THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , AUGUST 11 , 10 , ' ! . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Everything on 'Change Showed Strength and Olottd Hitler. CORN OPENED AT A FRACTIONAL ADVANCE IUr | pti of ! loic § M cro Ailn flirmll nnil 1'noUmic in the \\fil tar the IVtrk Uhnweil a llcnvjr Utr. CHICAGO , Aug 10-Every thing on 'chivnfte hovvcd sticnglh todiiy and closed at nil ad- Tiinco Wheat Is tioailv lo bolter , corn and ofitN , notvTithsUndliiK topoits thnt tlio big drouth hnd been broken , Rained 'jjc each I'lovlslons. doiplto jellow fever at 1'ens-i- cola , had very few soft pots , and closed ! 2e > c higher for Ijnl , H > u tor potk anil lOo for tlbi A dispatch from New York said that only H&,000 , < )00 ) of uli.irlng house cflrtitlcates insucd h id rcallv been used and this amount r.isil.v ho retired l > y sold from Iitiropo or by the cmrency now beinR taken out by the b.inlo. Who it opened Jfc higher thin yesterday's closing Ilijuros , ducllncd from Jrfc to yto , ad vanced & , c , hold fulrly steady and closed about KO to le higher than vcsteul.iy. Corn at the opening showed from c to Cftthanco.but soon reacted on ropoits that it \vns then mining la sovcinl pirts of the corn bult , principally at Oinahn and bloux Cltv , and tlio prosuccu wore of the rain becoming eunoiul : it many oilier points 'Iho ) ) rlce hoiked back a full cent from the opening flgntcs. iifteuviird ralliinR < c , changed loniovrhtit and at the close ( jaini d a fraction O.its opened ftom V to c hlRher in sym pathy with coin , reecded % c , milled 'i'c , but closed .ibout the simo as josteM.iy. KucoiptB of hops were uRiiin smill and packing In the west for Iho vvook amounted to only 1 0,000 , against SO'i.OOO for the corresponding vve'ok lust year Much ol today's strength in products , however , had its basis in peed cash dom ind for I.ud and on Iho advance in London of-s per cut Business In ribs and pout lipht Freights vvero slow and tales woio Btcadv at J c for who it und le for coin to liufTalc and ' 4c for o.its to Port Huron Kingston room was dull and lower at ! % for l > timatcdiotiiptsfortomoiiow Wheattil cars , corn , t50 ! cats ; oils , ' . ' 00 can , hogs , 6,000 head The loading futures ranged as follows : < ' ish ruotitlons | ; i > ro us follows : 1 Minn Dull ; unch insi'd \\I11AT N < i 2 spilntf , 59'jCi No T spring f. o I.6HQ5HV : No 2 ml , 50H50 si- . COIIN No 2 , 38'Je ' ; No. 3 , yellow , closlni : Rt 38' cOATS OATSNo 2 , 24o ; No 2 white , f. o. b e7 , asR ! < " , No 3 white- . o h , 2H"c. KM-No ' 2. 5Gc. HAIII kNo 2 , ; No 3 , nosulev No 4f o h , 32c I l.AHi n > No 1,01'iC. TIMOTIII Si ID I'l lnn > , $3 ' 10. 1'onk Mo i per hill , $12 roai2 75 ; lurd ptrlOO His ? 8 ja iRH 37'S ' ; short ilhs" ( loosi-l , f7 I2'M747'J : dry sillnl .houldcr ( hol. | l. t7,00tt7.25j bhort clu ir Mdus ( buxod ) I7ri2i.tt7.87" WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pur B il SUOAIW UnchmiKoli cut Icnf , G'fc ! grnnii' Inli-d , f. 82 ; slandiiid "A , " 0 70 The follnnliiR neru ihu rccc-lpU und ship ments for iod i > : On tlio i'rodneo oxelmiiKo today the biittei inaiKot w is , ( Inn ; oreiiniDiy7ti'22c \ ; dairy lOa'JOc. KKKS , weuk , htrlctly fiesh , 13'5c. Non Ynrk Murkctfi. Nrw Yonn , AUR. 10 rixinn Itecolpts 84,000 iiUcs ; expottb , 4,000 bids , 1,000.aeUs sales , 11,700 pks ( , niHrkot e isy , quiet : bldi jtcncrally GiiilOc minor m.irket , Mlnno kota dear , $2&0 < a300 ; .Minnesota str.ilirhts $ J 30 < a4 (10 , Minnesota pntantH , * 3 ao4.30. f OIIN Mrtl. Mcaily , ciilct. | KM Dull nominal ; vvusturn , & 5c HAHI i-.v MALT Dull , \\ealvor ; western , 002 Win AT Hecelpts 222,000 bu. : oxporls , 131 , 000 bu ; hulek , 1,270,000 bii of futures , f.4 000 bu. spot. Spot iniirkot Urine vsith ojitlons very dull : No. 2 red in store nnd elevator. 07' , < 3G7'c Hlloat , (5H"aOH'c ( : f. o. b , m ffiC'j'anii ur.utod rod , OOfedUc ; No 1 northern , GB c ( JptloiiH opi nod firm at iiftV udvaiico will thu west and on linn cables , fell " .M'Je 01 binall clearances Mid local roall/ln , rallloi Ha c on lltfht recolpu west and closed' ' nt " .ffl" , ! ' over yeMnrday. vvlth dull tr.ulo H avralttiiK the govormnent report ; No 2 red 67c , closlnx at ( > 7'ic : ( uplcmher , GH'.S GO'lc , closlnc at OOe ; October. 71'8 < 271i.t closliur nt 71a c ; December , 7&3ja7Giclos * IIIK at 7Gc. Coim Hecelpts , 108,0001)11. ) ; exports , G7.00i Jill J Bali H , 300,000 , nil futuies , 20,000 lin tno | bliots llrmot. dull ; No. 2 , t7',5t4734c ' In lie valoi ; 4BS4HSc alloat. Options opom-i Bteudy , stroiiK at "B 'JC advunco on Hull oluiiliiKK , foil a 5 ? o on e islei cables am weaker west , nil Hid * < @V on coveiliiK AIII forelKn biiv Inc. closlnif htoidv at > . & \ iun August. 47'G4H'iC , , cloxliiK at 17'e , boiiteni her 47if4HJIc ( , closliiR at 4b'c : Uetohni , 48s SWOe , closliiK at 4Uc ; Uecuinbor , 48@48' , , ( : closliiK at 48c. OAlt , Itecelpth , GO.OOO bu ; experts , 3.00 bu .sales. 130,0001)11 ) fulures , 45,000 bit spol bpols , dull , Hi HUT for white Options llrniei ' dull ; AuKiihl , , 31Mj3l 4c. cIosliiK .it aiv' heptombor B071Tc31'e ( , closhiB at Sl'.e' ( Jc tobur , 31 i,5i.ll'c. closing at 3l'c. ' No 2 white Miot , 30' ' , 40'Se'No ' : 2 Cl.lcilKO. . 33uaJj"c No 3 , 31' , > Bl i' . No. 3 white ! , aoe ; iiiUc. . VM sloin , 31&JOC , wlilto we'itoin , 39Jt6c | llAV-rlrm. lloih-Diill. . IllDiH-Diill , vvenkj wet Raited Now Orlnan iolecliil,4D iOO Ibs , 4 t.c : solectul. 40ftG lt > s , 4'iiiG c , Iliiomis Ayre-s dry , 21M24 Ibs 1 loiToxnH dry. 2l27 His , 80'ic. t'uiivitiioNti Cut nu alN , dull ( Inn Mri firmer , dull , vu'stiirn steam closid at 8 0 bid ; uh b , 200 tierces ut iti UO ; ( iinluiu a.ilc < none : August cloM-d at IH.OO aslied ; boiiteni bor , IHUOiifik. d ; October U8 HO asked Vork linn falilj notlvo ; nuihs.JU.OOaUiOO. llDrtEii lliinoi , fair demand , \\osier i-'i1"1 ' ' 417c' ' wofciorn creamery , IGii'jJc UlKlns , 2.'c y , quiet. i/- ! ) ! ! ) ! , steady. I'fciiioi.uueakor , runnsjlvnnln ol ipot snlos , none : hoptoinbur onilon s lie nime. 50unUfil , Umuoll , biilcb nmioj tu iN-l'ull.hloiidycommon ' ! to good , OOci , . . . . . . . , 2uiQ2Gc. ) . . . , "i r" - " - > " .j li'K-lalrly ueilvo , tlrm doinoilli . ' , - iii. , 2\'t Oil1 ! .liipnn , 41,04 1 ; M ( > l.A > .hts-Now UrleiuiH , onou Uuttlc. ROO toehold ) , qillot , HUiuly , iiOilSMC. ' ( - . | | , Htuaily , saleai 700 hut contrifiiK.ils , ur tuht. at .Pe. 7f > ( ) b KS mol i IOH - 89 test J - .uiirBoo" hiiKiir , , m , and two . ce , , toidy , fal Amurloiin , I12.76 < 1660 Cori-Ell-Oiilet ! lake. 9 05 la Alt Qnlul , domibtlc. M.25 ltoad7.QUlt' ' ' btrulu' " 84 ° . I'latcg , dul Ht'fcl.TliU Sternly ; dometllc3.87J ( .Neworh Dry O.niiU Mnrliut NKWYoitK.AiiK 10 , liikpltoof the mice tnlnly foltasto current nation il u > KUlittui Iho b tuatlon In thu dry uooili. iradobeen moro hopoful. Iho full trade hah lieuim wil jiilibi'rs and tliuro U loss disposition to HIL-UI Ihu futuru a < dark , bomu of the l-heapi rrnde of ROHls nro In lHUterrt > iiiekt. us thu- tut inov IIIK freest with Iho jobber * tilso. TI : worst Is belli ) \ cd to bo ov er , Wool Slurlit'l. HOSTON. Aug. 10.- The wool trade closed du ind foiituiolc . The low prici'ti don't uttrm buynrt. Fltceo woolt nro very Uull. I'l ' irukhrd und unmerchuiitnblo ileecus , 16&2i lit to ( iimllly. Unwiibhed. IHitlOc fur un luarter bloou unit 20o for throo-olBhtlis To tllory wool celling fulrly at 40c cluuu for Un uti'l 35'K40't for Mno tnrdlltm Tcxnn nnd CnllfornlK lon on n soured b isU of 40U4JC i'ullf rl vtooli dull nnd In forolRti nooN no trurt- ItiK otcoiiicipioncu I'roilnco Market. -A-Piincjr crtiinerli's , solid parked , lOr ; fair to K od creameries. olld packed , ISIMBcicholo to funcv country , 14ttlf > c : fair to coort country , lv 4lsc ; pnckhin mock , frcnh , lie. Ktins Tlio market Is practically steady and there Is not much llf' ) to thn tr.idii. The re ceipts are not larK * . ' 'ut they are Mtfllclcnt to supply the Made , f lie bulk of the sales tire reported ut 10'iilHc. liivr I'OUI.TIIV 'Iho receipts for a fowdiys buck luivo not boon so Inrgu und the market has been well denned up most of the time. I'tlici bnvn not advanced but stocUo tuovo murnrcadilr than they did and the mtrketls upon thr whole , In a moro s itlifnctory con dition Some choice yoiinc duck wern ro- oivoil and brought 10c ; tholco old hens , 7' ' { < ft He ; old roosters , 4ilic ! ; Miring rhlckeiiR , lull lie. I'OfATOKS-Thoro l < very llltlo doing In poln- toe * and very fovv find tholr way Into lh hands of thu rownilsslon mun at tlm present time The local growers do not npprnrloho bunging in us nnny as they wort * , hut still there ate eunuch to fiitmily ( ho loc'il rotull trade On orders from tliu country they are wet Hi nt least Ouii70c UAI itousiA 1'nunt A good many cling Mono puuches uro coming from California at this hoasor and there Is also a good supply of caily ( Jianfords U'irly Crawford peaches , per box , f 1.2. > 441 SO ; ( peurs , per box.'i 10CI226 , V'lums , per box , tl 30 2 00 , neclarlncs , tiei box , 81 Oo ( IltAi'iH bo far this jtoason thnre. have not biun very many grapes in from California A tar of bouthcrn Illinois ( jriipus has been received from Iho section of llio uoitnlrT where It In Raid the crop U verv short , Cali fornia , pet case , tJ ; Illinois , per 9-lb bnsknt , 4MtrOc SIruiNH Iho supply of VTiifnrmolons In largiir than It was a few days a o , but still thcra tun tint unotlgh to rcdiico prices very iniieli ( . ! ( ( ( vviilerinolons mo inllliiK nil tlio way from JIBUi J2fi poi 100. Join cantaloupes , biskuts * 1 M ) ; sboit ct.ites , Jl.OOiil 70 : long cr t s , * 200iW20 llntiitisi Tliero am still K fovv hlnckborrles comliiK and HOIIIU blueberries. Illackburrlcn per 2l-it | , t30oa3.20 ; bluoborrloi , put o-l | e-ase , $1 Ari'i.t-H No apples to nniount to anything are bnltiK shrfrpcd In , but Urn supply of Inline KroHii KlocU IN lllionl. Cliolco lliiuhois , pot bbl , | 30oan.2Gj common \iiriotleu , JJOOfl 200 CAiiiiAdKTlio business In shlpplns cabbage to tlio country nppoars to bo about over , Occasional ordois uro received and tilled at t-'Ei.i itv "trny xhlpments nro arriving and tlio iii ) illty of the stock Is pronnunLod good for this se isuu of tlio ye ir. Celery , per do bunihei , 30c. OSION- ) Homo crown stock Is plenty at \ \ Vic per Ib on orders from llio country TOM A IOL8 Illinois stock , per4-bisketcruto THOI'ICAt , FMIJITS io sloidy warm woatlior pro- dm esu veiy fairdomand for Inmons and all houses mo. doing a good ste-vdy business Ir them. Messlnas. extra fancy , JGOOaG50 , per ho\cbolco to fancy. $5 00j 5 50 OiUNdEs Tliero urn only a few oranges IIP riving. Klverslde Mediterranean sweets , 43 70 HAN VNAS 1'rlces romtln about steidy. 1'ei bunch , l-irge , J2 25U2 75 ; per bunch , brnull U inedhim , } J 00&2 JO 111DM , TAMOVV , ITO Hinrs-No 1 green hides 2\Jc : No. 2 groor hides , 2c ; No 1 green silted hides , 3c ; No. C gieen salted hides. 2c ; No I green saltoi hides , 2. * ) Hito 40 ibs , 3c , No 2grcon i iltet hl < le , 25 lln to 40 Ib2c : No 1 voalcilf 8 Ibs to 15 Ibs , fie : No 2 veil naif , B Ibs to 1 ! lbs,3cNo ; 1 dty Illnthldos , 6c ; No Udryllln bides , to , No 1 dry Halted hides , 6c. I'ar ; cured hides iie poi Ib le-,3 thin fully cured. blltnI'Cl.Ts Oreen salted , ouch J5cSJ1.25 green Kilted shearlings ( Hbort wooled carlj s-klns ) , e ich 10aJ5o ; dry slioatllngs ( sheri vsooled oirly skhm , No 1 , eichSaiOc ; drj sbiiarllngs ( sboi t ivooled early Hklns ) , No. 2 each 5c ; diy Hint , Kansas and Ncbraski butcher wool pelts , per 11) , actual eight , 103 lie , dry flint ICunsisind Nebraska miirruli vyool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 710c ; drj Hint Color ido but ( her wool polls , pei Ib iicluiil weight , OQlOc ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pelts , pnr Ib , actual weight 7 < &Ue dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , Dt67c TAM.OVV ANI ) OULARR Tallow , No 1 , 3'Jc tallow , No 2. Jc ; crease , vUilto A 3'jc ; gre iso , vvhlto II , 3c ; greasu , yellow 2Jtc ; grease , dirk , 2'4c ; old btittur , 2i62Kc w | svvapilme , 10a25c ; rou h tallow , 25 © Jc. _ St. I.nuU Mnrki-ts. ST f.oius. Aug. 10 Piooii Unchinged n FAT Closed Sc ahovo yeslerday ; No ' red , easb , 55 .c ; Augiihf , fibc ; beplember , OS1 3581,0 ; Dei ember , GGiiC. COIIN Lost ' on ruin In corn holt ; No. : mixed , cnsli , 35o ; August , 34' c ; beptembei G e ; year , . ! 4'c ( Mrs I'lrm ; No 2 cash. 24c ; August 23'4e ; September , 23'4c. HvbNo trading IUlll.1 v .No Hading. HAY -Unchanged HUTTFH Unch ttued : sopirator croaraorv 2Ui22o ; eholco dairy , 193 0c. r < Hin lliirhanged ; 10' Jc 1'liov istost Stronger. I'ork , H3 25. I.Alin-JH 12'ifl8 25 HAMS Unchinged. HrCEins Hour. 2,000 sicks ; whoit , 16 , OOObu. ; coin. 83,000 bu ; eaU , 41,000 bu. bnii-MKNTS i'loiir. 0,000 sacks ; wheat , 0 , 000 bu ; coin , 48,000 bu ; oats 4,000 bu. KHIIHMK City VInrknU. KANSAS CITY , Aug 10 WiihAT i'irm ; Nt 2 hard. 51 > , ffi5Jc ; No 2 red , 5454'i ; . Cons I'lrni : No 2 mixed , JOaJOJJc ; No white. 30U4410'e. OATS No 2 mixed , 23&24c ; No 2 vvhltt nominally Jja27c. ( HyK Hie idy : No 2. nominally 4Gc. ri.Ax'-Ejn Nominally 744 75c. ItitAN rirm at48lJ50c. HAY I'lrm and unchanged IltiTTEii We.ik ; croatucry , lGS19c ; dairy , 1 © IHc. rous Steady ut9c. Ht CtttiTs Wheat , 13,000 bu ; corn , 0,00 bu ; oats , none bnil'ViENTfl Wheit , 22,000 bu.j corn , 1200 bu ; outs , 1 5,000 bu 4)11 UnrknU. On. Our , Aug. 10 National Transit certlli cates opened at 58'i ; hlghnst , 50 ; lowesi 58" ; closed , 58' ; sales 18,000 bbls ; clear anct s , dti.OOO libls ; Khlpmontb , 103,710 bbls , runs , 80,048 bbls. 1'iTTSlictiio , Aug. 10 Nitlonal Transit cer tlflciitcs opened nt58J4 ; closed , 58 ; blghesl 59 ; lowest , 58'i ; biles 10,000 bbls. LONDON. Aug 10 ( , 'ALCUITA I.I.NSI.I On- bpot , 42s 3d per ( jttartnr. 20s9dffi20s lOd uorcvvt , Tuni'B.NriSK M'litiTS 20- , Od@ils per cwt. CiiAlu.hsiON , Aug. 10. Tuiu-LNTiMj-btead at2Jic. HOSIN Steady at 8c for Rood strained. Coltnn MurluH. Nr-vv OnirAvs Aim 10. rutiiroR , sfoadv sales , 34,700 bileij August , * 7 ( )1 bid : t-ai tenibor. $7021X704 bid : October , * 7.11I&7.1E Novoinbor. $7.20i7i7 20 ; December , 7.30a7 3C .lannaiy. * 7.01417 02 ; robruury , $7.0'JjJ7.Gl Maich , ? 7 G7 7 ( > 0 btnady ; eooil middling , 7 ll-10c ; mlddllni 7d'J b.ili ! : BIUSH , 77u'b.iles ; nulos , 1,000 bales stock , 01,240 bales Liverpool LtvniU'OOf. , Aiig.'lO ' WIIKAT Quietdnman POOL holdeis olfer freely , No i Cullfoinl' 5sUdic5s ( Hid per contil ; rod weatorn sprlni 5s7ditDs8il pur cental C'on.N ynlot , demand moderate ; mixed wosl oin , 4s 7d per cental 1'wivinioNs Lard , 42s Gd per cwt for prim western produce TAI ijovi JOb per cwt. for flno American. , < iii aiiuao Jllurknts. MII.VVAIIKKC. Aus ; 111 WIIHAT ririn ; Soj tember , O'Jc , No 2sprlnK , OH'ic. CoitN-Olllet : No 3 , 38lfl3Uc. OATH iJnclianged ; No. 2 white , 30c : No. v > hlto. 2c ! llAHi.KV-Unch umed ; No. 2 , OOc. K\ Dnchnmrid , 4 Ic. l'HOVl | jNS 1'lllk , tl230. Colteu Mlirkot. Nrvv Voitit. Aug. -Oulluiu opened bare ] htoady , 0 to 2O points down : closed blond1 lllie'h ingid to 20 iiylnls ilouin sale-s , 17,2' Ings , Including AIIIII , Jl I HO , Dtcuinlin * ll ( > ( Vi&l4 bO.lamiaivH4 40 , M irch. * 14 IO 14 JO ; May , * ! 1 OOUiH.10 r pot | { | o , dull , non Inul ; No 7.J10 C'liiuiiiniiti Vlitrhrt * , An 10-WilBAT-Nomlnal ; Ni 2 led , OOe- COIIN ( JuIul.No 2 inUud , 4tc. OAIS 1 Itinui , No 2 mlxod , 20c. WlllflkY-eJuletutll 1. I'eorm < nil nliirkot. * . l'uiiiAug 10-CoiiN-rirm and ui cli inged. No 2 , 37u : No 3 , 3Gc. - y ; No. 2 white , 24ia20'ic ( ; No. lu"K-Nomlnal - _ llitlthnoru ( inuii MitrUat. IIAI.TIMOIIE , Aug 10. WIIKAT I'lrmcr : So1 timber , liG'ii ! , Cons Dull and easy. Suptonihcr , 47 > Jc OAib ( juleti No 2 white western ( now ) , 34 Minneapolis VVIiunt Mirkut. : MlNNEAI'Ol.lS. All * \\IIEAT-rash > 01 dull : futures dull , .September. & 4itu ; Decoi Ur , li2J o ; No I northern , 6G 07)Jc ) ; No northuin , & 4c. riillRilelplilu ( iralu .Market. I'liii.AiiEii'iiu. AUK 10. WHEAT ririn ; N 2 rod , August , GfrffGO'ic Coiis-l Irm ; nilxul , At.guit , 47V348C. OATSIrm ! ; No 2 mixed. 34c Tuledi ) ( Irjlu Muruut. Tpi.Kpp , AUK 10.-WiiEAT-btoadyj No. COUN koady ; No. 2 cash , 41c. OAIi ejulotj ciish , 20c. In tlio London Murket. NLW Voith , Aug , 10-TUu Evening 1'osl Lotidiin llnnntlnl ropott ttiyt , The rosorv * tin- reAseddurlni ; the wenk 12,297,000 , of which i'l.Nao.O'Jt ' ) was In gold for export , the dntalls icing 1,9M,000 to the United Mate * , 155,1)00 ) o Muntreil , nnd i.50ouo to Constiinllnoplc nnn tiundrcd slid thirty-six thoiisnnd Ibs. itno In from the continent nnd 100.000 from Australia , Today the Hank of Knglnnd sold 139,000 In caclos and 30,000 tovcrclgns for * ew York. Ihn bank hni raised the rate of Iscoutilto 4 porront , and the soiling iirlco of aclej to 70s iod , and practically refuses to ell anymore liar gold was In stronger de- Kind at 7fu Hllver wns up to 34 > jd , nnd npep paper was lower at 08'4d Tht mirkots vcro quiet today and undecided , pending cv 1- DIICO that the gold drain would bo met from "rnnco 1'arli exchange has a tendency loss avornblo. _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AND IIONDS. inprovlntr IVndonry ChnrKoterlrnd llenl- In ; ; * A in ( ing Ntur Vork Spftculntor * . Nnw YotiK , AUR. 10 The affairs at the Stock exchange today ihnwod nu impioving ondency , chiefly in conscnuonco of the icav.v arilvalsof gold from Uuropo and tha urthcr ongaKonionts mndo in Liondon for hiitment of the yellow motnl to this iildo tlmulatod purchases for both the long nnd hort accounts The feeling in financial irclus VTtis ono of encouragement nnd eadlng banners , for the llrst titno in sov- rnl v > eoks , expressed the belief thnt the Ituatlon was on the mend. No applications or cluirlni ; house lorn certificates wcro inndo todny , and it is not Improbable that n onsidernhlo amount will ho canceled hortly. So far as the stock market is coti' otnod , it is to ho said that It advanced [ Uiekly on good novvs , whorcns but n fern la.vs ago it inndo but a fccblo response. At the opening. Louisville fc Nashville broke ZJg per cent to Kin ) , sympnthj vlth n drop in London. St. Paul nnd Sugai veicnlso heavy , the latter folding as mucli as IV per cent As soon as it was founO thita fovr long stocks wcro coining out ti sharp advance ensued , and in turn induced selling of the short accounts nnd there was a reaction. During the afternoon the bears alarmed and under the inlluonco ol , hcir purchases , ns well us the support accoulod the market by hulls , a genera ! advance took place. General Hlectrlc noved un 5J percent to 41 ! ' ; Star Union percent to 'J7' < ; Union Pacilic , 2 pet cent to SO'.f ; Burlington & Qulncy , 3Ji poi cent to < 9 'Iho 1'ost says : Upwards of * 4,000,000 in gold came in by today's English stcamoi ind moro was taken for import from UK Bank of England. This latter account was novvovcr , cotnpirntUcly small , duo partly U ihc bank's advance in discount rates and litho the soiling piico of Ameiican coin , nm p u tly to the fact tint no other ate linen sail fiom England for New York until Sat urday. This linanciciing on the part of tin bank's directors is plainly governed by tin [ impose of shifting the strain fron their own cold simply to that o " the Bank of" France , winch Is iniicl better able to moot it Paris n\ cnanpoon London is , indccl , as jestordny' : quotations allowed , Equarol.v nt tlio goli shipping point Meantime the relief an licipated hero from the shipments of Eng land's gold shows itself very slowly. Tin time money shows , however , giatlfyinf signs of willingness to renew maturing locn loins ; a disposition encouraged by the pro nnutn rate fixed by the city banks on out o town renewals This measure , in fact , will bo the mosl justifiable step taken. If outside firms o institutions need accommodation bull ; enough to pay the 12 per cent , it is at thef command ; if not they must do without o soUc leliscount elsewhere The Bank o England itself adopted ptcciscly the sam policy in the crisis of Ib'JO , vvlion it frcel supplied regular customers at 6 per cent am exacted 8 or more abnormal charge in Lou don -fqr outside accommodation. The following are the closing quotation1 on the leading stocks on the Ne Yorl exchange today : asked , The total sales of stocks ted iv wore 210,60 shares , Including : AtchUon , 5,200 ; Hurling ton , 14,500 ; Chicago ( Jas , 21,300 ; Dolawari L ickawnnna & Western , 3.000 , General iier : tile , 20,430 ; Ixmlsvlllu A. Nashville , 6GO ( Missouri Pacific , 3.200 : Northwestoin , 0.20C Hock Iblanil , 1.000 : bt. Paul , 40,000 ; bu ai 31,000 ; Union I'acllic , 5.300 ; Western t'nloi 1'J.HOO Sales of silver certificate ! , , 10,00 ounces. N < * v\ York IMunoy Miirket. NRVV YOUK , Aug. 10 MONEY ov OAI.II Kas nt 3&5 par com ; last loan , 3 per cent ; ulosln olTured at 3 percent. I'ltiMfMriu'ANTti.K I'APEii 81Q per cent. brr.iti.iMJ nxciiA.soi Wnnk ; actual bnslnc" In banUein' bills at ! 4.B2'4 8.1'i for sUt day sand J-l 67fii4.Hj ( fordomaiid. Coinmorcli bills , & 4 80-2t HU'/i. ' faii.VEliUciniriCATES I'lnn ; certificates hoi ut78itc ; closing at 80'chid ' and 82o asked. ( iOM.UNME.Nr lio.NDS btrong. btato bond dull. The closing quotations on nonds : mv notations for mliilu stocks today as allows : I'limncUl Note * . NKIV Oni.KANS. Al/g/lO. / / Clearings , $988,033 KANSAS OITV , Aug 10-Clearings , $711,320. , OMAHA , Aus 10-blonrlngs , $540,050 ; same da > last week , $5flr2,7fl4 NEW YOUR , Aujr , 10. Clearings , $70,701- U14 ; bnlanccs , $3,778,005. Hu.TlMonr , 'ift-ClonrlncR. . $2,018.860 ; b-ilances , $274,657 * Mono v , 6 per cent I'ltll.AnBl.riitA. Aug -Clearings. . $7,703.- 800 ; balances , JS40.G24 Money , 0 per cont. ClNfiNSvn , AUK. 10 , Cleirlngs , $1,103,400. Now York exchange , $0 dUcount. Money , 7518 percent , MKMntii , Aug 10 Now York exchange opening at $1 00 premium Clearings , $95,001 ; balances , 110,085 HEIIMV , Aug 10 The MMotnontof the Im- uorlal Hank of Cernmny shows a decrease in specie of 2,200,000 marks KT. 1,0010. Ann 10-Clearings. $2,609,441 : balances , $231,002 Money , iiulm at GU8 per cont. llxch ingo un Now York , $7 00 discount. HOSTON , AUB 10. Clearings , $11,217,107 : balance * , $1,100,010 , Money , 7 3-10 < ilB per cent , nxchunge on Now York , $1 002 00 pro- mluin per $1,000 ClilCAno , Ane 10-Clearings. $10,207,729. Now i ork exchange $30 discount , fetorllng ex change , iionilniil at $4.bO'i4.83. Money , stronger , 7 porconl 1'Aiim , Aiig 10 Three per cent rontos , 09f 2'c for the account , The weekly statement ) f tlio Hank of 1'i.incu shows a decrease of 2- 024,000f gold and 2U10OOOf sllvur. I.OMIO.V , Aug 10The bullion In the Hank > f Kngland has decreased 2,207,000 during hepist vreok The protxirtlon of tlio Hank ) f I.ngland's rosorvu to liability , which last vc > ok was 40 11 per cent , l now 4'2,0'J per : ont Money , 2it per cent. Unto of discount n open market for both short and three nontlis bills , 4' ' iJ414 per cent. OMAHA MVi : STOCK. .UAKICKTS. Oniiprully llrlsk Cuttle 1'irin- llocs Aotlvo unil HlRlier. TllUHSDVY , Allg 10. The marketing of stock continues on a rather small scale. Thuro were very few over 100 loads iccelvcd today , when ordi nal ily at this time of tlio j e ir tliero would be between 200 and TOO loads. So far this veck receipts foot up 5,0 0 c.ittle , 13,14. logs and 4'J40 sheep , against 0,335 cattle , 1,42,1 hogs and 1'J8J sheep the same fout Uj s last week ' 1 hero was a good active tr.ido in cattle , mil prices sh.ided stronger on all grades. Although eastotn advices were gc'nor- illy favorable , the small supply waa jarely sulllclunt for necessities , nnd speculitlvo shippers kept out. Local iressed beef men , however , wont right after the cittlo and before noon ncarlv all ol .horn were on their vv.iy to the slaughter louses. Good to choice 1,250 to 1,330 Ib ) ecvoswent.U from WOO to1 10 and fait o -very good SV ) ) to l.'OO Ib steers brought 'rom ' $ J 25 to ? l Offerings included several o.ids of pretty good western c.ittlo , and , heso sold mostly at W 15 The feeling vv.ia inn and tr.iding hiisk , but under it nil ; huio was a sentiment a heavy run would cause a bad btoak in prices and country shippers wcro gcnei.Uly cautioned xccordingly. The cow market was stronger .is a rule itceeipts weie light-anil the demand good , The extreme tango of prices paid was from "tOoforold peltc'is to $ . ! 75 for choice fit : icifers Butchers' cow s sold largely at $ l.f to"J5 Calves at from $ J " 5 to $4 were aboutsteady. The market for bulls was very dull and wo.ilc. with sales at § 1.35 tc 1 HO There were no new developments in UK feeder market. Cverytningwason a limited scale. Both supplj and demand ere light , Tlio feeling was noniinallj steady , hut there is not much confidence except m the besl grades Good to choice feeders are quota blf at $ J 70 to ? . ! . fair to good at J2 SO to ? 'J 7 ( met common stuffs at $3 to J50. . Koprcsonta tlvo sales : ' IIIES9ED nrGF. , , , , , There was another stiarp advanc in hoc values. The bij ? brealc of n weak ug has been recovered , and prices are bacic vcr , nearly vvliere they vveic two weeks ago Th supply was only moderate , considerabl , lighter than expected , and witli eastern m.ti kuts better nnd a good local and shippln , demand , trading ruled brisk from st.ut I llniBh at prices from JOc to Ifio higher thai Wednesday and fully bOo better than las Thursday. The popular piico fo good to choice light and liutclui weight hogs was J510 and the por. ular price for heavy and mixed packet was * /i. I'rimo lights sold ns high .ib 15 'J and rouuh heavies as low ns > l 05. Th close was strong at the high point of tti dav. Sales were largely from 95 to 95 10 , a against from 9-1.00 to So j ostordaj and froi H 20 to 94 ! i5 ono week ago , Hepicsoutativ sulcs ; No Av. Sh I'r. , No Av. Sh I > r. 2 330 401180 , 08 270 40 JO 00 0 2G2 4 UO GO 270 200 0 00 0 330 4 lift 07 280 120 D 00 12 30H 40 4'tlS B3 231 210 o 00 04 204 2BO 4-05j * ( ) G 201 300 u 05 10 2B2 4 U5 < 00 , , . 270 HO 0 05 310 120 4 1)5 GO 200 40 0 05 340 4 00 04 ' 240 HO 5 00 11 2H8 80 4 95' 1 > G 200 bO 0 05 41 207 40 4I96 0 23J 0 05 47 304 40 4i 6r 71 232 240 0 05 53 333 100 6 00 05 248 240 D 05 54 271 40 600 71 241 320 500 64 312 80 0 00 04 210 80 0 10 65 281 OrM OU 105 120 [ t 10 1)7 205 40 0")0 ( ) * 77 22U 8 ( ) fi 10 10 204 6 00 07 245 100 0 10 01 338 200 5 OOi OU 180 280 0 10 09 243 280 5 00 75 220 IGO 0 10 50200 120 0 00 73 210 200 0 10 7 IHO 5 00 CO . 255 IGO 0 10 G3 251 280 5 00 GO 253 20O 5 10 37 250 200 b 00 82 254 28O & 10 04 257 411 0 0(1 ( 05 237 320 0 10 70 1'J'J 320 & 00 SM 213 40 0 10 72 241 320 6 00 GO 251 280 6 1(1 ( 60 321 80 D 00 71 220 210 010 00 208 120 5 00 74 228 200 0 10 09 283 80 0 10 77 210 120 0 10 24 2JO 40 5 00 dd 2ftO 200 5 10 Grt 270 240 6 00 72 227 bO 0 10 00 270 IGO 600 78 . . 224 BO OJO 70 239 120 b 00 1'IOMAND HOUGH. 1 330 4 05 SiiBEi1 There were no fresh receipts < sheep and nothing hero to make u marko Good muttons continued in active demuii at firm prices , but there is practically t > alu for common and stock sheep Quot lloiu are. Fair to good natives. M 00t ( 4 Ol fair to good westerns , ti & 0a.i ( 25 ; com me and stock sheep , * l 60@si 75 , good to choli 40 to 100-lh lambs , fll ( Kc-t ) ( 76. Knntai City l.lve niook Murkut , KANSAS OITY , Ausc. 10. OATTI.B 4,200 lumd : khlpiiinntii , 20OO buud ; murk Moudy ; Tuxiih biuon , , $200&320 ; bhlpph steers , J4 O0 < 6 00 | Texak und nutUo cow tl.1042.UOj buUhur stucU , 12 UOai.lO , ttocl feeders , tJ 25113 60i bull * ind mlved. 1 50H2.4I1 lions lterelpts,3 , (00lieidi ( ship iionM , l,0l > 0 icudi market opened imtJOc hUhi > r , clnvcd veak ! hulk of snles , fA VOUS 50 ; licnvlei , 14 8(1 ( ® 6 30 ; n ickets. $5 tiOitfi 70 , liil\ed 11 fiOijri 70 Hinti' Hecelpts , 1,300 houdi ihlumoni * , ( Ml headi tnirkrt tiinlyi ( niiittons , SJ 46 ® J.HS ; lambs. 84.10SI40. llnenlpts nnd llUpn ltlnn of Stock. Oniclal receipts and dUposltlnn of stoi'k M lion n by the iiooksof the Union block Yard * lompany for tlio twenty-four lunus endlut' nt b o'clock p m August 10 , 1893. 11KCRIIMS Cittln. Hogs Shcop South Onnha . 1,201 8.44J Chicago . 8,000 11,000 lo.OOll CiumasClty . . . 4,200 3,800 1,80(1 ( bt. Louis . 3,800 000 1,101 Total . 77,201 T lTa 12.40C . Chlriigo llt stni'U MurKnt. CIIICAOO.AUK 10 [ Apodal Tologritu to THE IKF 1 The conditions were much the same as in the day befoie light suppllos , a good du- nand and stronger prices Receipts of nil kinds footi d no about 0,000 head , of ulih-h It was etit ( mated 1,500 were Tuxaim and OOU westerns. Anylhlng that as good enough to nhtpon tlio hoof was sal iblo at a Hiniill ad- \anci on josterdaj's closing prlcos , and thu oss attractlxo soils worn linn PA entiling wns closed out u irly , and unless the ar- iMils for the lomatnirnr of tlm wock proxo argei than there Is anv llkoltlumd of tliclr lolng , tlm market will not lo oMiy strength ) lnco Saturday barely 30000 lucid have buon iculMid , which Is 14,500 ho\d loss than for IhositiH ) tlmo last > car. I'lidorsuch supplies irlccs nro bound to adance In * .plte of a light nonoy markot. Ted ij's s ilos were mostl } at 'roni il Id to $4115 for n itUi'- , and til from ! 1 t ( ) to 12.75 for Texiins AVuMcrns were | uotcd at from $1 75 to $4 10. Tlio hog market showed strength , Inimcdl- itely after the opening there was an advance if 10c and th it linproMiinont was not lost , though there was talk of ncakor fooling at the closo. However , the ch mccs nro that prlmo logs would have Mild c | ilto as high ut the wlnditp as tit iinv llmo Choice \\o-\\ \ v wclglits sold at fiom J5 50 tof&dO mid tnurunotu sales of f nicy light around ? fl Thoiols igio-it hcirclti of piimo llgbtwulglits coiisoiiuontly Iglit and mixed ire bulling much hUhor tlinn sttalght hoary lots Kxtroint-ly honluvs ire diKcrlnilniitcd ag ilnst us Is usually the case at tills , season of the ye 11. Oood to cholco grades of sheep sold a well as on the preceding day , but there wis awe wo iker folding among holders of low gridos , conitiion wustorns ospinltlly , liulng h ird to sull Supplies \\BTO [ Iboril and the ( loin mil KOinowhat limited IOIIH i in from $1 50 toJJfot ragged stulf to $4 for choice , with s lea pilnclnally at from SJ &Q to 3 50 for 1'exas and westerns and at from $3 to J3.75 for mtlM's. Lambs noio In fiom $2 76 to } 3 25. Kecelpts : C.ittlo , 0,000 hoiil ; caHot , 800 IP id ; hogs , 12(100 lioad , shcoi ) , 10,000 hond. The r.onlng , loiirniil rc'Dorts : CMTl.h Uocolpts , 8.000 hold ; shlumonts. 2800 head : n ithosslon and barely stcidy. I'oxans and westerns htrong : prlmo , $4 7&fi 5 15V od tocholco S3 'JOSt 06 ; olhors , $ J 00 ® 3.75 : Texans , SJ405JT30 , wrstoins , J3 bO S 4.10 ; cows and heifers , tl.1033 75 Hods Kfcolpts , 11,000 head ; shipments , 3600 bead ; market 5Q10c higher ; toniinon rough , ? 4 3riin4 80 , mixed anil p icklng , t' > 1OJJ 5 J5 ; pilmu hci\y , $ "i35ii555 ( ; sclic-tc'd huiV , iD 45'35 75 ; choho light mixed , $5 5U W > 00 ; soiled light , ? > 75'3r ) 05. Mure Ueculpts , 10,000 held ; shipmont-s , l,60f ) hold ; natUos sie idy ; woslorns 5c lowui ; top lambs strong , nutl\cs , iJ 00411 25 , west ern : , , $2 00ffi3 00 , lambs , } J 00it5 GO. St. T.iiuU l.lvo Stock Marliot. ST. Louis , Aiig 10 OATTI.K Itecolots. 3.80C lie Hi : shlpnionts , 2,400 head ; market steidy , Texans strong ; good Toxis steers , t3 35 , good calves strong lloos Uecoipts , 900 head ; slilpmonts 50C lie ul ; market 10S15c higher ; range , } 5 102 UocelntR , 1.100 hoid ; shipments , 1,200 head ; maikot slow. New Vork Mvo sjtouk .Miirkrt. Niw ; YOHK , Aug. 10 HEI.VIS No trade ] dressfd bc-of firm at G'ie. CAI.VI s Market dull ; voals sold at 85.75 bill' hi- AND IMMIIS. Kecolpts , 7O1 buadi sheep , 'Rc per Ib loner ; lumui , 'Jc lower ! sliccji. 1 J 30 , lanit , J5 , < lrt > sscd mutton stead ) at 7W9e ; dressed lambs lower at 9ai le. Urossud , nominally $0.902,0.25. Thrown from n lirlilets ST. PAUL , AUK 10. Mrs. Robert Parker - kor , claiming1 New York as her icsi elence , was thrown by twomon lust nielli f loin n cai'rinKO on the btnto slieel bridge fifty feet hiph with intention U kill her. She foil in the mud under the idtfoaml was not hurt. The crime was seen by hwitehmen employed in the ynnis of the ChiuuK" & Gicut Wcstori and fished out. The o was im mediately driven away. Mrs. Parkui was taken to tlio station. She biibtiiincd noinjutios. At first slio lefused to HI vulfjo her name , but later Rave it. She said : ' 'I ha\o been dogged all over tin country and this is not thu first thru they ha\o tried to kill mo. They hav killed my husband and now they wan : to kill me. " A hack was procured and she drov < away. Nothing further can be learnec about her. Tlio police have made no at tests. o Wenior to Unit I'll III. RICHMOND , Va. , Aug. 10. Genera .TameH U. Weaver , the people's parti candidate for ptesidont , will visit Goti oial J. G. Field , who was his second 01 that ticket , at tlio latter'H homo in Albe marlu county next \\eok. Tlio pojmliH candidate for presidential liouois wil aceointtny ] his host on a spuuking toui through of the surroundiiif counties. On Spptombor they will bpeal atChailottesvillc. Tlicho speeehefa an not made under any Heoial ) arrangomon with the populibt Htato executive coin mittee. The latter will not open tbi campaign until the United States housi of iojrescntati\es ) appoints the commit tecs of that body and takes ; action on the financial question. Thi Virginia Farmoi-H alliance meets in thi cit < f tomorrow , Tlio alliance men win ate in sympathy with the populists hopi lor the adoption of resolutions in lini with tlio national organization of tlm party. _ 'lluiniloro Tliinnm' ItLaleimUoii Arroptud CaiCAOO , Aug 10. The World's fail dii colors have accepted tlio roHlgnatioi of Thoodoio Thomas. The following rcaolution was adopted an the sense o the directory : Hosohed , That In accepting the reslgna lion of Thoodoto Thomas as musical diioclo of the World's Columbian exposition th executive committee is not unmindful ol til gieat uork he has performed In the servlc of high musics The commit too deeply rt grets that tlio Jininclil conditions make I necessary for the exposition company to los Ills valuable services , and it appreciates til kind tender of his counsel ami such aid a hoin.iy bo ablti to give thu administration 1 Iho future , Ilnril lime * In H'irlii ? Cln-loi. Ni\V YOHK , Aug. 10. After severn dayw deliberation the Kaatorn racing as bociatlons have determined to reduc the value of their over-night purses froi $1,000 to $600. The announcement < this sweeping i eduction was made pul Ho when the following olllciul bulloti was sent out : " 'Die addnd money fi the over-night events of the fall meo Ings of the Coney Inland Jockey clul Brooklyn Jockey club and Now Yor Jockey club will bo $000 and upwari United action in the matter of rcducln the value of purses will have a tromet deus infiuenco on thoroughbred into ! ests all over tlio United States. " htiiintor ilouiin' Mulher Head. Los ANGKLUS , Aug. 10. The nntho of Senator Jones of Nevada died at th Jones lesldencu at Santa Monica yostei day. I ( pnrt s nt Out from th Lirptrt- niMit of Acrlciiltui * . WAIIIIXOTOV , Aug. 10The Au rJst ieiorl ( of thu statistician of the Department of ARrlculturo liows that the condltlnn of corn has declined little o\or 0 points Ourinir the past month , the avcMgu for the entire coun * tr > hchip b7 par cent as iigitnst % ' . ' for the inotitl'otJulv This dcollne Is Uw in the main to the diotith. which 1ms inovoil both uxtcmiva ami porslstentVhllo in sjmo parts of tl.o country the continued dry weather has injured the crop bejond recov ery , it Is nevertheless true -\s to the larger portion of the area devoted thereto tint im provement U not onlj uosslblr , b'H ' u ith A sunictctil rainfall thunigh the month of AxiRUst will bo assured. Tlio averages In the principal states are Ohio , 85 per cent , Indiana , 75 pen-cnt , Illinois , 81 percent , Iowa , 102 per cent , Mis souri , ( r , per cent ; Kansas , 8J per cent ; Ne braska , M percent Tliero has been a considerable fallinr off In the condition of spilni : wheat slnco last month , amountinR to something over 10 Dointi , the .nouiK'o condition this month ho- IIIK IM | ier ci-nt as acalnit 77 per rent for the mcmui of Julv The condition by states is as follows Wisconsin , 70 per rent , Min nesota , 7(1 ( tier cent , Ncbrasltix 87 per cent ; South mUota M percent , North Dikoti. l > 0 per cent , Iowa , 87 per cent This decline of 10 points is the losult of too hlch lemporv tuie and dellclcnl i.ilnfall in thu spilni ; st lies The dioulli is prevalent , over : xtuiislvu aieas and has done ninth damairo Much injury also has been done to the crops JV chinch bugs and nut In several of the states The condition of siulnc rjc In August is 78 5 percent , us against S'J ' in tlio month of lulv 'I ho condition of oats has fallen 10 points slnco the July report , beini ? 7b : t per cent is compai ed with bh 8 last month , w liilo In AUKUst , 18UJ , It utood at SOU Ills the ovvest condition lojiorled In August for many icars and is due to n cold , wet spiititf , succeeded by continuous dry , hot wmther during the latter part of Juno and the whole of .Tuli The August returns for Inrlc.v show a do- cllno to bl 0 per cent , against b5 8 In .lulv The condition of potatoes has declined icarlj li points in the last month and nu\v stands at hh per cent. The condition of the tlmothv crop Is 89 0 > cr cunt , as cotnnnrcu with III ! 1 in Ib'U The h ly ctop on the whole. Is 1 irgo , and ns Konot.illy been secured in good condl- ion , although in some important tedious un- 'avorable conditions caused a i eduction of .ho crop Thoi'i'ticialaveraKo of the tobicco crop 'ell from UJ per cent on July 1 to bJ a on the 1st lust. After tlm Cordico Iru t. NiYoitir , Aug. 10. Police .Tuatico G rady ibsiicd siimmonbos tills afternoon igainst J. M. Waterbury , E. M. Fulton , MG. . H. Weaver Leper and K. T. Wall of the National Coidago company to np- ) ear next Monday in answer to charges of perjury and violation of tlio btatutes elating to corporations. These criminal iroeeedings were instituted by E. H. Ualch , a stockholder of the companj , who is also connected with tlio Jolin Good Coulago and Machine company. Tlio complainant iccitesthat for the \ear besrinnlnir October , 1SDO , the books ) f the National Cordage company show that a dividend of 8IliU ( , l. ) was de clared on the capital btock of the com pany and that a surplus of $1(1 ( , till was carried over. Mr. Balch alleged that Llio dividejul had not been earned for that pet iod , constituting misdemeanor and perjury. _ Klnpnd nltti the Minister. SCRAXTON , Pa. , Aug. 10 The congre gation of the Hickory Street Ptesby- Icria church , and in fact tlm entire city , is shocked by the announcement that tlio pastor , Rev. C. L. Woiswassor , has eloped with Alts. George Schotir , a prominent member of the church and president of the Ladies Aid society. Mr. Weiswassor departed Monday. Last evening Mis. Schour told her family she was going to Petersburg and would be back on a late car , but she did not 10- turn and her husband notified the police. Seymour VVnu't Ho lluiloilu ( . ROCKTOUD , 111. Aug. 10. Dr. E. C. Dunn has become frightened at the opinions enunciated by papers through out the country that he would bo crim inally liable if Seymour should bo buried alive under his direction and failed to siu vivo the experiment. The doctor has notified Seymour that ho will not act as his physician. Ho suggests to So.vmour that he will wait until the talk dies out and do the act privately in the piesenco of reputable witnesses where people know nothing about it. HrlplnHK Crlpjilm 1.090 'llii'lr reunions. Sr. JosiU'H , Aug. 10. Old holdieii living in the vicinity of Mary.sville , Kan. , who are drawing pensions are alarmed over the action of the Pension department in rcgaid to sovcial of their companions. In the last week the pen sions of u dozen crippled old votoians have been cut otT and they have been otdeicd to llutchinson , Kan. , for exam ination. In ten of these cases the pen- siopots are so badly crippled they can not walk. Got Ho. iv } LilVKiiroOL.Aug. 10. Tlio Allen Line Steamship company today got i OO dam ages in a libel suit against Joseph Have- lock Wilson , member of Parliament for Middleboiough and seciotary of the Na tional beamons' union , for issuing and posting plae.uds in Livoipool lollecting upon the management of the company and tha safety of the Allen Line steam ers. . _ Tonne ! Tnii Morn Itnilloi. DANVILLI : , 111 , , Aug. 10. Two moro bodies woio recovered last ovuning in the Hig Four wreck. They woio lying close to the stone pier at tlio bottom of the debris. One was Andiow Wallace , aged 51) , a tailor who foimorly lived in Unnvlllo and ututos GHy , ICno.x county. 111. Ills family in mippoiod to bolnPc.irlA Tlio other was WlllUni Cto-s Hr ( il Ifi. a bricklayer , who htvo worked at Docatur. Moro bodies may bo found. OLI > IJLOOD AND 11UIDLE8. Vnrled t'nrvcr of the \\'nr ( lorornor of Culin/iitn. Mr. Wailo was bcuti and rcaicd In county , Now York , and ob tained hit ) schooling at the Jamestown academy , tays Harper's Weekly. Tlio family is n respectable ono , and the governor's father hold for soniei yean the responsible iiost of justloo of the ] H'iico. Davis H.Vuito hnd always boon eonsldoteil a harmless enough porcon a llttlo peculiar in his notions , perhaps , but of ustinitiblu private i-liiu actor , lie came to Colorado from Kan as , and in HS1 "packed" a Di'liiting-olllco plant into the mountain * to Ashcroft , near Aspen , \\hich wasthon the tie went min ing camp in the state * , and began to IBSIIO a little weekly paper called the Anh- i-ioft Herald. Ho moved to Aspen when It began to bo evident that that town was to be bigger than Ashctoft , and for a time oilhod the Aspen Times , which was then a small vvcuklj paper. This Kiuruul is now issued as a dailv. and be longs to Governor Wuite'b bint-ln-law , n. Clark Wheeler , who is a state senator , and a mini of sumo liillueiice in the popu list narty. Mr. Walto added Homowhat to his in- oomo b > practice IH a lawyer , doing an tilllce business principally , and bccamo interested also in s 11110 mining property. When ho was about ( iO years old Governor Walte married a second time , and has now a small child \oung enough to bo his giandson. In Asp'en Mr. Waite was somewhat njtcd for his opposition to drunkenness , gambling and other fotms of vice , and as justice of the pence ho was especially severe upon otTondorH. Ho was also noted as a bitter auti- Rumanist. In politics ho was a repub lican , and took such part in campaigns as a country editor and lawyer would. Now ho professes a hatred for politics and politicians equalled only bv his do- lestation of newspapers which are politically opposed to him. As governor. Mr. Walto's rccoul has bcoii by no moans all bad. Ho fell oui w ith the last general assembly and vetoed a largo proportion of the billH that were sent to him. On the whole ho has evidently tried to do hit best for tlio welfare of the state as he sees it. VVvrlli ) i > l Ailmlrnilon. Washington Star : "bo , " slid the sight seer , "that was put up In the mound build ers J" "And it's there jot ! " " \Vondetful , iin't it ? " " 1 should savso I tell jou , they must have had a building Inspector who amounted to something in those da > s. " IN HIGH PLACCS1 It U not strange that some people do wrong through igno.-anco , others from , a failure to investigate as to the right or wrong of a mattor. But it is strange , that individuals and firms , who are fully aware of tlio rights of others , will per sist in perpetrating fiauds upon them. High-toned , woalthv tnanufrcturlnff firms , will offer and soil to retail mer chants , articles which thov know to bo inftingomonts on the rights of proprie tors , and imitations of well known goods. Wo want to sound a note of warnlnjj to the totailors to bow ire of such imita tions aud simulations of "CAiirmi's Li r- TLi : Livint PiLLb. " When they are of fered to you , lofuso thorn ; you do not want to do wrong , and you don't want to lay yourself liable to a lawoiiit. Bon Fiunklin said "llonosty is the best poll' cy" . it is just as true that "llonosty ia tbebost principle. " What is this anyhow It is the only bow ( ring ) which cannot be pulled from th watch. To be had only with Jas. BOBS Filled and other watch cases &jfe stamped with this trade mark. af Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. QJVf A/jTA. Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaha. ncil Cnltlo III ) unilII30P markntln tin irir. co M rm s i o i in u s \ _ \ _ Wood Brothers , l.lvo PtooU Coiumlmlon MurohunU co itli OnmliA 'lulupliuna IliI Chloaj JOHN I ) DADHMAN , I . , - - . ' . , VVVI.rKIll ! WOOD ( MirVnt niportshy mull nnd wire chuorfully ( urnlbhcd upon application. OMAHA U JIARDWABE. Hector & Willieliuy Lobeck & Linn , COMI'AM iKlnmln h inl nru anl Corner 10th and Jnckion ineclDiiilei * t'Kili HtreoU I4J4 Duuul li Struat HATS , ETC. | IRON WORKB. _ W. A. I , Gibbon & Co Onnlia Safe and Iron VMialonnlu Ilnli rnpi ilrrtw dOdi hnfoi vuulti jail wood , liloroii mllteni l.lli Irnn tliiittrrn ami lira nod Ifurnujr Mio3t t.ii'Ui dm AmUeuu , 1(11) timl Jncoon COMMISSION. LUMBER. liraiich & Co. John A , Wdhclleld , JT Imputtil tmrrlian I'ort- I'roduco , frulti of all lunil Mlhruu- 1.03 tu unit mid klndi order * wlill'j lluiu _ LIQUOKS. _ | STOVE REPAIItfl Frlck & Herbert , Uiiiiim stove Hepaic UO.IKH f-luru ropklri VYlioU.jolc liquor ( knlor anil nat.'r tUcbioBnl for anr Hnd of iturv 1001 rorumn bt mala Ifllt Douniaa > U PAPER. OILS Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Lurry u full ituck of lirlotlUKl wrapplUK and Kenned and lubricating wrltliu