Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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City Officials Discuss Various Plans for Dis
posal of Bonds.
umdnl * Conililor tlio Ailvlanbilltj- IMU-
Ine tlio I.iini ; Tlino Itonil * In Sinnlt l e-
noinlimtloin mill .Selling Them nt
llunio Some Oplnloni.
Tlio proposition to place the long anil short
tlmo bonds of tlio city remaining unsold on
private sale for tblrty days scorns to meet
with approval nt tlio hands of city ofllclals.
The scheme Is to Issue the bonds In Miiall
dcnotninatlo'ns of $100 or less and permit the
citizens who have buried their savings to In-
\cst them. It Is estimated that with the
money that Is Hidden away and lias been
withdrawn from the banks that nil of the
bonds could bo floated. The Investment la
undoubtedly as safe as any that could bo
made , and us the bonds , bear 5 per cent it
would prove a paying one.
It Is necessary that the long tlmo bonds bo
floated. If they are not but Ilttlo public
work will bo done. The sewer contractors
have proceeded wltrf their work with tin un-
flqrstandlng with the olWcials that In case
the bonds did not soil the council would tiro-
vide funds to pay for the work to dnto and
have It properly laid aside until the bonds
en n bo floated. No bids on the tower bonds
wcro received. H was expected that some
of the contractors would bid , and their fail
ures to do so may mean that they cannot
handle the bonds. In case they will not ac
cept the bonds In payment for the work nnd
it Is Impossible to sell them the work on the
main sewers will cease nnd they will bo
banked up and permitted to lay until such a
time as the money tnnrKot will warrant the
floating of the bonds.
With the paving men it is different. Hugn
Murphy has bid In the Intersection bonds
for the districts he has under contract nnd
will go ahead. The Harbor and John Grant
Asnhalt companies will take bonds lor
whatever contracts they secure. The final
ordinances have boon passed on twenty two
streets and they will undoubtedly bo paved.
Of this number six will bo paved with
Btone , eight with apshnlt nnd eight with
brick. The eight brick districts are not
provided for , the contractors on that IE
tciial not submitting bids.
Uimnlmlty of Sentiment.
The following expressions of ofllclals of
the city on the proposition to place the bonds
on private sale redacts the sentiment gener
ally existing.
Mayor Homis I regard it as the proper
stop. While it would have been better to
have been able to float the bonds in the cast
nnd ndd that much to our circulating me
dium in Omaha , yet as that is impossible our
own people should come to the rescue and
get the thousands of dollars hoarded away
Into circulation by purchasing the bonds.
Treasurer Uolln I ueliovo the proposition
is a good one. Wo have a BUfllcicnl number
of short tlmu bonds In small denominations
to accommodate the smaller purchasers. Wo
ought to dispose of about $ > l ! i.0 < )0 ) of the long
tlmo bonds. 1 believe ! - . " > cltl/.ens of Omaha
can bo found who will invest $1,000 each.
The money necessary to tniichaso bonds to
the amount of four times what wo have for
sale is hoarded away in this city. With more
than 1.000,000 withdrawn from our banks
surely there can bo found enough to take the
bonds. All of that money Is lying Idle and
it Is not in circulation.
City Attorney Connell I believe that the
council can give the treasurer full and
power to place the bonds on pnvato s.ilo
The bonds can bo issued in whatever denominations
nominations desired.
City Kngineor Hosownter It Is the proper
thing to do. The Investment is safe am
people who are afraid of the banks will bo
perfectly secured. The bonds can bo regis
tercd by the purchaser to guard agains
any possible loss and the money can only be
drawn by the holder.
Chairman Winspcarof the Board of Publiu
Works It is Just what should be done ,
know of ono person who will take probably
$1,000 worth of the bonds. 1 feel confident
that if the press will bring the people to
realize the gravity of the situation and un
press upon their minds that now is the time
for the citizens with money hoarded away to
come to the rcbcue of tlio city that all of the
bonds can bo disposed of at the private sale
Chairman Wheeler of the Finance Com
mitten It seems to bo the only icsourco w
have left. I have not the greatest confidence
In the Ixjnd.s being sold in that way , but !
would do no harm to m.iko the effort. Whili
the bonds are perfectly good and as safe at
investment as man om : mnlco , yet the peopl
nro still imbued with that feeling of distrus
that they have nn conlldenco in anything
There is more money stored away than w <
require , and if wo can Impress the pcopl
with the idea of what a secure and safe in
vestment the B per cent bonds would bo pel
haps wo can induce them to purchase.
Councilman Steel says ho will present ti.
the council this evening a resolution author
iflng the city treasurer to place the lonp
tlmo bonds on private sale. Mr. Steel re
Rnrds tlio investment as very good. Ho say
that UK soon us confidence is restored Ornnh
crip will again brln ? Its premium of from 5
to S per cent and those who have invested at
par will reap the profit.
iriiiiiticn Committee' * Action ,
Councilmcn WJieelcr and Steel of the
flnanco committee. City Attorney Connell ,
City Treasurer nalln ; Comptroller Olson
and Chairman Wiuspear of the Hoard of
Public Works mot yesterday afternoon to
discuss tlio bond prooslllon. | )
All of the gentlemen were in favor of
placing the unsold bonds nt private sale nnd
making every effort possible to Induce the
peoples ot this city to take them at par. The
gentlemen urged that such n step should
meet with success. A long-tlmo bond of tlio
city bearing 5 per cent is a security at the
present time not to bo sneered at. The last
issue of long-time ) bonds of the city sold at a
premium of over 8 per cent. The opinion
was tuprciscel that Insldo of six months or
ono yo'ir the bonds will again command a
premium equally us good as formerly , if not
bettor. A person Investing la a f 1,000 bond
would rcallro the 6 per cent nite-iest and 7 or
6 par cent premium if the bond was sold inoue
ouo year. This would bo a clear intercut of
IU or 1 ! ) per cptit on the Investment.
It was ascertained that thei e-lty has nn
obligation of f8,0K ( ) on the main sewer that
will have to bo cared for from some fund
until tlio bonds are disposed of. The con
clusion was reached that the treasurer bo
authorized to place the bonds at private sale ,
ami a resolution to ho presented to the
council to tha } effect was proparcel , The
lower contractors will bo permitted to pro
ceed with the work until the experiment of
disposing of the bonds in small amounts to
Omaha purchasers Is tested. If it U a suc
cess the work will go on. If not , thcro
teems to bo no rer.icdy except to bring the
work to a .standstill until funds can bo pro-
vldud. This was the opinion of tliu gentle
men present.
Louvemiwrk dlven teiil lit , Courtland ,
The following permits to build wcro issued
yesterday by the Inspector of buildings :
VM. . lloll , 1134 South Thirty-second ,
rpHldnncu -1,000
A.V , llriltmchor , 11108 Oitrliolil. store , 1 000
II , Je Mur im , ll'JU Ulmi < ) ; ) nve-
luioruttiK'0 ; 1.000
W. K. llci-liol , 300-310 South Twenty-
klxtli , alteration : ) und clmnKc * 1,500
four permits , npgrcyatlug f 7,500
CliiiiiKi- ( Time.
On Sunday , Auijitbt III , the HurllngtOM >
route chanties time. For full information
coo time table column in this paper ,
The llurlhiutuii lloutu Clmiico Time.
On Sunday , August 1U , the now train i
eehcdiilpyciit into olTcct. Trnino now
Iruvo for :
Denver at 10lf : > n. m. und 4:50 : p. in.
Chicago at 11:35 : a. m.10 : p. m. and
7:17 : p. in. ,
lIitSprinpbiuulDead ) > voodaUUlui\ : ,
St. Joseph , Kmibau City and St. Louis
nt 0-J5 ; u. nt. and 10:1 : ; " n. in.
Lincoln at 6:15 : u. in. , 1015n ; , m. , 4:5 : > 0 (
p. m. und 0.51 } j > . in.
Citv tiukot ullleo , 1324 Farnam btrcet ;
W. Vulll , neont.
Hut One Kxpreiilonl "The/ Are the
rnt and llrxt. "
Thcro is nt hnnd the nlwayu rollnhlo
evidence of the largest nnd best of the
daily newspapers , which nro upon tlio
oxehntiRO list of this olllcc. Whorcv'or
the Adam Foropuugh shows have ex
hibited thus fur this Benson the news
papers of this class , as well as the smaller
ones , express nn astounding unanimity
in their praises of the Adam Forepauph
shows. Judging from the tone of these
papers , in which may ho placed implicit
confidence , the Adam Forepnupli shows
nro not only the largest nnd host of
tented exhibitions , hilt with the enor
mous addition mndo to them of the
scenes and battles of J770 the Ameri
can revolution they are simply unpnrnl-
lelcd in their extent und ih their merit ,
while the actually waterproof tents , the
prohibition of nil sorts of peddling ,
gambling and every manner of olTcnsos
to law and good taste nnd the compulsorily -
sorily correct and gentlemanly deport
ment of all attaches , place the Adam
Foropnugh shows absolutely beyond
criticism. They will exhibit hero on
Wednesday , August"'I.
Omaha to Mtinnwn , round trip 30
cents. Tuke the bridge line.
Full hats. WcssolV , 'HO South Iflth.
* ' ' " *
Courtland beach tonight , the greatest
outdoor attraction in the world , Louvon-
murk , the champion high diver.
AH of tlio best hot-Fes in this vicinity
nro nt Lyons , Neb. , this week , and there
will bo n largo attendance from Omaha
and South Oniuhu.
C. M. B. A. picnic tickets can ho pur
chased tit the transfer , Sherman avc.
nnd Locust st. , the day of the picnic.
I\nt Kvrnliic's Srnnlt.n Adjonrim Out of H -
ftprct to Counulliiinn 1'rlncr.
The regular meeting of the city council
last evening was adjourned as a mark of re
spect to Councilman Prince , whoso fattier
died during the day.
Previous to adjournment the members
adopted a resolution directing the city
treasurer to offer for sale any unsold 5 per
cent bonds of the city in sums of $100 or
more to suit purchasers and instructing the
comptroller to prepare the necessary bonds.
The regular appropriation ordinance was
introduced nnd read a second time. A re
capitulation of the amounts to come from
the several funds is as follows :
General fund I 9,079.40
Health fund 13C.20
Judgment fund 5,0in,41
1'lnmliors fund 60.011
Itoiul fund 682.41
City hull fund 10,41U.HIi
Special fund 1H,797.G
Omaha suwor fund 2,040.07
Son nrm't'g fund 830.48
Puvlug bond fund 9,087.38
Total 101,147.01
Boforejlcavlng the room a call for a spe
cial meeting for this voning wab signed by
a sufficient number of members.
Holdups Continue unit the Itobhers Mnke
Their Kfscapo.
Another during holdup took plase at a
late hour Monday night. The scene was near
Thirtieth and Cuming streets , and Ed
Mornn. the well known representative of an
eastern printing housewas the victim. Mr.
Moran had just alighted from a Cuming
street car and started for his homo a short
distance away.
The car was hardly beyond hailincc dis
tance when Mr. Moran was confronted
by two buily fellows , who demanded
in commanding tones - a .deliverance
of his wealth. The demand was backed
up by an ugly pair of revolvers , and resist
ance was not to bo considered at such a crit
ical moment , lie quietly forked over his
jiooketbook containing quite a sum of money ,
and with admonitions from the highwaymen
to move on nnd keep the affair out of the
newspapers under penalty of instant death ,
Mr. Aloran wended his way home. Yester
day morning ho found his pocketbook near the
place where the holdup occurred. It had
been rilled of its contents and ono lone nickc"
was all that was left.
Conductor Nnrtlirup Full front Ills Cur an
AV.iH lindly Injured.
Willie attempting to pass from tlio motor
to the trailer.yestordnj forenoon Conducto
Northrup slipped und fell just as his train
on the Hanscom park line , passed Jacksot
street. He struck his head on the side o
the trailer , knocking Mm under the wheels
Probably his presence of mind saved liin
from losing both lens. As it was ono whce
passed over Ills loft leg before the trait
could bo stopped.
Tlio limb Is badly Injured nnd the man is
considorablv bruised up. Ho was placed ot
a stretcher and taken to his homo , lit'-'f
North Eighteenth street , in the patro
wagon. Dr. Somera wns called and ale
everything possible for tlio injured man
Unless lie lias suffered internal injuries ho
will pull through all right and possibly imii
not lese his leg.
For some time there have been murmurs o
discontent in the ranks of the city's strco
department force against.what are claimce
to lie the high-handed nnd unusual methods
of General Foreman ICent , who has chargi
of the street work. These murmur ;
grew into rumblings , and may nebo \
bo contldcnt.v esxpocted to wax Inti
roars within the nqxt fen * days.
Mr. Kent's subordinates claim that for th
purpose of ousting union men and also I
provide places for his friends ho has been
extremely exacting and arbitrary , at times
insisting on nn amount of work from ono
gang or another that was wholly beyond
human [ rawer to accomplish and giving them
less tliuu half a chance to accomplish it.
Krlimiin lor tliu Survivor * .
A. E. Ilutchlnson , stationer of the Union
Pacific , whoso oftico suffered nuiong the first
In tlio reduction iu employes , has a schema
which ho hopes will prove acceptable with
the remaining members of his force , lie
proposes to t'lvo each of the employes ro-
mnlnlng in the stationer's department a two
weeks vacation without pay , with thti hope
that this reduction will materially cut down
the expends ot Ills department ,
Tlio he-adman continues to ply MH trade nt
Union Pacific hcndtitmrtors with cheerful
regularity these August days , eight men
having received their time checks in Claim
Agent Hancock's oftlco on Saturday ,
Wnrruut Served onVard. .
"Dr. " Joseph D. Ward , alias Poyson , was
brought down from the county jail at 10
o'clock yesterday morning , and the warrant
charging him with murelor in the first degree
wns read to him by Detective Detnpsey.
Later on County Attorney Kaley called
Ward up to tlio judgc't , desk and read the
complaint sworn to by Chief Huzo of tlio
dottictivo force. Ward pleaded not guilty
and Ill's trial wns sot for next Monday after
noon at J ! o'clock. The prisoner looks rather
worn and confinement Is no doubt telling on
him. lieyond pleading not guilty he had
nothing to savv and after a short private
talk with his attorney was taken back to
the county jail.
jVnttcf * of nee linn nr lilt ureter this
ttntt ; rath additional line tin cenlt.
DAXON- 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday , Au ust
16. Mrs. M , 0. lauti. ) Notice of fuueral
ItyssEIjIi AccWe-ntally drownocl at Omaha ,
Neb. , un thu llth liut. . 11. Vermin Ku ull
! uu > captain ' , llrltlib navy , natural from
1417 1'arnuui itruot on tlio 10th lust , at 10
O ClOCli.
, Dl'KlIOIiM ' OlirUtlan 1' . , aped 02 yearf , at
lit * ruslilunon 2t > ' . ' 4 C'unililtr ' uri-ut. Intor-
munt Hooper , Nub. , Augim 17. 1'rlouds tu
l > KlNOE--Athi * residence. Abrslmm 1'rlnce.
Bgud 87 yrnrs. at 3i3U a. ul , Tue.dny , Auuiut
. lo. I'uuuiul from hU late lokldemce. 2ueia
Ittllfornla ktreot , SVedLoiaay , Augu t Iti , at
1,000 , Umbrellas , n Special Purchase , EveryOne
Ono Guaranteed for 18 Months. ' '
ON SPECIAL SALE TODAY tlmlirrllnn 11.35 I'ucl ) , 83.OO Um-
brcllnn 81.85 Knch , 811.fiO Cmlirollai
82.211 Kacli , 815.00 Umbrollns
83.0(1 ( tncli ,
The best selection of umbrellas wo
Imvo over shown.
oOO samples of men's neglige shirts ,
all choice goods , mndo especially for
flno trade.
$ l.Si"i shirts goatfiOe.
JI.RO shirts go fet 75c.
$2.00 dress shirts go for $1.00.
$2.60 ( Irons neglige"shirts. . $1.25.
Our great blanket stile Is almost over.
Whether you need blankets or not , buy
now. A better chnnco will never pro-
pent Itself. Our entire Block going at
less than half price.
Our magnificent stock of clonks ,
jackets , wraps anil ready made suits nt
u 'ess ' prieo than the cloths cost. Not
nn unelesirablo garment In the entire lot.
Dress goeuls going nt cost.
Silks going at cost.
Linens going at cost.
Domestics going at cost or under.
Ribbons , laces , gloves , hosiery , under
wear , nil going nt cost or under. ,
Why pay regular prices for anything
when you can get anything you want of
us at a big reduction.
Remember 15 days are all there are
left of this great sale. Buy now while
you can gut everything at cost.
Winter style hats. Wossol'a.
Lcuveninnrk dives tonight from tower
at Courtland beach. See the Biokotts.
Coronor'H InroHtluiitlmi of tlio Dcntli of the
KiijfllHli Onptuln.
Coroner Maul held un inquest yesterday
on the remains of Captain Vernon Husscll ,
who was found in the river Monday night.
J. P. Swoezy of tlio Brunswick testified to
the habits of the deceased and said that ho
frequently went flslilng. At times ho acted
peculiarly. Ttio three vountr lishermeii who
went out m a boat and brought the body lo
shore all told the same story about seeing
the corpse HoatiiiR and towing it in. The
brother of the dead mnn was oxuectcd in on
a morning train , but as ho had not arrived
the jur.y adjourned until y p. in.
After the adjournment of the jury Coroner
Maul , accompanied hy the foreman of the
jury and n reporter , visited the rooms re
cently occupied by the deceased.and ex
amined his effects. The object was to sco if
the dead man had any amount of money in
bank or any place , and to sue if he bud left
any message of any kind.
A thorough search was made , but no bank
book wns found , and there was no mouoy in
the several wallets and. pookctbooks found
in the room.
Several memorandum books showed that
Cantain Kussell was a careful man as re
garded his expenditures , for every Ilttlo
item of expense was noted.
Other napcrs showed that the deceased
bad been at one time during his seven
months" residence here a solicitor for Web
ster & Howard , Insurance agents.
Iu a Ilttlo pocket book which was found in
a writing case was a pawn chock which
showed that on Thursday , August 10 , the de
ceased had pawned at 11105 Douglas street n
pair of gold cuff buttons attd three gold shirt
studs for $1.75. This discovery rather dis
sipated the idea that the captain had any
money. Other papers proi'ed'hls'connection
with the English mavy and , showed whci-o
ho had frequently sold his payito'a Captain
Mlddleton in London.
At the pawn slitp the goods put up were
examined by the coroner and ifound to bo
solid gold , bat very light , they were worth
probably $10 or fl'J. The pawnbroker sa id
that the man bad pawned the saniL studs
before nnd had- always said that ho was
waiting for a remittance. When in thcro
Thursday he appeared to bo quite cheerful.
Employes at the Bachelors quarters say
that ttio captain was "funny j" ho acted
quccrly at times and npver wantec ] to bo
called. Ho spent a great deal o'f time In
his room. No ouo know when he loft his
rooms Friday.
Mrs. U Wolf said she wns acquainted
with the deceased and that she mot him at
the Brunswick hotel.
Ho had told her of several of his fishing
excursions to East Omaha and remarked ,
that on ono occasion he said that he had n
narrow escape from being precipitated into
the river by a caving bank. She thought it
qulto likely that Captain Russell had fallen
Into the river accidentally .
The coroner's Jury returned a verdict of
"accidental drowning in the Missouri river. "
There arc three things worth saving
time , trouble and money and Do Witt's
Little Early Hiscrs will save them for you.
These Ilttlo pills will save you time , as
they net promptly. They will save you
trouble , as they cause no pain. They will
save you money , as they economize doctor's
Abraham I'rlnrc Cronies tlio Itlvor of I.l'o
Alter un KveiuOil Cnreur.
Abraham I'rincc , father of Councilman Sol
Prince , died at : ltO : yesterday morning of old
MEG nt his residence , 200U California street.
The deceased was a native of Holland and
was born In Amsterdam , November , 1800. At
the age of 7 years ha migrated to England
nnd afterwards resided for sometime in
Ireland , where. In 1SI1 ho was made a Uo.vul
Arch Mason at Watorford. Soon after that
he cumo to Boston , where ho conducted his
business as optician for a number
of years , During the war ho held the con
tract to furnish Held glasses for the army
ofiicors and the great war correspondent.
Carltou Co I'll n , made favorable mention of
his name In several newspaper articles. The
deceased was qulto a writer on Masonry , and
his writings iu the Occident of Now York
attracted a great deal of attention. Ills
luvorito p'lstiirio was also writing poetry.
Since coming to Omaha In 18&2
ho had retired from business ul-
together. The surviving , members of
his family are two sous and two daughters
who surrounded his bodslde when lio.linally
passed nivay. Of those , ono BOH , David ,
resides in Peru , Ind. , while the * other ,
Solomon , and tlio daughters , Julia and
Pauline , both unmarried , live here in Omaha.
During the four score nnd more of his-life-
tlmo ho made irnny friends wherever ho
went , who now mourn his death ,
Considerable of a library at his homo
attests the dead man's love lor reading and
study. _
Aconvoniont and plunsant pine to ob
tain luncheon. Balduir , 1520 Pa
The champion high divoc tonight
Courtland beach from high tower. " '
into * .
Special ftUI Shoe fintr.
Ladies' ' flno $ l.3)linnd turned shoes on
sale nt Sl.-li ) n palr.t
The greatest bnngnins ever offered in
Otnnha. $4.50 hnmliturncd shoes nt$1.49
n pair.
$1.75 , $2.00 nnd 82.CO oxfords , 81.23 n
pair ; ladles' 75o BOBJJOlioilsoslippers , 45c.
Men's $1.50 lowihoes , $1.00 n pair.
Men's $2.50 fina congress nnd lace
elmes , $1.50.
Boys' 75c tennlsKwford ties , 48c.
Boys' $1.75 lace shoes , $1.20.
Misses' $1.50 doncoln tip , button shoes ,
Child's $1.35 doncoln pntont lip shoos ,
Winter style hats. Wessol's.
C. M. B. A. picnic tickets can bo pur
chased at tlio transfer. Sherman avc.
and Locust st. , tliu day of tlio picnic.
Kxcurnlon Itnto.
Tlio C. . St. P. , M. & O. are Polling
tickets to Lyons and return for $2.00 , nc-
coutit Lyons races.
Lowest Chicago Itatos Via tlio Northwestern
Chicago rates greatly reduced on both
ono way and round trip tickets via the
Chicago & North western railway. Tlieso
tickets nro first class-In every particu
lar. 'Extra accommodations for World's
fair travel via this lino. City ticket
ollico 1401 Farnam street.
Fall hats. Wessol's , 310 South 15th.
Sntl HocnuDO Hln Shuoki Arc Memorlo ot ,
tile 1'iiHt.
Thomas Murray ants Building. Inspector
Tilly , City Engineer Uosowator nnd Flro
Chief Galllgan to pay him tlio small sum of
fttG.SOO. Sylvia Hicks , n lady of color and a
tenant of Mr. Murray , Is also after some of
the surplus cash those gentlemen possess ,
nnd she wants jaHO. (
The suit grows out of the condemnation
of the Murray row of tumbled down shanties
at Fourteenth and Jarkson streets , and
their subsequent demolition. The people of
this city gazed at those rookeries for a num
ber of years. Complaints wcro frequently
entered that they wore nuisances , ilro traps
nnd dnmrcrous to the life aud limb of the
occupants. The thrco gentlemen from
whom the plaintiffs seek to recover consti
tute the board for the inspection of buildings ,
nnd when these numerous complaints reached
their cars they investigated and found them
to bo truo. The rookeries wcro duly con
demned nnd ordered torn down. Mr. Murray
was served with proper notices and given
suflicient time in which to carry out the
orders of the board. This ho neglected to
do. and Colonel Tilly , with a force of men ,
swooped down on the row ono beautiful day
last week and leveled the piles of decayed
lumber to the ground , greatly to the chagrin
nnd discomfort of the millionaire landlord ,
nnd Sylvia , the occupant of one of the
For these reasons they have rushed into
the district court , and the defendants in the
enso are required to answer September 11.
The cnso has been placed in Mr. Council's
hands , and ho laughs to scorn the proposi
tion to recover f'-om the gentlemen sued.
Busy people have no time , and sensible
people have no inclination to use pills that
make them sick a day for every dose they
tnke. They have learned that the use of
Da Witt's Ilttlo Early Kisers does not in
terfere with their nealth by causing nausea
pain or griping. These Ilttlo pills are per
fect in a'iitlon and result , .jrequJating tlio
stomach and' bowels so that headaches ,
dizziness and lassitude are prevented. They
cleanse thc'bloful , clear the complexion and
ono up the system. ' 'Lots of health in
these : little fellows. "v v
fintlicrlng Them In.
William Johnson , alias McGee , an old of
fender whom the ofllcors claim to have photo
graphed some tlmo ago for the roirucs1 gal
lery , William Fielder ami Arthur Pierson
were all arrested on suspicion by Ofllcer
Foley yesterday.
.lolmson is said to have a police record nnd
Fielder is the fellow who shot at Olllccr
Dillon some time ago. Pierson is a tough
who is said to have been u partner of Harry
Martin , the man sent to prison for robbing
Belle Brandon's place.
The men Just arrived in town and had $112
when arrested.
The oflicers are holding them in hopes of
proving nu implication iu some of the recent
The men deny their guilt and say they
came by the money honestly.
Mental exhaustion and brain fatlguo
Promptly cured by Broino-Scltzcr.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued yesterday :
Niiinc and Address. ARC.
I Tlionma Olson , Omaha . 'J.I
( Julia Unqulst.Oimtlm . 18
j William It. Whuulor. Onmha . 28
I Mlnnlu Kdlund , Spuncur . 12
j Philip H. Stover , Omalm . 24
I Mary Holtz , Omaha. . . . . . . . 10
I I/ouls Horriimmi , Omaha . "JM
\ llertlm StaiiBo , Fond du Lac , Wls . 19
I Jens IVturson , Omaha . . . 31
( Annlu Niejson , Oniulia .
Culls fur Glmrlty.
The draft upon the county's exchequer
caused by the largo number of applications
for aid has been so great of late that the
county commissioners have felt compelled to
call a halt.
Superintendent Burr is now denying al
applications excepting those of sick or es
pccially destitute persons , all able-bodied in
dividuuls being obllgod to "got out and
rustle" tno best way they can.
Louvonmark dives tonight , Courtland.
Hnuil tliu Hunk.
Conwny & Absblro of North Platte have
brought suit against the 1'acitcrs National
bank of South Omaha for 1831 which they
claim to bo duo them on deposit slips Issued
by the defendant August . ' ) , the fluid amount
having boon placed to their credit by the
commission linn toiwhleh they muuo a ship.
ment of atocii. Tliolr banker at North
Platte , Charles MeDonald , U allied with the
plaintiffs in the sulU
Anna Sophia Norton is seeking n divorce
from William II. INorton on the ground of
desertion. The plaintiff states that she
was married to the dcfcndnnt February 10 ,
IbbO. and that on ormtxmt February U , 18'Jl ,
ho willfully deserted-bur.
lllii 1'tiii.
Judge Smith lined' ' J , Tuttle (35 and costs
yesterday for disturbing thu peace and re
sisting an ofllcer. trills is the fellow v/ho
called Ofllcer Andy Hayou vile names , and ,
it is also said , made insulting remarks in
the presence of luuiei.
Iluv y' ( lolil Cure.
' 'Doe" Scbroodcr ; who wns arrested Mon
day night for creating a disturbance , was
on the verge of delirium treincns yesterday ,
and bad to be dosed frequently with "Dr. "
Iluvoy'B "snake" medicine.
a king
The only 1'ure Creaui off&xtor Powder. No Auiuiouia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions' of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
It will pay you to investigate what we arc
offering in carpels this month. We want everything -
rything new for the new store , and shall sell
out all spring patterns at
An overstock of matting received too late
for spring business will be sold at about one-
half. It pays to buy when goods arelow ,
Douglas , Between 14th and 15th ,
Handsome Woman Can Loao Wolh
Past. Homely Won Look BotOr
Thin. Try Dr. Eclison'3
System. No Dieting.
Band worth Twloo the Wlomv.
ROnicooMI. M. Htirton , Hardware , O.iry Stv
tlon. III. . Jan. II. ISJt
Dr. Ellison Dour sir : I uni well plonsod with
your treatment of obesity. The band la worth
twice the money It coat , for comfort. I h ivo
reduced my wo.Kbt tun pounds. I woUh U'i
now , ana 1 did wolsli 213 , VOUM truly.
They Are Doing Mo Good.
KnrTvillo , III . Mar 31. 18JJ.
l.orlnir&Co : UiclinoJ llml ti.OJ for whlo'i piano
ncntl mo tlio otlior two tiattla * ot Dr. I'Mlian'a OIui-
Ity 1'lllx. lliavo luoilono iiiultlilnk hey uro ilouu
tlioMork. B. M. HALKV , 1 * . u. llux 73.
Talk 80 Much About Your Pills ,
Pcortn , III. , Juno 13. 199 ! .
near Sirs : After henrlnu one of inr frloiicli tnlk ia
Siiclinboul your Oboilty I'lIU nn t tin ban'j-Uliult
tlcrlvlrin from them I think I will try tliotn myijlf
1'lcueo > und uia J bottlai C. O. I ) . , and obllj-'o ,
J. Mounts. ll > ; Terry Straot.
Fool BottorandWoIgh 13 Pounds Loss
fioslien , Ind. . Sept. 19. 1S3J.
Rontlcmcn : Incloscil I auail you ft , for which you
wlllpli'ino tonil mo tliroo bottles of tlio ulji > iltjr pilli.
Amtnklnit the fourth bottle nnd fool very much
bcHHT iimlwoluh 13 pouniU Ion thnn wlion I bof.t i
InkliiK tUoui. 1 will conttnuo your trout iiuut.
Hits. J. U. McL'o.v.V ,
toutlisUtU StrdJU
who o hul htls
C feet 1 Inch should wuUu pou rid t
b fcot 8 Inches " "
6 feet IU Inches " " 170
nr. Edison ny : "Itnnytio well to point out
that In my uiporlonco , which In ntteunrlly very
oonfttdcrnblo , many trouhlufloirio nkln dlHuntoa inch ,
occHSUiim , ucono , i > 8orlul9 ! , utlcnrla. etc , nro prim *
nrlly cuiao.l by obunlty , and ni the fiit nnd tljiili U
reduced by the plllu nnd Ubuilty l-'riilt Hnlt an 1 Itu
ncllonof the band thoio utluctloni have almost
inuKlcatly dlsappearud " '
'HioOljUMlly Fruit wiltH uaod In connection wltn
the l'lll or llandu , or both. Ono tompouufiil Inn
tumbler of water iu ko4 a dollcloui oln. Tattoi
Ilko chninpntKiio.
The huiucoit IJ.63 oioli foranrlonjth up to .11
Inchoj , hufiir > ino liirxur than 3) luchai adl IU
cents extra fur unch viMltloiml lno.'i.
I'rlceof Krultbult. II.U ) .
rilUJI.W for IlotUu. or ,1 llottloj lor $1.0)
Sent by Mull or | { rpro 4
Cutthli outnnd kui-plt , undiuud for our fulIU
columiDnrtlcIo on ubusltr.
Loring & Company
2Hamilton I'l. . Dept * l , IIOMon. Man. , It's Htuti
Bt. , l ) i > f l , Chicago , III. , 'J W. aa tit , Uopiit ,
Hew York City.
For sale In Omaha by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
I'rpHliteiit ol
hUU < iIOAI , ItlUI'KNn.lUV.
( Unnniiltitlloii I'ruf. )
I unnurpnuuil in tLu troutmont
of all
Oarouio , Prtvnto mil
Nurvtua DUoiisok.
Wrlto to or coniult uortuoallr
i AdJroM with damp for par
ticular * . which nil ) bo em In
f , O. Uox Oil. Ollico , IU a. IStb
U the only
Women Excluded ,
18 jrari cipertpuce ,
Clroulariifrr * .
Hth und Fartikm tilt. ,
Wo refer you to 3,530 pitlonts.
Nllt' ' * ' > * Oommoreo.0mahv
UurinanSkViii.'j ll.uilt , O.nullX- .
No ilrioiiiloti from business , Nu operation. Invoj-
tlgntc our null hod. Wrlllon uniir.uitoo to utHOliitoly
euro'ill kinds of KUI'TtTitK
of both soios without tua
usoof knlfo. no unit tor of how Inn ; ; standing ,
THE 0 , E. FflSlU-R CQ3MMY ,
8O7-303 N. Y. Llfo Eu ldlns , Oiunha , Nob.
SEND colt Ciucut.Aiu
luiMhcd eourno ot ynunp Ladirt Momc choul
Music , art. lltcra- of tbp alJCBt.bCMl In Mlt ,
turcelocution , business.c J'nourt Appolntnunltrnoilorrv
Location bc.itttxy.inU plc.iv Music nd Art. Tcacnvri
ant. Oxs , aHT , U'atihcal.J | | ,
J8lh > ear opens Stpl. isth ! 3SI'l Ilrt T. ' I * . Wiilloli ,
'VrIUcnl. I
Ror.W.A.WlUim.A M.Frcst.r | .r iBion. Mo. .
LCAliiKtun. ? lo. SUd
parlmcnuof Instruction. It } Oidrtl mllitiry school In1
omccm and leacbcrs. Con Missouri llcnlllilul locl
servatory ot music. Art. |
lloa .
Hrasanatilc .
> | 11.11114. Ui
) A | t > olalment3 VMUycur lllut-
- iralcd cdtnlniriin , MA.I b. .SI.I.I.iiC : > .
A. A. .IQSjHI , Ir * t
314 South 15th Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tlio eminent apoclnllBt In ncrroiiH , chronic , prlvato , blood. Hkln and urinary dlaoasoe. A n
rcBlstcroil jrrndnnto IniniMtolno. : IH illplcnuni and curtllicaleH will dhow. IH mill troatlnir with the Kruatoil
DUCCUHH , catarrh , lout manhood , Hcmlnal wi-aUness , nlflit loanen und all forma of prlvatudlauaHot , Ma
mercury tmcil. Now troitmcnt for IOHB of vital pan or. I'.mlurtunablu to vluttmomny but ruatud nt lioma
by corri'Hpondrnco. .Mcdlrlntt.1 or InBtrumcntfl Kent by malt or oxpiena bccnrely packed ; no nmrkH to La *
dlcato contcnlH or Bonder. Ono pi-raonal Intervluw profurrod. CuiiHUlt.itloii trco. , Correepondenoa
strictly prlvuto lloolt ( Myatorluu of Llfo ) Bunt fruo. OlHco lioura , II 'J p. ui. Bunduye , 10 u. in. to
IV in. Send stamp for circular.
Class Photography ,
At I'opulur 1'rlcoi
r > -un , s. ir > th
OmahaNoli ,
The cclc-
and E y o
Glasses for
alia by
'C Rainnli Powder rurcHcntairli
O Alldriit'tflhtu. CUcunlu.
tsth htreev and Liixyi lou Avo.
J5/a7it lilnoliu from M'or1'nlr JStf roomsS | low Mum. Tnkc J.ickHOn
Park cali'.xvarB , II , Sllluway ul lho"Murr.iy"Muni- :
tor , V. K. Ali-xUiT proiiriftur _ _
ffi < r Mercer.
Omaha's NewestHots ! .
l.'ur , lilli null ( lowarU dtruoti
40 rooms yi'/J | ior itny ,
40 ruoini I.LOO IICT . 'lay ,
'M mom * with tjitth tt ti pet duy.
DOroumt with bittli ultl.ftl pertUf.
Aluilcrii In J\ci-y : flupoot ,
Jicwly KuriiHlKiil Throuuliout
C.S. ERB , Proa.
Now York Hospital
For nil
Private an4
Special Dls3as3 ; ,
Ftnnturo mid nil nthr troubles trnatod
Rt roanonnbla clntrBus. CUNBULTATION
KlilJli. Unliounr
Opposltollaytlon linn.
TJ. 8 , Depository , Omcihii , Nob.
CAPITAL , eioo.oou
SURPLUS , - 05,000
OfTiCPrH ninl Directors- Henry W. Yuten , pntil *
dent , U. C. Oimliliie. vlcit iiiebidoiit , 0. S. Maurice ,
W V. Mono. Julin S Uulllns , J , W , 11 , I'.UrlolC
Lxjwlu S. Uuud , cahlitur
A Full
Teeth extruoted in mornlnr ,
day , I'vUuct lit fiur-
ISluult ,
I'ni-iiniti Sitroot *
Ulcvutbron 10th Street. Telophona lOdl
I1L.II W WAnd all ttia trittu at X
coniimny them In men QUtOJCLV atiU VKUMA-
l.'KNTI.V CUriKI ) . Poll iTKtNUTII uid touo
elvcii losrcry puilut the body. I will gud ( tu-
curtt'y packed ) FllEi : to any itifterer ilie vraiortp-
tlon ll.ut cured me ol ditto tratit > lu . Atlarvit U.
II. WIUQI1T , Uu lc Uml r..Uox 1V80 ,