Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Utter Demoralization Characterized ths
Wheat Market Throughcut the Session ,
KfTortn of Itnnkeri to I'nrcr Iterator
Blocki on the Market by Withhold-
Inc Money for Itenewali
On me it Sonm TrouM .
CniCAOO , July 'JS.-mtcr demorallintlon
characterised tlio wlicut market throughout ,
the section , unit nil previous for low
prices were again broken. Tlicro was a vorlt-
Rhlcpnnlcon tlio tmrt of the holders of Ions
nhent to Rot rlil of thulr onoriilous load. Ono
tlrm In reported a pnvlng ns high nsTic a
bushel to curry over a largo line of wheat , Into
fcptcmbor. At otio llmo the prlco forSoptem-
tier WM 21fo under yosletday's close. Tlio
liquidation continued throughout the session ,
Mid the tnnrket showedIlttlo rallying power nt
nny time.
The decision of the banks lust night to Issue
crrtlflciilos while It inny unloosen considera
ble money. Is generally reRnrilctl ns a confes
sion that tnnllcn are plowing no brighter.
Another and perhaps the most potent factor of
weakness Is the fuel that banks h ivo really
edited Inn good many wheat lonns.nnd there Is a that It may become general. There was a
rumor Hint slncolt has oeconio evident that
the elevators do not want to part with their
( . rain , and have icfuied offers nt market
prices , the Imtiks have concluded to force
them by withholding further aid to this class.
Itlsnls-OBtntedllint many loans uro refused
icnowat for only half the orU'lnal nmount.
In view of tills the iUoitlon | : of value was
hnrdly a factor In the sltiritlon : It wa , ? simply
n < iue9tlon of money R ml Inability to protect
trillion anil carry the wheat forces o-i to the
harRaln counter to bo sold nt a saerlllco or
vlmt llwlll bring. The situation which forces
ItH Halo holds would-bo buyers In check , and
hence thu jiro\alllliR depression. Local ie-
cclpts were 14 i cirs : and thu northwest hnd
211 cms. u marked fulling otr from the re
ceipts of tills thno last vi'iir. Now York ro-
poiteil nn active Inquiry for wheat for export
nnd Bomefirderii wino said to ho coming from
Uormany. A more hopuful fiii'llntt character
ised tlio trading during the last hour and a
reaction of Ic from thu low point occurred ,
but purl of thlH was lost. Hoptombor opened
ulD7Kc , told to O4'ic , up to 04'4c , down Ir
regularly to O2'jc ' ( , Improved a trlllo , closltiR al
U3c , December sold from 72c to ( ) ' { , closing
nt that figure , .luly , or cash , uhleli sulTored
qilltu us badly us the depressed options , being
offered fioin ( JO'&c doivn to Gb'Je , with but
Ilttlo support , recovuied to Wtc at the cln u.
Corn wns not only affected by wheat , but thu
natural Influences were also against the mar-
Itot. On the whole , the fOellnf ; was heavy and
there was a drop of ? ic for Sontembor and He
for May from lust night , The lecelptH were
liberal al about 400 cars. This was oTsotby !
the out Inspection of 387,000 bu. The esti
mate for Saturday was larpor , at 40 ( ) | cars.
Tlio opening was weak on the , weather crop re
port shotting Rood rains over most of the corn
lii'lt , nnd I'ttorcamo thu slump In wheat. The
support was partly from shoUs nnd partly
from buyers against a line of puts sold last
night. 'July was emoted He oir at : )73ic ) ;
Pii ! > toiiihi > r sold at'3'Jc and oir to 3H'Jc , with a
rally to 38 o.
There was u very narrow market In oats.
The maiket appeared tobo firm and Imleponu-
cnt of other ceioiils. Tlio.luly prlco held llrm
around 24'4c. Hoptomber lost ! < c early at
23ic ? and sold olT to23'e , but at 1 o'clock wus
136e ! sellers. I.atu In the day New York wired
that llurllti had buying ordois there for oats ,
as the duty against Kusslan gialn had l > een In
creased 5U per cent. This helped to llrm the
Hog products were weak on frco offerings of
ribs and largo receipts of hogs , the featuio
bt'liiR thu klilinii In rllis , which Rot no support.
September lard Hold from JU.7G to 49.70 ; Sep
tember ribs fell from $7.00 to $7.52' ' ' , .
IMImaled receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
120 cms ; corn , 400 cars ; outs , 185 cars ; hogs ,
10.000 liriui.
The lending futures ratified as follows :
i quotations wore ns follows :
KuUii Dull nnd unchanged.
AVllKAT No. 2 spring , OO'Jc ; No. 3
spring , OOJic ; No. 2 red , . 50JJI' .
COHN No. 1 ! , 37 ISC.'No. 11 yullow closing , 37c.
OATS No. 2. VMc ; No. 'I wlilto , 31c ; No. 3
white , U7SttH'Jc. ! ;
KYK Nn. ii , 47o.
llAnr.CY No. 2 , notnlntl : ; No. 3 , nominal ; No.
4 , nomlnnl.
KI.AX SIKD : No. l.d.10.
TlMOTllvSl'.U ) I'linio , S3.8CK13.00.
VOIIK-MPSH , pur bill. , fl8.00aiH.02'J ' : lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , 0.init'J.17'short ' ; ribs .sM
( looM ! ) , fT.W'.iBT.rtVVi ; diy salted Khnnldit
Iboxi'dl , $7.7&4tu.OO ; short , cluur blilos ( bo.xud ) ,
WIIISKV Distillers' ilnishcd Koods , per gal. ,
SimAits Unchiinccil ; cut loaf , < Jl/c ; Rranu-
ato.l , 5.82 ; standard "A , " 0.70.
Thu follow Inn woru the rcculnts and ship
ments for today :
Oniiiliu rrodncoMurker. .
UtTTTnil The local butter iniiiUct Is dull and
TV en It owlni : to thu iinfaMirablu hltiiullon In
thoi'.int. .Tho Nuw York iimrUi-l Is in hueh
condition that .shliinirs | run spo Ilttlo to IMI-
COIIIUKU them to liny , llcsldi-s ImhiK dull and
\M-ak In the 1'iist tin ) innnuy fitrlneuncy Is Inn-
IthiK oiit'i-ntlons , nuiklii It ( lllllcult to put
iiionny Ith uhlch to liunillu hhliinunts | , Local
packui.s arti talMiiK vury weak liicnnseiimmcu.
Ono huu\y hiiyur laniiirkvd that \\oiildnot
jiay ovtir l-o for pauklnK ktoolc and , that if anyone
ono olsiimlil pay inoro tlmy could barn thu
butter , ns hi ) w s not anxious for It oven ut
tlnit price , sonic.buyers , turnover are Mill til- :
inKl'lc. 1'anCy OH'iiniory. jirlnt , 2lo ; faney
cii'iiinerleH , solid pai'Ui'il , 10o ; fair In KIIOI !
( reaineili-H , holld paekud , 10IJ.1HC ; cholci ) In
fniioy conntiy , IfittKV ; fair to KOOC ! country.
Hi'iliiiukhiBstnok , tiuxh , lt ! < Tf.l3e.
I'.iliisHecvlptH aio Keniirally pretty heavy
nnd dualur.i appear to be nii\lo i , liavlng llttlu
fonllduncu In thu nmrKol trait's wuro Kmiur-
ally innilu at lie with sumo hinall lots of caru
fnllv Milected stock KOlii at ll'.c' ' , Thor
\\eioriiniorH that thi ) pih'o ai bnliiK eut on
thu quli'l to lU'iu nnd In n fmv Instances
ilunlurw , In order to hold thulr trade , met the
LIVK I'om/iiiv The market was ilovold o
nny ni v fii.itnros. Thu Hiipply of hinlii
chickens continues law and thu inaiKott
\\rnk anil rather blow on Inn to that cauiu
fprlni ; chU'l.ons , per 11) ) . , lUJllUoj bnsl
hens , peril ) . , 7(2.7i ( ! ( " , niUed coops , pur lb. ,
old loosteih , per lb , -ii Sc ; turlvi > ys , PIT lb.
Be. : ilnclvH , | ier lb. , 7flHc. (
1'iiTATin H An occasional oar of potatoes I
btihiK icciilved , but for thu most part tlio loca
Kionurx uio hupiilyliivr thn trade , A fov
orders for potatoes arc. coming in from Hi
country , but tlio number Is holiiK rapid !
rtulucetl us they art ) Ki'tthiK home Kronn Mock
In most sections t > ulllclcnt to supply thu
demiiiul , On oideiH fiom tin ) country potatoon
urn hrlllKlllK " " h'Kli ' " TftJihdc.
OAIIIUIIK Tht'io Ik it pietty Komi duinand for
cabhaKi ) fiom thiicniinlrr nnil a consiihiriiblu
nmount Is bolni ; shipped froni this point. The
local KroneiH am KeepliiK Hut markntull
biipplled , ( , 'holi'o liiiiuuiuun ( onordurs fiom
thu country , ' 'c per lb ,
CUI.KIIY Mruy hlpmenta arn anlvlim and
thuiiuallly of the stock Is pronounced KOOI !
for ibis season of the year. L'olery , per do/ ,
bunches , il.V.
ONIONS Homo irrown stock Is plenty , thouKh
thi-ro urn u fu\v bhliiinentsheliiKrecuivoil from
polnls farther south. Al Kansas onions , per
4H-1U. box , llllof'Wl.OOi homo gruun , per lb.i - .
MII.ONH-Only : n % ory fuw Matermulonsi aru
nrilvlnu and thu miirkot contlniieHfry tlrm
siiioted. | It wuhonly a short time. IIKO that
watirnu'lonsveiukoplunty and so cheap that
con\mlksion men \veru rotusliiK' thotn on thu
Kionml that they could not Kft freight out of
them. Now they uro scUhiK quickly ut i'Jft
per 100. Unntnloupes aru moru plenty than
they worn a few duyb ugo. Ciintaloupes , per
ba Vot1.00ai.25.
TOMATIIM The miirkct U still full of
tomatoes unit prlcos nre low. I.uruu reculptb
aroiintlclputed for the next few ilnys. ftmtli-
> rn , per4-buskut crute , 76cttll,00j perH-bu.
box , OOc.
llKiuur.s The mnrkut wus very llnhtlv fiiin-
iil led with hurries nnd prices- were llrm. lllack-
borrlos , which hnvo bei > n coniliiK In for it neuk
pitbt In largo quantities , wuro scarcer , mid
about the only supply wus to bo founil In the
Immlg of local roweri. The rnspburry buason
la about ovor. There uro n few blueberries
DU the mutkct , but they huvu beun to high ut
wtirro urown ( hut thprn hm lint
hern iniirh liiditcoinriittoihlp to tli.i mirkct
* o far thli ttPAMin Itlack'icrrtes ' , ( trown ,
lcra4-qt ) , ft\r.t > , 12 7G , black rHb ! ) ) rr' ? , per
i4.qt. ! cnso , M 60. hurklcbcrrlri. c.1 Mi.
AITI.M ftrlctly cholco nnd nttr.trllra
Applet , such no rvonld bicnn ( , | ( ktcil dc'lrnt.lo
for itund imrpo , o < nrc A llltlo * c.if.o. ThPro
nrp , however , plenty of npplci * . Mich l thoy/iro ,
Tlicro nro qultn it 15001 ! many CallfoniU hpiilcJ
ntnoiitt thouffeiliid nnd sonio southern niul no
end nf hotno Rrown croon r.iplos ) , Cholco red
Mnml npplpi , outhcrn , per > i-bu. box , 05a
76cj green , O' OOc ! green cooking Apples , per
tin. r ) x , 76 < ( ( , 'JV ( ,
SMAI.I , riifiTS-C.illfornln fruits of all klncli
are low this season , ni the caiineri nro not
npprntliiR to the usual ovtont nnd crowprs are
forced to throw their fruit on the rnnrkot for
what It ntllbrln . Thlo innrkct Is especially
low on California fruits al the nrescnt time , at
can ho seen Iroin a companion with the prlco
llsll cnt out from other cities. Wild ROOIO
plums nrofcarco. I'lilms , wild ROOSP. per 21-
nt. crate , JJ.&Oj Texas pcari , per box. ? 1.50j
Tojf.ns pi-aulies , per-l-baskct crate. SI. loai.l& !
Cnllfornla pears , per box , t'J.O ( > Iii.25 ! : Cnll-
fornla plunii , Inrtre nnd fnncy , I'J ; I'allfornla
jicaches , llalu's early , $1.10 ! early Crawford ,
Tr.oncAt , rnutTi.
OnAKnn1 ; While the supply ofornnccsli
not ItitRi ) tlipro nro ocrislonni car nrrlvln
that keep Mucks up to the pjlnt rniulrcd by
thedoiiiand. A fresh car of Mediterranean
sweets bus just lieen rocelvcd and the stock H
unusimlly irood for thla season of the jear.
Ulvoisldo > iiMllleir\noii : ; swuuK f 3.60 3.75 ;
brlKhlM , 8'J.70U3.UU ; Itlveraklo bOUllllliKS
. steady wnrm voalhcr produces -
ducos n very fair duntand for Innions mid nil
hiiuscs nro iloliiK a rood steady Imslnp-M In
them. Memlnas. extra fancy. (0 oOBii-BO !
Messlnas , per bov , cholci ) to fancy , $ . ' > .i > Oi&5.fiO ,
HANANAS I'rlcos remain nbout steady , t'er
Inmrh , Inrrc , { 'J.25Q.2.70 ; per bunch , small to
medium , i'j ( Ki3'j.2D ,
1IIDF. ? , TAI.I.OW , CTC.
Ilinni No. 1 KPCOII hldc . So ; No. 2 preen
hides , 2c : No. 1 Rreon salted hides , 3'4c ) No. 2
Kreen salted hides , 24os ! No. I Krncn salted
hides , 'JO Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3VScNo. . Screen salted
lildeUH. ! ! . to 40 His. , Vc ! ! ; No. 1 veal calf ,
n 11)3. ) to 10 Ibs. , Gc : No. 1 ! xeul calf , 8 Ibs. to 10
Ibi.Ic : No. 1 dry Illnthldcs , 7o : No. 2 diy Hint
hides , Oc ; No. 1 dry Halted hide * , Gc. I'.trt.
cured hides 'if ' pur In , lest than fully uurud.' I'ci.irt Green Jailed , each 30ett { 1.2.1 ;
Kreon salted shearllnrs ( short \v iolul early
Hklns' ' , each iriCJUSc : diy slieat linen ( short
\\ooled early skins' ' , No. 1 , ( inch OQlUc : dry
hhuarlliiKS ( short woolecl early skins ) . No. 2 ,
each Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas anil Nebraska
butcher wool pnlts , per lb. , actual weiKbt , lOtfc
lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain
wool pells , per lb. , actual welKht , 7 < aiOc : dry
Hint Colorado butcher uool pulls , ) ) or lb. ,
actual wolKhl , 010c ; dry Hint Colorado Mur
rain wool polls , per II ) . , actual weight , 7OUa ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual \\olKht , 6iJ7c.
TAI.I.OW AM ) ( HIASK : Tallow , No. 1Hfff&
4'5c ' ! tallow , No. 2. 344c ? ; isreaso , whlto A ,
J'iSDc ' ; grease , whlto IIIc ; Kroaso , yellow ,
: j'ic ' ; Kroasc , dark , 3c ; old butter , 'Ja2Hc ;
beeswax , pi line , 10Q20c ; rough tallow , 2i !
© 3o.
Hoses Car lots weighed and dnllvored In
PhlcaKo : Dry tmlfalo , orton , fll.UKilB.OOi (
dry country , bleached , per ton , S10.00I413.00 ;
dry country , damn and meaty , 18.00310.00.
Now York .Markets ,
New VOIIK , July 28. 1'mim Receipts , 40-
nOOpkes. ; exports , 0,000 bills. , 23,000 baclW ;
sales , l.OOOpkgs. ; market dull , weak.
Cons , steady.
Hvi : Dull , wuak ; western , 01iGc. ! .
WIIKAT Uecoipts , 130,000 bu. ; exports , Ofl-
000 bu. ; sales. 13,390,000 bu. futures , 720,000
bu. spot. Spot market active , lower , wuak ;
No. 2 red. In store and elevator , G734G8'ic ;
alloat , G9tffj,70Hc } ; f. o. b. , G'Ja7 ( ) ( c ; utmradcd
red , Gl70iNo. ; . 1 northern , G8'foi8Jic ' ( : No.
1 hard. 725,72iic ? ; No. 2 northern , ( )7't ' < t4G74C ;
No. 2 Milwaukee , GO'SBGGVc. Options wuro
acme and IVftlVc lower ; No. 2 red , AiiKiist ,
nstlG'JJiC. closing at G8'nc ; September , 7i ( ; < ©
72'oC , cioslni ; nt 70c ; October , 72'i74Hc ,
closlnc at 73'jc ; December ? 77l ® 70c , closing
at77 ° ic. ,
Coil.v Receipts , IS.OOObu. ; exports , 4,800
bu.sales,440,0u0hu. ; futures , 102,000 bu. spot1
Snots ViO'sC ' lower , dull and steady ; No. 2.J
47c In elevator , 473 < B-18c , alloat ; utmrade
mixed , 40 m'Jc. Options were moderately
nctlvo and unchanccd tea lower , closing
llrm ; AiiKtist , 47647Hc. ( closliiR at 47c ; Sep
tember , 40i.i < K-17UCi October , 4G3i47gc ! ;
closing at47c.
OATS Keculpti. 47,000 bu , ; exports , 139,000
bu. ; sales 410,000 bu. futuies , 241,000 bu.
spot. Spots easier , fairly active. Options
dull , firmer ; August , ao'nc ; September , 3014
no3Bc , Closlnc at SOSiC ! No. 2 whlto , Septem
ber , 32\c ; No. 2 whlto , 37' < a3Bc : No. 2
37 < fW73a'c ; No. 3 Chicago , 30c ; No. 3
while , 'M'VUSlc ; inlxuil western , 3Gffl38ic ! ;
whlto westein , 37ffi44'ic.
II AV Pair demand , steady.
Hoi'S Quiet , steady.
HIDFS Dull. wean.
WOOL Hle.idy , moderate demand for do
mestic lleeces , 2732c ; iiulled,2GS37c ; Texas ,
! GTi,20c. (
I'ltOVisiONB Cut moats , steady , quiet ; mid
dles , dull , easy. Lard , quiet , easier ; west
ern steam closed atO.GO ; sales. 100 tierces at
$9.70 ; July closed at J9.G5 , nom
inal ; September closed at Pork , dull ,
steady ; nosules ; now moss , ? 18.0018.70.
Him mi Moderate demand , steadier ; west
ern dairy , 1018c.
CIIKESB Good demand , flrm ; skims ,
Quiet ; fancy , scarce and firm ; west-
rn fresh , 145J10Jic ; western , per caso1.00a
TALLOW Quiet , lower ; city ( $2 per pkj. )
4 13-lGffi4'c.
CoTTONSiiKt ) Oir , Quiet , easy ; crude , prime
nnd choice , 35i.37c ! ; yellow , 43c.
I'CTIIOIXUM Neglected ; I'onnsylvanla oil1
pot bales , none ; August option sales , nono'
HTorcd at074C. Lin. i oil , sales , none ; total
sales , none.
KIXIN Dull , weaker ; Btralncil common to
good , U5cS$1.02W. (
Tuiu'CNTiNC Quiet , weak at 2635J27f. { ;
IJiCK Finn ; good duinand.
MOI.ASSKS Now Orleans , open kettle , dull ,
buiJAii Haw , firm , fairly active ; sales , 1,000
oils Muscovado , 84 test , at 3 Uc ; 25,000 bags
centrifugals , 00 test , at 33ic , and 8,00(1 ( bags
nolasscs .siiir | : , 89 test , at Uc ; rellnod , dull.
I'm litON Qulut , steady ; American , $12.75 ©
CoiM'im Quiet ; lake , ? 10.
LiAl : > Dull ; domestic , { 3.35.
TiN-Closed steady ; Straits , $17.00 bid , J19
asked ; plates , quiet but .steady.
Qulut ; domestic , $3.90.
.St. Louis Markets.
ST. I.otim. July 28. Ifi.ot/it Lower , dull ;
patents , ? 3. 10Ti3 , 20 ; others unchanged.
Wil BAT Nervous and closed Oiic below ves-
torday' prices ; No. 2 red , casb , 57c ; July ,
OG'ac ; AiiKiisr , 07Hc ; Soptombur , GOaGO ! ; < c ;
October , G3"c.
COHN Wo.ik with wheat and on crop and
forelcn nous , losing ic ; No. 2 mixed , cash
and July. 34'tc ' ; August , 34Tic ; Soplomber
30'ic ' ; year , 33' c.
OATS lllglieron small receipts ; No. 2 cash ,
27c ; Ausiist , 225jc ; September , 221ic.
KYK None olfured.
lltnTiiii Steaily , unchanged ; sonarator
creameiv , 1U320C ; choice dairy , 17lc.
KCKIB IJiicliiiiiKcil at Oc.
I'liovisiDNS Dull , decllnlnc ; current mnko
iiork , tlO ; lard , $ U ; dry salt inuats ,
loosi ) shoulders , $7.12'i ' ; longs anil.
ribs , $8.12'i ; Kliorts , J8.60Iraxcil ; , 15c
mom ; bacon , packed shoulders , $8,45 ; longs
and ribs , J'J.75 ; shorts , $10.25 ; hams , sugar
cured. 13.)0/tl4.00 ( ) ( ,
Kuciil'is I'loiir , 2,000 sacks ; wheat , 143-
000 bu. ; corn , 03,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu.
Silil'MKNTS I'loiir. 0,000 sacks ; wltuat. 23 -
000 bu , ; corn , 45,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Kaimiis City Mitrlcotn.
CITY , July SB.-WIIBAT Domnrnl-
l/i'il , and atone time showed a decline of 4c ,
A llrmur fenlhiK prevailed nt the close and
reaction of the loss regained ; No , 2 rod clos
at40 l50c ; haul , 49ftlU'je.
COUN Ic lowor. with fairly good buylm ?
1 ho decllno ; No. a mlxud , 29J O30c ; No.
white , 30"31c.
OAiH-riim , No. 2 while , new , noilnal ; No
2 mixed , now , 20tt21c.
Kvij Weak ; No. 2. nominal at 4 flu.
HUTTEII Scaico , llrm ; cruamory , lGffi20c
dairy , ' ,
KIIIIH Vuiy dull and weak at 8JJc.
K ICB liTrt Whuut , 21,300 bu.j corn , 2,100
bu. ; oats , none ,
MUi'MKNTS Wheat , 12,100 bu. ; corn , 2,100
bu. ; oats , none.
Cotton MitrKet.
. QIII.EANS. July 28. I'lrin ; good mid
inlng,8'ic ; mlddllm : . 7 , c ; low mldifilng , 7 = , c ,
good onllnary , 7 l-lic ; net and gross receipts
427 hales ; uxports to ( Jrinit llrltaln , 4,011
bales ; to l''r.itice , 200 bales ; coastwise , 31C
bales ; sales , 1,000 b.iles ; stock , 01,38.1 bales.
1'utures quiet ; sales , 8.3011 bales , ; August ,
7.'lfl ( .7.40 ; September , $7.031i7.0l ; October
$ ii7.G4 ; NovL-mber , J7.73fc7.74 ; January
' IVbriiaiy , { 8.07 < ii8.0ai Muicli ,
l.ltrrpiiol Mnrkots.
Cons Quiet : ilomanrt mndcrato ; mixed
western , 4s 31id per cental. Hecolpts of
American corn for past three days , 61,000
LAIUI I'rlniu western , 47s Oil per cwt.
ikKu MurUfl.
MII.WAHKKB , July 28. WIIKAT Easy ; Sop-
lumber , tUI'.r.
CouN-Lowen No. 3 , 37)Jc. )
O -rt Louur ; No. 2 wliiiu , 31JJc ; No. 8 , 29Ji
O32c ,
I'ltovibioNS-Lower ; pork , HO ,
\Vool Murket.
HOSTON , July 28 , With the consumption of
wool dally gronliiK smaller by reiison of thu
shutting tioun of lullU tun ! the curtailment of
noolen goods iiroductlon thi ) deiimnd
for It from iiiunufucturers In of only
moderate pioportloim. During thu
week thoru liavo bucu u few
, notably 'ono of Montana wool , nii'l
the mills thai hare onion on hand , which
they nro obi I god to complete , nro buy I up wool
nifrcplyns tliplr wants dlctnto , bytsnvoln
rxcoptlonal cases thptn wantR nro ninall.
Sonio of the Inrgo mills Imvo IIPPII nttrnrtod
bylhnlow prlco nt which tuppllps could bo
bought And ha p , notably In one Instnncp , * e-
curpil some lnrio lines of wool. The ( suppllpi
ol Ohio and I'emm'lvnnli HPPCPS nro small
nnd prices nro unclmnRcd. MIchlRiin fleeces
hnvebpcn quiet. In extra wool there liavo
bppn sales of 20,000 Iba nt 21 c , 12.0JO Ibs , at
21c , 10,000 Ibs nt 20 > { e and 10,000 Ibs. on prl-
vntu terms. Thoio liai been nothing doing In
washed combing wools and prices are entirely
nominal. In unwashed combine wools there
have been small salps of quarter-blood around
20c per lb. Thi' receipts for the i\oek have
been21,901 bales domestic nnd 279 balps for
eign. The total sales of the week were 1,820-
000 Ib ? .
Now Crop l.oiimliiiin Itlrp.
A tplc ram from Now Orleans states Messrs.
Dan Tnlmngu's Sons .t lo , are In receipt of
Hist of thn now cioprlco The lot , six sacks ,
Is R I m ill v n natnplu of "hand cut" from a
Planter friend spoKlngplory rather than'galn.
It Is well cured and of line quality and ns a
"straw" Indlcatlvo that the crop of the river
parishes Is full of tuoinlso. Fnino parts of the
state orinpliilii of limited rainfall , but In thn
main 1/oulslaiiartcorropU about as at nneqiliil
date last season and thu outcome will probably
bo the MI mo. I. o. , 7,0110,0(10 ( bu. The general
harvest will begin early next month , but shlu-
ironlscan scaiouly bo liberal before middle
of September.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Markctn.
O/r , CITY , July 28. National Transit
oorilllCRti's opened at ri7'J ; hlRhost , OH ;
lowest , fiM ; closed , 07 ? ; sules UKfl'JO ' bblj. ;
shipments , 93,011 bhls. ; runs , 87,901 bbls.
' I'lTTSiitTitii , July 2H. National Transit
'certificates opened alO" ' , } ; closed , 07i ! ! high
est , 07V ; lowest , 07i { ,
LONDON , July 28. CALCUTTA LtNsnKn July
and August shipments , 41s 3d per quarter.
Lt.ssKKOOtt.s 20s2id ! pcrcnt. ; whaloolls ,
10 10s per ton.
TUItl'KNTINK Sl'MITS 21s l'll pOTCWt.
KOdl.N American stralneil , 3s Od per cwt.
Cdllru Mnrkct ,
NEW VOIIK. .Titlv 28. ColToo otitlnns opened
nt 6ft 15 points donn , closed dull and un
changed to 20 points down ; sales , 4,000 bags ,
InclUilliiK : July , S10.GO ; September , $10 45 ©
10.00 ; October , $ ir > .40S10.40 ; December ,
S10 20 ; MayJ14.80. Suet Hlo , dull , nominal ;
No. 7,110.70.
IMInnniipolU Wheat Miirkct.
MINNEAPOLIS , July 28. 1'utures opened
strong , but closed very weak ; cash , weak ,
lower. ( Jloso : July , 05'Jc ; August , 00c ! ;
September , 09Vc ; Docombcr , G5c. On track :
No. 1 hard , GOc ; No. 1 northern , 08o ; No. 2
northern , OGc.
Cincinnati Murkcts.
CiNCiNNATr , July 23. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2
red , 54tt55c. '
Conn-No. 2 mixed , 40ffi41c.
OATH-Active , lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2420c.
WHISKY Steady ; $1.12.
Tnlcd'i llniln .Market. , July 28. WHEAT Steadier ; No. 2
cash , 58c.
foils Dull ; No. 2 cash , 41 He.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 2Gc for mixed.
I.nndnii .Sugar Market.
LONDON , July 28. Centrifugals , 90 test , 18s
3d per cwt. ; Mu covudo. fair rellnlng , 14s Od.
Now York Dry ( ioixls Alarkot.
NEW YOIIK , July 28. The dry goods market
wns devoid of any new Interest.
Securities Oponoil nltli Quito n Sharp Ail-
vnnco In 1'ricrn ,
Nr.w YORK , July 28. TI C stock market
opened with a sharp advance In prices , uartly
n sympathy with the Improvement nt London
and continued high prices for foreign and do
mestic accounts. The rise was equal to ViO2
percent In many Instances , but was subse
quently lost under sales to realize profits , as
well as offerings by the room traders , who
seem loth to desert the short side. The only
real sensation of the day was furnished by
eneral Electric , which broke during the
afternoon 3n per cent , a decline of 14'J points
from the opening figures. All sorts of rumors
were In circulation to account for the break ,
t being bain that the dividend payable Au
gust 1 would bo withheld from the stock-
lolders and the money applied to the liquida
tion of pressing liabilities ; also that an appli
cation tor thu appointment of a receiver for
the company uas to bo made Immediately.
The directors hold a protracted session and
_ t was officially announced long after the close
that It hail been decided to olTer certain socui-
Ities In the company's treasury to the block-
holders for the purpose of liquidating the
float Ing debt of $4,000.000. Seventy per cent
of this amount has already been taken by
friends of the company. The sharp break In
General Klectrlc , while It led to rumors of
probable failures , did not occasion any alarm
among holders of other securities and al
though the market yielded , as a matter of
course , the decline outside of a few Instances
was by no means heavy. Sugar foil off 4H per
cent , lllg Four and Manhattan 4 to4H per
cent nnd the rust of the list 1 to ! ) ; { per cent.
There was comparatively Ilttlo excitement
and in the later transactions Genoial Electric
rallied 0 per cent and other stocks V > to 21S
percent. The fact that delUory hour passed
without any suspension on the Kxchango Ini-
pirtcd a Ilttlo more confidence to oncrators ,
ns did also thu decidedly easier rates for
money on call.
The 1'ost says : As was foreshadowed yester
day the huge reservoir of gold In tlio Hank
of England hits boon tapped at last and at
least $2,000,000 will bo shipped to Now York
tomorrow. On both sides of the water this
operation Is described as a special transaction ,
which simply means that the banks requlro
only a low and unaltered rate of Interest on
the' money Involved during the poilod of
transit A slmlllar arrangement , very-much
moro favorable to the shippers , surved a year
orttto ago thu purpose of the French Impor
ters of American speclo , thu present depres
sion of sterling being accomplished through
the bale of grain futures exactly as the maiket
of that year was sustained through thn
reverse transaction. Whether the largo local
Issue of loan certlllcates today and yesterday
lia\o or have not any connection with the gold
transaction is Immaterial. The further
tieriKthenlng of the bank resources was ad
visable for numerous reasons , of which thu
accommodation of gold Importers was un
questionably ono , The collateral arrange
ments to Import and carry blocks of American
securities Jo London against this shipment
of specie Is perhaps somewhat unusual , but In
existing cliciimstanccs It is very wise.
The following aio the closing quotations on
the leading stocks on the Now York Block ex
change today :
Alchlsun 1 HI Nor. IMfltle jirt i ( , . s0 !
Ail.uiiH KxprcsH IHfl u.r. D..WJ I ,
Allon.Terro Haute. 28 Northwestern Oil
do prcf'il llfi do pref'd ISH
American Ilxiirctw lot N.Y. Central IIT
ll.illlMioru.V Ohio. . r.r.H N. Y. A.N. R ls ( i
C.m.ida I'aclllu , . . . ( ID Ontario A , Western , la
Canada Southern , . 30 Oregon Imp 8
( Paclllc. . . . 1HK Oregon Nitv 40
dies. A. Ohio 13M'O. | S. I , . A U. N. . . . 10
G'lilc.iBO .V Alton. . . l-'fi ll'.icllio M.ill 10
C. 1I..VQ . I'eorlaUcc.XK. . . . H
ClileairoGaH 47 I'lltHbinv 140
CoiiHoltilatedGaH. . 111 I'nllman I'alacu. . . 1-IH
C. C. C. A St. L 1MIJ4 Heading 1 J
Cotton Oil Cert. . . , . "II Hlcbmonil Ti-T 1) )
Del. * HililHOti. . . . 1H ' < ill ) prcfil 1(1 (
Di-1. Lack. & Went. ISl.m Ulo ( ir.iniln Went. , in
I ) . .V.H. O.prefd. . . ' 'H Uo pn'fil nt :
DlH. AC. V. Co 145H Ilock iHlaml fid } , .
Kant Tenn > < i St Paul rH
Kih OJl do pief'il 105
rte pref'd 1- ! St. I'.iul tt Omaha. iHU !
Foil \Vavno lll ! ( do pref'd DH North'n pM. 102 Southern IMclllo. . IH'/i '
I ) . & 1J. I. im-fii. . . . HI ) Sugar Hellnery. . . . ( ID
Hocking Valley. . . 17 Tenn A. Iron. , IS , , , . Hl ! ! < ToxaH IMultlo 5
M. I'.uilA Dnlulli.H Tol. A.O. C. pieJ'U 70
Kan. .t/fcxaH pCd. lfi Union Pacific IHlfi
U. S. Kxprena 411
llo pieCil M w st. L. .v i' in
Tak Slioio 111 do prufd ly
' ' WullH K.uiro llxp. . I''f ,
I.o'ulRvillo.lNaH'li ! O''J WeHtoru Union. . , , 70
lonlnvilloA.N. A. . m. Wheoltnir A L. 1) , . . 11
M.inliatian Con . . 10.r > ; { do ini'fil ; | |
MemphlHA. ClKiH. . 10 M.ASI. I ( I )
< H 1) . II
' | ' fieneral Ulectrlo. . 3.1
MolilluA Ohio. . . . ! II ) National UiiHeetl. , 14
NaHlivlllo Cbatl . . HO Colo. K. A I t0 !
National Cortlas'O. 12 do imif'il Hfi
ilo prof'il 4(1 ( H.A.T. O : t
N J. C'putial SH T. A. A.t N. M. . . . 8
Nor. A. Went , pf'il. 1W T. St. U A. K. 0. . , . 1 !
North Ami'r. Co. , f > > do prot'il 10
Nuilhein IMclllo Hi
( bid Mskod.
The total s.iles of stock today were 370,000
shares , including ; Atohlson , 10,000 ; Ilurllng-
ton/lO.OOO ; C'hlcaco ( las,70,000 ; Lackawnniiii ,
0.000 ; DUtllllng , 0.000 ; K.-lo , 10.000 ; ( imioral
nieetrlc , 01,000 ; Lake Shore , 4,000 ; Louisville
it Nash > lllo , 10,000s Manhattan , U.OOO ; Mlss-
ouii raclllii , 0,000 National Lead , 0,000 ; Now
Kngland , 0,000 ; Northern Pacllic ,
4,000 ; Northwefctorn , G.OOO ; Hock Island ,
G.OOO ; St. I'aul , 37,000 ; Sugar. 23,000 , ; Western
Union , 30,000 , ,
London rimiiumt Hilov ,
[ Copurla'i'f'l ' ' ' 'S * ' tt\iJame \ ( Jimlim llettnett.l
LONDON , July 28. ( Now York Herald Cable
Special to Till ! lliiu. ] There In a great
change for the butter hero owing to the unexpected -
pected ease with which the sou lenient was
concluded today. Tour failures Hero reported ,
hut all aru small , Indeed Insignificant , and al
though somu chucks were returned tonight
and onu or two Hinall Healers may yet go
innui thu guneral belief Is that the worst U
o > er , and thu prospects niu now brlghtir.
Prices all close docldodly higher , although
American railways flnlthcd below thu best ,
and If , as IH probablu , Investment buying
bt'K'Ins thoru will bu u sluirp advance , as
bears uru In It up to thulr uhlns. Yan
kees nil marked a big advance , the
featuru Doing a rUe of 0 > i per cunt In
LHS.U Bliori's lo 110H , Mllwaukees , Den > urs ,
Krlus , IxJuUvllles , Now York ( Vntrahi , I'cnn-
sylvanlin , Union I'aclllcx and Wubash IS UUH
wuru all very ttromt , ut an advance
of ( rum 'J to 4. per cent. Duu-
' r proft rfil clo oi1 ( it 20' ' { , 1'rln
prcfcri'tieo 23'j. m'-vnil morttjaco 02 . Norfolk
preferred aiu. nt l \ ! ' < iUiisli II debenture 22 .
Homo nccurltlcii K'oto cT'icrftlly llrmrr , but
there wns no speelni f > M uro T'UTO ' wns n sharp
rl o In foreigners , Smith Amcrlcni ! Issues nnd
Mexicans Iradlnw Mlror M
32'id. ' The MldlautT railway dividend , the iir t
of the great line * , was no good , only 4y per
cent. At the brink il83,000 win withdrawn ,
but It hnd no Inlliiiiiico.
New Yor * .Money Market.
Nr.w VOIIK , .tiily 2R. MONEV ON 0 un
opened trlnccnfy nflorwards declined nnd
closed easy ! loans-ranged from ! i per cent per
diem nnd Interest , topper cent per annum ;
last loan , 3 per ccnt.iiml closed olTcrod at 3 per
I'tmtr.Mr.iHHXTtt.c lUrnn-fltU' ! percent.
. rSTF.nt.iKn KxciiAKon-IrreKUlar with nctual
business In banknrj bills nt t4.HOS4. 0J ! for
sixty days and M.B2V fordunmnd ,
Sn.vnii CEnTiriCATts Neglected , closing At
OovEit.sMK.vr Hb.s'n Wcnk , State bonds ,
dull , * *
The closing quotations on bonds : '
j' . S.4 reir . St.Ij\S.K.Oc .M. 100
u. S. Is conn . St. I'niil Consols. , llfi
MJ. S. 4 snr . lit ) St. l > . U..V11.1st * . . 108
M'.icinet'sof 'OS . 102 T.P.T..O.Tr. UctH , Wi
Missouri Us . T.l'.lt.O.Tr , Hots. 14 .
TPIIII. new et ( Is. pr > Union Vne. Ists. . 102
Tenn. new Met JB. . prns West Short- IK !
tTenn. new set ns. t > 7 H. O. W. IMS ( MM
H'anndaSo. i'ds AlcilHon4H ! I1MW I'ac. Ists , ma do 2M , Class A . SSM
1) All , (1. IMS . ill . . . mi
D..VU. Q 4s . 7 0. H.JkS.A.2ilCH. II2M
Krluads . Ml 11. , V T. 0. f.H 1112
M. K. , V T. Gen. ( is , 73 jdocon. Us KUI
M. K. ft T. Oeii. 'IH. as N. Carolina ( Is . . . IBil
Mntnal tlnlon t ! . lor , do 4s til )
N. .1. C. Int. Cert. . . SC. llnmim. . . . . . OH
N. 'ae.lsts . Tenn.old OB ( in *
N. Pao. Sils . 104 Va. flu C > 0
N. W. Consols . Va. Kx-Mnt. coup. ! tr ,
N. W. Del ) , fis . 102 V'a.ooiiH. , ld ! series M )
t3.t.VI.M.Oen.fis - U. I'.SN W
bid. t asked.
Itnston Stock yiintitlon : ,
osTON , July 28. Call loans , 8 10 ; tlmo
loans , G percent and commission. Closing quo
tations on stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Atch..Top. A S. P. . M'liWvst lliul : pre d. . . 711
Amnrleaii Siisar. . . , OlIJlUVestlncli.Klei
do pix'f'il 72 do pret d
Hay Slate ( Ins r Wls. Central Coin. .
Hell Telephone. . . . 17fi AteblHon 'Jds
llOHtiiu.v Albany. , 111. Atchlson Is
Iloston A. Malno. . . 147 Now rjiifbuul Its. . .
ilo prcfd mu ( Jen. Klwtrlo Bs. . . 70
Chi. llur. A.Q 7V"H ! WIs. Central Ists , . ir ,
Kllchliurff 73 AlloileMliilnir Co 41) )
lien. iiectilc : I'J Atlanlle
1111. Sleel CO Iloston * . Mont. . . .
Mox. Cen. Com. . . . n i Iliitto.V Iloslou. . . .
N. Y. A. New KIIB. . 21 Caluiuel.V Hecla. . 200
Olil Colony 17t Cciitemilal
Oregon Shoit Lino. H Franklin
llubber : to KoarsiiKO
San Diego 10 osceola
Union 1'aclllc 1H Qiilncy Hfi
West KnO > 10W Tamarack lit !
Now York Allnlnt ; Quotations.
Nnw Yoitit , July 28. The following nro the
mining quotations :
Crown Point 20 Plymouth 2(1 (
Con. Pal. ami Va. . 100 Sierra Nevada. . . . 3i5
Deailwood 100 Sianilanl Ill )
Oonld A Curry. . . 10 Union Con ; io
llulu .V Norcross , 40 Yellow Jaokut. . . . ; \ ! >
Homestake GH7H Iron Silver 11) )
Mexican ; ir > Quick SlUer 200
Jnlnilo 700 do pief'd 1600
Ophlr UU llulwer 25
Snn I'rmirlscn Mining QltiitiltliuiH.
SAN KIIANOISCO , July 28. The olllclal closing
quotations for mining stocks today weru as
follows :
Alta. jo Mexican HS
lolcher 20 Ophlr no
-lost .V Delcher. . . . no 1'olosl 45
Chollnr 2S Savage ao
: : on. cai. , v v.t 100 Sierra Nevaila 35
> own Point yo Union Con ! ! ( )
DouUI & Curry 3(1 ( Utah 10
Halo .t Norcross . 45 Yellow Jacket 40
In l.fiiilon'K Markut.
LONDON , July 28. 5 p. in. Prices at the
close showed a decided rally , primarily owing
lo ml vices from New York. Operators heie ,
lowover , were unable to respond as cheerily
is usual to the roltof given the market owing
to the settlement , though buying was general
allatound. No further falluios are probable
and the situation justifies some optimism. The
closing prices worn ratjiur below the best. The
chief movements were In American railroad
securities , which woro.In stiong favor on H re-
liort of lessened opposition to the repeal of the
> herman act and Jtluiwithdrawal of 190,000
from the Hank of England. This sum , it is
understood , N { fit Klllpmunt to Nuw York ,
bolng thu first Installment of 400,000 which
Is tobo foruuriled'ulUiIu a week.
On th'o I'uru liourso.
PAIUS , July 28. The lone at thobourso today
was llrm. A fallrln Ainurlcnn securities only
lightly affected itlio ilinrkot , those securities
not being ofllclally iiuoted bore.
I'liianc'tal Notes
KANSAS.CITV , July 25- Clearings , 8777,822.
NEW YonK.Tulv-28. " Clearings , $110,094,038 :
balances , 6G.OOG042.
I'AUIS. July 28. Three per cent rentes 07f
37c for the account.
IlAl.TlMOlin , July 28. Cloarlnes , $2,077,832 ;
balances , $203,070. Money , G per cent.
1'IIH.ATKU'IIIA , July 28.
Clearings , ? 9,920-
941 ; balances , f 1,241,258. Money , G per cont.
OMAHA , July 28. Clearings , 8734,000 ; sai
day last ncok , $777,088 ; same day last month ,
NEW Out.EANSi , July 28. Clearings , $110-
824. New York exchange , bank , gl.OO
[ iremlum.
LONDON , July 28. Amount of bullion with
drawn from the Hank of Kngland on balance
today 183,000.
MEMPHIS. July 28. Now York exchange
selling at fl.on premium. Clearings , $70,003 ;
balances $30,100.
HOSTON , July 28. Clearings , $14,481,470 ;
balances , 81,033,897. Money 7 3-10 i
cent ; exchange on Now York , 2Gtt40c d
ST. Louis , July 28. Clearings , $2,174,147 ;
balances , $191.H93. Money quiet , 0518 per
cunt ; exchange on Now York , $3,50 dis
Cnttlo I'rlcea Finn to Higher Iloff.s Tnlio
Another hliiinp.
KlltDAY , July 28.
Kccolpts so far this week foot uu 0,300
cattle , 20,000 hogs and 1,104 sheep , as against
8,343 cattle , 18,888 hogs and 2,390 sheep the
corresponding five days last week.
On account of tlio continued light supplies
of cattle the market today took a sharp turn
for the hotter and fair to good boot cattlu
showed all of a lOc advance. Iluylng orders
wuro not nil urgent , but with less than a
thousand cattle on sale and a comparatively
small proportion of them lit for hoof buyers
had to do sonio rustling and this gave the mar
ket moro show of life than It has exhibited for
nearly two weeks. There were some right
good cattle here. Several loads of fat 1,230 to
1,907-11) , hooves went nt from $4,30 to $4,00
nnd very good 1,026 to 1,1 13 lb. steers brought
fiom $4.20 to $4.30. Half-fat and shortfed
stock sold at from $3.20 to $3,80 and n bunch
of good 1,218-lb , Wyoming grassers brought
$3.00. Under the circumstances the light sup
ply was not long In changing hands.
The proportion of cows and mixed stock was
oven smaller than usual and with very few
westein grassers to make up the supply of
butchers' and cannons' stock buyers picked
them up briskly at prices lOc tolOc higher than
Thursday. Poor to very good cons and Jielf-
urs sold at from $1.20 to $2.GOtho bulk around
$1.90 tofrtt.40. Calves at$4 woio fully steady
and bulls , oxen and stags at $1.00 to $3,00
weru notqiiotably different ,
The foeilur trade was active , with prices unevenly -
evenly higher , 20c to OOc higher than ton days
ago. Pair to good stock sold largely at $2.80
to'J.20. Good to cholco feedeiN are quotable
at$2.70iS3. ; fair to good at * 2.00'J.70 and
common bluff at $2.0032.60. Itoprusuntatlvu
sales ;
No. Av. I'r ! No. Av. I'r.
1. . , . 000 $2 00 ' 3. . . 080 (4 20
n " . 730 3 2t > . 23. . .1020
02" HOG ! ) 30 ' 88. . .1104
28. . . 890 S 60 00. . .1113
30. . . 1089 a 70 . CO. . ,1297
7. . .1001 a o , 19. . .123G 4 40
20. . .1110 4 20 69. . .1307 4 00
i" COWS.
7. . . 824 85 ( ' 21. 935 2 10
3. . .1120 00 " ' 70. 893 2 40
14 . . 8GO U3 * 1 1010 2 60
0 . . 808 1 25 11. . 828 1 40
0. . . 010 i ao ' 1. . 800 2 00
1. . . 400 1 30 ' 0. . 791 2 CO
1. . i , 490 1 35 / ' ,
35'cXtvKS. .
225 4 $ ' ; 2 . 105 4 00
. nui.i-s.
.1010 1 00 " " , 2 .1000 1 80
.1440 1 50'
8. .1600 a oo
4 450 240 8 843 280
1 7GO a GO 16 1036 200
1 740 U 80 8 807 290
13 802 2 bO 61 872 820
No. Av. 1'r.
40 steers , 1218 $3 60
lions Including holdovers there were not
over 3,000 hogs < m stile. , tint thu fooling was
bearish from thu start nnd prices avurngod
fully 2Oc Inner than Thursday and OOc lowur
than the first of the week , There was a very
llmltod Inquiry from fchlouoru ani ( speculator *
can do very Ilttlo business on u declining mar
ket , to the local housou had things pretty
much their own way. and as Chicago was
lowur they pounded prices to their 1 Hum's con
tent. Thu good tocuolcu light and butcher
weight hoRi nt , VO. ' to $5 15 wore l\r ! ply
for fresh moat nn < 1 shipping account
ami were all of 20c lower. Heavy
nnd inUeil packlnii grndcs nt IS to $5.10
wrrofrmn lOc u 25c lower than Thursday.
I'rlmo UR it sorts oold ns hlRh ns J0.23 nml
rough pnckors ns low ns $4.90 , H wns a slow
market throughout nnd closed up menu with loads unsold. The bulk of the boas
Rohi * t from $0 to $6.10 , ns nuainst $ r > .20 to
_ nJ5.3Jto ; J3Unwe.oka )
Representative suit's ' !
Nn. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. AT. Sh. 1'r.
20 . . .330 f4 90 OR . . 249 HO f5 ( IS
4 . .331) ) 490 03 . .237 120 005
23. . .34fl 100 4 02' ' { 04 . . .278 S20 0 O.r >
45 . 207 320 4 00 01 .230 200 0 0.1
70 . . .221 100 4 1)5 ) 00 . . .H41 100 000
2 ! ) . .235 80 000 OH . . .257 100 010
04 .200 120 000 G3..277 240 010
80..234 2OO G IK ) 00.311 80 610
74. . .272 320 0 DO 70..230 40 610
09. . 202 120 600 01 . . .201 80 ( i 10
09 . . .277 HO 600 GO . . .272 120 010
05 . . .289 280 000 01..209 40 010
07..320 000 G2 . . 2.15 120 010
03..310 ICO 000 03 . . .257 HO 010
07 . . .267 40 000 00. . .207 200 5 10
79..224 SOO 000 04 . . 224 40 0 10
00..249 80 005 07 . .22' ) 320 010
07..259 320 005 09 . .203 120 0 IS
07..203 300 003 03 . .210 240 0 IS
70..229 100 005 88 . . .211 280 010
05..330 100 005 07 .240 200 S 15
00..283 40 005 70. 202 100 010
00 . . .272 40 005 43..200 80 015
02 . . .277 005 01..218 100 620
07..209 120 000 81..185 1GO 525
PHISxn itoutiii.
1. . . 430 4 00
FiliiKi1 liecclpts were light but mailo tin In
quality what they lacked In quantity. The
market was about steady. Oood 07-lb. na-
tlvo wothors brought $1 and cholco 05-11) .
lambs brounht to. 1'alr to go < ! nitlves , $0.20
514.25 ! fair to gooil westerns , J3.00JS3.80 ; com
mon and stock sheep , 11.5011:1.00 : ; good lo
cholco 40 to 100-lb lambs , J3.5uii5.00. Ucpro-
sentatlvu sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
12 culls 00 1200
08 natlvo wethers 88 3 80
78 natlvoml.Ncd 97 4 00
12 lambs GO 0 00
Itoroipts nnd Disposition of Stock.
Ofllclnl receipts and disposition of stock ns
shown by thu books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending nl
G o'clock p. m. July 2S , 1893 :
ntrvnis. CATTI.K. nous.
nmaha I or > i
i. II , ll.imnioml Co. . 17H 748
swift X Co. U40 21 I
The Ondaliy Packing Co. . 81 II (111 (
Cleveland I1. , V 1' . Co. . . . IK )
, a\ton
'perrVyC ' n *
lamiiiond A. S JUU
Shippers and fcedeis 110
Total. 718
Stuck In Slilit.
Receipts of live stock at the four principal
ivestorn markets Friday , July 28 :
Cattle. HORS. Sheej ) .
gouth Oinahn.T 004 2,807 171
VhlCURO 8,000 24,000 0.000
CansasUlty 3,500 7.000 1,500
fat. Louis 1,500 2,000 500
Total 13,904 30.497 B.171
Chicago I. Ivo Stock Murliot.
CHICAGO , July 28. [ Special TVleRram to
THE Hr.E.V'-Tliero was about the usual 1'rl-
ilny's run of cattle , thu estlimitu bolni ; 7,500
head. That supply was equal to the needs of
thu trade , there bolni ; bu * Ilttlo activity In thu
illinium ! from any source , i\portor.s : wanted
a few and there was a fair Inqtihy from i'a-,1-
ern an < t local buyers. Competition , theiefoio ,
wassiilllclent to hold up prices though the
prevalent feellm ; was not by any means buoy
ant. AnythhiR Rood enough to sum ! forward
was taken at fully steady prices , and the
uoorer Rrades did not sell appreciably lower.
It is Impossible to describe the condition of
thu hoi ; market , so utteily dpmorall/oit
the trade. Such Rrades as sold at from ; G to
$0.05 Tuesday , at fiom * 5.90 to $0 Wednesday
mornliiR and at fiom { 5.70 to { 3.75 at the
openliiRof business yesterday were not wanted
today at from J5.35 lojo.-io. There were a
few trades at those IlKuros , but buyers In
sisted upon RutthiR Rood heavy IIORS at from
$5.20 to i < 5.25 and the day's work wus done on
that basis. Heavy boss were from 30c to 35c
lower than at yesterday's openhiR and from
OOc to 70c lower than on Tuesday. Ono
mlRhtr suppose the demand would have
been stimulated by so great u reduction
but such WUH not thu case. Trade was lifeless
and holders were forced to carry over several
thousand IIORS , thoiiRh the fresh and stale re
ceipts combined did not exceed 33,000 head.
Sales of droves averauhiR over 20U Ibs.voru
principally at from $5.10 to $5.30 , and from
& 5.GO to 15.75 were the pooular prices for
lighter weights , There were many sales below
15.15 and a very few at from $5.35 to $5.45 for
heavy and at from 85. HO to $5.85 for llRht.
Prices for slieop have shown uhusual steadi
ness all the WOOK. They stand today about
whom tnoy were when wo last reviewed tlin
market , and nt no time was there a dlirurenco
of moro than lOe down to from $1 75 to $2.50.
There was not much business outslrtoof limits
of f iom$3 to $4.50. The lamb market was ; active
lit from $3.50 to $5.75 for poor to cholco qunl-
Itlcs , with sales pilnclpally at f roni $ 1.75 to
Kecclpts : Cattle , 7,500 head : calves , 800
bend ; boss , 23,001) head ; sheep , 5,000 head.
The EvenliiR Journal says :
CATTM : Kecolpt. , 8,000 bond ; shipments ,
3,200 head ; corn-fed natives and Texans
htrouR ; others steady ; prime steers , $4.90 ®
G.25 ; Rood to cholco. * ; > 5i .80 ; others ,
* 1.5Ufi4.'J5 ; Toxnns , f 1.25fi3.15 ! ; westerns ,
Jr3.OOfi3.G5 ; native cows. $1.002.'JO.
lloos Receipts , 21,000 head ; shipments ,
7,000 head ; market 2032Sc lower ; mixed
nnd packers , 35.15&5.25 ; prime heavy and
butchers' wclchts , $5,25U5.40 ; cholco Unlit
nilxpd , S5.35Q5.5 ; sorted llRht , $5.0035.90.
SHKUP Receipts , 0,000 head ; shipments ,
1,800 head ; market steady ; stockers , tl.'JGfii
2.75 ; owes , J3.305i4.25 ; wethers , $1.25 5.80 ;
lamb . $3.00i 4.80.
Kalians City l.lvo Stunk Alnrknt.
KANSAS CITV , July 28. CATTI.I : Receipts
3,500 head : shlppiOnts , 1,000 head ; best Rrades
were llrm , others Blow ; Texas sleeis , Sl.UO ®
2.85 ; Texas cows , $1.500,2.20 ; shlppiiiR steers
$4.00fl4.20 ; mitlvo cows , 81. 3G&2.OO ; linlcliers'
stock , $3. < ) Uft4. 15 ; stockers and feeders , $1.50
© 3.50 ; bulls and mixed. * 1.50i&.75 ,
lloos Receipts , 7,000 Iiead ; shipments ,
3,900 head ; market 10tt20c lower ; hulk of
sales. $1.90(45.20 ( ; heavies. $4.00545.05 ; pack
ers , $4.H5ii5.20 ; mixed , J4.U5fc5.20 ; lights ,
$5.005iG.55 ; Yorkets , $5.45 5.00 ; plRS , W.25
HiiKBl1 Receipts , 1,500 head ; shipments ,
none ; market steady and unchaiiRcd.
Now Vcirk l.lvo Stock Market *
NEW YOIIK , July 28. HRUVKH Receipts ,
1,800 head ; market shade lower ; best n.itlvo
fcteors , $4.055.05 ; Texas and Cohirados , $1.50
W4.00 ; dressed beef , dull at G'/i&Bc. ' hteets ,
llrm. Receipts of calves , 90 head ; veals , $0.00
SunuiANII LAMMS Receipts , 1,481 head ;
market we.ik ; sheep , $5.0U ; lambs , $4.35tt
0.25 ; dressed muttons , Tti'Jc ; dressed lambs ,
9441 Ic.
lloos Receipts , 2,100 head ; market nomi
nally steady at $0,20517.00.
St. I , mil * l.lvo Slock Mnrknt.
ST. Louis , July 28. OATri.n Receipts , 1,600
head : shipments , 3,400 head ; market steady
for Texans ; fair to ordinary , $2. 1022,70 ; no
native stocks on sale.
HOOD Receipts , 2,000 head ; shipments ,
1,300 head ; market lOilSOt * lower ; top price ,
$5.72'l ' ; bulk of sales , $5,25tt5.50 ,
HliRKi' Receipts , 500 head ; shlumonts,700
head ; maiUet llrm , unchanged ; native mut
tons , $1.00 ® 1.50.
Bnlloou this eve ut Couptlnml bcauh ,
htrnrk ) > y
Lightning strucic John W , "iVearno's house
nt U15 South Nineteenth street about ! l
o'clock yesterday morning nnd did consider
able damage. The bolt struck ilia unsc end
of the coiio of the house , penetrating to the
upper rcoms. Mr. ami Mrs. Wcarno occu
pied ono of the rooms and were considerably
shocked , The plnstoring of two rooms was
knock" ! ! off and the roof was badly torn up.
The bolt was followed by a tornllc report of
thunder , which awakened the people livinc
in that vicinity. An examination aliouud
that the current did not go below the second
story. The damage will amount to about
Balloon this eve nt Courtlaml bench.
. , ) u. joncs , or
Kultun , Arlcamas ,
"Alwul ten jears ORO I con-1' '
traded a ccvero case of Mood poi
son , Leailini ; phjslciaiis prescribed medicine
after medicine , wlilch 1 tookwithontany relief.
1 also tried mercurial and potauh remedies ,
with unsuccessful results , but which broiiRht
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
taado my life
ono of agony.
After BiilIurlnR
four jcara I gave up all remedies and ! > egan
using B. B. 8. After taking cicral bottles I
Tras entirely cured anil able to resume work.
I Is the creatcst medicine for blood
to-day on thu market. "
Treatise on Illood nnd Skin Dlecasca
free. Bwi-i' HI-ECIHO Co. , AtUiuta , Uo.
Howabont Mrs. Columbus
Now Christopher went on discoveries bent ,
And captured more honors than ever were meant
For mortal to wear.
But Mrs. Columbus , 1 think yes , I know It ,
Is pining for notice from rhymstcr or poet ,
Let her have her share.
While Christopher studied a dingy old chart ,
She doubtless did washing a heroine's part ,
And dreamed of the " Fair. '
While Christopher's life was so brightened by hopeJ
Her task would have lightened If Santa Claus Soap f
Had only been there.
She might have had time to be famous herself ,
Santa If sheM but had aid from this jolly old elf.
Yes Santa Claus ,
Soap the good housekeepers say
Claiss Is the choicest of soaps manufactured to-day ,
Omaha Tent- Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Tcnli.
HO113K COVItHS. AnnliiLM , etc , 1UJ anil
lllJFiirnnmKtroot. "oitf. lulibtroot ,
Bcmis Omaha Bag
Importer ! nnd ninnvunc-
turtii of Hour neks ,
burmp , twlnif. _
Morse-Cot Silos Company. .
Salesroom and Onico-1107-IIOJ-llll lluwnrd St
Fnctory-llla-llt-IlW Howard 3t.
Wo ar thu ovi.v Mmutf.v3tur8ri of UooU nnJ
Kuncrnl lnTl , tlon l uxtonaail to all to Impost
our new inotorf.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr unlYanlroillroncor-
LIM11 CO. . huril nnd oft nloc1 , wliuluw ctipi. inu-
coal , a 1C. oor. IGtli uud title ekylUhu , LMc-.UuS
btruut. nnil U HI Dudvii Direct.
M. E. Smitli Co. Kllpatrick-KocliDry
< ; OJDS co.
Cry Roods , notions , fur- Notions , Rents' furnlih-
rlslilna itooils , corner IriK k-iiuiK cor. lltu anil
llth uud Howard Ms. Ilarnor Streets.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. K
The omlnont Booclalht In nervous , chronic , prtrato. blood , skin ninl uriniry iltiflaies. A regular ui4
registered griduate In modlolno , ni diplomas nnj ceftlllcutes wilt nhotr , U mill tiorvttiv/ with the 0reato&t
ucccia.catarrb. toil ainnhood , nomlnnl weakuuss , nUtit losses and all formi of prlTAtu Ulneaiei. Hfl
mercury u ml New trontmont fur Ion of vital ponor Parties unable tovtflt mom botrputoa nt hoin
by corroipondonco. Modlclnu or instruments nent Ity mull oroxpreis necuroly pnciceJ ; no tnjrki to In4t *
cato contonta or nondur. Ono personal luturrtavr oreforrdd. ConMUltatlon fr a cNirruiponJoac * alrtottf
private. Book ( Mj torloi of Life ) aont free. Often hour * , V am. to U p.m. Sundayi , 1J ( a. m , to It EU
bcadl stamp forclrculnr. f\ \
Mandrake Pills ha vo a value as a house
hold remedy fur beyond tlio power of Ian-
{ jungo to describe. Tlio family can
hardly bo true to itself that does not
keep thorn unhand for use in emergen
Is the only vojjotaolo substitute for that
dangerous mineral , Mnucuitv , and
while its action aa a curative is fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon
the howols without disposing them to
subsequent Costlvone&s.
No remedy ucts so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Slclc
Headncho , Sour Stomach
ach , and Biliousness na
1'orSalo by all OrnulsH. 1'rluo " 1 ct" . nor
box ; U Uoxos for ( T cts. j or hont by mall , nost-
am > trau , on rncolpt of nriuu. Dr. J , II.
fi. < m , riilladolphl'i.
The Name "
or the uucbcr TradeMark -
Mark on Gold and Sil
ver Watch Cases , is
recognized all over the
RUBY JEWELED United States ns good
ADJUSTED as the : IJn'i Mark of
o '
If your ilenlcr ilopii not keep our wait-lira , mall
UK your ndilri'Vi and we will * iii | ynu llin namu
of a dealer \vlio dots. 'I'un JIUKULU WATCU
Women , ( 'uutuu , O ,
la the only
Women Excluded.
18 years pxprrlnnre ,
( 'lrculnrH free.
14th nnil I'nniuin tiU. ,
UiuiU ,
.Nntlrn In Contractors.
Notice Is hoiiiby given thutsoalcd proposals
will bu rt'uelvt'd by the moderate at Mlllurd ,
f _ > r u now frame school building for district
number 17. In MIHiml. NubruBka , until July
III , 1SUJ , at 'i o'olouk i > m. I'lhiiH anil apvcltlcu-
tlonn can lioseun at thootllcuof the aruhl'uct ,
J. 1' . liulh , room 5HI-M7 1'axton block , Dniulin ,
and at the otllcoof the modoratur In Mllliiril
Nubnuku. A uurllflod check for thu sum of
tO ) must acooinp my unoh bid. Thu direc
tor * ruorvo thurlfc'Mt to rojuot uuy or allbldu.
Rector & Willicluiy Lobcck & Linn ,
OAto * In hnrdn
Corner 10th Mid Jnckion IllPltlnlllCl' toul
Hlructi. 1IUI L < uutflui Strcnt
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron
\Vlinlosulo WUUIU. i.
Ilntt , rnpN , struxT goodA , Fnfnlltti , Jnll woo SIren
Klix os. mlttoim. inu Iron Miutlcrs nuiltlro u 14
iiud llurnujr btiooti. cnpeMiui AtiJtOQU , In
ami Jnukion
John A. Waltclleld ,
InilHittoil.AfvrloiU ) Port
Innd vcniont , Jtlllnnii-
kuo content aud Qulucjr
"lillu lima.
a ?
Frick & Herbert uiniiiiii biovc itcpaic
, \VOKKS i-toru repair ,
Wholesale liquor donlcrj liir ntir kliul or > lo\ru
till'Hi. f.'Ui
IIOUIll | > U
1001 Ka ran i a bt.
iw York Hospital !
For all
Private anl
Special Disws33 ,
f trio t uro nnd nil oilier tronhloa traitoit
nt reaaoiKiUlo chiirRt's. CONSULTATION
KUEli Ualumor
Ctiposttollnydcn llros.
MUil'AI ,
( ( 'iiiiHiiltiition I'riin. )
IH unsurii.'usocl In llio truatiuont
of nil
UJiroulo , Privnta nnl
orv us illioiiMos.
\Vrllu lu ur uonaull porionallr
I HI A I Ml..Nl ItV AlAllu
Aclilross with Btnuiii for p r-
tlculiira wlilcli lll bu Hunt Ira
I1 , u. llortd. Olllu , 118 b. 15tU
Furnishes Ihu Bcsl and Cheapest Method
\ > 'rito tnr cala . ; ue of I.atlllilf ; , rcnclllg
litrtu.'o fUturce , etc. .
N. AV. HXI'ANDKU VtKCt\.1t CO. , I
Na 4UTwenty ( fc'lzth S. .
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutb Opnaha.
Jlot Cattle Hu nnJSIioo mar < ot In tb
Wood Brothers.
l.lvo Etook CommUilon Jlarohuntv
? 0'itliOiualia Tel | iliono 1157.
JOHN I ) . DADl .MA-N , I
Market reports by mall and wlro chcorf ull
furuUhud upou uppllcutluu. * '