Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Almost Ono Cent Knocked Off the Price of
Hnrljr Wfcftkneii In Hallroad Stocki Wm a
IVrnkcnlnit 1'nctnr In Corn Cloudy
Wenttior Made IHiycri a
Mttlo llnckwuril.
Cmcioo , Aug. IB. The promlum on cur-
ronoy Increasing the discount on Now York
drafts hero today was chiefly what knocked
% v off tlio pi-leo of wheat. Corn suffered
also to the extent of * ( o. Ihcro was n do-
clilcil scarcity of offerings of provisions.
Compared with last night , pork U up 27'fc ,
lurd 17J < c and ribs ' 'Oo.
Wheat at the opening was about } ( c lower
than yestonltiy'8 closing figures , and after
BOino sllgh t lluctuutlons price * further de
clined } ( < ! , tlicn bccnino strong , and were ad
vanced from Ic to \c \ ) , again oasud off , and
the closing wns easy , froin c to ? ( , 'o from tlio
bottom. It was surmised thnt some of the
largo speculative operators wcro creating a
little .Tintilpulatton of the market in n specu
lative w.-.y. A day or two ngo they bought
it the lower lletircs nnd the market ad
vanced sharply , and at the Higher
prices It wns claimed , they sold , and
now arc awaiting n turn to buy in again. Of
course the Mimnclal situation Is having effect
upon the market. The recent strength In
exchange helped to advance the price of
wheat , while today oxRhcngo was again re
ported easier and nt lf > o discount ami this
worked against the Interest of holders.
Cables are generally lower , rullcctilig the
course of the American markets yesterday.
The early weakness in railroad stocks in
Now York was n weakening feature. Tbcro
was good buying nt the decline which Iield
the market rather steady. Tlio receipts
continue light , even In tlio northwest the
movements seem to bo letting up. Local
receipts only 110 cars and the estimates for
tomorrow were only -15 cars.
In corn , cloudy weather made buyers n
llttlo backward. The weaucr feeling In
wheat also had some effect in a general way.
The market opened atfrom J c to , ' < ; o de
cline and later receded from } < , o to % c , but
recovered from Jffc to % o and closed com
paratively ste.idy.
Price changes in oats wcro confined to J c
nnd the close was at a reduction ol from ( ,0 ,
to he. Trade was light.
The packers' anticipation of a falling oft
in receipts of hogs was borne outby today's
report of only 7,501) ) head having been re
ceived nt the yards. The hog market was
consequently strong and.a n further consequence
quence the price of hog products was ad
vanced. Lard for September brought a pre
mium of from y&fie to SISii over the October
delivery , suggesting that more is sold for the
Easter month than is warranted by the
limited stocks and causing apprehension of
some sort of u squeeze. Finn ! quotations
wcro not far from tlio top.
The demand for vessel room was moderate
mm rates steady at ' 40 for wheat ana le for
corn to UulTulo and U > c for wheat and ! % c
for corn to Kingston ,
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
45 cars ; corn , ! 2'J5 cars ; oats , I'J.'i cars ; hogs ,
15,000 head.
i'he lending futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations ncro as follows :
1'i.otin Dull ; buyers and sellers apart.
WHUAT No. 2 spring , Gl&c ; No. 3 spring , f. o ,
b. , ( iocs No. 2 rod , Clifc.
OoiiN No. 2 , 3'Jisc ; No. 3 yellow closing lit
OATS-NO. 2. 24'c ; No. 2 white , f.o. b. , 29 (2 (
BOJfi-j No. ! 1 white , f. o. b. , 2BH < a23c.
KYK-NO. 2.17c. .
HAIII.EV No. ' - , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 35(2 (
40c ; No. 4 , no tail's.
KlAxSKBlNo. . 1 , J1.02'/ .
TIMOTHY Sr.Kii I'rlnio. Ji.25. :
I'OIIK Moss , per Mil. , * 12.87"'ai3.12" ; lard ,
per 100 Hi . . Jt5.47'/aH.i7l4 ' ( ; short rilis sldiv
( Innso ) ' , f7.7037.75 : dry bulled Miouldur.1
( boxed ) , $7 .00(27.26 ( ; hhoH cloiir sides ( boxed )
WHISKY Distillers' ( inUlied goods , per gal. ,
H Out loaf , unchanged ; granulated
D.70 ; htuiiilaid "A1 6.82.
Tin ) follow Ing were the receipts and ship-
incuts for todiiy :
On the Produce exchange toilnv Iho butte
In ii r I ; ot was linn ; crouincry , 10&24e ; dulrj
1GQ20C. KuKs.hleady htilctly fn-sli ,
Nci\r York .MurUoU.
Nuw YOIIK , Au . 15. Ki.ouii Hecolpti
B2.760 iilis. ( ; exports , 25 bills. , 12.H05 saum
salus , 6,000 imirUet aull , bund
COIIN Mn.\r. Hull , filoiuly.
KYI : Dull , nominal.
lUiu.iv MAI.T Dull ; western steady.
WiiKAT HeculptM , 412,10(1 ( bu. ; exports , 302 ,
000 bu.j miles , 2,020,000 bu. of futures , 00
OllU bu , mot. . 'pot ' mnrUul dull , lowc
closing steady ; No.2red , uiMoreand elevnto
lHifiaGHJ4'c ! ; nlloal , GH'rj f. n. b. , O'Jij'
70'Se ' ; unvriidt'il ivd , ( ia iitGT'.tC ; No.
northern , 7Odi > 70c } OpiionsMTH dull 1111
HQlc lottor. Tim opunlng WIH weak nl V
Tic dccllmi on lower Oldcago anil local ivill. :
ing , rallying tic on iixpei-U'il llu-ht recelpl
con IIMI : : ! rL all/liiiiiiHlilsoilisUaih : )
HoiiteiiilK-r , flost'd , 70.70 ( 0-1G ; Ootobe
72'1a72'ji' ! I ) ci'inber , 77&77'tC. '
COIIN ( U'cnllits , 43,0001)11. ; exports , 120.0C
tin , ; sales , 210,000 mi , fuitiiTN , 27.000 In
put : siiots , dull , easier ; No , 2 , 47'(6i47ll1 (
In ilovalor ; 4BTMH ! ( ulloat. . Ontloiw , ilnl
HtfiHc lower on renllzlng , clnsliiK Mi-ads
Buptomburand ( KMober , most acllvi' ; Angus
47141- , closing t 47'4C ; Supleiiibi > r 7 ? iSl7Ja
closing at 47ic ; October , 48if , < 4fiie , dosln
ht 48MCDecember. . 47j47ic ! , closing i
OATS Hreelpls , 148,000 bu , ; nxporln , 10
622lii. ) ; bales , 00,000 Im. futures , 7H.OUO In
ipnt. Spots , dull , steady. Options , ilull , eusle
. .
while , 30ic ; mlM'd wubtuni , 3l(3334e ( ,
llorsQiili't ' , linn.
lluir.sIlull , weak ; wet salted NovvOrleai
loloeted , 45 to GO His. , 4QSc.
Wool- Hull , Irregular ; dompMIn lli-eccK '
C28c ; pulled. lGfi,25c ; Texas , 12iSI7c.
PIIOVISIONS Cut nieulHste ilvdull ; plckli
bellies. 12 His. , lUny iilekliul hfnmlders , G > 4
pU-kli'ii IIHIIIS , loiiuill'tc ; middles , nonilni
J.anl , tlnnur , dull ; wcMurn Hteam closed
Do bin ; siili-B iiono ; options none ; Bt > ptumb
closed at (9 , nominal ; October , (8.70 , mm
null rellned. dull , fH,76 ; coinpound , $7.7
1'ork , iiulot , linn , now nii'ss , Jl-l.iiOai&.OO. Mglit receipts , linn ; WIIMOI
dairy. 16fJlHc ; wpstorn creamery. 17402-1
Mi'bturn factory , 14 < a 18n ; lvUlii , 2''c.
B .Moio demand , llrmer ; part hktn
; imrtK bldnis , unall , Ha.Qite.
-Klrmur , light duinnnd ; tocelpta , 4,0
kus \vet > lern , frcbh , KVjil7e ,
PAI.U\V - ( 'Inner , uulet ; city ( ! 2 uer plcv
lo ; cake. t2.W33.25 ,
C'OTTOSKKKli Oil , Dull , btcady ; cruilo. 3 !
B7c ; yi'llnw. 43c.
I'KTUOi.KUMKlrm , quiet ! roflned , f6. ]
I'ldladulphla and Iliiltlmore , (5.1U ; ri'lln
in bulk , { 2.GO&2.G5.
KosiNHull , bteiuly ; strained , common
good. IKViiOOc.
TiUH'r-xriSB Qulel ; SMiQSflc ,
KICK I'nlr dumiind , Urin ; domcbtlc , fair
extra , 2 % < a&Uc ; Japan. 4 ! , 4'io.
MOIUBSKS Steady , dull ; New Orleans , 01
kettlii. good torholco , SlKifUO- ? .
biKiAiiItaw. . dull , bt sady ; relined , qul
I'm JHON Qulot , btoadyj American , H2.7
16.60 *
Coi'i'Blt Harely steady : lake , 1 0.05.
I.KAD-llutl ; domcbtlc. * 3.3'Ji. )
TIN -Unruly btvudy ; UB.20 ; plates , qui
Bi'EWEii Steady j doini'btlc , 3.75oii 'chun
mles , none. .
Unltiiii JltirUut.
NEW Om.KAMi. AJIK. JO , 1'ulurc * qul
ftoaily : bales. 4.600 bale j Ausuit , JO.bMtil.
toplombor td.H74ia.bB ; October , IH.H7WH.
rigvouiborl7.0ti37. U9j Uuccwbur ,
Inntinry , l7.3 ! Q7.34j Vobruary , .
Murch , l7.4 < Jtt7.ftls peed middling. 7Wc ;
middling , 7 l-10c : lotr middling G 13-luci
good ordlnnry , GV-Jc. Net recclpti , 457 bnlc ,
Including 2 bnles now crop ; gro s , 4GO bales ;
exports to the eotitliiPtit , 0.034 bain ; coant-
wlfp , 1,207 biilcii tnle * . 300 bales ; stock ,
48,258 Imlcsj total number bales now cotton
received todnto , 425 bales.
Oiniilm 1'rhdncn Mnrknt.
ItJTTKU-l'aney creamcrh" ) , lolld packed ,
lOci fair to good cicamnrlos , solid packed ,
IWilScschoIco to fancy country , 14O16c ; fnlr
to cooil rountry , 1213c ; packing stock ,
freih , lie. . . . , ,
KddS Tlio market I * practically steady and
thrro U not much llfo to the trade. The re-
ci-liils are not largo , but they are HUfflclent to
Mipply the trade. The bulk of the sales lire
reji.iried at lOljallc.
IjtVK J'oui.Tnv The receipts for this week
arn larger ; cholroold lions. 7VSc ; old rooiters ,
4ft5c ; s pi Inc chickens , 'Jiillc.
ONIONS llomo grown stock Is plenty at l5c !
per Ib. on orders train tliu country.
TOMAIOKR Homo grown stock , per 4-basKCt
cruto , 76QHOc.
IlosKV Now white clover , pcrlb. , 18c.
llr.iuiiEHThere ui ftlll u few blackberrlci
coming and seine blueberries , lllackberrle *
per 24-qt cnso , t3.OOQ3.2ui bluuberrlos , per
ii-nt. cn e. $1.
1'oTATtna ' Thrro Is very little doing In pota
toes and very few find their way Into tlio
bunds of the commission men at the present
time. The local growers do not appear to bo
bringing In as many as they were , but still
there mo enough to supply the local rotatl
trade. On orders from thu country they are
worth nt least 7&c.
UHAl'i8--Su far this season there have not
been very muny grapes In from California.
California , per case , } 2 ; Illinois , per 0-lb.
basket , 40&50i : .
I'Al.iFOltNiA ' ritlllTS KnrlyCrawford peaches ,
per box , 11.15 : 5 to 10-bo.v lots , $ ltir > ® 1.10 !
clings , fl.IU ; 10-box lots , clings , $1 ; llartlctt
pears , por. box , * 2 ; plums , per box , Jl.GOa
1.76 ; extra fancy plums , 12 ; nectarines , per
box , 11.50.
MELONS The supply of watermelons Is
larger than It wan u few days neo. Good
watermelons are selling nil the way from JIG
lo 120 per 100 ; small or Inferior , J10.00 15.00
,1cm ciinlnloupes , ba.sUels , $1.25 ; short crated ,
41.25O1.60 : Ions crates , $1.75(32.00. (
AriM.v.s N'o aiiples to amount to anything
tire being shipped In , and the supply of homegrown
grown slock Is moilcrato. Choice Duchess ,
par bbl. , $3.50 ; common varieties , biiltublo
lo ihlp on orders , $2.7533.00.
OAliiiAni : The business In hhlpplngcabbago
lo tbo country appears to bo about over.
Occasional orders are received and tilled at
I'Ei.Kitv Stray shipments are arriving and
thoqiiiillty of the stock Is pronounced good
for this season of the year. Celery , per doz.
bunches. 35c.
IjiiMONS The steady warm weather pro-
duci'S n very fair demand for lemons and all
houses are doing a good steady business In
them. Messlnas. extra fancy , ? < > .0KIG,5 ( ( ) ;
MesslnuR , per box. choice to fancy , $5.00 < j5.60.
OitANdKHThere urn only a few oranges ar
riving. Hlverblde Mediterranean sweets , $3.75.
HANANAS 1'rlces remain about steady. 1'er
bunch , large , $2.25U2.75 ; per bunch , binall to
medium , { 2.002,2.25.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2 ic ; No. 2 croon
hides , 2c ; No. 1 gieen salted hides , 2c ? { ; No. 2
green salted hides , 2c ; No. I green salted
hides , 25 lb . to 4Udbs. , 2J4-c ; No. 2 green salted
bides , 25 Ibs. lo 40 lus. , 2c : No. 1 veal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 16 Ibs. , 5e ; No. 2 veal ralf , 8 Ibs. to 15
Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry Illnthldes , Or ; No. 2 dry Hint
hides , 4c ; No. I dry sailed hides , Be. Part
cuied lilde.lju jor U ) . less than fully cured.
yuiii' : I'KliTS Clreen balled , each .SBc@$1.25 ;
green salted shearlings ( short woolcd early
skins ) , each 15Q25c ; dry .shearlliiRS ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each 6aiOc : dry
shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2 ,
uacli 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool polls , per II ) . , actual weight , 103
lie ; dry Hint Kansas ami Nebraska murrain
wool pells , peril ) . , actual weight , 710c ; dry
Hint Colorado butrher wool pulls , per Ib. ,
actual welghl , OffllOc ; dry Hint Colorado mur-
taln wool polls , per Ib. , actual weight , 70c ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 5'i7c.
'I'Al.tiOW AND UltKABK Tallow , No. 1 , 4n ;
tallow , No. 2 , 3'ic ; crease , whlto A ,
3'Sc ; grease , white li , 3c ; grease , yellow ,
2Uc ; grease , dark , 2"c ; old butter , 2a2'/c ;
cqu swax , prime , 1G325C ; rough tallow , 215
< 33c. _
St. Louis .Mnrknts.
ST. f.ouis , Aug. 15. Fr-ouu Steady , un
WIIKAT .Market tame , except for brief rally ,
closing dually * c below yesterday ; No. 2 red
cash , GO'ic ; August , BOUc ; September , GOJiG
G04c ; Derumbor. G8ic.
COIIN Weak on crop conditions , losing 'i ®
? ic ; No. 2 mixed , cash and August , 34c
Scptombcr , SB'jc ' : December , 34c ; year , 33 , c
OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 231ic ; August
23Xc ; September. 23\c. {
IIUTTKii Finn , uncliangcd ,
Kuos 1'lrm , unchanged. *
I'noviBiONS Firmer , better ;
$13.50 ; lard , $8.25 ; dry salt meats , loosi
shoulders , $0.87 ! , ' ; longs and ribs , $7.80 ; shorts
18.25 ; boxed , 15c more ; bacon , pacuo'
shoulders. $8.75 ; longs ami ribs , $0.12 > , i
shorts , $0.60 ; hums , sugar-cured , JlU.OOi
KECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 sacks ; wheat , 128 ,
000 bu. ; corn , 07,000 bu.oats ; , 35,000 bu. ; ry <
and barley none.
Siiii'MESTS Flour , 00,000 sacks ; wheat , 1C ,
OOObu. ; corn , 63,000 bu. : oats , 10.000 bu. ; ryi
and barley , none.
IvansiiK City MttrUcts.
KANSAS CITV , Aug. 15.- WHEAT Ic lower
No. 1 Iiard,62ii53e ! ( ( : No. 2 red , 645t54'/c.
COIIN Firm , quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 20G30c ; Nc
2 white , 2UiQ30c.
OATS Firm and In good demand ; No.
mixed , 2ia22c ; No. 2 while , nominally 2B $
KYI : Steady ; No. 2 , nominally 47c.
FI.AX Nominally 85B8GC.
llliAN Firm ; 51 < < 53e.
HAV Firm , unchanged.
IloiTiiii Steady , unchanged ; creamery , 165
10c ; dairy. 16 18c.
Kniw Active , firm : 9'Jc.
HcOKiprs Whcut , 2,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu.
oats , nono.
Smi'MC.NTS Wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 4,00
bu. ; oats , none.
Oil Marki'tft.
OIL CITV , 1'a. , Aug. 15. Niitlnnal transit coi
ttllcatea opened at fiG3 ; highest , 68'a' lovves
5G ; closed , 5H ; sales , 21,000 bills ; clearance
18.0(10 ( mils ; shipments , 120,100 bbls ; run
107,047 bbls.
PiTrsmmo , 1'a. , Aug. 15 , National trans
certlllcates opened at57 < ; closed , & 74 ; bjgl
est , & 74i Iiu0b > ( , & 7 : sales , none ,
l.ivicurooi. , Aug. 16. TUIII'INTINK : Sl'iittTS-
20s Od per cwt. Weather very warm.
LONDON , Aug. 15. LINSKKDOIU 21slldii2 ]
HVid per cwt ,
Tuiti'BNTiNi : Si'iitiTS 20s Gd per cwt.
Liverpool , Mirki't ; < .
] < ivEiirooi. , Aug. 15. WIIKAT null , di
mand poor ; holders offer fieoly ; red wester
sprltiL' , 5s7'tdi/.Bs 8d per centalNo.2 ; red , wli
tor , 5s 7di ( 50d ; receliils for the past tlin
ilnys , 230.0UO centals , Including 135,000 cci
tals of American ,
Cons .Steady , demand moderate ; mlxi
western , 4s 24d ! percental ; receipts of Amu
lean corn for thu past three days , Gl,3 (
centals ,
IlKKi1 Extra India meRK , 22H ! Gd per cei
tal ; bacon , long clear , 450 Ibs , , 25b Gd pur c\v
1'nili'ii .ttiirxitt.
NKW VOIIK. Aug. IB. Oiitlonsopent'd qulol ,
points up to 5 poliitsdown.closod barely Mead
5 to 20 points down ; sales , 14,2 , ' > 0 bags , Incliii
Ine ; Septtimber , $14,85 ,15,25 ; October , $14.1
4tir..OO ; NoMjiiibur , $14.80&16.00 ; Dec.umbc
tl4.7fiT414.BO ; .liiiiuary. * 14.G5ai4.70 ; Mair
ft4.4lnC14.00 ; May , $14.20. Spot Itlo , casll
quiet ; No. 7. ? 16 ? . ; sales H.10I ) bags.
I'lilliiilulpiim ( irulii .tlsirltor.
Aug. 16. WIIKAT Wea
No. 2 red , Aiiuust , . .
COIIN Dull ; No , 2 mixed , August , 471/
OATS Hilled stoudy ; No , 2 white , 35c.
Clnu , ll i
OINCINKATI , Auir. 15 , WIIKAT Scare
htgliur ; No , 2 red. 6Hf.
CoitN Strong ; No , ' . ! mlied , 44c ,
OATS Stiong ; No , 2 mixed , 20e. }
WIIIBKV Sleady ; 11.12.
JMIiiiiciiiiilU | ; il Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Ann , 15 , Fuliircs dull a
lower : cash , btronger. On track : No. 1 hat
d ( iliv No. 1 noriliurn , 60c ; No. 2 northern , 6"
I August und September , 5G' c ; Decembi
li 03JUC.
'r Iliiltliiinrn tSrain M rUot.
. ' " lUi.TlMOHt : , Aug , 16.VllKAT Eusy ; Augu
Jl G&'ic ,
L'nitN Dull ; hpotand August , 47c.
" , OATS-Jtilet ; No. 'Jt > vlillu wt-Htorn , 34c.
Titled i ( inlii .MnrKiit.
" TOLEDO. Aim. IDVHIIT Active , steai
H No. 'Jciibb.Gl c.
0 I'oiiN Dull. Hleady : No. 'Jcash , 42c.
. DATS Quiet ; mixed.cimh'Ju c.
I In vu im Mlirkrt Ulumnli
HAVANA , Aug. Ifj. llollday ; mark
o :
HrourltlciVrrn Dull nnil n I.OITIT llai
of Vnlur * I'rrviilli'd ,
to NEW YOHK. Aug. 15. Tlio stock marl
un was extremely dull throughout today an
still lower range of prices prevailed. 'I
Jt , dealings wcro confined almost entirely to
professional clement , which contln
bearish ou unsettled , stuto of affairs. . 'J
true cause for this situation dovolo ;
Bt , today after 3 o'clock , wlicn It was Jean
that the syndicate formed to talto the i
lateral trust notes of thy Northern l > ac
compauy to liquidate thu lloalliip debt I
at , been disrupted ami on the application of
10 18 trust company receivers hud been uppolu
tor tlio property. ThU Hidden turu
atTalri explains the ( steady outpouring of
all the Northern Pacific securities. The
North American , which company holds ft
cort.iln amount of Northern Pacific securi
ties , vrrxs naturally affected , and sold at ' ! ? *
per ccntj.tho lowest price over touched. The
Northern Pacific common fell off to 4 < per
cent and the preferred to 1M . In the ro-
m.ilnJcr of the list , General Electric fell off
2Jf per cent to 37U and Chicago Gas 2 / per
cent to 43f , whlfo other stocks yielded from
M to4 } per cent. During the afternoon
there was a rally of } 4 to 1 ! per cent , nnd
the Improvement was fairly well maintained
at the closo. That there was no particular
pressure to sell was evidenced by the fact
that only U4UO ! shares changed hands all
day. The market closed steadier at the re
covery noted.
The Post says : The fact that the London
brokers have been buying our stocks , chiefly
St. Paul , In the face of this week's Stock ex
change settlement , Is significant , but not
exactly In the scnso of which wall street
takes It. The few days preceding London's
settlement are always devoted to the squar
ing of speculative accounts , and the accounts
of Iho last fortnight most in need of squar
ing are clearly tho' short sales. London U
not now buying for the rise. The largo cap
italists seem lo have taken already a sufll-
clcnt load , and little speculators are for the
tlmo warned off by the high Indon money
rate. Whether this rate Is to make further
advances depends , no doubt , on the action of
the Bank of France.
Paris exchange holds firm even above the
rate at which gold can bo shipped to London ,
and It Is bound to so long as London's open
market , discounts rule at 4 per cent , against
2)4 ) per cent in Paris. Thus far the French
bank has shown unexpected willingness to
release Its gold ; arguing no doubt thnt the
gold will go lo the United States perforce ,
sooner or later , when Franco Is compelled to
mains qooil Its-fodder crop deficiency in our
markets. All this and the ready accommo
dation of our bankers In the Herman specie
market look strongly unlike the "scramble
for gold" by the whole of Kuropo of which
wo have lately heard so much. Some of the
Ignoramuses who lot loose last Sunday's
cables on a dismayed community pointed
with gloomy shakes of the head to the very
high premium on gold In Homo and Madrid ,
H docs n6t seem to have occurred to these
philosophers that uationi on the verge of
bankruptcy nnd Hooded with Irredeemable
paper money are very likely to bo anxious
bidders for the llttlo gold their own depre
ciated currency will buy.
The followlnc are the closing quotations
on the leading stocks on the Now Yorlc
exchange today :
The total sales of stocks today wore 144,84E
shares , Including : Atchlson , 4,100 ; IltirllnK'
ton , 7,800 ; UlilcaKo Ous , 13,400 ; General Klea
trie , 'J0.700 ; Loulsvlllo & Niishyllle , 5,200
Ntirtliwusteru , 3,700 : North American , 3,400
Hock Island , 0,400 ; St. 1'nul , 17.70O ; Sugar
0,000 ; Union 1'acHlc , 3,000 ; Western Union
7,300. -
Now York Money Mnrket.
NEW YOHK , Aug. 15. MONEY ON OAr.tEas ;
nt 3$15 percent ; last loan ut4 percent , clos
inc olferi'd at 4 per cent. s
rillMKMlillCANTIl.F. 1'Al'EH 812 per COnt.
STBIIMNQ EXCIIANOK Weak , with actna
buslnuhs In bankurs' hills at $4.814.H :
for sixty days and f4.8Gi44,87 for dtiiinind.
SII.VEH CEHTIFIOATES No sales reported
closed at 75c asked.
GovuitNMENT UOND3 Stronger. State bond
The closing quotations on bonds :
Itimtnli Stock ( Juntiltloni.
HOSTON , AIIR. 15. Call loans , 7 3-1010 pc
cent ; time loans , G percent and cominls.sloi
Closing qtiotatlonson stocks , bonds and nilnlii
shares ; '
Nv York Mlulir ; Ollntntlonl.
Niw YOHK , An ? , 15-Tho following are tl
mining quolatlons :
Crown 1'olnt . 'jn Sierra Nevada , . . , nil
Con. ( Ml. .t Va. . . . 12B Standaiil Ill )
Rould .VCurry. . . . 20 Union Con UR
Halo A. Norcrosa , BO Yellow Jacket. . . . HC
HonivBlnUu . 81)0 ) Iron SIlvi'I Ida lot
Mexican . : il ( Quick Silver 16(1
Ontario . GOU do iiruCd , 150(1 (
Onhlr . (10 Uulwur UC
I'iyinuiUh . IS
abked ,
Nnil Frnnrliuii Mlniix ; ( Jiiiifillonn.
SAS KitANCisco , Auir. in. Thu olllclal closii
qiiotalloni for mining t > locl < * i loday were :
followt , :
KulcherT 'JO Mexican . a :
0 Ophlr . nr
Cliollar 23 Poteml . Bl
Con. cal , ft Va iu :
Cruwn 1'cilnt : ui Sierra Nevada . 21
id.vunrry : m Union Con . Hi
o.'v NorcruHH. . . BO Vullow Jaeket . 4 (
Nt , I.IIIIIK .Mining Ijinitiitloim ,
FT. I.ouis , An ; ; . IS. Minim ; block's Hfulc
no i'lntnii > In prices. The lowing uio t
closing limitations :
st , G ra nlliiM.t'.oo
Amur. N..i .2'
ChlriiBii rinunrlul Nltuiltloii ,
CiiH'AdO , Aug. 16. Nuw Vorl < uxcbaiigo w
weak today , ulTered at 15 dlsrounl with i
y ; dlHCouul bid. It was regarded by local ba
utllclulb as a good blgu for Chlcugo , as It i
iiblua thu banks buru lo keep on Import !
gold , p tying for cablu I ran- , torn at Nuw Vu
with Nuw Vork ovvhunse , Chicago llms I
porting gold when Nuw Vork cannot do II. T
weakness of exchange wu also taken u
pro jf that Chicago grain and provisions u
moving out. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Morn ( inld luiportud.
go NKW YOHK , Aug. 15. The London special
thu Evening I'obtbiiyb : The Hank of l nglii
bold .t'Y-MHM ) In ( lulled States ; m > ld coin ted
COC Forly-tlvu thousand hoveiulgns camu hi fr
da Holland , liar gold was In good demand i
'ho vcr wtibiit 73'id and weak , The .Stock i
ebangi ) washiii.'tiant today u Catholic hi
.ho day ui : tliu Europuan bourbo , Americans w
ics Inclined to rUe huru In thu abuncuof Ami
bales ,
' cun
)0d I'liiuncial Nnle * . '
led KANSAS CITV , Aug. 16. Clearing * , $802,2
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 15. Clearings , J4,7 (
: ol- G50 ; bnlanceb.1,730,305. .
lllo UAI.TIMOIIK , Aug. 16 , Clearlncii , $2,101.1
iul : balancea , < U7U'JHd. MOIIC-Y. U per CIMU.
: ho rilll.Alill.l'HIA : , All' ' . 15. Cluurlngs , $8U
337 : ImluiicuN fl,677,813. .Money , G pur ct
HOSTON , Aug. 15. Cluurlnxn. $10.806,1
of baluuuvt tl,20U,9b7 , Mouey , 7
1 cent. Ktclmngcnn Now Vork , } 1.003.1,60 dl -
count. "
IxiMxi.v , Aug. -AMiount of bullion pone
Into the Hank of England on balance today ,
NEW Ont.rANO , AugTlB. Clearings , $941,045.
New York exchange , commercial , $7.60 pre
mium ; bank , bar. T.
MEMPHIS , Aug. Ifl.-tjNow York cxcbanco
selling at $1.60 premium. CIoarlnRs , $05 , 2& !
balances , $17,172.
, Aug. 16. Money 7J18 percent. .
Now York Pxclmrii JO$5.004l$8.00 dlsccunU
Clearings $ l,130,65l > :
NEW YonK , Aug. IS.T-'l'otroleum weak ! there
wcro no sales : 1'ennsylvanla spot sales , none ;
September options slilcS , none : 67VJC bid.
ST. Lotus , Aug. l&M-Hank clearings today ,
12,063,11)0) ) ) balances , $277,411. Money ,
ulot , G(38 ( per coni ; oxchangu on Now York ,
B discount. ii
ClllCAHO , AiiB. IB. Clearings , $10,560,379.
Now York exchange $16 discount. Sterling
uxchangc llrmur : actual , $4,70Si4.835i. Money
comfortable at 7 percent.
Cnlllo Trade llnrcly Slruily HORS Active
nnd Much lllghrr.
Tunsiur , Aug. IB.
Receipts today wcro about up to the average -
ago for a Tuesday in Auciist. For the two
dayn supplies foot up a.OC5 cattle , CB4U hogs
and 1,140 shcop , as against 2.UV.J cattle , 7y 5
hogs and 8,642 shcop Monday and Tuesday
of last week.
The cattle market today lacked Hfo nnd
there wcro a good many soft spots in
the trado. Most salesmen thought they got
very nearly steady prices for cattle that
suited the dressed beef men , but ordinary to
poor stuff wns hard to moyo oven at prices
weak to a dlmo , iower than Monday.
A few bunches of peed 1,200 to
l.SOO-lh. beeves sold at $4.05 to fJ.20 , but the
fnlr to peed 1,0. > 0 to 1,150-lb. steers sold at
from J3.75 to $3.05. Fair to poor light and
half fat stuff sold at from $3.05 down. Very
few of the westerns offered wcro Rood
enough for bcof nnd prices ruled rather low.
A fair clearance was effected.
The cow market was actlvo and firm.
Decent butchers. ' stock sold largely at
from $2 to J2.50 , with canners down to $1.
Calves were generally steady nt from $3 to
$3.50 and rough stock dull and weal ; ut from
31.HO to ? 1.85.
Feeders moved freely considering the
weather and prices paid wcro fully steady.
occasionally firmer , the demand boinp good
nnd the supply limited. Good to choice
feeders arc quotable nt S3. 70 to $3 , fair to
good nt $3.50 to § 2.70 and common stuff at
? 2 to $3.50. Hupresontatlve sales :
Av. 1'r. No. Ar. 1'r.
calves 378 2 25
" . 820 2 GO
0 steers. 1180 3 20
2 cows. . 1005 1 75
. 875 2 25
COW. . . 890 2 00
COWS. . 1015 205
Istrtlginn 2 00
. 818 1 55
. 881 2 55
COW . 730 1 35
1 fit r tie. 1100 200
i'd'rs. . 500 2 25
cow. .1220 2 GO
.1105 2 00
1 cow. . .1130 2 70
7 steers.1230 3 30
3 bulls..1430 150 21 cows. . 1002 2 GO
lfeed'r.1170 200 33 J'd'rs. . 1048 270
21 cows..1080 250 3strs tlg.1480 200
Hoes The yards today had more the tip
pcaranco of a hot ; market. Heccints won
fair , hut not heavy , about the same as ;
week ago. Eastern markets wcro reportei
lusher , and shipping buyers had orders foi
over n third of the offerings. Local buyon
also all had peed orders , and the trade win
lively from tlio start , with prices anywhcn
from a dime to n quarter higher than Mon
day. The advance was most on the ( rood t (
choice llirht and butcher weight hops thai
sold from $ ! > up to $5.10. Heavy and niixci
packers sold very largely at Si.STi and fi.uri
pqulro of liostra was In the market for ihi
llrst time m several mouths , and paU
as high as $5 for choice heavies
wnilo rough heavies sold as low as fl.80
The pens were emptied early In the forenoon
the market being actlvo throughout am
cloning linn at the advanco. Trad ing win
lartrclv at fUK ) to Hi , as against fl.75 am
Monday nnd $4.GO to M.05 on lastTucs
Kecclpta' consisted of thrco lorn
of westerns. There * was a limited Incjulr
for , rood millions , ; fc < n none for common un
stock shcqp , The fvOlltiK " 'as very weak I
sympathy with eastern markets and price
by long odds thowcst | of tlio seasoi
Fair to good ' natives , f3.00@3.
fair to good westerns , ? J.Niii. ( : ' . ' ' ' i COD
mon and stock sheep. l..WJ-.7r ; good I
choice 40 to lOJ-lb. lambs , M 00 ( 1.75.
Oilmen Live Spirit MirKnt.
CHICAGO , Aug. Id. IHpeclal Telegram
to TIIK IlKK.l Thu receipts. of cattle wuru cbt
id mated at 3,0 < > 0 head , composed In about Hii
y. parts of natives , westerns and Tex'ins. A
> description * mudn a gain In Miungth , thu a
IIx - uragu of price * Ixjlng fn m 6c in lOu higher tin
x- for .Monday. Theru was iigo d demand fro
xII - caunum unit droned beef hhlpponi. and wli
1U eastern buyers and uxiKirtora also lookli
rl- fo , * a f'wi'iittu , bullcru bad thuhcbtnf tl
ktu'itlon. A' rivals blncu Saturday have bei
1 , tOO head mo o than for Ihu bamutlmola
Keck , but Ihu r 'I'l'lpl.-i forllio ( li t llfleen da ;
IG. of Ihu Inoiiln bhuiy a dccrea&u of morutht
3.- 30oouhuad , aicumpar d with 1802 und the
3.0 Ib not ! ' " kllmna'St hlgu of u chancu that tb
0 losi will in * mudu good Inter In thu muiit
; Sfl.uib Imdlmulterji all their own way toda
The only ihlng thai bolheivd Ibum wan
Vt. known Jubl luw much uf an udvanco to u
< t. Tbo btiill was taken a fUbt as orteied
7 ; iidvanceb varying Irom lOo to40o our 10O II
ur TUU wuituuttvuruguiulu lu licuvy uud tu
dtum weights of fully 26c. the bulk of them
chancing hands at from J5.25 to $5.40. Light
weights showed less change , 15c covering tbo
gain In that class , but It was a highly satisfac
tory market for sellers. The only complaint
they had to make was that they Old not have
morn of them , the fresh receipts amounting to
barely 7,000 bead. ThestulTwas alll out of
sellers' hands early In the forenoon , and Iho
close was firm.
The Mioep supply was again largo alto-
pcther too Urge for the nced.s of the trade ,
consequently the marknt remalnnd weak. It
was weak today , oven the best grades , whllo
for common to fulr lots concessions of from
lOc to Iftchad lo bo made. Trade was very
slow anil many lots were In solids' hands
after buyers had secured all the stook they
wanted , lluyars did not want to pay moro
than from $4 to $4.25 for anything , it nil there
were few loads at bolter thnn $3.76. Quota
tions were from $1,60 to $3.25 for Tuxansj
from $1,75 to $3,40 for westerns , and from
$1,85 to $4,60 fornallvcs. The lamb market
wa . lower , fiioled ] at from 13 to $5.05.
. Ueccluls : Cattlu , 3,000 hoadt calves , 1,000
head ; hoci , 7,000 head : sheep , 14,000 bead.
Tim Kvcntng Journal reports :
UATTI.B Kecelpts , 3.100 head ; shlnmcnls ,
1,100 head ; market lOc higher ; prime , $4.60 ;
good to choice. $ l.8 ; > < a4,76 ; medium , $3.0016
4.00 ; common. $4.Gva.5.00 ( ; westerns , $2.60 ®
4.10 ; Texans , ? 2.00&3.40j cowMl.26ft3.10.
llous-Kecolpls. 7.600 head ; shipments ,
8,00(11 ( head ; market higher ; common much ,
$4.254.60 ; mixed and packers , $ .00410.25 ;
prime heavy , $5.30115.46 ; butchers , $5.6031 *
6.76 : light , $0.3130.10.
SiiEKi'-ltocolpts , 13,000 head : shipments ,
1,200 head ; markol lower : natives , $3uom
4.00 ; westerns , $2.7oil3.12 ( } ; fancy westurn
wuthers , $3.26S3.50 ( ; lambs. $3.6024.50.
St. t.ouln l.lvn Stni'k Mnrlinl ,
ST. Louis , Aug. 16. CATTI.I : Hccidnts , 4,000
head : shipments , 2,000 head ; market active
on all kinds ; prices strong on natives and lOc
higher on Texans ; fair to good native steers ,
$3.7534.85 ; fair to pretty good Texas steers ,
$2.30 3.00 : COWS , $2.00112.40.
Hoes HecolpiK , 3,100 bead ; shipments ,
300 head ; market lOii hlishcr ; butchers' se
lections , $5.76 ; light , $5.60a5,70 : mixed , $5.00
O6.00 ; heavy , frl.'JO5.60.
SiiitKi1 HocolptA , 2,100 head ; shipments ,
none ; market slow and unchanged.
Kiiimns City l.lvo Sim-K Miirknt.
.KANSAS CITY , Aug. 15. OATTI.E Heco'.pts.
9,000 bend : shlpmenls , 2,500 head : good
cattle steady : othur.s slow : Texas and shipping
steers. $2.3Oif.6.00 ; Texas and nallvu cows ,
S1.465i3.00 ; butchers' stock , $3 4IW&4.15 ;
htocknrs ami foedurs , $1.76413.60 ; bulU and
mixed , $1.G5O3.50.
Hoes Hecolpts , 5,200hoad ; shipment ! : , none ;
market 15)5c : ) higher : bulk of sales ,
$4.9V35.40 ( : heavies , $4.HO5.20 ; nackers. $5.00
61525 ; light , $5.00G.OO ; Yorkers , $5.60 ®
6.00 ; pigs , $5.4lva5.GO.
SiiiiiItecelpl.M : : , 2,100 head ; shipments ,
none ; market steady ; muttons , $2.45ffi2.b5 ;
lambs , $4.10114.40.
Now Vork Llvn Stock Market.
Nnw Youic , Aug. 15. HEKVES No trade ;
dressed beef llrm at , G',5c.
CALVES Dull , but steady.
SIIIKI' : AND IjAMns Actlvo ; higher for
choice lambs ; sheep sold at 83 ; market Mow.
llotis .Market slow at $5,75.
Itoroiptft mid UlHpinlUon of .Stuck.
Official receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Omaha Union Slock
lards company for the twenty-four hours
ending at 6 o'clock p. m.August 16 , 1803 :
Edmund Dotmcin Xew York Advertiser.
"Mamma , dear , why do you let thnt
horrid mnn como into our room at
"What mandnrling ? " I asked , scnrcolj
heeding my child's question.
"Tho man with the straw hat , whc
stands before your dressing table and
does something to his neck. "
I put down the book I was reading ir
my bedroom and wcut over to my child's
"Go to sleep , Teddio , dear , " I mur
mured , catching his outstretched hand
and dialing it. "You linvo been dream
ing , my pet. "
"Oh , no , mamma , dear , " said my 003
rising up to a sitting posture in his cot ,
"I am not dreaming. I have not been U
sleep yet. I have boon trying to keo [
my oycs on you , but I could not holf
looking at the man. IIo frightens me
so much , mnmma , dear. "
I was quite alarmed now. What
could bo tlio matter with my dear chili
my only child my beautiful , sensible ,
sensitive , little Teddio ? lie was onlj
six years of ago , but ho scorned almost
as wise and as gentle as his father mj
darling who had loft mo forever just six
months before.
"Oil , mamma , dear , why did you icl
the horrid man come into our roam ? '
pleaded the child , the tears coursing
down his bright , chubby cheeks. "He
is such a horrid mnn so unlike deal
papa ! "
i burst into a Hood of tears. But in u
few moments I succeeded in checking
the torrent of my grief and tin-net
toward my boy.
There was plenty of light in tlio Biiiull
bedroom. A brilliant reading lamp laj
on the dressing table , I gazed enriv
cstly Into my IKI.V'H wintful brown eyes
IIo was undoubtedly wide awake , am
as I passed my hand over his face 1
found his white brow was quite cool.
"What is it. Toddle , dear ? " I asked
"Thoro is no man in the room , o
course. "
"Hut there was just , a few moment ;
ago , mamma. "
"Indeed there was not , my pot. "
"Dut I Haw him , mamma. Ho eami
last week , too , and I was awake and wiv
him. You hud loft tlio room for a while
and ho came in at the door and won
over to the dressing table and he dii
something strangp with his noek. Tlioi
I shut my oycs , and when I opened then
lie was gone. You came into the roon
then , but I was too frightened to tel
you. "
I was in a fever of alarm now. Wlui
could ail my child ?
"You wore dreaming , Teddio , dear , "
persisted , stooping over him and kit-sin
nls lips and his cheeks. "Gotoslcoj
my pot. "
"I am so frightened , mnmma , deal
All the week I was afraid to ask yo
about the mnn. Tonight ho came i
again while you were reading , and h
stood quite close to you and looked int
the looking-glass and did something t
his neck. And then I shut my oyi
tight. Won't you promise not to leav
mo tonight , mamma , dear ? "
"J promise , my pot , " kissing him agat
and laying his head gently on the pi
low. "Now , go to Bleep , dear , while
rend my book. "
Wlmt could ail my darling ? I wet
dared , as I stood near his cot putting hi
shoulders with my hand. IIo had neve
been an odd child , never been Boricmul
ill ; ho had always blept wonderfull
well ; it was not easy to frighten t
startle him. He had never had un
ntu-bo but mybolf , and I never told hli
stories of ghosts or fulrles , nor hud
allowed him to hear uuy such tales.
had always boon his companion ho was
my one thought , my one idol , alwnyn ex
cepting that other idol * my darling dead
husband , who hud shared his great love
with Teddio and mo.
The house t was now living in was
situated hard by the banks of the
Thames. It was a pretty littlodotaohcd
eottago , anil I had secured it furnished
at a wonderfully i-hoap rental nn Im
portant eoiisidoratlon , as my tncans
were narrow , and nil that could' bo saved
or spared should bo lavished on my beloved -
loved child.
The following morning ( Saturday )
Teddio seemed to bo quite himself ngaln.
tlo romped with mo , walked out with
me , talked to mo just as usituliuiid as ho
made no reference to the strange rtmn of
his dreams ( for 1 had no doubt it was u
dream which had disturbed him ) I
thought it best to Iceop slleneo on the
unpleasant subject. Nor did the child
refer to the dream during the next week.
At least , up to Friday night.
On Friday evening , shortly before S
o'clock , as 1 was tucking him up In his
cot , my darling boy said !
"Mamma , yw\ will promise to remain
with mo tonight ? "
"Yes " , dear5' ; I. replied , "if you wish
Then I klsscfl him and sat down In the
growing twilight.
There was no one living with us in the
cottage. A little girl from the neigh
borhood did all the rough housework
for me during the day , and usually wont
homo about 8 o'clock As I did iiol go
stairs little mald-of-all-work
down my - - -
cttmo up shortly after S o'clock to lot mo
know she was goinir. A sudden impulse
urged mo , and t said : "Will you toll
Dr. .laekson to give mo a call this even
ing ? You imss his house on your way
homo , 1 think ? "
As soon as tlio little girl was gone I
got my luini ) alight Teddio uas used to
the light and it never teemed to disturb
his sloop and sat down near the dress
ing table. I was in a somewhat tremu
lous condition though I am not ordin
arily weak of norvu and found myself
agitated by every sound which reached
my ours.
About 0 o'clock T was horribly alarmed
to hear a piteous cry from my child. I
laid down my book hurriedly and wont
over to him.
"Mamma ! mamma ! " ho crlod. "There
ho is again ! Oh , why do you lot him
como into our room ? "
I stared round the little bedroom , but
could s-eo nothi'ig strange.
' 'There ho is now , mamma , dear near
tlio lamp on the dressing table ! " point
ing with Ills forolingor. "And now ho
is going to lift his hand to his neck. "
1 pressed my tcrrilied child to my
bosom and soothed him with words of
love and clinging pressures. In a few
moments ho had regained his ordinary
manner , and 1 allowed his head to sink
back on the pillow.
.lust then 1 heard a loud knock at the
door.My boy started. "Can this bo the
man again , mamma , dear1 said he , "tho
horrid man with the largo straw hat1
"No , darling , " I murmured , ' 'It is
the doctor. I have asked him to come
nnd sec my little Toddle. You will not
mind my leavimr you for a moment to
lot the doctor in ! "
At lirst Teddio clung to mo. but
another knock at tlio hull door roachud
our ears , and my dear boy murmured :
"I fool all right now , iimnimu. I know
ho won't como back again. Don't bo
long. "
I hurried down the short flight of
stairs and let in Dr. , laekson , a kind ,
middle-aged gentleman , whoso face was
familiar to mo. I brought the doctor up
at once to my child and whispered to
him that ho was suffering from an at
tack of nightmare , and that ho had a
strange delusion that ho saw a man with
a largo straw hut in the room.
The doctor looked curiously at mo and
then felt the child's pulse , llo asked mo
some general questions about his health
and took his temperature.
"The child seems all right , " said Dr.
Jackson , addressing me in a low voice.
' 1 don't think you need bo alarmed.
But c.r.ild I have a word with you out of
bin hearing ? "
"Tho doctor wants to speak with mo
down stairs , Teddio. " I said. "Do you
mind my leaving you alone for a few
moments- ? "
"No , mamma , dear , " ho answered.
"Only leave the door of the room open ,
' ? "
won't you
When we reached the parlor the doc
tor with a grave face said :
"Tliis is certainly a most extraordin
ary umiir most extraordinary ! . Your
child has seen , three Friday nights in
succession , a man with a largo straw
hut standing in front of the dressing
table doing something to his neek , us
tlio little man puts it. DJ you know
anything of this house ? "
"Nothing whatever , except that it is
very pretty , very comfortable and very
cheap , " I answered.
"Well , madam , " said Dr. .Tnckson ,
"my advice to you is to leave the pretty ,
comfortable , cheap house at once there
is no occasion to got mo into trouble
with the agents by tolling them you are
acting on my professional advice. "
"Hut why ? What is the mutter ? " I
"I will toll you , " said the doctor , "and
then you can decide 'for yourbolf. And
please understand , I am no believer in
ghosts , but this in certainly a most puz-
/.ling case. Tlila house wai vacant for a
twelvemonth before you took It. The
lust occupier was a man of somewhat
evil reputation ho owned tlio house , I
understand who wns very fond of boat
ing. One Friday evening , nboutO o'clock ,
ho returned from the river. Ho was
wearing rt largo straw hat ! that 1 recol
lect well , for I remember seeing It In
the room when I win called In. He out
his throat , standing in front of the
drtwslni ? table in-tho bedroom. "
I loft the awful house that night , merci
dead than alive. My boy Is a strong
man now , and one xvhom It would bo
hard to frighten , but ho remembers
still , with a fooling of horror , the un
accountable vision the vision denied tome
mo of tlio man with the straw hat
standing in frontof the dressing table In
thu llltlo bedroom.
Wo were the first mnnnfactnrcra on this
Continent. Our latest Inmroremrnt purpassci
nnytliltio.Tcrbcforo | prounewl. lio. ! , S5o. , SSo.
per tin. Itosurotolnvo HKAlttJIll'd. Ask
for them gprtml on cotton cloth.
I'rcvcntion Is bettor than euro , by bnrnlnff
tlicso candles bud uniclls In Imjcmotits , rlosvtB ,
fco. tirodcRtroyed , and thtunmtnsloiiiuUiicnses
nrokeptnway : nlso UH-ful for cxiielllns inos-
tiultos and Irritating Insects. rilco , 3o. each.
To pitrlf v sick-rooms , apartments , etc. , iiso
which In burning , dlMnl'ort nnd pruducu A
fraRrnnco refreshing nnl : Invlcorntlng. ! o. per
box of IS. Solo Manufacturers ,
r\t7i > vr oir
euro CnturrJi , All Dlsuasos oft'a
Nose , Throat , Clioit , StomnoX .Bowali
mill Ziivor. RUouiiiutitiii , Dyspepsia.
Blooil. Skiu null rCMuDy Disoaioi ,
Fomiilo Woalciiosso ) , L' > st MauhooJ.
CCJHEU , uu 1 nil form * of
IIYnitOCEMO AN1) VAUICWKF.K permaiu'iillj
and micccHHtiilly cured. Mrtho.l now and unf.illlnir.
TUH.vr.Ufc.NT MY MAlli it upvulliMy.
PILES , VISTULA , FISStJIlE , .Tiiianonlly curjl ,
without the USD of knlfu , lls.Uiiro or caustic.
All maladies of ; i private or dullc.itu naturj , of
cllhur sex , positively citru.l
Call on or address , \\Mtli xtamp , lor Circular ! ,
Free Hooli , KeclpeH and Symptom lilankH ,
ft < U ii > v MB S'Mith ifiiii at
OL JltlJ
If so , buy one that cannot be stolen. The
only thief-proof Watches arc those with
Hero's tfie Idea :
The bow lini n croovo
_ , . on each end. A collar
V V . < a J I runs down Inside the
vJflB ) - 'JC/ pendent ( item ) nnd
CLija * fits into the crooves ,
firmly locking tha
tow to the pendent ,
' -T * . so that It cannot ba
' JS > > - pulled or twisted off.
To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out , sec that
the caseisstampeclwith this trade mark , w vfe
It cannot be had with any other kind. O/ /
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send for
one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co. ,
_ nrLrLJXJ1ru-u J J- i - -
Union Stock Yards Company ,
SoutV )
ncftCuttlo Ho nnil Sluo.i inarkatla tin wait.
Wood Brothars.
Ilvo StoU Coiiiiulinliin .Morohunti
lia Tolcplionu Ilif. Ohlati *
JOHN 1) . DAUHMAN , I. . . . . . . . . . . . .
WAl.THIl H. W.I01) , flllina err
Mnrlcct report * by iniill and nlro cheerful
' furnished upon application.