TIIR OMAHA 1UILY BKK : TlrtTRSDAY , AUtiUST 10 , 189H. SPECIAL NOTICES. A HVEHT1SKMENT9 KOIl THESE COLUMNS Swill intnkrn luitn-l'J .top. in. for lii ) cwnlnit Brol until 81:111 : p. Ri < tor thu morning ami Sunday editions. f Artrprtlwm , by froiipftllnff a nrnnborril cnpcK , rnti hnvnilii'lrntmwMnnililreiwil to a ntimtx-ml teller In cnro of TUB HKK. Answers MI ndilrrMscd VIII Imitollvrtvri tiponprpfM-iitatlon of tlio clieck. SITUATIONS WANTED. Rail's m a won ! first Insertion. Ic a word tlicro- nfter. Nolldns token for less than .Tie. * " " " * 7 siWATto7r m'"Yo"itNh"TAin > r STIN- J oiraiiii'f ) anil tyiiewrltur. References fiinilslinil. AililrexM N 33 Ili . H'J'J 11' - WANTED IIY EXPERIENCED A-POSITION HU'liograplier owning macldnei nlmi expor- ! f-nceil bookkeeper. Address , stating wnires , Njl : ( , lid ! . Mlllrt 10 * -WIDOW WITH ONE CIIIM ) WISHES 1'LACH J\J\H ImimpUci-iw-r for widower with nm.'ill family , do nolobji'ct to li-avn city. Aililrvss or call. Hoimo- hcpper , 1'7 ' ( > North iMlli ln > ot. iil ! ! ! ° _ lLL _ A - WANTKurraiTioxTiYTrAnnliii MAH AS /VilrlvororeolliiJtor for retail IIOUKP : tlioronclily ncQiialntod In city : can elvo bonds. N i'ij.Jj'lj'1 { , WANTED MAL"E HELP. Hates me a wonl llrnt Insertion , lea word thero- fcfter. Nollilng taken for lens than Ui o. n-OENTf.EMAN OK fiOOD CHAUACTEH TO J'represent our bmilness.lnsuranco men preferred ; 4171le utillillnif. Ml 1SALARY OH COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO Jiliatiillii OKI Patent Chemical Ink Eraser Pencil. The IIIOM iitM-ful nnd uovol Invention of Ilin ace. . Krasc-H Ink thoroughly In two HeromH. Works 1 kn luairlc. awl to BOO l vcent prollt. AKrnlH making S.Vlper week. We alHO want a peiieral agent to t.'ikeeliaw of territory ami appoint Kilb aiteuts. A rare eliaiico to makn money. WrIU'forli'rms nnil a HiM-olmi'ii of erasing. Monrou Kra.slnif Mftf. Co. . X III ) . I.a CrOHse , WlH. f'8l T ) -IP VOir WANT A OO01) PAYlNfl JO1I WllITK J Jtlia HawkH NnrBury Co. , Milwaukee , Wln. _ D-WANTBI ) , ATONCB , A FtIlST-cr..VS3 IIAU J bor ; none others need apply 1 wrlto to Jo. Tutu- niond , Went 1'oltil , Nub. Mll'JU 11 TV AVANTRI ) . S boi ) CANVASSKI19 FOR J'prayon porlralm ; uooit nnlnry paid to tlio rlRht men. Call betwunn U-ll a. in.10:1 : Iloe tiiillillnir. Tl-OANVASSKRS IN OMAHA AND COUNCIL JJniniTrt. Uoom7 , Bccoml Hour. 020 South tilth Blnsot. Mlltl 1n > AND KXl'KNSKS. KXCLtJ- T-75.00 A MONTH JlHlvn territory. No pxiwrlcnuo. Staple ( roods. Almolnto monopoly. Men and women Avanted. Yearly coiitrhetH. t'ny pfrtaln. No talkiSyHtim jKTfirt. WrlliMiuli-k. Tontm froo. AddreHs 1C U , iloxUilHU , IIUHton , MiihH. _ Mlil'j 10 * TJ-WANTKD , THU COI.IIMIIIAN GIIIU ) . A J Jfratnrnal onlrr with pntlri'ly orlRhml Insnratipo nnd oniluwnictit featnn-H. and tlipmost iiopular OVPT known , wluliPH In pniploy one or morn llrnt- class nit'ii In i-very slate to iiriranlzo phaplprs. To the rlclit man an oiMiortiinlty for iii'i-inaiipnt ptn- Iiloyiiipiitnnd lariti1 n'vemiomoppti. and m-ldom iimnliHl. Write for particulars. Address Siuircmo ciiaptiT , Columbian Utillil , Toledo , O. Mllll 10' n > -DHIf ! ! SAIK ! ANVANTKD. . OP OOOD .1 > < tlandlnc with thn trade , to m-11 ( side line ) an nrtldU * In Bi-eat d'MiiaiKl. Will pay * ' .Ti.OO ninrclns / ] x-r week : Hainpli'H Minall and neat. Only inuii nl- " * \f ready travelliiB need apply. Addresw Ward A Co. , y Cluralnnd , O. MIM'J 10' WANTED FEMALE HELP. Itsilps.moa wonl llrhtliiHorllou. lea woi-dthero- nfter , Notlilnic taken for tram than 'J.'ie. _ " Jn"TCu > i KJoVfiool ) A n n it ESS TO INTRODUCE > -our liimluiMis nnioni ; Irlt'mlu. $7 , ' .oo to $100.00 nnlnry to rl ht parlies ; ,117 lieu bnlldln ; ; . 681 "f 1 WANTKD. IIY A PMAnt , FAMILY A YOUNG x Klri to work for her boaitl while altcnillii ! ; ncliuot. AiklreHS , N 1 5 Doe. 778 U * _ rWANTED. \ . T.ADIKS AND OKNTLKMKN.VV. \ will pay $ . " ) . ( Mlle iM'.OI ) i ! r wei'k to do Htrlutlj lioinn work for us ; no canvaislnx and prompt pay- input. O. V. Kmmons A , Co. , Ilatlerymareli am ! Water Sta. , Ikmton. Mass. Mst3 ; 10 * W ANTED. 11V W1IOLKSALK HOtlSH.A LADV botwcen 2fl nnd JO ; lintliavlm : wen Hoiiii-tlilnc of biiHlneHS preferred. Address N : ! ' . ) , Ileioltlcp. . M1)'J5 ) 13 * 7T'VAOTb /Amliw"1 TAILOR WHO UNDF.lt v HtandH cuttln ? ITTivoi'k with ilrcKHinaker. Stall wines , Address T.S. Martin A : Co. , Sioux City. Ii : MU 17 1 1 1OB KENT HOUSES. Hales , lOru line well Inwrtlou. $1.50 a line pc inontli. Nothliiff taken for len.s tliau liSc. 1 v Fe ii ii NT , IIOUSKN Ann L'AUTs bi J'tliouity. ThoO. V. DavlH company , 1303 Knr 11:1111. : { 1 .T\-.1 AND 1-ROOM APA11TMKNTS , VON DO 1 .I'hlook , with Hte.Mii ; ruforuncuH required ; XK S''LM. BS8 I1KNT , 7-ItOOM MODKUN FLAT block , lillil S. llllliHt. 35 - ItMNT FOR 0 MONTHS OH LONOKI n-FOH nlrnly located U-room lioiiBe , till furnlalieil am In firm class coniUllou lo Binall faiully wltlion clillilren. Rent nsinnnaliln and referenceH ru qtdnil. Inciulri ! at frjr Soulli 'Jlllli tureot. MM14 Tv-rorr"iiKNT" . iuntboM MODKIIN iiotisi- J niitciitouosu Mss'j la * \ I-'Oll IlKNT , Ill-room lioime. all moileni tin 3\ 'proveiiienl'i ' , sSHOtith ; ! I'Jlh ntreot. Iiupilm tBl ! Clili''iiro. 11H03 T\-FOR HUNT NINE-ROOM IIOIIHK , AIV J "mixli-ni I'OnveiilenceH : barn ; elegant lawn nne Hliadn. No. 'Jill S. IllHtuvo. M. J. Keiinan tll"-S ( N. Y. Life lliillillng. SI OU'J Ill-ROOM COTTAOE , MODERN. CHOICE , 1 ] J ) Stanford Circle. C. E. Elifiittli-r. y ( ) J lleo uldir. TV -H-ROOM HOUSE , MODRRN. NEAR nusi J ' ne s , rent moderate. Apply -HI Ieo ! bullillm , ' . 7.ril ; D-FOR KENT. NICK FIVE-ROOM COTTAGI * l-J.ill ) . Iminlru room illl ) , Now York I.ll bullUlmt. ' M7II ) TA A VnilY DKSIRAHrTT ! DETACHED TK I 'roomeil moilern lioime , larjo lawn.no liaHi'iiien ! ir > 21 California. , M7H7 10' _ _ _ "H FOR KKNTr TTvr 7 ROOM IIOtISTS : I J 'emalii ) : ; i Vluw. only S.il.00 per month. 717 N. 1 Mfo. 7117 -ROOM I MODERN HOUSE WITHIN B MI > Dl walk of 1' . O Inaulro HUD Dodtie. M807 12 _ 1-V - FOR"RENT. . * : IO CORNER FLAT. 1 ITlf A N J 'Capital avi'ime. U ronnm and li.illi. tf'.Ti. Hi rooniH nnd bath. HUM North Hilh. + _ " . ' . WI Bix roon and hath , 1:1'-- : ' Capital avenue , $ ' . ' 0 nix-room tin if.'l South lOlli street. Inquire Nelhertou hall. ! ! l Hoiilli IHUi Htrri-t. Ht)7 ) I ) 1 \ FOl RENTNICl H-ROOM HOUSE NEA 1 'Hanscom Park ; also Ill-room lioiiHuneartAl ! nnd Dodiro. IIIckH Real Estate Agency. 8Udll OF . street ; XU)0. Rlnswalt llroi llarkur bluek. A1IIKI 10 * BDEMGHTKIII. HO.lfK , ft-HOOM HOUSK.MOI ITU oonveuleiici'H. b.irn. bt'iiullfnl lawn , natur Hli.-ulo trei'B , * : l'i \ KImo. . Imiulru L'CIKI Plerco Ht. tiiin ti : > T-V MODERN SIX-ROOM IIOOSK , il'-'K ) CA ! 4 'Hlreet ; tlrsl-rlnHH ii'tiatr ; line nelKliborhoo Apply lo K. A. Noitliup , Tax IK-pt. 11. A , M Ry. Mll..O 13' FOlt RENT lUllNISHED ROOMS 1'atPH.Hti' a wonl first lus.'rlion. . Je a word thei Dlti'r Nothing I-IKIMI for K-ss than 25e. 1 ( TCICI'IIH' ' fliUPr.K , NU'KhY FI'RNISIU- ' J > ur iinfurnUl.od rooiim with Ixiurd 3 tlockh Im roi.it liiiime. AtlilivHH , M 3'J. lleo. fill ! 11) ) ' " ] i1FtniNisiiin ) ROOM \vrn r ALcovK FT J emleniL-n inuilem vuiivenluiieua , y.'O North'J.l M 7111 V P.OOMS NICELY FUKNISIIKl ) . Hill ) SOU'l .1 Jl7llitHrwt. Mllll ) 10 I. ' 1'UltNlsllKI ) HOOM WITH AI.COVK. SOIH I'front ; ulhn uiHull roouiH , with or wllliout bo.n MIH KulKlil. No. ' . ' : IIO DoiiKlaH ntreet. Tit : I/ FINE KURN1SIIK1) ROOMS. ' 'UI)3 HURT f .lj . 71HI BU EDESIRAIIlTE SOUTH ROOM , MODI'lRtTrO venleneeH ttll'.l Uudiiu Mtrt-el. MbUII 1 : 1. ' FOR RKNT NEATLY FURNlMllTl ) ROO .l\ with bo.iiil , L'Oltl ( ' .illfornla St. m l7-H ! * l7 NKVS'lTY I'URNISHBU"ROOMS TO UEK . I j wltli or wllliout bo.irU , In prlv.ttu family. ' 'U Clili'.IKO Blnvt. lilK4H-l'j "l ? FOR UKNTTu HANDSOME DOIIllf.K 1 A J-jim-H , : t Mocks from 1' . ( ) . . furnltiheil or i furnlMheil. luipilro 1318 Fariiam. I'll ) I ? HKVI-ltAirNTcElY ! FURNISHED ROO5 \ JjarraniriNl for louHekft | > plni : , all modern ei venK'ncoH , 11)10 ) ( Vpltnl a > emm. U.'l 1C T" NICELY FURNISHED"ritOST ANiriJAi .1 * p.irloru. wllli b.ith Itmi ) Fariiam Bt. U3S 111 Tji TWO KUlllHsilKI ) IOt.MS ! FOR Jhomiiikeopliig. 1823 Capitol avenue. avenue.M040 10 1URNISHED ROOMS AND BOAR : Rult * . 1 J u : > wnnl llmi lUHorttoii.ln a wonl tbc alltr. Nollilng Ukon fur IUHH th.m 25it. f. "Y7IuNVOMEN'sTfOME UNDER OAllE J Woman'H Chrltiluui | | bOclailonlH S. 17lh HI i HIU DOLAN.20U AND 211 N , 1STII ST. "l- THK STATK EUROPE.\j7TlOTEL NE VA ; 1 i-li-gaully furnli.lu.tl rouum for tuul by day > \ifk nt rmHonablorntrs. Kmi-ry , t Spratt , l : to ttl'J DomtliiH sliif t. M481 A2i I , ' WU RKNT , FURNISHED FRONT ROC x. - wlih UKinl , at ltit : N. lUllt tn > ul , M'Jll tl I ? NIOKLY t'HRNISHED SOUTHEAST FRO J room wuli ; ilcuvi > and bay window , inuJoruc vi-nlcnccn. yrtvatu family ; uo iil. U2J KKiutli 'J WANTED BOAHDER3. R.itpn , incnlln p.ich liiHnrtlon , Jt.ftil line per month. Nothing taken ( or kit thnu 25c. G 2 FRONT ROOMS , 1000 KEAVKNWORT1I Htrect. M87SI IP FOH RENT STOitES AND OFJFOES. Rates , 10c n line i > nch hmertlon. $1.50 n line month. Nothing tnki'ii for lPHStliftn25c. . IN COMPLETE OlH . Flrsl-cl.M locality. Call 1U23 Sherman AVP. Mills 111 * 1 FOR RENT. OFFICE SPACE ON GROUND J lFOR l 1702 Farnaiii Hired. MU28 poUKNT. THK-STORY iniOK IIUlLinXf J.U1 1 ! Farnam st , Thn building han n fireproof CD- mi'iit basemiMit. POinplvtu stivim InMllliz fixtures , water on nil the lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the offlcu I DESK ROOM FOR RENT ON GROUND FLOOR Jon 15lh St. , IH\M.I.I Farnam and Douglascheap. Apply nl 215 S. 15th Kt. 811) ) STOKAQE. M-STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD (3OODS ( : clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farmiiu. ' , ) ( ! _ M-STORAOK.WlLLIAMSACROSS.l'Jl t HARNEY f.i)7 ) WANTED TU BUY. Rates , t ! < n a wonl first Insertion , lo a word thero- ntler. Nothing taken lor less than 25c , AT-WANTEITTO iMj'llCHASBA'cioOD RETAIL 1 > Imslness ! nuy Hue. Part trade. Ames-Real Estate Agency , 1017 Faniam strept , 83511 * -CASlT PAID FOR GOLD AND SILVER. 1 > Jacobson A Elsole , rogni 11,1315 Douglas at. M72I ) Ail I" TVT- CASH FOR FURNITURE , HOUSEHOLD -LN goods , etc. , or will wll for owner In our auction sales. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. Ri'S ' TVT-WANT ED , .ID OR so ACRES 4 TO n MILES li from oily ; must no cheap. If you have city property or lands or merchandise lo offer chiMp , list with E. F. Ringer. liilU Farnam. M88II 12 * AT-WANTED. A RETAIL IMPLEMENT OR ii general merchandise Inmlness lu eastern No- braska. Part trado. AdilroHB N il.'i I loo. Hi ) t 13' ' " -WILL PAY CASH FOR 10 OHM ACHES near Omaha. C. D , Huluheiioii , 1U'J3 Farnam. AT-WANT TO IIUY MERCHANDISE CHEAP IN forcash. Address O. O. Maiming , D.ivld City , Neb. MU5 ! 16 - , AN OPENING TO START A N-WANTED confectionery Htoro In Home good thriving town. Address C. J.Crelghton. Nob. FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates. Ufa a Wonl flrstlnsertlon. lea word there after. Nothing lakon for less than 25c. --FOK RENT oii SALK IIEST right piano. Inquire room 308 , First National bank building. 'J23 _ -A "RADIANT HOME" NO. 5 HASE-HURNER , almost now , for sale dirt cheap : parties leav ing. Call before Saturday , 2208 Charles Htre.ut. 1)37 ) 10 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC Rates. 1 J.,0 , a word tlrst Insertion , lea worl there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. p-FOR SALE CHEAP , A NICE PONY CART. A Inquire til 1011 Cmillng Htreel. MS81 D--FOR SALE. GOOD SECOND HAND PHAE- I tons , $10 , $51) , $75. $100. lIuslnesB buggies , ' $11 , $ ' . ' 5 , $35 , $ 15. Drummoud Carriage company , IMth and llarney Htrcuts. Hilil-15 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rales , lOo a llni' each Insertion , $1.50 a line per luoiilh. Nolhlng taken for less than 25a Q-FOR SALT : , A REGULATION SIZE IIRUNS- wlck .t Ilalko bllllaril table , raek.cues and balls. Everything lu llrst-elass Hlnipo. Address N L'1 , lioe. MIRI ) . Q FOR SALE. TWO PURE BLOODED SMOOTH eoaled ft.-malu St. liernard puppies. Address , N 31 Kee office. W ) . " > 10 Rales. IWe a wonl first Insertion. Ic .1 wool there after. Nothing taken for less than uric. -irmjscAR'r' ' STUDIO LKSSONS Riven. Orders taken. Mrs. K. J. Carlo , ' 'tin ChlcairoSt. niHIO-ll ! * CLAIE.VOYANIS. Hates , Hlr a HUD each Insertion , SI.50 a line pel month. Nothing taken for lesi than y.lc. S i-JIHS. NANNtE V. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT reliable ] business medium ; Othyearat 110 N.lUth ODDS MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. Rates , IMc a word first Insertion , lo a wcnJ tbereaftor. Nothing tiikeu for less than L'3c. ri- MADAME SMITH , 503 S. 13TH , UND FLOOR X Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steamKulplmr- Inu ami sea baths. ' inSTl 1'J' rp MME.CARSON , 1121 DOUOLAS STREET,3t 1 floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , bulphnr and so : ] baths. M80I 11 * T MJIB. STOWK , MAGNF.TIC 1IKALKR , J.Doiifrla block MU52 10- PEKSOftAL Rates. I' o a wonl llrat Insertion , In a wordthero- 'tcr. Nothliii ; taken for less than 'Jje. U ACCOUNTS RXAMINEI ) . HOOKS OPKNEE balanced or closed. Any business of eonlulen tlul naliiro lookL'd up or examined. 10 years ex IKM-IUIICU. Address , N It'J HPU oRlco. K'Jl ' 13 * N MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE RaleH , 10e a Hue each Insertion. $1 fill n llnupe I- month. Nothing taken for less than 'J.lo. ALOANS ON iMi'ROVED AND UNIMPROVE ] ' city properlv. $3.001) ) and npwunls , fi to ( ! H IH- centuiodolayu. W.Fariiam Smith .t Co , 13'JO F.irnaii UOl \\r-MONBY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE ! > Tlio O. F.Davis Co. . 1003 Farnani Direct. 003 \\r-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES 01 i Improved and unimproved Omaha real i-Htato , N " to 0 yearn. Fidelity Trust Co. . 17i ( ) Farnam. DOS V" . W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 31HN. "i Life , lends at low rates for cholco necurlty o Nebraska und Iowa farms or Omaha city proper ! ] 007 -f \r-C13NTRAL LOAN JfcTUUST CO. , UEE I1LDO ix ixm \\r-fiOl.(10 ( ( TO $1.1TiOO.OO TO LOAN 1 TO it , ' years on Improved Omaha real estate or fan lands. 10. C. Uarvln & Co. , 'MS Sheely block.MH10 MH10 ) W -MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATE ! in Apply to W. 1J. Mulkle , First National Ilk bldi MS30 inE ir-MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 4il ME E , > IILD'G. M R''it \r-FOIl SALE , GILT EDGED MORTGAGE boarliiir U , 7 and 8 per cunt Interest. Hick Diil Real Etttato Agency , 1105 N. Y. Llfo bulkUntr. iil 1)00 ) 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. S3 Rates , loca Him each InHertlon. ifl.W ) .1 line pi inoiilh. Nolhlusr taken for IVHH than -'fie. viLi'fjoyla S'Kfy A'Sv'KiyooF'S ' } curlly ; Htrictly cunlldontlaL A. M. Uarrlu , roe 1 Conllm-nlal block -178 3. " 3.o X - MONOT TO LOAN- o- Wo will lend yon any Bum which you wlsl Hiuall orlartte , at tlio lowest posstblu r.'UiH , lull uulclii'Hl poaslblo lllno and for any length of tin in Hull you. Yon can pay U back In Riich Instal meiils an you wish , when you wish , and on pay for It an luuir us you keep it , You can borro on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , Id. HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MRRCHANDISB OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , ' 30(1 ( SOUTH KiTJl STREET , I'll llrst lloor nbovu the street. nl. THE OLDEST. LARUEST.AND ONLY INCORP01 ATEU LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 0 YOU WANT MONEY ? IN- INM W will loan yon ANYSHM you wish on youi M , FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. WAliONS , CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSI ! RECEIPTS , etc. i Wo tilvoprompt attention to all applications n1 : and will carry your lo.m an lonsasyou wish , : You can ri'ducn thn cost of carrylntr yortr loan : by a payment : it any tlino. Thuru la no pub- : Hetty or n'inoviil ot proiMTlv. .K : FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. l * l \ * 1J4KAV.K. * ! t t'Jl * V/ , in- : Room 4 , Wlllmiill block , D : M741 Cor. IRlh and Hartley St. \IS , BUSINESS OHANCES. CK Hates , lOc a llmi each inscrllon , f 1.50 a Una p month , Nothli ) ' . ' l.iken for lust * Until ' . ' 5c. V FOR RKNTA s > i ALI , \\VITBR MILL. "A 1 drt'bsM \ \ 55 , Lincoln. N b. _ ill ; -FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS , FURNISH ) hotel , knowu a lhu "Ilurltm.'ton House , " n D uattul uunr Ilia 11. , VM. Jt. R. depot In thu city _ Aurora , Nch. Call on or address R.v. . O.-aybl ro- Real Estate Aeont , Aurora. Nol ) . JISO'J 12 roOP VL -KKTAItj CJLOTIHNG J1USINKS3 WANT1 OP -L in ii Kood town of 3,000 popnhulun , over ; will payupot cnsh and auk no uuesllon I'J prlcu mum bo low. Addix'tut N U3 , Hoc uttlcu. S18 10 [ V-TO IIUY , SELL OR KXCHAN(3E ( , HUSINE A chaucuH , re.il t-atato or lauds. Apply to We orn HualncbH Agency. 31U If. V. U bids. SIB01 S or MA V-FOR EXCHANGE. CLEAN STOCK SIIO1 f * Jouo real cutato and money , O. Snyd Nt'Ola. la. M882 12 JM , D' YrFlRST CLASS DHUG STORK , BIO IIAHI1A i forcutthj Koo l iKiyluy Uiialneas , Address N l < " . 7U3 f' INT on- V-TORSALKORTRADB , FtRST-OLASS DRI A fcioro , ccnlrally looatud , ( food ou H buslnosa. W. I. , P. O. lljx 51S. M20 ! BUSINESS CHANCES. CnnUnwn. Y- PARTNER WANTED , INSURANCE i. III-SH : iXH | < rlenco and some cnplfnt-iii-ecsfinry. N4l ( , Ik-e. MD40 PJ FOR EXCHANGE. Rales , lOcn line ouch Insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nothlnir taken for los than 25c. _ r/n OwTrwfFARMS IN NE1IRASKA , KANSAS /Jand Dakota. Will sell cheap or pxchnmrn for imlse.lior.sesaiulcaltlo. Aild.box70Frankfort.Iiid. /-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. WILTj / tnlcu real ustato , money. Ilex 2U5 ( Frankfort Irnl. 61:1 - $7.1)00 ) WORTH OP STAPLF1 GEN- Z-AI1OUT for one-third cash or ncciirot nolca. balance Omaha city property or good farm. J. II. Haddock. Falrbury. Neb. M280 r/-WlLD LANDS. CLEAR , TO EXCHANGE FOR / property lii-re. Wrlto full descriptions. 701 South 27th htrcet. M507 A2. " > * rT HAVKlM ACRES OF IMPROVED EASTERN / Nebraska land not morliraited that I wlsli to Irndo for nn-ruhaiullso. Oeo. L. . tiampbell. Col - rldt-e. Neb . M7 0 10 TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ratps.lOc a line paeh Insertion. $ l.r,0allno per mouth. Nothing taken for less than t ! , " > o. B N. N.MJU3A1U MJU3A1U -MUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest nml lst l lots in OMAHA. Special prlco and terms to HOME IIU1LDERS. StoepelPlaco lots will alw.iys advance. In prlco , for the city must grow westward. Call on or address - dress W. A. Wubsler.ID' ' lleo bldg. 01-1 iOR SALE , IIY ADMINISTRATORS , FARM OF ' J.'iii : : acres , 1 ! houses of 10 rooms and-I rooms , barn of six Hlalls and carrlngo room , Hue orelmnl , vlneyniiland garden , rumilns water , Hprlngs , line cellars , largo pattlmvH. good fences. For sale at low price and reasonable terms. Farm Is3mllen north of Florence and undies nouth of CofTmuit station on the Calhoun roail. Hiiqtilnt ofOenrgi ! H. Fllchett , 1IH ! > Slu.'cly block , IBth and Howard Sis. CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe nvenita ( Popplctou park ) , easv access lo motor , OwuerBOlng Into business. Will neil very cheap for cash. Also lot HaiiHOom Place. lllg bargain for cash. Adilress L. 1' . , P. O. llox iimj. Ulo BARGAINS-HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. SALTS jor trade. V , K. Darling , llarkerblk. 1UOA13 ASPLENID HAROAIN. TEN ACRES WITH small collate lust west of oily. If sold at OUCH eau quote away down price and take certificate of deposit or pass book on savings bank In payment. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 3(15 N , Y. Ltfo bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAFE AND J- profitable Investment Wo can clvo yon one. For Instance , a ifood farm of inn acres 10 mllea from Omaha. What can you -Hud better ? Or. If yon want a homo on e.isy payments and cheap , wo have several. Omaha Knal Estate and Trust company , room -1. lleo building. MI171 _ AROAINS , IN FARMS , HOUSES AND LOTS. J. N. Freuzer , room 5 Fronzer block , opp. P. O. M 130 A23 17OR SALE ; TWO NEW COTTAGES AT S. W "comer of 2lHhaud California streets. AH mod ern eoiiveulenei'S. Inspection solicited. Call on or address H. T. Clarke , 250 ! ) C.is-t street , or 210 Hoard of Trade , Omaha. 'Phono 1'JS. 822 11 SPLENDID INVESTMENT. 2,210 ACRES O Bood farm land near Lodsro Pole , Neb. Laud In theylclnlty Is held at $11.00 to * tf.OO per acre. We can olli-r this land for $1.00 pin-aero and take Havings bank ci'rtlllcales or pass books lu pay ment. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , i)05 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 1MB 11 _ -7 > OR SALE , 20 COTTAGES , * )5l.0ll ) TO 1. $2.i)0i ( ) ( ) ) . on monthly payments. E. F. RliiKer , 151U Farnam. M887 10" 7-ROOM HOUSE WORTH $ : l,00l ) . FOR $2.000. < C. D. Hiilelieson , 10211 F.irnam. UUP _ ARM MORTGAGES. C. P. HARRISON , 012 N. Y. Life. 780 32 * _ PASS HOOKS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT X on Omaha savings b.mks taken as payment fet the ton-ncru tracts wo are offering for sale Jusl west of tin ) cltv. Call and see them. Hicks' Real EsUito Agency , I05 ! N.Y. Lifi ) bldi , ' . ! ) :15 : 11 MUST HAVE MONKY ; WILL SELL FINE FU LT. lot on paved street for$5)0.ll. ( ) ( ) No mailer whal It cost I must have money. Address N 38. Dee. MU2U 11 "IIAROAINS IN FARM LANDS. -l > : )2 ( ) ACRES , Gruoli'v county. $7.fiO p ; r aero. 480 ACRES , near Scolia , Neb. . $ S.O ( ) per acre. 800 ACRES , Greeley county , Neb. , $ . ( ) ( ) per acre lilt ) ACRES , near Crelghton , Kuox county , $0.5t per acre. Oil ) ACRES , near Lortgo Pole , Neb. , splennli Hprlng wuter , good neil , smooth land , $ t,50 ! pci acre. For terms , etc. . address Hicks1' Real EstnK Agency , i)03 N. Y. Llfo BUI ? . , Omaha , Nob. ' OM 11 _ _ SEIDURITIES FOR Rates. 1 Wo .1 wonl llrst Insertion , Ic .1 wonl thuro- after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. PER CENT MORTGAGES KOR SALE , SECURIty - 8 Ity absolutely safu. Ames Real Estate agency 1017 Fariiam. M532 HIGH GRADE OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES netting purchasers good rate of Interest , mnn ( of from'iiotl.oi ) up , for salu by Cilobo Loan & Trusi Co. , Kith and Dodge , Omaha. Particulars on ap plication. . . M701 - < OOD MORTGAGE SECUR1T1RS FOR SALE G "Hicks , real estate agency. 80 ! ) 11 I7OR SALE. 2 GOOD Sldn.OO FIRST MORTGAGE ! J-dniwlnt" 10 pereeut intorest. Address , NII lieu. 03' > I70R SALE. WE HAVE SOME VERY CHOICI -L DoiiglaB au < l Sarpy county fami mortiracre } : drawlnsrll percent. In Bums of i.lOO lo $1.00(1 ( D which wo would Bell to llioso deslrlu u uafo Hi t-r terest paylmr Investment , lletti-r take li per ocn in amlbitsart ; than ' . ' ( I ami nm a risk. Bot'sn , t Hill 1-108 Farnam Htreet. Illll-l t LOST. Rates , Iflc n line each Insertion. $1 .50 a line pot mouth. Nothing taken for less than 25c. OLl Jj Reward paid for return to A. S. Van Kuraii , : )71i Dll Jones street , 811(1 ! ) Dlly - TOST. OPEN FACE , HEAVY SILVER WATCH Jjbflwei'ii tilth , Izaiil and Nicholas west to 'joil north to Paul , diagonal to li''d and Charles : flndu leavH wllh CrlH lioyer , 21'1'J Charles Htrrct , ami rii oelvo reward. MUlil 10' m T OSTSMALL WHITE DOG , DROWN HBAI -LjwIiltOHtreak down forehead , brown spot lei Hliouldur ; leather collar with city tair. * S.OO ri ward for return to 1603 Davenport street. , ' WORLD'S FAIR HOTELS & ROOM ! Rates , lOea line each insertion , $1.50 a line po mouth. Nothing taken for leas than ' - ' . > e. CORNER LANGLE nvpiuiu and Gist utreot , Chicago ; 2 blocl from fair entrance ; permanent Htomt nnd brlcl largo ontBldo rooms overlooking park ; nothh better ; European , $1.00 to $2.00 : oxrullpnt cnfi high recommendations from Omaha and Cotim' HliilTs pcoplo who have Htoppcd with us. Tali Wabash nventio cable can * to CottagoGrovoavi IK- into and UlHthtrt'ct ; go ono block west. Cut th - out and como or write. M)51 ! ) 111 * Jlll SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. , Ra'cfl , llc a line each Insertion , $1.51) ) u line pc ho month. Nothing taken for less than 25e , ino " ' ill- B OYLES.tnAmi , (113 ( NEW"vOK'icUFK : HLDf iiy carry tlio largest Him of tyi > o wrlliirM In tl ; went , all makes. ' . ' 5 to 75 per cunt saved on a li'.idlng machines. Rentals monthly : Callgrai $ : < .5I ) , Remington $1.00 , Smith frontier $5.00. Tn 558. MUli ) UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMEH Rates , lOoaiJUiDi-nch Insertion , $1.50 a lluo pi mouth , Nothing taken for less than 25u. iR0 - C W. JIAKER " ( FORMERLY WITH "jOIIN ( , Jacobs , ilrceabeil , later with M. O. Maul ) , nude taker and umbalmor , 315 S. 10th Ht. Tul. UUU , 017 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Rales , lc ( a lluo each Insertion , $1.50 a line pi month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. YOUN'OLADIESA'ND GENTLEMENOA TSOO L aciiulru u working knowludgo of uhorthaud ; n tyiH-wrllln ? at A. O. Van Sam's school of ulior hand , 613 N. Y. Llfo. TyiHjwrltere to rent. U1U PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lo ( a line each Insertion , $1.50 a linn p month. Nothing taken for Ions than 25u. SONNKXHEUO" DIAMOND BROKER 1 ! Douglas st , IJI.IIIB money on dlainoudii , wutchi etc. Old sold und ullrur bousht. Tel. 1558. 010 ID- SCALES. J Ratcu , 10c a line each Insertion. $1.50 a Una u ED month. Nothing taken for lutts than 'Jic , Hit'or \TE\V .CsECOND HAND SCALEsTALLTiTlNr nn , I > Addrcau llorilon Jt SelleclcCo. , Lake bt. , Chlcai liC ) ! ED - = or MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE ! ; F , GBLLET'nECK , tlANJOISTANDTEACHE 1810 California ulreet. ui , ESS HABIT IN ALL ITS FORMS- lir * , : i i-mi rr1OnPHINC.COCAINCI.AUOANUrv | UN AND KINDRED HABITS ) ' ' EASY BPEtOV.CURCXlUAIINNrCCO ' CORRCSPONOCNCC OONCIOCNTIAd UrT PAMPHIIT > ,0 PARTICULAR * 5CNI FRtE a. t NATIONAL HEALTH CO CLOCK , OMAHANCQ. nxTiiij ? ( Oconr d'Alone Indian R iorvfttion Will Soon Bo Openl Up. * THOUSANDS WAITING ON THE BORDERS f Lower Itrnlm to llo Trniurcrrnd l'lorr ' \Vell 11 f ( liM nnil Until A South l'ii s Hoe Western Winders nnd lucovrlci , Koports contlnuo to como In from nil tlio mining ftoctlons indicating n decided increase In tlio gold ylold , mostly In placer work.Which will go fur toward furnlshinc occupation for the tlimmmls driven out of silver pro duction by tlio ropudiatlvo conduct ot the nations In the Lntln union. It rcnmins yet to bo scon what congress will do toward ro- stotini ; thoabusoa tiiotnl to its pro per posi tion in comniorco.Vhltovor the outcome , however , thcnbumlant resources of the west will enable it to return to prosperity faster than thu over-capitalized east , particularly if her merchants and consumers pursue a policy of placing their patronage as near homo as posslblu nnd building the west llrst Instead of supporting the east. Mutual trade is self employment nnd homo mnrkcts , independence und nil that makes true liberty. l.iind for Si'ttlor * . At last there Is a certainty of opening the Ciwurd'Alciio reservation , nnd that within a very short time. The last special ilgures required by the government have been sent In , and the surveyor general of Jdnho has boon notilled from Washington that the gov ernment lias approved the documents and will immediately take action toward open ing tlio reservation for settlement. The news is hailed with joy by thousands of In tending settlers who are awaiting the word that will allow them to cross the forbidden line into the llnost farming and grazing land in the northwest , and lliero Is every in dication that nn unprooeilontcd rush of homesteaders will bo tnailo upon the open ing of the reservation. Thousands are now encamped upon the border ready to rush over and locate choice claims , The portion of the reservation that is now to become open Includes about 000 square miles , being u tract in the form of an imper fect triangle , thirty miles long and twenty- four miles tvido from thu north to the south boundary. The boundary , beginning at Caiur d'Alcno , follows tlio bank of the Spokane river to the Washington boundary , runs south twelve miles , east to the lake , follows the lake shore to a point opposite Harrison , thence cast to thu old Mission nnd north again to Ciour d'Alonc , It Incloses nearly all of Lake Ciuur d'Alono and is good for either agriculture or grazing. Then there are line belts of timber , the rich bottom lands ot the Ci3ur ( d'Aleno river nnd sonio mineral iields of unrertaui character. There nro no Indians on thisjand , It having bucu purchased from them by .tho government. 1'roin IMIIiir to 1'ofit. The Indian agent at Crow Crook and Lower I3rnlo agencies is"authorized to re ceive bids for constructing ten buildings at the now location of L bwer Urulo agency. The buildings to bo constructed are ono warehouse , eight two-story dwellings and ono two-story stablo. For , several years the question of removing Lower Urulu agency has been agitated , but a division of opinion among the Indians belonging to the agency prevented action until this time. Thoagency is now located on a sma strip of ground en tirely surrounded by Jarids coded to ttio government by the Sioux a few years ago , ana it is the dcplVo and intent u ! the Indian bureau to rpmovo thu agency to a more secluded location. At the tinio of the openlnir ot a portion of the Sioux reser vation to settlement , lands vrero reserved for the Indians .bplpngirik at i . , o\ver Brulo. This reserved land is situated on the west sicto of the Missouri rlvor , nearly opposite Crow Creole agency , and it is thbro that the now agency will bo located. About half of the Lower Brulo Indians were in favor of removing to the Uosqbtul reservation , and this faction had the support of General Crook up to the time of his death , but they will now bo compelled to remove to the now ro orv.ttlon with the rest of their brethren. There was .Vso some objection among tlio Hosohud agency Indians to the propotoit re moval of aomo of the Ixtwer Ilrulcs to Hint rosorvntlon , thaltosobmls docidltiK thnt they had no land to snnro. riorrc'VouiUrrul Well. The Plorro artesian welt Is proving moro and moro of a wonder , Prof. Wrlqht of Now York , the expert who nrrlvod in Plorro tonmkoix thorough test ot the welt , hits mndo some interesting discoveries. Ho has been nt work for several days and lias spared no pains to sucuro accurate and re liable data. His llrst test was mndo In the How , nnd ho found that 781) ) gallons ot water per mlntito poured out of the well. A steam guago was put on to test the pressure and It was found that n stream ono nnd one-half inches was thrown llfty foot in the nir , while the Rttago marked forty-two pounds pressure. When n two-tncTi stream was substituted for the one nnd ono-lmlMnuh the vertical stream fell to forty feet , while the pressure went to twenty pounds. The most Interesting nnd valu able test made was the amount of gas that escaped dally from the well. Uo found that n stream ( lowing a pa lion of water in Hvo seconds will glvo u gallon of gas in thirty seconds , or the ratio of gas readily separable from the water is as I to 0. The whole gas product of tlio well nt these figures would bo W.UOO cubic foot every twenty-four hours. This gas Is readily sop- nrablu from the water. Further tests made as to the heating qualities of the gits show that it is fully as great as the manufactured gas nt , the city gas works , but it is not so luminous. The llamo contains very little carbon. A plate held In the flame was not blackened , while the llamo ot the manufac tured gns would blacken the pinto In a few seconds. The heating qualities ot the gas were tested by boating water. A quart ot water was placed over a llnmo nnd it was found that live-sixths of n cubic foot of gas boiled the water In live minutes. From this it is estimated that the heating quantity ot the gas which escapes every twenty-four hours was equal to threotonsof good bitu minous coal. The temperature of the water was found to bo 100 degrees. Prof. Wright is ono of the proprietors ot the Locke hotel in Sioux Falls , and his object in coming to Pierre was to test the value of the Indian school well with the object in view of sinkltig a similar well at the Locke , provided It was as represented. It is needless to say that the professor is moro than satisfied , and not only has ho found the well to bo a wonderful ono in the temperature of water and medicinal quali ties that it possesses and the great value for bathing , but 'no has likewise found out that the natural gas flowing from ono well is sufficient to furnish all the llelit used in a city the sizu of Pierre for light ing , or , If used for heating purposes , would run a largo sized manufac tory. Prof. Wright Is so well satisfied with his experiments that ho tolccraphed for one of the Swan brothers , the contractor who sank the Indian school well , to como on to Pierre to give him Ilgures on sinking an other well. They have been in consultation today , and , if the prices are satisfactory , it is an assured fact that work will bo com menced on another gusher within the next few weeks. The city council at a special meeting unanimously adopted a resolution that a party or a corporation that will put down a flowing well to bo used for machin ery purposes , except for the manufacture of gas , will bo allowed to hold the property oa which the same shall bo located and all im provements thereon frco of all city tuxes for a period of llvo years , Tonriialie Grabber. South Pass , Wyo. , has been thrown into great excitement by the appearance of a man named Nutchor , who has Hied placer claims on all the land upon which the town is 'built. Nutcher is a stranger , having came to the country n few weeks ago to assist his son , who was in Jail at Lander on the charge of horse stealing. Thu efforts ol the father were of no particular service to the son , as the district court promptly sent the young man to the penitentiary. The elder Nutrher next visited South Pass and learning that some iifty buildings , composing tlio town , were on government land , he promptly put up notices claiming the land , as above stated. Nearly all the nest buildings belong to Jim Smith , the ola tfmer , and 'Jim is out of humor. Yes terday Smith received'n letter from Nutchei that throw some Ilghfon the purpose of the cnturprising placer minor. The letter in formed Mr. Smith that ho must either paj rent or leave the town. The rent on the hotel was lixcd at fJo per month , the store $ . " > and other buildings at $1 per month , Smith road the letter and at once made ur his mind that Nutcher was playing a black mailing scheme of colossal proportions. The people of the town are indignant over the matter and there is talk of treating Ntitchei to a coat of tar. Among the names used or thu location notices are those of Nutcher' ! son , who is in the penitentiary , and the wife of the elder Nutchor , who has Just sued th ( old gentleman in an action for divorce. I'lull ' , Kli'sli or Fowl. Darwin's missing link has at last beei found on Lookout mountain , Colorado While A. J. Hoar and a party from Goldei were camping on what is known as thi Olaster ranch , one of the boys discovcret some very peculiar animals in a small lake A net was made out of a hammock , am after several hours hard work two wen caught. They were brought nlivo to Gel drm and placed on exhibition , but al f the old llshermen , who had lived on tin Atlantic at'd Pacific coasts , were balllcd anc no name hasyot been given to.theso-aquatii wonders. The mouth and tall of the aninml closolj resemble those of a fish , while under thi body are four feet similar hi shape to thi hands of n human being , They can swin or walk at their pleasure , nnd change thei : color quito of ten during the day. The most peculiar thing about them is tin gold circle around the eyes and the six vol votllko horns which hang over their heads Under the horns is a brownish and prott ; trimming like that of a mushroom , wluls the upper part looks as If they were nowl ; bronzed with silver. They are very intolll nent creatures , and are a curiosity shop i : themselves. Some declare that they are species of the mermaid. OitHpflr'B Coal. Probably the most important mineral dit coveryintho history of central Wyomln was made nearly thrco months ago , but th facts have just been mudo public , Thrco corps of railroad surveyors , undo the general supervision of Chief Englneo Itogurs , have been working all summer o the Wyoming and Utah railroad survoj which is presumably the contemplated o > tension of the Chicago & Northwestern froi Casper toOgden , In addition to the sin voyors , and unbeknown to the public. Chic Rogers had n number of man in tha llol prospecting for a good steam coal along th proposed route , in which search , it nowd ( volops , they wore highly successful. A reporter examined a specimen of til coal that has been out of the ground and 01 posed to the uir for more than two month ! and there are no moro signs of it "checking than there ) would bo in n light of pinto glasi Chief IJogors has sent it for tests to a nun bur of assaylsts , all of whom report alike. It assays 2 percent less moisture , ' - pa cent less ash and 4 percent more carbo than the famous IJock Springs produc while in appearance it is identical with th latter. There are three veins of Jt , llfteoi eight and six feet respectively , all of th same quality , cropping out at the busn ol mountain , beneath which It lies on a alopo ( about fifteen degrees. Its exact locality ; not made public , but that it is directly o the line of railroad survey within easy dl ; tanco of Casper is slated. The discovery means many hundreds i thousands of dollars to the Chicago Northwestern railroad und many millions I central Wyoming. Ollicers of that railroa who have just been hero are highly olatc because of it and admit that It is what the "long have sought. " That the road will I extended to the deposits ns soon as pract sahlo is regarded ns settled , und it seen probable that it will at the game time pua on to Oregon. Moro California Gold , In sinking a well at the now must coi denser building , near the depot at Iloald burg , Cal. , gold has been discovered , as big [ as < i and 0 cents to thu pan boinir obtained. While it Is' a now discovery in the grav deposit on which the town is located and In created quite an excitement among all inlno ; now lu the fruit-raising1 business , it is not > now discovery In the vicinity. Cola has lot been known to exist in thogravcl deposits < : the Luce farm , tvro miles abovu He.tldsbur on the rivnr. In n short , stcop gulch on tl Chappul farm , lire uiilos from town , in Ui Creak valley , several ounces of course go woro" taken out , and on the headwaters of tl aatna creak gold hai boon known to oxUt situ the first sottlompnt of the valloy. On the headwaters of the Ku.ssl.in rlw. rtt Col- polln , nbovo U'kinh , partly smvosifttl mining for gold has boon prosecuted. In Ml the gulches of the west I'orut Hnnpo In thti vicinity colon of gold can bo obtained , AU this indicate * that somewhere among the numerous quartz lodes traversing nil the mountain ridgp.i there lit a ricn deposit. Honldsblirg is located on an Immense gravel deposit , the debris brought do.wn In past ages by the united waters ot the Kus- sian rlvor nnd Pry crook. Bored wells , sunk ton depth of 150 reel nnd less , have shown gold colors , yet a sand pump Is not nn efll- clout Instrument to bring gold colors to tlio surlneo , Tlio well now sinking has n tllamotor often ton foot. A powerful steam pump will keep it clear of water until sunk ns deep as re quired. All the gravel brought to the surface - face will bo carefully examined , and should it show gold In paving quantities , all the gravel not occupied by houses and farms will bo worked. Ornithic nnd ( lolil. H'.chard PolU , an old-time miner and pros pector who N interested in Gold Hill , brought down to Saratoga. Wyo. , about a hundred pounds of graphic , or steel gray tellurium , which ho had procured from a load near Gold Hill. The ore l. filled with small crystals containing both gold and silver combined with other metals , but gold predominates. This character of ore is easily treated by smelting , as thu rock easily dissolves nt a moderate heat. Mr. Poltz Is authority for the statement that he and Captain Thomas found a block of black tellurium aomo llvo feut square on the top of that same range several yoats ago , but were , never able , after the most dillgon ; search , to discover the lead. Such a llnd would have been worth moro than the famous Corn- stock mine , from which such vast quantities of ere have been taken. . llrnhi'N r.irowol ! Hull. A short tlmo ngo a sheep herder , who was out hunting for deer on the head of Jack creek , ran suddenly onto a 'J-year-old black boar , says the Saratoga Sun. The under brush was thick and there was no ohatico for cither one to run , or there might have been a foot raco. They were about ten feet npart and the man would have liked to argue the point , but there was not time. Ho realized that in about a minute ono would certainly furnish moat for the other. Ho wns not looking for bear nnd hau only ono cartridge left. The bear wns out hunting for berries and didn't expect to llnd a man , hut ho was all ready for him , now tint ho bad found Him. The man was a little too quick for his bcar.ship , however , and know just wla-ro to put that cartridge so It would do the most good In the neck. His ainnvas true or the boar would have had the best of the joke and the man would never have lived to tell of this adventure. Ii the ( lolil lu Solution ? It seems to bo generally conceded that placer mines gain by resting. While the theory is not strictly scientific , it is gener ally hold by old minors , and its correctness is buing proved this season in numerous dis tricts in Colorado , New Mexico and Wyom ing. Placers nnd frco gold properties abandoned years ago because they could not pay are now being worked at a liberal profit. Of course allowance should bo made for cheaper provisions , easy access and improved machinery. But taking all these factors into account , the miners insist that thu gravel and the mill dirt givu bettor results In gold to thu yard and ton. While this theory holds , the vacant gravel beds will continue to bo invaded by idle minors , who got rapid returns for the efforts expended. Flour at & ! ( ) uer sack and llotir at fl.iiO is worth considering in computing the dllTor- enco. I'lnoBr Work on Hoynlty. A correspondent of the Colorado Springs Telccraph reports an active session in the Cripple Creek placers. Ordinary rockers and gold pans are usea with a limited sup ply of water. The companies owning the placers are giving short leases to all who wish to work on n royalty. Over sixty men are working on the Cripple Creek , Freeman nnd Pike's Peak placers , taking out gold enough to not each man from fell cents to Jj per day. The water is obtained from shal low wells nnd used inany times over. The pay streak is from two to ten inches in width , covered by from eighteen inches to flvo feet of earth. On the PikcTa. Peak prop erty the royalty Is 10 per cent , against IE per cent on the Cripple Creek and Si."i cents per day on the Freeman. Nuggets ranging in value from 50 cents to f 1.50 are of common occurrence. . ( lei111 Itovlvul In Cnllfornln , The drop in silver has been a godsend to the gold minors of California , for in sixty days the revival of quartz and placer min ing in tlio Sierra and foothill regions has produced over J4,000,000 in gold. Manj abandoned claims are being opened , and nc such energetic ; prospecting of old Holds has been seen for twenty years as is now goinn on in California in Tuolumno , Amador 1'jHorado and other counties through v/hicl : the great "motherlodo" extends. With now appliances mucli oru which was formerly thrown away is now worked , and gold min ing promises to soon take the prominent place in the resources of California whicl it held in early days. Colorado , The state reservoir at Monument has beet 0 completed. The Gold Monument placer , Gunnlsoi county , is being worked at a largo profit. The Silver Ago mine , Idaho Springs , hai stacked up 3,000 tons of ere , waiting for r price. Manager Buckley of the Aspen Mining ant : Smelting company lias secured the consonl of the directors to allow twenty-llvo lessee ! to start , giving employment to 100 idle men i Henry Thompson and SI Allen havostruel ' a vein of gold oru in thnir mine in the Twir Lakes district. Samples assay from four t ( thirteen and one-half ounces of gold to thi tonr The first car-load shipment from thi Rhinoceros , the recent big find on Dull hill I lias just been madei. The owners bcliovi that it will yield better than any first ship ) ment over made from Cripple Crock. The Hucyrus company , composed of Bui rI falo , N. Y. , men , Is putting extensive- ma chinery into the Chnma river placer fields Ii It is expected that 1,1200 yards of gravel vvil bo handled each day. It will yield DO cent : a yard. At Willow Crook and Gold Ilun drtvelop ) ment work is going on rapidly und a gooi strike is reported on Bufl'alo mountain ; sc 3 notwithstanding the hard times , thu out look for the Hot Sulphur Springs region i [ promising , m The shipments of peaches from Gram r3f Junction now average ) over 500 boxis dally 3fd lioso Hros , nlonolmvo shipped ii.OOO boxu : d tins season. The domain ! is good and n 10Q trouble Is oxporioncnd in disposing of Gram Q- valley's favorite product. 10 The liosobud mill at Cripple Creek seem 10t to bo a success for low grade ores. It ha t9 , just treated at a profit ton tons from th .11 .Mabel M. , the oxpmiso of milling tielng fid ' .11S. for freight and Hinelting of concentrate.- * S.a - p-M. Hail the ere boon sunt to tlio mnelte the expense would have been | " 4 ( ) , instead c ir KM.Frank in Frank Roudobush from Cripple Crook n int. ports everything lively about thu camp. II [ 10 says there are moro mun employed In th 10Hi mines limn ever buforo in the history of th 10 camp , Good strikes are bolng made , nn 10n about 'M } men am working in the placon Df Mr. Koudebush rocolvud return * from.th is Omaha & Grant smelter on a carload of or ism from the Victor mine that netted IS.-1CO.S7. s- Never in tlio hntoryof [ Middle park wet so many tourists to bo seen pn the road , Th Bf necessaries of life are almost an cheap her & as in Denver nnd the fishing Is unuxcolui to for Grand Inkoitnd Grand river are the ni id tiiral homo of the trout. As the gruat vi id tuus of thu mineral springs have become bo jy tir known they attract nn increasing nun JO bor of hoalth-suokors , and as thu road frni tins Georgetown to Hot Sulphur Springs in enchain ns chain of scenic bontity it l.i'uo wonder the in tourists crowd into Middle park. Pay mineral has beoa discovered in tl : Galena lodge , located northwest of Cripp Creek about three tnilen on Keti moimtali close to the Florissant road. The claims hi lout's to the Iron Mountain company h group , and the strike is noteworthy for tt reason that it is the first lead discovered I ol this locality which produces ere that wi as pay to smelt. The pay streak on tha su rsu face is from fem * to aovnn Inches wido. Tl u ere la very demo ana heavy , and is know technically as a horn blond or Jaspor. Snu plo assays would Indicate the valueof tl ere at about tlCO a ton , The first shlpmet lie will be made to Denver this week , ry Id Uo Omaha guards drill at Courtland bcac ce tonight about 7:15. : Sconio Wonders of the Mighty Rivet of tlio North Pacific , SURPASSING IN BEAUTY AND MAJESTY Nnvtgnliln for Mlle , Yet Spmnly ltltll * d- Tim ( Iront Salmon Imlmtry The An cient Antnrlit by thn Son nnd It * Chur.ictrrlMlrn. Poim.Axt ) , Oro. , Auc , 8. [ Special Corro. spomlewoor Tun Dr.n. ) The bounty of tliu St. Lawrence Is ils thousand gwou wooded Islands and Its roaring rapids. The grandeur of the Hudson is Hi palisade * nnd high walled banks. The Missouri and Mississippi dcriro n curtain majesty from their swell ing , turbulent witters. The Columbia unites in It tlio beauty , the grandeur * ana the majesty of all. Its waters are swift ns the Missouri nnd its volume n.s great .is the Mis sissippi , bnt blue ns nn Italian sky. front Its banks rise great rock-ribbed inoiintnlns , which look down on densely wooded Islands nnd great granlto boulders wasbod by the foaming stream. Americans in tholr lavish , ness hav so nbusod our stock of adjectives than when wo woulit tiso thorn justly they moan nothing majestic , grand , bcautltul , all scorn empty. Coming by rail over the. Oregon Short Line the traveler's llrst glimpse of the Col umbia is really disappointing. A long , hot ride through mlle sifter milo of sago brush nnd uaetlH. nnd being forced to breatbo a solution of alkali dust , tlarorcil wlthi'lndijrs , does not put one In the beat of humor. Anil to be told that n very ordinary looking rivet viewed across drifts of glaring , .sifting white sand Is thu fnr-famed Columbia , Is a last straw to human endurance. A Surplus of SI\IH | . The drifting sand imtkos railroading through this section nnito expensive. All along the line are sand sheds placed at such nn anglo to the track ns to turn the blowing sand from the road-bed. Hut Oregon winds are rnther capricious and do not always blow from the same direction , so the section hands nro kept busy turning the sand sheds wlicne\cr the wind changes. "You wouldn't believe It , " said Mr. W. II. Hurburt , the general passenger agent of tlifl Union Pacific at Portland , wlio happened to bo on the train , "but that sand mixed with n little wnter will raise the llncst Kind ol fruit , and SOIIIQ day you will sco these sanil hills all in cultivation. A few years ago we were having a good deal of trounlo with thu sand a little above The Oallcs , when a man canto to us ami made a proposition to romed.v it.Vo were to carry three carloads ol manure out to those sand drifts for him and if he didn't stop tha sand from covering the tracks ho was to pay ns § 50 a car loan for the manure. ICvery ono thought ho was cr. z.Vi but wo haven't called on him for tlie $150 yet and , what Is more , that man Is taking ; jr > 00 worth of fruit otTot every acre of those sand drifts. " Aloni ; tint Colinulilii. The sand country is soon passed and you no longer wonder at the enthusiasm with which the Oivgonian speaks of the Columbia. The beauties of mountain , forest and stream are hero combined. The mountains rising abruptly from the river banks form a dark background. Islands , green as the meadows of the Platte vnlluy , or densely wooded as a Maine forest , add richness anil color to the overhanging panorama. Salmon wheels , saw mills and towns become more numerous as sizns of thriving industry. With the cas cades at The p.illes , the Columbia takes you through a region rich in fruit , lUh and tlm uer. us well as picturesque scenery. The timber resources of thu Columbia river country are only boirinning to bo ap preciated. There are about ! i5l)0 ) ( ) sqnaro miles of timber land that yield from f > lOlJ ) , ) to 3X.OUO ( ) feet per acre. You can pick your way for miles through these .forests where the ground could not give room for the cord wood of trees felled and worked up. Natur ally timber is cheap nnd waste from the * a\v mills can bo had for tlio hauling. Rough lumber for building purposes soils for from fci to $8 a thousand and dressed lumber from S12 to $ ; ( ) all nlons thu coast rivers and rail way lines. .survival of tlio KlttiMt. In splto of the fact that the Columbi.v is navigable by river steamers for li'iiulrcds of miles inland , the steamboat baa been super seded by thn railroad , and few boats run as far as The Dalles , and hardly a vessel piles the waters above the cascades. The great ocean steamships nsctmd as far as Portlaml , 1"0 miles from the sea. Portland is not on the Columbia , but on \VilliameHo , about twelve miles from the junction of the two streams. Its recent rapid growth is duo morn to the fact that it nas become a rail road center rather than its ii.tttir.il advan tages from the river and the sea. Portland has distanced towns which an- tndated it by a score of years. The Dalles , which Washington Irving mentions in his "Astoria " but ) . It is , can count but1,501) people. a lively little business center , substantially built with nusincss blocks of brick and stone , and many handsome resiliences. Hoiiiii'Villn , which dates back to the same pcrio'l. > s i hardly progressed beyond the villajro - - ' ) . t Koclc * lor looUs. ! s Just boloxr Uonnevillo Is a picturesque , Imulilcr standing thirty or forty feet above 'fi the water , called Castle lloclc. Some years i ago this rock was purchased by Jay ( lould 0 on one of his western trips. Just what vn\i 0o his purpose in making such an Investment has never been revealed , but as was o characteristic of the great linancler. ha , succeeded in unloading the elephant. Thu o new buyer was Henry Villurd , wno is still - the owner of Castle Uock. The railroad wind * Its way through and r- around immense boulders , under towering - cliffs , in the shadow of ragged mountain I- , tops , over miles of trestles and bridges , and II now behind clumps of trues , hiding from view for an instant the rushing river. 3 Frequent openings In the gorges give u glimpsn of snow-capped Mount Mood , soli tary in its whiteness , The Uascivdo range d rises from X.OOO to II.OOO foot along the banks. , Tim waters of Multnomali falls rush over a precipieo ST > 0 foot high. There Is always s something before the eye for woudw sd mid admiration. As the mighty d stream IIIOVOH toward the BCI : f. smaller si roams increase its volumo. :8 Tim Wllliamalto joins it and almost doubles 0 Its si/.n until near the mouth it li from six to 0d night miles wide. Ilul nowhuro Is It lacking in the picturesque and the constant and IS rapid changes permit of no luuiiutony. IS AHtcirhi , 10 Fifteen miles from the sea is the town , ; made famous as much by Washingtunllrvlng ns Its historic connection with the Low is jf jr and Clark expedition. Astoria , the oldest town on the north Paclllc const , was named after John Jacob Astor , and it was nt , this Qe trading settlement that thu foundation was e laid for thu Astor millions. The printer 10m part of the business portion of the town la m built on piles and the whole city has the ids. general appearance of sadly needing it coat s. of paint. The population , which numbers 10 about H.OOO , U Htipported chiolly from the ro llstiin and canning Industry. Thn I'innloi ; Industry. ro 10 In fact this Is orm of the greatest ( ndus- ro trios of thu Columbia rlvor. All along from J , The miles to the mouth of the great river u- are fish wheels , Jiah nets ami sullies busy ur - gathering in the salmon. With thu oxcop- it- tlon ct u few Imlhns the llsliermen are itn - chlelly Scandinavians and Italians , nin More than 7,000 lishonneu and factory 10 hands are employed In the llshorlos. Abiut } nt 13,00(1,001) ( ) is sunk as capital In the Industry , and the annual product Is valued at ? ; iWi- , ) , 10 UOO. In Ih'.U 4U5 , < NJU cases were packojor lo about fiO.OUd tons of lisli. Three average sal mon will 1111 about four ilo/.on { xiund cans , o- Chinamen nro employed nlmostoxcl'jslvply o'a In preparing and packing thu salmon nnd 10 making the cans. The companies usually in hire the labor by contract with a Chinese ill boss , who pays his moa and Is responsible ir- for the oniclenoyof their work , llo pity * ir10 them il a day , and many of the contractors rn malio quito a /ortune in the business. The rnri canneries uruconducted with tfcu auuia cloan- ri10 llncss a our packmtr houses tit South Onmtia , at mid the waste Is utilized furoilnnu fortlllznr. Tha llsbliig season U at Us holght from May to July , and during these months salnion ) jy thu thousands are tulcun from thu waters o ( the Columbia to bo sent to ovury corneriol Cuututa C , Iloaawi/rau.