ; lontji and rlbi , f > 0.'JMt9a7l ! ( bert , fO.02HUO.7G ! liitmi , H3.00 iill.Ot ) . UttCEli'TS-Plour. 2.000 uncle ! whoit , 70- ooobu. : corn , 70,000 bii.ionti.ao.OOObu.t rye , 4,000 bu. Hllll'MSSTS Klnttr , 7,000 sacki ; rrhoat , 31- 000 bu. ; corn , 75,000 bu. ' . oati. 108,000 bu. Omiilin 1'rnilure Mnrl < or > 'UTTTRU-l'anoy croamorlo1 ; , solid paokoil , lOfls fair to Rood crcamorloi , lolld packed , ir/il c ; cholco to fancy country , HlU&e : fair to ( rood country , l2U13c ; packing stock , froih , lie. Idvn I'ooi.THY The rccclpM for thli wcok atHlnruor ; cholcoold hcni. 74c ! ; old roosters , 4l5ci ( ! sprbiB chickens , 'Ji&tlc. Ktitis The ruuelits ( are not largo , but tboy nro sulllelcnt to supply this traile. The bulk of thn salus are reported at lie. 0.vti > K4 lloitiusrown kiook Is plenty at 15iC per II ) , on ordori from the country. TOMATOMllomo grown stock , per 4- b.'i < ) kut crate , 75'iWOc. HtiNUV Nuw while clover , peril ) . , IBc. I'oTATOtw Tli utpply Is very light and the nuirknt llrm. On oratiM from the country they are worth atloast765l80c. GHAPia So far tills season there have not boon very ninny Rrnpos In from California. California , per case , S'2 ; Illinois , per 1Mb. basket , loa&Ui ; . UAMFOIIMA KHIIITS KurlyCrawford peaches , per box , tl. 1&:0 to 10-box lot.H , tl.O.vai.lOt cllttKs 91.10 ; 10-bnx lota , clhiR ? , SI ; llartlott pears , por. box , $2 ; ) ) luins , pur box , $1,50 ® 1.76 ; p.xtra fancy plumi , s'2 ; nectarines , per box , $1.60. MKI.OSS The supply of walormolons Is Inrt-or than It was a few days at ; < > . Onoil watormoloiiH nro selling all the way from J10 to 120 per 100 ; small or Inferior , * ! U.OOai6.00 .lorn cantaloupes , baskets , $1.25 ; short crates , Sl.25J61.60l lout : crates , $1.752.00. AIMM.KS No apples to amount to anything ro boltiK shipped In , nnd tlio supply of homegrown grown stock Is motlera'.e. Cholco Duchess , par bbl , , J3.5U ; common varieties , suitable to ship on orders , J2.7533.00. UAtitiAdE The business In shipping c.ibbago to the country appears to bo about over. Occasional orders are received and tilled at Hie. Hie.CKt.nnv Strnv shipments are arriving nnd tlio nilillty of the stock Is pronounced good for thin season of the yoar. Celery , per eloz. bunches , 35c. THOl'ICAT , FltUITS. LEMONS The steady warm weather pro duces a. very fair demand for lemons and all houses aio doing a good steady business In them. Jlosslnas , extra fancy , JG.OO'ii0.5 ( ) ; Mcsslnns , per box , cholco to fancy , $5.00105.50. OIIANOKS There am only a few orango.s nr- rlvlhg. Klvorshlo.Mediterranean sweets , S3.70. HANANAS 1'rlces remain about steady. Per bunch , largo , $2.25a2.76 ; per bunch , small to medium , $2.00542.25. iumi : * , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 croon hides , 2Sc ! ; No. 2 green hides , 2o ; No. 1 green salted bides , 2 ? c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 2c ; No. I green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40dls. ) , 2 > . ( c ; No. 2trccn salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ills , to 15 IDs. , 6c : No.2 veal naif , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 3c ; No , 1 dry Illnthitlcs , Oc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c. I'art cured hides He per ID. less than fully cured. SllElll' I'BI.TS Green salted , each 35cS$1.25 ( ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each 1525c ; dry Mioarllm : ? ( short wooled early nklim , No. 1 , each OQilOc : dry shearlings ( short weioled early skins ) . No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool polls , per 11) ) . , actual weight , 1OIJ lie ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual wnlght , 7JJ10c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 910c ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pult-s , per lb. , actual weight , 7 < iB9c : dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 537c. TAI.I.OW AND GllCASti Tallow , No. 1 , 4o ; tallow. No. 2 , 3' c : crease , white A , 3iSe ; ; grease , white II , 3u ; grease , yellow , 24'c ; grease , dark , 2ic ! ; old butter , 2 < a2V4c ; equ swax , prlmo , 10Q23c ; rough tallow , -i ! ( J'Jc. ritotluci : i-oiNTUiis. Miiscntlno Is commencing to ship water melons. Game. Is once more putting In an appearance on the market. Missouri growers are Inquiring about the market for grapes. The local growers expecl to have grapes on the market by August 2t or 20. Oklahoma promises tobecomo a heavy ship per ef produce ami fruits In the near future and Umiiha will no doubt receive her share Already the territory la Introducing herself tc thi ) trade. A car of very line largo water melons was received from there by llranch S Co. , which sold very readily. Potatoes are not very plenty In Omaha jnsi at present. The local growers appear to havi exhausted tholr crop of early varieties am the market has boon gradually firming up. / point has boon reached where they can now b < shipped In from other points and a car Is ox m-clod to nrrlvo hero lu a day or two fron Kansas , The present hard times and scarcity o money Is a great hardship to the knights o the dark lantern. Homo of thorn have boon reduced duced to such extremities that they an forced to biirglarl/.o commission houses li order to keeu the wolf frotn the door. Hlddol & liytie's commission house was the last om visited by them. The safe , which was no locked , was ransacked , as were tlio drawers li the olllco desks , but only a dollar or two b postage stamps was sccuiod. Liverpool MurkrM. LiVKUrooj/.Aiig. 10. WH BAT Qulot , doninni poor ; holders oiler moderately ; red western spring , 5s7iditOs8d ! per cenlalNo.2red ; , winter tor , 5s 7dil5s ( Ud. COIIN Kasy , demand poor ; mixed western 4s 19 d per cental , PROVISIONS llacon , 50s Gd per cwt. for Ion and short clear middles about 65 Ibs. . am 53s for long clear middles about 46 Ibs , Lard 44s pefcwt. forpriino western , Cue USB 10s Cd PIT owl. for American fines white * , and 47s Od for American finest colored SriiiiTSOF.Tuiii'UNTiNic 20s Gd percwt. PEAS 5s Od per cental for Canadian. Kansas CJlly Mnrkots. KANSAS OITV , Aug. IG.-WIIISAT ICM' ! lower ; No. 2 liard,511iJ52c ( : No. 2 led , 54c. COIIN Htoady , though t > omo gales were ' / ( letter ; No. 2 mixed , DUmi'/jiv No. 2 white , 3 CO Hie. curs-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22ffi23c ; No. whito. 2&U2GO. II AY Finn , unchanged , HUTTUit Firm ; creamery , 20c ; dairy , 1 © 18c. Kooa Light receipts , active , nrm ; 1 Manclirsier Commnroiul. ] MANCHESTEII , Aug. 10. The Guardian , In ll commercial article , says : The Inquiry fi-ji the largo eastern buyers Is moro numeral Little business 1ms been ilono for China , 03 copt tn some blili-tlmcs and llnlslilnx cloth Slocks are less valuable. The prices olTm-c from China me HOtuolImc.s lower , Manufui Hirers are Inclined to make some concession American yarns are moderately salable i lower prices , OollVo Mtirkot * NKW VOUK. Aug. 16 , Otitlons opened stcnd at & to 2(1 points down and closed steady at 1 to 20 points down. Bales at tlio close wei 20,500 bags , Including ; September. fl4GO 14,80 ; October , * 14.H ( ) ; November , $14.71) ) bli December , 14.4512)14,00 ) ; January , $14.45 14.60 ; March , * 14.25. .Spot easier at J15.02 ftl6.7f ) for No , 7 ; sales , 0,000 btiRs Hantos N 7 at m,7& . and 1,600 bags Santos No. 7 , u No. 8 to arrive , ut$16,37' j. „ Cotton Murlu-t. , NBW Onr.itANH. Aug , 10 , Qulot ; mlddlln B 7 7-10c ; low middling ( JJfci good ordinal . . 73-10u ; not and gross rccolpts , U3 bales ; ell ll ports coabt w IbO , 1OO bales ; bales , l.ooo tialt r ) block , -4,821 bales. Futures Htoucly ; t > ah ' „ 42,300 balobi August. * U.H5 bid ; i-optotnbti I * ( i.80 hid ; Ootobor , tO.UBaO.UO ; Novombi t7.l)7e7,08j ) December , 7.100 7.17 ; Januai * 7.iHi7.32 : ! { Kobruary , * 7.38iii7.39 ; Mare t7.40it7.47. Oil .Markciti. Oti.OtTV , Pa. , Aug. 10. National transit ce tlllcatoa opened nt 68 ; highest , 6Hloue ! ; 67 ! > ; closud , DH ? , : sains , 0Ol)0 ) bills ; cleiirttnci 32,000 nliU ; bhlpmentB , 00,394 bUU ; mi 81.042 UOlb. I'lTTBiiuito , I'a. , Aug. 10 , National trait certificates opened at 68 ; closed , 68U ; blu est , 68i ! ; IOHC.I , 68 . 10 , CALCUTTA LIKSBUU Si delivery 42s per cjuarter. 1 I'lilliiiU-lplilu ( Iriiln .Mnrkot , 1 U Yll l * * m * u > < i int ( kiifft ( > AT HlKl but dull ; No. 2 red , Autrust , G5 ? C OGc , COIIN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , Augubt , 4' ' 47Hc. Ino U.t'1-s Weaker ; No. 2 white , August , 34 } o , 0 , Cliiuinimti .Mailiuta. teen CINCINNATI , Aug. 10 , WHEAT Stronger ; J 2 mixed , 60c. COHN Kabler ; No. 2 mixed , 4-lc. OATS Btiong ; No , 2 mixed , 'J7c. ony. llalllmoru lirikiu MurUel. ; y. llAt.TiMoiiE. Aug , 10.VIIKAT Qulut lower ; No. 2 keptiMiibor , GGc. iO , Coit.v-Dull , easy ; August , 40ic , OATH Firm uml bteady ; No. i ! white we ' ern , 34c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MlniitMipolUVhtat Murker. MINNEAI-OMS , AUR , 10 , Woukorj Huptonil closed ut 60Ci ! Ht-cember , Ii3 ? o geiod demti lo- for cash wheat ; lSe > , 1 hard , Olot No. 1 nor ern , &bic ! ; No 2 northurn , DGli7o , en Nuw York Dry UnoiU Murknt. ur , New VottK , Au 10 , Iliulness In dry goc ai- continue * llrm , At lirst ami second hm there wab nothing ilotiiK of mumu-nt uml - It ; bu lues U far from kullgfuctory. There \ ot rn r n he moro btiKlncs thnn U now cur * runt at Ihn fall season of jobbers Is nt hand , but cnutton will rule oporntnrs. Today's traiHucllotn were without details of Interest. STOCKS AMI ItONDS. Securities Wnre I > vorl h nnd Unifttlrd Itnrly In thn Day. NEW YOUR , Aup. 10. The stock market vn fovcrlsh nnd unsottlctl early in the day. The appointment of receivers for the North ern Vaclllc property hnel an advor'o Inllu- cnco on the corporations , out the bears laid even greater stress on the reports In circula tion that the Chicago , Burlington Si Qulncy directors nt thotr meeting today would reduce - duce the dividend rate. On the strength of this nil of the granger shares'as well as sonio others , were taken In . the bear nccount. Burlington fell oft 2 per cent to 73 ; Hock Island , 3 per cent to r > 5Jnnd the remainder of the list j'loldodV to2 percent. The turnini ? point cnmo when It was oniclally announced that the directors of the Burlington had de clared the usual quarterly dividend of l.if per cont. 'J his was such a surprise that the smaller bears rushed poll moll to cover. General Klectrlo Bold up from ! l" to 4.Wo , the rlso being assisted by the dental of tlio reports that some paper bearing tlio company's endorsement had gone to protest. Sugar nelvnnccd 3J per cent and Chicago Gns and Northwestern each ! l per cent. The important changes otherwise were from J to IK PCI' cent and the entire list shared in tlio rally. The Post says ; Coming as yestcrdav's Juno statement of the Union Pacific did along with the confession of the Northern Pacific's Insolvency , with the reduction of nearly DO per cent In the Great Northern's monthly pay roll , und with a steady falling off in currant gross receipts of other conti nental roads , the question of the cause of such trafllc losses becomes of paramount Im portance. The trouble Is clearly not that of a single district ; the Union Pacific figures prove that. If the decrease of 8S per cent In the Denver & Gulf division's ' earnings bo attributed to Colorado's Individual collapse , some other reason must bo hnd for thu do- crcaso of 60 per cent in the returns of the Ore'gon Navigation company , far to the northwest , or for the still heavier falling off In those of the Union Paclllc system's smaller lines , confined to Kansas and Ne braska. The total shrinkage covers an enormous nnd varied area nnd reflects a paralysis of transportation from the granger states to the Paclllc ocean. The Immediate cause of this blockade will not escapn observers of the market for money nnd for Interior exchange. No doubt the people of the west nro buying less east ern merchandise than In 1892 ; but this , again , Is largely because they cannot com mand the bank facilities to send their own merchandise to market. Kurope's sudden and heavy purchases of grain have been supplied from the great city elevators , whoso slock of wheat has fallen 155.000,000 bu. since April's opening. But the now grain nnd the new vre'stern produce of every kind as far as the Pacific is in the hands of Its producers. It is neither worthless nor superfluous nnd each successive draft upon supplies In sightbrings closer the time when consumers will per emptorily need the produce from first hands. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now York : exchange today : The totiil sales of stocks today were 200,87-1 bhuros , InoUidliiK : Atchlson , 0,300 ; HiirlltiK- ton , 3QUO ; Chicago Oils , 21,200 ; General Kloc- trie. 20,0(10 ( ; Loulsvlllu & Naslivlllo. 4,800 ; Now York Central , 3,000 ; Northwestern.G.BOOi Northern I'nclflc preferred , 8,800 ; Hoot Island , 10,700 ; t. Paul , 25,200 ; Stwir. 12,200 Union 1'uclOc , 3,200Vetorti ; Union , 21.00. Nu\r York Alonov .Market. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 10. MONKVON ClAMr-KilSJ nt SS4 percent ; lust loan at3 percent , clos- iiKoll'eiPil nt 3 porcont. I'IUMK.MEIIOANTII.K PAIMII 812 per cont. HTEIILINO KxciiANnE Wonlt , with iictua business lu bankers' bills nt $4,81)i ) foi sixty ( 'ays und f-l.H53-l.8l5 fordointind ; coin inurchil bills , $4.79(34.80. ( SII.VFH CEIITIFICATES Noxlectcd ; closed n 72 > 4'74 , ' . QOVKIINMENT IIONDS Fiflll. HtatO botldl dull. dull.The The closing quotation ? on honds : London Kmum-fl * . ( U NEW YOIIK. Aug. IG. The Kvenlng I'o > lib financial cable B.iys : Ono hundred and llfte ho thouiaml sovereigns wcru received from I 111 continent today , Twuuty-tlvo thou * * pou nils In United /Utes gold coin wore sold , The demand for purl ( gold li slackening , but moro will bo shlpiUdl Saturday. Silver wa uiiclmngpil today , The India council accepted tenders for twofvo Jucs , Telegraphic trim- fern nro made at the ruto of 12Md n ilroprf d ilnco Uio last allotment iovon weeks ago. The stSfk markets were stagnant. Inillnn Nf.w YOIIK , Aug. Ui. London cables received In Wall street thl * afternoon report that the India council had.n-ccdod from the position It took when It elo Jd the Indian mints to the frt-o coinage of silver and was soiling council bills below itho arliItF\ry fixed rate of 164et. The advices were meager and did not state whether the mints had been reopened. In the absence of definite ifidws It wa < supposed the Council had been utiiibjo to maintain the rate ot exchange on India at the price fixed. 1'lnunoliil Note * . C .MA It A , Aug. 1C. Clearings , f4G3,531 , KANSAS OITV , Aug , 10. Clearings , $987,321. HAVANA , Aug. lo. Exchange quiet ; sugar quiet. i Nr.w YonK , Aug. 10. Clearings , 172,390- 720 ; balances , W , 805,010. 1'Aitts , Aug. 1C. Thrco per cent rentes , 09f 37 lie for the account. HAI/TIMOUE , Aug. 10. Clbarlnes , * l,994,109j balances , $275,304. , Money , 0 per cont. I'llir.ADEU-iltA , Aug. 10. Clearings , * 9,004- 054 ; balance * , M,235,768. , Money , 0 per cont. MKMrillfl. Aug. 10. Now York exchange soiling at 41.60. Clearings , } 56,32 ; balances , cl3,710. LONDON , Aug. 10. Amount of bullion gene Into the Hank ot England on balance today , 1 16,000. * CINCINNATI , Aug. 10. Money 7(38 ( per cent. Now York exchange , SO discount , Clearings , ' 1,152,000 , NnwOiu.EANR. Aug. 10. Clearings , f 080,695. , Nuw York exchange , commercial , J7.00 dls- countijiank , nar. ST. Louis. Aug. 1C. Clcarlngn , J2,571,857 ; balances , if 150,319. Money , G8 per cont. Ex change on Nuw York , JG.60 discount , CHICAGO , Anz. 10 , Oloarlngs , J10,088,479. Now York exchange 816 discount. Sterling exchange , dull at fl.80Q4.85. Money , steady at 7 percent , NKW YOIIK , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Hun. ! Kxclmngo was quoted as follows today : Chicago , S15 discount ; St. Louis , $7. 60 discount. BOSTON , Auc. 10. Clearings , 111,728,475 ; balances 11,103,943. Money. 7 3-10iJ8 ( per cent. Exchange ou New York , fl.OOO2.00 pre mium per $1,000. OMAHA. LIVIi STOCK MAUIUCTS. Cuttle Steady to Firm IIoRii tn Gooel Do- inniul and lllfhor. WKPNE8DAT , Aug. 10. There was a good average run of stocic of nil kinds todayi Compared with the first half of last week receipts for the past three days show an increase of about ! 2,000 cattle and 2,000 hogs with a falling off of some 2,500 sheep. The cattle market was a rather uncertain quantity today. Buyers said prices were stronger , sellers said they were weaker , but all agreed that trade was slow with no very radical change In prices elthor way. Re ceipts were very fair with natives and rangers about "half and half. " As usual of late the demand came almost entirely from the dressed beef houses , nnd as supplies so far this week have disappointed them they have been fairly good buyers of cattle that suited them. Thev paid from 4.05 to $4.40 for fair to ver.V good 1,200 to 1,400-lb. baovcs , and bought fair to choice 'MO ' to 1,200- Ib. steers at from fll.OO to $4.10. Fair to poor stuff moved rather 'slowly ' and generally at easier prices from 'J3 to $3.00 , including a good string of westerns at $3.25 and f3.30. The movement while not at all brisk was steady , and a compaYatlvely early clearance was effected. The cow markotSV/is / In very fair shape. Good to choice cowWnnd heifers sold at from $2.40 up to $3.25 , tavbilo common und can ning cows went at , from $1.25 to ? 2.25. Calves wore in gopd demand and sold at from $2.25 to f-l'iir about steady pr'ces. Fat bulls and oxen 'were a shade stronger , other grades dull. ' ' Prices ranged from $1.50 to $3.25. ' , 'a There was n gboll elesreo of life and strength to the feeder trade and prices " - ' - elealcrs did most averaged firmer.Regular of the buying , paying from $2:85 to $2.55 , largely for fair to. pfpod'stock ; , both natives ami westerns. Good , .to choice feeders are quotable at'$2.70ft3.00 ( , fair to'pood at $2.50@ 8.70 and common stuff at $2.00@2.50. Representative ' sentative sales- DHRBSKD I1EEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 1145 835 10 1188 405 1 1100 840 1 1180 430 34 929 8 CO 13 1284 4 30 23 1023 3 70 47 ll'Jl 4 35 20 1076 370 21 1102 435 24 1081' 380 17 1277 440 22 1101 385 17 1417 440 MIXED , 12 1055 375 40 898 410 COWS. 4 845 125 1 1450 225 1 070 175 1 1450 225 1 890 200 ' 12 895 235 1 070 225 1 910 240 1 1230 225 14 1017 2 4O 1 1450 225 24 035 240 5 700 225 1 1290 205 2 1095 225 2 1130 275 2 1185 225 4 1145 325 IIEIFF.ltB. 9 623 135 1 010 225 CAIA'KS. 2 245 3 25 1 110 4 00 8 150 3 75 2 210 4 00 DULLS. 1 1380 150 1 1720. 190 1 1050 1 65 . 1 1020 205 1 940 1 CO OXEN. 2 1800 325 PTAOS. 17 1205 2 85 BTOCKKUS AND FEKDEUS. 10 895 200 17 002 200 75 701 225 84 Oil 206 12 681 225 4 845 285 2 455 225 26 878 285 149 895 2 35 MIMCUI13 AND BI'IIINOCIIS. 1 springer 25 Oi 1 springer 20 Ol 1 cow and calf 32 O1 1 cow and calf 27 ( X 1'cow and calf 25 0 1 cow and calf. . . . 22 Oi WESTUIIN CATTLE. No. Av 1'r , No. Av. Pr. WYOMINfl. 24 cows..1020 $2 05 1 bull. . .1510 $1 70 lstrtlg.1470 225 1 sir tlg.,1160 225 5 cows. . 002 200 10 feeders 824 265 23sleers.l231 810 0 cows..1025 265 21foed'rs OGO 275 13 stoors.,1210 330 SCOWH. . 972 266 0 feeders 771 276 2 stuoni.1235 3 30 12 cows. . 070 255 G fd'rs.1021 275 1 htoi.1250 | 3 RO 12 .steers. 1163 3 30 1 cow. . . 01O 1 60 11 cows. . 704 1 6O 8 COWS. . 737 2 36 30 COWH. . 829 2 35 1 cow. . . 030 1 60 1 cow. . . BOO 1 50 67 cowa . 788 1 60 14 holf'rs 492 1 65 22 COWS. . 813 220 Scows. . 970 270 30 cows. . 021 ! i 7O 2 calves 325 225 43 calves 200 3 50 NUllllABICA. 1 bull..1400 1.BCH 1 bull..1570 100 1 COW. . . 890 2-237 1 belfer.1100 205 B holf'rsl080 2 fi5f , 91 f'd'rB. . 874 2 70 BOUTJrrIAKOTA. 20 cows.1053 2,66 , 1 Bteer.,1670 316 7 hteors.1190 3 , 1 Hoes In the hoftpinrlcot It begins to lee moro likes "old jltiics , " There was a vet respectable run today and the market wr higher , with tru'diug decidedly brisl Eastern markets wUtfj reported higher , an with at least eight' ' Kippurs in the Hold , so oral speculators .and u very active denial ! from all local houses , including packer prices could hnrdry.fall to advance , Opcnii bids and aales werftfcathor unoven. from II higher on heavy 'olid mixed hogs to 20o i choice light weights , but business final settled rtown to , nn average rise cor pared with yestftrjlay of 15o. Good choice light utnl'tiulclitr | weight hoj sold at from : < nt.r > .10 up to (5.i ! with prime sssprtud lights at 15.11 Heavy and mixed packing grades sold fie Mlfi down to M..HJ. Kurly lu the forenoi the trading was practically over. Sal were rather scattered out , but largely fro $5 to $5 20 , against M.UO to * 3 Tuesday at M.UO to $5 one week ago today. Represent live sales ; No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh , I'r , 64..312 2801400 03..217 100 15 11 Oa.,30B 40 405 70,203 120 611 67.40 120 496 09.257 40 611 01..20-J 120 4 05 GO..290 12(1 ( 6 K 63. . . .3M HO 405 G8,251 320 6 K 67..339 320 4 95 U4.i.24O ICO 6 1' 27..267 6 OO 00..200 8(1 ( 611 10 05 . . .248 240 6 00 20..170 40 6 K 00..277 200 5 Of ) 74..238 240 B 11 67.,207 300 5 00 02..243 200 6 If 64,203 80 600 CO..270 320 6 K 62 . . .250 240 6 00 00..239 80 6 It 47..208 200 BOO 70..831 100 61 ! 51..258 12O 500 05.,238 200 Bli 70..23U 100 6 00 08.,247 240 6 II 02..240 120 6 00 72. . .2ia 100 6 II 67..292 600 78 . . .237 20 ! ) 61 ! , 'M 60 , . ,317 80 600 61..277 BO 611 'Mn 71. . .287 100 BOO 03..230 2W ) 611 iu 67..332 12O 6 OO 82 . . ,248 240 611 id 80..248 SOU B OU 04..234 320 611 ring AND HOUQII. 1..610 3 60 SUEKP Two double dock * of fair prass westerns wore received. They were hardly fat enough for killers and did not suit feeders on'account of the preponderance of owes. Of late there has been sonio Inquiry for feeders , but In sympathy with eastern markets the business Is In rather discourag ing shape Just at present and prices arc the lowest of the season. Quotations ns follows : Fair to good natives , $3.00@3.75 ! fair to good westerns. JS.50@3.25) ) com mon nnd stock sheep , $1.50@2.75s good to cholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , * 3.00@4.75. ItecoiptK nuil IHipiitttlon of Stock. OITtclnl receipt * nnd dlspoiltlon at stock as' shown by the books of the Omaha Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at G o'clock p. in.August 1C , 1893 : DISPOSITION. Stuck in Kccolpts of llvo slock at the four principal western markets Wcdnoesday , August 10 : Cattlo.Hogi. . Sheep. South Omaha 1,781 0,009 1.110 Chicago 17,000 18,000 l&.OOO Kansas City 8,100 7,800 1,200 St. Louis 8,900 2,700 1 , 00 Total 30.781 35,109 19,110 , Chicago l.lv Stock Mnrkrt. CHICAGO , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tiifc HKK.I Thuro were atioiit 1100 natives , 2,000 Texas and 4,000 western Cattle hero to day , making cl7.000 head all told. Tills Is a material increase on recent supplies and naturally n weaker feeling obtained. Good to best grades of natives were saleable at about yesterday's quotations thuro being n. good In quiry for oustorn and foreign accounts but the common to fair kinds hud to go at lower prices. At the close the provalllng feeling was weak , and should tomorrow's receipts provohirgo a general decline could scarcely bo averted ; Indued buyers were bidding lower prices for prime cattle toward the close. Common to fair grndos gbnorally sold from lOc to 15c oil'and moved slowly. Natives sold ut an extreme range of from tl to f5.23. The bunch for which the oiitslcto llguro was obtained were the bust , cattle seen hero for a longtime and the prlco was the highest ruachud since July 28. Most of the business was donu at from 11.76 to S4.05 for natives , at from Ja.GO to S3.00 for wustorn rangers and at from J2 to t3 for iTuMins. There WHS nothing doing in Ntockors and feeders. Culvos were wanted at from $2 too$6.50. There were much fewer arrivals of hogs today , but that fact did not check the upward couibo of prices , llnyors were out early and competition was sharp , so sharp that un ad- vaneo of from 16c to 25c resulted. Puckers bought right and It ft and as there was also a good demand for eastern accounts It did not take salesmen long to got rid of tholr hold ings. Late uulos wore not qulto us good as those made early In the day , but bailers were well pleased with the results. The best heavy liOKS s > old around $5.00 , cholco medium weights ns high as from J5.80 to $0.85 and funcy light at from SG.25 to JG.30. The quality was good and scarcely anything sold below $6.40 , from J6.45 to 45.80 nehiK the popular prices for averages of ever 200 Ibs. The receipts were estimated at 18,000 head , making 5'J.OOO for the wcok so far or 24,500 head moro than for the same time lust wcok. The sheen market was very flat. Under such recolpts as wo have had this week noth ing bolter was to bo expected. A supply of 45,000 head in the space of three days is a heavier load than the markut could bo expected - pocted to stand up under at any stage of the season. At present , with practically no demand - mand for shipment , a material decline was Inuvltuulo. Hlrico Saturday there has been a shrinkage of from 20c to 40c per 100 Ibs. In sheep and the decline in lambs amounts to fully OOu. The former tire off to from 91.20 to $4.20 for Inferior to extra , und the latter arc now quoted at $2.75 to $5.25. Hales of sheep were largely at from $2.50 to J3.0 and the bulk of lambs sold below i5.20. Ueceltjts : ' Cattle , 17,000 head ; calves , 1,000 head ; buns , ld.000 head ; slioep , 15,000 head. Thu Evening Journal ruoorts : OAITI..B Hocolpts , 17,000 head ; shipments , 3,500 head ; market Irregular ; prlmo hteors , t4.BOQ5.00 ; peed to cholco , $4.2j < 34.75 ; medium , $3.0034.00 ; common , t3.00Q3.45 ; Toxuus , $1.503.35 ; westerns , t2.254i4.UO ; cows , $1.0023.00. HOUR Hocolpts , 18,000 head ; shipments , 6,500 head ! Heavy , U > ® 20c higher ; closliiB weak ; light , 204t25c higher ; mixed and puckers , if5.1041/5,25 ; prlmo heavy , $6.50 © 6l 5 ; butchers , $5.GOii5.85 ; light , I6.80a0.30. SilKEr Kecolpts , 16,000 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market lower : good to prlmu natives , $3.00tt4.00 ; owes , 42.0003,00 ! west erns , J2.G6'iJ3.00 ; Texans , $2,50 3.00 ; lamba , J3.00S4.40. . . . . . . City Ltvu Sloorf Market. KANSAS OITV , Aug. l'o. OATTi.K--Iloec.pts , 8.100 bond ; shipments , 4,100 head ; market closed weak ; Texas and shipping stours.l3.ae © 5.15 ; Texas and native cows , $1.2533.00 ; butchers' block , $2.9U@4.16 ; blockers and feeders , $1.76513.60 ; bulls and mixed , $1.303 2.60. llooa Uecolpts , 7,800boad ; shipments , 2.GOC bead ; heavies steady to strong : other * BaiOc blulior ; bulk , * 5.0nj6.M ( ( ) ; heavier t4.95a5.25 ; packers , $3.1035.00 ; mixed , * 5.055.55 ; light J5.4la5.80 ; Yorkers and pigs , $6,05 < ii6,80. SilKKl1 Hocolpts , 1,200 head ; shipments 1,100 bend ; market btcndy and alow. St. LoulH Livu Hlock Marknt. ST. Lotus , Aug. 10. OATTI.K Kecolpts , 3,90 ( head : shlpmenis , 3.200 liead ; market nuliit receipts nearly all Texans and Indians ; fiilr t < good native bteors , M.Oii444U5 ; fair to goot Toxans. S2.10S3.20 ; cows , btrong. HOUR Hcceipu , 2,700 bond ; shipments 900 head ; market 10u hlghor ; light. 5.60ij 6,75 ; mixed , (6,1035.00 ; heavy , * 5.00'ifi6,40. " KKf Itocelpts , 1,800 head ; Milymonta > ; market dull aiieldcmoralUed , Tonight Courtltuid beach has th < greatest attraction : ) of the Benson. LIFE IN THE FAK WORTHW.2BT Ilxplolt * of u DOZUII Homo Tlllovea Win 1'luiulnrml u Store , All KionpliiK but One. News couched Wostinlnator , 13. G. the ether day ol raid by a gang o horse thieves from "Washington into tin Slinilkameen county , says a corro epondont of the Seattle Post-IntoUl goncer. They were well unned am numbered a dozen. Ono of tholr Urn moves was to sack Thompson's store a Granite ( Jreok. The storekeeper , buini ulono , could oiler no resistance and the , loaded tholr horses and btarted south Thompson reported to the govern ment constable at Granite Cainj : who followed with a poss and soon came up with the thieves who were obliged to travel slowly , owiiij to the weight of the goods the animal wdVo carrying. Tlio posse wua too larg for the gang to make a stand against und , after an exchange of a few bhott the outlaws abandoned the goods and rt treated slowly , leaving two stole horses bohinu. The goods and horse were taken to Allison's ranch at Prince ton and the chase given up. A few hour later , when tlio posse had dispersed , th outlaws galloped up to Allison's , too possession of tlio goods and horses agaii and gave Allison a message to Constabl iluntor that they would kill him o sight , Four of tlio party then btarto with tlio spoils straight for tlio bouudar and got safely away , but two of then Mutlock , the ringleader , and Brown , 01 : Souk , Soak ; boil , boil ; rinse , tinse away , And tcarcely see the board t all , upon a washing day. For SANTA GLAUS SOAP it doe tbe work , And toll is changed to play , While gaily sines the laundry maid , upon a washing day. N. K. FAIRI3ANK & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. CHICAGO , ILL. in i OMAHA n Directory BAGS & TWINES | TENTS , ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coc Shift Company. Snlonroom and Olllco llnTllOJIttl llowarl St Factory-llUt-1131-ll''l lloniuj St. Wo nro the ONI.v Mnnnt.t turon of lloolj nn.l Shoes lit tha elite or .Vubraslci. A cent-nil Invitation li oUonled to all to Impact ottrnowfnotory. DRY GOODS. II. E. Smith & Co. Kiipatrick-KocliDry < ! O ) l)8 CO. I > ry Kooda , notion * * , fnr- Notion" , dent ' furnish- nlslilni , ' Koods , corner Ini ; Koodi , cor. lltli anil lltli nnd Howard Sis. Harnoy ytroots. FURNITURE. OmabaUplioIstcring Bcljea & Uunyaa COMPANY. Uphohtored furniture. fUUNlTUUU COMl'ANY IIIB-HIH Mcliolui SU Wholesale only. and I3tli Street of the worst of the gang , went in the di rection of .Ttiinieson'H winch. Allison , who is a magistrate , swore in a couple of special siuitl sent for Constable Hunter , and the quiirtot started on Mat- lock and Brown's trail. They came up with the two robbers the next day some what suddenly , and the latter wore com pelled to retreat , swimming their horses to a small island iu Similkameen river , whore there are prepared to make a stand. Allison called to Mntlock to surrender. The hitter's reply was to slip behind his horse , throw a rifle ever his saddle and lire on the oilicors. The latter promptly returned the lire , nnd at the lirst volley Matloek fell , shot in the stomach. Brown attempted to swim his horse to the opposite bank amid a shower of bullets , but his horse was killed aid Brown was carried down the stream by a current out of range , and when last seen was heading for the boundary across the hills. Matloek was taken to Jamieson's ranch and a doctor sent for to Fairview , thirty-five iniles away. Ho may recover , but it is doubtful. o Leuvonmark dives tonight , Courtland , FRENCH COLONIES. The f ! : > ul HII Securotl 1II Hlinro of the rilici'i ut' ICirtli : , The French are not generally regarded as a colonizing nation. They scorn to lack the pushing and aggressive spirit that animates lingland , Germany and Russia , and it is true that the spirit does not exist among the people as a whole. But the French government lias always been ambitious ot territorial extension , and it has taken care that in the divis ion of Africa and southern Asia Franco should got her share. The colonies and protectorates of Franco , with their area and population , are given as follows : CorxMi:4. Area. Population. French India . 203 2H0.303 Cochin Ulihni . 23.000 1,010,429 T . 347,700 12.000000 Alourln . 257,450 3U10,3UU Suik'Knl . 140,000 1H2.7G4 Kronch Foudun , Gaboon and fonjso roKlon . 317,000 070,00 African Inlands . 2,600 212.-I17 A ni-rlcnn 1-lamU . 4BIMO 872.7aJ ( i'aclllc Islands . 0,105 OJ.OU5 . . i.ouo.000 Mil ecascdr" . . . 28H.OOO 1.500,000 Aiiim . . . . 100.250 O.OOU.Olll ) . . ( 'ninnrii Isles . . " " " 47OUli Sahlira"utc. . . . . . . . . . . . .1,508,000 _ U20.000 " Totals . , .2H14"uB3 80,003,192 Tlio French people 1m vo a profound aversion for tlio dUcomfoi'ts of the trop ical service necessary to maintain supremacy in these equatorial regions and they griunulo at the expenditure required to carry out the government policy. Consequently the government Is obliged to proceed with caution and to remember that the colonial war is unpopular enough to ruin any ministry unless the national pride can bo arotisoU in support of it. Nevertheless , Franco continues U look longingly at Morocco and Egypt , and to push forward in Anani , Dahomey , Aslmnto and the Congo region whenever an opportunity offers , She cannot alTonl to risk a war with any of tlio grcal poworrf in the furtherance of her ambl tlon , but she knows that Slam , fet instance , would not dare to resist hot unpsuppond.'andsho makes the most ol that knowledge , withdrawing grace fully when the resistance- her on croaohiuonts assumes a serious char All Ancient Incltutry. Wo are indebted to Pompeii for tin great industry of canned fruits. Yean ago , when tlio excavations were ins heglnniiiif , a party of Olnclnnatfuni found , in what had boon thq pantry o the house , many jars of preserved Jk'rf , Ono was opened und they were found t < bo fresh and good , Invcstigatioi showed that the figs had been put int < the jars In a heated state , an aportun loft for tlio steam to escape and thei sealed with wax. The hint was taken and the next year fruit canning wu introduced Into the United States , th process being identical with that i vogue at Pompeii twenty centuries age Atroud to niittlD thu Htrlkw. PiTTSHUKO , Aug. 10. The Santa F rainora have accepted Manager Dovlln' ' HARDWARE. Rector & Wiihclniy Lobeck & Linn , COMPANY. Dealer * tn tmrdwnroiiiil Corner lOtli nnd Jackson morhnnlcA * tools. . Street ? . Ull4 Douulna ytroat. HATS , ETC. | IRON WORKS. W. A. L , Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe anil"Iron WOUIM. lints , cup * , ntritw uooitv Si\fo , vnuln , Jail wnoil , Kluvcn , inlltnni. ISlli Iron feliutlors ntulttro OH- and llarner CtroeU. ciipoa. ( lui. Andrcon , Utlt and JnckBOii COMMISSION. | LUMBER. Branch & Co. John A. Wakclicld , Unpnrtgd.Amrrlcan Port Produce , fruits of all land cumont , Mllwau- koo comcnt and ( julncr klmln , orntorn. whlto llmo. | STOVE REPAIRS Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Carry u full ntock of prlntlnRl wrnppliiK and Hoilncil anil hilirlcatlni writing pupara , c.irJ piipcr : ) , etc. oils , nxlo eroaso , etv SOJJTJJ OMA.HA. . * * * > I V - * * M * * W Union Stock Yards Company , South Grnahat Host Cattle U o nndShcan mnrkot In tha wo it Wood Brothers. Live Stosk CommU lnn Merahunti Bontli Omnha Telephone 1157. Clil JOHN II. OADHMAN , I It . ( f Market reports by mall nnd yrlro . chcorf u ! urnlshcd upon application. A Railroad Man would tlianh 7011 , of coursolt'vou presented liimrilh A wutch , hut if it were * not a i7-jcwcl D u c b c r-I I a tn p d c n w.ttcli , h i i pleasure would not be nerfec . Kailroatl tricn aru Iho best judges Would yon llko to know whlcli wntch In most iwd on Aniprlcu's OrfAti-at lUllrniuir Ifao , wrlto for circular "A ( JnidtlnnofSoconds/'Tiin WATCU Wouics , Canton , O. proposition to settle tlio strike nnd the * U other strikers have voted to go buck to work if they can obtain the same terms. Balloon tonight Courtland beach. A SON'S EPITAPH. A I'utlior's Kloiii | nt Tribute A War Inci dent. Tlio recent death of Roar Admiral Molnnotlum Smith , United States navy , recalls an incidcntof the rebellion which lias found its way into print before , but which has Ion } , ' boon forgotten. It relates to aiiaincBako und relative of tlio deceased , Commodore .T. Smith , for many years chief of the bureau of yards and docks , says the Now York Tribuno. The IIO'WB of tlio Murrlnwo'H arrival in Hampton Roads and of her iirst day'a light before aliomot the Monitor reached Washington on a Sunday afternoon. The telegram was brief but explicit. The rebel ironclad wa ? in oiniploto oon- trol of tlio Roads. Messengers were hastily dispatched , summoning thu chiefs of bureaus to a council at tha Navy department. Ono of these mes sengers , sent in soaroh of Commodore Smith , found that oilicor on his way homo from church , and ho know that the commodore's only him was lirst lieu tenant of tlio ill-fated Congress. "Commodore , " said the man , "there- Is bad news from Hampton Roads. The Murriumo has como down from Norfolk , the Minnesota and Roanuko are disabled , the Cumberland sunk and the Congress is on llro and has siiiTondorod. ' "Surrendered ! The Congress liaa hauled down her colors ? " repeated the commo'loro , and us tlio messenger con- lirmcd his words , "Then mj son Joe U dead , " said the commodore Dimply unu that was all. , , There have been longer-winded epitaphs , many of them , but not every father could bo BO mire of his non'a ' character as to honor his memory before receiving the news of Ills death with such a tribute us that. " .Too" was in deed dead , as modest and as bravo Jirnan as ever drew sword in a good cause. I'eaco bo to him and to those who loll with him ! They did their best they served. V .Hill Illll MuUe Mrtliy Mnn Unhiii > l > jr. fir. PAurMinn , , , Aug. 10-Tho thousands - sands of employonof the Great Northern railroad system are wearing long faces , President Hill having ordered the monthly payroll cut from $000,000 to about $350,000. After Twentjr-rivn Vcarn I'roipurUr. HwKAr.,0 , Aug. 10 , The Union Steamboat company , after a successful existence for a quarter of a century , hoa passed Into the hands of recoivora. Leuvonmark dives tonight , Courtland.