1Q71 A IT \ A v rrYuvrivn AuniTC'p 1000 ' civ L'.T ? nit TTIMUP tiAPTn t pniMfnt it\ SILVER'S HOSTS ASSEMBLED Meeting of the National Convention of tba Bimetallio League at Ohiaigo. RESULTS OF ITS FIRST DAY'S SESSION Knrneit Ailvncnlni of tlio Whlto Mntnl Do n Orciit Dent t TiilklUK-ITcllm- limrlm iif the Convention Ar- rnncnil Tliiirmnn1 * Spcucli. CIHCAOO , Aug. 1. The national convention Of the American Bimetallic league met at 10 o'clock this morning In the First Methodist church nudltorlum. It was the largest assem bly of HKO character in the history ot llnancl.il agitation. The features of ninny of the scarred veterans of financial agitation were visible In the heterogeneous assembly. General A. .1. Wnrnor of Ohio , prcsldonl of the Bimetallic league ; Congrcssmnn Bar- line of Nevada , Congressman W. J. Brynn of Nebraska , Governor Walto of Colorado , Senator Stewart of Nevada , Senators Mantel of Montnnn , Shoup of Idaho , T. M. Patterson of Colorado , Governor IColb , the populist loader ot Alabama ; ICdllor Goodwin of Salt Luke , Herman J. Taubcncck , chair man of the cxciiutlvo committee of the pee ple's party , nnd Senator Uubola of Idaho were conspicuous among these. When Chalrmnn Wnrnor of the Bimetallic league called the convention to order many of the delegates were obliged to stand In the aisles on account of the smnlliiess of the hall. Chairman \Variieropencd the proceed ings by Introducing Mayor Carter H. Harrison risen of Chicago , who welcomed the dele gates to llio city. .Mnyor llurrlton'i Ailvico. "I wolcotno you wnrmlyj" said Mayor Harrison risen , "bocauso I bellevo you have the good of the country at heart. Some of you maybe bo rather wild ; It Is said that you are silver lunatics. I look down upon you and am rather clad to welcome such lunatics. It Is the crazy men that march the world for.ward and niaitc progress a possibility. They say that be cause you bellovo in bimetallism you nro crazy. If the action ot 1873 could bo blotted from the nnnnls ot American pollttoa ! action I believe that silver would bo worth $ ! . ' - " . > cents an ounce. Bo wlso in your dolibm'ations , but bo fearless. Congress is about to meet. 12 Glvo llio bcncllt of your deliberations to congress - 12V gross aim toll Grover Cleveland what the V people of tho.Unlted StatosXvant. " Hon. Thomas M. Patterson , chairman of the Colorado delegation , responded to tbo mayor. Wnrnrr'H Ilmiuil I'lcturc. Chairman WaVner ot the Bimetallic league then delivered his opening address. "The most extraordinary condition of af fairs. " said he , "meets the as sembling of this convention. The earth Is yielding her ' fruits in unusual abundance and a rich harrcst Is being gathered under favoring skies , and never before In the history of the country has there been snch widespread distress ; never before such a loss of confidence nnd destruction to credit. Industries nro everywhere breaking down and laborers by tens of thousands are thrown workless on the streets with waul staring them in the face. Scores of banks lire driven lo suspen sion. There lias been a shrinkage of hun dreds of millions. In the value of blocks and other property. To attribute - tribute all ibis condition to sil ver purchasing Is absurd. Under this law , since IS'JO. $ ir > 0 , < KX,000 have boon added to our currency. Does anybody bollovo that the presence of this $1,10,000,000 makes molioy scarce and donrf The real object lesson of the situation Is very different from that which the gold conspirators Intend. It enables us to see the beginning' the shrinkage of prices that inusl tiilco place in order to go to a purely gold basis. The trouble Is In tha chaugo in the money stnnd.ird. The value of the money may bo doubled cither by doubling the weights of tamlard coins or by destroying half of the metal out of which the coins are made. The establish ment of the single cold standard Is equiva lent to putting a value of Iwo dollars to ono. It is doubling the unit and putting property down bnc-linlf. This is what is going on to do this , and to still require the snino number of dollars In the payment [ ) f debts and taxes IR lo sanction the in of ono class by the other. " He characterized the silver net of 187 ! ! as n crime and said he was willing to have the not of 1600 repealed if iho ether Sher man law net of 1871) ) can irJO repealed by the same bill. Lot both Shur- limn laws go togolher and place Uio country b.ick upon tno constitution and the law ns it stood before lb"l. ! The committee on credentials was then appointed , consisting of ono member from each state , and n committee , consisting of Lyon of Colorado , chairman , Hoagan of Texas , Stark of Ohio. Washburno of Massa chusetts and Fullenwnlor of Illinois , \viis appointed nn pertuunoiit organization ; also a commitU'o consisting of 11 delegate jfpr each state represented on rules and order of business. The convention then ndjournod until . ! JO. The afternoon session of the convention was held in Central Music hall , a building capable of seating over ! ) ,000 with comfort' Son nt the ( Ilil Uomiin for Clmlrnmii , Allen W. Thurman of Ohio was1 made permanent president amid , great applause. AVhlli ) the notification committee was mil and the of the Hitm report committee on creden tials was awaited , Kobcrl Schilling of Mil waukee wanted to he.ir n speech from Gov ernor Wnlto of Colorado , but iho chairman declared iho motion out of order , pcnillng pormancutorganization. . A committee nn rules and order of busi ness was thun chosen and the roll of states called for the appointment of a committee on ' ' resolutions. Mr. C. S. Thomas of Colorado ! urged thai each state name three members of this committee , ono member from each of thu thrco parties , hut Paul Vnndcrvoort of Nebraska objected. "I hope , " said 10. "that party differences will not bo rccog'x nlzod In this convention. " [ Applause. ] Mr. Fletcher of Colorado said that when this convention adjourned It would beef charged that II was under the domination of one of the three great parties. In order to obviate that , the Colorado delegation ad thought It wise to ask that ono in em tier bo selected from each ot the throe great polit ical parllos In iho several states. ICx-Sonator Hugan of Texas arose. , nnd In response to loud demands mounted iho stage. Said ho : " 1 understand wo nro here ns hi- iiiotalllsts , without reference to any distinc tion of political parties. The moment newo introduce a partisan question In this conven tion wo throw before It a mutter which i is I going to causa strife and confusion ami iiu- pnlr the workof thoconvontlon. [ Appluuso.l ] I appeal to this convention lo go on with Pits duties nnd declare Its of purpose restoring to thin country gold and silver coinage us It existed before IhTH , and restart ) the prosper ity of Iho country , and after wards take euro of our party affiliations. " [ Great uppluuio.j Commit tc ou Kenolutloui. Mr. Thomas withdraw hts motion. The roll of states was culled nnd the following commlltcoon resolutions appointed ; IngM. Alabama , J. C. Manning ; Arizona , J. M. .Murphy ; California. Daniel M. Burns ; Colorado - rado , Thomas M. Patterson ; Connecilcut. C. B , Whltcomb ; Dtstrici of Columbia , . C..uo Crandull ; Georgia , Henry Jones ; Florida. J. McAllister ; Indiana , M. C. Itankin ; Idaho , \ Y , G. Bryant ; Illinois , Benjamin Goodhuu ; lawn , C. C. Cole ; Kansas , Harrison Kulley ; Nevada , II. F , Bartlno : Massachusetts , F. Witshburnoj Maryland. H. 6 : Moutauu , l-l u. Mails ; Minnesota ) , Ignatius Donnelly ; Missouri , M. F. Mines ; Now Mexico , Hiram Hadlcy ; Now York , U , AJden Spencer ; Nebraska , W. J. Bryan ; North Carolina , J , II , Slnunton : Worth. Dakota , William H. Standlsh : Soutti Dakota , C. H. Trlpp ; Pennsylvania , , ! . H. Davis ; Ohio , P. It. Gruff ; Utah , C. C. Good- win ; Texas , .lohrf H. Kcgan : Tennessee , J. C. Roberts ; Virginia , 1. L. Johnson ; Washing ton , Patrick Clarke ; Wisconsin , Robert Schilling : Wyoming , J. J. Hurt. A list of vice presidents was announced , ono member being delected from each state and thn questions of preparing nn addrcsstu the people and a memorial to congress were after some discussion , referred to the com mittee on resolutions. - At this point Chairman Kcgan and the spoclal committee , escorted the now presi dent , Allen W. Thurman , to the stage. The appearance of Mr. Thurman was a'signal for uproarious applause , and after It had sub sided lie was Introduced by the retiring presi dent and spoke as follows : Air. Tlinriniin'n .Speech. "Mit. CtiAiiiMAV , LAWKS AND GENTLEMEN : Tbo light between thosn who bcllcvo thai tlio clrculallon medlumof this country should be hard money that Is real money , gold or silver and paper redeemable In the same , and these who bollovo in the use of soft money , thai Is , paper promlses-lo-pay-money , redeemable in other promises to pay is on. "Should the Sherman law bo repealed without substituting anything In lieu thereof , It means the final destruction of sil ver money ns n measure of value , anil no man can toll when it will over bo again re stored to Us former place. I nm against nn irredeemable currency In every way , but If It Is to bo decreed ttmt wo must have flat money ; if our circulating medium Is to bo based upon faith alone , then I am in favor of Its being Issued by the government and not by individuals , because I have moro faith lu all of tha people than 1 have lu any particu lar class of people. C'mirrontcd by the Same Condition , money advocates before that are made now. The United States bank and all Its branches , by pursuing almost Identically the same course as its followers of loday have done , so fnghleiiod iho business community ( did so paralyzed all industry that , allhough they tnay not have Iniendod it , yet a panic did ensue , and such depression followed that they thought surely Old Jackson must etvo way and they must win , but Old Hickory never for a single moment wavered. On the contrary , ho appealed again to the people of this country , pointing out to where nil this would lead , and then bade the bank do its' worst , and ho did not appeal in vain ; neither will wo appeal In vain , for when the poopUJ of this country nwnkcn to the fact that there Is being made a systematic attempt to force Ilium to pay the obligations of this government In gold alone , when they have always had the right to pay them In gold or silver , and that tills is to bo taken away from them that the contract they made with their creditors is lo bo violated I. for one , have not the slightest doubt where they will stand. 'I deny that gold alone affords a sufllcient basis upon which llio circulating medium and credits of this country should rest , and I charge that these who now demand that sil ver shall bo destroyed are not true hard money men , but paper money men. They know full well that the people of this coun try will have In some form ot another u suf ficient circulating medium. Soon again you will hear that the banks are best titled lo supply the circulating medium of the coun try because they alone can regulate its vol ume according to the demands of business. Have thcso banks , during this trying time , with but few exceptions , by increasing their circulation , expanded the volume according to the demands of business ? Their Victory Will Ilo Complete. "Then next , if they succeed in uncondi i- tionally repealing tlio Sherman law , you will hear the demand made that the govern ment issue other bonds upon which thcso banks may supply the deficiency In the cir culating medium , which will bo brought about by the government ceasing to issue the com certificates under thn Sherman law ; and , lluaUy. should there at any time bo a falling oil of llio gold in llio ireasury , which is sure to come sooner or lalcr , you will begin to see editorials by the score pointing out what a inonuco to the 'business of the country are the outstanding $ JM(1,000.- ( 000 of greenbacks ; and that unless they are retired tbo treasury will soon lose i.ll of its gold and Hie counlry will bo brought to a sil 1- ver basis , and then the further demand will bo made that these greenbacks bo retired ! with a long time bond , upon which moro promises to pay can be issued by these banks. In fact , it will not bo many years before 11103-demand the rotiremenl of all , forms Of papur money , other than their own notes , which the people of this country will then lie compelled to accept as money. When this comes about , ( and unless it is stopped ; now. It will como about ) the victory of the Shylocks will bo complete , for if these banks can now not only prevent the national debt from being reduced , but , on llio contrary , can make congress Increase it so they may porpotnalo themselves , when and whore will llislr p wer end ! Ci4vtliiiid'H Coming Mn ( Ui n * "I have no doubt that in tlio message which will bo scut to congress upon the 7th of this month the phrase of 'sound and stable currency" will bo usod. I want'tho presi ! dent of the United States to tell the people of this country and members of congress what Is meant by a 'sound and stable cur rency. " I will not bo satisfied by his saying that ho Hiujply wants a siaudurd Hint docs not fluctuate , but 1 want him to toll the people ple of this country why ha sa\s thai fold aloiio will make Dial stable standard. Give us the reasons for the faith that is In him. The people of this country are In telligent enough to understand whether the conclusions ho reaches are correct ones from the promises laid down. If ho does not thlnlc thai the people nro so , ho cer tainly must think that the members of con gress are , to whom this message .will bund addressed , "Wo meet hero to discuss In n calm and dignified way what Is best to bo dom ; . Therefore , I bog leave to submit to the con sideration of the convention the following plan. Before doing so. however , pormlt mete to say that 1 am not particularly wadded toro this plan , or to any other , because I know llicro are objections to it that may prove , upon consideration , to bo moro formidable ) than I think they are. Out of it , though : , and others which will bo submitted to h.ho convention , we may arrive at something which is practicable , it Is as folliiws ; "I'lrHlLot our adversaries a rou tothu frco rolmiKO lit HIvi'r | ni ullhur the ratio of ' 1JH , or Ititol. 1 proftir this former. If th y do , wo will agin ) to HKI unconditional repeal of hose Hhornmn law. "Nu.\t - Ainsiid the national hanking laws so as to prniilt any national linnk to Usuu Its nolo.s up lo thn p'ir value of lull pur i-uiil upon tliu deposit of Oi ) per cent with the Unltod Si.-ites treasury In either l/nllfd Htati < s gold or silver coin other than Nilluldlary tdlvur. "I'urthur Ainiind , by ropuallni : , the tax on national bank circulation , , llKimimli nn Immcillatn holntloii , "It must bo perfectly apparent to these who control the national banks of tltis nu - trythut their very exUtenco depends ll n wise solution of this question and that In any event they cannot bring about the ro- peul of the Sherman law and get the people to consent to thu Issue of moro bonds with out a lorn. ami desperate struggle , during which time all Industries will continue to re main i paralyzed , Let them meet us in a spirit of fairness and upon equal ground enter with us upon thu development of some such plan as thu ono sucvested. If this can be brought about 1 um sure that not only conllJonco will bo Instantly restored , but thai this country will have raised aloft the beacon llglitSyhlch will load the world lo- ward prosperity for half a century to como. " [ Applause. ] Thn committee on credentials reported that forty-two states and territories were represented and thai S10 delegates were en titled to seat ! on the floor. The committee on rules and order of bust- ness presented Its report , which was adopted. It provided that all dlscusslont should bo conllucd to the subject of mi allism and that no delegate should bo en titled to speak moro than llvo minutes enon the same subject , U was ordered that thu ovenlng session of today should be devoted to hearing of addresses by .Senator Stewart us stcoxu jMueTj COULDN'T ' STAND THE STfiAIN Oollapso of the Pork Corner En inesred by Chicago Oporatora. LEADING PROVISION DEALERS FAIL I'rlcr * Drop to nn Unlooked for t'lcuro John titid.tlijr thn I'rluolpil SuH'trrcr from tlin Crnnh History of the Dual. Cmc.vno , Autr. 1. Today was ono of the most disastrous In Iho hlslory of Iho Board of Trade of this city , Wealthy. Individuals nnd llrms were bowled over Hl o nine-pins and the prices of hog products went tumbling hko nn avalanceo. Dealers on the Chtcaco board are accustomed to exciting scenes and kaleidoscopic changes In vutuo , for this market seems to bo thu storm center where both the upward and downward push lu the price of the world's food products is most severely felt ; but old members of the board , who had been through the whirl and clatter of many collapsing concerns in both grain and provisions , actually stood aghast at the rapidity with which the firms wont down. A sheer drop of $3.2."i per barrel on pork In- sldo of three-quarters of an hour Is enough to take away the breath of old Stcutor him self. Firnt Intimation of Trouble. morning when Secretary Stouo appeared on the balcony of the trading reom mid notified all concerned that these having trades with the well-ki.own provision brolrtr llrms of J. G. Steever & Co. , E. W. Bailey & Co. and A. Hclmholz & Co. should proceed to close them out. The sllenco lasted for a second after the close of the announcement , and then a mighty roar went up from the pro vision pit. As early as last March It became apparent to the trade that mess pork was being "bulled" through thcso houses , and It soon became noised about in the provision trade that A. W. Wright was behind the deal. A year ago he started a corner In ribs , and with the help of Cudahy curried it through to success , making n large amount of money. Apparently , according to the general opinion on tho-board , he bad started to run a similar deal in mess pork. The collapse has boon looked for for some weeks and as the monetary situation became came moro and moro strained , and the bor rowing of money to put uo margins , moro and moro tlilllcu.lt , everybody interested in the de.il drew out , leaving the market so dull that there was scarcely enough business to cstabllshv quotations. When the bubble finally burst the pieces were so small that it was next to Impossible to find them. The first offer beard by the quotation ofileial after the announcement of the fail ure was ? 1S,75 , against ยง 10 at the close yesterday ; the next bid was $18 , then $17.50 , and so it went , 50o to $1 at a time , with very little hesitation at any point until the prlco touched $10.50 , n loss of $3.23 per barrel in forty minutes. These nro the ofileial figures. But It is reliably vouched for that a sale was made at $10 and several as low as $10. a drop of ill , or nearly 50 per cent , or $450,000 on n visible supply of 50,000 barrels. Then the market became quieter , and good buying nt the enormous decline carried the price back to $13 ; and subse quent events had only n temporary effect on it. Things were moving along with ominous smoothness when another and hoavlcrshock ; came in the announcement by the secretary oi the failures of the North American Pack ing company , a jiackhiir concern with a cap ital of $ i)0,000 , in which "Jack" Cudaby was largely interested ; of Wright & Haughey , a respectable < firm , chlclly engaged In tno re ceiving and shipping of wheat , but which was understood to bo Intereslcd wilh Cudahy in his deals in the provision pit. Jn < : lc Cmlitliy'ft failure. Finally came the failure of Cudahy , the darintr operator in provisions , a man whoso wealth had recently been estimated nt no less than $18,000,000 , of which about $2,000- 000 was made in the deal In ribs last fall. Tbo announcement of his failure had scarcely died on the secretary's lips before the storm broke loosa again , this time in the lard crowd. That commodity had held ex tremely steady throughout the slump xin pork , but It , In turn , mounted the toboggan and wont down as If self-lubricated. The price for September was fc'J.TS per tierce in the early ' . .railing ; It was $ ( ! within six min utes after Cudahy's 1'ailuro was announced , and September short ribs , which sold early at $7.25 , broke to $ .1.87 - Before the close , however , both rallied , the former to $0.0 , llio lallcr lo ? 0.iO. : Not AflVcted by tlio Craih. It was said by one close to Mr. Cudahy that his private affairs were entirely > separate from his partnership matter and that the various companies In which ho Is interested with his two brothers , Mlko nnd Ed , uro not directly affected by the failure. It is estimated that thu losses on thu pork : alleged to Have boon bought for Wright uro between $400,000 and $500.01)0. ) No one pro- lends lo estimate Cudahy's losses. end Charlie Wrlglu declares that Cudahy and N. Iv. Fairbanks , the lard klmr , were inter ested with him in his deal , and that ho trouble came about because they would ot pul up any moro margins. So far as ho trade Is concerned , Mr. Fairbanks is ot known in connection with tha deal nt all. John Cudnhy hns no financial Interest In thu Cudahy plant at South Omaha , which is owned by Edward and Michael Cudahy. The South Omaha plant will not bo alTcutcd by failure or by the troubles of the other ' " "if- : cage packers and provision merchants. ' ' Moran , ICrous and Mayer , as attorneys for the Chicago Packing and Provision company ' , announced attachment proceedings In the superior court this afternoon against the North American Provision company for $17- 000. The plaintiff company has security for Its claim lu the shape of margins , but it 'oils feared they have or will bo absorbed In the collapse. Mr. Mayer said nothing had been decided . upon ns yet lu the matter of straightening j i Mr. Cudnhy's affairs. As far as lie knew Cudahy has asscois lo cover twice his In- debtedness. Mr. Inas Mayer said Mr.Cuduliy was prostrate at his homo from effects ot the , crash. i > ivii.ui'iNi : : lioi.i ) .m.VKs. Duprcidloii In Silver IIu * ( llvon tin Impetus to Olhrr .Mining ; Operiitlon , SALT LAKH , Aug. 1 [ Special Telegram to TUB BEU.J The depression In the silver market has given a decided stimulus to gold mining In Utah and Noveda. The now cold camp of Ivy In Grass valley , Nov. , hosjusl been explored and Information received today from FriscoU.T.the nearest telegraph station , states that William Anderson milers wUl l'u"'lcr , old Colorado prospectors who opened up the camp nin depth of forly fcot , discovered an Immense body of min eral that assays $125 in gold and iitX ) ounces In silver. A number of other equally good > prospects are being developed at Ivy , News today form the Henry mountain cold district is to the effect thai rich strikes in a dozen now prospects have been made and stamp mills arts kept busy crushing ores night and day , This camp U practically un explored and experienced mining men are confident that the Henry mountains will bo thu coming gold district of the west , , AnliiitiiU Nutloiml to lloopcii. Asm.A.Ni > , Nob. , Aug. 1. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB. ] Ala meeting of Die dl- rectors of the National bank of Ashland this afternoon llio comptroller of the cur : rency uas requested to make au assessment of CO per cent nnd permit the hank to resume business on or before | September \ . The stockholders arc all fayoraolo to this propo sition. This bank was blosod July 0. DUAI.MNO KUItOl'i : . I.nrRe Slnpmrntu ot Until Now Knronte to tlin Ifnltml SUlro. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 1. A now nnd unex pected mcasuro of'rellof has been Injected Into the financial situation. United States bonds have reached such a low figure that the national banks'suo their way clear to make a profit by Issuing certlflcalcs against them. Arranpomcnls have therefore been made by several of the moro prominent banks to Increase their circulation from the minimum limit , at which It now stands , to such an amount ns will ! materially relieve the present tension. Ul Is cstlmnlcd that $8,000,000 or $10.000,000 J will bo so added to Wow York's supply of currency within n very short time. Orders have already boon placed with the comp troller of the currency for part of the now bills nnd some of the banks have bought their bonds preparatory to depositing them luna Washington. Among the banks that are named as Interested In the movement nro the Gallalln , Fourth , Merchants , First Now York and Park. Now Hill * Ordered Kncrnvil. The Fourth National has already ordered $2,000,000 , bills engraved and the Gallatln uboul $800,000. The latter bank has pur chased $ . " > 0,000 of llio bonds and llio Bank of New York $700,000. The rest of tha amount will bo made up among the other banks named. The currency movement today was lighter than It has been for some time , being esti mated at less than $750,000. The shbtreas- ur.v was a creditor at the clearing house for $105,000 , about half of which was paid in gold. Exchanges ovcv the counter at the subtreasury was about $400,000. Including $ "K,000 ) In silver. Gojd was paid out to the amount of $ ! ! 00,000 , nnd $ .V,000 ) was received from Sail Francisco by telegraph. The Issue of lo.xn certificates was Increased $1,4,10.000 , raising the tolal to $29,450000. Today' ? Issno was for the purpose ot facilitating the gold Imports. The shipment of gold from Enplaml for vNow York by today's steamers reached iOU.- 000. Part of this was In eagles and double eagles and will probably bo returned In the very kegs with seal unbroken , in which they were ' shipped to London during our recent specie export movement. Arrangements were also reported to have been made nt Chicago for the Import of K > 00,000 In gold direct by the First National bank of Chicago ; $2.)0,000 by thu Bank of Nova Scotia in that city and $ .100,000 by the Illinois Trust and Savings institution , this old being engaged aguliist tbo forwarding of wheat , and product ) to England , the machinery of the operation being similar to that employed by the .New York banks hi their Import of gold against the transfer of American securities to .London. Tbo total gold now afloat from Europe for America , most of it duo Hero withiu a week , Is be tween $7,000,000 and $ S,000.000. Scarcity of Currency. About the only dlQlcu'lty the banks now Have to contend with , it Is said , is the great ' scarcity of currency. It was said that the loan certificates issued today praetlcally'represeut the gold that has been ordered from London , as they were taken out by ono of llio largo banks which lent money to some of the gold 1m- porting houses to buy foreign exchange. It. is not believed that the total amount of certificates will bo , inuch increased after today. The first heavy Importations of gold will arrive this week , after whieh , it is ex pected there wil ( 'be a 'considerable easing up in the situation " , as u 'consequence thereof. f Harvey Fish & Sons , who make a specialty of government boncU , today sent a circular to national bank ofllcers , urging "Uio Impor tance of enlarging their circulation. They said : "Thero is room for an increase of over $100,000,000 , provided the bonds can bo secured for deposit. The banks can perform a service by Increasing circulation , receive a reward in the shape of largo profits and demonstrate to the public that n properly secured bank currency Is llio best which n country can have , because It expands when needed and contracts when not needed. INCREASING 1IIB1K ClIttiULATlUN. New York Niitionnl JJiuiltH Preparing to IHSIIO n I.urgo Amount of Notus. WASHINGTON , Aug. 1. The financial do- dresslon Is to bo relieved from a quarter that has not boon looked to for succor. The report of the treasury department , issued touav , shows that In July the circulation of national banks was Increased over $5,000- 000. Comptroller Eckels was asked tonight what was the slgnlllcanco of the increase. "It is due " ho said "in , , a largo part to the low prlco of government bonds , which makes the issue of currency , oven when re stricted to 00 per cent Of the par value of bonds deposited to secure it , n profitable venture for llio banks , Four per cents are now quoted at $1.08 , which is quite a fall from the maximum llguro which they have attained. Then the stringency of the money market makes it desirable that the circu lating medium shall be increased ns much as possible national bank notes , secured by government bonds are a very satisfactory currency. "In the quarter ended July 31 the net In crease of tbo national bank note circulation was something over J-3,000.000 , and it will bo increased this month at least that amount , in m.v opinion. The department sent out over fTjOOjlHW todav and received applications from three New Yorlc banks for the issue of f'JUO- 000 to each of them , $1,000,000 being depos ited with < 'ach of the applications. " "Will you recommend this limitation to 00 per cent of the par value of the bonds In case of the restrictions to the issue of circu lation bo removed J" " 1 don't care to say as to that. It Is a recommendation that has been repeatedly made by comptrollers in their reports , but m.v time has been so taken up with Tnattors of current topics that 1 have had no oppor tunity to consider It yot. " NATIONAL UKIJT hTATKMKNT. I'lcnrrH Irom tlio Treinury Department tluit U'lll I'wiv'e InteruDtlni ; llciiillng , WASHI.VOTON , Aug. l.Vl'ho debt statement issued Ihis evening' shovys a net Increase In thu public debt , less cash In the treasury , during July of iM,2Gf'J7t.Ol. ! The Interest bearing debt increased WO , the non-interest bearing | debt decreased $ . ' 111,050.50 and thu cash , in the treasury decreased . The balance of the s6voral classes of debt at Ihe close of business1 July ill were : Inter est bearing debt , $ S8l,0i7-llO : : ; debt on which ; Interest has ceased slnco maturity , $2,081 , . f > 'U.2tl , nnd debt bearing110 Interest , $ : i7-J,002- W0.jt7 jtotnl sum , * 'J31,121,021.03. Tlio certificates nnd treasury notes , sot off by an equal amount of cash In the treasury outstanding at tlio end of tlio month , were f377.7afl.Mll , n decrease of $7,101.-'y ! ) , The total cash In the treasury was $7W,011- ; 707.17 , The gold reserve was tly'JOJOyy ) , and 4iot cash balances , $18,6iM,0H.57. ; In t'lo ' inonlh ihero was a decrease In gold coin nnd bars of flWl,4W.41 , the total at the close being etSO.Sia.OO'J.OS. Of sliver there was an increase of $010,407.1)0. Of the surplus there was In national bank depositories $17.044,00:1,17 : , ngalnsl $21,000,580.50 ul tno end of llio previous mouth. The receipts for the month of July were JO.ltOo.TTtVlO , and the expenditures $ ; il.075 ) , 8t5.CO. In Juno thu receipts were 830.033,021.65 , umj nlu cx - penditures $2U,2Go'-l51,30.--Customs receipts decreased from JH.UM.aOO.ai to * 14 , ( > W- , . WJ.iy , and the internal revenue receipts increased from $ U,003,127. ! to * UnSll27.50. ! The payments for pensions Increased from ftl.-m.HOl.VS . . lo $14 , 707,008.37. - ' Hunk Note. Outstanding. WASHINGTON , Aug , 1. The total amount of bank notes outstanding Is $183,055.11:20 : , an Increase - crease of f5M1.9SS ( during the month. This Is an unusually heavy Increase , occasioned I by the fact that many national banks are In { ; creasing their circulation. The number of new banks being orguulzod Is unusually . small. 1 t ARGENTINA REVOLUTIONISTS Provincial 'Police Powerless to Produce Pence nt Present. THEY HAVE SEIZED MANY CITIES I'rcMiUnt IVnn IV r tha ITprMiiR llccomo ( loiiprnl nnd tlio I Authority llo Threatened Nutlotml Trocinlll | Inti-rR-rc. Ifopt/rfuMfil / ISMtni Jittn-ji ffonlo Itennetl. } VAI.VAIIAISO , Chill ( via Gnlveston , Tex. ) , Aim. 1. ( lly Mexican Cnblo to the Now York Herald Special to THE Bnu.l Dis patches from the Herald's correspondent lu Buenos Ayrcs. Argentina , show that thorov- olnilons against the orovlnclnl government of the provinces of Buenos Ayres , Sun Luis nnd Santa Fo are gaining continually. Kov- olulionlsts in iho province of San Luis won n complete triumph , They have deposed the provincial government and established an other with a pronounced radical at Its head. The situation there Is very grave , many miles of railroad being torn up. Complete success has not yet boon won In the provinces of Santa Fo nnd Buenos Ayrcs. but the Insurgents nro gaining every where. Along the roast of the province of Buenos Ayres nnd up the Parana rlvor , which forms the oaslcrn boundary of the province of Santa Fo , all the towns have been seized by thu Insurgents. > Litllc reslsl- anco was made hv most of them. Forty towns in Iho province of Buenos Ayres alouo are now hold by llio revolu tionists and all the camp districts under their control. Halls have been torn up along many railway lines to prevent the movement of troops and the prefect of the Parana rivet- has ordered steamer captains not to lake I'lylitlni ; In Sunlit Fe. Moro actual fighting has been done In the province of Santa Fo so far than the other provinces where the revolutions have been started , out a grc.it battle is expected in or near the city of La Plata , where Governor Costa of the province of Uuenos Ayres has taken a poslllon at the head of 2,200 pro. vlnclal iroops. The city of Buenos Ayres Is In a ferment concerning the expected bat tle , because victory for civico iitclonale , as the rebels call themselves , but who are really radicals , means that they will proba bly completely overthrow the provincial government. Thu revolutionary forces have surrounded La Plata and G ivornor Cost-i and his troops uro practically shut in. They are under siege and will prob.ibly bo forced to light tholr way out of the city. Bahia Blanca , on B.ihla Blanca Bay at tile extreme southern point of the province of Buenos Ayrcs , was captured today by tbo revolutionists. The-polico made a short re- sistancc , but wore forced to surrender. This gives the revolutionists almost complete con trol of the Great Southern railroad which runs from Buenos Ayres City to Babia Blatica. ' ' In the province of Santa Fc tbo revolu tionists against Governor Caffcrata are rap Idly gaining. They have sie/ed man * ' towns. A largo body of revolutionary troops largely composed of colonists from Europe is march ing toward the city of Santa Fo , which is the capital of the provinces. Notice bus bcciiscnt Governor CafTerata that unless ho surrenders the city by daybreak tomorrow and agree to givouu control of the province a bombard ment will bo opened. It is not doubted that the revolutionists could readily take the city by storm. Possibly the governor may sur render without courting such a misfortune. Cnnnot l > oftat th * Insurgents. His enemies are winning such triumphs that ho cannot hope to overcome them with out direct aid from national troops and this Is not likely to bo given. The city of Hosario , the largest in the province of Santu Fc , is already In the hands of the rovolu tlonary forces. It is reported that 100 per sons were killed and wounded during the lighting with the insurgents auu the police of that city. The puoplo of the city of Buenos Ayrcs are greatly excited and arc waiting eagerly * f&i news of the revolution. President 1'enn whoso administration is not threatened b.v the revolutionists , Is anxious about the out como. Ho fears that the prolonging of the , revolt aiay result in a general uprising national troops necessary. A cabinet meeting was held last night , at which It was decided to ask congress to sanction federal intervention In the dis turbed provinces. Thn senate voted favor ably upon the proposal today , and it is now being considered by tbo chamber of deputies. Buenos Ayres papers say that the stories sent to London papers from Itlo Janeiro about the revolution in Illo Grande do Sul , Brazil , are absolutely false. The Herald's correspondent in Itlo Janeiro telegraphs that the officials In Santa Cath- arlua have seized thu Argentine steamer Furtuna. They claimed thu right to search her to find whether arms for tlio Brazilian rebels were aboard. The Argentine consul made a vigorous protest against thu seizure. A delleit of $000,000 in the Uruguayan budget Is reported. / / ; ; ir.i * in.un.-r OF poor. How a During liurcliir lit I'liirtumoutli ( in Awjy Irom the I'ollco. PlATT8MOUTll , Nob. , Aug. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tuts BEI : . ] A bum , whoso fleet- ness-of foot his chief - was characteristic , was the perpetrator of a burglary in this city last night , Ha broke into the homo of Charles Metier by cutting a screen door and carted off a shotgun , a stiver watch , a suit of clothes and several other Itr articles of wear- Imr npparol. The stolen goods were valued at MO , The loss was discovered this morn ing , and tbo police were notltioa and no na search Immediately Instituted. The po llen soon discovered thu thief oIn a box car down In the Burlington yards with a grip containing the Melon goods. He jumped out of the opposite door of the car and ran across ou thu big sand bar opposite town and was soon lost lo view In the densu foliage. The police gave uliaso and followed the fellow for over three hours , but hu finally eluded hla pursuers and got across the I'latto river brldgo Into Sarpy county. The chase was fully six miles in length , through tbo thickest kind of willows ami lull reod& . The thief dropped all of thu property but the watch In his flight , and the At lluz < .irir , , Musa , , Aug. 1. The presi dent remained at homo today. The only cullur was a gentleman from Boston , who was unwilling to glvo his name. Mr. Cleveland said that Mr. Carlisle would remain several days nnd accompany him back I to Wushlnglon. Mr. Cleveland will delay l his departure for Washington until the very lusl of thu week. Horrible Crime ol Tlirco GAI.VESTO.V , Aug. 1. Near Moiilfc'omery thrco negroes attacked the house of ryM. Marsh , killed him , assaulted his wife. murdered hU iufaul ttaU cut out the louguo t Ills 7-vcnr-old child. His vvlfo ii " 'ovcd o bo dying. Ono negro was oau. . . . nnil ynched. The sheriff niul | > osso arc scarab- ng for tliu others. ins iriPK ntuitM ) . Woodbine' * r.t-l'oMiimMur ( JnlU limn niul III * l-.unlly . for Cutiroriilii. , In. , Aug. 1. [ Special to Tun Unn.J \V. .1. Cnllnndor , ux-postina.ster at Wood- > lno. has n pretty young wife , unit ono of ils clerks , Dick Welch , scorns to hive fully niiprcclntoil the lady's charms. Calender's ro was aroused nt Welch's demonstration of nffcction , and wlnlo ro.ichlug for Ills gun with the evident intention of denting out summary vengeance Welch forestalled his employer's movements h.v gottlm. ' the drop in him , thus securing an opportunity to escape without liloodshoil. Mr. Callnmler is ono of the most ontorprlslm , ' , reliable and successful business men of the town , highly csPceted by everybody , and was passionuu ntclv attached to his wife and ehlld , but this ' iffair has broken up tlio family , u separation 'laving taken place imineiliatcly. After a msty disposal of his business matters , Mr. 3allandorstarted : for Call ferula * leaving bis wife behind. Kmnnnlpiitliiii Imy OhtcrviMl , OTTUMWA , In. , An ? . 1. [ Special Telegram to Tan Bir..J Kiunnclpntlon day w.ia ob served hero , thousands of colored people from the surrounding country unending , There was a parade followed h.v a birbcciio uul spcechca bv Hov. Mr. Clemens and others. A ball game and other amuses- tuetits llnlshcd-Uu : day's exorcises. ClnrdicnVlUtin Dylu ? . DM Moi.sns. la. , Aug. 1. [ Special Tele- jram lo Tut : UUR. ] Clarence S. Wilson , Iho veteran newspaper man , is very 111 and Is not expected to recover , His physician called n consultation last ntghl and every thing known to thu medical fraternity will lie dotio to prolong his life , but It is said to bo almost a hopeless case. "Aunt" ClmlyM Illrtlitliy Colohritlon. Four DOPHK , In. , Aug. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEK.J "Aunt" Cindy Hell , an aged colored woman of this city , celebrated her 102d birthdaytoday. . "Aimt" Cindy wa clothes for a living mid works every da ; . She has apparently many moro birth- days on earth. ix MRjioiti' inmi : nil in. IPPH Oxvr the Kciiiiilix of Dnnlrl Mo- Niuiplitoti nt llio I'll r ( iroiin In. CHICAGO , Aug. 1. There was n funeral In tin Whlto City this moruinfr. The last sad rites over the remains of Daniel McN.uigh- ton , chief of the New York World's fair managers , were held in the gr.um banquet hall of the Now York state building. The beautiful : structure is drapjd In mourning and is closed to the public. It will remain closed until tomorrow morning. The cxcr- ciscs were conducted by llov. Dr. McPho"1 son , pastor of llio Second Presbyterian chinch of this city. The body will be sent in a private car over the Michigan Central 1 road direct to , Mumford , N. Y. , Senator Mo- Naughton s old homo. "American " Week" at the Columbian expo sition grows daily iicaivr a reality. At n late . meeting of the Associated American i exhibitors , ropro.suntini ? ! iiOUO at the expo sition , the directors submitted a plan for the proposed celebration , which was formally approved , it contemplates the giving up nf a day to each of tlio grout departments of industry and trades. In the Woman's building today tlio board of lady managers held memorial services in honor to the members of the board who have died since its organization. Tlio exor cises wore of n religions character and were held hi the assembly hall , which was draped in mourning. The. members of the board who liavo died are nine h : number and their names are : Mrs. Darby , South Carolina ; Mrs. Lucas , Pennsylvania ; Mrs. Miles , Oklahoma ; MM. Whitney , Xow York ; Mrs. Stevenson , Nevada ; Mrs. Baxter , Texas ; Mrs. Pair , California ; Mrs. Patrick , Colorado rado ; Mrs. Lewis of Chicago. . .I.V OI.I > AM.V. .lercmliih l'hirlrr : Futility Injnreil l > y " "kVilllum ( illtM N'oir llnstln M. BIATHICI : ! , Aug. 1. [ Special ' elegrain to Tifin I5m'.J A warrant for the arrest of William Giles was today placed in the hands of Sheriff ICyd. on complaint - f Calvin Thacker of Bnrneston , Neb. , who repro- sents that yesterday mornini ; Giles made an unprovoked attack on his aged father , Jercmiali Thackor , striking him over the head with a wagon noekyoko , fracturing his .skull , from the effects of which he is said to be dying. Giles , who U described as a man 2'J years old , smooth face and hair cut pomp.idonr , bears a hard reputation , and , It is salil , Is wanted bv Kansas olllcers for other offenses. Immediately aftercommitting the assault ho mounted-n horse and made his escape. Tlio olllcers are , however , close on his track and Ills capture Is considered certain. Much in dignation exists in the neighborhood in which tliu crime was committed , and should the culprit return to that vicinity ho would undoubtedly bo roughly handled , / ' . > ' TO TltK It.lXUK , Anthony ConiHtool : Will Atlt'inpt lo KIIJI- pri'Ks ii World' * I'air Attract Ion. CuifAOO , Aug. 1. I Special Telegram 'to 'I'm : Br.K.J Anthony Com.itoek of .Now York has como to Chicago to suppress the dnnca ilovonlru In the street In Cairo , Midway plalsance. Mr. Comstock wont up to the plnlsnnce this afternoon nnd purchased one of thu catalogues , armed with which IOU ) posted to 1'resldent Hlginhotham'sonicc and entered his objection. He had picked out ida line In the catalogue , where the dance was announced and had it bracketed. I'roslilmit illginbotham said that the lo dance was bolug performed in CO with a con tract. l''lr ItlTIHll , KANSAS CITV. . l.--Virc Aug. - ' - this IB destroyed the stock yard's old horsu id mule market. Thirty-live horncs , thirty ots t of harness , six cnttlu carx itn > l one C.II-IIKUI of hay were consumed. Tim loss Is S' Oi Insured. x , la. , Aug. I.Special [ to 'I'm : HIB. : | Hichiird Good , a farmer nuar hero , lost his new barn and all It contained by tire , in cluding two horses , wairnns , buggy , harness , farm machinery , saddle , hay , grain , etc. : The origin of the flro Is a mystery. CAIISOX , la. , Au ? . 1 ; ( Special to Tinflr.u. . ] A tennaiit house on llio farm of J. U. Grifils , ono milo west of Carson , burned yes terday afternoon , from a dofnctlvn line i , lyoss , about { -Via. partially insuroil. The contents , belonging to .lames Tyler , were only partly saved. No Insurance. Di3 MoiNKi , Aug. 1. ( .Special Telegram , to Tin : I3iB.J--Tliu Sbavor Carnage com pany factory WHS burned this innrnlng. The total loss will reach at least $4,030. Total I insurance , not over $4,000. An empty oil can was found this morning lying near tha place where lh lira originated , which np- parcrillv leaves no doubt but that It was starteirby nn incendiary. Uoi9K , Idaho , Aug. 1. A fire that threat ens to destroy the rlt.v Is now In progress. The Central hotel and two blocks are burning. _ Movuinxntii of Ooi'un .Stimmer * Auiu t 1. At BnlilmoroArrived - - Hungary , from Hamburg. Al Bremen Arrived Kaiser Wllhelin II , from New York. At \ fiif11 lik Arrlvcd--Ethlopla , from Now York. At Ix > ndon Sighted Chester and Wei- land , from Now York ; Travo. from Now York. At New York Arrived Elbe. , from Now York. At Philadelphia Arrived British inHam cess , jfrom Llvcrpoul , I STILL SEE A SPECK OF WAR Settlement of the Sinmoso Difficulty Not Yet Attniuoil by the Trench , BLOCKADE OF BANGKOK'S PO&T COMPLETE Ailnilr.il ' Itiinmnn'ii Notion to tlin 1'otrer * i\plrfd : YiMtfnliiy Itlnrknil * Itmtnor Nnindli'j Itiinnlni ; lo\r In tlio ISM liiJamt ] Gantan Itcnndt , ] BAN-OKOK , Aug. 1. [ Now York HornlJ Cable-Special to Tin ; Hr.K.J- Admiral Hunintm's notice of the extension of the ' blockade to the powers ends today. No set tlement of tbo difficulty has yet boon reached , ami negotiations looking to tlio ad justment of details of the Indemnity ui.Vl fixing the now boundaries are still In uro- gr ss. The French patrol captured a local steamer Saturday. The olllcers released iho passengers ' per , Ihoy.bolng Brtllsh subjects. The crow of the steamer got away. Coininunlcatloiii with the outer world are ended , and stores In Bangkok are already getting low. Still the Siamese are strength ening their defenses , although every thing la ns yet quiet. quiet.At At Ilin I'lly of Hiinplcok. B.VNIIKOIC , Aug. 1. Negotiations have be come secret and absolutely nothing can bo learned of them. English and German gunboats entered the Meiun river and came to anchor oil the city. M. nivii.i.i : : : HM-I.AINS. Ho Suites tlin SnliMitniMi of Ills tntnrvloir with Lord l > iirr rln. PAIIIS , Aug. 1. A council of the ministry was hold at the palace of the Elyseo today. M.ha Dovollo announced that Prlneo Vadhnna hate > signified his government's willingness to concede the supplementary guarantees , demanded by France. . , M. , Dovollo also stated that his Interview yesterday with Ixird DufTerln was baseU oa the negotiations , which took place in 1880 between Franco and Great Britain which recognized the principal of n buffer state bo. twccn the French and British possessions In tin east. The question of n neutral rene , M. Dovollo added , had been reserved for future ' ' consideration. The supplementary guarantees demanded by France Irom Slam were contained In n note issued by M. Do.-olioyesterday and made public to-day. Tin text of the note is ns follows : I1.\iiis.lnly 31 , 18911. The delay of Slam In nccuptliiR thn ultimatum presented by the I'feiich minister resident at llnngkok hit1 * justified . . . . , . . , -.p , ' heavier tlio ovoi-miiL'iii conditions ( if , .i the m republic * , n-aiii un. In however , to Klvu furl her proof of the smitlmeptH of moderation by which hho has been constantly iiutnatuil iTiinco will content hir.-t ! > lf us un IndUpun- blblu Kiinranli'O of the practical execution of the clauses of Iho ultimatum with roxitrd lo occupying tlio river and port of Clmntlhon un til tliu complete evacuation of thu posts estab lished hv .Slain on tlio left bank of the Mekong rlvor. Further , for the purpose of guartuituo- Ingn continuance of HID good relationship happily ro established boluoon Trance and Slain and for nruvunlliig n conIIlet In the ro- glen of Imkn ToiiluMtMip , Slam will timlurtuko to maintain no artillery forcon In llatlainbaiii ? and Sleiurenf and In the locality itltiiated within a radius of twenty-live kllo- molorii ' of thn.Mekong rlvor. blurting from the I'ambodlan frontier. . - < lniii w 111 only maintain the police force necessary lo preserve order. Moioovor , Khun will not maintain warships or armed bouts on Iho waters of the great IIIKU or tlio Mekong qivur. I'IINCH ui.Ai.ti.s i.v KIA.U. Lord DnlliTln nnd .M. Unvulln Hold u COM- Hiilliitlon on tlir .Sulijrvt. I.osno.v , Aug. 1. A dispatch from Pari to the Associated press states that Ixsrd Duffcrln , Uritish ambassador to Franco , and Dovclle , French foreign minister , at an in . terview yesterday merely amplllled the papers already prepared for signatures. Inquiry nt the foreign olllco elicits in formation that the discussion WIIH confined to the rough draft of the convention for the dolimiimtioii ol frontiers of the territory to bo handed over to this French bv the and the formation of a InilTor country between French and Itritish posses sions. ICaliililiNliml u .Nimiriil Y.tino. LONDONAug. . 1. in the IIouso of Lords the earl of Kosobery , secretary of stn to for foreign affairs , re.id the text of Iho first ultimatum nnd of the supplementary ulti matum sent by Franco to Slam. Ho added : "Wo hnvo signed an agreement in Paris establishing a neutral 7.0110 In Imlo-Chinu. " STII.I. i.TIII : n.utir. Icmocrn | | Member * of ( Joneron ol I'm urn I'nriy 1'lunn. WASHINGTONAug. . 1. Hopresent.illvo Catchlngs , leading member of Iho house committee on rules , was an early caller on Mr. Crisp today and remained In the spcnkor'K rooms during the afternoon. Ha says the rules will probably bo adopted very soon after the house Is called lo. order and thill there Is no political reason for uny radl- e.il revision. Members of iho house now In Washing ton are still In the dark ns lo Iho ilnlo of Ilia democratic house caucus. Tliero are ai yet very few representatives In the city. It Is Impossible ) that there will Uo a caucus ol the majority of the senate this week. Sen ator ( ionnan , tbo chairman nf thu demo cratic caucus hi llio .senate , Is hero , but bus not yet Issued a call. It will bo iifcc'ssary for the democratic senators to got together and decide upon a line of policy respecting the question which will probably bu thu first to cngago serious attention In the snnuto-namely , the right of admission of thrcu senators from ih northwest whoso UMcs have been iihul- longed bui Senator ( ionnan feels that thora Is no need for haste In the matter , and th caucus will probably not be held before the middle-of next week. I'OWiUI/TINU IVITII Cl.iVICI.AM > . niirretary UiBnliiini und tliu 1'ronldunt Fix- _ th Aug. 1.--.Secretary Carllsla loft hero this afternoon for Buz/nrd'A liny to discuss with thu prt'hidciit thn jhmncei before fore the latter completes his mcssnga oa the silver question , . The secretary carried. with him much Information specially col lected at thu president's request. It 1 * understood that the president's imiasugo will deal solely with the liimncl.il situation and It U expected that the president will leave for Washington Tuesday ovcnlng anil Hint a special cabinet meeting will boiholU on Monday , at which the message will uu rend , " Miminnrl .Miner * Tnko Action , Cirv , Aug. l.-A delogatjon Of Missouri minors held a mooting hero today to tuho action rccurdlng the Kapsas strjlto. A committed wits appointed to moot llku I'OinmlUoes from the Kansas minors ami the operators to arbitrate the Kansas strike. It was voted to strike in u body insxt Monday If the operators do not ngrco to arbitration by Huturduy. At the convention some UOOCI miners worn represented , I'atal Itrtnlt l u family Kim. MAIIVSVII.M : , ICau. , Auif. 1. Hlchard Slmrko was killed by hU 8on-in < Iaw , Wll- Ham Giles , near here la t night. The murder wa > llio result of u