Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Qrand Ohiof Ramsay Suspends the Olmrter
of the Omaha Division 0 , R. T ,
OniMin Operator * Hcciirn t.rRn
anil Will 1'roflcciltn the ( Irund Chief
MikrB : it .Stntcincnt
Tctnprtt In n 'leu pot.
The trouble existing between the Omahn
division of the Order of Hallway Tclegrn-
lihcra nnd thu prnud chief , 1) . G. Ramsey of
Vinton , In. , lias broken out In n new spot.
Last night the grand chief of the order ar
rived In the city , nnd nt once went to the hall
of tlio local order In the Continental tiloclr ,
where a meeting was In progress. While ho
aid not remain until the adjournment of the
meeting , ho remained long enough to revoke
the charter nnd lake awny thu authority of
the Omaha division , leaving It powerless nnd
mil n wreck.
In speaking of the matter yesterday , Mr.
Hams' ' ) * siild : "For moro than ono year I
have been the grand chief of the order , and
pi lor to that limo 1 was thu assistant to the
' Homo llftccn years ago I mot a bare
footed toy who wanted to learn telegraphy ,
mid having n warm spot In my heart for the
liul , 1 took him Into nn olllcc nnd scoured
him n position , but llko the serpent , ho
turned and tried to sting the hand that
warmed and fed him. For n tlmo ho
worked In olllccs about the country nnd
finally drifted Into newspaper work , bo-
coining a reporter on an Omahn dally.
I low lie Cuino to .loin ,
"Ono year npo I met him and on account of
the kindly fueling that 1 had toward him , I
mlvlBcd htm to join the Order of Hallway
Telegraphers. Acting upon my advice , ho
liccnmo a member , and two months later
commenced putting down his lines for the
editorship of the paper which Is published
by our order , a position that Is worth $ ' 4,000
n"year. . The proposition came to mo ati l I
nt once advised tlio r&jectment of anything
of the kind , being of the opinion that ho
lacked the ability and also feeling that ho
was too now In the order to bo elvun so
Important a position. Immediately after
that this young man declared war. Ho snld
that bo could control the Omaha papers , the
.Associated press and that ho would crush
A. D. Thurston , the grand editor , and my
self , nnd that In the mil ho would have
the editorship of the paper. When the
. rand convention was hold at Toronto ,
this young man was present , accompanied
by a manager to run bin campaign and work
in his interest ! . Ho had a man to plnco
him In nomination , after which he went to his
tent nnd Indulged in n lit of the sulks over his
defeat. Thinking that I was wholly responsi
ble for bis failure to secure the plum nnd In
order to 'turn mo down,1 as ho ho says , he
ivns instrumental in having charges pre
ferred , alleging thnt I had been a party to
the squandering of the funds nnd thnt 1 was
not a 111 person to hold the position of chief.
These charges went to the regular Investi
gating committee , which In duo tlmo re
ported that they were without foundation.
nun n
"Not satisfied with the findings of the
regular committee , othis man gathered his
few followers about him and asked to have
the charges referred to a special committee.
1 Joined in tint request and when the report
came in , it was similar to that presented by
the regular committee. As convincing
evidence that the committee acted honestly
and fairly , I want to say that one ol the
members of the committee was the gentle
man who placed mo in nomination for the
ofllcu of grand chief , which I mow hold.
That seemed to satisfy the mind of
the reporter-telegrapher nnd ho ncteil
llko n friend , so much so that , at the
close of the session ho imido the presenta
tion speech for the ladles of the orUer who
gave mo u token of appreciation and ro-
inembrance. Upon his return to Omaha
the old animosity which he bore mo broke
out anew , nnd again ho declared bo would
do mo up and crush mo from thu face of the
earth. Gathering n few discharged aud
disgruntled operators about him nnd , as
sisted by others , ho tried to work up a now
order , but In this ho did not succeed , thouch
lie turned the Omaba local lodge against
me and the other head oillcors.
"Tlio talk that Grand Qhiuf Clark of the
Order of Railway Conductors and Vice Pres
ident Howard of tlio Order of American
Hallway unions are against me and would bu
pleased to see mo dethroned is all bosh and
silly twaddlo. Hotli of-tlicso gentlemen are
my staunch Iriunds and together with the
presidents and vice presidents of half a
dozen other unions wo have gained thirty
live schedules during the past year , while
this .self-constituted leader who works on an
Omaha paper has done nothing but try to
disrupt all federations nnd bring about n
conu'loinoraUan of unions , enlisting with him
n low disappointed followers and Engcno Y.
Pobbs of the Order of Railway Firemen.
" 1 leave for my homo this afternoon , tak
ing u 1th mo the charter of the local organl-
ratlon , which wipes it out of existence until
such time as thu men can conform to thu
rules and order of tlio supreme ludgu , when
It may again he Issued. I do not do this on
account of any personal feeling , but
simply because there Is something
rotten In the local ludgu. I do this
bccuuso the local ledge has violated
the rules In every respnct. The local olllcors
have ignoied tbo grand tccrotnry and have
rofiibotl to tuir. over the funds , some 000 ,
which belong to the supreme lodge , and not
only this , but. I find that thu funds have
been misappropriated and that everything
Is in bad shape.
May ( > ii tit Court.
U Is stated on excellent authority that
the anti-Ramsey faction of the Order of Rail
way Telegraphers have engaged W. U.
Gurloy , an Omaha attorney , to take thu case
Into the courts. It is also rumored that a
strong ollorl will bo made to have Ramsey
suspended or restrained from acting us
( rand chluf until the matter is settled.
Hold n Coulvrniiro.
Instead of leaving for his homo in Iowa
yesterday us ho had fully Intended , D. O.
Hamsey , irrand chief of the Order of Kail ,
way Telegraphers , toguthor with the grand
counsel of the order , C.V. . llurnhnm ; Grand
Secretary-Treasurer \S'eathorbeo , held u
ronfc'reiu'o with W. 1\
1Gurloy , who has been
lotalned by Omaha division No. Si to prosecute -
cute the charges brought by thu division
against thu head of Uio order , The con-
furuncu was not marked with any
degree of excitement on cither side. Grand
Secretary \Voatherbeo qulutl.r remarked
that If Division bet-rotary l1C. . Gilla-
land did not turn over nil books , paper * ,
vouchers , etc In his possession an notion of
einbu/zlonient would bu brought In thu Iowa
courts against thu secretary , who resides
Mr. Kair.sey , who luft late last night , eald
to the ropresenlutlvoof TUB HKE : "lluUng
tuspcndcd the charter of Onmha division
No. 'J of tl j _ Order of Hallway Teleg
raphers , my duTy Is at an end. Mr. Hurnhum
and Mr. Wenthcrbeo will bo hero to receive
thu answer of Mr. Gurloy , whom Mr. Gilla-
land and thu other recalcitrant members
have employed. To sot the members of thu
division at rent , 1 desire to hUto that all of
them will bo transferred to the grand
division -lending the settlement of the
present dlrtlculty or the creation of a now
division. .So far as charges having been
preferred against mo , that hardly deserves -
serves reputation , bccausa i would
not bo hero acting in mv olucial capacity ,
with power to revoke auy.clmrter , if thuro
had been articles of impeachment tiled.
There is llttlu now to add , but unless wo
have sqmo satisfactory accounting for $000
of protcctho inonoy wo shall bring suit
kgalnst the bondsmen of those controlling
llio funds. "
Smith MnUflt a HUtoment.
Ill rofciencu to thu statement by Mr.
Ramsey that the movement against him was
tlio result of spite work on the part of u
member of the local division , bccausu Ram-
coy had refused 10 render him assistance In
the organl/utlon , Carl Smith , thu accused
uiumber , euld lust night :
"Thcro ls no truth In this declaration on
thu part of the irrand chief and that thcro Is
no truth In It U evidenced by the fact that
is bile it is the utTort on his part to malio it
appear that 1 am akuio iu thl *
light , not only the eutiro Omaha
division but a largo number of the divisions
iu other parts of thu country
tro atditiug la tbo dotluoneuiuut of a mau
whom wo tlo tint bcllovo to bo fit to bo at the
tiead of the order. It is very convenient for
him to show that t wan nn nstilrnnt before
the last convention , but that fact docs not
explain the hostility to him of entire di
visions In all part * of the country. The only
reason that I have been at all prominent In
thli matter Is that shortly after I became a
member of the Omaha division I discovered romon existed for believing thnt the
dues I wns paying into the order were not
being properly used by the grand ofllccrs ,
"Some of the best members of the order
have expressed tone : tholr full sympathy in
the movement which they assumed that I
was leading1 , although It was not I , but the
division oi which I am a member. Secretary
Gilllland , Chief Telegrapher Martin , As
sistant Chief Hurko and every man , In fact ,
from the chief to the outside sentinel , was n
supporter of the reform measures , and I was
not the man who Introduced all of them , al
though I did not hesitate to express myself
upon them. 1 regret that so much of the se
cret work of the order must bo made public ,
but I cannot consent to permitting misrepre
sentation to bo made.
"Now then , In relation to Hamsey teach
ing mo telegraphy. Ho did teach mo , or
rather he permitted mo to remain iu hla
onico nnd learn by doing the usual share of
his work and for that he was paid $ ( i a
month regularly. I do not feel like a sn'iko
that has been nursed In a bosom to sting
th'at bosom when I contemplate how well ho
was paid for his Instruction. "
Mr. Smith submitted a verbatim copy of
the report of the special investigating com
mittee appointed nt the Toronto convention
to review the report of the grand executive
committee. Space forbids extended men
tion , but thu substance of it embodies n
criticism on exorbitant expenditures and ex
travagant methods of some of the grand
Balloon goes up tonight- .
lCh Knglr , the tnillnii Soldier , It Uipldly
Improving and Will Itccotcr.
Through the kindness of Lieutenant
Colonel HartsuiT , post surgeon , a lii ! ; re
porter was yesterday allowed to Interview
Ugh 13aglo , the Sioux ? oldlcr who was shot
n the back by J. H. Vlckory. Mr. High
2aglo was found comfortably located on a ,
cot In the hospital and was breathing what
' 10 culled "strained air , " from the fact that
ils bed was entirely surrounded with nice ,
clean mosquito no .tins. The patient was
aroused by the hospital steward and told
the following story , speaking iu pure Sioux :
"Three of us were out walking nnd wo
ivcnt Into that place to lay down in the
shade a moment , when a man with a guu
ordered us out. None of us understood
what ho meant except by his motions and
wo started as soon as wo could. \ \ bile I
ivas climbing the liedgu I was shot hi the
back. That is all I know. "
Ono of the hospital stewards tells a
slightly different story : Ho says that when
High Kagle was brought to the hospital ho
vomited a great deal , throwing up about u
peck of grapes and u lot of green apples.
Post Surgeon HartsuiT said that about
thirty-seven "Iso. 4" shot entered the imtiin's
body and were scattered from the shoulder
blades down to the calves of the legs. Quito
a number of the shot have been taken out
and the doctor now hopes to save his pa
tient's life.
Uoforo the Indian company was paraded
last night TIIF. llci : man went through its
quarters ami found everything very quiet.
The Indians seemed utterly indifferent to
thij sufferings of tholr comrade and spolco
lightly of Ills injuries. Thoughts of re-
vcngu on white men seemed to bo furthest
from their thoughts.
Balloon thin eve at Courtland Beach.
Tlioge Who Stayed lit llumo Will Wnlconio
tin ! JMIIwitiikou Contingent.
Further information received from the
Omaha turnvcrciu team at tho"Milwaukco
tournament states that by the capture of
the eighth flrst-class prize by the homo team
they will occupy either fourth or sixth rank
of I'M participating societies. Of HO points
in the different exercises ! i7 } < j were made by
Omaha , and the latter was only outstripped
by teams from San Francisco , Portland ,
Elizabeth nnd Brooklyn who , by reason of
longer distance to the contest grounds , ob
tained several points before the start.
At the liacrenricgc s meeting at Gormania
hall last night a committee was named to
make necessary arrangements for the proper
reception on the turners roturu , and in case
the return is not made in a body , the victor
ious athletes are to bo given u "comers" at
Gernmma hall next Wednesday.
Judge Bcnecko is in receipt of n postal
card fvom Herman Schaeffer , the 250 pound
avoirdupois weight champion of the Omaha
It conveys the Intelligence , that ho was
awarded llrst prize on recitations at the
National iiundcs tourn.uucrit iu Milwaukee.
Ames moved to KilT Fariiain.
"Tho Wolves of New York" will appear
at the Farnam Street theater for one weelc ,
commencing next Sunday , July 30.
The Newark Journal 1ms the lollowlng to
siy :
"Of nil Leonard Grove's pla.vs , 'The
Wolves of Now York. ' presented in this city
for tne lirst tlmo last night , is the best. It
contains tlio elements of great popularity ,
and it was received with the greatest en
thusiasm by n largo audience. The pluy is
vcr.v realistic , and portrays the snares and
schemes which ontr.ip the innocent in the
metroi oils. Never before has a representa
tion ot the hotting habit been so clearly
pictured on tlio stage , and the view of a
race pool room , in full blast , brought down
the house lust night. "
Ames moved to Kil7 Faniam.
Courtlnml Hunch IJrpeze * .
The Plymouth Congregational Sunday
school-gave u picnic at Courtland beach
Many Improvements are already being
talked of for next season , among them , a
largo pavilion nuilt out over the lake at the
end of a pier some " 00 feet long.
A change in the proprietorship of the
balloon lias taken place , Mr. Gribblo having
become the solo owner. Ho says ho pro
poses to add n feature to the balloon usccn-
hlon and parachute drop business that will 1
bo one of the most taking of any of the
aeronauts in the country. It Is a double
'chute drop. A now balloon Is being made
which is to bu moro than twice us largo as
the ono now In use at Courtland beach. Two
parachutes are to bo attached j Miss Gribblo
and Mrs , V.olno are both to ascend together
and tit the signal both will detach their
parai.-uutcs nnd begin the race to earth. Ho
thinks this will bo u big card and ono that
Mill draw moro than double the crowds that
go to see the ascensions which now take
place nightly. The new balloon is expected
to bu completed in a day or so.
Look on page 7 nnd ECO what a
tremendous ilitiuount Woodbrldgo Brou.
arc uiukiug in pianos and organs.
Mnrrliigu l.lcnuo.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
Name and address , Age ,
I Louis llotnans , Omnlm , . 81
i Mary l.iicluno , Omaha , 10
I ( Miurlrs 1) ) . UIHIVIT. Greenfield , In 23
I Huclmol It , I'lotcher , Slionaudoith , la 21
j William K. Johnson , Onmha 80
j Murlu 1' . McUnpio , Omaha jjj (
I C'hurli'i 1' Woathorbuo , Council UlulTs. la 26
I Minnie Allen , Council Illuils , la us
There are tnree tilings worth savin ?
Time , Trouble and money and De Witt's
Little ICarly Hiscra will save them for you.
These llttlo pills will save you time , as they
nut promptly. They will save you trouble as
they cause no pain. They will save you
immovus they cconomi/edoctor's bills.
Onmha to Munnwu , round trip 30
cents. Tnko tlio bridge Huo.
A convcniont and pleasant pluco to ob
tain lunclioon , liuldulT , 1520 Furnum.
finder affirt HUM or lai under tnlii < U , flfty
tiit ; mtli qdilHtmtt l\\t ( \ Itn cenit.
XHOlTMrs. . A Krort , wlfo of 11. ICrofl , died
\\Ddiu"iUy morning , l-'iuioral I'rlduy at "
i. in , fluin II. \i. Uurkot's undertaking pur-
> oik , 2ird : mill C'uiulng , l''rleiuU Invited , lu-
Lkurvl 11111 cvmvturr ,
Lowering Down the Prices Solely to Kftiso
Money ,
In Order to Itnlao Money AV ItnTO Cat
tlm lATa Out of I'rlrcn So tlmt
You Wilt lln Sura '
to liny.
A child who knows Its A , B , Cs can
readily understand that the goods otic rod
in Friday and Suturdny'u money raising
and prlco lowering Rale are worth two
or three times as much ns will bo nskod
for them. The Roods talk as never bo
foro. Sec Homo of the prices.
Cashmeres , chevrons , blcjics , half wo6l
clmllis. worth from 2oc to 4r > e , nil jro in
this raising inonoy and lowering prices
sale today
All wool Bot'nes ISo.
Diagonals go at 18c.
Stripes and ulalds at 18c.
All odds and ends in novelty dress
goods go at 18c.
Not a single piece in this ISc lot is
worth less than -tOc , and the most of
them wo sold for 0"ic a yard.
40-inch bengalino suitings , In all col
ors , worth 75c , go Friday and Saturday
for 125c.
40-inch all wool crepe cloths , Bedford
cords , all wool bolgcs > , worth $1.00 , all
go in ono lot for 2oc.
In this great clearing fwlo wo place
all our odds and ends in high class
novelties that have sold all the season at
SOc , UOc 81.00 and up to $1.25 a yard at
4oc. There are not many and if you
want a neat pattern you must comedown
down in the morning.
Look for bargains all over our store ,
you will find thorn too numerous to men
In wash dross goods wo offer all our
printed India mulls as long as they last
at Illc yard , only ono dross to each.
Indigo blue calico , 2o } yard.
2T > c fast black India chcc'lccd lawns , 10
yards for 08c to close.
47c printed , colored , figured , dotted
Swisses going lively at I'.lo yard ,
Japanotto reduced to lo ! ) yard.
White hemstitched India linen cut
down from 2oc to lOo vard.
Look over the novelties in wool dress
goods wo oITor at 12Jc yard.
Sue the linen buck towels wo are sell
ing at Tic each.
Notice tlio full bleached Turkish
towels at lOo each.
Van Dvko Turkey red damask , 58-
inch wide , at 15c yard.
Full bleached all linen damask at 25c
yard. /
50 piece's of colonial serge , worth loc ,
on sale today 5c yard.
Closing out domins , ticks , shirting , i
outing Hairnet , muslins and sheetings at
lower prices than you will find in
Look over our remnant tables toaay
wo will save you moimy.
Special for 2 days longer
Prices forced below the cost of the
raw material.
Linings given f roe with each dress.
5 pieces regatta black gros grain silk ,
cashmere iinibti , worth $1.00 per yard ,
goes tit 75c yard and linings free of
10 pieces regatta , black cros-grain fin
ish , vvorth $1.25 per yard , goes at OSo
and linings freu of charge.
10 pieces regatta black tiros-grain silk ,
cashmere finish , worth Si.50 per yard ,
goes at Sl.Kl and linings free of charge.
10 pieces Givernaud Bros , black grosgrain -
grain bilk , cashmere finish , worth SI.75 ,
goes at $1.25 per yard and linings free
of charge.
5 pieces Givernaud Bros , black grosgrain -
grain bilk , caslynoro finish , worth SI.85
per yard , goes at $1.35 and linings iroo
of charge.
5 pieces Givernaud Bro.'s black gros
grain silk , cashmere llnish , worth $2.00
per yard , goes at $1.50 ; linings free of
5 pieces GivomaudI3ro.'s black groi
grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $2.25 ,
goes at $1.75 per yard ; linings free of
5 pieces Givernaud Bro.'s black gros
grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $3.50'
per yard , goes at $2.25 ; linings free of
This offer holds good for Friday and
Saturday : Linings given with every
full dress pattern of black gros grain
In IIOUBO furnishing goods.
Mason fruit jars ; pint jars , Clo per
do/.on ; quart jars , 57c per do/.cu , and 2-
quart jars 75c per do/.en.
Jelly glasses , ic each.
Milk crocks , ( Jo per gallon.
Ice cream freezers , $1.30 each.
Largo si/.o modern tubs , 5lc ) each ;
wooden pails , fie each.
Folding ironing tables , l)5c ) each ; C-foot
hardwood stepladders , 72o each.
Mrs. Potts and Madam Strcotor pat
ent llatirons , OOc per hot.
Washboards , 7c each ; 0 packages of
tacks for fio.
All size lamp chimneys , 3c ; wash
bowls and pitchers , 2'Jc ' eaoh.
| Copper bottom washboilors , 59c each ;
copper bottom teakettles , 25c each.
Clothes baskets , 20c ; the host cotton
web garden hose , 80 per foot ; this hose
is warranted.
. Cups and saucers Ific per sot.
For today any pioso of goods that
sell for 25o goes for 13c.
Wo also have a counter on which wo
have put goods for J3o each : there are
goods among them that soil as high as
$1,00 , all go today for 13c.
Anyone wishing jolly glasses plcaso
bring along a basket or boy so they can
carry them homo. Last Monday wo sold
over 3,000 dozen , and as Bomo of them
were wanted on Tuesday wo had to dis
appoint some of our customers and they
did not get them until today.
Raising inonoy sale
By lowering prices.
Ames moved to 1017 Farnam.
OlIU Kll till ) JllllgO.
Business was awfully dull in police court
yesterday forenoon , nnd the omccrs on duty
hud plenty of time to pluy Jokes on unsuspect
ing individuals , Thmbtst joke of nil was on
the Judge.
Mr. Miller , actlnpiprosectitor , ilrow up n
complntnt alleging Hbnt ono Ixmls Horka ,
Judge of tlio poltcocourt , had retarded the
wheels of Justice -Jfr being tardy. Miller
swore to the complaint and the Judge signed
It without notlclna tlio name nt the top of
the sheet. After signing H " ° turned to hi *
cjorkand snld : "Issue this warrant at once , "
Tlio clerk read the document and
"caught on" at once , so ho issued the
warrant nnd handed it to Sergeant
Ormsby ( to serve. It was n surprise to hU
honor 1r 1 nnd ho enjoyed the Joke as much as
nny one and did tho-.sqimro thing by paying
for ' a box of cigars.
Nn in mi-r Ytciikni'M
nnd ( that tired feeling , loss of appetite nnd
nervous 1 prostration arc driven away by
Hood's 1 Sarsaparllln , like mist before the
morning 1 sun. To realize the bcnellt of this
great medicine , give it n trial ami you will
Join the army of enthusiastic admirers of
Hood's Sarsnparllla.
Sure , cfllclcnt , easy Hood's Pills. They
should bo hi every traveler's grip and every
family medicine chest. 2T > c a box.
Balloon tonight and toiaorrow eve.
Tlio Morse Dry Goods Co. have bought
the cnllro A. D. Morse shoo slock for
less than 50 cents on the dollar , and will
s-ell the whole stock , commencing Satur
day , at tholr store. Look out for start
ling bargains. See tonight's ' papor.
Ames moved to 1017 Farnam.
Tlmo AVoll Spoilt
a week's holiday at Hot Springs , S. D.
best reached from Omaha by the Bur
lington routes , 10:15 : a. m. , Black Hill
Round trip tickets at the ono way rate
on faalo July Ifi to August 15. Through
sleeping car from Omaha dally.
See the city ticket agent at 132t Far
nam street.
CommlMionrrA Decide tlmt Tills County
C.iu ixtoiul No further Help.
The commissioners of this county are
debating a question which they think
has assumed n most serious aspect , and ono
which they declare they will bo called upon
to face soon and dispose of in some manner
that will nqt bankrupt the county. This
question Iss simply what Will bo done vlth
the Colorado box car tourists who now hap
pen to bo Journeying cast in search of employ
ment and funds to keep them from starving ?
Until the Denver authorities succeeded in
making a fTi rate for the shipping of these
people to Missouri river points , the commis
sioners of this county lelt no alarm , but
upon learning that such action had IICCMI
taken anil that thousands of them were to
be sent as fur east as the river , their minds
underwent a change and now they are of
the opinion that unless some steps are taken
Douglas county will have a great number of
needy persons upon its hands with the com
ing of winter.
Commissioner Livcsey , chairman of the
committco on charities , said yesterday
that already many of tlio Denver minors
were dropping into the city and that all of
them were without money enough to buy a
meal of victuals. They were willingto work ,
but there was nothing to do , not oven
enough for the actual residents of the city.
Discussing the matter further , ho urged
that he could not blame the Denver author
ities for wanting to get rid of the men. but
there was no reason why they should bo
cared for by ttio taxpayers of Douglas
county , people upon whom they could have
no claims.
Busy peopio liavo no tune , anil sens ble
people have no inclination to use pills that
make them sick a day for every dose tliey
take. They have learned that tile nso of
Do Witt's Little K.irly Risers does not in
terfere with their health by causing nausu i
pain or griping. These little pills are per ,
feet in action and resulte'regulating ' the
stomach and bowels so that headache ? , diz
ziness nnd lassitude are prevented. They
cleanse the bloo.l , clear the complexion mil
one up the system. Lotsof health iu
Workmen on the Oily Hull Who Claim to
Have Itccn 1'iirirottt'ii.
Mayor Bumisycsterdayimorning received a
letter from n Kansas City firm of attorney b
directing attention to the fact that James J. ,
John li. and Harry J. Fitzgerald , marble
men who were employed on the marble work
in the city hall , had not received their
Contractor Coots was asked ns to the
probable truth of tin ; matter and he replied
as follows : ' 'The marlilo work was done by
Casey , Grimshaw & Co. , and for several
weeks I was compelled to pav the men
working for the linn , as they threat
ened to strike for their wages , which
were not forthcoming. About two weeks
before they were through I paid
the men the last time and Informed firim-
shaw that bo must pay the men in the fu
ture. They were around for two or three
weeks after that and did n llttlo work. I
suppose that the men mentioned did not re
ceive pav for that and now want to come
back on the city. There is a little work yet
undone in the vestibule and I have endeav
ored to have Grimshaw come and attend to
it. Grimshaw was tlio subcontractor and
he is entirely responsible for the men lie
employed and nut i. I simply paid the men
fur a while in order to keep them to work ,
and of course by doing so I discharged my
obligations to Grinibhuw thnt much. "
Mayor Hernia will inform the Kansas City
attorney of the state of affairs as they exist.
. Mrs. DOWN Want * the Money Which llur
lIiHb.iiul Iout ut Curils.
The wife of Henry A. Dews has gone Into
the district court , where under oath she has
declared thnt sha is the wire of a man
who , like a lamb , has been , led to the slaugh
tcr ami thcro shorn of IMS llcecc , while
loitering about the haunts of the tiger and
toying with the business end of the beast.
In other words , the wife , Cecelia , declares
that her husband has gambled and that in
doing so he lias lost his roll of hard earned
wealth , which Instead of going over the
green cloth of the faro table should have
been used for the support of the family.
Slio alleges that between November 7 ,
169:2 : , and April 15. 1SOU , Henry spent consid
crablo of his tlmo In the gambling rooms of
the Diamond , and that at the latter namei :
date , which was the tlmo when ho ijmt thu
game , ho was a losonto the tune of $ ( JUi.D5 } In
cash , to say nothing'of the days and nights
which were lost in trying to win back the
money. The petitioner falls to say that
Henry was robbudi or that he was short
carded , but she does .aver that ho was ni :
Innocent man , and that owing to that fact ,
ho know nothing of the gambling devices
and was about every turn of
thu box. Now a ; this tlmo the plaintiff asks
for a Judgment for the sum which her erring
husband gambled avvuy ,
'For a clear head andsteady ! nerves
Take Hromo-Soltzcr trial bottle lOc
I.j-oni Mukoi u .Statement.
Theodore F. Lyons , once n peaceable park
policeman , but of recent times engaged in
the somewhat precarious if not dangerous ,
vocation of "canvassing , " and who lives m
South Omaha , Is carrying a load of sorrow
nnd a grievance against the public press as
well. In Tim Hun yesterday appeared the
statement that Lyons had been arrested for
treating his stepdaughter , Florence Halo ,
Lyons says Ib at his wife has not loft him ,
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
ns ttntcil , although ho afterward * admitted
thnt Rho might liavo done so. ns she had
been nt tlio homo of her two daughters In
Omaha Heights Mnco. Mr. I-Voni says
further that * o far front forcibly entering
the homo of the latter to Ilnd hU wife ho
merely walked Into the house to present her
with some papers , an 1 that Florence , upon
icrcclvlng him , nt once How nt him , smote
lint hip nnd thigh , and endeavored to take
awny his walklngstlck , upon which ho Is
'argcly dependent.
Mr. Lyons snld thnt after the MUscs
Halo had hustled him around in their en
deavor to dls | > osscsi him of his cano ho
began to resist , with the result that Flor
ence's wrist was slightly twisted i hence , ho
claims , his arrest.
\Vhen 'I nixollnc.
Whet her on pleasure bent , or biulncM. take
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figai
it acts most pleasantly and effectively on the
kidneys , liver and bowels , prevents fevers
headaches and other forms of sickness
For sale in fiOo a ml ? l bottles by all loading
druirglsts. Monufneturcd by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
Balloon tonight.
City IMrctrlclim CiMrclll CoiiMilrnt tlmt HU
ItoportV1II llnir liiimtlKilliiu.
City Kloctrlclan Cowglll and Assistant
City kngineor A. J. Graver , who made the
test of the arc street lights with the pho
tometer nnd found that the light tested reg
istered but U17 candle power , declineto at
present discuss the report of the committee
on cas nnd electric Hphts , Doth gentlemen
say that their test Is corrent , nnd the fact
will bo fully demonstrated In tlmo. Hluo
prints showing the result of the test have
been forwarded to the foremost electricians
of the day , who are recognl/ed the world
o"erns authority. The so prints go to both
these in this country and Kuropo.
Kccently both Mr. Cowgill and Mr. Orovcr
visited Chicago and devoted most of their
time to electrical matters. They consulted
with the leading electricians there and they
have the llrst ono yet to tell them otherwise
than thnt the only measurement for the
candle power of an are light Is by n photom
eter.Mr. . Cowglll continue ? to take measure
ments ol the lights , and will soon have an
other report hi readiness. At present ho
does not care to cntar into a discussion with
the electric llirh . committee , but ho promises
that the problem will worlt itself out In
duo tlmo and convince the council that the
members are being mislead.
Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices
on hard coal. Summer delivery.
lltillilliiK I'ermlti.
The following permits to build were issued
jestordny :
John A.Crvlehton , IDOt-lSlODonglno ,
MmiUestnek . f2,000
Murray HclnvnrU , Totty-HUh nnd
1'lne , cottiiKu . 000
Two minor permits . 50
Four permits , aggregating . S 12,000
SIKK of the or-
d i n n r y pill.
Think of all the
trouble nnd dis
turbance thnt it
causes you.
Wouldn't y o u
welcome bomo-
thinf ; cosier to
tnko , nnd easier
in its ways , if
nt the same time
it did you moro
1 Thnt is the cnso with 13r. 1'ierce's
'leasnnt ' Pellets. They're the smallest in
si/.e , the mildest in action , but the most
thorough nnd fur-reaching in results. They
follow nature's methods , nnd they give help
that lusts. Constipation , Indigestion , Bilious
Attacks , Sick and Bilious Headaches , nnd nil
derangements of the liver , stomach nnd bowels
nro promptly relieved and permanently cured ,
" If wo cnn't cure your Catarrh , no mnttcr
how bad your cnso or of how long standing ,
we'll pay you ? ! iOO in cash. " That is whnt
is promised by the proprietors ot Dr. Sngo's
Cnturrb Remedy. Doesn't it prove , l > etter
than nny words could , tlmt this is n remedy
that cures Catarrh ! Costs only 50 cents.
At Popular I'rlces.
-ai5-317 , S. 15tU Sir cot ,
Omaha , Neb ,
AQV UiTfil ITV unu " 'S'-1' ' ' ( " ' ' ' 'r u
( ill I ( ill IlLI I I xtorvJ , Nfrvousi l/.iu
UUI Blini.ll I . , . . .
, , , _ , ury | < „ , , , ! bj
. ' \ ] > AI' < I , tliuureat Illnilaa llvmcil ) . hold tilth wrlt >
ti'ii icunruntic ill run * . Sitmpti * nont Irrt * . Adille n
' . ' ulh ' . , III.
Drli-iilul JU'itk-td G'o.tol'lrr l'lat ttltuu
Spare Pearline ,
Spoil the Wash f
" Better use lee muck than too
little" Too much Pearline
won't do any harm too little
may. Use too much , and you
only waste it , that's all. But
use too little , and it's only
a bit better than none at all. )
You'll have to work harder ,
and you'll have to rub and
then the wear and tear begins.
It's this rubbing , and this wear , and this work that Pearl
ine , if properly used , takes away. t Use it just as directed on
every package , no more , no loss , and you'll get the best re
sults , o You needn't try to improve upon it. You can't.
G c. A I'cddlers nnd some unscrupulous proem will tell you " this is as good ns"
OC11U. or " the wmc ns I'carline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled ,
if your grocer sends you something in place of I'carlinc , ! > o
honest itnJ it Aw * . 365 JA.M15S PYLE , New York.
Consultation Froo. For the Salontlflo rrontmont
nnd Soun-i , Spsody nnd Pormnnont Cure of all
c'assos. forms , phnsos nnd ( loRr oj of
WoouroCntnvrli , AmJlsoixNoioFt'iJ Noco.Thront.Choit ,
Jdn\val < nnd Lix-or. Blood. Slcln nitil Kitluoy
, Fcmtilo Woiilmcssoj , Jjnst Manhood CURED.
S. FISTULA. riSSUHK , IN'nimtiontlv CIIPJ I , wlllioul the nsoof knlfu ,
iiru orc.uittlli' . All mil. : ullcs of : i prlvntu or dulle.iujii itnro , of ultlial
ux , positively cured. C.dl on ur . ulcln-Ht , with Htami > , for Ulroul.trFrui
llOUU. 1)1 Ill ) , , UflrlMft ] ' } ' 1 IK Mllttll lfl > tU St.
ll'j ) , OM UIA , NK .
nii3iANi.NTi.v : CURE [ ) or pAY.
Wo refer you toiM \ > itlenta.
[ IIJ/IMflfll / DrCCDCUnn Nnt'I ll-ink of Commorao. Omaha.
rlHnflbliU HcmltlMt Gurmun * iv.n.-s II ink. Omaha.
No ilrtrntlcm from business , No operation. Invei.
tlznto unr muthoil. Wrlltun giiar.mtua to absolutul *
cniuiill Ulmls ot UUI'I'l'in : of both ta\a3 wltliout th *
usu uf knife , no matter ot how luni ; standing ,
THE 0. E. miim COMPANY ,
307-30S N. Y. Lifo Eu l Uts , Omaha , Nob.
SB.SD roil
ol Vount : l.ddic MumcfKhoul
5 1 One of ttroliJcM.UcMi In.Miti
SOUFL AppomiinrnlMmwIorru
Mu5lcondArt. Tcacner *
| , .S | < cilalMi < i Illusiraii'd cai "
. lit I T IVnllon. . '
> far upcns 5cpt. 12th I'rr.ldrnl. V
Re .W.A.WllM3A U.l'rtst. l.olinilnn , Mo. )
, l.citngtmu M . Six dc * , . . ' . -.InBlun , Ma.
' puruui.nt'iol Ir.hirucuon II iu _ > ilfcliA A Oilwi mihury school lej
, lrIrWSflM'SF > X3Lolllcora apJ icaihcrs. Con- fc'rfSS.'KlfifiMiisourl ' ! HiMlhlul
! Si3t Tr . ? W'T5st'nator ° ' "lu"lc Arl
! rajniiii.iai--.ii . > T5st'nator .
0jrana51um Nodirn
i tmctuienls. nlb jcar llliu-
. ' i&Z A. & Iln"
A. A. .JOM-S.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Thn omlnont sooclnllJt In norvotn. chronic , prlrato. blood , akin and urirmry iliooi. ! . A regular <
reRbtcroJ Kr.itluuto In modmlru , , HI ilutlu uin nml c-jriiltcixioj will nliow , ti Htlll troattru with UIB KrofctOH
lucrcn. cul.irrh , Ion umnliuoil. nuailii ilwo ik i m. MUlit lones nnil nil fornu of private ilUonioi. Ni
murcury uiod. Now troiim'iit for Ion of vittl ponor. I'nitDr uniiblo to vlilt moiunr balrenteil al hora (
by curru pondoncu. MoJielnu or tnatrum- * t nt by mall oroxpruis aou.troly packu I ; no murks tu ladlj
CMU rotitiMils or amidur. < > nu iMraonul lolurrlu * ' p-efurr , ' . ! . Consult itlon fred Corruiponiionco trlctlt
Srlviito. Hook ( \ tjterlc of Ufo ) uoiit truo. Ulllca hour' , V am. to t ) p.m. dundan , lUu. iu , to H u ,
luii ; Btump fur circular.
o\ir , AT 41nn ; IILMLDINU roil
This wonderful preparation IH Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of tlio Oflicial Physician to the Court of Spain.
"Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitatingl/osses , Excesses or Over-indulgences , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Business , IrOSS of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no eijual in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the ubuso of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ?
Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ?
" ESPANO " will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons nnd
is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and nn
improvement in every tissue. It produces hotter muscles , bones , nerves , hair ,
nails , skin , blood and gives vigorous life to tlio unfortunate who lias exhausted
his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Bach box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month and ia
wortli many times its weight in gold , The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for
$5.00 $ if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case mentioned -
tioned above that it does not cure , the money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Bent charges prepaid to
nny address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. . / Address ,
Stockton Street
"V. , rirSAN FRANCISCO , CAL , , U. S , A.
AtTablo Brain and Nerve Specialist can at nny tlmo bo confidentially
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above
address ,