Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1893, Page 15, Image 15

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.Farmers Just Commencing to Fool the Effects -
$ fects of Hard limes.
Omnliii Jobber * llenornlly Ilrport Trniln nn
hut Treillot nn Active l
In the Semen The Crop
I'rniDcot * Good.
So much Is being written regarding the
financial nnd business conditions of the
country that It Is necessary that the situ
ation should change with kaleidoscopic
rupldlty or Micro is danger of the subject bo-
Doming threadbare from such constant uso.
At the great ilnanclal centers whcro there
Is un nctlvo board of trndo nnd where there
ro vast speculative Interests the con
ditions are constantly shifting and every
hour brings forth some now feature. In the
Interior cities like Omnhn the situation does
not chnngo BO rapidly , but business gradually
Brows butter or worsts according as the
circumstances are more or loss favorablo.
Per that reason there Is not much in the
way of news to offer bearing on the local
situation. Trade is in very much the same
condition as was outlined n week ngo nnd
business men do not appear to have
materially changed their views.
They are still keeping close to the shore
ana waiting for the llnnnclal storm to blow
over boforp venturing very far from land.
Goods of all kinds are being purchased In
very modonito volume nnd the trndo par
taken largely ot the hand-to-mouth charac
ter already noted.
Some honvy Jobbers profess to see nn Im
provement In the condition of business , as It
Is Hearing the tlmo when the whole country
nkpects to see easier times and when mer
chants of all classes will bo willing to ns-
euino obligations that they now refuse.
Borne country merchants nro commencing to
talk nbout wanting goods in a hurry n little
later If business picks up ns it is expected it
will In the fall.
Just nt present there nro symptoms of n
better tendency In the financial situation nt
the money centers , which Is somewhat reas
suring nnd has its lullucnco on local business
men. The indications may not bo very dis
tinct , but they are strong enough to give as-
surnnco thnt the general situation is not be
coming any worse.
t Dry tlootln Trndo.
Local Jobbers ot dry goods are talking a
little more encouragingly than they were a
vreok ago und appear to have moro confl-
donco in the future of the trade than they
did. During the past month business has
boon very qulot with them , but they realize
thnt people cannot always do without goods
in their line and thnt there must bo nn not-
ivo demand as soon as conlldcnco is in some
measure restored. Prices have boon forced
down to the lowest notch by the light de
mand nnd the number of mills that have
closed up hits limited production to an
extent that a very little domnnd would
inn It o serious inroads upon current stocks.
Huuco an advancing market is antici
pated as soon ns the full business
"coimnoncns. The trade nil over the country
promises to bo Into this season , but us the
Wool Hcportcr remarks that cannot bo taker
AS un unfavorable indication rather the re
verse. Jobbers roallr.o thnt retailers in
urging or forcing the seasons have not pur
sued a policy which commends itself to con
servative mercantile Judgment , and while
trndo has in the past few seasons put in at
appearance.early In July nnd taken goodf
enough for one season ut once , it was u pol
icy thnt entailed greater risk on all
manufacturer , Jobber and retailer
Trade has boon steadily getting
furtlier nway from the period of Una
distribution for consumption , and the rosul
Is un accumulation of nvlls , a wider dopar
tnre.from correct business principles.
' There is ample limo for the -retailer ti
muko hls.neccssary purchases even shoult
he not slioiv himself until September , nnd i
will bo bettor for all If ho divides his pur
chases , depending upon his ability to dupli
cute according to his actual needs , nnd ii
this way scatters his obligations through thi
oason Instead of , as in the recent past
creating nn obligation which matured bofor
ho hud an opportunity to place the good
upon his shelves. Jobbers uro not dlsturboi
nt ull over the delay j they realize that bus !
ness is to be done , and that while its volura
is not to bo appreciably diminished It 1st
bo done on more conservative mothods.
The Grocery Trade.
Local Jobbers of grqceries report no npprt
otablu change in the condition of trade sine
a week ngo. Business is holding up to abou
the same point us bus distinguished the trad
of Into and there are no new features of In
portanco. Collections are nut getting un
bettor , but on the contrary them are report
from .somo quarters to the effect thnt th
country trade Is not mooting obligations wit
as much promptness ns u month ago.
Tha llimlurnrn Tritite.
Jobbers report thnt they have noted
disposition toward n little improvement i
thu hardware trade , but the improvcmon
' - lias not been largo. The orders coming t
hand are mostly Hinnll and Indicate that th
trade Is buying only for Immediate need :
Collections uro fair , but not up to last year1
The farmers huvo had the first real tast
Of hard times during the past week. Thu
far the prices on farm products that are di
ponded upon to any great extent In th !
slate huvo been relatively higher than man
other products. Wheat has born very lo' '
for nemo tlmo , bat the amount of wheat thu
Upraised In this state does not cut much of
ilgurn. It was not until ' .ho slump in th
hog market that Nebraska farmers could t
laid to huvo-felt thu full effects of the di
AS DUN siis IT.
If llonrdod Monuy Wvru Unturned to Ch
dilution All Would llu Well.
Mr. W. II. Hobnrson , manager of tli
Omaha ofllco of H. G. Dun & Cp. , rovlowln
trade says :
"In spl'to of some heavy fatalltli
In Chluugo , St. Paul and olsowhci
tuoro is u distinctively bettor fee
ing in trade circles. The in
presslou is gaining ground that the \vor :
poriou for the country at largo was pussc
last week and that the future- will sea
gradual rotum of normal conditions unt
confidence begins to assert Itself , and tin
there will bu u sharp reaction in romniQivl
' "Omaha's condition Is not by any mon ;
hopeless. In fuel , this city and MInneapul
thus far stand out us the safest of tl
galaxy of mldcontinont stars , If wo moi
v'llh no misfortune In the last two-thirds i
August September 1 ought to BCO Omal
ouiof danger , sercno ami even acgresslv
"Locally trade la not good. The mlllioi
which frightened depositors have hlddi
hoio nnd there nro much needed in businoi
Were they returned to the bunks and avail
bio for circulation , wo would see n voi
complotu recovery herein Oinnh
CYcryUollarougtittOBobuck , too. Ourbanl
have stood u fire lust , such as few citl
have > poricncod lu the last three month
They have certainly proved their right
inibliu confidence , and tlui public should g
Into line again with good business sense I
putting their surplus cash whuro it bolon
in the banks.
"I do not ugroo with Clmuucoy M. Dope
In his statement that this is a poor man
punlo. In fact. I um of tlui opinion that tl
reverse -It true. The poor men have wit
Snuvu thair savings largely , it Is true , b
j the withdrawal did not begin until after tl
hoary capitalists bad shown more tin
usual trepidation and had i-oolly prudlcti
duuger. which the smaller capitalists ui
working people could uot foresee aud ref us
to anticipate.
"Thuso aroi times that add wrinkles ai
iruy bsirs to business men nod cause iiuti
: lul uxecuiivet to pass slecplt > xs night * . T
luinitfo customer of a bank does not n
piocluto the tremendous responsib
! iy carried by officers of banks
pcriodi of business prostration. Vo
fvtttller or Jobber looks nt the bni
' v * na lhe trade through his own spectacle
* * s ft nd they ure colored by conditions stric !
local to himself. He forgets that the castu
r president must doul with uorhaps a the
laud customers , oaeh equally importuua
and cnoh equally certain that his own
la nn exceptions ! case , deserving special
nnd favorable consideration. No wonder
the smlln which waa so genial and attract
ive on the f ro of the young oashlor brcomo *
hard , glassy and on that of the old
president. A bank ofllclnl It only hnppy in
thcio times ns ho Is able for n brief tlmo to
throw ornrboard the worry nnd care which
disturb him all through the business hours
of the day and far Into the night. It N ab
surd that them nro no Omaha bankers off on
Junketing trip * Just now.
"Local retail collections nro bad. Good
houses , after cutting expenses to the mini
mum , nro unnblo to soil goods enough to
moot current expenditures. Ono well known
small dealer has reduced his pay roll
from § 171 per week to J.VJ , and ro-
fusM to buy anything lor future delivery.
Ho is not an exception to the rulo. As a con
sequence many people are unemployed , and
they are curtailing expenses everywhere ,
unemployed men nnd women do not pay
past duo bills , and hcnco the retailers nro
VnB Pressed to moot obligations. The con
dition Is anomalous. A banker tolls mo lit'sent
u draft to a lawyer's ofllco the other day. On
the odlco door was n placard : 'Out of sight
for fifteen days sure , and probably until
times got better. Have suspended. ' His
Iaconl6 notice Illustrates the situation fairly
well. Men willing to pay their aobts cannot
ibtaln the wherewithal and the weary col-
cctor threatens to commit suicide. "
COUNTllT rilODUCi : AND ritlllTS.
Trade During the fast VWck Itnthor Dull
nml l atureless. *
Tlioro hasIjoon very llttlo activity in the
market on country produce during the past
week. In most linen both receipts and do *
mnnd have boon light and the volume of
business smaller than Usual. This Is duo in
n largo part to the conditions prevailing In
eastern mantels , which nro depended upon
to take the surplus stock from this markot.
The buUor trade has 'boon sick nnd butter
men hnvo received llttls encouragement to
push the business. The Now Yorit market ,
which has been n good buyer of butter from
the west , no longer vpants it , or docs not
have tho.mohoy to pay for It , nnd the ship
ping dcmaliU Is very .light. Prices on pack
ing stock uro lower hero than they were a
week ago , 1 > ut the dcclino has not been
heavy considering the condition of the ship
ping tradq * .Butter has boon unusually high
nil the summer up to : v week ago , owing
largely to the extensive export trade , which
kept eastern markets cleaned up and created
n good shipping demand. With the decline
in the foreign demand it was to bo expected
that there would bon dropping oft In the
price , nnd the situation has been aggravated
by the money stringency.
The egg market bus been weak nnd Bull.
The receipts have not been larco , but the
local demand is light , as well as the shipplmr
demand , and there Is no snap to the trade.
A great many poor eggs are coming to mar
ket nnd are slow sale at any price. Buyers
appear to think that firsts are poor enough
and they do not want the seconds.
Chickens are not quito ns plenty as they
were ut ono tlmo , but there Is no scarcity.
Choice old fowls for a week or moro have not
boon at nil plenty'and have commanded good
strong prices. About Thursday of each
week there Is a good demand for chickens
from the butchers and the market usually
stiffens up. After this demand is filled and
there are no buyers but the dressers , the
market naturally oases up. It would seem
as If shippers would bo advancing their own
interests by arranging their shipments so
that they would arrive on the markut at the
time of the week when there is the best
Fruit men have boon doing n fair business
during the past week. The greatest activity
has been In California irutts , which have
constituted the bulk of the receipts. Thus
far the "Pacific coast has boon giving the
country cheaper fruits than usual , and there
Is every prospect that they will continue
along the same line the balance of the sea
son. The closeness of the money market la
preventing the canncrs from operating to
the usual extent , which is forcing the
growers to put a larger proportion of the
fruit on the market green , with the natural
result of keeping prices down. In addition
to that fact there Is n largo crop ot poachc :
in the cast and south , which cuts oft a larg <
amount of business from California and
limits the demand for tluiir fruit by Just sc
much. In spite of the dull times it requires
several curs of California fruit each week tc
supply the demand at this point.
1'roiluco I'ulntora.
Georgia's melon crop Is reported to have
brought to the farmers of that state about
$250,000 this year. The railroads of the stat (
have also taken $100,000 out of the crop.
Now that lemons are so high , our Califor
uia and Florida friends huvo a chance ti
show us what their lemons arc , remark :
Branch's. If they only got the science o :
curing down to approximate perfection w
will not be obliged to depend unon importec
fruit. They are shipping now , and wo trus
each year will improve their methods.
Advices from Lqs Angeles say that thi
nroscnt indications are that the coming
orange crop will bo light to what it has booi
in former years , but the growers nro conli
dcntly expecting good prices. Some tree
nro loaded with fruit-wliilo others Imvi
scarcely any fruit nt all. But very little o
the green fruit dropped from the trees.
Oyster men nro congratulating thcmselvc
upon the near approach of the month will
an "U" in it , and nro already trying to-who
the appetite of consumers. The publi
would like to know if the oyster war of las
season is to bo renewed in Omaha , and 1
oysters will no sold as low hero as at th
eastern points of. production. If the cam
palgn of low'priccs is renewed this seasoi
the nppotito for ' oysters will not be long i :
materializing. .
It may not bo well to mention it so loud ate
to reach the ears of these California shi | :
Dors , says Branch's , but between oursolvu
vro can say that Omaha has had vorylov
prices on California peaches , pears nu
plums so far tnls season way below th
Windy City by the lake. Uoccnt quotation
from Chiuugo show that they have bcou getting
ting 23 to 50 cents moro per box than wo o
the "Gate City. " "When wo consider thu
the freight nnd refrigerator com panic
Hocuro 42 cents par box in car lots on over
box of peaches transported good , bud or ii
different wo trnmblo for the efTeot on th
shipper. But then , California , Delaware
Gconna and other southern states scorn t
bo made of peaches this your , and with n
money for largo canning operations th
quantity used us green fruit must of nocc :
sity bo much larger nnd prices lower tha
any previous season. But poaches and creui
will prove a very acceptable dish , oven if w
have it three tlmus a day- these hard time :
The retail grocers complain n good dc :
about the peddlers who buy up the rort
nauis of the fruit market and dlstribut
them over the city. If It were not for th
peddlers It would bo hardly possible fc
wholesale fruit houses to do business , as th
losses from fruit spoiling would ba so groul
Now when fruit Is becoming too ripe nnd i
in a condition that will not admit of Its hi
Ing held any great length of tlmo the pet
dlors will take it and push its sale and b
hurryliig'it Into consumption save It froi
becoming n total loss. If the grocers woul
no to the trouble to clcnn up the markc
ttioro would bo for the
no use peddlers , j
grocer could Just as well take a barrel c
apples In which there were some upccko
apples and sort them up and sell the goo
ones , but ho will not bother with them. Th
peddler is thu man who has to do that worn
aud ho is thorofm-o a noeosalty and tli
market could not well dispense with him.
The banana trano in this country Is fas
becoming ono of the most Important in tli
whole category of ilnzlu lines of bualncs :
say the Minneapolis Bulletin. Jmprovemur
In the methods of handling the fruit after !
arrives in this country is going on from yoi
to year , and the latest thing proposed b
eastern receives is to sell the fruit ut au
lion hereafter. The auction has proved ll
omcloni'y In bringing the receiving of iruii
by large lots to u partial paying business. .
pays to sell other fruits uy auction , and
Is generally bullovod that the buiiuua is i :
exception In this respect. Thej-D are coi
eumpd in this country each year about l :
000,000 bunches , nnd the average cost to tl
receiver is about 50 cents per bunch , Tt
nceau freight U about -0 ! cents per bunch , ;
it Is clearly seen that the liitercaU are i
largu that any scheme intended to help 11
immodlutu lalo of the fruit should bo cute
talued. The receivers who are In favor i
the now method allege that the scheme w ;
place all buyer * on an equal footing , that
fair market price Is always created us u r
suit of ( ho legitimate operation of the hiwi
supply and i demand , und then it place * tt
fruit in i the ohurteiil possible tiino , and co
sequenllv in the best possible condition ,
the roaflt of thu consumer.
It Was oa Qniet as a Sunday School on
'Change ' Yestorday.
for Uio ri t Tlmo In Scvomt I > y Thor
No Apparent Concerted Support
to 1'rovliloniStocks
mill Ilondi.
CIIICAOO , Aug. G. It wns ns qulot as a
Sunday school on "change today. Wheat
advanced Ic , nevertheless. The opening
was from &c to Jfc higher than yesterday's
closlnRiind with some lluctuatlons advanced
from JXo to J < o , then hold steady nnd tno
closlnR was nt the opening flRuros. The
Now York bank statement caused some lit-
tlo-reaction , the market soiling oft early to
the Insldo figure * , but ttioro was not much
wheat for sale. The exports of wheat and
Hour from both coasts wore about l.'JCO.OOO
bu. larger than the preceding weo'k nnd
1,050,000 bu. larger than the Correspond
ing week a year ago. Export clearances of
wheat and flour from the seaboard -worn also
larger that last week , nnd the receipts nt
primary markets showed but little Increase.
It la estimated that the visible .supply'state
ment will show a small Increase against an
increase of 2,039,000 bu. for the corresponding
week n year ago.
In corn , initial trades were nt from Jf o to
} { o advance nnd the price sold up.&c , react
ing c. changed some , ruled steady and nt
tno close had lost a fraction. The doclluo
near the close was due to reports of rain In
some parts of Nebraska mid extend inn cast-
ward. Business was yory light.
I'ho feature in oats was the light offerings
which mailo It oas.V for trailers to advance
prices .from fcto Ju'c , but the close wis from
} gc to > c from the top. August nnd cash
were unchanged nt % c , premium for , the
cash-one lot of 50,000 bu. changing hands.
For the first time In several Uaya there
was no apparent concerted support to pro
visions. Some long stuff dribbling out upon
tho.markot caused marked weakness for n
time. Compared with last ulght , however ,
the close on pork is unchanged and Inrd and
ribs only lOo off respectively.
Freights wore , duo to light offerings for
vessel room , nt life for wheat nnd Ic for corn
to Buffalo and J c for wheat and 3c for corn
to Kingston.
Kstlmatcd receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
210 cars ; corn , U4Q curs ; oats , 247 cars ; hogs ,
18.000 head.
The loading futures ranged ns follows !
(7ash quotations wore as follow.s :
I'rxtiu Nominal.
WHKAT No. 'J spring , OOc ; No. 3 spring , f ,
o. I ) . , 5D@5(5c ( : No. 2 red , GQc.
Conx No. i,3
OATS No. 2 , B4W 249 c : No. 0 white , f. o. b. ,
27J4279j'c ; No. 3 will to. f. o. b. , 23S5 < a28c.
RYE No. 2 , 44'444Hc.
llAiu.KY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 35c ; No
4 , nosale.s.
KLAX SEED No. 1.07Jc.
TIMOTHY SUKII 1'riino , 93.7Oaa.75. . ,
POIIK Sless , per bill. , U12.3U ® 12:35 ; liird ,
per 100 Ihs. . * 7.557.GO ; short ribs sides
( loose ) , 17.20 7.25 : dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) . $7.007.25 ; short clear hides ( boxed ) ,
S7.G2-i ! < ii7.b7i ; .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
$1.12. '
SwiAiis Cut loaf , 0fc ; ; grunulntod , 5.82 ;
Htandard "A , " 5.70.
The following wcro the receipts and nhlp-
inents for today :
On the 1'roduco exchange today buttei
wan quiet ; croainory , 15 > Ja20i ( : ; dnlry , 15(2 (
18c. KgBS , qulot ; strictly fresh , 13 iS14c.
Notr York JMiirkots.
Now YoitK , AUR. 5. Fuovn Hoceipti , 16 ,
000 pkRs. : exports , 4,800 hbls. , 33,000 > nclra
sales , 4,000 ] ) lcs. ; market dull , easy , IIOK
lected ; winter wheat low grades } l.t)52i2.45 ( |
winter wheat , fair to fancy , 2.453.35 ; white :
wheat patenU , $3.40 4.00 ; .Minnesota , clear
$2.603.00 ; Jllnin-sota , atralKhtsJ3.30a4roO
Minnesota , patents , $4.00@4,30.
OoitN HEAI , Qulot , steady ; yellow western
* 2.GO ( 2.70.
UVK Dull , nominal ; western , 55c.
It.uti.K.v MAI.T Dull ; western ,
WllUAT Kecelpts , 373,000 bu. ; exports , 74 ,
000 bu. Sales , 520,000 bu. of futures and 100 ,
000 bu. of spot. Hiiot market tinner
No. 2 rod , In store , 0708c ; afloat , OUMff
f.o.b. . 07M70c ; ungraded red. G4i (
70c ; No. 1 northern , OBV.e ; No , 2
northern , 08Jc. Options opened tinner
advanced JiiB'fe with the wost. will
( Inner cubit's and largo clearances for thi
week , with shorts covering , foil ? ic. on real7. [
lug , rallied l4 < ! iXc and closed steady at ? ® JJ
over yesterday. Trading dull , riale- . Included
No. 2 red , August , C7S ! < aGHUc , closing a
bB'ic ' : Keptembor , GUHW70 ! e , closing n
ti9c ( ; October , closing at 72Wc ; December
7i > ? . < a77c , closing at 7tHie.
Cim.x UeciUpts , 78.OOO bu. ; exports , 3,00 (
bu. ; sales. 115,000 mi. futures , none t > put , 'Hpo
llrmur. dull ; 49 c , ulloat ; ungradori mixed
47Wil49o. Options wuro null nnd otinued u
? , c advance , fell Ue with wheat , and the wes
and closed steady ; August , 4H48ic , closln
utIHMe ; Hepteinbur , 48JiIMH.'iic , closing u
48 Jc ; October , 48y4i ! ; , closing nt-iyjic ,
OATS Hocnlpts , 24,000 bu , ; oxportf. 3,00i
litl , ; sales. 136.OOO bu. fntuies. S.OOOliii.spol
Spots dull , linn ; options tinner , iiulet : Ansusl
317i < it'J2 } c , closing at l2Jc | | ; Heptoinbnr. 31J
® 3iyc , doling ut31ic ; October , 31iQ3lj'j '
closing ut y- ! o : spot prices , No. 2 whlu
37'ScNj.2 ; Uhlcugo , 3Gc ; Ni > .3j34c ; 'No.
jjcinii to choice , HUMUOC.
Horn Quint , linn ; state , common tiholc.t ;
19't2Uc ; I'arl Hit coast. 10B22c.
" " wet suited Now Orleans selected
lected , 45&UO 11)3.i Uc ; Textu boluctdd. 5
ttOOIbs.HiC'4ci ! Iliuinos Ayres dry , Siaa
Ibs , . He ; Texas dry , 2127 Ibs. , Baujic.
I'lto VISIONS Out meats , dull und ttrm ; pickle
bellies , li ! Ihs. , til ; pickled bhtmldors , JK.7.6
nlckled hams , * 11.00ftn.uO | mlddloH , jiotjilnu
Lard. Hteudy , quiet ; , western stoaia closln
ut JH.'JI ) bid ; sulca , 1,000 tlcrcbs at tH.ISi
8.17W ; oiitlnns. sales none ; tiqptomber close
ut $4.10 bid ; October , ttt.05 nominal
I'niiK Quint , steady ; new mess , (15. ,
HUTTKII Qulot , bteudy ; weatorn ditlrj
> c ; western crnamery , lS20c ; wosteri
fuctiny,13ViilG c ; ElKlns ,
OiiKKsK I'lrji , miiot.
Euos I'lnuur ; light receipts ; western frosl
socon Us , ner case , tl.5a ( ) 2.75.
1'Ai.lxjvv Steady , Jullj city ( $ U per
Oii More steady , active ; crudi
3. . 'J7i : ; yellow. 43i\
I'KTitoi.KiiM Qiilot , steady ; crude , Inbarroli
Wa.hlnyion , K4.H5 ; cinde , In bulk , tlBb
lellncil , New Yurk. D5.15 ; riilladelpbla an
lialtlinore , 15.10 ; I'lilladelphlu and llultiuiuri
In bulk. 2.GO 2.05 ; United , GU.'Jc.
HOSIN Wcalc. dull ; strained , common t
good , iUU'fUl.oo.
Tuiii'cvriNB Dull , weak ; 26ia2Gic. (
HICK I'lriii , fairly nctlvo ; domestic , fair
extra , 2W5ttc ; Japan , 4 } ( < 4 iu.
MOI.ASSM Now Orleans , open kettle , coo
tooliolco , SOii3Bc ; dull , stoaay.
buoAit-Kaw , Urm ; dull ; fair refining , 3 < ' tji
centrlfiiRuU , 00 test , 3 c ; retloed , iiu'lo
kteadv. mould "A. " DXQi 9-lGc : stanUan
"A , " u 3-ll3U5Jii : ; canfectloiiDra1 "A , " 5 1-1G <
Mie ; cut loaf. SS-its 13-lOc ; crushed.
5 J3 > lGc ; powdered , 5 ll-lli5 ioi rauulutei
63.1liit5 cj cubes. 6 7-lG@5JiC.
I'M Ino.N-Bteady , dull ; American , J12.75 >
15.50 ,
n Steady ; lake , J9.85.
l.KAU-Qulet ; domeitlc. 13.30.
TIN Quiet , ; Btrults , 110.35 ; platoi , dul
domostlc , { 3.00.
Liverpool JklHrkttt * .
LivBitroou Aug. 6. I'UUVIBIONS Pork
I'rlmo mess western firm. 05s per bbt. ; llacc
Ixing und short clear 55-lbs. , 49s Ud ; lot
clear , 45-lbs. , 57s. ; Lard I'rlmo western , 40
Yurk llry UnoiU Ui > rk t.
NK\V VUIIK , Aui : 5 , There seemed to I
rather moru Inquiry ( or dry goods In accori
unco with , the butter feulluf vrUluh has but
mixnlfenlcd dnrlnn the w ( ok , . There In node-
tiinrnitrnllnn of rnluo * n at goon s nny
Inislnrss starts Indicative of A fair trndo ,
prices will undoubludlyiitwpomn firm , A yet
there Is nothing worthy OMloUllod report.
ntlTTtn I'ancy cro iiir'fts { , solid packed ,
I'Jc : fair to good crcauttrlos. solid packed ,
iodise : cholco to fanry country , 14aiSc ;
fair to eood country , lU'dlac ; packing stock ,
fresh , lie. "
Knon There nro a gwifft many poor OURS
coming to matkot and1 the proportion
of seconds Is Urge. Dealers find it very
slow work trying to dlAtoo of their seconds
ends , which are n drtiftr on the market
oven nt lory low prices. .Jllio Imlk of the siilos
of good eggs are being miyltjiU 10J4ailc. (
LIVE roui.Tnv The ) ; rcolpts of spring
rhlckons nro not quite so largo ns they worn a
few days ngo , but there U n. great plenty to
supply the demand. Old fdwls nro not plenty
nnd cholco old hens soil quite readily. Other
kinds ot poultry , as gepso , ducks , etc. , are out
of season nnd nro not wanted , t'holco old
lion , 74l8c ; old roosters , 4tt5c ; spring chick-
I'OTATOR * There nro no pititoas IT spoi k
of bolng shipped ollher In or out of the city nt
the present tlmo. The local growers nro sup
plying the demand nnd there are ( ow potatoes
being nandlcd by commission houses. Uholco
stock on orders , GO&G5C.
Mv.i.oNa WntormoloD * cro not very plenty
ntiU ( > rlcos nro accordingly firm. Unntaloupos
nro coming In moro freely nnd the market Is
l6w rthKii It was n. short tlmo ago. There Is
quite adllTorencoln the quality of cnntaloupoi
and accordingly i * w' ' " ° range In prices.
Wntermolons , per 100 , 125 ; cantnloupos , per
date , 13.
UAiiuAdR Tlio business In shipping cabbage
.o the country nppoars to bo about over.
Occasional orders are received nnd tilled nt
r nhlpmonts nro urrlvlng nnd
ho quality of tno Block Is pronounced good
: or this senson ofthoyonr. Celery , per doz.
, 30j,35c. ?
ONIONS Homo grown stock Is plenty nt2c
[ ier Ib. on orders from the country.
TOMATOES Tlio market U still full of
.omtitoosunil prices nro low. Lnrgo receipts
nro anticipated for the next few dnys. South
ern , per4'bnskotcruto , 7590c.
llKiiniKH Only a few bluckborrloi uro bolng
brought In by local growers and the berry sea-
ion nppoars to bo about , at nn end. There nro
.omo . blueberries arriving , but no great uunn-
.Ity. Illackborrlos. per 24-qt. case , * 3 ; blue
berries , per 5-qt. case , $1.
Ai'l' No npplosto amount to nnythtn
are bolng shipped In , but the supply of bom
grown stork Is liberal , Choice Duchess , po
bbl. , $3.0la3.25 | common varieties , $2.OOJS
2.50 ; California apples , per 50-lb. box , 91.25U
OAMFOHNIA Knurrs As nlroady noted , this
inrkot Is well supplied with California fruits
nnd prices nre low ns compared with ether
inurkets. Karly Crawford peaches , per box ,
M.251,35 ; llartlott pears , per box , 2.00tt
2.25 ; plums , per box , $1.7542.00 ( ; nectarines ,
| ) or box , 12.00 ; grapes , J2.50.
OIIANOKS There nro only n few oranges nr-
rlving. UI vnrsldn Mediterranean sweets , $3.75.
IjRMOiis The steady warm wouthcr pro-
ilnces a very fair doniand for lemons and nil
houses nre doing a good .steady business In
them. Moaslnas , extra fancy , JG.OOB0.50 ;
MesHlnas , per box , cholco to fancy , $5.00i 5.50.
HANANAS Prices remain about stuady. Per
bunch , large , $2.25 12.75 ; per bunch , small to
medium , tS.OO2.20.
IIIDK3 No. Igieon hides , 2yc ; No. 2 green
hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 3c ; No. 2
preen salted hides , 2c ; No. I grnen suited
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 10s. , 2o : No. 1 veal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . 5c : No. 2 vcalralf. 8 Ibs. to 15
His. , 3c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , Oc ; No. a dry Hint
hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c. Part
cured hides Vic per ID. loss than fully cured.
SliKKl' I'EI.TS Green salted , Oach 35cBil.25j !
green salted shearlings ( short woolod early
skins ) , each 15Q25c ; dry Hhonrllnga ( short
wooled early skins ) , No.fl.noach 5aiOc : dry
shearlings ( short woolod early skins ) , No. 2 ,
each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool pelts , per Ib.t actual weight , 103
lie ; dry Hint Kansas nnU1Fobraskii ! ) murrain
wool pelts , peril ) . , actual weight , 710c : dry
Hint Colorado bdtchor7wVbl pelts , per 11) . ,
actual weight , 910c ; dry jllnt Colorado mur
rain wool pelts , per Hwnijtual weight , 79c ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 52 > 7c.
TAM.OW AND OllBASK 1'ft.UoW , No. 1 , 3 0 !
tallow , No. 2. 3u ; gruaso , whltq A ,
35c ! ; grease , white "
-lie ; grease , dark , 2
cqe swux , prime ,
St. 'Ijuuls Mhr'knU.
ST. Louis , Aug. 'S. Jfi/o'im Stondler , un- Red. , , " . . .
WHEAT Advanced on. Creator nonlldenco In
financial situation , closing with gains of He ,
September , 59 ? o : Decouibor , 67V4C.
COUN Advuncrd on drouth news , gaining
He. No. 2 mixed , cash and August , 8iHlc ; Sen-
tomber , 37q. f ' w . > -
OATS Hlghori No. 2 caslif 28c ; ' August , 34ci
September.,24cr ! ; , , "tf.T. . ' ' .
KTB No. 2. 45c. *
ILVliLKY No tradq. , ? ,
KI.AX SEKU Lower ; 91c. . .
HUAN Firmer ; 55c bid , east track ,
HAT Firm , unchanged.
"ItHTTEit Unchanged ; separator creamery ,
1820o ; cholco dairy , 17 ® 18c.
Kaos-Hlghor , OOlOc.
LEAD J2.97 ! | : nominal.
SPEI.TEII S3.75 asked.
COUN JlKAl/ Unchanged ; $1.05
WHISKY Unchanged : $1,12.
UAOOINO Unchuugod.
COTTON TIES Unchanged.
PitoviHiOMrt Quiet. Pork Cnow ) , ourron
make , $13.25. Lard. $3.75. Dry salt moats
long shoulders , SG.75 ; long and sides
$3,75(4 ( ; shorU , S8.0U ; boxed , iJc more. Uacoi
( packed hhouldursl , JB.OO ; longs and ribs
$8.75 : shorts , J9.12H9.25. llama ( suga
cured ) , 13@14c.
UECEIM-S flour , 24,000 sacks ; wheat , 82 ,
000 bu. ; corn , 97,000 bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu. ; ryi
and hurley , none.
SHIPMENTS 1'lour. 4,000 sacks ; wheat , CO ,
000 bucorn , 110,000 bu. ; oats. 3,000 bu. ; ryi
und barley , none.
KUIIIUK City .Haricots.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 5. WIIHAT Ic higher
No. 2 hard , 51Q52u ; No. 2 rod , 52K < 354c.
Conn I'Irui and practically unchanged ; No
2 white , 3030 c ; No. 2 mixed 29W5J30C.
OATS Ic lower and In los-s domund ; No. !
white , nominally , 2728c ; No. 2 mixed , 203
HIITTEH Weak ; creamery , 1619c ; dairy , 1
Kens Qulot but steady ; strictly frosl
candled , Uc.
ItEOKiPTs-Whoat , 12,200 bu. ; corn , 3,70
bu. ; onts , none.
tiiui'MENTB Wheat , 8,300 bu. ; corn , 7,36
bu. ; outs , nono.
Cotton MurKut.
ST. Lours , Aug. 5. 1 IGc lower , qulot. Mid
dllng , 7 l-2c ; vales , 200 Dales ; receipts. 50
bales ; shipments , 1,200 Dales ; Ktucltc , 20,80
NKW OIILEANS. Aug. 6. Dull ; good inlddlln
7 15-lGc ; middling 7 7-lGc ; low mlddlln
7 3-lGc ; goud ordinary G7ic ; not reculpts 4U
bales , Including one of new crop ; gross 50
bales ; exports to the continent 1,000 baluf
roastwlsu 1,000 bales ; bales 100 bales ; s too
53,219 bates. _
.MlMTniilnni Jllurket.
MILWAUKEE , Aug 5. WHKAT rirm ; No.
hprlng , U2SG3c ; Ueplember , GOc.
CoitN Klrin ; No. 3 , 3 ! ic.
OATd-Klrin ; No. 2 white , 29Jic.
llAitr.Kr Unchanged ; No. 2 , 55c ; sampli
C'lilli'u Jluruet.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 6. Options closed flru
opened quiet ; September 5 points up , otbei
5 to 10 points down , unchanged to 5 points ut
sales , (1,000 ( bugs , Including : September , * 15.J !
( 15.25 ; October. $15.15 ; December , $15.001
15.05 ; Muy. $14.5O. Kpot Ulo , dull , nomlna
No. 7. IHi.UO@10.25.
Clnoiiiiniti Alurkuts.
OINOIK.-JATI , Aug. 6.-.WJJEAT Strong ; No.
rod , 66c. ilij
COUN Stronger ; No. 2 mixed. 42Hc.
OATB atondy ; No. a mixed , 25e.
MliineupolU Wllrnr Market.
MiN.NKAi'OMS , Ana , 6.-4 ctvi ! > ; August , BBi
September. 55Hc ; December , GGftc. Itocolpt
57 curs. Uuslilslow , On track ; No. 1 ban
01G2c ; No. 1 northerns 67B57Mc ( ; No.
northern , f > 4 < S6Cc. ' 7y.
liultlmuru driilil' Market.
IlAi.TiuoiiE , Aug. 5. TnVbAT Steady ; Ni
2 red , August , U5c. .ITJ.
UOHN-I'Inner ; AugusU IGKc.
OATB-l'ulrly active ! NoJ'il ' white woatori
37o. ! ' >
Oil MurlffeU.
Oji. OITY , Aug. 6 , No Jiitrfkot.
1'imuuito , Aug. 5. Notional Transit co
tlllcuto * opened ut GO > ( ; .uDsud | , l'0)i ) ; hlghoa
lil $ ; lowest , COM ; Halos , 6)OUO bbl .
Securities Opened K t\er \ YKHterilay Hi
ouune TliursUny' * I'uue Uu Too Hut.
NKW YOUK , Aug. B. The stock marki
opened easier , Drat , ocoauso the pace yoste
day was too hot to lust , , and , secondly , b
causa the room traders figured that tl
Walker failure ought to Imvo an adven
effect. Again traders wore all looking for
bad bank statement which they thougl
would createa moro bearish fooling. Co
sequently they hamtnerud away at pric <
and auccoedod In forcing fiugur down " % P
cent to Tl\ \ Lake Shore , 1 % per cent to 11
Chicago Gas , J < per cent to'51 ; Louisville
Nashville , } ( per cent to 53 > f , and the genor
list unywhero from % to 1 > ? per cent.
London , however , bought moderately , ai
when the traders found that their hamuit
ing tactic * f n Hod to bring put long stock
important amounts they wuJo strenuous i
forts to cover , nnd mnny of them turnnl
nrouii'l to tha bull sldo. The scnrolty ot
locks , when n demand of fnlr proportions
sot In , wns again dmnonstr.Uod.
Now Yorn Central. Lscknwannn nnd
Ix > < Jisrlllo & Nashvlllo conunnnriod 1 < | > er
cent premium ; Ilurllngton , 1-10 to V per
contSugar ; , MO per cent ; Northwestern ,
1-10 per cent , nnd Western Union 1-32 per
cont. When It fairly dnwncd upon the
traders thnt they had miscalculated the effect -
foct of the Chicago failures there was n
rush to change positions on the market.
Under the Inlluonco ot purchases nmdo
prices bounded up4 to > „ per cont.
Sugar led the market with sales up to
77Cf. Chicngo Gas , Electric , LouLsvillo k
Nashville , Burlington ft Qutncy , Atchlson ,
Missouri Pncltlc , Northern Pncillo profcrrcd
and Western Union nil sold nt the highest
point of the \rook. The feeling was buoyant
for n tlmo. The bnnk statement which was
phenomenal In many respects checked the
upward movement nnd prices receded K to
? f per cent , the Inttor In American Suenr ,
but nt the close the whole list wns lirni
again. The bank strxtomont reflected the
enormous shipments of currency to the in
terior nnd the hoarding which Is going on.
Last woo k loans were contracted $3,831,400
and deposits decreased $0,2.11,900.
The 1'ost says ; Opinions will differ
widely ns to the sentence Imposed yesterday
by the Stock exchange on the loader of the
boar party a sentence , all things consid
ered , unparalleled in Us severity. It will at
once occur to most observers thnt the pen-
nlty Inlllcted. llko many criminal sentences
of Judges anil juries , wns measured rnthor to
the known but legally unproved offenses than
to the actually proved misdeeds. This , It
is true , establishes some very delicate
standards of Stock exchange administration.
It is virtually n now precedent. The mem
ber thus suspended for n year from the
privileges of the board was , however , by no
means punished because ho was an nctlvo
boar speculator. Every ono knows that
speculators for the fall are nt times an In-
vnluablo safeguard to market conservatism.
But the speculator who sells stocks because
of dangerous conditions holds different
place from the speculator who creates the
danger in order that ho may safely soil , and
it is aggravated offenses of this character
on which the Stock cxchango has sot Its
seal of exemplary coudomuntion.
The 'Tallowing nro the closing quotations
on tho' leading stocks on the Now York
exchange today ;
The total sales of stocks toduy were l'Jl,700
shares , IncludlnK : Atchlson , 4,4(10 ( ; Iturllnir-
ton,4,700 ; Chicago Uas , 14,700 ; General lilec-
irlc , 3,000 : LouNvillo und Nushvlllo. 3,700 ;
Northwestern , 4,200 ; Rock Island , 3,700 ; St
Paul , 13,300 ; Sugar , 124,900 ; Union i'aclilc ,
3,400 ; Western Union , 10,000.
Ntw York MoiiHy .Murket.
inally 3 per cent" .
1'uiUBMKiijRtNTii.E PAi'Eit 812 per cent.
STEttr.iNO KXCIIANUK Dull , with actual
business Ju bankers' bills at $4.70Mitt4.80 } < for
slxty-ilay bills and f4.83ViM.84 for demand.
CoVKiiNMBNT llosDS I'lrut. Slate bouda
The closing iiuotatlons on bonds :
Financial Notes
New OltI.EANS , Aug. 0. Clearings , $923,80 !
1'AHIS , Aug. 5. Three pur cent rentes , 98
92lic for the account.
KANSAS CJTV , Aug. 5. Olunnngs , { 818,151
total for the week 44,014Oil ) ,
llALTiuoitK , AUK. 5. Clearings , t2.820,2H
balances , 1355 , lOb , Money , U per cent.
Mnui'lliri. Au . 5. Clearings , 1111,807 ; ba !
ancus , * 2G,005. Now York exchange , $1.5
premium ,
NEW VOIIK , AUK. 5. L'leorings , JBC.730
790 ; balances , 4,4GO,138 ; for thu week , cloai
ings , t550,08ti,119j balances , (25,887,035.
I'lllt.ADKM'illA. AUK. 5. Oleurlngs , $8,705
704 ; Imluncui. il.240,332. Money , ( i per con
Kur thu wouk ended today thr clearings wet
G3UUO,417 , and balances t9,508,143.
IIOHTON , AUK. 6. Clearings , 112,406,04 !
balances , 11,144,419 , Money. 7 3.1O@8 IK
cent. Exchiinxo ou New York , J3.Ooao.UO j-n
tnluin per $1,000. 1'ur the week , clearing
$82bp8.402j balanced , $8,275,707.
CnioAtio , AIIL5. . Clearings , tlO,650OGE
for thu week , $70,427,755 ; for thu corresponi
ing week liul year , (98,871,280 , Now Vor
exchange , (1.50 discount ; darling oxchung
nominal. Money , steady ut 7 pur cent.
hr. I.ouis , Aug. 5. Clearings , $2,002.88 !
balances , $281,558. This week , clearings , (10
801,855 ; balances , tlC21,442. Sumo wouk lai
your , clearing * . $25.680,019 ; balances. 43,148
MHO , Last wuoif. jluarlngv , $15,701,413 ; 1m
uncos , * 1,500,492. Money quiet ut G8 p (
cent. Exchauvu on Now Yurk , & per cunt dk
American 1'earU.
There la hardly a utato in the unio
whore pearlb are not or have not boo
found , and ono of the finest iu the worl
was taken from the Ptvs.salo river ut Pa
orson , N. J. Thin ( rein , valued at $ lfJOi
wan worn in the crown of empress Kt
Konlo. Several Wisconsin pearls baboon \
boon valued ut $1,000 each.
Lut Week's Violent Fluctuations Seem to
Have Reached nn End ,
Cnttlo llfiTe Nearly Itecorerod the Dnollnc ,
While Hogs Sell Up to 84.00 Condi
tion ! of the Trnile Gnnnlilerod
Teiterdny'g Trailing.
Fluctuations In both cattle nnd hog values
wore violent during the early and middle
part of the week , but the mar nets have rather
firmed up the past dny or two anil will prob
ably be all the bettor for the shaking up
they have had. Receipts , compared with
last week and a year ngo , nro ns.follows :
' Onttlo , Hogs. Sheep.
Receipt * thU week 12,045 12.O13 2,589
KecolpU last week 8.40H 27,496 1,644
Sanio week last jonr. . . 7,050 19.3U8 2,240
Heavy receipts during the early part ot
the week made n dull , weak cattle market ,
but the culmination was on Wednesday ,
when after buying n few of the best cattle
at prices 2T o to 50c lower than Tuesday ,
buyers simply quit , leaving two-thirds of the
cattle in the pens without n bid.
Since then the mavkot has been on
the mend nnd during the past thrco
days 'Jflo to 35o of this decline has been re
gained. The cow market has boun rather
weak nnd featureless , the lluctuntlons being
mostly small nnd In sympathy with fat cattle
values. Continued free country buying has
bold food or vnlues fairly steady , but offer
ings have exceeded the demand somewhat
nnd prices nro probably lOo to 15o lower than
a week ngo.
Tbo week closes wfl.h a rnodornto run of
cattle nnd u good , strong , nctlvo market for
any thing the slaughterers could uso. Not
withstanding the continued favorable tone
o eastern advices , speculative shippers
icld discreetly aloof. The dressed beef
icn , however , till needed supplies
nd as the offerings of suitable beeves were
omowhat limited trndo wns lively nnd
ulcd lOo to 15o higher than Friday and 25o
o 35c higher tlfnn Wednesday , tha. low
ay of the week. There were no strictly
holco cattle on sale , but faire
o very good 1,050 to 1,250-lb. steers sold nt
rom'J.OO to $1.10. Common and inferior
took of all kinds was slow sale und Dtiyors
Id not appear to bo partial to westerns nnd
rices ruled very unsatisfactory , although
ibout the same as on Friday. Fair western
Jeeves sold nt around $2.70 and $2.00. The
eollng on nil sides was moro healthy than
or several days and n fair und reasonably
arly clearance was effected.
Considering the general quality of the
ows offered the market was quotably
trong. AH local houses wanted some , nnd
ho movement was quito froo. Common nnd
ulving grades sold ut from 75o to
l.GTi nnd fair to good butchers'
lock largely nt f 1.75 to $2.25. There was no
mrtlcular change in the market for veals ,
i'lio inquiry was fair aud prices ruled ubout
toady , fair to good stock soiling around
J.75 nnd $1. Good fat bulls and stags wcro
n fair request nnd steady , selling us high ns
.50 nnd $3 , but common stuff won very
low und dull , selling down around $1 and
Stackers nnd feeders wcro not particularly
active sellers today as the regular dealers
vcro aoout the only buyers. For some roa-
on or ether there wns not the usual good
country demand. Yard traders all needed
upplics und the few h ro sold nt slightly
inner prices. There wns n good linn tone to
ho trade and every prospect of an enlarged
demand next week. Good to choice feeders
ire quotable at § 2.70@U.OO ; fair to good at
3.5U(62.70 ( , and common stuff at $ vJ.OO ( > 'J.50.
{ opreseutative sales :
D11E83KI ) IIEEf.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
24 COWS. . 980 2 20
Hoes The hog market this week has beei
very unstable ' 'driven of the winds UIH
tossed. " Receipts huvo been comparatlvol ;
light , the week's supply being only abou
12,500 head or 15,000 loss than last week nnt
4,000 less than for the correspond
Ing week lust year. The mos
sensational feature of the murko
was tbo collapse of the "corner1' in provls
ions Tuesday nnd the failure of several hirgi
operators nnd packers , which was followoi
on Wednesday by tbo heaviest drop in ho *
values in the history of the tradu. 1'rlco
went oft fully tl at all western mar
licts , nnd hogs sold lower than a
any time during the past flftcoi
months. The Cincinnati 1'plco Current take
n rosy view of the general situation uni
summarizes ns follows ; The marketing o
hogs has been enlarged tbo past week
although not quite equaling the number fo
the corresponding tlmo lust year. Tola
handled by western packers , yoo.OOO , com
pared with 100,000 the preceding week un >
U10.000 . last year. From Nlurch
the total is 4WO,000 ! , against 6,21)5,00 )
u year ago. Decrease for the wee
10.000 , and for the season 1,015,000 , compare
with last year. The current offerings nr
generally of good quality , and , runnln
heavier In weight than lust year. The cui
initiation of the manipulation of hog produc
ut Chicago , occurring on Tuesday , has ten
porarily disturbed trade operations , but th
market seem * likely to become falrl
well settled promptly , nnd In vioi
of the dcclino to a reasonable busi :
with removal of the artificial conditions , BUI
rounding the position , there Is likely to b
nn enlarged shipping business , nnd revive
of speculative interest of ttioonllnury natur
In the leading articles of product. A not ;
bio feature in the changes this week Is quit
u remarkable dcclino in hogs vrhtuh ri
llects the temporary paralysis of th
market and tha Inlluonco of tbo mom
tary stringency. The average of western cct
ters at the close is about $1.35 per 100 Ibi
lower than a week ngo , and considerably bi
low the existing position of product. 1
will not bo unreasonable to look for a reco'
ery of a portion of this decline. The oxpoi
clearances of product for the week wet
quito liberal , more so than hertitofoi
this season with few exception * , the Uftgn
gate bolng In excess of the corruspondin
week last year.
Since Wednesday the advance has been b
big Jump * and the close of the week line
nrlcos within lOo to 15c of lost week's cloa
It may take the market BOUIO tlmo to sou
down after the big shaking up It has r
ceived , but the opinion soerns'vory general
to obtain that the market will bo all the be
ter from now ou ,
The run today was rather he vlor than
wuck ago , but not ut all what would 1
nailed henry. All classes of dealer * were In
need of boss , nnd ns eastern markets wort
higher there wns n ftirllior mtrnnoe of fully
lOo here. Hood to choice light nnd butcher
weight hogs sold nt from $ I.M up to fS ,
while heavy nnd mixed grades wont mostly
ntll.SOnmlf4.Kl , nml ns high ns tl.PO for
cholco stock. The early market was notlvo ,
but nftcr urgent orders hnd been filled tbo
close wn weak nnd n shade cnslor. The big
bulk of the trading wns nt from $4.80 to
* UH1 , acalnst * 75 Friday aml.Wito ! fT
last Satunlny. licprcscntntlvo sales :
rum AND notion.
1..4CO 3 00
SiinKi1 Uecoipts consisted of n couple of
double-dibits of fair grass westerns. They
averaged US Ibs. and went to a local killer at
$2.80. The demand is indifferent , except
for Kood fat muttons and lambs , nnd weak.
Common nnd stock sheep can hardly tie sold
nt all. Fair to good natives. faOOjJM.OOj
fair to good westerns , W.76@l.75 : ; common
nnd stock sheep , $ l,50j7)3.7B ( ) ; good to choice
10 to 100-11) . lambs , U > 0 ( < H75. Hcpresuntn-
tlvo sa.os :
No. Av. l r.
403 western ml rod 08 1380
Itocniptn nnd Dlipniltlun of Stnok.
Ofllclnl receipts nnd disposition of Ktoclc n
shown by the ( looks of the Union Stock YnnU
rompixny for tha twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. in. August 6 , 1B'J3 ' :
.Slock In sight.
Receipts of live stock at the four principal
western uiarkuU Sutittday , August 5 :
Cattle. Hogs. Hlieop.
South Omaha 1,093 ! Iti64 403
Chicago 1,200 4,500 1.500
Kansas City 1,700 3,100 400
fat. LouN 000 BOO 100
Total 6,193 1U.004 a,400
Kansas City l.lvu Stock Marliot.
KANSAS CITY , AUK. 5. OATTI.K Hccciuta ,
1.7UO head : shlpiuent.s , 700 head ; market
steady to strong ; Texas stcors , $2.003.U5j
Texas cow.- , , Jl.Hi4J2.10 ; shipping steer * , t4,00
(35.00 ( ; native cowsl.loaa.-5 ; butcher stock ,
* 3.004.rOj HtiN'kurs nnd feeders , f2.10t&3.10 ;
linlU and inUtid , S1.5Uiib'J.75.
lloos Receipts , 3,100 liond ; shlpinonts. 1.400
head ; Ibjht and inedlnni grade * were 5 150
higher ; lioiivy sternly tostronL' ; bulk of Rules.
tl.B5S25.15 ; huavlns.4.U5 ! 4.00 : paukors , J4.75
ffi5.15 ( ; iiilxod , 4.70O5.UO ; llKht. * 4.765.25 ;
Yoruun , * 5.1 f > a5.i > 5 ; pl s , $5.00i65.25.
SUEEI- Receipts , 400 head ; shipments , 200
head ; market hteudy.
.St. l.onU J.ivn .Stock Mnrknt.
ST. Lotus. Aug. 5. CATTLE Itoeelnti. COO
head : shipments , 700 lieud ; market steady at
yesternay Uuotntlous ; Texas bteers , J3.15 ;
tot ) for cows , 81.8& .
ilooB Kecelpts , 800 bond ; shipments , 000
head ; nmrliot opened strotiir , lllc higher than
Friday , closed ouslurr top price , 45.2& : bulk of
sales , 44.85525.20.
Kiinisi' Receipts , none ; stilymonts , . 100
head ; market firm , uncluuiKcd.
Grandest , larjjost -eoptlcon views
over aliowu , Courtland bench tonight.
Ills gtrugirlei for nn Kducatlon The Sickly
Child Mini the Knlmit Alan.
The childhood of Daniel Webster did
not show the man. Ho waa u crying
baby and a pnlo , weak , Bickly hey , the
slimmest child iu the family ; but at man
hood he hud a largo , stately frame , u
massive houd and an iron constitution.
The olniiij o hud been effected by work
ing on hiu futher'tf farm , indulging iu
outdoor sportti and living a frugal , tem
perate life.
So robust and largo was his body nnd
ho impreBHivo wan his walk that the aoal-
heavera of London paused In their work
to Bturo at him us ha puubud them , says
the Youth'n Companion.
Sydney Smith likened him to a ' 'stoura
engine in trousers , " adding ho io "u , liv
ing lie , bocauao no man on earth could
bo as great as ho looked. "
Carlyle called liin "a parlimontary
Horoulos , " wliom "ono would inulino ut
sight to back against the world. " '
Perhaps the proatost physical com
pliment ho over received WUH that paid
to his mountain of a head. When Thar-
wuldson , the Danish sculitor ] , buw Web-
stur'ti bust in Powers' Htudio in Koine ho
oxclaimcd : "Oh , a dohign for Juj > iter , I
see ! "
With dillleulty lie was made to believe
that it was the head of tin American.
Webster's early lifo contradicts the
popular notion that man is the creature
of ciremnsUincos. Ho , on the contrary ,
made circuinstuncos his creatures. Ono
01 his friends , writing after his doutli ,
said :
"Ills school tlmo was much inter
rupted , and from his own lips I learned
-that Webster's struggle for an education
was continued from his childhood to his
30th year. Kvory step in advance waa
contested by obstacles which lie mot
with a lion heart , and with a lion's udilr-
ugo overthrow.
"Ills books wore few at this thqo.
There were a copy of Watts' Hymns , a
cheap pamphlet copy of Pope's 'Kssuy on
Man' und the bible , from which lie lli'tit '
learned to read , together with an oc
casional almanac. Ho used to suy that
at the ago of 14 he could recite the wliolu
of the MCssay on Man. '
"Ho entered Dartmouth college iu 17fy7 ,
but was desperately poor. , . A friund Kent
a recipe while at college for greasing
his boots. Ho wrote back and thanked
him very politely , 'But' ho added , 'iny
boots need other doctoring , for they not
only admit water , but oven pous aud
gravel stones , ' " ,
Jndiro Waxom' * I'r.iverln.
Detroit Free Press : Finanshul pan-
nicks don't reduso the price uv votes
very much.
Congressmen seems to think they ewe
moro to ther constituents than they dote
to thor country.
A run on u bank is like ulingin' ' mud
at u candidate.
When they Bay money IB easy it ain't
no sine you can git it of you ain't got the
A cundlduto with a war rookord ain't
what ho used to be.
The avorldgo puttriut don't hov to ba
koaxed into otlln.
An AmoHkin dollar oilght to be as
good us the Amorikin tlag.
It's narrerin * the shape down when a
man that lit for glory will tell a lio'to
git $ > u month pontthuu.
a Thu Amerikiu eagle dou't ware potty-
ootos ner pants.
World's fulr views Courtluad