THE OMAHA DAILY HHB : SATURDAY , JULY 22 , 1803 , FALCONER'S ' COST CASH SALE Eitra Special Under Cost Bargains for Satur day and Saturday Night , 55,00 , $6.00 AND $7,50 ETON SUITS S2.98 All of Onr fM.7 I'ercnle Sklrti Oo nn Kitrn Mpeclnl l.enilor Today nt 7Bo IVrSklrt All nfOnr 81. BO , 81. 7B nnil 81.00 Wiiliti do nt OHo Knell. HANDKERCHIEFS , 130. A lot of unlaundrcd pure linen , hand embroidered , initial handkerchiefs , fully worth 25c , ad a leader today 13c a piece. . , , , 25c hemstitched silk handkerchiefs ( ladles ) go at 13c each. A lot of all linen colored bordered 2c handkerchiefs go at lOc each. A lot of ladies' ' lOc and 15c handker chiefs go at fie each. , . t All of oifr 35c , 40c and 50c handker chiefs go at lOo each. GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS , 81C. 100 men's linen handkerchiefs that have boon soiling at lOc , 17c and 20c go today at 81c each , or $1.00 per dozen. The entire balance of our handker chiefs go at net cost ; you cannot miss a bargain.LADIES' LADIES' PURSES , 12C. fiOO purses , all worth 35c or more , for today as a leader for 12c each. ' f > 0o purses go at 15c. ( fie pit rues go nt 19o. 7oo purses go at 25c. Ono lot of small hand grips , worth S1.50. go at 50o. A lot of grips worth $3.00 go at 85c. CHEMISETTES 450. All our Ooc and 75e chemisettes and cults go today for 45e per sot. MEN'S ' TIES 3310 EACH. All of our fiOc , 75c and $1.00 tcck four- in-hand , Windsor ana bow tics go today 'all day and evening rit 33&c & each or 3 for $1.00. All late styles. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS $1.00. All of our $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 negli gee shirts go tuday at $1.00. Each of these are under cost bargains. Every thing elbe goes at cost. * All of our boys' 75o waists go at 50c. LAD1ES''ETON SUITS , $2.85. Wo have just 25 of these Eton suits left. Wo want to sell them all today. They have boon selling at $5.00 , $0.50 and $7.50 , your choice today $2.85 per suit. Fit guaranteed. 18 $1.75 percale skirts , to close them out today wo will sell them at 75c > All our $1.50 , $1.75 and $1.90 French lawn bongalino cord , and white India linen waists go today at OSo per waist. Remember everything is going at cost or under , so you got a bargain no matter what you buy. PARASOLS $2.77. Our entire stock of fancy parasols go today at $2.77 each. Not a shade in the lot bold at less than $0.00. APRONS AT HALF PRICE. Our stock of aprons go today at just half price ; $1.00 aprons , 506 ; $2.00 apons , $1.00 , otc. Wo have a fine stock of them. EXTRA SPECIAL , ; > T UNDER COST BARGAINS. ' - BARGAINS' | For Saturday night - . * > - * > " ONLY. * "j ' , " " „ 20 pieces of 5c prints go'atjljc per yard. Limit , 10 yardo to a customer. " GINGHAMS , 5C. - 30 pieces of best domestic ginghams worth up to 15c , ono pattern to a cus tomer tonight after 7:30 : o'clock , Do per yard. > WASH FABRICS , CJC. 40 pieces of novelty wash fabrics , worth all the way up to 20o a yard , for two hours tonight , Ojc. HAMMOCKS , 45C. The balance of our 75c hammocks go tonight at 45o each. Limit , 1 to a customer. INDIA LINEN , 8C. ! 10 pieces of hemstitched India linen , regularly sold at 25c per yard , ono pattern - torn to a customer , tonight lOc per yard. WOOL DRESS" PATTERNS , osc. 8 full yards of novelty summer dress goods , fully worth in any market 30o to 50c per yard , for today at OSc for the entire pattern. There are only 100 ol tliefeo "patterns. We will have to make the limit ono pattern to a customer to night. GENTS' TIES 5C EACH. 1,000 , men's tics , all kinds and shapes i. , Borne worth up to 50c ; none of them the very latest styles , but good enough foi every day wear ; today they all gc at 5c each. HANDKERCHIEFS GO FOR 0. Wo have about 100 do on campaigr handkerchiefs loft , which wore sold al lOc each , they go in lots of 0 to night at 5c per lot. Remember everything is at cost 01 under , so you can not miss a bargain. 50 buggy robes , worth 75c , go at 30 < each. N. B. FALCONER. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. Worlil'ii I'u i r Vmltnrs Should continue their trip to Utah am the west. The magnitude in resource and bounty of the western territory i Incomparable. Nature in creative niooc lias fashioned rock-ribbed crested peaks ever whlto with the MIOW of untoli nges and whoso hoary summit ! * scorn t < iilorco into some unknown realm beyond The grand canon * and cataracts are aw Inspiring. In the west you can llm health , wealth and happiness ; it is enlarge large sanitarium , and in best rcachci by the Rio Grande Western raihvu.v See that your tickets mid both ways vi that road whiith oilers choice of thrc dUtinct routes and the moat magnified ] Bccncry in the world. For copies < pamphlet * , etc. , write to J. II. IScnnotl Bait Lake City , U. T , 'lime Well bju'iit a week's holiday at Hot Springs , S. D best reached from Omaha by the Bui lington routes , 10:10 : a. m. , Black Hill express. Round trip tlckots at the ono way rat on bale July 15 to August 15. Throng elcoping car from Omaha dully. See the city ticket agent at 1321 Fai nam street. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. J.air Itiilf * in tliu .JVurlil' * 1'iilr "Will bo offered by the Burlington roul on'July 24. 31 and August 7. For full information inquire of tl : city ticket agent ut 1324 Furnain St. NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S BHAME. Klnpetl with nn Otnnlrn Artlut nml Then llcmordo , a pistol find ft bottle of poison ended the life of Mrs. K. S. Jacobs nt Sioux City Thursday. It was the old story of Illicit love , the forsaking of husband , homo nml friend * with n wlntlup In nn unhonorcd grave. The woman U known In Omaha , Kearney and Sioux City because of her sen- Rational olopomcnt with W..C. McCahiin , a former | > ortrnlt nrttst of this city. The has been despondent for some time. nn < J yesterday she went out on Pros pect Hill In Sioux City. Hero she took n quantity of ether and then flrod two shots Into her breast , producing death In a short time. The story of the woman's life li best told by her paramour , who unburdened himself to a reporter of the Sioux City Journal as follows : "My name Is W. C. MrCahan. I am about 2-t years old and am a portrait artist. This woman anil I have lived hero about thrco weeks as husband and wife. She Is not my wife , however. Her 11:11110 : Is Mrs. E. S. Jacobs , and her husband lives in Kearney , Neb. Ho Is a laundry.Tian and Is employed hv Smith's Kcatncy Steam Iniin * dry. I lived In Kearney about a year and a half before coming to Sioux City , and was In the portrait business there. Lust March 1 met Mrs. Jacobs while soliciting work and took an onler for her husband's portrait. Wo mot after that several times and an at tachment grow up between us. Finally I discovered that 1 had become Infatuated with her and that she was with mo. 1 need not say how long wo were Intlniato , It Is enough to say that about four weeks ago wo planned to run away from Kearney and come to Sioux City. I c.i mo by oao train nnd she b\- another and wo met here. Wo went to llvinp at MB West Third street at once and boarded at a restaurant.Vo thought a preat of each other and were very nappy together. She told mo her family story , but I have forgotten It. oven to the name of her father. Ho oneo lived In Kcar- noy and Kept a hotel there , but I do not know where ho Is now. Mrs. Jacobs had ono child , a girl , fi years old , whom she left with friends In Kearney. It was the llttlo girl's ' picture that was found with her , and the note on the hack of it was addressed to mo. " 1 know of no reason why she should have taken her life , unless through remorse or Uecuuso of a letter received this morning. Before she canio hero she arranged with a Mrs Smith , at Kearney , to keep her posted about the child's welfare. Mrs , . Sirlth's letter came this morning. It told her that It was currently reported In Kearney that she was llvitic with mo hero and that Jacobs had commenced a suit for a divorce from her and for the custody of the child. She thought much of the little girl and was planning to get her and bring her to live with us. Slio seemed to feel badly at the thought of losing the child , but at noon was as cheerful as over. I started to deliver a picture and she walked down with mo , sayinir that she was going to the library. When 1 loft her she went in to BCO Mrs. II. li. Prairie , near the corner of Sixth and Water streets , the lady Is sick. I de livered my picture and returned home. That was the last 1 si.w of her allvo. A boy came to the house and told me that she was dead. " McCahan was very nervous while toll ing the story. Ho said that ho thought this a terrible punishment for his wrong doing , but a Just ono. Ho said that ho had always led a lllo until hemet met Airs. Jacobs , and that this was his llrst great sin. Ho lived in Omaha at 1)37 ) North Twenty-fourth street , for a number of years before going to Ivearnoy , is well acquainted there , and was thcro divorced from his wife. Ho gave the names of a number of persons In Omaha who , ho said , would testify to his good character. He expressed a fear that ho would bo shot by Jacobs if ho came hero and was greatly relieved when Chief Hawman told him ho could go. A Good Tiling for Siimmrr Complnlnti. Mr. J. W. Hager. a well known merchant of Clio , Jrcdell Co. , North Carolina , cured four cases of llux with one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tnis is the most prompt und most ruccessful remedy In use for dysentery , diar- Bhcea , colic and cholera niorbus. No other medicine will take Us place or do its work in this class of diseases. U is equally valuable for children and adults. 25 and 50-cent bottles tles for sale by druggists. I'CT OIUOAGO IN YOUIl I'OCKET. Yon Cnn Do So by I'lirclmnlni ; n Copy of Mornn'n Dictionary of Glilcneo. This valuable book has received the endorsement of the World's Columbian Exposition. It also contains a handsome map of Chicago und Is the only rocog nixed and standard Guide to the World' Fair City. For sale by George E. Moran publisher , suite 213 Herald building Chicago , 111. , and by all promineSt news dealers. Price , 50o per copy. In cloth bound copies in gilt , postage paid , $1.00 each. Every portion contemplating a visit to Chicago during the World's fair should avail himself of this oppor tunity to secure a copy. o Tours In tint ( lucky .HouCtn ng. The "Scenic Line of the World , " the Denver and Rio Grande railroad , offers to tourists in Colorado , Utah and New Mexico the choicest resort.s and to the transcontinental traveler the grandest scenery. Double daily train service with through Pullman sleepers and tourists' cars between Denver and San Francisco and Los Angeles. ' . Midst I'lnij-Uml Hills. Twenty hours ride via the Burlington Route lands you at Hot Springs , S. D. , whore you can bathe in a miigniliconl plunge bath or a S30.000.00 batti house , .have choice of scores of chnrmingdrlves , enjoy the pure , rest-laden air that an al- tltudo of 3,400 feet above sea level in BUI-OS und live in a hotel which would be 3 a credit to any American city of 200,001 people. Best of all , you arc eternally cool. The Burlington Route's 10:15 : n. m train from Omaha carries a bleeping cai for the Black Hills. Reduced rate tickets on sale July 16 U August IS. City ticket ofHco , 1321 Farnam street I1AYDEN BROS , Oost Onts No Fl&nro for Saturday's Great Salo. LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE. 121-2C Silk million to Vnril I.ncn to Ynnl Ctcnr * hit ; Out l.ntlte * * WnmU nnil Suits from 8 to 1 ( > Saturday V.\o 1'cr. fume * too Ounce , Ladies'fast black cotton hose , Oo per pair. | Ladies' imported cotton hose , tans and browns only 12Jo per pair , reduced from SMe. Ladies' extra fine fast black cotton hose , only J2Jc per pair , worth iI5c. Children's cotton hose , Do per pair , worth 2 , " > e. Special sale of parasols and umbrellas tomorrow. Ladies' jersey ribbed vests only 80 each. Ladles' llslo gloves , 12c per pair , worth 2. " > e. SPECIAL SALES FOR SATURDAY. On Saturday wo will olTor a full line of ALL SILK RIBBONS : No. 2 at le per yard. No. 0 nt lie per yard , No. 7 at 5o per yard. No. 0 at "c per yard. Also a job lot of extra heavy all silk fancy ribbons , Nos. 10 and 22 , at Co per yard : former price 40o per yard. Also a job lot of fancy clastic at 2c per yard. A big job lot of ladies' linen handker chiefs , former prioo 25c ; for Saturday only lOo each. All silk Windsor ties , lOc each. But the biggest bargain over offered is our job lot white laces at le per yard. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Perfumes at lOc per ounce from 8 to 9 Saturday evening only. Florida water , largo bottles , 2oc bottle , from 7 to 9 Saturday evening only. CLEARING SALE WAISTS AND SUITS. Ladies' percale waists , worth COc , to day at 117 } c. Ladies' laundered percale waist , in striped and figured , regular price 87c , today at onlv 4i )0. Ladies' silk waista in figured and striped , worth S3.2o to 64.25 , today at only $2.25. Ladies' lawn street costumes in fig ured and fancy striped , worth $3.50 and $4.00 , vour choice nt only 81. 98. Ladies' white wrappers , worth $2.50 and $11.00 , today only ! )8c. ) CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. All summer weight goods are greatly reduced to cloto out the lines. All oufgood , strongly made , durable men's wondng pants , worth and sold all season for $1.25 now only 75c a pair. The hotter grade $2.00 pants go now for $1.25. $1.25.CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S SUITS. Wo have placed in ono lot a number of boys' suits which sold for $2.50 , $3.00 $1.00 and will make them all at $1.50 a suit for Saturday. Another lot whichcsold tor 33.00 to $1.40 at only $2.50. The fine suits which sold at $5.00 to $7.00 go Saturday for $3.50. MEN'S SUMMER WEAR. Our line of summer coats aud vests is much too largo for this season and all of them have been marked down from 30 to 40 per cent. A good coat and vest for 75c. There are nearly a dozen different cloths and makes in these garments ; all at big reductions , nAY DEN'S SACRIFICE-SALE ON BUTTEH. Wo Juivo ono hundred tubs of Separa tor creamery and country buitor that we must still regardless of cost. Very best country butter for 15c. Separator creamery must go at 17c and 1'Jc. ' Remember , every pound is guaran teed. In cheese wo are leaders. Fancy Wisconsin , full cream cheese , lOc and 12jc. Eastern process , full cream , 14c and lOc. Young America , full cream , 12c. } Brick cheese , lOc , 12c and 15c. Limberger chceso , 12jc and 15c. Swsss cheobo , 15c , I7c and 19c. Neufchatel chceso , 5c per package , and all other cheese at lowest prices. Our meat department is the largest and finest in the city and where nothing is sold only the best of goods. 2 pound cans corned beef 18c , sold all over for 25e ; 1 pound cans , lOc ; deviled ham and potted ham , 5c per can. Picnic ham , lie. California hams , 12c. Strictly sugar-cured No. 1 hams , loc. Plato corned beef , 7 jo. Compressed cooked corn beef , lOc per pound. Bologna , 5c. Dried beef , 12c. Breakfast bacon , 14c and lOc. Our motto : First class goods at lowest prices. IIAYDEN BROS. , 1) Promoters of homo industry. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. A convenient and pleasant place to ob tain luncheon , BaldulT , 1520 Farnam. Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices on hard coul. Summer delivery. c d o d ' a ao itf > f HIGH APPRECIATION , rIs For quick raising and finecakes , pastry , etc , , we recommend tote Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder in preference to all others. toh This indorsement is signed by all the officers of the Pastry Cook's Association ; also of the te United Pastry Cook's Association of New 10 York. HAUTE IN COURT. Onn DortnulnntlVho "WftR Nut Old I to ItnoiT. Stnco the holOlncof the first term of the dis trict court In thli county , young men ntidoM men , young vromon nnrt old women , have been mnilo bnrtles plnlntlft rind tlcfondnnt to law suits , butivyentcrtlny the record was broken whenMortrnscn , ft baliy boy , 10 dnjspl npor\ imnilo defendant In a $30- 000 fo oclt ) uro ult brouprit by thoMeCnRue Invcstmcntcompany ngalnst JesseIxvonnd others. \Vhllo Babr Whrtcnson knows but llttlo about the suit , II seems that U came nlmut somethinR like Uils ; Years ago I/jwo owned a lot In the vlclnltv of Tenth ami Harney streets , which ho 'sold to Nels Mortcnsen , wlio In those days a man with money In , but notdoslrlti ? to pay nil of his ready cash , ho R.tvo a mortRaRO for $30,000 , which In time passed Into the hands of the plaintiff. Heforo the debt been mo duo Mor- tcnson dlt'd. tiud thil wealth of the family went to the ( lops to such an extent that the wlfo and mother was compelled to talto her llttlo brood and move to the extreme western limits , where , by receiving aid from the county and by working at washing , she has since nuiiiaccd to eke out an existence. A short time ago the mortgage was fore closed , but before the proceedings were completed n now son and heir to the Mor- tcnscn equity appeared upon the scene and the now suit had to bo Instituted to cut the youngster out of any Interest that ho might have in-the real estate. N. I * . Mnrso'n Condition. So far there has been no effort made to se cure the $ .VK ) bond , the securing of which \7ould glvo S. V. Mor o his liberty aniJ cause him to bo released from his incarceration in the county Jail , where ho is held In accord ance wltu the terms of a mandate of the court. Yesterday morning , In talking upon the subject , Dr. Tllden , the medical member of the insjnitv commission , said that up todato the proceedings In the Morse case had all been wrong. The Jail , ho declared , was not the proper place for Air. Morse. If ho was kept there for any long period of tlmo ho was very liable to become in- sano. Tlio doctor said that Mr. Morse's mind was affected and that the most that needed was rest and qulot. If the man wore taken to some ( inlet and at tract ive retreat ho would regain his health ami strength and become himself again , but If ho were dragged through the courts ho would have to eventually go to thn asylum for the Insane. Dr. Tildcn expressed considerable surprise to think that some of the friends of Mr. Morao had not called his condition to the attention of the board. T.a Moll'n Clnlm for Divorce. In the district court John K. La Moil seeks to have a Judge interfere and grant him a bill of divorce from nis wife , Fannie , to whom ho gave his heart and hand Just one year ago last Independence day , at some llt tlo town iu Iowa , whence ho and his Fannlo Journeyed the next day , staking their tent in Omaha. The cause of John's sorrows has been brought on by the fact that shortly after the marriage Fanulo developed a violent tctn- uer , and that while she was angry , so heavers avers , she belabored him over the head with the rolling piu and other kitchen utensils , such as brooms , mops and stove pokers. This treatment , John , avers , that he could have stood without a. murmur , but when Fannie went wrong and bestowed her caresses upon another man. llrst and real name unknown , ho drew the line and proposed to divide the houseletting a court act as the referee. The standard blood purifier , strength builder and nerve helper is Hood's Sarsa- parilla. Insist upon Hood's because Hood's cures. ' Next Monday is your day to go the World's fair -Why ? Because- the Great Rock Island route has crivon greatly reduced rates , and you can now make that proposed trip to BOO the Big Show. The rates apply on the follow ing dates : Go' Mdnday , July 17 , return Friday , July 2Lor 28. Go Monday , July 21 , return Friday , July 28 or Aug. 4. Go Monday , July 31 , return Friday , Aug. 4 or tl. Go Monday , Aug. 7 , return Fri day , Aug. 11 or 18. Asic nearest ticket acrcnt for full particulars. Jno. Sebas tian , G. P. A. UlK Drop in Wcrhl'H r.ilr Itntes. Round trip tickets to Chicago ( good to return leaving Chicago July 28 or Au gust 4 , as preferred ) will ho on sale at the city ticket olltcc of the Burlington route 'Monday , July 24 , at the low rate of $15.00. Ono way ticket $8.00. Tickets sold at these spcc'nl reduced rates are good on cither the 11:45 : a. in. , the 4:20 : p. m. or the 12:10 : a , in. train for Chicago. , City ticket offlco 1324 Farnam St. Paxton & Gallagher received the firs ; carloud of now , 189I1 , Japan teas this morning , consisting of their celebrated "Tea Leaf , " "Kobe" and "Kamo'1 brands. This firm are still in the lead as being the largest direct importers o teas of any exclusive grocery hoiito in this country. When Tun BIK : reporter called on them this morning they stated that their trade this beason of teas would exceed their last year's importa tion , which was something over 1,000,000 pounds. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. Mrs. K. J. Kowcll , Mcclfon ) , Mass. , Bays licr mother lias lieenctircilof Bcroftila liytlionsoof futir bottles of fSSKSl after liavincr Imil much other tro Mi fti atinent.niul licln reduced to rjul B H M to a low condition of health , as it nas thought slio could uot ll\o , INHERITED SCROFULA. i Cured my llttlo Imy of hereditary I Scrofula , which appeared all n\er his t.tco. For a jcnrl had ghcn npall hopoof his recovery , when finally l aa induced to use A few liottluH cured him , anil _ jinptomsof the disease remalu. MATH Kits , Jlathenllle , Jliss. Our book oa SlooJ and Skin Ditciici m.illcil free. MVIFT SPhLIFIC Co. , Itlanta , Or HIRSOHB Tlie Cclc. bratcd Non. changeable Spectacles * iiaU Eye Glasses fur sale in Omaha - aha by Wa will nd rnu the marToloui D Vneth S'ropiriillou CALTIIOfJ < > CIM. anil * Itsal Kuimnter Ilial k OA1/TI10S will llviloio your ? > uJ Tlpor. 5 If if ft and far i/ tat lifted , K AddroBB VON MOHL CO. . I > U imrltu Al.oU , CUcinilU. Oklo. EDUCATIONAL. RACIN&COLLE6E GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Pupils Hoard aud Live In the School. Steam Heat. Spacious Dormitories. Best Sanitary Plumblna. Thorough Care and Instruction. Hates Reasonable. Fit a for rollniro , Technical Fohool , or Tlnslnoss. Eev. A. HPER , S. T. D. , Warden , Racine , Wli. H \VKKT HI'UIMiH , SIIHSOritl.-l I.e Kroat lllllUrr tJclioglof tU \ Vet.Vrltfl iur IlluUruUd Catuloguv. ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY. MUSKG ' iinAiiuriAit- iivutiinr Muniri' btudre > tint Ait " . ' " " " " " " ' , Laiitruace * ttc. , AdjTt. i-ruuLLAiTp. A Ji.buv.1. . J"iiCuruiiJfu. NOW ON THE ROYAL ROAD , Rov. Bruoo in the Straight and Narrow Way. The Way that Leads to Health , Happiness and Long Life. An Amherst Mnn Who Paid His Own College Expenses. Happiness Is BO fragile Hint ono risks 4io loss of talking of it. It flics from liltn who deliberately lursucs it , and slums the luuitl that vould siozo upon it. Yet much unhnp * ) lncs3 miiy bo avoided by keeping woll. To the Btoudy bruin worker ( und nil nro brain workers ) it is important to bo iblo to perceive the indications of tbo coming storm. Rov. Charles 0 Hriico , ho well known pnstor , of Somerville , nnv. cnAin.r.s c. HUUCB. MIIHS. . pronchos a very practical sermon .o those who , from sickness , are un- mppy. Ho was sick. Ho took Puino's celery compound , the wonderful remedy that makes people woll. Hois now on the royal road to health and long life. 2is own words are : ' 'I am nearly US years of ago and woijh normally 15S pounds , at present ray weight is M8 } . My sickness took mo down to 131 } , so that you can boo that I im trotting1 back to bo myself , and , God ivilling , shall soon bo thorp. "I have been a very sick man , but owing to the goodness of the bupremo powers and to a low peed friends I am now on the royal road whoso end is per fect health. "I was born in Potorboro , N. II , and lived there until t was 10 years old. My father , who is a very noble man , sent me to the Appleton academy for thrco years , then no told me , 'If you want any inoro education you must get it. ' So when I was 1GI wont to Anihorstcollcgo and earned every cent that paid my bflls there for four years and graduated. Then I was persuaded to go to Andovcr sominarv , and studied there thrco years and took * my decree as a clergyman in 1878 , and wont to preaching. I preached 11 or 12 years and then wont back to college - lego and studied two years for the Ph. D. degree. "All these two years I was studying and supporting my family. This , as you will o.isily imagine , was excessive labor. At length I was elected to a position in a high school in Boston , but the work told on mo and I grew ill. The illness lasted for about upeur and a half. But now I am fee that 1 can BCO the end , and a more thankful man you never saw. A gentium in who lived near me began to use Ptiiuo's celery compound and it built him up. I thought of this and soon I was led to use it , and it has been bring ing mo out all right "I am inclined to think that I will soon be herculean in strength. " Paino's celoiy compound is todny pro scribed by physicians in every town throughout the country. It has made thousands of over-worked and worn-out men and women well and thankful. There is not a profession or calling that has not sent testimonial after testimon ial to the value of Paino's celery com pound. It makes people woll. Try it aid bo convinced. With Norvu Ho ns. now vosatnblo discovery of imirvolous power , posltlva euro fur nil nurvo troiiblns. such us nervous prostration , sleeplessness , UosDomUmoy , piitiiH In Ijnok mil slilu , blok lio.ul.ielie. dyspepsia , loss of uppo- tltc. otc. Womloiful neivo tonic , in.ikos rU-li , puru blood , tonoj cntlro system. ? 1 a box , eii uli for two weeks. At Unionists , or by mull , Norvoliuiiu Co. , IlulTiilo. N , V. AN ARE ORNAMENT PHOTOS FOR MADE YOUR MANTEL BY High Class Atl'opular I'rlooi Flrnshcs : ! Ihu Best and Cheapest Melhod tfi FIRE-PROCFING HOUSES. Wrilo for catalogue of Lathing , Fencing ! Uabtu FUturuB , utc. N. W. HXI'ANDISn METAL CO. , No. 103 Twenty SUtUS. . CUICAQO. WHY SHOULD YOU PAY 25c As you have heretofore done , ( or a LIGHTWEIGHT , ROLL COLLAR , We are now making one. with Deep Points , equal to any in the market , FOR 20C. ONLV FOR THC ALDMERE. Sold b all lh Litdlng Uen' Furnlibtri. The Monarch Is the best warm " ' ' Shirt , bolld comlort and complete atlsUC' tlon cuaii'.nteed , CLUETT.COON & 02\i amtm m mmmmm m m wmn mmm Who tolil you that everybody was hanging on to their money ? "Who told yon that all the money In the country was hid in old tin cans burled In cellars tied np in old stockings ? Who told yon tluit yon couldn't got out a crowd particularly of men if yon advertised to give away gonda ? The man that told yon all that rot didn't look Into our store last Saturday or he'd have changed his mind. What a crowd what a jam what a crush what a mob of men .scrambling after those won derful ri\ D The barber had a "close shave" to get the pants ho ag wanted before his neighbor , the banker , got them away front him. The waller "waited' * till the crowd got a * f trifle thinned out before he found his si/.e. The c.irpiMi- * g" " ter found a "plane" color to suit him. The bank cashier ST" bought a pair of "check" punts. The undertaker "un- * dertool"togcta five-dollar pair for twollfty and he got ? " them. The balloonist got a pair because he thought they might "go up" If he didn't hustle , Twelve hun dred men jostled each other elbowed each other stepped on each Other's corns in their ell'orts to They got that are worth two-fifty two Pants for $ l.50 sevonty-fivo three - d6iinjS"'ti { 6 twenty-five a pair. that are worth three fifty throa Pants for seventy-five a pair. four , ana four fitly Pants for S3 50 & EH vra- sovou a HUllO 1UL UJUiUU dollars a pair. So can you. The balance of this grand assortment of pants will bj closed out every pur this week. YOU nun uummu m ui ui m iuumuumuuii LEXINGTON ( MO. , ) SCHOOLS. q/\PTIST / FEMALE COLLEGE. ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY Unsurpassed course ol Voune I.liliM Momc&hotil ' "JyL > < : . " 1 mere- jy One of IhroMc'l.uchl in MIL lurL.cocutga.busmft ] L ! > ! i&c ' sourl Appointments modi rn Location htalttxyunil pliav Music and An Tcacnirft ant ptrlalltu lllu.trau.l call" UO IIt T I- \\.iKin , jtllhycir optnsStpt . ' Ref.W.A.WIljoa.A M..Fr t. | . * , Prr-lilml. | niBp , \0l | , CENTRAL COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. WENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY. i Lcilnelon , Alo. SU dc- L.xtHaton Mo. Odtst inlhury acltool In oncera and teachers. Con- Missouri Healthful lKi\t it ncrTttlurj at music. Art HrnsonaMc I'.tmv Uv ' JS Gymoasium. Modern op- raut ] raulocuc JB polnlmcuu. riili year lilu . . . . - IratoU catnlncuc- MA.l S. SKI.I.KItt A. A. .HINT - * . rVo'l. llOX'JHZ „ „ . . , , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent iDOclitlit In norvoin , chronic , prlrato. blood , iln nid imnirjr rlliairei. A regular unit raiUtoroil urjduntu In moitlcliie , ni ( Iliilora u and oartltlantai will .iliotr. li allll trotting tvlth the Krimteil uccois , cnlnrrb. lost hiinliooil , scmtunl wo ttcuuis , nljhi lanes and nit foriui of prlvatu dlsusaoi No mercury used. New truitiudiit fur lost of vital power I'nrtlJ * unalilu to vlilt nnmny Imtrrntail l lioma by correnponjoncu. Mojlclnu or Instrument * tmt by mnll oroipnns noourjlr packed ; no uiarki to Indl * cute commit ! or Bonder. Ono ponoital lnlHrrlow urntorrol Coniultatlon Iroa Corroipoiuloncu itrlctlr prlvnto. 1100k ( MrMcrlej of l.lfo ) oiU free. Ulllca liuura , 9 a.m. to V p.m. auudjyn , 111 u. ru , to U m , baud ; stamp for circular. THE DENVER INVESTMENT.BOND CO. WlIjL PAY YOU 1OOO for * Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof. TO AND Uril 1'lixtr , J'nxton ISluolf , Itnrnnin Strciot , Elevator on Jfith Street Tclopbono 10S3. HKINO THIS WU'll VOII. OR. McGREW t U the only SPECIALIST WUOTBEATS Al.b PRIVATE DISEASES neil DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women deluded. 18 year * nzperlence , _ Clrculurs free. lltUand ra OKAUA , Nun. York Hospital TREATMENT. J1 fay all Private and Special Disjasjj. ofbit'i MEN AND WOMN Ftnotiiro nnJ nil otlisr trouliliiH trnttoil Bt rouinnulilo cmrii ) > i. C' .SbLLI A TION I'lvKIl Uul ouor ncldru.s .1 KJ1JJ DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NED Opposllu ll lyilim ItmG NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. V , S. Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , 8100,000 SUKPLUS , 8ur , ooo nml nirivlorn- Henry Vf Vnlon , pre I rti-m. 11 f c'HNliliir , vh-i > iiniHlilout C' H .M.iurlcr , \V V Moixo. I'jlm h'ullluv ( , J. K II. I'.llrluU S UuuJ , e.iililor. THE IRON BANK , SPECIALIST rri-kiiii-iu or NEW ERfl MJICUKIAI. ( Cuimiltiitnm I'rop. ) U iiti uri.uioJ | Iu llio Iruitmtnl of ull . ( Jjronlo , Prlvato ftorviiH Ui onno . Wrltu to or cumuli puriuuill > iKi.\ v , Addrou urllh Hump ( or pr- tlcuUri which will bo mot In Plain envelops. r , o. nor oil. omof , uu a. 1 5 in licet , Ouaha.