Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Board of Directors of the Union Pacific in
Important Session.
Ulrrctom Will llrnr Cnmptrnllnr M In It'll
Kcpnrt nnd ItfciiinnirnilntiiiiK llnr-
lliigtnn Olllclnln lllnciiM tlio He-
iluctlon u T'I'm I n Service.
The oycs of every Union PaclfTc employe
i'rom general manager down will bo directed
on Boston today , looking for the action
of tlio board of directors called In extraordi
nary session.
Among other thing * the directors will con
sider the renewal of the fcft.lM.OUO sinking
fund bonds which muturc nevt month. It is
understood that some of the nirectors are in
favor of renewing the bonds at n lower rate
of Interest , the present interest-bearing
rate being 8 per cent. But with the
uncertainty that prevails in the centers of
llnauco this is regarded as well nigh im
possible although some of the directors are
hopeful that this may be brought about.
But it Is now known that the directors
meet to talk over the report that Mr , Oliver
W. Mink will make to the board , a report
that may develop something of the sensa
tional In Its nature. It Is a tact that all the
efforts of the heads of departments to cut
down expenses by discharging men have not
been particularly fruitful in meeting the dis
tress that prevails In the treasury of
the road , and something moro radical is
needed. Whether the recommendation that
Mr. Mink will make will take the form of a
graduated reduction In wages is something
that only the heads of the departments
know , and they won't toll. However , the
employes have made up tholr minds that a
reduction is coming and will cheerfully
accept what is to them clearly inevitable.
Muy .VrniiiKo to Visit Washington.
Whether the directors will also map out a
plan for a congressional campaign to bo car
ried on In Washington this winter in secur
ing favorable legislation for the road Is
something past limling out , although this is
hinted at by men who arc in u position to
So far as ( horoad itself is concerned , there
Is no Improvement in the movement of
freight , nor arc there any prospects of im
provement at present.
An olllclal yesterday mornlncr , discussing
the situation , said : "President Cleveland has
it in his power to lift the financial pall If be
\vill In his recommendations to congress
From a Irioml I understand that Mr. Dave
MofTatt of Denver had an intimation that the
president's message would bo a surprise to
the country , in that ho would recommend a
ratio of 'M to 1 Instead of 10 to 1 , as at
present existing , for silver. Mr. Moflatt is
represented to have said that if this should
prove to bo trno ho would put li,000 men to
work immediately. Cleveland has it within
himself to brace up the country , and I have
great hopes that the reports In circulation
arc true. "
Activity prevails about Union Pacific head
quarters , us several of the general
agents have been called in to hear lectures
upon extra vaganco and "sieh" which they
have been practicing in their departments.
With the return of Mr. E. U romax Sun
day from his trip west Mr. Kiohard Ten
Ilroccic. general eastern agent at Now York ,
flouted in , Mr. Dave Hurley of Salt Lake
having been informed by teleurapb on Satur
day that ho had better tarry until the ar
rival of his chief. James K. Algler , ceneral
agent at St. L'ouls , and G. W. Iueo , general
agent at San Francisco , were closeted with
Mr. Munroo all morning , together with Aud
itor Young , who had a few words to say for
Ilciliiccd 'Iruin Snrvlro.
General Manauer Holdrogo. Superintend-
cnt Calvcrt of Lincoln , General Passenger
Agent Francis , Gcnaral Manager W. C.
Brown of the Kansas City , St. .Too & Council
Bluffs system , Superintendent Cranco of the
same system and General Passenger Agent
Ivcs of St. I.ouis , wore in session all morning
yesterday at B. &M. headquarters discussing
the change in train service contemplated by
the Burlington people to moot the decrease
in passenger earnings.
llitltttuy Notes.
U. U. Rltchlu of the Northwestern has re
TheU. & M. hauled 1,000 people to Bur- .
Ungtpn beach yesterday , 4W going Irom
Omaha alono.
Mr. Joe Sykes has returned from Chovcnno
and the west , where ho wont to see if his
silver mines had shut down.
W. F. Vaill , Superintendent C. D. Hacr -
man , 10. D. Branch and O. H. Davidson of
the HurhnRtoii. together with Dick Halm ,
A. K Knglish and Charles Perkins , were at
jyingdon , Mo. , yesterday on lishing bunt.
F. A. Nash , who has just 'returned from
Chicago , says the feeling there Is that
Uoveland will materially depart from his
views on the silver question in his message
"IlutiKs are us bad as they well can bo , "
said Mr Nash , "oven the World's fair is
feeling the stringency. "
, 1 > r -sj pntOake9 of the Northern Pacillc ,
in olllciully announcing the death of General
Manager Mellon , says : "Mr. Mullen began
his railroad raroor early in life up'Jii the
Chicago it Northwestern railroad. By suc
cessive promotions hu passed through the
various grades until ho was made general
manager of the Wisconsin Central in ISSfl ,
and of the Northern Pac-ilio system in 18.VJ.
A man of strom ; physique , a tireless worker
lie was devoted to the interosls of the com-
paii.y , which ho served with conspicuous
faithfulness and ability ; while by mingled
llrmiiuss and consideration ho won the re-
Bard of all employes. Ho had mastered the
business of management. Ills death re
moves a valuable and useful oflioor , whoso
icrvices to this comuany will long bo hold in
grateful remembrance. "
General Manager W. B. Doddridco of the
Missouri Pacille railway was recently pro-
touted with a team of high bred Kentucky
horses by I { . M. Gnlbraith , general master
mechanli ; of tlio Cotton Bolt road , in hehulf
of thoonlciuls nnd employes of the latter
road. Mrs. lioddridgo received at the sumo
time a beautiful pair of diamond earrings as
a token of esteem from thu Cotton Belt em
ployes , Mr. Uoddrtdgo is not a man of cere
mony mid the gift wns presented and re
ceived Informal y. It was a sort cf family
} . 1)o'l'h ' > l'B ' | ° Wlls Punerul manager
of the Cotton Bolt before ho became cem-ral
manager of the Missouri Pacilla nnd' to
know , by the present to him , how much lie
jvasliUed by the men who worked under
the hiiiiiilest ot
Are Yuu Norvoiu ,
Are you all tired out. do you have that tired
reeling or sick headueho I You can bo re
r ' " n" tllcse
tr , . < oymptoms by taking
Hood's Sarsaiurllla , which gives nerve , m , , .
tal and bodily strength and thoroughly purl-
lies the blood. It also creates u good appo-
liiUlsestion , heartburn and dys-
Hood's pills are easy to take , easy In ac.
tlon and sura in otToot. 3.1 cents a box.
Grandest , largest , btoronptlcon views
overnhowM , Com-tlund beach tonight.
llouclai To h r ' Initltiile.
County Superintendent Hill has appointed
Monday , August SI , for the opening of the
touchers' Institute , which will continuo
until Wodno duy , August SO. Dr. Bernard
Uigsby of Detroit , Mich. . Mrs. Ida Notson of
Omaha and A. A. Monroe of South Omaha
will net as Instructors ,
Among th features of the imtituto will
be Bovoral lecture * by prominent educators
notably thnt by Dr. Blgsby. who will glvo
an address nt the Muthudlai KpUcopitl
church on Thuisday , August 2i. on the sub
ject. ' 'Dr. ' Arnold of Itugby. "
The sossluns will bo held In the High
School building , and Prof. Hill anticipates
a inrgo attendance. The annual examina
tions will begin on August "S. All the
tohools in the county , excepting districts v'J
aud19 , are DOW supplied with teachers.
Forty yours In the mnrke' , stilt booming
with greater snlo than ever. Cook's Kxtr.i
Dry Imperial Champagne.
Telephone G , W , Hull CD. for
ou hard coal , Summer delivery ,
IIAVDf.N HltO * .
Apanlnl tlfirgnlni.
This tnornlnjr wo place on sale 10
pieces nf blenched and cream damask.
extra wide , has been sell Intr at 7/ic / and
8T > o yard , reduced to Me yard. You will
admit that this Is the best value for the
money In Omaha.
100 ( lozon extra heavy double damask
.rS German napkin * , full selvedge , re
duced to $1.00 dozen ,
fiO dozen . ' 1-1 dinner size bleached nil
linen napkins at * 1.00 dozen. You want
to see these napkins.
This afternoon from 2 to 4 p ,
rn. wo will have a special sale on
KitiK'lianiH , either dress styles or apron
checks , at 2jo vartl , quantity limited ,
and none sold to the trade.
Special sale on towels all day in seven
lots 5c , "Jc , lOc , ltJe ! < Ifiu , IKo and lioe
Fireworks , balloon , storcoptleon views ,
Courtlnnd beach this
I'ropurntlntu lor mi I2n | < iynhlo Time
llrtoro I'nlliiii ; Ui Stiikc .
Arrangements for a grand observance
of the last week of the fifteenth annual
reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
Department of Nebraska , nt Camp I-ognn ,
near Grand Island , have been made. The
celebration will continue from August to
September 2.
Gcorgo 1' . Dean , chairman of the commit-
tco of arrangements , and II. Harrison ,
quartermaster of the camp , were in the city
yesterday. They say that an interesting
program lias been prepared.
The thrilling feature of last year's reunion -
union , the balloon ascensions , will bo re
peated. The National guards will bo secured
and competitive drills by the various com
panies and a sham battle between the utorc-
incntloiicd and thu Sons of Veterans will bo
additional fcitures.
Two grand llroworks displays , flno band
contests , wheelmen's contest , ladles' wheel
races , a competitive drill by the Sons of
Veterans , a drum corps contcstdrum majors
contest , all thcso are added and still ad
ditional features will bo secured as addi
tional arrangements can be perfected , and
will bo announced in supplemental program.
Special effort Is being made by the commit
tee to enlist the services nnd secure the at
tendance of a number of Urn most entertain
ing speakers of the state and nation to add
zest to the camp fires ,
The camp will occupy the same beautiful
grounds occupied by Camp Sheridan last
year and there will bo an abundant supply
of wood , straw and water and ample tent ac
commodations , all free.
The program for Monday , August 23 , the
opening day of the festivities , will bo us fol
lows :
Sunrlso guns.
Arrival and reception of comrades ; mem
bers of WOIIIIMI'H Kulluf corps ; Kens and
DatlKhtora of Veterans ; Indies of tliu Grand
Army of tnu Kupiihllc nnd National guards
and asilKimu'iil to quarters In camu.
7 n. m Turning ever of Camp Logan to do-
partinent coiiiiiiiiiidur by rnunlon committee ;
camu llros at all grand stands. Taps.
A Sum Cure for IM.lrrlniMl.
Ginsoxvii.i.ri , Guii.ronrt Co. , N. C. I had
dlurrluua when 1 called on H. W. Stcele for
something to relieve it. Ho handed mo a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Chclera and
Diarrhcua Uomcdy. I took two doses of it
and was relieved. 1 never had anything to
act so promptly. Mr. Fann , ono ot'my
neighbors , had a severe attack of diarrhuu ;
I cured It with onu dosu of this remedy.
KxprcsBncl Determination ot Dr. Soinors to
The Board of Health faileu to secure a
quorum yesterday afternoon and the regular
meeting went by default. The failure of the
members to respond is attributed to the lay
ing off of Sanitary Inspector Wcstcrdnhl.
Mayor Bemls , Chief Seavoy and Dr. Souiers
were ready to meet , but Councilman Mc-
Lcarie and Plumbing Inspector Duncan
failed to appear. This loft the board with
out a quorum , Councilman Howell being out
of the city. Indications are that the board
will not meet until the lattcr's return.
A few weeks ago Inspector Wcsterdnhl
took u tivo weeks leave of absence , seeuriii"
a substitute , nnd visited the fair. When ho
returned ho was requested by Dr. Somers
not to resume his duties until after yester
day's meeting of the board. Mr. Wester-
dalil then handed In his resignation and has
returned to Chicago. Some of the members
of the board are indignant over this turn in
affairs and there is talk of an Investigation.
The board has again served notice upon
the Board of Education to remove the dry
closet system from the Ivellom school. Yes
terday Dr. Somors issueu the orders and ono
was served upon each member. The order
is to the effect that the system is unsanitary
nnd is a nuisance and must bo abated within
thirty days from diito. In case of a failure
to comply with the orders the members sub
ject themselves to urrest and line upon con
viction. Dr. Someis says that if the board
fails this time to re-move the closets ho will
comply with the orders of the Board of
Health und cause the arrest of each member.
Savon CIINOH of Dliirrluu i Cured With Ono
fjGIIANOE , fjuxont Co. . N. C , I have
been sclli.ii ; Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Uinrrhcoa Remedy since last March. 1
recently cured seven cases of diarrluu.i with
ono small bottlo. 1 can say it is the best
diarrluua medicine I ever used.
H. M. McDoSAi.n , Druggist.
Two KnnHDfi CltjI'liiinii Mtbtcrs Visit
Their FrlomlH In Oniiihn ,
Laihlcrmun Mubor of No. a truck , and
Driver Dubois of No , 2 hose , at Kansas City ,
were in Omana yesterday , the guests of M.
K. Gilbjrtana Jerry Sullivan of hose No. 2.
Mr. Dubois has the distinction of being
the driver of the fastest hitching team in
the world , Joe and Dan , with a record of Uf
seconds. This Is the team taken by Chief
Hale of Kansas City on his triumphant trip
to Europe to attend the recent lire congress
held m London. Chief Halo also took a
pompier ladder , a Hale tower and a number
of his patents with him , and didn't do u
thine but make the oycs of all Europe 3 licit
out to sec how they do things in America.
Mr. Mahcr , who is known all over the
country as nu export with ttio pompier ladder ,
wns ono of the men soleoted to accompany
Chief Halo on his tour , and he describes the
trip m glowing terms. The boyh had all
kinds of goqil- times , nnd , dospitoi the fact
that they carried ( iff the palm wherever
they wont , were everywhere warmly re
ceived. _
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Haxel S.ilvo will euro thorn.
Declilon Will I'rulably lie Itonclieil Todiiy
by tilt ) ( JiimiiiUdon ,
Yesterday afternoon the cuso of S. P.
Morse bad another hearing before the In
sanity commission at which the testimony
was concluded utd : deuision will prob
ably bo rcnehed today. Member * of
Mr. Murse's futility tcstllied us
to T certain peculiarities in his
conduct during the pan year or two. Em.
ployos of the eiitoro pave evidence in the
matter of curtain misiiichs transactions , nnd
as to their obsorvatl us of hie actions dur-
IIIK roi'cut years. Mr. Moruo conducted his
own side of the onia In a lmMni'sslko ! mnn-
nor and declined to huvo any ultnuisej eub-
pmimetl , jtutliiK that ho was porfrctly satis-
lied in lonvn thu cnaa Jutt us It stood for the
commission to decide.
OiiUtHiiilIni ; Trcmury Nntei.
OMAHA , A > IK. 7. ToilioKdltor of Tn HUE :
In the United HtM s troubury stuiuiuont pub-
lUhrd August 4 thu Hum of ouuikiiillng
llnlltja Mutci , tr Miiury notes U given as only
"bout IU9Oil'Does ' not the law permit KJ 6 , .
OOCI ? UHH you ktato how It I'rours that Ihu
amount Unow so nuioh reUiiovtU i > .
Uofcreiic * is jsndo ia the statement to
ttt-usury notes Issued in payment for silver
purchased by the government , aud not to
lep&l tender noted , or greenbacks , as the
corrcspoiKlent avi' * rs to taluk ,
Sensible Buyers Are Laying In Their Win
ter Supply of Blankets Now While
3 3i HliitikrtH nt I ? 1.5,1 n'I'lUr SI5.0O
Itlnnkiitn for wi : on n I'nlr ? 0.fl < ) Illnn-
kctn St. 10 u 1'nlr WH.r.O Cnliroriitn
lliuiikots 81.08 u Pair.
To get up u siiuultd sale on blnnkots in
hot wcathur , but they uro selling mill
Felling fust , too. It id like the wise iniin
buylnir an umbrullu while the sun shinus.
Spcnkinp of umbrellas , wo have
100 talTota ailk umbrellas that are
worth $5.00 ntul 50.00. Wo will soil thuia
todav 2 to a customer ,
Wo will also close out the entire bill-
aaue of ouuparasolH
AT $1.1)8 ) EACH.
Many of them nro worth $7.00 and
"Wo hud a bitf run on our embroideries
yesterday. Tlio prices wore catching.
Embroideries in this lot run from 2 to
0 inches wide , and all worth from lee to
50o per yard , cambrics and Swisses.
This is a splendid lot of embroideries
and worth up to 7 , " > c ; atlGc they are Bell
ing rapidly.
All our 41.00 night robes go atCOo
All our gowns worth from $1.15 to
S1.7f ) , go at i)0c ) each.
All our gowns worth from $1.85 to
$2.50 , go at $1.10.
A lot of now styles of India challies
and a large assortment of other wash
fabrics , worth from lOc up to 20c , all go
at ( > } c.
Remember we are soiling everything
at cost or under , you cannot get any
thing but bargains of us this week.
1,000 yards of choice dress goods ,
worth from 75c to $1.23 , all go today
at 2'ic.
1,000 , remnants of white dress goods ,
worth from lOc to ItOc per yard , go to
day on our center counter at 5o per
Just such extra special under cost bar
gains will be found throughout our
25 pieces of choice black goods , none
worth less than $1.25 and from that up
to $1.50 , today only 79c ycr yard.
Wo also have 4 or f > lines of silks that
wo are selling at less than cost.
Blankets are all going at less than
. All our regular goods at cost.
Fireworks , balloon , storeopticoii views ,
Counland beach this evening.
Dr. J. C. Jones lias returned.
fit-cut Hack Ulunct Kotito.
Greatly reduced rates. Round trip
and one way to Chicago ( World's fair ) ;
also very low rates to Colorado points.
Salt Lake ana the Pacific const. Ele
gantly equipped vestibule limited trains
and the best dining car service in Amer
ica. For particulars call at ticket
ollice , 1002 Farnam street. Chas. Ken
nedy , Gen'l N. W. Pass. Agt.
l.oivpBt Chicago Hates Via the Northwestern
Chicago rates greatly reduced on both
ono way and round ti ip tickets via the
Chicago & Northwestern railway. These
tickets are first class in every particu
lar. Extra accommodations for World's
fair travel via this lino. City ticket
ollico 1401 Farnam street.
Shn Wauls u Position.
Sadie Young of Las Yepas ; is a young-
woman who wants a job , and she proposes to
have one if it is to bo had for the asking. Slio
has written a letter , presumably to the gim-
eral superintendent of some railway eating
house department , hut she failed to specify ,
and , as it came addressed merely to "Gen
eral Superintendent , " it fell into the hands
of Assistant Postmaster Woodward. It
breathes the following tender sentiment :
"To Whom It Aliiy Concern Dear Sir : Reg
leave to olTur you my services as a waitress.
Have been in b'red Harvey's employ for over
live (5) ( months & desire a change. Also
have a friend who desires a position. Can
recommend her as an experienced .valtress.
Plcasn notify mo at the earliest convenience
and also state salary and do you ijivo passes.
Yours respo't , SAIIIK YOL-.NO.
"Address mo at East Las Vegas.N , Mox.
"P. S. What salary do you give chamber
maids ? Chambermaid wants position.
Answer at once. "
Mr. Woodward , who has recovered suf
ficiently from nis moon t indisposition to ho
npalii at his post of oflieial duty , is reviewing
ing the schedules , and as soon as his research
is completed will wlro Miss Young the re
sult of his observations ,
A Viiluuhlu Kcminly.
KBM.Y'S ni.Aiiux Co. , N. C. Chamberlain
Medicine Co. , DCS Molncs , Iowa : I'leaso
send mo thrce do/.en Clmmherlaln's Colle ,
Cholera nnd Diarrhdia Homody , Ii5 cent si/o.
This remedy is too well known Iiuro to need
any recommendation. It Is a valuable-
remedy. It. 1' . Au.ux.
MoMiln.v'H I'nllru Court.
Justice of the 1'caco George S. Smith was
on the police bench yesterday In the absence
of Judge Horlca. His lirst act was to sign a
warrant for the arrest of Joe Scott , whom
"Patt ! Hosa , " n burnt district resident ,
charges with threatening to kill her.
Then the cloven vagrants arrested by
Sergeant Stioop Sunday wore trotted out
and they gave .fudge Smith the old Colorado
pag and the whole gang was turned loose on
the town again. This ended up the list of
"vnga" with the exception of James 13 ,
Doyd , who droiv a ticket entitling him to
work on the streets for twenty days.
Hill ICelsoy , a Ncola farmer , came to town
Sunday to see the nights , and was arrested
for carrying a loaded billy. He told the
court that ho had hoard of holdups nnd
knockdown and drag-out lights so much
that ho thought ho would need something
to protect himself with , so ho toted the
billy. The Judge sUed up William's ' pile and
remarked that ho would cull it square If fT >
was paid over to the court's clerk. "That
will leave you enough to got horao on , " said
the Judge , "and the next time you coma to
town leave your nphtlng tools at home. "
Throe Dines Cured Him.
SI.ATB , STOKKS Co. . N. C. Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and IJIarrluua lom.cuy { is the
best medicine for the purpoio for which ( t Is
Intended that I ever used. My nephew was
taken with bloody llux , had ; three doses of
It cured him. AI.UEJIT A. DOYLIM.
I'ntlonce nnil Yldllmico nf Chief Unto nnd
Ills Hrh Knuritnldl.
For ten days nnmfileer of the city dotcctlvo
department tiatcbecn faithfully watching
the people who harts entered the ofllccs of
the American lOxpress company on Fnrnam
street In hopes thrvt-'n ceftaln package con
taining watches wnold bo called for. ThU
was not all that was bolng done , however ,
for Chief HUM wns corresponding with the
leading watch factories of the west In order
to mid out to whom the property had been
Yesterday a letter came from W. P.
Leavltt & Co. of Knlnmnzoo , Mich. , saying
that on Juno 17 tholr show case was broken
open ami four peed gold watches stolen.
They gave mimbnrs of cases and works and
the property will ho sent hack to thorn.
It seems that some local crooks had fol
lowed the circuses cast and htvil robbed
Jewelry stores tr. Saglarxw and Knlumuzoo
and expressed the plunder first to Detroit
and then to Omaha. The Detroit nflloers
looked Into the case a llttlo but did nothing ,
anil let the package come on to Omaha. Ono
day nearly two weeks ago ono of the Mahcr
gang of Council HlulTs called at the express
ofilco here and asked for the package , ami
as It hadn't arrived , 'having been hold at
Detroit , ho was told to call again. That
whv the onieor waited so p'ltlontly , but ho
never came back , and now that the goods
have been idciitlllcd they will bo sent back
to the owners.
For nil forms of disordered stomach use
13romo-Seltzcr. A palatable , prompt euro.
Fireworks , balloon , storeoptlcon vlows.
Courtlnnd bench this evening.
Omaha to Manawa. round trip 30
cents. Take the bridge line.
A convenient and pleasant plnco to ob
tain luncheon. Bnldutf. 1520 Farnam.
lloro' * Your World' * Fair Opportunity.
Rates cut in twol
On and after Tuesday August 1 , the
Burlington Route will soil round trip
tickets to Chicago , with u return limit
of thirty days , at $147fi. ;
One-way tickets on sale at 87.SO.
Tickets sold at rates indicated above
are free from restrictions of any kind
and entitle holders to the fullest uii-
joyment of the Burlington's superior
Three vestibuled and gas-lighted
trains daily.
See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far
nam street and arrange to make that
long planned trip to Chicago.
Criticism of tint Nobrnilcii Exhibit nt the
World's Fulr.
Dr. R. M. Stone returned yesterday from
an extended visit to the World's ' fair. Dr.
Stone said : " \Vohavo ono creditable dis
play and that is our exhibit In the Forestry
building. The Nebraska exhibit in the Liberal -
oral Arts building bears no comparison
whatever to that of any other western state.
The comparisons made by visitors are almost
always to our dUcrealt and In favor of the
Iowa exhibit which is located next to it.
Although this state is a prairie state we
have an excellent display ot woods native to
our river lands. There are 170 different
kinds of wood in this exhibit. Our display
in the Dairy building is also very creditable
to this state.
"Nebraska people need no longer bo afraid
of extortionate rates for board "and rooms.
Rooms which were held at $3 per day in
Juno can now bo secured for 7.r > cents and SI ,
and they nro going begging even at that
price. On one day when 1 was at the fair
grounds there were 114.000 people on the
grounds and there was no crowding or Jest
ling. The people seemed to be
uniformly courteous and moro ear
nestly studying all the features of the
fair. It is distinctly a cosmopolitan
crowd to be scea within the gates of Jackson
park. People of all nations elbow each other
in n good natured way in the large halls *
As a ircncral thing the visitors belonc to the
moro intelligent classes and thoroughly
apurcciateeverything they see. Ills cer
tainly a grand exhibition in all its details.
One noticeable thing is that in this vast dis
play of the resources of all nations the
American artisan and mechanic take the
load and can give their foreign cousins many
valuable pointers. "
Piles of people have piies. but Dewitt's
Witch Hazel Halve will euro them.
Ono of thu Goldsmith Hoys In Stubbed by a
N"jrrsi. .
IClla King , a colored woman , who lives in
the vicinity of Nin'.h street and Capitol
nvcnuu , and Sam Goldsmith , son of the
saloon keeper lit the above corner , became
involved In a quarrel last evening and as a
result Ellu Is locked up at the police station ,
charged with stabbing with intent to kill.
The quarrel commenced over a trivial mat
ter and the woman alleges that Sam struck
her in the face , She ran around the corner
and found u friend who haa a razor. She
borrowed the weapon and returning to the
scene of the lirst conflict made a vicious
slash at the young man with the sharp
hlado. It struck him on the loft , side of the
neck , making an ugly gash and narrowly
missing the Jugular vein.
The woman attempted to further injure
the young man but was prevented by by
standers. Goldsmith was turned over to a
surgeon and the woman was turned over to
an ofllcer , who had her locked up and charged
as above. Goldsmith is not seriously In
Piles of people have piles , nut Do Witt's
Witch Huzcl Salve will euro them.
Mrs. GUmnrn'N SUtur Arrrhtuil.
Yesterday Chief Haze of the city detective -
tectivo department made another trip to the
Gilmore resldenco at Fiftieth and Durdotte
streets and arrested Anna lioauehamp , a
sister of Mrs. Ollmoro , for receiving stolen
property. It is alleged by Hasso that Miss
Anna secreted thu diamonds stolen from the
Brunswick by Mrs. Gilmore after the lat-
tcr's arrest.
Miss Heauchamp had a fainting fit Imme
diately after she had been booked , but she
soon revived and was placed in charge of the
matron ,
. . .
Pile of people have piles , hut Dowltt's
WitchHazel Sulvoiwlll euro them.
ISohouilfUi I'lcnlc.
Six coaches lllltid with Bohemian people
and their friends left the Webster street
depot on the excursion trains at ! ) o'clock
n. m , and I o'clock p , in. Sunday for
Huser's park , where the Bohemian National
Cemetery association held u picnic to epleto
its exchequer.
About 2,000 people attended and enjoyed
themselves until the similes of night began
to full. Throughout the day good order
prevailed , The ( proceeds from the picnic
netted the association In thu neighborhood
of $150 , which will bo applied In meeting
Chulleiijrpil IIU Clmnictcr.
Wolf Cuperstoiuvwas arrested lost night
as a suspicious character , The man had In
his possession a bundle of second hand
cloihinif which ho claims was given him , In
the bundle was a now rubber coat.
Powder :
Tlie only 1'nre Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia , No Alum ,
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
A Remarkable Hotel That It
Will Pay to Visit.
The Beaulifu ! Building Put Up
Within t he Past Few Months.
Erected by 0. E. Rrown , the Well
Known Chicago Merchant.
Chicago , Aug. 7. If ono coos to the
World s Fair there is astib9tantlnlcom-
fortnblo hotel Unit it will piy : him to
visit ,
The proprietor Mr. C. K Drown , Is n
well known successful morclmntUiSS
State street.
The story of how ho cnmo to put up n
holol Is iiitorestiiij ; .
To rise the words of its energetic and
successful proprietor , Palno'a celery
compound , the ruMiicdy that makes people
plo well , built It.
Mr. Drown , Buys :
"Uollovlnjj it to bo a duty Unit every
man should acknowledge and recom
mend that which hus done him good is
the emiso of this sttitemont , which to
glvo till particulars , must go buck to
my boyhood days. When I was about
12 year old wo moved to central Illinois ,
whore for three yo.irs I had'tho shakos'
or ugtio , which I presume pave mo what
they called an uguo oukooronlargoincnt
of the spleen.
' "At the ago of 17 years I cimo to
Chicago nnd entered the old Chicago
university , but my health was so poor
thnt I could not nuiKo much progress
with my studies , and from thnt time on
until about eight years ago I was sick
moro or less without any one being uhlo
to tell just what was the trouble , or to
give mo nuy relief.
"Eight years ago while lying aboard
my yacht in Milwaukee harbor t awolto
ono morning but was unable to pet up or
move. Dr. Adam Millcsr was culled , and
ho pronounced my trouble dropsy of the
heart. After about six weeks of hard
fighting and my determination not to
die I trot up , but was not well , nnd had
to continuo 'taking medicine. About
two years ago I lost my wife , the worst
tiling that could , happen to a mnn. I
hud a very sic spell after that. A friend
then recommended lvalue's celery com
pound , and 1 took six bottles of it and it
put mo on my foot again , and I am feel
ing , and have felt for tlio past year , the
best I over did in my life. I take no
medicine at nil now. A short time ago
I bought six bottles more of ljaino'u col-
erv compound. Five of them I gave to
friends. 1 have recommended it many
of my customers and friends both hero
and ut Central Falls , II. I. , and I fail to
hoar of a single ono it has not done good.
Bventi Mis. Vcagor , who has stood out
n long time from taking it , said it was
the best thing that she over tried.
"I believe that Piano's celery com
pound was the means of curing mo of
the dropsy aud malting mo well , so that
1 was ublo to take up the buttlo of life
again. And I Imvo built during the last
four months n beautiful building , and I
huvo been so well thnt 1 have stood every
day upon its walls fully eight hours ii
day. , from the time of throwing the lirst
shovel of dirt. I now have liJo rooms for
World's Fair visitors , and if any of your
friends are coming to the World's Fair ,
just toll them to stop at Hrown's hotel
that Paino's celery compound built , and
tlioy will find it well built , no crumb
ling' walls or Hi o trap , but solid and sub
stantial , like the writer.
" 1 am surprised at myself being able
to stand us much work and the long
hours from 7 a. in. to midnight , and on
the jump all thu timo' besides confusion
and asking questions which used to
make mo very nervous. Am fooling
well , looking well , and a living example
of what your compound lias done , and
shall recommend it the longest day I
livo."I can refer you to Marshall , Field &
Co. , Kioth Bros. , and many other
Chicago merchants in regard to my
standing , ' 'says Mr. Brown ; "oryou can
write to Dr. Mlllor , who has boon my
family physician for a good many yours ,
although I am glad to say that 1 have
not boon obliged to call him in for over
a year. "
A table of statistics might bo prepared ,
giving testimonials from men and women
from every state In the union , of every
ago , the rich and the poor , and from
every condition in life. There is not n
city or village In the United States
whore I'nino's celery compound is not
known nnd prescribed. It has cured
nervous diseases , brain troubles , kidr.oy
disorders , and liver complaint whore
everything else has failed and where the
patient's lifo has been despaired of. It
mnkea people woll. Try It.
l IlitliucUou In llilviiAit
iiieiiU ( Muileal Sludy. Vine
All * . Klocullon , UliKiityei.
etc. , Add.K. V , 11ULLAIII ) , A H. bupt. Jackuumiili-.III.
WEBER Music Hall , Chlcngo. All
n4 Inttrurninttl Mu c Art ,
r l irhr .
HWKKTM'lll.MJS , MlbiiOUUI.-TlioiircatMllltarr
b > Wwl. Wrltt lor illanUtUd
lint to err knowingly Is Inhuman. To save money on dally necessities
Is human , to throw It to the tlogs is an error. So at least think the masfiCH
of Omaha. Thu Intense heat of thu past week luul no clleet upon a few
thousand bargain seekers * Thuy come in response to our shit t ad , and
departed wiser and richer. Come again this week , if you are In need ol
shoes. Our shoe department Is a store by itself in size , and what \vc do not
carry in this line Is not worth having. Scan these special values we'vo.f
arranged for this week. They arj money-savers by long odds. Arrived
too late In season Is the only apology we have to oiler for such a sacrillcc.
Several hundred pairs of Russian grain Oxford tics ,
sl/.es ( ! to II. As comfortable lowcut shoe as ever
man put on feet. Regular price is $1.75.
As staple as a postage stamp for $2.00 a pair. A
comfortable , wide and shapely shoe , to last you
tip to Christmas.
Or Prince Albert , as some folks call 'em. A pretty
uimmcl "niter , drossy , neat , calf lined , any si/.o
yon call for , in the London toe. Take a peep at
them or you'll pay $3 elsewhere.
Dirt cheap at $3.50. Out of imported French kid
the very stock used for hand-sewed shoes. Hand
turned flexible soles. The celebrated St. Lonlu
toe is the very latest.
An honest nalne for $ ! . Guaranteed calf and Good *
year welt. Seamless. Leather lined- Yon know
the French toe , wide at toe and bal. They are
made that way. I'iteh iu if yon believe hi solid
What we brag of. Yon can't touch a pair anywhere
at less than Sfi. Genuine kangaroo , made on n
compromise last. A prettier shoe never graced
human feet. We refer to oar west end show wiii
dow exhibits.
NOTICE. Our Fall and Winter , 1SM ! ) ; , Catalogue will be ready August
15. Send your as well as your neighbor's name aiiJ we shall gladly for *
ward you one. 'Twill swell your bank account. '
Unsurpassed course ol
of ihr utJcai.bcM in Mn *
> 6tiJy Music , art. Illcra-
HOMTL ApjKmitmcnit modern
I lure.clocuiion , busmehs.&c ,
Mutlc and Art TYac fieri
Locution beullh.y untl picas *
anu Cas..l.crsu-ambeau SpctlalHK Illustrated cau-
i iy f llrv T I1.V Hon ,
: iBtll year opens Sept. nth * rrr Unl , i
, LCAiimton , AIu. SIX " Lralniiloii , MaV
pariracnibol Intiruciion IS Otli-fci miliury school liv
offlc ra and umcbcrs. Con * Mh-ourl llt.tllhlul Ibcit. ,
servatory ot inuatc. Art ilob. Krn onaMc tcrm > Ik
S Gymnasium. Modern ai > usiraud ciiUlo ua
4a * ! polDtmenta 'Jfilbycar lltus1 f- : , MA.I a. SKl.I.EKt
- truled A. A. caLilnaua .IOVKH. IVf.'t , it * ImlS7 ! no , . '
at 50c on the $ S.OQ
Greatest Bargains ever offered
Write for Special Bargain List Wo. IO , just out , with description
and prk'ps that are Below Alain < fncturcr's Costs. ! ! 00 IJicycli-s at a tremendous
sacrifice to clear up the Kca on's busintos. Now is the time to buy and save
money. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Lincoln , Neb.
btreet Omaha Neb.
South 15th , , .
Tlii > umiiHMit specialist In iiorroim. clirtinU1 , iirlvat.lilooil HlUn and mlinrv .llscaM'H A rrculiir nncj
rcKlHlL'irU uraclii.'Uo lniiipillclnc. UHilipli > mas mill I'lTnilratcmwIllHliuw In mill tru.itlnir wlili llii > enntrHi
Bin-whs , catarrh. l h' maiiliooil. Hriiiinnl wraknrfu , niflil IOSHPH nil I ml fiinim of pilviiti-iINniiHim. No
mi'ic'iiry imiil. Now tiuatnionl for IOHHUF vlial puwrr. I'artlrbiin.iuliMo vlsli nifiiiav be I ivatril at homo
' mall - - * Hrcmvly p.-icliD.I , no nmrltH loin-
by corr' " < | > umli/i > ci' . MrilleliiesorliiHtriiiiiciitH TIII by or i-xpn-s
ilk-ali' eontimlH or m-mli-r. Ono IHTHOII.II Int. rvlcnv im-tiTiPd. C'MiHulutlnii free ( 'om'Himnaoiica
Htrlclly liilvutu Hook i.Myitork'S of LluBUIII \ \ Irot1. Ullloo liourn , U a. in. IM .I p. m. Sundays , 10 a. ill , tn - ,
11 ! in. Si'iul Htanni forclicnlar.
Mtuln of ( lit * liticst ( j tin Illy of Iravunn Tnlia-'fo ( hut "im bo ' > oiifflit , I jiirtl hi cvrry rrspt-rt to tti *
Ifujlluit ortix * , IuuillnuufttctttrcUbJT. . It , .UK/iC MKUCAMTJLK CIGAH VACTOllV. i
High Cln N PhotoKrnphy ,
At Popular J'rleu ? .
: na-ai5-an , s. istu
OmnUaNob ,
The Mercer.
Omaha's NewestHotal.
Cor.i \ \ \ anil Howard dtreeti.
40rooms t.V ) per clay.
< 0 rooii.i J.M per liny-
iO rooms with tMtliatllpordiy.
SO rooms wllli liutli HI I > r Uaf.
.Minimi In Ktvry He | ioot.
No\vly ruruUliHil Tliroui-liout
C.S. ERB , Pro .
IlLll W UUUAnil nil thn Iraln ol
fotiip.iny tliuni 111 IIIPII QUICKLY and I'KKMA
NK.N'n.V OUUK1) Full SVUHNMTII untl ton *
elvi'n louvury part ol tliu body. I will uud uo-
cm civ pKuktdi KJIKK la any sullcrer lh pruvurlp-
lion that cured \\w \ of thcso troubled. Ailjroui (
II. WIUCiUT , Uuulu lc Ur , Uos 1289 , MurbUill ,
New York Hospital
Cliroafo , Hsrnu ,
Private an !
Special DIsiasM ,
of l > Jti !
Ftriotnro and all ntlier troubloa trnnted
ut rii.vJoiinMo ch rtii. CO.N.SUJ/l'ATION
KUKIi C'alionor uUUrujn
Opposllollayilon Jlroa.
As you have herctcfoie done , ( or
We are now nuking one , with Drep I'olnU.
equal to any In the market ,
FOR 20C '
5 l < fci.tll Ihi UKInj
Uin'i Furnlihiri ,
The Monaicli Is the bett warm wetther
Ehitt. .Solid cotelorl and ccmplete