THE OMAHA DAILY J3E1 * J&ESDAY , AUOUST 8 , 185)3 ) , HARD ON FAIR EMPLOYES Auditor IJooro Will Not Allow tha Nebraska Men's July Salaries. HE SAYS GARNEAU IS RESPONSIBLE All ol thfi Jnly Vouehcri Hung Up In the Auditor' * onion Itonioni for Thin Dcclnlon of tint Omelitt. LN , AUR. 7. [ Special to Tnn Auditor Moore sent n dispatch to Chicago this forenoon that has undoubtedly created consternation In the Nebraska building Last week the auditor nnd commissioner general hold n spirited conference by mall in the course of which the latter practically refused to submit tlio form of Itemized state ments inquired by the auditor. ' ] hereupon the auditor stated that Mr. Garncau had ex pended money belonging to the state that should properly bo charged to Mr. Oarncau , nnd that thcro vrcro enough funds In tha overcharge to pay off the employes for the month of .luly. When this Information reached the Nebraska building , its it did thli morning. Both P. Mobloy immediately telegraphed an Inquiry to the auditor , nsklng if ho Intended to hung up the employ wages for July. Mr. Moore did not make his answer public , but it loft no doubt as to his Intention. All of the July vouchers nro hung up In the uudr- tor's ofllco , and there they will remain until the commissioner general's expense accounts are submitted In proper form. Ono of the vouchers received last Satur day was for furniture , otc. The bill nccom- pan.vlng It covered three long pages of Items , nut the total amount only appeared at the Toot of the bill. It was fora balance of M- 000 duo on the furniture account , the entire- bill amounting to ? 0,800. It was bundled up nndioturned to the commissioner general. Another bill returned was ono of JSo for n pair of cut tains. Climlii nt tha Stuto Houso. Tlio Omaha Heal Kstuto and Trust com- piny today Illed four cases In the ofllco of the clerk of the supromu court against Charles K Keller , John W. Kodcfor ot nl , Sarah J. Shaw ot ul , nnd Joseph S. Krng- scow , respectively. The cnso of Mlnnlo A. Moore , adminis tratrix of the Into Smitli D. Moore , against thu Omaha Street Hallway company , reached the supreme coutt this afternoon Smith D Moore Is the man who mot death under the wheels of the ti.illcr near tlio corner of Sixteenth and Webster streets on January i0. ! Ib'.fJ His wlfo sued for * 5XX ( , damages The defendant comnany demurred to hur petition nnd Judge Irvine sustained the dumuiror , dismissed tlio case nml taxeil the costs up to Mrs Moore She now ap peals to the supreme court. The Heatlieo llnptd Transit nnd Powoi compuii comes to the supromu com t with r case against Kleknrds & Piont , who hit been nwittded ยง WQ damages in the lower courts The Bo.ud of Public L-inds nnd Buildings commenced its regular monthly session this foienoon for the purpose of auditing claims against thu state. C r. Melirow , temporary receiver of the McCaguo Savings bank of Omaha , was a the state housu this forenoon. IMtinty of Currency In Lincoln. The prevailing scarcity of currency in the cast has not been felt hero in Lincoln. This lact was biough ; out this morning whoni man visited ono of the local national binks and olToied to sell n largo quantity of S and $2 bills for a premium of fJO per 1,000 Ills offer was declined , to his surprise U.'ho toiler of the bank Infoimed THE BFL that none of the Lincoln banks were suffer ing for the want of the bills o the smaller denomination , although ho aaid it was n fact that many of the laigor employment concerns were using silver in pajmg their men. Saturday the street railway company nnd several largo manufacturing conccins paid off their hands in silver dollars. At one , bank Satur day a well Unovvn populist nnd ftoo silver man presented n check for S700. Ho was well known to the cashier and It might have been n mcro coincidence , but at any rate ho was Biven 700 big , round , white dollars In pay ment of his check. Ho protested in vain , but ho vvns gravely Infoimed that there was BO great a demand for silver that it was rap idly taking the place of all other forms of currency in the west. Found In tlio 1'ullnn Court. It cost Austin Selby just WJ for allowing n sick and blind horse to stand out In the sun for several daj s Health Ollicer Howe made the complaint and Judge Pinker , the local vice mcsidoiit of the Humana society , prose cuted the case. The hoiso was killed by the authorities P. W. Ilarilngtou , n local saloon keeper , was arrested this afternoon for running his place of business with the blinds drawn seas as to obstruct the view from tho-streot. Frank Johnson , a cltlzon who iccently forsook seek his allegiance to King Oscar nnd took * refuge under the slurs and stripes , vaunted Ills newly acquit od freedom Satuiday by driving Ins sprinkling wagon around the promises of J J Ciillllaml in such a manner that considerably valuable property was do- stroked. Ho was nriostod this aftetnoon. Buck Owens Is under arrest at the station charged with larceny from the person , tile will have his trial later , I'lrcd nt a Nlfflit I'rcmlor. G. M. B.utlott , deputy state treasurer , had I n little experience with n night piowlor nt 1I o'clock this mot nlng that came very nearly furnishing the nowspnpeis with n sensa tional Item nnd thu undertaker a Job. Ho vvns nwakc'iicd at tire hour namhd by a noise in the vicinity of his kitchen door. Taking Ills revolver ho cautiously went to the door nnd then opened it suddenly , The bur- glailously Inclined individual on the outsldo who was tiilug to effect an entrance to the house , took to his heels. Ills speed was con siderably accelerated by a couple of shots llred in his direction by Mr. Bartlott. A short time previously Mr. Babcock t who lives at 1317 G street , was awakened by a similar noise. After n little quiet search ho found n man ( muling along the eaves of the house at the base of the mansard ioof and evidently look ing for a convenient window to loach the In side of the house , Babcock had no gun , but be ottleii'd the follow off the promises mid then went ever to inform his neighbor , Mr , Bartlett , of the fact that the festive burjrlnrs ivciu woiklng In tlio vicinity It was Bab- coclc's warning that put Bartlett on his guard , Ilirui ) Mutrlmonlnl .Minllts. Got trude Car win came into dlsttli't court this moi nlng with a petition which Informed the Juduu that she married her husband August U , Ifcsj , and that slnco that time lie lias made lifo n burden to tier. Ho has long been nddlcted to drink nr.d Is a hopeless ' vicclc. Shu wants thu custody of tlioir ono child. Louisa Motzgor married Clulstlan Motz- Rcr eight i cats ago , but If thu allegations In lioi petition for n divoico liled this moinlng nro true , Christian has behaved in a decid edly unchristian manner. Ho 1ms boon n persistent \\lfobc\rter slum tlioir marriage nnd she claims that.hls violence and abuse has dcstrojcit her health She asks for the restoration of her maiden namo. Catherine Don ) alleges tbat her husband desoitod hur four joars ngonnd that she has boon compelled to support herself overs moo bho wants a legal separation and tlio cus tody of their two chlldion. Intpualtnr * Will Talc n Action , The recent action of the stockholders of the Nebiaskn Savings bank In asking per mission of the supreme court to allow thorn to wind up the bank's affair themselves , upon condition that they give to the state u bond for HWI.OOO , > > ults thu depositors In part onli. 'J hey do not object to thu proposed plan , but they do claim that the time proposed - posed , two ioars , Is too long nnd that they nro entitled to their money sooner. They have decided to held a meeting nt the clt\ couucll chamber Wednesday evening to take action In thu matter. They state thiu thoj are willing to make any reasonable coucus along , but that they aio of the opinion thai the stockholders uro able to inulto good thoii losses inside of two j ears. Allmnrotoro In Trouble. The general merchandise store near Ito corner of M iiml Ulovcnth streets in tlili city , which was recently sold to n parti imnied Baldwin , Is iu serious trouble , In iho county court this forenoon J.V , Hart ley , t Co. , the former proprietors , eonfcsiod JuilKmont to the following creditor * and amount * : Ashland Mill company , I31B81 : Plummor , Perry tt Co , foiasl ; Konnard Grocery company , H * > 45 In the district court the Stool-Smith Grocery company aakod Judgment for * 18T.v > 3. They allcRO thatJ. W Hartley ft , Co. dUposcd of the store to Baldwin for the tola purpose of do- fr.tudlng tholr cicdltor * and ask the court for a writ of attachment. The firm Involved In the trouble Is composed of J. W. Hartley , J.IKnotti. . U. II. Rtckotts and William Knoft. Cnlli Him n Unit , Unit Mnn. Some time since Prof. Dmgloy Brov n , In structor In music at the Western Normal college , commenced a suit in the district court to recover from the trustees of that in stitution the sum of Jo,500 which ho alleged was duo him by reason of the cancellation of his contract. Today the college men cnmo Into court with a suit which denies all of Prof. Brown's allegations and makes a few of Its own , The college people claim that Brown was Unmoral and entirely too familiar with the lady members of the classes nt the collcgoj that ho was a man addicted to low and vulgar conversation , and that ho repeat edly made Insulting remarks to young ladles coming under his chnrgo In the music ; room. They claim that by reason of his general Im moral character a number of joung lady stu dents loft the institution and that In consequence quence of the unswory antics of the mus ically inclined professor the college was damaged to the amount of tfl.OOO , which the court is respectfully asked to compel Brown to pay into the treasury for the bonetlt of the cause of higher education. Hoitrd In Lincoln Court Rooms , The First National bank of Crete has com- monucd suit against C. E. Chowlns to recover - cover ? I.'JK ) on nn bond which ho signed for ono John Lanham In n suit In which the bank was a parly. Tlio bank won the case , but Lanham neglected to cash up , Hcnco the picsont suit. Klght cases In which the employes of the Opclt hotel In this city secured judgments against W. H. Atwood in the justice shops , were today appealed to the district court. Doboiah G. King is another Capital Na tional bink depositor to commence suit against the directors for the amount of her deposit. The Farmers Ixian and Trust company asks the district com t for an order compel ling County Ticasui or Burnham to execute to it a deed for a certain described plcco of property which It claims to have pur chased at public sale. Lincoln In Ilrlof , Thirty-four coich loads of excursionists visited the city yostordav. The jiow telephone line was completed from Lincoln to Grand Island today. The distance Is ronsldei.iblv over 100 miles but the who worked perfectly. George Brown was today discharged by United States Commissioner Billlngsloy , ns no evidence to prove that ho hid opened mall not intended for himself could bo otfcrcd bv the paitlcs who caused his arrest. Huns Albert , the well known Omaha violinist , assisted in a concert given at the Western Normal college this evening. Henry D. Washington , James S. Tyler and Foster W Jones became entangled In a free- far all fisticuff this foienoon and all wcro nucatcd and taken to the station. Wash ington is a colored blacksmith , J , \ ler Is his putnor and Jones is a horseman. The trouble grow out ofn dispute as to the proper method of shooing a horse. S K. Marloy , ono of the proprlotots of n shorthand Institute , who recently visited Chicago , was given considerable notoriety by the Lincoln nowspapcis and ono In Omaha by their published statements to the effect that ho had skipped the country for the purpose of avoiding the payment of debts. Ho Indignantly denies the story and claims that ho w ont to Chicago to meet his w ifo , who had been visiting in tlio oast. Aflulrs nt I'romont. FnrvioxT , Aug. 7. [ Special to Tun BEB ] J. R. Buchanan of the Elkhorn is in the city arranging for the Normal excursion to Chi cago. It is likely to prove qulto a popular opportunity for visiting the World's fair. Some question has arisen vv ith regard to the legality of examinations made by the now board of pension examiner * It seems that soon after the new appointments wcro made an onranl/ition was effected and they commenced business , but since that time the members who have been relieved have re ceived notice that their services would bo dispensed with after the 10th inst. , and the question arises whether the work of the now board is legal. The bnccalnurcato sermon at the Normal school on Sunday by Rev. II. W. Tate was a masterpiece nnd was listened to by a largo and appioclative audience. The city water was shut off about three hours this morning for the purpose of con necting with the new water tower. J. A. Lllllo and Henry Van Dusen of Omaha were in Fremont on Saturday mak ing arrangements for the annual excursion ot their Union Pacific Pioneer association for Saturday next at the city park. They promise six or seven car loads of people , all of their own society. The peopio of Fremont aio prepared to plvo them a very cordial w elcomo. The city boasts a high toned quoit club , with headquarters In the roar of the Fre mont National bank. Colonel N. W. Smalls la captain of the club nnd Gcorgo GoUfioj gen eral manager. It seems to bo one of the most popular of all the city spoiling organl- tionsWilliam William Fry , an old veteran of Mc- Pheison post , Gtand Army of the Republic , was seriously injured by being thrown upon thohorn of his stildlo whllo attempting to catch a borso In the pastute. Blue grass is sovorolv suffering from dry weather and these who are reiving upon It for "pasture will soon bo obliged to food. HiifltliiKa Xe n Note * . HASTINGS , Aug. 7 , [ Special to THK Bi'E. ] About 10 o'clock last night residents of Hastings were treated to a most splendid manifestation of the aurora. An enormous meteor which lighted the whole ho-vvons llrst foil , and then broad streamers of light reaching from near thu horizon half way up to the zenith appealed in the northwest nnd lasted for half an hour. The usuil August stream of meteors appeared moro plentiful than for some yoirs. ' On the i'Jth'of this month the Modern Woodmen of this section ot the state will hold n picnic at Campbell's grove at Tiuni- uull. uull.W. W. H. Fnsslor of Blue Hill and Mrs lluUlu Wessols of this county were married this evening at thu icsldonco of the latter. Chief of Police C , H Wan/or Is mourning thn loss of a flOO bhd dog which was stolen Saturday night , Aiiangonionts nro now being made to hold the annual county fair on September D , 0 and 7 nnd It Is hoped that the fair will bo moro elaborate tli in any jot hold. Franklin Reynard , the joung son of John Roynard of the .Missouri Pacltlc railroad , was bulled this morning In Parkvlow couio- torv , The young son of George Smith was also butlod'in the same cemotory. rommonciimeni at VViijnn , WAVMS , Autr , 7 [ Special Telegram to Tim BEB ] This Is commencement week of the Nobiaska Normal college of Wajno , Last evening the opera house was tilled to ovorllowlng nnd the program was a Hulendla ono. The students , ever UOO in number , mot nt thu college building uud piocceded to tlio opera housu , where the annual bnccalauroato sermon was ptcached by Roy. William Gorse of Noleigh. Many weio unable to Boouio scats Governor Crounso delivered an excellent address bufoio the student * this evening , nnd more than 1,000 people crowded into the opera house , vvhllu mi ay were unable to gain admittance. Thieu hundred and thirty students have been inn oiled at the college the past terra , I'roimruil u Tlrkut Karl. ) . TEKAMAH , Nob. , Aug. 7 [ Special to TUB BKU ] If the early nominations gat the county oftlces the Burt county prohibition ists will got them. The few representatives of tint party mot at tho. court house Thurs day and nominated a full county ticket ns < follow a ; Ilrlo Hrli-kbon , county clerk ; I. C. Jones , treasurer ; U. L. Paimoleo , sheriff ; John Oberst , county judge ; Miss Hannah Wallace , supoi Intention t of schools : 1,11 bhufor , commissioner , nnd Dr. W. L. Plorco , coroner. In the evening A. Roberts of Lin coln , chairman of the state central commit tee of tha prohibition party , spoke to a few V at the couit houaoou the platform of the party. There vvai not much enthusiasm - manifested. COSTLY SYRACUSE BLAZE Wftrnor'a Implement House and Other Struc tures Destroyed by Fire. ENTIRE CITY SERIOUSLY THREATENED Ilnrd Work ot the Cltlreni required to BAT * the Town Onc-HMf ot the Lot * Covered by Inaurnnc * . STBACUSB , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special to TUB BBB ] Monday morning a lire WAS discovered in the rear of O. A. Warner's Implement house. Being a wooden structure it was soon a sheet of ilnino , communicating to Halvorson' store on the west nnd Joico & Bell's harness shop and Hnrtman's butcher shop on the cast. The build ings wore quickly consumed. Joico & Boll saved almost their entire stock , but the others saved nothing. The loss is abojt W.OOO , about one-half of which ii covered by insurance. The small amount of daniago Is accounted for by the cheap wooden buildIngs - Ings , which had long boon considered lire- traps. Considerable damage was sustained by property owners on the opposite sldo of tha street. Plato glass was cracked as far as n block away , and only by hard work was the on tire busincis portion of the town saved. Burl Uotinlr All'ilrfl. TEKAMAH , Neb , Aug. 7. [ Special to Tun Bun. ] Last week fifteen cars of fat cattle were shipped to South Omaha by several of Burt county's leading stockmen. Preparations are now complcto for the Burt county veteran reunion to bo hold in this city Wednesday , Thursday and Friday of this week. Church Howe , Governor Ctounsoand several other speakers from abroad will bo present to address the old soldiers. The reunion will bo hold on the fair grounds nnd every convenience for the comfort of the "ho\s" bestowed upon thorn. The grand blojclo touinamont to bo hold at Craig Tuesday of this week promises to have several compotltois from all parts of the county. Fifty dollars Is to bo awarded In prizes. A handsome gold medal and the championship of Burt county will bo awarded to the winner in the two-nulo race. Itoiinlon Otmrturs In Iiomnnd. GUAN-I ) ISLAND , Aug. 7.- [ Special to TUB BI.I : ] Chairman George P. Dean and Quar termaster Harry Harrison loft today for a trip through the eastern part of the state in the interest of the reunion. They will com plete the job of billing the state before ro- tuining. Work at Camp Logan has already begun. The ramp Is boiuir staked off and additional wells are belue tllivcn. Tlio ap plications for hoadqu irters aio Highly en- coutaging. Hastings asks room in camp for 1,000 men , and Keatnoy wants quarters for COO Booth privileges are selling fast. A theater is promised oveiy afternoon and evening. Indications of a great attend ance were never better. Dentil of u > tbrj kii Veteran. GUAM ) ISIAM ) , Aug. 7. [ Special to THK Bui : J The death of Franlt Thomas , an old soldier from Stromsburg , who was brought to the homo only live days ago , occurred jcstcrday morning. Ho was a member of company D , Seventh Wisconsin infantry. Ho was 52years of ago nnd was a very popu lar member of the Stromsburg Grand Army of the Republic post His brother , K N , Thomas , and W. D. Nlchol , undertaker of Stromsburg , arrived here this morning and will return with the remains The Inter ment will take place at the latter city to morrow. Uoutlt of li ll HtliiK > Merchant. HASTINGS , Aug. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun ] News has been received here o the death , recently , of A. J. Unna aj nls sis tor's homo in Stockholm , Swedon. Mr. Unna came to Hastings about eight jcars ago and established a dry goods business , and was ono of the best known merchants in the city. For souio time ho has been it : poor health and his death at 57 years i ascribed to Bright's disease and catarrh o the stomach. His family is in Chlcagovvhen ho acted as buyer for the Hastings store. I'll tut Kirecis ofn hnnkolilte. COZAD , Neb , Aug. i7. [ Special Telegram to THE BPE. ] Tlio 7-ycar-old daughter of A S Tnornburg , a farmer living about fourteen miles northeast of here , Satuiday was bitten ton on thu leg by n rattlesnake and diei' in twenty-four houis. Saturday a 2-months old baby belonging t Mr. Joigenson , living north of town , wa smothered to death by a child crawling ri the cradle where it was Ij Ing asleep , whil < the parents wore out doing chores. Critical Condition of an Kditor. SviiACUSB , Neb. , Aug. 7. [ Special Tele giam to THE BEE ] Physicians today re moved the loft oio-ball of Rev. G. S. Alex ander , editor of the S > racuso Journal. Ho has Doon troubled for soveial joars with cancerous substance back and above the eye and the lemoval of the oyo-ball was consul- eiod the only chtuico of saving his life. Since the operation the outlook is decidedly unfavorable. Fnnunil ol u 1'lonuor. LTOSS , Neb , Aug. 7. [ Special to Tun BKB. ] J. G. Coil , who died last Friday , was uurlcd yesterday. The funeral procession was the latgest over soon in Buit county. The pall bearers woio old settlers who came hoio twonty-nlno years ago. Rev. J , B. Ptlest of the Methodist church , and Rov. Hugh McNinch of the Presbitotlan church , conducted the funeral exercises. Crete Morchiint Clmod Out. CIIETE , Aug. 7. [ Special to TUB BEE ] The clothing stoic of J. A. Dorso was closed by the shorilf this morning , under attach ment taken out by Ben Heir on notes of $1,400. Heir Is a farmer to whom Dorso Is indebted to that amount. Othurattachmonts will follow. Fireworks , balloon , Btorooptlcon views. Courtlund boacli this ovoning. I'Lsisa OF imi. mwJiiiiTJss. Colonel risk linn n l.lttlo Schema to MiiUo tlio do Id Ilugn Coma to Tlinii , CHICAGO , Aug , 7. Colonel A. C. Flsk of Colorado , n dolegata to the silver conven tion , has rotnalncd in the city in consultation with prominent blmotalllsts from all sections of the country , perfecting plans to force con gress to give tlio nation ft eu coinage of silver and some measure of justice to the debtors and pioducois. Ho stated to n pi ess rot porter that u determination had boon leached to use ovary possible argument to convince the east that it was In the interest of all classes to icstoio silver and give Iho countiy a proper par capita circulation with which to do business , and , If the cast per sisted In reducing the volume of money , which would enslave the west and south , that n combined elTort would bo bo made by these sections towlpu out the protective tariff nnd pension every soldier vvho crvcd In cither the federal or confudoiato aimlcs , tholr widows and orphans , and to enact a law providing a graduated iiicomo tax for that purpose. Light and bright comedy will hold the boards nt Bojd's tonight nnd tomorrow night , No moro welcome announcement can bo rniido thau the return of Uhailos Frobman's comedy "Juno" with Miss Jcnnlo Yoamans In the leading lolo. 'June" will be piocndod during thu Omaha engagement by an original one-nut play entitled , "Tho Setting of the Sun. " . "Jnne" bus boon before thu amuse ment public for over two j oars , and that with uniform success. The cam is , of a whole , of uncommon strength and is the same that has been engaged in thu pi escalation of the comedy throughout tlio country. "Jano" scored a run of nearly live months in New Yoik and over 100 nights iu Boston and Philadelphia. A brilliant engagement is looked for. Acid 12x | > lotan. A bottle of acid exploded In the store house of the Richardson Drug company at the corner of Ninth uud Jones streets about 8 o'clock last night. TM sholo building WAS titled with the fumes arid1 fearing that there was n flro inside nn onitofjturned in a still alarm to onglno house Np < 3. Ths firemen found that thcro were ho flames And they notified the proprietors 'Of ' the ulnco. The damage will not amount to tnoro than ft few dollars. , Fireworks , balloon 'storooptloon ' views , Courtland bcauh this , evening. BOARD OF EflTJOATION. Itnrely n Quorum Attnmleit tha Flrit .Monthly Mooting Ijiit r.vnnlng. The first monthly mooting of the Board of Education in August attracted barely A quorum of the members Wt evening , these present being President Powell nnd Messrs. Akin , Burgess , Gibson , Thomas , Knodoll , Hlguttor , C. H Bnbcock and Plorson. Mr. Morrison arrived late. Attorney Baxter recommended postpone * ment of payment of the claim of Rushnrt & Co. for lining in earth around the Central school building bccauso of a question of the true facts regarding the alleged assignment of the contract , and conlllctlng statements of the Interested parties. The Midland National Innk of Kansas City asked for the allowance of 11,004 duo the Smoad company for ventilating work on Omaha school buildings. Referred. Applications for teachers' positions were received from Miss A. K. Graham nnd Miss Clara Schonck. S. L. Wiley submitted a communication , asking that the terms bo shortened , both as to closing at the end of the school year and opening nt the beginning , owing to the oppressive temperature in Juno and the early part of Soptombor. Referred. W. A. Olmstcad asked to bo allowed to nut In his patent slate for blackboards in the Kcl- lom school. Placed on file. Attoinoy Baxter submitted n synopsis of Judge Scott's decision declaring the Invalid ity of the coil llccuso ordinance. Placed on file. County Superintendent Hill was granted the use of the High school for the annual In stitute and examination of teachers begin- g nin August 21. A discussion occurred ever the motion to refer the assigned claim of Doncckcn t Co. for work on the Ilartman and Franklin schools , Mr. Morrison Insisting that such a course would keep laboring men out of their . It was referred by a vote of 7 to U. Say. Morrison vouchsafed the information that a strike would follow In the morning. The Holbrook & King Co asked the allow ance of a claim for setting boilers and mixIng - Ing valves , because of the stilngcncy of the money market and the crowding of subcon tractors Referred. Attorney Baxter was granted leave of ab sence from August 12 to September 10 Andy Clifford asked the allowance of $13 , alleged to bo duo since IS'JO , for janitor serv ice. Referred. The city treasurer's report for July was road and nlacod on rile Mrs Mary L. Sinford offered to soil the board the "recipe nnd full Instructions" for making blackboards accoidlng to the for mula used by Silas W. San ford , deceased. The boaro. declined to make the deal. Ex-Janitor Busch of the Long school , through his attoinoy. served notice that ho had boon removed without cause before the expiration of his "legal term of ofllco , " nnd ho wanted pay up to and including August 1U , Ib'J I Placed on file. The resignations of Miss Jessie Lozlor nnd Miss Mattlo Hussoy as teachers were ac cepted. All bids for furnishing pianos for kinder- parten use were rejected and new bids called for. The committee on buildings reported in favor of allowing several llnal estimates The final estimates on the Saratoga school weionot allowed , but the Lothrop school contractor was allowed his llnal estimate and the building accepted. The Saratoga ostimatn was then recon sidered and the claim allowed. The committee on rules suggested now regulations for the issuance of supplies , limiting their allowance to Saturdays. Re ferred. Now cement sidewalks wore ordered laid In front of the now Central school Plans wore ordered drawn for a now chimney nt the Park school and bids asked , the committee on buildings to award Con tract on llllng and acceptance of a proper bond. The bond of the custodian of supplies was fixed at $2,000. The bids submitted for supplies and work on now buildings were referred without opening to the proper committees , and the board adjourned for ono w cek. Fireworks , balloon , stoi oppticon views , Coui tland bench this evening. CURBENCY REMITTANCES. Malinger Suossonlmoli of the Willow Spring * Dlntlllory Tiilkn. Recent dlspitchos from Washington Indi cate that the government would require the remittance of internal revenue taxes in cur rency by the distilleries composing the Whisky trust. In reply to n question as to the piobablo effect this would have upon the Willow Springs distillery hero , Manager Suossen- bach said : "The Distilling & Cattlefoeu- inx company is what In referred to ns the Whisky trust. Its product consists chiefly of'alcohol and snirits , not whiskies in the common acceptance of the word. Louisville , Ky. contains the laigo whisky distilleries of this countiy and , as I understand It , they applied to the government to bo allowed to export their products , or else secuio nn ex tension of time to pay the taxes , both of which was denied thorn. "i'lio three years time during which whis kies can remain in bond without tax bad nl- luady expired and the government felt indisposed to grant an extension to pay the internal revenue. I do not know anything about the icliisal of the government to ac cept certified chocks in Poorlu , 111. As it has done so horotofoio it would have no effect on us , as wo can go to the United States depository here and draw the amount in currency if requited instead of paying in cheeks as I did today. "Ofcouisoin a smaller city like Pcorla , where this manufuctuio composes the prin cipal Industry , It might work n hardship , as it would compel them to import currency constantly in order to pay the revenue , Day- ing as they do , perhaps , $100,000 some davs. Under the system In vogue , so far , no extra ordinary amount of currency w as needed there , the certified checks taking its place. "If such an order has bcnn issued I bellevo It will bo lesclnded as soon as the uecretarv is imulo acquainted with the facts In cuso it Is allowed to stand , all tlio distilleilos and not these in what Is denominated as the Whisky trust alone will bo effected to .some extent auzoidlng to location and the ability of their banks to pay thn currency "Tho trust mode of doing business Is to al low the wholes tiers of Umpioilucts a rebate after six mouths , vvhlc-lw lrtunlly amounts to paying the profits ncuriilug to thu busi ness , BO that they may bo enabled to ucll at the market quotations. "Tho Willow SptIngs , ( J ! tlllory shut down on the 1st of June for repairs and because cuttlefoodlng , out ofvlluh | n tmuiooftho prollts arisos.does not pay xlui Ing the summer months , but wo will , .iH'rhups , start up again In a month or so. During this time wo ate taking caio of o\ir Joeal trade. The California ttado will rotu"iu to us In the full , as it is naturally tilbutary to this part of the country , Wo keep now about twenty men at work , but us sodn ns wo start up again wo shall employ nj/put / 100 men. Oniulm < ; iiuriU'l.lictlon , At a icgular meeting 6Vthe Omaha Guards lust evening Lieutenant Mulford was elected ila captain by acclamation. Captain Mulford has been with the company since its Inception tion , The present prosperous condition of the guards is largely duo to his personal ef forts In directing tlio affairs of the company. Second Lieutenant Wilson was elected first lieutenant , vice Mulford , piomotod , while Sergeant Ten 1Cok was elected second end lieutenant. The guards give an exhibi tion drill iu Courtlauu beach Thursday even ing and later In tlio season take part in a prize drill at Grand Island , Deed of Jilted Lover. JACKSO.V , Miss , Aug , 7. Charles McCor- mlck shot , Jeanette Neil this morning and then turned the revolver on himself , sending n bullet through his brain. Ho. died at noon , The girl was struck In itio loft sldo of the note , the ball passing through her pulato. She will recover. The cause of the shooting , was that she refused to marry hliu. c CAME DOWN IN TORRENTS ] Drops Benefited and Damage Done by Rains in Poooa Vnlloy , BURSTING OF THE GREAT DAM AT EDDY Carried Awny by lh Haiti of Wntwri Two Onyi of Stcnrty Show- ri Tut All tha St reruns Oat of Their Itnnki. Er , PASO , Tox. , Aug. 7. A upoclftl to the Times from Kiltly , N. M. , says : The greatest flood over known In the Pocoa valley oc curred Saturday. The great nm nbovo Efldy gave way at 10-40 a in. and vvntor seriously dnmnRoil the principal part of the main Ilumoacrosi the ri\or and two vraeon bridges wore cnrriod nway and the Hapor- man dam nml water power ilamaped , 'J'ho town of lilily nnd all farms and settlements along the i Ivorvcro nil nbovo the Hood line nnd no lives woio lost , i'linro has been n. steady downpour of rain throughout the vnlloy for two dnjs pist , culminating In successive cloudbursts on Frldiiy night nnd Saturday morning , which did the dam age. Farmers all have bountiful crops , vvliloh , bccauso of the continued rains , will not need further irrigation. TI1KV 1)11) NOT SL'lllKE. Mluourl Minor * Itnliim to On Out to Aid Tliclr Knnnan Ilretliron. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 7. The strike of all miners In Missouri ordered for today by n dolugato convention of minors hold here n week ago did not materialize. At n few of the lesser mines some of the men wont out , but at tlio great mining coutcts the work men refused to atilko. The strlko was oidcrod to bolster up the losing causa or the Kansas strlko nnd not because the Missouri men had any grievance of tholr own. At Lexington about 500 men struck work , being less than half the whole number of men employed thoro. Three hundred men at Higglnsvlllo and Corder went out and at Hamilton about 100 quit. At Dovlor and Klch Hill , the great mining centers of the state , there was no strlko At Loavonworth , Kan , nhout sovonty-llvo menioturnod to woiK. Many men mo ap plying for positions and It Is expected full forces will bo .it work iu all the mines there by the end of the week. WKNT T1IUUUUII A JIKIDCU. Tliroo Men Killed with Many lload of Cnttlo niul Ilornon. RICHMOND , To * . , Aug. 7. Wllllim Nash of Brazoila county was transferring a herd of cattle across the bridge ever the Brazes rhorat this point today when the structure collapsed , carrying with it two nogioes , 200 hold of cattle and twenty hoises. The negroes wore killed , as well as many head of stock. Nash'i body , In a horribly mutilated condition , has boon recovered. The bridge was icccntly built at a cost of $30,000. Awcokagoa similar accident oc curred on the Brazes biitlgo ncir Calvorts. Will Not Alii tlio l.niKl Grnlibor * . TOPEKA , Aus7. . The freight depvrtmonts of the Hock Island and Santa Fo railroads last week received applications to charter special trains of stock cars , which the appli cants desired to load with "homo seekers" and run into the Choi okoo Strip : it the sound of the pun on opening day. In this way men on horseback could bo easily outstripped in the rnco and the best town lots and quarter sections picked up. The companies refused to bo n paity to the scheme. The only special trains which will bo run into the Strip that day will bo oxcuision trains con taining spectators , and they will move so slowly as to be of no advantage to the passengers songors on board. In the Interest of Irrlffiltlon. " GUEAT BEND , Kan , Aug. 7. A mass con vontlon of Kansans interested in irrigation was hold here today. Resolutions were adopted declaring It to bo the duty of fed' ' oral and state governments embraced within the arid regions of the west to render sub stantiul aid m the construction of prope systems of iriigation A cill was also Issued for an interstate convention , to bo composed from the Dakotas , Nebraska , \\jomlng\ Colorado , Kansis , Oklahoma. Texas and Now Mexico , to bo bold in Sallna , Kan. , Thursday , September ! 23 Every county in the states named will bo entitled to throi delegates. novcii Convicts Knupo. SALT LAKE. Aug. 7. [ Special Telegram t THE Bui ; ] Seven desperate convicts es caped from the Utah penitentiary yesterday in broad daylight , while the guard vva asleep. Their names are : Thomas Oriuln W. A. Hubbard , W. R. Padcn , John Connors Thomas Heed , "Red" McDoimott and Jamo Young. The prisoners made their escape by scaling the walls with a rope. Forty prls- oneis could have escaped had they been so disposed. Young was captmcd yesterday evening. Today there nro twonty-flvo oftlcors seaiohiug for the other six fugitives. I.owelllng'it M honu' . Toi'BKA , Aug. 7. Governor L , < nvollint ; this morning appointed Silas Rutledgo of Valley - loy Palls , Benjamin Ilellbrun of Osage City , W. J. Wilson of Wichita , and ThygoSogard , the Danish vice consul at Kansas City , com missioners to Chlcaeo to confer with ropro- sentathos of foreign governments attend ing the World's fair , on the subject of steam ship tianspottation to ] > uropo by way of the Gulf of Mexico. The governor continues to receive letters from all parts of the west commending his project. I.lttln llerom 1'orUll. ST. JOSEPH , Aug. 7. Ycstoidav afternoon , at Maryvlllo , Kan , August , Barney and Sophia Sotro woio all drowned in the Big Blue river wlnlo bathing. They were aged 8 , Kliiml 11 .voais , The girl had waded out too far and the bois vvuro diowncd whllo trying to save her. Null \Vorlt * Itiirnrd. OAKLAND , Cal , , Aug 7. The I'acillo Nail works but nod. Loss , $200,030 ; Insurance , $80,000 , Fli'oworkfl , balloon , Htoruoitluon ] vlows , Cuurtlund beach this ovonhi'r. I'nlicn J'.iriiKnipltM. John Rlb.v , Joe Cosgrovo and Will Parsons , bojs about 111 years old , weio auostcd us variants last night. Will I'ahnor was arrcstod by Odlcer Sulli van last night down In the "dlstrltt. " ' Palmer is charged with carrying concealed weapons and resisting an ollicer , Mary Allen and "l < ddlo" Dub ir , retldenti of the district , Imbibed too much liquid en thusiasm List night nnd "tried to kick the spots off the moon " Two olllcois came along while the gills wcro tiiigagoti In this imaginary occupation , and gave thorn afree ride to the police station , "John Dee , " ical iiamo unknown , was nr- rested last night on the charge of being drunk and Insulting ladies on th'i street Ho is said to bo n traveling man. Ho came In off a ttlp yestoiduy and proceeded to irrigate his alimentary canal with copious pot loan of rod and amber coloied liquors. Ho soon reached a stage uliero ho bullovcd the world and all In It wcio"hlsn" Ho made insultIng - Ing romaiks to sin oral ladies who were pass ing the corner of Klo\entli and rnrnam aticots nnd was having n gre-it dual of fun until an ofllfer caught him in tha net of nc- coiling a lady. "Doo" was then lundud DO- hind tiin bats nt polluo hoadquartora , Corn Crop A snrml , William I. Kiorstoad spent Sunday in InP Washington county. ilosajs the corn crop > Is assured , rain or shlno. At Mr , James Crulckshanks was eights acres In 2Sn which the owner thinks will bo a sure cror of eighty bushuls to the aero. Corn in thai vicinity loottod equally us wall. Mr. Kior stead htouttht In u stalk that was orn ra ' uieutod with four well developed oais. ca Mcott'll Outing , Judge C. R. Scott of the district bench who has been hearing causes In chamber rai siuco the expiration of the spring term leases this morning for a month's outing ! ( to ROCS dlroctly to the 1'Aclflo conit nnd snili from Tni'onift for AUibn M > out August 13 , Tnn judge will rnturn Yla San Franoltco In ttmo to bn At lilt | > est nt the opening of the September term of court Judeo Uavls has returned from bit turn- mor virMlon , Pileof peopio hive DUOS , out Do Witt's Witch Mitel Silvo will euro tliom. - T7UI.YI ' /V I.V CII1C.1OU. Oitorg * Frnnrli Olvci Up IIli Novr fork Oltltmmlnp tor the Windy City , Cnicxoo , Aug. 7.-Cltlen Ooorgo Francis TrAio li wedded to Chicago. The poromony was solemnlrodAtmldnlghl Saturday around the eonin table of the Whltochapol club. The citizen sent Now York her dlvorremont yesterdAy morning. The tolegrnm road : "E. T. Mp.iuriEi u , Contlnontftl Hotel , Now Yoikt Chicago tlUrounts Coiraos. World'a fair oi'llpioa Aladdin's wlldost droims Giro up my room with youj Chicago keeps tny grip. " grip.Vhon \Vhon this mes ARO had boon sent Ooorgo Francis started on a llttlo jaunt to celebrAte his llrst day as a cttirnn of Chicago. Plica of peopio h.\vu IIHL'S , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel S ilvo w 111 CUM them. i.nv 01 ntti < t.i.\ns. Stiu Sitlviidor T | > | OVB VlltitRo a I'lnnUtlon iiinl Muliroitt Man unit \\onicii. SAN FIIANCISCO , Aug. 7 Advfccs from San Salvador to July 15 nay : Ono hundred and fifty brigands attacked the hoilsoof Sllvorln , a wealthy , aged planter , beat him brutally , outraged his wife and maid servant , terror ized the laboreis , secured f20,000 In cash and a lot of jewels , and Hod to the mountains. Troops were sent in puisult and so far have captured and shot seventeen , at il are still pursuing the othcis. Piles of people } Imo piles , but Do Witt's Witch HazulSal\uwlllcutu them. Conrlhimt llmiuli ltrcczo > The number of bathers was greater than on any Monday since the opening. This afternoon the Good Templars of Omaha and South Omaha will hold a picnic at the beach. The tegular Inlloon ascension took place list night and was , as usual , a success , the b \lloonlst landing on the north sldo of the lako. lako.Tho The ring attraction , attached to the carousal , is a diawlnt' cird , which would Increase - crease the patronage if it was lowered within the reach of all. On account of the stiff brcoo from the south the canvas upon which the storooptl- con vlows aio usually lolloctod was blown dow n last night , consequently there were no vlows. _ The attractions tonight are the best of any yet offered. They include the balloon ascension and double p uachute jumps ; lire- wotlts , part of which will bo displajed on the water. The storcopticon A lows will bo ghcn In addition to the other numerous wa > s of enjoyment. Piles of people tiavo pucb , oui Do Witt's Witch Hazel Sil\o will euro tnom. Found Utility of Forgery. PAIUS , Aug. 7. Duciot , editor of Cocardo , and Norton on trial for conspiracy and forging documents , purporting to bo stolen from the British embassy , compromis ing prominent Frenchmen In treasonable actions , have boon found guilty. Duorot w as sentenced to ono year , and Noitou to three y oais. Piles of people have pi.os , out Do Witt's Witch Hiuol Salvo wlllcuro tliom PURELY VEGETABLE Dr. Tiorco's Pleas ant I'cllota. They're a compound of refined - , fined and concon- Itratcd botanical eoc- /trncts. / These tiny , ' sugar coated pellota the smallest and A the cosiest to take absolutely and porninnently euro Constipation , Indi gestion , Sick and Bilious Headaches , Dizzi ness , Uilious Attacks , and all derangcmonta 6f the liver , etomncb , and bowels. They euro permanently , bccauso they act naturally. They don't shock nnd weaken the system , like the huge , old-fashioned pills. And they're more effective Ono little pellet for n corrective or laxatlvo throe for n cathartic , Tboj'ro the cheapest pills you can buy , for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or your money Is returned. You pay only for the good you got. Searles PHYSIBMS SURGEONS & Specialists CHRONIC , NEUVQUS AM ) P3JVAT2 DISEASES \Vo euro Cutarrh , AH Digonvoi of tlio NoHO.Throut , Choit , Stoiuuoh. Bowoli and Liver. Rhouumtlini , Dyipopsln , Blood. Shin "ml Xidiioy Divonnoi , Female Woaluiunaoi , Lust Manhood CURED , an I nil forum of WEAK MEN HYDUOOKLH AND VAHICOCKJ.K iwrinnnnntly and HUccc Iidly uuiutl Muthuiliiuw anil unfailing1. -1 Iti : VI'HI.M 11 V VIAII , a I'lf KS FISTUM. FISSUHK. psrnniioiitly otiroi , llliout tlio use of Knlfo , lltraturu or caiiHilp. All in U ulloHorn prlvatii or tlultuUu tuturo , ot cilhor dux , poHltlvoly ennui Cnll un or aihlnmu , with atninp. ( or Rhculara , I'ruu Hook , UoulpuH unU byaiptoin lll.uika , Dr. Searles & Sairles , "cJSi' lWAK ITCHING HUfflOeS Torturing , dUtlKurlni ; crzmrj , ana in cry jji.Un of lulling , 1 ur - IIILeuil ) , ( .riulid , and | ilmply nUu mid ernhi illnetc \ * . u Ith dry , thin , nnd fullint : luilr , rdluuc H ty li rliiKlo ai > ] illcnllon , and anil tcoiioink.illy ( iinil uy tlio CuTicmu Kr.Miuiha , vvbun Uia lot jibjtlcliius , NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. , , TJ , 8. Depository , Omaha , Nob. - CAPITA ! , , - 8400,000 - SUKPLU3 , . . . 505,000 , Offlcnrs nnd Directors-Henry , Yates prc l' dent , It O. Cudliliitf , vlio proaldunt , O. S. Maurlw , VV. V. Moruo. John S. Colllun , J , M. II. 1'atrlok , LuwlttU Hood , cuaulur. . THE IRON BANK , KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort ninl improvement find. IcmU to i > cr onnl enjoyment when rightly tiscti. The ninny , who live bet tcr than others nml enjoy iifo more , vv 1th less expenditure , by moro promptly rulnplini * tlio v orltl'9 best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid Inxntiro principles embraced iu Iho remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence U iliio to its pre'cntlng in the form most nccoptnblo nnd plena- nnt to the taste , tlio refreshing nnd truly beneficial properties of n perfect lax- ntivo ; cflectually ciumising the system , ( Handling colds , hoatlnelies and fovcra nnu periimiientiy curing constipation. It htn given satisfaction to millions nnd met with the nppiovnl of the medhinl profession , because it nets on the Kid neys , Liver nnd Bowels without weak ening them ami it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in COc aiml bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , nnd being well informed , yon will not accept any substitute if .ollercd. DR. SGiJENGK'S Mn.ndrn.ko Pills have a value us n house hold romcdymi- beyond ttio power of Inn- gunfjo to doscribo. The family can hardly bo true to itself thnt does not keep them on hand for use In omorgon- clos. Is the only vo ; otiblo sutatiiuto for that dangerous mineral , MnucuuY , nnd while its action ns a cutnlivo is fully equal , it possesses nouo of the perilous ell eels. In Constipation , Mandrake nets upon the bowels without disposing thorn to subsequent Costivonoss. No remedy acts so directly on the liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache , Sour Stomach - ach , nnd Biliousness us these Kor Sale by all nrmslsts. Prlco 2. " > ot . per box ; 3 boxes for OS ots. ; or _ sent by mull , nosb- IIRO free , mi receipt of nrke. Ur. II. SuhonoK St. ban. I'hll ulolpht.u OUSTER'S LAST BATTLE FIELD. A visit to this spot , which is now t > national cemetery , Is oxtromorly inter esting. Here seventeen yonra ngo Gen- ornl Ouster and Ilvo companies of Iho Seventh United States caviilrynuinbor- injr ever 200 ofllcora nnd men , wore cut to pieces by the Sioux Indiana nnd nllied tribes under Sitting Bull. The battlefield , the vnlloy of the Little Big Horn , located some forty odd rnllos south of Custor , Mont. , n station on the Northern Pacific railroad , cnn bo onslly leached by st'ipo. If you will vvrlto Charles S. Foe , St Paul , Minn. , inclos ing 4 cents In nostago , ho will send you a handsomely illustrated 100 paijo book , free of chin go , in which you will find u graphic nccount of tlio snd catastrophe which overtook the bravo Custor and his followers in Iho valley of the Llltlo Dig Horn in Juno , ' 70. ( C'oiiHiiltntioii Prop. ) In uiiiurimsjoJ In thu truntmoat of ull Curonlo , Private nni ' "orvMis Dinoaso * . . VVrltoto ur'C'mauU nuraoniulr glltl.A I UI..N I" ItV MAIf * AiMroj.H ivltli ftiunp for [ iar- tlculnr.i. which will bo uent ta llHlll OlIVOlOpO l-.O iloxtlii ufflou , USB. ISthi trtut , Omitia. Furnishes thu Best and C'ncaposl Method rfl FIRE.PHOGFING HOUSES. Write for ciulogue of Lathing , Ifonctngi titablo fUturon , .te. N. IV. UVI'ANDKU fllKTAIi CO. , No.403Twonty Sixth 0 . , We will etnil you Iho rnarToloui rrvncli Preparation CALTHOO trva , unit a In ; a I uuartiiiltr tbit I M.lJIO.l will llvMorx jour aiouitii , Mti uii uii i IKOI. Hit It ami fay ifialnftd. Addrnia VON MOIILCO. . IUU > Birll < i | > U , C ! > tiiill , OlOo. OR. McCREW In the only SPECIALIST. VniOTBKATU . . . PRIVATE DISEASES nnd DEBILITIES of ' MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. IU year * xi rleutD , ( Jlrruliira free. lltli nml I'urnambU. , Oiuiu. Nxn.