6 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : fflllUUSDAY , AUGUST 10 , 189tt. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Operators in the Oorn Pit Attracted General Attention Ytstcrday , NOT CONFINED TO THE LOCAL TRADE * tVi nt nt tlin Opening Wiia I'.i y mid n Fraction Lower Uncertainty In ! ! E ril to tlio rinanclnl Mum- tlon the Came. CHICAGO , Aue. 0. The corn pit was the center of Interest most of the tiino. Wheat \vas largely a sldo Issue. Tlio government weekly crop bulletin showed serious damage to corn In many states by drouth ami reports - ports from the country wcro more emphatic than before , regarding tlio Imminence of ix Rrcal disaster to tlio crop. There was uotno weakness near the close on . report that rain was falling In Nebraska. Compared with lust night , May corn left oft Ic higher. Wheat was from 'fjc ' to tfc down. Pork and ribs are cauh up ' 'Ue and lard 40o. Yransuc- tlons In corn were not confined so much as of late to the local trade , tlio outsldu Interest Increasing and buying orders wcro numerous. The government weekly weather crop bulletin demonstrated that the past woyie was n hanl one , intituling more tinnmgo than any previous. Today there were scattering showers through Colorado nnii the extreme southwest , It being hot ami dry elsewhere , and private advices reported considerable injury In Nebraska and other loading corn-raising status , which a short time back promised an Immense yield. The money situation Is in such shape that the cash trade is greatly curtailed , and has n dampening effect on the near futures , ex change cutting considerable of a figure. The market opened at yesterday's closing fighrcs , and under urgent demand from hurts advanced from lo to 1 , ' c for Septem ber , and IJio for May , working back respec tively from % c to % c and We , and at the close the former was up from % c to ) $ < ! and the latter from lo to I' ' c. Keceipts were licht. nnd estimates for tuinmorrow uvo also very moderate. uhe.it , at tno opening was easy and from JCito V lower , then improved , prices for September advancing Ic , and December from lotol'fc ' , eased off again , and the closing was about Jfe lower for September , and 140 lower for December than llio closing Ilguro of yesterday. The lower opening was a continuation of yesterday's weakness and the uncertainty in regard to the financial situation. The reported suspension of n New York bank may also have had some effect , but there was a fair demand at the decline. Shorts bought some , and there was buying from other sources on a moderate scale , influenced by good clearances from the seaboard and r.ither unfavorable crop news. Operators nlso expect that the government monthly report will bo "bullish. " The weekly report aid that the drouth was affecting the crop in Minnesota , that the spring wheat crop in Wisconsin was light und North Dakota suf fering for rain. Tlicro was $ 'JiOO,000 ; more gold taken in Europe for America. Cable advices were of an unfavorable tone , lint presumably a reflection of tlio American markets. Oats showed n hotter trade ) and a strong feeling duo to sympathy with corn and also to crop reports being rather unfavorable. The feature was thostrengthnndndvancu of ife In May , while September advanced % c. Tlio bulge brought out liberal selling and prices reacted from ' o toye , and the mar ket cloacd steady , The provision market was very firm on a very moderate amount of business. The firmness was more the result of the small offerings than of the extent of the buying orders. The hog receipts , as reported from the yards , wore only 11,001) ) head , instead of the 18,000 which had been expected. Some buying , led by Armour & Co. , caused seine hurts to cover. Lard was the most active article on the list. On the advance there was some long pork sold out , which was aid to bo thi ) cleaning up of a line which was only partially liquidated on the slump u week ago. There was no improvement in the demand for vessel room and rates remained easy at J c asked for wheat and Ic for corn to liuffnlo. Estimated receipts for tomorrowWheat,115 : cars ; corn , tTO ! cars ; oats'J10cars ; hogs , 15,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash ( imitations were as follows : Ktxiim Hull ; no slcus of Improvement. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , ! > 8' ' ( , < ii.H ; ! < e ; No. t niirhiK , < u. b. , ( ir/iCiOlio ; Nu. 1 ! rod , CJB'.Gj 6BJC. t ( HIS No. 2 , 38e ! ; No , 3 yellow , clo-dm BB'/tC. OATS -No. a , 24i" No , 2 while , f. o. b. r ! No. 3 Hhlto , f. o , b. , . ItVK No. 2 , 40'ii- . llAiu.KV No. 'J , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ; No 4n < iKalou. I'l.A.v SEKII No. l.fiSc. TIMOTII v SKKII I'rlini' , $3.40. I'oin : MC.SS , per bill. . Ha.-J&'ttia.To ; lard per 11)0 ) llw. , JH.10&H.15 ; shorl ribs side ( lootiil , 7.3.riTt7.4l ) : dry halted hlioiilili't- ' ( boxed ) , IT.IHHi . 'Jfi ; hhort elear sides tbo\ed | n .cwrfbi MT 1 1 . WIIISKV Distillers' llnlslied goods , per ( 'nl. HtiilAlisITiirbniiKOil : cut loaf , C'/c ; ur.inti laliiil , 6.HV ! ; btnndaid "A , " 5,70. The follinIIIK were the reeelpH and ship inunls for iiiday : On Iho I'lodnco ( ucluiiiKO today the hiitti ! iniirket was llrni ! crenmiiry , Hi'i'j'Jci dalrj l&itlBo. HUBS , weaki strloily fici.li , Me. Nuw V. ill .Mnrl M > . Now YOIIK , Aug. 0. Puniit llcroipti D.tKK ) pkus. ; exports. 'J.tlOtl bills.lO.OOU hack < uiles , 7Ull ( ( nkjsi.i initrkul dull , wea otn di'iir , I'J f > Oili.OO : ; Mlnntvsola | ; t.HKi ; , ( . ( l ( ) ; MlnneMita patents , f3.UUQ.-l.UO. ( -OIIN MKAI.Qnlcl , Mcnily. HAIII.K.V MAI.T QtilKt ; wcxturn , 05 800. \VllKAT ltccolpls , 'JhO.OOO bu. : exports , -Jll 000 Im. ; sales , l.OilO.tWO bu. of ftituivN , U-t OOObU.hpot. Spot market dull ImtKtoady ; Ni Jri'cl , m More and elevator. H > Ji M7'ic' . ullou CJHUc ; f. o. h. , li7J4 tiilHiC ! ungraded red , Gfr G7u ; No. 1 northern. U7 < tc. Uptlons oprni wcuk and ilecllnod UtHiC on easier cable local rt'iillrhiKVIMIIII. | . S In HliH'ksiind rcpor of Ilnanclal troiihlo licro and at the wi' t , ra lied ii < iBaic on butler wchtorn iiiiirKctx , lint fe ! io on local teiill/lii ) ; and closed htcad nt yrstoribiy'H prices with a dull tradi No , 1 ! red. Auiii ; > d , lili'jUCOTc , closing at Gfi\i Beptenibcr. tiSittiS'4e ( , closlnj : nt ( ' . > , , ; ( .v-K lit-r , 70Q71Uc } , I'UibliiB lit 71ci Deccmlie 7fVi < rS75V. closing at 75Uc. OOIIN KecclpU. MJ.OOOlm , ! exports , 170,0 ( bu. ; fcHk'H , -I'JD.tHlO nu. futures , no spot. Sim dull , nomlniil : Nu. a. 47ti - 74o In lovato 4HJi IHVc iilloul. Options opi-ni'd firm : n udvuncud Jiilo with tlu < wcbt , full a , , . , ciusli tuiidy nt It'ibSo up. with a niodor-iti > tradi t , 47ll < it-lf e , clooliiK ul17V ; OATS llecclpts , 47,000 bn.i khlmnenls , I . . ori.OOtl Int. fnturex , IIH.OOU bu.kiu : Hpot.s fall ly active , Irrt'k'iihir. Dpi Ions dn flriuuri August , anmaiv , cio.ii.Kut ticptumlier. ao'i(3ti'c. ( clo.lnuat U0'4c ; i ) tobur , ' ' c ; No. 1 ulilt No , i ! flilciiKU , aat.on. : . No. 3 whltu , 3He ; mixed we western , SUl&f. . HAY rirm , ijiiloi. lll | > - ) ' K 'Ill'Ot. ' HIDES Nominal , fun . , t M > ui mealK , nominal , Htcud middles nominal. lardiiil | < H. IH'inur ; wub urn steam closed at. | d.tU bid ; balt'n , 4i llerct's ut | a.it > 2H.7&i : option null's. llorccyj tieptouibor , fti.VO , ulwuliiK ut > U.U rinsed nt IS.fiO Pork , ( Inn , quiet ! mowU4.6naif > .oo. IIUTTEii-Fnlrly RCtlvo , flrmcri 2 Hi' ' . UIIKKSK-Quiet , pftwy. . . K ! sQuint , IfM llrnii recolpH , 5,000 nc torn frosb , UlllGc. TAi.t/w-i-t < 'Mly , nulot. CoTTONsr.r.DOttQnlot , stoady. I'ETiiM.KHM-KusU'r , ttio price liiivlnpc do- cllned to OOc ked. There were no unlcs. rennsylvniitn oil , sales , non ! .September ou ; lion sales , none ; I.I Jin oil , snles none ; total tulos , none. , UoHIN-Dull , atcnily I common to good , 90c3 Tmil'K.NTtNE-Qnlfit , steady : a6'Oafic. { KiCB-1'lriii , fnlr donmnd ; domo.stlc , 6 ! c ; Jupali , 4lift4' c. , , , MOI.AMSKS New Orleans , open kettle , Rood to choice , dull nnd steady ; iiounwe. bfilAll Haw , i-AHlur , moro active ; fnlr ronn- bur. 3' ' < C ! rontrlfURals , 00 test , 3yet fales , 000 tons Muscovnilo. BO test , nt 3iei 2,000 ImRs centrifugals , l ) ( ) test , at 35i ( ! , and 3,1)00 ) basis molastes , 8' ) test , tit 3c ; reilned , moder ately nctlvo , steady. I'll ) IIION Dull , steady : American , J12.70S 1G.0. Coi't'Eit-Quiet ; biUn , (9.GQ. IiKAD-Stcmly ; dotnenllc , J3.Q5 , TIN Quint ; htralts , Hb.4& ! plates , steady , dull. ai'El.TEll" Flat i doim-allf. ? 3.00 , ( ) innlii : I'l-oilucii Murkor. 'lOTTiit-rancy creameries , solid packed , 19c ; fnlr to good creameries , solid packed , IG'SlHcichoIco to fancy country , 14511&C ! fnlr to good country , rJulllc ; packing mock , frc < b , lie. Kmis-Tlio tnnrkot Is practically Htendy and there Isnot iniu'li llfo tolhu Irnde. The ro- celpt.s nre not IIU-KO , hut they are sufllclmit lo Mipply the trade. The bulk ot the sales nro rciiorlcd nt KHi'Sllc. IitVK I'OUI.TIIV The receipts for a few days back Imvo not. been so largo anil tbu nmrkot has been \\ull clenned Ui ] most of the time. 1'rlccH Inivo not advanced lint stocks move more rundlly tlniti they did nnd the market U upon the whole. In a moro satisfactory con dition. Some choice young ducks were ro- wived and brought 10c ; choice old lions , 7S4 ® He : old roosters , 45iOii ; sprlii ) ; chickens , luis lie. lie.POTATOIIS There Is very little lining In pota- loen and very few llnd their way Into tlio liiitulM of ( lie commission men nt the present lime. The local growers do not appear to ho as many m they were , but still there aru enough to supply the local retail trade. On orders from tliu country they are worth at least Uaa70c. I'Aui'ouMA 1'ittitiH A good many cling slono peaches are coming from California at this SUHSOII and there Is also a good supply of early L'rawfords. Karly Urn\vford peaches , pur box , Jl.U54Cl.3D ; llartlutt pears , per box , JJ.1UQ.'J.5 | plums , per box , Jl.&Oi&a.OOj nectarines , pur box , il.OO. UiiAi'i.s so far this season there have not been very many gruties In from California , A car nt Southern Illinois grupes has been received from the section of the country win-to It Is said thu crop l-t very ihort. Cali fornia , per case , J2 ; Illinois , per U-lb basket , 4E > S 50c. MKUIN.S The supply of watermelons Is larger than It was a few days ago , but still there are not enough to reduce u rices very much , ( inod untiM-mulons are celling all thu way from f 18 to I'J5 per 100. Jem cantaloupes , ba-ikou , tl.C.0 . ; short ctates , J2 ; long crates , i2.50. IIKiiitiM There ave still u few blackberries coming and sonic blueberries. Illuckburrli'u per 'Jl-iitcase , J3.0oa3.25 ; blueberries , per b-it. | case , $1. . Ari'l.iM No apples to amount to anything aru being shipped In , but tliu supply of home Kiown Mock Is liberal. Cholco Ouchess , pur hi.I . * 3.003.25 ; common varlutles , $2.00-i6 'J.GO. . A IIIIAHK The business in shipping cabbngo to tbo country appears lo bu about over. Occasional orders are received and tilled at Vni.Kiiv Stray shipments are arriving and theo.ii.illty of the stock Is pronounced gooil for this season of thu year. Celery , per doz. bunches. JlOljUDc. ONIONS Homo grown stock Is plenty at ly ffi2c per Ib. on orders from tbo country. TOMAIOUS Illinois stock , per-I-basket crate , 7&80C. TIIOI'ICAI , VIIUITS. I/r.MONS The steady warm weather pro duces a very fab-demand for lemons and all houses arc doing a good steady business In them. Mpssinas , extra fancy , $ ( > . ( )0ftr ) > .5 ( ) ; Messlnas , per buv , cbolco to fancy , ( o.OOlfiQ.CO. OltANis ( ! : There ate only a few oranges ar riving , lilvunitilu Medlteiranean sweets$3.75. UANASAU I'rlfus renialn about .steady. 1'er bunch , large. $2.2.1512.75 ; pur bunch , .small to medium , J2.00&i.2j. ! iitiius , TAU.OW , ITC. : limns No. 1 grcon hldt's , U'jc ; No. 2 green hides , 2c ; No. 1 gieon salted hides , 3c ; No. 2 erot'ti salted hides , 2e : No. 1 green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2c ; No. 1 veaf calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , DC : No.a veal t-alf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry Illnthldes , Oe. ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c. I'nrt cured hides 'Jo pur Ib. loss than fully cured. Sunup Pui/ret Green salted , each 35e3$1.25 ; green sailed shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each l&ft'Joc ; dry shoarllnirs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each ! > t 10c : dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , LMich Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska hutclirr wool pnlts , per Ib. , actual weight , 103 lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per II ) . , actual woluht , 710e : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pulls , iiur Ib. , actual weight , O'-j.lOc ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pells , per II ) . , actual weight. 7 < t Uc : drv pieces and buck * , actu-il weight , 5a7c. ' 1'AI.I.OW ANIl ( jllEAHITllllow , No. 1 , 3' c ; lallow , No. 2 , 3c ; irreaso , while A , il'ic ; grease , white 11 , 3c ; grease , yellow , ' i'l'i ; ; grease , dark , 2'4e ; old butler , 2j 2Ke ; eiie swax , pt-lme , lO&uac : rou li tallow , 2J } 81. l.ooU .MiirkcU. ST. f.oi'lfi. Aug. 6.-FwlJll Qttlot. WIIHAT Was weak , clostiig ? * o lower ; No. 2 ri'd , cash , or.c ; Auirust , 55\c ; September , 583 58 > ic ; Dccemlier , 50yc. Cons-Closed W ® 4i' lower ; No. 2 mixed r.-ish , 35U'1 : August , 30jc ! ; t-eptumbcr , 30 ,0 ] Decumbor , 3lc. ( OATS-rirmcr ; No. 2 cash , 24c ; August 23'ir ' ; Sctilember , 2Ic. UVK 40r. It.Mti.iivNo trading. llAV-lJnchun i'd. lluii EH Unchanged : separator creamery 21fl'J2c ; choice dairy , lOQuilc. Dies riii-hansed ; UHJc. I'lioI8ION < rnchmiKcd ; heavy , quloi. I'ork tlf > . Laid. V7.75. Uit'Kiri'S l-'lour. 3,000 packs ; wheat , 58 , OOO bu. ; corn , 30,000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu. ; ry ( nnd barley , norm. Htlll'MHSTK rionr , 0,000 sacks ; wheat , 78 , 000 bu. ; corn , 45.OOO bit. : onlH. 8,000 bu. : ryi and barley , none. KHIIHII * city .MurliuU. KANSAS CITY , "A'ng. O.-WIIBAT Dull nm rathi'i-weak ; No. 2 hard , 51i5'Jc ( ; No. 2 red 54(3.5-1'ie. ( COIIN Strong , nnnrly2c bl her ; No. 2mlxod 30c ; No. 2 whltu , ! IOc. OATS-Weak , though not nuotably lowerjNn 2 mixed , 23M/.MC ; No. 2 while , nominally 20Z " liVi ! Stonily ; No. * 2 , nominally 40c. HIITTIIII Weak IG'iil'Jc II ; crenirery , ; dairy , O18e. KiKis-QulPt und weak ; strictly fresl candh'd.l'i ' : . ' KiX'Kll'TS Wheat , 24,000 bu , ; corn , 901 hu.oat.s ; , noun. Hill I'M KNTSWheat , 41,000 bu , ; corn , 70i bu. ; outn , none. MANCIIKSTRII , Aug. 9. The Cnardlan , In It t'ommeiclal anlcle , siy : > : Much business wa executed for China. Tno ndvniiro In the prlc of silver encoui-agiMl a coiiblderablu number o IMirclnu.'s of htieellngrf , hhlrllngs nnd drilling' A slight advaiici ) on thu lowest prices wa s.imi-tlini'S obtained. Indian advices wer nnluliir and prlci'H Nhowtal a lower tendonej I'rlntlng cloths wcro negli'cted. Varns win- \viMiUor. HP ports from the United Hiatus ntak buyers cautions , Nt-w VorK Dry ( > otU Alnrlcnt. NKW YOIIK , Aug. 0. Now biulnuss was vrr Mitt In dry goodH ; do'imnd ' being at a htunil hllll awaiting ilevelopiiiuiits. The tonnofth market wax not a despondent onh , honuvin thu feeling hi'ini ; that its soon nsconlldem : WIIH restortid thorn would bu u quick revival i trade. Thu details of transactions were nt \untliy of note. ( 'olli-d -Mirlnt. Nuw VOIIK. Aug. 8. Onllons opened dnl ilia-ham : ' ' ! ! lo 10 txilnu down : rlo i > i | aleail Ji ) lo lf > points down ; hales , 17,000 hagx , h eluding : August fl I.UOU15.00 ; Siiptnmbu 115 ; October , tH.05f,15.00 ; Diicutnbe 114.7btOI-t.ua ; Match , J14.251414.00 ; .Mu J14. Hjiot Ulo , ilull.nonilnali No. 7 , { 10. Mllwiiulicii .MurlirU. MII.WAUKCK , AUK. 0. WIIKAT Steady ; Se ; tcniber , 5riic ! ; No. 2spring , 58ttc. COIIN-Oulfl ; No. 3 , 3H\'c. OArrt 1-n-iiii No. 2 white , 30o ; No. White , ' - . " . llAlll.Kr--Unchangod ; No. 2 , & 5c Unc-tlc. I'uovistoNS-Stuady : pork , f 12.2 , llvt-riuul | .Murkntt , Livrnrooi. , Aug. 9. WIIKAT Qnlet r easier : holders odor freely ; No. 1 Callfornl fis UdU&4 lOd ; No. 2 led , l > s 7d25k Oil. COIINCJulet , doinand pour ; mixed we&ter 4s 7d purt'itntal. LAIUI I'rtnio wt'btcrn , Ud per ewt. Clnuiiiniiti .M CINCINNATI , Aug. 0. WiiKA-r-Sleady ; No. red , 55c. ( oitN-Qulels No. 2 mixed , 43Q44c. OATH In fair demand ; No , 2 mixed , 2i \ \ IIIBKV Steady at (1.12. a , l'hlliiilvlililH | ( irutn .Murkel , rim.ADKi.riiiA , AUK. 'J. WIIKAT Dull : N 2 ted , Atictikt , IH-S.tau 'if. Coii.N-KIrm , fair demand ; No. 2 mlxv Aiiguiil , 47 44-1 He. o.iTS Cur lot-j , llrni ; future * higher ; No. Willie , 32i ! 33c. Col ion Miiruut , NKW OHI.KANH , AUK , B. Dull and nomlin Eoou wlddllin ; , 7JiC | lulddllug , 7Ho ; U ) middling , 7cj Rood ordlnnry , 6 1 10c ; net rrcolliK. 80 bales ! gros * . 170 balc i exports to rrniico , 2,407 li.tlcat co.-ntwlso , aC8- bnle < ; taUis , BH ) bnlet ! stock , 50,471 balfi. I'tttiirno , nnlnt und stiindy ; xnloi , 21,900 balci ; AiiKUlt. f7.12 > i bid : Suntemher. (7.12 5t7.ll ; October , t7.25ff,7.30 ; November , 17,30 4t7.37 ; Dpconiber. 7.407.47 ! January , 17.01 t7.02 ; t'obruary , I7.C8U7.70 ; Mnrcli , * 7.7GO 7.7H. Oil .ttnrkctn. un. CITY , AUK. 0. National Transit ccrllfl- rfttt-1 otieiicd nt COUi Iduhost , COJJi lowest 68' < ; clo'od , f > 8\ ( : sales 23,000 libKj clcar- nncoi , 86,000 bhls. ; shipments , 10'J.OOl bbls. ; runs , 10H.35t bids. I'lTTsnumi , AUK. 9. National Trnnnlt cor- tlflcutos opened nlOO ! ( ; closed , 08 ? ; highest , C0 ! { ; lowest , C8U : sales , & .OUO bbls. lluttliiiorn Ornln Market. lUi/mioiiK , AUK. 9. XS'iiEAT Stondy ; Aug ust , G4 ! < C. COIIN Iimcttvc , hlRhor ; Aueust , 40'- ; . OATS Qulot and steady ; No. 2 wblto west ern , 34c. < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MbincntKdU AVhunt Market. Mi.HNnAi-ot.ts , AUR. 9. NVHHAT Very dull ; cash fair ; close ! September , u34'o ; ; liecember , Gl'jc. On track ! No. 1 hard , 68)ic ) ; No. 1 northern , CGc ; No. 2 northern , 04c. Toledo ( Irnln Miirkrt. Tot.isno , Aug. 0. WIIKAT Stendlor ; No. 2 cash , 50o. COIIN Dull , lower ; ' No. 2 cash , 40Sc. ( OATS-Qulut ; No. a'casli , 24 Ue. STOCKS AND ItUNltS. noiillni ; * Yvntoriliiy Were Chiiriictci Ir.cil by Wonkiicus Throughout the l > ny. Nr.w YORK , AUR. 0. The deallnps wcro cbarncturlzed by weakness during a greater part of the day and In some In stances sharp declines were recorded , Tito bears were unusually tiKBresslve , having been cncourapod in their operations by the closing of the Madison Square batik , the continued high premiums paid for currency nnd Bold and rumors , afterwards denied , that tlio General Elcctrlc's paper had poua to proteit. On the other band , there was llttlo or no support from any quarter. The heaviest de clines were 6Jj per" cent in General Electric , in Chic.iRo Gas , 3 % In Western Union , S Burlington. 21 in Supar , 2 in lacka- wanna mid 1 % In Manhattan and Hock Island. The offerings were not particularly heavy and the losses resulted ehlelly from the lack of supporting orders. As on yes terday the selliud of the long account was comparatively light , u fact which made " Itself felt during" the last hour of business , when the whole market toolc on strength aud advanced anywhere from 1 to 4 points. Sugar and General Electric led the upward movement , the latter on the announcement that the friends of the company bad pro vided the $4,000,000 necessary to liquidate ) the IloaUhg debt. When thobears attempted to cover they found tno supply of slocks much smaller than expected , and the result was a rcgulauscramble to purchase near the close. The heavy Inllux of gold was not without Its intluencc In stimulating the late recovery. The transactions aggregated IM'J.ITG shares , including ! i'J,187 unlisted. Speculation left off strong iu totio with quotations hi a number of instances above those of yesterday. The Post says : How far the now supply of money now rolling in upon Now York will case the situation is one of tno problems of the market. The fortnight beginning , with last Saturday will have added to our stock of Imported gold upwards of > 0,0X.OOa. ( ) Not less than $10,000,0(10 ( more will como for now bank circulation. The gold must continue to ( low in from Europe as long as the local pre mium exists ; for a bid of 1 per cent , it should bo remembered , offsets a rise of fully Ic above the par of sterling exchange. Today $2,500,000 more is engaged in Ivomlon. The Bank of England , to meet the American demand , is drawing now on the Bank of France's gold a very natural recourse , smco the French Han It held today ? GO,000,000 moro than its busbies * needs required two years ago. ago.What then is to become of this now money when it reaches us ? It has not yet cased perceptibly the llmo loan market. Wall street today predicts that it , too , will bo hoarded and the dismal prediction may como true in part if congress docs not act. Some of the gold will certainly go into the saving banlts , some to the interior banking centers , which in contradiction of all pre vious examples are now buying specie by direct aud personal representatives in Lon don. But this cannot use the whole imported stock and iu any case oven such disposition of the money will ease the strain on the larger centers of capital. In short , the movement amounts to a currency expan sion of iO,000.000 in a fortnight. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now Yorlt exchange- today : Nt'w York Money .Mnrlcrt. NKWVOIIK , Aug. U. Mn.NRY ON OAl.r , EIIH at 3'it5 i > ur cent ; last loan 3 pur cunt ; closln offnn-d at 3 pur rent. I'lllUCMKIKIANTIl.t : I'Al'KH OJ18 per COnt. STEliMNn UXCHANOK Stronger , with acini business In bankurs' bills nt S4.82' } ® I.H2'f f ( HUty-day bills and $4.87'ift4.tiH for domanil , Sn.vKitCKiiTiricATKS WuruncKleclud , close at 76U bid and 77 asked. ( iOVBHNMKNT llONDS Strong. StlltO bani dull. dull.The closing quotations on bomb ; trtQHreiTTr , St.U.tS.K.O ( > n.M. . 1) . S. IH'OUI ) Ill ) SI. I'.ltllCollHOlH. , 11(1 ( t.S. ) l ! < rt-k' 05 SI. 1 > . U..V1 > . lutH. . . KIS 1'acllloilHot 'tiB. . It)1. ) T. l'.L.O.Tr. IlctH. ( I-.1 I.iiilHanaSiiiiKl4ii H. ' . T.l'.H.O.Tr. ItelH. 1:1 : IMlBsonrlilH t > 7 Union v.-ic. IHIH. . . ITonti , now uolilM. 105 \Vtwt Sliorn . nvnn. in.'W net tin , U7 U. (1 , W. IHIH . 114 Tcnn. now Hut ; iu. tll AtC'lllBOM-lH . 'JO IfaiiadaSo. 1'ilH. . . I ) . ' , clolHielaHHA. . . . : ia Central 1'ao. iMtu. 111 ! n. II. .VS. A. AH. . . . H5 1) . A. U. C. iHtH . IDS ( ) . II. A ; S , A.'il 5H 101) ) D.A.K. O. 4 . 5 1I.A.T. O. DH . 1)7 ) Krln''ilH . ( UK t llOCOII.IlB M. 1C. .VT. ( it'll , tin. 71 'tN. ' UiirollnatlH. . . . 1'jr M. K. A. T. Oi'ii. SH. : ia ) ( I do 4b . i IMiitnal Union 0 . ln.'i S. 0. llrowim . n.-i N. J. O. Int. Cert. . . inmi Ti-im. old OH . mi N.l'ao.lBtH . HOH'Va. HH . fn N. 1'ae. i. ' lH . 101 IVa. Kx-Mut. coup. : in N. W. CoimoU . I''TS ! V.-l.fUiiH.VlHC'rlcb f , ( ] N. W. Dob. ftb . KM l'U.l'.3u . au IS. IA.l. . M. ( ii'li.r.H 75 I bltl. Itohton .stot-k ( jiiot tlonii. id idn HOHTON , Ang.O. Cull loan-i.7 3-10BO porcon thmi loaiib , tiper cent. Closing quulnllonu t ' , , FHindH and mining share ! , : ill San I-'runcltcit .Mliilni ; tjuiilatlooy illW BAN riiANCisco , Aug. 9. Tbu ofllclal closl niiotntlonn for mining stocks .oday wcro n follows : , I Ncnv York Mlnlnc Quotntlniin. NEW YOIIK , Aiiitl. O.-Tho following are th mining quotations : St. l.ouu Mining Quotation * , ST. I.ouis , Aug. 9. Mo trading In mining stocks : KllznlK'th till itmAtncrlcan Nettle. . 30 Oranllo 1.50 ' bhl. ) nuked. I'lminclnl Niitrn ICAKPAS CITV , Aug. 0. Clearings , 1740,050. 1'Aitis , Aug. 9. Three per cent rentes , 'J3f SOc for the account. x OMAHA , Aug. 9. clearings 1523,689 ; same day last week , $ GOD232 , Nr.w YORK , Aug. 0. Clearings , J73.609- 017 ; balances $4,1HO,710. HAI.TIMOIIK , Aug. 0. Clearlnes , f2,047,0'23 ; balances $2712,07(5. ( Money , 4 percent. I'liii.mu.iMiiA , Aim. 9. Clearings , $8,090.- 802 ; balances , ii.OGl , 017. Money , 0 per cent. HAVANA , Aug. 9. Kxclinngo quiet ; on United States short sight , lOSJlle ; on London , ! 20' ' IXKSUON , Ann 9.Tho amount of bullion gene Into thi ) Hank of England on bill . . es today , 10,000. Mr.Mi'iits , AUK. 0. Now York o.xchanco Roll ing nt 11.50 premium. . Clearings , { 77,039 ; balance ! ) , J20.770. CINCINNATI , Aug. 9. Cluurlngo. Jl , 105,300. Money , 7i ( 8 nor cent. Now York exchange , JG.OOiJO.OO discount , NEW Om.KANs. Aug. O.-Cloarlngs , $840,020. Now York exchange , commcrclnl , t3 pur (1,000 1 bank , J1.50 premium. ST. Louis , Aug. O.-ClcarltiKs , $2,080,547 ; hiilancci , $ UfliHlO ( , Mimi'V , quint lit O'i68 per cunt , K.xchaneu on New York , $5 discount. HUSTON , Aim. 0. Clearing" , $10,054,909 ; Imlanoi's , $1,217,200. Money. 7 3-KM.lH per conu lOxclinimi-on Now York , $2.00Q3.00 pre mium pur $1,000. CIHCAHO , Anz. O.-Cloarlngs , $11,000,350. Now York exchange , nominally $ ' 25 discount. Htiirllim exchange , nominal. Monuy closed at 7 percent. O.UAIIA I.IVU > Tt > Clt MAItllKTd. Krrolpts Cnusn it StruiiRcr Alnrkct mill hliurp AilMinro In 1'rlcrn. WCDNDSDAY , Atlg. 1) ) . Thcso arc days of wild markets and almost equally wild receipts , The ono causes the other. Hecclpts of all kinds today wcro very limited. Receipts for the past three days foot up 8,7iVJ cattle , ! l,70i : hogs and 4'J-IO sheep , against 8,2 ; ) ! cattle , 10,20. ) hogs and 1,7SO sheep for the tirst thrco days of last week. The supply of cattle was small but made up almost entirely of natives more or less cornfcd. There was a > bctter tone to east ern advices and , as there has been a short- ace in supplies so far tills week compared with last of nearly 15,000 cattle , the dressed beef men were in the market for business. Competition was good on all useful grades and the market was active and from lOo to "Oc higher than Tuesday. Heally choice cattle were as conspicuously absent as the inferior grassy grades , but fair to very good steers weighing from 000 to 1WO ! His. changed hands readily at from $3.33 to $4 , and by the iniddlo of the forenoon trading was over. Cow stuff was in very limited supply and found a ready sale at prices a dime higher than Tuesday aud a quarter higher than at the close of last week. Extreme sales of common 10 good cows and heifers were at from Jl.SS to$2.l3. ! Veal calves wcro steady at around $11.75 aud Jl , and bulls were in poor demand and weak at $1.25 to ? 2.25. The feeder trade was quiet and dull with prices steady on good to a shade easier on common stuff. Good to choice feeders are quotable at from $2.70 to SU , fair to good at from J2.50 to $3.70 anil common stud at from ? 2 to $2.50. Kepresentativo sales : IUICS3EU 11CRF. No. Av. I'r. No. . Av. Pr. 4 . 1005 $250 1 . 1280 $375 71 . 1077 3 35 32 . 1276 3 90 1 . 1240 350 1 . 1340 410 19 . 901 850 25 . 1313 410 42 . 121'J 375 1 . 1130 420 1 . 1220 375 21 . 1270 420 COWS. 1 . 800 1 25 1 . 1230 1 00 1 . COO 125 20 . 720 200 30 . 7H8 160 7 . 8O7 200 1 . 1010 150 9 . 701 200 4 . 975 150 4 . 772 223 2. . . . 850 150 11 . OKI 225 1 . 700 150 20 . OO'J 235 CALVES. 2 . 150 3 75 1 . 150 4 00 iiur.r.s. 1 . 940 1 25 1 . 1450 1 75 1 . 10SO 125 1 . 15bO 225 1 . 1350 1 35 STOCKUIIS AND FKEDKIIS. 2 . 740 200 19 . 934 850 &D _ 737 2 10 42 . 917 2 55 Dl . 751 210 11 . 830 200 0 . 077 2 4O 8 . 1175 300 15 . 809 2 50 CO1.OHADO CATTI.K. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. lcow.1290 220 10 cows. 971 220 4 fd'h. 842 2 35 Hoes There was another sharp upturn in IIOK values today. Receipts were almost ridiculously light , butlili cars , and us eastern markets were bettor , and all classes of tmyors wcro in the field for supplies , trade was brisk from the start , with prices from l.lc to 2T > c higher than the very strong close of the market Tuesday. Light and butcher weight hogs and an occasional heavy load that was choice soldat.l..C > an 1 > , with a load of prime IWt-lb. pigs at $5.05. Ordinary heavy and mixed rncklngurndessold largely at fl.bO und $4.luiul ) ) rough porkers and throwouts scattering down to 1,70. The touo of the m'irket was very bullish , and with very active trading the meager offer ings had all passed over the scales shortly- after 0 o'clock. Trading was very largely at fromjl..iotofo.agamst ? l.ST > to $1.115 Tuesday and4 to fi.lOnn last 'Wednesday. Today'sads vance places the market back where It wa a week ago , buforo vilucs took the $1 drop- Hopresentatlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 20. . . .343 40(470 54. . . .203 80 ( I 95 11. . . .300 - 4 70 70. . . .2119 200 4 95 4. . . . 350 - 475 5li . . .239 120 495 38. . . . 258 80 4 75 75. . . . 210 120 4 U5 5. . . .320 - 475 59. . . .257 120 495 4. . . .270 40 4 75 (15. ( . . .219 HO 4 95 64 . . .319 - 4 80 58 . . .207 40 4 U7i ! 16 . . .200 - 4 HO 37. . . .210 40 5 00 44 . . .297 200 480 08..225 280 5 00 03. . . .288 40 480 77. . . .202 120 500 67 , . . .353 120 4 80 75. . . .210 200 6 00 68. . . . 262 - 480 74. . . . 247 240 600 01. . . .272 120 4 ft5 15. . . .108 40 600 08. . . .200 200 485 72. . . .210 240 500 53 250 ICO 485 OH. . . .23 ! ! 320 500 70 . . .247 200 485 69. . . .253 200 600 67. . . . 209 40 4 DO OH. . . . 193 80 600 08 . . 259 HO 4 DO 50. . . .221 200 500 67. . . .201 120 4 Ot ) 73. . . .324 240 600 70. . . .200 100 490 04. . . .SSI 120 600 79. . . .252 100 490 04. . . .199 200 505 71. . . .200 200 4 95 riiis ANI > nomiii. 1..170 - 4'Oji SiiEEi1 Three double-docks of very fan westerns wcro received. There was a fail demand ami buyers bid what they corisld ercd fully steady prices. Sellers wanted more money and , the , sheep went on throuirh ( Jood muttons are- , wanted , hut nothing else Prices are uuofabl.y unchanged. Fall to good natives. Sl.OOftfl.lX ) ; fair to gooc westerns , t'J 500f-iV 5 ; common and stocl sheep , ? 1.50ffl'J.7f > : 'iOod to choice 40 to UXMb lambs , M00il.75 ( , TUcprcsciitativo ' sales : No. Av. I'r. 2lmcks . . , . 105 2 6 ( 21umbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 42 ! lUirulpU HIII | . l > l | iiiHltliili of Ktoulc. Olllclnl receipts und disposition of xtock a : thuwn liy the ImoU-iof thti Union Stock Yard company for the twenty-four hours ending ; a 6 o'clock p , in , Atlguvt U , 18U3i IIKCEIITH. DISPOSITION' . Clil ( > Uii l.lvu block Murkut. ClilCAUO Auj ; . 0. ISpeclul Telegruui to Tli HKB.1 There T < n smart fiilvntico tld < morn- lint In prices of cMtlc. The shipping demand wni inoro nollvu tlmn for not oral dny pnst , nnd ai local buyers wruitod Homo cnttlo tlioro wniashow of competition Hint In thcso dnyn Is nltoRctltnr unuiunl. I'rlcc * for tucli crndo * n < nro giKid cnoiuth to send cnst on the hoof wi'iit up from Ific to U5c per 100 Ib * . nnd them was nn ndvancobt other descriptions of from lOc to Ific , Toward noon the demand ho- came less spirited nnd prlcoi foil back nbout lOc'tbu nmrkot closing from htondy to 16c hlglipr thnn ymtrrdny. The ndvnnco was bMiUKbt nbout. by the continued imall receipts , tliu fresh arrivals iimotint Ing I o nbout 9ooo head , nnd thn total for the expired part of the week but slightly oxceedlns 20,000 bond. Sales wcio largely nt from 11.76 to f'i.7D for native cows and wills nnd at from { 3.76 to 14,00 for steers , whllo sales of Texans were principally nt from $1.00 to 11.00 for cows and nt from $2 to $ 'J.7G for steers. Western rangers wcro In limited supply nt from tl.76 tof I.U5. Today's receipts of hog * were limited lo 0,000 limit nnd there were no moro thnn 2,000 slnlo oirorlngs. The arrivals since Snturday scarcely o.xceod 29.000 , which Is less thnn half the number recorded for thosanto tlmo Inst week. Naturally tlm market , nmdo further gnln In fit room It. It was easily 15c higher thnn on yesterday , choice heavy grades soil- ItiC up tu from )5.30 to 15.40 , nnd as blub as from J5.70 to J5.75 wnspnld for light. Hblp- purs took about their nsunl proportion of ro- cclnts and there was u disposition on tliu pnrt of locnl packOM toseourt-boss. The compe tition wns not brisk , but the hogs were soon all out of .sellers' hands and tbu later feeling was tot less llrm than that prevail-ill early In the Uny. Tliunuallty was excellent anil only n very small part of tln < supply sold below $ : > . ! ( > , tlio popular price belli ) ! from J5.15 to ? .r > .2 ! > for heavy and medium wulhtH | and from S&.35 to $5.00 for light. I bi-ro wuro enough sheep today to fully sat isfy the demand , which wasrhlully conllnrd lo meeting thu wants of Jrtcal slaimhU'rors. Ship pers remain Idle and There Is lltllu or no ln- ipllry for feeders. Hood to cli leu sheep were iiiolud | at from $3.'J5 to } 4.2A , and poorer grades bold along down to from $1.50 to $ ' 2 , I'uw lot.s went aixivo S3.7o , thu prevailing prlco being from J'J.50 to $3.50. Tbe lamb market wnsiiuoted nt from J'J.70 to } 5.25 for poor to choice. lti > culits | ; Cnttlo , 0,000 bond ; calves , 800 head ; lions , 0,000 ; shrop , 12,000 liuntl. The Kvetiing.Iournal reports : CArrt.K-Uecolpts , 8,000 bond ; sblumputs. 3,500 bend ; beeves , loaiHu higher , clnied weak ; Toxtino , lOc higher ; no western rangers : prime heavy , M.HOilft.lU : good to choice. $4.00 4.76 ; medium , S3.75'ft4.1U ' ; com mon. J2.UOBU.40 ; Tuxuns , J'J.4033.05 ; cows , $3.Do. lloos Kecclpts. 0,000 bond ; shipments , 3,600 liuad ; market lO'd'jrie lower ; common rough heavy , $4.2.Yili4.80 ; fair to good picking , f4.'JO'a5.15 ; prlmu heavy , J5.25O5.4ri ; selected butchers' , } 5.45'it5.55 ; light mixed , $5.20515.U5 ; sorted light , J5.CO5.80. HuiiKi' Receipts , 12,000 bead : shipments , 300 bead ; natives strong , westerns lower ; natives , M.OOftl.-JD ; westerns , J2.H50t3.30 ; TCMUIS , J2.75ti3.25 ; lambs 10ijl5c higher at 3.00it5.50. Kmmn City l.lvu Mock Market. IVANSAS CITY , Aug. 0. OATTM : Hcccipta , 5,000 head : shl iuntK , 3.1HK1 head ; market llVjnllJc higher ; Texas steers , $ 'J.OO'i.3.15 ' ; ship ping sleers , f4.OOiiO.ll ) ; butchers' stock , Xi3.104.20 ; slockurs and fct'ders , J2.1O ( ,3.55. \ lions Hecelpts.2.400 head ; shipments , COO head ; market 20 < 4Oc hhtber ; bulk of sales , $5.IOil5,30 ; heavies , f4.0 ( ) < a5.25j mixed , J-J.U5 © 5.35 ; light , $5.20-a5.50. SIIKII' : Hecelpts , 1,400 bend ; shipments , 1,400 head ; market stronger ; mutton , $2.45B > .85 ; Iambs , J4.10&1.40. St. I.ouU l.lvv Sleek Mnrliot. ST. I.otna , Aug. 0. CATTI.C Uocolnts. 3,000 lead : shliimints | , none ; market 1OJ515C higher : ititlves , S3.00ISI.50 ; Tuxiins , J2.4OJ13.25. lions Hccelpts , 1,500 head ; shipments , tone ; market lO&15c hlgber ; bulk ot sales , 3.00515.25. SilKKP Hecolpts , 1.000 head ; shlumonls. none ; maikut nnchangud. WISSTKICN l'ACIUNS INTKIIKSTS. Mr.vcmnnt of Hogs Still the I-'oiitur ol dm Trinlo. CINCINNATI , Aug. 0. [ Spcclnl Telegram to Tin ; IJiiK. ] Tomorrow's I'rlce Current , will > ay : Quite a reduction has occurred In the now-incut of boss , due to lasx week's break In iii-lccs and the paralyzed condition ot mone tary nir.-ilrs. The week's piiL'klng was but lau.OOO , uonipari'd with 20(1,000 ( for thu pre ceding week and 205,000 for last year. The lotal from March 1 is 4,400,000. against 5,500- 100 a year ago. Prominent places comparu as 'ollows : 1I4 ! 5.000 Kaim.-iH City. . 7n.-iuio ) ) inaba I'.l.-i.llOI ) St. Louis 'JI.IIIO ( ( Cincinnati 175,0110 Inillanaiiolla. MllwaukiH * 11)3,01)0 ) ) Cedar Kanl , St. Josi-Dli IHC.OOI ) Nubnmka City. 73.UOU ! Sleek Iu Hecelpts of llvu l stock nt the four principal western markets Wednesday , August 0 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 707 2,308 5U8 Chicago . 8,000 0,000 12,000 Kansas City . 5,000 2,400 1,400 fat. Louis . 3,000 1,500 Total 10,707 14,008 13.9'Jd Balloon tonight nt tlio beach. MAY BUY THE PLANT. rrnlmlilllty that OniHliii Will Krontually Own Its \V.-ttnr Snppy. : There is a possibility that the city of Omaha may "become the owner of its own water WOI-KS plant. Sueb a movement is on foot and it will bob up serenely before the city ofllcials one of these days. The plan as outlined by ono of tbu progressive and push ing members of the council is for the city to acquire the property of the American Water Works company. It is well knoivh that a faction of the stockholders of the American Water Works company of New Jersey is dissatisfied and is moving for a new company to ho organi/.ed , to bo known as the Omaha'Water Works company , which shall acquire the Omaha plant in accordance with the plan and agree ment settled upon. It is thu intention of tlio now company to create an authorized issue of ? o,000,0)0 ( ) ton and twenty your u per cent gold bonds , $1,100,00. ) of ( I pur cent non- cumulative preferred stock , with a priority of lien over the common stock and ? ri,001)OOU ) of common stock. It is proposed to issue the now 5 per cent bonds as follows ; Two million two hundred thousand dollars to take up at 110 , ? l.-0i,000 ( ) the American Water Works company fi per cent bonds and e.X)00 | ( ) ( ) City Water Works company of Omnlia fl per cent bonds. Two million dollars lars to take up at par , fi,0X,000 ( ) the Ameri can \Nnter Works .1 per cent bonds , $ , ViO,000 to laku up the present outstanding coupons , floating debt incurred on account of thu Omaha plant , reorganization expenses and compensation to the committeo. Ono million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars tu remain in trust for future improvements and for Interest account during the time required to obtain tltlo to the property. The bond holders are also to have a bonus of 40 per cent in thu common stock. Tlio scheme to acquire the property is by foreclosure proceedings on tbu mortgage reprusuntini. the &IIWO,000 of outstanding bonds made by the American Water Works company of Illinois , thu corporation which owned the Omaha properly prior to the transfer to the Now Jersey company. There are now outstanding unpaid about f l.Vi.fiOOof pnst iluo coupons , nnd on the 1st of Jnlv , IH'.in , there matured $ ' .14,000 , and on August 'J , ? 1U,000. When this now company , the deal for or ganization of which is being so cleverly planned and accomplished , secures thu plant ir. this city thu intention at that tlmu is to unload it upon the vltyatan enormous profit. Under the provisions of the city charter thu city can acquire and oporatn either water works , electric light or gas plants. The fran chise of the American Water Works com pany in this elty expires July 'JO , 1U05 , and thu new company hopes in the meantime to unload on the city. When tbo foreclosure of the mortgage re ferred to is made and the plant is placed under the auctioneer's hammer , the now company will probably mid a competitor in the person of the city of Omaha. Thu mem ber of the council who has given tblt matter much earnest thought and attention says that the time is at band for the city of Ouiuhii to own Its own plant. He btlloves that when the foreclosure proceedings como that the city should bu prepared to stup In and purchase the plant at a reasonable ligure. He has ascurtuinud that the annual revenue of tbu Omaha plant is nuarly t-175- 000 , of which tlm city government pays in the neighborhood of $ SO,000 for hydruiug. Balloon tonight ut the bench. Conn oc Inquiry. At tbo request of Captain Henry I. Hay- mend , assistant surgeon , court of inquiry has been ordered to convene at Fort WiiBluiKle. Wyo. , August 5J-2 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , or us soon thereafter as prnctlcablo , to examine Into certain imputations us to bis professional treatment of I'rlVtito 1 , A , Has- W mcvtj llx/t wUljout jjoliricj , bairries , < nid fj ° H j u Vt MOU live. wiUjouf' taxes , avid live , ivir/oul' / ) tolls.- W * mnM hut , IvfjCM TftdiCo-fs Ccoe ; Rut ciuiKzad biixvi I- lii/e. wiUjouN SOGJ. | Next to the foolishness of trying to live without Soap , is tlw great uuwisdom of living without which is acknowledged to be far better than nny other kind. Sold everywhere by enterprising grocers. only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago. OMAHA. U ManulactiK a loliteis ieclory BAGS & TWINES | TENTS , ETC. Bcmis Omaha Hag Omaha Tent-Awning COMPANY. COM 1 * A NY. Impn'tora niul mnnufno Uir Fit at Hour unoks , sn COVKHS. tiiirlnpn , twine. llii : Kimiiim Mruel. BOOTS AND SHOES. 5Iorsc-Coc Slioi Company. Snlesroom nml OlllcoMOT HOJ-llll llmrnrl KncturyIUtlim1131 llon.inl St. Wo nro the osi.v Mnnu.iturori ot lluoUiinl SlicH'ntii tlio xtnteut Xt'br.isk i. A cenural Invitation in ovloM.Uil to nil to Inspect our newfnclory. Kiikcndall , Jones & Amcr. Hand- Sewed CO.MI'ANV. Wtioli-snlo . _ . _ . . . . . . [ ) . . limits , shoos llulitii'rsiino Co. 1KB- niul rubber llUI-IIOilllarnur sireot. laiu llnrnny Slro-t. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. KlIpalrick-KochDry < ; oDs co. Dry Koods , notlom , fur- Notions , Kentn' funilnh- nlhlnK uoocH , corner IIIK iooiti > , rur. llth niul Uth nnd llownrcl Ma. lliirnoy ytroel . FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering BcDce & Hnnyan CO.MI'ANV. UnhoUtorei ! lurnltiiro. FUUNITIMIK COM PAN V IIU'J-HOI Nleliohn M. Wholesale only. nnd I3tli Struo tian , troop 11 , Sixth cavalry , which impu tations are sot forth iu tlio loiters ol the niciilcal director of the iluimrtipciit to Cap tain Kuymoml in .luiro last. Thu following is the detail for the court : Major Valory Ilavaru , surgeon ; Major George \V. Adair , surgeon ; Captniti GcorRO K. Hushncll , 0is- sistant surgeon ; BccotuV Lieutenant .lohn 1C. Miller , ICiBluli infantry , recorder. Tlio court Is ordered to report and summarise tliu ovi- deucu and cxt > rcss its opinion theruon. Piles of people ] have piles , hut DJ Witt's Witch HuzelSiilvcwill euro thorn. Omaha guards drill at Courthind beach tonight about 7:45. : o DEPOT FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Coiiiincrclnl Club Ttikcn 1'roiiipt Action to Secure tliu Locution In Diniiliii. Tlio desultory talks of locating a depot for Indian supplies in this city , originated In Washington by Mr. Tobias Castor , took duliiuto sliapo Tuesday when the Commer cial club began a systematic hunt for the now depot , now located in Chicago. At a largely attended meeting it was de cided to forward to the Nebraska senators and representatives in congress and Secretary tary Morton a letter setting forth the ad vantages which Omah.x had over Chicago in the matter of such a depot , and the follow ing letter was ordered sent to the above mentioned gentlemen : DourSIr Tlio ini'inborslilp of the rommer- olal club of Oiiiulm iiiL-llldos GUU builMus * inun of tills city. A "I'll attended meeting of tlio club was held today toe milder tliu best count ) to pur sue to iinlnco tliu location of the depot of Indian supplies In this oily Instead of Chicago , Its present location. Tlio following Is tliu st'liso of tlio muetlng us expressed : Thill tlio subject. 1)0 plactid buforo our ineni- borsof coiiari'ii , now In Washington , and their Immediate nnd earnest action lie requested In our bahalf. Tliu lurutlonnf thU depot at Omnlia would hoof vast lifiicitit to tlio state of Nebraska and this city ; It would result In tlui dLslnirsomnut of large sums of mutiny for purcliaso of grain , seed * , imiilementH , meats , Hour and general merchandise. ' It Is lo In ) considered , In connection with the muat supply , that Omaha Is tliu third packing point In tlio L'nlled Stall's ; also that suvoral nourlug mills urn located at points In Ne braska , on the railroads between Umalia and tin ) reservations. And that Omaha did a Jobbing biislnoss of jau.OOO.OUO In IMU'J anil has complete repro- senlation in all classes of Jobbing trade , and bulls&oodi nt C'hlCHgo prices. That the railroads running to the Indian reservations f rein Omaha aru land gran t rusiiN. wUh whlc'li the govoiiiinent lias contraels gnarnnteulng low ! triiNsiiortiiliin | i-harges ; I'aelllc , lliirllnglo.n and they n 10 Ihu Union . Mls-otirl KlverandFivmont , Kluliorii & MK- bonrl V lluy railways , comprising 1&UI ) < ) nilli'Hof ncid extending west and iioitlnyesl , lth huaduiiartur.s a I , Omaha , and tliolr short direct lines dlvi-rtsu from thU cliy. 'J'lds Is tin1 only point whuro t huso roads all roncniitrati' . and tlioy mulcj tliu dlstaino : aoi ) inllUH less than Missouri rlvor points below Omaha , anil & 00 miles less than Chicago , to tli reservations U > bo reached. This makus the tlllfurfiicii from two to flvo days less In time on HlilpmonlN In transit ; It Is assumed Hint dispatch in forwarding supplies is advantageous and In this re.spuct Omaha u.\cels all possible coiniiu'tltors. It would sopiii that nil the rcijuisltes neces sary In seonrlnii tlio locution aru favoralilo to Omaha ; cost of supplies , uo-,1 of transport.-- tl cost of renlaU , or Kroundx and bnlldiiu's , nnd their inalntrimnco iinddlrccl line , of rail way , guar.inteeliiK ( inlck trausll of shipments. \VD learn thut ( Jumiidssloiiur ArmslroiiK thlni.H well of our advantages , ( ii-neral HrooUi ) says that Onmlin Is wlllimil iiU'stloii ' superior loall ether points fur local Ion HI this dunoi , and wu hop" l'i ' t the government m.iy . bupruvalleil upon lo rociunUiioiiriiilvintigi.i : : and locate th base of hiippllos In our clly. IJut the good1 work was not punniltcd to atoii there , a petition to Secretary of tno Interior iloku Kiulth Deing prupiirud alonn the lines of the letter , which was signed by nil the blink presidents in tlio city , all the wholesalers , jobbers and irmnufActnrors' agents , ( . ailing upon the secretary to givu Omaha favorable consideration. Eighty signatures were iUtacho.1 to the petition , representative In character , and with the apwul | lo tlui members of congress Commissioner Utt hopes fordnllnlto action. Spunking of the matter the coiuuil-sionor said thatllfi.OOO.OOO were disbursed unnually by the department fur Indian supplies , ) per cent of which would bo spent hero In Omaha If a depot c iuld bo located in this city , "and naturally our jobbers , wholesalers and others would bo In n position to benefit by the removal from Chicago. Lincoln people usually got tbu contracts for supplies lor the penitentiary aim Insane asylum be cause they are on the grounds. If it dupot was located In Omaha our wholesalers would have an opiwrtunlty to get on the ground floor if they so desired. It would bo a big thing for Omaha If wo could secure tliu lo cation of tills ilejKit hero. " A do n raw wltU a bottle of Cook's ICxtrn Dry Imperial Champagne is an after theatei thought. Btoroopticon views tonight ut buuch , HARDWARE , Hector & Wilhclmy Lobcck & Linn , ' Donlora In tnrilwnro anil Corner 11th nnil .Inckson tm'ctmiilra' tools. blrooti. 1IO < Duuulns mrcot. HATS , ETC. | IKONWpRKS. _ W. A. L. Gibbon Co Omaha Safe andiron Wlioldnto \VOIIK- * . Hats. cnps. Mmw gnoil , Snfo , vnull , Jiill wood , Kluvi'i. inlitom. I.tli Iron xliuttur * niul lira CM- uuit llurnuy Mrui'ts. cnpix. < lui Aiulrcoii , Uth uhil JurkHon COMMISSION. | LUMBER. llraiiGh & Co. John A. Walicfielil , ImportMAinorlean Port * Produce , fruits of nil Iniitl cum out , Mll au- koo CDiiu'tit niul Qulucy kinds , oyMor * . STOVE REPAIR Frick & Herbert , Oiniili.i . Slovc Repair Stiivn rcpnlrs Wholcnivlo liquor dealers nint miter attachment ) for nnr klnil of utova 1001 I'limnm St. runtlu. 1'JU ; Duiik'luj s ( . OUSTER'S LAST X BATTLE FIELD. A vlslr to this spot , which is now a national uomctory , oxtromorly > ititor- cstinpf. Iloro scventooti yours a o Gen eral Gustor und live companies of the Seventh United States cavalryniunbor- incr over 200 ollicora nntl men , were cut to pieces by the Sioux Indiana and allied trihos under Sitting Bull. The battlefield , the valley of the Little Biff Horn , located seine forty odd mlles south of Ouster , Mont. , a st.itioii on the Northern Pacific railroad , can bo easily reached by st'igo. If you will wrlto Charles S. Foe , St I'aul , Minn. , inclosing - ing1 cents In uosliifjo , lie will send you a handsomely illustrated 100 ) ) ajo { bool : , free of chiirKO , in which you will find n , graphic account of the sad catastrophe which overlook the bravo Ouster and his followers in the valley of the Little Biff Horn in Juno , ' 70. 5 PficaJ Wprtb a Guinea a BqxJ25c. _ _ . 1 Dislodge Bile , I Stir up the Liver , i Cure Sick-Headache , ii Female Ailments , lEemove Disease aud I Promote Good Health , ! I Covered with a Tasteless & Solablo Ooatlng. ' ! Pamous the world over. ! > Ask for llecchanT * ami take nu others. J Of all drujfKisls. 1'rlco 2T. cents a bo New \ on : Dcput , 16 ? Canal bt. Your Dueber Number. Makers of inferior watches a n d watchcases - cases never want to bear fioni them after they are told to liters. No one cares to hear complaints oflds ware. 15ut no tme ever finds fault will ) the Ducbcr * I lampdcti watches. of Dm-lK-r-IInmpilPii wnlch To uny ( iwiior n who wilt mull lilH t'nhH nuiiibt-r mid nildri-Jii , will Im m-iit it Ki'iinln" iihiliiliinni liiiijcli eufc. TJIK DUKIIKH WA-IIII WIIIIKN , ( 'union,0. With Nerve ll us. now vtiiriiiiiblo discovery of murvulons power , pusltlvn euro for all nurvu troiitJinH , niioli ns nervous prostration tdnnplessness , dnspondmixy , pains In haek and iddu , hick liaad.idiu . , < ly .pup lu. Ions of appu- tlti ) . otc. Wondiiifiil IKKve Ionic , makes rluh , pnru lilooil , tonoj entlro Hystuin. tl a hox. I'lioii/ii for two HPDKH. At dnuKiHls , or by in ml. Norvelluun I'D.lluttalo , N. V. f fjSr. . Wo will ( tiul you th m rT laui Xff M < ' " "cl1 ' 'tfi.rniou CALTMpO frr . and k IrKal sutlalil r lh ll I Al/nif ) ! ' will Iteiiurv your ! 7 < cullh , .Strcnslli aud Vigor. ) Acldrois VON MOIIL CO h.l. tmtti. Union Stock Yards Company , South Oj-naha , not Cattle Ilo nntlShiap mm : < nnt'l 1T9IL CQMMIS5IJI Wood Brothsri Live fitojk CommUdoo Moroliunti O'lttiOui lia TolepUona Ilil. JOHN I ) . DADISMAN , I WAI/l'KIl li. WOOD , Mnrkotroportuby mall and wlro chuerfullj furuUhud uyun uiiullcullou. *