THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 16 , 1803. STUCK IN A PRETTY MESS Lincoln's Unpleasant Experience in Quest of a Viaduct on 0 Street. HER EFFORTS PRODUCE EMBARRASSMENT Btntemcnt ol thn TnitBl'n ni H linn Pro ceeded Tnta9t Surprlio Afforded by the Union riiclllo Trnlllo Hin der nl bjr the Illoukuilo. LTXCOI.V , Neb , Aug. l.r . ( Special to THE BRB. ] The rlty ol Lincoln Is still deeply embarrassed In Its project to construct a viaduct across the Burlington and Union Paclflo tiacks on O street. The whole trouble results from an effort to construct an expensive viaduct with no money in the city strong lox with which to pay the con tractor. The history o'f the effort of the city to compel the railroad companies to construct the viaduct Is n lonp and tedious ono , but after several yrars of tiresome controversy the railroads and the city council were able to como U terms last spring. An agreement was made In which It was popularly supposed that the rnllronds agreed to advance the necc/sarj funds from time to time to enable the city tc pay the damages to the abutting property This money was to bo advanced In the nature of a loan. Under the arrangement the mavoi has to appoint appraisers to assess UK damages to the abutting property. Thi mayor carried out his part of the agreement the appraisers were appointed and the dam ages assessed at something llko $18,800. llroucht on Another Tangle. The awardshowover , did not provo satis factory to the property owners , and the ; B topped woilc after considerable progresi had been made , and secured nn Injunotloi from the district court on the grounds thn nil such assessment sot damages should bi made by appraisers appointed by the judgi of the county court. With this decision In mind appraisers wen nppotntod In rounty court , and In duo coursi of time they made their report , the detail of which w ei o fully reported la those col umn some weeks ago. Then a now causi for controversy arose. The mayor inslstei thnt the appraisement of damages was on tlicly too high and threatened to do all li his power to defeat the payment. The cit ; council either npglocttd or refused to ordo the city attorney to appeal from the juJg mcnt of the appraisers. Thus the matter stands. The city cai cither deposit the amount of the damage assessed with the court and take an appc.i and go ahead with the vvoik , or it can leav the vvoik nt a standstill , as it Is at piosent nnd take an appeal without depositing th damages or giving bond for payment. O the railroad companies can , in pursuanc of their original agi cement , advance th money for the pav mcnt of the damages am permit the work to go ahead. Itopiiillntlon by the Union Puclflc. Council O'Shea visited Omaha vesterda , In older to hotel u conference with the iai road authorities in regard to securing a cdvnnco of the money necessary to onabl the city to take advantage of ono of th several couihos open to it. The city ha already been given assurances from th Burlington people that they were ready an willing to advance their share of the fuuel and therefore it was believed that th Union Pnclllo only was to bo consulted. Mi O'Shea called upon Jucigo Kelly of the legc department of the Union Pacillc and Icarne to his sur prlso that the Union Pacific kno\ nothing whatever about the willingness c the Burlington to advance anv rnonoj Judge Kelly admitted that the matter mlgh liavo been referred to the general manage ] Mr. Dickinson , who is just now absent froi the state , but ho disclaimed any knowlcdg of the Burlington's intentions himself. Then another surprise awaited the cour cllman from tins rity. Ho vvas assured wit that delicacy and candor for which the atlr bio Judge Kelly has long boon noted thn the Union Pacific on its part had no ieloa e ndvancing any money with which to cnabl the city to pay damages to the abuttin property. I.elt In rtntl Shape. The affable judge was certain that h company had no funds with w hluh to emic the property owners whoso buildings an lots would bo cast In the shade by the coi structlon of the viaduct. Ho vvas equal ] positive in his belief that the damages hn been placed at too liberal n flgure and th , the supreme court would not agico with tl : district court In holding that the origin ; assessment made by the nppialsors u pointed by the mayor was Illegal. In Uio meantime the traffic over O strci Issoriouslv Intorfoied with by the fact th. woik has been commenced and that matte : nro now at at a standstill. The sfcet obstructed by great piles of dirt and huj hol < > s dug at Intervals for the formation i the immense stone ploismo fenced up , thi completely shutting off travel over tin portion of the street. Judge Kelly promised , however , to iiulnlf In another conference with the Burlingte people and the talk will take place in T. f Mnrnuotio's olllco In this city next Satu day. I.Uoly Polltlcnl hnnrrlnK. There ate evidences beneath the surf.v In Lincoln that some pretty political spa ilng Is going on between the ilval loaders i nt least two political pailles. It has bee nn open seciot for some time that ttia Ind pendent leadois weio about equally divide batwecn nn ontly and late convention ai that the ri'sultof the committee's action calling the gnthoiing for September 5 Is n entirely U'ji'aetory to all lutoieste parties. The Independent leaders thoi solves nro divided as to the particular cboli ot the convention for Justice of the supren coin t nnd It Is not denied th it a strong fa tlon exists which will insist upon the not { nation of Judge Maxwoll. But the me who really want Maxwell nominated are tl ones who wanted a late coinuntlon. It wi not so much n matter of politics with the as a matter of seem Ing a good man for tl ofllce. On the other hand , ono or two of tl most prominent advisers in the indopcndoi ranks asseit openly that the convention wi called early In September by the men vrl uro adveiso to the nomination of Maxvve but who ate willing to saciillco the inteiea of the party and place n weak candidate the Held in order to enhance the pi aspects men who claim no alleglanco to the part It Is openly iissoi ted that several of the 1 tlopomlont leaders have sold themselves the enemy On the republican sldo of the fence it whlspoied nulotly among the faithful th the state central i omtnlttco will not bo calli together until thcio Is no longer any posi blliti that the date of the Independent co mention can bo changed , 'Iho Idea , nxpiesaed by a prominent republican In tli city this a tun noon , Is to encourage the I ml pendents to nominate Maxwell nnd then tl way will bei clear for the nomination of candidate who will bo much more acceptal to the men who have always endeavored manipulate iho supiomo court In their ov Interests. 'Iho republican contingent th Is always pmiie-lously active , but which never active for the best interests of t. . Btale , are rubbing their hands in chcerl anticipation over the prospects of u dlvld independent putty with Judge Mnxwi loading ono of the factions. They say th in such a contingency Maxwell ran longer lay claims to the support of the i publicans. Although no ono U la lid openly ami above board It is certain that of veiy quiet vvoik has been goli on within the past two weeks. 4108 > l | > ut the Stutu Home. Superintendent Johnson of the Hnstln Asjlum for Incurable Insane vvas ut t elate honso this foionoon. Ho states th the asylum farm has raised this jear ttvol nciesot as line sugar beets as can be feu In any county in the stato. The beets w not the Institution at least tJO porao 'Iho ftupuiintcndout states that if ho w provided with tlio land ho could piolltal cultivate 100 acres of sugar beets und ma for the state from f-.WK ) to & ,000 per unuu Attoine.v General Hastings 1s nt Oma todaj for a final confidence with Hon. J , Webster over the Injunction piocccdlngg. The State Board of Publlo Lands a Buildings will hold a session tomoirow the purpose of awarding the contracts erecting the now boiler house and launt M the Girl's Industrial school at Gonova. The bids rtoro opened todny and were nt follows : Grace A Kelly of Lincoln , | 0V35 , ; D. B. Howard of Lincoln , trt,7S3 ; L. W. Drlscoll of Lincoln , 7IH3 ( Including the re moval of the old boilers and the fitting up of the old boiler room for school purposes ) ; C. K. Chowns , (0,740 ; C. II. Burnott of Geneva , $0,550. Mr. Burnett Is the con tractor who built the main building at Geneva , Bids for the now Mate roof at the Ne braska Hospital for the ilnsano at Lincoln were opened by the Board of Public Landi and Buildings this forenoon. They were as follows ! lilward Gesosko of Omaha , $ flii05j D. B. Howard of Lincoln , $0.001. The contract will probably bo lot tomorrow. But ono case wns fllaj In the supreme court today. It comes from Douglas county and U icntltled l > Ick Erickson acainst the First National bank of Oakland. The State Board of Transjtortatlon will hold a session tomorrow for the purpose 01 clving n flnal hearing In the case of Kramoi against the Omaha & Uopubllcan Vollej railroad. The case has boon pending before the board for some , but by common consent ot all parties Interested it has been deferred until the present time , Struck by LlRhtnlnc. During the prevailing storm last night the residence of D. P. Smith on the corner ol Twenty-seventh and Holdrcgo streets was struck by lightning. Mr. Smith was absent at the time , but his wlfo ana hur mothoi were both prostrated by tljo deadly fluid Mrs. Smith was comparatively uninjured although she was rendered unconscious foi some timo. When she recovered she founc her mother apparently lifeless , but wher assistance was summoned It was dlscovorcc that life was not extinct. But In spllo 01 ' .ho fact that a spark of life still lingered U ; ho unconscious form all efforts to restore or during the night were of no avail. Shi as lain apparently lifeless over slnco the nstnnt the deadly bolt descended upon he : nd her death is momentarily expected. The residence of Dr. Guy on the opposite Ido of the street was also struck by light Ing an hour later. Ono of the buildings on the Slate fall .rounds . was also struck by a oolt from thi lauds and damaged to the extent of $35 The storm was a severe ono and rain hai icon steadily falling all day with no appear nco of stopping this evening. Worked a Smooth Qnmo. Officer Dempsey came down from Omahi his evening and with a little asslstanc 'rom the Lincoln police succeeded In locattni a man who is badly wanted in the motrop ills. The man arrested gave his name a station as Dee Blanchard , Ho is wantei U Omaha for grand larceny. A week ag Saturday evening ho accosted an express man named Coinisn and engaged him t haul a trunk from the Murray hotel to hi .00111 at 102.1 Capitol avenue. Going to th Murray hotel ho pointed out a largo trunl jn the sidewalk. It was taken away by th unsuspecting baggagomin and duly dopositoi it Bl.uicharel's room. It developed that th ; runk belonged to Charles Hoddingtoii private secretary of General Manager Bur f the Elkhorn svstcm. The cxpicssma .ccompanled the officer to Lincoln and full ielontltlcd Blanchard , who was stopping a ho Merchants hotel In this city. Hurt County AITnlrs. TEKAMAH , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special to Tn BEE. ] Tckamah is after the meeting of th state grange this year with good prospecl of success. A petition was circulated thi , veok and generously signed and forwardo to the ofilccrs of the order , and n favorabl reply has been received. The grange wi number over 500 delegates , and will bo 1 session four or five d.ijs. Potcr Moitinson , residing in the soutl western part ol the county , who was ru over last week by a cornshcller and killoi left considerable property. The decease was an old bachelor , about 50 years of agi but has no relatives that can bo found c liclrs for his property , and his neighboi have petitioned for the appointment ot special administrator to take charge of th deael man's property. The Swedish consi at Washington has been written to in hojic that some relatives may bo found to clali Ills estate. Youthful leuumsoh Hurclars. TECUMSBH , Neb , Aug. 15. [ Spoclil to Tn BEE. ! Last Thursday night the Chtcaf lackot store , owned by W. M. Koynold : was broken into and about . ) worth c pockotknlvos , cigars , etc. , taken. Suspicio was centered on two hois , Uoubon Brett an Butt Carpenter of this city , and today suil clout evidence was obtained to warrai tholr ancst. and most of the stolen good which were found in their possession , wi recovered. Judge Foster gave Biott $50 an costs and Carpenter * 20 ami costs Tlio la tor's father came to bis rescue and paid h fine , while the former was not so foitunai and was given fifteen days reflection in tl county sweat box. This Is not the flr offense for either of the lads. Ilorrllilu DUtovory ol u Wlfo. HAUTIMITOAug. . 15. [ Special Tolegra to THE BBF. ] Herman Wlebolhaus , a farm who resided north of this city , mot with peculiar accident last Sunday evening. Tin evening at 10 o'clock ho was missing and a though his folks made a diligent search 1 was not found. Yesterday his wife saw dark object Ulng out in the stubble field ai sent the children to see what it was. Tin returned and notified their mother that was tholr father s body. His face was e tlroly oaten away by the hogs. The cor ner's jury returned u verdict stating th the decoasca came to his death from tl bursting of a blooel vessel. How the o gentleman came to be out in the stubb llolu is a mystery. Dakota County's I'leiilo. DAKOTA CITV , Aug. 15 [ Special to Ti BEU ] The executive committee of t ] Pioneer and Old Settlers association Dakota county mot in this city i osteal ; and perfected arrangements by nppoiiuii committees , etc. , for the twelfth annual i union of tlio association to bo held on t ] banks of Cr.vstal lake , three miles from tli place , on the illst Inst. The sccrota wnsordciod to send out 1,000 InvlUtious the pioneer settler j lemoved from tl county , and to friends and relations of se tiers. It Is expected th it this will bo tl largest attended reunion ever held. Ilrlilulnt ; the lU'puhllc.m. OXFOUP , Neb , , Aug. 15. [ Special to Ti Bi'E ] Yesterday there was commenced tl construction of a substantial comblnntti bridge across the Republican river just wo of town. The nppioxlmato cost of tl atiucturowlll be ? . ' ,500. , A Falls City fit has iho contract. The Pumas county teachers' institute in session nt this place with an cnrollmc ef over sixty. Supoiiutondont Hannini ; ably assisted in the vvoik by Profs. Blgelo of Mlnden. Major ol Carnbildgo , Mis. Gi tory of Wahoo und others , 1'iiwneu Count ) lenchera. PAWXEE Cnv. Neb , , Au < . 15 [ Spool Telegram to THE BBE J The county Ins tuto opened hero today and ninety porso enrolled themselves as teachers or c pcctant teachers. C. O. Brown , the coun supcilntcndent , Is ably assisted by the d lowing Intluictois : Prof. C G , Pear ; pnuclpil of the Beatrko schools ; Prof \ 1C. Fowler , principal of the Scribnor schoo and Piof. H , M llrujton , principal of t Pawnee City schools The enrollment w exceed 1U5 bofoi u the close of the two woe session. \\u Afr.tlil ot lliird Tliuri , DAVID CITV , Aug. 15. [ Special to T BKE. ] George Baldwin , a resident of t wesioin pait of the city , committed sulci this moinliig by shooting himself twl through the head. Ha was n laboring in and hud for some time been very despoi out over the business outlook , although piuscnt embarrassment threatened hi Ho leaves u vvifo and three children , To Kntertnln A. U , V , W. Member * . DAVID CITV , Aug. 15. [ Special to T BKE ] J. G , Tuto will speak hoio tomorn at the picnic of the Ancient Order of Unit Woikmcn , held In Thorpe's grove in t north of town. A largo attendance is i pocteerand the committee la making ovc arrangement to entertain all that m como. Cut III * riirout VVIillo Iiiiane. UUMHOM > T , Nob. , Aug , 15 [ Special Tc gram to TUB BEE. ] George McConnell this place attempted suicide this morning cuttlug his treat with a razor. Ho la abc 'JOyoaia old and haa been partially luas for over a week. There U but little lie for hU recovery. VETERAN'SMIND ' UNBALANCED Withdrawal of Bonbon Bridwoll's Pension Places Him in an Asylum , WAS DRAWING SIX DOLLARS PER MONTH , Unnbl * to Work ni Ilcintt of InjQtlei lUcoIvcd In Service ot Ills Coun try Nobrnakn' * Corn Crop A mured. NELSON , Neb , Aug. 15. { Special to Tni BEE. ] Some ttmo ago Reuben BrUlvroll , at ola soUllor of this jilnco , was dropped fron the pension roll by ttio authorities. Hovn : drawing $0 par month , Mr , Urlihvoll vra ! suffering from vertigo and Impaired vision which Injuries ho contracted while in tin nrmy. For years ho has boon unnblo to ill much manual la Dor on account of his Intlrm itics , When his pension was dropped I' ' preyed on his mind until Inst week ho wni taken before the insanity board nnddoclara Insane and yesterday was taken by Sherlf HaUhvln to the Insane nsjlum at Lincoln Ho leaves a wife and two small chlldroi without moans of support. Mr , Bridwell a bravo soldier and then can bo no question that ho was a dosorvinf pensioner , JL'LUASUD TIIK PAllttKRS. Monilny Night's Heavy Shower Helped Con 1'ronpocts Couildombljr. CI.AT CBNTKU , Aug. 15. [ Special to Tni Hen. ] A splendid rain foil last evening anc will do much good , both for the corn crop late pistuio and fall plowing. FAIIIMOXT , AUR. 15. [ Special to TUB UEE. During the storm last night rain to th amount of ono and sovon-olffhths Inchc fell on the lovol. I. W. Walters , living fou miles north of this place , had his barn am two largo corncrlos blown to pieces am about 7,000 feet of lumber sc.vttorod in ul directions. Some of the lumbur was picxei up twenty rods nwny. A platform olth foot square , built of Inch boards , nailed I (5x0 ( joists , was plckod up and carried Into i tree twenty foot hlRh. The house was s racked that nearly all the glass In the win ilons was Inokcn. WATHKLOO , Nob. , Aug. 15 [ Special ti TnnliKK.l About 0 o'clock last evening : heavy wind and rain storm visited this pLicc doing damage , crops , fences and tree going down bofoio it. At present no ostl matoof damages can boghcn , assomo of th crops may recover from the off cuts HEBUON , Neb , Aug. 15 [ Special toTir BKK.I A heavy downpour of rain , accom punted by sovcro crashes of thunder am vlid lightning , prevailed all night. Whil the ruin was too late to s-xve the corn croj yet it has added thousands of bushels to thi production. FIICMOST , Aup. 15 [ Special to Tun BPE J- The high wlna of yestoiday piayod ha\o with the sheds and open stables at the fai grounds and se.ittet eel tlio lumber\ oial acres. Mrs. Hohr , northwest of the city , had 12 chlcltons that she win saving to pay her o > pcnses nt the Woild's fair , but the win blew down the coop and killed thorn. Hall did great damage in Washingto : county. Fully eighty acres of Chailo Johnson's corn are absolutely ruined. Th hail not only knocked the leaves all from th stalk , but so bruised the car that It ca never mature. Ho thinks his section , however over , is the very worst of the hail-strlcko area When tno storm commenced , Sila Dockerson , living noithweat of this cUj was in the hay field loading hay onto vtapon. The wind blow the wagon upsid down , catching him uudcinuath and s severely Injining him that ho may die. H was picked up unconscious. OxFoui ) , JJeb , Aug. 15 [ Special to Tn BPE.J The people hero nro feeling jubilan over abundant showers which fell at thi place ycstciday and corn is groatl benefited thereby and now gives promise c a good yield. McCooL JUJCTIO\Neb .Aug. IB [ Spoclr to Tins BEE. ] List night southern Yor county had its fust good rain siuco Juno I Corn averages from nothing to live and tc bushels peracio. NiCKEiisotf , Neb , Aug. IB [ Special to Tn Br.i ] A heavy lain , accompanied by muc thunder and lightning , occuuod hero Lu nigtit. The residence of J. H Peters w.i sti uck by lightning. The house was dan aged considerably , but none of the ftunII was injured , though feeling the shoe keenly. DAvin Cur. Aug. 15 [ Special to Tn BLE. I An inch of rain fell last night , ovi' ing the corn and the drooping spirits of tl f aimers , who had become ulaimod nt tl prospects , caused bv the hot sun and clryiri winds ot the past two weeks , HASTINGS. Aug. 15 [ Special to THE BKE Last night a line rain fell over the sout ! ern and wcstoin portions of tlio count which will do a great deal of good. Ila foil in some places so that tncic will bo certain amount of damage. TUKAMAH , Neb , Aug. 15 [ Special to Ti BEE. ] The fine rain last evening , whii was general over the country , has phicc the coin ciop'wav ahead and is now de lined to bo the very best the country hi had for voais. The other farm products will not turn erse so well. Paimcis have about complete threshing , taking the grain diioct from tl field. Of wheat the \iold is about oighte < bushels to the aero , threshers inoisur which , if the berry is plump and full , wou bo something llko twenty bushels to tl ncie. Of oats the report Is not so good , fi the continued has caused a shilnka ) and will not weigh over twenty-eight poum to the measured bushel , instead or the lai ful thirtj-tlvo. The jiuld of other sm. cereals is about an average one , buloyb ing a tiillo rusty , but of corn , ono seiilem tolls the tale no such crop has been laisi in the Missouri valley for ten years. STHAITOX , Neb , Aug. 15. [ Special toTi BEK ] A peed shower fell Iiero Satuida and that , with itio two heavy lainsu she time b-iforo , Is helping the crops vtondc fully. There will bo considerable corn ho and a good wop of hay Fai mers ni o plo\ \ ing and getting ready for fall sowin The ground is in tine condition for .Torldn 'llio last tillco weeks have been line f glowing ciops of all kinds. NELSON , Neb , Aug. 15 [ Special to Ti lire J Nuckulls county has suflered som what fiom drouth this year , but last nig ; there was a guneial rain over the coun mid prospects for corn at least arc mui hotter than hoiotoforo. Fanners uro pi paling their ground for fall wheat , VOHK , Aug , IB [ Special Tolcgiam toll BKB ] A thi eo horn a heavy lain was glad iccoivod at this place this afternoon. T fall was two und four-fifths inches Far mo think that the rain will help corn to fill ,11 that some Holds will make good yicli while others will have but littlocoi nin thoi IIn tlni ; > Nciti HASTINGS , Aug. 15 [ Special to Tim Br.i The city council hold a mooting last nlgl nt nhlch the most Important business trai acted was the adjournment until tnis ovt ing , Thoio was a disposition to Jnvestigu the present lob of pa\ing , it being claim that the brick furnished \ > not that rcqulr by the contract The special committee i pointed to in\ostigato the pioposltlon of t Library association was not ready to icpo The ladles of the association offered to gl the city their collection of books if the ci would maintain the library and gradua add to It , It is understood that the coinni tc-o will icport unfavorably on the ground the cost of maintenance ) , but the great rut of the citizens of Hastings are utrongly favor of accepting the gift. 'Iho premium lists of the County Fair i soolatlon are now being mailed and d tributed. The fair will bo hold for tin days preceding the state fair , and , for t 11 rat time hi many . \ours , Adams county v contest for the pri/o offered for exhibits. S. J. Mattocks. C. \Vahlqulst and H. Dungan of this city went to Omaha today contest for the atato lawn teuuU champic ships. It is currently reported that this cltj soon to huvn a now daily which will issued to "nil a long felt want , " and wh ( lease of life w ill probably bo limited to 1 fall campaign , M. Ktern nud family wont to Omaha to tend the funeral of S , Altschula , the I Cook merchant who dlod at Hojdrege. A safe m the B , & M. depot at Blue I belonging to the Adainn Express cornru was blown open last nl ht , but nothing was secured by the robboHi Wood mm VMrnlo'nt Keftrnnj. KBATIXKT , Aug. 15. 'tSfoolal ' Telegrum to Tint Bns.J The MbcLsrn Woodmen of America hold their plctife hero todny. Head Banker Zlno of Grandl Jsland was present and dollrorcd the nddrxjss. A special train over the Kearney & Blacit Hills road brought in n largo number of neighbors and their families from Miller and Amherst ftml other Mirroundlug camps were represented. A rain came Dp just at noon , and the picnic dlnnor was eaten in the city hall , After dinner Ice cream wns kbrred and toasts were responded to. A general good time was en- Joyed. Kearney camp has seventy members and is in a nourishing iVmditlon. Car * Itobbcd. QHAND ISLAND , Aug. 15 [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Tramps hnvo boon making raids on cars of merchandise In tlio Burlington and Union Pacific . \ards for several days past. Sunday night almost every car m tno Bur lington yard that contained a sen ! was broken Into and last night several In the Union Pa- clflo yards were pilfered. So far the uollco have been ixwcrlo-js to got any clew to the perpetrators. The canning factory started up on green corn this morning. The cron will bo lighten on account of dry weather , but the quality will bo of a very high grado. Tlio late corn will be good If tlio showers continue. Airmen ut I'rmiicmt. FHF.MOXT , Aug. 15 [ Special to Tim Bnn.l Possibly the finest collection of horses over shipped from Nebraska loft Fremont thlj afternoon for the World's fair exhibit. The horses belong to Goad's ' Maple Grove farm and are headed by the famous "Tuic" which Is the proud slro of eight of these that ac company him. John A. Close , a veteran soldlor of the rebellion and ono of the old settlers of Dodge county , was taken to Hot Springs , S. D. , yesterday as a last resort. Agent Ferguson , who accompanied the Normal exclusion to Chicago , returned last evening In good spirits. Hebron I'orionnli. Ilunnov , Neb , Aug. 15. [ Special to TUB BFK. ] iMrs. JonKs and daughter Misi Clara , who have boon visiting the family of Mr , George M. Hunts fo ? the past three weeks leave for tholr homo this morning at Woon. socket , It. I. , while her son Dirl will leave In a few davs for Dem or and the mount ilns , before returning homo. They are very much Impressed with Nebraska and aio content plating removing to this city. Casper Klaus and his sister Colla departed for the World's fair this moinlng. Suing for Attorney ] 'oon. CI.AT Cr.\TEii , Aug. 15 [ Special to Tun Ben. ] The case of Hon. William M. Clark , ex-county attorney of Clay county , against Senator Li L Johnson , for attorney fees , came up todaj uoforo Justice of the Peace C , H. Treat of Edg-xr. This U a similar case to the ono recently tried , m which ox-Speakoi JJlder\\as defendant and glows out of the Clay county contest cases in the supreme court last fall. Ills InJlinen 1'ntul. NniiiusicA CITV , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Uddlo Btgloy , aged 7 dlod this morning from the effects of burns icccivcd while playing with a bonllro Satur day. Ho attempted to throw a cup of gaso line on the llauics and'vt as burned nearly tc a ciisp Walter Armstrong , a playmate aDout the simo ago , was badly burned while attempting to extinguish the flames. HUllkdl Ilia Acniiiuniodatlonn. PI.ATTSMOUTII , Aug. 15. [ Special Telo- giam to Tun BBE j Frank St. Clalr , with a half dozen aliases , Is siiid'to bo a bid man from Colorado with a record of a term 01 two In the pen His last oltenso was horse stealing , for w hich he , was arrested lasl night and lodged In Jail. Ho was furnished tools to make his escape , which was effected bycuttiug a hole ) through the floor. I'litnl Accident ut IliirtliiKton. HAUTIVQTON , Aug. 15 [ Special Tolograrr to Tim BEE.J Mrs. Andruw Olsnass , livlnj 1101 th of this city , met with a fatal acciden today at noon. Sh'e had started the iln for dinner and was pouring oil on the flames when the fluid exploded , binning her In t horrible imiincr. The house and content ! \\oio entliely destioyed. The attendmi phjslclan says the \\oinaa cinnot recover. Crliiilniils Hound Ovor. NrmusKA CITV , Aug. 15 [ Special Tele gi am to Tun BEE. ] .Tames Kdraonston wa bound over to the district court today In th sum of ? 500 on the charge of stealing a bl cyclo. Edmonston had just been release' ' from the penitentiary. Johu Thompson , colored , was held li $1,000 bonds on the charge of stealing $70 fiom the Adams Expiess company. Thnycr County Mortgages. HEnnov , Neb , Aug. 15 [ Special to TII : BEE. ] The recorded mortgage indobtednes for Tliavor county , for the month of July i as follows : Farm mortgages illod , $33)14 : ) CO released , $10,0.15 ; city mortgages llled , $2,830 released , SIH040 ; chattel mortgages llled released , $8,305 04. lllnu-lll Liquor Tr.llllc. Aug. 15 [ Special to Tnn BEE , Two cases of alleged violation of the lai regarding the silo of liquor to Indians ar reported fiom this county. United State Attornov B.xkor airivod yesterday mornin to give the nccubcd a trial on their ow grounds under the now law. Killed \Vlulo Herding Cattle. NnisoNob , Aug. 15. [ Special to TH BUE J Monday , while hc-tding cattle on th pralilo north of Nelson , James , the 10-ycai old bon of lj II. Kirk of this place , wn thioxMi from a pony ana received injutic fiom which ho died last night. > .nuUolls County ltiiml | > l leans. NFI.SOV , Neb , Aug. 15. [ Special to Tn BKK J The republican central committee c Nuckolls county mot Saturday and fixe September 5 as the time for holding th county convention. Di-utli ot nuiluin llrloknoll. NEIIHVSKA CITV , Aug. 15 [ Special Teh gram to Tun Ben. ] William Brlcknell , a old losldent of Otoo county , died last ovoi Ing , aged bl ) He was ono of the most higlil rcspeutou residents of Otoo county. Courtlnml beuoh tonight , the outdoor nttruotion in the world , Louvci murk , the champion high divur. Coiirtlivnil lloucli Jtlpploa , Thoio was only a small attendance nt tl boaoh last night ana | io jit o works displa however , i largo cie\v Is expected tonlgl when the iliowoiks will bo shown , Tonight Manager ( Jrifllths gives tl pattonsof Couriland l > jaih ) ; the greatest a traction of the season. In antlulpitlon < this extra occasion thd street car romp. in will bring out its extra cars and Mr , I Long of the JZast Omaha far lines says ho : fully propaied to handle tlio crowd , This big attraction Is the world's chan ploii high diver , Josoph'L-ouvomnaik ' , who to di\o from 11 towotr sixty-tin oo feet : height into the lake. Tbo water where 1 expects to stillco Is only 'eight foot deep nr some of these connected With the beach si that the little Swede vriHrnevor como up , bi Louvcnmark , a\s notwiUistanding there only eight feet of wuter.lio will astonish the and that ho will only goaoWn six or seven fee Ho is an expert swimmer Und also perforn all kinds of tricks , ouu. pf his favoilto fen being to dh o under the water , coming up six or seventy feet nway , Ho claii to be able , _ , to swim ninety fe under water , taking only forty-fi seconds to do It. That ho is a great uttrc tlon there Is no doubt , the press all over t e country being In high praise of his grc u dives. Ills exhibition will take place ' i night after dark , the beach being all light by electricity for the occasion , < Itiinofiil Hubltt Condeinneil. Colonel Alexander Hogoland , the "nov boya" friend , " addressed a largo crowd the corner of Fifteenth and Farnam strei last evening , * Ho gave the boys some advice on clgarel smoking and novel reading and lllustrat the baneful ottccts of both on mental a physical conditions. The colonel had sovoi charts. Wnllo they were not Florontl studies in art , they "got there just t same" lu Impressing his audience. SUPPLY DEPOT PROSPECTS 3maha May Socura the Enterprise , but a Struggle Will Bo Necessary , FINAL ACTION PROBABLE NEXT YEAR Xebrmkn't .Metropolis Sntd to Unto Many Friend * In Position to Fix n Weil.- crn Location rnrornbly nt thnt Time. WASHINGTON BtmitAU or TUB BBE , ) 513 FouiiTEnNTit STKBBT , > WASHINGTON , Aug. 15. ) Congressman Mercer had a consultation with Judge Browning , coinmUslonor of Indian affairs , this morning with reference to the establishment of n supply depot at Dmana for distribution ot Indian supplies. H appears that there Is ono general supply uo'iso of this character and only ono , and It is In No\\ York City. The building is leased by the year nt a rental of $0,000. The present lease expires in July , 18U4. A temporary branch has boon established nt Chicago , ns a convenience for vvcstorn supplies. The Chicago branch has no superintendents , h not n permanent depot ami Is under iho charge of an Inspec tor. Jiultra Browning says no action will betaken taken before next winter with reference tea a western supply depot. "I llnd Omaha has many friends among these In authority , " said Mr. Mercer , "and when a selection is made the Nebraska metropolis will most Hkoly bo chosen. It Is advisable that Omaha outer upon an ncttvo campaign , to bo continued until the depart ment takes llnal action. " Two South Unkotn Menittros. Senator Pcttlgrow. Introduced a bill today to ratify the agreement made with the Yank ton Sioux Indians in South Dakota , and for the sale of tholr surplus lands , which wns negotiated for December 81 , 18U2. The bill provided that theao lands under the treaty shall bo con\ovod to the United States , and shall bo subject to entry under the homestead and tovvnslto laws except the 10th and 2lHh sections , which shall bo reserved for school purposes. Tno homesteaders shall pay $ .150 per acre for the land when residence is proved. The bill appropriates f IW,000 for the benefit of Indians under the treaty. Senator Kjlo introduced a bill establishing a postal savings bank system for the encour agement of small swings. The plan Is sim ilar'to the ono which has been proposed to congress a number of times , contemplating the purchase of postal savings caid * and the issue of cortlllcates of deposit in denomina tions and multiples of $ JOand$100which shall bear interest at the rate of " per cent per annum. The bill goes further than the ordinaiy postal sivlngs pioposttlon and directs the secretary of the tro isury to loan to farmers owning lands , the value of which docs not exceed $3,000 , the postal savings funds at 4 per cent interest. In Nutlonnl Hanking Circle * . Comptroller Eckels expressed the opinion to TUB BEE correspondent todny thnt the suspended Ameuican National bank ol Omaha would soon resume business. The comptroller has received a telegram frorr Omaha stating that the affairs of the bank are being gotten into a proper condition foi the early resumption of business , und that II is almost ready to resume now. Thecouiptrollorof the currency has been ad' vised of the following chances in the ofllcers of national binks : Nebraska The Saunders - dors County National bank of Wuhoo , Frank Koudlo president in place of H. II Dorsoy ; the Tocnmseh National bank , A. W. BulTuir vice president in place of Charles McCros key , deceased. South Dakota The Water- town National bank , no assistant cashier lr place of C. P. Kendrick , resigned Idaho The Idaho National bank of Poe-atollo , E. E , Calvin vice president In place of A. B. Hlch ardson. In the Interest of roniloncrg. Senator Allen today introduced a bill securing the light of pension applicants to personally Inspect and have attested copies of all ailldavits and reports flled or securee in connection with pension cases The bll makes the duty mandatoiy upon the pcnsloi olllcers to pioviuo pension applicants will means of making copies of all pension paper : and to have them attested propoily , the ex pense to bo not over o cents lor every 10 ( words. Now AVoitern Postmasters. Postmasters vrero appointed today as foi lows : Iowa Folsom , Mills county , Mrs Annlo IConi | ) , vice S. W. Whonn , resigned Forbush , Appanooso county. C. P. Iivvm vice I. C. McCiaiy , resigned ; Grant Ceutei Monona county , W. I\ Wall , vice C. E Kohl resigned ; Pekin , Kookuk county , T. E Cuddy , vice D. M. Patterson , resigned Ueevo , Franklin county , Mis. I. B Valklrk vice II. B , Smith , realtrnod ; Sherman Povveshiok county , Isaac Kcssolring , vie Nicholas Moore , resigned. South Dakota Henry , Coddington countj Patrick Wulah , vice H II. Brett , removed. Mlncollaneoufi. It is believed that the first rcil test of th .omper of the s tnato upon the silver < ] UC ! tlon will bo made when the Voorhees bll ; ivlng national banks circulation to the fu > ar value of bonds deposited , comes up for vote within a few days. Ills the Intontio of the silver men to put a fieo coinage lido upon this bill. They attempted to do thi in the lust congiess and succeeded lu dofoa ing the original measure. Patents cio today Issued to Nebraska li ventors. as follows : Alvah M. Gee , Edgai battery jar ; John F. Hall , Lincoln , troilo wheel ; Fiank J. Lyttlo , Humbotelt , necl \oko : Augustus Neal und H. B. Suhr , Asl land , harrow ; John M. Wilson , Omaha , boik stay or brace. Pruiu S HUAIII. o Wnrlil'N I'uir i onfrrnKni. CHIOAOO , Aug. Ifi rhcro was n largo at tendance at the first regular session of th coneross on arnltratlonand poico , the lift international congiess that has been hold i the world to abolish war. Dr. Benjamin I j'ruchlood of Boston presided and inndo a address on "History and Work of Peace Si clotlcs In America. " A peace poem we read by Maria Louho Kvo of Augusta , Ga after which a , number of Intoiestlng papoi were road and discussed. The dental congi PSS , the concress on A rlca , the congress of tradei jouinulists an the convention of the American Pharmi coutlcal association also held Intincstlr sessions. . ' circcl by the ninoke. Before closing his tailoring establlshmor last evening , H. Kallsh , a tneichant tall < doing business ut U1Q North Fifteenth stroo set ( lie to a pan of sulphur for-tho purpose i killing any moths which might gain a fee ing m the store. About U o'clook a citizen who chanced pans the place noticed smoke Issuing fro under iho door , and seeing that the roe was full of smoke ho thought that iho plai was on Iho und promptly turned in t ulaim. The llromon pried open the dee and aoon discovered that it was a fai alarm. A "RUN DOWN and' ' ' utod-up " fooling i the first warning tlu your liver Isn't doiri ita work. And , with torpid liver and tl impure blood that fc lows it , you're an eat prey to all sorts of al tnents , , That is the time I takoUr. Plerco's Golde Jlodlcul Discovery. 1 on appetizing roster Uve tonic , to repel disease and build up tl needed fle&h and strength , there's nothing i equal it. It rouses every organ Into healt' ' ful action , purities and enriches the bloo < braces up the wbolo lygtem , and roakir health and vigor. For every ellseaso caused by a disorder ) liver or impure blood , it ii the only puara teed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure , every case , you have your money back. $500 Is offered , by the proprietors i Dr. Bilge's Catarrh Jleincdy , for an li curable case of Catarrh. Their remed perfectly and permanently cures tl worst cases. The Morse Dry Goods Co LEADERS IN Dry Cloaks , Suits , Shoes , Etc. WHERE ARE THEY ? Bargains to right of us , Bargains to left of us , Hark , how they thunder ; Yet when you go for them What do they show for them , What ? We all wonder. NEWSPAPERS tlioso days got ( till ot screaming rtilvortlsomonts of BAR GAINS. Buyers not able to ( rot nil they vmnt nt other sterns , sometimes como nnd thorn to bo wrapped with additional here with bundles of so-called bargains open tional purchases , to spread thorn before us , nnd making comparisons of valuo. Wo hnvo not n word of ulspnragomont of ether storekeepers , nnd these ndvortlsod things , no doubt nro bargains hi their oyes. But wo often find thnt wo soil the snnio goods regularly , at the sumo or smaller prices , nil the year round , ntid do not consider thorn as spociul barirnlnsnt all. A bargain ought to bo something out of the ordinary.Vo noror use the term except in thnt connection. Our Great Three Day LINEN SALE is in Full Blast. Sharp buyers vie with each other for values. Shrewd custo mers get in early and buy liberally tit this great sale. YOU OAN BUY Twilled Crash Toweling at 3j yard Best cream Irish Linen Table Damask , in OQn A choice designsgood value at 6oc a yard Mull Yard Beautiful Bleached Damask , 64-in wide , retailed elsewhere at 650 and 750 yard , CQn A Sale price J0U Yard Napkins are crushed in prices. Linen Damask Towels are at the bottom notch. 980 buys a 12-4 white Bed Spread that is full and good value for $1.25 to $1.50. In a word , the linen department is disrupted and demoralized , as far as prices go , and it behooves those intent upon a saving scale of expenditures to liberally patronize this great Linen Sale. P. S. Our Muslin Underwear Sale is drawing to a close , yet you have an elegant selection , among which we beg to" mention the new TOBY FRILL Night Gowns , It pays to trade with THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , LINENS AT FR0HT OF STORE. f 6th and Farnam Streate. CAN BE CURED IN 10 MINUTES 1JY US1NU PRICE 25c PER BOX. As.k Your OMAl-IA , - NE1B. A Cup of Pnlntivblo , Ptiro , Ilofrcsh- Bouillion Inuond Stlmulntlnu . . can bo made in three minutes , thus : tnko a cup of boiling hot water , stir in a quarter teaspoon ( not inoro ) of Liebig Company's Extract of Beef , Then add an egg and some sherry if lilcod season care fully . . . . ynPT IHTA1 ITVnna VRcr"if" ) / ! re I II.M VI I ALI I T ' "red. Ni rvaus ) ) Kbllltjr | LUOI IIIMU1II , , , Cllroj III INIMI'O , the great Hindoo llemcdri riuld wllli wrlt > ten cunranUf ot cure. Kiniiplu Mnt Inf. AtJilreM Oriental Mudlcul Co. . t < i llrrMalh I1i . Iblcxio , 111. EDUCATIONAL. Academy of the Sacied Heart PARK PLACi : , OiMAIIA. This Academy is located on 30th and Hurt streets. The site is ele vated and beautiful. The plan of instruction unites every advantage which can contribute to an educa tion at once solid and refined , Par ticular attention is paid to cultiva tion of manner and character. ( JII1USTIAN OOl.I.IIOi ; . TlioloiilliuKohool IntliiiNU'Ht for younir womi-n , locatixl lit Oohim- bl i , Mo , Hint of HUto iinlvi rallyInr iiiimlcoiuuiu- illoim iHilMliiKH , lif.tUid liy liutw.ilt rHjHtnmi olnc * trlu lUlilH , linoHU-rcmiiUH lu thuHtntu , lintuiiuw UiaiH-lBHiti-d llli OIM M ilnlrit Kvury urlhilu iif fiiriiltiirn IIK luillni ; pliimn nmv. Without iloubt llin bent fiirulHlioil wshool wuut ; cllinituux- t client , Kr.uln ilttmourdUHlii I.Hc r.Uuro , I. IMHUI- : K < B , Wimlo , Klouillou will U l irto. F.iuilty ulilo , thorough , iiruirn-HHho : no mipllBKucli lu tlilu < 'ul- ItBo. K t.ibllalioa In 1850 Ovur 101) ) .iluiiin u Nuxt HI HBlon bct'lnn bout H ml c.italOBUo to FJIANK 1' , ST. CI.AIIt , I'rim , Uolninlil i , Mo rc'"LL JACKSONVILLE ACADEMY ( t4bt Vfar * J'nparatorj C clt < ( or > Vell < i lT.8lnUliVui h4MulforlilUBiritt < | CaU < fogue. Addro.iV. If. > "l > A. M. Jw.L > uUTUi , 1U \\rAIinKH AOAUKMYWarrcii , 111. Collogti Vtt ii i > iMlory , Noriniil AL.Kluniy , IluHliuiHH. Mual and Tyi > o-\VrUliif | Cuuruua , For i lUluKuux M\ wlruu , L U. OAHDKNKK , I'rliitlpal. HWKKTriFJIINOM , MIHHlllIIU.-n. klchwlot ILu MmU UrlUi ( or llluttrntml ( ! nnlo | iiiv MAKES THE BEST Photograph REASONABLE RATES FOR The .Best. Strop. D D e O L L L A R R S S will cover the expense of a trip from St. Paul to the YELLOW . NORTHERN STONE VIA THE PACIFIC PARK RAILROAD This includes ALL necessary traveling oxpoimoH , railroad , Blagoand Hluopln cur faros , meals and hotels for the complete TOUR OF THE PARK , Your trip to the World's Fair will not ho complete unless you also { jo from there to the YollovviUono Park ( total oxpunso about $150) ) nnd view the wonderful things the" Almighty has ptacod there for mankind tosco. No such spot is found oisowhoro on earth. Tlio Not thorn Pa cific is the direct line thoro. Send for " 0,000 Milea Through Won derland , " and our now map of the Parlc. CHAS. S. FEE , Gonorul I'nsaoiiKor Aennt , ST. PAUL , MINN. The Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSHIRE ) SAUCE Imparts Uie tuoet dsllcious tuto and i it (0 ( yXTRAOT BUUl'li , ofal.bTll'Kfnnn MKIIOAI , OEM. C ! HA VI KM , 1LXMAN at M d- ra , to Ida brother t WOHCEHltK , Uny , ISO. "Tell LEA & FEUItlNB1 tlisl their * uce ii eiteoine4 In Iudl , aiiJlulnmjr opinion , the moat I'llHable ' , eu wull ui Uio luoit whole. oino eauco ttut li i&e. Beware of Imitations ; . . , . . . . . a-unmi. m pu um rr. nBijM BOB that you got Lea & Pernns1 Bl naturooD Terr Mtttoof Orlidnal b Oenalirt JOUN UVHCAH'H BONb , NEW YOUIti