Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Continuation ,
$1,25 $ , SILKS , 33c , $1,25 $ , HOP SACKING , 75c ,
During the entire month of , August our great Cost Cash Sale goes
goods at cost. The following extra special under cost bargains will be
rictta , 750 per yard. $ i , 15 White India Linen Waists , go at 790. Ladies
low. Don't miss an item. Everything is away below cost , We must reduce our stock still further.
10 pieces of two-toned crystal bengaline silk , a
very durable quality , worth $1.25 ; comes in eight dif
ferent colorings ; .suitable for fall and winter wear. In
order to open up the second month of our great cost
sale with a rush we will sell this very desirable silk at
per yard. Limit , one pattern.
like 49c.
The entire balance of our finest $1,00 waist silks ,
also several other desirable weaves suitable for early
fall wear , None worth less than $1.00 per yard , and
all this season's goods. Every piece guaranteed as to
quality. You cannot make a mistake in purchasing a
pattern from this lot. Only the heavy condition of our
stock forces us to sell these silks at 490 per yard.
This is a new lot of Cheney Brothers' best quality
of dark ground , small figured and cashmere striped
India silks. This particular quality sold all over th.e
country at $1.25 per yard. They go in this the last
month of our great cost cash sale at 890 per yard. No
limit. You can buy all you want of them at this price.
Don't miss this sale.
I The entire balance of our Black , Colored and Fancy Silks and Velvets go at Actual Cost , None Reserved. I H
Our entire stock of white India linen waists that have been selling all season jif
at $1.15 and were considered the best waist in the market at that price. . . . ttll
All waists our ladies' $1.75 embroidered All waists our ladies' $3.00 fine lawn , Now SI.98
Our fall line of ladies' China silk waists-that have been selling all season at $7.75 , $8,00 ,
$8.75 and $10.00 each , none reserved and no limit
Ladies fall capes and jackets Ladies' capes made of the finest IJfiiif OTf Eff )
worth $5.50 to $7.50 cloths , worth IS iO.SlUlS.llo . . O liUW & I iOU
3,000 Yards of wash fabrics , not a yard worth less than IOG , Sic per Yard
5OOO "Yards of wash fabrics , including white lawns worth up to 300. 6lo | jsr Yard
2 ' 000 Yards of wash fabrics , including ginghams I 2,000 Yards of fine imported wash fabrics includ-
wnrrli rrl "KTrktxr 55 I/ \ inrr printed dimities , printed India mulls ,
cnt eric worm 1111 to - > nr vi O.MUVV Ift i .
up 300 yaru 0/30 iug autinesunu mcioniao. wonu up to MO
Black Goods 75e and $1.20.
Priestley's black Silk Warp Henriettas , need no introduction.
They are known all over the world as the most desirable black goods
manufactured. Suitable for any season of the year. They stand
champions of the black goods world. Our $1.50 quality Wednesday
7C. Our $ S quality $1.20. For this sale only ; ono pattern to a cus
Gowns 59c.
All our la lies' gowns worth
up to 98c , go now at 59c.
Toilny All A. I > . Morno'8 Slipper * Will
ISo OITcrod lit llnirPrlco.
Wo place on sale with the Bhgos all
the slippers , men'a , women's and child
ren's , ut prices that anybody can allord
to pay.
1st. A lot of embroidered slippers of
different grades at fiOe a pair.
2nd. A line lot of regular sixes in em
broidered slippnrti at 75c a pair. Some
of them cost A. D. Morse $ I.-.J.
Jlrd. A lot of 11)7 ) pairs $1.50 , $1.75 and
82.00 leather blippors at Sl.OO a pair.
Tliebo are rare bargains and would bo
cheap at regular prices.
4th. A lot of very fine ones , regular
price $12.75 , $3.00 , $11.50 and $1.00 , has the
urico cut right in the middle.
1st , The $ : i.OO low opera slippers are
81.00 a pair. .
Und , The three-point common sense
fllippers are now $1.00 a pair , both the
$1.75 and ifcJ.OO kinds.
Ilrd , The $2.50 tan blucher oxfords are
81,50 a pair.
4th , All the beautiful Adonis slippers
that wore $1.001.50 and $5.00 are now
$2-50 a pair.
5th , The highest price oxford A. D.
Murbo carried was $ . " > .00. The highest
pricewo now ask for them is $2.50.
Got in early this morning and
BCO what u beautiful line of slippers as
well as shoos wo have to oiler ut half
N. B. Wo overlooked a line of ladies'
$0.00 bluchors. Tlioso will bo placed on
sale today at $2.50 a pair. This IB
an elegant bargain , and the widths und
sizes are complete.
Half price slipper and shoo sale ,
10th and Farnum streets.
llurlliiKtnii llfiuoh
la the plcasantest resort in Nebraska.
Take the Burlington route's special
excursion train , which leaves Omaha at
I ) o'clock next Sunday morning , and
visit it.
You can swim , row or rldo on a steam
boat to your heart's content.
Hound trlt ) tickets only $1.00. _
l'i'diU r * \\ant Time.
There Is an almost unbroken procession
filing Into the office of Mayor Bomls these
days. The visitors nro peddlers , hucksters
nnd the lllte whoso occupations uro licensed ,
Each has the sumo snug to sing about hard
times , nnd the universal request Is fur on
extension of time in which to pay the license
fee.Tho olil HreiiRcs Imvo expired and Inspco
tor Hurst Is hustling up the delinquents ,
who ha\o not taken out now licenses. > H is
uot within tlui mayor's power to grant an ex
tension of tiiuo , nnd ho is compelled to moot
each request with u negative answer.
AVIirii Truvrllni ; , _
'Whether on pleasure bent , or business , talto
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
it acts most pleasantly and effectively on the
kidneys , liver and bowels , prevents fevers
headaches and other forms of sickness
For sale In oOo and f 1 bottles by all loading
druggists. Monufucturod by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
1'uymi ; Tiixr * Freely.
Yesterday wai a big day In the office of
the city treasurer. Over tM,000 In taxes
were paid , which Is considered a very largo
amount In view of the existingconditions. .
Treasurer Bolln has written to H laygo
, number of dealers In western securities s/eh- /
Icg information ns to the outlook for floating
the t3TiO,000 block of long and short tiiuo
bonds of the city August 17. Mr , Bolln has
hopes that the replies will bo favorable and
bollnvc * that the beads will bu Hunted at fair
figure , ,
Before breakfast Urowo-Soltrer
Act as a bracer trial bottle 10 cts.
Gowns 98c.
All our ladies' night robes ,
worth up to $1.75 each , now 98c.
Hop Sacking 77e yard.
This Hop Sacking comes 46&50 inches wide , was bought for our
early fall trade to soil at $1.25 per yard , and is in all the very latest
colorings. For a street or traveling dress it has no equal. A d"ress off
of it would please the most fastidious taste of 77 } per yard. It will
scarcely last this sale out.
IIAVDIN iiuos.1
Angus' Slioo Sille.
Today wo commence genuine
"August clearing salo" of shoes.
Wo have too innny shoos and
must hiivo money. This will bo a rare
chance for you to hay good shoes below
cost. Rcatl our prices and come and bee.
Ladies' $1.25 dongolu parent tip oxforU
tics 78c.
Ladies' 7 , " > c serge liouw slippers 4Cc.
Ladies' $2.f 0 cloth top patent tip ox
fords SI.75.
Ladies' $2.00 kid tip button shoes
Ladies' $3.50 fine dongola button shoes
Mlsbos' § 1.50 dongolu patent tip snring
heel shoes $1.18.
Mibses' $2.00 dongola patent and solar
tip spring heel shoos 81.18.
Misses' ' i)0o ) tcnnbs oxford ties 58c.
Chilile" $1.H5 dongola patent tip spring
heel button shoes Mo.
UhiluV $1.00 dongola turn spring heel
shoes 7ic. !
Guilds' 7uc dcngola spring heel shoos
Infant's fiOo dongola turn slices IMc.
Men's Sl.M ) B calf low shoos , 98c.
Men's $2.25 line B calf congress and
lace shoo * $1.00.
Mon'a $ : i,50 hand welt calf , lace and
congress shoos , S2.10.
Men's $3.50 vici kid fine cloth top con
gress shoos , ? 2.38. Tliis is ono of the
lincst drohs shoos wo have over sold and
a rare bargain ,
Boys' 75o tennis oxford tics , 48c.
Boys' $1.75 B calf lace shoos , $1.20.
Dry goods and shoes.
Ur4e'n Your Unrld'M i'ulr Opportunity.
Rales cut in two !
On and after Tucbday August 1 , the
Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickotH to Chicago , with u return limit
of thirty days , at $1 175. ;
One-way tickets on b lo at $7.50.
Tickets sold at rates hid Scaled above
are free from roHtrlotlons of any kind
and entitle holders to the fullest uii-
joymont of the Burlington's superior
Three voHtlhulcd and gas-lighted
trains daily.
Sco the city ticket agent at 1321 Far-
niun Rtroot and arrange' to make that
long planned trip to Chicago.
Telephone 0. W. Hull Co. for prices
on hard coal. Summer delivery.
Omaha to Mnnawn , round trip 30
cents. Tuko the bridge line.
To lloiuton , Trz , | "ilit Itoturu ,
Monday , August 7 , will make low rate
excursion to Houston , Tux. , and return.
Address It. 0. Patterson , 425 Ramgo
building , Omaha , Neb.
Lovrc'tt Clilc , c < > Kntut Vlit tllo Nortlnvoitern
Chicago rates greatly reduced on both
ono way and round tup tickets via the
Chicago & Northwestern railway. These
tickets aru 11 rut class in every particu
lar. Extra accommodations for World's
fair travel via tills lino. City ticket
'olllco 1401 Fiinmm street.
I'luiii fur H Mnrkot Home , *
City Engineer llosowatcr is making prep
arations to prepare the plans for the now
market house to bo located on Capitol
avenue , botweeti Eleventh and Thirteenth
streets. Ttio engineer was directed by the
council In conjunction with Hulldlng In-
cnector Tilly to propuro plans und specifica
tions. This will bo dona with as little delay
ts possible and It may bo that uot more than
a vrouk or ten dnys will olnpso before they
are ready for .bo council.
Gowns $1.19.
All our ladies' night robes ,
worth and selling at from $1.75
to $2.50 , go-now at $1.19.
At 11 ay (1 on Ilroi. ' Oroiit Dreix Goods Clear
ing bnlc.
Today is the last day of the great
out price bale on dress goods. Wo have
never done anj thing that pleased us so
veil and our customers , too , as this great
bale. Try got a few of thcbo before
they are all gone.
At lOc.
Wool chevrons , English cashmeres ,
nil wool nun's veiling , worth up to 43o u
yard , all go in one lot at lOc.
At J8o.
All wool suitings , Jamestown serges ,
fancy plaids , black and white stripes
and plaids ; these goods are worth up to
Cc , now 18c.
At 2oc.
Changeable serge bcngalino , all wool
cashmeres and many other styles will bo
placed on ono counter at Uoc.
40-inch extra quality of black mohair ,
worth OJG , goes for ; i ! > c.
48-inch black mohair , worth 85c , goes
for 4c. ! )
40-inch all wool novelty blacks , worth
Sl.'i'j , goes for 5'Jo.ITAYDEN
Raising money sale
By lowering prices.
81 Excursion tu HiirlliiKion lloach SI.
The Burlington route will run a spe
cial excursion train to Burlington beach
( near Lincoln ) next Sunday.
Train leaves Omaha at' ' ) a. in.
Returning , leaves Lincoln at 8 p. m.
Round trip tiekots , $1.
Ask the city ticket agent at 1321 Far-
nam street for full information.
A-convenient and pleasant place to ob
tain luncheon. BuldulT , 1520 Fariium.
I'roipcotH Hint Sir George Will Iln Itc.
quired to Settle > llollii'iuoiioy.
The question of whether the Pullman
Palace Car company will escape the pay
ment Into the city treasury of several thou
sand dollars of personal delinquent taxes'
for several years back will probably soon bo
decided. The company failed to p.iy Its par-
sonal taxes to the city for 1850 , Ib87 , 188S
and ISS'J ' , as returned by the assessors , and
the total footed up about M5,000.
Several months agoupon , the advlco of the
city attorney , Treasurer Bolln took steps to
force the collection of the delinquent taxes.
Ho levied upon three p.ilaco cars belonging
to the , and held them for boveral
dayi > , pending the tlmohogavo not ice of sale.
In the meantime , Just previous to the day of
sale , the company's attorney ap
peared before .ludgo IJundy at Lincoln nnd
secured n temporary order restraining the
sale of the cars until the case could ho heard.
An order was alto issued ordering the re
lease of the cars the treasurer had tlod up in
the Union Pacific shops upon the company
paving Into court thu amount of disputed
taxes , This the company did , and secured
the release of the cats pending the hearing
of the caso.
Advices from Chlcagoaro to the effect that
the tailing of testimony in the cases will
commence today. City AttornoV Council is
there , and he has been served with an order
to take testimony in the c.iso , which is now
pending in the United States circuit court.
Mr. Council will examine nil witnesses. Ho
will return homo the latter part of the week.
Thcro are tnrco tilings worth savin ?
Time , Trouble and money-and Do Witt's
Llttlo fcirlv Ulsors will save them for you.
These llttlo pills will save you time , us they
act promptly. They will save you trouble as
thoycauio no p.tin. They will save you
uionuvas they economize-doctor's bills. "
* Get Yuur Tickets
For next Sunday's monitor cheap
excursion to Burlington beach at
the Burlington city ticket olllco , 1324
Fumam btreot , on Saturday , or at the
union depot on Sunday morring.
It is cool at Burlinkjton beach ,
Here is u lot of wonderfully choice sillcs , many of
them have been selling1 at $1.513 and none worth less
than $1.25. Two-toned swivclNsillcs , figured , dotted ,
striped and plain silks at cost. All bought for this
season's trade. You ought not to miss seeing this lot
of silks. They all go at 650 per yard. No limit.
A lot of fine narrow cambric embroideries that went at toe , i2j c and Now 3c
Cambric and Swiss embr'ys 3 to 6 in. Cambric and Swiss embroideries up I7c
wide , exquisite designs to 7 inch , beautiful goods
Your choice of our entire stock of fancy parasols , none sold at less than $3,75 , most of
them as high as $8.00 , all bought for this season's trade
500 silk taffeta sun or rain umbrellas , sweet briar and other imported natural wood
handles , fully worth $5.00 or $6 oo each. .
Men's fine gauze seamless cotton hose , Men's fine quality full fashioned stain-
plain and fancy colors , J less Klli-1- ana tancy woiniaTsoijuniity colored BOClis , roillltir
The entire balance'of our ladies' cream and white lisle thread combination suits that sold at 1C"V
750 and $1.00 ' . 1C
100 dozen ladies' low neck sleeveless vests , ! 1 case of seamless cotton hose in navy , seal
taped in neck airl arms. and russet shades , n1iAVi , ? .
Storm Serge 50e pei * yard.
The balance of our 46 inch $1.00 quality storm serge , today ,
50c per yard. Wo have it in the shades of brown only. For
school , street or house wear , no other gown is more of a favorite. At
50c per yard , wo consider it ono of the best bargains wo have to
Curtains 65c.
All our $1 aid $1.25 Nottingham
ham lace curtains , without re
serve , , go now at G5cper pair.
Coroner's Jury Ilcnra the Kvlilonco In the
MoUlnn-MoKennn Shoot In e.
A coroner's jury heard the testimony in
the .McKenna-McGinn murder case at the
morfiuo yesterday forenoon and returned a
verdict to the effect that Edwaid McKenna
canio to his death from the effects of a pun
shotllrcd by Bernard McGinn with intent to
The testimony was as follows : L. H.
Robins of 5817 North Twenty-fourth street
said that ho heard McGinn swear nt
McKcnna as the latter stepped from the
car and saw McKenna start to run away.
McGinn followed iiad caught him on the
cdtfo of the sidewalk. McGinn drew a re
volver and after saying "I'll shoot your
heart out , " fired the fatal shot. The
murderer pointed the smoking revolver
toward the witness as ho started on u
run for the weeds.
Charles H. Loir , 2324 Ames avenue , saw
tho-struKglo and the shooting. Ills testi
mony was the samu as other eye witnosscs.
I..oar hurried to McKoniia and raised him
fiom the pround and asked , "Why did
McGinn shoot. " "Ho had It in for mo , "
answered the Injured man. lie saw McGinn
draw the gun and tlourish it at the crowd as
if ho Intended to shoot. Ho started to
follow McGinn , but slopped when McGlr.n
told him to go luck or ho would got shot too.
The next witness was Fred A. Tripp , wtio
was sitting on the porch * at the Saratoga
house. Ho heard some loud talk , saw the
men struggling und saw McGinn 11 ro his
"William McGee vjas on a passing motor
and saw the shooting. Ho loft the car und
telephoned for the police and the doctors.
Miss Hhoda E. McICcnzio , who lives at
1801 North Twenty-fourth street , was an eye
witness. She was on the car with Mc-
Kcnnu and was just stepping off when Mc
Ginn walked over and spoke to McKcnna.
As the latter started across the street Mc
Ginn followed , and after a short struggle
the shot was tired and McKenna fell. Mc
Ginn then ran. Several other witnesses
testllled to the same facts.
Drs. Impoy and Matthews , described
the dead man's wounds and the post mor
tem. The bullet , the doctors slid , split on abe
bo no in the loft thigh und could not bo
found , The Intestines were cut in seven
places , Death was caused by peritonitis ,
the result of the gun shot wound , This
ended the testimony nnd the jury brought In
a verdict inside of ten minutes.
Busy poopic have no iimo , anil sens bio
pcoplo have no Inclination to use pills that
make thorn sfuk u iliy for every dose they
take. They huvo learned that the use o'f
Do Witt's Little Barly Ulsura does not in
terfere with thuir .health by causing nuusoi
pain or griping. Thuso llttlo pills : ire per ,
feet in action nnd resulto , regulating the
stomach and bowels so that headaches , dli-
< diies3iiul lassltudu are preventu.l. They
cleanse the blood , ( Lloar the complexion an I
one up the system. XiOtsof health in tliaaj
littlefollows. .
It is shady at liurlington beach.
A Ultra p Hull- .
One hundred and ten miles for a del
Special excursion train leaves Omaha
nt 0 o'clock next Sunday morning for
Burlington beach , the plensuntcat roBert -
Bert In Nebraska ,
Portieres $3.35. Drapery Silks 57c. Curtain Loops 49c.
All voiir $5 , $5.50 and $6 chen All our 32-inch drapery silk , Chenille curtain loops , in all
ille portieres go without reserve , $1 and $1.25 quality , go at 57c colors , and as many as you wan
at $3.35 per pair. yard. of them at 'Igc per pair.
Young Louis Golilnmltli on Trlnl for Wound-
In ? Alfred C. I'nttornon.
Louis A. Goldsmith had a preliminary
hearing In police court yesterday forenoon.
Ho Is charged with shooting Alfred C. Pat
terson with intent to kill on the night of
July 14.
The state was represented by Assistant
County Attorney Slabaugh and the defend
ant by T. J. Mahoney. " "
Patterson was the first witness and told
how ho , in company with George Shephor A ,
William Grimes and John Drown , wont Into
tile saloon on the night of the 14th nnd
asked to get change for a dollar. Continuing
the witness said : "A couple of women wore
standing at the end of the bar smoking
cigarettes. I spoke to them and it seemed
to ange.r Goldsmith. Ho called me vllo
names and-then ordered mo out of the placn.
As I started to go ho grabbed a couple of
beer bottles and threatened to strike mo.
Then ho dropped the bottles and turned to
the north end of the bar , opened a drawer
nna took out n pistol. Hy this time I was
near the middle of the bar. When Gold
smith started toward mo with the pistol the
women cried "Louis , don't , " and put their
hands to their cars. Louis told'thcm to got
out of the way. that ho tvas going to kill mo.
The bartender tnok the revolver away from
Goldsmith and then ho ? ot a billiard cue nnd
struck mo on the loft arm. Then I ran into
the street nnd was snot. "
Dr. Somors testified as to the treatment of
Patterson nnd oxhloited the bullet found In
his body. Several other witnesses followed
and nt 1 o'clock the state rested. The trial
will bo continued today.
After the state.s evidence was all in the
attorney for the defendant declined to intro
duce his witnesses , and Goldsmith was held
to the district court In the sum of $2,500.
Bail was furnished nt once.
Choiip Ktnuritlon to Iliirllncton Ileuoli.
On Sunday , August 0 , the Burlington
route will run a special excursion train
from Omaha to Burlington beach ( near
Lincoln ) .
Hound trip tickets $1.00.
Train leaves union depot at 0 a. in.
Minor 1'ollco MuttorH.
Only two prisoners appeared before the
police judge yesterday morning , Ono was u
drunk and ono a vagrant. Both wore allowed
William Barber and George Smith com
plained that they had been "hoodooed" out
of $ j by an employment agency. No com
plaint was filod.
The case of illegal construction of a side
walk against John M.Vllson was argued In
police court yesterday forenoon. A decision
will bo given later.
The Byron Hoed company complained to
the police that disreputable women occupied
a house at ItW'J Jackson i treat. 1'ollco ofllccrs
compelled the woman to move.
John Dent who owns a small farm in the
north part of the city complained to Chief
Seavey thut boys were stealing his green
corn , An ofllcor was sent out to abate the
nuisance ,
Don't forgot the Dutt- ,
Sunday , August 0 , of the monster oheop
excursion to Burlington beach.
Train leaves Omaha at 0 a. in.
Round trip tickets $1.00.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar 1'owdcr. No Ammonia j No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
New Goods at 75c per yard.
All now goods us they arrive will bo plncod in the August cost
cash salo. This 75c lot English whipcord , imported
by us to soil at $1 per yard. They como in all the very latest fall
shades and will bo placed on our counters for the first tiino Wednes
day , the opening day of our salo.
We rotor you to S.5J ) p itlonta.
PIMflHPIfll RfffRFNPN Nat'l ll.uil-orOonunercoOm9tl . .
llluHlulHL lUrtlUriljt | Uurmun S ivms It ink , OiiialiO.
No ( Intention from business , Nu operation. Iuv i
tlputo our inothoil. Written giummtuo to iibsolutoiy
euro nil Kinds of HUlTUltl' of both SOKOS without , th
use of knlfo. no matter nf how lung sliimling ,
THE 0 , E. miim COMPANY ,
3OT-3O8 N. Y. Lifo EulldluOmaliu , Nob.
i\ SEND nm CntcuijAit.
at 50c oo the $1.00
Greatest Bargains ever offered
Write for Special Bargain List No. IO , just out , with description
nnd prices Hint are Below Manufacturer's Costs. MO Uieydcs at a tioinuiulous
sacrifice to clear up the reason's busiucss. Now is the time to buy nnd save
moue NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Lincoln , Nek
The Keystone Watcn
Case Co. of Philadelphia ,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world , is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
and other cases made by it , a bow
( ring ) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow , which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
and CAN ONLY BE HAD with
cttoca bearing their trade mark-
Sold only through watch dealers ,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet
or scud to theE
The .73St.
High Clais Photography ,
At Popular 1'rlcea.
uij-ai5-in : : , s.
Oimilm , Noli ,
rnmiiii'iit iir
poi MKiuoAb
M/IM.IOAI , lifiriiNSAHTt
l iin urpa ic < 11n lUe trcattn p |
or Ml
' Uiirpiilo , Privnto nail
Urllolu or uoimili
. Aililruo nllli mnmp for ptr *
llculum nliluh will u * eut la
plain ti r.O. 110051 Ulllje , llltt , IH
elreul , Oiaihu.
U. S , Depository , Omaha , Neb.
CAPITAL , 800,000
SURPLUS , 805,000
Officnrn mil Dlicclorn lonry { Vf. Yntti/Dreit.
? .V"V. ' * - - l'l'"fl , jlc"Pfe l < leut , as. M urto ,
W. V Moiuo. John 8. CoUliiu , J , tf , u , Patrick
Lowlsa. Ucwl , canlilvr.