TllR OMAHA DAILY NEE : SATURDAY , JULY 29 , 1803. rfS SOc worth $1.00 Some of the Strong Bargains. Misses' Phil , spring heels , A. D. Morse's price $3 , our price - $1..SO Misses' Phil , spring heels , A. D. Morse's price $2.50 , our price $1.28 Misses' goat school shoes , A. D. Morse's price $2.50 , our price $1.28 Misses' patent tip spring- heel , A. D. Morse's price , $2 ; our price - $1.OO The Silver Question Buried in Oblivion Everything Lately lias been Silver. Everything noiv for Six Days will be Shoes. Everybody will want them. The silver question will have to take a back seat until we have got through tell ing the people about the GREAT SHOE SALE. All A , D. Morse's $1 lines are SOc % All A. D. Morse's $1. 25 and $2 lines are All A. D. Morse's children's tan and red spring heels are SOG All A. D. Morse's infants' tan and red button shoes are 4.O G Boys' ' and Youths' ' A. D. Morse's great leader for boys , his big seller at $3 , our price A line of 4 different sorts , A : D , Morse's price $1.50 , $1.75 , S2 and $2.25 , all bunched at All About the Shoe Sale As announced in the papers , we have bought the entire A. D. Morse stock of men's , women's and children's shoes , in round figures worth $50,000. .It comes to us lor $23,000. It is well known that he kept only reliable goods and always gave Stirling values. The stock comes to us in excellent shape , in fact it is an exceptional stock , perfectly clean and fresh. Mr. Morse7 having only recently decided upon retir ing from business , he had kept his stock full.fresh and complete. It is a stock to be proud of , and we are proud to get it. No trash of any kind. Everything honest. "We ought to make a handsome profit out of it. We are not go ing to try , however. We've got a bargain a big bargain and the public shall share it with us. We are altering our store and shall sell this stock of shoes so cheap that you won't mind the appearance of our store. We bought the shoes to make things The 3 Leaders Children's ' $1 $ Shoes 50c Ladies' ' Oxfords. . . 75c Men's ' $3 $ Low Shoes SI00 lively during the alterations. We quote some of the many bargains. The average price taken right through at which the goods will be sold is fully 50 cents on the dollar ? some will be sold a little over that and some under , just according to the style and quantities. We can safely assure the public , however , that any shoe bought will stand scru tiny as belonging to the gen uine 19th century kind of bar gain the kind they talk about. Mr. AJorse always marked his goods in plain figures you can see his figures and then compare his with ours. The difference will .be startling. Sale com mences Saturday , July 29. It lasts until Saturday , August 5th. Come Saturday , enjoy the music , get a pair of shoes and a ticket for a plate of ice cream at Bald tiff's , given with a $1.00 purchase or over. Men's calf low shoes , A. D. Morse's price $3 , our $1.0O Men's calf congress and lace , A , D. Morse's price $3 , our price $1.5O Men's calf congress and lace , A.D. Morse's price $3.50 , our price $2.0O Men's patent leather shoes A. D. ' Morse's price $5 , our price $3.0O Men's Waukenphast A.D. Morse's price $5 , our price $3.00 Men's kangaroo congress A , D. Morse's price $ S , our price $4.5O Men's hand-sewed calf shoes , A. D. Morse's price $ S , our price $4.OO Only 6 Days J U -worth of Shoes bouht for $28OOO. Will bo , sold cheap HALF Some of the Strong Ones. A. D. Morse's entire stock of $2.50 and $3.00 Oxford ties , our prlco $1.5O A. D. Morse's $3.00 button shoes our price $1.50 A. D. Morse's cntlro stock of $1 button shoes , nn immense line , our prlco A. D. Morse's $5.00 regular inudo opera shoos , our price $2,5Oi A. D. Morse's hand weltW.00 Now York iiiul opera button and lace shoes , our price $3.00 * \ . A. D. Morse's beautiful line of So.OO , tan. lace shoos , our prieo. . $3.00 A. D. Morse's finest $1 and $5 Ox fords , in all styles , our price. . . . $2.50 A. D. Morse's finest sowed bhoos $ S and $9 goods , our price SATURDAY EVENING SATURDAY EVENING Music by Union Orchestra from 7 to 10 , Mr. Balduff also entertains .our patrons And ticket given for plate of ice cream at Bal- with music by the Mandolin Club while they ' " enjoy a plate of his1-delicious ice cream at our duff's with a $ 1 purchase or over. . Get ticket with expense. a a $1 purchase. FALCONER'S ' COST CASH SALE Saturday Next to the Last Day of Our Great Sale Wo Will Soil 'JUNES' ' S5.00' SUMMER CAPES FOR Sl.OO Dlillilrcn'n S5.OO , 85.00 and 80.OO Gingham borne Slightly Soiled , Go at 81.05 Knch SH.fiO I'nrntoU Go ut 93,10. CORSETS S3C. Our entire stock of $1.00 summer cor- eotb go today next to last day of our sale , at 83o each. $ o.OO CAPES $1.00. Only 12 of these capes. Limit will bo 1 to a customer , at $1.00 each. Children's gingham suits 81.05 each , worth $5.00 , $5.00 and $0.00. Early fall jackets , 81.50 , worth $9.00. Infants' $3.00 long coats Saturday (1.05 each. each.HAMMOCKS HAMMOCKS , 08C. 25 hammocks , n willow and 2 anchor ropes included , worth altogether $1.05 , today 98e. 24 buggy robes , worth 75c , go at 54o. 24 buggy robes , worth 81.00 each , gent nt ( i-o each. each.PARASOLS PARASOLS $2.10. ' Our entire stock of fancy parasols , worth up to $8.50 each , go at $2.10 each. No limit. Tennis bolts in all colors 5o each. G5c belts in seal and plain leather , 38o. Belts worth from 81.25 up to $1.1)5 ) go toduy at 85c each. 82.50 and $3.00 Persian bolts go today nt $1.50 each. One lot of fine calfhkin purses , worth up to 50c , go today nt 13c each. Our very best calf purses , actually worth 75o , go today at llo ) each. MEN'S ' NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , $1.00 EACH. All of our men's $1.50 and 81.75 nogll- PCO shirts go at 81.00 each. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , 81.50. Our entire block of men's 82.00 , 82.25 and 82.50 negligee bhlrts go nt 81.50 , MEN'S TIES , 331C EACH. All our COc/TCo and $1.00 took four-in- Imnd Windsor and bow ties go at 33Jo each , or 3 for 81.00. Men's striped balbrlggan socks , 25c quality , go at lOo per pair. Men's Hermsdorf dye fast black 30o half hose go at 15o per pair. Men's BOX , worth and selling every where at 50o per pair , at 21c. MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS 300. All our 50e and 75c night shirts go to day at 3Qo each , Limit , 2 to a cus tomer. SATURDAY NIGHT AFTER 7:30 : O'CLOCK. The following extra special under cost bargains will bo offered. $3.50 DRESS PATTERNS , 030. Saturday night for two hours wo will toll eight full yards of novelty wool dress goods worth not less than $3.50 each for the full pattern , at 98o each pattern. This It the bc oITor wo have over made in dress goods. Wo will also Boll a full suit of 10 yards of novelty cotton suiting , worth $1,00 , ( or 35c , this is full 32 Inches wide. 10 yards of 28-inch fancy wash uniting , trorth ? 1.25 , for 05c Saturday night. A lull pattern of 32-inch India mull , worth * 1.DO , for 85o Saturday night. 10 yards of 32-inch Scotch ginghams , worth 82.50 , Saturday night 81.00. 10 yards of French bateen , worth $2.00 , Saturday night 81.00. MEN'S TIES' 5C. 1,000 men's neckties , all kinds and shapes , worth 25c each or more , Satur- iay night for 2 hours they go nt 5c each. MEN'S ' SHIRTS , 331C EACH. 25 dozen men's percale bosom Inun- lered shirts , worth $1.25 , go at 33Jc iach. "HANDKERCHIEFS , 8JC EACH. At 81c each or 81.00 per dozen we will ioll you handkerchiefs worth as high as ! 0c each. BOYS' WAISTS , 13C EACH. 20 dozen boys' 35c waists go In our Sat urday night sale at 13c each. Everything outside of these extra spo- ials goes at actual ctist. These extra specials are ajl under cost. Remember today , Saturday , is next ; o the last day of our great sale. "Wo will positively close this actual cost ealo August 1st. 1st.N. N. B. FALCONER. Balloon Ihls eve at Courtland beach. DARING ROBBERY. lurglar * Clnnn Out a Tnllor'i Stock Com. Iiletoly Nothing I.oil hut the Shelrei. One of the most daring wholesale robberies lorpotratod in Omaha in a long time was carried out between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning. The victim was S. Larson , who operates a .ailor shop at Dlfi North Sixteenth street. Something like $550 worth > of cloth was stolen. During the heavy rain storm which oc curred nbout that tlmo the thieves broke open the wooden shutturs which covered the roar windows of the store and climbed in over n table. Nearly every twit of cloth In the plactf was carried away. The robbery was not discovered until nbout 0 o'clock yesterday morn- Ing. At that time Charles Thomas , who lives nt 15111 California street , passed through the filler adjoining the shop ana noticed a pllo of cloth In bolts lying in the mud. Ho notified the pohcoman on the beat and then aroused the neighbors. \Vhon Mr. Larsi-n came down nn hour later ho found his plnco guarded by police nnd nn anxious crowd standing around on the sidewalk. It only took one glunco after the doors had boon opened to sou thnt nearly every bolt of cloth In the place had been carried away , The bolts found In the alloy were water soaked nnd covered with mud , probably the thieves had droppml thesu In their hurry to got away or else they been mo frightened by the approach of the policemen and didn't stop to load the stuff they left on the wagon. On account of the heavy rnln It was im possible this morning to lind footprints or wagon tracks , but the supposition is that that the thieves had a light wagon and after loading It up with the cloths , pulled out for the country. Next door to the tailor then It Thomas Birmingham's saloon , ho and his family sleep upstairs. Dlrmlngham's llttlo girl savs that stiu'heard some one nbout during the night but supposed U was some one trying to waken up the bar tender to qet a drink. Several of the city detectives have boon put in work on the case and I boy think they have a clew to the robbers. Ames moved to 1617 Furnam. A convenient and pleasant place to ob tain luncheon. ItaldutT , 1520 Farnum. . Omaha to Manawa , round trip 30 cents. Take the bridge lice. SATURDAY AT MYDEN'S ' Ladies'Waists and Suits Will Be Slaughtared Saturday. S3.50 AND S5.00 WRAPS FOR 98C Mcn'i Straw llatu Almost Olvcn Awny See These Quotations lu Stationery and liooki There Are Some Griinil Odors Furnishings and UudertTOHr. WAISTS AND SUITS. Ladies' beaded wraps , worth from $3.50 to $5.01) , take your choice todtiy atonlyOSc. , Ladies' house jerseys in black , blue , brown nnd red , worth from 81.50 to $2.50 , will go today at only 75e. Ladies' percale waists , regular price 55c and GOc , today only 35o. ' Ladies' ' percale waibts in light nnd dark colors , latest style , regular price from 75c to $1.00 , your choice at only 55c. Ladies' woolen blazers and Eton suits in blue and tnn , regular price $5,50 and $0.00 , will go today at only $3.75 , PARASOLS , HOSIERY AND UN DERWEAR. Ladies' fast black cotton hose , Oc per pair.Ladies' Ladies' imported cotton hose , tans nnd browns , only 12jc per pair , reduced from 25c. Ladies' ' extra fine fast blnck cotton hose , only 12Jc DOT pair , worth 2f > c. Children's cotton hose , Oo per pair , worth 25c. Special sale of parasols and umbrellas tomorrow. Ladles' jersey ribbed vests only 8c each. Ladles' llslo gloves , I2o per pair , worth 25c. 25c.BOOKS BOOKS BELOW COST , As wo are about to take stock , wo wish to reduce our stock as much as possible and for one day wo will offer such bargains In books and stationery as will justify you in laying in a full sup- Scarlet Letter. Twice Told Tales. Mosses from Old Manso. . And the House of the Seven Gables. This is the greatest bargain of the lot. Byron's , Scott's ' , Milton's nnd Burn's complete poems gilt edged only 4Dc. Reveries of a Bachelor and Dream Life by Ike Marvel only lOc. A full line of Episcopal books of com mon prayer very cheap. Your choice of any of the late novels nicely bound only 20c. L. H. Thomas black ink , largo size 2jc per bottle. This means 20c worth of the best ink made for 5o. , 2 bottles of the very best raucllugo for 6c. 2 dozen good load pencils for 5o. 2 packages 1 o. , 50 envelopes for 60. 1 pound best note panor only lOc. HAT DEPARTMENT. Special clearing Bale of all our men's , boys' an'd children's hats. Men's straw hats 60c , former price $1.00 to $2.00. Boys' ' and children's straw bats 25c , reducad from > 0o and 75o. Men's Machnora huts looworth GOc. The best Hue ol men's 25o straw hats In the city. Mon'K Stephens hnta , in black and brown , flSa , worth $1.60. 83.00 men's Fedora , in black , brown and nutria , $1.03. SACRIFICE SALE ON BUTTER. Country butter for 15c. Separator creamery must KO at 17o and lOo , Remember , every pound is guaran- eed. In cheese wo are leaders. Fancy Wisconsin , full cream checfo , lOo and 12jc. Eastern process , full cream , Me and lOc. Young America , full cream. 12jc. _ , Brick cheese , lOc , 12e and 15c. Limbergor cheese , 121c and 15c. Swiss cheese , 15c , 17c and lOo. Neufchatel cheese , 5c per package , and all other cheese at lowest prices. ' Our meat department' is the largest nnd finest in the city and whore nothing is sold only the best of goods. 2 pound cans corned beef 18c , sold all Tver for 2oc ; 1 pound cans , lOo ; deviled : iam , potted ham , potted ox tongue pot ted beef , 5c per can. Picnic ham , lie. California hams , 12c. Strictly sugar-cured No. 1 hams , 14c. Plato corned beef , 7io- Compressed cooked corn beef , lOc per pound. Bologna , 5c. Dried beef , 12jc. Breakfast bacon , 14c and lOc. Our motto : First class goods nt lowest prices. HAYDEN BROS. Balloon this eve nt Courtland beach. IN A BAD PLIGHT. Inmates of the llcform School la Idleness niul Short ot KuntU. Deputy Sheriff Lewis returned yesterday from Kearney , whither ho wont for the purpose of placing a couple of incorrigible Omaha lads In the State Industrial-school. Mr. Lewis remained but a short time at the Institution , but ho remained sufficiently long to llml that affairs at the school were in n deplorable condition , brought about by the lust legislature having failed to make nn appropriation tor the running expenses of th various departments. Ho found Super intendent Mallnlicu practically discouraged over the outlook nnd without any hopes lor the Institution except In the direction of gen eral decay. In looking nbout the premises Deputy Ixiwls fauna that It had been neces sary to close all of the work shops , abandon the publication of the llttlo nowajmper , dispense with the olectrlo lights and do away with the telephones. He stvys that there is noth ing for the 4(10 ( boys to do but work on the farm arid play , and us only about 100 can bo employed about the farm the most of the lads are compelled to spend their tlmo In Idleness , or Indulging In sports. Owing to the fact that Superintendent Mallalleu adheres to the > ldea that Idleness engenders a feeling of discontent ho keeps a largo number ot the boys vlaylng from worniug until night. The superintendent Informed Mr. Lewis that the institution had been without funds with which to carry on the work In tho. shops for several weeks nna that the sit uation was rapidly becoming worse , ns the maintenance fund was about ex hausted and that In a few weeks there would not bo money to even buy provisions. Balloon this eve at Courtland beach. Ames moved to 1017 Farnara , Tlmo Well Hprnt a week's holiday at Hot Springs , S. D. best reached from Omaha by tho.Bnr lington routes , 10:15 : a. m. , Black Hill express. Round trip tickets at the one way rate on Bale July 15 to August 15. Through sleeping car from Omaha daily. See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far- natn street. Ames moved to 1017 Fnrimm. Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices on hard coal. Summer delivery , Balloon this eve ut Courtlaud beach. HAYDENS' ' LAST DAY , Saturday Winds Up the Great Two Days Sale. WE WERE CROWDED ALL DAY FRIDAY Al Advertised , AH Prices Hold ( iooil for Sntunlny ami Suturcliiy Nlclit Some of the Uooils ICntlrcly ( iono , Hut ' Wonderful Itar ulux Koiiiiiln. DRESS GOODS SALE. TEN CENTS. Cashmorcs , chevrons , bioges , half wool challis , worth from 25o to15o , all go in this raising money and lowering prices sale todav AT EIGHTEEN CENTS. All wool .serges ISc. Diagonals go nt 18c. Stripes and ulaids at 18c. All odds and ends in novelty dress goods go nt 18o. Not a single piece In this ISc lot is worth loss than -10c , and the most of them wo sold for 05o a yard. AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. 40-inch bengalinc suitings , in all col ors , worth 75c , go and Saturday for 2.jc. 40-inch all wool crepe cloths , Bedford cords , all wool boigei , worth $1.00 , all go in one lot for 25c. AT FORTY-FIVE CENTS. In this great clearing sale wo place nil our odds and ends in high class novelties that have sold all the season at SOc , OOc $1.00 and up to 8I.2. " > a yard at 45c. There uro not many and if you want a neat pattern you must come down In the morning. BLACK GROS GRAIN SILKS. Special for 1 day longer Prices forced below the cost of the raw material. Linings given free with each dress. FOR SATURDAY. 5 pieces regatta black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $1.00 per yard , goes at 75o yard and linings frco of charge. 10 pieces regatta , black gros-grain fin ish , worth $1,25 jior yard , goes at U8o and linings free of charge. 10 pieces regatta black eros-grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $1.50 per yard , goes at $1.13 and linings frco of charge. 10 pieces Glvornaud Bros , black pros- grain silk , cashmere llnish , worth 81.75 , goea at $1.25 per yard and linings free of charge. 5 nieces Glvornaud Bros , black grosgrain - grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $1.85 per yard , goes at $1.35 und linings tree of charge. 5 pieces Glvornaud Bro.'s ' black gros grain silk , cashmere finibh , worth $2.00 per yard , goes at $1.50 ; linings free of charge , 5 pieces Givornnud Bro.'s black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $2.25 , goes at $1.75 per yard ; linings free of charge , 6 pieces Givernaud Bro.'s black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $3.50 per yard , goes at $2.25 ; linings free of charge. This offer holds good for Saturday : Linings given with every full dress pat tern of black gros grain silk. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. All summer weight goods uro greatly reduced to clobo out the linos. All our good , strongly made , durable men's working pants , worth und sold all season for 81.25 , now only 75o a pair. The bettor grade $2.00 pants go now for S1.25. S1.25.CHILDREN'S ' SUITS. Wo huvo placed in one lot a number at SOc on the $ B.OO Greatest Bargains ever offered Write for Special Bargain List No. IO , Just out , wilh description SK/ C ° StS':1 - : ° ° Wc.y * nt a trenidous , , money. ° beawm S lB1UeS&EBRASKA CYCLircO./L / coln , S of boys' suits which sold for $2.50 , 8.1.00 , SI.00 mid will iimko thorn all at $1.00 u suit for Saturday " Another lot "which sold for $3.00 to $1.50 at only $2.50. The lino" suits which Bold at $5.00 to 87.00 go Saturday for $ .1.50. MEN'S SUMMER WEAR. Our line of summer coats and vesta is much too largo for this reason and all of them huvo boon marked down from 30 to 10 per cout. A peed coat and vest for 75c. There are nearly a. dozen different cloths and makes in thcso garments ; all at big1 reductions. HAYDEN BROS. THE MORSE DRI GOODS CO Temptation Sale Prices that Tempt oa Never Before 12 l-2o Silks Saturday. GREAT SHOE SALE-A. D. MORSE STO'CK Chum sllkr , li ! 1-Hc H3.00 KIIU ( Ircnndlncn , UHo ItojV MO.(10 , H > 7)0 ( , SH.UO , WOOD bllltn , Sl.HK-ISuliinco ; > fia l.nnn , Uo OOo Organdies und 15o pongees , 5c ; 20c nainsooks , Oc. Besides the great sale of A. D. Morse stock of shoos which commences at our store Saturday wo shall give a double program , shoes and dry goods. Wo propose to make Saturday a memorable day in the history of our business. The shoes are marked nt fully half usual re- tall prices. See our shoe ud olbowhoro. SPECIAL BARGAINS. These will go like watermelons at a colored camp meeting. 2Tio India silks at 12jc. Balance of our summer lawns that are worth 25o at 8c. Balance of all line Swisses , organdies und mulls , 50c nnd OOc , goods at 25c. 12io linen crash at fie , 85c and $1.00 storm Herges at 40c. $1.00 fancy black goodh at 50c. 85.00 boys' suits at $2.0S. $3.00 boys' ' wash suits at $1.88. Balance of our $1.25 liblo thread hos- lory at 37 Jc. 35o quality vests for ladies lOc. $1.50 quality silk vests for ladies at 07c. 31.25 quality ladies' night robes 83e. 75o quality ladies' trimmed mublin drawers at 12c. SILK SHIRT WAISTS. Balance of block on hand will be closed at half price. MEN'S ' FURNISHINGS. Closing out of men's outing shirts , col lars und cull's attached , Here are clos ing prices : Our $1.25 shirt for'DSo. Our $1.60 bhirt for $1.23. Our $1.76 shirt for H.47. Our $2.00 shirt for ! . . Our $2.25 bhirt for $1.87. Wire buckle suspenrtora , value SOo , gofer for 22o. Our entire stock of 0c , 75c and $1.00 IT ISA KNOWN FACT , THAT WE MAKE THE BEST OF PHOTOS. High Clfiss Pliot'ogviijpky , _ At Popular I'rlem. l -316-an , S. Ifith Strjot Omiilm , Nob. four-in-hand , tcck , puffs and band bow t-curfs at 35o. Fine mace half hose go at 13c pair. Our $1.00 Inundurod bhirts go for 72o. BASEMENT SALE. Great5csnlo of briihhus.dimtur . brooma and many useful hoiibohold articles that sell as high as 25c. A lot of glasH and decorated china water pitchers remnants from 75c , $1.03 and $1.2."i lines go for 4lu. ) _ $1.25 articles In Straiibky utccl ware , Tin top jelly tumblers , Ic each. All kiiulH of table tumblers , 60 each. 100 dozen fine initial tuinulcrs at 75o per do/.oti , real value $1.50 ; all initials In stock. stock.SATURDAY SATURDAY EVENING. Wo shall have the Union Musical ortliostra here from 7 to 10 to hegullo the tlmo while you buy your shoes und dry goods. Attend the great halo oven if you don't WIHI ! to purchase. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. To I'rotect lliiiliimu'g I'l , AtSilfio'clock yesterday afternoon Chief of Police Seavoy detailed Ofllcur llruca to pro ceed to the Porter Redman farm and nbato a nuisance. According to the complaint ot Mr. Ucdman the Indian * wnro destroying and purloining the products of his vine yard nnd fruit trues , and s the pluco is within the limits of tha city of Omaha the chief of pollco hut given his word that ho will protect Ufa and property. Next Monday is your day to go the World's fair. Why ? Uccaubo tha Great Rock Island route has civoo greatly reduced rates , and you can no\r niako that proponed trip to see the Big Show. The rntos apply on the following - ing dates : Go Monday , July 17 , return. Friday , July 21 or 28. Go Monday , July 24 , return Friday , July 28 or Aug. 4m Go Monday , July 31 , return Friday , Aua r 4 or II. Go Monday , Aug. 7 , return Fri day , Aug. II or 18. Ask nearest ticket agent for full particulars. Jno. Sobas- tluu , ( J , P. A , v