Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Oarroll of Omaha Commits Suicide
in the Penitonthry.
UnllrontU 1'lcail Poverty n nn
Kzcnic for Nut Urftiitmjr tlio Demnruli
lor Trnmfor hwltcho * Other
Lincoln ( lei l | ) .
I tscoi.x. AUR. 10. [ SpocliU to THE UEE.J
The pmiltciUlary wall * this forenoon wit
nessed another of the silent tragoJlos In
nhiuh n convict accepted tlio uncortalntlon
of dentil for the sure prospect of freedom
within a few months. Thomns Carroll , n con
vict sent up from Oinnha , took advantage of
the Inattention of Ills-guard , placed a rope
Around hli neck and swung himself Into
eternity within the sliiht of hli fol
low convicts nnd within a fovv foot from the
guntd who had him and tils companions to
According to the stntomcnts made by the
guard and others at the penitentiary to
Shorlff ami Acting Coroner McClay , Carroll
had boon looked upon as being mentally un-
tmlnnncd for mora than a year past. Last
fall ha attempted to end his llfo by cutting
Ills throat with the ragged cdgo of a plcco of
broken ilass. The attempt was a failure
nnd evrr BIIICO Carroll has been kept out of
the shops mid given light employment around
the yards , whcro his duties would not bo
Arduous enough to uggnwato his mental dls-
ordur. llo always performed his work in n
Batlsfactory manner , never gave ills koopcro
nnv trnublo nnd hud uovor lost any of his
good ttmo.
Tills lureuoon , in company with a number
of follow convicts , ho was taken to the barn
nud employed in storing away straw. After
working' for some time , Carroll naked per ]
mission of the guard to RO aim got a drink )
His request was nccudod to nnd ho was
pimed for o few moments. As ho
did not return within a reasonable
time , the guard looked around the
barn for him. Ho was found hanging by n
rope from one of the r.ifters in the barn.
Although but a few momcuts had elapsed
Binco ho had disappeared llfo was already
extinct. Ho had tied a perfect hangman's
nnosn and adjusted it in a professional hang
man's manner. His neck had boon broken
by the full and the prison surgeon , Dr.
Ilout/ . asserts thai death must have been
lUmost instantaneous. After examining the
body and taking the statements of the and the guard Sheriff McClay
uaino to the conclusion that no inquest
would ho necessary , ns It wns clearly a case
of premeditated and deliberate suicide.
O.irroll was bom in Omaha and was raised
Jn that city At the May term of the dis
trict court in 181)0 ) ho was convicted of grand
larceny , but by reason of the law's delay ho
was not incarcerated in the penitentiary
uuc.ll December 13 , IS'Jl. ' flu was sentenced
for three yi-ars , but by reason of the "good
timo" provision of the statutes ho would
Jiavo been released on April 17 , 1SUI. Ho
was MO yours old ixt the time ho vras received
at the penitentiary.
Hl3 motnor lives at Omaha and Is known
ns Mrs O'CSormitn. She was notified of her
ou's death by telegraph today and the body
is being held to await her instructions.
Honl tlin Third Victim.
There is a provident superstition at the
Nebraska penitentiary that when death
invades the grim walls of the Institution ho
always claims three victims. The other day
vrhon a convict died ot blood poisloning it
vras asserted that ho would bo followed bj
two more within a few days. Tom Carroll ,
who suicided today was the second of tno
unfoitumito trio , and the third is likely to
Do a convict named Soul , who Is dying at
the penitentiary hoanital tonight.
Soul was sent up from Omaha four years
Bgo for attempted murder and has a twonty-
yeur sentence to nnish. Ho Is a victim of
consumption in the most advanced stage.
Governor Croimso had commuted his sen
tence so Unit his itino will expire Monday ,
but the man will not llvo to gain his free
dom. In order , however , that he
may die outside the prison walls ,
lie will ho removed to a hos
pital in the city tomorrow morning ,
> ro\iding ho clings to life that long.
{ { o will ho cured for by members of the
Grand Army of the Republic. Ho has nn
honorable record as a soldier , having served
through the entire rebellion and for llvo
years afterwards in the regular army.
The remains of Carroll were shipped to
Omaha tonight. In speaking of Carroll to
night. Warden Ueomor slated that the
man's head was frightfully scarred. "When
Carroll was received at the penitentiary ho
was asked about the remarkable number of
BCJU-.I about his head.
"Those scars , " said Carroll , "show where
every policeman in Omaha has registered
during the post four years. "
Killer iv flonrrul Dmilnl.
Tlio Sioux City , O'Neill & Western nnd
the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Vnllci1
Kailroiul companies , both defendants in tin
case in which J. L. Dart asked the State
Board of Transportation to compel them to
put In transfer ( twitches at O'Neill and
JL . . .Inviow , lllud their answer to the plain
tlfl's petition with the nectotarles of tin
board tnis afternoon , They deny that tin
people along tlio line roferted to are unable
lor lack of the proper facilities , to ship then
Krain toits proper market. They avoi
that the grain mnrkot for all of thai
territory is either Diiluth , St. Paul , Mluno
n polls or Chicago , nnd that the people along :
the line in question have easy access to anj
or all of these markets without the construe
lion of transfer switches , lloforrlng to coa
_ shipments tlto railroads douy that tin
V > natural supply of coal comes from Wyoming
but on the contrary claim that coal Is lali
down at O'JJoill nud PInlnviow from Dulutl
nnd Iowa points cheaper than if shlppet
from ho west.
It is also denied that the hick of transfoi
facilities has anything to do with the heel
BUgar industry. They also deny that owhif
to the lack of transfer facilities It is impos
Bible for people living nloup their respoctlvi
lines to ship stock or grain to Omaha or t (
receive commodities from that city.
Kulnlni ; till ) I'murty 1'lnn ,
Iut after denying all of the several am
many alienations in the petition , the rail
roads , by their attorneys , plead poverty ns i
good and sunlciont reason fur not holng coin
polled to comply with the now law. He
rnrrmg to the law they assert that it hti
been in force Hiich a short time , that it ha
not yet been published , and that they ar
not acquainted with its full import. The.
claim that the depressed condition of bus !
ness and the stringency In the money mm
kot , and ttu > small amount of business no ;
being done by the tivo ralltonds make I
impossible at the present time to Incur th
expense necessary in constructing switcho
ut the points named. They furthe
claim that the business between threads
roads nt the points named in th
luitition does not and will not wan-ant sue
an uxpendltuiout the piesent time ; that I
would ho unlust and inequitable , under th
piesunt conditions to require the railroad
to make such expenditure * , Doth railroad
disclaim nnv desire to disregard the require
nirnts of the law , but they iisk the Hoard c
Tiansportutlon to consider the present coi
tions before Acquiring , ut the present tlim
the outlay of money necessary to put in th
< iinnl | > nt the Stuto lloiuc.
Collector North of the revenue doparl
incut at Omaha v\anat \ the state house thl
The cuso of the Omaha Brewing associi
tion against Margaret and John Wuolhrlc :
vras tiled with the clerk of the suprcm
court this forenoon.
Charles h. I..uiiib of Stanton has bee
appointed receiver of the 1'lulnvlow Suit
lieI / . H , Humphrey of Hebron Is visl
tug his brotherCommissioner Humphrey , c
the statu houso.
Another cuso filed with the clerk of tti
Bupremo court today wiu that of Jaca
IxiuU against the Union P.vcitlo Kalhvu
company It originated in I'latlo county.
HliU for the work oi pulUngn now coriilt
and slate roof on the State Hospital for tl
Insane near this city will bo opened by tl
Hoard of 1'ublio Uinds and Hulldlngs t
K H. Wilson of IMattimouth , Architoi
McDonald of Geneva , Su | > erlntendent Am
utrong of the Institute tor the Feob
Alluded at lieatrico and Superintendent M
Ivelvy of the Girl's Industrial school i
GOOBTA vrera All nth Ul houio thU
The Hoard of 1'ublii ! L ndi and nulldiogi
has lecolred A very ffttorahlo proposition to
secure new boilers for the Homo for the
Friendless for 11,000 And the old boilers.
The old boilers nro Iwelva yours old and are
practically unfit for uie.
I.frita Hl.wArl'i Will ,
The will of t.ydln Stewart , the recognized
lonilor la half-world locial circles In this city
for the pant twenty years , And vrhoio death
vra § recorded yestonlny , vim fllod for probate -
bate with the county Judge this af tornoon.
It discloses the fact that nor real name was
Mary Elizabeth Wnllaca. The will was ox-
ccutcil four days before her dc.uh , and
was witnessed by J.S. Barwlck nnd A. J.
Sawyer. The amount of property Included
In the citato Is not specified In the will , but
it Is estimated to bo worth KtO.OOO. William
McLaughlln is named nn administrator , but
ns the gentleman declined to act hi that
capacity , the court appointed A. J. Sawyer.
The Dorvmal bequests are fow. J. E.
Elinor , a telegraph operator of this city , is
presented with $1,000 , and so Is her adopted
daughter , Mrs. Margaret Klotz of Omaha.
Mrs. Mary A. Fox , at whoso homo the do-
coascd passed the last fovr days of her 11 fo ,
is rumombored to the extent of $ . ' 00. Tlio
administrator is authorized to expend fcflOO
In assisting poor nnd un for tuna to girls of the
Catholic faith to load better llvos. The real
estate , together with all personal property ,
clothing , Jewelry and furniture , is be
queathed to her sister , Mrs. Annlo O.
Halley , who llvos at 353 Center nvonuoK
Suoil for n T.nrfro Amount.
The Sandwich Manufacturing company of
Sandwich , 111. , commenced suit In district
court today to recover the sum of ? 5,7(55 (
from the Lincoln National hank. The case
is somewhat complicated from the faot that
the Lincoln National bank is no longer in ex
istence , having boon merited into the First
National about a year ago. The suit la
brought on behalf of the Sandwich company
and several other creditor * of the Lawrence
Improvement company , which failed in 1SU1.
The potltion filed with the clerk of
the court aliases that P. P Lawrence , man
ager of the bankrupt Improvement company ,
had accumulated debts to the amount of
$20,000 , and that by a fraudulent agreement
with the onici.ils of the Lincoln National
bank ho created a fictitious Indebtedness to
the amount of 515,000. The bank then , in
accordance with the terms of the agree
ment , attached the property hold by Law-
ronco. The latter confessed Judgment , the
property was ordered sold and the bank
bought It in for S.'i.TO.'i. ' I3y this process ,
which the Sandulch people claim was
Illegal , the other creditors of tlio Law
rence Improvement company were crowded
out of any participation in the distribution
of the assets. The court is asked to take
the matter in hand , cancel the title tiold by
the Lincoln National bank to the property
und order the $ oTGo distributed among the
bona tide creditors.
railed to Kilo the IJuncl.
Ten days ago Ctilof Justlco Maxwell Issued
an order requiring all depositor" ) of the do-
funut Nebraska Savings hank to appear and
show cause within ton days why the receiver
should not bodls-jharired and the bank again
bo placed in the hands of the stockholders ,
upon condition that they give n peed and suf
ficient bond for 3150,000 that they would pay
ail claims against thu bank within two years.
The time expired tod.iv and the creditors
made no opposition to the proposed arrange
ment. The stockholders , however , failed to
lllo the required bond for 1150,000. All they
could muster was § 113.000. They tele
graphed to Chief Justlco Maxwell and asked
for an extension of time in which to make
up the amount of the bond. The chief
Justlco accommodated them and they will
undoubtedly raise the bond to the full
Lincoln in Jlrlaf.
P. M. Harrington , who is accused by the
police of selling liquorat his saloon with the
blinds urnwn. was granted an extension of
time until rho 15th In which to appear in
court and make his defense.
Ono hundred members of the local divis
ions of the Modern Woodmen of America
took an early morning train for Beatrice
today to participate in a grand picnic given
by the lodge In that city. The Nebraska
Scale baud accompanied them.
Thirteen suits were brought this forenoon
in district court to forcloso mortgages on
lots in the Mills addition to Univcrslt }
A committee , consisting of Hon. U. II. Oak
ley , C. A. Atkinson and A. C. Zeltner wenl
to Chicago this morning to confer with rail
road officials in regard to the project o
bringing the next annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic to this city In
1891. The success of the project depend
largely upon the encouragement given by
the railroads.
The remains of Lydia Stewart were taken
to Chicago for interment this evening ,
brief service was held in the Catholic church
this afternoon.
M. A. Nowmark , until recently proprioto
of the Globe Clothing house in this city , ha
gone to S1Louis. . He had been stibpumnci
to appear before a notary public yesterday
to ansv er certain questions concerning the
sale of his stock of goods , but his absence
will delay matters to some extent. It is not
believed that thuro is anything wrong with
his affairs and consequently his disregard of
the summons is not understood by his
Mrs. A , B. ICempton was this afternoon
lined S'-T and costs for keeping a house of
assignation at the corner of Twentieth and
O streets. Her trial continued for two days
and a largo room full of spectators gulped in
the salacious statements of a great many
witnesses , some of whom went into paitlou-
l.irs with an energy wnich ought to have
brought blushes to the checks of the people
present , If they had not been entirely im
pervious to that sort of a sensation. Mrs.
ICempton gave bonds tor an appeal to the
district court , her bond being signed by ox-
Attornov ( Jeuonvl Leeso and W. IX Sojvoll.
The latter Is one of the gentlemen under
arrest for alleged frauds against thu state In
the matter of furnishing supplies to the
State Hospital for the Insane nt this city.
Heavy 1'nll In Soreriil Coalition Thrnuclinut
the .Suite.
AiiCAim , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tirr.
BKB. ] Valley county had a good rain yes
terday afternoon and evening , and the
present prospects are that moro will follow
soon , It was very much needed , the ground
Imvluif become very dry and hot , which had
begun to effect the corn crop. Corn that wns
poorly put In and not plowed much is Injured
very badly ; but the most of the crop In this
county Is good for forty bushels per aero ut
the present outlook.
LIONS , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE
Uiiii. ) Farmers have completed stacking
and many have thiashed. Oats are not so
good as was exp etod a few weeks before
cutting. Tbi ) rains nnd the hot weather
blighted some tlelds badly. Wheat Is a good
cioji , a great deal of It averaging twenty
bushels to the aero. Corn promises well , hut
a good ram Is badly needed. It was ruining
some this morning.
I'l.ATTciMoirm , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEK. ] Cass county was given
a generous soaking today , and an immense
crop of coin is now assured.
UUNIIUI , Neb , Am ? . U ) . [ SpecialTeh-gram
to Mni : llKE.l There was a very heavy rain
fell hero this afternoon , Insuring an excel
lent corn crop. Rill plowing will begin ut
once in carnost und tlio ground made ready
for fall wheat. A largo acreage will bo
sown. The graHshoppors have been very
destructive in this section in pastures and
cornfields. Many young orchards have bcou
killed by thorn.
ArrtialiMl fur nomine ,
IIs nr.M.BTUR , Neb. , Aug 10. [ Special to THE
IsV BKB. ] Kor a long time past certain parties
V have been making a business of seining In
h Clarke's lake , south of town , and as a result ,
le have well nigh emptied it of the beautiful
carp , bass and other varieties of the finny
ill trloe with winch Mr. Clarke has stocked it.
to Last night Deputy Sheriff McCarty wont
down and cast in his onlcial not , catching
itat Uort Laaibort , Peta Marcoo and sovural
at , others In the draw , nlso getting a large
sized seine.
jb riiriniilly Olmrui'il > > IUi Uiiil > rs > l iuent.
.V DAKOTA CITV , Aug. 10 [ Special Tolegratu
to TUB BBE. ] B. U. Wilbur was brought before -
lie CO fore a Justlco last night on complaint of
tie Adam Wcnzol , charging him with emboz-
zllnglttOO. He gava his own recognizance
for $500 forappoaranco Friday ,
at Htmtli of uncuil Nthruifcn Woman.
ile in- DAKOTA CITY , Aug , 10. [ SpoeialTolcBratn
Ic- to TUB UKKMrs. ] . Jeuuotto Amour , moro
Icat commonly called Grandma Amour , the oldest
It will be the best ever seen here and extremely fast records will be made. Among the speciarfeatures
will be the
FOR 1,000.
Will start in the 2:22 : pace and may be forced to beat his great record or be beaten by the other cracks that start against him. The 2:24 : trot will bring-out the
great 3-year-old trotter ,
Owned by W , A , Paxton , Omiha , oppos2d by a lar e fhld of great trotters , inc'uding the handsome and fast Tip Tyler. In addition to these there will be the
2:50 : trot and yearling pice , each fora purse of $503 , and good fislds , making
Omaha's fastest roadster will be started this afternoon at" the Fair Grounds as a part of the Breeders' association program. This is none other than the fast
pacer , Red Star , owned by Mr. Snyder , and she will not only go to a sulky for a fast record , but to a road wagon for the record of the west at that way of
going. Hundreds of Mr. Snyder's friends will be on hand to witness the performance of this mare.
All Omaha people should avail themselves of this rare treat and witness the *
There will be four good races Saturday Afternoon.
woman In Dakota county nnd one ot the
plonoor residents of the county , coming hero
In 1857 , died at the homo of her son last
night. She was 83 years old. She was a
noble Christian lady and for over half a
century was an active member of the Methodist -
odist Episcopal church. The funeral will
occur tomorrow at " o'clock , Hev. J. W. Jen
nings of Norfolk ofllcLitlufr.
\Vest Point Terminals.
WEST POINT , AUR. 10. [ Special to TUB
BEB. ] Milton Mclaughlin went to Hot
Springs Tuesday to try their curative pro
Street Commissioner Martin Koil Is Im
proving North Main street by covering the
sand with a layer of clay. The south end of
Mam street has boon thus cleaned , and the
street is quite passable throughout. .
Anton 1'sottn , Frank and John Pospesnll
returned from a protracted trip to Hot
Springs Monday.
Fritz Foddick. ono of West Point's old
residents , has packed up his blacksmith's
tools nnd moved to Crowoll.
General Manager Hurt of the Elkhorn
road passed up this road this week , and the
result was the laylngolT of men all along the
line , Charles X.oplin , an old and trusted
employe , was the only ouo affected in West
Auditor Nathan Fedora of Cedar Rapids Is
in the city lookinp over the standings of
local banks. His report is quito favorable
as fur as ho has gono.
Judge Crawford curries a cano which was
given to him bv Judge Valentino and which
is quito an oddity. It is a hickory stick ,
cut from a tree near Jefferson's tomb , and
is covered with line carvings of insects ,
snakes , squirrels , etc. It nlso has several
inscriptions carved on it , among which are
JoITorson's name , date of birth and death ,
etc. The cano H highly priced ,
Hans Patterson , an early settler In West
Point , stopped off in this eity Tuesday while
on his way to South Omaha , where ho Is
located ,
A largo crowd of West Pointers intend
Joining the excursion at Fremont , gotten up
by Prof. Clemnions. They start Tram this
city Saturday morning.
A. H. Hoemur , Stephen Person and E.
Wot7cl are Cumlng county farmers who are
taking in the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drobert , Aaron Barnett -
nott , A. M. Itaso. D. C. Glffert and Follx
nivons returned from the World' * fair
Tuosday. .
Hurt County's Itmuilon.
TEKAMAII , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB
HKH. ] The ilfth annual reunion of the ilurt
County Veterans association opened yostor-
ilay under favoraolo circumstances. At an
early hour the camp at ttio fair grounds pre
sented a busy spectacle preparing for thu re
ception of the U50 old soldiers of the county ,
The exorcises of the day opened
at 3 o'clock this afternoon by singing -
ing "America" and an address of wel
come by Kov J. M. Kinimel of this city ,
followed by n number of short talks by
talent. In tlio evening , at 8 o'clock , speeches
were delivered by Judge M , U. Hopowell ,
Uov. H I * Powers , County Treasurer M. O.
Morrcll and IJov It. P. ICvans. It Is ex
pected that tomorrow will sue a Kre.itly in
creased attendance , several prominent
speakers from abroad being expected.
L.TDNS , Not ) . , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB
HUB. ] Nearly all the moniburs of the Grand
Army of tlio Hopubllu of this post went to
Tokamah this morning to attend the re
Veteran * ' Widow * a Clianre ,
OSCKOLA , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tim Bun. ]
Special Kxamlner of Pensions J. H , Hiinos
of Uncolii lias been here for a couple of days
this week. The special cases are these o ]
widows who have been unable to complete
their claims under thu old law. They could
not find the ovluuuco , and thu pension olllce
sent out u special ugeut to take the old avl
dunce agaiu. _
Furiu llouifi ! > ttilroyed
McCooL JUNCTION , Nob. . Aug. 10. [ Spccla
to TIIK BEK. ] Wednesday morning about U
o'clock the largo farm house of Ilobort and
John Smalls was buruod. Loss , | 1UOO , ; no
lusuraucu. _
Wnoiluiuu I'iculo ut llcotrlcp.
BE.ITHICE , Aug. 10 , [ Special to Tax DEB. ]
The Modern Woodmen of the World hold
their annual plculo or "log rolling" today lu
.his city. It is no exaggeration to say that
, ho largest crowd of the year was present.
'ho weather was perfect , being cool
and cloudy. The procession was ono
of the principal features , consisting of
edges from Marysvillo , Kan. , Lincoln ,
liberty and other Nebraska points.
The following bands ndaed materially
to the interest of the procession :
Third City ; Beatrice. Marysvillo , Kan. ;
Jobraska State , Lincoln , Liberty and others.
Che numerous visitors declared themselves
delighted with both the general appearance
of the city and the hospitality of the citizens.
Notes at NOWH nt 1'ruiaoiit.
FIIEMOMT , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB BEK. !
Action has been commenced in the district
courts of tholr respective counties by Charles
Jstornmn of Fremont and A. N. Yost of
Norfolk to recover titles to property traded
to a defunct Council Bluffs firm. They claim
'raud in the transaction and they nsk the
courts to reinstate them in possession of the
property of which they were defrauded.
A few days ago it was announced somi-
authoritatlvely that the Fremont Normal
World's fair excursion was booked for the
Elkhorn-Northwestorn ro.ids , but today the
Union Pacific seems to have tlio inside track.
Proceedings for dlvorco have benn entered
in the district court of Dodge county by Mrs.
Olive L. Smith oi Fremont against llov. Jo-
nannes O. Smith of Appleton , Minn. Mrs.
Smith will bo remembered as the dausrhtor
of Evangelist Wilson , who no religiously
wrought up the people of Fremont last
winter. The application Is on the grounds
of cruelty and failure to support. Mrs.
5mith lias been a resident of Fremont
February last , studying with a prominent
[ ) hysiclan of this city for the medical pro
fession. About a month ago Uov. Mr. Smith
was in the cltv , ostensibly to induce her to
return with him , which , however , she abso
lutely refused to do.
Will Appeal to the Courts.
ug. 10 , [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEK. ] Ths squabble which has boon
going on for two years past between Louls-
vlllo preelnct and the county commissioners
in Cass county is to terminate in a law suit.
The trouble uroso over the refusal by the
commissioners to foot the expense entailed
in repairing the free wagon bridge across
the Platte river and opposite the town of
Louisville. The bridge was constructed by
Louisville precinct to draw Sarpy county
trade und for this reason the commissioners
have steadfastly maintained that Louisville
must pay for the repairs.
A delegation of Louisville cltfrons waited
upon the commissioners in this city today ,
but they could get no "B.ttlsfuctlon , so they
nt once sought a lawyer1 'and gave him in
structions to commence a1 'suit , The general
opinion seems to be thftt'Jtho two counties ,
Cassand Sarpy , should "mako the repairs
nnd for this reason It is 'thought that the
Loulsvilleltos will win lii'tho courts.
No Hard Tliimi Hiiro.
BKU.KVUB , Aug. 10. [ Special toTirnHBE. ]
For the past twenty-lvo ) years this place
has been noted for two j ings , namely , lost
opportunities nnd cmpty houses , but now
thcso conditions are reversed. Every house
that will shelter a family is filled and fifty
more could bo tcnunUwl'ln ' the next thirty
days. Vacant property' ' 'muoii sought after
and prospects are llattorlnfe for a very ma
terial increase of population within thu next
year. Tno village authorl\(6s ( have , awakened
from their long , dreamy slum Dora , nnd as a
result itreotH are being graded , now ordi
nances drawn anl old onqs roviied providing
for the planting of tree * on the streets , lay
ing of sidewalks und many other oxpudlont
measures which will soon work a grand
trans oruiutiou scene.
of On od Oropi.
BUTTK , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB
Bits. ] Uutto voted 13,000 in bonds yesterday
day to sink an artesian well. Owing to the
immense crops in Boyd county this year
everybody is feeling good and many improvements
provoments will bo raado and industries
established ,
Yunnir Touxli Henteueed.
TiiBoroiii ) , Neb , , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BUB. ] Eluier Gibnoii , a young
tough of this place , was sentenced by the
district judge last night to a term In the
penitentiary for purloining a saddle
ilankots , bridle and slicker from the livery
arn of W. J. Coffman of this place
n the night of July 87. Ho was cap-
ured close to the South Dakota line In
Jrown county. This is not his first offense ,
10 being now held to answer nt the next
erm of the district court to the charge of
n-enkiiig into the B. & M. cash drawer hero.
Ho has been to the State Industrial school
it Kearney for stealing a saddle. The sheriff
tartod this morning to the penitentiary
vlth the young man.
Death , ot n Pioneer.
Bum , Aug. 10. [ Special to THB BEB. ]
amcs S. Stewart , ono of the oldest settlers
n Washington county , died this morning.
Two weeks ago ho wns taken to his bed with
a fever and has since boon getting worse. Ho
vas highly respected hero and will bo missed
very much. Ho has always been n proral-
icnt business man. He was 70 years old.
Cho deceased will bo curled Saturday at 2
) . in. from the residence of his son , James
I. Stewart , under the auspices of the
Una Alnrmod the .Settlor * .
LYONS , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB
3iiB. ] The excitement on the Winnobago
and Omaha reservations still continues. Sev
eral meetings have been hold to determine
.vliat . action the settlers will take concern-
ng their leases. Many of the settlers on
these reservations have made irood improve
ments , In many cases houses costing from
& 00 to $1,000 have been built , with barns ,
sheds , etc. , to correspond.
Minimi 1'riipi'rty Iteouvornd.
CBNTRAI , CITV , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKB. ] During the absence
'roin homo this forenoon of the family of
W. S. Desoh , tramps broke into the house
! ) y prying the screen from the window. A
gold watch and chain were taken. Tramps
were scon to talto the fast mall east. On
the arrival of the train ut Columbus ollicurf
irrusted the tramps and found the stolen
Hum on All the Iliinkn Cuiuod tijr the Flrit
National" * Failure. , Aug. 10. The American Na
tional Dank , ono of the strongest In the olty ,
with a capital $1,000,000 and n surplus of
$110,000 has suspended as the result of a
run , caused by tlio xusponslon of the First
National last evening , in spite of n pub
lished card by the olllcers , saying that the
bank was perfectly solvent , nnd pledging
their personal estate to the depositors. A
run is nlso i.i progress on the Fourth Na
tional , which has n capital of 81,000,000 and
a surplus of $1200,000. nnoTis considered per
fectly solvent. The Safe Deposit-Trust and
Banking company has posted a notice to de
positors , saving that it is safe for every dollar
lar owed then' .
Armour Impoiti ( iold.
CIIIOAOO , Aug. 10. Armour & Co. have
bought j.)00,000 , gold In Europe for Immedi
ate importation. It is said to bo the first
purchase of the kind over made by a purely
commercial house , all imparts heretofore
having been through the banks. It Is ald
that the company contemplates further pur
chases of the same kind , and tl.o move is in
the interest of relieving the present stria
Will I'ay Dollar for Dollar.
CIIICAOO , Aug. 9. An investigation into
tlio condition of Lazarus Sllvorinan's bank
shows liabilities of * l. WlU7U , with assets
aggregating t2.5'Jl,34-l. The Investigation
thus far , according to these who uro con
ducting It , has developed nothing of u aus
picious nature in the conduct of the bank.
In a year's tmo ! , it is explained , the bank
will pay dollar for dollar.
Cnu't 1'iiy the Hruinon ,
Bnooitr.YN , Aug. 10. The city treasurer
lias boon uotltled. that owing to the scarcity
of currency the Nashua bank , ono of the
custodians of city funds , would not bo a bio
to pay warrants in bills for the monthly
salary of tbo 11 ro department.
Fururd to ilia Wall.
OTTAWA , 111. , Aug. lO.-Hugh G. Oillon
wholesale dry goods , groceries , boots , shoe ;
and carpets , was forced to the wall lust
evening. Glllen was regarded as financially
ound nnd was ono of the foremost business
men in central Illinois. His failure is the
csult of Inability to realize on paper which
ix months ago was gilt edged. His assets
ro about $75,000.
Another Hunk Ultlcnr ArrnHtod.
WOODSTOCK , I1L , Aug. 10. L. . H. IlaUock
f Munday , whoso bank closed Its doors &
vook ago , was today bound ever to the
grand Jury on the charge of rccoivlug do-
> osits after insolvency.
A Crush ut NiiHlivlllo.
NASHVILLE , Tonn. , Aug 10. The American
National bank has suspended. The Safe Do-
losit , Trust and Banking company is taking
advantage of the sixty days notice.
Advanced thu Unto of Olnoount.
LONDON , Aug. 10. The Ban * of England
las advanced the rate of discount from 3
per cent to 4. *
'oople's Tarty County Control Committee
tiHgor Tor the Frtir.
The people's party central committee of
Douglas county mot last evening and llxod
the date for the county convention. The
alter will bo hold on September 2 , when
delegates to the state convention will bo
The data for holding the primaries was
sot for August 111 und the polling places were
clt to the different committcomen of the
wards and precincts to ngroo upon and ro-
> ort to the secretary by August 20. Tbo ap-
> ortloninent gives nlno delegates to each
, vard and live to every country product , with
'ourteen for South Omaha.
in WITH va.
Two Cases and One Douth Occur In New
York Ilurhor.
NBW YOKK , Aug , 10. Two now cases of
cholera were discovered on board of the
luarantinod vessels In the harbor , and ono
death from well defined cholera occurred on
Swinburne island lust night.
I.otilaluntt Ituf ,
CHICAGO , Aug , 10. The weather was ap
propriately hot for the dedication of the
Louisiana state building at the World's fair
today. Ofllccrs of tlio state , accompanied
by several companies of state militia ,
headed by the Iowa State band , formed a
procession and marched to the building ,
where the exorcises were hold. Governor
Foster was too 111 to deliver the address
accepting the building , and it was road by
ono of hu aides.
Heniiott ( ioliUuiltli'H Komulnn.
The remains of Bonuott Golusmitji , the
mayor of West Point , Nob. , w ho died so sud
denly in a Lincoln hotel Tuesday evening
will arrlvr in Omaha today in charge of
Undertaker M. O. Maul , Thu body will ar
rive at 11 o'clock and the funeral will lake
place from 51U South Twenty-tlrst avenue at
'J o'clock this afternoon.
' .irk Conrort.
The weather was delightfully cool when
tlio llrst strains of Prof , Stehilmiuer's Sev
enth Ward band iloatod upon tlio air In
Hunscom park l.ul ovoning. Notwithstand
ing that the grans was quite moist from the
afternoon shower several hundred people
gathered to listen to thu concert und seemed
to thoroughly cnoy ] it. _
Muilo HII Amilgiiiiient.
The firm of Ackcrnmn Bros. & Helntzo
printers , binders and oloctrotypors , dolnt
business at 111Q Howard street , made uu
assignment last ovcuing. Mr. Ackerman
father of E. C. Ackerman nud G , A. Acker
man , Is named as the assignee.
Daucerout Operation on MuoUny ,
NKW YOUK , Aug , 10. A successful
operation witn performed on John W.
Muckny , the inlllioimiro California ! ) , for
tlio removal of tlio vermiform appendix
Dr. Charles MoDurnoy performed the
operation. Dr. Arthur Jl. TowiiBond
Mr. Muckay's physiulnn , was U'.BU proa
ent. The operation wua BO tmcucssfu
that Mr. Mackuy VYU.S able to receive
one of Ills closest friendu. Thuro is no
likelihood of any dangerous result * ) .
I 130 I
vill cover the expense of a trip from St.
Paul to the
This includes ALL necessary traveling
expenses , railroad , stafre nnd sloopinj ; cur
'area ' , meals nnd hotels for the complete
Your trip to the World's Fair will noi
jo complete unless you also go from there
M the Yellowstone Park ( totnl oxnenaa
about8150) ) and view the wonderful
things the Almighty has nlncod therefor
mankind to see. No such spot Is found
elsewhere on earth. The Northern Pa
cific is the direct line there.
Send for " 0,000 Mile's ' Throuph Won
derland , " and our now map of the Park.
General I'aaioiiger Avnnt ,
r r
Your .Druggist
OMA1-IA , - NE1B.
Or , O. ( Ion Wo. tha kin *
of RlilnoHD mcUluliiuu , uau
truly Im ralltvl tlio klntr ut
niiHili'lnH IM-CMHBK of 111 *
wunili-rfiil Hklll ami ciiron
ot all kind CUHP.IHHH , Ho
Hliriit yearn In the mrdlritl
cullctro uf Uliln.i and hat
liuinn-il thiiartloiinof over
0,000 < IIITi < ri-iit Cldtirmi
reiiii-dli H. llo IUH acniilrixl
much kiiuwli Uo uat took
yiuvrn of iMiil and uarnimt
Htmlylo uucomiillHti. Oil-
n < tin inixltcliioH nru HIIIUI-
rlurbrxMimuuf Iholr imrlty
il Hlrt'iiifth. Tlioy aru
M , IJJl UH , hi > rlm , tlowiirH ,
i.n.Hl.i1lty | : of nini'H prlv.tln ( llH ( > iH a , lout
IKJ ( | , , iif > i VIIIIHIIUHH , ulirimlu illttiuHiiD .mil
nil ( iiinulii wn.lknnyHOH I'.UlimtH at a UlHt liioixMii
Ixi Irr.iUil by < 'onv pouUc > mi > , Thu doctor lu
liuwlnxlHOf ti-mlinoiiUlB H'iml ' 1 cfnUnUmt > for
( ruti book of Unttlmuulalu and iiuimtlon blank * Dr.
n. Uuo Wo , 10th and California BlrcoU Uniulia ,
Neb , _ _ _ _ _ _
When their tender ( Un are literally on Jim ,
with lulling , burning , culy , unf
blotiliy > Mu niid icjlp illictiM
with Ion uf tiulr , none but mutlif
realize , Cnnt'iu KEUEIJIEI !
ford Immediate relief , | riult ml
_ uuil tleep , anil putnt to a teetly \ > DI !
economical curu when the Uit pliynlcUoi * ud U
ihor rtimvdlci IM. Hold cm } whore.