r THE OMAHA DAILY T3EE ; SATURDAY , JULY 29 , 1803 , 6 HEAVY LINCOLN LITIGATION Ex-Merabsrs of the Police Torco to Test the Eight-Hour Law , WILL SUE FOR ADDITIONAL WAGES < In tli * 1'olltlcM Ooinptoilon of tit * Kxclto lluitnl Cnmcd Uio Iteorgnnliik- tlnii ot the llrparttnent nnil MnnjHcinoTAli. . LINCOI.X , July 2H. [ Special to Tits BBK. ] The night-hour law plncpd on the statute books two jcarg ngo Is to receive another severe - voro test nt the hands of the courts. Fifteen members of the police force which served under Chief Ixjuls Otto will commence suit ngnlnst the city for the recovery of wages which they allege to bo due them by reason of the fnt-t th.it they wefu required to work moro tlinii fiuht liours per diiy. They were I Intu iluy nnd night shifts , each shift twelve hours per day. At the be ginning of thy present municipal year they were relieved from duty by reason of the change In thu political complexion of the ox- else board , to which thuy owed tholr ap pointment. ( iiiMlit in iliti Stntn Home. The cano of P. H. Miihonoy nnd Louis Bradfotd against John Q. Guston , from Douglas county , was IHud with the clerk of the stipi cine court today. Lieutenant Governor Majors arrlvotl at the tutu house this afternoon to assume tno ruins of government. Acting flnveinurCorrell returned to his homo Iu Jlnbroii this afternoon. Auditor Moot o and his associates on the Statu Bo.Li-il of Equalization uiu unublo to complete their labors by reason of the strange and unreasoning conduct of thu county clerk of Custer county. The law re quires the assessment rolls to bo forwarded to the auditor on or before July 10. Every clerk but thu Custer county man has com piled , but ho persistently refuses. The equalization hoard of Custer county has completed its work , and thn auditor can scp no icason why thu Custer county clerk docs not forward thu returns. In Slulu Military Circles. George P. Dean , chairman ot the state re union commlttuu , was at thu adjutant gen- cral'a olllco this forenoon to maku arrange ments fur thu encampment of a portion of thu slate troops at Grand Island during the coming reunion. Adjutant General Gage issued orders this iifteriioon to the following companies ) : Company A , Second regiment , Kearney , Captiiln ICinll Olson. „ Company I ) , Second regiment , Ord , Cap tain J. L. Mi'Donough. Com pan j F , First leglmcnt , Junlata , Cap tain H. A. Morelnnd. Company 1C , First rcglinont , Central City , Captain Kmll Hanson. The abovu companies will go into camp at Grand Inland on August 211 , the reunion coin- mlttco furnishing tiansportatiou and ra tions. Adjutant General Gngo this afternoon issued commissions to thu following list of nuwuly elected oHleors In the Nubraska National guards : Captain J. E. Mungcr. First Lieutenant.W. n Smith , Scconil Lieutenant G. A. Monaco , " jiMot company D , second regiment. Fair- bury. Captain O. H , Bralnnrd and Second Lieu tenant A. S. Wadsworth , of company G , llrst regiment , Bontrlco. Fii.st Lieutenant Alfred McICinnoy and Second Lieutenant A. A , Murdoclc , of bat tery A , Wymoru. Captain . M. Decker and First Liou- tcnitnt F. C. Graves , of company D , flrst regiment , Lincoln. Captain O. A. Deals and First Lieutenant F. A. Williams , of company G , llrst regi ment , Geneva. Thu above commissions will bo presented to the ofllcers by 'Governor Crounso In person nt the encampment at Superior next week. Lincoln In Hrlnf. ' Chief of Pollco Scanlon of Council Bluffs was in Lincoln today looking for a pair of burglars who go by thu name of Shcenoy and Hungry Jim. Both men are wanted at Council Blufls for attempting to kill a police oftlcer who was try.imj to arrest them r.t 3 o'clock this morning. "Sport McAllister" Gaylor was abld to leave the city today , nftor putting up a bond forSTfi. Hu was alloucU to take his trunks with him. ' Sheriff McClay today levied upon the prop erty at Twenty-fourth nnd L streets and the briuk block near the corner of Tenth and O streets belonging to J. W. Latham , ono of the , stockholders of thu old Capital National bank , Latham had endeavored to placu the property boyoud the reach of the receiver , but the validity of the transfers is to bo tested in court , I'oNeil an Colorado Mlnnrn. UEI > Ci.oun , July 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] This afternoon about twenty- flvo tramps congregated in the neighborhood of the depot. They posed as honest Colorado miners , out of Jobs. Ono of them entered the house of James Sawjer and made an assault on his wife , but lied when she called to her husbaml. The husband chased him down the track , but failed to overtake htm. Meantime thu gang , having procured three kegs of beer and a collection of provisions from charitably disposed citizens , gathered under the water tank and proceeded to enjoy themselves. Some misunderstanding started a row. Ono violated another's idea of utliiuottu , and ho whipped out a knlfo and slashed at his companion , but only suc ceeded In cutting his clothes. The man 1 with thn knifn was promptly knocked down , t nd was being badly beaten when Deputy T Sheriff Tnmllnson arrived and made several 1 arrests. Securing an engine , Iho deputy then M cut down the track after the brute whoassuiiltud Mrs. Sawyer. Ho found him , and after n long ohaso through thu whuat fields arrested a man said to bo thu guilty party ! but ho proved not to bo the right wan. Hemlmlail ol llliVnr Kxpm-lencn. OSCFOLA , July23. [ Special to Tint BUB. ] A few years ace Judge T. II , Saunders of this city received a modal from his regiment , Second Now York volunteers , made of can non captured nt the battleof , UIg Bethel In Juno , ISrtl. This week ho received another modal , and while ho prl/os the other medals that ho received very highly the Judge was down there four years and in three different regiments the medul'just received is worth to him moru than gold and cannot bo worn by king , prinro , potentate , or oven by Grover himself unless ho was an actual participant in the greatest battle over fought , Gettysburg , Oil ono side of the medal is a representation of Now York's state monument erected on the Held of Get tysburg to the memory of its bravo boys wlufe foil there. On the other side U tno coat of arms of the state , with its motto "Excel sior , " und the words ' 'July 1 , 2 , , iHU.t , Get tysburg Veteran. " The Judge was not able to bo with the hoys nt the dedication of iho monument , but Is happy in thu thought that his native ta\u does not forgot its boys , though far away. To Fordo the llouril to Act. SCIUTVI.KII , July 28. [ Special Telegram to Tim Hr.K , ] A mandamus has boon issued at the instance of the Union Pacific to compel tho.Colfax County Boardof Commissioners to show cause for negloctlng4o receive bids for thu construction of n ditch from the city of Schuylor oast. A year ago the right of way was established , levels taken , estimates made and costs prorated , anu it was found to be conducive to the general wi'lfnre of the public , but the commissioners have done nothlup. I ! Hunt Up for a Drink. x Du.Nimi , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK BBK. ] Jackson Lloyd , a farm Imiul , was arrested this afternoon by Sheriff Boyd for stealing half a gallon of whisky from Goorgu S oll9r' * saloon. The trial will bo held la Nebraska City tomorrow. llttinly for the Veteran * . StTEHum , July 23. [ Special to TIIKBKE.J Assistant Adjutant General Heed of Beatrice is in nho city consulting with the _ reunion comwlttoo in regard to transporta tion and ratlou for the National guards. find I * arrAnglng for the National Boards' drills and target practice of the artillery. Two CAM of tents are Already horo. Provisions - visions are arriving constantly for those who attend. Stands nd mcrry-co-rounds nro running full blast on the grounds , while many moro keep the reunion oftlcors busy In assigning plnccs for thorn. Kvory train adds to the crowd already hero , waiting for next weak. Committees are doing all In their power for the assembly In the snapo of amusements , so that every ono will have a good tlmo. _ CHOIM .MUCH iMruovcn. Xelirnnkn I'nrmvM Urontlj- Encouraged by thn tt r nt Ilrury Rain * . CESTHAI , CITT , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] This county wai visited by a Una rain Wednesday night and again last night. The corn crop Is looking fine. Oats Is light , the yield will not exceed ten bushels per aero. The hay crop fair and In demand. OSCBOLA , July 23. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Polk county was blessed with a nlco rain yesterday. The farmers had began to feel pretty blue , and said that it they did not got rain this week the corn crop would bo a failure. NEW CASTI.B , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.n. ] - Harvest Is nearly finished nnd stacking has commenced. The corn crop Is very promising , nnd a heavy rain that is now falling will put the crop out of the way of dry weather. Fuu-nnTox , July 23. [ Special to THE BKn.l A nice rain sot In yesterday morning nnd lasted all day. At 2 o'clock this morning a terriflo rain storm struck the city. It was the hcavlnst rain this locality has had this season. The corn crop Is looklnz splendidly. It Is the best prospect Nanco County has had for years. _ YTKUI : TIII : CITY'S UUISTS. Colnmiln Tonrlutt ( Ilvon n Klnit drooling by Colninhut Clti7i-ii . COMJMIIUS , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Last night cighty-nino minors 'rom Colorado stopped over night and were sheltered iutho Fitpatrlck houso. Mayor D. Schupback , in bohalfi of tlio city , furnished them their supper and breakfast and the crowd loft this morning for Sioux City. The Young Men's Christian association enter tained them with music and several speeches wcro made during the evening. Intorofttlni ; Fremont Notei. FIIKMONT , July 23. ( Special to THE BEE. ] I'ho Dodge county fair promises to bo moro , han usually interesting this year. Sccrc- -ary Cauttln has worttod llko a beaver and the number of special premiums ho nti- loum-es proves that ho has noon remarkably successful. The dates are September 18 to 21. The opponents of free silver have peti tioned J. E. Fnck of this city to answer the bimetallic orators of Monday night nnd ho lias consented to speak on Saturday night. Frlck is nn able exponent of thu sound cur rency and an honest dollar. The Independent Order of Hod Men at Its election on Wednesday evening selected the following ofllcors : Prophet , W. II. Haven ; sachem , W. Wintorstceu ; keeper of records , It. B. Stanford ; senior sagamore , M. G. Corlc ; Junior sagamore. S. T. Cherry guard of wampum , James Bennett ; guard of forest , James Wolstoad ; ilrst s.inap , P. S. Smith ; second sanap , W. II. Mead ; with George L. Wollman , M. S. Conovor , F. L Nesbltt and T. O. Corruthors , bravcsJ. ; T. Budley , D. 13. Wolstoad , II. Kromllng , L. F. Muerrio , warriors , nnd L. C. Trucsdoll and Hey Don nor. scouts ; captain dcgrco teams , George F. Wols. Hoy. H. W. Tate will preach thu bacca laureate sermon at the Normal college building Sunday. Mr. A. M. Edwards , who has boon se lected as ono of the Jury of awards on agriculture at the Columbian exposition , furnishes seven of the 150 Poland China hogs sent In from Nebraska. Fields , who assaulted Section Boss Con- neil , appeared before Justice Huff this morning ami waived examination. Ho was held In $400 bonds to the district court. These most interested in freight rates hold a meeting tonight to organize for the protection of tholr mutual interests. A com mittco was elected and an attorney desig nated to watch tlio legal corners in the coming struggle. " \Vfldt Point Noton nnd 1'ornon ils. WEST POINT , July 28. [ Special to THE Mrs. Charles Jankelo died Tuesday morning at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. Annlo Dill , two miles south of Bancroft , of dropsy. William Hartwlg got his arm caught In a belt in tho.clcctclc light house lust iiight and had the member broken. Hev. J. O'Horn , formerly assistant pastor at the Catholic church in this city , assumed charge of the Wisnor parish this weak. Miss Etta Penny , who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. King , returned to her homo in Mason City , la. , today. , Miss Hattlo L. Pard returned to her homo in Iowa Thursday , after a few weeks visit with her relatives , Mr. Joseph Hill. James O'Donnoll's will was probated Thursday. M. J. . Hughes was appointed ox- ecutor. The estate is vorv largo. The Cumlng county teachers' institute , which has boon in so ° slon the past two weeks , adjourned Thursday afternoon. Ono hundred and thirty teachers were present and great benefit is said to have been do rived. _ Work of Ilnrtclura ut Columbia. COI.UMIIUS , July 28. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEU. ] Wednesday night several houses were entered by burglars. The saloon of Lee Borowlak was broken Into , the resl ilonco of Charles Davis was entered , thrco burglars wcro frightened away from the rcsldenco of Fred Gottschalk nftor they had succoodou in breaking down several doors and tlio residence or. C. H. Sheldon u us completely plotoly ransacked. The latter place was not being occupied , the family being east , and a great many valuable things were taken , among them a sealskin cloak belong ing to Mrs. A. C. Ballou. Afiimtillod liy Trnlnmoii. DAKOTA Cnv , July 23. [ Special Telegram to THIC Bi'.u.J A trump giving the name of Charles Carey and his residence as Omaha was found near the depot last-evening in an unconscious condition. Ho rode the broak- beam in train No. ! ) from Hubbard to Coburn Junction , wlion ho was discovered by the train crow and pounded with cord wood. Ho walked , to this placa and full unconscious. Ills knee cap on the right leg is fractured in two places. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nimc-uiitlu'n I\mv Komi. NEWCASTLE , Neb , , July 23. [ Special to TUB Hun. ] The Ponca extension of the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha is iln- ishod , the last splko being driven yesterday afternoon. This place will bo the terminus of the road lor several years , as the terri tory west of here Is covered by the Hurting- ton branch of the Omaha road. Thu citizens of Newcastle will hold a grand Jublloo picnic about August 21 to colobmo.Uio opoulng of the road , _ Ulvlilvil the County fund * . IlEi ) Cuiun , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKB. ] The Board of Supervisors ad- Jourund tonight after accepting the applica tions of four banks for county money , ap proving their bonds unit ordering the treasurer to dlvldo the county cash among them pro rata according to the slzo of the bond. The county will got 3 percent Interest , Klllml l.y SCIIOTI.BU , July 23. | SpeoIal Toiogram to Tnu BBK. ] Hobort Pout , a prominent young farmer in north Colfax county , was killed by lightning about 7 o'clock last evening. His homo was near Leigh. His parents llvo at Ilowoll. _ _ Outnln Murpliy'n Itumnnoe. Captain Murphy of engine house No. 1 loft the city suddouly ou Wednesday evening , A report has gained currency that bo la in trouble over a girl naiuod Kato Murphy. It seems that the girl has boon in the habit of passing the engine house qulto frequently und on Monday evening walked around the comer with him. It is alleged by the friends of the girl that Murphy struck tbo girl , rendering her unconscious. Ho is said to have coma into thu ongiuo house saying the "girl had faluloU and summoned help. The girl soon recovered and wont to her home. The next day a young woman , said to bo thu sister of Kato , called at the engine house and threatened to make It qulto warm for the captain. Fearing that she would cuuso hU arrest and huviujr no binding tiui , tbo captain sold hit tlmo to n friend , p.tckod hi * trunk and loft I ho city Before leaving ho denied having done anything wrong and his friends arc Inclined to glvo him the full bonetlt ot his M < lo of the storv. Murphy has been with this company about a year and hns made a good many friends. Tnoro has been no warrant Issued for him nor any effort made to apprehend him. Balloon this eve nt Courtlund beach. ALLEGED TRICKY DOINGS. Donbla Knclne Dent nt nn Oniahn Klcetrlo I.l lit I'liint. An ox-omployo of the Thomson-Houston Electric Light company has been giving away the practice of the company , In carryIng - Ing on its business down at the power houso. If the statements made are true deception Is being practiced at every opportunity to pre vent the city electric'- ! ! ! making a fair test of the light circuits for voltage and amocrago. This ox-omployo Is well known in electri cal circles and Is not credited vilth the habit of conversing through his tilo. Ho tolls the story in a straightforward manner. Hero Is what ho says : "Down at the power house the company has two Corliss engines. Apparently both nro under pressure , but such is not thu en so. The steam valve on ono remains closed , and the iwwor of the other under pres sure propels both cnglaes. This prac tice Is carried on until the city electrician appears. Then quicker than a wink the valve is opened and both engines are thnn under pressure. The dead engine , for such I will call It , responds quickly to the pressure and almost Instantly there is amore moro rapid hum to the dynamos and appli ances , and the current Is greatly Increased. This Is not nllohowuvor. When the hour of midnight arrives the flros nro partly banked and lustaad of a pressure of steam of eighty poumls or so It drops to llfty or sixty , and that is the maximum' pressure until dawn , when the current for the street lirht is turned off. They nro a sly lot down" there and will fool the electrician at every oppor tunity. " City Electrician Cowglll was asked If ho had over noticed an Increased hum to the machinery nftor ho entered the building. Ho replied that ho had and had wondered what caused It. Ho said the above story ex plained all. There is a peculiarity about the rojtort of the committee on electric lights that goes unexplained. The committee reports ad versely upon the report of the electrician and pronounces the photometric test a fail ure because eminent electricians say"that the correct way to determine the candle powcrofanarc light is with a volt motor und an auipero mater. A morning paper quotes a number of authorities. Without exception they do not de clare that a reading cannot bo made with a photometer , and the most pro nounced say that the test is unsatisfactory und that the Instrument can only bo handled successfully in a laboratory in the hands of an export. These same authorities hold that the correct test is the voltage nnd am- pcraga Mr. Cowgillhas not only made tlio photometric test , but his volt and ampere meters have also boon usod. Perhaps the committee does not know this , but it is a fact. Thu committee has no fault to llud with the photometric test of Gas Inspector Gilbert on the gas and gasoline lights , and each shortage in candle power is quickly deducted - ducted from the bills of those lighting con cerns. Balloon this eve nt Conrtland beach. STRUG OLE FOR A CHILD. Sequel of a Divorce \Vliloli Dumon trated a Mothnr'H DrvoUnn. Last ovoniug shortly after 5 o'clock there was a domestic scene enacted at the Sovon- tcanth street entrance to the Now York Life building that caused considerable commotion for n brief moment and caused quito a crowd to congregate. The participants were a dlvoiced wife , her attorney and the former's husband previous to the time a decree whs granted. The three were contending for the custody of a curly-haired , brlght-oyed little child of three summers , who was in the mother's arms. The father was so de termined in his efforts that ho resorted to physical force , and but for the timely inter vention of the attorney would have been suc cessful. On the last day of the term of the district court thu former wife was granted a dqcreo by JUdge Scott and given the custody of the child. At the time the decree was issued the child was in the custody of the father , and has so remained until yesterday. By a strategic movement the mother outfitted the father and secured possession of the child. In company with her attorney , she was making her way to the Now York Life building , when the father hove in sight and demanded the child. When refused ho made a frantic effort to secure the child by forco. They were uoar the entrance to the building at the timo. When the enraged husband made his exhibition of phjsical strength the attorney took a very effectual baud. Ho reached out and took hold of "papa" by the nape of the neck ana hurled him in the opposite diroctiou Irom the mother and child. Before the surprised , cast-off husband could recover himself thd mother , child nnd attorney had disappeared In the building , and ho gave up tlio chase. Balloon tills eve at Courtland boach. DENVEK'S BhCENT PANIC. Turn Cook Tolls of tliu .Situation In Gov ernor Wiiltu'n Uullhvluk. Tom Cook was in the city yesterday. Ho has been enjoying an outing in Colorado for the past eight weeks , und was brought homo sooner than ho hud anticipated by the as tonishing news that Lincoln was lighting the Burlington. In speaking of the .situation in Colorado , ho said : "You cuu't imagine what it is like , nnd no man can properly describe it. Little towns of from 1,200 to 1,400 people that enjoyed the trade of per haps 5,000 minors on the hills around It , amounting to $ j or $ t each per day are now desertotl und a muu has to tie a boll to him self when ho goes out to keep from getting lost. It is a most deplorable condition of affairs und a man only needs n glance over the ground to convince him of the Serious ness of tno situation , "It was something awful in Donvcr nt the time of the run on the banks. The reports sent out did not begin to toll the story. Every human being in that city , the entire living population , was on the streets , and such a scene of oxcltoment Is witnessed but once In u lifetime. Women und children were crying , and mon , too. for that matter , and lots of them didn't knnxv whether the sun was going to rise on another day or not , I am frao to say that , although I Have been around quite a little , I never saw anything line it before , und I never want to go through it again. "Say , this thing of Lincoln fighting the Burliugton is u corker , ain't it ? It broke mo all up. It wouldn't have surprised mo any moru to have heard of a rebellion in heaven , Fighting the Burlington und the Nowborry bill at ouo und the same tlmo makes a ulco little doublo-barrolod scrap that my follow Christians down In the capital city nro mixed up in , und I had to como homo to see the fun. " Balloon this eve at Courtland beach. CllCtun .Mnj-no' Litigation. The suit brought In the district court a few days ago , in whick Kato Bird Curtis was plaintiff nnd Clifton E. Mayno and the National Bank of Commerce were the do- femlauu , came about In this way : Some years ago when Curtis and Mayno were iu partnership they gave notes , which later on were sued uix > n. Whoa the judgment was rendered it was paid by Curtis nnd assigned to his wlfo. Kocontly , when .Mayno commenced - moncod his 1500,000 suit against the National Bank of Commerce , Kato Bird Curtis , fool ing that there was a prospect of recovering , curnisheod the bank , making Mayno a party to the suit. As between Mayno und Curtis , there was no mlsundorstauding , everything being understood. I'lcnlo at Iltnicom Park. Th. ) Sabbath school of Castollar Street Presbyterian church held tholr annual plciiioin Hanscom park yesterday afternoon , Two hundred scholars and tholr friends all enjoyed a most delightful timo. Hey , J , M. Wilson , D.D. , was matter of ccromonic * In athletla sports and ainusomonts. Ho wou the first prize in the men's raco. In addi tion to the men's race thoroiworo races for fat , loan and young women , together with sundry other amusements , The "No , 0' ' Wheeler. &tWIUon makes n perfect stitch with nil kinds ot thread on all classes of materials.It ' M always ready. Sold by Oco. W. I nba t r& Co. , M4S. lOth street. t , ni PARK COMMISSIONERS. Meeting nt WlilcluJtlUAlq for tlio .Miunrn WHO n IViUClYo. Tlio Board of Park Coranilssloners held a meeting yesterday uftofnbttn and agreed to nfuno the Dustln tract of trrourd which has been sot aside for park purposes , the Fonta- ncllo park. ; 1'lioy agreed not to name any of the other parks until their next mooting. Bills amount ing to 59,447.7s were ordered paid ami the contracts for wiring , tiling and the plumbing of tno nark pavilions wcro lot. The Burlington Hallway company offered to donate the commissioners a carload of its butnod ballast to bo used as nn experi mental paving In the Bcmls park. If this material proves to bo us good for paving pur poses as it is for track ballast the commis sioners will nmko preparation to manufac ture enough of It to pave nil the parks. Them will bo ten more Sunday concerts at Hanscom park. Thuro has been some com plaint that the concerts begin too early. The commissioners changed the hours from 'J to 5 nnd from ft to 8. o'clock. 'I'ho board agreed to stand cue-third the expcnso of the mld-weoK concerts. Thu street railway and Mr. Balduff pay the remainder of the cost for these concerts. Thu Musical Union wanted a chance to retrieve itself and asked that it bo permitted to furnish two of the ten remaining concerts. Its icqucst was granted nnd It will give Its llrst pro gram on August 0. On J illy M the Military band will furnish the people with ono of Its excellent programs. The Sovertth Ward band will play on Sunday , August 13. For steady nerves nnd peed sleep use Bromo-Scltzur. Contains no Antl-Pyrlno. BOARD OF PUBLIC WOKKS. Anplmlt Ilids Will llo I.onkoU Dp by Clint'r- in in AVlnipoar. The Board of Public Works held a short session yesterday afternoon. Bids for put ting in the water and sewer connections on Nineteenth street between Nicholas nnd Ohio streets were received and action de ferred until the next meeting. But ono bid was received for sloping banks It was sub mitted by Samuel Katz , and the prices quoted were considered excessive and the bid wont ovci'luntil the next mooting of thu board. Chairman Winspear will look up the mat ter of asphalt bids. The third tlmo bids upon that material for paviug were sub mitted : ho board referred them to the coun cil with the recommendation that they bo rejected for the reason that there was no substantial evidence of compolition. The council referred the bids to the committee on uavlm ? and that was the last heard of them. The board is desirous of ascertaining whether the chairman shall rcadvertiso for bids. As soon as an opinion can bo secured from the city attorney the board will act. City Engineer Uosuwater tj.ue notice that ho had refused to certify to an oatituato for permanent sidewalk on Thirty-second street in laver of John Grant , beeauso Grant had refused to obey thu instructions of Inspector Lowe in constructing the samo. Piles of people have puoi , out Do Witt's Witch Huzel Salvo will turd thorn. EARHART REPLIES. Assistant Rr.inil Chlrt nf t\\a \ To Uouimpls .Moderation. Secretary Gilliland of theiOmaha division , Order of Hallway Telegraphers is iu receipt of a telegram from Assjstaut Grand Chief Earhart of Jersey Cittf in which the latter states that a letter is on tno way and in which ho counsels tnb Omaha boys to do nothing rash. ' Mr. Gilliland states that Chief Kamsoy , who has loft the city--U3ctl every eflort to obtain possession of tno.books of the Omahu division. Gilliland said'that ho refused t'o give thorn up except Upon legal demand , which was not made. It is the belief or members of the oraor In Omaha that rather than have the affairs of the order placed in the hands of a receiver , which would bo the last resort , Chief Ham- soy would resign. A A A O LTA yfjl li > T& , "Tho Wolves of Now York , " with which the Furnam Street theater will open its season Sunday night , is from the pen of Leonard Grover , esq. , the author of a num ber of successful American dramas and com edies. Mr. Grover knows the ins and outs of Now York life as well as any writer for the stage , and in "Tho Wolves" ho is said to have grouped a number of characters with scones nnd situation which make a scries of most entertaining stage pictures , and in un interesting way picseuts a truthful delinea tion of the methods of that largo class of sharpers , both male and female , who infest nil great cities and prey upon the innocent and r.nsophistocatcd. It goes far toward opening the eyes of the public to many un scrupulous devices and frauds , of which they might otherwise become the victims. The play has been presented in Now York , Boston und Philadelphia , receiving the warmest praise from the critics of the great dailies. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Ilnntli oT Hunry Ito.frnburj ; . Henry Rosenberg , son-in-law of Max Morris of the American tailoring house , died suddenly on Wednesday at San Francisco , whither ho wont two weeks ago on busi ness. The remains have boon shipped to Omaha and the funeral will probably take place on Tuesday from thu residence of Mr. Morris at 210 North Twenty-third street. BABY RUNNING SORE Worst Sight Ever Seen. T cgs , Hands , Arms , Budy Ouo Solid , Deep , Itunulng Sure. Began Using Ciitlcurn. In Two Weeks Great Improvement Followed by u. Complete Cure. My oh I Id began to bo sere when two months old Kczcnunn his fnco and heat ] , H rapidly Mircad o\ct all ills body. K\cry ono who saw him said ho % roa the worat slcht they ot cr e.uv. . , - _ llo hail to bonound in linen cloths c\cr BO many times n .day , and then ho v oiihl stick fast to Ills clollil-a , n could not dress him Mono for months , lib little legs , hantU , and arms voru Jus ono solid deep all ovvrlnit the ilocncst ones wuro ouJili arms , lees , and _ face. .llUfacoandcarshad great deep cracks In the IU ell . ' , ainl Hero sMollcn on that lie did not look HLoachim. His ncro tlio uorat sores 1 hat o drcr'tvcii ' of the kind. "We bi-Kaii using the CUTiuimA Knuumin , anil in two ecks M e could seu u'fcfett Imiirot ement , and now ho is completely rjired. Ills fiKIn Is smooth and white , and lui wims entire ! ) well. ( Portrait Inclosed. ) Wo afjUolhanUiil. I would llko to tell o\cr\ono who lias u tuHerliii ; baby about CUTICUIUI < " Mr. < i. KitKi ) . luiuiirrr. Wlnfield , lughain Count ) , -Mich. CUTICUflA WORKS ; WONDERS rirriotniA HKMIUIM : liaie effected the most voiiderful cnrt'S if torturlnt ; ami ilUfleurlng skin ami scalp dUcatcs of Infants and children ever recorded. They atroril Instant relief , permit rest and sleup , and | > olnt to a spoodjr euro , when iho best iihyslclans fall , 1'arenti smo jour chllurcn jvars of uvedlcss gulfcriug. Cures tuaUtf iu cutldbood are pfrmancnt. Bold throughout Iho world. 1'rtco , Curicnni , Wc.j Hoii',2ic. ; ItmoLVENTit , 1'orrru Dava AND CUKM. Com- . , Bolo 1'roprlctors , lioitoa. J9- " How to Cure HUn Dlteanei , " mulled freo. BABY'S ' Skin and Bcalp purified and beautified by OUTICUKA tioii > . Absolutely pure. WOMEN FULL OF PAINS Kind In Cutlcuru Antl-1'iiln rim. tcr Instant aud cntcful relief. U is the first aud only ctrcngtheulne plulcr. READY FOR CHOLERA Clear Up the Rubbish Before Disease Appears. Experience of a Physician With a Dyspepsia Patient. All Danger Over in Less Than Ten Dayv A Simple Treatment "Clear up tlio rubbish from back ynrds and avvcotoii collars with broom , scrub bing brushes and disinfectants. Now's the time to got rondy for cholera\says the Boston Globe. Clean streets and alloys diminish the clmncca of upldcinlc , but it Is of moro vital importance that the natural gates and alloys of the body bo swept and clean. . The only way to secure this healthv condition of the blood vessels is through the nerves. Lilushing and midden pallor ahow how absolutely the uorve.s regulate the blood supply. Sound norvoa mnko A I'AOK. sr n. beulthy blood possible , and liisaiiuilo , ir ritability , dyspepsia , liver coiunhiint and nei'voui weiiknos cannot exist where nerves and blood are vigorous and in Imrmony. " " A cusro in pointcowo * from Riibhmoro , O. , where Dr. A. P fo , one of the must prominent physicians in the state , re- bides. Iluwriloa : "About thrca months ago I secured for the first time two bottles of Pnino's celery compound. I carelessly laid them to one sida until I found one of my patients I was treating for dys pepsia gradually growing worse and that remedies I had previously boon sue- cehsful with would not have any olTect on him. I then thought of the Paino't , celery compound , am1 as un experiment _ juvo him one of thorn , tolling him to dike itccorciing : to directions on the bottle. Imagine my surprise whan , ten davs later , ho walked into my ollieo and said , 'Doctor , I believe I am cured of my dyspepsia. ' "Now , after having taken the second bottle , ho , us also myself , considers him self a sound and well man , being entire ly free from any disagreeable sensations after eating. Since first commencing the use of P.iino's celery compound he has gained 33 pounds , and is the very uicturo-nf health. "I shall cheerfully answer any com munications I may receive in regard to the compound , and hope that my experience - rionco nv.iy bo of bunelit to some profes sional brother who is not too narrow- minded to be liberal professionally. " Head this from .Inri'il Ijtripcon , LuwroneoO. : " 1 nm US ; suffered forjyar * from results of youthful orrors. I used llvo boxes Nerve lluans and am completely cured. My nerves nro now strontr. nnil I do nol suitor any moro friim sleeplessness ; inv nkiii Is brlzht ; appo- tltu coed : gained 15lbs" f 1 box. enouEli for two weeks. All driuzlsts , or by mall , Nerve Ilcan Co. . ItulTalo. N. V. EDUCATIONAL. ( Main llulklhig. ) The MlKity-Nlnlh .SonHliiii Mill Oiicn Tiusi : > AV , MI T ism. FULL COURSES IN Classics , Lotturs , SMonce , I w , Civil aud Mechanical Engineering. Tnoroujh Preparatory au-1 Commercial Courses. ST. KDWAUIVSIIALL. for Uoyn under 13 IH iinlquo 111 Hid comU.'tiiiit ) > HH of 1th uqulpiiKMiL A lluiHi'il mmilxTOf child Mains for thti eecloHlatitliMl Btato will bo rt'CoUuil .it Hpeoiiil ratutt UatalogueH Hunt free on application lo UI5V. TIIOUAS i : . \V.\I.SII , f. S. C. , Nut 10 Dllllle , Illillllllsl. St. tOn-5 Mlln Woit of Nolio name Unl\orally. ) nieTiAco cTeraiiiop8iiiniiflysepi,4. , Tlio Ac.uloMilc CourMn IH thorough In tin * 1'ropar- nlor.v , Svnlor ami G'l i Hlcal.rt raid' * Jlu.ilu Dep.irt- mi-iit , on thu nl.m of llio b ht ( Jonai-i vntorius ol Kuropo , U uiKliT the eh nro of n uomph'tu corpn ol UMehero. Hiudlo nioiltiliul on tlio fivut Art Schools of Kuropo. 111.itin , - anil p.inllni | ; from lift ) and lint nntlinio , I'liunogruiihv ami Tjpa-Willlns taiiKht lIulldlutfH tiiulpiied with Flrn K uai i , A Huuor.itu doiirtmi'iil ] : for children under 111. Apply forvata- loguo to Dlrei'tivurt of the Acudomy , ST , MAItVh AUiUU.AIY , Notre Dimml' . O. M. , li ei1i | Co. , lull , RACINE COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. PuplU Tinurd and Llvo in the School Steam Meat. Spacious Dormitories. Best Sanitary Plumbing. Thorouuh Care and Instruction. nates Reasonable. Flta for Colli-KOTechnical School , or Iluslncfa , Rev. A.riPZH , S. T. D. , Warden , KaclneWl , ILLINOIS -ONSERVATI . l > llll.llilCllon Innlh GIRLS7 COLLEGIATE SCHOOL , < 7l - l UearUrii 1 > . . ( IIICK.O. Hill yvur bl'KlQI HopUJOtli. I'repares for collitro nnj KTI' ip rlnl COUTUO * of Btuilr. Tor Vounu I jiillei and CUllilren. flHS H.H.Ull-E. A.M. j iirnplnnli | * fmc'P11"- ' lliBSSl.K.litLuy.AJI. * - HU'KKT M'HIMiS , MIKSOITKI.-Tli * gnt Bchool ol th * Wut.rlu lor Jlla truU.J mm m mmmmm w mmmmmmm 1 Tf ' 1 b the Of alterations anil improvements In our store today and for i few more ilays to conic. The carpenters and a noisy crew they are began up on the third floor one day lust week. They took the old floor up from the rafters where it's laid for so long and pitched it out of the building for good and all. For a few days they ran things as they liked up there and when they quit at the end of the week we'd a new floor and a few more comforts to thank them for. Today they're down on second lloor with their hammers and picks and saws and iiuils creating dire confusion wherever they sec fit. Stocks arc being shifted'round from place to place parts of the lloor arc old parts are new and in some places there's nolloor at all just beams that's all. 'iMidstallthisdustaiiduoi.se we're doing a little car penter work on our own account : "cutting" down the prices on some thin clothes that we "saw" were going slowly putting them into the quick-moving cia.ss "Immmerhif ; " them out at prices that it's "phine" to be seen "augur" well for your pocketbook ; at such prices as to "nail" your attention immediately ; cutting the $1.25 alpaca coats to 75c and the $1.75 ones to $1.25 ; cutting drap d 'etc coats and vests the finest kiiulsvtlmt should be $1.50 and $5.00 to Sfl.OO and $ .50 ; ham- moving down the fine kinds of llannel coats to a dollar ninety apiece your si/.e and color among them ; selling a few odd si/.es of line coats and vests of dillcrcnt sorts at from one to two dollars less than we sold the same kinds only a week ago. It's a muss tluit we ask you to trade in up on the second floor today-but you can save enough in fifteen minutes time to pay you for a day's discomfort and fifteen minutes is not long only a quarter of an hour at most. LEXINGTON ( MO. , ) SCHOOLS. BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY Younii LaJirt llome&ctioul One of irr oMcsl txsi tn Mn * * ( iourL Api oinimcrusmt > irrn Music and Art Tcacncrs -'loguc ' Urv T I' Wnllmi. Rer.W.A Wiboa.A H.Prtit , - \ CENTRAL COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. WEHTWORTM MILITARY ACADEMY. Lexington. Mo. Six llo- L1tigtun. MA. parttncnn of Inai ruction ) ilt\l inihury school In oIDccra tied icacbcra. Con- . Mlisourl Hrallhful Ion , 0 otory of music. Art 1 lloh. HcasonaMc Krmv tlj Gymnasium. Modern np- - luntraitil tutaloffuu _ .t5 trntrd catnlneua f A. A. .inSKM. l'rr 't. COLUMBIA VARNISH CO.-St. Louis , Mo. MANUFACTURERS OP TUB CELEBBATED FLOOR 6LOSS COLUMBIA GLOSS ! ! The most durable ncd beautiful finish for The idealpoilshfor Furniture , Pianos' ' ( loom and wainscoting. KnMily nppllcil. and String Instruments. Preventst Itrit'N . Mullen tlri'Hoiiin instantly. the varnish from cracking nnd imparts at Hcrubblntv iiiiiicccHHnry. All dirt brilliant finish. Afow on asolt cloth f drops anil stiiliis from \frcntto , liiU , tolmvro " mill Itlooil , vunlly removed by simply is sufllclcnt ; then rub well over the vor- ulping It nlth a damp cloth. Made in ten nishc'd surface until dry. Case of 3(3 ( bottles , , brilliant shades , fl.oo per can. 80.OO , HliiRlo bottles SS cents. f , asr-FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE DFNVnil INVESTMENT I1ONI ) CO , WILfc 1'AV YOU OALL AT Ji7 nnn DUILDINO von TO AND A. Full J'/oor , Jfhiulf. Hltli iintl f'iiriniiii SI root. iiuvitur : on lllth Street , Tulephonu 1013. IKt INJTllH WU'UVO The Mercer. Omaha's NewestHotsl. Cor , 12th and HoirurJJtreoti 40 rooms 153 par iluy. 40 rooms il 00 per day. 'M rooms with bath at )1 per dir. ' M rooms with bath utlls ) purUay. Modern In J\rryltmpcct , Iicivly I'urnuliod Tlirouchout C. 6. ERB , Proa. < V $ OUSTER'S \ . / LAST .A BATTLE / X FIELD. A vlslr to this spot , which is now n national cemetery , is oxtromorly inter- , cstinp. Here seventeen years atfo General - i oral CiiBtur nnd llvo com ] > : inioa ot tlio Seventh United States cavalrynuinbor- Incrovor 200 ollicora nnd men , were cut to piouoB by the Sioux Indians nnil nlticd trihos under Sitting Hull. Tlio buttloflold , the vulloy of the Little Hltf Horn , lociitod nome forty odd miles south of Castor , Mont. , ustxtlon on the Northern P.icllii : rallroaJ , can Im easily rcnchod ly st'ifjo. ' If you will wrlto Churloa S. Fee , St Paul , Minn. , inclos ing 1 cents In uoatiiKo , lie will Bond you n lismdbomely illustrated 100 pn o book , frcn of clnirgo , in which you will 11 ml n k'nipliio account of the sud catuHtropho which overtook thu bravo Castor and his followers in the vulloy of the Little Horn in Juno , ' 70. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. S. Depository , Omaha , Neb. CAPITAL , - 840O,0 tJ su.api.us , . . . so5oou Officers and DlroctorH-IIc'iiry W. YaloH. proil- di'iit , H. C. Ouahloi- , vivo pruiMont , o , S. Maurl : , W. V. IJonto. Joliu 8. Collioa , J , U. II , I'alrluli Luwlu B. lleud , e.mhlor. THE IRON BANK. \\t viill nj you th niarruloui rrnnrb ! 'rtpir Uu CALTMOO fn-f. and U il KiuruuNr tL t IAI/I1IUS Mill It li > n < your aivnllU , Htrtngllt uj Vigor , Uttll and fay l/lallljlal. Addro3 VON MOIIL CO. , H.I. la.ri u liwte , Cliwii "RT1) AT 1V'C Catarrh Cure cure * caUrrb J511Vl\ 1 O AllUrujfrUttt. DUcuiiU