TTTE OMAHA DAILY HKK Kit I DAY. , HTl/V 2 . IHfltt , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Theat Again Broltu thfl Record of Low I'r.ccs Yesterday , H STARTLD OFF MUCH STRONGER IN TONE T.ntrr Ilegulnr Tunic Set In , Attributed to Combination or l > iire ilnc renturn-Corn Win niul t.owor. CntCAoo , July 27. Wheat agMn broke the record of low prices today , nlthmiKli ItHlartcd elf with a stronger tono. I'orntlmoa confident feeling ruled and prices went up fully Jic from last nlgli' ' close and for n tlmo tlio Mtuatlon looked very hopo'ul and there was \try Rood buying. Stocks In Wallstreet bowed a good healthy recoMsry. A million dollars In gold was Mild to bo on the way from Kuropo nnd the crop situation was In no way clmngul to favor thu bears Hut after elllne at OfiJic for fceptfiiibur and 73 , c for Decem ber , the feeling begun to weaken on f rte noil- Ing and reports of cooler weather nnd rains In the northwest nnd finally touched GG'c At this point n regular pinlc net In Ono of the leading houses began to olTer whuat In Inrgo blocks The panic was attributed to n rumor that ( hlcago banks wcro about to Issue clearing hottso certificates ; another rumor was that tlin banks had begun to call In their loans on win at As the trade has IK ennry nerxius for ROIIIO dijs. It intlckly took alarm and the rumor spiead of some now c il unity and for a few minutes CMTJ body wanted to M'll and the prleo of bcptember wheat went off with a itiHh , dilllng to G5c , the lowest price \el touched , and December to 71'.c , also breaking the recoid There was n quick recoxtry to Crc , In i-eptember and De cember to 02\c Northwesti rn receipt * were 200 cars , somewhat largi r thnii last jcur , whllo exports weio llghtei than for MIIIIU tlmo pa t. Si ptomber wheat op < ned at OO' ' c , sold to ( tOyc , bioko to ( ifio , but leaded and rinsed at OO're Iheember Hilil at from 73'4c ' to 73V. tell to 71SC , and went back to 7 JKc , whole It close d On n was wink and lower on reports of gcn- cr il tains In the coin belt and the break In win-it f-eptembcrsold early at 3T c , fell to B8' i' , and up to 30'c to close. 'Ihoiowero frto ollerlngs of corn by elexator men and fihlppeiH and tlio October option was pressed for will' , bie.iklng finin 4Oc down to 381 c , which hi < lpe < l to depress other months. Kc- celpts were oxer the vbtlmatoat .157 i"ir nnd the estimates for I'rlduy were t35 ears , wbllo wltbdiawals weie llghtat 195,000 bu 'I ho ehlef feature of the oats market was n bleak of 2c In the pi Ice of c ish o its , owing chlelly to the laigo propoitlon of now oalH In today n receipts 47 cars of the 171 rccehcd lining new Cash oits were olVored freely with few buyers. A fair business was trans acted In other didhcries , all of which wore fite.uly to n sliudo llrnier early , hut the wi ak- ness In cash lotNhoon alTected them and they di clliu d ulso September ojiened at 24c , bold tip to from 24'c to 24' c uiul then diopued to 2Jtfc , closing at 23 lc. I'roxlslons weio n iln weaker , hogs were from 10ctol5c lower and the M-IIIng of short ribs Filile'b was continued as on the last two ili\H lud ulfco was weak , closing urlcis being 26r lower for t-eptembor pork , lOc lower for ' eptembor laid and 25u lower for fceptem- ber ribs. Kstlni ited reoi lilts for tomorrow , \\hext , 13 I cats , corn , 135 cars ; outs , 210 cars ; hogs , 21 000 hi ad M he lending futures ranged MI follows : Cash quotations xxoro as follows : 1'iouii Meadj , tincli inged. Vt'Hf XT-No. 2 spring , 01 yc ; No. 8 aprlng , noinlinil. No 2 red , Gl4c , COIIN No. 2 , 38itc No 3 yellow. closlng,38c. OATS-NO. 2,24'sc ; No 2 white , f. o. b , 32c ; No 3 white , 28ia28'c. ' KM No 2. 40c. ! HAIII ENo. . 2 , nominal ; No 3 , no sales ; No 1 , f o b . 33ft.lGc. I'LAxbtnn-No 1$1 10 TlMOl ll\ t < nn l'i line , $3.00 I'OIIK Mess , per lib ) , $18 90ftl8.02' $ ; lard , per 100 Hit , * 0021e055 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , $7 00iii7.hO ( ; diy billed bhouldurs ( boxed ) , $7.75 H 00 ; bhort clear bides ( boxed ) , 18 008 02' ' , . WiiihKDistillers' finished goods , per gal , btlOAiis Unchanged ; cut leif , O'Sc ' ; granu lated , 5 82 ; standard "A , " 5 70 ' 1 ho following were the receipts and ship ments for tod.iy : On the 1'roduco oxchaiuo today the butter maiket wab btlady and unchanged , creamery , 10 < a20c ; ( lalrj , .10fcl8c. Tggs. easier but not iiiot.ibly | lowei. Pre-Ights dull and easy at I'WH'iC ' foi wheat and 1'41'O for corn to lIulTalo J ou York i NMX YOIIK , July 27 riouu Uecolpts , 25- , CuU pkus ; exports , 9.000 bbls , 13,000 sacks , tales , 9,700 pkgs ; market dull , xxoak. Cons MI.AI. Qulot , steady Kv i : Dull xie.ik ; xxestorn , 54@5Gc. HXHI i v VI ii.i Dull , steady. \V iii'Ai Ui-i olpts , .1 Jl 1)00 ) Ini ; exports , 128.- 000 bu ; hales , 7,605,000 bu futures,400,000 bu spot. Spot market ncllxo foi export at loxxost prlecs , closing llrm : No 2 red , In store and elcxator , 09 < 370c ; allonl 71c ; f. o. b , 70't 72e' ! ungraded red , O5'fi70'fe ' ? ; Jx-o 1 noilhi'in , 7 ( > c ; No 1 hanl , 7 , > V"74c ; No 2 noithein , C'J'4'tfliUSe ; No 2 Mllnuukrn , 6H' ( < 3r > nitc ( ) | ) llons opened llrm at 'M\a lulxunci xxlth the xxest and on shorls coxcrliiK , fell 1 * < & 1 " c on reports of tin inrlnl troubli ) In Chicago and closidsle idy at Mi' o under yes terday , No. 2 red , August , Guvj ! > 71e , closlnii nl ( i9"4c ; SeplembiT. 71 1 l-lOisTa c , claslnS at 72V , October. 74' ( < B7S"c.clos1iint ; 74V , Nox ember , 7 ( > W77aie , closing nt77'/e ' , I'D- cembei , 7H'4ifHO'c ( ' , e losing at 7U'uc font. Itecelpts , HH.OOOj exports , 25,0d ( ) ; f nit's. 330000 bu. fuliins , 40,000 bu spot ppots 'iUjj'ti1 lower , dull and steady ; No 2 I7'4tt47'c ' In i'lexator,4H ' 4H' < c alloat tn- tlons xxun < dull nl ' 4- ' decllnn ; August , 47'i it.17 i' , closing in 47\n-i Sonti'inber , I7\M 4734c , closing al 17'aC ; Decumbe'r , 45'(345 ' ( ic cl slug al I&V OAih-ltecelnls 28.000 bu ; exports , 2,000 bu . bales , anil ono tm fuunci , IOH.OOO hu kuoi. bpol fulrlx nellxe , eiiKler. OpthniH nulot , Moakor , July Jbvai7c : , closing at B0' ' e , Atuiihl , : io > , it31e , clohlnic at iim.c : Hi pu-mlier , ilOCiill'ike' , closing at 30cj No 2 xxlllte , a7'ft2Hc. Mi 2 UlilciKO. , lHai8' < ei No J l hle'nKo , 30'ic ; No ! ) xxhllo , ! ilUiO37o ; inlMileslern , S7 < B3'.V ; xxhlto xxeatern , 30 llAV-Pteady , fairly actlxo. lloi'S-eJulet.kteiiily llnirs , ( 'iilel , x\e IK I'uoxiHHiNf.-l lit moatsqulPt , steady ! mid- dloH , Iniictlxi ! , iiiiby l.ard , quiet , loxxer ; xxes- inn steam closul at JO HO. sales , 250 tlcues at ta.HO ) tuition b.iliv , niHiuj.liilj closed at * 'J 7O nomlniilepteinber ! closed at JU U5 1'oik ( | ulot stead ) JtliriHi-Ouhit , ralhcriasy ; KlKlns , 20o. t'nn s > r 1 Irinui , Kooddemaml. ii(18-yulil : ( , liie'Kiilari nculplH , 7,000 pkjs ! r/r,0 ! , * ! ! 7r'h ' " < 'il ' l ! l ! ! x\e lern , purcaso. 1'Al.uixx Qulot , loxxerj city ( } 2 per pks. ) , fie. ConONM l iiOn.Mik'i ( , llrm I'K-ntoi l itxiNeghvtedj 1'i.iinsxlxaiila oil , jl'iit sail s none , 07'ie bid , olfeied at 67J4i : . l.lmii oil , sales , none ; total sales , nono. Hosi.s Strndj. Tiuii't MINKljuli't , steady , Uti-h 1'alily iicllxitlrm. . Mni.Ai.hM' NoUrkuiu , , open kettle , BOOI ! tocbohi'.iiulit.steadv fUilAit linxx , tlrm , fair demand ; Biih-s , 1,400 li'iKX Muscovado , HU iimt , at 3ko ; & .OOOIMKS cenlllfilK'als , Ob li'st , UiiC , and 1,000 baKU Inohisses siixar , Jc , If ! 60lm" % yulut , | stcn(1yi Amuilcan , f 12,76 ® Coi'Vtn Weak ; lake. IK ) . LKAUVi > il > ; domestic , * J.35 TIN- Closed strong ; btnilts , flH.06 ; platen. dull stti idy. u Qulot ; domestic , 13.90. Mirr | > uul MnrknK. July 27.- \\llKAT-Kasjr ; do- miind noon holdoic oflor frouly ; No I Call- fouiln , 6s lO'idUCis per cental ; red western , tprliik' , & > * id5l& lOil. e'oiiN Momly ; demand moderate ; mixed xvi'Horn , 4s 3i d per cental. lAin > 1'rlnio xvestern , 4ti * Od norcwt. Niixr York Dry ( liind * Mnrket , Nsxx YOIIK , July 27. Thueltimtlon In thodry gooiU market doett not irisl liny boiler , home of the ordurs nlue'e'd varly In iho svuson urn liulnK cut down. This U murely cuullonary , of course , but betxteen that notion and thu 1 mull uow bunlueaa , goodi xrllluccuiuuluto uu- i tlin m'lU ' liut ilown , TIi' ' , tnany will U il Icmdo when nfi'ftintr ill l n t it i n.ti b Matter if iirl r at this tlmo as of Inking any rl < kalftll Thi ) collection feature l not to good in It wa dm Urn I'rndnrn IltiTTri-Tlie ( market wn about "londy at IIP dcrllnn nltcndy notod. I'nncy crcnmory , irlnl , 21r , fancy rrpnmorlM , diillil packed , Do ; fair to good rrpamurlo * , oolld packed , 10 lllc ; rlinlco to fancy country , l&'iilGc , fair 0 good eonntry , lOc ; pnckliig stock , fresh , * c , . ( ( ; -Tho market Is slow , nnd there In n we ik fooling at the price * limited , Uonoral narknt , llttll'ie I.l\n Pot I.TKV The receipts of spring : MrkciH conttntio largo nnd the tnnrkol Is n Ittlc slow nt tlio ouolntlons glxun below Old fonlsuro notso plenty and cholco hens soil inlto well. Str tight coops of roosters nro 1 cry undesirable and the drcssors are about the only buyers , and they wnnt them at a % cry loxv irlce prlng chickens , per Ib , 10fM2c ; best u n , per Ib , 7iiJ,7'iC , mixed coops , per Ib , Gc ; > ld roosterri , pur II ) , 4&0c ; turkeys , per Ib , 80 : ducks , porlb , 74lSc l'OTATOM-1 hero are no potatoes being shipped In , as the local growers are supplying the demand. They sell direct to the grocers and commission mon nro not handling many tot ( x toes ( Iood stock on urder * from thu country , 7&a > * 0c. < 'AIIIIAOI. Homo groxvn cnbbagp Is xcry lilenty and the local growers are supplying the Icnmnd fully Choh o home grown cabbage on orders from the country. 2c purlb. CEIHIV trny shipments are nrrhlng and ihoiiUiillty of the stock Is pronounced good for this spHhon of the year Celery , per doz bunches , 3r > c. ONIONS Homo grown stock Is plenty though Lhero are a few shipments being receixcd from points farther south Arkansas onions , per 48-lb box , 90ciB4l.OO ; homo groxvn , per Ib , Uc. Uc.MKIOVS Tlio markpt has been almost bnro of watermelons for a fexvdijs As a result Iho market has tiih anccd and prices are much lilghor than they wcro n week a o. I'ancy largo ( loorgla watiiriiii'lons ' tell on the local market iiilcklyal25c | Uantaloupesnrobecom- ItiK a llttlo morn ph ntyatermolons , per crate of 1 do ? , , $3 ; lee e , per 1UO , 25 ; canta loupes , per basket , 81 OOU1.25 'loxtuoFs Thu markut Is still full of tomatiK s and prices are low. l.argo receipts are anticipated for the next few ilnxH South ern , per l-baske-t crate1 , (1 ; per < bu box , 76c. A I'i' Strictly cholco add attractlxo apples such as would ho considered deslr.iblo for stand purposes are a llttlo scarce. Tlioro a re1 , how ex er , plenty of apph s , such as they aro. They are ittlle | a good many California apples among the iilTerlngs and MHIHI southern and no end of homo gro\xn green apples. Choice red stand apples , southern , pel 'a-bn box , 05 ® 76c , green , D0ft ( > 0i > Ilntittis llhu'khcrrle's , homo grown , per il-t | , case , $275 ; black laspberrles , per 2t-it | , case , if 1.25 ; huckleberries , $ d 00. bxixu , rutriT < The market Is well supplied with Dxerjthlng In the way of sin ill fruits that Is In boaxon , 1'irsh cars of California fiullsiiro constantly nrilxlng nnd there Is a good hiipply of Texas and other southcin fruits. The first Cr.ixvford peaches put In an apiieatnncoon the market ycstntd.iy I'lums , wild goose , per 24-qt. crate , JJ.OO ; California [ leaches , $1 15C.illfotnla ; pears , tier box , $ J.20 ; Tex'is peirs , per box. $1.00 ; Texas peaches , 4-bisket crate , il.lOttt 10 ; California tigs , per 20-lu. case , $2 TitoncAi , rnuiTS OIIANOCS Tlio suply | ) of oranges on the mm kot Is not large , but butllclcnt to meet the demands of the trade. Klxersldo Mediter ranean bweots , Si. 10 3.70 ; brlghts , 1 .70 ® 3 00 ; UUersldo beidllngs , $ .1 00J 25. IJV.MONS Tlio sleuly warm xve ithci pro duces \ciy fair dem ind for lemons and all houses are doing a good steady business In them. Messlnas , extra fancy. IGOOffiOOO ; MesslniiH , per box. cholco to fancy JO OOaO 00. HAN X.NAH Prices remiln about steady. Per bunch , large JJ 25QJ.75 ; per bunch , Mimll to medium , } 2 Ot' .2 25. IIIDH , TAI.IOXX , ETC. Hmrs No 1 gieen hides , 3c ; No. 2 green hides , 2c , No 1 gieen sailed hides , 3'c ' ; No. 2 gieen sailed hides , 'J'C ' : No t green baited hides , 25 Ibs to 40 His , 3'c , No 2grcen h ilted hides , 25 Ibs to 40 Ibs , 2"c : N'o 1 xeal calf , 8 Ibs to 15 Ihs , Oc : No 2enl iMlf , 8 Ibs to 15 Ibs , 4c , No 1 drj Illnthldes , 7c ; No 2 dry Hint hides , Oc , No 1 diy salted hides , 5c. I'.ut etited hides > tc per Ib less th in fully cured Mll-H" I'l MS lire-ens ilted , each dOcffifl 25 ; gicin Halted bhcin lings ( short woolcd early sKlns ) , each 10ffi25c : diy siicarllngs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each oaiOc : dry sho.utlngs ( short xxoolod inrly bUnsi , No 2 , ( noli Oc , dry Hint , Kansas -ind Nebraska biitchoi wool pnllH , per II ) , lutual weight , ! ( > < lie ; dry Hint 1C insus and Nebraska Murrain xxool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 710c ; dry Hint Colorado buleher wool pulls , per Ib , actual weight , OffilOc ; dry Hint Colorado Mui- iln xvonl pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 70o ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , Oft7e. TAIIOXX AMI UuuAsn Talloxv , No 1 , 4'tc ; ttlloxx , No 2. J\4c ; grease , whlto A , 4'i5c ; grease , white II , 4c ; grouse , yellow , 3'c ; gioase , dnilc , 3c ; old butter , 2S2'4u ; beeswax , pilmo , 101i25c ; rou h tallow , 2S4 HONFS Car lots xxolghed and dellxored In Chicago : Diy buffalo , uer ton , $1000@1800 ; div country , bleached , per ton , ? 100013 00 ; dry country , damn and mealy , $8 OOftlU 00 , St. I.ouls MurUotfi. ST. I.OUIP , July 27. l"rouii Qulot , onsy , un changed , \T-Closed ' ! © ' { beloxv vcslorday ; No 2 red , c isli , 58' c ; July , 68 0 ; August , 59Hc ; Soptembor. ! > COUN LlosediC ; N'o. 2 red , cabh , 35Sc ; AugUbt , 3034c , fcejitembor , 3Gc. OVTS Lower , No J cash , 20 c ; July , 2Gc ; August , 2-i'tc ' ; beptembcr , 22J c. HUITHI Higher ; senarator creamery , 20c ; clu ice dairy , 1718c. Pdiia 9c. 1'liox ISIONS Lower , nulot : current make 1'ork * 1G 20 10 25 , laid , JO OOffiO 1214 ; dry salt meats , loose shoulders , J7.12J , ; longs and ribs , $8 12' ' , ; shortb , { 850 ; boxed , l&c more ; bacon , 1) ) icktd Rbouhlers , $845 ; longs and ribs , { 975 , shorts , J 10 20 ; hams , sugar cured , 113 0h6l4 ( 00 Kl criiTs I'lonr , 20,000 sacks ; xvhoit , 105 - 000 bu , coin , 01,000 bu ; oals , 13,000 bu. Sllll'Xil M : , Hour , 9,000 backs ; 127- 000 bu ; corn , 02,000 bu ; oils , 18,000 bu. KmiftiK city Murkcta. \IVANSAR \ CITV , Julv 27 WltKAT Opened llrni. .Speculations soon collapsed , how ex or , cuuslng general demor illitlon ; market closing 3c lower ; No 2 h.ird closed lit OHiii 53o ; No 2 red , OifcSSc Colts CJenerally ' © loxvcr. quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 3 ( ) > , < icJlo : N'o 2 white , 32o. OAIS Steadj , No. 2 mixed , new , 20c : No. 2 xxhllo , new , 24c. llAX bleady llurrkii hcarco , firm ; crcimory , 1720c ; dairy. 1317c. KI.IIS Dull and weak , Oe. Id eti PIVheat , 2J.200 bu ; corn , none ; on Is , none bilii'xib TSheat , 10,300 bu ; corn , 1,300 bu ; oats , none , ColliMi Murlict. Nnxx YOIIK , July 27 CulToo ontlons opened llrm at 10i20 nofuts higher , closed sleauy and uni'li inged lo 10 iiolnls up , b lie's , J7 , 000 b igs , including Jllll , ! ? 10 75 ; August , HO 55 ® 15 00 ; hi'ptombei , H0.55f,15 ( , 7U ; October , * 1030io ( 10 60 ; Duiombe'r.1 10 2r > ® 15 JO ; .March , $15.10 Spot , Klo , dull , nominal , .No 7 , { 10 70 , I'uluros htoady ; b'lles , 19 100 bales ; July , * 7 l.tfJ7 ( 45 ; August , b7.5,747 ! ; i-eplonihor , $7.54 7.55 ; October , J7 Ilt47 ( OO ; Noxember , { 77tit775 ( ; Decembei , { 7.811/1780 ; January , J7 99rc8 00 ; Tebniary , J8.088 09 ; March , 17. _ AllluiuiUiu Market. . , uly 27. WIIBAT Kaslor ; September - tember , 0234c. COIIN Lower ; No 3 , 38c. OAla-iulut ( , No 2 white , 33c ; No. 8 , 29 30c. HAIII t.v Nominal. : Nominal b Lower ; pork , $19.10. \\oul HOSTON , July 27. The wool market demand Is Mill modei.ite , liujers take hold only at low prices , Sale's for the week , 1,820 000 Ibs 'Iho only piomlnont sale Is ono of about 000,000 His , of .Montan i at a Miry low price , or about U7c ok'iin for line medium. I'lilliiih Iplilu ( ruin .11 ii r It ( it. I'liti.ADi'iriiiA. July 27. Wni'AT Weak ; No. 2nd , July and August , 07&fl7jfe. Cons Weak ; No 2 mixed , July and August , 40M&47C. OAIS bpot and Julj , firm ; No. 2 white , July , MliUK'iipollt Ulinit Mil l.rt , , July 27. Steady ; cash wheat lower. Close : May , 73\c ; July , 08c ; August , 680 ; September , oO'ie ; December , 1)0 V. On track No 1 bard , 02c : N'o 1 north ern , OOc ; No. 2 northern , OBc Itocclpts , 2J5 cars. _ Cliiuinnuti MurkctH. OINCISSATI , July 27. WIIKAT Lower ; No. 2 red , 60M167C CIIIIN I'lrm ; No 2mlxod.41c , OATS Lower ; No. 2 mixed ( now ) , 2Gt28c ) \ \ IIIBKbtendy ; tl.12 , Culton Muruut. Nuw OIII.IUNS , July 27. Steady ) coed mid- dlliiL'.BJ.e , middling , 7.e ; low mlilillliig , 7aiC- good ordinary , 7 l-10c ; nut and gross recolpts bOO bale's ; exports to I'rancu , 3,000 bale's. Uiiltlmoro ( ir.tln MiirUtil , lUl.TlMOUK , July 27. WIIKAT Weak ; No. 2 red. spot and Jul ) , 07 > ® 079 > c. CIIIIN Meudy ; mixed , tpot and July , 4GJc OATb rirm ; No. 2 whlluwoalorn , 37c. ! Tnledii drilu TOLEDO , July 27. WIIKAT Lower , active No. 2 cash , rKH , c. fOMN-Oulet ; No. 2 cash , 41iC. ! OAlb-Dull , cash , 30c. llHXtiim SusurMnrket. . HAVANA , July 27. Kxchango ( inlet ; snznr iiulot ; s.tlib tobpcculatoiH , 1,900 bagh centri fugal , 00 di'gruu polarization , at 1 4.25 gold uer quintal. _ _ Oil Murbuli. on. CITV , July 27.-Natloiml Transit cerilflcateg uvcutu at & 7J , : highest , owp t o7lf , clospil. 67" " . $ HS.IPS 6000 1 Ms * ihtpmcnts. 131 4nht > ls , runs , H7 , ( > 00 U Is I'lTTsnnui , July 27 National Triumtt er-rtlflrixtes opened M674 , closed , 67' < i high est 67'i , lowest 67t < IXINDOX , July 27 t xlCtTTl LlNS rt > July and August shipments , 41 * Od peniuixrter. STOCKS AMI IIONUS , llpnvwcd Depression 1'nrly Wi\ Succeeded Litter by Much Strength. New YoitK , July 27 Thn day opened at the Stock exchange with renewed depression , and a sudden drop of 4 points In Lackawanna to 137 created no llttlo uneasiness , as a repeti tion of/jestcrdiiy's hcaxy liquidations , with possible failures , xvas foired In stock circles General Electric , Consollditod ( las. Chicago Oas , American Sugar , Canada Southern and a few others sustained losses of 1 io 3'i per cent , but speculation soon qufoled down vxhcn It xvas found Unit there was some support to the market The strength of London and liberal foreign buy Ing orders tended to restore confidence In a measure , but the bears ro- noxxedlholr raids at cxery opportunity and the result xxns eotno most erratic movements 1'rlccs were adxaticlng sharply ono inlnulo and then breaking bidly the next. It xxas noticeable- After the first hour or so ot business that the market resisted the attacks m ulo upon It xxlth Increasing force and latoi It be came ox Idcnt that nn accumulation ot stocks xxas In progress by strong houses nnd Indi vidual ononlors The roully Impoil nil move ment of thodny occurred after dollxeiy hour , xvhon all block uxclnnuo houses liuxlng gone through xxllhout trouble , the bhorts made a regular scramble tocoxer The slrcet heaved a sigh of relief xvhon It xxas found there xvero to bo no failures and It xxas greatly encouraged by the stops taken by some of the bankers. In connection xxlth cleir- Ing house banks , to Import n large amount of gold In the Immedlato future. Tlio iirob iblllty Is tlnitat least } 3,000,000 gold xvlll ho shipped from iuro : | > o on Saturday to this side , iho low rates ot exchange making the on er itlon feasible 'Iho foreign purchases ot Mocks xxetu esllmaled at 40,000 shares and the Inxcstmunt buying of small lots for homo account xxas on a larger scale than In many years The latter Is regarded as most Important , Inasmuch as It brings reidy money Into thu street. Iho adxamo In prices from the lowest xvas equ il lo 1 to 17 points , the lat ter In Kxansxlllo & Terre Haute , xxhich sold up to 90 and closed at 87 Lackaxvanna rose Bli per cent : Manhattan , 8 percent ; Consoli dated ( las , T > t per cent ; Noxv York Central , Like Shore and American Cotlon Oil pre ferred , 0 tier cent ; Canadian Southern , North- xxevtern Leid prnfcricd , Illg Tour , Omaha nnd I'rlo pieforrod , 6 JUT cenl ; American Sugar , Chicago Gas \voslernunlon , l-4 percent ; St Paul , 4' , percent ; I'ullmiu , 4 per cent ; Iliirllngton A. Qulncy , 3 % pel cenl ; ( Klectrlc and Lnulsxlllo .x. NashxMllo , 3\ per cent : Mobile > x , Ohio nnd Kock Island , 3' < per cent ; National Lend and Noxx Jersey Central , 3 per cent , and Mlssonil I'aclllc 2'8 PIT cent. In the llnal trading thuro xxas a lo.n'tlon of ' ( to \ pel cent In a foxx Instances , but specula tion closed llrm In tone. The Post S.IJB : \\liuttlio slock market re flected at the opening today xxas the calm fol- loxvlng IbOhtotm. There xvas no longer any sign of panic and the continued London buyIng - Ing and covering ot shoits absorbed In tin ) m ijorlty of stocks such offerings as xvero re- noxxed for frightened Investors and exhausted margins. That Iho early dealings should have been of so quiet a character xxas a source of Inc.ilculablo relief. No further f.ilhues xxero announced , and the IIUUH tint * 1,000,000 In gold b id been at last obtained In London xxlth propccts of still larger engagements before the sailing of Saturduj's Southampton steamer , encouraged the Impioxement. 'lliorateb of demand sterling , Indeed , are ruling noxx so longon a lexelof arm il transac tions ihat soxerelgns can piolmbly bo pur- ch ised at the b ink and iho chief obstruction to 1 ugo operations of the kind lies noxx In the lack ot monel ny facilities in Nexx York City. This trouble In the machinery of money transfers xvns rollected In Iho Issue ted ly of $1,250,000 more of clearing house lo in certlll- cates. The moxo xxas xxl'uly m ido and xxas In no degn e a rellectlon of Impending danger It had , hoxxexer , as might baxe been e-xpeeicd , , i dlsi-oui aging Inlluenco on m irket prices The folloxxtng aio the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Nuxx York block ex- ehango ted ij : AtclllHOII 113(1 ( Nor I'leltleprfil JO'I Ad mm Kxtin SH 1 1(1 ( UP I ) A.G Alton TIM ru H into. 18 ! NortlnxeHKrn Oo piefil > ino do prt f d . , 1.1 Pi Anuriem Kxpn-HB lin N Y Centril 07M II lithium-A Ohio N Y .v N 12 C in id i P.K Hie (17'i ( ' Ontario A Western I''M C in ul i SoiUhern On ton Imp s Cintril 1'ifttlc Si Ore-Kim N ix- 4(1 ( dies .tOhlo * O i , I , .X U N . . Chic ute .V Alton IMcluuMall . .i 8M , C II A Q . . vik Peorl l Dec A. 12 . . . I , J4 I'lttstinrir . . . 1.1(1 ( CoiiHollililedG IB . lin I'nlhii in Pal ice . 11 ! ) C C ASt L . , im lleidliu ; . . 1 U Cotton Oil Cert . . 216 KklnnondTer . . IHi Del A. Hudson . . lllll'i ' do pref d . * 13 IJel Lick A Webt l.-UJl Klo ( , r mile West. . Ifi 1) All ( J i > t < td. . . 27 ilo pri f il . . . . 51 | ) | H AC P. Co 1B ( Koek IH ! md Bill * KiHt Tenn H M Paul M'4 ' Kilt' fJ6 ) do prefd. . 10m do prefd 'JO M I'.ml A. Oin ilia. S'lM Fort Vi i > no 1 15 do pref d . . 11' ) ' CADI pref d . . 112 Soullurn Pacific. . ' - ' ( ) Hoeklnc Vnlli-j . . 1B' ' < Siig ir Ht'lini r\ . 71W Illinois fViiti il . . 88 Tenn Co il A Iron l.i l.ifii St Paul \Uuliith . 28 fii Km ATi'xiHpfd. Hi's Tel AO O piefd 70 L iko Erli.V. West. 1 1 Unlnn Paellle * . . . . do prefd . . . 68 U S I.xpn KS . 4fi tLiki- Shore . . . W , St. LAP do piofd. . I.onlHXllleAN mil , filX Wells F irco Uxp . Lonlsx Illo A N. A . 10'i IVi stern Union M nib ittin Con . . WliiillnirJkL 12. . Miniiilils A Ch IB . do ) ) r > f l tMte-hlk'in Central. M. A. St L 8k MlswinrlP icltlc . . 1) . A.K O I ) Mnbllu A Ohio . . . Own lal 12lf clrlc ll ! < Nishxlllo Cli itt . . m Nation il Linseed. . 1IH , N itlon il Cord iffu. " Cole F. .VI 20 do lirutd do prefd . . . . 11(1 ( N J rintral . II AT C . 30 Noi A Wi st pf d 1'IKIT A A A N M . 307H North Ann r Co . . . JMIT > L A K C . Noi lliern Pielllu . U I * do iiret d Ibid 'aHkiil The tolal sales of stock ted ly xvoro 391,000 shires , including : Atchlson , U 000 ; Iturllng- ton , 11,000 ; Canada Southern. .1,000 ; Chlciuo Oas , 43,000 ; Chesapeake & . Ohio , 3 000 ; Lackaxxannu , UiOOO ; Dlslllllng , 1(1,000 ; K.-le , 10000 ; ( niet'lrlc , 12,000 ; Loulsx Illo .v. Niishx lllc , 0,000 ; Manhallan , 10,000 ; Missouri I'acllic. n.OOO , Leid , 6,000 : Nexx York Cen- tial , U.GDO , Northern I'aclllc prefened , 5,000 ; Northxve'stein , 8,000 ; Heading , 0,000 : Kock Inland , 12,000 ; St Taul , 4J.OOO ; hi. I'aul .x. Omaha. 50,000 ; Siigwr , 24.000 ; L'nlon I'aclllc , 3,000 ; Western Union , 38,000. ' Jfrw York Jlloiipy Markot. NKXX YOIIK , July 27. MONKV ON Cu.iv-Ac tive , ranging from G per cent per annum to > percent per diem and InU'tcKt , last loin , b per cenl : closed offered at ( > pe-r eunl. I'nixii. Mi uCANrn.i. I'Ai'ru 8iJ12p i cent. Smn.lNO r.xeiiANdi1 lleaxy. xxlth actual business In bankirs bills at * 4 B0'a4.81 ' for sixty da j sand $1 82511 83 for demand. Sll.vm Ci UTine'ATUb Were neglected and closed al 71Si7Jc jovKHNxn T llo.NDS Weak. Shite bondu , dull. dull.Tho closing quot itlons on bondi : IT SIT SI LAS K GUI M 101) ) IT S IHCOIIP St P ml ( 'iiiiHols 118 U S 44HHIT I'll ' St P C A.P Isls. . PielllollHOf tl'i 10J T P L ( ! Tr Kels. AD l.oulHl in iHt lul IH. T P K G Ti lli is 1.IM Missouri ( Is Union I'.ic Isls . ' 1 mm nexx not ( is , ! ( ) ( > Wi Hi Slioro . . till Ti nn nexx set frn 07 U ( , W iHlB . . . 1. . 1 Ti nn in xx Het 3rt , , 70 AlLlllHUII ( H , , Can ida so "ds tin ill ) 'JH > C1.1HH A . d ntril Pin * lstn 10 J C II AS A f.H . . I ) AH f. IBIH . . 110 n H A S A 'Jd Ss 1) All O 4s 71 II AT C r.s HU Krln 'Jds 00 do eon HH . , 11)1 ) M K A T d n ( Is N CuollniUs . . . 121 M K AT ( it n fin do 4s . . 01 Mutual Union ( Is K ) ' , S C. Ilroxxns . , U1 ? N J < * lilt Cerl Kill Ti nn old ( la 00 N. Pac IHIH . ll' ( ) Vi ( Is 00 N Pae yds Vi Ux-JI it coup : in N W Consols . . 1 U V.i cons . ' 'dHerliH inMl N W Di l ) fi 111. U P .Is bO H L AI M Oin fis 77M IIOHton Stiiuk ( Jiuit itlniiK. HOSTON , Jul ) 27. Call loans , CUGi , and com mission , lime loans,7KO purcent , ( .losingquo- tatlons on stocks , bonds and mining shaies : Ate b. Top AS F. MKViHI Knd prifd 7(1 ( Ami lie m Sng ir 7.iKlliiKh ! I21iLlilu 18 do pri f d 'I do prefd .I7H ! 11 ix StitoO.iH VVIs ( enlial Com , ( I Hi 11 'lull phiini ) 171) ) Alehtsun 'Jds . lluHton A Alb in ) . nn Alehlsun IH , ' 1' ' ! ! Ituslnn A Maine HH Ni xx Kn.'l mil ( is ilu pn f il Itill ( Ii n Klielrlo r.H . 7U Chi Hill AQ 'JStiWls CintiallHts ho Flleldmit ; 7.1 lAlloiiiz MlnlnifCo 4(1 ( ( in Kill trio ll'i All mile (111 ( .Still Ml Huston A Mont . 111 Mov Ccn Coin fiH lliittn A JloHKin . N Y A Nuxx UntOld J1U C.ilnine-l Alfi'cli 'JSi ( Old Colonj " ' Ci nli md il On foil Short Uno. Frinklln llublvi r Ki.irsi.'o. . . s m Dli en 10 i Ul' Union Paulllc lNu ! Onliu'j . , hi ) \\Vbl Knil 11 IT.unir.iek. . . 11. ) SB n I'r.iniUcii Allnlnc Onotiilli > nn. SAN llA clhtn , .Tub 27. fbo olllclal closing ( juolutlons for mining stocks today xxoroiis , follovvii : Alta . 111 Milean . . . . , lleleliiT .III Oplilr ( to 11 , HI A Hi kin r PlllUHl . . . . Gliollir hixacu Con t'.il A Va 111) ) Mi rra Xuxadu .11 Crimn Point .SU Unlnn Con .11Mi Gould A Cnrr > III ) Utah 10 CD Yelloxx Jaelut 40 ht. 1.iiiiin Allnini ; ijnolatiiini. ST. Lou 14. July 27. Thuro xvus no trading Ii mining Mocks today * KlUabtllif in it Am Nu K'J' ' < Ur.iuUoM l.VO ItMonliObu (15 ( bid. I abketl I.aiulun I'liiunilnl Cinulltliin * . NBXV VOIIK , July 27 Thu Evening 1'ost'i. London bpoclul bays : The bank rcberxo de creusi'd iHl.OUO this xxeek , of nhlch i'4,000 xvcro lu cold export , thu dutatU buing iiS.OUU or the continent nnd iloOtiO ) to t'mttnnll ini'le IndityK marj iti ht ft' wi ro Im Ilnod 0 bo cheerful Ohe mnll drfault occurred "rues reached nontl12 from thu xtorst 1 hero were rumo'rs of n , rorplYi'rshlp for the \tchlson Tlio next issue of rti | > (0 ( paper In down to OSS- London rtnnnditl Ilex low. [ Oopy * tghltil Jsni fii ) Jumfi ffnnlmi / < im IM 1.0MH1V , July 27.-M , Nttw York Herald Cabin ' poclnftoTiiP. lltKl No fresh doxelopment if Importance occurred In tlio oily totlny Uenerally the tone was Ilrincr , hut tlioro are slant of xx-eaknrss In Ilio foreign markut.xvhlch clo-vil xxc-ik , especially for llrooks Aincrlcnn rallxxavs upctitil slronftor and rnpldly tin- ( roxrd upon boar , .repurchases and llttlo idyllic by bulls , nut no real contldeneo 9 felt In fiiturt ) prospects of AU'lilMtii nnd Unlnn 1'aclllrs Thinuth Miry doubtful , rccolxnrthlpsaro feared In both en UN On tlio Iny I.rlcs closed firmer , second tnorlRago leltiR DU ! { 1'liero was -list ) sharp adxanco- nonts In Illinois Central nnd Norfolk irofotred to 01' , nnd SOU respec- Ixcly Most older Issues nro lower. liiino secnrllliH mo milut nnd steady Hllxor Is Hllchtly llrinor lit 32'id ' Tliubink reserve Is rather lower Tliero was 0110 falliiro in thu block oM'hiniKo x email , old fashioned irokor of nu linportiince , fl hiiinclal Ni'trn K VSSAS CITV , July 27 Clearings , $820,303. NEW UiiM'ANt , July -CMcarltiKs. . $1,118- JG1Nl.xx Nl.xx YOIIK , Julv27-Cleillngs$97,355GG3i lalances , J5,481,7 07 1) ) vi.TlxiniiK , Inly 27 Clc-nrlnss , 12,287,593 ; balances , M01.371 Monei , 0 percent / l'llll.Alt 1.1111 \ . luly U7.-'loatlngs , $9,974- 404 , l > iliinees , Jii 10,11)3. ) .Money , 0 per cent MFXii'itis. July 27 Now Yotk oxchineo selling nt fl f > n premium. Ule.irlngs , J87lb5j bal'inees , f J4.UUU CINCINNATI. July 27 Mouny. OQ8 per cent. Now York exchange , { lUUit'JOU discount. I lei. rlnns $1,404,301) ) br. Louis' July 27 Hearing * , $2,030,317 ; lialnnces , $199,000 Motiej , OUH percent ; ex change on Ne York , $ .1 no discount. 1IOSTOV , July ! 27Ule irlngs. $12,910,810 ; balances , $1,3118,379 .Money 7 3-1U&8 per cent ; exchange on New York , 3541400 dis count. I'Ains , July 27 Three per cent rentes i)7i C'Jlic for tlio account 'I ho weekly statement if the Hank of Trinco shows mi Increase of J,205,000f poll ! ami 4 000,0001 sllxor. I.ONDOS , July 27The bullion In tlio It-ink ) f l.nglnnd Increased i43OOln ! ( ) the past x\eok 1 he proportion of the It ink of Kngliiml'h ro- bucvu to liability which last week vras47.'J7 lurcent , U now 4H JJ pur cent. OMAHA Il\i : ilOUIt. .MAKICKTS. Citttlo Prices Iniiro\u | Under Light llucolpts I Ioj ; lluroly Stonil ) . TllUltailAY , July 27. Kccclpts of nil kinds of stock continue light. Tlio decrease so far this week compared with list amounts to 2,000 cuttlo and 0.000 hogs. Miocp supplies h.i\u shown no pirtlculir change. Tlio run of cattle was the llBhtest In d\or n nonth , In fict receipts h.ixo boon lighter but hreo ttmua so far this yum. In ciuallty the > rrcrlngsx\oro very ordlniry. Thuro was an icthe , fitiily trulo In Chicago and i moderately llxolx and sllghtlj stronger n irket " lioie. Whllo the supply could lardly ho lighter , buyers for dressed nuf ; houses dlsplajed more aji.ithy than the situation would si-em to justify and shipping iiixors Kept hands otr , It was not so hard for loldois of decent cittlo to llnd bnjers , and irk-tH axonged puroeptllily HtroiiKor. liven ho shorlfed blurt WHS iiLi'dod to 1111 out and jn > ers took them atu llttlo morn money than hey would ha\e brought a d.iy or two ago. 1 his class of block sold at fiotn J ) 25 to J3 brj , whllo good 1 , ISO to 1,400-lb beoxes , brought 'rom J4.10 to 44,40 , Prims are not surprls- ngly high jot. ami there Is a general laek of confidence In the malket. 'I he cow market was fairly actlxo and some- wlnt stronger. 1 air to good stock sold 1 irgely it from $ ! . < > & to } J 20 , with extreme s.ites at fiom $1.00 to $2 IK ) O.ihes wore In liotterdo- nand and firmer at from } 2 ! JO tel 7fi. Kough stock w.ib not much wanted and went at fiom ! 1 SO to JJ r > 0 , or barely steady prices. Ihero was a goud geneial dtmind for stockers and fuLtlcr , and prices avur igcd : i shade llrnier on ulicrulus C'uininoii to good stock sold at tioin IJ.10 to $3 10. Kopresonta- tl\o s lies : DHES ED in re. N'o Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. 2 870 * 2 75 70 .11CO $410 03 1003 325 8J .11H ( > 4 JO 17 10' > 4 345 21 .1402 440 1 .1100 3 f.O 44 .1281 440 25 830 3 05 CO\V S. 0 1003 CO 11 991 1 90 11 . 900 55 13 957 1 90 1 870 55 38 9U ( 2 ( K ) 1 900 CO 33 804 2 10 13 1125 05 23 000 220 7 952 70 1 800 2 25 8. . 1005 75 8 970 200 7 . 827 75 CALVFS. 1 . 90 2 50 0 211 4 25 1 . 2JO 250 1 190 425 48 . 187 3 00 9 144 4 75 HULLS 1 1580 150 1 1170 176 1 . 1570 1 ( ,0 1 1580 1 85 2 13 0 1 70 STAGS. 1380 250 BTOCKHIS > FrCDEIlB 10 815 2 10 1 . . . 370 8 00 1 000 230 14 . . . . 843 800 25 790 2 75 27 . 887 8 10 15 1079 285 UN CATTLE. LOI OUADO. No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. 11 feeders 1040 S3 20 29 steers 1102 $3 20 Hoes The market toil iv was a good dotl like It was at the cloioiMlncsday. . The sup- lily was about the s line as It was a wioK ago , mil conditions \\ciu much the bimci as they Imio but ! ) all week. Good to choice light and butcher weight hogs and the best hea\les sold at from $5 25 to $5 .lr > , and common hoa\y unit mixed p icKIng giadts went largely at I5.20. Yery common hea\yMulT Bold as low an $5 15 and prime 195-lb berth brought $5 45 * After c.irly outers had boon Illlul the in ukot we ik- enul b idly and the close was at the oxtiemo low point of the d ly with htneral loads still unsold. The trii'Mn was \crv largelj at5 20 and J. > . ' > ! " ) as agnlnsl $5 25 to $5 30 Wednesday and $5 1(1 to $5 25 one week ago today. ] Cep- rLscnlit\o : ! baits : Av. &h. I'r. No. Av. Sh. 1'r. 280 80 $5 05 04 . . 259 2HO $5 25 71 2H7 100 0 15 C > 2 . 205 40 & 25 58 271 120 5 20 07 202 100 G 25 53 205 100 fi 20 70 227 20O 5 25 00 210 120 520 81 2.17 80 525 1 257 300 5 20 47 . . 302 80 5 25 59 274 80 520 O.I . .281 80 025 5H 25J 80 6 20 OJ 27 ! ) - 5 25 342. 204 080 5 20 00 285 80 5 25 51 327 240 0 20 05 . 258 80 5 25 51 280 80 520 OH 249 80 523 59 310 40 5 20 60 258 40 5 25 08 205 80 5 20 50 . . J02 320 0 25 00 312 - 0 20 73 208 240 5 27" 08 20 ) 200 0 20 04 . 255 100 5 30 GO&h. 0 20 71 238 120 5 30 45 221 100 5 20 40 243 40 5 30 03 254 80 0 20 05 . 240 100 5 30 07 280 80 5 20 05 2 )0 ) 100 0 30 10 299 80 0 20 34 200 - 5 30 09 103 200 5 20 00 220 100 0 30 08 . 252 120 0 20 00 274 40 5 32J5 51 278 120 6 20 52 . 101 100 0 35 70 22H 100 5 2JH 70 . 203 100 0 30 00 200 40 5 20 70 203 101) 0 35 00 202 120 0 21 01 231 120 5 .1.1 00 ' 208 100 5 21 7J 210 80 0 30 03 2J9 120 5 20 & 7 234 200 0 35 00 255 120 0 25 30 . 249 40 0 35 01 . 204 100 6 20 80 . 213 200 0 37'/J AHfOUTI P. GO 195 80 5 40 1 Itccoliits wore light and the quality was common ( iood muttoiib wuro In Miry fair demand , butcommoiLstulf was Miry slou sulo and the geneial market nuiragcd easier. T.tlr to go d iiMUeH , $ ,1 25Y&4 20 ; fair to good west erns , t.)00ft380 ; common and Mock hluep , $1 50tt.i 00 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs , $3 OOUO 00. ItupresVnlutlvu sales ; No Av. 1'r. 33culls . . . . 4 . 71 $100 111 nitl\o : mixed . . , . 83 300 37 lambs . , , . 40 3 00 Iturnipti mill DNpofUlmi of Stnclc. Ollh lal recolpts and disposition of slock as , ho\xii hi the honkhif ) the Union Stock Yards oiniMiiy for the twi nly-four hours ending at i o'clock p. m. July"r 7. 18U.1 : iiKiriinH i- \r\\\ \ 110(1 K. ' ' iiousts A xii H C irs 'HiadjCarB ' C.irx j I < 1 Ciru I Head , W7.tll \ | ( III 1 1103 18 llIhl'OriirillN. _ Ktnrk In IU'i'olitH | of llxn Mock at thu four principal nobtoin markets Thursday , Julv 27 ; Cattle. Hog f-hoi'i | houlh Omaha . . ' 730 -l.D'JJ Ihl Chicago . 13,1100 2-1,000 GOU < IvaiiHas City . . . . n.'JK ( ) J'il ( ) ! , ( ) ( ) ( ht. Louis. . 3.8UO 4,001) 1.1OU Total 20.73(1 ( 41'J3 8,2a Kitiuai ( .It ) . .l > o Mno l Mnrliet. KANAH OITV. July 27 t'Ai-ri h UicelpU 3'JUO bead ; bhlntuenm , 'J.HOO head , markut . Ti tasstriM M 7 i (1 ( I > Ti } Mi > J ii vhipwiiu sttMirs , $11111,14 1 imllxo rnixs II fiWt.l Hi luiulicrs Mm k t2 JiuM It ) ; sliickers nnd feeders , (2 It > < l3 50i bulls and mixed Jl 26411 75 lions ltecelit | , 0,600 bonili shipments 3.00O headi light grades lOttlfn1 lowers hoav v UKiiSOc loxxori bulk of nalos , & UWi nd | hoaxlo" , (4 U6(16 ( 30 ; packers. { 610 640 ; Ihjhts , (5 36ft&U6 | Yorkers , I640&5G&I pigs , SiiKM1llccolpls , 1,000 hcMli shipments , none ; market steady and unchanged. Oilmen Llxn Stork Murkrt. riHCAOO , July -Special ( Telegram to TIIK lICKl-Tliuro was n boiler tone to the canto market today , but not much net ml Improxemant In prices Such grades as ex porters seek gone-rally sold a trlflo higher nnd the bettor grades of Tcxanscould bo moxed at a small adxance , but common to fnlr nallxes and lovx grade Texas cattle xxero no moro than slotdy Kecelpts xvorc light for n Tnursdiy and all ot the fresh recolpts and Inost of the stile stock xvoro closid out In good tlmo Only a limited number of offerings had the quality to bring moro than $4 < 5 nor xxero there nititij lots o unattrvtlxo us lo lie unsalable nl better than 11 76 h'lom Jl 76 to $2 76 took most of the coivs and bulls and the bulk of sit ors sold at from SJ 40 toft 05. There xxas llltlo dem ind for Mockers and feeder , though suitable lots could ho bought at from t2 J5 lo J3 75 The c-ilf inaike-t xxns strong nt from } J 26 to J6 60 At the close the general market xxasiiulto strong. ThoriMxas a drop In the prlco of hogs of from Ifir to 20c jier 100 Ibs , llglitxxelghts shoxvlng a loss of 15c and heaxy and medium xvelghtsof tioml6cti)20c At tbo close iholce grades of the lattei could he bought at from J5 40 to J5 05 and buyers could not be found at oxe-r ! G 10 for choice assorted light. . This Is a l eduction fiomTuos- duv's prices of about 25c In light and from 35c to 45e In heaxy nnd medium The xxiathor xx as cooler and therefore moro faxorablo for business tlrui at the beginning of ( lie xxeek , and tbo receipts sliicu Satuiday haxo been 7,000 head less than for the sumo lime last xxeek , hut these Inllui'ines xvero moro than olfsol by tbo depressi d stale of mnrkels on 'Change and the seatelty of money l.irlylu the day heiixy hogs solu us high as $0 75 and ID 16 xxas p ild for a lo id or txxo of light The maiket xxas lightly supplied today and xxas slrougev all around * Uood to extra sheep xxero quoted at from tl 50 lo $5 and iheru xxete hujcrs foi common to medium grade's at fioniM lojl 25 Inferior lots xxeto neglected at foriiivi loxv ptlces , or at from Jl 75 lo J2 50 Sumo In the lalter cl iss still Ho lu tlio pens Imnbs sold stronger. I'oor to choice xxero quoted at from J3.60 lo $5.75. Receipts : Cattle , 13,000 hold ; culxox , 1,000 liunil ; hogs , 24,000 bead , sheei | , U.OOO head. ' 1 ho Kxonlng Journal siys ; CAint B Kecelpt" , 13.OOO head ; shipments , 7,300 head ; goodnntixcs lOo lilghot ; olhers steady to strong , Texiins and XM slerus steady ; prime tiiitlxes , J4'J0d5 10 ; good to choli o , * 4 254.80. othoix , * . ) .251l ( 10 , Texans , Jl bO G..I 00 , xx l sterns , $ J.253.I 70 ; coxxs , Jl iOf&VJO. ) llodb Kucelpts. 4,000 head , shipments. 3,000 bend , pilmo he ivy nnd bulebers xvelghts , 45 50tK ) 40 ; common light mixed , $5 76445 80 ; soiled lightSO OOi3G 00'-l'eceliits , l,000 he id ; shipments , 700 head , sheep stuiidv ; lambs slrong ; slockors $1 25aJ75'Isxies , i.l 30jj,1.35i xxoth- ors , $4 25 4,80 , lambs , J 1 00 5 OU. xx York l.lxo Slink Vlarltrt. Nuvx YOIIK , July 27 IHrxi s IJecelpts , 1,600 head ; no trade , dicssul beef , llrm nt l > ' 48c. Kccelptsof calxes , 800 head ; m.itket xveak and Imielx ste idy Sain * AM ) l.xxnis Itecelpts , 1.200 head ; market stondj , but xery dull , sheep , f 1 OOjj 4 J5 , lambs , S vojtD 75 ; diessed muttons , hte.idy al 7ifOc ( , dressi d lambs , dull HOIH Iti-colpts , l.OOOho id ; market Him at 50 2037.00. _ J St. I/iinln Llxn Moi.k Murld'l. ST. Lotus , July 27 C vrri.K Keceluls , 3,800 lead : shipments , 2 bOO head ; market steady ; 10 good natlxen on sale , giusB'leMins , 5J OOis JHO liis ( ) Itecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 1,600 IIP id , nun kot 10il20i ! loxxor ; lop on Ight , J5 00 ; lopon he.ixj , * 5 ( > .rj Mii.ri * Hecolpts 1,100 head , slilpniunts , 800 le id , market steadj , natlxu muttoiib , i4 00 ® 4 50. o Balloon goes up tonight. BU1TE IVTERCHANTS' PLAN. They I'rnposn to Itii } ( .noils Onlj from film \\lii , A111 Pa\or I'ren > ll\ r. The business situation In the so called sil ver states has assumed such nn unf.-nonble aspect that there ate \cii fcxv Jobbcisxlio care to continue soiling ( joods to anv extent In pirt of the country and some hi\o gone so far as to xxithdr.ivr their tr.uuling men from that part of their torritoiy. A good in.inv orders for goods sold in these states befotc the crasti came 1mo been can celled , as the closing of tlio mines and the depriving of a IniRO numbci of men of their moans of support has cut off the tiado from the retail stores. Collections coula not bo othcrxxiso than bad and UDOII the \xhole the situation could not bo much \\oise fioiu a business m in's point ofioxv. . Such being the condition of business in the sthcr states the jobbers xxero haidly inepiucd for a xxhich some of them lia\o received liom 13utte Citv , Mont. Tlio is sent xxith the compliments of the mcicliatus and business men of th it city and iufonr.s tlio iccipient that nt n meeting held in tliat city , xx Inch xxas presided o\er by the majoi , certain losolutions were unan imously passed. Then folloxv the icsolu- tions : Whereis , The continuous and recent xloleut decllno In thu mu kot x.iluo of sllxcr has forced upon the merchants of this community tlio necinslty of combining for their oun iirt s- erx itlon , to fiko stVps looking to the protec tion of Iho xital Industry of this region , noxx Inngujshlng and threatened xxltb total annl- lillatlon by legislation ho'-tllo to Its cxlstenee , ami xx o ft el called upon to in go that the manu facturers and xemlors of the auxiliaries of our dexelopmcnt and urogress , "food , raiment. Implements , machinery and all other m enlerlng Into tbo necessities of a people sllu- aled as xxo are , " do eulei upon an Intelligent , diligent and Impirtlal lux estlg itlon of the qnost on of the popular need and morlls of sll- xoi as a money metal ; that they M > Inform thiiinsolxes as to be able to conscientiously lange tlMiusolxcs on tlio side of tbitpirty noxx In congress which Is In f ixor of icMoiln/ to and permane'iitly relalnlng In Us nilural tiosltloii as a clrcul itlng me'dium of uiich in - Ing xiiluo , the sllxcr dolhn on a pirltj which shall bo bistd upon a just and ro.iboniblo latlo xvlth gold ; and \\hereiis , 'Iho mountainous regions Inhleh bllxer Is usually found lo exist , nnd especially tills ono In xxhich xxo llxo , produce practically nothing and m iiiufacturo nothing that Is lin- medla'cly aiipllcablo to hum in needs , and eonse < iueutly , olTur the best of all mnrketb for tbo pioducts of other branches of skill and labor , ami It Is essential to the Intoiest of capital othorxvlM ) and olbuxxheio Inxesttd that the mlneial piodnclng Industilod of thoxxcst should bo In as nourishing condition as Ihelr Icglllmacv entitles tlii'iu to ; Ilu tofoio bo It Kesolxed , That xshllo deprcculng any len- dency to sectional feeling \\lilcli m iv bo engeiidoted by tbo conditions by xvlilch x\o sillier , 11 scorns Impossible to repress the senti ment of "tho cast against thu xxest , " xxhleh Is proxoked to a x Igorous and unhealthy gioxxtb by the goldllo policy and money bioklng In- sllncts of Iho financial mastoiN of our eommon gox ernmt nt ; and fin thur , bo It Itesolxed , That our p itiouago IH inorchantH and business men , xxhllo fieuly glxen anil prolltablu to Iboso lu a position to recilxo It , cannot longer bo In largo < iuanllty m llrst- class In ( nullity unless xxo obtain relief from tbo petnli'Ious and puxxerful hostility tosllxei as monej , xxhich threaloiih Iho ( h xastatlon of our beloxed state and the utter ruin and dt o- lailon ofoui homes , and furl HIT. bo it Kesolxed , 'I but xxe > do lieiuliy bind ourMflvpB all to ouch ono and e.iuh ono to nil , that xxo \\Hlnolln any cnso or ur.dor any clri'iim- stances piitronl/i ) any bouse or use the prod uct of any manufaclury , UIOOWIIOIH in opera- toinor xxhich are knoxxn to bo antagonlsilc lo tbo frco coinage , natural circulation nnd ex tended M.I > | HI of the sllxer dollar asadoht- p wing medium fin commercl il obligations' of all kinds , and It Kosolxed , 'Unit xxo do agreo. In the Intcicst of our eommonuial , tonteadlly and unlledly icfiiso loglxo our palrontgooi ; anyiiaitof ft forany ronuuudlty xxhatsooxui lo any nianu- fiicluieroi xendor until xxo llnd an honest and i ainest ende.ixoi on the part of such nianu- faclureror xitndor to piomolo by exury li'n'ltl- liuilo means , "based upon an luKilllgent eom- prohonslonof UK lltnoss and utility , " the use ot "ullxur us money " 1 > J llnni'iiv , Chairman. W. It Kbioos , I ) J. llh.NM.ssKr , M. J CONM'l.l. , W. II. I.uxxib , Comnilttro , Following tlio names of the committed are the mums of suxcntv-lhu business men and Ilnns that endoriod the resolution * The circular ends up xxlilt a statement from the president of thu llo.ud of Trade of Ilutto City to the effect th it that botlv at u regular meotiiu' endorse I tlio above tcsjlu- tions p tssed by the business men mid mer chants Yesterday the Chicago Tribuuo said on the subject. : Thuso Ilntlo pcopto haxo no occasion to thieaten ( hey xvlll not trudo xxlth anybody who IM unxxlllln3 to takufillxor In piiyim nt for gooJs. There Is notn 1'ieiuhant 01 manufai- turi'r In tins United ht lien xxho would not lia xxlllliig to sell thum hU gonds and takoimx- munt In sllxer at thu commeio nl xaluuoi the , glxlnn'a riinlpt lu full Notaiilnglo mini xvho tr.iiU-a xvlth them onlil ri fuse to aciopt lib mueh sllxoi to thu gold xaluo ngieed iipin for the goods sold , and \xhy thov should bo recjulied to accept It nt about double thu pi lei ) at xxhlch the blluir can Ix ) iKMlght In the open miirkcl on iltlii-r htdo of thu Atlantic 1 * u mystery xxhlch the irnplo In llailn IIHTO not flxjlnlnod The nltiorK wllllnKly K II tbolr Mlxrr to tin- Roxiirmont f < r al nll 7o cents per onmo , ( ind If thrj would ronmnt to srll ti the gonorM public nt thn snmn prlro n Ii the poxoMiinrnt tlioro would bo 110 trouble Hut the tnlKihlef Is they txpm to Imxc nu Idcix that It Is thn duty of the go\tnmitit to iims a r xv xvhlch In plTect xxouid declnro tlinnlhcrio 10 xvortb txvlco as much as they are noxv ncll- UK U for , when n grain of common non o xxouid boxv that such a mxx could not IIP morn otTee- tlxii tlnn ono to lullu'or dotlhln thndlstanco at xvlilch the moon shall swing nround the earth His folly for thcsB pcopln to talk about a boycott They cannot nell their product for much more than It Is xx-ortb undvr any clrcttm- stances , either of free or restricted rainier If tiy silly legislation "tbov xxnro | iermltlrd to liaxp their si\er | coined for thorn at the mini on Ntich u scale that tluisllxer In each "dollar" xxaq xxorth but 64 ci nts those "dollars" xxouhl ni } no moro than 64 cents worth oti goods for lhem clxes orotbnrs , 'I hey could not boycott [ be xMirld or any part of It Into any other re sult than that , and the xxomler IH they can en tertain an till a so cotimU-ti'ly oppose'il lu good house and e'conomlcal laxv Bnlloon about 7 : lo tonight. AFFA1KS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Another Victim of n Mud Dug I'.xcnU of the Dli ) . Tlio 7-year old vlauchtcr of II Tllkt * . 11inp near tlio coiner of Txxentioth aud Wjman streets , xxas seiiously bitten by a mad dog asl evening Tlio dog is oxxncd by r rVed- crlclts , a neighbor Tlioound Is on tlio ah- lomuii and Is a painful ono. The child xxas luirrlcdly taken to n doctor and the lacei.i- turn xxas mulctl/ed. As soon as the ii.nttor xxas repot led nt the police' slatloti Captain Austin xvcut out and inado a search for the dog. but \xas tiniiDIo to loe'.ito It 'J'hls QUO and all other dogs caught xxtthout a imwloxill bo shot b.\ the police Ma\or Walker piojiosca to sco that fexv mad dog accidents occur this summer tuuiboxxill iccclxo the * aaiictiou of almost o\cry ono In his ollotts in this lino. IlliickhiiiiriU. All the membois of Iho scliool board hold a meeting ju tlio nxch.nigo hiilldim ; j ester- day afletnoon. The purpose to scle'ct the slate bl teUbo.mts lo bo uicd in txx'o new school houses The pi ice-s ami bamples of the United Slalcs School rutnishitu ; com- iniij seemed to suit bctlor than any other mil the seciotary was iiistmi'tcil topurchaso from that linn This is the Una that \xill supply the liuildings xxith seats The prieo to bo paid for the slate blaekboauls is UJ cents jior srjuuio foot. .Mllgll ! CltJ ( .OSSlp. Ftanlt Havxxard has gene to Chicago. 13en Doud of Siouv City Is visitinir his brother Uli Mr and Mrs George U Wtllscy of Blair aio visiting tiiemls in the city Wagner , a cnipenler , xx-as arrested last o\cuing for dislui bitig the ocaco Olllcer Kiucgcr has been on the sick list for dajs , but is ag.iln able to ho out Chief of Police Hcckett. xx ho xxas shot in tlio legsoxeuil dixs , ago , is getting along as well as could bo e'\pcctod. Mho police are looking for Faille Head , a soldier , xxho dcseited fiom cojiipauj K , Second end infantry , Tort Omaha. A bilit of i lathes \xas stolen yesterday fiom tlio lesidenco of J Coulter , Txxeutj- sixth &tteel , betxxeen L.inil M. John rijnn is the only man in South Omalu xxho has as xot cxhlbiled a htho- giapli of the Chicago Tetus xxlieel A ticxx200xiro sxxitch bond Ins been placed in the telephone ollleo It is anangcd so txxo can operate at oneo Colonel I'1 C Short , the stock 3 aids hot so man , aeeompanied bj Ins xxifo. lotuuied last exciting from a txx'o xx celts' visit to Chicago Agicatmany deaths have been reported during tlio list xseelc among children , the ptiucinl | complaint hcimr eholcra infaiitum Mis William Wood , xxifoof the council man , is home fiom a visit in Mount Clement Springs , Mich , very much improved in health Kauo l lhott , a heavy stock shipper fiom Isemaha City , vxas in toxxn last evening , the guest of Olllecr Argabnght and Judge Toxvler. Mr and Mrs Neft and Miss Carrie Davis have been the guests of Mr and Mrs K .1. Davis for several davs and returned to their home in HOSE enter , Mich. , last evening. Charles Sandy , the joung man from Den ver , who is soini-idiotic , was called beloro Judge Toxvlor last ovcuing and given just thirty minutes to get out of the city. The city council will sit as a boirdof qjltializition todax , Satiniliiy and Mondav to hear complaints iii regard to assessments in grading dibtiict No 0 and soxver district No 10J , John Woodxvard purchased a largo coil of he ivy tope. Tuesday in Omaha which ho in tended to use in moving houses Thu lope was deposited in a vacant house and some time cluiing Wodncsdax night nelsons en tered the plaeo and cut the tope so it cannot bo used for the purpose it was bought. The police are xxoiUng on the case Mis Michael IJiadloy vxas , able to at tend police eourt at H ) o'elock jcsteul.iy inoining , hut Is still stiffeim from the bolting her husbnul gave her Shu did not xx ant to lap ver.x haul against the old mini , but she hid told her story to the Juilgo bofoio and his honor lined IJr.idlcy $ i ! > and costs. Uradlei has no mone.\ and vxill have to xxoik out Ins line on the stteuts John Sniveley , the nexv garlngo master , has eaused the aricst of J M. llruncr of Omaha , because the latter lias failed to respond to Snixoley's icquebt to linptovo the sinltars condition of the Cltnel.ind hotel and another building , for vv Inch Mr. liiuuur is agent Mr Hiuner si\s ho is not respon sible for the eonditionof the place and so- eut ed a contiuu ineo until Saturday moi niug at 10 o'eloek. Balloon goes up tonight. AWNINGS AND TENT3. OinaliaTcnt-Awuiuji Wollliros&Co. , Mnnn'nctnroriof Touts , HOUSE ; COVKIIB. Awnlntti , etc , 7UJ and "IrneU 700 S ictli Struiit , UAQS is TWINE3 liemis Omalia Bag COMPANY Impnrteri " 'l ' IMHIIUIHO tursri of flour ick < , burlnp , iwlno BOOTS AND BHOE9. Morsc-Coc Slioj Company. Salesroom nd OMce-llOI 1103 Illl HownrU St jttctorr-lllD.112l.U2J llo ril flt. Wa r tbo ONUV MBtiufustursn ot lluolianl SUA KV. . . " nil * rUou'lVSiwaart to all to la.poot ournuvrfaotorf. COAI , , COKE. | CORNICE. DRY aOODS. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Huiiyaa COMPANY. UuboUUred ( urnltura , tUUNITUUK COMl'ANV HU2-IIUI Mcliula * cl. llrltNh Columbin. mines nro fcoltnc tha offcct of the drop In silver The nnl catch to Juno 27 ftmountea to 2 ( , O-l'i skins , Mid to Imo been taken outMdo ol the Hciing sea. 'Iho Lander Holler Milling company Ii Mxlpt.ltig iwtHH ) iiountU of bran to Hiiwllnt _ - twtus thltsumincr * , W.xomlnK'scoal output for 1SIU wasS.niC- i , tons Over million ton * Imvo brcii taken out at Cnmbrlii sluco these iiunci wcro opened Kilpatrlck Uros AColIini , OVTIR-M of PX- tonslx ix coal mine * at Catnbrin. four mllci west of Noxvcastlo , are uoxv nilniup l.txx ) totii of coil a day About HH ) Mormon families have located In the Ulg Horn Irnsin 'I hp.v are building a nlte'h from Ure'i Hull river , xvlilch will Itrlgato 150,000 acics of the richest laud lu , the state. f Cnptain Davis estimates that the water of the great Salt Lake , near Salt l.ako City , caiiics fcl per ton in gold H it not frco milling 'Ihe t'upstton th it naturallv arises Is lo what extent this mine is salted The orange shipments for the season from ! , M\ml" ! ( ' Cnl ' nmolll't ' " V'OOi'ai loads I his Is far In excess of shipments ot ntiy juox ions season 'Ihe i-iop is now praetlcallv e-leaied up. Prices reali/cd this vear. whllo not as goud as was dcstied , xvoto icasonably fairSince Since the bounty law xvent into oflect rvbblts have uuieised In numbers wonderfully near San lleinardino , Cnl. Uabblt-dilM's are held Salutdaj nfternoona and thousands ate killed xxlthout tuakltm much imptcssion on the numbers of thu pest The Sacramento pirtios xxho bonded tlio Oregor.inlitc , in the \ \ htto lloise district , near \Vadnxxorth for ono .vear , xxlth the piixllego of two , have developed a claim whleh It is asserted bj those who ought to know Is the most promising gold discovery I'voropened in Nevada , not excepting tno Comstock U is leportod that the Anglo American Oil compnn , which has been puispoi ting In Johnson eoimti , W.uuuiuir , has stiiuk alloxx ing oil well near 1'oxxder lixcr , after sinkliiK .a hole 1,00" ) feet ' 1 he oil Is said to bo a Him lubiIrani and vvoith S15 pet b.urelMowing from the well nt Ihui.ito of fiom 100 to & 00 ban els per da j. A number of ranchmen along the Platte river aio undoavoting to oiganio a company to elect a mammoth power plant for elevating - ing the water from the ihei for litigation pmposck. It is pioposed to us > o a sxslemof eiibH and a tmbino wheel. It is believed that suniclcnt poxxercan bo developed to tun an olcetrie' ligltt plant in Douglas , \ \ vo. ntiircne Itoluomb , whose cattle r.nieh is on the ecdcd Indian lands , vx111 soon have the longest llro btcak on recoid Ho has men and teams at vxoik making.iflrohieak forlj- llvo miles long atouud his cattle raugo Ity ploxviug the Hi o bleak he eipeets to snxo liis gr.uiug 1 inds from the ravages of prniiio Hi es dui nig the late season Clmiles Hobiuson's two sons and Aiseno Ilesit.nd made quite a stake the other daj in * v placer mining for gold near H.ittlo Utvur 'J lie.x xx ot ked llv o d.i.x s and took out f.W l > 5 vx 01 th of gold When it is considereil Unit thu diit had to bo xx heeled In barioxxs to bo \\nslieit.imlthattlio niiueis vxeiu minors K ! .xeais of ago or thereabouts the strikd Is a good one. A dxitig piticnt of the hospital of Snn Andtcs sent for the he id iiurso a foxdaxs , ago and tpld him that in a mountain , whoso summit icsrinbies a e.uioo in slnpe' , near Yautotiee' , some bimlits long ago hid treas- uiu th it the\ had lobbed fiom tiaxolers on the hlcrhw.iv iloasseited the booty had lain theio all these xe.ns and that ho " * i xx as noxx the onlj peisou lixingxlio knexv of its location With his falling bieathho gave as good n deseiiption of the spot as ho could and died n fexx hunts latoi A party xx ill bo oiganizcd to search for the tieasuro. Balloon tonight. Alackuy llnjs In Again. Ind. . July 127. C. C. Hopkins , vice president tuul gonoial inuiuigor of tlio Louisville , Evuiibvillo fe St. Louis railroad , icoeived advices that D..T. Maokaj aud Ins friends hud again hcciued control of the Evansville fa Tone JJnuto ruihond. Tlio sltiiuj ) on the Noxv York oxe-haiigo enabled Muckny to buy in his block ut 70. Auo vxeek ago lie would have been willing to pay 120 to IHO per share for the btitno ntock. Tlio saving amounts from $1,000,000 to iHf)00,000. Maekay wub elected ptcsi- doiit of the h j.u d of directors and chair man of the fiimuuo committee. The or- guni/ation will bo completed Friday. Supposed Cliolcni In I'uniniylxiiiilii. Cur.STKii , Pa. , July 27. An Austrian named Prosch , who lecently an hod in this country , died froinliat , the physi cian ! ) docl.u o Asiatic cholcia. The man xxas employed at the \VolIman lion works and lived on Lovtis sttcet , in a poor boction of- the city. SOUT TI OALA.IIA. Union Stock Yards Company , South Opnalna. fleet Cnltlo Ho nnil slioon unirlcut In t'lo watt coMmissioi Haus-s Wood Brothers. I.Ivo Stock Commission Marclmnti 'o UliOmalia Telcp'iona IIjT. Chlcii JOHN I ) DADHMAN , I . , . , . _ - . „ „ WAI.IICH \\OOI'P'n" I ! XOf Market ropnrts by m ill and xvlro cheerfully furnlslu d upon .ipplleatlon , 'IMAHA < / HARDWARE. Hector & Wiliieliuy LobccK & Line , COMPAM' . Ionlepn tn hnrilwnrv ao Corner 10th ud Jackion luicbunlci1 tnuli Htrcoti UJIDuuulai titrodt. HATS , ETO. | IRON WORKS. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron \xliolekalo WOltIM , Hull cn | > , elrnw goodi l-nftivnulti , Jail woo Kloovoi mltleni htU Iron tlnittura amt lira o unil llurnuj fctreuti capoi ( Jui AnJriMiu , 141 nnil Jackion LUMBER. Jolm A. WaheHcId , Impiiit'il Xrvrlciiu Purl land cainunb Xlllwau- keuruiiuat unJ giilne/ Mlillo IIimi LIQUORS. STOVJ : REPAIRS Fritk & Herbert MUVC uepair , . . .v htovo ro alra and tutor Htuoliuionti Wlioluiale liquor daalen tor anr kind of nor * 1001 Knniaui HU luadu 1/uniuuKiu ( U