8 OMAHA DAILY KKES FRIDAY , AUGUST Jl , 1803. REAPER OF RETRENCHMENT Union .Pacific Shopmen Will Have Their Time Trimmed Again. \V1LL \ APPLY TO THE ENTIRE SYSTEM lovcn Hours Dnjr nnil No Work on Sntur- d y Ntiw the Hill * How In Cnnui Over tha Ml.wauUce'B World' * 1'u I r "Tho question of n reduction In anlnrlcV laid General Manager Dickinson jcstordny morninghns not as jet bcoii considered by the onicl.ils of the Union 1'iclfic , although wo must still fuithcr cut down our expenses to meet our losses Wherever possible the foieo111 bo still further reduced , the work fit the men bolng .illoued to pllo up The tut In salaries will bo deferred ns Ions ns Viosslblo , because \\c know tha hutdshlp < { eduction In wipes will entail upon the men Utid women etnplrncd on tlio sjstein. I can- liutsaj Unit It will not bo done , but stniplj remark that It has not boon considered as > ct ' You may say that wo liavo been casting nbout all morning to uncertain just where wo fnay still further reduce our jniscnKcr serv ice While nothing dpilnito has been do- clued upon wo will uiscontlnuo passenger ricr\Icn in Nebraska , Kansas and Wyoming come time next week , It being next to Im possible to get nut new time caids for the reduction to take place on Sunday. "Monday morning the shop men on the entire B > stem will be reduced another hour to moot the decrease in our cainlngs , This Tflll gi\c the men a working week of ihlrtj- flvo houis Instead of foity hours , as ut present. " "What of the future outlook for an In crease In business ) " asked the tepoi tcr. "It Isn't pai ticularly bright , ! must confess Biisltius.s Is chaotic and 1 cannot sco any change for the next ninetj dajs , although I n m hoping that my judgment in this case will pioso unreliable. Other roads are In siiml ir condition us the Union Paeilic. Sil- Biles are being ruilucod In consciiucnco to meet the umcrgincles that present them- Bches While wo will hesitate long about the i eduction , ( .till It may lm\e to bu done as n last tesort , iti which cise the cmplojcs vlll hiuo to in.iko the best out of the situ- ntion they can Howe\er , one thing is cot- tain , wo lm\o not delinltely decided upon a reduction , notwithstanding the rumois one hems on the stieet. " c.uiiuiVAIS : I.MO a The Mllwnukrn ( loe-i Alter Unrlil'a P.ilr llllHllllXK Hint < l < ltS It. The staid , conservative Milwaukeo.chsscd ns "ohl fofjiah" by tlio olhor i.iilroids in Orn ih.i , lus been ( | Ulotlv getting considera ble business lately In .1 m tuner that h is cx- citocl not only the envy but the nnge'r of rluil lines Recently tno Milwaukee carried the "Africa" eompinj to Chicago light fiom under the nose of the Uurliiu'ton , which OK- petted the business almost up to the hour of thocominto's leaving , bo keen has been the disappointment of the Uut- linpton that threats of blinking ch iigps against Iho Milwaukee aic he ud In raihoad eiielcs and It is openly stated Unit Chiiiinan Caldwcll of the Wcslein Pus- eciiKer nssoci itlouillbo ncciu.untcit with the fuels In the e isc and the iissoeiution i\Ill bo called upon to piss judgment upon the line seeming the hubincss. Origin illj , us lumcii goes , nn ex- curblon paity hid m ido uiiarucmcnts to use llio Ukhoin and Notth- westcrn s\steins , and Ihe fonnei loul was about prun.uing copy for Iho quaitor Bheets nnnouiiLing the cxeursion , liut bu- foio the printer had been given cony for the fHeis the Milwaukee stepped in and closed u contract for the excursion , ugieeinn , in ad dition to carrying the excuisionibls bolh ova\s in conjunction , with the Union Paeilleto , pioxido nine admissions to > tbo < if.iir for caeh poison , anil -nlso plying them lodgings In Chicago for the louud snmof f'JJ.IO , the oxemsion- isls to tnKe along their lunch baskets iilled With eatables foi iho ontiio tup Mr. Buchanan of the Clkhorn wants to know .1 thing or two nbout ho.v this rate Is in-ulc. Not being in the eating house buslnchb and providing lodgines and admis sions to the fair for the thousands , he thinks there is something lollen iu Donm.uk , nnd it is understood , ho will eall Chairman Cald well's attention to the anomaly of a lallioad furnishing lodgings and fair admissions to pcisons desiring to use the Milwaukee line. ANOI 111:11 MUDIH.L : . RnllrnniU J'lnclnir ' 1 tu'lr Own rntcrprctu- IIiniH nil u llurvosl llomiCircular. . Harvest home exclusions are giving no end of trouble to the to ids In the Western I'asscturcr issociition * On .nth liS Chairman Caldwell issued a cir cular which provided that tickets could be , sold fiomany point in Kansas to anj point In Kansas , no through uites to ho less than 17. the same lulo applying fiom any point to nn\ point in NcbtasUii and soon thioiigbout the terrlloij of thotiansniissouiicomiiiittco beciotai.v McCullough of the tiansmls- BOUI I committee , being uuUuil fet an opinion , rules that the eiuuliir piovUcs for the s ilo of tickets between points ir. traiisinlssouil teultory in a noitliwcst , wist , south west or soutn bound dlifulirm as well ns fiom tiansmissoml tcirltori to other ten i- torin the same dltection. Cbaiiman Caldwell , asked for a ruling , gave an opinion along the lines of Keuot.m Mi Cullongh , which is also the opinion o'f the Hock Island and the S-int.i l"o. Hut tioiicial I'assongiir Aj-ent Townsend B.IJS th.it ticUots m.ij onlj bo sold , fiom castPin fatowajs , t'hirairo and St Louis , while the liuilington intoipiots the eitcular to apply onlfioin Mls ouii ilvcr points. bo vaili-d are the opinion. ] amoi g the "silk hats" that Chalrm in Caldwell lias bcon asked to adjust the matter to the satis faction of the members of the assoel ilion. VIoitN ill ti Minimum , OMAHA , Aug 10 [ To tno 111 ! tor of THE Hrr ] Hcpent ai tides published in your paper about a induction In wa us nnionir the Union 1'acillo sliopinon li.xvo caused a gtcit neil of comment among ttio men If jou will allow mo thn spacj I would like to nay a few vvoids on the subject The shopmen have already been loduceil Inv ages about Ji per emit ' 1 ho reduction has DCOII hi ought about by shortening the houis fills was not soil ously objected to by the men Woaroawaio of the h-ird times prevailing nil ov e-r the i ounti v nnd the dlfilculty In ob- tuining work , and aio not malting am kick. Hut n i eduction In the i.ito per hour would meet with set lous opposition fiom the men ' 1 ho avoi ago w ages of the shop mon do not exceed flO per month at the piescnt time , but thoinonthh pn of the sihuiod men nnd oflliers bus not been changed 'Hint U vi hero wo think the injustice of the thing romcs in. Wo do not antlolpito a loduotion In the mtn per hour , out the artlelo loferrod to calls for an answer fiom us What 1 hiuu slid \olcus the sentiment of Iho nmjorlts. if not all the men Lot the Dig salaiifd olllciaU knock on a few thousand pf tholr salaries , and it will not bo necessary to cut viiges _ Mltllillrl I'lltlllu Kmlm lion. While ofllclals and employes of the Mls- louri Paclllo have boon commlsciatlng with Ihelr brethren of thn Union t'aclflo over the probability of a rothwtioti In s ilarlus on tha Union I'ueltui the > have not boon pa\lag rery close attention to wli it In tioreloplug ji tholr own ilomlnlaut In fact the ) have born \thcr jubilant taut the tcducilun In foi COB on the line of the Mfisouil 1'acillo contemplated all that would bo done toward Ducting losses in nnemio After going ou > r the situation verv closely with tiencral Manager Doddndgo an older fcom Mr.Geoi go ( Jould was lecohea nt Mis. lourl Pacitic hiMUiiuaituis thu morning an- nounntiK that all einplo.\us of the Missouri Pacific whoso salaries are S100 per month ind over will have tholr salaucs cut 10 per cent , counting troiii August 1. Halarlrs of less than t X i aio left umUturbod Incaboanj omploj ! ' so affected 1 1)1 ecu to the auaiigomcnt ho will be lircil. " _ r r.i' r btrilco tu tint hunlli , The Itock UlauU will tooa laaug < urftto Its through acrvlco from Omnhn to Tort Worth , the Intention now being to put on two trains , Nos 7 nnd 8. running In opjKislto directions , train No 7 to Icivo Otnilin nbout / 41 or 0 o'clock n. m nnd to arrive In Port Worth the following morn ing about 8 o'clock , miking the run in about twenty-six hojrs Ibis scrvlio will shorten the tlmo between Onmha nnd Tort Worth. Tex , at least twelve hours The noi th bound train , it Is though' , will arrive about 10 o'clock p m , running , ns the south bound train , via Lincoln , Fnirbury and llollvillo I.Ink * nnd riim. General I'as enger Agent Francis of the Burlington is in Denver. Oeorgo A. McNtitt of thoMissoutl , Kansas ft Texas railway entno in last evening. Messrs ' 1 horp nnd Jenkins ot the Penn sylvania lines wno in Oniiha yesterday. 0 S I..1 Pollett , travelingpisscngcr agent of the "Big Pour , " was in town icsterdny looking over the Held. The Burlington brought into Omaha jcs- leid.iy nearly l. > 0 Boiieinlans from Wilbur and Cielo cnroiito to the fair. J O Urinkerhoff , superintendent of tne Kansis division of the Union Pacific , with headquarters in Kansas City , arrived In town jesterday , W A. Deuol , superintendent of the Colorado rado division of the Union Paeilic , is in the city , called hero to arrange for the now tlmo cards on the "Overland Holltc. " Hqwiird HIlloU , general fieight agent of the SI. Louis , ICeokuk As Noi th western , w 1th hcadquai ters nt bt fxiuls , nnd his assist nit , .1 S. Birtel , with headqu.irteis ut St. Jo seph , vvcio lu Omaha rcsterdtiy. To Cloinxn the SjHfpm nffcrtunlly jet gently , when costive or bilious , or when the blood is Imtmio or slug gish , to permanently cure habttuil consti pation to awaken the kidne.va and liver to a healthy Activity without Irritating o weak ening them , to dispel hcadaehcs , colds or foversusoSjrupof Pigs. OFF FOR CHIOAaO. llalicinlniiH Depnrt to I'nrtlclimte In it World' * I'ulr ( 'cilnliriitliiii. With the customary "vitamo VMS" and a "na 7dnr" sliprtly aftenvaid to cement the feeling of good fellowship , the Bohemian Illinois nnd tholr friends from Iho inlerior f the state exchanged greetings with ) mnha friends nt 12 ! o'clock jestciday. The \isilois icachod Omaha over Iho B. & I. fiom Wllbcr , Ciolo , Solnnlor , Prague , Vnhoo , I ineolii nnd Nlmberg cniouto to Chicago and thoWoild'H fair 10 bo in at- endance on Bohemian day , August 13. The eoplo of that tmtinnalitv aio intensely atrlotic when it ionics to celebrating nny atlonal event ns on this occision , nnd so hey came In gioat minions the little city \Vllbcr nlono sending llfi people , with uch pronilncut ones in the affaiis of their dopted countiv as C Duias. ex-senator and x-county trcasuicr of Saline county ; . Sadilck , ex-member of the legislaliire , nd also counly Ireasuier .it ono tlmo ; Vllllam Bolacek , who llllcd the sime ofllce. s wellas John V. bpirk with J. 1C. Mallat , ilax Storkan nnd Chailes Sagcl , more limits f that buig A bind also aeeompanled the . The visitois mauo a four houis stop eio The two cats they occupied wore ' .ccoritpil . with bunting , while on the sides f thccnr wusn slicamer beaimg Iho fe'l- owmg inscription : "Wilber. Neb. , to Bohemian day nt the Voild's fair , August 12. Ib'.U ' " About thirty gymnasts who obtained first ri/o at the state touinamenteie in the mitv , fullj equipped to takop.iit in the urnois' contest Item the 12th to the 10th hose were diesscd in tlioiecrul ir Bohemi in in pets' unifoim.consistinir of a white shirt , .ink blue tiouseis and co its , and black h its ml leathei belts eneiicling the waists v\ith bo monogiani of the Sokol upon it Hed and \ hlto b idges w ith the n line of Iho cily and tate wcio worn ball the weinburs and lu.'lr idmheis , including m in > ladies and hildrcn. 'Uahuo's number included Hon. Henry 'ibcher , once a member of th state legis- aturc , Editor ilosp-dokv and bhcr ll Bartek , vhilo Nimbcig was lepresented by Uditor tioupa of the Bohemian p iper Kotvu at 3chu\lcr. The Omaha contingent consisted of about uxty people , including the "actives. " iudolph Hivclka , John Morivcc , Joseph Jhoala , Josuph Novak , K B Full , 1'iank Anil , accompanied by Anton ICnicnt ns udge In this putv weie : Mrs Bnitos , Jdilor , J H Jiemskv and family of the : > oluolc Xapndu , J. W. Xoi/an , J. Mile and family , Mis Yimous , Miss STov leek , Miss Susieiie , J. Ubl. t felelgor , C Steiser , P. Steigor. llouska md f.iuul.s , T Oapek , A ICi uinl. P. B trlok , 1 Piusa , V Vodieka , .1. Sbobek , P. Kotva , V. Vaneiku , P. W Ihuvltal , bt Bui.inok , J. Svoboda , P Svoboda , Louis Svoboda and 'ninlly , J Ilavlkeic , P. ICiatchnier , M. Cratchinei and P. llama These went over the Roclv Island at D o'elo k in the aftcinoon with Iho inseriptlon"Bohomlin Tinners of Nobiaska to the Bohemi in Day at Chi cago" upon the sides of ttio coneh. The Slavonic rai o tins promised to bo pres ent en masse on this daat Clueago and it is oxncctei ! that -lO.UJO people of th.it uiee , \illbo pnsent , wliiloiOXK ! ( ) will lake part in the big puadc , whieb , eonsidoiin that .hoso pcoplu inhibit a Jaige poitiou ot l uiopo , is eslimalud veii low. If Knsslu , Itulgiula , beivia , Montenegro , Bosnia , Horiogoylim , Oroitli and Bohemia , where tluso people piednnunato , send even Lhe sm illcst leprescntalton It is thoughl Ihe itlendaneo vvill sureli bo laigo , when added ; o the number o\pecte-d to bo in attendance fiom nil parts of the United States. TOM OABHOL'S OAB3EB. VVlllilu Itnich ot ii rortnnc , IIu llooiimo n linrclnr Mold. Tom Can oil , wno has been sen Ing a three > eais' sentence in the pcnitcntiar.v for burg l.uj and committed suick'o ' in prison jester- di ) , was taiscd in Omilia , and Is well known to mcst old citl/ons Ho was a vic tim ot bad comp my and \ \ liisKy The police , whom ho gave 111111)1 ) tioubio when ho was heie , s iv that ho was smelly honest and a good fellow u lion sobei. but that as soon as ho Dcp-an di Inking tht'i had to keep a close watch on him to ptcvcnt him fiom commit ting M > mu ciimc Tom has boon under aircst for nearly all the pot'y cilmcs In the category , but es caped sovcio punishment until ho lobbed the residence of Major Loddington This lobnuty took place about two and a halt' yea is ago anil was a most dailng cilmo Ho entciod the iniijoi s house Juut after diiinei and gathoiud up an aimfnl of silvci aio Ho was dlscoveied by Miss Leddington , who attempted to stop him Slio v\as knoikcd down , but fought with him until they ruiched thostuot , when Tom ic'iulorod her unconscious Ho was ciptured after a BO- voio snuggle and sentciuud tothieojo.ua in ptison Tom is hulr to a legacy of about $100 000 , which will lomain in his mothnr's possos- ion until her death. Ho could got none of thlsmono.v , and , as ho was an ambitious ioung man. It I alleged that ho did not le- colvo sufllciont cncauiagumont to engage in somp laudable entmpiiso 01 business Tim renmins will bo biought to Uniaha toda > for interment. When Cap'.tin Mostvn of the police foico bend of the suicide of Tom Can oil In the pcnltenlian at Lincoln iostrul.ij ho pio- dictod that Chalks MeClino , the Mlisouil Pacific tialn rubber , would do the s.tino thing "When McC Into left hero " sild the- cap tain , "ho told mo that ho would not serve * a long scntunci' The follow tbroaloned to kill himself , and as 1m seemed much down- himr.rd after ho ht-aid that hti would hava to sartor confincniPiit for fifteen joars , 1 would not bo surpiisod to hoar of tils iloath almost nil ) time Ho will select fiomo sen sational nuitlio.l of solf-lostrucllon , if ho docs , for the man lutes a good deal of no. toiluty " Unesad foatuioof the death of Ti'l" Car roll , the convict who sulcldoit at . f loin was the fact that hU mother , ho i eslUus in Omaha , had just Bccurcd a numerously slgaod petition to ( Jovi'i nor Uruunso , asking tnat her son bo tiansfoirod to the insane asjlutu. The mother of the > > ulcidu v\u : just on the \cigo of foruarilln tlio potltiou when she received woid of her son's suicide , 1 i Tha following mat riairu licenses wcro Is. \csiciiljj , .Name and Address Age I John I ) Morn'o. Omaba . -1 ! { 1'utronollt I'orKUii , Omnhu . ' 2- i Klnier J Ilohaium , Omaha . . . . . ' ' ! 1 Annlo K Klttleson , Unuhu 'Jl I 1'cU'r 1'ulha e , Oiuuhn , . . . . 21 I Froda.Yluu , Ouiaba . - MYDEN BROS , Great Special Sale of Dried fruita and Oannod Goods. ALSO A SPECIAL REMNANT SALE nntl riiiln of Summer Gooil * of Kvory Ir crlitlon | n * l.uw ni 'i l-2o it Ynril A < ! ouil llrooin lor lOc Attend TliUbiilo. SPHCIAL REMNANT SALE. Keinniuits of lawn , nainsook , tufted awns , llama cloths , satcun , glnuhnms , irlnts , taolo linen , tovvolltif , ' , shlrtlnjr , Jckln , Hklrtliif , ' . sh otliiff , muslins , lannuls , In fact , all odds and ends of mm mor goods of every description , as ow as 2cIc } , 5c , 7lo : i yard and up- ivaids. Prices are made to Bell and jloso out all these remnant * ) . It will lay you to attend this sale. SPECIAL PUIDAV SALE. 500 do/on brooms at 10o , loc , IDu , worth mil sold overywhoio at 2Jc , lioc and 50c. Alio a ( iOc mini broom for 2oc. GREAT SALE OI-A DRIED FRUIT. This fruit is all now and all this year's iick.Wo Wo have no old fruit on hand. Evaporated California apricots IOc. Evaporated California peaches IOc. Evaporated Califoinla grapes 5c. Now Turkish prunes 5c. Now Valencia raisins 7jc. Now California nectarines 15c. Host Alden evaporated apples 12c. } Now Califot nla cherries loc. Sun dried apples 56. Evapoiatecl blackberries 7ic. 3RCAT SALE ON CANNED GOODS. " -Ib can { joosoborrles , 7Jc , worth 18c. 2-lb can preserved blaekborries In pure sujjar syrup , 7c , worth 2oc. 2-lb can pieserveil raspberries , sugar syrup , 124o , worth 'Ijc. 2-lb c.in preserved straw berries , sugar syrup , 12c } , worth IWc. 2-lb can ptcborvcd blueberi'ics , 7Jc , worth 18c. 2-lb can vvliito wax beans , 7c , worth loo. loo.2lb 2-lb can sugar corn , 7c } , worth 12jc. 2-lb can lima beans , 7Jc , worth 12c. a 2-lb'can string beans , 7jo , worth 12jo 2-lb can eatly Juno peas , 71c , vvotth 17c. } 17c.All All kinds of California 3-pound can of plums , 12jo. H-pound can California peaches , Ific. ; i-ponnd can California apricots , loc. Homo made catsups , per bottle , 13c. Silver llako oat meal , oc. Coialino Hakes , ( i c. California breakfast food , He. American btcakfast cocoa , 33c Imported m.iccaioni , 12Je. Imported spaghetti , 12c. Impoitcd vermicelli , 12Jc. All kinds of washing powder , IOc. 20-pound pail of all kinds of jolly , 35c ; tegular price , 75c. 3-ound ] can of all kinds California plums , 12Jc ; tegular price. 25c. IIAYDEN BROS. Acouv oniont and pluasant place to ob tain luncheon. B.ildull , IS-JO Farnam. Low cat Chlcngo Itatcn V la the Northw ostorii Chicago rates gioatly i educed on both ono way and lound trip tickets via the Chicago & Northw estoni railway. These tickets are first clasa in every particu lar. Extra accommodations for World's fair travel via this line. City ticket olllco 1401 Farnam stroot. Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices on haid coal. Summer delivery. llcrnN Your U'ortct'n L'litr Opportunity. Rates cut in two ! On and after Tuesday August 1 , the Burlington Route will boll round trip tickets to Chicago , w ith a return limit of thirty dajs , at } > 147r ; > . One-way ticketb on sale at $7.50. Tickets sold at lates indicated above arc fieo fiom restrictions of any kind and entitle holdois to the fullest en joyment of the Burlington's superior fcerv ice. Tin oo vcbtibuled and gas-lighted trains daily. See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far nam sti cot and arrange to nuiko that long planned trip to Chicago. Omaha to Manawa , round trip 30 cents. Take the bi idgo line. COWGILL'S DINIAL. Cltj Illectrlrmn Kilters n Vlcorous 1'rote-fit A Rat in t Curtain Miltiinirnts. City Klectiiciun Cow'ill ) enters a vigorous denial to the asset tlou of Councilman lias- call that lie 1ms been derelict in his duty la notoide'ilng the Thomson-Houston eompmv to pi ie'0 nic lights at the inilwny crossings where the roinpitiiob h.ul rofusoil or no- glccte'tl to do sons rcquliod by n iccunt oull- iiunco of thu eoune-il Mr. Cow gill s lys th.it ho hits boon noting uimor Instructions from the city attoinov , and for that loason has noton'uicil the lights placed. 'J'hu tucorils of the oWco show that ) io no- tllicd the coinpinlos to i > Hco the lights , and that unless they did so ho would placo. them nnd t'm cost would ho assessed against the propei tof the comp iiilcs. as piovidcd hy ttio oidiiinnco a ropi of whicti WHS fur nished the dilloiunt railway companies A few ilnyt. iiftnr thq time oxpiied tor the compinlcs to place the lights , which was July " \ > nn amended oidinanco ho- inu1 passed nt tli it time , nnd subsequent , to the lime ho had notlllcd the companies to place the lights , Mr Cowglll sought ndvleo JiomL'itv Attoinoy Cotiiie'll Ho snjs tint ho WAS Infoimed by Mr Connell tluit it was host not to foi eo tin ) placing of the lights under tlio existing ouUnancolilch pio- vldod for lights of y,0X ) nominal caudlo jiow ct mid that If suili was done it might pinjudico the interests of the city In cnfoic- lug its contract with the Thomson-Houston company , vvhu'h requites that lights fur nished the city sh ill bo of 2,000 candle puuor , the won ! nominal not nppoailug. In this I'onucjtloii it may not ho unlntor- ostlng to note that t a veiy recent mooting n inmost was tiled hv thu licit Line cotmunv aganiHt phirini ; the lights , the only company that has t alien cognUanco of the city's eider to light Its crossings Tins protest was 10- foired to Mr IMvt aids' light rominlttco , and at tlio s uno tlmo a motion was made to sus pend enforcement of the ordinance until tno protest had noon Investigated This motion was withdrawn with the understanding that the ordiimneo would not bo enforced on top of tula votbil understanding the electrician U plaood on the rack because ho has fall oil to do Jiiit what the lionorablo council ngicocl should not bo dune. i > With nerves unstrung and heads that ncho \Viso women liiotno Seltzer take. Mormon Tuliornnrlu Clinlr. lion I ) II L'huvson , a bishop in the Mor mon church , and Horace U , Whitney , for merly business mMYfcccr of the Salt Herald , wcro ItuOniahA jesterdny morn ing endeavoring tif muko nrraiiRcmcnts for the ntiiirnmncw * f the world famous Mormon TixbornacJtl choir 1 o o SM'tembor 10. The choirijof 2.V ) selected voiecs , has finally conscntciL to enter the vocnl con test In Chicago d acini ; September , compet ing for the iX ( > 0 pnao offered for the best choir , nnd the fl.lXW prlzo for male voices , but to break tho' trdhmi of the touuicy will glvo conroitm at Denver , Omuha nnd other places. A ItalClq for Kmod. Is what Hood's Snrsnpr.rlllnlgorously lights , and It Is alunjs vlctorous In cxpelt ing nil the foul taints nnd giving the vital fluid ttio quality and ( | inntltj of perfect health It cures scrofula , salt rheum , bolls nnd nil other troubles caused by Impure blood Hood's Pills cure ait liver Ills S.V Sent hy mall on receipt of prle'o bv C. 1. Hood ft Co , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. nECEIV-ER HUNT TALKS. I'roupcctB Hint tlio City Will Not 1'urolmsu iho VVutor Works 1'lnnt. Hccciver Hunt of tlio water woiks com pany , in ; poaklng yesterday of the propo sition to have the city purch.-.so the plant under foreclosure silo , & lid ho was s Ulslled that there wns a misunderstanding of the situation , ns Uiero was not at the present tlmo : idy prospect of sueh a sato liking plncc. , ' 'Thero was some talk of that kind n few dnjs ngo , " ho said , ' -but that was when the semi-annual interest on iho bonds , duo August 1 , was not pild until n day or two after It vv.is duo The intciest amounted to Jl'J.IKM ) , nnd uUhouah It was on hand ut that time , I did not succeed In gutting an older of the court to piy It over until August 4. I then paid $10,000 , and the remaining W,000 Is now on hand 1 expect to get mi order to piy it over within the next day or two. Ido not see now how there can be any fmthor talk of a foreclosure until the Inter est is again duo , about the fltst of next year , nnd not then If the concern Is reidy to meet thoobllgulon. Ifthorelsa delay of n da > In that pijmcnt the bondholders have the right to move for n foreclosure , hut none of the other creditois have that right. We 111.0 pajlng all our operating expenses , and have nlso reduced some of the claims that wcio incurred before the recoivoishlp took effect Wo have pild the Allis Hngluo comp-iny all but S QOO of Its rlaiiu , and affairs are going along vcri satisfactory. " "How about Mr Venuci's scheme to ruor ganizo the comp my on a bisis ot a ? 0OJOOOJ , bonded indebtedness ? " "There are what might bo termed three factious among the stockholders and if any tweet them can get together they ein un- doubtedli shipo tilings to suit themselves Just whit the prospects nro for such nn agreement [ do not Uuow , ns they h.ivo been on the point of agiceing scvcial times , and the contents of the pan have been spilled into the ihc , with the effect of widening the bleach each time. Some time ago thoi eamo so near agiceing that it was icgarded as a deul open and shut that the deal would be closed the next day , and the report was sent out thiough the pipers that H had been con summated , as the difference was only a m it- tcr of about ? 0OOU , v el It failed toieceivc the cliiRher , and the fnetioub nro still npirt So far as default In meeting piyments is concerned I can sij that the interest has at all times been mot , with the exccptiou of the January pajmcnt , IhUl. That , howwer , was taken catoof ly Mr. Vcnncr , and although the coupons hive not been iccelved ut this ofllco as piid , they must have been tiikoti up by him , as he agiecd to do th it "List night , when I heard the talk of the foreclosure , I did not know but it was be cause of the dolaj m sending the moiiev for this month , but 1 received by this mouung's mail a icceipt tor the -MOKK ( ) I foiwaidcd. which shows that they are willing to accept it. and allow rnatiors to pi ogress as befotc I do not see any prospects of the city becom ing the owner of the pi ml at the present time unless It ptocceds in the stipulated ivaj to ha-ve the plnut appraised and then buj it at the iigures thus llxcd as thepiopcrpiicc " busy people have no. time , iand sensible people have no inclination to use pills th it make thorn siolc a day for ovciy dose they take They huvo learned that the use of Do Witt's Little Harly Htsers does not in terfere with their health by causing nausea jiiln or griping. These little pills are per fect in action and result , i emulating the stomach and bowels so that headaches , di//incss and lassitude aie prevented. Thci cleinsc the blood , cloir the complexion and one up the svstcm Lots of health in these little fellows AMONG THE BREAKERS. 1C. A. llnrrU and 1 * . r. Her Ciiught In tlio rrlsU in Cnliforiilii. Informition has been iccelved in Omaha that a couple of gentlemen who formeily re sided here and were piomment in business cheles tiftvo been sinking the Imaiici il rocks in California. The men rofoircd to are H A ( "Hob" ) Hainsand 1'eturi : Her. "Hob" Hart is is lemembored as one of the lirm 01 Hains & Pishcr , who used to con duct the p icking house at Hhceloy station. Mr Her was for manj jears engage' ! in the brew ing and distilling business The stoiy of their linancul lioublrs Is re latcd bi an Oakland piper ns follows. The I'lilon MOCK Vunts comp my at Ilodpn , on tlio line of tlio Southern 1' iclllc railway lu Cmitia Costa county , 1ms "UipMidi'd opi ra tions \ \ will le-suiuo ilo- pumK largc'ly ( in whit tlipntrlc.il peuplo iill tlio llndliiK of an .uwl. th it Is to stiy a person who will supply tlio funiK to keep the pi ly golnz. AM work vvai siifpended nnd Rhlpnors were notified nut to scud any niotu cattlu to the yards on Tuosdnv last. The linme'diato c.iuso of tliu cussntlon of operations w is the In iblllty of QUO of tlio two picking comp mips to c-mi- tlimu under oxlstltu lln incliil conditions The Intlohte'diii'ss Is not liupo and tlio plant Is 1111- qiiL'htlun ilily v alii ililo To thoroughly undoi- sl ind the hltiiatlon It Is nc'cc'ss ny to explain that tlioro are thru ) allllliuml comp inlos Thu orUnml compiiiy is tin * Union Stock YanU comp tny , nf which I'illicit Tormoy Is prcal- ill-ill ami O. 13. ( Jiosjc'au secretary , ill olhcr tuoaro the Kolli o I'ae'klngi oiiiu my , of which W II. bllhurhorn Is piesUlunt , and iho llurils 1'acKliiK con piny , of which It A MiirtU Is picbldont uiul 1J H. Uuslimau Is iec- rt'tiu ' y 'I ho two pnukliu coiiiinlos | ) Jointly inert the laigu killing and powur houses , and HIM Kodc o 1'iicUlii ioiiipany holng unable to continue , tlio Harris company tins hoi n foiuud to stop also , as It could not prnlll ilily earry Iho Ulll- IIIK and power houses alonu As soon us bllbor- liotn or hoinuono else Is i unity to si lit up thu Kodfo I'ackiiiK company the llauU I'acklng compiny will ruhiimo. The s uno authority states that Mr Her Is crampud tin uicl illy Ho Is In the packing biisincs's at Haden , a loiwi below San l-'ian elsco His slocks in Ihe Whisky Irust have dupiociatud and hU paclcltiL' house pioducts tno being fought In Fibc-o and Oakland. Thoroaro three things worth saving Tlmo , Trouble and Mono * , nnd Do Witt's Little Hulj HIseca will save thorn for you These little pills will B ivoiou time , ns they nut promptly. They will save \ou tioubio , as tiioy cause no pain. They will save you money as they economize doctors bills I oiirtlniiU Itoiiuli The Woodmen of the World will hold n plcnm nt the buactl this afternoon , The stereopticon views now run smoothly , last night's exhibition boitii. ' vlows of Hngland , Fiance uiul bwiueiland 'Iho Omaha guaids gave an exhibition drill last evimlni.'at Com Hand be.ieh The guards m ido n line appealanco in their full dress suits \vlth white trousers , Iho drill lasting iomo tirent } minutes The ciowd \vusnotas luiguusiho bei.ieh manugumunt nnttcipitted , tliu thicatoulng condiiion of the weather probably bolug uceouutablo for this. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Ponder. No Ammonia , No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , r A LION MIS PACT SALL The Unin Did Not Keep the Crowd Away From thq Wonderful BARGAINS ADVERTISED FOR YESTERDW .Mnny of Tlinm Are Completely Solil Out lint I'lniitr Are I.ntt for Tmlny Hot Ido Cli il- llc * Cio nt ! l l-'Jo. 20c vv ivsh yoods Gc. * . " ) C utitl HO wash ( roods 8Jo. ! "lio iiTio tllks ftt-o all frl U | but tlio f > 0c ino is still ooiuploto. tlioro tire silks in his imsorlmentvorth up to flOo. All of Cheney Bt-os' . best India- silks , 'Ct ' . Ladies' 91.2o ! vvnisls , 1 to a ctistoinof , , t ISo each. W .OO waists , $1.00. ThoAo atoall olioico now styles and : ire positively woith oMictly what vvo liiitti tlioin to bo. Ladies' i5.00 tuady inudo street suits 1.-48 ctiuh. All now styles ; lit jruaran- cod. $ .1.00 and $0.00 crystal bongalino silk loiob $1.18 c'ueh ; the nobbioat garment ) f the season. 8-1.00 silk waists today 81.-18 cneh. JlS-lnch homespun suitings , strietly all wool , retails nt 03o ovorv where , to- duy liTie. Mountain suitings vvortli 8 , " > o ; this is undo of heavy Scotch wool and is noted 'or its durability. At 2. " > o jioi1 yard it is i bargain not bo ov ci looked. 75e and $1.00 bedfoid cords go now at c. Only two n.orc d.iys of our gieat blanket bale. Don't wait and pay egular prices. You can buy blankets low at loss than they cost u * . $1.10blankotfc , ( ISo. $5.00 blankots. JILO. ) . S8.f)0 California blankets $4.08 , and HO ) ii. Any pair of blankets in otuhtot eon on can buy at loss than they cost us at ho f.ictoty. FALCON HITS COST CASH SAL12. I' . S. On Satin day of this \\cok wo ivlll place on sulo 112,000 jaidb of colotcd < atln ribbons. These ribbons vvoio bo- juiod by our Now York agent at a Into leromptory bale of a nmnuf.ictuier's coniloto | output. The ribb ins are not ill bilk , but their cheapness icuointncnds hom. They run from Nos. 3 to 10. Wo . \ ill bell thoin at Hcc ! ! an 5o per j at d ; no iinit ; oncanbuj all you want of them : it thes-o prices. Sco our cc'iitor bhow window. Tlio ribbons aio paiticulatly adapted for fancy woik. N. B. FALCONER. It Curcc Colda , Coughs Sore Thtoat , Croup , Influ enza , -Whoonine Cough , EronchitU and Asthma. A certain euro for Consumption m first stages , and a ourc relit fin advanced atagss tj e at ones. You will oce the excellent effect after takir * the first dose Sold br c ° * alcr c'orywnere Larje \Vo euro Catarrh , AH Dlsoiso * of fie Nose , Throat , Chojt , Stoiunoa. nnd Llvor. Rhoiiiuntiniii , Dy Blood. Slciii and iCiduoy FoiualoVoikuossos , Lost MiiuUoo I CURED , an 1 nil iormi of WEAK MEH IIYDIIOOKMJ AND V MllC'Oi RIM perm ini-ntly anil HiieeeHHfirily cuidil M lliu I new inclunf itlliif TUUAIill.M Hn VII , ti Hp pui n wllhumtliuimuor litilf * lU'iluii ) i Allin U icllosof t prlv Ho or Uulluitu iiituJ , of e-ltliin Bex , pojiltl\el > inroit C ill on or uihlriMH witli HlluiP for Clroilln I'leu lioolt K < cli'i.s.UHt bjmiitom Jlluiku , ' A 'liiii l1 1K " " " " ' ! 5tl1 st i a olllii ) , o Mn v , M.II. EDUCATIONAL. Academy of the Sacred Heart , PANIC i : , U.MAIIA. , This Acailciuy ib located on fUJth and Hurt streets. The site Is ele- vatcd and beautiful. The plan of instruction uniteb every advantage which can contribute to an educa tion ut once solid and refined. Par ticular attention is paid to cultiva tion of manner and character. oimi * Ti VN cor.ii : < ! i" , rim loaiiinsr Hciiuoi Intliowehl ( orjoun * women loc Uml In Colum bl.i Mo be-U uf sfilu unit amity litrk'uiiiuleoiiinio dioiiHbtilUlliiirn heatoit bj liouv Ui'r J3t 'ii ) lue- trio lliflits llnett irrouiiiiit liitlioilitu lir.ro now chaiiulhu Hi-it v. till oiuri ell itn l.iuij iirlldln of fiiriilturi ! Inuliiilhiff | iluiiiM nu\t . VMlliuut doubt lliu bcbl turnUliou ailiuol wosl clliii \ ' x eulletit. vrkiliutti. ; eoitrsotlii Wtor Hiiro I.Tii.'ui BIB Mi.me Kluctiilur.iJ Dulsartc Kuulii i li > tlioroiiBli ino.'res < the nu nuinNl' ich In thu uul lilfe * isliblt : Tn-J In 1S5U Ovur 1UO .iHiniiij ) Next buMHlon b. sliia Sopl tl Si-nil form ) i ) iiro lllumr u eU e.il iJurfiio 10 FKANK I * sr OLAIll , 1'ios ColiuiibU Mo FEMALE ACADEMY it i/rar. rreparalor. ' CuIlezUte Mul < * MiLounen tor W climl j iMnmi.Vmiir eml Inr Illiultiitnll U- Addreiskr Il/LUUDA il Juikwuvlllii. III. ACADEMY Warren -Collt-fo I'ro WAUUKN Norm il Ac-idon y UusinoiB Mus and Typo WritingCotiraeii tor c-ilnloi e uU .ulr u 1 Al LA U DUN till frini.lul | MIUTARY MEW YORKMI.VITARYJXOADEMY , INCol.O.J.WrlgUt , U. H.A U.Coru ttlih ; Y. Knotty , and Not Nice the hands < C i X that do the incf and old-fash- cleaning - - ioncd , tire- some , hurtful way. Treat thciu better , treat them to Pcarl- inc. It saves jnly the hands , but the rub , ub , that tells on the arms and - the back , and all the harm that comes from it. Think f of the wear f and tear that's made b y a strong , healthy woman with a w a s h b o ate though she's "tired to death" after it. Then think how much better , and cheaper , and easier it is to use Pearline. Peddlers nnd some unscrupulous grocers will tell . "this is as peed ns" or "the same ns 1'carlinc. " IT'S \ _ / FALSE readme is ne\cr peddled , if jottr eroccr sends ou an imitation , be honest ttnJit tsck. 307 JAMES 1'VLlT New York. "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT , " GOOD W1FEI YOU NEED i'KKMAMNrr.v CUREI ) Qr N ( ) m NO PAY UNTIL CURED. Worofofryott to.lMJ puli'iiti FlfWflt REFERENCE I t , , ao o , , io , cmo i IMiids of KUIM'IMcl' < ff .it h saxo VithS t th Ubu of knlfo. no mnliur of lo , long si imlluff , EXAMINATION1 FREE. THE 0 , E , KlILlSfl LEXINGTON ( IrtO. , ) SCHOOLS. BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. tLUAUETM AULL 8KMINARV Unsurrn scii eour o of . /j l -J , stily Muilc , art llu.ro HOnt ot IhcclJcsl bcal m MIJ Atj5Li ! ] H" \f \ lun elocution business lie nouri Api > oinlminl modern Locution healthy mil picas MuilondArt Tvacncr > , ! = * . lnu ° " water attain beat. Sp < ( l > llils tllutlraud C4l j .1 JSlli j e r openi Scpi. r W.A WiUonA M , Pr st CENTRAL COLLECT FOR VOUMC LADIES. _ - J- < * . ' - > Lc.niBli.n. Vn. Slide WENTWORTM MILITARY ACADEMY , PirtnicniKoflniirnciion IS adeem unJ icacbcm Con Odctt military school hi ecrvnlory ot music. Art Missouri . llctllhlu ) ) b V. lion. HrasonaMe tcrm ( VGjmn lum Modern up- | 1polnlincnla. thjear llllu j Irotpd ojlnlnpua MM 6 El I I.CIU , ' . A. t. .IO\FM. Pr. . ' . Hot IH9. . . . . , . 314 South15th blreot , Omaha , Neb 10 ( > lulln'nt ipccinllBt In mrv ons olironkiirlil blooJ \ sktu anil tirltt in illHoiseH A rcculnr nnfl rcirlHti - SIICKSS ii-tlRriiluito citinli lost InmoilMnu niinliooil ismploiii - IH mil - urtltlc - ties - willHO\\ | ! IH Hill tro Ulujr vi Itli tlio er ite i at SQc on the $1.00 Greatest Bargains ever offered \\nfc for Special Bargain List No. O , just out , with description and pairs that aie Below Alani-facturer's Costs. ! ! ( ) ( ) Bii-yclos .it a tremendous wii-iilico toclcurtip tliubtat-oji's btibinta" . Now is the time to buy and bavo tuom-y. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Lincoln , Neb , OUR PHOTOS A HI : OMA" SI'OKEN OF IN PKAISK. At I'opuldr I'rltes. , S. 15tU Straot' ' WHY SHOULD YOU PAY 25c As you li i\o lieretcfore done , for a LIGHTWEIGHT , ROLL COLLAR , We are now making one. with Deep Points , equal to any in the maiket , FOR 20C. ASK ONLY FOR THE ALDMERE. Sold by all the Leading Ucn' Furnnhsrs. The Monarch H the best warm weather fahirt. bilul comfort and complete atUfac- lion guaranteed. CLUETT , COON f < . f P PROTECT YOUR EYES EyegUssoj. IIAXNEYERBRO EYE GLASSES < ! COMPANY. 1 > I I > TVT1 Vti Ontairh I'onuerctin < ilirrli J5J lilSi \ I r > AlliliiureihlH f.Oiei IH HOTELS. THE OMAHA EUROPEAN HOTEL. hltnlta Jioiu U'firJi/1 * I'alr lilt- 200 rooms biu- IO-A Niton TaUo " I'lirlt cublucdi * 11 blllownj otllio Mtlrrty "Manu Ifei I' B AloxtltipU'Pnuio _ the Hflereer. Omahn's NewastHot3 ! . Cor 13th and Uo 4r4 btrcou ( Ori.ouu fi5JiJ r day < 0rnoin tt.0. yer any M rooms wllh UatLi ut U tier d i > . t with bnth uttl 5J par J y. in l.mrj Hfjpfct. iy runtltl > il 1 hniuL-liiiiit C.8. ERb , Prou. New York Hospital TREATMENT. For nil Nsmu , Private and Special Dis3a533. ofbatli MEN AND mm Flncturo nnil nil otlisr troulilos troitod nt ro ison.iblo e-linrffcs. CONSUH'ATION I'UIC. ; Gallon 01 uddrois : on DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB " Upposllall tydon Urns. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. TJ. S Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , 8400 , OOO SURPLUS , - 805OOU Omei'rs niul DlrcttorH HI nry W Y.tloB , prn l- dent H r CiiHlilui ; vl ) pruHlueiit , ( ' S Miiurlca , W V Maim Jolin S Uolllus , J N U. I'alrlok Lewis S Keeit , c luhlui THE IRON BANK. SPECIALIST NEW ERA M -IJHil\l , IMSl'K.NSAKY. ( flllHIlltlltlDII IVul . ) lii unsurpnsiuJ III tuu iruutmanl uf ml Oiitoulo , Prlvuto nul Anrviu * Dl ouwn . . .Wrltoio or ooniult iiorninaltr j lit ) A I MI.M KV MAll. . , . ? Aitilren vrllli stump ( or p r- t7Hi.iiiur which will bo mat la JIlJiOSi uillo.j HU 3. lllhi on. I * the only SPECIALIST , WIIOTIIIAT8 Alt. 2 PRIVATE DISEASES' and DEBILITIES of ' MEN ONLY. Women Eicludtd. IB yean uxpcrlnno * . Vlrculnr * fret , 1 4th and KarnambU. . Nro. " ' yJPS-\mWSlSSt IllLli U U0Aml I all th * train at r.VJI.WAK.SKbsKS Dr.HIMTY. UTO , thai ftoi- con iiitn > limn in nor QUICKLY and PKHM ; KINIUY : CUHUO v uritE.sc.rii Mill * ton % ci > iin w.v ry pit tlliu ho < ly. I will | | Mend lm ( o- ei reiy p cu U , PIU5J 19GJ turferor Ilia prenilp- lion Ihsl cureJ nutut tlican UouU'un Atlilro.i O. II WKI011T Muni : lc l r. lUix lu .Mlclil uu.