TITE OMAJTA DAILY ME : 'llBLUUSDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1893. THE DAILY BEE 01 KICK : NO. 12 I'RAIU. ST11EF.T. Delivered by carrier to any part of the city. II. W. TIT/TON - Manager. Ilnsliifn Office No. 43 TPlPl'iirwp J Thl'jl | IIMA 1 NlKht Editor No. 23 Mi\TWS. N. Y. Plumbing Co. lloston Store , dry goods. Tl. Mayne Heal KstatoCo .021 IJroadway. J. Ufcdcr's corpu ? case will bo tried hy Judge Kinlth next Saturday. J. It. MePhpraon will hulld a largo green house on his llast Pierce street property. J. U. Snyder received his ilrst consignment of Miiscallno wntermclona yesterday after noon. J. P. FlaiiRherdlcd of apoplexy on Wednes day at St. Bernard's hospital , ngod 82 years. The rcnmins will bo taken to IJullunco today for ljurlnl. Unity ( lulld will give a reception and sociable to Mr. and Mrs Simpson this even ing at Mrs. Jackson's , 517 First street. 1'Vlends arc cordially Invited. Harry Appcl , elevator boy at the Hro wn htilldlng , Is laid up with a badly Injured limb , the result nt an accident , having been catieht In the elevator while moving. Margaret Workman Olcd of rheumatism on Tuesday nt her homo In lUoomcr settlement tlement , aged 78 years. The remains wll bo hurled In Illoomer cemetery today. The 10-monthvuld son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Ij. Uraham died of cholera Infantum at ' . ' : :50 : o'clock yesterday morning nt the family resi dence , ; WI Harrison street , after an Illness of thrco days. Charles Hroyolllght was tried before Jus tice Fox yesterday on the charge of stealing n couple ot cows from his neighbor , and was bound over to the grand Jury In bonds In the sum of ? KX ) . Chris P. Peterson , 10-yc.ir-old son of Mr and Mrs. Nels Peterson , died yesterday of typho-niularhil fever. The funeral will occur . this aftereoon at 2 o'clock Irom the residence , 170'J Eleventh street. \V. T. House , who picked the pocket of his companion , A. Hammond , wns bound over to the grand Jury yesterday morning in policu court , and in default of aI'iil'J ' b.nul was sent to the cotintv Jail. Hammond was lined tlll.UO for drunkenness. The hutchors of Council Hluffs are holding meetings for the purpose of effecting some sort of an organization to got ahead of pro fessional deadheats. The plan talked of is to Keep a list of customers who will not pay their bills , furnishing It to all the butchers , who will then bo burred from selling meat to him. The case brought by J. W. Crossland for the annulment of the motor company's charter was to have had another inning 'n the superior court yesterday , hut had 'o bo postponed on account of the illness of all the attorneys for the motor company. H they recover their usual good health it will como up again this afternoon at ! i o'clock. ( icorgo Welch , a boy who is doing time in the county Jail for the larceny of a lot of clothing , was allowed to walk about the jail yard last evening as a reward for peed con duct. Suddenly ho was found missing , and It was learned that ho had planned his escape , having shoved his coat and hat out through the bars. The ladies of the Second Presbyterian church will give a social entertainment this evening at the residence of A. M. Hutchinson - son , KM Franklin avcnuo. Ono of the prin cipal attractions will ho phonographic ren ditions ot solos , quartets anil select readIngs - Ings from favorite authors presented by per sons present. The improved phonograph used in the Masonic tcinplo on Tuesday will bo used. Edna C. , wlfoof J. II. Fprdice , died Tues day afternoon after an illness of ten days , nged HI years and 7 months. The deceased was horn in Plcasantvillo , la. , and was mar ried in 18S7 In Omaha to the husband who survives her. They removed to this city last year Irom Omaha , which had hcen their homo for live years previous. Thu , deceased was n member of the IJcgreo of Honor No. 27 of Omaha and of the Christian church of this city. The funeral will take place this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the residence , 1707 Fojrth avenue. Pat Tlorney was to have had a preliminary examination yesterday before Justice Vien on the charge of attempted assault. Tlio prosecuting witness was in the court room in the morning nnd secured the ser vices of the attorney for the local Humane society. When the case came up for hcfrlng ; In the afternoon , however , she did not show up , and it is supposed that the defendant has been trying to make some sort of an arrangement with her hy which the case is to bo dismissed. The court will not bo party to any such deal , and contin ued the cnso until nsxt Monday at 2 oVloek. Seven CIIHOH of IHiirrlinti Curcil AVltli Onn Ilnttlo. fjOIIANOK , TKXOIH Co. . N. C. I have hcen sellloj ; Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Ularrluuu Remedy since hint March. I recently cured seven cases of dlarrluiM with ono small bottle. I can say it is the best diarrluua medicine I over used. II. M. McOosAi.D , Druggist. .Nullrti tciCro rcryiMcn. Tliohrnml of corn known as "D. W. Archer's World's Fair Brand Siifjur Corn , Council Bluffs , hi. , " is not packed ut Council BlulTs and Council BluIVs Can- nlnji Co. has no intorust whatever in said brand. COUNCIL n LUFFS CANNINO Co. to the present financial crisis nnd the tfununil reduction of prices in moats , tlio Hotel Jnman , which is a first class SJ.OO u day lunir-u , lias reduced its rates to $1.00 u day. Day board Ul.OOu week. First clans meub , 2uc. i The best building sand in tlio market by carload. Address N. Schurz , 'Ji Bald win Bloclc , Council BlulTs. lit. I. I'.tlC.KlItAl'ltH. Miss Bolla Stuhr of Avoca Is in the cltv , the guest of Miss lla/.cii. Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Lougoo have gone to Chicago to visit the World's fair. F. II. Hill loft Tuesday evening for a trip through Colorado and other western states. U. W. Chamhcrlln has resigned his poM- tlon as passenger agent of the Union Pacific and will go oast. Miss licsslo Patterson of St. Louts Is In the city , the guest of the Misses llcdison on Fourth avenue. J. N. Bowman , who has been dangerously 111 with typhoid fever , was reported some what better liis't evening. Theodore L , Robinson of Marys villa , Mo. , Is in the city visiting his cousins , Judge C5 , A. nnd William H. Hoblnson. J. M. Fcnlon , deputy cleric of the district court , went to Colfax yesterday for a short vacation trip to tlio homo of his parents. F. M. Wright and C. S. I.uwsou went tc DCS Molnus to attend the funeral of J. L' Hose , which took place thcro yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Hughes and daughter , Mls < Mainitt , have returned from an extensive visit in Canada. On their way homo the stopped at the World's fair. James McMillan , who has occupied the position of dtipot policeman at the transfci for many years , hua been transferred to tin position of night watchman. Mrs. C. K. Taylor and Mrs. John Beanlau left last night over the Rock Island foi Muscatino , la. Mrs , Taylor goes as a dolu < gate to the grand lodge from Mlzpah temple , No. 'J , Pythlan-Slsters , _ 1'Hus of people liavo piles , out Qj Witt's > \ Itch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Dnnm-ratln l.'inu nil tcui , The county convention of the democratic party will bo held at 10 o'clock this morning In the south court room at the county courl house. Twenty-six delegates are to ho so Icctud to the state convention nt DCS Moines on the "id. A chairman of the count ) central committee is also to bo selected. Williamson & Co. , 10U Main street , largo * t und bo.st bloyolo stock in city , Take u nice , cool swim ut Munhattar beach. Smoke T , I ) , KJruj < fc Co'b Purtagus. Domcstlo toup is the bust , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS ReaulU of the State Chemist's ' Examination of Missouri River Water. REMARKABLY FREE FROM IMPURITES liiiunllvo Tuts I'riiTe that tlio Water .Supply l 1'urn und Wlinle om.il ) iia the nciully llncterl * li Ahiunt front It. The state chemist tias made his report on the condition of the Council Uluffs water supply , and those who have been mixing a llttlo rye with their drink lately In order to destroy bacteria may now go back to aqua pura as a beverage , for the strxto chemist says that not only Is the old Missouri all right , but that particular part 67 the Missouri that Is dealt out to Its patrons by the Council Hlufls Water Works company Is also all right. His Investigation was made with samples from n yard hydrant at the Twentieth avqiiuo school , the river near the pumping station , a house hydrant at Schneider's drug store , a lire hydrant on Nineteenth - teenth \onno and another on Scott street , both the latter being known ns ' 'dead cuds , " where the water ia often allowed to stand in the pipes for ( | Ullo a while. The report consists of a lot of ilgurcK which would mean llttlo or nothing to the average reader , but the general effect of the figures Is to show that nil the scare about Impure water was imloundcd. The analysis shows no harmful bacteria Iu the water , and the nitrites-or the partially oxidized products of decaying animal matter , and ammonia , which comes from the decay of animal matter or the mix ing of sewage with the water , are present 11 so small ifiantlties as to bo absolutely mrmless. both together being less than hroe-tcnths of a grain to the Riillon. Pile of people have piles , out Dowitt's Vitchllazcl Salvo will euro them. UNOK.MOUs KKI1UUTIONS At 111" HoBtuii Store , Council Hind's , In. Coat price , or oven half price , cuts no \Ruro \ with us. When we decide wo want mythiiitf to move , and move fast , wo ut rijfht to tlio core , so that they can't VClp but move rapidly. CJlanco your areful eye over tlio bargains for today. i do/on liG-ineli hcurlutta fast black imbrcllas for today , fi8 ceacli. 0 dox.en 'JS-inuh honrietta fast black imbrollas worth SI.00 for today , OSc each. 15 dozen 20-inch English glorias , stool oil for today at * 1.I5 ; each. 5 dozen inivv blue English glorias for today at ! )0c ) eac.li , worth$2.00. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS. All our lc ! ) and i"ic lacocaps , 12jo. All our 'lc ! ) and fJOc lace caps for 2'ic. All out75c , 8 ! > e , $1.00and SI.2J lace caps for -IPc each. All our $1.50 and J2.00 caps for 0c. Keep your child comfortable during his hot weather when n nice lace cap can bo bought at such a nominal cost. I VI > IKS' . WAISTS. Wo show by fur the best selection and bbioht styles in the waist lino. Our trade in that line has been treble of for- ner years. All our 75c waists JSc for loday. All our SI.00 and SI.25 waibts for 75c. All our $1.50 and 31.75 waists for $1.00. All our $2.00. $2.2o and $2.50 waists for SI.25 ; others in like proportion. Komuiubor this is only for today. BOSTON STOKE. Fothcringliam , Whitclaw & Co. , eadors ami promoters of low prices , "louncil BlulTs , la. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Inntlco t < i I'lcniu Portles. Change in time , commencing Monday , Aug. 7. Trains for Manawa leave at tlio following hours : Morning trains leave Broadway at 10 a. in. Evening trains at 1 , 2 , Jl1 and 5 and every 30 minutes thereafter until 12 p. m. I'coplciN I'uity County Convention. The people's party will meet in delegate convention on Saturday , Aliens t 10 , 1SIKJ. at 2 o'clock p. m. , at the court house In Counci Bluffs , for the purpose of selecting seven delegates to attend the poDplo's party state convention at DCS Molnos September IbiKi. Townships will bo entitled to representation as follows : Two dele gates from each township or ward and ono for each twenty votes or major fraction thereof cast for General .lames U. Weaver for president on the 8Ui of Novem ber , IhlU. It is recommended that the town caucuses for the selecting of delegates to attend the county convention ho held not later than August 10. It is further recom mended that , under the jircscnt circum stances nnd financial pressure , wo take a step in advance and a step higher on the ladder of civilization by inviting all voters who believe in the principles of Jho Omaha platform , partlbu- iarly these who believe in the free and un limited coinage of silver at the rate of 10 to 1 , to attend the caucus and assist in sending delegates to the county convention. The convention will bo addressed by Hon. J. W. Kdgcrton of Omaha on the silver ques tion. A. M. HfTCiiiNsoN , Chairman of County Central Committee. Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Ilardnmn fc LewiJ , two well known young men , have purchased the Model restaurant on Pearl htreet. They will make it more popular and attractive than over. Special tables reserved for ladies and families. . Stop at tlio Ogden , Council Blullg , tie LcLt & 2.00 hotifco in Iowa. Too Munli Motlier.ln-Iuv , The old story of the man who has too much mothcr-m-law was told In police court yesterday morning. Mrs. J. Moore came up from her homo in Hastings to visit hot- daughter , and that was when the trouble commenced. According to the story which she poured Into Judge McCieo's sympathetic ear yesterday morning , she tried to induce her daughter to go homo with her , where upon h r daughter's hiibbund , whoso name is DurwardCiladwln.declarcd that she should 1 not leave the IIOUBO , threatening to kill her 1J 1f she insisted on going. She wisely decided to send her regrets homo , and confided in her mother the reasons for her doing so. Mrs. Moore Immediately started out to bring her son-in-law to a realizing sonyo of his duties in the case , anil before night fall had him behind the b\rs : \ of tlio city Jail on a charge of threatening to kill. The sensational features which the I ! case promised seemed mostly a minus quan tity when the hearing came ofT yesterday , nnd a continuance was granted , with the understanding that Mrs. Moore should gu Homo and allow the young couple to fix up their dilllcultiei without any maternal assistance. Piles of paoplo liavu jnius. ' out Do Witt's wltchhazel salvo will euro thorn. Hud I1IIU Mudii ( .ood. Business mon need their money in these times. If yon have bills against people not living in Iowa employed lij any railway , express , telegraph or telephone - phone company entering Iowa , write tt the NabMiu Investment Co. , Council BlulTs. Collections guaranteed. Just received , line imported Swiss cheese , Mrs. Beck's , COO Main btreut. Greenshiolds , Nicholson & Co. , real estate nnd rentalsXX ( ) Broad way , Tol.151. l.o.i 111 * Whip. A well Known Council DhilTs man was or his way from Manawa yesterday afternooi on his wheel when ho encountered ono o that genus of humanity known to bicyclist ! as road hogs. The road hog rufusod ti budge hl loam out of the road a slugli men , aud rauod hU whip to strike thi man on the wheel. .lust .11 ho let it fall the vhoohnan crabbed the lash and | crked the vhlu out of his hands. The two then ex changed compliments for a few minutes In terse vlporoui English , and parted , the bicy clist retaining the whip , It Is now at TUB HBR ofllco , where the road-hog can have It on iromlslng to behave Itself In the future. Piles of people h-ivo piles , out Do Witt's. Witch Hazel Silvo : will euro thorn. COOI , AS A CUUimilKU. Ifono Thief Kllnrn ItrnndUhcn n Onn nnd Mnkrn 1IU I > rnpe , Deputy Sheriff O'Brien returned from Dow City yesterday , but ho failed to bring back James Ellers. who stole Paul Bouquet's tiorsu last Sunday. Ho also failed to bring back the horse , but neither of the failures are to bo laid at his door. Ellers was at Modalo and in the custody of the oftlccrs , but as they wcro rustics nnd not up very well on the latest fashions In horse thieves , they lot him pet away. Ellers told them a long story about the horse wnlch , by the way , wns not Bouquet's nt all , nnd did not resemble the missing animal any more than any ono of a thousand that might bo plcke.1 up any day. The man In charge answered the description , however , and so the outllt was gathered in. Shortly after his arrest they took Ellcrs down to the stable for something or other nnd while there he asHed permission to open his valise , which he had left there , and get his pocket handkerchief. Not suspectIng - Ing anything they granted his request , but when Eilers brought his hand out It con tained the queerest and most frightful hand kerchief they had ever seen It was in the shape of a gun about a foot long and looked as though It would bo of inoro service in shooting bu-glars than In wiping the pers piration off an honest brow. ' 'Well , gentlemen , I think I will bid you an affectionate ndleu , " was the fellow's remark as ho shoved the gun in tlielr faces and com menced backing olT. The ottleors did not tell him that , the gates of Modalo wcro at his disimsal , but their actions proclaimed the fact in loud tones that they did not wish to throw a straw In Ills way. They turned and ran in the opposite di rection from where Eilcrs and his ffm were holdine their solrco. and the time they made would have brought Nancy Hank's hairs in sorrow to the grave. Eilcrs lost no time in inaking good his es cape as soon us the coast was clear , and sought refuge in n wilderness of willows where ho might stay till the day of Judg- iiKMit and not bo found. The horse , it soonis. was ono which ho hud gotten iii exchange for the ono he stole ut Bouquet's stable. 'Iho oftlccrs have not the slightest doubt that Eilcrs is thn man who committed the douulo murder In Cannon City , Col , , and for whom W.700 was offered. The coolness and ncrvo with which ho matin his escape show hlui up as a desperado of no mean talents , nnd the uni versal opinion is that the ofllcor who next tries swords with him will have his hands full. If Eilcrs is really the man ho is thought to bo ho lias the best of reasons for wanting to get away , and can afford to take a good many risks in resisting arrest. A man giving his name as Angus McDon ald was brought down from DJW City hy O'lincn and lamlod in the county Jail , charged with stealing M. Weatherbco's team. The horses returned homo last even ing. McDonald has been bound over to the grand Jury by the justice of the peace at Crescent City. Piles of people nave pi.os. out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve willcuro tharo. Domestic soap is the best. lll.l.ll HI' . Xrlx Ole-ion mill Peter IIiuisonV Kxpcrlonco with l-'iiutiiniU. I-ast night at nhout U ; 50 o'clock as Nels Oleson aim Peter Hanson wore returning to their homes from a visit to the business part of the city they wcro set upon near the corner of Eighth ami Willow streo'.s by a couple of footpads , badly beaten and robbed of what valuables they had on their uersons. Tlio attack came very suddenly , the vic tims of it not having an opportunity to pro tect themselves. Oleson , after u short re sistance , submitted to the demands of the road agents , but ono blow had been sufll- elent for Hanson and stretched him lifeless , apparently , at the fcot of his assailants. After being robbed Olcson was told to run and not look back , Ho did so , but in a short time returned to the scene of the robbery with assistance. Hansen was found where he had fallen , an ugly gash iu his head and unconscious. Everything1 was done to relieve lievo the wounded man , but at a late hour it was thought ho would Uie from his injuries , the attending physicians beingof the opinion that his skull had been fractured. Ucsidcs the watches and Jewelry carried by ttio assaulted men both had a consider- iblo sum of money with them when held up , ill of which was taken by the robbers. So Tar no arrests have been made and the lollcc , as usual , have no idea who wcro the jnld bandits that committed the robbery. The Omaha police were notilieil und a detail of police watched the bridge anil scrutinized all the passengers on the motor trains , but could llnd no one answering the leseription of the thugs. From the con- .luctor of the lust train , however , it wns earned that two men boarded his train at lower Broadway , but Just before reaching tlio Iowa approach Jumped off the cars ami ran off into the willows which fringe tlio truck ul that location. Cook your meals this summer on a yas range. At cost at the Gas company. CroHOrnt Hur lur-i Ciiitnrml. : George Knuit&cn , who claims to bo a Ger man , was brought over TTom Omaha by Sheriff Hiizen yesterday as one of the men who is suspected of harhnr been implicated in the Crescent burglaries last Sun day. Ho was arrested at the close of a law suit which ho had been led into by a failure to pay a board bill. Ho was arraigned before .lustico Vien and will have a hearing Saturday atternoon at 'J o'clock. " Irvln IJIrch , the other member of the gang , was also brought in yesterday and put in the county Jail. Piles of poopio have pues , bat Dowitt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap ' ' iriSA'l'IIKIt Warmer , \vth ; Ocrmloiml Tliuniliir Storm * , In tliu Prediction fur Toilii- . WASHINGTON , Aug. 0. Forecasts for Thursday. For Nebraska , Iowa anil South Dakota Warmer , southerly winds , fol lowed by cooler westerly winds ; occasional severe thunder storms. J.ural Itt-for ! < l. OlTICEOFTIIK WKATIII'.ll BUJIUAU , O.MAI1A , Aug. U. Omaha record of temporaturu anil rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years : imw. 1802. 1801. 1B90 Maximum tenipuruluro. 1)2 ) = H-lo HHO 7 = Minimum lompurntnro. . 72 = ti'jo 703 ijoa Averuxu tuiupurutuio. . . B'js 703 8B = 70 = I'rouljiltutlou 00 ,02 .00 .00 Stnlmnent showing the condition of tem perature and w-odpitatlou at Omuhu for tin day and since March 1 , Ib'JJ : Normal ti'inpurattire 74 : lUi'uss for the day HC Dullclanuy t-lnco Match * * ijiniu-u.uinv-i' < it * * t > * > Mt4i .lurniill - priu-lpltUtioi ! lllllCl DuuVlunuy for thu day 11 Incl Dullclency since March 1 " .Sllnol llepuru Irom Olhur 1'iiintK ut H p. in. ' liuUcatt'B iracc. Guiiiut : K. HUNT. Ixjcal J'orixaal Official. Balloon tonight at tliu bunch. WORK OF TlIKJjJlTY COUNCIL is Adjourned Meeting Heiil List Evening to Handle Unfinished Business. i , WATER AND LIGHr fULLY CONSIDERED > 'o Vetari Btnrlleil1' itio Connellinen nt I.mt NIcht'H ScMlon AmUtMiit numbIng - Ing Imppctor Agreed Uriuii viii Full , The city council mot hi adjourned session Inst night ami trans ictod routine business , besides favorably considering Mr. Saundcrs' resolution looking to municipal ownership of the water works plant , Those present wcro Councllmcn Hnscnll , Klsnsscr , Jacobsou , Spccht , McLcarloSteol , Thomas , Saumlcrt , Hruncr , Whoolcr , How- oil , Prince , Hack and President Bcchol. The regular order of business was taken up , In splto of the protest of Mr. Wheeler , who Insisted on going on from the point where the council left off the previous oven- \ng \ , In order to avoid another Hood of vetoes. Ho wns assured that there were no vetoes , nnd communications were taken up. The bond of the Interstate Complete Electrical Construction company In the sum of $ ! , r > 00 , with Krnest Poycko and Conrad Weldeman , was approved. A letter from the Crnno Elevator company asking how the city hall elevators wcro run- inns and how often the cylinder Hacking hiul to bo replaced was referred to the committee on public property , Uottllcb Storz asked relief for damages caused by the street at Eighteenth and Dorcas" ociug below grade nnd causing the washing away of his lot , which ho had raised to ernuo at a cost of t'-J.UOO by order of the council. Mr. Wheeler Insisted that the council was not to blame for the acts of providence and objected to granting relief The matter wont to the committee on side. walks and bridges. Hascall served formal notice on the coun cil that the city electrician was not an in dividual altogether to his liking , and intro duced a resolution requiring that olllcial to show cause lit the next meeting why hu should no't be proceeded against for willful neglect of duty in not requiring the railroad companies to put In electric lights over various crossings , in accordance with an ordinance passed nearly three months ago. The gentleman from the First suld , in sup port of his resolution , that the electrician urcd that it would involve litigation , und this was not a suflleient excuse. Snumlers wanted it referred , and so did Spit-lit and .laeobsen , but Steel and Parker both waxed indignant over the failure of the electrician to carry out the orders of the council. Mr. Hascall insisted that there was some thing about it that did not seem to bo gener ally understood , as it wns a principle that ho was contending for. The electrician would not give the electric Ifght company the order for the lights because they were to be 2,000 nominal candle power. Such conduct as this on the part of a subordinate was" simply outrageous. Ho consented to strikeout the clause refer ring to an investigation , or making it look too much like a prosecution. Finally ItcfiTi-i'd to ! i Commit toe. After talking the matter over fully it was found that the ordinance ordered lights at every bloclc along the nlloy between Izard and Nicholas , up whicn the Missouri Pacific bus a switch track to the Linseed Oil com pany's works , although no cars pass over it at night and the committee had only recom mended one at every other block. The member. ! could not understand how the mistake was made. They thought it unwise to be severe on the electrician for being slow to plunge the city into litigation by trying to establish such n string-of lights , and Has- eall'8 resolution was referred to the com- inittco on gas and electric lights. The Board of Public Works was instructed to make a number of minor repairs. Mr. Back introduced his usual grist of resolutions , calling for a score of expendi tures in small amounts. .A few of them were adopted , but the council finally' con cluded that it was grading the entire First ward iu Job lots , and religiously placed the remainder on Hie. Mr. Saunders introduced a resolution calling lor the appointment of a committee to confer with the ivater works olllcials looking to the purchase of the plant by the city , in view of the fact that tlic two fac tions of stockholders are lighting between themselves nnd there is a movement on foot by the bondholders of the concern to have it sold , while oiio faction headed by Mr. Vcnncr is trying to let the matter go to foreclosure , freeze out the Illinois faction and the small fry , nnd then reorganize the company under the name of the Omaha Water Works company , with a bonded In- dootcduess of $ (1,000,000 ( , instead of $3,500,000 as at the present time. The gentleman Irom the Fifth had a copy of the circular issued by Mr. Vcnner to the stockholders of the company , which ho road , and which is outlined in another column. Mr. Saunders talked vt > ry earnestly in sup port of his resolution , and urged that this was ttio city's time to get possession of the plant , as the charter provides that under ordinary procedure to purchase the plant it would have to bo appraised , and as no appraisers would lix the value at less than the JKmdcd indebtedness the. city would have to pay an enormous price , If it waited . until after the reorganization , with a bonded indebtedness of 0,000,000. Ht'KiirilH It 119 u ( iiilileu Opportunity. Ho said that it was now to bo decided whether the city was ready to purchase the plant , and to llnd out whether it could bo secured for a reasonable price. Ho was salislied that the plant could bo built foi less than the original cost , which was $8.000- 000 , but the bonded indebtedness was fH.GO , 000. and ho believed it could bo bought nuclei foreclosure for lct > s llian that amount lit was certain that It would bo easier for UK city to float its -I percent bonds than for tin now company to unload at 0 per cent , and he asked the adoption of the resolution calling for the conference committee. It was unanimously adopted. The assessment of 1'cas.e Bros , was re duccd from $1WK ) toJSOO. and that of tin Omaha Tent and Awning company fron John Grant was allowed his 15 per ccni reserve on live-year guaranty on paving 01 Twenty-ninth nnd Tenth streets , amountlii ( to $ ! > .S7I.G'J. The assessment of the Carpenter Pnpei company was reduced from $10,000 to $0,000 The report of the committee favoring tin passage of the ordinance appropriating prop urty for the North. Omaha boulevard wa dploptcd , after which the council went hiti coinmittco of the whole to consider tin barbers' Sunday icosing | ordinance , will Howell iu the chair , Tlio Harbors' petition nuking for the pas sage of the ordinance , ivas read , after whiel the remonstrance was heard , The ilrst hui about 100 signatures and ( ho latter abou half that number. An opinion of thfl.ctyy' . attorney was road holding that the pnliuanco hi Its presen form would not stand , us it would clearly b class legislation. ' Air. ICLsusser wa'nted the ordinanca re ported bacit for imsjiago. Mr. Specht suli the iftO penalty was. too severe and uo con victions could b < j si&nrcd under it. Mr. Wheeler reijd 'from the statutes show ing that the line ettuUI only he Irom $1 to $ J ami ttiat "n man who conscientiously oti served Saturday as the Siibbath coiildn1 bo restrained from working Sunday. " II insisted that the ordinance was drufte in Iho especial Interest of that clua so as to give them a monopoly of tliu Sunda shaving. Saunders was favorably dlsK | > sed towar the ordinance , but was fearful that it wa class legislation. On motion of Mr. Edwards the ordinanc was referred back to the committees o police and Judiciary to report at the noi meeting , ami the committee of tlio who ] arose und reported to the council. The n port wus adopted unanimously. Thu proposed plumbing ordinance , creatin an assistant plumbing inspector , wus n ported on favorubly. The committee on paving , curbing an guttering reported in favor of changing th asptmltipavlng inspection ordlnancoso us I have thu inspection inudo by the chuirmu of the Board of 1'uUllc Works instead of b the city engineer , ana have the inipectlo made every Juno nnd November and the report made to the council. Itrnnded n n ScrpnnihiK I'nrrc. Several of the members wanted to hear from the city engineer , who promptly char acterized It as n mammoth farce , as It jra designed solely to help out the Harbor As phalt company In the allowance of Its semi annual repair bill. It would tend to have the turrets repaired once In six months , leaving them possibly In bad shape ten months In the year , If tUoy jjot them til good shape to stand Inspection every six months \ \ heeler Insisted that the ordinance was unconstitutional In every section nnd should bo recommitted. The duties of nil the officers wcro set forth In the charter , and ho didn't believe one was any better than an other , Mr. Howell moved to recommend It with Instructions to report a change calling for monthly reports to bo made by the city en gineer and chairman of the Board ot Public Works. Howoll's motion was defeated , and on motion of Mr. Steel the report of the committee was rejected and the ordinance recommended for passage. Steel subsequently moved to add the name of the chalrmanof the Board of Piibho Works , and Wheeler tried to got In the street commissioner as well , so as to con form with the charter. The city engineer was called for again , and ho said that It was the "veriest bosh" to cite the charter provisions us to the duties of oniclals as the charter stated dis tinctly that they should also perform , In addition to the duties enumerated , such duties as the mayor and council should Impose , nnd It was the Ilrst time ho had ever heard the council's right In that respost questioned. He did not object to acting in connection with some ono else , but thought large bodies moved slowly , and the larger the committee the less cer tainty there was of getting the work promptly dono. Mr. Sitilrm | Siiliitnntlntmt It , Ho called upon Mr. Squires to say if ho could name any Instance where the city engineer had unjustly discriminated against the Barber Asphalt company in the past year and n half , Mr. Squires admitted the city engineer's statement in the main to bo correct , and said ho could not name nn Instance. Ho made a short statement of the Barber com pany's honest Intentions of not allowing the wheels to touch the concrete foundation In the future. Mr. Steel withdrew his motion to add the chairman to the Inspection committee , and Wheeler's motion to add the street commis sioner was defeated. Wheeler moved that the contract for curb ing Military avenue bo laid over for ono week as the bonds will not bo sold until next Monday , and bonds were not funds , but the idea was not popular , and Hugh Murphy's contract and bond for the same were ap proved. The council refused to adjourn , and Wheeler and Parker were oxcusod. Ttio street car transfer ordinance was recommended for passage , with the ad dition of a transfer from the South Onlaha line goimr south to Farnam street going west at Fourteenth and Farnam. Mr. Wheeler tarried to ask that it bo re committed , ns ho had soma points to make , and could prove tlrat the city was asking too much of the street car company. Mr. Prince took the snmo stand , while Steel and Mc- Leario opposed it , but it was recommitted Just the same. The chair appointed the following commit tee on the water works matter : Saunders. Edwards , Hascall. Wheeler nnd Uechel. An adjournment was taken until next Tuesday night. Th ITU Io.e Curt'd Him. SI.ATE , STOKCS Co. , N. C. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcua Remedy is the best medicine for the p'urpoo for which It is intended that I ever used. My nephew was taken with bloody flux , bad ; three doses of it cured him. Ai.nnitT A. Omaha , guards drill at Courtlnnd bench tonight about 7:45. : AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA. Contractors Hiivo a Srrnp. George Parks and Ed Bronnan were in cohoots for repairing the Q street viaduct. It seems that the two did not get along very well. At ono time Brcnnan gave notice to the council not to pay over any money to Parks individually or ho would hold the city responsible for the entire debt. A week later ho notified the council that matters had been amicably arranged between him self and Parks and that insofar as ho was concerned the council might pay P.irUs any amount it saw lit. L.ast Monday night Parks handed in his final estimate for the work and the bill wns allowed. Yesterday Parks went into the city treasurer's ottlco and secured his war rant for over y > ( )0. ) Brcnnan followed him in and when the document was handed over both the contractors grabbed for it. Parks was the quicker of the two and secured the prize. Brennan was wrathy and Parks hit him a swipe over the head with a ruler which ho picked up In the office. Tom Hector eparatod the men and they left the olllce. ? ut this was not the end of the scrap. Later n the evening the men met again or. the , treel and it is said that Brcnnan got con siderably the best of a brief fisticuff. Parks claims that Brennan did not keep his agree ment on the work and Bronnan says that ' 'arks is trying to swindle him out of Ids ; huro of the profits. Afnilil ill' Ill-Inn < iirvi'd. Mrs. Ohlfs , a tired looking woman , applied it the police station yesterday morning for irotcctlon. Tno lady lives at Twenty-fourth ind Wyman streets. She claims that a iclghbor , Mrs. Beldlng , h"s repeatedly .hreatcned to carve her right and loft with i butcher knife nnd in various other ways : ias made it extremely uncomfortable for Her to exist , and live in the neighborhood. Judge Fowler gave the woman a note to Ofilcer Van Wio , who is on that beat , asking him to investigate the case and if necessary make proper arrests. The woman then went away apparently satlsticd. A I'ltmrmnt Sin-Inly Kvunt. A delightful card party was given Tuesdaj evening at the Hotel Itllov by the Mlss > es Cassey and Annie IJlloy la honor of the Missifs Mngpio and Kntlo Gallagher , who are visltln ? hero from Canton , III. A house full of South Omaha's young so uiety people were Invited in , and the evening was passe , ! pleasantly at cards and convor- satlon. Delicious refreshments wore sorveil ut the proper hour. A DUordorly DPIIIZRII. Frank Farmer loaded upon liquor Tucsda.i night and became so hilarious that it took tw < policemen to handle him. Over on Twenty eighth street ho flourished nnd fired off a re volvi'rseveral times , terrorising the neighbor hood. Yestorijay morning Judge Fowler as sussed him > , r.nd the young man will nov have to exert some of his surplus cmtrgy 01 the public streets with a big iron shovel. Orifiiiiizml it Ciinip. Hosewood camp , Woodmen of the World was duly organized Tuesday night with i charter llstof oightceen members by Doput ; Sovereign T. A. Conroy. All the inombor ! , were very enthusiastic and a camp of 10 CO JU xt ilo THE'NEXT MORNING TFEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. llf My doctor noya It acts irenlly on the itomirli , 0' llrtrand klrtnpviatirlHn pleniant Uiailve. lull drink la nia < lurum laTtu , und i prf pared for UBC uCMlly u tfd. Kit called All drucKltti fell It at We. mid t' package. If you cannot grt U , tend your addrtM for n frru tannplo. l.aue'u Kumllr Mnllrlnv inum Itir buwrli cnohdnr. InonUrtntM litHmliytlilalinprcuarr. Addivai OiU'lunF , WUOUWAUU.I.uIlor.K.T members U predicted In the no.ir future , SovcrclgnsiDorward , Fox nnd Colt handled n delegation from Omaha and told of the benefits of Woodcraft. The following ofllcert were elected ; 1. Pcmorasky , U. C. ; V. It. Frvc , A. IV William Stldelnmn , B. j A. B. Schmidt. H. _ MrAir.trr Knocked Out. Jack McAullff , an employee nt Swift's , mot with a serious accident while at work yesterday morning. While passing nloni ? the floor of the room whore ho was at work large Iron hook be came unfastened from overhead and fell , striking McAullfT on the head nnd causing a severe fracture of the skull. Ho was at tended by Or. Klrkp.itrlck nnd will recover. City M.I * IP , H. Blum Is over In Iowa visiting friends. A girl has been born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray. The Presbyterians have their picnic on Thursday. Miss Blanche Kdgerton has gone to Strom- burg on a visit. Karncst Blew nnd wife are visiting at the homo of Hov. U , U Wheeler. The work of grading O street from Twen tieth to Seventeenth Is under way. A big sewer Is being laid on H street from Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth streets. N street between Twentieth and Twenty- fourth is being graded and will be paved at once. once.K. K. M McHrldc of LoMars , la. , Is In the city visiting his son , ' the assistant city engineer. CJoorgo Kahnk of Washington county , and family , are visiting at the homo of Council man Schullz. lames Bono of Henderson , la. , ono of the wealthiest farmers In the slate , was in the city yesterday. Thop.ivcment at the approach of the Q street viaduct will ho completed today so that teams can pass. A. C. Heymer , the hardware man , was smiling yesterday morning over the arrival of a now baby boy at his homo. Fred Gassiuiinn , formerly of the firm of Gassmann & Dudley , has associated himself with the firm of Blanchard , Shelly & Co. The South Omaha barbers have organized n union by electing the following olllcors : ,1 B. Garrison , president ; 15. J. Peck , vice prosl dent ; G. W. Davis , secretary. Mayor Walker has appointed Charles Cummings as city pound master. It is said that Mr. Cummings is a good Judge of stock , having had a great deal of experience In that lino. Officer Thomas Is making an effort to stop boys Irom climbing onto inoving motor cars in the city limits. A gang of youngsters have given the conductors a irroat deal of trouble and the police propose to stop it. Charles Smith was arrested yesterday morning while in the act of mounting a car lo steal a short ride. The son of Mrs. M Johnson , who lives out In the First ward , was srio'isly injured Tuesday afternoon by a man dropping a heavy ax upon his foot. Mrs. Johnson is a subject of charity and has had a great deal of trouble of late. Her husband was nccidcntly killed only a short time ago and now this son , who was Just getting largo enough to help his mother , is crippled. Dr. Solomon was called to attend the child. Grant , the bright youngson of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cnughey , celebrated the eighth anni versary of lis birth Tuesday afternoon In a proper manner. Ho Invited in a score or more of his young companions , who assisted In making the hours glide happily by while the company remained. All sorts of games were indulged in and at the proper time the youngsters were given refreshments that touched the spot. It was a merry culebration for all who were fortunate enough to have been invited. A Viiltuililc Itnmiuly. Kni.i.v's BI.AIIEX Co. , N. C. Chamberlain Medicine Co. , Des Moincs , Iowa : Please send mo three down Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrluua Hemedy , 'J5 cent si/.o. This remedy is too well known hero to need any recommendation. It is u valuable remedy. _ _ _ H. P. AI.I.KN. Steroonticon views tonight at beach ] A Hunker. Now York Tribune : Farmer Hawbuck HOW'S Bill doin' now , since he went to the city ? Farmer Gee Up Oh , he's doln' fine. Ho writes that ho's runnin" an Egyptian bank. "Whv , that's a funny name for a bank. " " ' it's ho it's "Wall , Ts'poso Egyptian ; says n Pharaoh bank. " Omaha primi'ds drill at Courtlnnd beach tonight about 7-J5. : Vet Il Wits Nut S : > tlnlliMl. "Oh , " ho sighed passionately , when ho had concluded his request for her hand , "do not ' 1' " say 'nay 1 won't , " she replied. "Thank you very much. " " 1 wouldn't think of such a thing. Plain old fashioned 'no' is good enough for me. " THE WAT OUT of woman's troubles in with Doctor Picrcu's Favorite 1'rcscriptlou. Sifoly and ccitninly , ev ery delicate weakness , derangement , and dis ease peculiar to the sex is permanently cured. Out of all the medi cines for women , the " Favorite Prescription " Is the only one that's guaranteed to do what is claimed for It. In all "female complaints" and irregularities , peri odical pains , displace ments , internal inflam mation or ukeratlon , bearing-down sensations nnd kindred ailment ? , if It ever fails to benefit or cure , you have your money bnck. So certain to euro rrrrjcaf > o of Catarrh la Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy that Its proprie tors make you this offer : " If you can't bo cured , permanentlywe'll pay you $500 cash. " WHAT CURES PIMPLES Tlio only really iinccciinfid preventive nnil euro ! y7 liilld ; , litlllH | ; . ' lili-ln. "Co ? ft Micr , \i \ tlic rrlourulril C'UTH 1'IIA HIIAIjri'iilcrt ( uf Un purlllrm nnil iKMiutllliTH , nn urll juircrt tuuluwci-lf t of tolli-t nnd nurt-cry fnajw. ( Inly prrvi'iitivo of chg- of the pores. Bold CMirynLcrc. Omaha's C'or. lihanil : ; IlotvarJ dtrooti , 40rooms VJ..VJ per day. I. to moms ft 00 per duy : irooms ( ) xvlth liitth ut < l nor i , , uOrooins with liatli at II . ' > ) pur Li/ . Moiluiu III l-.vi-ry li > pi' t. ? JSowly rurnuliml 'I'liriiiivliciiit C.S. ERB , Pron. DISORDERS _ _ _ _ Ami all DID train of KVII.S. WKAKNisSiS. : IJKBIMTV. KTP. , llrit ac- cuiiipanv thiii In nidii gl'iciu.v anil I'KUMA- NKNTI < Y CUJIKI ) . Kull STKUMiTII ami tunii lilvi'ii tdnvi-ry part of the l > udy 1 uiU H"U ! ( h - curcly pui > kid ; > KHKK lo any milTi'rur thr pn-Horiii' tlon that rtiriul m of thi-Hii troublu.i. Ail'li'um II. II. WKIOI1T , Miiblc Llcalvr lox ! lilb'J. .Maruhall , Mlelilk-an. KNOWLEDGE firings comfort and improvement and ( ends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many , who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly luluptiiitf tlio world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest llic value to liealth of the purc liquid laxative principles embraced in tlio remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable anil pleas ant to the taste , tlio refreshing and truly beneficial properties of n perfect lax ative ; eflcctually cleansing the ny tcm , dispelling colds , hcmlnches Mid fevers mm permanently curing constipation. It 1ms given satisfaction to millions and met with tire approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kid- nevs , Liver and Dowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of 1'ics is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and ยง 1 bottles , but it. is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accept any substitute if ollered. Mandrake Pills have a valub as a hnuao hold remedy far hoyond the power of Ian gungo to describe. The family can hardly bo true to itself that does not kcop them on hand for uao In emergen cies. Is the only vogotntilo . ubstiiuto for that dangerous mineral , Miuic'lTUY , and while its action as a curative is lully equal , it possesses nouo of Iho perilous otl'ccts. In Constipation , Mandrulco acts upon the bowels withou' disposing them to subsequent , Costlvoness. No remedy acts so directly on the liver , nothing so speedily euros Sick Headiicho , Sour Stomach ach , and 13iliousness an these VnrSaloliyn.il DruulsU. 1'rlun 2. ) ct . pot lioxj ; i lioxos for OS cts.j or sent by mail , nost- nzo free , mi roeolpt of tirlue. Dr. J , IT. ijuhoncx & fan , I'hlludolphhu Said the to himself , "If the J moon I could get , T whenever I'm dry iny throat I could .S wet ; The moon is a ' fe - - . quartcr with a quar ter I hear ; you can gnl- ROOt Beer. " A Delicious , Temper * nnce , Tlilrst-quenchlng , llenlthllvlni ; Drink. Qood for any time ol year. A 350. package males 5 galloni. Be sure and get limns * . W. C. ESTEF M , N. Main St. Council Hluffs. lOllk-o l 7 TUI.ii'IIO.NHResidence 513 J\foiiccs. COUNCIL DLUFF.5 : AIJSTIIAOTS mid lo.iim. I-'arm ( mil olty property l > .Hiiht ana Hold. I'uacy Si Tliuinim , Council llhitlH GAUIIAOKromovnil , cf'NSiiiiolH , vii'illH. elilmuriyi uliMiicil. Ud Uurliu , at T.iyljr'n L'rouury , Bli Ilro.tilivuy. 17UUIT l'AHMS-Wo linvn HOinn line liivirliiir fruit lurmHforHHlu ; HlHO irooil Iowa ( anus ; auliolca 'JIIKiLTJ fiirin , WH ) ) or ; uro. ; Jolmston .V V.iti PilttlMl. AN OI'l'OIlTIINITV for a ho no. Wo Imvo tirtou wvcral di'slratilu lioiiH'taii'l ' lots iiiulir forj- eluHiirMiif murlViigotlril w > ) will elon out atuo-it on inoiitlily piyinontuor foroisli. Diy Id ItJ ) ) , JJ I'-arl St. IT'OHKXCHAN'iB ' you hmi : a hornMuninvey \ \ , or a team , you can nialtit a ( fiO'l Ir.'rlo for .i vacant lot lii'luvim piHlolllco and new brldgo. rin-ijimlili'ldH , KiuliolHo i 'i Co. , iiK : ) Hro i Iw.iy 17OII SAr K-NIi1" fi-rootu i-ollau'ii noir Maillsnn Htrri't. ( irituiiHlilulilH. KIcliolHon & Co. , UOO llroailway. . 'OH SAM--10 : lo yd itsr H , : i mill" * from cltvi 1 fin-up. ( ireeimliluldH , NIcliolHJa .k Co. , 000 llroailway. liov wanlH a elniici ) to ilo rlionm lor A1I1UO1IT : llilH wlnli'i'i farm llfu invforreil. Ad- dri'HHLiU. lleo olllue. IJDSITIONaHliouHi'Uuojii'r watiti- l hy lady with rhllil H yi > ar old ; rolnruiiui ! * uxulian ou , Ail- ( Iri'hH l-'lll. Ill'll OlllC-l- . 1'AU.M for Bain. lii : : ai-ruH , near round ) IllufTn ; wc-ll I'liprcivoil. lai'fo IIUUHO , ham , etc. U Cartt- tciiKUu , CruHci'iit , la. . no ACUKSforH'ilit. iirar Ominril HI-idH : lioiift'i. > 'liarn. frulluuf nil klmln ; unly fn.l.Uil an auro It taken at unco ( irouiiHhluklH , Nlcholxon A. Co. , 000 Jlruailway. . 'Oil SAIi : Only * .V ( > 0. now UO-foot awnlnif 1 MlhH Uajwlalo , iiilllliii-ry , 10 1'earl Hlri-ot. AY AN'TKI-A ( r'rl ' for lioiiM-work , Ocrmau pro- L fiirrod. Apply af.0 Uoutli lltli SI I.'Oll HUNT l-'uriilHlicd ootlairo of t rooina , HUH l-'ifili avcmiK. Heawinalilo ti-ruiH. \VANTil ) I'artli'ii with a llllln tliuo mid eapltitl > ' iu niaUi- and Introdueiintintcd iioviiltleH. II , J. AdaiuM. ll I'urliiari'iiuu. Council lilnlfn. DO YOU know that Day ti. HOHH liavu oma cliolco bariraliiH In fruit and Karclrn land nuur thlucltyl 1 2-TonS-Q-DaV Machine nt a 10-ToiunIay Price. 1C. - I " " > = > - - " y . Our v rranty Goes with Each Machine. The Soutliwlck Hallni : Press is aa-hon > ofull-cltcloniaclilno U huh HID lariat IccM iiw | any Continuous-llalliu , ' , lluillilo-rilroko 1' : < : : > III the World. Dales tlehl ) draft Unlit. Capacity ) Construction ; Durability all the UUST. Now Istho time to buy a hay press. It will pay you to sooour machines Do- fore vou buy. SANDWICH MANFG. CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS ,