M'TIT ? OMAHA TlAir.V 11V.1 ? . IWTHVV .TI'TV oa 100' ! THE DALLY BEE COUNCIL llf.lJl'1'3. NO. ia I'KAiii. STiir.r.r. by currier to uny part of the nltr- H. W. TII.TON Mnnftgor. ri'liVi'jr'Q Hii tni" Ofllro No. 43 TU'KIIIO > " J ' ' 91 Night K-Jltor No. 23 fll.\Utl Jlff..M'iO.V. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Uoston Ktoro for sun umbrellas. Mtltonbergcr Is the h.Mter. 602 liro.itlw.iy. Thu Mayno Heal tntcCo.G21 Uroadway. July HI is last day to jay water ront. Onieo oiion Saturday and Monday evenings. A meeting of the sncrotarles of Young Men's Christian associations Is to bo hold at ll ( i Oak today , fully HiilM will give ft social at the homo of Mra. Hwnn , 714 I'rrln avcnuo. A musical I > roirram has been prepared. ( lolden Hod camp No. 1 , Itoyal Neighbors , will meet with Mrs. Henncssy this , Friday evening , at HID Seventh avenue. A marrlatro llcenso was Issued yesterday to John .lones of Council Hluffs and Ida H. Turner of Modalo , aged IW and V3. ! They were married by .lustlco VIcn. Harriett , wife of W. J. Cook , died yesterday - day of dropsyTagcd 5i ( ycar.s. after an Illness of ten days. The funeral will take place to morrow morning from the family residence in Garner township. W. S. Kcollno has cone to Chicago to look nftcr his son , who has run away. The miss ing boy Is the same ono who loft homo and mnilirmi ocean voyngo of two years before letting his parents know anything of his whereabouts. The management of Manhattan bcnoh pro Tided a line entertainment for their patrons "Wednesday night In Urn shape of a concert by the Sutorlus Mandolin club of Omaha. The beach was thronged with pleasure-seek ers and the concert wtis highly enjoyed. William Crisi will complete his sentence In the state penitentiary at Fort Madison next Sunday antl will leave for his homo hero at that time. Ho has made a good rec ord as a prisoner , nnrt has announced his In tention of behaving himself In the future so OB not to have to go back. Manager li. F. Clark of the Grand hotel rocelvod a telrgr.im yesterday from Messrs. Ilm.li it Tabor of Denver , authorizing him to deny the report which has been circulating freely antl has gotten Into the telegraphic dispatches that the lit-own 1'alaco hotel of that city Is to be closetl up. The llrst report that was sent out with reference to tlio burning of Robert Hudatz's meat market on lOast Uroadway was lncor < rect. it was the barn that burned , but the marlcot , which was some little distance away , escaped injury. Mr. Iludatz thinks the blaze was caused by some small boys that have been loatluc about In the viclnlti and making themselves a nuisance generally Wllllo Henry autl Hugh Sllcott , two smal boys , went out Into the woods east of the city Wednesday afternoon to gather straw berries and walnuts. Young Henry cllmhci to the top of a tall tree and whllo ho was Illling his pill with the luscious berries that grew there the limo on which ho sat broke and ho was thrown to the ground about forty feet below , lie was knocked senseless b.\ the fall , but llnally managed to get up ant w.tlk home with the assistance of his com panion. J. liecdor was given a hearing ycsterdaj afternoon before Justice Vlen on the charge of assault with intent to commit murder Thcro wcro no witnesses on baud who coul swear that they had seen the knife n Keedor's hands with which Olllcer Wiat was stabbed , but It was shown by the test ! inony of three witnesses that ho had been ii the crowd and an active member. lie was accordingly beiind over to the grand Jury mid his bond for appearance was llxed at f.'iOO. Murphy , his companion , was dis charged for lack of evidence. Maim wit Itultuiiy. Trains leave Broadway at 9 and 11 a. jn. and nt 1 o'oloek p. in. , and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:110 : at night. Last train leaves Manawfi for Council lihill'.H at 11:55 : p. in. Thu Cfiinil Hotel , Council BlulTs. The moil elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor. Unto , $ o.OO antl $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark , Prop. Doincstio soap is the best. I'KltSOX.ll * I'.llt.Kllt.ll'HU. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo M. Gould have re turned from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Williams returned yesterday from Col fax. T..I. Kvans and family loft last evening for an outing at Okobojl. A. W. Street of Ormcnt , Fin. , Is In the city visiting his old friends. 1'rof. Kdwin Southwick and family are Visiting relatives In Carroll. Miss Sadie Davis is visiting her sister , Mrs. Hollenbcck , in DCS Moines. Miss Laura Fllckingcr left last evening for Wlnthrop , la. , to visit her motheV. Mr. and Airs. R K. Hart will leave for a four wool's visit to Chicago early next weok. Miss Winnie Crofts , who visited friends in the city for a week , has returned to her homo In llea trice. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Waite , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hlxbv and Nud and Fred Kmpklo have returned from Chicago. ICdwlu Walters has returned from Chicago cage , but will go back next week. Ho will move to this city "about September 1. Dr. Sarah Smith returned yesterday from Chicago , where she has been devoting a mouth to the wonders ot the Whlto City. Mrs. I * Harris of Council Hluffs is enter taining her brother and sister , Mr. ami Miss Leopold , from Now York City. They have just returned from Chicago. T Miss Maud Hryant has almost recovered from her recent serious accident on the motor line ami will resume her old place In the Kock Island oftlccs September 1. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. True returned ycsto'- day morning from the World's fair. They were accompanied by Miss Hell of Ashland , Neb , , who will visit Mrs. True awhile before going home. Miss IClsIo Ilnnii has returned homo from a nix weeks trip to Canada and the World's fair , accompanied by bur sister. Miss ( iiissio , who has been visiting friends in ICvanston , 111. , and attending the fair. Tlioro i nothing in tills country like the fruit kept in Wheeler , Herold & CO.'H cold storage. No matter what the weather is it reached the customer in perfect condition. Another car load of ioiuoiiH was put in Saturday. The best building wind in the market hy carload. Address N. Schur/ , Ill llahl- win liloek , Council LHulTs , la. Abk your grocer for Doincstio soap. C'riKHlllRT thi > l.ilKo lor it NlcUrl. The recent notion of the management of Manawa In putting on a ! W-cent ) rate for a round trip to Manhattan beach from Omaha has resulted In giving what amounts to a .V jfcnt rate acnm the lake. Thu tickets. * \vldch are sold by motor conductors for , ' 10 cents provide on their face that the holder Bhall bo allowed to ride across the lake for 5 rents any tlnio during thn season , instead of 10 cents , which is the nominal rate. There Is no coupon attachment , and the holder of the ticket simply has to show it to the conductor on the boat and hand In his nickel. Tlio consequence Is that ono : UI-cent ticket can be made to last during the entire season and can bo used for 600 trips across the lake Just UB well ns for one. The : < 0-ceiit rate was adopted mainly for the benefit of Omaha ii.itrons , and most of the Council Dluffs vis itors at the lake have not yet become aware of the tremendous legibilities for savintr 10 rents per night that is afforded by thu new onler of things. Oulto , a number of tto cnt tlckctH have boon sold , however , ami are Di'lug used industriously every night. Groonshiohlu , Nicholson it Co. , real estatoaml rental , ( K)0Uroadway. ) Tel.151. Another improvement to the popular Behuhort piano. Swnnson Musio Co. Smoke T. D. King & Go's Partagas. Domestic soup outlasts cucup soap \E\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Efforts Made to Settle the Tux Oats Against the Union 1'aoifio Company , CAPTAIN SCRIBMER MAKES AN OFFER C ( i n nty Trcnsurcr Hood Ilcfu d to Accept Ilio I'lln iif ( Ircptihnckt Tondcrei ) Thorr In Only n mtlor- euceorsllS.OU. Captain Scrlbncr of Omaha , tax fiRcnt of the Union Pacific Hallway company , paid a visit to County Treasurer Reed yesterday afternoon for the purpose of talking over the tax.rtucstlon which has been brought Into so much prominence of late by the action of the treasurer In solzlnjr fifteen of the big engines that tin ) company has been using lu its dally business. The treasurer has posted notices to the effect that unless the taxes are paid prior to August It the engines will on that day bo offered for Bale and the Kcncr.il public will bo enabled to lay In a stock of locomo tives for full consumption at very reasonable rate * . Tim visit of the tax apent was for tlio purpose of making the treasurer n tender of the amount of taxes duo , together with the penalty Unit bus accrued slneo IVJl. Ho refused , however , to pay the costs of the salMiro. The law provides that In case of sehuro thu delinquent shall bo liable for the pay ment of n ft per cent penalty , which amounts to MOI.'JI. In addition to this the treasurer was to an expense of JM for assistants and this amount was also reckoned Into mane the total sum due. The taxes , Interest and penalties amounted to SStKI.B. and Captain Scrlbncr was willing to pay S1U. ' . ' . " > inoro than that toward the expenses In order to make In even money. Ho counted out f.H.KKl In bills which matlo a pt'.o about two feet high and allowed the treasurer's eyes to talto It In from suvoral points of observation for a oouplu of minutes. Much as it hurt him , Heed said he couldn't take It unless Sorlbner would plank down the other JHS.O'J. ' To this HcHbnor demurred , and so the proceedings had to bo docl.iml olT. Keed is rather confident , however , that the company will climb down the ladder as gracefully as possible within the next few days , for every tnovo that is made toward the llnal confiscation of the company's property piles up the costs , which will have to conio at las ; out of the proceeds of the sain of the locomotives. - i > ii.\viii : .v MA11 , TKAIN : HlocMlthlrnly ICIrhnnl Jenkins Wanted to \ Viillct \ tioru Knt'O Deep. Deputy United Stales Marshal Ulcliards arrived m the city yesterday with Kit-hard Jenkins In his custody , the prisoner being wanted to answer to the charge of delaying a fast mail train. Jenkins was In Council HlutTs last Friday , on his way to the east from Loadvlllo , where ho had been working. I.Ike ninny more of the "Colorado sufferers , " ho displayed a good ( leal moro anxiety to llnd out Just what prohibition red-nyo tasted like when taken in largo quantities than to llnd work. After bowling up to a considerable extent , ho iniulo his uneven way to the Hurllngton yards , whore ho announced his intention of going out of town on thu llrst train , no mat ter whether this conductor wanted to honor his tic pass with a seat in the 1'ullm.ui car or not. Ho made the announcement with a wealth of fervid , but not beautiful , language , and said that ho would kill any conductor who opposed him and walk in his gore. gore.Ho managed to get on board the train and rode for some distance before being discov ered. When ho was finally found ho picked up a club and chased the brakeman into the cab. A pitched battle ensued , and as Jenkins was as big as four of the brakemen the latter did not take mucn pains to convince the unruly passenger that , the man who ran the road "did not have to use a club. Another man , a pal of Jenkins' . , was on the bayk end of the tender armed with n coupling pin , prepared to slaughter any one that happened to conio his way. Uy moans of a gun the two fellows were compelled to alight from the train , promising to stay off. As soon as the train started they hopped on again and the operation had to bo repeated. In all they delayed the train about ten minutes , and the probability is that Judge Woolson will see that Jenkins is rewarded with a liberal term in the state penitentiary. The other fellow , whoso imino is G.V. . Mai- lory , has disappeared , but the United States olllccrs nro after him. The affair took place at Iliteinan , a small station on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road , about three miles from Albia. While ho was in Kichard's custody Jenkins stated that there were six men he would like to kill. A SKNwATION. Corpno tlmt UufiMml to Ho Inter- vimvt'il hy thn Police1. Jo\vis Lovoll , a man who lives on Upper Lincoln avenue , telephoned to City Marshal Temploton yesterday morning and stated that there was the making of a horrible sensation In a litllo house Just two doors from hia home. An old woman had been living there , but she was missing. Groans and muffled cries for help had been hoard by thu neighbors during the night and he was certain that if a search were made some thing would bo found which would freeze the marshal's young blood and harrow up his soul. Deputy Marshal Fowler' responded to the summons , and when ho arrived at the place mentioned found a crowd of about fifty neighbors , each ono anxiously waiting to ho the tirst one to run in case anything too horrible riblo should bo found. There ilid not seem to bo any groans on tap , and an invcutlgntion of thooulsuloof thu bulldimr failed to show anything that was not strictly as It Hhould bo. The door was thorn broken open and the spectators were given an opportunity to go inside and Interview the mangled corpse , nut there was no corpse there , and every thing was In good order. It appeared to bo a case of overheated imagination , and although the materials for a sensation were thcro , the sensation was wofully stolled | In the making. Inrtiiranro .Mini Frank Stacy'a young man who has been the junior member of the linn of James Stacy , has loft the city and his relatives and friends claim not to know whcro ho Is. Ho has been missing for a IJttlo over a week , but nothing was said about it in the hope that ho would return In a day or two. Thiv way matters stand now , however , there seems to bo but little probability of his returning turning at all. Judge \V. C. James , who started the young man up In business by taking him Into partnership , stated yester day that Just before leaving , Stacy removed I all thu papers of the linn from the desk In I the ofllco to some place unknown , and hu ordered the linn mall sent to HOIIIO place which the | K > stal authorities rcfuso to divulge. Ho left no word with his partner as to his Intentions. Juik'o James thinks he has held back quite a sum of money that belonged to the firm , but Just how much it Is hard to toll , from the fact that there Is no way of lulling how much ho collected until the receipts are brought to the surface In thu hands of the patrons of the company. Ho knows of about f 100 of the linn money that Ktaoy checked I out for his own uso. The missing young man buiongcd to one of the host families of Council HIuT3 ( , und his friends cannot believe - lievo that ho has oeon guilty of any wrong doing , Ho was a member of ono of the prominent church choirs of the city. Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail coul. 1 { amoved from 10 Pearl to 311'earl street , Grand Hotel building. Domestic soap is the best. riiimoiiioiiu ! Train. Ono of the most remarkable trains that ever came into Council Uluffa rolled In on the Hook Island road lust evening , It com prised tifteen cars loaded to the very tops with wagon boards , the product of ono factory In an lllltutis town , and consigned to ona of the big agricultural Implement houses in thU city. The boards would make a side walk three feel wide and loug enoughto reach half way i\cro 1'ottntvattnmlu county , and thin county Is nearly hnlf as tilij A * KnKland. This Indicates the stupendous character of the Agricultural Implement buslnrsi In Council Hluffv Ti of threshing machines and re are common enough , but when It U neecMnry to bring In one llttlo article like this i In tralnload * to supply the demands of ono house It elvc * A graphic Idea of the extent of the buslneM. General Agent J. A. Hoff accompanied the train the entire distance and made use of every effort to make the passage of the train an event. U made a daylight run across the two states and got Into Council llluffs on exact schedule tlnio. t'lt'KIMt I'T ' U'.Vrr.U. Sorcrnl llnftkcMtnl nl the Mlxonrl IMvcr llntttri ! I'p tor AnnlyftU. City 1'hyslclan M.lcrno , Chairman White of the city council water committee , Chief Nicholson of the llro department , and Man ager HarL of the water works company , made a tour of the city yesterday afternoon for the purpose of picking up a few speci mens of the city water to bo carted off to DCS Monies and submitted to the state chemist for analysis. The specimens were taken from hydrants on Nineteenth avenue , Kighth street , Scott street and nt the Chlldern factory , these hydrants standing on what are known as "dead ends" of the water system , whrro the water stands a long time In the pipes. In addition to these , specimens were also taken from the river and from the water works reservoirs. They will bo bottled up and sent to Ues Molncs today. Williamson V CK. 100 Main street , largest and be--st bicycle stock in city. Slop nt the Ogdcn. Council Blults , to botis-e In towa. Selling Illiuinr 'I'lrkoU. The furniture that , Is now In use In the Grand hotel has been sold and is to bo taken out on the .1th of next month. For some time n.ist there has boon some llttlo uncer tainty as to whether It would continue under its present management nftcr that time. A number of the business men of the city called on Manager Clark and oiTered to make up a purse of $ lr > ( ll ; for him on condition that ho would consent to retain the management for another year , but Mr. Clark refused to accept anything In the way of a bonus. Ho stated , however , that If the clti/.ens would club together and purchase 1.000 dinner tickets , to bo used any time during the year , it would n ? very acceptable. A bargain is now pending between Mr. Clark and the Pennsylvania Mutual Insurance company , which owns the buildimr , anil whether or not it will Do made depends largely on whether this proposition is accepted. A committee of the citizens has the matter In charge and U making a canvass. Mr. Clark has madu a thorough success of the estab lishment since he has had charge of it and it is hoped that ho can bn prevailed upon to continue at its head. The indications are good at present. - Cook yoi " meals this summer on a gas range At cost at the Gas company. ABTHUK'S TASTE IM DECOUATION Tlin Itliin I'arlcir lit tlio U'liltu Homo lift a Outer ol Ills Skill. If the walls of the state dining room had voice they could tell of a little inci dent in tlio Arthur administration that lias never been made public. If it proves anything at all , it is that a man can change his mind with all the eaue sup posed tu bo the sole prerogative of woman. I'resident Arthur's personal taste in matter of decoration , writes Kate Field , was excellent , as many portions of the executive mansion altered under his di rection bear evidence at the present day. The Blue parlor , as ( 'ecu- rated during his occupancy , pre sented decidedly the handsomest appearance it has over done. At the time when that room , in common with the others on the lirst lloor , was being decorated , tlio president , ono evening at dinner , promised one of his guests that to her ho would entrust the important matter of soleotiiig thu decorations of the state dining room. The order had been given to a New York lirm , but the selection of material and colors was left to the lady , who forthwith posted olt to Now York" for that purpose. The president gave the matter no further attention until ho was called in to inspect tlio completed contract. Then came the order from the president to undo without delay the entire decora tions of Uio room. Subsequently , when they had boon exchanged for others se lected by the nresident himself , ho made a polite apology to tlio lady , declaring the change arose from no lack of taste on her part , but simply that tho.final olTcct was not sulllciontly handsome to bo in keeping witli the dignity of tlio apartment. CoxcoilO , IsVIL , July 27. Senator Chandler , in an open letter to tlio bar association , prefers charges against ( Jniot Justice Duo und As'sociuto Jus tice Smith , Clark , Blodgott and Car penter of tlio Hiiprcme court , for the al leged palpable error and erroneous opin ion adverse to tlio rights of the people in the Concord railroad , which opinion lias been rendered to.tho house ot represen tatives. Ho demands an investigation , and if proven , demands tiio judges bo driven from their places. ! < tor , li el < son 11'in Arrived. NKW Vouil , July 127. Peter Jackson arrived yesterday in the best of health. Ho loft for Chicago in the afternoon with 1'arson Darius. E.ITIIRU i < uitiv.iar.v. riiundmStorniH Will rroriill und It Will Hit Cooler in NHirmkii Ted ly. WASIIIKOTON , July 'J7. Forecasts for Fri day : For NohrasUa Thunder storms ; cooler in central ami western portion ; southerly winds. For Iowa Thunder storms ; warmer dur- liitf the day , cooler Saturday mornlnir ; south erly winds , liliuiiRlnK to westerly by'night. For South O.ikota Thunder storms In eastern portion , followed bv fair weather ; cooler In western portion ; variable winds , shifting to northwesterly. I.iieal ICeeiinl. OrncBor Tin : WKATIICH HUHBAU. OMAHA , July'J7. Omaha rccor.t of temperature and rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years : \ 1803.1892. 1801. 1800. .Maximum temporaluro. 7'js U7o 7io ( yijo .Mhiliunm tuinpuraturo. . Oio 700 C03 ( ino A\orairu tnnipiirutiiro. . . 7'J3 H03 08O 703 1'rorlpllallon 3'J .00 .01 .00 Statement showing the condition of tcm- poraturo and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , Ib'.U : Normal lompuraturo 70O Dollelency for the day 40 Di'fleleney hluco .March 1 227O Normal precipitation 14 Inch Kwuti for llio ilny IHlnch Duflcloncy blnco March 1 ' . 1.70 Inch lU'piirln from Other I'uiiilg lit H "T" inillvatvH trace. L K. Ht'NT , Local Korccabt Oniclul. Bulloou tonight and tomorrow ova. HIS AFFAIRS INBAD SHAPE i . Warden MoMUJan of-'tho Fort Madison Penitentiary to Bo'Suspsnded , i jn' ! r t HOW THE COMMITTEE F6UND HIS ACCOUNTS SoTcr.il Hundred ItolluM Cnnnnt Ho l.o- cntcil , Wlilln the Olllror In Suld to llrtto U < od Mtute I'linda I'rrrly. DCS MOIXES , July 87. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hen. | The suspension of Warden McMillan of the Fort Madison penitentiary for misappropriation of funds 'Is now Inevi table. The report of tho.spcclal committee npnointcd to Investigate the charges against the management of the Fort Madison and Anamosa penitentiaries was madu public today In regard to the 1-ort Madison prison. The report on the Anamosa prison was made some tlmu ago , exonerating In nearly every particular Warden Maudcn's admin istration , but attachlmr blamn to Chief Clerk Galbralth , who has slnco resigned. In respect to the Fort Madison prison , the committee llnds that Warden McMillan has received the sum of about ? 1,1SS which ho has so far been unable or unwilling to ac count for. It also tlmls that the warden and Clerk Huttorllold are Interested In the Indlanola , Nob. , Paint and Ochre company , and have clven the company contracts In direct violation of the law. It also finds that the warden has on several occasions Hied the state funds to the extent of $1,100 for . private purposes and It also llnds that the vouchers are unsatisfactory , though It cannot say the state has suffered loss lit this direction. ( I There is also a discrepancy In the surplus guard fund which the warden Is unable ; to fully explain , saying that ho never expected to bo called upon for an au'counting of the same. The charges in regard to dis cipline and other inantycmont of the prison the committee llnds were not sustained. The matter was referred to the attorney general and , after rovlewing the report and the law , ho comes to the conclusion that the governor could not do otherwise than sus pend the warden , which will probably bo done shortly. The governor went to Fort Madison today to confer with the warden , who has made a written defense and depos ited a sufficient sum to reimburse the state for ally-losses that may have occurred. The warden claims that misappropriation , if any has occurred , has been wholly unintentional on his part. It is prob.iblo tint a democratic successor to Warden McMillan will bo ap pointed , Ho IIiiHii't Itccu .snen slnro. WEST Usios , la. , July 'J7. Thoqulet town ship of Windsor , Fayetto county , comes for ward with a startling sensation , The llrst part of the episode dates back two months and the _ scene was Canada. ICd Palmer , single , was altogether too intimate with the wife of a friend ! The pair were occupying a house ono night when a crowd surrounded the dwelling and pelted It with rocks. Under cover of darltness or through the cellar the pair escaped and camo-to Windsor , where the woman has relatives. Thcro they lived as they had in Canada. In a short time the condition of affairs be came known , anil : i few nights ago a party of men went to the home of Fay Thompson , where Palmer has boon stopping , walked in and upstairs to his room and dragged him out of bed. Taking him into a three-seated carriage , his clothes were nrouirht and ho was dressed on the road. A heated argument was had as to .vhother ho should be shot or han'ged , It being finally de cided to hang him. They stopped at n farm honso and procured a rope , but before the deed was committed one of the party softened and Induced the balance to abandon so severe a penalty. However , they took him to the center of a dcnso piece of timber , and there in the blackness of impenetrable darkness snt him on the ground , admonish ing him that if ho was over again seen in this region a rope would stretch over his head. He has not been seen since. I.lfn Termer Hid HlniHiiir. ANAMOSA , la. , July ST. Quito a little ex citement was occasioned at the penitentiary last Monday night when the count was made for the nicbt lock-up. After the count was completed it was discovered that John Wesley Klkins was missing. Alarm was at onto made and search instituted. Young Klkins was found m an old parrel in a pile of lumber , with the atmosphere hot enough to suffocate him. Ho wan taken out and put in the chains in the solitary. Wesley Elkins , it will bo remembered , began the life sentenoo when 11 years old for the crime of killing his fattier and mother while they slept , with a rifle. He is now 14 years of ago and has been ugly and unruly for several weeks. He has had an easy job of it heretofore , but from tills on will bo set to cutting stono. Ho is a bad boy and docs not regret committing the crime for which ho is imprisoned. I'ayliiK for Cyclone Ditina i1. Four DODCIB , In. , July 27. [ Special Tele- pram to Tim HUB. ] Over 100 people have Hied properly authenticated claims for dam ages before the relief committee at Pom- croy. The treasurer commenced paying these today. All payments will bo made in part , as It seems extremely dubious that a sufficient amount will bo raised to pay the claims in full. The committee has received something over $40,000. The exact losses that should be reimbursed will foot up to about three times thin amount. The com mittee Is sifting claims very carefully and quite a number have been readjusted , The work of building houses is going on rapidly and the town Is getting into habitable shape once moro. The wounded are doing well. Contributions , and liberal ones , are still badly needed. KintioUi WorUofiiu ICinhc'7/.ler. Siot'x CITV , July 27. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hisn. ] Two years ago Ktigeno D. Pen- nock , formerly a Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul conductor , came to this city as agent for the /Ktna Life company of Hartford. Ho defrauded the company und his bondsmen by returning $1,000 policies as $10.000 and $2,000 policies as $20,000 , and when discovered Hod to Mexico. Six months ago newspaper clip , pings were received hero giving an account of his death from yellow fover. Last night ho was seen at Manilla , la. , by half a dozen railroad men who know him , but got away before ofltrors could got to him. U Is cer tain that his death notice was of Ins own Invention , and that his object was to throw Ills pursuers off the track so that he could re turn hero. Will ll l | > IIMVII c'riipi. CAK&O.V , In. , July. ST. [ Special to TUB DEB. ] A line rain this .morning will go far toivard insuring the torn crop. The oat crop Is vorv light on account of rust , much of it being loft unfcul. , Winter wheat is threshing out thlrt/bushcls and over of lino' grain to the acre. The hay crop is the best over raised hero and is nearly all secured In good condition. I'uniHlo lor u TlilL'f < ; uptiir < Ml. Sioux CITV , July ai. [ Special Toloirram to Tnu HEIS.J Miss Nun Hoyt , a 1'J-year-old girl , was locked up 'hero for horse stealing today. A. week ngo'slia stole a horse and phaeton from a lvV | ry barn and drove to Huron , S. D. , a dlstarico of 200 miles , before she was captured. Her home is In Topeka , Kan , Kim Down l > y mi Klrctrlo Car. DAVE.STOHT , la. , July 27. [ Special Tele gram to ' 1 in : BEE. ] Mrs. George P. Crecelius was run down by an electric street car this afternoon and killed. Balloon about 7:15 : tonight. Mahnnijuli Tultul 11 mi ; a ICIIU Hlnnolr. BHINDISI , July 27. The Maharajah Tnital Brufii , 10 yearH old , committed Hiiiulde by poison on hin arrival huro by steamer. It is mipjHigud the cause of the deed waa the thuft of u casket contain * ing his jewela aud money. Senator llfcUulth Muy Itcilpn. CHKYKNNI : , July 27. It Is currently reported that United Stutea Senator A. C. Heckwith hau or IB about to tender his resignation. Governor Osborno will not talk on the subject. Rumor has it hat Mi' , Ucokwlth run ! the govtunor Imvo ihtToreil regarding federal appoint- nonts. BIO BUIIOLAKIES. t Titkrt ltr. tn to Hull nnil itt < cut Thorn. Very few people have an idea of the umiunso amount of labor , forethought and svlcntitlu skill brought to bear on n big burglary. The first thing necessary is to Hurt a house containing sullleieut valuables to repay the trouble ami risk , and this llrst step alone may take many weeks. Let it IMS understood that only the lighest class of export bnrghira nro nennt ; men with c.unfortnblo banking accounts and houses of their own , and who. after reducing risk to a minimum by elaborate plans , acquire enough in ono night to keep them in utllucnce and eminent respectability for mure thniua year , although having but a third share , as these burglaries are Invariably v .vorked . by three. To illustrate the wonderful resource und leisurely way of proceeding adopted by burglars , take a ease related by a 'imminent detective , savs the Cincinnati Joimnorcinl. The principal of the burglars in this Instance , having llxed on n certain house , was unable to ac- inlro sulliclont inforiniitinii concerning It and the owners. This mun then went to the local butcher supplying the house mil applied tor a situation as driver of : > no of his carts which delivered meat at customers' residences. After producing unquestionable references ( how obtained no ono ever knew ) the man was engaged on the round , which included the house fixed upon. Incredible as It may appear , ho stayed with his emphu'or for over seven months , " and gave tho" utmost satisfaction ; his only failing being a weakness for chat ting with the servants. I ivo days after his resignation a gi gantic burglary was etToctcd at the house selected , and property v.ilned at over SliO.OOO was stolen. The thieves had smoked several cigars and drunk a bottle tle of port , so that they wore in no hurry , and to crown all , the bioty WHS convoyed to its destination in the owner's pony phaeton , which was duly returned the bame night , but no real clew wus afforded , and the burglars were never captured. On another occasion a chambermaid was escorted out , with a view to matri mony ( and burglary ) for two months be fore the event came oil. A conveyance is always at hand , and generally of styl ish appeareiico ; in fact , on one occasion a brougham was used , which the passcrsby and even the- policeman on i the beat imagined was thu property of i one of the residents close by. 1 As regards tools , very few are ncccs- sary , owing to the skill and ingenuity of the operator. With a jimmy , spreader , drill , a few pieces of strong bunt wire and a little gunpowder , the export burg lar can make liis way anywhere. To these are sometimes added a set of "stumblers. " These are lengths of line steel wire , with pointed stakes about a foot long attached to each end , and half a du/.en of those make but little bulk. ' These stumblors arolixed on the lawn or paths about the house in sueli a way that the wires are raised about six inches ; from the ground , and prove such a suc cess in case of pursuit , that the burglars ; are compelled to liany ; pieces of white | paper from the wires in order that they may escape their own traps , as they always run over them. WHAT A MAN SAYS. Milscllllno "Dan'tft" Keiimtidlng rcmlnltio Attention. Don't bate other women so. Think of the way yon look at one another on the street. Don't keep all your politeness for us. Don't keep "smoothing the wrinkles out of your waist. A few wrinkles will keep yon from looking hideously smooth , like a fashion plate. Don't have your skirt badly fastened at the back so that your underskirt be comes visible. You can't see this , and L no woman seems to tell you. Don't get oil the car with your back to the horses. Men get a great deal of u n out of your persistency in doing this , I but you are not bound to amuse them. * Don't stand at the door of a street ear and worry some man near at hand into giving yon a seat when there are empty seats at the head of the car. You all do this. this.Don't Don't leayo your handkerchief and ppcketbook in your lap when you are riding in a street car. Some man will pick them up for you as you are pasbing out , but they will get muddy. Don't try to have a long waist. For .1,000 years the artists the professors and conservators of beauty have been saying that a short waist is moro beauti ful. At least please take the hint. Don't wait until you got in front of a ticket ollico window before taking out your pockotbook. The wives of the eight men who are patiently waiting the opportunity to buy tickets are wondering why they are so late at home. Cut Ilio llluei. A Kentuckian , who is a patient in a hospital in that state , is as blue as a new stovepipe from the top of his head to the bottom uf his feet. His linger nails are blue , the wnites of his oyesarobluo , his lips are blue , and so is his tongue , and altogether ho is the bluest man in America. The doc tors say that the dis coloration is caused by nitrate of silver poisoning. Asbridgp for years has been subject to epileptic Ills , and took great quantities of nitrate of silver in order to ward them oil. This was gradually deposited in the skin , and on exposure to light turned a blackish sort ot blue , just the way it does on a photographer's plate. ALL MAY SERVE THEIR TIM Receivers of Nebraska Land Offices Not U ) Bo Removed. DEMOCRATS ANXIOUS 70 MAKE CHANGES ( Inoil nnil Sitnirlcnt Cntmo .Must Ho Ail * riinuoil In Knoll Cn < llnturo Action Wilt Ito THUmi To nnl WASUIXOTON UUHKAU or Tm : NEB , ) filil Hu-'UTBifstn StHnn , > / WASIIINOIOX , July 27. I Secretary Smith is expected to return to Washington August 4. While there has been considerable talk about the proposed changes In the registers and receivers of land offices In Nebraska and the Nebraska democrats are urging the changes the policy of Secretary Smith will bo to allow the re publican lncumtciits to servo out the full time allowed In their commission. It this decision it Is understood the secretary is nctlnc In accord with the policy of 1'rosidont Cleveland to make no changes In these ofllcos except for < oed and sutllcient cause until the commissions oxpiro. In most cases no changes may be expected for several months yot. Nn\v for tlio Army. The following army orders wcro Issued today : Leave of nbicuco on surgeon's certlllcato of disability granted First Lloutcmiut Kvor- hard K. Hatch , ICIghteonth Infantry , May Hi , IS'.U , Department of Texas , Is extended three months. Leave of absence for one month , to take effect upon the expiration of his present leave of absence on surgeon's cortlllcato of ( liability , Is granted Major Francis li Lacey , Eighth Infantry. Captain Luther S. Ames , Second Infantry , having served over thirty years In the army , Is , on his own application , by direction of the president , retired from active service this date. Major Tulllus C. Tuppor , sixth cavalry , having been found by an army retiring board incapacitated for active service on account of disability Incident to the service , Is , by direction of the president , retired from active service this date. Two medleal pension examining boards were announced for Iowa todav : Creseo , lrs. C. D. Hoomo , J. A. Harnettand II. C. Price ; Bedford , W. F. Sturidur , J. P. Stamlley and J. W. Heauchamp. Acting Secretary of the Interior Sims today nilinne.tl the ruling of Land Commis- slouer I/imoreaux in the case of Hadford against i Doyle , Watertovvn , S. U. . land ills- trict. Hadford , the plaintiff , Hied a contest on ' a timber culture entry for the northeast quarter ! section 10 , township 114 , r.ingo-IS. This was dismissed by the local officials and , on appeal , sustained by the commissioner. P. S. II. 9 TENDERLOIN REJUV.ENATOR. An Appllrnllnn fur the Mnn About Town When Hu N Tired. Two frequenters of tlio Tenderloin dis trict walked unsteadily along Upper Uroadway on Friday iiftornoon , bays the Now York Sun. They were both well drosbed , but tlioy showed tlio effects of too much jubilation. Tlio face of one of the nion was marred by a stubby two days growth of brown beard , and lie lookud tirod. Ho leaned heavily on the arm of bis friend. "You'ro all right , " Paid tlio latter. "Just stop in hero and 13ob willr ejuve- nato you in a jilTy. " They turned into a barber shop In Sixtli nvcnuo. The boss barber stood 1 leaning against a shaving chair. ' 'Hero , Bob , " said the sober man about town , "givo my friend a tenderloin ro- juveinitor. He's been up the bolter part of two nights and needs it."j Tlio tired mail about town sank wear ily into the boss barber's chair. "I'll fix you all right , " tlio latter said choorily. ' 'You wont know yourself iln i twenty minutes. " The boss harbor i soaked two towels in ice water for two minutes , while the tired customer lay in the chair. Then ho wrim ? the towels out and bound ono over the tired man's forehead and folded the other and placed it under his head at the base of the brain. "You can go to sleep now if you want Is the liost lllnnd Medicine , hcr.iuse ltns l > ls iiiitiiru to llirmv elf the im purities of tlio blond , and nt the same ) tlnio tones up tlio entlro organism. This Is jtin J contrary to thocllcctof thuiirluns potnsli , mer cury , H.irRaparill.i inixtunjs , which hottlu tip tlio Impurities lu the system , thus producing much sickness and tufTuring. 1'huiufoic , fora BLOOD MEDICINE you cannot do better than talco S. P. S. "As a physician , 1 ha\o prescribed and need , S. S. S. In mv practice as a tonic , and for blood troubles , and have been very Kiicccsbful. I never tired : i remedy \Uilch travo fiuch general satisfac tion to inytelf and patients. " J , . Jl. Htrciiv , M. 1) . , Macliey , Ind. " TrcaMso on blood nmliik'n diseases mailed free , BW1FT SMXUiaC CO. , . .Ulanta. Ua. l. . " thr > IMS barber until , "I'll tend to all the rest. " The tired oustomor closed his oycs anil did go to sloop within two minute.1 * . The boss harbor lathered his face as ho slumbered ami slnxvi'd him skillfully. Ho changed the iced towels every flvo minutes whllo the customer slept. Tlio jiroi-ossof shaving took a llttlo ever ten minutes , but thoK \ > * barber lot the customer slumber on for nearly hnlf an hour , renewing the towels. Tlii-n ho woke him up , took off the ileotl towel * , and dressoil Ills hair and nnnointed it with bay rum. The custonu-r looked surprised as ho arose from tlio chair and gum ! at himself in tlio mirror. His headache had gouo , and ho looked i-liip- per and neat. "Uy jove ! " said ho , "that's simply great. How much is tlio billy" "Half a dollar , " said the boss harbor. , , That is the regular charge for the ro- juvenator. " The two mon about town went out arm in arm to got something to oat. "Lots of men who are given to racket ing ciunu in hero and have that process applied to thorn , " the boss barber said. "It is a pleasant way of getting over the bad olToots of a night with the l > oy . The best thing about it , you see , is that you can bo cured whllo you go to sleep In the barber chair. That's a great deal hotter - tor than dosing yourself with bromldos or liver pills or other drugs. It is sim ply tlio cold wntor cure for a jag agreeably - ably applied. Nobody kicks on the half dollar fee , for it is understood that it takes tiiuo and that a barber's time is valuable. " Sclr.liiK Mnpt of Mlnm. TAKIS. July 27. Tlio police of this oity , by order of the government , are soi/.tug cheap maps of Slam , which are otTored for Mile on the boulevards , aud which represent tlio Siamese frontier in no- cordunco with Knglish ideas. Doiitli of ( Imirnil .1Htrc.ui. Ct.KVtu.Axn , July 27. General OoorgcV. . Morgan , who was the only surviving general of the Mexican war , died yesterday at Fortress Monro , whcro he had gone from his homo in Mount Yemen for his health. Nwdrd u\IIHK | : * . Hrownunr , King & Oo.'s Monthly Col lector -Mr. Cutaway says your bill has been running nearly eleven months and he wants to know what you are going to do about It ( ! . W. .Siowb , > y Tell him I think I'll lot it stand awhile for a change. It Curci Colds , Coughs. Sore Throat , Croup , InBu. enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchltii and Aithina. A certain euro for Coniumptlun In lint itagci , anil a lure relief in advanced ctaget. Vie at once. You will ice the excellent ett'ect fter Ukinj th first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Ltrgt tinttlei60 * - " -s " rn ims A Rainhi'i(1iJp' At < ( ) rnny'lt'l'lw ! I'mr- iOlillb < DallllJl . X lUge , ! , „ I , , the stale and federal courts. Itooius 20G-7-H-D. Shugart : block , Council HI it Its , la. Special ! Notices. COUNCIL BLUFFS : ' . . A IISTHACTS an < l lu.iim. J'.irni anil city property - jVinuiil ) ! anil buUl. I'tmuy .V. Thuuiau , Council / i AKltAGK removed , eeHHpuolH , vaullM , ehhimnyA' vJcleaiied. KU Ilurltu , at T.iylur'a t-rocury , 61J Uroaihvay. l OIl KXCIIANRK , nlen lot on bottom fur IIOMI I -L nmt butfyy. ( iroennliUlilM , NltihuNou .V Co. 1/Olt SAI.K l''lr t-uliHH : n-Htanrant. well lo- J uated anilvllh uHtahllhlieil lr.uk' . Inqulro at Due ullleiCutinull llhillH. I TuniT FAHMS Wn have Home flno bearlnir fruit > 1 farniH for H.'ili < ; alHO KOOI ! low.i f.inni ; a oliolcn 'J-lll-itoru fiinu , $ : il ! i ; r nun ) . Johnston , V Vm ; Patten. J/OH SAMat : u haiv-ilii If trikeii at once. 111.1 font hyit ( feet n I'.irk avenue , or will Hi-ll hi ' Hmuller P-'ircrlHlf ilcwlreil. II. H. ShuDfo , Ilru.nl- way and Jlaln Htix'ut. / \ AIC mid hlvkury IIUHIH for H.ilo oliunp on Oalla- I v-fifimi-'H farm. AiltlrcHH MM. UalluehurVunluu. . A N Ol'l'OllTIINITV for a lioinit. Wo havn t.iHini JVHeveral ileslraDln holmes anil lots mulor fnni cloHiireof inurttratfo that \vn will cluio out a twit ' on inoiitlily ii.iyniuiitu or for cash. Day Si Him , JJ DltVriOODS and clothlni ; . An onpurtnnlty for a irood Htni'lc at low runt. AilruHi Day .t llusi , Council IlhilfH. la. V\TANTKI > Pnrllcu with a lltlln time and capital > ' to make ami Inlioiluce patented niivcliii'H. U , J. AilaiuH , 1 IS 1'1-rln uvumiu , Council llhin H. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All lilntlsof Oyolu ; } nnil Ulunlii { done In the hl/liust style of llm nrt. Ka loil an 1 btalnod fahriui niiitlo to lool : ni Kiio.l us now. Worn promptly done and dullvorii.l In all parlH of the country. Hoa-l for prlua Inu A. MAOHAN , Proprietor. Uroadway. near .North Wiislura loot. ) | ) DON'T YOU KNOW You 6a/i buy tlio best JJt/ii y , IJhfiotons , io-es , St///cy , or any tiling in Iho lino. We invite you to call and sse our repository. All of the latest and bsst styles kept , If you want the best at the right price come and see us , or address. 1304-6-8-10 Main St , UNION TRANSFER CO. , Council Bluffs , la