THE OMAHA DATLS : BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 15 , 1803 , SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR TIIK.SK COLUMNS ADVKIITISKMBNTS 12 3d p , in. for thn crcnlnir AM ! until 8 SOP. m. for the morning and Sunday T Ailvertl f-r , bjr roqiioMlne n nnmbwrt check , linvfillielrnnMvrriimldrp'Mied to n numbered IHlerlncamof THE HKK , Answers wi addressed will b < i delivered upon prtftetit.illon ofthn check. BUTUATIONS WANTED. IlntcH IKc a won ! flrnl Inm-rllon , lo n word thoro- ntlnr. Kothlng tnki-n for ICBH tlinn5c. . AnvAT' NNEuvvm KAUS KXKia - cnoi > In city mid country sliopn nnil Mornm tn-nl ot i-ofcrcncci nmrrlc < l , AddrenHbox 103Oniwa : , la. ir.7 Ifi- _ A-POSITIOJJ WANTnn llY COMl'KTKNT Mc-noitrnplii-rnnil ty | , < wrlllHt. Two yi-nni ox- IK-rlcnce. llcst of rtferuiicoH. Adilrvmi N fill , ll.-o. M170 IT A A I'HACrriOAT , I'llINTKH AND NKWS- pi\icr | man donlrrnn nltnatlon. Would Irnho country ofnoo If tlio rlxlit opporui"lty nn-Bptitad It- nelf. Aildrcau C.Y. . M. , 1U K. I'lullo nvu.aii ! . Col- or.-ulo SiirlnirH , Colo. Ml ( HI ID * WANTIiD-MALE HELP. Itntc-x IVlc n won ) first limcrllon. Ic n word there after. Nothlni ; taken for IRSM than unc. T > < JKNTIKMAN OP ROOD CHAIIACTKR TO J 'rpprctctitniirbuHlni-8alnaurancetiicn ! prcferrol : * -17 Iiwbiilldlnir. OS1 n-SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AOENTS TO .I'linmlln the Patent Chcmlt-al Ink Eraser Pencil. Tim niOHl useful nnd novel Invention of tholurn. ' .Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works Ilko innclc. SMMI toClMl pc.'cent prolll. Agents malting Sf.Oper week. Wn also \vnnl a rctiRral ngrnl lo tiikp chnrco ot tf.'rrllory nnd appolnl sub agents. A ramchancn lo makn money. Wrllo for lerniH and a specimen of ernnliiu. Monroe Erasing Mf ? > Co. , X : til , I.i Crosse , Win. 685 "H-IF YOU WANT A HOOD 1'AYINO JOII WRITE JJlliu HiiwkB Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. MB05S.T 11 IK YOU WANT A OOOD 1'AYINO JOII WRITE -I'lhu HawkH Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. MH01 ! S3 * IJ-WANTI'.D.AT ONCE , ULACKSMITH , PIUST- J Jclnns nil-round man ; muni lw a coed plow man. Rood wnreH nnd Meadv rniplovment. Call on or nddreHU II , U. S lioonovvr , Scranton City. la. Ml-tr. 1C * B WO YOU WANT TO 1IECOME A FIRST CLASS salesman wllh .1 chance or becoming n collec tor and \7ork for the Slmrnr Mfg. Co. If HO apply nt Singer omco HUB Douglaa. 101 .Silt n-WANTEI ) . 11Y I'ACKINO HOUSE IN SOUTH J'Omaha , n few onico boys hotweon airc.s of l-l nnd 1U ; muni furnish good references. Addres N ( in , Hoe. - M17i ! 17 * -7fl A MONTH AND EXPENSES. EXCLU- mvo territory. No i-xperlonco. Staple coods. Yearly eontraelH. Vay certain. No talk. SyHleni l : rfect. Writii qnluk. Terms free. Addrc s , K HI ) , llox ! it03i : Iloaton , M.IHH. M1B7 lii * WANTED FEMALE HELP. nnteH.lUc n word llr t limnrllon , le. a wonl Ihcro- n f tor. Nothlni ; taken for lent than -'Cc. - 1 - oiir iiimliieHH amoiiK frl < indH. $7fl.OO to $100.00 Hnlury to rlRht partloH117 ; Heo bnlldlni ; . DH4 WANTED.uLAlHKS AND GENTLEMEN. WE III pay you frr > .no to sfl'j.OO per week to do ntriutly lioino work for us at yoiir hoinen ; no can- viiMHlnir , Send Holf-aden-itsed envelope to (1. P. Kiniiioim A Co. , llattcryinarch and Water RtrectB , lloHlon , MaaH. M10UI ) 17 * ri-WANTED , A COOK AND LAUNDRESS. MRS. VJT. J. Rocern , ll'-'O 1'ark avnnlio. U13 1-1 "WANTED , OOOD oiiiT. FOR OENERAL hoiiHoworlt , S-I.DO per week. Apply liniiiedl- ntcly , Mrw. Dr. WltherB , U Hit IlrlHtol. IQii n-WANTED. A OIRL TO DO SECOND WORK \Jln a Hinall family. Apply No. II WorlhliiBton Place opjmsltu lirownull liall , nearfi. 10th St. 101) ) 15 * -DRESSMAKERS , NEW YORK LADY WILL tcuh : eorieut tailor Hyntutn of enttl-ic and llt- tlnB nt your homes. Minu. v\ilolpho , lU'JO CIHH. : 1OK RENT HOUSES. RaleH , Iflcallnoeach Inportlon. fl.fiO a line per month. Nothing taken for ICHH than -Ho- - REN'K HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OT D-KOR the city. ThoO. V. Davis company , 1003 Far- 11 am. 087 D-3AND4-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN block , with Htcam ; rufcionccH i-eqttlrcd ; H10 S 2-.M. r.HS Ml RENT , 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , KO block , r nr s. inh : t. : ii3 : ) FOH RENT , 10-room house , all modern Im- provunientH , 8i8noutli 1'Jth Htrcet. IiKinln : ' . ' "ill Mliii : RENT NINE- ROOM HOUSE , ALI inodcm eonvoidences : barn : eleffant lawn ; flnuHhada. No.10 S. UlHtnvo. Jt. J. Koimard 1)07-8 ) N. Y. Llfo lliilldtnir. M liUU _ -11-ROOM COTTAOK. MODERN. CHOICE. IN Stanford Circle. O , K. Elgntttor 1 lleo bldir. TJ \ -8-KOOM HOUSE , MODERN. NEAR 11USI- J- sn , rcnl moderate * Apply L'Ol lUui bulldlmr. 703 D-FOR RENT. NICK FIVE-ROOM COTTAOE * r.)0. ( Iniiiilro room aiO , Now York Ufi biillillni- . MTllll -FOR RENT , TWO 7-ROOM HOUSES II Oinnli a : View , only * 0.00 per month. 717 N. Y Life. 71)7 ) T \-FOR RENT. SEVEN-ROOJI ifOUSE , NEAI i'motor , barn , bath , lartrn lawn , trees , cheap. Sei owner. W. M. Welch , ( JO I Paxton block. 1)31 ) ! T\ -(112 ( CAPITOLAVKNOEi7 ROOMCOTTAGE JJliKinlro-'SlS Capitol aveimo. MUSI 10 * TV-FOll RENT , 7-ROOM HOIISi : . LARC1 J'hani.clty water , bath anil clHliirn ; reaHonabl to ilelit parly. Call at 0.1Kl asEur , N. E. corne lllh and Fnrnani. I ) ! . ) : ) IA VERY DESIRA11LE LARGEHOtlSKvTrl J'all modern i-oiivenlciK-eH. at exceptionally Icn rent. ! ' . D. Wead. llilli and Douglaa. M1U3 IB TV DETATO11ED , MODERN 10-ROOM IFoUSE -I/no liaKMiieiitvTiJl California. Inforaia lo rail all8in Faniam. M1-J4 19' D 7riIRNlSIIED HOt'HR. IIEST PA UT OP CITY rent taken In board ofiiKin nnil wife , 1 olilld ; \ > VOOIIIH ; rofrivnrwt , Addi-H : N ill , lire , int 1-1 * fbll IlE NT FUKNTs HKD B.COM.S Rales. 1 ica wonl llrst insertion , lci wonl there nllur. Nothln ? taken for less than 2'c. j i-mlumciimuikTii convimleneej , U2O North 2it : ' FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE , SOUT : I'/fniiil ; alud Hiuall I-IKIIIII , with or without bo.-ui Mm. Knlehl , No. ' .M10 Douglaii ulrout. r.ia K FINE FURNISHED ROOMS. HDDS HURT SI _ 7l > U B T7-NTcKLY FURN7WIED ROOMS TO REN7 I'.Mill or without board. C : i'.at'J107 Dr.-- . . H. ; H .M Vt V-FOH RUNT. TO CJE.'TLEMAN , L.UIO J it. out loon , either fii.nlKh'tl or iint.l .I'shir KoiinUo I'lnc-o , Si bio It fro n motor. Add , IH K..I' lUii. JH'JI IS. 'i-LARqB COOL FISOKT ROOJ5 , P1UVAT J family , r.lll .South ijr.Ui n run no. MliO : lu ETWO FintNISIIEl ) RrToMS FOR OEN'TLI luvnoiily. nu.1 Soutli-'tlth H'n-ot , Mill ff TO 1111. JIK.V1ED. a FRONT ROOMS , FOl .IjiilBhcil or iiiifurnlHh * ' . wllh bath , eonviMiliiu : bmli motor and i-aOlo i-rru. ( ieortii W , llolbroo roiim 7 , lii-ji ; l'irumi ; HI , l.-ill P-FOR llKNT-NlVl3I Y FIIRNISHF.D ROOM Jj.MiMlcru cunveiili'iici'H , Call b''ll S. mill , Mlilij 1 FUKsiSHED ROOMS /LN5 "llOAlif Rates.t'.joawoiil ' HI-HI Insertionloi : wnnllhen HLM- . NuUiliiiukiiii for lost tlKiirJ.'ii ; . l . -YOUNf ) WOMEN'S HOME UNDER OARE ( J Woman's Chrlbllaiiabsni.-lttnn : | , 1)1 ) s. 17th HI. fill-J Ti'-'TUF. lKhAN-JU ; ) AND VII N. ISTII ST ! con _ I'l--Tni5 8TATR EtJUOl'EAN HOTEL NEW A > J clcfiiutly fnmliiheil rooms for ivnt by day wiH-k at n-asunahlo rati-u , Emory X iipratl , lili lolltl-JDuui'laiiHlr'i-t. MIS1 A''ll I'-'bKSIHAUI.K 1't'RNlSllEI ) OR UNFIT J ulshi-d rt'uuit with The 111 ! t'.Mh Hliuul. MI > i > U II ) HILLSIDE. 18T1J AND UOUGlt ! n > uini also day board , 104 10 WANTED BO ARDER3 Rates. Uio a > voitl ilr > > | Insertion , Ion wonllhei liter , Nollilng lalit-n fur U'nIhan yzg. isi uos ti. VariVsT MI1U-S12 n-StllTE pF THRKJ-i1 UNFURNISHED ROO * Uwllli boardIn prlvalo family ; traveling im is'lfii mid 0110 child i rufmvnceu. O. U Marvin. U 5. IIU18U 1B214 FO1C RENT STOUES AND OFFOE llnf-n , Ulna line enoli insertion , $1. Ml a Una i month. Nnllilm talcim for H a tlian 25o. ' " " T TOiMtKN'r , "inimois "SPACE ON u iioui J-ttocr nl 17U2 FAiitaui uu-vvi. MII-J ; 1'OH11KNT.THK4 STORYI11UCK IIUILDI1 .IDIO Faniam t. Thu t-ulldlnif hasunix-prool i 1111.111 UattJMent.toinpletohUaiu huailuy iixttir water ou. ill tlio riooi , i'i , etc. Apply at Iheutf rl Tim bee. Uli WAN TED TO RENT. lUtum. IMa a word firm Insertion , le nworU the Utor Ko-lilny taken for ! ' . ' Ihan 2Sc. _ K-S FOllNlVHKD KOOMS KOlt L"uT liouBckioplni.within bloelcs ot N. Y. t A. J , f'oormuu , 1 .000 N. Y Hit. -M 1UO 8TOUAOK \ STORAGE. Contfnuffl. INISTOIIAOR ron iiousKTionn noons ! clcnn and chenp ratuH. 11. Wolln , 1111 Famnm. Mill WANTED TO"BUY. . llntpn.l Men word flr-ulimrtlon , le.iworJlhoro- nflor. Notliln ? Uikcn for Utlian 250. SII.VKU. Jacoliion & KUolp , room 11 , 1515 Donclas Rt. M7iO ! ASP \T-CAS11 KOIl FUHNITOllF. , HOUSF.HOLn J ' trootlt , rto. , or will neil for ownur In our auction niilr U. WullB , 1111 Faninin. MM N' W A NT TO 1IUY MKUCHANntSK CIIKA1 * ( orc.inh. Address O. a. Matmlnff , D.ivlil City , Neb. MOW lf > AJWANTKD. . FAIIM LANDS. 1IAVK YOU Jinndn for BJUO In Holt , Knnx. An aloun or Plcrco ronntlnHl If novrllo at once lo K. A. Cnim , Nor- .folk , Npb. , Colonizer. MUST t N-TO 11UY , AIIOUT R-UOOM 1IOUSK AND LOT , bctvin unth : indtrlli : and lluwnnl nndClilcneo RtB. AdJrpSH N 40. lleo. HU4 IB * AJ-WANTK11 TO 1IORUOW , $1.WIO TO . . 1 on Rllt r < lgo < l dccurlty. Addn-as 1 * . O. box Ml , OmahaNull , IBC. 15 * AJ-I WILL O1VK 10 PER CKNT FOIl $1100.00 ' for II years and Blvn first mortK.icc * on lot : pnvinl Htrpct ; pcrfccl lltluj jicrfcct m-curlly. Address N 01 , IIoo. M171 17 FOB SALE f TJRNITUBE. ItatcH , IMoawordflrstlnHiTtlon.loa word thora- ntliir. Nothing Inken for lena thin _ i3c ! _ . 0-FOU KKNT OR SALK , 11KST M Alt K Ul rlclit piano. Inquire room IIOS , First National bank building. 'J-il FOIl 8ALE HORSES , WAQONS.ETa Hater ) , IKo n wonl nrst Insertion , lea woiil llioro- after. Nothing tnkun for los.s tlmn U5c. > -FOII SALK CHKA11 , A NICK PONY OAUT. JliKiulru lit 11114 Cumin : ; Htroct. M 81 P-KOIl SALK. GOOD SKCOND HAND 1'HAK- I lOIIM , $ ! ( > . f.'ll ) , * 7- > , $101) . IIIIHlllPHB blltTRlUB $ li" , sf-'fi , ! KI , " , $ in. Dninnnond Carrlusu company , IHth and HarneyiitrootB. ti-ir ) : : 118TCLAS3 11OAHD1NO & UVKUY.WINDSOH Hlablca , 1410 Davenport ! Htoiagu forcarrlaitrs. FOIt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates. IKc .1 wonl firstliinonlon , loa wordthcro- nflur. Noliiln ? taken for loss titan i3e. ! FOIl SAlSf ATtKnUIATtON SIZE imUNS- Q wick , V Ualku bllllanl tnblu , raok.cnvH nnd ImllR. Kvcrytlilntf In Ursl-claaa shape. Addixisa N ' . ' 1 , lloo. MI8U. -FOR SALF , NEW IltCYOLK , LATKST MAKK. V/lll dlnoounl $ : I5.U ( ) for canh. Addrust K. U. room i.07 , Omalin Natloanl bank bldfr. U7'J IB * -FOR SALK , IMPORTRD OKKMAN HULL Q lluuli and Hovcral cnnarlcH. 632 S. : ! lHt Kt. ir > : tl-t * CLAIRVOYANTS. nates , lOcn line tach linwrtlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for ICSH than 'J jc. - , rt-llablo biiHlnuu ! ! incUlmn ; Stliyearatll'JN.llltli. MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Hates , lOc . > line each liiHertlon , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing t : > kun for le s thnnJuu. . ' i i A nrs nTTi , 6T : tTtiirBinjT oou1 A Iloom : i. ManHagu , vapor , alcohol , atcain.Hiilphnr- nuaudBea batlm. mlOU 1U' rr MMK.CAHSON , 1121 DOIIOLA3 STRKET.yD -L lloor , room 7 , uiasaaso , alcohol , Biilrhnr and HOI batbs. MOH1 18 * -MME. STOWB. MAGNKT1C HK.U.KH , 2 03 Douglaa block MU5'J 1U' PEBSONAL. MASSAGE TREATMEKT , ELECT1UC-THEK- mal batlm. Hualp and hair ti-uatnient. uiaiiicin-n aiHlchlropodlst.Mi-H.l'obt.UlUHS. ICth.WlthnoU bll ; 1G1 _ MONEY TO LOAN RriAL ESTATE. Hates , lOc n Him each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for lew * than .Me. \V-rJoANS ON IM I'llO VK1) AND UNIMl-ItOVED * ' city property , ! f ; > .OUU and upwardM. n to i ! ! j pur centino UolavB. W.b'aniam Smith A. Co.lB''O Farnam _ | _ l01 ! _ W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST UATES , The O. V. Davis Co. . lOOfl Farnam Htrcot. UOJ \\r-MONKY TO LOAN AT I/WKST UATES ON ' Impi-ovt'd'nnd imiin pro veil Omaha real entitol : to 5 yeai-B. l-'ldellty Trust Co. . 170i' Purnani. UU3 W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , : t8 N. Y Life , lends nt low rates for cholco security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property \y-CENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. , 11EE TlLDa \ \ r0)0 ! ( ) ( ) TO $1.500.00 TO LOAN 1 TO ! years on Improved Omaha real estate or Tarn lands. E. C. Uarvln & Co.JUS Shecly block.MS MS 10 W - TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES Apply to W. U. Mclklo , First National Ilk bids MSf > U _ \V-MORTGAOE LOANS. A. MOORE , -101 I1EI IILD'O. M H'-M MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , Idea line each lusertlon , $1.50 a llnepc 'month. Nothing laken for less Ihan L'Su , \f-WILLLOAN MONEYONANY [ KIND OFSE -'Vciirlty ; strictly coutlduiittaL A. E. Harris , rooii 1 Continental block 47S -MONEY TO LOAN- Wu will lend yon any snm which yon wish small or law , al the possible rates , In th Quickest iKisslblo tlmo and for any leiiKth of thn ' .o suit you. You can p.iy It baek In such Install nients as yon wish , when you wish , and enl pay for It as Ion : uu you keep It. You can borrot HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSK1 * . WARON'S AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. , you SOUTH KITH STREET , m-ht floor above the ntreei , THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY 1NCORPOH ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. I 010 II. ' V-DO YOU WANT MONEY ? I. WH will loan yon ANY SUM yon wish on your FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES. WAfiONS , CARRIAOKS , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. Wo clvo prompt attention to nil applications , and will carry your loan as loniras you wish. You can mliieo thu cost of currying your loan by a payment al any tlmo. There Is no pub licity or removal of property. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4 , Wlllinnll block , M7-U Cur. 10th and llarnuy St. BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , 10o n line each Insertion , $1.50 it Unit month , Nothing taken for less than -.Ic. - FOIIREN ' A . dress box 65 , Lincoln , Neb , 012 V-TO 1IUY , SELL OR EXCHANGE , BUSINEi J chi-iiees , real estate or lands. Apply to Wes urn llmlness Agenuy. : I1U N. Y. L. bldg. M8II1 S3 V -FO.'lSAI.KORTUADt : , FIRST-CLASS DRU 1 stnt-b cenlrally located , good cash buslnnss. I W.I , . P. ( > Hnv B18 MiiOJ _ --FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE , UIO HARGAI for eashi good paying business. Address N ' _ ' Hoc. U7U 17 _ V-EXPERIENCKD 11US1NKSS MAN W1S111 L to Invent to * 1 , 100.00 In Ifglllmateo ta'jllhhetl business In the. we t. .Send full delalls you liavu whole or part of any buslnehu for sal Address N ( I' ' , lleo , M 1U5 1(1' 1) FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , Kloi a line each Insprtlon , * l,50 a line p month. Nothing taken for less than 'J5e. I/-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NKIIUASKA , KANS. /Jand Dakota. Will sell cheap or uxehangu f iudbu.lioruusaiulcattlo. Add.box70 , Frankfort.In 111 : : y-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. WII ' I take real i t.Uu , money , Uox2U3 , Frankfort In Oli r/-AnOUT $7.00D WORTH OF STAPLE GB ' -Jentl inerchandlsi ] for oiiu-lhml cash or seciir notes , balance Omaha ully prouorly or good fan J , II. Haddock. F.ilrbury. Nob. M281 IS , , CLEAll.'ro EXCHANGE Ft in , here. Write full descriptions. 7 .13 South 1'ilh Ntreot. M507 A25 BEOOND-HANP TYPEWRITERS Ratus , lOcallneoach Insertion , J1.50 a line i month. Nothing taken for lest than'5c. lloVLEsillAilii.tlialjKW YORKI LU'K1 IILt ID I' carry tlio larKu.t line of typo writers In t wont , all inalieaJS to 78 per cent uavud ou leading muchlnea. Rentals monthly ! Callgra JO * 3.ftO , Remliiffton $ i.UU , Suillh Premier $3.00. 1 SSS. M01 fmPERTAKERS AND EMB ALMEI Rutoa , lee a line each Insertion , tl.50 u Una I luoutli. NotUluir ubun for luaa tliun'Jc. . re- "w.'UAKEii llXniMERLV WITH JOHN" reHT Jacobs , ductuixcu , lulur with M. O. Maul ) , und Ukur unU unibdlnicr , 315 S. IDth bt. Tel. UM. HT 01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MUSIC , ABT AND 1.ANQTTAOE Ititm , looallueiMich towrtlou , fl.Sd a Una i moulu. Nolhlnic lakcii tor leas ilinuJ5o. . Q F. OELLKNllKCK. UANJ01STANDTKAC1IH FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RMrn , lOfl a linn rneh Insertion. l..1fl a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 23o IJURM LANDS , 0 ? M3-13 AID * UY LOTS IN STOEPKL PI.ACR. . Chrnpc l nnd bent lots In OMAHA. Sn'-otM prlon nnd Iprin * ) to HOME llim.DKUS. Stoopel riaco loin will Mwr. y ndr.inca In prlo , for Uio city mint irrow westward. Call on or nd- ilrwn W. A. Wubslcr. 40J Hso bid ? . _ (1U IF YOU ARE IX30KINO FOR A SAFE AND' JL prolltablo Investment wopanirlveyoiionp. . For Infitiinco , a irood farm of lOOneros 10 mlloi from Omahx What can yon find better } Or , If yon n homo on nny piympiils ami cticnp , wo have Omaln Heal Kst.ilo nnd Tnist coniiKiny. room I. Hen building. MQ71 TMHOAINS , IN FARMS , HOUSR9 AND LOTS. J. JJN. Fronzer , room S Fronzor block , opn. I * , o. 170R SALE , ili ) COTTAOKS , $35(1.00 ( TO JL' * ' . ' , non.uu. on monthly payments. K. V , Hinder , ir.lU Faniam. MH87 ID * _ HARM MORTGAGES. C. F. HARRISON , 1)13 V N. Y , Life. 780 S3 * SECURITIES FOR SALE. llalos , lOo n linn pach limorllon , $1.50 n line per month. Nollilni ? taken for loaB tlian 25c. 81'F.H CKNT MOHTaAQF.S FOR SALK , SECUR- Ity ausolnluly afo. Amos llcil Kstuto niruncy 1017 Faniatn. WB3U TTK1H ORADF. OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES. 1 Inettlnspnrclmwra Rood rain ot Imprest , mum of from * 100.00 up. for s.iln by Olobo Uian tc Trust Co. , 1 ( lib and Dodge , Omaha. Particulars on np- plication. " M701 170R SALK. a GOOD $1100.00 FIRST MORTGAGES A. drawing 10 percent Interest. AddrcRS , N 41 , Bee. Ollii IOR SALK. WK HAVE SOME VERY CIIOtCK i. DonsliiH nnd Sarpy county farm inorltfaccM , drawlinro tier cent. In Biimnof $500 to $4.1100 , which \vo would Hell to thonn ilexlrlni ; n nafe In- teiv t iiaylnE Invc-Rtmcnt. Hotter ttko : U per c-pnt nnd IHI afo than 'M and mn n rlak. I'OBRR .V Hill 140S Farnam Btreet. 031-14 iOR SALE ! WE HAVE ON HAND COUNTY J warrants nmoiinllntr to i > lK it $1.500. ThOHo wr.rrunts are nil on the cpncral fnml.wlinln thi > Ho per cent limit , and nro iveinterru , Wo offpr them for H-llo BO that they will npt the pnTli.iHer 10 per cent Interest. Omaha 1'rlntlne companv. WORLD'S TAIR HOTELS & ROOMS Ilatca , lOen linn each Insertion , $ l.BOn line par month. Nclhlnj- taken for less than -JSc. \\rK8TjitNSTmriioTEr , CORNKU LANOLTCY > nvciuio nnd street , Chicago ; 'J blocks from fair iMitranco ; pennanont Btuno and brlpk ; liuvo untsldo rooms overlooking park ; nothln ? better ; Enropuan , $1.00 to $ -.00 ; excullent p.ife ; hlcli rpcommendiitlonn from Omahii nnd Council lllulTH iH-oplo who have Htopptnl with 1m. Taku Wnbash avcnno cable cars to Cottaifo Grove ave nue nnd OlBt street ; go ono block , west. Cut this out and come or write. M051 10 * LOST. Rates , inc. i line each Insertion , Sl.r.0,1 ifnopcr month. Nothing taken for lens than -JBo. s-1'AlR GoD"si'ECTACLES ON O JUstrent Honth of Leavcnworlh , or on J eavcn- \vorth between --8th and ' 'Dili. Uoturn lo 1120 South iUth street and receive reward. M100 18- SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Hali-s.lOcallno each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for luxs than 2Bc. VOUNG"LADrraTND"NTLKMEN'CAN'SOON 1 ncqnlro a working knowledge of Hhorthantl and typewriting nt A. C. Van's school of Bhort- hand , 513 N. Y. Life. Typewriters to rent. 010 PAWNBROKERS. Hates , lOo a linn i-ach Insertion. $1.30 n Urn po month. Nolhlng taken for less than Me. SONNKNIIKUCJ , Douglas Ht. Lo.'ina money on diamonds , watches , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 1058. 01-3 SCALES. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J5c. ATKWSKCOND HAND . 1 > Addix-us llordeu St. RelleckCo. , Lake Hi. , Cliicago Author at the Hocus CJuldMlnlnc Hohomi Under Arreit In llrlt ih Coin in bin. OTTAWA , Ont. , Aug. 14. Arthu Laporrior , who reached hero last nighl reports thnt Sampson , the Frenohinu who induced several Canadiun capital ists to invest in a bogus gold minim scheme in British Columbia , lias boo arrested by llvo Indiana at Fort George 500 mlles north of Aahcrolt , on th Canmlian Paolllo road. Dr. Fissault c this city Invested $17,000'in the Bohoine and Laporrior wont out to lee ui after His interests. Sampson threatened oned to shoot Laporrior when h found out that his Hwindlo wu to bo exposed. Ho was ovorpoworoi but escaped to the wOids , leaving hi wife , a French woman from Paris , b ( G , hind him. The Indians cot on bis trao ho and run him down. When discovert ) all ph ho said ho had had nothing to oat fc t twenty days. When he reached th United States from Franco ten years ay tS ho wont under the name of Unclose an commenced his pohumos in Now Orient > or und subsequently in other America oro" cities. Ho now lies in jail at IMchviUi jr- 13. C. , where ho awaits trial , which is 1 take place September 28. Uieil with Ornut Satisfaction. DETAUL HILU , 1'orsou Co. , N. C. Wo hai uaod Chamberlain' * colic , cholera and dla rhoca remedy with great satisfaction. It bi proven a good modidua la every case. W. Clayton & Co. „ SANDBAGGED ON JIE STREET > - , Higbwajmen Aasanlt a'Mnn of Masolo and Remaiknblo Vitality , NERVY EXPERIENCE OF N ARNlY CLERK Attacked l > r Tivo rootpaiM Ho Unookoil Them Until Unt niul < Uttvo Ono ol Them u Severe 'olindlne Minor i'ollco Mn tiers. El\7ln A. Shepherd , ono of the clerks em ployed In the ordnnnco department nt the headquarters of the Department of the Platte , Imd n llttlo oxporlouco with a couple of thugs Sunday night thnt ho won't forgot vory.soon. Whllo Dasslng nlong In front of Dr. Durycn's church nhdut U o'clock Shepherd wns struck on the nock by a sand bag or something ot that sort. Being rather n husky individual and something of nn nthleto , the blow did not hurt him much , nnd instead of falling to the sidewalk ho turned on his assailants nnd knocked ono of tnom down. Thou Shepherd turned to lace the other highwayman and looked down the mouth of n great big revolver. Quick as n wiuk the assaulted man grabbed the pistol and , as ho did so , hit the ninn holding It n good stiff blow between the eyes. They grappled nnd both foil. Then thcro was n lively tussol. By the time Shepherd had gained possession of tlio re volver the first robber had recovered from the shock ho had received nnd lied , Instead of helping his comrade. It was now Shepherd's Inning , nnd as ho sat on top of the prostratb highwayman ho remembered the blow in the neck ho had received only a moment before and proceeded to pound the enthusiasm out of thu would-bo robber. Ho placed tlio muzzle of the gun at the robber's breast nnd snapped the trigger , but the weapon did not explode. After a hard struggle the thief got away , and ns ha ran Shepherd tried to shoot him , but the revolver only snapped. After look ing ut the gun the orduanco clerk found tnat there wasn't ' a single cartridge in the cylin der. The owner of the pistol can have his property by applying to Captain Ayers' ofllco , room 514 Boo building , and proving property. IVACiKS OP SIN. Pines AinoKsoil In 1'ollco Court Upon Violate late r of tha Law. Ten prisoners arrested Saturday night swelled the number who appeared before Acting Judge Smith nt 'J o'clock yosturday morning. A few young men who had imbibed n llttlo too much beer on Saturday night were al lowed to go , as It was the first time they had been arrested. Several vagrants were also allowed to depart upou promising to leave the city before sundown. For being a suspicious character Gust Woodson was given twenty days in the county jail. An old gray-haired friah , who gave his name ns Andrew Nolsorfi > 'was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail for stealing a pair of shoes from Whitney's slioo store , Fifteenth and Dodge streets. Ths prisoner said that ho was drunk at the time nnd didn't know what ho yen's doing. Ed Tuttle Is a tough from the grouud UD , and has been arrested mrtny.a time. Yesterday morninp Edward was iivtho little procession again. Ho had. two beautiful black eyes and several other black spots'on his ugly mug. The mourning"Was put on by Mounted Ofllcer Andy Haze , nnd it happu'non this way : Haze was out driving vathtjibls wife nnd baby Saturday evening nnd Jmpponed to moot Tuttlo. The latter at , > once commenced to abuse Haze , and used sonm language that no man would permit a laijy to hear. There was trouble right-there , and Tuttle appears to hnvo got the worst ofr iU In order to lot the tougli.liavwa chan/'ft.tO thlnkitho matter over the case was laid" over foe twenty-four hours. _ ' , . A. Hayward waspresented , with n $10 and costs , ticket for being'.drunk ' , and G. Ross drew the satno sized check for peddling without n license. CUIO.KN MAY DIE. Victim of tlio Murderous Assault If SnuTer- ii > K with ti Jlolt | t9e. Ex-Ofllcor Cullcn , who was murderously assaulted by n fellow laborer nt the Union Pacific boiler shops some. days ago , is much worse , having suffered a relapse. His assail ant is under 1,800 bonds , charged with as sault with intent to commit great bodily injury. Culiun is moro dangerously injured than wns ut tirst supposed. Ctnlck Captured. Jack Cuslck , a Union Pacific brakeman , was arrested by Special Detectives Miller and Hansom , at Grand Island Sunday night and brought to Omaha yesterday. Cusick Is charged with forgery. It is alleged that ho is implicated with James Costello in forging conductors' coupons and securing the cash rebate of different ticket agents along the line. line.They arc alleged to have passed about J5C worth of , these coupons nnd Costello is al leged to have forged a time chock so tnat he received two months pay for ono month's work. Costello was captured last Satnrdaj night , but Cuslck had gouo west on a trair and stopped ever at Grand Island , where he was arrested. _ Pointer Win I'lilled. John Poudor was arrested by Detectives Snvago and Dempsey at Fourteenth am Dodge streets yesterday afternoon. Ho I ; alleged to bo ono of the Swift gang which committed u wholesale robbery ut Slienan. doah a year ago. The men were capturoc later in Council Bluffs and Omaha. It I ; claimed that Ponder escaped punishment bj feigning insanity , but ho says that there was no uvidonco against him and ho was no quitted , Ho has boon soon in company with char nctcrs known to the pollen ns crooks , am they ran him in for safekeeping , Kxtoiuluil III * llrutal Work. Mrs. Mason , who lives at Seventeenth and Pacillo streets , showed up beforo.Prosecuto : Cochran yesterday morning with a badlj bruised face. She wanted a warrant issuci for the arrest of John Hart for assault am battery. According to Mrs. Mason's state ment Hart frequently has trouble with ill family and Sunday ho abused his wife am throw her into the ajtqoot. Mrs. Musot cairo to the woman's celiof and was ulj knocked down by Hart. , , ) . . , Hunpected t " "Sleepy" Hewitt and .Con Brewer vfer arrested yesterday andp booked as sut plcious characters , on The inouoy drawer atHosteller's dm store on North Sixteenth street was robbc ' of about $25 a few evcijings ago ana th police auspoct that th spj mou Know some thing about the robbery m- were implicate in the affair. The polkoj give "Sleepy" ; reputation for being aw'jifjp on such jobs. Itobbinc u Mt'IHn Car. 3 The agent of the St. ji Jil , Minneapolis , Omaha railroad tolopli,6ogd to police heat ( juurtcra yesterday , su/tnj ) that a gang c boys and men had broken-open a freight en ut the foot of Locust strain und wore stoa leg a lot of melons , A l > ollcoman was sec down to arrest the trespassersbut they ra when the officer hove in 'sight. Fond of filikValiti. . Lucy Smith and Maggie Wallace wer arrested by SorKeonl SiKwart yesterda afternoon on u charge of larceny. Tli women are accused of stealing four all waists from the Bell department stop The goods -were found at laOl Chicat s'.reol , The women gave bonds for the appearance In court today , . IMluor I'ollce Iteini , , O W. C. and Morris Stevens brolco Jill 1 Mitchell county , Kansas , the other day uu the sheriff offer * f5U reward for the captui of the men. Cx-l'ol Ice Judge John U. Porter was ague of Acting Judge Smith yesterday forcuooi Judge Porter lives in Los Angalon now , In is east on u visit. Ho was elected polli Judge in 1808 und served live or six term Things nro quieter now ho said , ns not nearly so many persons nro arrested nnd not half so many crimes nro bolng com- tnltlod ns In the early days of Omaha.- Chlnf Soavoy Is In receipt ot n communica tion from Sheriff Barnett of Ixiwls comity , Washington , asking for Information regarding - ing J. K. Luodinghnus. who loft ChohulK Wash. , on August 2 , nnd has not bcon heard of since. On the night of AprilSrt.n tramp nssaultod nnd robbed J. S. Allyn. United States express - press ncent at Hed Wing , Minn. , and then escaped. The company will pay $1,500 to any person delivering to them the man who committed the crlmo. Savon residents In the vicinity of ICloventh nnd Dodge streets have complained to the police about the careless manner in which the shooting gallery down thcro Is being run. The police wilt see that the ordinance gov erning such places Is enforced. Sheriff Block of Nlcollot county , Min nesota , writes thnt ho will pay $ I00 reward for the return of n chestnut mare , stolen about the llrst nf the month , nnd Sheriff Town of Hebron , Nob. , will pay $50 for the return of an Iron gray horse recently stolen. Two thousand dollars will be paid to anyone ono for the body , dead or nllVn , of Dr. Thomas K. Tynan , who disappeared from San Francisco some tlmo ago. Dr. Tynan Is 75 years old and very wealthy. Ho was ono of the pioneer settlers of Modesto , Stanis laus county , Cal. In September , ISSW. dysentery In a very severe form prevailed nt Jamcsburg , N. J. Walter Wlllard , n well known merchant of the place , procured a supply of Chamber- Iain's colic , cholera nnd dlarrhuua remedy. Ho says : ' 'It is certainly ono of the host things over made , nnd hns given the highest satisfaction In the most severe cases of dys entery. " For sale by druggists. See the grout Blckotts , aoriul performers - ors ut Courtlnnd bench. : News of tlio AfTnlr Cnuncs Urcnt Surprise < nt tha Colonel' * Home. LouiSViMjic , Aug. 14. Great surprise wns cuuscd hero ntnonpr thu friends of Colonel Brcckinridgo when the news of the siiitnRivlnst him . .by Miss Pollard reached the city. At the hotels , clubs and other places , wlioro the congress man passes his leisure hours when here , groups of men stood and discussed the Bonsationul iiflair. At the Gult house , whore many of Colonel BroakinHdpo's friends llvo , there was much excitement nnd nothing else was talked about. Even the boll boys , who remember the gener ous "tips" of the congressman , Boomed to regret his trouble. One of the wann est friends of Colonel Brcckinridgo in this city is General Basil W. Uuko. Uo was at homo when n reporter called upon him , and to say that ho was sur prised hardly expresses his state when lie heard the news. " this is to " said "Why , great news mo , ho , "for 'while I had hoard rumors about the woman , I never dreamed that she would ovoi-'hritig suit against him. An other thing I would like to say to you. Colonel Breckinridgo is a gentleman a square , upright and honest man and I am satisllod ho would not ask any woman to marry him unless ho meant to marry her. I am sure ho never engaged him self to Miss Pollard , for she is not the kind of a woman that would suit him , and in regard to the seduction why , she is 30 years of ago and thoroughly able to take care of hoi-self. " It had boon rumored hero that Miss Pollard had threatened the congress man , and ono time it was intimated she might try to prevent his marriage , but no ono thought seriously that she would carry out her throat. The general opin ion hero is that Colonel Bi-ockinridgo will fight the suit , as ho is thoroughly independent and will submit neither to coercion nor blackmail if either bo at tempted. _ Good Advice. in August , 1892 , J. W. Vannoy of this place had a severe attack of ( lux. A physician was calico , who treated him for four.or llvo days , but as ho continued to grow worse the family decided to have the aid of another doctor in the case , and sent to Uavcnswood for u prominent physician of that town. Before - fore ho arrived , however , I had some conver sation with the physician in attendance , and said to him : " 1 believe Chamberlain's colic , criolora and dinrrhira remedy worthy of a trial. " Ho readily consented and I gave him n bottle. Onodosoof that remedy gave re lief. When the doctor from Havonswood ar rived his ndvico was , "ICeoo quiet and con tinue using Chamuerlain'B colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy. " Which wo did and in two days was cured. C. B. Ho wca , druggist , Sauayvillo , W. Va. .L MAK'B ' a A'OyjlL IlllP. Young Hercules to < Jro * Nlngnrn FnlU HiupnndcilDhy Ills Teetli.i PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 14. A young man who is preparing to cross Niagara Falls suspended by his tooth from a trolley arrangement is in Philadelphia making plans and ordering the par aphernalia necessary for his extraordi nary undertaking. The youth is known as " 'Young Hercules. " His name is Beck and his homo on Staten Island. Ho says ho will cross the fulls easily in September. A half inch cable will bo stretched with one end higher than the other. Young Beck has invented a grooved wheel which will run on the wire and to the whcol will bo attached u pleco of prepared leather which will just tit his mouth. This ho will hold in his teeth and will swing a dumb boll in each hand to balance him ami will slldo across the falls suspended by his teoth. The trip will , ho says , take four inln- Ut09. To Secure Its Crodltor . LOUISVILLE , Aug. 14. Tlio Now Al bany Woolen mill late Saturday evening - ing filed a big mortgage to BCCUI-O its creditors. The mortgage covers all ol its manufactured goods , bills receivable and otner personal property to secure about fifty creditors , whoso aggregate claims amount to $300,000. , Among the creditors arc ton banks. The claims ol these alone amount to about ono-half ol the entire debt secured by the mort gage. The mortgage Is subject to e prior mortgage filed several years age to secure the payment of certain bonds. Tlio mills and other property mort gaged nro valued at 81,000,000. The mill has good claims in the shape o : notes , accounts and bills receivable U the amount of $500,000 , , but it la boliovct impossible to make collections and tc continue in business. Illsustruni Storm on I.uUo Ontario. ROOHESTEH , N. Y. , Allg. 14. Th ( worst storm of the year raged on Laki Ontario lust night. The schooner Laura loaded with coal , sprung a leak at 1 p. m. and wont down at il a. m. An houi before she sunk Captain Murkoson o Hamilton and crow of llvo men nnd i stewardess embarked in n small boat They rowed twenty-five miles in tin storm till they wore sighted by tin watcher at Charlotte live saving stutioi and brought to shore. Two coal barge put out of tliia port early last nigh towed by- the sUmmer Heela. One o the barges , with llvo men on board , los tlio tow and drifted away. The Hocli returned safely to port with ono barge A uteumer genre-hod for the missini boat , but no trace of her can bo found It is feared she was sunk. TaUo ( looil Cure of the Children. POINTSVII.LE , Burlington Co. , N. J. , July 11 189 ; . Our baby , now 14 months old , wa taken with every symtom of uholoiu infar turn. I commenced using Chamberlain' colic , cliolura und dlarrlxua remedy , an after thu tint fuw dosetho was relieved and at thU writing l as well us ever. I fct that I cannot ipeak too highly in III pralio.- Mrs. Win. 1C. Heed. WILL SLASH THE SALARIES Economy in Allop'/huDosos ! on the Union Pocifio System. RETRENCHMLNT GOING BELOW BEDROCK July Knrnlnc * Vn40 \ l'i > r Cent Union Yoitr' * Showing lor the Sumo Month Ttrinliinl rncllltlrn for tlio Knst Omaha llrliljo. The wholesale reduction that hns boon going on on the Union Pnctflo In the two months has given rlso to many ques tions , principal of which has boon the inquiry whether the ontclnls worn not dlsoharRlng moro intrti than absolutely nccessar.v ; whether they were not taking ndvunt.igo of the flnnncial condition of the country to ro- iluco expenses botaw the percentage re quired by the chiefs of the roads to moot tariff losses. These inquiries , however , have come from persons not in a position to know of the losses which the ' Overland Uouto" suffered during Juno and July , losses which will run Into the hundreds of thousands when ttio flnnl figures nro In. It has been absolutely necessary for the heads of departments of the Union 1'acltlo to cut the coat to suit the cloth , and with them the cloth has bocn decidedly scant. When the July figures roach Comptroller Mink us to the earnings and expenses the hnlr of thnt very nblo financier will doubtless rlso on end when ho sees the losses the road has sus tained during the month. Krom a iout-co regarded as absolutely reliable It Is liarncd that the estimated earnings for July will fall 40 per cent below the figures iniuln by the departmental heads , as compared with the corresponding period of last year : Heads tof trafllo and passenger de partments nro required to give an estimate for each month at each month's beginning for the Kuuliinco of the onlclats at Itoston. Hut n decrease of 40 per cnnt iniou the esti mated earnings is so startling In Its charac ter that the public will now appreciate what Is meant by the phrase , "tho bottom hns fallen out of the rntlroad business. " Having cut down the list of employes to the last notch it Is hard to sco how the com pany can go on without reducing salaries , and conservative railroad men look for an order from Boston reducing salaries about September 1. J > a BCiiBor Borvlco Knttiings. The passenger department of the road has been showing an increase In its earnings for several months past and Is comfort ably ahead of last year , but the earnings in the passenger department of any road , with one or two notable excep tions , will hardly pay for the operation of the passenger service , let alone pay for the operating expenses of the road. It Is a well known railroad axiom that the passenger service only advertises the road. The earnings come from the truffle depart ment , from the millions of tons of freight hauled during the year. Until n reaction takes place and freight logins to move the Union Pacific will con- inuo its policy of retrenchment , and having educed the force to the lowest possible linlt , a roduntion In salaries seems inovit- ble. Sincothereductlon of employes commenced , uito a number of train agents have boon lot ut. and on Saturday Gcorgo H. Hill , travel- ng passenger uecnt at Portland , and A. J. Goodrich , city passenger agent at the same loint. felt the swift descending ax. Both ilr. Hill and Mr. OooOrich wore in town Saturday on their way east. Mr. Hill was 'ormcrly general advertising agent of the louipany with headquarters in this city. STRUGGLE roll HUIMIK.MACV. Prospects of a Illttnr I.CK | Ilnttlo Over tlio Oiiir C'use. The suit of ox-GovernorEvansof Colorado , siting for a receiver for the Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf road , will undoubtedly en counter n stubborn resistance in the courts , and it is rrot Impossible that the case maybe bo transferred to the United States courts. No name has yet been suggested for receiver n tlio case. This suit will doubtless have an Important bearing on the fortunes of the Union Pacific , " remarked n Denverito who is familiar with ho facts. "These Denver and Gulf lines : iuvo been the most profitable portions of the Union Pacific system , and you will observe that the life is now being cut out of the service on account of hard times. It is n rery proper moment for the Denver stock holders to strike for their rights , as Denver js the propsr place for headquarters and It was solemnly agreed that it should bo. A restoration of headquarters might not bo luito so profitable for the Union Pacific , but it would add to Denver's prestige and restore a very largo number of employes to positions out of which they were thrown when head quarters were removed to Omaha. " Denver people claim that the road was constructed by three corporations. The section between Denver and Trinidad was built by the Denver & Oulf , which was originally known as the Denver & Now Orleans. The section between Fort Worth and Tcxllno was built by the Fort Worth and Denver City company. The iniddlo sec tion , from Trinidad to Texllne , was built by the Denver , Texas & Fort Worth company , which latter corporation leased and oper ated the entire line between Denver and Fort Worth. General G. M. Dodge , who has always been Identified with the Union Pacific , was a largo stockholder in all thcso companies , and after tlio Fort Worth line had been operated sonio two years negotiated a deal whereby a corporation known as tlio Union Pacific. Denver ami Gulf Hallway company was called into' existence. The Union Pa cific acquired a controlling Interest In tlio Fort Worth company , the balance of the stock being holil in this city by ox-Governor John Evans and his associates , whoso effort - fort in the construction and final comple tion of the road need not hero bo recounted , D'l'ho consolidation included the Fort Worth road from Texas to Denver , the Soutli Park Colorado Central , Fort Collins & Cit-coloy and Choyeuno northern lines. These were known as the proprietary lines of the Union Pacific and represent a total mileage of 1,0311 miles. Those roads were all consolidated under one stock and one management with headquarters in Denver. At the time the consolidation was effected the Denver stockholders refused to enter Into It until an agrenmcnt xvas effected wltli the Union Pacific by which the consolidated roads should bo managed In their own in terests from headquarters In Denver and c traffic agreement made covering terms of In tci-chango of luislncss , This agreement was for a time observed by the Union Pacific but when the Clark management came InU power everything was concentrated ul Omaha and all the headquarters offices Ir Denver either abolished or moved to thii city. Ground ! for tli .N'ow llrlileo ( 'onipany , Chief Engineer Wild dell , of the Omahi Bridge and Terminal company , arrived Ir Omaha on Saturday. YMtonJay morning will u corpi of engineers vhuy began the work o surveying tor thu company's terminal yard In this city. Mr. Waddnll Ihlnka that It wil take about two weeks to complete the plan : no that bids may bo invited for grading The force under Mr. Wndiloll will locate tin track * , curves and uross-srctlon the yard ; according to the plans submitted to tli eastern stockholders by General Manage ! Potter some three weeks nio. While the pruund to be used for tin yards U practically love ) , there will bn con Iderable grading to be done before tracl laying is commenced' , which will bo pushei rapidly , all thoIron , bolni ; uu hand , It U expected that the officials of the coin pany will bo invited to witness the swingln of the draw span about September 1 although it will be a fortnight after tha time before the span is completed , Why .Mr. U Iliiiijiy. Not In a long time has so signal a victor been won by a railroad company as that c Saturasy when the Milwaukee in conun < lion with the Union Pnulllo tocuc 200 poop ] from Fremont and vicinity to the World1 fair , right out of the territory which lia has come to bo regarded by tli Elkhorn Valley road as its "vcr ownest own. " The Irani left aJi.ilf hour ahead of the regular leaving tlmo and ran through to Chicago without i hitch. The irafn consisted of inrco chair ears , three coachoa , a Moppet and baggage car nnd was placarded from "World's ! * . to .V1',1 ' wllh banner * stating , Fair Excursion. Fremont Normal School. W. H. Clommons provident. Fremont. Nob. " This Is the largest excursion to the Worlds fair since the opening o' the White City nnd General Agent Nash is the happiest man In seven states i over the outcome of his hard fight with Mr. Buchanan of the Elkhorn. TO ritovi : IT. Acnlim thn Chlrngo , Mtlnnuhoi * SI. I'niil tint | | ) | , | \t stick. CittCAiio , Aug. U.-An notion was brought aealmt the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul railroad today , ohm-glint that It was making a blanket rate from Fremont , Neb. , to the World's fair , which Included other things besides transK | > rtntum , nnd thereby cut the World's fair rates. U was said that the road was offering free board , worlo's fair tickets nnd various tilings as tmhu-ements. The road vehemently de nied that It was doing anything of the sort nnd said the ehnrgo emanated from dlsap- polntoc rivals who had endeavored to so euro the Fremont business . For a tlmo tha row wasi very hot. but finally thu MilwauUeu road showed Chairmen Caldwell thai it wai entirely Innocent and the accusations wen shown to have been sot up by Uio mnnngoi of the excursion , and the matter wai quieted down , The enstbound shipments , oxoopt llvi stock , were last week 52,011 tons , against I7,80i : for the preceding week and 4TWO : for the corresponding week last year. Lake. shipments amounted to 77,88i ; tons , against W'JoJ tons for the previous week , A iiirotiniT of general nmimgm-s of western roads has bocn called for August 17 to talk over tlio advisability of cutting down tha train service belwec.ii common poliits as an economic measure. No specific charges hava been mentioned and the matter will be taken up in a general way. Suit AK liiHt thn Union I'nolllo. , Aug. II.Tho suit of ox-Govornoi Evans nnd others against the Union Pacific- Denver it Gulf nnd Gulf Uallrond company , for an accounting ami n' receiver , has been sot for trial September . The suit affccti 1,000 miles of the Union Pacific system , and Is attracting much attention hero nnd will bo energetically pressed. Ex-Governot Evans owns between fOOO.OOO and $700,000 of the stock. One of the principal complaints is thai this line has been made to subserve the In terest of the main line , to the detriment ol the former , and that the head offices ar not maintained in Denver , as i > or the con tract of consolidation. lluncllnl the Crowd Nicely. East Omaha Street railway hauled 3,00 ( people to Coin-Hand beach Sunday , th handling of the largo crowd being accom plished without a single hitch of any kind. Following Mr. Do Long's orders the corrai was torn down at the Courtlaml beach end ol the line , which facilitated matters greatly. Trains were constantly arriving and depart ing both at Sherman avenue and the beach , nnd HO perfect was the service that Mr , Do Long received comrratuhitlons from scores of people who enjoyed the afternoon and evening at the beach. ClmiiKixl thn Date. J. llogau of Otfdon , U. T. , deputy organizer of the Ifciilway union , was in the city yes- tordny and completed final arrangements whereby President Eugene V. Debs will address - dross the railway employes in the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation building on August 22 , in stead of the 21st , as at first contemplated. Mr. Ilogan left for Denver ami other western points last night to make arrange- incuts for similar meetings. I'Ioiiet-1-N Will I'limlr. The Union Pac-iflo Pioneers , an association of cmplovcs of that road who have served the company for ten years or moro , hava chartered a train to go to Fremont next Saturday , where they will hold a picnic , to which only members anil their families and iutlniato Iricnds are invited. H'.Mdllula I'luxhui. J. W. Orr. general attorney for the Mis souri Pacific , is in Omaha. .1. H. Keene , commercial agent of the Mil waukee , with headquarters In Denver , is in the city. II. C. Orr. Vissistuiit general passenger agent of the Burlington , headquarters ut Kansas City , was in town yesterday. General Agent Nash and "Billy" llowoll of tto Milwaukee roturncd from Chicago yesterday morning , whither they had gone with the Fremont excursionists. Assistant General Passenger Agent A. B. Smith of the Burlington returned from Chicago cage and tlio meeting of the Western Pas senger association yesterday morning. Grand display of water JlroworkH tonight - night at , Courtluml beach. Hlnmly Outlook In Colorado. DKNVKK , Aug. M. At daylight yoalor- diiy iv body of nrmod and muslccd men wont to the Hlit'op ciinip of Brown , Linn & Co. , at the head of Puriiohuto crook , and while the hordurs wore tit breakfast put a rope around tlio nook of ono and lit the end of the inuzzio of mx-sbootoi-H forced tlio oUioro to submit to the sheep being driven out of Cat-Hold county Into Itlo Hlanco oounty. Grout excitement pi'eiui'.ls and Sheriff Thomas of Glon- wood has been telegraphed to oomo and quell the disturbance. Tlioscono of the trouble in in Clarliold county , ten milea from Dobcquo , nnd is not in thoBumo lo ealityas the plateau cheep trouble. Tlio affair inny yutlmvoit serious tprminntlon , as Uio slioop mou .are colluding forces iind armiiiif to go' to the relief of the Drown-Llmi men , Floating fireworks ut Coui'tland to night. I'rixpnnU Inr Ootlun Kxurllnut. NRW Yonir , Aug. U. The World this morninp prlntn Hpocial dinpatt-hos from ull this cotton centers of the bouth- west and gives the present outlook for that crop , which is much bettoi- limn in July. Some of the states expect larger crois | than last your. Alabama will have a larger yield if the fulling oil in the northern part of the state is not lui'tfor than now estimated. The acre age in Louisiana will b reduced thin year , but the prospect is for a lull crop. Florida reports good prospect's nnd TonnoHseo Is hopeful , ( iooi-gln claims us largo ; i crop as last year , which was the bi-st ever ralsod , but in Missouri , South Carolina and in .sections of other Htatos the crop cannot grow into an uvorugo under the most favorable mete orological conditions. Balloon tonight ut Coin-Hand beach. Till-no Driiiriuiil In thu 'J' iuniittii71 CINCINNATI , Aug. M.A Commercial Ouy.etto special from f'hiittanooga re ports tbo drowning in the Tennorfsoo rlvor of Mrs. Charles Holf and .Mrs. George Keif of Ciia-innutl , and Mm. Wagner and child of Chattanooga. They were on u pleasure o.xoursion in u naphtha luunuh. Thu drowning oc curred in an attempt to transfer tha pusHongoi-B from the luunuh to a barge ] Nervous headaches promptly cured by llromo-Soltzor trial bottlu 10 cts , "XVIII liiK ! lii-i < ti > in Oiiul Crovk. KNOXVir.LK , Tonn. , Aug. 14. Major D. A. Carpenter , roprasunlfng the state , will visit Coal Crook today for the pur * pose of investigating for the governor the lynching of Dliik Uniininoml nd thu ussiiHBlnution of Soldier LauKherty , The guilty parties , whomsoever they may bowill be brought to epeedy juatlcu. All in quiet there , and feure of moro trouble are over , m Plica of people liavo piles , out L ) Wlit'l Witch Huicl bdlro will euro them.